Runtime error
Runtime error
Upload 3053 files
Browse filesThis view is limited to 50 files because it contains too many changes.
See raw diff
- .dockerignore +5 -0
- .env +57 -0
- .eslintrc.json +53 -0
- .gitignore +5 -0
- Dockerfile +7 -0
- Makefile +27 -0
- +43 -9
- assets/screenshot.png +0 -0
- docker-compose.yml +9 -0
- node_modules/.package-lock.json +369 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/builders/LICENSE +191 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/builders/ +72 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/builders/dist/index.d.mts +2008 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/builders/dist/index.d.ts +2008 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/builders/dist/index.js +2763 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/builders/dist/ +0 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/builders/dist/index.mjs +2703 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/builders/dist/ +0 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/builders/package.json +97 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/collection/ +190 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/collection/LICENSE +191 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/collection/ +67 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/collection/dist/index.d.mts +457 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/collection/dist/index.d.ts +457 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/collection/dist/index.js +543 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/collection/dist/ +1 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/collection/dist/index.mjs +517 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/collection/dist/ +1 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/collection/package.json +76 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/formatters/LICENSE +191 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/formatters/ +82 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/formatters/dist/index.d.mts +586 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/formatters/dist/index.d.ts +586 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/formatters/dist/index.js +441 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/formatters/dist/ +1 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/formatters/dist/index.mjs +378 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/formatters/dist/ +1 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/formatters/package.json +79 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/LICENSE +192 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/ +139 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.d.mts +901 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.d.ts +901 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.js +1474 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/ +0 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/index.mjs +1432 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/ +0 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/strategies/undiciRequest.d.mts +13 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/strategies/undiciRequest.d.ts +13 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/strategies/undiciRequest.js +94 -0
- node_modules/@discordjs/rest/dist/strategies/ +1 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
1 |
# Discord bot token
2 |
3 |
4 |
# What language model to use, orca is one of the lower-end models that doesn't require as much computer power as llama2
5 |
6 |
7 |
# Ollama URL (if you want to use multiple, separate them by commas)
8 |
9 |
10 |
# What Discord channels to enable it in (by ID)
11 |
12 |
13 |
# System message that the language model can understand
14 |
# Feel free to change this
15 |
#SYSTEM="The current date and time is <date>.
16 |
17 |
Basic markdown is supported.
18 |
Bold: **bold text here**
19 |
Italics: _italic text here_
20 |
Underlined: __underlined text here__
21 |
Strikethrough: ~~strikethrough text here~~
22 |
Spoiler: ||spoiler text here||
23 |
Block quotes: Start the line with a > followed by a space, e.g
24 |
> Hello there
25 |
26 |
Inline code blocks are supported by surrounding text in backticks, e.g `print('Hello');`, block code is supported by surrounding text in three backticks, e.g ```print('Hello');```.
27 |
Surround code that is produced in code blocks. Use a code block with three backticks if the code has multiple lines, otherwise use an inline code block with one backtick.
28 |
29 |
Links are supported by wrapping the text in square brackets and the link in parenthesis, e.g [Example](
30 |
31 |
Lists are supported by starting the line with a dash followed by a space, e.g - List
32 |
Numbered lists are supported by starting the line with a number followed by a dot and a space, e.g 1. List.
33 |
Images, links, tables, LaTeX, and anything else is not supported.
34 |
35 |
If you need to use the symbols >, |, _, *, ~, @, #, :, `, put a backslash before them to escape them.
36 |
37 |
If the user is chatting casually, your responses should be only a few sentences, unless they are asking for help or a question.
38 |
Don't use unicode emoji unless needed."
39 |
40 |
# Use the system message above? (true/false)
41 |
42 |
43 |
# Use the model's system message? (true/false) If both are specified, model system message will be first
44 |
45 |
46 |
# Require users to mention the bot to interact with it? (true/false)
47 |
48 |
49 |
# Whether to show a message at the start of a conversation
50 |
51 |
52 |
# Whether to use a random Ollama server or use the first available one
53 |
54 |
55 |
# Whether to add a message before the first prompt of the conversation
56 |
57 |
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
1 |
2 |
"extends": "eslint:recommended",
3 |
"env": {
4 |
"node": true,
5 |
"es6": true
6 |
7 |
"parserOptions": {
8 |
"ecmaVersion": 2021,
9 |
"sourceType": "module"
10 |
11 |
"rules": {
12 |
"arrow-spacing": ["warn", { "before": true, "after": true }],
13 |
"brace-style": ["error", "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }],
14 |
"comma-dangle": ["error", "never"],
15 |
"comma-spacing": "error",
16 |
"comma-style": "error",
17 |
"curly": ["error", "multi-line", "consistent"],
18 |
"dot-location": ["error", "property"],
19 |
"handle-callback-err": "off",
20 |
"indent": ["error", "tab", { "SwitchCase": 1 }],
21 |
"keyword-spacing": "error",
22 |
"max-nested-callbacks": ["error", { "max": 4 }],
23 |
"max-statements-per-line": ["error", { "max": 2 }],
24 |
"no-console": "off",
25 |
"no-empty": "warn",
26 |
"no-empty-function": "error",
27 |
"no-floating-decimal": "error",
28 |
"no-inline-comments": "error",
29 |
"no-lonely-if": "error",
30 |
"no-multi-spaces": "error",
31 |
"no-multiple-empty-lines": ["error", { "max": 2, "maxEOF": 1, "maxBOF": 0 }],
32 |
"no-shadow": ["error", { "allow": ["err", "resolve", "reject"] }],
33 |
"no-trailing-spaces": ["error"],
34 |
"no-var": "error",
35 |
"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"],
36 |
"prefer-const": "error",
37 |
"quotes": ["error", "double"],
38 |
"semi": ["error", "always"],
39 |
"space-before-blocks": "error",
40 |
"space-before-function-paren": ["error", {
41 |
"anonymous": "never",
42 |
"named": "never",
43 |
"asyncArrow": "always"
44 |
45 |
"space-in-parens": "error",
46 |
"space-infix-ops": "error",
47 |
"space-unary-ops": "error",
48 |
"spaced-comment": "error",
49 |
"yoda": "error",
50 |
"default-case-last": "error",
51 |
"switch-colon-spacing": ["error", {"after": true, "before": false}]
52 |
53 |
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1 |
FROM node:20
2 |
3 |
COPY . .
4 |
RUN npm i --omit=dev --no-package-lock
5 |
USER node
6 |
7 |
CMD ["node","./src/index.js"]
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1 |
# As long as you have Make running on your machine you should be able to use this file.
2 |
# make <command-name> runs a given command (e.g. make compose-up)
3 |
# Command-names are given by starting a line without a tab and followed by a colon (i.e.':').
4 |
# what the command runs is the line below the colon and that line must start with a tab of size 4.
5 |
# Running make without a command after it will run the first command in the file.
6 |
7 |
# starts the discord-ai-bot
8 |
9 |
$(MAKE) setup_env && docker compose -p discord-ai up
10 |
11 |
# Stops docker compose without removing the containers from the system.
12 |
13 |
docker compose -p discord-ai stop
14 |
15 |
# Stops docker compose and removes the containers from the system
16 |
17 |
docker compose -p discord-ai down
18 |
19 |
# Run the local node project with make and without docker
20 |
21 |
$(MAKE) setup_env && npm i && node ./src/index.js
22 |
23 |
# This copies the .env.example (source) file to the .env (destination) file location
24 |
# The -n or no clobber means it will not overwrite the .env file if it already exists.
25 |
# The || : basically ignores the error code of the previous command and always succeeds.
26 |
27 |
cp -n ./.env.example ./.env 2>/dev/null || :
@@ -1,10 +1,44 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
pinned: false
8 |
9 |
10 |
1 |
<div align="center">
2 |
<h1><a href="#"></a>Discord AI Bot</h1>
3 |
<h3 align="center"><a href="#"></a>Discord bot to interact with <a href="">Ollama</a> as a chatbot</h3>
4 |
<h3><a href="#"></a><img alt="Stars" src="" /></h3>
5 |
<h3><a href="#"></a><img alt="Discord chat with the bot" src="assets/screenshot.png" /></h3>
6 |
7 |
8 |
### Archived
9 |
I have decided to archive this project as I no longer have the time to maintain it. If you would like to take over the project, [please let me know](
10 |
11 |
### Set-up instructions
12 |
1. Install [Node.js]( (if you have a package manager, use that instead to install this)
13 |
- Make sure to install at least v14 of Node.js
14 |
2. Install [Ollama]( (ditto)
15 |
3. Pull (download) a model, e.g `ollama pull orca` or `ollama pull llama2`
16 |
4. Start Ollama by running `ollama serve`
17 |
5. [Create a Discord bot](
18 |
- Under Application » Bot
19 |
- Enable Message Content Intent
20 |
- Enable Server Members Intent (for replacing user mentions with the username)
21 |
6. Invite the bot to a server
22 |
1. Go to Application » OAuth2 » URL Generator
23 |
2. Enable `bot`
24 |
3. Enable Send Messages, Read Messages/View Channels, and Read Message History
25 |
4. Under Generated URL, click Copy and paste the URL in your browser
26 |
7. Rename `.env.example` to `.env` and edit the `.env` file
27 |
- You can get the token from Application » Bot » Token, **never share this with anyone**
28 |
- Make sure to change the model if you aren't using `orca`
29 |
- Ollama URL can be kept the same unless you have changed the port
30 |
- You can use multiple Ollama servers at the same time by separating the URLs with commas
31 |
- Set the channels to the channel ID, comma separated
32 |
1. In Discord, go to User Settings » Advanced, and enable Developer Mode
33 |
2. Right click on a channel you want to use, and click Copy Channel ID
34 |
- You can edit the system message the bot uses, or disable it entirely
35 |
8. Start the bot with `npm start`
36 |
9. You can interact with the bot by @mentioning it with your message
37 |
38 |
### Set-up instructions with Docker
39 |
1. Install [Docker](
40 |
- Should be atleast compatible with version 3 of compose (docker engine 1.13.0+)
41 |
2. Repeat steps 2—7 from the other setup instructions
42 |
3. Start the bot with `make compose-up` if you have Make installed
43 |
- Otherwise, try `docker compose -p discord-ai up` instead
44 |
4. You can interact with the bot by @mentioning it with your message
![]() |
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 |
version: "3"
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
build: .
6 |
env_file: .env
7 |
8 |
- OLLAMA=http://host.docker.internal:11434
9 |
restart: unless-stopped
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
1 |
2 |
"name": "discord-ai-bot",
3 |
"lockfileVersion": 3,
4 |
"requires": true,
5 |
"packages": {
6 |
"node_modules/@discordjs/builders": {
7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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10 |
"dependencies": {
11 |
"@discordjs/formatters": "^0.3.3",
12 |
"@discordjs/util": "^1.0.2",
13 |
"@sapphire/shapeshift": "^3.9.3",
14 |
"discord-api-types": "0.37.61",
15 |
"fast-deep-equal": "^3.1.3",
16 |
"ts-mixer": "^6.0.3",
17 |
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18 |
19 |
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20 |
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21 |
22 |
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37 |
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47 |
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48 |
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49 |
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50 |
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51 |
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52 |
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53 |
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54 |
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55 |
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56 |
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83 |
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84 |
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85 |
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86 |
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87 |
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88 |
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89 |
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90 |
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91 |
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180 |
181 |
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188 |
189 |
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191 |
192 |
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195 |
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196 |
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197 |
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199 |
200 |
201 |
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203 |
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204 |
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212 |
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213 |
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214 |
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215 |
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216 |
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217 |
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218 |
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219 |
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220 |
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221 |
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222 |
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223 |
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224 |
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225 |
226 |
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227 |
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228 |
229 |
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234 |
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236 |
237 |
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238 |
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240 |
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246 |
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250 |
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251 |
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253 |
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254 |
255 |
256 |
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257 |
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258 |
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261 |
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262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
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267 |
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269 |
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270 |
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271 |
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272 |
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273 |
274 |
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275 |
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276 |
277 |
278 |
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283 |
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287 |
288 |
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290 |
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292 |
293 |
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295 |
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297 |
298 |
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304 |
305 |
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312 |
313 |
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314 |
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315 |
316 |
317 |
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318 |
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320 |
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321 |
322 |
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323 |
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324 |
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326 |
327 |
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328 |
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331 |
332 |
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333 |
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334 |
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336 |
"dependencies": {
337 |
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338 |
339 |
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340 |
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341 |
342 |
343 |
"node_modules/undici-types": {
344 |
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345 |
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346 |
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347 |
348 |
"node_modules/ws": {
349 |
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350 |
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351 |
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352 |
"engines": {
353 |
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354 |
355 |
"peerDependencies": {
356 |
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357 |
"utf-8-validate": ">=5.0.2"
358 |
359 |
"peerDependenciesMeta": {
360 |
"bufferutil": {
361 |
"optional": true
362 |
363 |
"utf-8-validate": {
364 |
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365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
1 |
Apache License
2 |
Version 2.0, January 2004
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1. Definitions.
8 |
9 |
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
10 |
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
11 |
12 |
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
13 |
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
14 |
15 |
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
16 |
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
17 |
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
18 |
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
19 |
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
20 |
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
21 |
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
22 |
23 |
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
24 |
exercising permissions granted by this License.
25 |
26 |
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
27 |
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
28 |
source, and configuration files.
29 |
30 |
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
31 |
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
32 |
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
33 |
and conversions to other media types.
34 |
35 |
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
36 |
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
37 |
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
38 |
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
39 |
40 |
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
41 |
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
42 |
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
43 |
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
44 |
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
45 |
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
46 |
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
47 |
48 |
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
49 |
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
50 |
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
51 |
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
52 |
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
53 |
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
54 |
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
55 |
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
56 |
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
57 |
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
58 |
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
59 |
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
60 |
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
61 |
62 |
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
63 |
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
64 |
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
65 |
66 |
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
67 |
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
68 |
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
69 |
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
70 |
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
71 |
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
72 |
73 |
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
74 |
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
75 |
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
76 |
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
77 |
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
78 |
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
79 |
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
80 |
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
81 |
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
82 |
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
83 |
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
84 |
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
85 |
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
86 |
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
87 |
as of the date such litigation is filed.
88 |
89 |
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
90 |
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
91 |
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
92 |
meet the following conditions:
93 |
94 |
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
95 |
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
96 |
97 |
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
98 |
stating that You changed the files; and
99 |
100 |
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
101 |
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
102 |
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
103 |
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
104 |
the Derivative Works; and
105 |
106 |
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
107 |
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
108 |
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
109 |
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
110 |
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
111 |
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
112 |
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
113 |
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
114 |
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
115 |
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
116 |
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
117 |
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
118 |
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
119 |
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
120 |
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
121 |
as modifying the License.
122 |
123 |
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
124 |
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
125 |
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
126 |
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
127 |
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
128 |
the conditions stated in this License.
129 |
130 |
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
131 |
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
132 |
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
133 |
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
134 |
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
135 |
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
136 |
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
137 |
138 |
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
139 |
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
140 |
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
141 |
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
142 |
143 |
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
144 |
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
145 |
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
146 |
147 |
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
148 |
149 |
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
150 |
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
151 |
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
152 |
153 |
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
154 |
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
155 |
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
156 |
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
157 |
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
158 |
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
159 |
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
160 |
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
161 |
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
162 |
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
163 |
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
164 |
165 |
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
166 |
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
167 |
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
168 |
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
169 |
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
170 |
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
171 |
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
172 |
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
173 |
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
174 |
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
Copyright 2021 Noel Buechler
179 |
Copyright 2021 Vlad Frangu
180 |
181 |
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
182 |
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
183 |
You may obtain a copy of the License at
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
188 |
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
189 |
190 |
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
191 |
limitations under the License.
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
1 |
<div align="center">
2 |
<br />
3 |
4 |
<a href=""><img src="" width="546" alt="discord.js" /></a>
5 |
6 |
<br />
7 |
8 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Discord server" /></a>
9 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm version" /></a>
10 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm downloads" /></a>
11 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Build status" /></a>
12 |
<a href="" ><img src="" alt="Code coverage" /></a>
13 |
14 |
15 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Vercel" /></a>
16 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Cloudflare Workers" height="44" /></a>
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
## About
21 |
22 |
`@discordjs/builders` is a utility package for easily building Discord API payloads.
23 |
24 |
## Installation
25 |
26 |
**Node.js 16.11.0 or newer is required.**
27 |
28 |
29 |
npm install @discordjs/builders
30 |
yarn add @discordjs/builders
31 |
pnpm add @discordjs/builders
32 |
33 |
34 |
## Examples
35 |
36 |
You can find examples of how to use the builders in the [Slash Command Builders][example] examples.
37 |
38 |
## Links
39 |
40 |
- [Website][website] ([source][website-source])
41 |
- [Documentation][documentation]
42 |
- [Guide][guide] ([source][guide-source])
43 |
Also see the v13 to v14 [Update Guide][guide-update], which includes updated and removed items from the library.
44 |
- [discord.js Discord server][discord]
45 |
- [Discord API Discord server][discord-api]
46 |
- [GitHub][source]
47 |
- [npm][npm]
48 |
- [Related libraries][related-libs]
49 |
50 |
## Contributing
51 |
52 |
Before creating an issue, please ensure that it hasn't already been reported/suggested, and double-check the
53 |
54 |
See [the contribution guide][contributing] if you'd like to submit a PR.
55 |
56 |
## Help
57 |
58 |
If you don't understand something in the documentation, you are experiencing problems, or you just need a gentle nudge in the right direction, please don't hesitate to join our official [discord.js Server][discord].
