import postgres from "postgres" import { cache } from "react" const sql = postgres(process.env.POSTGRES_URL) // will use psql environment variables export const getModels = cache(async () => { const models = await sql` SELECT models.*, SUM(results.score) as total_score FROM models LEFT JOIN results ON = results.model GROUP BY ORDER BY total_score DESC; ` console.log("models", models) const sorted = models.sort((a, b) => b.total_score - a.total_score) // set the rank, so that if two models have the same score, they have the same rank for (let i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) { const model = sorted[i] const previousModel = sorted[i - 1] if (previousModel && previousModel.total_score === model.total_score) { model.rank = previousModel.rank } else { model.rank = previousModel ? previousModel.rank + 1 : 1 } model.slug = model.api_id.split("/").pop().toLowerCase() } return sorted }) export default sql