k-l-lambda's picture
updated node_modules
const inquirer = require('inquirer')
const { semver } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
module.exports = async (api) => {
const pkg = require(api.resolve('package.json'))
let localESLintRange = pkg.devDependencies.eslint
// if project is scaffolded by Vue CLI 3.0.x or earlier,
// the ESLint dependency (ESLint v4) is inside @vue/cli-plugin-eslint;
// in Vue CLI v4 it should be extracted to the project dependency list.
if (api.fromVersion('^3') && !localESLintRange) {
localESLintRange = '^4.19.1'
devDependencies: {
eslint: localESLintRange,
'babel-eslint': '^8.2.5',
'eslint-plugin-vue': '^4.5.0'
const localESLintMajor = semver.major(
semver.maxSatisfying(['4.99.0', '5.99.0', '6.99.0', '7.99.0'], localESLintRange) ||
// in case the user does not specify a typical caret range;
// it is used as **fallback** because the user may have not previously
// installed eslint yet, such as in the case that they are from v3.0.x
if (localESLintMajor >= 6) {
const { confirmUpgrade } = await inquirer.prompt([{
name: 'confirmUpgrade',
type: 'confirm',
`Your current ESLint version is v${localESLintMajor}.\n` +
`The latest major version which supported by vue-cli is v6.\n` +
`Do you want to upgrade? (May contain breaking changes)\n`
if (confirmUpgrade) {
const { getDeps } = require('../eslintDeps')
const newDeps = getDeps(api)
if (pkg.devDependencies['@vue/eslint-config-airbnb']) {
Object.assign(newDeps, getDeps(api, 'airbnb'))
if (pkg.devDependencies['@vue/eslint-config-standard']) {
Object.assign(newDeps, getDeps(api, 'standard'))
if (pkg.devDependencies['@vue/eslint-config-prettier']) {
Object.assign(newDeps, getDeps(api, 'prettier'))
api.extendPackage({ devDependencies: newDeps }, { warnIncompatibleVersions: false })
// in case anyone's upgrading from the legacy `typescript-eslint-parser`
if (api.hasPlugin('typescript')) {
eslintConfig: {
parserOptions: {
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser'
// TODO:
// transform `@vue/prettier` to `eslint:recommended` + `@vue/prettier`
// transform `@vue/typescript` to `@vue/typescript/recommended` and also fix prettier compatibility for it