Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 19,719 Bytes
7daaa6b |
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
AMR (Abstract Meaning Representation) structure
For detailed description of AMR, see
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
# change this if needed
ERROR_LOG = sys.stderr
# change this if needed
DEBUG_LOG = sys.stderr
class AMR(object):
AMR is a rooted, labeled graph to represent semantics.
This class has the following members:
nodes: list of node in the graph. Its ith element is the name of the ith node. For example, a node name
could be "a1", "b", "g2", .etc
node_values: list of node labels (values) of the graph. Its ith element is the value associated with node i in
nodes list. In AMR, such value is usually a semantic concept (e.g. "boy", "want-01")
root: root node name
relations: list of edges connecting two nodes in the graph. Each entry is a link between two nodes, i.e. a triple
<relation name, node1 name, node 2 name>. In AMR, such link denotes the relation between two semantic
concepts. For example, "arg0" means that one of the concepts is the 0th argument of the other.
attributes: list of edges connecting a node to an attribute name and its value. For example, if the polarity of
some node is negative, there should be an edge connecting this node and "-". A triple < attribute name,
node name, attribute value> is used to represent such attribute. It can also be viewed as a relation.
def __init__(self, node_list=None, node_value_list=None, relation_list=None, attribute_list=None):
node_list: names of nodes in AMR graph, e.g. "a11", "n"
node_value_list: values of nodes in AMR graph, e.g. "group" for a node named "g"
relation_list: list of relations between two nodes
attribute_list: list of attributes (links between one node and one constant value)
# initialize AMR graph nodes using list of nodes name
# root, by default, is the first in var_list
if node_list is None:
self.nodes = []
self.root = None
self.nodes = node_list[:]
if len(node_list) != 0:
self.root = node_list[0]
self.root = None
if node_value_list is None:
self.node_values = []
self.node_values = node_value_list[:]
if relation_list is None:
self.relations = []
self.relations = relation_list[:]
if attribute_list is None:
self.attributes = []
self.attributes = attribute_list[:]
def rename_node(self, prefix):
Rename AMR graph nodes to prefix + node_index to avoid nodes with the same name in two different AMRs.
node_map_dict = {}
# map each node to its new name (e.g. "a1")
for i in range(0, len(self.nodes)):
node_map_dict[self.nodes[i]] = prefix + str(i)
# update node name
for i, v in enumerate(self.nodes):
self.nodes[i] = node_map_dict[v]
# update node name in relations
for node_relations in self.relations:
for i, l in enumerate(node_relations):
node_relations[i][1] = node_map_dict[l[1]]
def get_triples(self):
Get the triples in three lists.
instance_triple: a triple representing an instance. E.g. instance(w, want-01)
attribute triple: relation of attributes, e.g. polarity(w, - )
and relation triple, e.g. arg0 (w, b)
instance_triple = []
relation_triple = []
attribute_triple = []
for i in range(len(self.nodes)):
instance_triple.append(("instance", self.nodes[i], self.node_values[i]))
# l[0] is relation name
# l[1] is the other node this node has relation with
for l in self.relations[i]:
relation_triple.append((l[0], self.nodes[i], l[1]))
# l[0] is the attribute name
# l[1] is the attribute value
for l in self.attributes[i]:
attribute_triple.append((l[0], self.nodes[i], l[1]))
return instance_triple, attribute_triple, relation_triple
def get_triples2(self):
Get the triples in two lists:
instance_triple: a triple representing an instance. E.g. instance(w, want-01)
relation_triple: a triple representing all relations. E.g arg0 (w, b) or E.g. polarity(w, - )
Note that we do not differentiate between attribute triple and relation triple. Both are considered as relation
All triples are represented by (triple_type, argument 1 of the triple, argument 2 of the triple)
instance_triple = []
relation_triple = []
for i in range(len(self.nodes)):
# an instance triple is instance(node name, node value).
# For example, instance(b, boy).
instance_triple.append(("instance", self.nodes[i], self.node_values[i]))
# l[0] is relation name
# l[1] is the other node this node has relation with
for l in self.relations[i]:
relation_triple.append((l[0], self.nodes[i], l[1]))
# l[0] is the attribute name
# l[1] is the attribute value
for l in self.attributes[i]:
relation_triple.append((l[0], self.nodes[i], l[1]))
return instance_triple, relation_triple
def __str__(self):
Generate AMR string for better readability
lines = []
for i in range(len(self.nodes)):
lines.append("Node "+ str(i) + " " + self.nodes[i])
lines.append("Value: " + self.node_values[i])
for relation in self.relations[i]:
lines.append("Node " + relation[1] + " via " + relation[0])
for attribute in self.attributes[i]:
lines.append("Attribute: " + attribute[0] + " value " + attribute[1])
return "\n".join(lines)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def output_amr(self):
Output AMR string
print(self.__str__(), file=DEBUG_LOG)
def get_amr_line(input_f):
Read the file containing AMRs. AMRs are separated by a blank line.
