kidcoconut's picture
DEPLOY: updated all files for manual deploy to huggingface
history blame
18.6 kB
#--- anomaly detection - supervised page
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision.models.segmentation import deeplabv3_resnet50
from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_tensor
from pytorch_grad_cam import GradCAM
from pytorch_grad_cam.utils.image import show_cam_on_image
import lib.utils as libUtils
import sys
import os, random, io
description = "Diagnosis"
m_kblnTraceOn = True #--- enable/disable module level tracing
#--- model initializations
#data_batch_size = 3 #--- decrease the number of images loaded, processed if the notebook crashes due to limited RAM
#NUM_EPOCHS = 10 # 50
#BATCH_SIZE = data_batch_size
# path to save model weights
#BESTMODEL_PATH = r"model_deeplabv3_r50_full_training_dataset_80-20_split_10epochs_no-norm_vhflip30.pth" #--- path to save model weights
BESTMODEL_PATH = r"model.pth"
model_path = MODEL_FULLPATH
DEFAULT_DEVICE_TYPE = ('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') #--- cuda if gpu; cpu if on Colab Free
backbone_model_name = DEFAULT_BACKBONE_MODEL
def image_toBytesIO(image: Image) -> bytes:
#--- BytesIO is a file-like buffer stored in memory
imgByteArr = io.BytesIO()
#--- expects a file-like as a argument, format=image.format)
return imgByteArr
def image_toByteArray(image: Image) -> bytes:
#--- convert image to bytesIO
imgByteArr = image_toBytesIO(image)
#--- Turn the BytesIO object back into a bytes object
imgByteArr = imgByteArr.getvalue()
return imgByteArr
def run():
#--- note: in python, you need to specify global scope for fxns to access module-level variables
global m_kbln_TraceOn
print("\nINFO ( loading ", description, " page ...")
#--- page settings
if (m_kblnTraceOn): print("TRACE1 ( Initialize Page Settings ...")
#st.header("Single Tile Diagnosis")
st.markdown("#### Single Tile Diagnosis")
#--- allow the user to select a random sample
imgUploaded = None
if st.button("Random Sample"):
#--- get a random sample file
strPth_sample = libUtils.pth_dtaTileSamples
strFil_sample = random.choice(os.listdir(strPth_sample))
strFullPth_sample = os.path.join(strPth_sample, strFil_sample)
print("INFO ( sample file selected ... ", strFullPth_sample)
#--- display; convert file image to bytesIO
imgSample =
imgSample = image_toBytesIO(imgSample)
imgUploaded = imgSample = strFil_sample
imgUploaded.type = os.path.splitext(strFil_sample)[1]
#--- provide file drag/drop capability
m_blnDisableDragDrop = False
#if(not m_blnDisableDragDrop):
#btnSave = st.button("Save")
imgDropped = st.file_uploader("Upload a single Tile",
type=["png", "jpg", "tif", "tiff", "img"],
accept_multiple_files=False )
#m_blnDisableDragDrop = (imgDropped is None)
#--- <class 'streamlit.runtime.uploaded_file_manager.UploadedFile'>
if (imgDropped is not None):
imgUploaded = imgDropped
if (imgUploaded is None):
if (m_kblnTraceOn): print("ERROR ( imgUploaded is None ...")
#--- display uploaded file details
if (m_kblnTraceOn): print("TRACE1 ( Print uploaded file details ...")
st.write("FileName:", "&nbsp;&ensp;&emsp;",
st.write("FileType:", "&nbsp;&emsp;&emsp;", imgUploaded.type)
#--- show:
#if (m_kblnTraceOn): print("TRACE ( load WSI ...")
#if (m_blnDisableDragDrop):
#--- load wsi
# print("")
#--- display diagnosis results ... format (vertical)
except TypeError as e:
print("ERROR (litDiagnosis.run_typeError1): ", e)
e = sys.exc_info()
print("ERROR (litDiagnosis.run_genError1): ", e)
#--- display WSI
#st.image("bin/images/sample_wsi.png", use_column_width=True)
except TypeError as e:
print("ERROR (litDiagnosis.run_typeError2): ", e)
e = sys.exc_info()
print("ERROR (litDiagnosis.run_genError2): ", e)
def showImg_wsi(img):
def readyModel_getPreds(imgDropped):
print("TRACE: readyModel_getPreds ...")
print("INFO: save raw tile ...")
