import json import multiprocessing import os from pathlib import Path import add_qwen_libs # NOQA import jsonlines import uvicorn from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, HTTPException, Response from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from qwen_agent.log import logger from qwen_agent.utils.utils import get_local_ip from qwen_server.schema import GlobalConfig from qwen_server.utils import extract_and_cache_document from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware from import HTTPBearer # Read config with open(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'server_config.json', 'r') as f: server_config = json.load(f) server_config = GlobalConfig(**server_config) app = FastAPI() origins = [ '' + str(server_config.server.workstation_port), 'http://localhost:' + str(server_config.server.workstation_port), '' + str(server_config.server.workstation_port), 'http://' + get_local_ip() + ':' + str(server_config.server.workstation_port), ] app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, # allow_origins=origins, allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=['*'], allow_headers=['*'], ) app.mount('/static', StaticFiles(directory=server_config.path.code_interpreter_ws), name='static') def update_pop_url(data, cache_file_popup_url): new_line = {'url': data['url']} with, mode='w') as writer: writer.write(new_line) response = 'Update URL' return response def change_checkbox_state(text, cache_file): if not os.path.exists(cache_file): return {'result': 'no file'} lines = [] for line in if line['url'] == text[3:]: if line['checked']: line['checked'] = False else: line['checked'] = True lines.append(line) with, mode='w') as writer: for new_line in lines: writer.write(new_line) return {'result': 'changed'} class BasicAuthMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware): def __init__(self, app, token: str): super().__init__(app) self.required_credentials = token async def dispatch(self, request: Request, call_next): authorization: str = request.headers.get("Authorization") if authorization: try: schema, credentials = authorization.split() if credentials == self.required_credentials: return await call_next(request) except ValueError: pass headers = {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic'} return Response(status_code=401, headers=headers) app.add_middleware(BasicAuthMiddleware, token=os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN")) @app.get('/healthz') async def healthz(request: Request): return JSONResponse({"healthz": True}) @app.get('/cachedata/{file_name}') async def cache_data(file_name: str, access_token: str): if not access_token or os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN") != access_token: raise HTTPException(401, "the access token is not valid") cache_file = os.path.join(server_config.path.cache_root, file_name) lines = [] for line in lines.append(line) return JSONResponse(lines)'/endpoint') async def web_listening(request: Request): data = await request.json() access_token: str = request.headers.get("Authorization") if not access_token or os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN") != access_token: raise HTTPException(401, "the access token is not valid") msg_type = data['task'] cache_file_popup_url = os.path.join(server_config.path.cache_root, 'popup_url.jsonl') cache_file = os.path.join(server_config.path.cache_root, 'browse.jsonl') if msg_type == 'change_checkbox': rsp = change_checkbox_state(data['ckid'], cache_file) elif msg_type == 'cache': cache_obj = multiprocessing.Process( target=extract_and_cache_document, args=(data, cache_file, server_config.path.cache_root)) cache_obj.start() # rsp = cache_data(data, cache_file) rsp = 'caching' elif msg_type == 'pop_url': # What a misleading name! pop_url actually means add_url. pop is referring to the pop_up ui. rsp = update_pop_url(data, cache_file_popup_url) else: raise NotImplementedError return JSONResponse(content=rsp) import gradio as gr # from qwen_server.workstation_server import demo as workstation_app from qwen_server.assistant_server import demo as assistant_app # app = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, workstation_app, path="/workstation") app = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, assistant_app, path="/") if __name__ == '__main__':'database_server:app', host=server_config.server.server_host, port=server_config.server.fast_api_port, reload=False, workers=1)