import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import statsmodels.api as sm import random # Set the layout to wide st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # Custom CSS to center title and header center_css = """ """ st.markdown(center_css, unsafe_allow_html=True) def prep_rankings_table(df, y_column): # Create a copy of the dataframe. df_copy = df.copy() # Select the columns we care about, sort by the y column, and reset the index. df_copy = ( df_copy[ [ "model_name", y_column, "num_words_mean", ] ] .sort_values(y_column, ascending=False) .reset_index() ) # Create a rank column. df_copy["rank"] = df_copy.index + 1 # Round the y column. df_copy[y_column] = df_copy[y_column].round(2) # Fix the order. df_copy = df_copy[["rank", "model_name", y_column, "num_words_mean"]] return df_copy def get_preference(preference_score): rounded_preference_score = int(preference_score.round(0).iloc[0]) return get_preference_from_rounded_score(rounded_preference_score) # if rounded_preference_score == 2: # return "[2>1]" # elif rounded_preference_score == 1: # return "[1>2]" def get_preference_from_rounded_score(score): if score == 2: return "[2>1]" elif score == 1: return "[1>2]" return "[1=2]" # raise ValueError(f"Invalid score: {score}") def app(): fixed_model = "gpt4_1106_preview" # Ensure to initialize session state variables if they do not exist if "selected_instruction" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.selected_instruction = None if "selected_model" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.selected_model = "gpt4" if "selected_judge" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.selected_judge = None if "selected_dataset" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.selected_dataset = "NEW" if "instruction_options" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.instruction_options = [] # Function to update the instruction options based on selected dataset def update_instruction_options(): selected_dataset = st.session_state.dataset_selector if selected_dataset == "all" or selected_dataset == "NEW": instruction_options = df_response_judging["instruction"].unique().tolist() elif ( selected_dataset == "None" or selected_dataset is None or str(selected_dataset) == "" ): instruction_options = ( df_response_judging[pd.isna(df_response_judging["dataset"])][ "instruction" ] .unique() .tolist() ) else: instruction_options = ( df_response_judging[df_response_judging["dataset"] == selected_dataset][ "instruction" ] .unique() .tolist() ) st.session_state.instruction_options = instruction_options def update_instruction(): st.session_state.selected_instruction = st.session_state.instruction_selector def update_model(): st.session_state.selected_model = st.session_state.model_selector def update_judge(): st.session_state.selected_judge = st.session_state.judge_selector def randomize_selection(): st.session_state.dataset_selector = random.choice( ["all"] + df_response_judging["dataset"].dropna().unique().tolist() ) st.session_state.selected_model = random.choice(model_options) update_instruction_options() st.session_state.selected_instruction = random.choice( st.session_state.instruction_options ) st.title("🦙 AlpacaEval Explorer 🦙") st.markdown( "### An interactive tool to analyze and explore the data behind the [AlpacaEval Leaderboard]( in more depth" ) st.markdown( "###### Created and maintained by [Justin Zhao](" ) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: with st.expander("About AlpacaEval"): st.markdown( """- [AlpacaEval]( is an evaluation benchmark to assess the performance of large language models (LLMs). - It has high correlation with Chatbot Arena, and is a fast and affordable benchmark for chat LLMs that uses LLMs (specifically GPT-4) to estimate response quality. - LLM responses are assessed in a pairwise fashion (arena), where each model's responses are compared to a reference model's responses. - The reference model is GPT-4-1106. The LLM Judge is also GPT-4-1106. """ ) with col2: with st.expander("About this tool"): st.markdown( """- There are 2 main tabs: **Data explorer** and **Length bias explorer**. - Use the Data explorer to look at individual pairwise battles between models. - Use the Length bias explorer to look at how response lengths affect win rates. """ ) with col3: with st.expander("Motivation"): st.markdown( """ - Several arena-based benchmarks (ours included) have demonstrated that a clear ranking among LLMs can be established, but there is a general dearth of analysis and understanding as to why the rankings are the way they are. For example, it's hard to discern how factors like feel and style are weighed against correctness. - I created this tool to provide a more interactive and intuitive way to explore the data