observable-huggingface / dist /_observablehq /theme-air,near-midnight.css
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27 kB
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background-color: var(--syntax-markup-deleted-background);
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font-style: oblique;
.observablehq--error {
color: var(--syntax-keyword);
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--plot-background: var(--theme-background);
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display: inline-block;
/* node_modules/@observablehq/framework/src/style/default.css */
/* node_modules/@observablehq/framework/src/style/syntax-light.css */
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/* node_modules/@observablehq/framework/src/style/abstract-light.css */
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/* node_modules/@observablehq/framework/src/style/theme-air.css */
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--theme-foreground: #1b1e23;
--theme-foreground-focus: #3b5fc0;
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/* node_modules/@observablehq/framework/src/style/syntax-dark.css */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
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--syntax-markup-deleted: #ffdcd7;
--syntax-markup-deleted-background: #67060c;
/* node_modules/@observablehq/framework/src/style/abstract-dark.css */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
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--theme-foreground-faintest: color-mix(in srgb, var(--theme-foreground) 14%, var(--theme-background-b));
color-scheme: dark;
/* node_modules/@observablehq/framework/src/style/theme-near-midnight.css */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
--theme-foreground: #dfdfd6;
--theme-foreground-focus: oklch(0.712564 0.257662 265.758);
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/* <stdin> */