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
@@ -0,0 +1,2008 @@
1 |
import * as _sapphire_shapeshift from '@sapphire/shapeshift';
2 |
import { APIEmbedField, APIEmbedAuthor, APIEmbedFooter, APIEmbedImage, APIEmbed, APISelectMenuOption, APIMessageComponentEmoji, ButtonStyle, ChannelType, APIActionRowComponent, APIActionRowComponentTypes, APIBaseComponent, ComponentType, APIButtonComponent, APISelectMenuComponent, APIChannelSelectComponent, Snowflake, APIMentionableSelectComponent, APISelectMenuDefaultValue, SelectMenuDefaultValueType, APIRoleSelectComponent, APIStringSelectComponent, APIUserSelectComponent, APITextInputComponent, TextInputStyle, APIMessageActionRowComponent, APIModalActionRowComponent, APIModalComponent, APIMessageComponent, APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData, LocalizationMap, LocaleString, ApplicationCommandOptionType, APIApplicationCommandBasicOption, APIApplicationCommandAttachmentOption, APIApplicationCommandBooleanOption, APIApplicationCommandChannelOption, APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice, APIApplicationCommandIntegerOption, APIApplicationCommandMentionableOption, APIApplicationCommandNumberOption, APIApplicationCommandRoleOption, APIApplicationCommandStringOption, APIApplicationCommandUserOption, APIApplicationCommandSubcommandGroupOption, APIApplicationCommandSubcommandOption, Permissions, RESTPostAPIChatInputApplicationCommandsJSONBody, APIApplicationCommandOption, Locale, ApplicationCommandType, RESTPostAPIContextMenuApplicationCommandsJSONBody } from 'discord-api-types/v10';
3 |
export * from '@discordjs/formatters';
4 |
import { JSONEncodable, Equatable } from '@discordjs/util';
5 |
6 |
declare const fieldNamePredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
7 |
declare const fieldValuePredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
8 |
declare const fieldInlinePredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<boolean | undefined>;
9 |
declare const embedFieldPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.ObjectValidator<{
10 |
name: string;
11 |
value: string;
12 |
inline: boolean | undefined;
13 |
}, _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
14 |
name: string;
15 |
value: string;
16 |
inline: boolean | undefined;
17 |
18 |
declare const embedFieldsArrayPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.ArrayValidator<_sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
19 |
name: string;
20 |
value: string;
21 |
inline: boolean | undefined;
22 |
}>[], _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
23 |
name: string;
24 |
value: string;
25 |
inline: boolean | undefined;
26 |
27 |
declare const fieldLengthPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
28 |
declare function validateFieldLength(amountAdding: number, fields?: APIEmbedField[]): void;
29 |
declare const authorNamePredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null>;
30 |
declare const imageURLPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null | undefined>;
31 |
declare const urlPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null | undefined>;
32 |
declare const embedAuthorPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.ObjectValidator<{
33 |
name: string | null;
34 |
iconURL: string | null | undefined;
35 |
url: string | null | undefined;
36 |
}, _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
37 |
name: string | null;
38 |
iconURL: string | null | undefined;
39 |
url: string | null | undefined;
40 |
41 |
declare const RGBPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
42 |
declare const colorPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<number | [number, number, number] | null>;
43 |
declare const descriptionPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null>;
44 |
declare const footerTextPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null>;
45 |
declare const embedFooterPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.ObjectValidator<{
46 |
text: string | null;
47 |
iconURL: string | null | undefined;
48 |
}, _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
49 |
text: string | null;
50 |
iconURL: string | null | undefined;
51 |
52 |
declare const timestampPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<number | Date | null>;
53 |
declare const titlePredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null>;
54 |
55 |
declare const Assertions$5_RGBPredicate: typeof RGBPredicate;
56 |
declare const Assertions$5_authorNamePredicate: typeof authorNamePredicate;
57 |
declare const Assertions$5_colorPredicate: typeof colorPredicate;
58 |
declare const Assertions$5_descriptionPredicate: typeof descriptionPredicate;
59 |
declare const Assertions$5_embedAuthorPredicate: typeof embedAuthorPredicate;
60 |
declare const Assertions$5_embedFieldPredicate: typeof embedFieldPredicate;
61 |
declare const Assertions$5_embedFieldsArrayPredicate: typeof embedFieldsArrayPredicate;
62 |
declare const Assertions$5_embedFooterPredicate: typeof embedFooterPredicate;
63 |
declare const Assertions$5_fieldInlinePredicate: typeof fieldInlinePredicate;
64 |
declare const Assertions$5_fieldLengthPredicate: typeof fieldLengthPredicate;
65 |
declare const Assertions$5_fieldNamePredicate: typeof fieldNamePredicate;
66 |
declare const Assertions$5_fieldValuePredicate: typeof fieldValuePredicate;
67 |
declare const Assertions$5_footerTextPredicate: typeof footerTextPredicate;
68 |
declare const Assertions$5_imageURLPredicate: typeof imageURLPredicate;
69 |
declare const Assertions$5_timestampPredicate: typeof timestampPredicate;
70 |
declare const Assertions$5_titlePredicate: typeof titlePredicate;
71 |
declare const Assertions$5_urlPredicate: typeof urlPredicate;
72 |
declare const Assertions$5_validateFieldLength: typeof validateFieldLength;
73 |
declare namespace Assertions$5 {
74 |
export {
75 |
Assertions$5_RGBPredicate as RGBPredicate,
76 |
Assertions$5_authorNamePredicate as authorNamePredicate,
77 |
Assertions$5_colorPredicate as colorPredicate,
78 |
Assertions$5_descriptionPredicate as descriptionPredicate,
79 |
Assertions$5_embedAuthorPredicate as embedAuthorPredicate,
80 |
Assertions$5_embedFieldPredicate as embedFieldPredicate,
81 |
Assertions$5_embedFieldsArrayPredicate as embedFieldsArrayPredicate,
82 |
Assertions$5_embedFooterPredicate as embedFooterPredicate,
83 |
Assertions$5_fieldInlinePredicate as fieldInlinePredicate,
84 |
Assertions$5_fieldLengthPredicate as fieldLengthPredicate,
85 |
Assertions$5_fieldNamePredicate as fieldNamePredicate,
86 |
Assertions$5_fieldValuePredicate as fieldValuePredicate,
87 |
Assertions$5_footerTextPredicate as footerTextPredicate,
88 |
Assertions$5_imageURLPredicate as imageURLPredicate,
89 |
Assertions$5_timestampPredicate as timestampPredicate,
90 |
Assertions$5_titlePredicate as titlePredicate,
91 |
Assertions$5_urlPredicate as urlPredicate,
92 |
Assertions$5_validateFieldLength as validateFieldLength,
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
* Normalizes data that is a rest parameter or an array into an array with a depth of 1.
98 |
99 |
* @typeParam ItemType - The data that must satisfy {@link RestOrArray}.
100 |
* @param arr - The (possibly variadic) data to normalize
101 |
102 |
declare function normalizeArray<ItemType>(arr: RestOrArray<ItemType>): ItemType[];
103 |
104 |
* Represents data that may be an array or came from a rest parameter.
105 |
106 |
* @remarks
107 |
* This type is used throughout builders to ensure both an array and variadic arguments
108 |
* may be used. It is normalized with {@link normalizeArray}.
109 |
110 |
type RestOrArray<Type> = Type[] | [Type[]];
111 |
112 |
113 |
* A tuple satisfying the RGB color model.
114 |
115 |
* @see {@link}
116 |
117 |
type RGBTuple = [red: number, green: number, blue: number];
118 |
119 |
* The base icon data typically used in payloads.
120 |
121 |
interface IconData {
122 |
123 |
* The URL of the icon.
124 |
125 |
iconURL?: string;
126 |
127 |
* The proxy URL of the icon.
128 |
129 |
proxyIconURL?: string;
130 |
131 |
132 |
* Represents the author data of an embed.
133 |
134 |
type EmbedAuthorData = IconData & Omit<APIEmbedAuthor, 'icon_url' | 'proxy_icon_url'>;
135 |
136 |
* Represents the author options of an embed.
137 |
138 |
type EmbedAuthorOptions = Omit<EmbedAuthorData, 'proxyIconURL'>;
139 |
140 |
* Represents the footer data of an embed.
141 |
142 |
type EmbedFooterData = IconData & Omit<APIEmbedFooter, 'icon_url' | 'proxy_icon_url'>;
143 |
144 |
* Represents the footer options of an embed.
145 |
146 |
type EmbedFooterOptions = Omit<EmbedFooterData, 'proxyIconURL'>;
147 |
148 |
* Represents the image data of an embed.
149 |
150 |
interface EmbedImageData extends Omit<APIEmbedImage, 'proxy_url'> {
151 |
152 |
* The proxy URL for the image.
153 |
154 |
proxyURL?: string;
155 |
156 |
157 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for embeds.
158 |
159 |
declare class EmbedBuilder {
160 |
161 |
* The API data associated with this embed.
162 |
163 |
readonly data: APIEmbed;
164 |
165 |
* Creates a new embed from API data.
166 |
167 |
* @param data - The API data to create this embed with
168 |
169 |
constructor(data?: APIEmbed);
170 |
171 |
* Appends fields to the embed.
172 |
173 |
* @remarks
174 |
* This method accepts either an array of fields or a variable number of field parameters.
175 |
* The maximum amount of fields that can be added is 25.
176 |
* @example
177 |
* Using an array:
178 |
* ```ts
179 |
* const fields: APIEmbedField[] = ...;
180 |
* const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
181 |
* .addFields(fields);
182 |
* ```
183 |
* @example
184 |
* Using rest parameters (variadic):
185 |
* ```ts
186 |
* const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
187 |
* .addFields(
188 |
* { name: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1' },
189 |
* { name: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2' },
190 |
* );
191 |
* ```
192 |
* @param fields - The fields to add
193 |
194 |
addFields(...fields: RestOrArray<APIEmbedField>): this;
195 |
196 |
* Removes, replaces, or inserts fields for this embed.
197 |
198 |
* @remarks
199 |
* This method behaves similarly
200 |
* to {@link | Array.prototype.splice()}.
201 |
* The maximum amount of fields that can be added is 25.
202 |
203 |
* It's useful for modifying and adjusting order of the already-existing fields of an embed.
204 |
* @example
205 |
* Remove the first field:
206 |
* ```ts
207 |
* embed.spliceFields(0, 1);
208 |
* ```
209 |
* @example
210 |
* Remove the first n fields:
211 |
* ```ts
212 |
* const n = 4;
213 |
* embed.spliceFields(0, n);
214 |
* ```
215 |
* @example
216 |
* Remove the last field:
217 |
* ```ts
218 |
* embed.spliceFields(-1, 1);
219 |
* ```
220 |
* @param index - The index to start at
221 |
* @param deleteCount - The number of fields to remove
222 |
* @param fields - The replacing field objects
223 |
224 |
spliceFields(index: number, deleteCount: number, ...fields: APIEmbedField[]): this;
225 |
226 |
* Sets the fields for this embed.
227 |
228 |
* @remarks
229 |
* This method is an alias for {@link EmbedBuilder.spliceFields}. More specifically,
230 |
* it splices the entire array of fields, replacing them with the provided fields.
231 |
232 |
* You can set a maximum of 25 fields.
233 |
* @param fields - The fields to set
234 |
235 |
setFields(...fields: RestOrArray<APIEmbedField>): this;
236 |
237 |
* Sets the author of this embed.
238 |
239 |
* @param options - The options to use
240 |
241 |
setAuthor(options: EmbedAuthorOptions | null): this;
242 |
243 |
* Sets the color of this embed.
244 |
245 |
* @param color - The color to use
246 |
247 |
setColor(color: RGBTuple | number | null): this;
248 |
249 |
* Sets the description of this embed.
250 |
251 |
* @param description - The description to use
252 |
253 |
setDescription(description: string | null): this;
254 |
255 |
* Sets the footer of this embed.
256 |
257 |
* @param options - The footer to use
258 |
259 |
setFooter(options: EmbedFooterOptions | null): this;
260 |
261 |
* Sets the image of this embed.
262 |
263 |
* @param url - The image URL to use
264 |
265 |
setImage(url: string | null): this;
266 |
267 |
* Sets the thumbnail of this embed.
268 |
269 |
* @param url - The thumbnail URL to use
270 |
271 |
setThumbnail(url: string | null): this;
272 |
273 |
* Sets the timestamp of this embed.
274 |
275 |
* @param timestamp - The timestamp or date to use
276 |
277 |
setTimestamp(timestamp?: Date | number | null): this;
278 |
279 |
* Sets the title for this embed.
280 |
281 |
* @param title - The title to use
282 |
283 |
setTitle(title: string | null): this;
284 |
285 |
* Sets the URL of this embed.
286 |
287 |
* @param url - The URL to use
288 |
289 |
setURL(url: string | null): this;
290 |
291 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
292 |
293 |
* @remarks
294 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
295 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
296 |
297 |
toJSON(): APIEmbed;
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for string select menu options.
302 |
303 |
declare class StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder implements JSONEncodable<APISelectMenuOption> {
304 |
data: Partial<APISelectMenuOption>;
305 |
306 |
* Creates a new string select menu option from API data.
307 |
308 |
* @param data - The API data to create this string select menu option with
309 |
* @example
310 |
* Creating a string select menu option from an API data object:
311 |
* ```ts
312 |
* const selectMenuOption = new SelectMenuOptionBuilder({
313 |
* label: 'catchy label',
314 |
* value: '1',
315 |
* });
316 |
* ```
317 |
* @example
318 |
* Creating a string select menu option using setters and API data:
319 |
* ```ts
320 |
* const selectMenuOption = new SelectMenuOptionBuilder({
321 |
* default: true,
322 |
* value: '1',
323 |
* })
324 |
* .setLabel('woah');
325 |
* ```
326 |
327 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APISelectMenuOption>);
328 |
329 |
* Sets the label for this option.
330 |
331 |
* @param label - The label to use
332 |
333 |
setLabel(label: string): this;
334 |
335 |
* Sets the value for this option.
336 |
337 |
* @param value - The value to use
338 |
339 |
setValue(value: string): this;
340 |
341 |
* Sets the description for this option.
342 |
343 |
* @param description - The description to use
344 |
345 |
setDescription(description: string): this;
346 |
347 |
* Sets whether this option is selected by default.
348 |
349 |
* @param isDefault - Whether this option is selected by default
350 |
351 |
setDefault(isDefault?: boolean): this;
352 |
353 |
* Sets the emoji to display for this option.
354 |
355 |
* @param emoji - The emoji to use
356 |
357 |
setEmoji(emoji: APIMessageComponentEmoji): this;
358 |
359 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
360 |
361 |
toJSON(): APISelectMenuOption;
362 |
363 |
364 |
declare const customIdValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
365 |
declare const emojiValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.ObjectValidator<{
366 |
name?: string | undefined;
367 |
id?: string | undefined;
368 |
animated?: boolean | undefined;
369 |
}, _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
370 |
name?: string | undefined;
371 |
id?: string | undefined;
372 |
animated?: boolean | undefined;
373 |
374 |
declare const disabledValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.BooleanValidator<boolean>;
375 |
declare const buttonLabelValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
376 |
declare const buttonStyleValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NativeEnumValidator<typeof ButtonStyle>;
377 |
declare const placeholderValidator$1: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
378 |
declare const minMaxValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
379 |
declare const labelValueDescriptionValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
380 |
declare const jsonOptionValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.ObjectValidator<{
381 |
label: string;
382 |
value: string;
383 |
description: string | undefined;
384 |
emoji: _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
385 |
name?: string | undefined;
386 |
id?: string | undefined;
387 |
animated?: boolean | undefined;
388 |
}> | undefined;
389 |
default: boolean | undefined;
390 |
}, _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
391 |
label: string;
392 |
value: string;
393 |
description: string | undefined;
394 |
emoji: _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
395 |
name?: string | undefined;
396 |
id?: string | undefined;
397 |
animated?: boolean | undefined;
398 |
}> | undefined;
399 |
default: boolean | undefined;
400 |
401 |
declare const optionValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.InstanceValidator<StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder>;
402 |
declare const optionsValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.ArrayValidator<StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder[], StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder>;
403 |
declare const optionsLengthValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
404 |
declare function validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters(options: StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder[], customId?: string): void;
405 |
declare const defaultValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.BooleanValidator<boolean>;
406 |
declare function validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters(label?: string, value?: string): void;
407 |
declare const channelTypesValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.ArrayValidator<ChannelType[], ChannelType>;
408 |
declare const urlValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
409 |
declare function validateRequiredButtonParameters(style?: ButtonStyle, label?: string, emoji?: APIMessageComponentEmoji, customId?: string, url?: string): void;
410 |
411 |
declare const Assertions$4_buttonLabelValidator: typeof buttonLabelValidator;
412 |
declare const Assertions$4_buttonStyleValidator: typeof buttonStyleValidator;
413 |
declare const Assertions$4_channelTypesValidator: typeof channelTypesValidator;
414 |
declare const Assertions$4_customIdValidator: typeof customIdValidator;
415 |
declare const Assertions$4_defaultValidator: typeof defaultValidator;
416 |
declare const Assertions$4_disabledValidator: typeof disabledValidator;
417 |
declare const Assertions$4_emojiValidator: typeof emojiValidator;
418 |
declare const Assertions$4_jsonOptionValidator: typeof jsonOptionValidator;
419 |
declare const Assertions$4_labelValueDescriptionValidator: typeof labelValueDescriptionValidator;
420 |
declare const Assertions$4_minMaxValidator: typeof minMaxValidator;
421 |
declare const Assertions$4_optionValidator: typeof optionValidator;
422 |
declare const Assertions$4_optionsLengthValidator: typeof optionsLengthValidator;
423 |
declare const Assertions$4_optionsValidator: typeof optionsValidator;
424 |
declare const Assertions$4_urlValidator: typeof urlValidator;
425 |
declare const Assertions$4_validateRequiredButtonParameters: typeof validateRequiredButtonParameters;
426 |
declare const Assertions$4_validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters: typeof validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters;
427 |
declare const Assertions$4_validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters: typeof validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters;
428 |
declare namespace Assertions$4 {
429 |
export {
430 |
Assertions$4_buttonLabelValidator as buttonLabelValidator,
431 |
Assertions$4_buttonStyleValidator as buttonStyleValidator,
432 |
Assertions$4_channelTypesValidator as channelTypesValidator,
433 |
Assertions$4_customIdValidator as customIdValidator,
434 |
Assertions$4_defaultValidator as defaultValidator,
435 |
Assertions$4_disabledValidator as disabledValidator,
436 |
Assertions$4_emojiValidator as emojiValidator,
437 |
Assertions$4_jsonOptionValidator as jsonOptionValidator,
438 |
Assertions$4_labelValueDescriptionValidator as labelValueDescriptionValidator,
439 |
Assertions$4_minMaxValidator as minMaxValidator,
440 |
Assertions$4_optionValidator as optionValidator,
441 |
Assertions$4_optionsLengthValidator as optionsLengthValidator,
442 |
Assertions$4_optionsValidator as optionsValidator,
443 |
placeholderValidator$1 as placeholderValidator,
444 |
Assertions$4_urlValidator as urlValidator,
445 |
Assertions$4_validateRequiredButtonParameters as validateRequiredButtonParameters,
446 |
Assertions$4_validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters as validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters,
447 |
Assertions$4_validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters as validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters,
448 |
449 |
450 |
451 |
452 |
* Any action row component data represented as an object.
453 |
454 |
type AnyAPIActionRowComponent = APIActionRowComponent<APIActionRowComponentTypes> | APIActionRowComponentTypes;
455 |
456 |
* The base component builder that contains common symbols for all sorts of components.
457 |
458 |
* @typeParam DataType - The type of internal API data that is stored within the component
459 |
460 |
declare abstract class ComponentBuilder<DataType extends Partial<APIBaseComponent<ComponentType>> = APIBaseComponent<ComponentType>> implements JSONEncodable<AnyAPIActionRowComponent> {
461 |
462 |
* The API data associated with this component.
463 |
464 |
readonly data: Partial<DataType>;
465 |
466 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
467 |
468 |
* @remarks
469 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
470 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
471 |
472 |
abstract toJSON(): AnyAPIActionRowComponent;
473 |
474 |
* Constructs a new kind of component.
475 |
476 |
* @param data - The data to construct a component out of
477 |
478 |
constructor(data: Partial<DataType>);
479 |
480 |
481 |
482 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for buttons.
483 |
484 |
declare class ButtonBuilder extends ComponentBuilder<APIButtonComponent> {
485 |
486 |
* Creates a new button from API data.
487 |
488 |
* @param data - The API data to create this button with
489 |
* @example
490 |
* Creating a button from an API data object:
491 |
* ```ts
492 |
* const button = new ButtonBuilder({
493 |
* custom_id: 'a cool button',
494 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
495 |
* label: 'Click Me',
496 |
* emoji: {
497 |
* name: 'smile',
498 |
* id: '123456789012345678',
499 |
* },
500 |
* });
501 |
* ```
502 |
* @example
503 |
* Creating a button using setters and API data:
504 |
* ```ts
505 |
* const button = new ButtonBuilder({
506 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Secondary,
507 |
* label: 'Click Me',
508 |
* })
509 |
* .setEmoji({ name: '🙂' })
510 |
* .setCustomId('another cool button');
511 |
* ```
512 |
513 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIButtonComponent>);
514 |
515 |
* Sets the style of this button.
516 |
517 |
* @param style - The style to use
518 |
519 |
setStyle(style: ButtonStyle): this;
520 |
521 |
* Sets the URL for this button.
522 |
523 |
* @remarks
524 |
* This method is only available to buttons using the `Link` button style.
525 |
* Only three types of URL schemes are currently supported: `https://`, `http://`, and `discord://`.
526 |
* @param url - The URL to use
527 |
528 |
setURL(url: string): this;
529 |
530 |
* Sets the custom id for this button.
531 |
532 |
* @remarks
533 |
* This method is only applicable to buttons that are not using the `Link` button style.
534 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
535 |
536 |
setCustomId(customId: string): this;
537 |
538 |
* Sets the emoji to display on this button.
539 |
540 |
* @param emoji - The emoji to use
541 |
542 |
setEmoji(emoji: APIMessageComponentEmoji): this;
543 |
544 |
* Sets whether this button is disabled.
545 |
546 |
* @param disabled - Whether to disable this button
547 |
548 |
setDisabled(disabled?: boolean): this;
549 |
550 |
* Sets the label for this button.
551 |
552 |
* @param label - The label to use
553 |
554 |
setLabel(label: string): this;
555 |
556 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
557 |
558 |
toJSON(): APIButtonComponent;
559 |
560 |
561 |
562 |
* The base select menu builder that contains common symbols for select menu builders.
563 |
564 |
* @typeParam SelectMenuType - The type of select menu this would be instantiated for.
