import streamlit as st |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score |
st.title("Compare Your Algorithm") |
default_dataOne = { |
"X": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], |
"Y": [2.2, 4.4, 6.5, 8.0, 10.1], |
"Select": [True, True, True, True, True] |
} |
default_dataTwo = { |
"X": [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000], |
"Y": [3.3, 6.6, 12.21, 24.84, 48.25], |
"Select": [True, True, True, True, True] |
} |
dataOne = pd.DataFrame(default_dataOne) |
dataTwo = pd.DataFrame(default_dataTwo) |
xlabel = st.text_input("X-axis", "X") |
ylabel = st.text_input("Y-axis", "Y") |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
st.subheader("Enter Your Data One") |
cola, colb = st.columns(2) |
with cola: |
user_dataOne = st.data_editor(dataOne, num_rows="dynamic", key="data_editor_one") |
with colb: |
fit_typeOne = st.radio( |
"Choose the Type of Fit", |
options=["Logarithmic", "Linear", "Linearithmic", "Quadratic", "Cubic", "Exponential"], |
index=1, |
key="one" |
) |
with col2: |
st.subheader("Enter Your Data Two") |
colc, cold = st.columns(2) |
with colc: |
user_dataTwo = st.data_editor(dataTwo, num_rows="dynamic", key="data_editor_two") |
with cold: |
fit_typeTwo = st.radio( |
"Choose the Type of Fit", |
options=["Logarithmic", "Linear", "Linearithmic", "Quadratic", "Cubic", "Exponential"], |
index=0, |
key="two" |
) |
try: |
selected_dataOne = user_dataOne[user_dataOne["Select"]] |
x = np.array(selected_dataOne["X"], dtype=float) |
y = np.array(selected_dataOne["Y"], dtype=float) |
if len(x) < 2 and len(y) < 2: |
st.warning("Please enter at least 2 data points.") |
st.stop() |
except ValueError: |
st.error("Invalid data entered. Please ensure all values are numeric.") |
st.stop() |
try: |
selected_dataTwo = user_dataTwo[user_dataTwo["Select"]] |
u = np.array(selected_dataTwo["X"], dtype=float) |
v = np.array(selected_dataTwo["Y"], dtype=float) |
if len(u) < 2 and len(v) < 2: |
st.warning("Please enter at least 2 data points.") |
st.stop() |
except ValueError: |
st.error("Invalid data entered. Please ensure all values are numeric.") |
st.stop() |
if fit_typeOne == "Logarithmic": |
try: |
log_x = np.log(x) |
coefficients = np.polyfit(log_x, y , 1) |
y_fit = coefficients[0] * log_x + coefficients[1] |
r2 = r2_score(y, y_fit) |
equation = f"y = {coefficients[0]:.4f}*log(x) + {coefficients[1]:.4f}" |
except ValueError: |
st.error("Logarithmic fit failed. Ensure all X values are positive.") |
st.stop() |
elif fit_typeOne == "Linear": |
degree = 1 |
coefficients = np.polyfit(x, y, degree) |
y_fit = np.polyval(coefficients, x) |
r2 = r2_score(y, y_fit) |
equation = f"y = {coefficients[0]:.4f}*x + {coefficients[1]:.4f}" |
elif fit_typeOne == "Linearithmic": |
try: |
x_log_x = x * np.log(x) |
A = np.column_stack((x_log_x, x, np.ones_like(x))) |
coefficients, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y, rcond=None) |
a, b, c = coefficients |
y_fit = a * x_log_x + b * x + c |
r2 = r2_score(y, y_fit) |
equation = f"y = {a:.4f}*x*log(x) + {b:.4f}*x + {c:.4f}" |
except ValueError: |
st.error("Linearithmic fir failed. Ensure all X values are positive.") |
st.stop() |
elif fit_typeOne == "Quadratic": |
degree = 2 |
coefficients = np.polyfit(x, y, degree) |
y_fit = np.polyval(coefficients, x) |
r2 = r2_score(y, y_fit) |
equation = f"y = {coefficients[0]:.4f}*x² + {coefficients[1]:.4f}*x + {coefficients[2]:.4f}" |
elif fit_typeOne == "Cubic": |
degree = 3 |
coefficients = np.polyfit(x, y, degree) |
y_fit = np.polyval(coefficients, x) |
r2 = r2_score(y, y_fit) |
equation = f"y = {coefficients[0]:.4f}*x³ + {coefficients[1]:.4f}*x² + {coefficients[2]:.4f}*x + {coefficients[3]:.4f}" |
elif fit_typeOne == "Exponential": |
try: |
log_y = np.log(y) |
coefficients = np.polyfit(x, log_y, 1) |
a = np.exp(coefficients[1]) |
b = coefficients[0] |
