cogen /
Reverted to old form
history blame
14.5 kB
import spaces
import gradio as gr
import torch
import random
import os
from typing import List, Tuple
from config_generator import generate_complete_game
from dataset import get_processor, joint_speaker_input, joint_listener_input, get_index_to_token
from models import get_model
.radio-group .wrap {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr);
grid-template-rows: repeat(5, 1fr);
width: 100%;
height: 100%
def initialize_game() -> List[List[str]]:
context_dicts = [generate_complete_game() for _ in range(4)]
roles = ["listener"] * 3 + ["speaker"] * 3 + ["listener"] * 3 + ["speaker"] * 3
speaker_images = []
listener_images = []
targets = []
for context_dict in context_dicts:
for i in range(3):
return list(zip(speaker_images, listener_images, targets, roles))
def get_model_response(
model, adapter_name, processor, index_to_token, role: str,
image_paths: List[str], user_message: str = "", target_image: str = ""
) -> str:
if role == "speaker":
img_dir = "tangram_pngs"
print("Starting processing")
input_tokens, attn_mask, images, image_attn_mask, label = joint_speaker_input(
processor, image_paths, target_image, model.get_listener().device
image_paths = [image_paths]
print("Starting inference")
captions = get_speaker_response(model, images, input_tokens, attn_mask, image_attn_mask, label, image_paths,
processor, img_dir, index_to_token, adapter_name)
response = captions[0]
else: # listener
print("Starting processing")
images, l_input_tokens, l_attn_mask, l_image_attn_mask, s_input_tokens, s_attn_mask, \
s_image_attn_mask, s_target_mask, s_target_label = joint_listener_input(
processor, image_paths, user_message, model.get_listener().device
print("Starting inference")
response = get_listener_response(
model, images, l_input_tokens, l_attn_mask, l_image_attn_mask, index_to_token,
s_input_tokens, s_attn_mask, s_image_attn_mask, s_target_mask, s_target_label, image_paths, adapter_name
return response
def get_speaker_response(model, images, input_tokens, attn_mask, image_attn_mask, label, image_paths, processor, img_dir, index_to_token, adapter_name):
if model.model.active_adapter != adapter_name:
model = model.cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
captions, _, _, _, _ = model.generate(
images.cuda(), input_tokens.cuda(), attn_mask.cuda(), image_attn_mask.cuda(), label.cuda(),
image_paths, processor, img_dir, index_to_token,
max_steps=30, sampling_type="nucleus", temperature=0.7,
top_k=50, top_p=1, repetition_penalty=1, num_samples=5
return captions
def get_listener_response(model, images, l_input_tokens, l_attn_mask, l_image_attn_mask, index_to_token,
s_input_tokens, s_attn_mask, s_image_attn_mask, s_target_mask, s_target_label, image_paths, adapter_name):
if model.model.active_adapter != adapter_name:
model = model.cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
_, _, joint_log_probs = model.comprehension_side([
images.cuda(), l_input_tokens.cuda(), l_attn_mask.cuda(), l_image_attn_mask.cuda(), index_to_token,
s_input_tokens.cuda(), s_attn_mask.cuda(), s_image_attn_mask.cuda(), s_target_mask.cuda(), s_target_label.cuda(),
target_idx = joint_log_probs[0].argmax().item()
response = image_paths[target_idx]
return response
def initialize_interaction(model_iteration):
# initialize the overall history
new_history = {
'adapter_name' : 'initial' if model_iteration == "Initial System" else "final",
'image_role_pairs' : initialize_game(),
'conversation' : [],
'turn' : 0,
'num_correct' : 0,
# Initialize the first turn (always a listener)
turn = new_history['turn']
image_role_pairs = new_history['image_role_pairs']
speaker_image, listener_image, target_image, _ = image_role_pairs[turn]
target_idx = speaker_image.index(target_image)
f"TURN: {turn + 1}/12",
f"Generate a description for the target image. Your target is Image {target_idx + 1}"
return new_history
def progress_game(user_message, model, processor, index_to_token, current_state):
# First get the game state
turn = current_state['turn']
image_role_pairs = current_state['image_role_pairs']
speaker_image, listener_image, target_image, model_role = image_role_pairs[turn]
human_role = "Speaker" if model_role == "listener" else "Listener"
# Next, move on with current turn
if model_role == "listener":
human_context = speaker_image
model_context = listener_image
# If model is a listener, the human must have sent a message
current_state['conversation'].append(f"You: {user_message}")
model_message = get_model_response(
model, current_state['adapter_name'], processor, index_to_token, model_role,
model_context, user_message=user_message
model_idx = human_context.index(model_message)
target_idx = human_context.index(target_image)
if int(model_idx) == int(target_idx):
current_state['conversation'].append("The model guessed correctly!\n")
current_state['num_correct'] += 1
current_state['conversation'].append(f"The model guessed incorrectly.\n")
human_context = listener_image
model_context = speaker_image
# If model is a speaker, the human must have made a guess
target_idx = human_context.index(target_image)
current_state['conversation'][-1] += f"{user_message}"
if int(user_message) == target_idx + 1:
current_state['num_correct'] += 1
# We move on to the next turn
current_state['turn'] += 1
acc_message = f"{current_state['num_correct']}/{current_state['turn']}"
turn_message = f"{current_state['turn'] + 1}/12"
if current_state['turn'] == len(image_role_pairs):
current_state['conversation'].append('The game is over!')