565 |
566 |
declare abstract class BaseSelectMenuBuilder<SelectMenuType extends APISelectMenuComponent> extends ComponentBuilder<SelectMenuType> {
567 |
568 |
* Sets the placeholder for this select menu.
569 |
570 |
* @param placeholder - The placeholder to use
571 |
572 |
setPlaceholder(placeholder: string): this;
573 |
574 |
* Sets the minimum values that must be selected in the select menu.
575 |
576 |
* @param minValues - The minimum values that must be selected
577 |
578 |
setMinValues(minValues: number): this;
579 |
580 |
* Sets the maximum values that must be selected in the select menu.
581 |
582 |
* @param maxValues - The maximum values that must be selected
583 |
584 |
setMaxValues(maxValues: number): this;
585 |
586 |
* Sets the custom id for this select menu.
587 |
588 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
589 |
590 |
setCustomId(customId: string): this;
591 |
592 |
* Sets whether this select menu is disabled.
593 |
594 |
* @param disabled - Whether this select menu is disabled
595 |
596 |
setDisabled(disabled?: boolean): this;
597 |
598 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
599 |
600 |
toJSON(): SelectMenuType;
601 |
602 |
603 |
604 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for channel select menus.
605 |
606 |
declare class ChannelSelectMenuBuilder extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder<APIChannelSelectComponent> {
607 |
608 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
609 |
610 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
611 |
* @example
612 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
613 |
* ```ts
614 |
* const selectMenu = new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder({
615 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
616 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
617 |
* max_values: 2,
618 |
* });
619 |
* ```
620 |
* @example
621 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
622 |
* ```ts
623 |
* const selectMenu = new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder({
624 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
625 |
* })
626 |
* .addChannelTypes(ChannelType.GuildText, ChannelType.GuildAnnouncement)
627 |
* .setMinValues(2);
628 |
* ```
629 |
630 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIChannelSelectComponent>);
631 |
632 |
* Adds channel types to this select menu.
633 |
634 |
* @param types - The channel types to use
635 |
636 |
addChannelTypes(...types: RestOrArray<ChannelType>): this;
637 |
638 |
* Sets channel types for this select menu.
639 |
640 |
* @param types - The channel types to use
641 |
642 |
setChannelTypes(...types: RestOrArray<ChannelType>): this;
643 |
644 |
* Adds default channels to this auto populated select menu.
645 |
646 |
* @param channels - The channels to add
647 |
648 |
addDefaultChannels(...channels: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
649 |
650 |
* Sets default channels to this auto populated select menu.
651 |
652 |
* @param channels - The channels to set
653 |
654 |
setDefaultChannels(...channels: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
655 |
656 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
657 |
658 |
toJSON(): APIChannelSelectComponent;
659 |
660 |
661 |
662 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for mentionable select menus.
663 |
664 |
declare class MentionableSelectMenuBuilder extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder<APIMentionableSelectComponent> {
665 |
666 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
667 |
668 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
669 |
* @example
670 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
671 |
* ```ts
672 |
* const selectMenu = new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder({
673 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
674 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
675 |
* max_values: 2,
676 |
* });
677 |
* ```
678 |
* @example
679 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
680 |
* ```ts
681 |
* const selectMenu = new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder({
682 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
683 |
* })
684 |
* .setMinValues(1);
685 |
* ```
686 |
687 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIMentionableSelectComponent>);
688 |
689 |
* Adds default roles to this auto populated select menu.
690 |
691 |
* @param roles - The roles to add
692 |
693 |
addDefaultRoles(...roles: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
694 |
695 |
* Adds default users to this auto populated select menu.
696 |
697 |
* @param users - The users to add
698 |
699 |
addDefaultUsers(...users: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
700 |
701 |
* Adds default values to this auto populated select menu.
702 |
703 |
* @param values - The values to add
704 |
705 |
addDefaultValues(...values: RestOrArray<APISelectMenuDefaultValue<SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Role> | APISelectMenuDefaultValue<SelectMenuDefaultValueType.User>>): this;
706 |
707 |
* Sets default values to this auto populated select menu.
708 |
709 |
* @param values - The values to set
710 |
711 |
setDefaultValues(...values: RestOrArray<APISelectMenuDefaultValue<SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Role> | APISelectMenuDefaultValue<SelectMenuDefaultValueType.User>>): this;
712 |
713 |
714 |
715 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for role select menus.
716 |
717 |
declare class RoleSelectMenuBuilder extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder<APIRoleSelectComponent> {
718 |
719 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
720 |
721 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
722 |
* @example
723 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
724 |
* ```ts
725 |
* const selectMenu = new RoleSelectMenuBuilder({
726 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
727 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
728 |
* max_values: 2,
729 |
* });
730 |
* ```
731 |
* @example
732 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
733 |
* ```ts
734 |
* const selectMenu = new RoleSelectMenuBuilder({
735 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
736 |
* })
737 |
* .setMinValues(1);
738 |
* ```
739 |
740 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIRoleSelectComponent>);
741 |
742 |
* Adds default roles to this auto populated select menu.
743 |
744 |
* @param roles - The roles to add
745 |
746 |
addDefaultRoles(...roles: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
747 |
748 |
* Sets default roles to this auto populated select menu.
749 |
750 |
* @param roles - The roles to set
751 |
752 |
setDefaultRoles(...roles: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
753 |
754 |
755 |
756 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for string select menus.
757 |
758 |
declare class StringSelectMenuBuilder extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder<APIStringSelectComponent> {
759 |
760 |
* The options within this select menu.
761 |
762 |
readonly options: StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder[];
763 |
764 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
765 |
766 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
767 |
* @example
768 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
769 |
* ```ts
770 |
* const selectMenu = new StringSelectMenuBuilder({
771 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
772 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
773 |
* max_values: 2,
774 |
* options: [
775 |
* { label: 'option 1', value: '1' },
776 |
* { label: 'option 2', value: '2' },
777 |
* { label: 'option 3', value: '3' },
778 |
* ],
779 |
* });
780 |
* ```
781 |
* @example
782 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
783 |
* ```ts
784 |
* const selectMenu = new StringSelectMenuBuilder({
785 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
786 |
* })
787 |
* .setMinValues(1)
788 |
* .addOptions({
789 |
* label: 'Catchy',
790 |
* value: 'catch',
791 |
* });
792 |
* ```
793 |
794 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIStringSelectComponent>);
795 |
796 |
* Adds options to this select menu.
797 |
798 |
* @param options - The options to add
799 |
800 |
addOptions(...options: RestOrArray<APISelectMenuOption | StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder>): this;
801 |
802 |
* Sets the options for this select menu.
803 |
804 |
* @param options - The options to set
805 |
806 |
setOptions(...options: RestOrArray<APISelectMenuOption | StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder>): this;
807 |
808 |
* Removes, replaces, or inserts options for this select menu.
809 |
810 |
* @remarks
811 |
* This method behaves similarly
812 |
* to {@link | Array.prototype.splice()}.
813 |
* It's useful for modifying and adjusting the order of existing options.
814 |
* @example
815 |
* Remove the first option:
816 |
* ```ts
817 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, 1);
818 |
* ```
819 |
* @example
820 |
* Remove the first n option:
821 |
* ```ts
822 |
* const n = 4;
823 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, n);
824 |
* ```
825 |
* @example
826 |
* Remove the last option:
827 |
* ```ts
828 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(-1, 1);
829 |
* ```
830 |
* @param index - The index to start at
831 |
* @param deleteCount - The number of options to remove
832 |
* @param options - The replacing option objects or builders
833 |
834 |
spliceOptions(index: number, deleteCount: number, ...options: RestOrArray<APISelectMenuOption | StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder>): this;
835 |
836 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
837 |
838 |
toJSON(): APIStringSelectComponent;
839 |
840 |
841 |
842 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for user select menus.
843 |
844 |
declare class UserSelectMenuBuilder extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder<APIUserSelectComponent> {
845 |
846 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
847 |
848 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
849 |
* @example
850 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
851 |
* ```ts
852 |
* const selectMenu = new UserSelectMenuBuilder({
853 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
854 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
855 |
* max_values: 2,
856 |
* });
857 |
* ```
858 |
* @example
859 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
860 |
* ```ts
861 |
* const selectMenu = new UserSelectMenuBuilder({
862 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
863 |
* })
864 |
* .setMinValues(1);
865 |
* ```
866 |
867 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIUserSelectComponent>);
868 |
869 |
* Adds default users to this auto populated select menu.
870 |
871 |
* @param users - The users to add
872 |
873 |
addDefaultUsers(...users: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
874 |
875 |
* Sets default users to this auto populated select menu.
876 |
877 |
* @param users - The users to set
878 |
879 |
setDefaultUsers(...users: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
880 |
881 |
882 |
883 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for text inputs.
884 |
885 |
declare class TextInputBuilder extends ComponentBuilder<APITextInputComponent> implements Equatable<APITextInputComponent | JSONEncodable<APITextInputComponent>> {
886 |
887 |
* Creates a new text input from API data.
888 |
889 |
* @param data - The API data to create this text input with
890 |
* @example
891 |
* Creating a select menu option from an API data object:
892 |
* ```ts
893 |
* const textInput = new TextInputBuilder({
894 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
895 |
* label: 'Type something',
896 |
* style: TextInputStyle.Short,
897 |
* });
898 |
* ```
899 |
* @example
900 |
* Creating a select menu option using setters and API data:
901 |
* ```ts
902 |
* const textInput = new TextInputBuilder({
903 |
* label: 'Type something else',
904 |
* })
905 |
* .setCustomId('woah')
906 |
* .setStyle(TextInputStyle.Paragraph);
907 |
* ```
908 |
909 |
constructor(data?: APITextInputComponent & {
910 |
type?: ComponentType.TextInput;
911 |
912 |
913 |
* Sets the custom id for this text input.
914 |
915 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
916 |
917 |
setCustomId(customId: string): this;
918 |
919 |
* Sets the label for this text input.
920 |
921 |
* @param label - The label to use
922 |
923 |
setLabel(label: string): this;
924 |
925 |
* Sets the style for this text input.
926 |
927 |
* @param style - The style to use
928 |
929 |
setStyle(style: TextInputStyle): this;
930 |
931 |
* Sets the minimum length of text for this text input.
932 |
933 |
* @param minLength - The minimum length of text for this text input
934 |
935 |
setMinLength(minLength: number): this;
936 |
937 |
* Sets the maximum length of text for this text input.
938 |
939 |
* @param maxLength - The maximum length of text for this text input
940 |
941 |
setMaxLength(maxLength: number): this;
942 |
943 |
* Sets the placeholder for this text input.
944 |
945 |
* @param placeholder - The placeholder to use
946 |
947 |
setPlaceholder(placeholder: string): this;
948 |
949 |
* Sets the value for this text input.
950 |
951 |
* @param value - The value to use
952 |
953 |
setValue(value: string): this;
954 |
955 |
* Sets whether this text input is required.
956 |
957 |
* @param required - Whether this text input is required
958 |
959 |
setRequired(required?: boolean): this;
960 |
961 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
962 |
963 |
toJSON(): APITextInputComponent;
964 |
965 |
* {@inheritDoc Equatable.equals}
966 |
967 |
equals(other: APITextInputComponent | JSONEncodable<APITextInputComponent>): boolean;
968 |
969 |
970 |
971 |
* The builders that may be used for messages.
972 |
973 |
type MessageComponentBuilder = ActionRowBuilder<MessageActionRowComponentBuilder> | MessageActionRowComponentBuilder;
974 |
975 |
* The builders that may be used for modals.
976 |
977 |
type ModalComponentBuilder = ActionRowBuilder<ModalActionRowComponentBuilder> | ModalActionRowComponentBuilder;
978 |
979 |
* The builders that may be used within an action row for messages.
980 |
981 |
type MessageActionRowComponentBuilder = ButtonBuilder | ChannelSelectMenuBuilder | MentionableSelectMenuBuilder | RoleSelectMenuBuilder | StringSelectMenuBuilder | UserSelectMenuBuilder;
982 |
983 |
* The builders that may be used within an action row for modals.
984 |
985 |
type ModalActionRowComponentBuilder = TextInputBuilder;
986 |
987 |
* Any builder.
988 |
989 |
type AnyComponentBuilder = MessageActionRowComponentBuilder | ModalActionRowComponentBuilder;
990 |
991 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for action rows.
992 |
993 |
* @typeParam ComponentType - The types of components this action row holds
994 |
995 |
declare class ActionRowBuilder<ComponentType extends AnyComponentBuilder> extends ComponentBuilder<APIActionRowComponent<APIMessageActionRowComponent | APIModalActionRowComponent>> {
996 |
997 |
* The components within this action row.
998 |
999 |
readonly components: ComponentType[];
1000 |
1001 |
* Creates a new action row from API data.
1002 |
1003 |
* @param data - The API data to create this action row with
1004 |
* @example
1005 |
* Creating an action row from an API data object:
1006 |
* ```ts
1007 |
* const actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder({
1008 |
* components: [
1009 |
* {
1010 |
* custom_id: "custom id",
1011 |
* label: "Type something",
1012 |
* style: TextInputStyle.Short,
1013 |
* type: ComponentType.TextInput,
1014 |
* },
1015 |
* ],
1016 |
* });
1017 |
* ```
1018 |
* @example
1019 |
* Creating an action row using setters and API data:
1020 |
* ```ts
1021 |
* const actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder({
1022 |
* components: [
1023 |
* {
1024 |
* custom_id: "custom id",
1025 |
* label: "Click me",
1026 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
1027 |
* type: ComponentType.Button,
1028 |
* },
1029 |
* ],
1030 |
* })
1031 |
* .addComponents(button2, button3);
1032 |
* ```
1033 |
1034 |
constructor({ components, }?: Partial<APIActionRowComponent<APIActionRowComponentTypes>>);
1035 |
1036 |
* Adds components to this action row.
1037 |
1038 |
* @param components - The components to add
1039 |
1040 |
addComponents(...components: RestOrArray<ComponentType>): this;
1041 |
1042 |
* Sets components for this action row.
1043 |
1044 |
* @param components - The components to set
1045 |
1046 |
setComponents(...components: RestOrArray<ComponentType>): this;
1047 |
1048 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
1049 |
1050 |
toJSON(): APIActionRowComponent<ReturnType<ComponentType['toJSON']>>;
1051 |
1052 |
1053 |
1054 |
* Components here are mapped to their respective builder.
1055 |
1056 |
interface MappedComponentTypes {
1057 |
1058 |
* The action row component type is associated with an {@link ActionRowBuilder}.
1059 |
1060 |
[ComponentType.ActionRow]: ActionRowBuilder<AnyComponentBuilder>;
1061 |
1062 |
* The button component type is associated with an {@link ButtonBuilder}.
1063 |
1064 |
[ComponentType.Button]: ButtonBuilder;
1065 |
1066 |
* The string select component type is associated with an {@link StringSelectMenuBuilder}.
1067 |
1068 |
[ComponentType.StringSelect]: StringSelectMenuBuilder;
1069 |
1070 |
* The text inpiut component type is associated with an {@link TextInputBuilder}.
1071 |
1072 |
[ComponentType.TextInput]: TextInputBuilder;
1073 |
1074 |
* The user select component type is associated with an {@link UserSelectMenuBuilder}.
1075 |
1076 |
[ComponentType.UserSelect]: UserSelectMenuBuilder;
1077 |
1078 |
* The role select component type is associated with an {@link RoleSelectMenuBuilder}.
1079 |
1080 |
[ComponentType.RoleSelect]: RoleSelectMenuBuilder;
1081 |
1082 |
* The mentionable select component type is associated with an {@link MentionableSelectMenuBuilder}.
1083 |
1084 |
[ComponentType.MentionableSelect]: MentionableSelectMenuBuilder;
1085 |
1086 |
* The channel select component type is associated with an {@link ChannelSelectMenuBuilder}.
1087 |
1088 |
[ComponentType.ChannelSelect]: ChannelSelectMenuBuilder;
1089 |
1090 |
1091 |
* Factory for creating components from API data.
1092 |
1093 |
* @typeParam ComponentType - The type of component to use
1094 |
* @param data - The API data to transform to a component class
1095 |
1096 |
declare function createComponentBuilder<ComponentType extends keyof MappedComponentTypes>(data: (APIModalComponent | APIMessageComponent) & {
1097 |
type: ComponentType;
1098 |
}): MappedComponentTypes[ComponentType];
1099 |
1100 |
* Factory for creating components from API data.
1101 |
1102 |
* @typeParam ComponentBuilder - The type of component to use
1103 |
* @param data - The API data to transform to a component class
1104 |
1105 |
declare function createComponentBuilder<ComponentBuilder extends MessageComponentBuilder | ModalComponentBuilder>(data: ComponentBuilder): ComponentBuilder;
1106 |
1107 |
declare const textInputStyleValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NativeEnumValidator<typeof TextInputStyle>;
1108 |
declare const minLengthValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
1109 |
declare const maxLengthValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
1110 |
declare const requiredValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.BooleanValidator<boolean>;
1111 |
declare const valueValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
1112 |
declare const placeholderValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
1113 |
declare const labelValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
1114 |
declare function validateRequiredParameters$3(customId?: string, style?: TextInputStyle, label?: string): void;
1115 |
1116 |
declare const Assertions$3_labelValidator: typeof labelValidator;
1117 |
declare const Assertions$3_maxLengthValidator: typeof maxLengthValidator;
1118 |
declare const Assertions$3_minLengthValidator: typeof minLengthValidator;
1119 |
declare const Assertions$3_placeholderValidator: typeof placeholderValidator;
1120 |
declare const Assertions$3_requiredValidator: typeof requiredValidator;
1121 |
declare const Assertions$3_textInputStyleValidator: typeof textInputStyleValidator;
1122 |
declare const Assertions$3_valueValidator: typeof valueValidator;
1123 |
declare namespace Assertions$3 {
1124 |
export {
1125 |
Assertions$3_labelValidator as labelValidator,
1126 |
Assertions$3_maxLengthValidator as maxLengthValidator,
1127 |
Assertions$3_minLengthValidator as minLengthValidator,
1128 |
Assertions$3_placeholderValidator as placeholderValidator,
1129 |
Assertions$3_requiredValidator as requiredValidator,
1130 |
Assertions$3_textInputStyleValidator as textInputStyleValidator,
1131 |
validateRequiredParameters$3 as validateRequiredParameters,
1132 |
Assertions$3_valueValidator as valueValidator,
1133 |
1134 |
1135 |
1136 |
1137 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for modals.
1138 |
1139 |
declare class ModalBuilder implements JSONEncodable<APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData> {
1140 |
1141 |
* The API data associated with this modal.
1142 |
1143 |
readonly data: Partial<APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData>;
1144 |
1145 |
* The components within this modal.
1146 |
1147 |
readonly components: ActionRowBuilder<ModalActionRowComponentBuilder>[];
1148 |
1149 |
* Creates a new modal from API data.
1150 |
1151 |
* @param data - The API data to create this modal with
1152 |
1153 |
constructor({ components, }?: Partial<APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData>);
1154 |
1155 |
* Sets the title of this modal.
1156 |
1157 |
* @param title - The title to use
1158 |
1159 |
setTitle(title: string): this;
1160 |
1161 |
* Sets the custom id of this modal.
1162 |
1163 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
1164 |
1165 |
setCustomId(customId: string): this;
1166 |
1167 |
* Adds components to this modal.
1168 |
1169 |
* @param components - The components to add
1170 |
1171 |
addComponents(...components: RestOrArray<ActionRowBuilder<ModalActionRowComponentBuilder> | APIActionRowComponent<APIModalActionRowComponent>>): this;
1172 |
1173 |
* Sets components for this modal.
