### Python template # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files __pycache__/ *.py[cod] *$py.class # C extensions *.so # Distribution / packaging .Python build/ develop-eggs/ dist/ downloads/ eggs/ .eggs/ lib/ lib64/ parts/ sdist/ var/ wheels/ share/python-wheels/ *.egg-info/ .installed.cfg *.egg MANIFEST # PyInstaller # Usually these files are written by a python script from a template # before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it. *.manifest *.spec # Installer logs pip-log.txt pip-delete-this-directory.txt # Unit test / coverage reports htmlcov/ .tox/ .nox/ .coverage .coverage.* .cache nosetests.xml coverage.xml *.cover *.py,cover .hypothesis/ .pytest_cache/ cover/ # Translations *.mo *.pot # Django stuff: *.log local_settings.py db.sqlite3 db.sqlite3-journal # Flask stuff: instance/ .webassets-cache # Scrapy stuff: .scrapy # Sphinx documentation docs/_build/ # PyBuilder .pybuilder/ target/ # Jupyter Notebook .ipynb_checkpoints # IPython profile_default/ ipython_config.py # pyenv # For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is # intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in: # .python-version # pipenv # According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control. # However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies # having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not # install all needed dependencies. #Pipfile.lock # PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow __pypackages__/ # Celery stuff celerybeat-schedule celerybeat.pid # SageMath parsed files *.sage.py # Environments .env .venv env/ venv/ ENV/ env.bak/ venv.bak/ # Spyder project settings .spyderproject .spyproject # Rope project settings .ropeproject # mkdocs documentation /site # mypy .mypy_cache/ .dmypy.json dmypy.json # Pyre type checker .pyre/ # pytype static type analyzer .pytype/ # Cython debug symbols cython_debug/ ### VisualStudio template ## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and ## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons. ## ## Get latest from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/VisualStudio.gitignore # User-specific files *.rsuser *.suo *.user *.userosscache *.sln.docstates # User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio) *.userprefs # Mono auto generated files mono_crash.* # Build results [Dd]ebug/ [Dd]ebugPublic/ [Rr]elease/ [Rr]eleases/ x64/ x86/ [Ww][Ii][Nn]32/ [Aa][Rr][Mm]/ [Aa][Rr][Mm]64/ bld/ [Bb]in/ [Oo]bj/ [Ll]og/ [Ll]ogs/ # Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory .vs/ # Uncomment if you have tasks that create the project's static files in wwwroot #wwwroot/ # Visual Studio 2017 auto generated files Generated\ Files/ # MSTest test Results [Tt]est[Rr]esult*/ [Bb]uild[Ll]og.* # NUnit *.VisualState.xml TestResult.xml nunit-*.xml # Build Results of an ATL Project [Dd]ebugPS/ [Rr]eleasePS/ dlldata.c # Benchmark Results BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts/ # .NET Core project.lock.json project.fragment.lock.json artifacts/ # ASP.NET Scaffolding ScaffoldingReadMe.txt # StyleCop StyleCopReport.xml # Files built by Visual Studio *_i.c *_p.c *_h.h *.ilk *.meta *.obj *.iobj *.pch *.pdb *.ipdb *.pgc *.pgd *.rsp *.sbr *.tlb *.tli *.tlh *.tmp *.tmp_proj *_wpftmp.csproj *.log *.vspscc *.vssscc .builds *.pidb *.svclog *.scc # Chutzpah Test files _Chutzpah* # Visual C++ cache files ipch/ *.aps *.ncb *.opendb *.opensdf *.sdf *.cachefile *.VC.db *.VC.VC.opendb # Visual Studio profiler *.psess *.vsp *.vspx *.sap # Visual Studio Trace Files *.e2e # TFS 2012 Local Workspace $tf/ # Guidance Automation Toolkit *.gpState # ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in _ReSharper*/ *.[Rr]e[Ss]harper *.DotSettings.user # TeamCity is a build add-in _TeamCity* # DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool *.dotCover # AxoCover is a Code Coverage Tool .axoCover/* !.axoCover/settings.json # Coverlet is a free, cross platform Code Coverage Tool coverage*.json coverage*.xml coverage*.info # Visual Studio code coverage results *.coverage *.coveragexml # NCrunch _NCrunch_* .*crunch*.local.xml nCrunchTemp_* # MightyMoose *.mm.