from __future__ import annotations import base64 import html import io import os import re from urllib import parse import json import markdown from gradio.components import Chatbot as ChatBotBase from modelscope_agent.output_parser import MRKLOutputParser from PIL import Image ALREADY_CONVERTED_MARK = '' # 图片本地路径转换为 base64 格式 def covert_image_to_base64(image_path): # 获得文件后缀名 ext = image_path.split('.')[-1] if ext not in ['gif', 'jpeg', 'png']: ext = 'jpeg' with open(image_path, 'rb') as image_file: # Read the file encoded_string = base64.b64encode( # Convert bytes to string base64_data = encoded_string.decode('utf-8') # 生成base64编码的地址 base64_url = f'data:image/{ext};base64,{base64_data}' return base64_url def convert_url(text, new_filename): # Define the pattern to search for # This pattern captures the text inside the square brackets, the path, and the filename pattern = r'!\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^)]+)\)' # Define the replacement pattern # \1 is a backreference to the text captured by the first group ([^\]]+) replacement = rf'![\1]({new_filename})' # Replace the pattern in the text with the replacement return re.sub(pattern, replacement, text) def format_cover_html(configuration, bot_avatar_path): if bot_avatar_path: image_src = covert_image_to_base64(bot_avatar_path) else: image_src = '//!!6000000003047-0-tps-225-225.jpg' return f"""
{configuration.get("name", "")}
{configuration.get("description", "")}
""" def format_goto_publish_html(label, zip_url, agent_user_params, disable=False): if disable: return f""" """ else: params = {'AGENT_URL': zip_url} params.update(agent_user_params) template = 'modelscope/agent_template' params_str = json.dumps(params) link_url = f'{template}&overwriteEnv={parse.quote(params_str)}' return f""" """ class ChatBot(ChatBotBase): def normalize_markdown(self, bot_message): lines = bot_message.split('\n') normalized_lines = [] inside_list = False for i, line in enumerate(lines): if re.match(r'^(\d+\.|-|\*|\+)\s', line.strip()): if not inside_list and i > 0 and lines[i - 1].strip() != '': normalized_lines.append('') inside_list = True normalized_lines.append(line) elif inside_list and line.strip() == '': if i < len(lines) - 1 and not re.match(r'^(\d+\.|-|\*|\+)\s', lines[i + 1].strip()): normalized_lines.append(line) continue else: inside_list = False normalized_lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(normalized_lines) def convert_markdown(self, bot_message): if bot_message.count('```') % 2 != 0: bot_message += '\n```' bot_message = self.normalize_markdown(bot_message) result = markdown.markdown( bot_message, extensions=[ 'toc', 'extra', 'tables', 'markdown_katex', 'codehilite', 'markdown_cjk_spacing.cjk_spacing', 'pymdownx.magiclink' ], extension_configs={ 'markdown_katex': { 'no_inline_svg': True, # fix for WeasyPrint 'insert_fonts_css': True, }, 'codehilite': { 'linenums': False, 'guess_lang': True }, 'mdx_truly_sane_lists': { 'nested_indent': 2, 'truly_sane': True, } }) result = ''.join(result) return result @staticmethod def prompt_parse(message): output = '' if 'Thought' in message: if 'Action' in message or 'Action Input:' in message: re_pattern_thought = re.compile( pattern=r'([\s\S]+)Thought:([\s\S]+)Action:') res = if res is None: re_pattern_thought_only = re.compile( pattern=r'Thought:([\s\S]+)Action:') res = llm_result = '' else: llm_result = action_thought_result = re_pattern_action = re.compile( pattern= r'Action:([\s\S]+)Action Input:([\s\S]+)<\|startofexec\|>') res = if res is None: action, action_parameters = MRKLOutputParser( ).parse_response(message) else: action = action_parameters = action_result = json.dumps({ 'api_name': action, 'parameters': action_parameters }) output += f'{llm_result}\n{action_thought_result}\n<|startofthink|>\n{action_result}\n<|endofthink|>\n' if '<|startofexec|>' in message: re_pattern3 = re.compile( pattern=r'<\|startofexec\|>([\s\S]+)<\|endofexec\|>') res3 = observation = output += f'\n<|startofexec|>\n{observation}\n<|endofexec|>\n' if 'Final Answer' in message: re_pattern2 = re.compile( pattern=r'Thought:([\s\S]+)Final Answer:([\s\S]+)') res2 = # final_thought_result = final_answer_result = output += f'{final_answer_result}\n' if output == '': return message print(output) return output else: return message def convert_bot_message(self, bot_message): bot_message = ChatBot.prompt_parse(bot_message) # print('processed bot message----------') # print(bot_message) # print('processed bot message done') start_pos = 0 result = '' find_json_pattern = re.compile(r'{[\s\S]+}') START_OF_THINK_TAG, END_OF_THINK_TAG = '<|startofthink|>', '<|endofthink|>' START_OF_EXEC_TAG, END_OF_EXEC_TAG = '<|startofexec|>', '<|endofexec|>' while start_pos < len(bot_message): try: start_of_think_pos = bot_message.index(START_OF_THINK_TAG, start_pos) end_of_think_pos = bot_message.index(END_OF_THINK_TAG, start_pos) if start_pos < start_of_think_pos: result += self.convert_markdown( bot_message[start_pos:start_of_think_pos]) think_content = bot_message[start_of_think_pos + len(START_OF_THINK_TAG ):end_of_think_pos].strip() json_content = think_content = ) if json_content else think_content try: think_node = json.loads(think_content) plugin_name = think_node.get( 'plugin_name', think_node.get('plugin', think_node.get('api_name', 'unknown'))) summary = f'选择插件【{plugin_name}】,调用处理中...' del think_node['url'] # think_node.pop('url', None) detail = f'```json\n\n{json.dumps(think_node, indent=3, ensure_ascii=False)}\n\n```' except Exception: summary = '思考中...' detail = think_content # traceback.print_exc() # detail += traceback.format_exc() result += '
