import io |
import docx |
import configparser |
import pandas as pd |
import asyncio |
from docx import Document |
from docxtpl import DocxTemplate |
from docx.shared import Pt |
from docx.opc.constants import RELATIONSHIP_TYPE as RT |
from docx.enum.dml import MSO_THEME_COLOR_INDEX |
from docx.enum.style import WD_STYLE_TYPE |
from docx.shared import Cm, Inches |
from docx.oxml.shared import OxmlElement |
from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH |
from docx.enum.text import WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT |
from docx.oxml.ns import qn |
from docx.shared import RGBColor |
from docx.enum.text import WD_COLOR_INDEX |
from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta |
def count_values(df, col_name): |
value_counts = df[col_name].value_counts() |
result_df = pd.DataFrame(value_counts) |
result_df.columns = ['count'] |
result_df.reset_index(inplace=True) |
result_df.rename(columns={'index': col_name}, inplace=True) |
return result_df |
def add_hyperlink(paragraph, url, text): |
""" |
A function that places a hyperlink within a paragraph object. |
:param paragraph: The paragraph we are adding the hyperlink to. |
:param url: A string containing the required url |
:param text: The text displayed for the url |
:return: A Run object containing the hyperlink |
""" |
part = paragraph.part |
r_id = part.relate_to(url, RT.HYPERLINK, is_external=True) |
hyperlink = OxmlElement('w:hyperlink') |
hyperlink.set(qn('r:id'), r_id, ) |
hyperlink.set(qn('w:history'), '1') |
new_run = OxmlElement('w:r') |
rPr = OxmlElement('w:rPr') |
rStyle = OxmlElement('w:rStyle') |
rStyle.set(qn('w:val'), 'Hyperlink') |
rPr.append(rStyle) |
new_run.append(rPr) |
new_run.text = text |
hyperlink.append(new_run) |
r = paragraph.add_run() |
r._r.append(hyperlink) |
r.font.color.theme_color = MSO_THEME_COLOR_INDEX.HYPERLINK |
r.font.underline = True |
return r |
def create_table(document,count_df1): |
table = document.add_table(rows=2, cols=2) |
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table.style = 'Table Grid' |
table.rows[0].height = docx.shared.Pt(9) |
first_row_cells = table.rows[0].cells |
first_row_cells[0].text = "技术进展" |
first_row_cells[0].paragraphs[0].alignment = docx.enum.text.WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.CENTER |
first_row_cells[1].text = "业内动态" |
first_row_cells[1].paragraphs[0].alignment = docx.enum.text.WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.CENTER |
font = first_row_cells[0].paragraphs[0].runs[0].font |
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first_row_cells[1].paragraphs[0].runs[0]._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Regular") |
font.size = docx.shared.Pt(8) |
font.bold = True |
second_row_cells = table.rows[1].cells |
second_row_cells[0].text = '''\t图像理解与生成 \t{0}项\n\t计算光学 \t{1}项\n\t图像处理 \t{2}项\n\t机器学习前沿 \t{3}项\n\t自然语言交互 \t{4}项\n\t量子计算 \t{5}项\n\t计算机视觉前沿 \t{6}项'''.format(count_df1[0],count_df1[1],count_df1[2], |
count_df1[3],count_df1[4],count_df1[5],count_df1[6]) |
second_row_cells[0].paragraphs[0].alignment = docx.enum.text.WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.LEFT |
second_row_cells[1].text = "\t大厂动态 \t{0}项\n".format(count_df1[7]) |
second_row_cells[1].paragraphs[0].alignment = docx.enum.text.WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.LEFT |
font = second_row_cells[0].paragraphs[0].runs[0].font |
font.name = "思源黑体 Regular" |
second_row_cells[0].paragraphs[0].runs[0]._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Regular") |
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font = second_row_cells[1].paragraphs[0].runs[0].font |
font.name = "思源黑体 Regular" |
second_row_cells[1].paragraphs[0].runs[0]._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Regular") |
font.size = docx.shared.Pt(8) |
table.rows[0].height = docx.shared.Pt(9) |
def 荣耀周报排版(xlsx,template): |
document = Document(template) |
df = pd.read_excel(xlsx) |
res = df.sort_values(by='领域', ascending=True) |
count_df = count_values(df, '领域') |
count_df1 = count_df.sort_values(by='领域', ascending=True)["count"] |
count_df1 = list(count_df1) |
sections = ["图像理解与生成", "计算光学", "图像处理", "机器学习前沿", "自然语言交互", "计算机视觉前沿","量子计算", "定向追踪"] |
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date_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Regular") |
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date_style = document.styles.add_style('date_range', 1) |
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date_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Regular") |
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title_style.font.name = "思源黑体 Bold" |
title_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Bold") |
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tech_style = document.styles.add_style('tech_progress', 1) |
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cont_style = document.styles.add_style('content', 1) |
cont_style.font.name = "思源黑体 Regular" |
