File size: 8,701 Bytes
1f39cf9 ec7f11c 1f39cf9 ec7f11c 1f39cf9 9668cda ec7f11c 1f39cf9 ec7f11c 1f39cf9 6007e4c 2335a8f 1f39cf9 6007e4c 1f39cf9 2335a8f 1f39cf9 2335a8f 1f39cf9 2335a8f 1f39cf9 2335a8f 1f39cf9 2335a8f 1f39cf9 2335a8f 1f39cf9 2335a8f 1f39cf9 2335a8f 1f39cf9 |
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version = "v3.0"
import torch
import models
import utils
from models import pipelines, sam
from utils import parse, latents
from shared import model_dict, sam_model_dict, DEFAULT_SO_NEGATIVE_PROMPT, DEFAULT_OVERALL_NEGATIVE_PROMPT
verbose = False
vae, tokenizer, text_encoder, unet, dtype = model_dict.vae, model_dict.tokenizer, model_dict.text_encoder, model_dict.unet, model_dict.dtype
# Hyperparams
height = 512 # default height of Stable Diffusion
width = 512 # default width of Stable Diffusion
H, W = height // 8, width // 8 # size of the latent
guidance_scale = 7.5 # Scale for classifier-free guidance
# batch size that is not 1 is not supported
so_batch_size = 1
overall_batch_size = 1
# discourage masks with confidence below
discourage_mask_below_confidence = 0.85
# discourage masks with iou (with coarse binarized attention mask) below
discourage_mask_below_coarse_iou = 0.25
run_ind = None
def generate_single_object_with_box(prompt, box, phrase, word, input_latents, input_embeddings,
sam_refine_kwargs, num_inference_steps, gligen_scheduled_sampling_beta=0.3,
verbose=False, scheduler_key=None, visualize=True):
bboxes, phrases, words = [box], [phrase], [word]
latents, single_object_images, single_object_pil_images_box_ann, latents_all = pipelines.generate_gligen(
model_dict, input_latents, input_embeddings, num_inference_steps, bboxes, phrases, gligen_scheduled_sampling_beta=gligen_scheduled_sampling_beta,
guidance_scale=guidance_scale, return_saved_cross_attn=False,
return_box_vis=True, save_all_latents=True, scheduler_key=scheduler_key
mask_selected, conf_score_selected = sam.sam_refine_box(sam_input_image=single_object_images[0], box=box, model_dict=model_dict, verbose=verbose, **sam_refine_kwargs)
mask_selected_tensor = torch.tensor(mask_selected)
return latents_all, mask_selected_tensor, single_object_pil_images_box_ann[0]
def get_masked_latents_all_list(so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list, input_latents_list, so_input_embeddings, verbose=False, **kwargs):
latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list, so_img_list = [], [], []
if not so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list:
return latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list
so_uncond_embeddings, so_cond_embeddings = so_input_embeddings
for idx, ((prompt, phrase, word, box), input_latents) in enumerate(zip(so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list, input_latents_list)):
so_current_cond_embeddings = so_cond_embeddings[idx:idx+1]
so_current_text_embeddings =[so_uncond_embeddings, so_current_cond_embeddings], dim=0)
so_current_input_embeddings = so_current_text_embeddings, so_uncond_embeddings, so_current_cond_embeddings
latents_all, mask_tensor, so_img = generate_single_object_with_box(prompt, box, phrase, word, input_latents, input_embeddings=so_current_input_embeddings, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
return latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list, so_img_list
# Note: need to keep the supervision, especially the box corrdinates, corresponds to each other in single object and overall.
