#!/bin/bash dir_shell=/ql/shell . $dir_shell/share.sh . $dir_shell/env.sh echo -e "======================1. 检测配置文件========================\n" import_config "$@" make_dir /etc/nginx/conf.d make_dir /run/nginx init_nginx fix_config pm2 l &>/dev/null echo -e "======================2. 安装依赖========================\n" patch_version echo -e "======================3. 启动nginx========================\n" nginx -s reload 2>/dev/null || nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf echo -e "nginx启动成功...\n" echo -e "======================4. 启动pm2服务========================\n" reload_update reload_pm2 if [[ $AutoStartBot == true ]]; then echo -e "======================5. 启动bot========================\n" nohup ql bot >$dir_log/bot.log 2>&1 & echo -e "bot后台启动中...\n" fi if [[ $EnableExtraShell == true ]]; then echo -e "====================6. 执行自定义脚本========================\n" nohup ql extra >$dir_log/extra.log 2>&1 & echo -e "自定义脚本后台执行中...\n" fi echo -e "======================7. 写入rclone配置========================\n" echo "$RCLONE_CONF" > ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf echo -e "############################################################\n" echo -e "容器启动成功..." echo -e "############################################################\n" echo -e "##########8. 写入登陆信息 ############" echo "{ \"username\": \"$USERNAME\", \"password\": \"$PASSWORD\" }" > /ql/data/config/auth.json echo -e "##########9. 同步备份信息 ############" if [ -n "$RCLONE_CONF" ]; then echo -e "########## Synchronizing Backup ############" # Specify the remote folder path in the format remote:path REMOTE_FOLDER="onedrive:/rclone/qinglong" # Use rclone ls command to list folder contents, capturing output and errors OUTPUT=$(rclone ls "$REMOTE_FOLDER" 2>&1) # Get the exit status code of the rclone command EXIT_CODE=$? case $EXIT_CODE in 0) # rclone command executed successfully, check if the folder is empty if [ -z "$OUTPUT" ]; then echo "Initial installation" #rclone sync /ql/data $REMOTE_FOLDER else mkdir -p /ql/.tmp/data rclone sync "$REMOTE_FOLDER" /ql/.tmp/data && real_time=true ql reload data fi ;; 1) # Handle other errors, check if it was a directory not found error if [[ "$OUTPUT" == *"directory not found"* ]]; then echo "Error: Folder does not exist" else echo "Error: $OUTPUT" fi ;; *) echo "Error: rclone command failed, exit code: $EXIT_CODE" ;; esac else echo "No Rclone configuration detected" fi tail -f >/dev/null exec "$@"