import gradio as gr from ultralytics import YOLO from transformers import TrOCRProcessor, VisionEncoderDecoderModel, AutoModelForMaskedLM from PIL import Image import numpy as np import pandas as pd import tempfile from nltk.translate import bleu_score from nltk.translate.bleu_score import SmoothingFunction import torch yolo_weights_path = "" device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'mps' if torch.backends.mps.is_available() else 'cpu' processor = TrOCRProcessor.from_pretrained('microsoft/trocr-large-handwritten') trocr_model = VisionEncoderDecoderModel.from_pretrained('microsoft/trocr-large-handwritten').to(device) trocr_model.config.num_beams = 2 yolo_model = YOLO(yolo_weights_path).to(device) roberta_model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("roberta-large").to(device) print(f'TrOCR, YOLO and Roberta Models loaded on {device}') CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD = 0.72 BLEU_THRESHOLD = 0.6 CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD = 0.72 BLEU_THRESHOLD = 0.6 def inference(image_path, debug=False, return_texts='final'): def get_cropped_images(image_path): results = yolo_model(image_path, save=True) patches = [] ys = [] for box in sorted(results[0].boxes, key=lambda x: x.xywh[0][1]): image ="RGB") x_center, y_center, w, h = box.xywh[0].cpu().numpy() x, y = x_center - w / 2, y_center - h / 2 cropped_image = image.crop((x, y, x + w, y + h)) patches.append(cropped_image) ys.append(y) bounding_box_path = results[0].save_dir + results[0].path[results[0].path.rindex('/'):-4] + '.jpg' return patches, ys, bounding_box_path def get_model_output(images): pixel_values = processor(images=images, return_tensors="pt") output = trocr_model.generate(pixel_values, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_logits=True, max_new_tokens=30) generated_texts = processor.batch_decode(output.sequences, skip_special_tokens=True) generated_tokens = [processor.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(seq) for seq in output.sequences] stacked_logits = torch.stack(output.logits, dim=1) return generated_texts, stacked_logits, generated_tokens def get_scores(logits): scores = logits.softmax(-1).max(-1).values.mean(-1) return scores def post_process_texts(generated_texts): for i in range(len(generated_texts)): if len(generated_texts[i]) > 2 and generated_texts[i][:2] == '# ': generated_texts[i] = generated_texts[i][2:] if len(generated_texts[i]) > 2 and generated_texts[i][-2:] == ' #': generated_texts[i] = generated_texts[i][:-2] return generated_texts def get_qualified_texts(generated_texts, scores, y, logits, tokens): qualified_texts = [] for text, score, y_i, logits_i, tokens_i in zip(generated_texts, scores, y, logits, tokens): if score > CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD: qualified_texts.append({ 'text': text, 'score': score, 'y': y_i, 'logits': logits_i, 'tokens': tokens_i }) return qualified_texts def get_adjacent_bleu_scores(qualified_texts): def get_bleu_score(hypothesis, references): weights = [0.5, 0.5] smoothing = SmoothingFunction() return bleu_score.sentence_bleu(references, hypothesis, weights=weights, smoothing_function=smoothing.method1) for i in range(len(qualified_texts)): hyp = qualified_texts[i]['text'].split() bleu = 0 if i < len(qualified_texts) - 1: ref = qualified_texts[i + 1]['text'].split() bleu = get_bleu_score(hyp, [ref]) qualified_texts[i]['bleu'] = bleu return qualified_texts def remove_overlapping_texts(qualified_texts): final_texts = [] new = True for i in range(len(qualified_texts)): if new: final_texts.append(qualified_texts[i]) else: if final_texts[-1]['score'] < qualified_texts[i]['score']: final_texts[-1] = qualified_texts[i] new = qualified_texts[i]['bleu'] < BLEU_THRESHOLD return final_texts def get_lm_logits(ocr_tokens, confidence): tokens = ocr_tokens.clone() indices = torch.where(confidence < 0.5) for i, j in zip(indices[0], indices[1]): if i != 6: continue tokens[i, j] = torch.tensor(50264) inputs = tokens.reshape(1, -1) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = roberta_model(input_ids=inputs, attention_mask=torch.ones(inputs.shape).to(device)) lm_logits = outputs.logits return lm_logits.reshape(ocr_tokens.shape[0], ocr_tokens.shape[1], -1), indices cropped_images, y, bounding_box_path = get_cropped_images(image_path) if debug: print('Number of cropped images:', len(cropped_images)) generated_texts, logits, gen_tokens = get_model_output(cropped_images) normalised_scores = get_scores(logits) generated_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'text': generated_texts, }) if return_texts == 'generated': return pd.DataFrame({ 'text': generated_texts, 'score': normalised_scores, 'y': y, }) generated_texts = post_process_texts(generated_texts) if return_texts == 'post_processed': return pd.DataFrame({ 'text': generated_texts, 'score': normalised_scores, 'y': y }) qualified_texts = get_qualified_texts(generated_texts, normalised_scores, y, logits, gen_tokens) if return_texts == 'qualified': return pd.DataFrame(qualified_texts) qualified_texts = get_adjacent_bleu_scores(qualified_texts) if return_texts == 'qualified_with_bleu': return pd.DataFrame(qualified_texts) final_texts = remove_overlapping_texts(qualified_texts) final_texts_df = pd.DataFrame(final_texts, columns=['text', 'score', 'y']) final_logits = [text['logits'] for text in final_texts] logits = torch.stack([logit for logit in final_logits], dim=0) tokens = logits.argmax(-1) confidence = logits.softmax(-1).max(-1).values if return_texts == 'final': return final_texts_df lm_logits, indices = get_lm_logits(tokens, confidence) combined_logits = logits.clone() for i, j in zip(indices[0], indices[1]): combined_logits[i, j] = logits[i, j] * 0.9 + lm_logits[i, j] * 0.1 return final_texts_df, bounding_box_path, tokens, combined_logits, confidence, generated_df def process_image(image): text, bounding_path = "", "" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".png") as temp_image: image_path = df, bounding_path, tokens, logits, confidence, generated_df = inference(image_path, debug=False, return_texts='final_v2') text = df['text']'\n') before_text = generated_df['text']'\n') bounding_img = return bounding_img, before_text, text # Define Gradio Interface interface = gr.Interface( fn=process_image, # Call the process_image function inputs=gr.Image(type="pil"), # Expect an image input outputs=[ gr.Image(type="pil", label="Bounding Box Image"), gr.Textbox(label="Extracted Text (Custom trained YOLO Object Detection + TrOCR Vision Transformer)"), gr.Textbox(label="Post Processed Text (BLEU score based filtering + Roberta contextual understanding)"), ], title="OCR Pipeline with YOLO, TrOCR and Roberta", description="Upload an image to detect text regions with YOLO, merge bounding boxes, and extract text using TrOCR which is then preprocessed with Roberta for contextual understanding.", ) # Launch the interface if __name__ == "__main__": interface.launch(share=True)