def run(
spec, bg_seed = 1, overall_prompt_override="", fg_seed_start = 20, frozen_step_ratio=0.4, gligen_scheduled_sampling_beta = 0.3, num_inference_steps = 20,
so_center_box = False, fg_blending_ratio = 0.1, scheduler_key='dpm_scheduler', so_negative_prompt = DEFAULT_SO_NEGATIVE_PROMPT, overall_negative_prompt = DEFAULT_OVERALL_NEGATIVE_PROMPT, so_horizontal_center_only = True,
align_with_overall_bboxes = False, horizontal_shift_only = True, use_autocast = False
so_center_box: using centered box in single object generation
so_horizontal_center_only: move to the center horizontally only
align_with_overall_bboxes: Align the center of the mask, latents, and cross-attention with the center of the box in overall bboxes
horizontal_shift_only: only shift horizontally for the alignment of mask, latents, and cross-attention
print("generation:", spec, bg_seed, fg_seed_start, frozen_step_ratio, gligen_scheduled_sampling_beta)
frozen_step_ratio = min(max(frozen_step_ratio, 0.), 1.)
frozen_steps = int(num_inference_steps * frozen_step_ratio)
if True:
so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list, overall_prompt, overall_phrases_words_bboxes = parse.convert_spec(spec, height, width, verbose=verbose)
if overall_prompt_override and overall_prompt_override.strip():
overall_prompt = overall_prompt_override.strip()
overall_phrases, overall_words, overall_bboxes = [item[0] for item in overall_phrases_words_bboxes], [item[1] for item in overall_phrases_words_bboxes], [item[2] for item in overall_phrases_words_bboxes]
# The so box is centered but the overall boxes are not (since we need to place to the right place).
if so_center_box:
so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list = [(prompt, phrase, word, utils.get_centered_box(bbox, horizontal_center_only=so_horizontal_center_only)) for prompt, phrase, word, bbox in so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list]
if verbose:
print(f"centered so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list: {so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list}")
so_boxes = [item[-1] for item in so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list]
sam_refine_kwargs = dict(
discourage_mask_below_confidence=discourage_mask_below_confidence, discourage_mask_below_coarse_iou=discourage_mask_below_coarse_iou,
height=height, width=width, H=H, W=W
# Note that so and overall use different negative prompts
with torch.autocast("cuda", enabled=use_autocast):
so_prompts = [item[0] for item in so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list]
if so_prompts:
so_input_embeddings = models.encode_prompts(prompts=so_prompts, tokenizer=tokenizer, text_encoder=text_encoder, negative_prompt=so_negative_prompt, one_uncond_input_only=True)
so_input_embeddings = []
overall_input_embeddings = models.encode_prompts(prompts=[overall_prompt], tokenizer=tokenizer, negative_prompt=overall_negative_prompt, text_encoder=text_encoder)
input_latents_list, latents_bg = latents.get_input_latents_list(
model_dict, bg_seed=bg_seed, fg_seed_start=fg_seed_start,
so_boxes=so_boxes, fg_blending_ratio=fg_blending_ratio, height=height, width=width, verbose=False
latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list, so_img_list = get_masked_latents_all_list(
so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list, input_latents_list,
sam_refine_kwargs=sam_refine_kwargs, so_input_embeddings=so_input_embeddings, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps, scheduler_key=scheduler_key, verbose=verbose
composed_latents, foreground_indices, offset_list = latents.compose_latents_with_alignment(
model_dict, latents_all_list, mask_tensor_list, num_inference_steps,
overall_batch_size, height, width, latents_bg=latents_bg,
align_with_overall_bboxes=align_with_overall_bboxes, overall_bboxes=overall_bboxes,
overall_bboxes_flattened, overall_phrases_flattened = [], []
for overall_bboxes_item, overall_phrase in zip(overall_bboxes, overall_phrases):
for overall_bbox in overall_bboxes_item:
# Generate with composed latents
# Foreground should be frozen
frozen_mask = foreground_indices != 0
regen_latents, images = pipelines.generate_gligen(
model_dict, composed_latents, overall_input_embeddings, num_inference_steps,
overall_bboxes_flattened, overall_phrases_flattened, guidance_scale=guidance_scale,
frozen_steps=frozen_steps, frozen_mask=frozen_mask, scheduler_key=scheduler_key
print(f"Generation with spatial guidance from input latents and first {frozen_steps} steps frozen (directly from the composed latents input)")
print("Generation from composed latents (with semantic guidance)")
# display(Image.fromarray(images[0]), "img", run_ind)
return images[0], so_img_list