behind the AlpacaEval leaderboard. It allows users to easily compare responses between models, look at individual battles, and analyze how response lengths affect win rates. - If you have any feedback on the tool, please reach out on [Twitter](! """ ) outer_tabs = st.tabs(["Data explorer", "Length bias explorer"]) # Load the data df = pd.read_json("data/model_win_rates.jsonl", lines=True, orient="records") # df_responses = pd.read_json("data/df_responses.jsonl", lines=True, orient="records") df_response_judging = pd.read_json( "data/df_response_judging.jsonl", lines=True, orient="records" ) # Prepare the model selector options model_options = df_response_judging["generator_2"].unique().tolist() with outer_tabs[1]: # Define the preset groups presets = { "gpt": df[df["model_name"].str.contains("openai|gpt", case=False)][ "model_name" ].tolist(), "claude": df[df["model_name"].str.contains("claude", case=False)][ "model_name" ].tolist(), "moa": df[df["model_name"].str.contains("moa", case=False)][ "model_name" ].tolist(), "llama": df[df["model_name"].str.contains("llama", case=False)][ "model_name" ].tolist(), "custom": [], } # Add radio button for preset groups preset_selection = "Select a preset group of models or choose 'custom' to select manually.", options=["custom", "gpt", "claude", "moa", "llama"], ) # Add multiselect for custom model selection if preset_selection == "custom": selected_models = st.multiselect( "Select models to highlight", options=df["model_name"].unique() ) else: selected_models = presets[preset_selection] st.divider() def create_scatter_plot(df, y_column, selected_models, title): fig = go.Figure() # Add scatter plots for num_words_mean and num_tokens_mean fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df["num_words_mean"], y=df[y_column], mode="markers", name="words", text=df["model_name"], marker=dict(size=5, color="skyblue"), showlegend=True, ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df["num_tokens_mean"], y=df[y_column], mode="markers", name="tokens", text=df["model_name"], marker=dict(size=5, color="orange"), showlegend=True, visible="legendonly", # Make 'words' trace initially visible only in legend ) ) # Highlight selected models if selected_models: selected_data = df[df["model_name"].isin(selected_models)] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=selected_data["num_words_mean"], y=selected_data[y_column], mode="markers", name="selected words", text=selected_data["model_name"], marker=dict(size=10, color="blue"), showlegend=True, ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=selected_data["num_tokens_mean"], y=selected_data[y_column], mode="markers", name="selected tokens", text=selected_data["model_name"], marker=dict(size=10, color="orangered"), showlegend=True, visible="legendonly", # Make 'selected words' trace initially visible only in legend ) ) # Add trendlines def add_trendline(fig, x, y, name, color, visibility="legendonly"): X = sm.add_constant(df[x]) model = sm.OLS(df[y], X).fit() trendline = model.predict(X) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df[x], y=trendline, mode="lines", name=f"{name} trendline", line=dict(color=color, width=2), visible=visibility, # Control the initial visibility ) ) return model.rsquared r_squared_words = add_trendline( fig, "num_words_mean", y_column, "words", "blue", visibility=True ) r_squared_tokens = add_trendline( fig, "num_tokens_mean", y_column, "tokens", "orangered" ) # Update layout with titles and labels fig.update_layout( xaxis_title="Mean length", yaxis_title=( "Win rate" if y_column == "win_rate" else ( "LC Win Rate" if y_column == "length_controlled_winrate" else "Discrete Win Rate" ) ), title=title, legend_title="Legend", ) return fig, r_squared_words, r_squared_tokens st.markdown("#### Overall win rate") y_column1 = "length_controlled_winrate" y_column2 = "win_rate" y_column3 = "discrete_win_rate" fig1, r_squared_words_1, r_squared_tokens_1 = create_scatter_plot( df, y_column1, selected_models, "Length-Controlled Win Rate" ) fig2, r_squared_words_2, r_squared_tokens_2 = create_scatter_plot( df, y_column2, selected_models, "Win Rate" ) fig3, r_squared_words_3, r_squared_tokens_3 = create_scatter_plot( df, y_column3, selected_models, "Discrete Win Rate" ) # Create tabs for each chart tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["LC Win Rate", "Win Rate", "Discrete Win Rate"]) with tab1: col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 2]) col1.plotly_chart(fig1) col2.markdown("#### Rankings") prepped_df = prep_rankings_table(df, "length_controlled_winrate") col2.dataframe( prepped_df, hide_index=True, ) with st.expander("Trendline R²"): st.markdown( f"- R² (Words vs {y_column1}): {r_squared_words_1:.2f} \n- R² (Tokens vs {y_column1}): {r_squared_tokens_1:.2f}" ) with