cont_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Regular") |
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part1_style.font.bold = False |
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part1_style = document.styles.add_style('weekly_summary', 1) |
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part1_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Regular") |
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part2_style.font.name = "思源黑体 Regular" |
part2_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Regular") |
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part3_style.font.bold = False |
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part3_style.font.name = "思源黑体 Regular" |
part3_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Regular") |
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tech1_style.font.color.rgb=RGBColor(0,0,0) |
tech1_style.font.bold = True |
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tech1_style.font.name = "思源黑体 Bold" |
tech1_style.base_style = document.styles['Heading 1'] |
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tech1_style.font.bold = True |
tech1_style.font.size = Pt(14) |
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tech1_style = document.styles.add_style('tech2',1) |
tech1_style.font.name = "思源黑体 Bold" |
tech1_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Bold") |
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tech1_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Regular") |
tech1_style.font.bold = True |
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part4_style.font.name = "思源黑体 Bold" |
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part4_style.font.bold = False |
part4_style.font.size = Pt(12) |
except: |
part4_style = document.styles.add_style('title_date', 1) |
part4_style.font.name = "思源黑体 Bold" |
part4_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Bold") |
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part4_style.font.name = "思源黑体 Light" |
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part4_style.font.bold = False |
part4_style.font.size = Pt(10) |
except: |
part4_style = document.styles.add_style('tech_detail', 1) |
part4_style.font.name = "思源黑体 Light" |
part4_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Light") |
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tech1_style.font.bold = True |
tech1_style.font.size = Pt(12) |
except: |
tech1_style = document.styles.add_style('expert',1) |
tech1_style.font.name = "思源黑体 Regular" |
tech1_style._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), "思源黑体 Regular") |
tech1_style.font.bold = True |
tech1_style.font.size = Pt(12) |
titles = ['一、本期目录', '二、热点速览', '三、定向追踪'] |
t1 = "2023 年 x 月 x 日 —— 2023 年 x 月 x 日" |
t2 = "【本期荣耀周报内容概览】" |
para1 = document.add_paragraph(t1) |
para1.style = document.styles["date_range"] |
run = para1.add_run(" ") |
run.style = document.styles["inside_para"] |
run = para1.add_run(t2) |
run.style = document.styles["inside_para"] |
run.font.bold = False |
document.add_paragraph("",style = "weekly_summary") |
document.add_paragraph(titles[0], style='title') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='title2') |
document.add_paragraph(titles[1], style='title') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='weekly_summary') |
document.add_paragraph("【本周期热点总结】", style='weekly_summary') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='weekly_summary') |
document.add_paragraph("以下为本周期热点速览,以事件发生时间排序。", style='weekly_summary') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech_progress') |
document.add_paragraph("技术进展 · 【领域】 · 【涉及技术】", style='tech_progress') |
document.add_paragraph("【技术进展正文】", style='part3_style') |
document.add_paragraph("热点注释:", style='content') |
document.add_paragraph("查看详情:", style='content') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='content') |
document.add_paragraph(titles[2], style='title') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='title2') |
for section in sections: |
section2 = section |
if section != "定向追踪": |
text1 = "技术进展 · "+section2 |
document.add_paragraph(text1, style='tech') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech2') |
document.add_paragraph("进展聚焦", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("【占位】", style='weekly_summary') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("进展详情", style='tech1') |
num = int(count_df[count_df["领域"].str.contains(section)]["count"]) |
table = document.add_table(rows=num, cols=1) |
res1 = res[res["领域"].str.contains(section)].sort_values(by = "时间",ascending=False) |
for i, row in enumerate(table.rows): |
for cell in row.cells: |
cell.text = "" |
cell.paragraphs[0].style = "title_date" |
old_format = '%Y.%m.%d' |
new_format = '%Y-%m-%d' |
date_str = res1.iloc[i]["时间"] |
date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_str, old_format) |
new_date_str = datetime.strftime(date_obj, new_format) |
text1 = str(new_date_str )+ " | "+ str(res1.iloc[i]["标题"]) |