* AutoTest.Net/ # Web workbench (sass) .sass-cache/ # Installshield output folder [Ee]xpress/ # DocProject is a documentation generator add-in DocProject/buildhelp/ DocProject/Help/*.HxT DocProject/Help/*.HxC DocProject/Help/*.hhc DocProject/Help/*.hhk DocProject/Help/*.hhp DocProject/Help/Html2 DocProject/Help/html # Click-Once directory publish/ # Publish Web Output *.[Pp]ublish.xml *.azurePubxml # Note: Comment the next line if you want to checkin your web deploy settings, # but database connection strings (with potential passwords) will be unencrypted *.pubxml *.publishproj # Microsoft Azure Web App publish settings. Comment the next line if you want to # checkin your Azure Web App publish settings, but sensitive information contained # in these scripts will be unencrypted PublishScripts/ # NuGet Packages *.nupkg # NuGet Symbol Packages *.snupkg # The packages folder can be ignored because of Package Restore **/[Pp]ackages/* # except build/, which is used as an MSBuild target. !**/[Pp]ackages/build/ # Uncomment if necessary however generally it will be regenerated when needed #!**/[Pp]ackages/repositories.config # NuGet v3's project.json files produces more ignorable files *.nuget.props *.nuget.targets # Microsoft Azure Build Output csx/ *.build.csdef # Microsoft Azure Emulator ecf/ rcf/ # Windows Store app package directories and files AppPackages/ BundleArtifacts/ Package.StoreAssociation.xml _pkginfo.txt *.appx *.appxbundle *.appxupload # Visual Studio cache files # files ending in .cache can be ignored *.[Cc]ache # but keep track of directories ending in .cache !?*.[Cc]ache/ # Others ClientBin/ ~$* *~ *.dbmdl *.dbproj.schemaview *.jfm *.pfx *.publishsettings orleans.codegen.cs # Including strong name files can present a security risk # (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/2483#issue-259490424) #*.snk # Since there are multiple workflows, uncomment next line to ignore bower_components # (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/1529#issuecomment-104372622) #bower_components/ # RIA/Silverlight projects Generated_Code/ # Backup & report files from converting an old project file # to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed, # because we have git ;-) _UpgradeReport_Files/ Backup*/ UpgradeLog*.XML UpgradeLog*.htm ServiceFabricBackup/ *.rptproj.bak # SQL Server files *.mdf *.ldf *.ndf # Business Intelligence projects *.rdl.data *.bim.layout *.bim_*.settings *.rptproj.rsuser *- [Bb]ackup.rdl *- [Bb]ackup ([0-9]).rdl *- [Bb]ackup ([0-9][0-9]).rdl # Microsoft Fakes FakesAssemblies/ # GhostDoc plugin setting file *.GhostDoc.xml # Node.js Tools for Visual Studio .ntvs_analysis.dat node_modules/ # Visual Studio 6 build log *.plg # Visual Studio 6 workspace options file *.opt # Visual Studio 6 auto-generated workspace file (contains which files were open etc.) *.vbw # Visual Studio LightSwitch build output **/*.HTMLClient/GeneratedArtifacts **/*.DesktopClient/GeneratedArtifacts **/*.DesktopClient/ModelManifest.xml **/*.Server/GeneratedArtifacts **/*.Server/ModelManifest.xml _Pvt_Extensions # Paket dependency manager .paket/paket.exe paket-files/ # FAKE - F# Make .fake/ # CodeRush personal settings .cr/personal # Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS) __pycache__/ *.pyc # Cake - Uncomment if you are using it # tools/** # !tools/packages.config # Tabs Studio *.tss # Telerik's JustMock configuration file *.jmconfig # BizTalk build output *.btp.cs *.btm.cs *.odx.cs *.xsd.cs # OpenCover UI analysis results OpenCover/ # Azure Stream Analytics local run output ASALocalRun/ # MSBuild Binary and Structured Log *.binlog # NVidia Nsight GPU debugger configuration file *.nvuser # MFractors (Xamarin productivity tool) working folder .mfractor/ # Local History for Visual Studio .localhistory/ # BeatPulse healthcheck temp database healthchecksdb # Backup folder for Package Reference Convert tool in Visual Studio 2017 MigrationBackup/ # Ionide (cross platform F# VS Code tools) working folder .ionide/ # Fody - auto-generated XML schema FodyWeavers.xsd ### Eclipse template .metadata bin/ tmp/ *.tmp *.bak *.swp *~.nib local.properties .settings/ .loadpath .recommenders # External tool builders .externalToolBuilders/ # Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations" *.launch # PyDev specific (Python IDE for Eclipse) *.pydevproject # CDT-specific (C/C++ Development Tooling) .cproject # CDT- autotools .autotools # Java annotation processor (APT) .factorypath # PDT-specific (PHP Development Tools) .buildpath # sbteclipse plugin .target # Tern plugin .tern-project # TeXlipse plugin .texlipse # STS (Spring Tool Suite) .springBeans # Code Recommenders .recommenders/ # Annotation Processing .apt_generated/ .apt_generated_test/ # Scala IDE specific (Scala & Java development for Eclipse) .cache-main .scala_dependencies .worksheet # Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the project description file. # Typically, this file would be tracked if it contains build/dependency configurations: #.project ### VirtualEnv template # Virtualenv # http://iamzed.com/2009/05/07/a-primer-on-virtualenv/ .Python [Bb]in [Ii]nclude [Ll]ib [Ll]ib64 [Ll]ocal [Ss]cripts pyvenv.cfg .venv pip-selfcheck.json ### TeX template ## Core latex/pdflatex auxiliary files: *.aux *.lof *.log *.lot *.fls *.out *.toc *.fmt *.fot *.cb *.cb2 .*.lb ## Intermediate documents: *.dvi *.xdv *-converted-to.* # these rules might exclude image files for figures etc. # *.ps # *.eps # *.pdf ## Generated if empty string is given at "Please type another file name for output:" .pdf ## Bibliography auxiliary files (bibtex/biblatex/biber): *.bbl *.bcf *.blg *-blx.aux *-blx.bib *.run.xml ## Build tool auxiliary files: *.fdb_latexmk *.synctex *.synctex(busy) *.synctex.gz *.synctex.gz(busy) *.pdfsync ## Build tool directories for auxiliary files # latexrun latex.out/ ## Auxiliary and intermediate files from other packages: # algorithms *.alg *.loa # achemso acs-*.bib # amsthm *.thm # beamer *.nav *.pre *.snm *.vrb # changes *.soc # comment *.cut # cprotect *.cpt # elsarticle (documentclass of Elsevier journals) *.spl # endnotes *.ent # fixme *.lox # feynmf/feynmp *.mf *.mp *.t[1-9] *.t[1-9][0-9] *.tfm #(r)(e)ledmac/(r)(e)ledpar *.end *.?end *.[1-9] *.[1-9][0-9] *.[1-9][0-9][0-9] *.[1-9]R *.[1-9][0-9]R *.[1-9][0-9][0-9]R *.eledsec[1-9] *.eledsec[1-9]R *.eledsec[1-9][0-9] *.eledsec[1-9][0-9]R *.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9] *.eledsec[1-9][0-9][0-9]R # glossaries *.acn *.acr *.glg *.glo *.gls *.glsdefs *.lzo *.lzs # uncomment this for glossaries-extra (will ignore makeindex's style files!) # *.ist # gnuplottex *-gnuplottex-* # gregoriotex *.gaux *.gtex # htlatex *.4ct *.4tc *.idv *.lg *.trc *.xref # hyperref *.brf # knitr *-concordance.tex # TODO Uncomment the next line if you use knitr and want to ignore its generated tikz files # *.tikz *-tikzDictionary # listings *.lol # luatexja-ruby *.ltjruby # makeidx *.idx *.ilg *.ind # minitoc *.maf *.mlf *.mlt *.mtc[0-9]* *.slf[0-9]* *.slt[0-9]* *.stc[0-9]* # minted _minted* *.pyg # morewrites *.mw # nomencl *.nlg *.nlo *.nls # pax *.pax # pdfpcnotes *.pdfpc # sagetex *.sagetex.sage *.sagetex.py *.sagetex.scmd # scrwfile *.wrt # sympy *.sout *.sympy sympy-plots-for-*.tex/ # pdfcomment *.upa *.upb # pythontex *.pytxcode pythontex-files-*/ # tcolorbox *.listing # thmtools *.loe # TikZ & PGF *.dpth *.md5 *.auxlock # todonotes *.tdo # vhistory *.hst *.ver # easy-todo *.lod # xcolor *.xcp # xmpincl *.xmpi # xindy *.xdy # xypic precompiled matrices and outlines *.xyc *.xyd # endfloat *.ttt *.fff # Latexian TSWLatexianTemp* ## Editors: # WinEdt *.bak *.sav # Texpad .texpadtmp # LyX *.lyx~ # Kile *.backup # gummi .*.swp # KBibTeX *~[0-9]* # TeXnicCenter *.tps # auto folder when using emacs and auctex ./auto/* *.el # expex forward references with \gathertags *-tags.tex # standalone packages *.sta # Makeindex log files *.lpz # xwatermark package *.xwm # REVTeX puts footnotes in the bibliography by default, unless the nofootinbib # option is specified. Footnotes are the stored in a file with suffix Notes.bib. # Uncomment the next line to have this generated file ignored. #*Notes.bib ### JupyterNotebooks template # gitignore template for Jupyter Notebooks # website: http://jupyter.org/ .ipynb_checkpoints */.ipynb_checkpoints/* # IPython profile_default/ ipython_config.py # Remove previous ipynb_checkpoints # git rm -r .ipynb_checkpoints/ # CUSTOM .idea tmp *.tmp.py .DS_store .DS_Store