Tony Lian
Improve error handling in parsing
history blame
13.8 kB
import ast
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import warnings
import inflect
import gradio as gr
p = inflect.engine()
# user_error = ValueError
user_error = gr.Error
img_dir = "imgs"
objects_text = "Objects: "
bg_prompt_text = "Background prompt: "
bg_prompt_text_no_trailing_space = bg_prompt_text.rstrip()
neg_prompt_text = "Negative prompt: "
neg_prompt_text_no_trailing_space = neg_prompt_text.rstrip()
# h, w
box_scale = (512, 512)
size = box_scale
size_h, size_w = size
print(f"Using box scale: {box_scale}")
def parse_input(text=None, no_input=False):
warnings.warn("Parsing input without negative prompt is deprecated.")
if not text:
if no_input:
raise user_error(f"No input parsed in \"{text}\".")
text = input("Enter the response: ")
if objects_text in text:
text = text.split(objects_text)[1]
text_split = text.split(bg_prompt_text_no_trailing_space)
if len(text_split) == 2:
gen_boxes, bg_prompt = text_split
elif len(text_split) == 1:
if no_input:
raise user_error(f"Invalid input (no background prompt): {text}")
gen_boxes = text
bg_prompt = ""
while not bg_prompt:
# Ignore the empty lines in the response
bg_prompt = input("Enter the background prompt: ").strip()
if bg_prompt_text_no_trailing_space in bg_prompt:
bg_prompt = bg_prompt.split(bg_prompt_text_no_trailing_space)[1]
raise user_error(f"Invalid input (possibly multiple background prompts): {text}")
gen_boxes = ast.literal_eval(gen_boxes)
except SyntaxError as e:
# Sometimes the response is in plain text
if "No objects" in gen_boxes:
gen_boxes = []
raise e
bg_prompt = bg_prompt.strip()
return gen_boxes, bg_prompt
def parse_input_with_negative(text=None, no_input=False):
# no_input: should not request interactive input
if not text:
if no_input:
raise user_error(f"No input parsed in \"{text}\".")
text = input("Enter the response: ")
if objects_text in text:
text = text.split(objects_text)[1]
text_split = text.split(bg_prompt_text_no_trailing_space)
if len(text_split) == 2:
gen_boxes, text_rem = text_split
elif len(text_split) == 1:
if no_input:
raise user_error(f"Invalid input (no background prompt): {text}")
gen_boxes = text
text_rem = ""
while not text_rem:
# Ignore the empty lines in the response
text_rem = input("Enter the background prompt: ").strip()
if bg_prompt_text_no_trailing_space in text_rem:
text_rem = text_rem.split(bg_prompt_text_no_trailing_space)[1]
raise user_error(f"Invalid input (possibly multiple background prompts): {text}")
text_split = text_rem.split(neg_prompt_text_no_trailing_space)
if len(text_split) == 2:
bg_prompt, neg_prompt = text_split
elif len(text_split) == 1:
bg_prompt = text_rem
# Negative prompt is optional: if it's not provided, we default to empty string
neg_prompt = ""
if not no_input:
# Ignore the empty lines in the response
neg_prompt = input("Enter the negative prompt: ").strip()
if neg_prompt_text_no_trailing_space in neg_prompt:
neg_prompt = neg_prompt.split(neg_prompt_text_no_trailing_space)[1]
raise user_error(f"Invalid input (possibly multiple negative prompts): {text}")
gen_boxes = ast.literal_eval(gen_boxes)
except SyntaxError as e:
# Sometimes the response is in plain text
if "No objects" in gen_boxes or gen_boxes.strip() == "":
gen_boxes = []
raise e
bg_prompt = bg_prompt.strip()
neg_prompt = neg_prompt.strip()
