import streamlit as st from torch.nn import Softmax from model import ArxivModel, load_model from tokenizer import get_tokenizer from lables import num_to_classes, taxonomy from parser import get_text_title model = load_model() tokenizer = get_tokenizer() arxiv_model = ArxivModel(model, tokenizer) softmax = Softmax(dim=1) st.markdown("### Classification of article topics") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) text = "" frame = "text" option = st.selectbox('Choose to write title yourself or input url/id of article', ('Write the title and summary yourself', 'Input url or id of article')) if option == 'Write the title and summary yourself': frame = 'text' else: frame = 'url' if frame == 'text': title_text = st.text_input("Write title of article", key='arxiv_title_input') summary_text = st.text_area("Write summary of article (optional)", key='arxiv_sum_input') click_button_text = st.button('Submit', key=1) if click_button_text and title_text.strip() == "": text = "" if summary_text.strip() != "": st.markdown(f'
Please, input title
', unsafe_allow_html=True) elif click_button_text and title_text.strip() != "" and summary_text.strip() != "": text = title_text.strip() + '\t' + summary_text.strip() elif click_button_text and title_text.strip() != "": text = title_text.strip() text = text.strip() elif frame == 'url': id_url = st.text_input("Write article's url or id", key='arxiv_id_input').strip() click_button_url = st.button('Submit', key=1) if click_button_url and id_url != "": res = get_text_title(id_url) if res is not None: text = res[0].strip() + '\t' + res[1].strip() text = text.strip() else: st.markdown(f'Incorrect url or id
', unsafe_allow_html=True) text = "" if text.lower() == 'i want a cake': st.markdown("# :cake:") elif text != "": idxs = arxiv_model.get_idx_class(text, thr=0.95) print(len(idxs)) if len(idxs) > 80: st.markdown("#### Sorry, model can't classify the article with high confidence") else: idxs = idxs[:10] st.markdown("#### The model have defined:") for idx, prob in idxs: if taxonomy.get(num_to_classes[idx], -1) != -1: st.markdown("{} \t {}%".format(taxonomy.get(num_to_classes[idx], -1), round(prob * 100, 1))) else: st.markdown("")