1174 |
1175 |
* @param components - The components to set
1176 |
1177 |
setComponents(...components: RestOrArray<ActionRowBuilder<ModalActionRowComponentBuilder>>): this;
1178 |
1179 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
1180 |
1181 |
toJSON(): APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData;
1182 |
1183 |
1184 |
declare const titleValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
1185 |
declare const componentsValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.ArrayValidator<[ActionRowBuilder<AnyComponentBuilder>, ...ActionRowBuilder<AnyComponentBuilder>[]], ActionRowBuilder<AnyComponentBuilder>>;
1186 |
declare function validateRequiredParameters$2(customId?: string, title?: string, components?: ActionRowBuilder<ModalActionRowComponentBuilder>[]): void;
1187 |
1188 |
declare const Assertions$2_componentsValidator: typeof componentsValidator;
1189 |
declare const Assertions$2_titleValidator: typeof titleValidator;
1190 |
declare namespace Assertions$2 {
1191 |
export {
1192 |
Assertions$2_componentsValidator as componentsValidator,
1193 |
Assertions$2_titleValidator as titleValidator,
1194 |
validateRequiredParameters$2 as validateRequiredParameters,
1195 |
1196 |
1197 |
1198 |
1199 |
* This mixin holds name and description symbols for slash commands.
1200 |
1201 |
declare class SharedNameAndDescription {
1202 |
1203 |
* The name of this command.
1204 |
1205 |
readonly name: string;
1206 |
1207 |
* The name localizations of this command.
1208 |
1209 |
readonly name_localizations?: LocalizationMap;
1210 |
1211 |
* The description of this command.
1212 |
1213 |
readonly description: string;
1214 |
1215 |
* The description localizations of this command.
1216 |
1217 |
readonly description_localizations?: LocalizationMap;
1218 |
1219 |
* Sets the name of this command.
1220 |
1221 |
* @param name - The name to use
1222 |
1223 |
setName(name: string): this;
1224 |
1225 |
* Sets the description of this command.
1226 |
1227 |
* @param description - The description to use
1228 |
1229 |
setDescription(description: string): this;
1230 |
1231 |
* Sets a name localization for this command.
1232 |
1233 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
1234 |
* @param localizedName - The localized name for the given `locale`
1235 |
1236 |
setNameLocalization(locale: LocaleString, localizedName: string | null): this;
1237 |
1238 |
* Sets the name localizations for this command.
1239 |
1240 |
* @param localizedNames - The object of localized names to set
1241 |
1242 |
setNameLocalizations(localizedNames: LocalizationMap | null): this;
1243 |
1244 |
* Sets a description localization for this command.
1245 |
1246 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
1247 |
* @param localizedDescription - The localized description for the given locale
1248 |
1249 |
setDescriptionLocalization(locale: LocaleString, localizedDescription: string | null): this;
1250 |
1251 |
* Sets the description localizations for this command.
1252 |
1253 |
* @param localizedDescriptions - The object of localized descriptions to set
1254 |
1255 |
setDescriptionLocalizations(localizedDescriptions: LocalizationMap | null): this;
1256 |
1257 |
1258 |
1259 |
* The base application command option builder that contains common symbols for application command builders.
1260 |
1261 |
declare abstract class ApplicationCommandOptionBase extends SharedNameAndDescription {
1262 |
1263 |
* The type of this option.
1264 |
1265 |
abstract readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType;
1266 |
1267 |
* Whether this option is required.
1268 |
1269 |
* @defaultValue `false`
1270 |
1271 |
readonly required: boolean;
1272 |
1273 |
* Sets whether this option is required.
1274 |
1275 |
* @param required - Whether this option should be required
1276 |
1277 |
setRequired(required: boolean): this;
1278 |
1279 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
1280 |
1281 |
* @remarks
1282 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
1283 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
1284 |
1285 |
abstract toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandBasicOption;
1286 |
1287 |
* This method runs required validators on this builder.
1288 |
1289 |
protected runRequiredValidations(): void;
1290 |
1291 |
1292 |
1293 |
* A slash command attachment option.
1294 |
1295 |
declare class SlashCommandAttachmentOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1296 |
1297 |
* The type of this option.
1298 |
1299 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Attachment;
1300 |
1301 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1302 |
1303 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandAttachmentOption;
1304 |
1305 |
1306 |
1307 |
* A slash command boolean option.
1308 |
1309 |
declare class SlashCommandBooleanOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1310 |
1311 |
* The type of this option.
1312 |
1313 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean;
1314 |
1315 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1316 |
1317 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandBooleanOption;
1318 |
1319 |
1320 |
1321 |
* The allowed channel types used for a channel option in a slash command builder.
1322 |
1323 |
* @privateRemarks This can't be dynamic because const enums are erased at runtime.
1324 |
* @internal
1325 |
1326 |
declare const allowedChannelTypes: readonly [ChannelType.GuildText, ChannelType.GuildVoice, ChannelType.GuildCategory, ChannelType.GuildAnnouncement, ChannelType.AnnouncementThread, ChannelType.PublicThread, ChannelType.PrivateThread, ChannelType.GuildStageVoice, ChannelType.GuildForum, ChannelType.GuildMedia];
1327 |
1328 |
* The type of allowed channel types used for a channel option.
1329 |
1330 |
type ApplicationCommandOptionAllowedChannelTypes = (typeof allowedChannelTypes)[number];
1331 |
1332 |
* This mixin holds channel type symbols used for options.
1333 |
1334 |
declare class ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin {
1335 |
1336 |
* The channel types of this option.
1337 |
1338 |
readonly channel_types?: ApplicationCommandOptionAllowedChannelTypes[];
1339 |
1340 |
* Adds channel types to this option.
1341 |
1342 |
* @param channelTypes - The channel types
1343 |
1344 |
addChannelTypes(...channelTypes: ApplicationCommandOptionAllowedChannelTypes[]): this;
1345 |
1346 |
1347 |
1348 |
* A slash command channel option.
1349 |
1350 |
declare class SlashCommandChannelOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1351 |
1352 |
* The type of this option.
1353 |
1354 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel;
1355 |
1356 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1357 |
1358 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandChannelOption;
1359 |
1360 |
interface SlashCommandChannelOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin {
1361 |
1362 |
1363 |
1364 |
* This mixin holds minimum and maximum symbols used for options.
1365 |
1366 |
declare abstract class ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin {
1367 |
1368 |
* The maximum value of this option.
1369 |
1370 |
readonly max_value?: number;
1371 |
1372 |
* The minimum value of this option.
1373 |
1374 |
readonly min_value?: number;
1375 |
1376 |
* Sets the maximum number value of this option.
1377 |
1378 |
* @param max - The maximum value this option can be
1379 |
1380 |
abstract setMaxValue(max: number): this;
1381 |
1382 |
* Sets the minimum number value of this option.
1383 |
1384 |
* @param min - The minimum value this option can be
1385 |
1386 |
abstract setMinValue(min: number): this;
1387 |
1388 |
1389 |
1390 |
* This mixin holds choices and autocomplete symbols used for options.
1391 |
1392 |
declare class ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin<ChoiceType extends number | string> {
1393 |
1394 |
* The choices of this option.
1395 |
1396 |
readonly choices?: APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice<ChoiceType>[];
1397 |
1398 |
* Whether this option utilizes autocomplete.
1399 |
1400 |
readonly autocomplete?: boolean;
1401 |
1402 |
* The type of this option.
1403 |
1404 |
* @privateRemarks Since this is present and this is a mixin, this is needed.
1405 |
1406 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType;
1407 |
1408 |
* Adds multiple choices to this option.
1409 |
1410 |
* @param choices - The choices to add
1411 |
1412 |
addChoices(...choices: APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice<ChoiceType>[]): this;
1413 |
1414 |
* Sets multiple choices for this option.
1415 |
1416 |
* @param choices - The choices to set
1417 |
1418 |
setChoices<Input extends APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice<ChoiceType>[]>(...choices: Input): this;
1419 |
1420 |
* Whether this option uses autocomplete.
1421 |
1422 |
* @param autocomplete - Whether this option should use autocomplete
1423 |
1424 |
setAutocomplete(autocomplete: boolean): this;
1425 |
1426 |
1427 |
1428 |
* A slash command integer option.
1429 |
1430 |
declare class SlashCommandIntegerOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase implements ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin {
1431 |
1432 |
* The type of this option.
1433 |
1434 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer;
1435 |
1436 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMaxValue}
1437 |
1438 |
setMaxValue(max: number): this;
1439 |
1440 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMinValue}
1441 |
1442 |
setMinValue(min: number): this;
1443 |
1444 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1445 |
1446 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandIntegerOption;
1447 |
1448 |
interface SlashCommandIntegerOption extends ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin<number> {
1449 |
1450 |
1451 |
1452 |
* A slash command mentionable option.
1453 |
1454 |
declare class SlashCommandMentionableOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1455 |
1456 |
* The type of this option.
1457 |
1458 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Mentionable;
1459 |
1460 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1461 |
1462 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandMentionableOption;
1463 |
1464 |
1465 |
1466 |
* A slash command number option.
1467 |
1468 |
declare class SlashCommandNumberOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase implements ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin {
1469 |
1470 |
* The type of this option.
1471 |
1472 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Number;
1473 |
1474 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMaxValue}
1475 |
1476 |
setMaxValue(max: number): this;
1477 |
1478 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMinValue}
1479 |
1480 |
setMinValue(min: number): this;
1481 |
1482 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1483 |
1484 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandNumberOption;
1485 |
1486 |
interface SlashCommandNumberOption extends ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin<number> {
1487 |
1488 |
1489 |
1490 |
* A slash command role option.
1491 |
1492 |
declare class SlashCommandRoleOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1493 |
1494 |
* The type of this option.
1495 |
1496 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Role;
1497 |
1498 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1499 |
1500 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandRoleOption;
1501 |
1502 |
1503 |
1504 |
* A slash command string option.
1505 |
1506 |
declare class SlashCommandStringOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1507 |
1508 |
* The type of this option.
1509 |
1510 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String;
1511 |
1512 |
* The maximum length of this option.
1513 |
1514 |
readonly max_length?: number;
1515 |
1516 |
* The minimum length of this option.
1517 |
1518 |
readonly min_length?: number;
1519 |
1520 |
* Sets the maximum length of this string option.
1521 |
1522 |
* @param max - The maximum length this option can be
1523 |
1524 |
setMaxLength(max: number): this;
1525 |
1526 |
* Sets the minimum length of this string option.
1527 |
1528 |
* @param min - The minimum length this option can be
1529 |
1530 |
setMinLength(min: number): this;
1531 |
1532 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1533 |
1534 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandStringOption;
1535 |
1536 |
interface SlashCommandStringOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin<string> {
1537 |
1538 |
1539 |
1540 |
* A slash command user option.
1541 |
1542 |
declare class SlashCommandUserOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1543 |
1544 |
* The type of this option.
1545 |
1546 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.User;
1547 |
1548 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1549 |
1550 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandUserOption;
1551 |
1552 |
1553 |
1554 |
* This mixin holds symbols that can be shared in slash command options.
1555 |
1556 |
* @typeParam ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions - Whether to omit subcommand functions.
1557 |
1558 |
declare class SharedSlashCommandOptions<ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions = true> {
1559 |
readonly options: ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions[];
1560 |
1561 |
* Adds a boolean option.
1562 |
1563 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1564 |
1565 |
addBooleanOption(input: SlashCommandBooleanOption | ((builder: SlashCommandBooleanOption) => SlashCommandBooleanOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1566 |
1567 |
* Adds a user option.
1568 |
1569 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1570 |
1571 |
addUserOption(input: SlashCommandUserOption | ((builder: SlashCommandUserOption) => SlashCommandUserOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1572 |
1573 |
* Adds a channel option.
1574 |
1575 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1576 |
1577 |
addChannelOption(input: SlashCommandChannelOption | ((builder: SlashCommandChannelOption) => SlashCommandChannelOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1578 |
1579 |
* Adds a role option.
1580 |
1581 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1582 |
1583 |
addRoleOption(input: SlashCommandRoleOption | ((builder: SlashCommandRoleOption) => SlashCommandRoleOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1584 |
1585 |
* Adds an attachment option.
1586 |
1587 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1588 |
1589 |
addAttachmentOption(input: SlashCommandAttachmentOption | ((builder: SlashCommandAttachmentOption) => SlashCommandAttachmentOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1590 |
1591 |
* Adds a mentionable option.
1592 |
1593 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1594 |
1595 |
addMentionableOption(input: SlashCommandMentionableOption | ((builder: SlashCommandMentionableOption) => SlashCommandMentionableOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1596 |
1597 |
* Adds a string option.
1598 |
1599 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1600 |
1601 |
addStringOption(input: Omit<SlashCommandStringOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandStringOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandStringOption | ((builder: SlashCommandStringOption) => Omit<SlashCommandStringOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandStringOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandStringOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1602 |
1603 |
* Adds an integer option.
1604 |
1605 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1606 |
1607 |
addIntegerOption(input: Omit<SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandIntegerOption | ((builder: SlashCommandIntegerOption) => Omit<SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandIntegerOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1608 |
1609 |
* Adds a number option.
1610 |
1611 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1612 |
1613 |
addNumberOption(input: Omit<SlashCommandNumberOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandNumberOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandNumberOption | ((builder: SlashCommandNumberOption) => Omit<SlashCommandNumberOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandNumberOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandNumberOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1614 |
1615 |
* Where the actual adding magic happens. ✨
1616 |
1617 |
* @param input - The input. What else?
1618 |
* @param Instance - The instance of whatever is being added
1619 |
* @internal
1620 |
1621 |
private _sharedAddOptionMethod;
1622 |
1623 |
1624 |
1625 |
* Represents a folder for subcommands.
1626 |
1627 |
* @see {@link}
1628 |
1629 |
declare class SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder implements ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions {
1630 |
1631 |
* The name of this subcommand group.
1632 |
1633 |
readonly name: string;
1634 |
1635 |
* The description of this subcommand group.
1636 |
1637 |
readonly description: string;
1638 |
1639 |
* The subcommands within this subcommand group.
1640 |
1641 |
readonly options: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder[];
1642 |
1643 |
* Adds a new subcommand to this group.
1644 |
1645 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand builder or an already built builder
1646 |
1647 |
addSubcommand(input: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder | ((subcommandGroup: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) => SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder)): this;
1648 |
1649 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
1650 |
1651 |
* @remarks
1652 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
1653 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
1654 |
1655 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandSubcommandGroupOption;
1656 |
1657 |
interface SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder extends SharedNameAndDescription {
1658 |
1659 |
1660 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for slash command subcommands.
1661 |
1662 |
* @see {@link}
1663 |
1664 |
declare class SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder implements ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions {
1665 |
1666 |
* The name of this subcommand.
1667 |
1668 |
readonly name: string;
1669 |
1670 |
* The description of this subcommand.
1671 |
1672 |
readonly description: string;
1673 |
1674 |
* The options within this subcommand.
1675 |
1676 |
readonly options: ApplicationCommandOptionBase[];
1677 |
1678 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
1679 |
1680 |
* @remarks
1681 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
1682 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
1683 |
1684 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandSubcommandOption;
1685 |
1686 |
interface SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder extends SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions<false> {
1687 |
1688 |
1689 |
1690 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for slash commands.
1691 |
1692 |
declare class SlashCommandBuilder {
1693 |
1694 |
* The name of this command.
1695 |
1696 |
readonly name: string;
1697 |
1698 |
* The name localizations of this command.
1699 |
1700 |
readonly name_localizations?: LocalizationMap;
1701 |
1702 |
* The description of this command.
1703 |
1704 |
readonly description: string;
1705 |
1706 |
* The description localizations of this command.
1707 |
1708 |
readonly description_localizations?: LocalizationMap;
1709 |
1710 |
* The options of this command.
1711 |
1712 |
readonly options: ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions[];
1713 |
1714 |
* Whether this command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
1715 |
1716 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
1717 |
1718 |
readonly default_permission: boolean | undefined;
1719 |
1720 |
* The set of permissions represented as a bit set for the command.
1721 |
1722 |
readonly default_member_permissions: Permissions | null | undefined;
1723 |
1724 |
* Indicates whether the command is available in direct messages with the application.
1725 |
1726 |
* @remarks
1727 |
* By default, commands are visible. This property is only for global commands.
1728 |
1729 |
readonly dm_permission: boolean | undefined;
1730 |
1731 |
* Whether this command is NSFW.
1732 |
1733 |
readonly nsfw: boolean | undefined;
1734 |
1735 |
* Sets whether the command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
1736 |
1737 |
* @remarks
1738 |
* If set to `false`, you will have to later `PUT` the permissions for this command.
1739 |
* @param value - Whether or not to enable this command by default
1740 |
* @see {@link}
1741 |
* @deprecated Use {@link SlashCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link SlashCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
1742 |
1743 |
setDefaultPermission(value: boolean): this;
1744 |
1745 |
* Sets the default permissions a member should have in order to run the command.
1746 |
1747 |
* @remarks
1748 |
* You can set this to `'0'` to disable the command by default.
1749 |
* @param permissions - The permissions bit field to set
1750 |
* @see {@link}
1751 |
1752 |
setDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions: Permissions | bigint | number | null | undefined): this;
1753 |
1754 |
* Sets if the command is available in direct messages with the application.
1755 |
1756 |
* @remarks
1757 |
* By default, commands are visible. This method is only for global commands.
1758 |
* @param enabled - Whether the command should be enabled in direct messages
1759 |
* @see {@link}
1760 |
1761 |
setDMPermission(enabled: boolean | null | undefined): this;
1762 |
1763 |
* Sets whether this command is NSFW.
1764 |
1765 |
* @param nsfw - Whether this command is NSFW
1766 |
1767 |
setNSFW(nsfw?: boolean): this;
1768 |
1769 |
* Adds a new subcommand group to this command.
1770 |
1771 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand group builder or an already built builder
1772 |
1773 |
addSubcommandGroup(input: SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder | ((subcommandGroup: SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder) => SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder)): SlashCommandSubcommandsOnlyBuilder;
1774 |
1775 |
* Adds a new subcommand to this command.
1776 |
1777 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand builder or an already built builder
1778 |
1779 |
addSubcommand(input: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder | ((subcommandGroup: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) => SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder)): SlashCommandSubcommandsOnlyBuilder;
1780 |
1781 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
1782 |
1783 |
* @remarks
1784 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
1785 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
1786 |
1787 |
toJSON(): RESTPostAPIChatInputApplicationCommandsJSONBody;
1788 |
1789 |
interface SlashCommandBuilder extends SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions {
1790 |
1791 |
1792 |
* An interface specifically for slash command subcommands.
1793 |
1794 |
interface SlashCommandSubcommandsOnlyBuilder extends Omit<SlashCommandBuilder, Exclude<keyof SharedSlashCommandOptions, 'options'>> {
1795 |
1796 |
1797 |
* An interface specifically for slash command options.
1798 |
1799 |
interface SlashCommandOptionsOnlyBuilder extends SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions, Pick<SlashCommandBuilder, 'toJSON'> {
1800 |
1801 |
1802 |
* An interface that ensures the `toJSON()` call will return something
1803 |
* that can be serialized into API-compatible data.
