import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import io def extract_table_and_format_from_markdown_text(markdown_table: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extracts a table from a markdown text and formats it as a pandas DataFrame. Args: text (str): Markdown text containing a table. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table as pandas DataFrame. """ df = ( pd.read_table(io.StringIO(markdown_table), sep="|", header=0, index_col=1) .dropna(axis=1, how="all") # drop empty columns .iloc[1:] # drop first row which is the "----" separator of the original markdown table .sort_index(ascending=True) .replace(r"^\s*$", float("nan"), regex=True) .astype(float, errors="ignore") ) # remove whitespace from column names and index df.columns = df.columns.str.strip() df.index = df.index.str.strip() return df def extract_markdown_table_from_multiline(multiline: str, table_headline: str, next_headline_start: str = "#") -> str: """Extracts the markdown table from a multiline string. Args: multiline (str): content of file. table_headline (str): Headline of the table in the file. next_headline_start (str, optional): Start of the next headline. Defaults to "#". Returns: str: Markdown table. Raises: ValueError: If the table could not be found. """ # extract everything between the table headline and the next headline table = [] start = False for line in multiline.split("\n"): if line.startswith(table_headline): start = True elif line.startswith(next_headline_start): start = False elif start: table.append(line + "\n") if len(table) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Could not find table with headline '{table_headline}'") return "".join(table) def filter_dataframe(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Adds a UI on top of a dataframe to let viewers filter columns Modified from Args: df (pd.DataFrame): Original dataframe Returns: pd.DataFrame: Filtered dataframe """ modify = st.checkbox("Add filters") if not modify: return df df = df.copy() modification_container = st.container() with modification_container: to_filter_index = st.multiselect("Filter by model:", df.index) if to_filter_index: df = pd.DataFrame(df.loc[to_filter_index]) to_filter_columns = st.multiselect("Filter by benchmark:", df.columns) if to_filter_columns: df = pd.DataFrame(df[to_filter_columns]) return df def setup_basic(): title = "🏆 LLM-Leaderboard" st.set_page_config( page_title=title, page_icon="🏆", layout="wide", ) st.title(title) st.markdown( """ A joint community effort to create one central leaderboard for LLMs. Visit [llm-leaderboard]( to contribute. """ ) def setup_leaderboard(readme: str): leaderboard_table = extract_markdown_table_from_multiline(readme, table_headline="## Leaderboard") df_leaderboard = extract_table_and_format_from_markdown_text(leaderboard_table) st.markdown("## Leaderboard") st.dataframe(filter_dataframe(df_leaderboard)) def setup_benchmarks(readme: str): benchmarks_table = extract_markdown_table_from_multiline(readme, table_headline="## Benchmarks") df_benchmarks = extract_table_and_format_from_markdown_text(benchmarks_table) st.markdown("## Covered Benchmarks") selected_benchmark = st.selectbox("Select a benchmark to learn more:", df_benchmarks.index.unique()) df_selected = df_benchmarks.loc[selected_benchmark] text = [ f"Name: {selected_benchmark} ", ] for key in df_selected.keys(): text.append(f"{key}: {df_selected[key]} ") st.markdown("\n".join(text)) def setup_sources(readme: str): sources_table = extract_markdown_table_from_multiline(readme, table_headline="## Sources") df_sources = extract_table_and_format_from_markdown_text(sources_table) st.markdown("## Sources of Above Figures") selected_source = st.selectbox("Select a source to learn more:", df_sources.index.unique()) df_selected = df_sources.loc[selected_source] text = [ f"Author: {selected_source} ", ] for key in df_selected.keys(): text.append(f"{key}: {df_selected[key]} ") st.markdown("\n".join(text)) def setup_footer(): st.markdown( """ --- Made with ❤️ by the awesome open-source community from all over 🌍. """ ) def main(): setup_basic() with open("", "r") as f: readme = setup_leaderboard(readme) setup_benchmarks(readme) setup_sources(readme) setup_footer() if __name__ == "__main__": main()