import logging import os import random from typing import Union import warnings from functools import partial import numpy as np import torch try: import augment except ImportError: raise ImportError( "augment is not installed, please install it first using:" "\npip install git+" ) from .base import Effect _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _DEBUG = bool(os.environ.get("DEBUG", False)) class AttachableEffect(Effect): def attach(self, chain: augment.EffectChain) -> augment.EffectChain: raise NotImplementedError def apply(self, wav: np.ndarray, sr: int): chain = augment.EffectChain() chain = self.attach(chain) tensor = torch.from_numpy(wav)[None].float() # (1, T) tensor = chain.apply( tensor, src_info={"rate": sr}, target_info={"channels": 1, "rate": sr} ) wav = tensor.numpy()[0] # (T,) return wav class SoxEffect(AttachableEffect): def __init__(self, effect_name: str, *args, **kwargs): self.effect_name = effect_name self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def attach(self, chain: augment.EffectChain) -> augment.EffectChain: _logger.debug( f"Attaching {self.effect_name} with {self.args} and {self.kwargs}" ) if not hasattr(chain, self.effect_name): raise ValueError(f"EffectChain has no attribute {self.effect_name}") return getattr(chain, self.effect_name)(*self.args, **self.kwargs) class Maybe(AttachableEffect): """ Attach an effect with a probability. """ def __init__(self, prob: float, effect: AttachableEffect): self.prob = prob self.effect = effect if _DEBUG: warnings.warn("DEBUG mode is on. Maybe -> Must.") self.prob = 1 def attach(self, chain: augment.EffectChain) -> augment.EffectChain: if random.random() > self.prob: return chain return self.effect.attach(chain) class Chain(AttachableEffect): """ Attach a chain of effects. """ def __init__(self, *effects: AttachableEffect): self.effects = effects def attach(self, chain: augment.EffectChain) -> augment.EffectChain: for effect in self.effects: chain = effect.attach(chain) return chain class Choice(AttachableEffect): """ Attach one of the effects randomly. """ def __init__(self, *effects: AttachableEffect): self.effects = effects def attach(self, chain: augment.EffectChain) -> augment.EffectChain: return random.choice(self.effects).attach(chain) class Generator: def __call__(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError class Uniform(Generator): def __init__(self, low, high): self.low = low self.high = high def __call__(self) -> str: return str(random.uniform(self.low, self.high)) class Randint(Generator): def __init__(self, low, high): self.low = low self.high = high def __call__(self) -> str: return str(random.randint(self.low, self.high)) class Concat(Generator): def __init__(self, *parts: Union[Generator, str]): = parts def __call__(self): return "".join( [part if isinstance(part, str) else part() for part in] ) class RandomLowpassDistorter(SoxEffect): def __init__(self, low=2000, high=16000): super().__init__( "sinc", "-n", Randint(50, 200), Concat("-", Uniform(low, high)) ) class RandomBandpassDistorter(SoxEffect): def __init__(self, low=100, high=1000, min_width=2000, max_width=4000): super().__init__( "sinc", "-n", Randint(50, 200), partial(self._fn, low, high, min_width, max_width), ) @staticmethod def _fn(low, high, min_width, max_width): start = random.randint(low, high) stop = start + random.randint(min_width, max_width) return f"{start}-{stop}" class RandomEqualizer(SoxEffect): def __init__( self, low=100, high=4000, q_low=1, q_high=5, db_low: int = -30, db_high: int = 30, ): super().__init__( "equalizer", Uniform(low, high), lambda: f"{random.randint(q_low, q_high)}q", lambda: random.randint(db_low, db_high), ) class RandomOverdrive(SoxEffect): def __init__(self, gain_low=5, gain_high=40, colour_low=20, colour_high=80): super().__init__( "overdrive", Uniform(gain_low, gain_high), Uniform(colour_low, colour_high) ) class RandomReverb(Chain): def __init__(self, deterministic=False): super().__init__( SoxEffect( "reverb", Uniform(50, 50) if deterministic else Uniform(0, 100), Uniform(50, 50) if deterministic else Uniform(0, 100), Uniform(50, 50) if deterministic else Uniform(0, 100), ), SoxEffect("channels", 1), ) class Flanger(SoxEffect): def __init__(self): super().__init__("flanger") class Phaser(SoxEffect): def __init__(self): super().__init__("phaser")