1804 |
1805 |
interface ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions {
1806 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandOption;
1807 |
1808 |
1809 |
declare function validateName$1(name: unknown): asserts name is string;
1810 |
declare function validateDescription(description: unknown): asserts description is string;
1811 |
declare function validateLocale(locale: unknown): Locale;
1812 |
declare function validateMaxOptionsLength(options: unknown): asserts options is ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions[];
1813 |
declare function validateRequiredParameters$1(name: string, description: string, options: ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions[]): void;
1814 |
declare function validateDefaultPermission$1(value: unknown): asserts value is boolean;
1815 |
declare function validateRequired(required: unknown): asserts required is boolean;
1816 |
declare function validateChoicesLength(amountAdding: number, choices?: APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice[]): void;
1817 |
declare function assertReturnOfBuilder<ReturnType extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase | SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder | SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder>(input: unknown, ExpectedInstanceOf: new () => ReturnType): asserts input is ReturnType;
1818 |
declare const localizationMapPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<_sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<Partial<Record<"id" | "en-US" | "en-GB" | "bg" | "zh-CN" | "zh-TW" | "hr" | "cs" | "da" | "nl" | "fi" | "fr" | "de" | "el" | "hi" | "hu" | "it" | "ja" | "ko" | "lt" | "no" | "pl" | "pt-BR" | "ro" | "ru" | "es-ES" | "sv-SE" | "th" | "tr" | "uk" | "vi", string | null>>> | null | undefined>;
1819 |
declare function validateLocalizationMap(value: unknown): asserts value is LocalizationMap;
1820 |
declare function validateDMPermission$1(value: unknown): asserts value is boolean | null | undefined;
1821 |
declare function validateDefaultMemberPermissions$1(permissions: unknown): string | null | undefined;
1822 |
declare function validateNSFW(value: unknown): asserts value is boolean;
1823 |
1824 |
declare const Assertions$1_assertReturnOfBuilder: typeof assertReturnOfBuilder;
1825 |
declare const Assertions$1_localizationMapPredicate: typeof localizationMapPredicate;
1826 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateChoicesLength: typeof validateChoicesLength;
1827 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateDescription: typeof validateDescription;
1828 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateLocale: typeof validateLocale;
1829 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateLocalizationMap: typeof validateLocalizationMap;
1830 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateMaxOptionsLength: typeof validateMaxOptionsLength;
1831 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateNSFW: typeof validateNSFW;
1832 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateRequired: typeof validateRequired;
1833 |
declare namespace Assertions$1 {
1834 |
export {
1835 |
Assertions$1_assertReturnOfBuilder as assertReturnOfBuilder,
1836 |
Assertions$1_localizationMapPredicate as localizationMapPredicate,
1837 |
Assertions$1_validateChoicesLength as validateChoicesLength,
1838 |
validateDMPermission$1 as validateDMPermission,
1839 |
validateDefaultMemberPermissions$1 as validateDefaultMemberPermissions,
1840 |
validateDefaultPermission$1 as validateDefaultPermission,
1841 |
Assertions$1_validateDescription as validateDescription,
1842 |
Assertions$1_validateLocale as validateLocale,
1843 |
Assertions$1_validateLocalizationMap as validateLocalizationMap,
1844 |
Assertions$1_validateMaxOptionsLength as validateMaxOptionsLength,
1845 |
Assertions$1_validateNSFW as validateNSFW,
1846 |
validateName$1 as validateName,
1847 |
Assertions$1_validateRequired as validateRequired,
1848 |
validateRequiredParameters$1 as validateRequiredParameters,
1849 |
1850 |
1851 |
1852 |
1853 |
* The type a context menu command can be.
1854 |
1855 |
type ContextMenuCommandType = ApplicationCommandType.Message | ApplicationCommandType.User;
1856 |
1857 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for context menu commands.
1858 |
1859 |
declare class ContextMenuCommandBuilder {
1860 |
1861 |
* The name of this command.
1862 |
1863 |
readonly name: string;
1864 |
1865 |
* The name localizations of this command.
1866 |
1867 |
readonly name_localizations?: LocalizationMap;
1868 |
1869 |
* The type of this command.
1870 |
1871 |
readonly type: ContextMenuCommandType;
1872 |
1873 |
* Whether this command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
1874 |
1875 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
1876 |
1877 |
readonly default_permission: boolean | undefined;
1878 |
1879 |
* The set of permissions represented as a bit set for the command.
1880 |
1881 |
readonly default_member_permissions: Permissions | null | undefined;
1882 |
1883 |
* Indicates whether the command is available in direct messages with the application.
1884 |
1885 |
* @remarks
1886 |
* By default, commands are visible. This property is only for global commands.
1887 |
1888 |
readonly dm_permission: boolean | undefined;
1889 |
1890 |
* Sets the name of this command.
1891 |
1892 |
* @param name - The name to use
1893 |
1894 |
setName(name: string): this;
1895 |
1896 |
* Sets the type of this command.
1897 |
1898 |
* @param type - The type to use
1899 |
1900 |
setType(type: ContextMenuCommandType): this;
1901 |
1902 |
* Sets whether the command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
1903 |
1904 |
* @remarks
1905 |
* If set to `false`, you will have to later `PUT` the permissions for this command.
1906 |
* @param value - Whether to enable this command by default
1907 |
* @see {@link}
1908 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
1909 |
1910 |
setDefaultPermission(value: boolean): this;
1911 |
1912 |
* Sets the default permissions a member should have in order to run this command.
1913 |
1914 |
* @remarks
1915 |
* You can set this to `'0'` to disable the command by default.
1916 |
* @param permissions - The permissions bit field to set
1917 |
* @see {@link}
1918 |
1919 |
setDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions: Permissions | bigint | number | null | undefined): this;
1920 |
1921 |
* Sets if the command is available in direct messages with the application.
1922 |
1923 |
* @remarks
1924 |
* By default, commands are visible. This method is only for global commands.
1925 |
* @param enabled - Whether the command should be enabled in direct messages
1926 |
* @see {@link}
1927 |
1928 |
setDMPermission(enabled: boolean | null | undefined): this;
1929 |
1930 |
* Sets a name localization for this command.
1931 |
1932 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
1933 |
* @param localizedName - The localized name for the given `locale`
1934 |
1935 |
setNameLocalization(locale: LocaleString, localizedName: string | null): this;
1936 |
1937 |
* Sets the name localizations for this command.
1938 |
1939 |
* @param localizedNames - The object of localized names to set
1940 |
1941 |
setNameLocalizations(localizedNames: LocalizationMap | null): this;
1942 |
1943 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
1944 |
1945 |
* @remarks
1946 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
1947 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
1948 |
1949 |
toJSON(): RESTPostAPIContextMenuApplicationCommandsJSONBody;
1950 |
1951 |
1952 |
declare function validateDefaultPermission(value: unknown): asserts value is boolean;
1953 |
declare function validateName(name: unknown): asserts name is string;
1954 |
declare function validateType(type: unknown): asserts type is ContextMenuCommandType;
1955 |
declare function validateRequiredParameters(name: string, type: number): void;
1956 |
declare function validateDMPermission(value: unknown): asserts value is boolean | null | undefined;
1957 |
declare function validateDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions: unknown): string | null | undefined;
1958 |
1959 |
declare const Assertions_validateDMPermission: typeof validateDMPermission;
1960 |
declare const Assertions_validateDefaultMemberPermissions: typeof validateDefaultMemberPermissions;
1961 |
declare const Assertions_validateDefaultPermission: typeof validateDefaultPermission;
1962 |
declare const Assertions_validateName: typeof validateName;
1963 |
declare const Assertions_validateRequiredParameters: typeof validateRequiredParameters;
1964 |
declare const Assertions_validateType: typeof validateType;
1965 |
declare namespace Assertions {
1966 |
export {
1967 |
Assertions_validateDMPermission as validateDMPermission,
1968 |
Assertions_validateDefaultMemberPermissions as validateDefaultMemberPermissions,
1969 |
Assertions_validateDefaultPermission as validateDefaultPermission,
1970 |
Assertions_validateName as validateName,
1971 |
Assertions_validateRequiredParameters as validateRequiredParameters,
1972 |
Assertions_validateType as validateType,
1973 |
1974 |
1975 |
1976 |
1977 |
* Calculates the length of the embed.
1978 |
1979 |
* @param data - The embed data to check
1980 |
1981 |
declare function embedLength(data: APIEmbed): number;
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
* Enables validators.
1985 |
1986 |
* @returns Whether validation is occurring.
1987 |
1988 |
declare function enableValidators(): boolean;
1989 |
1990 |
* Disables validators.
1991 |
1992 |
* @returns Whether validation is occurring.
1993 |
1994 |
declare function disableValidators(): boolean;
1995 |
1996 |
* Checks whether validation is occurring.
1997 |
1998 |
declare function isValidationEnabled(): boolean;
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
* The {@link | @discordjs/builders} version
2002 |
* that you are currently using.
2003 |
2004 |
* @privateRemarks This needs to explicitly be `string` so it is not typed as a "const string" that gets injected by esbuild.
2005 |
2006 |
declare const version: string;
2007 |
2008 |
export { ActionRowBuilder, AnyAPIActionRowComponent, AnyComponentBuilder, ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionAllowedChannelTypes, ApplicationCommandOptionBase, ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin, BaseSelectMenuBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ChannelSelectMenuBuilder, Assertions$4 as ComponentAssertions, ComponentBuilder, Assertions as ContextMenuCommandAssertions, ContextMenuCommandBuilder, ContextMenuCommandType, Assertions$5 as EmbedAssertions, EmbedAuthorData, EmbedAuthorOptions, EmbedBuilder, EmbedFooterData, EmbedFooterOptions, EmbedImageData, IconData, MappedComponentTypes, MentionableSelectMenuBuilder, MessageActionRowComponentBuilder, MessageComponentBuilder, ModalActionRowComponentBuilder, Assertions$2 as ModalAssertions, ModalBuilder, ModalComponentBuilder, RGBTuple, RestOrArray, RoleSelectMenuBuilder, StringSelectMenuBuilder as SelectMenuBuilder, StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder as SelectMenuOptionBuilder, SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions, Assertions$1 as SlashCommandAssertions, SlashCommandAttachmentOption, SlashCommandBooleanOption, SlashCommandBuilder, SlashCommandChannelOption, SlashCommandIntegerOption, SlashCommandMentionableOption, SlashCommandNumberOption, SlashCommandOptionsOnlyBuilder, SlashCommandRoleOption, SlashCommandStringOption, SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder, SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder, SlashCommandSubcommandsOnlyBuilder, SlashCommandUserOption, StringSelectMenuBuilder, StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder, Assertions$3 as TextInputAssertions, TextInputBuilder, ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions, UserSelectMenuBuilder, createComponentBuilder, disableValidators, embedLength, enableValidators, isValidationEnabled, normalizeArray, version };
@@ -0,0 +1,2008 @@
1 |
import * as _sapphire_shapeshift from '@sapphire/shapeshift';
2 |
import { APIEmbedField, APIEmbedAuthor, APIEmbedFooter, APIEmbedImage, APIEmbed, APISelectMenuOption, APIMessageComponentEmoji, ButtonStyle, ChannelType, APIActionRowComponent, APIActionRowComponentTypes, APIBaseComponent, ComponentType, APIButtonComponent, APISelectMenuComponent, APIChannelSelectComponent, Snowflake, APIMentionableSelectComponent, APISelectMenuDefaultValue, SelectMenuDefaultValueType, APIRoleSelectComponent, APIStringSelectComponent, APIUserSelectComponent, APITextInputComponent, TextInputStyle, APIMessageActionRowComponent, APIModalActionRowComponent, APIModalComponent, APIMessageComponent, APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData, LocalizationMap, LocaleString, ApplicationCommandOptionType, APIApplicationCommandBasicOption, APIApplicationCommandAttachmentOption, APIApplicationCommandBooleanOption, APIApplicationCommandChannelOption, APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice, APIApplicationCommandIntegerOption, APIApplicationCommandMentionableOption, APIApplicationCommandNumberOption, APIApplicationCommandRoleOption, APIApplicationCommandStringOption, APIApplicationCommandUserOption, APIApplicationCommandSubcommandGroupOption, APIApplicationCommandSubcommandOption, Permissions, RESTPostAPIChatInputApplicationCommandsJSONBody, APIApplicationCommandOption, Locale, ApplicationCommandType, RESTPostAPIContextMenuApplicationCommandsJSONBody } from 'discord-api-types/v10';
3 |
export * from '@discordjs/formatters';
4 |
import { JSONEncodable, Equatable } from '@discordjs/util';
5 |
6 |
declare const fieldNamePredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
7 |
declare const fieldValuePredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
8 |
declare const fieldInlinePredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<boolean | undefined>;
9 |
declare const embedFieldPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.ObjectValidator<{
10 |
name: string;
11 |
value: string;
12 |
inline: boolean | undefined;
13 |
}, _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
14 |
name: string;
15 |
value: string;
16 |
inline: boolean | undefined;
17 |
18 |
declare const embedFieldsArrayPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.ArrayValidator<_sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
19 |
name: string;
20 |
value: string;
21 |
inline: boolean | undefined;
22 |
}>[], _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
23 |
name: string;
24 |
value: string;
25 |
inline: boolean | undefined;
26 |
27 |
declare const fieldLengthPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
28 |
declare function validateFieldLength(amountAdding: number, fields?: APIEmbedField[]): void;
29 |
declare const authorNamePredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null>;
30 |
declare const imageURLPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null | undefined>;
31 |
declare const urlPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null | undefined>;
32 |
declare const embedAuthorPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.ObjectValidator<{
33 |
name: string | null;
34 |
iconURL: string | null | undefined;
35 |
url: string | null | undefined;
36 |
}, _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
37 |
name: string | null;
38 |
iconURL: string | null | undefined;
39 |
url: string | null | undefined;
40 |
41 |
declare const RGBPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
42 |
declare const colorPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<number | [number, number, number] | null>;
43 |
declare const descriptionPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null>;
44 |
declare const footerTextPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null>;
45 |
declare const embedFooterPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.ObjectValidator<{
46 |
text: string | null;
47 |
iconURL: string | null | undefined;
48 |
}, _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
49 |
text: string | null;
50 |
iconURL: string | null | undefined;
51 |
52 |
declare const timestampPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<number | Date | null>;
53 |
declare const titlePredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<string | null>;
54 |
55 |
declare const Assertions$5_RGBPredicate: typeof RGBPredicate;
56 |
declare const Assertions$5_authorNamePredicate: typeof authorNamePredicate;
57 |
declare const Assertions$5_colorPredicate: typeof colorPredicate;
58 |
declare const Assertions$5_descriptionPredicate: typeof descriptionPredicate;
59 |
declare const Assertions$5_embedAuthorPredicate: typeof embedAuthorPredicate;
60 |
declare const Assertions$5_embedFieldPredicate: typeof embedFieldPredicate;
61 |
declare const Assertions$5_embedFieldsArrayPredicate: typeof embedFieldsArrayPredicate;
62 |
declare const Assertions$5_embedFooterPredicate: typeof embedFooterPredicate;
63 |
declare const Assertions$5_fieldInlinePredicate: typeof fieldInlinePredicate;
64 |
declare const Assertions$5_fieldLengthPredicate: typeof fieldLengthPredicate;
65 |
declare const Assertions$5_fieldNamePredicate: typeof fieldNamePredicate;
66 |
declare const Assertions$5_fieldValuePredicate: typeof fieldValuePredicate;
67 |
declare const Assertions$5_footerTextPredicate: typeof footerTextPredicate;
68 |
declare const Assertions$5_imageURLPredicate: typeof imageURLPredicate;
69 |
declare const Assertions$5_timestampPredicate: typeof timestampPredicate;
70 |
declare const Assertions$5_titlePredicate: typeof titlePredicate;
71 |
declare const Assertions$5_urlPredicate: typeof urlPredicate;
72 |
declare const Assertions$5_validateFieldLength: typeof validateFieldLength;
73 |
declare namespace Assertions$5 {
74 |
export {
75 |
Assertions$5_RGBPredicate as RGBPredicate,
76 |
Assertions$5_authorNamePredicate as authorNamePredicate,
77 |
Assertions$5_colorPredicate as colorPredicate,
78 |
Assertions$5_descriptionPredicate as descriptionPredicate,
79 |
Assertions$5_embedAuthorPredicate as embedAuthorPredicate,
80 |
Assertions$5_embedFieldPredicate as embedFieldPredicate,
81 |
Assertions$5_embedFieldsArrayPredicate as embedFieldsArrayPredicate,
82 |
Assertions$5_embedFooterPredicate as embedFooterPredicate,
83 |
Assertions$5_fieldInlinePredicate as fieldInlinePredicate,
84 |
Assertions$5_fieldLengthPredicate as fieldLengthPredicate,
85 |
Assertions$5_fieldNamePredicate as fieldNamePredicate,
86 |
Assertions$5_fieldValuePredicate as fieldValuePredicate,
87 |
Assertions$5_footerTextPredicate as footerTextPredicate,
88 |
Assertions$5_imageURLPredicate as imageURLPredicate,
89 |
Assertions$5_timestampPredicate as timestampPredicate,
90 |
Assertions$5_titlePredicate as titlePredicate,
91 |
Assertions$5_urlPredicate as urlPredicate,
92 |
Assertions$5_validateFieldLength as validateFieldLength,
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
* Normalizes data that is a rest parameter or an array into an array with a depth of 1.
98 |
99 |
* @typeParam ItemType - The data that must satisfy {@link RestOrArray}.
100 |
* @param arr - The (possibly variadic) data to normalize
101 |
102 |
declare function normalizeArray<ItemType>(arr: RestOrArray<ItemType>): ItemType[];
103 |
104 |
* Represents data that may be an array or came from a rest parameter.
105 |
106 |
* @remarks
107 |
* This type is used throughout builders to ensure both an array and variadic arguments
108 |
* may be used. It is normalized with {@link normalizeArray}.
109 |
110 |
type RestOrArray<Type> = Type[] | [Type[]];
111 |
112 |
113 |
* A tuple satisfying the RGB color model.
114 |
115 |
* @see {@link}
116 |
117 |
type RGBTuple = [red: number, green: number, blue: number];
118 |
119 |
* The base icon data typically used in payloads.
120 |
121 |
interface IconData {
122 |
123 |
* The URL of the icon.
124 |
125 |
iconURL?: string;
126 |
127 |
* The proxy URL of the icon.
128 |
129 |
proxyIconURL?: string;
130 |
131 |
132 |
* Represents the author data of an embed.
133 |
134 |
type EmbedAuthorData = IconData & Omit<APIEmbedAuthor, 'icon_url' | 'proxy_icon_url'>;
135 |
136 |
* Represents the author options of an embed.
137 |
138 |
type EmbedAuthorOptions = Omit<EmbedAuthorData, 'proxyIconURL'>;
139 |
140 |
* Represents the footer data of an embed.
141 |
142 |
type EmbedFooterData = IconData & Omit<APIEmbedFooter, 'icon_url' | 'proxy_icon_url'>;
143 |
144 |
* Represents the footer options of an embed.
145 |
146 |
type EmbedFooterOptions = Omit<EmbedFooterData, 'proxyIconURL'>;
147 |
148 |
* Represents the image data of an embed.
149 |
150 |
interface EmbedImageData extends Omit<APIEmbedImage, 'proxy_url'> {
151 |
152 |
* The proxy URL for the image.
153 |
154 |
proxyURL?: string;
155 |
156 |
157 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for embeds.
158 |
159 |
declare class EmbedBuilder {
160 |
161 |
* The API data associated with this embed.
162 |
163 |
readonly data: APIEmbed;
164 |
165 |
* Creates a new embed from API data.
166 |
167 |
* @param data - The API data to create this embed with
168 |
169 |
constructor(data?: APIEmbed);
170 |
171 |
* Appends fields to the embed.
172 |
173 |
* @remarks
174 |
* This method accepts either an array of fields or a variable number of field parameters.
175 |
* The maximum amount of fields that can be added is 25.
176 |
* @example
177 |
* Using an array:
178 |
* ```ts
179 |
* const fields: APIEmbedField[] = ...;
180 |
* const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
181 |
* .addFields(fields);
182 |
* ```
183 |
* @example
184 |
* Using rest parameters (variadic):
185 |
* ```ts
186 |
* const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
187 |
* .addFields(
188 |
* { name: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1' },
189 |
* { name: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2' },
190 |
* );
191 |
* ```
192 |
* @param fields - The fields to add
193 |
194 |
addFields(...fields: RestOrArray<APIEmbedField>): this;
195 |
196 |
* Removes, replaces, or inserts fields for this embed.
197 |
198 |
* @remarks
199 |
* This method behaves similarly
200 |
* to {@link | Array.prototype.splice()}.
201 |
* The maximum amount of fields that can be added is 25.
202 |
203 |
* It's useful for modifying and adjusting order of the already-existing fields of an embed.
204 |
* @example
205 |
* Remove the first field:
206 |
* ```ts
207 |
* embed.spliceFields(0, 1);
208 |
* ```
209 |
* @example
210 |
* Remove the first n fields:
211 |
* ```ts
212 |
* const n = 4;
213 |
* embed.spliceFields(0, n);
214 |
* ```
215 |
* @example
216 |
* Remove the last field:
217 |
* ```ts
218 |
* embed.spliceFields(-1, 1);
219 |
* ```
220 |
* @param index - The index to start at
221 |
* @param deleteCount - The number of fields to remove
222 |
* @param fields - The replacing field objects
223 |
224 |
spliceFields(index: number, deleteCount: number, ...fields: APIEmbedField[]): this;
225 |
226 |
* Sets the fields for this embed.
