import { loadPyodide, type PyodideInterface } from 'pyodide'; declare global { interface Window { stdout: string | null; stderr: string | null; pyodide: PyodideInterface; cells: Record; indexURL: string; } } type CellState = { id: string; status: 'idle' | 'running' | 'completed' | 'error'; result: any; stdout: string; stderr: string; }; const initializePyodide = async () => { // Ensure Pyodide is loaded once and cached in the worker's global scope if (!self.pyodide) { self.indexURL = '/pyodide/'; self.stdout = ''; self.stderr = ''; self.cells = {}; self.pyodide = await loadPyodide({ indexURL: self.indexURL }); } }; const executeCode = async (id: string, code: string) => { if (!self.pyodide) { await initializePyodide(); } // Update the cell state to "running" self.cells[id] = { id, status: 'running', result: null, stdout: '', stderr: '' }; // Redirect stdout/stderr to stream updates self.pyodide.setStdout({ batched: (msg: string) => { self.cells[id].stdout += msg; self.postMessage({ type: 'stdout', id, message: msg }); } }); self.pyodide.setStderr({ batched: (msg: string) => { self.cells[id].stderr += msg; self.postMessage({ type: 'stderr', id, message: msg }); } }); try { // Dynamically load required packages based on imports in the Python code await self.pyodide.loadPackagesFromImports(code, { messageCallback: (msg: string) => { self.postMessage({ type: 'stdout', id, package: true, message: `[package] ${msg}` }); }, errorCallback: (msg: string) => { self.postMessage({ type: 'stderr', id, package: true, message: `[package] ${msg}` }); } }); // Execute the Python code const result = await self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(code); self.cells[id].result = result; self.cells[id].status = 'completed'; } catch (error) { self.cells[id].status = 'error'; self.cells[id].stderr += `\n${error.toString()}`; } finally { // Notify parent thread when execution completes self.postMessage({ type: 'result', id, state: self.cells[id] }); } }; // Handle messages from the main thread self.onmessage = async (event) => { const { type, id, code, ...args } =; switch (type) { case 'initialize': await initializePyodide(); self.postMessage({ type: 'initialized' }); break; case 'execute': if (id && code) { await executeCode(id, code); } break; case 'getState': self.postMessage({ type: 'kernelState', state: self.cells }); break; case 'terminate': // Explicitly clear the worker for cleanup for (const key in self.cells) delete self.cells[key]; self.close(); break; default: console.error(`Unknown message type: ${type}`); } };