harms-law / app.py
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import gradio as gr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
INTRO = """# Harm's law
The Chinchilla scaling laws focus on optimally scaling training compute but often we also care about inference cost.
This tool follows [Harm de Vries' blog post](https://www.harmdevries.com/post/model-size-vs-compute-overhead/) and visualizes the tradeoff between training compute and inference cost (i.e. model size).
E = 1.62
A = 406.4
B = 410.7
alpha = 0.336
beta = 0.283
Bn = 10**9
G = ((alpha*A)/(beta*B))**(1/(alpha+beta))
def to_flops(N, D):
return 6 * N * D
def n_opt(C):
return G * ((C/6) ** (beta / (alpha+beta)))
def d_opt(C):
return (1/G) * ((C/6) ** (alpha / (alpha+beta)))
def compute_kd(kn):
frac = (A/B)*(G**(-alpha-beta))
kd = (1-((kn**-alpha -1)*frac))**(1/(-beta))
return kd
def compute_overhead(kn, kd):
return kn*kd - 1
kn_min = 0.2
kn_max = 2
kns = np.linspace(0.2, 2, 100)
overheads = []
for kn in kns:
kd = compute_kd(kn)
overheads.append(compute_overhead(kn, kd)*100)
def plot_curve(kn, kd):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=200, figsize=(5, 3))
plt.plot(kns, overheads, color="black", zorder=1)
plt.scatter([kn], [compute_overhead(kn, kd)*100], s=100, marker="o", c="red", label="You are here!", zorder=2)
plt.scatter([1.0], [0.0], marker="o", s=100, c="blue", label="Chinchilla optimal", zorder=2)
plt.xlabel("Fraction of Chinchilla optimal model size")
plt.ylabel("Compute overhead (%)")
plt.grid(True, which="both")
plt.grid(True, which="minor", alpha=0.5)
return fig
def compute(N, D):
C = to_flops(N * Bn, D * Bn)
N_opt = n_opt(C)
D_opt = d_opt(C)
kn = Bn*N/N_opt
kd = compute_kd(kn)
fig = plot_curve(kn, kd)
text = f"""\
## Compute:
Your specificied setting corresponds to the following training compute budget.
**Compute budget (TFLOPs): {C:.2E}**
## Chinchilla optimal:
If you are optimizing for model performance and ignore inference cost this is the optimal setting for training:
**Optimal model size: {N_opt/Bn:.2f}B parameters**
**Optimal dataset size: {D_opt/Bn:.2f}B tokens**
## Your setting trade-off:
Compared to the compute optimal model.
**Training compute overhead: {100*compute_overhead(kn, kd):.2f}%**
**Inference cost savings: {100 - kn*100:.2f}%** """
return text, fig
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
N = gr.Number(value=7, label="Model size (in B parameters):")
D = gr.Number(value=2000, label="Dataset size (in B tokens):")
button = gr.Button("Compute!")
plot = gr.Plot(value=plt)
md = gr.Markdown("")
button.click(fn=compute, inputs=[N, D], outputs=[md, plot])
demo.load(fn=compute, inputs=[N, D], outputs=[md, plot])