import os import shutil import tempfile import time from pathlib import Path import librosa import torch from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download from fam.llm.adapters import FlattenedInterleavedEncodec2Codebook from fam.llm.decoders import EncodecDecoder from fam.llm.fast_inference_utils import build_model, main from fam.llm.inference import ( EncodecDecoder, InferenceConfig, Model, TiltedEncodec, TrainedBPETokeniser, get_cached_embedding, get_cached_file, get_enhancer, ) from fam.llm.utils import ( check_audio_file, get_default_dtype, get_device, normalize_text, ) import argparse class TTS: def __init__( self, model_name: str = "kotoba-tech/kotoba-speech-v0.1", *, seed: int = 1337, output_dir: str = "outputs", first_model_path: str = None, ): """ model_name (str): refers to the model identifier from the Hugging Face Model Hub ( """ # NOTE: this needs to come first so that we don't change global state when we want to use # the torch.compiled-model. self._dtype = get_default_dtype() self._device = get_device() self._model_dir = snapshot_download(repo_id=model_name) self.first_stage_adapter = FlattenedInterleavedEncodec2Codebook(end_of_audio_token=1024) self.output_dir = output_dir os.makedirs(self.output_dir, exist_ok=True) second_stage_ckpt_path = f"{self._model_dir}/" config_second_stage = InferenceConfig( ckpt_path=second_stage_ckpt_path, num_samples=1, seed=seed, device=self._device, dtype=self._dtype, compile=False, init_from="resume", output_dir=self.output_dir, ) data_adapter_second_stage = TiltedEncodec(end_of_audio_token=1024) self.llm_second_stage = Model( config_second_stage, TrainedBPETokeniser, EncodecDecoder, data_adapter_fn=data_adapter_second_stage.decode ) self.enhancer = get_enhancer("df") self.precision = {"float16": torch.float16, "bfloat16": torch.bfloat16}[self._dtype] self.model, self.tokenizer, self.smodel, self.model_size = build_model( precision=self.precision, checkpoint_path=Path(f"{self._model_dir}/"), spk_emb_ckpt_path=Path(f"{self._model_dir}/"), device=self._device, compile=True, compile_prefill=True, first_model_path=first_model_path, ) def synthesise(self, text: str, spk_ref_path: str, top_p=0.95, guidance_scale=3.0, temperature=1.0) -> str: """ text: Text to speak spk_ref_path: Path to speaker reference file. Min. 30s of audio required. Supports both local paths & public URIs. Audio formats: wav, flac & mp3 top_p: Top p for sampling applied to first-stage model. Range [0.9, 1.0] are good. This is a measure of speech stability - improves text following for a challenging speaker guidance_scale: Guidance scale [1.0, 3.0] for sampling. This is a measure of speaker similarity - how closely to match speaker identity and speech style. temperature: Temperature for sampling applied to both LLMs (first & second stage) returns: path to speech .wav file """ text = normalize_text(text) spk_ref_path = get_cached_file(spk_ref_path) check_audio_file(spk_ref_path) spk_emb = get_cached_embedding( spk_ref_path, self.smodel, ).to(device=self._device, dtype=self.precision) start = time.time() # first stage LLM tokens = main( model=self.model, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, model_size=self.model_size, prompt=text, spk_emb=spk_emb, top_p=torch.tensor(top_p, device=self._device, dtype=self.precision), guidance_scale=torch.tensor(guidance_scale, device=self._device, dtype=self.precision), temperature=torch.tensor(temperature, device=self._device, dtype=self.precision), ) text_ids, extracted_audio_ids = self.first_stage_adapter.decode([tokens]) b_speaker_embs = spk_emb.unsqueeze(0) # second stage LLM + multi-band diffusion model wav_files = self.llm_second_stage( texts=[text], encodec_tokens=[torch.tensor(extracted_audio_ids, dtype=torch.int32, device=self._device).unsqueeze(0)], speaker_embs=b_speaker_embs, batch_size=1, guidance_scale=None, top_p=None, top_k=200, temperature=1.0, max_new_tokens=None, ) # enhance using deepfilternet wav_file = wav_files[0] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav") as enhanced_tmp: self.enhancer(str(wav_file) + ".wav", shutil.copy2(, str(wav_file) + ".wav") print(f"\nSaved audio to {wav_file}.wav") # calculating real-time factor (RTF) time_to_synth_s = time.time() - start audio, sr = librosa.load(str(wav_file) + ".wav") duration_s = librosa.get_duration(y=audio, sr=sr) print(f"\nTotal time to synth (s): {time_to_synth_s}") print(f"Real-time factor: {time_to_synth_s / duration_s:.2f}") return str(wav_file) + ".wav" if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Split list into chunks") parser.add_argument("--in_file", default="/home/data/reazon_large-v2_denoise/large.jsonl", help="Name of the file") parser.add_argument("--text", type=str, default="This is a demo for text-to-speech.", help="input text") parser.add_argument("--spk_ref_path", type=str, default="assets/bria.mp3", help="speaker path") parser.add_argument("--first_model_path", type=str, default=None, help="path to the first model") args = parser.parse_args() tts = TTS(first_model_path=args.first_model_path) tts.synthesise(text=args.text, spk_ref_path=args.spk_ref_path)