import {EventEmitter} from "events"; import sha1 from "sha1"; import * as diff from "diff"; export default class RemoteFile extends EventEmitter { autoReconnect: boolean; socket: WebSocket; connected: boolean = false; filePath: string; timestamp: number; _content: string; constructor ({autoReconnect = false} = {}) { super(); this.autoReconnect = autoReconnect; } get hash (): string { return sha1(this._content) as string; } get content (): string { return this._content; } set content (value: string) { const timestamp =; const patch = diff.createPatch(this.filePath, this._content, value); this.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ command: "increase", timestamp, fromHash: this.hash, toHash: sha1(value), patch, })); this.timestamp = timestamp; this._content = value; } connect (host: string, filePath: string) { if (this.socket) this.socket.close(); this.socket = new WebSocket(host, "editor-frontend"); this.socket.onopen = () => { console.debug("[RemoteFile] socket open."); this.connected = true; this.emit("connected"); this.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ command: "bindFile", filePath })); }; this.socket.onclose = event => { console.debug("Synchronizer service socket closed:", event.code, event.reason); this.connected = false; this.emit("disconnected"); if (this.autoReconnect && event.code === 1006) { console.log("[RemoteFile] try to reconnect..."); setTimeout(() => this.connect(host, filePath), 100); } }; this.socket.onmessage = event => { const message = JSON.parse(; switch (message.command) { case "failure": console.warn("service failure:", message.description); this.close(); break; case "fullSync": this.timestamp = message.timestamp; this._content = message.content; console.assert(this.hash === message.hash, "[RemoteFile] verify failed:", this.hash, message.hash); this.emit("sync", {timestamp: this.timestamp}); break; case "increase": //console.log("increase:", this.hash, message); // already consistent with remote, update timestemp only if (this.hash === message.toHash) { this.timestamp = Math.max(this.timestamp, message.timestamp); break; } if (this.hash !== message.fromHash) { if (message.timestamp < this.timestamp) break; console.warn("hash mismatched:", this.hash, message.fromHash); this.socket.send(JSON.stringify({ command: "requestFullSync", timestamp: this.timestamp})); } else { this.timestamp = message.timestamp; this._content = diff.applyPatch(this._content, message.patch); console.assert(this.hash === message.toHash, "[RemoteFile] verify failed:", this.hash, message.toHash); this.emit("sync", {timestamp: this.timestamp}); } break; default: console.warn("[RemoteFile] unexpected command:", message); } }; this.filePath = filePath; } close () { this.socket.close(); } };