Each call of get_amr_line() returns the next available AMR (in one-line form).
Note: this function does not verify if the AMR is valid
cur_amr = []
has_content = False
for line in input_f:
line = line.strip()
if line == "":
if not has_content:
# empty lines before current AMR
# end of current AMR
if line.strip().startswith("#"):
# ignore the comment line (starting with "#") in the AMR file
has_content = True
return "".join(cur_amr)
def parse_AMR_line(line):
Parse a AMR from line representation to an AMR object.
This parsing algorithm scans the line once and process each character, in a shift-reduce style.
# Current state. It denotes the last significant symbol encountered. 1 for (, 2 for :, 3 for /,
# and 0 for start state or ')'
# Last significant symbol is ( --- start processing node name
# Last significant symbol is : --- start processing relation name
# Last significant symbol is / --- start processing node value (concept name)
# Last significant symbol is ) --- current node processing is complete
# Note that if these symbols are inside parenthesis, they are not significant symbols.
state = 0
# node stack for parsing
stack = []
# current not-yet-reduced character sequence
cur_charseq = []
# key: node name value: node value
node_dict = {}
# node name list (order: occurrence of the node)
node_name_list = []
# key: node name: value: list of (relation name, the other node name)
node_relation_dict1 = defaultdict(list)
# key: node name, value: list of (attribute name, const value) or (relation name, unseen node name)
node_relation_dict2 = defaultdict(list)
# current relation name
cur_relation_name = ""
# having unmatched quote string
in_quote = False
for i, c in enumerate(line.strip()):
if c == " ":
# allow space in relation name
if state == 2:
if c == "\"":
# flip in_quote value when a quote symbol is encountered
# insert placeholder if in_quote from last symbol
if in_quote:
in_quote = not in_quote
elif c == "(":
# not significant symbol if inside quote
if in_quote:
# get the attribute name
# e.g :arg0 (x ...
# at this point we get "arg0"
if state == 2:
# in this state, current relation name should be empty
if cur_relation_name != "":
print("Format error when processing ", line[0:i + 1], file=ERROR_LOG)
return None
# update current relation name for future use
cur_relation_name = "".join(cur_charseq).strip()
cur_charseq[:] = []
state = 1
elif c == ":":
# not significant symbol if inside quote
if in_quote:
# Last significant symbol is "/". Now we encounter ":"
# Example:
# :OR (o2 / *OR*
# :mod (o3 / official)
# gets node value "*OR*" at this point
if state == 3:
node_value = "".join(cur_charseq)
# clear current char sequence
cur_charseq[:] = []
# pop node name ("o2" in the above example)
cur_node_name = stack[-1]
# update node name/value map
node_dict[cur_node_name] = node_value
# Last significant symbol is ":". Now we encounter ":"
# Example:
# :op1 w :quant 30
# or :day 14 :month 3
# the problem is that we cannot decide if node value is attribute value (constant)
# or node value (variable) at this moment
elif state == 2:
temp_attr_value = "".join(cur_charseq)
cur_charseq[:] = []
parts = temp_attr_value.split()
if len(parts) < 2:
print("Error in processing; part len < 2", line[0:i + 1], file=ERROR_LOG)
return None
# For the above example, node name is "op1", and node value is "w"
# Note that this node name might not be encountered before
relation_name = parts[0].strip()
relation_value = parts[1].strip()
# We need to link upper level node to the current
# top of stack is upper level node
if len(stack) == 0:
print("Error in processing", line[:i], relation_name, relation_value, file=ERROR_LOG)
return None
# if we have not seen this node name before
if relation_value not in node_dict:
node_relation_dict2[stack[-1]].append((relation_name, relation_value))
node_relation_dict1[stack[-1]].append((relation_name, relation_value))
state = 2
elif c == "/":
if in_quote:
# Last significant symbol is "(". Now we encounter "/"
# Example:
# (d / default-01
# get "d" here
if state == 1:
node_name = "".join(cur_charseq)
cur_charseq[:] = []
# if this node name is already in node_dict, it is duplicate
if node_name in node_dict:
print("Duplicate node name ", node_name, " in parsing AMR", file=ERROR_LOG)
return None
# push the node name to stack
# add it to node name list
# if this node is part of the relation
# Example:
# :arg1 (n / nation)
# cur_relation_name is arg1
# node name is n
# we have a relation arg1(upper level node, n)
if cur_relation_name != "":
