import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import as px # Define the data data = pd.DataFrame({ 'Illness': ['Anxiety', 'Depression', 'Diabetes', 'Heart Disease'], 'Cost (Billion USD)': [42, 210, 327, 219] }) # Define the sunburst plot fig = px.sunburst( data, path=['Illness'], values='Cost (Billion USD)', color='Cost (Billion USD)', color_continuous_scale='reds' ) # Define the Streamlit app st.title('Cost of Illnesses in Billion USD per Year') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) # Define the data data = pd.DataFrame({ 'Illness': ['Anxiety 😰', 'Depression 😔', 'Diabetes 🩸', 'Heart Disease 💔'], 'SNOMED': ['35398006', '35489007', '73211009', '53741008'], 'CPT Code': ['90834, 90837, 90847', '90785, 90832, 90834', '82947, 82948, 82950', '93000, 93010, 93015'], 'ICD10': ['F41.1', 'F32.9', 'E11.9', 'I50.9'], 'LOINC': ['59284-0', '72166-2', '4548-4', '8616-5'] }) # Define the Streamlit app st.title('Codes for Illnesses') st.table(data)