227 |
228 |
* @remarks
229 |
* This method is an alias for {@link EmbedBuilder.spliceFields}. More specifically,
230 |
* it splices the entire array of fields, replacing them with the provided fields.
231 |
232 |
* You can set a maximum of 25 fields.
233 |
* @param fields - The fields to set
234 |
235 |
setFields(...fields: RestOrArray<APIEmbedField>): this;
236 |
237 |
* Sets the author of this embed.
238 |
239 |
* @param options - The options to use
240 |
241 |
setAuthor(options: EmbedAuthorOptions | null): this;
242 |
243 |
* Sets the color of this embed.
244 |
245 |
* @param color - The color to use
246 |
247 |
setColor(color: RGBTuple | number | null): this;
248 |
249 |
* Sets the description of this embed.
250 |
251 |
* @param description - The description to use
252 |
253 |
setDescription(description: string | null): this;
254 |
255 |
* Sets the footer of this embed.
256 |
257 |
* @param options - The footer to use
258 |
259 |
setFooter(options: EmbedFooterOptions | null): this;
260 |
261 |
* Sets the image of this embed.
262 |
263 |
* @param url - The image URL to use
264 |
265 |
setImage(url: string | null): this;
266 |
267 |
* Sets the thumbnail of this embed.
268 |
269 |
* @param url - The thumbnail URL to use
270 |
271 |
setThumbnail(url: string | null): this;
272 |
273 |
* Sets the timestamp of this embed.
274 |
275 |
* @param timestamp - The timestamp or date to use
276 |
277 |
setTimestamp(timestamp?: Date | number | null): this;
278 |
279 |
* Sets the title for this embed.
280 |
281 |
* @param title - The title to use
282 |
283 |
setTitle(title: string | null): this;
284 |
285 |
* Sets the URL of this embed.
286 |
287 |
* @param url - The URL to use
288 |
289 |
setURL(url: string | null): this;
290 |
291 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
292 |
293 |
* @remarks
294 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
295 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
296 |
297 |
toJSON(): APIEmbed;
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for string select menu options.
302 |
303 |
declare class StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder implements JSONEncodable<APISelectMenuOption> {
304 |
data: Partial<APISelectMenuOption>;
305 |
306 |
* Creates a new string select menu option from API data.
307 |
308 |
* @param data - The API data to create this string select menu option with
309 |
* @example
310 |
* Creating a string select menu option from an API data object:
311 |
* ```ts
312 |
* const selectMenuOption = new SelectMenuOptionBuilder({
313 |
* label: 'catchy label',
314 |
* value: '1',
315 |
* });
316 |
* ```
317 |
* @example
318 |
* Creating a string select menu option using setters and API data:
319 |
* ```ts
320 |
* const selectMenuOption = new SelectMenuOptionBuilder({
321 |
* default: true,
322 |
* value: '1',
323 |
* })
324 |
* .setLabel('woah');
325 |
* ```
326 |
327 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APISelectMenuOption>);
328 |
329 |
* Sets the label for this option.
330 |
331 |
* @param label - The label to use
332 |
333 |
setLabel(label: string): this;
334 |
335 |
* Sets the value for this option.
336 |
337 |
* @param value - The value to use
338 |
339 |
setValue(value: string): this;
340 |
341 |
* Sets the description for this option.
342 |
343 |
* @param description - The description to use
344 |
345 |
setDescription(description: string): this;
346 |
347 |
* Sets whether this option is selected by default.
348 |
349 |
* @param isDefault - Whether this option is selected by default
350 |
351 |
setDefault(isDefault?: boolean): this;
352 |
353 |
* Sets the emoji to display for this option.
354 |
355 |
* @param emoji - The emoji to use
356 |
357 |
setEmoji(emoji: APIMessageComponentEmoji): this;
358 |
359 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
360 |
361 |
toJSON(): APISelectMenuOption;
362 |
363 |
364 |
declare const customIdValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
365 |
declare const emojiValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.ObjectValidator<{
366 |
name?: string | undefined;
367 |
id?: string | undefined;
368 |
animated?: boolean | undefined;
369 |
}, _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
370 |
name?: string | undefined;
371 |
id?: string | undefined;
372 |
animated?: boolean | undefined;
373 |
374 |
declare const disabledValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.BooleanValidator<boolean>;
375 |
declare const buttonLabelValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
376 |
declare const buttonStyleValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NativeEnumValidator<typeof ButtonStyle>;
377 |
declare const placeholderValidator$1: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
378 |
declare const minMaxValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
379 |
declare const labelValueDescriptionValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
380 |
declare const jsonOptionValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.ObjectValidator<{
381 |
label: string;
382 |
value: string;
383 |
description: string | undefined;
384 |
emoji: _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
385 |
name?: string | undefined;
386 |
id?: string | undefined;
387 |
animated?: boolean | undefined;
388 |
}> | undefined;
389 |
default: boolean | undefined;
390 |
}, _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
391 |
label: string;
392 |
value: string;
393 |
description: string | undefined;
394 |
emoji: _sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<{
395 |
name?: string | undefined;
396 |
id?: string | undefined;
397 |
animated?: boolean | undefined;
398 |
}> | undefined;
399 |
default: boolean | undefined;
400 |
401 |
declare const optionValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.InstanceValidator<StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder>;
402 |
declare const optionsValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.ArrayValidator<StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder[], StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder>;
403 |
declare const optionsLengthValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
404 |
declare function validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters(options: StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder[], customId?: string): void;
405 |
declare const defaultValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.BooleanValidator<boolean>;
406 |
declare function validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters(label?: string, value?: string): void;
407 |
declare const channelTypesValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.ArrayValidator<ChannelType[], ChannelType>;
408 |
declare const urlValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
409 |
declare function validateRequiredButtonParameters(style?: ButtonStyle, label?: string, emoji?: APIMessageComponentEmoji, customId?: string, url?: string): void;
410 |
411 |
declare const Assertions$4_buttonLabelValidator: typeof buttonLabelValidator;
412 |
declare const Assertions$4_buttonStyleValidator: typeof buttonStyleValidator;
413 |
declare const Assertions$4_channelTypesValidator: typeof channelTypesValidator;
414 |
declare const Assertions$4_customIdValidator: typeof customIdValidator;
415 |
declare const Assertions$4_defaultValidator: typeof defaultValidator;
416 |
declare const Assertions$4_disabledValidator: typeof disabledValidator;
417 |
declare const Assertions$4_emojiValidator: typeof emojiValidator;
418 |
declare const Assertions$4_jsonOptionValidator: typeof jsonOptionValidator;
419 |
declare const Assertions$4_labelValueDescriptionValidator: typeof labelValueDescriptionValidator;
420 |
declare const Assertions$4_minMaxValidator: typeof minMaxValidator;
421 |
declare const Assertions$4_optionValidator: typeof optionValidator;
422 |
declare const Assertions$4_optionsLengthValidator: typeof optionsLengthValidator;
423 |
declare const Assertions$4_optionsValidator: typeof optionsValidator;
424 |
declare const Assertions$4_urlValidator: typeof urlValidator;
425 |
declare const Assertions$4_validateRequiredButtonParameters: typeof validateRequiredButtonParameters;
426 |
declare const Assertions$4_validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters: typeof validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters;
427 |
declare const Assertions$4_validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters: typeof validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters;
428 |
declare namespace Assertions$4 {
429 |
export {
430 |
Assertions$4_buttonLabelValidator as buttonLabelValidator,
431 |
Assertions$4_buttonStyleValidator as buttonStyleValidator,
432 |
Assertions$4_channelTypesValidator as channelTypesValidator,
433 |
Assertions$4_customIdValidator as customIdValidator,
434 |
Assertions$4_defaultValidator as defaultValidator,
435 |
Assertions$4_disabledValidator as disabledValidator,
436 |
Assertions$4_emojiValidator as emojiValidator,
437 |
Assertions$4_jsonOptionValidator as jsonOptionValidator,
438 |
Assertions$4_labelValueDescriptionValidator as labelValueDescriptionValidator,
439 |
Assertions$4_minMaxValidator as minMaxValidator,
440 |
Assertions$4_optionValidator as optionValidator,
441 |
Assertions$4_optionsLengthValidator as optionsLengthValidator,
442 |
Assertions$4_optionsValidator as optionsValidator,
443 |
placeholderValidator$1 as placeholderValidator,
444 |
Assertions$4_urlValidator as urlValidator,
445 |
Assertions$4_validateRequiredButtonParameters as validateRequiredButtonParameters,
446 |
Assertions$4_validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters as validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters,
447 |
Assertions$4_validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters as validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters,
448 |
449 |
450 |
451 |
452 |
* Any action row component data represented as an object.
453 |
454 |
type AnyAPIActionRowComponent = APIActionRowComponent<APIActionRowComponentTypes> | APIActionRowComponentTypes;
455 |
456 |
* The base component builder that contains common symbols for all sorts of components.
457 |
458 |
* @typeParam DataType - The type of internal API data that is stored within the component
459 |
460 |
declare abstract class ComponentBuilder<DataType extends Partial<APIBaseComponent<ComponentType>> = APIBaseComponent<ComponentType>> implements JSONEncodable<AnyAPIActionRowComponent> {
461 |
462 |
* The API data associated with this component.
463 |
464 |
readonly data: Partial<DataType>;
465 |
466 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
467 |
468 |
* @remarks
469 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
470 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
471 |
472 |
abstract toJSON(): AnyAPIActionRowComponent;
473 |
474 |
* Constructs a new kind of component.
475 |
476 |
* @param data - The data to construct a component out of
477 |
478 |
constructor(data: Partial<DataType>);
479 |
480 |
481 |
482 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for buttons.
483 |
484 |
declare class ButtonBuilder extends ComponentBuilder<APIButtonComponent> {
485 |
486 |
* Creates a new button from API data.
487 |
488 |
* @param data - The API data to create this button with
489 |
* @example
490 |
* Creating a button from an API data object:
491 |
* ```ts
492 |
* const button = new ButtonBuilder({
493 |
* custom_id: 'a cool button',
494 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
495 |
* label: 'Click Me',
496 |
* emoji: {
497 |
* name: 'smile',
498 |
* id: '123456789012345678',
499 |
* },
500 |
* });
501 |
* ```
502 |
* @example
503 |
* Creating a button using setters and API data:
504 |
* ```ts
505 |
* const button = new ButtonBuilder({
506 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Secondary,
507 |
* label: 'Click Me',
508 |
* })
509 |
* .setEmoji({ name: '🙂' })
510 |
* .setCustomId('another cool button');
511 |
* ```
512 |
513 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIButtonComponent>);
514 |
515 |
* Sets the style of this button.
516 |
517 |
* @param style - The style to use
518 |
519 |
setStyle(style: ButtonStyle): this;
520 |
521 |
* Sets the URL for this button.
522 |
523 |
* @remarks
524 |
* This method is only available to buttons using the `Link` button style.
525 |
* Only three types of URL schemes are currently supported: `https://`, `http://`, and `discord://`.
526 |
* @param url - The URL to use
527 |
528 |
setURL(url: string): this;
529 |
530 |
* Sets the custom id for this button.
531 |
532 |
* @remarks
533 |
* This method is only applicable to buttons that are not using the `Link` button style.
534 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
535 |
536 |
setCustomId(customId: string): this;
537 |
538 |
* Sets the emoji to display on this button.
539 |
540 |
* @param emoji - The emoji to use
541 |
542 |
setEmoji(emoji: APIMessageComponentEmoji): this;
543 |
544 |
* Sets whether this button is disabled.
545 |
546 |
* @param disabled - Whether to disable this button
547 |
548 |
setDisabled(disabled?: boolean): this;
549 |
550 |
* Sets the label for this button.
551 |
552 |
* @param label - The label to use
553 |
554 |
setLabel(label: string): this;
555 |
556 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
557 |
558 |
toJSON(): APIButtonComponent;
559 |
560 |
561 |
562 |
* The base select menu builder that contains common symbols for select menu builders.
563 |
564 |
* @typeParam SelectMenuType - The type of select menu this would be instantiated for.
565 |
566 |
declare abstract class BaseSelectMenuBuilder<SelectMenuType extends APISelectMenuComponent> extends ComponentBuilder<SelectMenuType> {
567 |
568 |
* Sets the placeholder for this select menu.
569 |
570 |
* @param placeholder - The placeholder to use
571 |
572 |
setPlaceholder(placeholder: string): this;
573 |
574 |
* Sets the minimum values that must be selected in the select menu.
575 |
576 |
* @param minValues - The minimum values that must be selected
577 |
578 |
setMinValues(minValues: number): this;
579 |
580 |
* Sets the maximum values that must be selected in the select menu.
581 |
582 |
* @param maxValues - The maximum values that must be selected
583 |
584 |
setMaxValues(maxValues: number): this;
585 |
586 |
* Sets the custom id for this select menu.
587 |
588 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
589 |
590 |
setCustomId(customId: string): this;
591 |
592 |
* Sets whether this select menu is disabled.
593 |
594 |
* @param disabled - Whether this select menu is disabled
595 |
596 |
setDisabled(disabled?: boolean): this;
597 |
598 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
599 |
600 |
toJSON(): SelectMenuType;
601 |
602 |
603 |
604 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for channel select menus.
605 |
606 |
declare class ChannelSelectMenuBuilder extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder<APIChannelSelectComponent> {
607 |
608 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
609 |
610 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
611 |
* @example
612 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
613 |
* ```ts
614 |
* const selectMenu = new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder({
615 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
616 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
617 |
* max_values: 2,
618 |
* });
619 |
* ```
620 |
* @example
621 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
622 |
* ```ts
623 |
* const selectMenu = new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder({
624 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
625 |
* })
626 |
* .addChannelTypes(ChannelType.GuildText, ChannelType.GuildAnnouncement)
627 |
* .setMinValues(2);
628 |
* ```
629 |
630 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIChannelSelectComponent>);
631 |
632 |
* Adds channel types to this select menu.
633 |
634 |
* @param types - The channel types to use
635 |
636 |
addChannelTypes(...types: RestOrArray<ChannelType>): this;
637 |
638 |
* Sets channel types for this select menu.
639 |
640 |
* @param types - The channel types to use
641 |
642 |
setChannelTypes(...types: RestOrArray<ChannelType>): this;
643 |
644 |
* Adds default channels to this auto populated select menu.
645 |
646 |
* @param channels - The channels to add
647 |
648 |
addDefaultChannels(...channels: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
649 |
650 |
* Sets default channels to this auto populated select menu.
651 |
652 |
* @param channels - The channels to set
653 |
654 |
setDefaultChannels(...channels: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
655 |
656 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
657 |
658 |
toJSON(): APIChannelSelectComponent;
659 |
660 |
661 |
662 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for mentionable select menus.
663 |
664 |
declare class MentionableSelectMenuBuilder extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder<APIMentionableSelectComponent> {
665 |
666 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
667 |
668 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
669 |
* @example
670 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
671 |
* ```ts
672 |
* const selectMenu = new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder({
673 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
674 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
675 |
* max_values: 2,
676 |
* });
677 |
* ```
678 |
* @example
679 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
680 |
* ```ts
681 |
* const selectMenu = new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder({
682 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
683 |
* })
684 |
* .setMinValues(1);
685 |
* ```
686 |
687 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIMentionableSelectComponent>);
688 |
689 |
* Adds default roles to this auto populated select menu.
690 |
691 |
* @param roles - The roles to add
692 |
693 |
addDefaultRoles(...roles: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
694 |
695 |
* Adds default users to this auto populated select menu.
696 |
697 |
* @param users - The users to add
698 |
699 |
addDefaultUsers(...users: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
700 |
701 |
* Adds default values to this auto populated select menu.
702 |
703 |
* @param values - The values to add
704 |
705 |
addDefaultValues(...values: RestOrArray<APISelectMenuDefaultValue<SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Role> | APISelectMenuDefaultValue<SelectMenuDefaultValueType.User>>): this;
706 |
707 |
* Sets default values to this auto populated select menu.
708 |
709 |
* @param values - The values to set
710 |
711 |
setDefaultValues(...values: RestOrArray<APISelectMenuDefaultValue<SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Role> | APISelectMenuDefaultValue<SelectMenuDefaultValueType.User>>): this;
712 |
713 |
714 |
715 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for role select menus.
716 |
717 |
declare class RoleSelectMenuBuilder extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder<APIRoleSelectComponent> {
718 |
719 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
720 |
721 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
722 |
* @example
723 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
724 |
* ```ts
725 |
* const selectMenu = new RoleSelectMenuBuilder({
726 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
727 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
728 |
* max_values: 2,
729 |
* });
730 |
* ```
731 |
* @example
732 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
733 |
* ```ts
734 |
* const selectMenu = new RoleSelectMenuBuilder({
735 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
736 |
* })
737 |
* .setMinValues(1);
738 |
* ```
739 |
740 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIRoleSelectComponent>);
741 |
742 |
* Adds default roles to this auto populated select menu.
743 |
744 |
* @param roles - The roles to add
745 |
746 |
addDefaultRoles(...roles: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
747 |
748 |
* Sets default roles to this auto populated select menu.
749 |
750 |
* @param roles - The roles to set
751 |
752 |
setDefaultRoles(...roles: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
753 |
754 |
755 |
756 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for string select menus.
757 |
758 |
declare class StringSelectMenuBuilder extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder<APIStringSelectComponent> {
759 |
760 |
* The options within this select menu.
761 |
762 |
readonly options: StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder[];
763 |
764 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
765 |
766 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
767 |
* @example
768 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
769 |
* ```ts
770 |
* const selectMenu = new StringSelectMenuBuilder({
771 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
772 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
773 |
* max_values: 2,
774 |
* options: [
775 |
* { label: 'option 1', value: '1' },
776 |
* { label: 'option 2', value: '2' },
777 |
* { label: 'option 3', value: '3' },
778 |
* ],
779 |
* });
780 |
* ```
781 |
* @example
782 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
783 |
* ```ts
784 |
* const selectMenu = new StringSelectMenuBuilder({
785 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
786 |
* })
787 |
* .setMinValues(1)
788 |
* .addOptions({
789 |
* label: 'Catchy',
790 |
* value: 'catch',
791 |
* });
792 |
* ```
793 |
794 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIStringSelectComponent>);
795 |
796 |
* Adds options to this select menu.
797 |
798 |
* @param options - The options to add
799 |
800 |
addOptions(...options: RestOrArray<APISelectMenuOption | StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder>): this;
801 |
802 |
* Sets the options for this select menu.
803 |
804 |
* @param options - The options to set
805 |
806 |
setOptions(...options: RestOrArray<APISelectMenuOption | StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder>): this;
807 |
808 |
* Removes, replaces, or inserts options for this select menu.
809 |
810 |
* @remarks
811 |
* This method behaves similarly
812 |
* to {@link | Array.prototype.splice()}.
813 |
* It's useful for modifying and adjusting the order of existing options.
814 |
* @example
815 |
* Remove the first option:
816 |
* ```ts
817 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, 1);
818 |
* ```
819 |
* @example
820 |
* Remove the first n option:
821 |
* ```ts
822 |
* const n = 4;
823 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, n);
824 |
* ```
825 |
* @example
826 |
* Remove the last option:
827 |
* ```ts
828 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(-1, 1);
829 |
* ```
830 |
* @param index - The index to start at
831 |
* @param deleteCount - The number of options to remove
832 |
* @param options - The replacing option objects or builders
833 |
834 |
spliceOptions(index: number, deleteCount: number, ...options: RestOrArray<APISelectMenuOption | StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder>): this;
835 |
836 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
837 |
838 |
toJSON(): APIStringSelectComponent;
839 |
840 |
841 |
842 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for user select menus.
843 |
844 |
declare class UserSelectMenuBuilder extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder<APIUserSelectComponent> {
845 |
846 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
847 |
848 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
849 |
* @example
850 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
851 |
* ```ts
852 |
* const selectMenu = new UserSelectMenuBuilder({
853 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
854 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
855 |
* max_values: 2,
856 |
* });
857 |
* ```
858 |
* @example
859 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
860 |
* ```ts
861 |
* const selectMenu = new UserSelectMenuBuilder({
862 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
863 |
* })
864 |
* .setMinValues(1);
865 |
* ```
866 |
867 |
constructor(data?: Partial<APIUserSelectComponent>);
868 |
869 |
* Adds default users to this auto populated select menu.