# LLM may return "None" to mean no negative prompt provided.
if neg_prompt == "None":
neg_prompt = ""
return gen_boxes, bg_prompt, neg_prompt
def filter_boxes(gen_boxes, scale_boxes=True, ignore_background=True, max_scale=3):
if gen_boxes is None:
return []
if len(gen_boxes) == 0:
return []
box_dict_format = False
gen_boxes_new = []
for gen_box in gen_boxes:
if isinstance(gen_box, dict):
if not gen_box['bounding_box']:
name, [bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_w, bbox_h] = gen_box['name'], gen_box['bounding_box']
box_dict_format = True
if not gen_box[1]:
name, [bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_w, bbox_h] = gen_box
if bbox_w <= 0 or bbox_h <= 0:
# Empty boxes
if ignore_background:
if (bbox_w >= size[1] and bbox_h >= size[0]) or bbox_x > size[1] or bbox_y > size[0]:
# Ignore the background boxes
if bbox_x < 0 or bbox_y < 0 or bbox_x + bbox_w > size[1] or bbox_y + bbox_h > size[0]:
# Out of bounds boxes exist: we need to scale and shift all the boxes
print(f"**Some boxes are out of bounds: {gen_box}, scaling all the boxes to fit**")
scale_boxes = True
gen_boxes = gen_boxes_new
if len(gen_boxes) == 0:
return []
filtered_gen_boxes = []
if box_dict_format:
# For compatibility
bbox_left_x_min = min([gen_box['bounding_box'][0] for gen_box in gen_boxes])
bbox_right_x_max = max([gen_box['bounding_box'][0] + gen_box['bounding_box'][2] for gen_box in gen_boxes])
bbox_top_y_min = min([gen_box['bounding_box'][1] for gen_box in gen_boxes])
bbox_bottom_y_max = max([gen_box['bounding_box'][1] + gen_box['bounding_box'][3] for gen_box in gen_boxes])
bbox_left_x_min = min([gen_box[1][0] for gen_box in gen_boxes])
bbox_right_x_max = max([gen_box[1][0] + gen_box[1][2] for gen_box in gen_boxes])
bbox_top_y_min = min([gen_box[1][1] for gen_box in gen_boxes])
bbox_bottom_y_max = max([gen_box[1][1] + gen_box[1][3] for gen_box in gen_boxes])
# All boxes are empty
if (bbox_right_x_max - bbox_left_x_min) == 0:
return []
# Used if scale_boxes is True
shift = -bbox_left_x_min
# Make sure the boxes fit horizontally and vertically
scale_w = size_w / (bbox_right_x_max - bbox_left_x_min)
scale_h = size_h / (bbox_bottom_y_max - bbox_top_y_min)
scale = min(scale_w, scale_h, max_scale)
for gen_box in gen_boxes:
if box_dict_format:
name, [bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_w, bbox_h] = gen_box['name'], gen_box['bounding_box']
name, [bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_w, bbox_h] = gen_box
if scale_boxes:
# Vertical: move the boxes if out of bound
# Horizontal: move and scale the boxes so it spans the horizontal line
bbox_x = (bbox_x + shift) * scale
bbox_y = bbox_y * scale
bbox_w, bbox_h = bbox_w * scale, bbox_h * scale
# TODO: verify this makes the y center not moving
bbox_y_offset = 0
if bbox_top_y_min * scale + bbox_y_offset < 0:
bbox_y_offset -= bbox_top_y_min * scale
if bbox_bottom_y_max * scale + bbox_y_offset >= size_h:
bbox_y_offset -= bbox_bottom_y_max * scale - size_h
bbox_y += bbox_y_offset
if bbox_y < 0:
bbox_y, bbox_h = 0, bbox_h - bbox_y
name = name.rstrip(".")
