#--- about page import streamlit as st import sys, os import pandas as pd import lib.utils as libUtils description = "QA: Config Check" def run(): print("\nINFO (lit_config.run) loading ", description, " page ...") #--- #st.experimental_memo.clear() #--- try to clear cache each time this page is hit #st.cache_data.clear() st.markdown('### Configuration Check') #--- check that base folders exist #--- list raw WSIs lstWSI = os.listdir(libUtils.pth_dtaWsi + "raw/") print("TRACE: ", lstWSI) st.dataframe( pd.DataFrame({"Raw WSI": lstWSI,}), use_container_width=True ) #--- list raw Tiles lstTiles = os.listdir(libUtils.pth_dtaTiles + "raw/") print("TRACE: ", lstTiles) st.dataframe( pd.DataFrame({"Raw Tiles": lstTiles,}), use_container_width=True ) #--- list raw demo Tiles lstDemo = os.listdir(libUtils.pth_dtaDemoTiles + "raw/") print("TRACE: ", lstDemo) st.dataframe( pd.DataFrame({"Raw Demo Tiles": lstDemo,}), use_container_width=True ) st.markdown(''' ''', unsafe_allow_html=True) # st.markdown( # st.footer( # """ # Configuration Check page # """, # unsafe_allow_html=True, # ) cssFooter=""" """ st.markdown(cssFooter, unsafe_allow_html=True)