# -* coding:UTF-8 -* # !/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import roop.globals from roop.core import ( start, decode_execution_providers, suggest_max_memory, suggest_execution_threads, ) from roop.processors.frame.core import get_frame_processors_modules from roop.utilities import normalize_output_path from PIL import Image import gradio as gr import os def swap_face(source_file, target_file): source_image = Image.fromarray(source_file) source_path = "input.jpg" source_image.save(source_path, format="JPEG", quality=95) output_path = "output.mp4" roop.globals.source_path = source_path roop.globals.target_path = target_file roop.globals.output_path = normalize_output_path( roop.globals.source_path, roop.globals.target_path, output_path ) roop.globals.frame_processors = ["face_swapper", "face_enhancer"] roop.globals.headless = True roop.globals.keep_fps = True roop.globals.keep_audio = True roop.globals.keep_frames = False roop.globals.many_faces = False roop.globals.video_encoder = "libx264" roop.globals.video_quality = 50 roop.globals.max_memory = suggest_max_memory() roop.globals.execution_providers = decode_execution_providers(["cpu"]) roop.globals.execution_threads = suggest_execution_threads() for frame_processor in get_frame_processors_modules( roop.globals.frame_processors ): if not frame_processor.pre_check(): return start() return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_path) app = gr.Interface( fn=swap_face, inputs=[gr.Image(), gr.Video()], outputs=[gr.Video()], description="For custom Video Deepgakes contact motowntalent@gmail.com. We do any type of videos, including nsfw. Contact for details. Starting at $50 per minute for short, pg videos. This model is running on CPU an might be slow. " ) app.launch()