import pandas as pd import gradio as gr import re from transformers import pipeline from scraper import getComments def chunk(a): n = round(0.3 * len(a)) k, m = divmod(len(a), n) return (a[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in range(n)) def preprocessText(df): df["text"] = df["text"].apply(lambda x: re.sub(r"http\S+", "", x, flags=re.M)) df["text"] = df["text"].apply(lambda x: re.sub(r"^>.+", "", x, flags=re.M)) return df def summarizer(url: str, summary_length: str = "Short") -> str: # submission comments api doesn't work so have to use praw df = preprocessText(getComments(url=url)) smax = df.score.max() threshold = round(0.05 * smax) df = df[df.score >= threshold] # empirically, having more than 200 comments doesn't change much but slows down the summarizer. if len(df.text) >= 200: df = df[:200] # chunking to handle giving the model too large of an input which crashes chunked = list(chunk(df.text)) nlp = pipeline('summarization', model="./model/") lst_summaries = [] for grp in chunked: # treating a group of comments as one block of text result = nlp(, max_length=500)[0]["summary_text"] lst_summaries.append(result) stext = ' '.join(lst_summaries).replace(" .", ".") if summary_length == "Short": thread_summary = nlp(stext, max_length=500)[0]["summary_text"].replace(" .", ".") return df.submission_title.unique()[0] + '\n' + '\n' + thread_summary else: return df.submission_title.unique()[0] + '\n' + '\n' + stext if __name__ == "__main__": with gr.Blocks(css=".gradio-container {max-width: 900px; margin: auto;}") as demo: submission_url = gr.Textbox(label='Post URL') length_choice = gr.Radio(label='Summary Length', value="Short", choices=["Short", "Long"]) sub_btn = gr.Button("Summarize") summary = gr.Textbox(label='Comment Summary'), inputs=[submission_url, length_choice], outputs=summary) demo.launch(server_port=8080, enable_queue=False)