//var database_url=""; var database_url= "https://llmbb-llmbb-agent.hf.space/endpoint"; function send_data(msg){ chrome.storage.local.get(['access_token'], function(result) { console.log(result) if (result.access_token) { console.log('access_token currently is ' + result.access_token); fetch(database_url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": result.access_token }, body: JSON.stringify(msg), }) .then((response) => { return response.json(); }) .then((data) => { console.log(msg["task"]) if(msg["task"]=="cache"){ chrome.notifications.create("cache_url", { type: 'basic', iconUrl: 'img/popup.png', title: 'add page', message: 'add page success!' }); } console.log(data); }); } }); } chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async (msg, sender) => { if (msg.flag == "open_tab_and_cache_from_content"){ var url = ""; chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function(tabs) { url = tabs[0].url; console.log(url); if (msg.data) { chrome.storage.sync.get(['data'], function(result) { chrome.storage.sync.set({ data: result.data }, function() { send_data({ 'content' : msg.data, 'query': '', 'url': url, 'task':'cache', 'type':msg.type}); }); }); } }); } if (msg.flag == "open_popup_and_send_url_from_popup"){ if (msg.data) { chrome.storage.sync.get(['data'], function(result) { chrome.storage.sync.set({ data: result.data }, function() { send_data({ 'url' : msg.data, 'task':'pop_url'}); }); }); } } // if (msg.flag == "set_addr"){ // if (msg.data) { // chrome.storage.sync.get(['data'], function(result) { // chrome.storage.sync.set({ data: result.data }, function() { // send_data({ 'addr' : msg.data, 'task':'set_addr'}); // }); // }); // } // } }); // Listen for when the extension is installed chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function () { // Set default API model let defaultModel = "gpt-35-turbo"; chrome.storage.local.set({ apiModel: defaultModel }); // Set empty chat history chrome.storage.local.set({ chatHistory: [] }); // Open the options page chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage(); });