strPth_tilRaw = save_tilRaw(imgDropped)
#--- ready the model
print("INFO: ready base model ...")
mdlBase = readyBaseModel()
print("INFO: ready model with weights ...")
mdlWeights = readyModelWithWeights(mdlBase)
print("INFO: ready model with xai ...")
mdlXai = readyModelWithXAI(mdlWeights)
#--- get the XAI weighted prediction
print("INFO: get xai weighted pred ...")
output_pred, tns_batch = predXai_tile(mdlXai, strPth_tilRaw)
#--- get the GRADCAM predictions
print("INFO: get GRADCAM preds ...")
cam_img_bg, cam_img_wt, cam_img_vt = predGradCam_tile(output_pred, mdlXai, tns_batch)
print("TRACE: return readyModel_getPreds ...")
return strPth_tilRaw, output_pred, cam_img_bg, cam_img_wt, cam_img_vt
def showDiagnosis_horiz(imgDropped):
#--- copy the uploaded file to data/tiles/raw
#--- ready the model, get predictions
print("TRACE2: ready model ...")
strPth_tilRaw, xai_pred, cam_img_bg, cam_img_wt, cam_img_vt = readyModel_getPreds(imgDropped)
#--- display the raw prediction: headers
print("TRACE2: display raw preds, headers ...")
colRaw, colPred, colGradBack, colGradWhole, colGradViable = st.columns(5)
colRaw.write("Raw Tile")
colGradBack.write("GradCAM: Background")
colGradWhole.write("GradCAM: Whole Tumor")
colGradViable.write("GradCAM: Viable Tumor")
#--- display the raw prediction: images
colRaw, colPred, colGradBack, colGradWhole, colGradViable = st.columns(5)
showCol_rawTil(colRaw, strPth_tilRaw)
showCol_predTil(colPred, xai_pred[0], strPth_tilRaw)
showCol_gradCamImg("imgGradCam_bg", colGradBack, cam_img_bg[0])
showCol_gradCamImg("imgGradCam_wt", colGradWhole, cam_img_wt[0])
showCol_gradCamImg("imgGradCam_vt", colGradViable, cam_img_vt[0])
def showCol_rawTil(colRaw, strPth_tilRaw):
print("TRACE3: showCol_rawTil ...")
colRaw.image(strPth_tilRaw, width=400, use_column_width=True)
#--- Dark blue -> Background
# Brown -> Whole tumor
# Green/Aqua -> Viable tumor
def showCol_predTil(colPred, xai_pred, strPth_tilRaw):
kstrPth_tilePred = "data/tiles/pred/"
strFilName = os.path.basename(strPth_tilRaw)
strFil_tilePred = kstrPth_tilePred + strFilName
#--- make sure the dir exists
print("TRACE3: showCol_predTil2 ... ", strFil_tilePred)
argmax_mask = torch.argmax(xai_pred, dim=0)
preds = argmax_mask.cpu().squeeze().numpy()
cmap ='tab10', 3) # Choose a colormap with 3 colors
print("TRACE3: typeOf(preds) ...", type(preds))
print("TRACE3: save pred image ...")
plt.imsave(strFil_tilePred, preds, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=2)
print("TRACE3: load image ...", strFil_tilePred)
colPred.image(strFil_tilePred, width=400, use_column_width=True)
def showCol_gradCamImg(strImgContext, colGradCam, cam_img):
print("TRACE3: showCol_gradImg ... ", strImgContext)
imgGradCam = Image.fromarray(cam_img)
colGradCam.image(imgGradCam, width=400, use_column_width=True)
def showDiagnosis_vert(imgDropped):
#--- copy the uploaded file to data/tiles/raw
#--- ready the model, get predictions
strPth_tilRaw, xai_pred, cam_img_bg, cam_img_wt, cam_img_vt = readyModel_getPreds(imgDropped)
#--- display all predictions
strPth_tilPred = save_tilPred(output_pred)
strPth_tilGradBg = save_tilGradBg(cam_img_bg)
strPth_tilGradWt = None
strPth_tilGradVt = None
#--- display the raw image
lstDescr = ["Raw Tile", "Prediction", "GradCam: Background", "GradCam: Whole Tumor", "GradCam: Viable Tumor"]
lstImages = [strPth_tilRaw, strPth_tilRaw, strPth_tilRaw, strPth_tilRaw, strPth_tilRaw]
#--- display the raw prediction
for imgIdx in range(len(lstImages)):
colDescr, colImage = st.columns([0.25, 0.75])
colImage.image(lstImages[imgIdx], width=400, use_column_width=True)
def ensureDirExists(strPth):
blnExists = os.path.exists(strPth)
if not blnExists:
print("TRACE: creating dir ... ", strPth)
def save_tilRaw(imgDropped):
print("TRACE: save_tilRaw ...")