# if relation name ends with "-of", e.g."arg0-of",
# it is reverse of some relation. For example, if a is "arg0-of" b,
# we can also say b is "arg0" a.
# If the relation name ends with "-of", we store the reverse relation.
if True or not cur_relation_name.endswith("-of"):
# stack[-2] is upper_level node we encountered, as we just add node_name to stack
node_relation_dict1[stack[-2]].append((cur_relation_name, node_name))
# cur_relation_name[:-3] is to delete "-of"
node_relation_dict1[node_name].append((cur_relation_name[:-3], stack[-2]))
# clear current_relation_name
cur_relation_name = ""
# error if in other state
print("Error in parsing AMR", line[0:i + 1], file=ERROR_LOG)
return None
state = 3
elif c == ")":
if in_quote:
# stack should be non-empty to find upper level node
if len(stack) == 0:
print("Unmatched parenthesis at position", i, "in processing", line[0:i + 1], file=ERROR_LOG)
return None
# Last significant symbol is ":". Now we encounter ")"
# Example:
# :op2 "Brown") or :op2 w)
# get \"Brown\" or w here
if state == 2:
temp_attr_value = "".join(cur_charseq)
cur_charseq[:] = []
parts = temp_attr_value.split()
if len(parts) < 2:
print("Error processing", line[:i + 1], temp_attr_value, file=ERROR_LOG)
return None
relation_name = parts[0].strip()
relation_value = parts[1].strip()
# store reverse of the relation
# we are sure relation_value is a node here, as "-of" relation is only between two nodes
if False and relation_name.endswith("-of"):
node_relation_dict1[relation_value].append((relation_name[:-3], stack[-1]))
# attribute value not seen before
# Note that it might be a constant attribute value, or an unseen node
# process this after we have seen all the node names
elif relation_value not in node_dict:
node_relation_dict2[stack[-1]].append((relation_name, relation_value))
node_relation_dict1[stack[-1]].append((relation_name, relation_value))
# Last significant symbol is "/". Now we encounter ")"
# Example:
# :arg1 (n / nation)
# we get "nation" here
elif state == 3:
node_value = "".join(cur_charseq)
cur_charseq[:] = []
cur_node_name = stack[-1]
# map node name to its value
node_dict[cur_node_name] = node_value
# pop from stack, as the current node has been processed
cur_relation_name = ""
state = 0
# not significant symbols, so we just shift.
#create data structures to initialize an AMR
node_value_list = []
relation_list = []
attribute_list = []
for v in node_name_list:
if v not in node_dict:
print("Error: Node name not found", v, file=ERROR_LOG)
return None
# build relation list and attribute list for this node
node_rel_list = []
node_attr_list = []
if v in node_relation_dict1:
for v1 in node_relation_dict1[v]:
node_rel_list.append([v1[0], v1[1]])
if v in node_relation_dict2:
for v2 in node_relation_dict2[v]:
# if value is in quote, it is a constant value
# strip the quote and put it in attribute map
if v2[1][0] == "\"" and v2[1][-1] == "\"":
node_attr_list.append([[v2[0]], v2[1][1:-1]])
# if value is a node name
elif v2[1] in node_dict:
node_rel_list.append([v2[0], v2[1]])
node_attr_list.append([v2[0], v2[1]])
# each node has a relation list and attribute list
# add TOP as an attribute. The attribute value is the top node value
attribute_list[0].append(["TOP", node_value_list[0]])
result_amr = AMR(node_name_list, node_value_list, relation_list, attribute_list)
return result_amr
# test AMR parsing
# run by [file containing AMR]
# a unittest can also be used.
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("No file given", file=ERROR_LOG)
amr_count = 1
for line in open(sys.argv[1]):
cur_line = line.strip()
if cur_line == "" or cur_line.startswith("#"):
print("AMR", amr_count, file=DEBUG_LOG)
current = AMR.parse_AMR_line(cur_line)
amr_count += 1