y_fit = a * np.exp(b * x) |
r2 = r2_score(y, y_fit) |
equation = f"y = {a:.4f}*exp({b:.4f}*x)" |
except ValueError: |
st.error("Exponential fit failed. Ensure all Y values are positive.") |
st.stop() |
if fit_typeTwo == "Logarithmic": |
try: |
log_u = np.log(u) |
coefficients_Two = np.polyfit(log_u, v , 1) |
v_fit = coefficients_Two[0] * log_u + coefficients_Two[1] |
r2_Two = r2_score(v, v_fit) |
equation_Two = f"y = {coefficients_Two[0]:.4f}*log(x) + {coefficients_Two[1]:.4f}" |
except ValueError: |
st.error("Logarithmic fit failed. Ensure all X values are positive.") |
st.stop() |
elif fit_typeTwo == "Linear": |
degree_Two = 1 |
coefficients_Two = np.polyfit(u, v, degree_Two) |
v_fit = np.polyval(coefficients_Two, u) |
r2_Two = r2_score(v, v_fit) |
equation_Two = f"y = {coefficients_Two[0]:.4f}*x + {coefficients_Two[1]:.4f}" |
elif fit_typeTwo == "Linearithmic": |
try: |
u_log_u = u * np.log(u) |
B = np.column_stack((u_log_u, u, np.ones_like(u))) |
coefficients_Two, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(B, v, rcond=None) |
d, e, f = coefficients_Two |
v_fit = d * u_log_u + e * u + f |
r2_Two = r2_score(v, v_fit) |
equation_Two = f"y = {d:.4f}*x*log(x) + {e:.4f}*x + {f:.4f}" |
except ValueError: |
st.error("Linearithmic fir failed. Ensure all X values are positive.") |
st.stop() |
elif fit_typeTwo == "Quadratic": |
degree_Two = 2 |
coefficients_Two = np.polyfit(u, v, degree_Two) |
v_fit = np.polyval(coefficients_Two, u) |
r2_Two = r2_score(v, v_fit) |
equation_Two = f"y = {coefficients_Two[0]:.4f}*x² + {coefficients_Two[1]:.4f}*x + {coefficients_Two[2]:.4f}" |
elif fit_typeTwo == "Cubic": |
degree_Two = 3 |
coefficients_Two = np.polyfit(u, v, degree_Two) |
v_fit = np.polyval(coefficients_Two, u) |
r2_Two = r2_score(v, v_fit) |
equation_Two = f"y = {coefficients_Two[0]:.4f}*x³ + {coefficients_Two[1]:.4f}*x² + {coefficients_Two[2]:.4f}*x + {coefficients_Two[3]:.4f}" |
elif fit_typeTwo == "Exponential": |
try: |
log_v = np.log(v) |
coefficients_Two = np.polyfit(u, log_v, 1) |
d = np.exp(coefficients_Two[1]) |
e = coefficients_Two[0] |
v_fit = d * np.exp(e * u) |
r2_Two = r2_score(v, v_fit) |
equation_Two = f"y = {d:.4f}*exp({e:.4f}*x)" |
except ValueError: |
st.error("Exponential fit failed. Ensure all Y values are positive.") |
st.stop() |
minimum = min(min(x), min(u)) |
maximum = max(max(x), max(u)) |
x_smooth = np.linspace(minimum, maximum, 500) |
if fit_typeOne == "Logarithmic": |
y_smooth = coefficients[0] * np.log(x_smooth) + coefficients[1] |
elif fit_typeOne == "Linearithmic": |
y_smooth = a * x_smooth * np.log(x_smooth) + b * x_smooth + c |
elif fit_typeOne == "Exponential": |
y_smooth = a * np.exp(b * x_smooth) |
else: |
y_smooth = np.polyval(coefficients, x_smooth) |
u_smooth = np.linspace(minimum, maximum, 500) |
if fit_typeTwo == "Logarithmic": |
v_smooth = coefficients_Two[0] * np.log(u_smooth) + coefficients_Two[1] |
elif fit_typeTwo == "Linearithmic": |
v_smooth = d * u_smooth * np.log(u_smooth) + e * u_smooth + f |
elif fit_typeTwo == "Exponential": |
v_smooth = d * np.exp(e * u_smooth) |
else: |
v_smooth = np.polyval(coefficients_Two, u_smooth) |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
ax.scatter(x, y, color="red", label="Original Data One") |
ax.scatter(u, v, color="blue", label="Original Data Two") |
ax.plot(x_smooth, y_smooth, color="pink", label=f"{fit_typeOne} Fit (R²={r2:.4f})") |
ax.plot(u_smooth, v_smooth, color="purple", label=f"{fit_typeTwo} Fit (R²={r2_Two:.4f})") |
ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) |
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) |
ax.legend() |
ax.set_title("fit") |
st.pyplot(fig) |
st.write(f"**Fitted Equation One**: {equation}") |
st.write(f"**R² Value One**: {r2:.6f}") |
st.write(f"**Fitted Equation Two**: {equation_Two}") |
st.write(f"**R² Value Two**: {r2_Two:.6f}") |