' + summary + '' + self.convert_markdown( detail) + '
' # print(f'detail:{detail}') start_pos = end_of_think_pos + len(END_OF_THINK_TAG) except Exception: # result += traceback.format_exc() break # continue try: start_of_exec_pos = bot_message.index(START_OF_EXEC_TAG, start_pos) end_of_exec_pos = bot_message.index(END_OF_EXEC_TAG, start_pos) # print(start_of_exec_pos) # print(end_of_exec_pos) # print(bot_message[start_of_exec_pos:end_of_exec_pos]) # print('------------------------') if start_pos < start_of_exec_pos: result += self.convert_markdown( bot_message[start_pos:start_of_think_pos]) exec_content = bot_message[start_of_exec_pos + len(START_OF_EXEC_TAG ):end_of_exec_pos].strip() try: summary = '完成插件调用.' detail = f'```json\n\n{exec_content}\n\n```' except Exception: pass result += '
' + summary + '' + self.convert_markdown( detail) + '
' start_pos = end_of_exec_pos + len(END_OF_EXEC_TAG) except Exception: # result += traceback.format_exc() continue if start_pos < len(bot_message): result += self.convert_markdown(bot_message[start_pos:]) result += ALREADY_CONVERTED_MARK return result def convert_bot_message_for_qwen(self, bot_message): start_pos = 0 result = '' find_json_pattern = re.compile(r'{[\s\S]+}') ACTION = 'Action:' ACTION_INPUT = 'Action Input' OBSERVATION = 'Observation' RESULT_START = '' RESULT_END = '' while start_pos < len(bot_message): try: action_pos = bot_message.index(ACTION, start_pos) action_input_pos = bot_message.index(ACTION_INPUT, start_pos) result += self.convert_markdown( bot_message[start_pos:action_pos]) # Action: image_gen # Action Input # {"text": "金庸武侠 世界", "resolution": "1280x720"} # Observation: ![IMAGEGEN]( # noqa E501 action_name = bot_message[action_pos + len(ACTION ):action_input_pos].strip() # action_start action_end 使用 Action Input 到 Observation 之间 action_input_end = bot_message[action_input_pos:].index( OBSERVATION) - 1 action_input = bot_message[action_input_pos:action_input_pos + action_input_end].strip() is_json = if is_json: action_input = else: action_input = re.sub(r'^Action Input[:]?[\s]*', '', action_input) summary = f'调用工具 {action_name}' if is_json: detail = f'```json\n\n{json.dumps(json.loads(action_input), indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)}\n\n```' else: detail = action_input result += '
' + summary + '' + self.convert_markdown( detail) + '
' start_pos = action_input_pos + action_input_end + 1 try: observation_pos = bot_message.index(OBSERVATION, start_pos) idx = observation_pos + len(OBSERVATION) obs_message = bot_message[idx:] observation_start_id = obs_message.index( RESULT_START) + len(RESULT_START) observation_end_idx = obs_message.index(RESULT_END) summary = '完成调用' exec_content = obs_message[ observation_start_id:observation_end_idx] detail = f'```\n\n{exec_content}\n\n```' start_pos = idx + observation_end_idx + len(RESULT_END) except Exception: summary = '执行中...' detail = '' exec_content = None result += '
' + summary + '' + self.convert_markdown( detail) + '
' if exec_content is not None and '[IMAGEGEN]' in exec_content: # convert local file to base64 re_pattern = re.compile(pattern=r'!\[[^\]]+\]\(([^)]+)\)') res = if res: image_path = if os.path.isfile(image_path): exec_content = convert_url( exec_content, covert_image_to_base64(image_path)) result += self.convert_markdown(f'{exec_content}') except Exception: # import traceback; traceback.print_exc() result += self.convert_markdown(bot_message[start_pos:]) start_pos = len(bot_message[start_pos:]) break result += ALREADY_CONVERTED_MARK return result def postprocess( self, message_pairs: list[list[str | tuple[str] | tuple[str, str] | None] | tuple], ) -> list[list[str | dict | None]]: """ Parameters: message_pairs: List of lists representing the message and response pairs. Each message and response should be a string, which may be in Markdown format. It can also be a tuple whose first element is a string or pathlib. Path filepath or URL to an image/video/audio, and second (optional) element is the alt text, in which case the media file is displayed. It can also be None, in which case that message is not displayed. Returns: List of lists representing the message and response. Each message and response will be a string of HTML, or a dictionary with media information. Or None if the message is not to be displayed. """ if message_pairs is None: return [] processed_messages = [] for message_pair in message_pairs: assert isinstance( message_pair, (tuple, list) ), f'Expected a list of lists or list of tuples. Received: {message_pair}' assert ( len(message_pair) == 2 ), f'Expected a list of lists of length 2 or list of tuples of length 2. Received: {message_pair}' if isinstance(message_pair[0], tuple) or isinstance( message_pair[1], tuple): processed_messages.append([ self._postprocess_chat_messages(message_pair[0]), self._postprocess_chat_messages(message_pair[1]), ]) else: # 处理不是元组的情况 user_message, bot_message = message_pair if user_message and not user_message.endswith( ALREADY_CONVERTED_MARK): convert_md = self.convert_markdown( html.escape(user_message)) user_message = f'{convert_md}' + ALREADY_CONVERTED_MARK if bot_message and not bot_message.endswith( ALREADY_CONVERTED_MARK): # bot_message = self.convert_bot_message(bot_message) bot_message = self.convert_bot_message_for_qwen( bot_message) processed_messages.append([ user_message, bot_message, ]) return processed_messages