#--- copy the uploaded raw Tile to data/tiles/raw
kstrPth_tileRaw = "data/tiles/raw/"
strFil_tileRaw = kstrPth_tileRaw +
print("TRACE: save_tilRaw.file ... ", strFil_tileRaw)
#--- make sure the dir exists
#--- check if the file already exists; delete
if (os.path.isfile(strFil_tileRaw)):
print("WARN: save_tilRaw.file exists; delete ... ", strFil_tileRaw)
with open(strFil_tileRaw,"wb") as filUpload:
print("TRACE: uploaded file saved to ", strFil_tileRaw)
return strFil_tileRaw
def prepare_model(backbone_model="mbv3", num_classes=2):
# Initialize model with pre-trained weights.
weights = 'DEFAULT'
if backbone_model == "mbv3":
model = None
#model = deeplabv3_mobilenet_v3_large(weights=weights)
elif backbone_model == "r50":
model = deeplabv3_resnet50(weights=weights)
elif backbone_model == "r101":
model = None
#model = deeplabv3_resnet101(weights=weights)
raise ValueError("Wrong backbone model passed. Must be one of 'mbv3', 'r50' and 'r101' ")
# Update the number of output channels for the output layer.
# This will remove the pre-trained weights for the last layer.
model.classifier[-1] = nn.Conv2d(model.classifier[-1].in_channels, num_classes, kernel_size=1)
model.aux_classifier[-1] = nn.Conv2d(model.aux_classifier[-1].in_channels, num_classes, kernel_size=1)
return model
# computes IoU or Dice index
def intermediate_metric_calculation(predictions, targets, use_dice=False,
smooth=1e-6, dims=(2, 3)):
# dims corresponding to image height and width: [B, C, H, W].
# Intersection: |G ∩ P|. Shape: (batch_size, num_classes)
intersection = (predictions * targets).sum(dim=dims) + smooth
# Summation: |G| + |P|. Shape: (batch_size, num_classes).
summation = (predictions.sum(dim=dims) + targets.sum(dim=dims)) + smooth
if use_dice:
# Dice Shape: (batch_size, num_classes)
metric = (2.0 * intersection) / summation
# Union. Shape: (batch_size, num_classes)
union = summation - intersection + smooth
# IoU Shape: (batch_size, num_classes)
metric = intersection / union
# Compute the mean over the remaining axes (batch and classes).
# Shape: Scalar
total = metric.mean()
#print(f"iou = {total}")
return total
def convert_2_onehot(matrix, num_classes=3):
Perform one-hot encoding across the channel dimension.
matrix = matrix.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
matrix = torch.argmax(matrix, dim=-1)
matrix = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(matrix, num_classes=num_classes)
matrix = matrix.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
return matrix
#--- I'm using just categorical cross_entropy for now
class Loss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
def forward(self, predictions, targets):
# predictions --> (B, #C, H, W) unnormalized
# targets --> (B, #C, H, W) one-hot encoded
targets = torch.argmax(targets, dim=1)
pixel_loss = F.cross_entropy(predictions, targets, reduction="mean")
return pixel_loss
class Metric(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_classes=3, smooth=1e-6, use_dice=False):
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.smooth = smooth
self.use_dice = use_dice
def forward(self, predictions, targets):
