import streamlit as st import numpy as np import pandas as pd import json import altair as alt from pathlib import Path import requests class Dashboard: class Model: pageTitle = "Dashboard" wordsTitle = "Words" inferenceTimeTitle = "Inference Time" documentsTitle = "Documents" dailyInferenceTitle = "Top Daily Inference" accuracyTitle = "Mean Accuracy" titleModelEval = "## Evaluation Accuracy" titleInferencePerformance = "## Inference Performance" titleDatasetInfo = "## Dataset Info" titleDataAnnotation = "## Data Annotation" titleTrainingPerformance = "## Training Performance" titleEvaluationPerformance = "## Evaluation Performance" status_file = "docs/status.json" annotation_files_dir = "docs/json" def view(self, model): # st.title(model.pageTitle) api_url = "" json_data_inference = [] response = requests.get(api_url) if response.status_code == 200: json_data_inference = response.json() else: print(f"Error: Unable to fetch data from the API (status code {response.status_code})") api_url_t = "" json_data_training = [] response_t = requests.get(api_url_t) if response_t.status_code == 200: json_data_training = response_t.json() else: print(f"Error: Unable to fetch data from the API (status code {response_t.status_code})") api_url_e = "" json_data_evaluate = [] response_e = requests.get(api_url_e) if response_e.status_code == 200: json_data_evaluate = response_e.json() else: print(f"Error: Unable to fetch data from the API (status code {response_e.status_code})") with st.container(): col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns(5) with col1: words_count = 0 delta_words = 0 if len(json_data_inference) > 3: for i in range(0, len(json_data_inference)): words_count = words_count + json_data_inference[i][1] avg_word_count = words_count / len(json_data_inference) avg_word_last = (json_data_inference[len(json_data_inference) - 1][1] + json_data_inference[len(json_data_inference) - 2][1] + json_data_inference[len(json_data_inference) - 3][1]) / 3 if avg_word_last >= avg_word_count: delta_words = round(100 - ((avg_word_count * 100) / avg_word_last), 2) else: delta_words = round(100 - ((avg_word_last * 100) / avg_word_count), 2) * -1 words_count = words_count / 1000 st.metric(label=model.wordsTitle, value=str(words_count) + 'K', delta=str(delta_words) + "%") with col2: docs_count = len(json_data_inference) delta_docs = 0 if docs_count > 3: inference_dates = [] for i in range(0, len(json_data_inference)): inference_dates.append(json_data_inference[i][4].split(" ")[0]) inference_dates_unique = [] for item in inference_dates: if item not in inference_dates_unique: inference_dates_unique.append(item) if len(inference_dates_unique) > 3: inference_dates_dict = {} for i, key in enumerate(inference_dates_unique): inference_dates_dict[key] = [0] for i in range(0, len(json_data_inference)): inference_dates_dict[json_data_inference[i][4].split(" ")[0]][0] = \ inference_dates_dict[json_data_inference[i][4].split(" ")[0]][0] + 1 # calculate average for values from inference_dates_dict avg_value = 0 for key, value in inference_dates_dict.items(): avg_value = avg_value + value[0] avg_value = round(avg_value / len(inference_dates_dict), 2) # calculate average for last 3 values from inference_dates_dict avg_value_last = 0 for i in range(1, 4): avg_value_last = avg_value_last + inference_dates_dict[inference_dates_unique[len(inference_dates_unique) - i]][0] avg_value_last = round(avg_value_last / 3, 2) if avg_value_last > avg_value: delta_docs = round(100 - ((avg_value * 100) / avg_value_last), 2) else: delta_docs = round(100 - ((avg_value_last * 100) / avg_value), 2) * -1 st.metric(label=model.documentsTitle, value=docs_count, delta=str(delta_docs) + "%") with col3: inference_dates = [] for i in range(0, len(json_data_inference)): inference_dates.append(json_data_inference[i][4].split(" ")[0]) inference_dates_unique = [] for item in inference_dates: if item not in inference_dates_unique: inference_dates_unique.append(item) inference_dates_dict = {} for i, key in enumerate(inference_dates_unique): inference_dates_dict[key] = [0] for i in range(0, len(json_data_inference)): inference_dates_dict[json_data_inference[i][4].split(" ")[0]][0] = \ inference_dates_dict[json_data_inference[i][4].split(" ")[0]][0] + 1 # loop through the dictionary and find the max value max_value = 0 for key, value in inference_dates_dict.items(): if value[0] > max_value: max_value = value[0] # calculate average for values from inference_dates_dict avg_value = 0 for key, value in inference_dates_dict.items(): avg_value = avg_value + value[0] avg_value = round(avg_value / len(inference_dates_dict), 2) avg_delta = round(100 - ((avg_value * 100) / max_value), 2) st.metric(label=model.dailyInferenceTitle, value=max_value, delta=str(avg_delta) + "%") with col4: inference_time_avg = 0 # calculate inference time average for i in range(0, len(json_data_inference)): inference_time_avg = inference_time_avg + json_data_inference[i][0] inference_time_avg = round(inference_time_avg / len(json_data_inference), 2) delta_time = 0 if len(json_data_inference) > 3: avg_time_last = (json_data_inference[len(json_data_inference) - 1][0] + json_data_inference[len(json_data_inference) - 