cell.add_paragraph(text1) |
cell.paragraphs[1].style = "title_date" |
text2 = "· "+ str(res1.iloc[i]["涉及技术"]) |
cell.add_paragraph(text2) |
cell.paragraphs[2].style="tech_detail" |
text3 = str(res1.iloc[i]["简述(摘要)"]) |
cell.add_paragraph(text3) |
cell.paragraphs[3].style = "part3_style" |
add_hyperlink(cell.paragraphs[3], res1.iloc[i]["源链接"], "原文链接") |
text4 = "" |
cell.add_paragraph(text4) |
cell.paragraphs[4].style = "part3_style" |
if res1.iloc[i]["是否点评"] == "是": |
text5 = "专家点评" |
cell.add_paragraph(text5) |
cell.paragraphs[5].style = "expert" |
text6 = "" |
cell.add_paragraph(text6) |
cell.paragraphs[5].style = "expert" |
document.add_page_break() |
elif section == "定向追踪": |
text1 = "业内动态 · "+"产品发布" |
document.add_paragraph(text1, style='tech') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech2') |
document.add_paragraph("进展聚焦", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("【占位】", style='weekly_summary') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("进展详情", style='tech1') |
table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=1) |
for row in table.rows: |
for cell in row.cells: |
cell.text = "" |
cell.paragraphs[0].style = "title_date" |
text1 = "yyyy-mm-dd"+ " | "+ "【标题占位】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text1) |
cell.paragraphs[1].style = "title_date" |
text2 = "· "+ "【涉及技术】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text2) |
cell.paragraphs[2].style="tech_detail" |
text3 = "【简述(摘要)占位】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text3) |
cell.paragraphs[3].style = "part3_style" |
add_hyperlink(cell.paragraphs[3], "【】", "【原文链接占位】") |
text4 = "" |
cell.add_paragraph(text4) |
cell.paragraphs[4].style = "part3_style" |
text5 = "【专家点评占位】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text5) |
cell.paragraphs[5].style = "expert" |
text6 = "" |
cell.add_paragraph(text6) |
cell.paragraphs[5].style = "expert" |
document.add_page_break() |
text1 = "业内动态 · "+"大厂动态" |
document.add_paragraph(text1, style='tech') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech2') |
document.add_paragraph("进展聚焦", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("【占位】", style='weekly_summary') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("进展详情", style='tech1') |
table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=1) |
for row in table.rows: |
for cell in row.cells: |
cell.text = "" |
cell.paragraphs[0].style = "title_date" |
text1 = "yyyy-mm-dd"+ " | "+ "【标题占位】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text1) |
cell.paragraphs[1].style = "title_date" |
text2 = "· "+ "【涉及技术】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text2) |
cell.paragraphs[2].style="tech_detail" |
text3 = "【简述(摘要)占位】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text3) |
cell.paragraphs[3].style = "part3_style" |
add_hyperlink(cell.paragraphs[3], "【】", "【原文链接占位】") |
text4 = "" |
cell.add_paragraph(text4) |
cell.paragraphs[4].style = "part3_style" |
text5 = "【专家点评占位】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text5) |
cell.paragraphs[5].style = "expert" |
text6 = "" |
cell.add_paragraph(text6) |
cell.paragraphs[5].style = "expert" |
document.add_page_break() |
text1 = "业内动态 · "+"项目开源" |
document.add_paragraph(text1, style='tech') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech2') |
document.add_paragraph("进展聚焦", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("【占位】", style='weekly_summary') |
document.add_paragraph("", style='tech1') |
document.add_paragraph("进展详情", style='tech1') |
table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=1) |
for row in table.rows: |
for cell in row.cells: |
cell.text = "" |
cell.paragraphs[0].style = "title_date" |
text1 = "yyyy-mm-dd"+ " | "+ "【标题占位】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text1) |
cell.paragraphs[1].style = "title_date" |
text2 = "· "+ "【涉及技术】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text2) |
cell.paragraphs[2].style="tech_detail" |
text3 = "【简述(摘要)占位】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text3) |
cell.paragraphs[3].style = "part3_style" |
add_hyperlink(cell.paragraphs[3], "【】", "【原文链接占位】") |
text4 = "" |
cell.add_paragraph(text4) |
cell.paragraphs[4].style = "part3_style" |
text5 = "【专家点评占位】" |
cell.add_paragraph(text5) |
cell.paragraphs[5].style = "expert" |
text6 = "" |
cell.add_paragraph(text6) |
cell.paragraphs[5].style = "expert" |
return document |
import pandas as pd |
import docx |
import gradio as gr |
import streamlit as st |
from io import BytesIO |
st.title('Translator App') |
st.markdown("Translate from Docx file") |
st.subheader("File Upload") |
datas=st.file_uploader("Original File") |
template=st.file_uploader("template File") |
name=st.text_input('Enter New File Name: ') |
stream = BytesIO() |
if st.button(label='生成'): |
st.spinner('Waiting...') |
document= 荣耀周报排版(datas,template) |
out = document.save(stream) |
st.success("Translated") |
st.download_button(label='Download Translated File',file_name=(f"{name}.docx"), data=stream.getvalue()) |