#--- notes: # - this file is loaded by fastapi and streamlit, so keep it independant of those libs # - all path are relative to the appl working folder: the parent of the lib folder; ie ..\.. to this file from pathlib import Path pth_pwd = Path(__file__).resolve().parent #--- should be \lib pth_appRoot = pth_pwd.parent #--- .. pth_root = str(pth_appRoot) + "/" pth_bin = pth_root + "bin/" pth_data = pth_root + "data/" pth_lib = pth_root + "lib/" pth_routes = pth_root + "routes/" pth_templ = pth_root + "templ/" pth_uix = pth_root + "uix/" #--- bin paths pth_binImages = pth_bin + "images/" pth_binModels = pth_bin + "models/" #--- data paths pth_dtaApp = pth_data #--- working folders for app data; for docker, should be mapped to local host mount pth_dtaDemoTiles = pth_data + "demo_tiles/" #--- dedicated area for demo data pth_dtaTiles = pth_data + "tiles/" pth_dtaWsi = pth_data + "wsi/" pth_dtaTileSamples = pth_dtaDemoTiles + "raw/sample/" #--- lib paths pth_libModels = pth_lib + "models/" #--- route paths pth_rteApi = pth_routes + "api/" pth_rteQa = pth_routes + "qa/" m_klngMaxRecords = 100 m_klngSampleSize = 25