# predictions --> (B, #C, H, W) unnormalized
# targets --> (B, #C, H, W) one-hot encoded
# Converting unnormalized predictions into one-hot encoded across channels.
# Shape: (B, #C, H, W)
predictions = convert_2_onehot(predictions, num_classes=self.num_classes) # one hot encoded
metric = intermediate_metric_calculation(predictions, targets, use_dice=self.use_dice, smooth=self.smooth)
# Compute the mean over the remaining axes (batch and classes). Shape: Scalar
return metric
def get_default_device():
return torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
def readyBaseModel():
#--- prep model conditions
device = get_default_device()
model = prepare_model(backbone_model=backbone_model_name, num_classes=NUM_CLASSES)
metric_name = "iou"
use_dice = (True if metric_name == "dice" else False)
metric_fn = Metric(num_classes=NUM_CLASSES, use_dice=use_dice).to(device)
loss_fn = Loss().to(device)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001)
return model
def readyModelWithWeights(mdlBase):
print("TRACE: loading model with weights ... ", model_path)
mdlBase.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu')))
model_with_weights = mdlBase
return model_with_weights
class SegmentationModelOutputWrapper(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, model):
super(SegmentationModelOutputWrapper, self).__init__()
self.model = model
def forward(self, x):
return self.model(x)["out"]
def readyModelWithXAI(mdlWeighted):
model_xai = SegmentationModelOutputWrapper(mdlWeighted)
return model_xai
#--- demo: process a single file for validation/demo
def val_filToTensor(strPth_fil):
img_fil =
img_fil = img_fil.convert("RGB")
img_fil = np.asarray(img_fil)/255
return to_tensor(img_fil).unsqueeze(0)
#--- TODO demo: process a batch of files for validation/demo
def val_aryToTensor(pth_fil, ary_fils):
aryTensor = []
for str_filName in ary_fils:
aryTensor.append(val_filToTensor(pth_fil, str_filName))
return aryTensor
def predXai_tile(mdl_xai, strPth_tileRaw):
#--- run a prediction for a single
print("TRACE: get tensor from single file ... ", strPth_tileRaw)
val_tensorFil = val_filToTensor(strPth_tileRaw)
val_tensorBatch = val_tensorFil
print("TRACE: get mdl_xai prediction ...")
output = mdl_xai(val_tensorBatch.float().to('cpu'))
print("TRACE: predXai_tile return ...")
return output, val_tensorBatch
class SemanticSegmentationTarget:
def __init__(self, category, mask):
self.category = category
self.mask = torch.from_numpy(mask)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
self.mask = self.mask.cuda()
def __call__(self, model_output):
return (model_output[self.category, :, : ] * self.mask).sum()
def predGradCam_tile(output_xaiPred, mdl_xai, val_image_batch):
print("TRACE: predGradCam initialize ...")
cam_img_bg = []
cam_img_wt = []
cam_img_vt = []
sem_classes = ['__background__', 'whole_tumor', 'viable_tumor']
sem_class_to_idx = {cls: idx for (idx, cls) in enumerate(sem_classes)}
argmax_mask = torch.argmax(output_xaiPred, dim=1)
argmax_mask_np = argmax_mask.cpu().squeeze().numpy()
preds = argmax_mask_np
seg_mask = preds
bg_category = sem_class_to_idx["__background__"]
bg_mask_float = np.float32(seg_mask == bg_category)
wt_category = sem_class_to_idx["whole_tumor"]
wt_mask_float = np.float32(seg_mask == wt_category)
vt_category = sem_class_to_idx["viable_tumor"]
vt_mask_float = np.float32(seg_mask == vt_category)
target_layers = [mdl_xai.model.backbone.layer4]
for i in range(len(val_image_batch)):
rgb_img = np.float32(val_image_batch[i].permute(1, 2, 0))
rgb_tensor = val_image_batch[i].unsqueeze(0).float()
print("TRACE: process the background ...")
targets = [SemanticSegmentationTarget(bg_category, bg_mask_float[i])]
with GradCAM(model=mdl_xai,
use_cuda=torch.cuda.is_available()) as cam:
grayscale_cam = cam(input_tensor = rgb_tensor,
targets = targets)[0, :]
cam_img_bg.append(show_cam_on_image(rgb_img, grayscale_cam, use_rgb=True))
print("TRACE: process whole tumors ...")
targets = [SemanticSegmentationTarget(wt_category, wt_mask_float[i])]
with GradCAM(model=mdl_xai,
use_cuda=torch.cuda.is_available()) as cam:
grayscale_cam = cam(input_tensor = rgb_tensor,
targets = targets)[0, :]
cam_img_wt.append(show_cam_on_image(rgb_img, grayscale_cam, use_rgb=True))
print("TRACE: process viable tumors ...")
targets = [SemanticSegmentationTarget(vt_category, vt_mask_float[i])]
with GradCAM(model=mdl_xai,
use_cuda=torch.cuda.is_available()) as cam:
grayscale_cam = cam(input_tensor = rgb_tensor,
targets = targets)[0, :]
cam_img_vt.append(show_cam_on_image(rgb_img, grayscale_cam, use_rgb=True))
return cam_img_bg, cam_img_wt, cam_img_vt