tab2: col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 2]) col1.plotly_chart(fig2) col2.markdown("#### Rankings") prepped_df = prep_rankings_table(df, "win_rate") col2.dataframe( prepped_df, hide_index=True, ) with st.expander("Trendline R²"): st.markdown( f"- R² (Words vs {y_column2}): {r_squared_words_2:.2f} \n- R² (Tokens vs {y_column2}): {r_squared_tokens_2:.2f}" ) with tab3: col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 2]) col1.plotly_chart(fig3) col2.markdown("#### Rankings") prepped_df = prep_rankings_table(df, "discrete_win_rate") col2.dataframe( prepped_df, hide_index=True, ) with st.expander("Trendline R²"): st.markdown( f"- R² (Words vs {y_column3}): {r_squared_words_3:.2f}\n- R² (Tokens vs {y_column3}): {r_squared_tokens_3:.2f}" ) st.markdown("#### Length bias in battles") df_response_judging_copy = df_response_judging.copy() if not selected_models: df_response_judging_copy["output_1_num_words"] = df_response_judging_copy[ "output_1" ].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())) df_response_judging_copy["output_2_num_words"] = df_response_judging_copy[ "output_2" ].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())) df_response_judging_copy["output_num_words_diff"] = ( df_response_judging_copy["output_1_num_words"] - df_response_judging_copy["output_2_num_words"] ) df_response_judging_copy["assigned_preference"] = ( df_response_judging_copy["preference"] .round(0) .apply(get_preference_from_rounded_score) ) else: df_response_judging_copy = df_response_judging_copy[ df_response_judging_copy["generator_2"].isin(selected_models) ] df_response_judging_copy["output_1_num_words"] = df_response_judging_copy[ "output_1" ].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())) df_response_judging_copy["output_2_num_words"] = df_response_judging_copy[ "output_2" ].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())) df_response_judging_copy["output_num_words_diff"] = ( df_response_judging_copy["output_1_num_words"] - df_response_judging_copy["output_2_num_words"] ) df_response_judging_copy["assigned_preference"] = ( df_response_judging_copy["preference"] .round(0) .apply(get_preference_from_rounded_score) ) col1, col2 = st.columns(2) fig = px.scatter( df_response_judging_copy, x="output_1_num_words", y="output_2_num_words", color="assigned_preference", title=f"Pairwise preference based on response length", labels={ "output_1_num_words": f"{fixed_model} (1) number of words", "output_2_num_words": "Target model (2) number of words", }, color_discrete_map={ "[1>2]": "blue", "[2>1]": "orangered", "[1=2]": "green", }, ) col1.plotly_chart(fig) # Plot of output_num_words_diff histogram, colored by assigned_preference. fig = px.histogram( df_response_judging_copy, x="output_num_words_diff", color="assigned_preference", title=f"Pairwise preference counts based on difference in response length", color_discrete_map={ "[1>2]": "blue", "[2>1]": "orangered", "[1=2]": "green", }, range_x=[-500, 500], labels={ "output_num_words_diff": "Length difference in words between gpt4_1106_preview and target model" }, ) col2.plotly_chart(fig) with st.expander("Raw data"): st.dataframe(df) # Data explorer with outer_tabs[0]: # Add randomize button at the top of the app st.markdown("#### Choose example") st.button( ":game_die: Randomize!", on_click=randomize_selection, type="primary", ) left_col, right_col = st.columns([1, 3]) st.session_state.selected_dataset = left_col.selectbox( "Select Dataset", ["all"] + df_response_judging["dataset"].dropna().unique().tolist(), key="dataset_selector", on_change=update_instruction_options, ) update_instruction_options() st.session_state.selected_instruction = right_col.selectbox( f"Select Instruction ({len(st.session_state.instruction_options)} unique instructions)", st.session_state.instruction_options, key="instruction_selector", on_change=update_instruction, index=( st.session_state.instruction_options.index( st.session_state.selected_instruction ) if st.session_state.selected_instruction in st.session_state.instruction_options else 0 ), ) # All the models. all_models_judgings_details = df_response_judging[ (df_response_judging["generator_1"] == fixed_model) & ( df_response_judging["instruction"] == st.session_state.selected_instruction ) ] st.divider() st.markdown(f"#### Selected instruction") st.divider() st.markdown(f"#### Overall Battles") all_models_judgings_details["output_1_num_words"] = all_models_judgings_details[ "output_1" ].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())) all_models_judgings_details["output_2_num_words"] = all_models_judgings_details[ "output_2" ].