870 |
871 |
* @param users - The users to add
872 |
873 |
addDefaultUsers(...users: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
874 |
875 |
* Sets default users to this auto populated select menu.
876 |
877 |
* @param users - The users to set
878 |
879 |
setDefaultUsers(...users: RestOrArray<Snowflake>): this;
880 |
881 |
882 |
883 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for text inputs.
884 |
885 |
declare class TextInputBuilder extends ComponentBuilder<APITextInputComponent> implements Equatable<APITextInputComponent | JSONEncodable<APITextInputComponent>> {
886 |
887 |
* Creates a new text input from API data.
888 |
889 |
* @param data - The API data to create this text input with
890 |
* @example
891 |
* Creating a select menu option from an API data object:
892 |
* ```ts
893 |
* const textInput = new TextInputBuilder({
894 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
895 |
* label: 'Type something',
896 |
* style: TextInputStyle.Short,
897 |
* });
898 |
* ```
899 |
* @example
900 |
* Creating a select menu option using setters and API data:
901 |
* ```ts
902 |
* const textInput = new TextInputBuilder({
903 |
* label: 'Type something else',
904 |
* })
905 |
* .setCustomId('woah')
906 |
* .setStyle(TextInputStyle.Paragraph);
907 |
* ```
908 |
909 |
constructor(data?: APITextInputComponent & {
910 |
type?: ComponentType.TextInput;
911 |
912 |
913 |
* Sets the custom id for this text input.
914 |
915 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
916 |
917 |
setCustomId(customId: string): this;
918 |
919 |
* Sets the label for this text input.
920 |
921 |
* @param label - The label to use
922 |
923 |
setLabel(label: string): this;
924 |
925 |
* Sets the style for this text input.
926 |
927 |
* @param style - The style to use
928 |
929 |
setStyle(style: TextInputStyle): this;
930 |
931 |
* Sets the minimum length of text for this text input.
932 |
933 |
* @param minLength - The minimum length of text for this text input
934 |
935 |
setMinLength(minLength: number): this;
936 |
937 |
* Sets the maximum length of text for this text input.
938 |
939 |
* @param maxLength - The maximum length of text for this text input
940 |
941 |
setMaxLength(maxLength: number): this;
942 |
943 |
* Sets the placeholder for this text input.
944 |
945 |
* @param placeholder - The placeholder to use
946 |
947 |
setPlaceholder(placeholder: string): this;
948 |
949 |
* Sets the value for this text input.
950 |
951 |
* @param value - The value to use
952 |
953 |
setValue(value: string): this;
954 |
955 |
* Sets whether this text input is required.
956 |
957 |
* @param required - Whether this text input is required
958 |
959 |
setRequired(required?: boolean): this;
960 |
961 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
962 |
963 |
toJSON(): APITextInputComponent;
964 |
965 |
* {@inheritDoc Equatable.equals}
966 |
967 |
equals(other: APITextInputComponent | JSONEncodable<APITextInputComponent>): boolean;
968 |
969 |
970 |
971 |
* The builders that may be used for messages.
972 |
973 |
type MessageComponentBuilder = ActionRowBuilder<MessageActionRowComponentBuilder> | MessageActionRowComponentBuilder;
974 |
975 |
* The builders that may be used for modals.
976 |
977 |
type ModalComponentBuilder = ActionRowBuilder<ModalActionRowComponentBuilder> | ModalActionRowComponentBuilder;
978 |
979 |
* The builders that may be used within an action row for messages.
980 |
981 |
type MessageActionRowComponentBuilder = ButtonBuilder | ChannelSelectMenuBuilder | MentionableSelectMenuBuilder | RoleSelectMenuBuilder | StringSelectMenuBuilder | UserSelectMenuBuilder;
982 |
983 |
* The builders that may be used within an action row for modals.
984 |
985 |
type ModalActionRowComponentBuilder = TextInputBuilder;
986 |
987 |
* Any builder.
988 |
989 |
type AnyComponentBuilder = MessageActionRowComponentBuilder | ModalActionRowComponentBuilder;
990 |
991 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for action rows.
992 |
993 |
* @typeParam ComponentType - The types of components this action row holds
994 |
995 |
declare class ActionRowBuilder<ComponentType extends AnyComponentBuilder> extends ComponentBuilder<APIActionRowComponent<APIMessageActionRowComponent | APIModalActionRowComponent>> {
996 |
997 |
* The components within this action row.
998 |
999 |
readonly components: ComponentType[];
1000 |
1001 |
* Creates a new action row from API data.
1002 |
1003 |
* @param data - The API data to create this action row with
1004 |
* @example
1005 |
* Creating an action row from an API data object:
1006 |
* ```ts
1007 |
* const actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder({
1008 |
* components: [
1009 |
* {
1010 |
* custom_id: "custom id",
1011 |
* label: "Type something",
1012 |
* style: TextInputStyle.Short,
1013 |
* type: ComponentType.TextInput,
1014 |
* },
1015 |
* ],
1016 |
* });
1017 |
* ```
1018 |
* @example
1019 |
* Creating an action row using setters and API data:
1020 |
* ```ts
1021 |
* const actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder({
1022 |
* components: [
1023 |
* {
1024 |
* custom_id: "custom id",
1025 |
* label: "Click me",
1026 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
1027 |
* type: ComponentType.Button,
1028 |
* },
1029 |
* ],
1030 |
* })
1031 |
* .addComponents(button2, button3);
1032 |
* ```
1033 |
1034 |
constructor({ components, }?: Partial<APIActionRowComponent<APIActionRowComponentTypes>>);
1035 |
1036 |
* Adds components to this action row.
1037 |
1038 |
* @param components - The components to add
1039 |
1040 |
addComponents(...components: RestOrArray<ComponentType>): this;
1041 |
1042 |
* Sets components for this action row.
1043 |
1044 |
* @param components - The components to set
1045 |
1046 |
setComponents(...components: RestOrArray<ComponentType>): this;
1047 |
1048 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
1049 |
1050 |
toJSON(): APIActionRowComponent<ReturnType<ComponentType['toJSON']>>;
1051 |
1052 |
1053 |
1054 |
* Components here are mapped to their respective builder.
1055 |
1056 |
interface MappedComponentTypes {
1057 |
1058 |
* The action row component type is associated with an {@link ActionRowBuilder}.
1059 |
1060 |
[ComponentType.ActionRow]: ActionRowBuilder<AnyComponentBuilder>;
1061 |
1062 |
* The button component type is associated with an {@link ButtonBuilder}.
1063 |
1064 |
[ComponentType.Button]: ButtonBuilder;
1065 |
1066 |
* The string select component type is associated with an {@link StringSelectMenuBuilder}.
1067 |
1068 |
[ComponentType.StringSelect]: StringSelectMenuBuilder;
1069 |
1070 |
* The text inpiut component type is associated with an {@link TextInputBuilder}.
1071 |
1072 |
[ComponentType.TextInput]: TextInputBuilder;
1073 |
1074 |
* The user select component type is associated with an {@link UserSelectMenuBuilder}.
1075 |
1076 |
[ComponentType.UserSelect]: UserSelectMenuBuilder;
1077 |
1078 |
* The role select component type is associated with an {@link RoleSelectMenuBuilder}.
1079 |
1080 |
[ComponentType.RoleSelect]: RoleSelectMenuBuilder;
1081 |
1082 |
* The mentionable select component type is associated with an {@link MentionableSelectMenuBuilder}.
1083 |
1084 |
[ComponentType.MentionableSelect]: MentionableSelectMenuBuilder;
1085 |
1086 |
* The channel select component type is associated with an {@link ChannelSelectMenuBuilder}.
1087 |
1088 |
[ComponentType.ChannelSelect]: ChannelSelectMenuBuilder;
1089 |
1090 |
1091 |
* Factory for creating components from API data.
1092 |
1093 |
* @typeParam ComponentType - The type of component to use
1094 |
* @param data - The API data to transform to a component class
1095 |
1096 |
declare function createComponentBuilder<ComponentType extends keyof MappedComponentTypes>(data: (APIModalComponent | APIMessageComponent) & {
1097 |
type: ComponentType;
1098 |
}): MappedComponentTypes[ComponentType];
1099 |
1100 |
* Factory for creating components from API data.
1101 |
1102 |
* @typeParam ComponentBuilder - The type of component to use
1103 |
* @param data - The API data to transform to a component class
1104 |
1105 |
declare function createComponentBuilder<ComponentBuilder extends MessageComponentBuilder | ModalComponentBuilder>(data: ComponentBuilder): ComponentBuilder;
1106 |
1107 |
declare const textInputStyleValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NativeEnumValidator<typeof TextInputStyle>;
1108 |
declare const minLengthValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
1109 |
declare const maxLengthValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.NumberValidator<number>;
1110 |
declare const requiredValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.BooleanValidator<boolean>;
1111 |
declare const valueValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
1112 |
declare const placeholderValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
1113 |
declare const labelValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
1114 |
declare function validateRequiredParameters$3(customId?: string, style?: TextInputStyle, label?: string): void;
1115 |
1116 |
declare const Assertions$3_labelValidator: typeof labelValidator;
1117 |
declare const Assertions$3_maxLengthValidator: typeof maxLengthValidator;
1118 |
declare const Assertions$3_minLengthValidator: typeof minLengthValidator;
1119 |
declare const Assertions$3_placeholderValidator: typeof placeholderValidator;
1120 |
declare const Assertions$3_requiredValidator: typeof requiredValidator;
1121 |
declare const Assertions$3_textInputStyleValidator: typeof textInputStyleValidator;
1122 |
declare const Assertions$3_valueValidator: typeof valueValidator;
1123 |
declare namespace Assertions$3 {
1124 |
export {
1125 |
Assertions$3_labelValidator as labelValidator,
1126 |
Assertions$3_maxLengthValidator as maxLengthValidator,
1127 |
Assertions$3_minLengthValidator as minLengthValidator,
1128 |
Assertions$3_placeholderValidator as placeholderValidator,
1129 |
Assertions$3_requiredValidator as requiredValidator,
1130 |
Assertions$3_textInputStyleValidator as textInputStyleValidator,
1131 |
validateRequiredParameters$3 as validateRequiredParameters,
1132 |
Assertions$3_valueValidator as valueValidator,
1133 |
1134 |
1135 |
1136 |
1137 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for modals.
1138 |
1139 |
declare class ModalBuilder implements JSONEncodable<APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData> {
1140 |
1141 |
* The API data associated with this modal.
1142 |
1143 |
readonly data: Partial<APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData>;
1144 |
1145 |
* The components within this modal.
1146 |
1147 |
readonly components: ActionRowBuilder<ModalActionRowComponentBuilder>[];
1148 |
1149 |
* Creates a new modal from API data.
1150 |
1151 |
* @param data - The API data to create this modal with
1152 |
1153 |
constructor({ components, }?: Partial<APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData>);
1154 |
1155 |
* Sets the title of this modal.
1156 |
1157 |
* @param title - The title to use
1158 |
1159 |
setTitle(title: string): this;
1160 |
1161 |
* Sets the custom id of this modal.
1162 |
1163 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
1164 |
1165 |
setCustomId(customId: string): this;
1166 |
1167 |
* Adds components to this modal.
1168 |
1169 |
* @param components - The components to add
1170 |
1171 |
addComponents(...components: RestOrArray<ActionRowBuilder<ModalActionRowComponentBuilder> | APIActionRowComponent<APIModalActionRowComponent>>): this;
1172 |
1173 |
* Sets components for this modal.
1174 |
1175 |
* @param components - The components to set
1176 |
1177 |
setComponents(...components: RestOrArray<ActionRowBuilder<ModalActionRowComponentBuilder>>): this;
1178 |
1179 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
1180 |
1181 |
toJSON(): APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData;
1182 |
1183 |
1184 |
declare const titleValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.StringValidator<string>;
1185 |
declare const componentsValidator: _sapphire_shapeshift.ArrayValidator<[ActionRowBuilder<AnyComponentBuilder>, ...ActionRowBuilder<AnyComponentBuilder>[]], ActionRowBuilder<AnyComponentBuilder>>;
1186 |
declare function validateRequiredParameters$2(customId?: string, title?: string, components?: ActionRowBuilder<ModalActionRowComponentBuilder>[]): void;
1187 |
1188 |
declare const Assertions$2_componentsValidator: typeof componentsValidator;
1189 |
declare const Assertions$2_titleValidator: typeof titleValidator;
1190 |
declare namespace Assertions$2 {
1191 |
export {
1192 |
Assertions$2_componentsValidator as componentsValidator,
1193 |
Assertions$2_titleValidator as titleValidator,
1194 |
validateRequiredParameters$2 as validateRequiredParameters,
1195 |
1196 |
1197 |
1198 |
1199 |
* This mixin holds name and description symbols for slash commands.
1200 |
1201 |
declare class SharedNameAndDescription {
1202 |
1203 |
* The name of this command.
1204 |
1205 |
readonly name: string;
1206 |
1207 |
* The name localizations of this command.
1208 |
1209 |
readonly name_localizations?: LocalizationMap;
1210 |
1211 |
* The description of this command.
1212 |
1213 |
readonly description: string;
1214 |
1215 |
* The description localizations of this command.
1216 |
1217 |
readonly description_localizations?: LocalizationMap;
1218 |
1219 |
* Sets the name of this command.
1220 |
1221 |
* @param name - The name to use
1222 |
1223 |
setName(name: string): this;
1224 |
1225 |
* Sets the description of this command.
1226 |
1227 |
* @param description - The description to use
1228 |
1229 |
setDescription(description: string): this;
1230 |
1231 |
* Sets a name localization for this command.
1232 |
1233 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
1234 |
* @param localizedName - The localized name for the given `locale`
1235 |
1236 |
setNameLocalization(locale: LocaleString, localizedName: string | null): this;
1237 |
1238 |
* Sets the name localizations for this command.
1239 |
1240 |
* @param localizedNames - The object of localized names to set
1241 |
1242 |
setNameLocalizations(localizedNames: LocalizationMap | null): this;
1243 |
1244 |
* Sets a description localization for this command.
1245 |
1246 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
1247 |
* @param localizedDescription - The localized description for the given locale
1248 |
1249 |
setDescriptionLocalization(locale: LocaleString, localizedDescription: string | null): this;
1250 |
1251 |
* Sets the description localizations for this command.
1252 |
1253 |
* @param localizedDescriptions - The object of localized descriptions to set
1254 |
1255 |
setDescriptionLocalizations(localizedDescriptions: LocalizationMap | null): this;
1256 |
1257 |
1258 |
1259 |
* The base application command option builder that contains common symbols for application command builders.
1260 |
1261 |
declare abstract class ApplicationCommandOptionBase extends SharedNameAndDescription {
1262 |
1263 |
* The type of this option.
1264 |
1265 |
abstract readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType;
1266 |
1267 |
* Whether this option is required.
1268 |
1269 |
* @defaultValue `false`
1270 |
1271 |
readonly required: boolean;
1272 |
1273 |
* Sets whether this option is required.
1274 |
1275 |
* @param required - Whether this option should be required
1276 |
1277 |
setRequired(required: boolean): this;
1278 |
1279 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
1280 |
1281 |
* @remarks
1282 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
1283 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
1284 |
1285 |
abstract toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandBasicOption;
1286 |
1287 |
* This method runs required validators on this builder.
1288 |
1289 |
protected runRequiredValidations(): void;
1290 |
1291 |
1292 |
1293 |
* A slash command attachment option.
1294 |
1295 |
declare class SlashCommandAttachmentOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1296 |
1297 |
* The type of this option.
1298 |
1299 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Attachment;
1300 |
1301 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1302 |
1303 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandAttachmentOption;
1304 |
1305 |
1306 |
1307 |
* A slash command boolean option.
1308 |
1309 |
declare class SlashCommandBooleanOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1310 |
1311 |
* The type of this option.
1312 |
1313 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean;
1314 |
1315 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1316 |
1317 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandBooleanOption;
1318 |
1319 |
1320 |
1321 |
* The allowed channel types used for a channel option in a slash command builder.
1322 |
1323 |
* @privateRemarks This can't be dynamic because const enums are erased at runtime.
1324 |
* @internal
1325 |
1326 |
declare const allowedChannelTypes: readonly [ChannelType.GuildText, ChannelType.GuildVoice, ChannelType.GuildCategory, ChannelType.GuildAnnouncement, ChannelType.AnnouncementThread, ChannelType.PublicThread, ChannelType.PrivateThread, ChannelType.GuildStageVoice, ChannelType.GuildForum, ChannelType.GuildMedia];
1327 |
1328 |
* The type of allowed channel types used for a channel option.
1329 |
1330 |
type ApplicationCommandOptionAllowedChannelTypes = (typeof allowedChannelTypes)[number];
1331 |
1332 |
* This mixin holds channel type symbols used for options.
1333 |
1334 |
declare class ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin {
1335 |
1336 |
* The channel types of this option.
1337 |
1338 |
readonly channel_types?: ApplicationCommandOptionAllowedChannelTypes[];
1339 |
1340 |
* Adds channel types to this option.
1341 |
1342 |
* @param channelTypes - The channel types
1343 |
1344 |
addChannelTypes(...channelTypes: ApplicationCommandOptionAllowedChannelTypes[]): this;
1345 |
1346 |
1347 |
1348 |
* A slash command channel option.
1349 |
1350 |
declare class SlashCommandChannelOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1351 |
1352 |
* The type of this option.
1353 |
1354 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel;
1355 |
1356 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1357 |
1358 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandChannelOption;
1359 |
1360 |
interface SlashCommandChannelOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin {
1361 |
1362 |
1363 |
1364 |
* This mixin holds minimum and maximum symbols used for options.
1365 |
1366 |
declare abstract class ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin {
1367 |
1368 |
* The maximum value of this option.
1369 |
1370 |
readonly max_value?: number;
1371 |
1372 |
* The minimum value of this option.
1373 |
1374 |
readonly min_value?: number;
1375 |
1376 |
* Sets the maximum number value of this option.
1377 |
1378 |
* @param max - The maximum value this option can be
1379 |
1380 |
abstract setMaxValue(max: number): this;
1381 |
1382 |
* Sets the minimum number value of this option.
1383 |
1384 |
* @param min - The minimum value this option can be
1385 |
1386 |
abstract setMinValue(min: number): this;
1387 |
1388 |
1389 |
1390 |
* This mixin holds choices and autocomplete symbols used for options.
1391 |
1392 |
declare class ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin<ChoiceType extends number | string> {
1393 |
1394 |
* The choices of this option.
1395 |
1396 |
readonly choices?: APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice<ChoiceType>[];
1397 |
1398 |
* Whether this option utilizes autocomplete.
1399 |
1400 |
readonly autocomplete?: boolean;
1401 |
1402 |
* The type of this option.
1403 |
1404 |
* @privateRemarks Since this is present and this is a mixin, this is needed.
1405 |
1406 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType;
1407 |
1408 |
* Adds multiple choices to this option.
1409 |
1410 |
* @param choices - The choices to add
1411 |
1412 |
addChoices(...choices: APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice<ChoiceType>[]): this;
1413 |
1414 |
* Sets multiple choices for this option.
1415 |
1416 |
* @param choices - The choices to set
1417 |
1418 |
setChoices<Input extends APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice<ChoiceType>[]>(...choices: Input): this;
1419 |
1420 |
* Whether this option uses autocomplete.
1421 |
1422 |
* @param autocomplete - Whether this option should use autocomplete
1423 |
1424 |
setAutocomplete(autocomplete: boolean): this;
1425 |
1426 |
1427 |
1428 |
* A slash command integer option.
1429 |
1430 |
declare class SlashCommandIntegerOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase implements ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin {
1431 |
1432 |
* The type of this option.
1433 |
1434 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer;
1435 |
1436 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMaxValue}
1437 |
1438 |
setMaxValue(max: number): this;
1439 |
1440 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMinValue}
1441 |
1442 |
setMinValue(min: number): this;
1443 |
1444 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1445 |
1446 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandIntegerOption;
1447 |
1448 |
interface SlashCommandIntegerOption extends ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin<number> {
1449 |
1450 |
1451 |
1452 |
* A slash command mentionable option.