2][0] + json_data_inference[len(json_data_inference) - 3][0]) / 3 if avg_time_last > inference_time_avg: delta_time = round(100 - ((inference_time_avg * 100) / avg_time_last), 2) else: delta_time = round(100 - ((avg_time_last * 100) / inference_time_avg), 2) * -1 st.metric(label=model.inferenceTimeTitle, value=str(inference_time_avg) + " s", delta=str(delta_time) + "%", delta_color="inverse") with col5: models_unique = [] models_dict = {} for i in range(0, len(json_data_evaluate)): if json_data_evaluate[i][3] not in models_unique: models_unique.append(json_data_evaluate[i][3]) models_dict[json_data_evaluate[i][3]] = json_data_evaluate[i][1]['mean_accuracy'] avg_accuracy = 0 for key, value in models_dict.items(): avg_accuracy = avg_accuracy + value avg_accuracy = round(avg_accuracy / len(models_dict), 2) if len(models_unique) > 3: # calculate average accuracy for last 3 values avg_accuracy_last = 0 for i in range(1, 4): avg_accuracy_last = avg_accuracy_last + models_dict[models_unique[len(models_unique) - i]] avg_accuracy_last = round(avg_accuracy_last / 3, 2) else: avg_accuracy_last = avg_accuracy if avg_accuracy_last > avg_accuracy: delta_accuracy = round(100 - ((avg_accuracy * 100) / avg_accuracy_last), 2) else: delta_accuracy = round(100 - ((avg_accuracy_last * 100) / avg_accuracy), 2) * -1 st.metric(label=model.accuracyTitle, value=avg_accuracy, delta=str(delta_accuracy) + "%", delta_color="inverse") st.markdown("---") with st.container(): col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.write(model.titleInferencePerformance) models_dict = {} models = [] for i in range(0, len(json_data_inference)): models.append(json_data_inference[i][3]) models_unique = [] for item in models: if item not in models_unique: models_unique.append(item) for i, key in enumerate(models_unique): models_dict[key] = [] for i in range(0, len(json_data_inference)): models_dict[json_data_inference[i][3]].append(round(json_data_inference[i][0])) data = pd.DataFrame(models_dict) st.line_chart(data) with col2: st.write(model.titleModelEval) models_unique = [] models_dict = {} for i in range(0, len(json_data_evaluate)): if json_data_evaluate[i][3] not in models_unique: models_unique.append(json_data_evaluate[i][3]) models_dict[json_data_evaluate[i][3]] = json_data_evaluate[i][1]['accuracies'] data = pd.DataFrame(models_dict) st.line_chart(data) st.markdown("---") with st.container(): col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: with st.container(): st.write(model.titleDataAnnotation) total, completed, in_progress = self.calculate_annotation_stats(model) data = pd.DataFrame({"Status": ["Completed", "In Progress"], "Value": [completed, in_progress]}) # Create a horizontal bar chart chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_bar().encode( x='Value:Q', y=alt.Y('Status:N', sort='-x'), color=alt.Color('Status:N', legend=None) ) st.altair_chart(chart) with col2: with st.container(): st.write(model.titleDatasetInfo) api_url = "" # Make the GET request response = requests.get(api_url) # Check if the request was successful (status code 200) names = [] rows = [] if response.status_code == 200: # Convert the response content to a JSON object json_data = response.json() for i in range(0, len(json_data['splits'])): names.append(json_data['splits'][i]['name']) rows.append(json_data['splits'][i]['number_of_rows']) else: print(f"Error: Unable to fetch data from the API (status code {response.status_code})") data = pd.DataFrame({"Dataset": names, "Value": rows}) # Create a horizontal bar chart chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_bar().encode( x='Value:Q', y=alt.Y('Dataset:N', sort='-x'), color=alt.Color('Dataset:N', legend=None) ) st.altair_chart(chart) with col3: with st.container(): st.write(model.titleTrainingPerformance) models_dict = {} for i in range(0, len(json_data_training)): models_dict[i] = round(json_data_training[i][0]) data = pd.DataFrame({"Runs": models_dict.keys(), "Value": list(models_dict.values())}) # Create a horizontal bar chart chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_bar().encode( x='Value:Q', y=alt.Y('Runs:N', sort='-x'), color=alt.Color('Runs:N', legend=None) ) st.altair_chart(chart) st.markdown("---") with st.container(): st.write(model.titleEvaluationPerformance) runs_dict = {} for i in range(0, len(json_data_evaluate)): runs_dict[i] = round(json_data_evaluate[i][0]) data = pd.DataFrame({"Runs": runs_dict.keys(), "Value": list(runs_dict.values())}) # Create a horizontal bar chart chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_bar().encode( x='Value:Q', y=alt.Y('Runs:N', sort='-x'), color=alt.Color('Runs:N', legend=None) ) st.altair_chart(chart) def calculate_annotation_stats(self, model): completed = 0 in_progress = 0 data_dir_path = Path(model.annotation_files_dir) for file_name in data_dir_path.glob("*.json"): with open(file_name, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) v = data['meta']['version'] if v == 'v0.1': in_progress += 1 else: completed += 1 total = completed + in_progress status_json = { "annotations": [ { "completed": completed, "in_progress": in_progress, "total": total } ] } with open(model.status_file, "w") as f: json.dump(status_json, f, indent=2) return total, completed, in_progress