/** * Name as used as title for the main page * @type {string} */ var title = 'Literature Collection'; /** * Relative path to the data directory * @type {string} */ var dataDir = 'data/'; /** * Relative path to the js directory * @type {string} */ var jsDir = 'js/'; /** * Relative path to the styles directory * @type {string} */ var stylesDir = 'styles/'; /** * Options for displaying tag clouds. * field: BibTeX field used for generating the tag clouds, * title: Title displayed as headline * minTagFrequency: minimum frequency of a tag to be displayed * @type {{field: string, title: string, minTagFrequency: number}[]} */ var tagCloudOptions = [{ field: 'keywords', title: 'Keywords', minTagFrequency: 1 }, { field: 'author', title: 'Authors', minTagFrequency: 1 }, { field: 'series', title: 'Series', minTagFrequency: 1 }]; /** * If BibTeX entries (and tags) should be editable * @type {boolean} */ var editable = false; /** * Subtitle describing the paper the data is referring to (set to null to deactivate) * @type {{html: string, id: string}} */ var paper = { html: 'Literature collection for Evaluating Text-to-Image Synthesis: Survey and Taxonomy of Image Quality Metrics', id: 'Beck2016Visual' }; /** * Extra pages like an about page that will be listed in the footer an can be opened on demand (page name -> path) */ var extraPages = { 'about': 'about.html' }; /** * Custom style as path to an extra css file (leave empty if not applicable) * @type {string} */ var customStyle = ''; /* Example for simplified entries */ //var customStyle = 'styles/custom_entries_simplified.css'; /** * Options for showing citation information (set to null to avoid showing any citation information) * minCitationCount: minimum number of citations of a paper to be displayed in the visualization * @type {{minCitationCount: number}} */ /* var citations = { minCitationCount: 5 }; */ var citations = null;