import os import re import subprocess import tempfile import librosa import torch def normalize_text(text: str) -> str: unicode_conversion = { 8175: "'", 8189: "'", 8190: "'", 8208: "-", 8209: "-", 8210: "-", 8211: "-", 8212: "-", 8213: "-", 8214: "||", 8216: "'", 8217: "'", 8218: ",", 8219: "`", 8220: '"', 8221: '"', 8222: ",,", 8223: '"', 8228: ".", 8229: "..", 8230: "...", 8242: "'", 8243: '"', 8245: "'", 8246: '"', 180: "'", 2122: "TM", # Trademark } text = text.translate(unicode_conversion) non_bpe_chars = set([c for c in list(text) if ord(c) >= 256]) #if len(non_bpe_chars) > 0: # non_bpe_points = [(c, ord(c)) for c in non_bpe_chars] # raise ValueError(f"Non-BPE single token characters found: {non_bpe_points}") text = text.replace("\t", " ") text = text.replace("\n", " ") text = text.replace("*", " ") text = text.strip() text = re.sub("\s\s+", " ", text) # remove multiple spaces return text def check_audio_file(path_or_uri, threshold_s=10): # default 30 if "http" in path_or_uri: temp_fd, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(temp_fd) # Close the file descriptor, curl will create a new connection curl_command = ["curl", "-L", path_or_uri, "-o", filepath], check=True) else: filepath = path_or_uri audio, sr = librosa.load(filepath) duration_s = librosa.get_duration(y=audio, sr=sr) if duration_s < threshold_s: raise Exception( f"The audio file is too short. Please provide an audio file that is at least {threshold_s} seconds long to proceed." ) # Clean up the temporary file if it was created if "http" in path_or_uri: os.remove(filepath) def get_default_dtype() -> str: """Compute default 'dtype' based on GPU architecture""" if torch.cuda.is_available(): for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count()): device_properties = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(i) dtype = "float16" if device_properties.major <= 7 else "bfloat16" # tesla and turing architectures else: dtype = "float16" print(f"using dtype={dtype}") return dtype def get_device() -> str: return "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"