#--- about page import streamlit as st description = "About" def run(): print("\nINFO (lit_about.run) loading ", description, " page ...") #--- #st.experimental_memo.clear() #--- try to clear cache each time this page is hit #st.cache_data.clear() #st.markdown('### About') #st.markdown('### Omdena Saudi Arabia') #st.markdown('### Detecting Liver Cancer from Histopathology WSI Using Deep Learning and Explainability') #st.markdown('#### Dr. Shaista Hussain (Saudi Arabia Chapter Lead)') #st.markdown('##### Deployment Lead: Iain McKone') st.markdown('##### Project Url: https://github.com/OmdenaAI/saudi-arabia-histopathology-detection') ''' st.markdown( """ About page """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) '''