# Temporary fix for pydantic issue @see | |
import pydantic | |
pydantic.class_validators._FUNCS.clear() | |
import streamlit as st | |
from streamlit_elements import elements, media | |
from chatbot import YouTubeChatbot | |
from .sidebar import sidebar | |
from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferWindowMemory | |
from streamlit_chat import message | |
def index(): | |
def put_media_player(): | |
with elements("media_player"): | |
video_url = st.session_state.get('video_url') | |
media.Player(url=video_url, controls=True) | |
def clear_submit(): | |
st.session_state["submit"] = False | |
st.set_page_config(page_title="YoutuberGPT", page_icon="🤖", layout="wide") | |
st.header("🤖YoutuberGPT") | |
sidebar() | |
if 'responses' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state['responses'] = ["Ask any question related to the video"] | |
if 'requests' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state['requests'] = [] | |
if 'buffer_memory' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.buffer_memory=ConversationBufferWindowMemory(k=3,return_messages=True) | |
if 'video_url' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state['video_url']= [] | |
videocontainer = st.container() | |
# container for chat history | |
response_container = st.container() | |
# container for text box | |
textcontainer = st.container() | |
with videocontainer: | |
video_url = st.text_input("YouTube Video Url:", on_change=clear_submit) | |
st.session_state['video_url'] = video_url | |
if video_url: | |
put_media_player() | |
with textcontainer: | |
question = st.text_area("Question:", key="question") | |
if st.button("Run") or st.session_state.get("submit"): | |
try: | |
with st.spinner('preparing answer'): | |
chatbot = YouTubeChatbot() | |
db = chatbot.create_db_from_youtube_video_url(video_url) | |
if db is None: | |
return st.error("There is no transcript") | |
response = chatbot.get_response_from_query(db, question) | |
if response is None: | |
return st.error("There is no answer or something went wrong") | |
else: | |
st.session_state.requests.append(question) | |
st.session_state.responses.append(response) | |
st.session_state["submit"] = True | |
except: | |
return st.error("There is no answer or something went wrong") | |
with response_container: | |
if st.session_state['responses']: | |
for i in range(len(st.session_state['responses'])): | |
message(st.session_state['responses'][i],key=str(i)) | |
if i < len(st.session_state['requests']): | |
message(st.session_state["requests"][i], is_user=True,key=str(i)+ '_user') | |
index() |