from typing import Optional import torch from torch.nn import functional as F class NonCausalInferenceMixin: """ Mixin class for non-causal inference in a language model. This class provides methods for performing non-causal sampling using a language model. """ @torch.no_grad() def _non_causal_sample( self, *, idx: torch.Tensor, speaker_embs: Optional[torch.Tensor], temperature: float, top_k: int ): """ Perform non-causal sampling. Args: idx (torch.Tensor): Input tensor of shape (batch_size, num_in_hierarchies, sequence_length). speaker_embs (Optional[torch.Tensor]): Speaker embeddings tensor of shape (batch_size, embedding_size). temperature (float): Temperature parameter for scaling the logits. top_k (int): Number of top options to consider. Returns: torch.Tensor: Sampled output tensor of shape (batch_size, num_out_hierarchies, sequence_length). """ b, c, t = idx.size() assert t == self.config.block_size, f"input size {t} != config.block_size {self.config.block_size}" # forward the model to get the logits for the index in the sequence list_logits, _ = self(idx, speaker_embs=speaker_embs) # c x (b, t, vocab_size) # scale by desired temperature list_logits = [logits / temperature for logits in list_logits] # c x (b, t, vocab_size) # optionally crop the logits to only the top k options if top_k is not None: for i in range(len(list_logits)): logits = list_logits[i] # (b, t, vocab_size) v, _ = torch.topk(logits, min(top_k, logits.size(-1))) # (b, t, top_k) logits[logits < v[:, :, [-1]]] = -float("Inf") list_logits[i] = logits # (b, t, vocab_size) assert logits.shape[0] == b and logits.shape[1] == t # apply softmax to convert logits to (normalized) probabilities # TODO: check shapes here! probs = [F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) for logits in list_logits] # c x (b, t, top_k) assert probs[0].shape[0] == b and probs[0].shape[1] == t # TODO: output shape is as expected outs = [] for b_prob in probs: # c x (b, t, top_k) -> (b, t, top_k) out = [ torch.multinomial(prob, num_samples=1).transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(0) for prob in b_prob ] # b x (t, top_k) -> b x (t, 1) -> b x (1, t) -> b x (1, 1, t) assert len(out) == b and out[0].shape[0] == 1 and out[0].shape[1] == 1 and out[0].shape[2] == t out =, dim=0) # (b, 1, t) assert out.shape[0] == b and out.shape[1] == 1 and out.shape[2] == t outs.append(out) out =, dim=1) # (b, c, t) assert out.shape[0] == b and out.shape[2] == t return out