from datetime import timedelta, datetime from request import RequestUser as req_login from response import ResponseUser as res_login import requests import json, re from auth.authentication import signJWT from firebase_admin import credentials, auth, exceptions import firebase_admin from repository import UserLoginRepository, UserRepository, UserInfoRepository, OTPRepository import service.OTPService from function import support_function as sf from dotenv import load_dotenv import os from response import ResponseUser as res from response import ResponseDefault as res1 load_dotenv() CLIENT_ID_GOOGLE = os.getenv('CLIENT_ID') API_SIGN_UP_FIREBASE_PATH = os.getenv('API_SIGN_UP_FIREBASE') regex = r'\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,7}\b' def get_user1(email): try: user = auth.get_user_by_email(email) return user except exceptions.FirebaseError as e: return None def check_email(email): if isinstance(email, str) and re.fullmatch(regex, email): return True else: return False from pathlib import Path try: if not firebase_admin._apps: json_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'app' / 'firebase_certificate.json' cred = credentials.Certificate(str(json_path)) fred = firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred) except: if not firebase_admin._apps: cred = credentials.Certificate("firebase_certificate.json") fred = firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred) def sign_up_with_email_and_password(email, password, username=None, return_secure_token=True): try: rest_api_url = "" payload = { "email": email, "password": password, "returnSecureToken": return_secure_token } if username: payload["displayName"] = username payload = json.dumps(payload) r =, params={"key": API_SIGN_UP_FIREBASE_PATH}, data=payload) try: return r.json()['email'] except Exception as e: pass except Exception as e: pass def sign_in_with_email_and_password(email=None, password=None, return_secure_token=True): rest_api_url = "" try: payload = { "returnSecureToken": return_secure_token } if email: payload["email"] = email if password: payload["password"] = password payload = json.dumps(payload) r =, params={"key": API_SIGN_UP_FIREBASE_PATH}, data=payload) r.raise_for_status() data = r.json() if 'idToken' in data: return data['email'] else: return False except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(f"Error signing in: {e}") return False def update_info_user(uid, email=None, user_name=None, photo_url=None): user_data = {} if email is not None: user_data['email'] = email if user_name is not None: user_data['display_name'] = user_name if photo_url is not None and photo_url != 'N/A': user_data['photo_url'] = photo_url if user_data: auth.update_user(uid, **user_data) def update_user_info(request: req_login.RequestUpdateUserInfo): try: email = user_id = request.user_id email_check = sf.check_email_service(user_id) if isinstance(email_check, res1.ReponseError): return email_check check_email_fc = sf.check_email_empty_invalid(email) if check_email_fc is not True: return check_email_fc user = get_user1(email) if user: user_info = UserInfoRepository.getUserInfo(user_id) if user_info: UserInfoRepository.updateUserInfo( request.user_id, request.uid,, request.display_name, request.photo_url) else: UserInfoRepository.addUserInfo( request.uid,, request.display_name, request.photo_url ) update_info_user(request.uid,, request.display_name, request.photo_url ) return res_login.ResponseUpdateUserInfo(status=200, data = res_login.Message(message=f"User info updated successfully")) else: return res_login.ReponseError( status = 404, data = res_login.Message(message="Not found user") ) except: return res_login.ReponseError( status=500, data=res_login.Message(message="Server Error") ) def check_info_google(request: req_login.RequestCheckInfoGoogle): try: user_id = request.user_id check = UserRepository.getEmailUserByIdFix(user_id) if check is None: return res_login.ReponseError( status = 404, data = res_login.Message(message="user_id not exist") ) email = sf.check_email_service(str(user_id)) if isinstance(email, res.ReponseError): return email user_info = UserInfoRepository.getUserInfo(user_id) if user_info is not None: email_check = True else: email_check = False if email_check is not None: return res_login.ResponseCheckInfoGoogle(status= 200,data = res_login.CheckModel(check=email_check)) except: return res_login.ReponseError( status=500, data=res_login.Message(message="Server Error") ) def check_info_google_email(request: req_login.RequestCheckInfoGoogleEmail): try: email = check_email_fc = sf.check_email_empty_invalid(email) if check_email_fc is not True: return check_email_fc user_info = UserInfoRepository.getUserInfoByEmail(email) if user_info is not None: email_check = True else: email_check = False if email_check is not None: return res_login.ResponseCheckInfoGoogle(status= 200,data = res_login.CheckModel(check=email_check)) except: return res_login.ReponseError( status=500, data=res_login.Message(message="Server Error") ) def check_state_login(request: req_login.RequestCheckStateLogin): try: user_id = request.user_id session_id_now = request.session_id_now email = sf.check_email_service(user_id) if isinstance(email, res1.ReponseError): return email elif session_id_now is None or session_id_now=="": return res_login.ReponseError( status= 400, data =res_login.Message(message="session_id is empty") ) user = get_user1(email) if user: check1 = False session_id = UserLoginRepository.getUserSessionIdByUserEmail(user_id) print(f"session_id: {session_id}") if session_id != session_id_now: check1 = False else: check1 = True return res_login.ResponseCheckInfoGoogle(status= 200,data = res_login.CheckModel(check = check1)) else: return res_login.ReponseError( status=404, data =res_login.Message(message="Not found user") ) except: return res_login.ReponseError( status=500, data=res_login.Message(message="Server Error") ) import string, random def generate_otp(length=6): characters = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits otp = ''.join(random.choice(characters) for _ in range(length)) return otp def createOTPReset(email): otp = generate_otp() check_email_fc = sf.check_email_empty_invalid(email) if check_email_fc is not True: return check_email_fc OTPRepository.addOTP(email,otp) return otp def reset_password(request: req_login.RequestResetPassword): try: email = check_email_fc = sf.check_email_empty_invalid(email) if check_email_fc is not True: return check_email_fc try: user = get_user1(email) if user is not None: otp = createOTPReset(email) return res_login.ResponseCreateOTP( status= 200, data= res_login.CheckModel(check = True), otp = otp ) else: return res_login.ReponseError( status= 404, data =res_login.Message(message="Email not exist") ) except auth.UserNotFoundError as e: return res_login.ReponseError( status=500, data =res_login.Message(message=str(e)) ) except: return res_login.ReponseError( status=500, data=res_login.Message(message="Server Error") ) def change_password(request: req_login.RequestChangePassword): try: user_id = request.user_id email = sf.check_email_service(user_id) new_password = request.new_password current_password= request.current_password confirm_new_password = request.confirm_new_password if isinstance(email, res1.ReponseError): return email if new_password is None: return res_login.ReponseError( status=400, data =res_login.Message(message="new_password is empty") ) if current_password is None or confirm_new_password == "": return res_login.ReponseError( status=400, data =res_login.Message(message="current_password is empty") ) if confirm_new_password is None or confirm_new_password == "": return res_login.ReponseError( status=400, data =res_login.Message(message="confirm_new_password is empty") ) if current_password == new_password: return res_login.ReponseError( status=400, data=res_login.Message(message="The new_password and the current_password must be different") ) if confirm_new_password != new_password: return res_login.ReponseError( status=400, data=res_login.Message(message="The new_password and the confirm_new_password must be similar") ) user = sign_in_with_email_and_password(email, current_password) try: if user: user_email = auth.get_user_by_email(email) auth.update_user( user_email.uid, password=new_password ) return res_login.ResponseChangePassword( status= 200, data = res_login.Message(message=f"Update password success")) else: return res_login.ReponseError( status=400, data =res_login.Message(message="Current password not valid") ) except : return res_login.ReponseError( status=500, data =res_login.Message(message="Server Error") ) except: return res_login.ReponseError( status=500, data=res_login.Message(message="Server Error!!") )