bounding_box = (int(np.round(bbox_x)), int(np.round(bbox_y)), int(np.round(bbox_w)), int(np.round(bbox_h)))
if box_dict_format:
gen_box = {
'name': name,
'bounding_box': bounding_box
gen_box = (name, bounding_box)
return filtered_gen_boxes
def draw_boxes(anns):
ax = plt.gca()
polygons = []
color = []
for ann in anns:
c = (np.random.random((1, 3))*0.6+0.4)
[bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_w, bbox_h] = ann['bbox']
poly = [[bbox_x, bbox_y], [bbox_x, bbox_y+bbox_h],
[bbox_x+bbox_w, bbox_y+bbox_h], [bbox_x+bbox_w, bbox_y]]
np_poly = np.array(poly).reshape((4, 2))
# print(ann)
name = ann['name'] if 'name' in ann else str(ann['category_id'])
ax.text(bbox_x, bbox_y, name, style='italic',
bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 0.7, 'pad': 5})
p = PatchCollection(polygons, facecolor='none',
edgecolors=color, linewidths=2)
def show_boxes(gen_boxes, bg_prompt=None, neg_prompt=None, ind=None, show=False):
if len(gen_boxes) == 0:
if isinstance(gen_boxes[0], dict):
anns = [{'name': gen_box['name'], 'bbox': gen_box['bounding_box']}
for gen_box in gen_boxes]
anns = [{'name': gen_box[0], 'bbox': gen_box[1]} for gen_box in gen_boxes]
# White background (to allow line to show on the edge)
I = np.ones((size[0]+4, size[1]+4, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255
if bg_prompt is not None:
ax = plt.gca()
ax.text(0, 0, bg_prompt + f"(Neg: {neg_prompt})" if neg_prompt else bg_prompt, style='italic',
bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 0.7, 'pad': 5})
c = (np.zeros((1, 3)))
[bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_w, bbox_h] = (0, 0, size[1], size[0])
poly = [[bbox_x, bbox_y], [bbox_x, bbox_y+bbox_h],
[bbox_x+bbox_w, bbox_y+bbox_h], [bbox_x+bbox_w, bbox_y]]
np_poly = np.array(poly).reshape((4, 2))
polygons = [Polygon(np_poly)]
color = [c]
p = PatchCollection(polygons, facecolor='none',
edgecolors=color, linewidths=2)
if show:
def show_masks(masks):
masks_to_show = np.zeros((*size, 3), dtype=np.float32)
for mask in masks:
c = (np.random.random((3,))*0.6+0.4)
masks_to_show += mask[..., None] * c[None, None, :]
def convert_box(box, height, width):
# box: x, y, w, h (in 512 format) -> x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max
x_min, y_min = box[0] / width, box[1] / height
w_box, h_box = box[2] / width, box[3] / height
x_max, y_max = x_min + w_box, y_min + h_box
return x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max
def convert_spec(spec, height, width, include_counts=True, verbose=False):
# Infer from spec
prompt, gen_boxes, bg_prompt = spec['prompt'], spec['gen_boxes'], spec['bg_prompt']
# This ensures the same objects appear together because flattened `overall_phrases_bboxes` should EXACTLY correspond to `so_prompt_phrase_box_list`.
gen_boxes = sorted(gen_boxes, key=lambda gen_box: gen_box[0])
gen_boxes = [(name, convert_box(box, height=height, width=width)) for name, box in gen_boxes]
# NOTE: so phrase should include all the words associated to the object (otherwise "an orange dog" may be recognized as "an orange" by the model generating the background).
# so word should have one token that includes the word to transfer cross attention (the object name).
# Currently using the last word of the object name as word.
if bg_prompt:
so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list = [(f"{bg_prompt} with {name}", name, name.split(" ")[-1], box) for name, box in gen_boxes]
so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list = [(f"{name}", name, name.split(" ")[-1], box) for name, box in gen_boxes]
objects = [gen_box[0] for gen_box in gen_boxes]
objects_unique, objects_count = np.unique(objects, return_counts=True)
num_total_matched_boxes = 0
overall_phrases_words_bboxes = []
for ind, object_name in enumerate(objects_unique):
bboxes = [box for name, box in gen_boxes if name == object_name]
if objects_count[ind] > 1:
phrase = p.plural_noun(object_name.replace("an ", "").replace("a ", ""))
if include_counts:
phrase = p.number_to_words(objects_count[ind]) + " " + phrase
phrase = object_name
# Currently using the last word of the phrase as word.
word = phrase.split(' ')[-1]
num_total_matched_boxes += len(bboxes)
overall_phrases_words_bboxes.append((phrase, word, bboxes))
assert num_total_matched_boxes == len(gen_boxes), f"{num_total_matched_boxes} != {len(gen_boxes)}"
objects_str = ", ".join([phrase for phrase, _, _ in overall_phrases_words_bboxes])
if objects_str:
if bg_prompt:
overall_prompt = f"{bg_prompt} with {objects_str}"
overall_prompt = objects_str
overall_prompt = bg_prompt
if verbose:
print("so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list:", so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list)
print("overall_prompt:", overall_prompt)
print("overall_phrases_words_bboxes:", overall_phrases_words_bboxes)
return so_prompt_phrase_word_box_list, overall_prompt, overall_phrases_words_bboxes