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())) all_models_judgings_details["output_num_words_diff"] = ( all_models_judgings_details["output_1_num_words"] - all_models_judgings_details["output_2_num_words"] ) all_models_judgings_details["assigned_preference"] = ( all_models_judgings_details["preference"] .round(0) .apply(get_preference_from_rounded_score) ) # st.write(all_models_judgings_details) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) fig = px.histogram( all_models_judgings_details, x="output_num_words_diff", color="assigned_preference", title=f"Pairwise preference counts based on difference in response length", color_discrete_map={ "[1>2]": "blue", "[2>1]": "orangered", "[1=2]": "green", }, range_x=[-500, 500], labels={ "output_num_words_diff": "Difference in number of words between response 1 and 2.", "assigned_preference": "Assigned Preference", }, ) col1.plotly_chart(fig) # Plot of assigned preference counts. fig = px.histogram( all_models_judgings_details, x="assigned_preference", title=f"Assigned preferences for {fixed_model} vs. all models", ) col2.plotly_chart(fig) # Models that are better than the fixed model. num_words_for_fixed_model = len( all_models_judgings_details.iloc[0]["output_1"].split() ) better_models = all_models_judgings_details[ all_models_judgings_details["assigned_preference"] == "[2>1]" ] shorter_models = better_models[ better_models["output_2_num_words"] <= num_words_for_fixed_model ] longer_models = better_models[ better_models["output_2_num_words"] > num_words_for_fixed_model ] col3.markdown( f"##### Models that are better than {fixed_model} ({num_words_for_fixed_model})" ) if shorter_models.size != 0: shorter_models_string = "" for _, shorter_model in shorter_models.iterrows(): if shorter_model["generator_2"] != fixed_model: shorter_models_string += f"- {shorter_model['generator_2']} ({shorter_model['output_2_num_words']})\n" col3.markdown("**With shorter or equal length responses:**") col3.markdown(shorter_models_string) else: col3.write("None") if longer_models.size != 0: longer_models_string = "" for _, longer_model in longer_models.iterrows(): if longer_model["generator_2"] != fixed_model: longer_models_string += f"- {longer_model['generator_2']} ({longer_model['output_2_num_words']})\n" col3.markdown("**With longer responses:**") col3.markdown(longer_models_string) else: col3.write("None") # Judging details. st.markdown(f"#### Individual Battle Details") judging_details = df_response_judging[ (df_response_judging["generator_1"] == fixed_model) & (df_response_judging["generator_2"] == st.session_state.selected_model) & ( df_response_judging["instruction"] == st.session_state.selected_instruction ) ] # if not judging_details.empty: if not judging_details["preference"].empty: preference = get_preference(judging_details["preference"]) if preference == "[1>2]": st.write( f"**{fixed_model}** is better than **{st.session_state.selected_model}**" ) else: st.write( f"**{st.session_state.selected_model}** is better than **{fixed_model}**" ) st.write( f"- **Score:** {judging_details['preference'].round(2).item()}\n- **Assigned preference:** {preference}" ) with st.expander("Additional information"): st.write( judging_details[ [ "instruction", "time_per_example", "price_per_example", "raw_completion", ] ] ) # Create two columns for model selectors st.markdown("#### Responses") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.selectbox( "Reference model", [fixed_model], key="fixed_model", ) # Get the response string for the fixed model if st.session_state.selected_instruction: preference = get_preference(judging_details["preference"]) response_details_fixed = df_response_judging[ ( df_response_judging["instruction"] == st.session_state.selected_instruction ) & (df_response_judging["generator_1"] == fixed_model) ].iloc[0] st.write( f'Number of words: {len(response_details_fixed["output_1"].split())}' ) # Display the response string if preference == "[1>2]": st.success(response_details_fixed["output_1"]) else: st.error(response_details_fixed["output_1"]) with col2: st.session_state.selected_model = st.selectbox( "Select Model", model_options, key="model_selector", on_change=update_model, index=( model_options.index(st.session_state.selected_model) if st.session_state.selected_model else 0 ), ) # Get the response string for the selected model if ( st.session_state.selected_model and st.session_state.selected_instruction ): response_details_dynamic = df_response_judging[ ( df_response_judging["instruction"] == st.session_state.selected_instruction ) & ( df_response_judging["generator_2"] == st.session_state.selected_model ) ].iloc[0] st.write( f'Number of words: {len(response_details_dynamic["output_2"].split())}' ) # Display the response string if preference == "[2>1]": st.success(response_details_dynamic["output_2"]) else: st.error(response_details_dynamic["output_2"]) if __name__ == "__main__": app()