return human_context, current_state['conversation'], human_role, turn_message, acc_message, {}
speaker_image, listener_image, target_image, model_role = image_role_pairs[current_state['turn']]
human_role = "Listener" if model_role == "speaker" else "Speaker"
if model_role == "speaker":
human_context = listener_image
model_context = speaker_image
f"TURN: {current_state['turn'] + 1}/12",
f"Guess the target image given the speaker's description. ",
model_message = get_model_response(model, current_state['adapter_name'], processor, index_to_token,
model_role, model_context, target_image=target_image)
current_state['conversation'].append(f"Model: {model_message}")
current_state['conversation'].append("You: The target is Image ")
human_context = speaker_image
model_context = listener_image
target_idx = human_context.index(target_image)
f"TURN: {current_state['turn'] + 1}/12",
f"Generate a description for the target image. Your target is Image {target_idx + 1}",
return human_context, current_state['conversation'], human_role, turn_message, acc_message, current_state
def get_current_images(current_history):
turn = current_history['turn']
image_role_pairs = current_history['image_role_pairs']
speaker_image, listener_image, target_image, model_role = image_role_pairs[turn]
human_context = listener_image if model_role == "speaker" else speaker_image
return human_context
def get_human_role(current_history):
turn = current_history['turn']
image_role_pairs = current_history['image_role_pairs']
speaker_image, listener_image, target_image, model_role = image_role_pairs[turn]
return "Listener" if model_role == "speaker" else "Speaker"
def create_app():
with gr.Blocks(css=css) as app:
game_history = gr.State(value={})
gr.Markdown("# Tangram Reference Game")
'### You will be playing a sequence of reference games against a model. To start a game, first select whether ' +\
'you wish to play against our initial trained model ("Initial System") or our model at the end of deployment ("Final System") ' +\
'and press the "Start Game" button. There will be 12 rounds of reference games. You will take on a "listener" or a "speaker" role at each round.'
'### In the speaker role, you will be assigned a target image. Your goal will be to describe this image (via a message in the textbox) ' +\
'so that your partner can guess what it is.'
'### In the listener role, you will be given a description. Your goal will be ' +\
'to select the image that the description best describes (by clicking on the relevant button).'
'### Press "Send" to submit your action in either role and make the game proceed.'
with gr.Row():
model_iteration = gr.Radio(["Initial System", "Final System"], label="Model Iteration")
start_btn = gr.Button("Start Game")
with gr.Row():
current_role = gr.Textbox(label="YOUR ROLE")
current_turn = gr.Textbox(label="TURN")
accuracy = gr.Textbox(label="FINAL ACCURACY")
with gr.Row():
image_output = gr.Gallery(
label="CONTEXT", show_label=False, elem_id="gallery",
columns=5, rows=2, object_fit="contain", height="250px",
allow_preview=False, container=True
with gr.Row():
conversation_output = gr.Textbox(label="Interaction History")
with gr.Column():
user_input = gr.Textbox(label="Your Message as Speaker", interactive=False)
radio_buttons = gr.Radio(
label="Your Guess as Listener",
choices=list(range(1, 11)),
send_btn = gr.Button("Send", interactive=False)
model = get_model()
processor = get_processor()
index_to_token = get_index_to_token()
def start_interaction(model_iteration):
# Initialize the interaction
if model_iteration is None:
return [], "Please select a model iteration.", "", "", "", gr.update(interactive=False), \
gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(interactive=True), {}
current_history = initialize_interaction(model_iteration)
# Unpack the relevant items
images = get_current_images(current_history)
conversation = current_history["conversation"]
role = get_human_role(current_history)
human_listener = role == "Listener"
current_turn = current_history['turn'] + 1
turn_msg = f"{current_turn}/12"
acc_msg = "0/0"
return [(f"tangram_pngs/{img}", f"Image {i+1}") for i, img in enumerate(images)], "\n".join(conversation), role, turn_msg, acc_msg, \
gr.update(interactive=not human_listener), gr.update(interactive=human_listener), gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(interactive=False), current_history
def send_message(message, radio_choice, current_state):
nonlocal model
nonlocal processor
nonlocal index_to_token
# Game ended
if current_state['turn'] == len(current_state['image_role_pairs']):
return [], conversation_output.value, current_role.value, current_turn.value, accuracy.value, gr.update(interactive=False), \
gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(interactive=True, value=None), {}
# Regular game progress
user_output = message if radio_choice is None else radio_choice
images, conversation, role, turn, acc_message, current_state = progress_game(user_output, model, processor, index_to_token, current_state)
human_listener = role == "Listener"
return [(f"tangram_pngs/{img}", f"Image {i+1}") for i, img in enumerate(images)], "\n".join(conversation), role, turn, \
acc_message, gr.update(interactive=not human_listener, value=""), gr.update(interactive=human_listener, value=None), \
gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(interactive=False), current_state
image_output, conversation_output, current_role, current_turn, accuracy,
user_input, radio_buttons, send_btn, model_iteration, game_history],
inputs=[user_input, radio_buttons, game_history],
outputs=[image_output, conversation_output, current_role, current_turn, accuracy, user_input,
radio_buttons, send_btn, model_iteration, game_history],
return app
app = create_app()