Mathieu Lai-King
first commit
from typing import Any
from outcome_switch.ctgov import extract_nct_outcomes
from outcome_switch.similarity import OutcomeSimilarity
from outcome_switch.entrez import dl_and_parse
from outcome_switch.filter import filter_sections, filter_outcomes, get_sections_text
from transformers import (BertConfig,
class OutcomeSwitchingDetector:
"""Main Class for the whole pipeline of outcome switching detection"""
def __init__(self, ner_path:str, sim_path:str, ner_label2id:dict[str,str]):
# define config
config = BertConfig.from_pretrained(ner_path,
id2label={v: k for k, v in ner_label2id.items()})
self.outcomes_ner = TokenClassificationPipeline(
model = BertForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(ner_path,config=config),
tokenizer = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(ner_path),
ignore_labels = [],
aggregation_strategy = "average",
self.outcome_sim = OutcomeSimilarity(sim_path)
def _extract_article_outcomes(self, article_text:str) -> dict[str, Any]:
if not article_text :
return {"raw_entities" : None, "article_outcomes" : None}
# get article outcomes (all pieces of text annotated)
entities_list = self.outcomes_ner(article_text)
# filter outcomes and reformat
detected_outcomes = filter_outcomes(entities_list)
return {"raw_entities" : entities_list, "article_outcomes" : detected_outcomes}
def _compare_outcomes(
) -> dict[str, Any]:
if not registry_outcomes or not article_outcomes :
return None
registry_outcomes = [(outcome["type"], outcome["measure"] + " , " + outcome["timeFrame"])
for outcome in registry_outcomes]
# semantic similarity of outcomes between registry and article
return self.outcome_sim.get_similarity(registry_outcomes,article_outcomes)
def detect(self, article_id:str) -> dict[str,Any]:
"""detect outcome switching in input id (pmid, pmcid)
returns a dictionary with the following keys :
- article_xml : xml string of the article
- article_sections : dict of all sections of the article key=title, value=list of text content
- check_type : type of the check for regex outcome section filtering (title or content)
- regex_priority_name : name of the regex used for outcome section filtering
- regex_priority_index : number of priority of the regex used for outcome section filtering (0 is the highest priority)
- filtered_sections : dict of all filtered sections of the article key=title, value=list of text content
- raw_entities : output of huggingface token classification pipeline with aggregated entities but also O text (non-entity)
- article_outcomes : List of tuples (type, outcome) of all outcomes detected in the article
- detected_nct_id : first nct id detected in the article
- ctgov_outcomes : List of tuples (type, outcome) of all outcomes detected in the registry
# download and parse article
parse_output = dl_and_parse(article_id)
# search nct id in text, then download and parse registry outcomes
registry_outcomes = extract_nct_outcomes(parse_output["article_xml"])
# filter article sections and get text
filter_output = filter_sections(parse_output["article_sections"])
sections_text = get_sections_text(filter_output["filtered_sections"])
# outcomes ner in article text
ner_output = self._extract_article_outcomes(sections_text)
# compare outcomes between article and registry
connections = self._compare_outcomes(registry_outcomes, ner_output["article_outcomes"])
return parse_output | {"ctgov_outcomes":registry_outcomes} | filter_output | ner_output | {"connections":connections}