1453 |
1454 |
declare class SlashCommandMentionableOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1455 |
1456 |
* The type of this option.
1457 |
1458 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Mentionable;
1459 |
1460 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1461 |
1462 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandMentionableOption;
1463 |
1464 |
1465 |
1466 |
* A slash command number option.
1467 |
1468 |
declare class SlashCommandNumberOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase implements ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin {
1469 |
1470 |
* The type of this option.
1471 |
1472 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Number;
1473 |
1474 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMaxValue}
1475 |
1476 |
setMaxValue(max: number): this;
1477 |
1478 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMinValue}
1479 |
1480 |
setMinValue(min: number): this;
1481 |
1482 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1483 |
1484 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandNumberOption;
1485 |
1486 |
interface SlashCommandNumberOption extends ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin<number> {
1487 |
1488 |
1489 |
1490 |
* A slash command role option.
1491 |
1492 |
declare class SlashCommandRoleOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1493 |
1494 |
* The type of this option.
1495 |
1496 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Role;
1497 |
1498 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1499 |
1500 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandRoleOption;
1501 |
1502 |
1503 |
1504 |
* A slash command string option.
1505 |
1506 |
declare class SlashCommandStringOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1507 |
1508 |
* The type of this option.
1509 |
1510 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String;
1511 |
1512 |
* The maximum length of this option.
1513 |
1514 |
readonly max_length?: number;
1515 |
1516 |
* The minimum length of this option.
1517 |
1518 |
readonly min_length?: number;
1519 |
1520 |
* Sets the maximum length of this string option.
1521 |
1522 |
* @param max - The maximum length this option can be
1523 |
1524 |
setMaxLength(max: number): this;
1525 |
1526 |
* Sets the minimum length of this string option.
1527 |
1528 |
* @param min - The minimum length this option can be
1529 |
1530 |
setMinLength(min: number): this;
1531 |
1532 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1533 |
1534 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandStringOption;
1535 |
1536 |
interface SlashCommandStringOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin<string> {
1537 |
1538 |
1539 |
1540 |
* A slash command user option.
1541 |
1542 |
declare class SlashCommandUserOption extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1543 |
1544 |
* The type of this option.
1545 |
1546 |
readonly type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.User;
1547 |
1548 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1549 |
1550 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandUserOption;
1551 |
1552 |
1553 |
1554 |
* This mixin holds symbols that can be shared in slash command options.
1555 |
1556 |
* @typeParam ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions - Whether to omit subcommand functions.
1557 |
1558 |
declare class SharedSlashCommandOptions<ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions = true> {
1559 |
readonly options: ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions[];
1560 |
1561 |
* Adds a boolean option.
1562 |
1563 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1564 |
1565 |
addBooleanOption(input: SlashCommandBooleanOption | ((builder: SlashCommandBooleanOption) => SlashCommandBooleanOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1566 |
1567 |
* Adds a user option.
1568 |
1569 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1570 |
1571 |
addUserOption(input: SlashCommandUserOption | ((builder: SlashCommandUserOption) => SlashCommandUserOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1572 |
1573 |
* Adds a channel option.
1574 |
1575 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1576 |
1577 |
addChannelOption(input: SlashCommandChannelOption | ((builder: SlashCommandChannelOption) => SlashCommandChannelOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1578 |
1579 |
* Adds a role option.
1580 |
1581 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1582 |
1583 |
addRoleOption(input: SlashCommandRoleOption | ((builder: SlashCommandRoleOption) => SlashCommandRoleOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1584 |
1585 |
* Adds an attachment option.
1586 |
1587 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1588 |
1589 |
addAttachmentOption(input: SlashCommandAttachmentOption | ((builder: SlashCommandAttachmentOption) => SlashCommandAttachmentOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1590 |
1591 |
* Adds a mentionable option.
1592 |
1593 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1594 |
1595 |
addMentionableOption(input: SlashCommandMentionableOption | ((builder: SlashCommandMentionableOption) => SlashCommandMentionableOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1596 |
1597 |
* Adds a string option.
1598 |
1599 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1600 |
1601 |
addStringOption(input: Omit<SlashCommandStringOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandStringOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandStringOption | ((builder: SlashCommandStringOption) => Omit<SlashCommandStringOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandStringOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandStringOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1602 |
1603 |
* Adds an integer option.
1604 |
1605 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1606 |
1607 |
addIntegerOption(input: Omit<SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandIntegerOption | ((builder: SlashCommandIntegerOption) => Omit<SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandIntegerOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1608 |
1609 |
* Adds a number option.
1610 |
1611 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
1612 |
1613 |
addNumberOption(input: Omit<SlashCommandNumberOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandNumberOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandNumberOption | ((builder: SlashCommandNumberOption) => Omit<SlashCommandNumberOption, 'addChoices'> | Omit<SlashCommandNumberOption, 'setAutocomplete'> | SlashCommandNumberOption)): ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Omit<this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup"> : this;
1614 |
1615 |
* Where the actual adding magic happens. ✨
1616 |
1617 |
* @param input - The input. What else?
1618 |
* @param Instance - The instance of whatever is being added
1619 |
* @internal
1620 |
1621 |
private _sharedAddOptionMethod;
1622 |
1623 |
1624 |
1625 |
* Represents a folder for subcommands.
1626 |
1627 |
* @see {@link}
1628 |
1629 |
declare class SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder implements ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions {
1630 |
1631 |
* The name of this subcommand group.
1632 |
1633 |
readonly name: string;
1634 |
1635 |
* The description of this subcommand group.
1636 |
1637 |
readonly description: string;
1638 |
1639 |
* The subcommands within this subcommand group.
1640 |
1641 |
readonly options: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder[];
1642 |
1643 |
* Adds a new subcommand to this group.
1644 |
1645 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand builder or an already built builder
1646 |
1647 |
addSubcommand(input: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder | ((subcommandGroup: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) => SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder)): this;
1648 |
1649 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
1650 |
1651 |
* @remarks
1652 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
1653 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
1654 |
1655 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandSubcommandGroupOption;
1656 |
1657 |
interface SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder extends SharedNameAndDescription {
1658 |
1659 |
1660 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for slash command subcommands.
1661 |
1662 |
* @see {@link}
1663 |
1664 |
declare class SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder implements ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions {
1665 |
1666 |
* The name of this subcommand.
1667 |
1668 |
readonly name: string;
1669 |
1670 |
* The description of this subcommand.
1671 |
1672 |
readonly description: string;
1673 |
1674 |
* The options within this subcommand.
1675 |
1676 |
readonly options: ApplicationCommandOptionBase[];
1677 |
1678 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
1679 |
1680 |
* @remarks
1681 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
1682 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
1683 |
1684 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandSubcommandOption;
1685 |
1686 |
interface SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder extends SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions<false> {
1687 |
1688 |
1689 |
1690 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for slash commands.
1691 |
1692 |
declare class SlashCommandBuilder {
1693 |
1694 |
* The name of this command.
1695 |
1696 |
readonly name: string;
1697 |
1698 |
* The name localizations of this command.
1699 |
1700 |
readonly name_localizations?: LocalizationMap;
1701 |
1702 |
* The description of this command.
1703 |
1704 |
readonly description: string;
1705 |
1706 |
* The description localizations of this command.
1707 |
1708 |
readonly description_localizations?: LocalizationMap;
1709 |
1710 |
* The options of this command.
1711 |
1712 |
readonly options: ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions[];
1713 |
1714 |
* Whether this command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
1715 |
1716 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
1717 |
1718 |
readonly default_permission: boolean | undefined;
1719 |
1720 |
* The set of permissions represented as a bit set for the command.
1721 |
1722 |
readonly default_member_permissions: Permissions | null | undefined;
1723 |
1724 |
* Indicates whether the command is available in direct messages with the application.
1725 |
1726 |
* @remarks
1727 |
* By default, commands are visible. This property is only for global commands.
1728 |
1729 |
readonly dm_permission: boolean | undefined;
1730 |
1731 |
* Whether this command is NSFW.
1732 |
1733 |
readonly nsfw: boolean | undefined;
1734 |
1735 |
* Sets whether the command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
1736 |
1737 |
* @remarks
1738 |
* If set to `false`, you will have to later `PUT` the permissions for this command.
1739 |
* @param value - Whether or not to enable this command by default
1740 |
* @see {@link}
1741 |
* @deprecated Use {@link SlashCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link SlashCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
1742 |
1743 |
setDefaultPermission(value: boolean): this;
1744 |
1745 |
* Sets the default permissions a member should have in order to run the command.
1746 |
1747 |
* @remarks
1748 |
* You can set this to `'0'` to disable the command by default.
1749 |
* @param permissions - The permissions bit field to set
1750 |
* @see {@link}
1751 |
1752 |
setDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions: Permissions | bigint | number | null | undefined): this;
1753 |
1754 |
* Sets if the command is available in direct messages with the application.
1755 |
1756 |
* @remarks
1757 |
* By default, commands are visible. This method is only for global commands.
1758 |
* @param enabled - Whether the command should be enabled in direct messages
1759 |
* @see {@link}
1760 |
1761 |
setDMPermission(enabled: boolean | null | undefined): this;
1762 |
1763 |
* Sets whether this command is NSFW.
1764 |
1765 |
* @param nsfw - Whether this command is NSFW
1766 |
1767 |
setNSFW(nsfw?: boolean): this;
1768 |
1769 |
* Adds a new subcommand group to this command.
1770 |
1771 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand group builder or an already built builder
1772 |
1773 |
addSubcommandGroup(input: SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder | ((subcommandGroup: SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder) => SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder)): SlashCommandSubcommandsOnlyBuilder;
1774 |
1775 |
* Adds a new subcommand to this command.
1776 |
1777 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand builder or an already built builder
1778 |
1779 |
addSubcommand(input: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder | ((subcommandGroup: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) => SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder)): SlashCommandSubcommandsOnlyBuilder;
1780 |
1781 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
1782 |
1783 |
* @remarks
1784 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
1785 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
1786 |
1787 |
toJSON(): RESTPostAPIChatInputApplicationCommandsJSONBody;
1788 |
1789 |
interface SlashCommandBuilder extends SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions {
1790 |
1791 |
1792 |
* An interface specifically for slash command subcommands.
1793 |
1794 |
interface SlashCommandSubcommandsOnlyBuilder extends Omit<SlashCommandBuilder, Exclude<keyof SharedSlashCommandOptions, 'options'>> {
1795 |
1796 |
1797 |
* An interface specifically for slash command options.
1798 |
1799 |
interface SlashCommandOptionsOnlyBuilder extends SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions, Pick<SlashCommandBuilder, 'toJSON'> {
1800 |
1801 |
1802 |
* An interface that ensures the `toJSON()` call will return something
1803 |
* that can be serialized into API-compatible data.
1804 |
1805 |
interface ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions {
1806 |
toJSON(): APIApplicationCommandOption;
1807 |
1808 |
1809 |
declare function validateName$1(name: unknown): asserts name is string;
1810 |
declare function validateDescription(description: unknown): asserts description is string;
1811 |
declare function validateLocale(locale: unknown): Locale;
1812 |
declare function validateMaxOptionsLength(options: unknown): asserts options is ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions[];
1813 |
declare function validateRequiredParameters$1(name: string, description: string, options: ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions[]): void;
1814 |
declare function validateDefaultPermission$1(value: unknown): asserts value is boolean;
1815 |
declare function validateRequired(required: unknown): asserts required is boolean;
1816 |
declare function validateChoicesLength(amountAdding: number, choices?: APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice[]): void;
1817 |
declare function assertReturnOfBuilder<ReturnType extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase | SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder | SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder>(input: unknown, ExpectedInstanceOf: new () => ReturnType): asserts input is ReturnType;
1818 |
declare const localizationMapPredicate: _sapphire_shapeshift.UnionValidator<_sapphire_shapeshift.UndefinedToOptional<Partial<Record<"id" | "en-US" | "en-GB" | "bg" | "zh-CN" | "zh-TW" | "hr" | "cs" | "da" | "nl" | "fi" | "fr" | "de" | "el" | "hi" | "hu" | "it" | "ja" | "ko" | "lt" | "no" | "pl" | "pt-BR" | "ro" | "ru" | "es-ES" | "sv-SE" | "th" | "tr" | "uk" | "vi", string | null>>> | null | undefined>;
1819 |
declare function validateLocalizationMap(value: unknown): asserts value is LocalizationMap;
1820 |
declare function validateDMPermission$1(value: unknown): asserts value is boolean | null | undefined;
1821 |
declare function validateDefaultMemberPermissions$1(permissions: unknown): string | null | undefined;
1822 |
declare function validateNSFW(value: unknown): asserts value is boolean;
1823 |
1824 |
declare const Assertions$1_assertReturnOfBuilder: typeof assertReturnOfBuilder;
1825 |
declare const Assertions$1_localizationMapPredicate: typeof localizationMapPredicate;
1826 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateChoicesLength: typeof validateChoicesLength;
1827 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateDescription: typeof validateDescription;
1828 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateLocale: typeof validateLocale;
1829 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateLocalizationMap: typeof validateLocalizationMap;
1830 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateMaxOptionsLength: typeof validateMaxOptionsLength;
1831 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateNSFW: typeof validateNSFW;
1832 |
declare const Assertions$1_validateRequired: typeof validateRequired;
1833 |
declare namespace Assertions$1 {
1834 |
export {
1835 |
Assertions$1_assertReturnOfBuilder as assertReturnOfBuilder,
1836 |
Assertions$1_localizationMapPredicate as localizationMapPredicate,
1837 |
Assertions$1_validateChoicesLength as validateChoicesLength,
1838 |
validateDMPermission$1 as validateDMPermission,
1839 |
validateDefaultMemberPermissions$1 as validateDefaultMemberPermissions,
1840 |
validateDefaultPermission$1 as validateDefaultPermission,
1841 |
Assertions$1_validateDescription as validateDescription,
1842 |
Assertions$1_validateLocale as validateLocale,
1843 |
Assertions$1_validateLocalizationMap as validateLocalizationMap,
1844 |
Assertions$1_validateMaxOptionsLength as validateMaxOptionsLength,
1845 |
Assertions$1_validateNSFW as validateNSFW,
1846 |
validateName$1 as validateName,
1847 |
Assertions$1_validateRequired as validateRequired,
1848 |
validateRequiredParameters$1 as validateRequiredParameters,
1849 |
1850 |
1851 |
1852 |
1853 |
* The type a context menu command can be.
1854 |
1855 |
type ContextMenuCommandType = ApplicationCommandType.Message | ApplicationCommandType.User;
1856 |
1857 |
* A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for context menu commands.
1858 |
1859 |
declare class ContextMenuCommandBuilder {
1860 |
1861 |
* The name of this command.
1862 |
1863 |
readonly name: string;
1864 |
1865 |
* The name localizations of this command.
1866 |
1867 |
readonly name_localizations?: LocalizationMap;
1868 |
1869 |
* The type of this command.
1870 |
1871 |
readonly type: ContextMenuCommandType;
1872 |
1873 |
* Whether this command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
1874 |
1875 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
1876 |
1877 |
readonly default_permission: boolean | undefined;
1878 |
1879 |
* The set of permissions represented as a bit set for the command.
1880 |
1881 |
readonly default_member_permissions: Permissions | null | undefined;
1882 |
1883 |
* Indicates whether the command is available in direct messages with the application.
1884 |
1885 |
* @remarks
1886 |
* By default, commands are visible. This property is only for global commands.
1887 |
1888 |
readonly dm_permission: boolean | undefined;
1889 |
1890 |
* Sets the name of this command.
1891 |
1892 |
* @param name - The name to use
1893 |
1894 |
setName(name: string): this;
1895 |
1896 |
* Sets the type of this command.
1897 |
1898 |
* @param type - The type to use
1899 |
1900 |
setType(type: ContextMenuCommandType): this;
1901 |
1902 |
* Sets whether the command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
1903 |
1904 |
* @remarks
1905 |
* If set to `false`, you will have to later `PUT` the permissions for this command.
1906 |
* @param value - Whether to enable this command by default
1907 |
* @see {@link}
1908 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
1909 |
1910 |
setDefaultPermission(value: boolean): this;
1911 |
1912 |
* Sets the default permissions a member should have in order to run this command.
1913 |
1914 |
* @remarks
1915 |
* You can set this to `'0'` to disable the command by default.
1916 |
* @param permissions - The permissions bit field to set
1917 |
* @see {@link}
1918 |
1919 |
setDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions: Permissions | bigint | number | null | undefined): this;
1920 |
1921 |
* Sets if the command is available in direct messages with the application.
1922 |
1923 |
* @remarks
1924 |
* By default, commands are visible. This method is only for global commands.
1925 |
* @param enabled - Whether the command should be enabled in direct messages
1926 |
* @see {@link}
1927 |
1928 |
setDMPermission(enabled: boolean | null | undefined): this;
1929 |
1930 |
* Sets a name localization for this command.
1931 |
1932 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
1933 |
* @param localizedName - The localized name for the given `locale`
1934 |
1935 |
setNameLocalization(locale: LocaleString, localizedName: string | null): this;
1936 |
1937 |
* Sets the name localizations for this command.
1938 |
1939 |
* @param localizedNames - The object of localized names to set
1940 |
1941 |
setNameLocalizations(localizedNames: LocalizationMap | null): this;
1942 |
1943 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
1944 |
1945 |
* @remarks
1946 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
1947 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
1948 |
1949 |
toJSON(): RESTPostAPIContextMenuApplicationCommandsJSONBody;
1950 |
1951 |
1952 |
declare function validateDefaultPermission(value: unknown): asserts value is boolean;
1953 |
declare function validateName(name: unknown): asserts name is string;
1954 |
declare function validateType(type: unknown): asserts type is ContextMenuCommandType;
1955 |
declare function validateRequiredParameters(name: string, type: number): void;
1956 |
declare function validateDMPermission(value: unknown): asserts value is boolean | null | undefined;
1957 |
declare function validateDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions: unknown): string | null | undefined;
1958 |
1959 |
declare const Assertions_validateDMPermission: typeof validateDMPermission;
1960 |
declare const Assertions_validateDefaultMemberPermissions: typeof validateDefaultMemberPermissions;
1961 |
declare const Assertions_validateDefaultPermission: typeof validateDefaultPermission;
1962 |
declare const Assertions_validateName: typeof validateName;
1963 |
declare const Assertions_validateRequiredParameters: typeof validateRequiredParameters;
1964 |
declare const Assertions_validateType: typeof validateType;
1965 |
declare namespace Assertions {
1966 |
export {
1967 |
Assertions_validateDMPermission as validateDMPermission,
1968 |
Assertions_validateDefaultMemberPermissions as validateDefaultMemberPermissions,
1969 |
Assertions_validateDefaultPermission as validateDefaultPermission,
1970 |
Assertions_validateName as validateName,
1971 |
Assertions_validateRequiredParameters as validateRequiredParameters,
1972 |
Assertions_validateType as validateType,
1973 |
1974 |
1975 |
1976 |
1977 |
* Calculates the length of the embed.
1978 |
1979 |
* @param data - The embed data to check
1980 |
1981 |
declare function embedLength(data: APIEmbed): number;
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
* Enables validators.
1985 |
1986 |
* @returns Whether validation is occurring.
1987 |
1988 |
declare function enableValidators(): boolean;
1989 |
1990 |
* Disables validators.
1991 |
1992 |
* @returns Whether validation is occurring.
1993 |
1994 |
declare function disableValidators(): boolean;
1995 |
1996 |
* Checks whether validation is occurring.
1997 |
1998 |
declare function isValidationEnabled(): boolean;
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
* The {@link | @discordjs/builders} version
2002 |
* that you are currently using.
2003 |
2004 |
* @privateRemarks This needs to explicitly be `string` so it is not typed as a "const string" that gets injected by esbuild.
2005 |
2006 |
declare const version: string;
2007 |
2008 |
export { ActionRowBuilder, AnyAPIActionRowComponent, AnyComponentBuilder, ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionAllowedChannelTypes, ApplicationCommandOptionBase, ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin, BaseSelectMenuBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ChannelSelectMenuBuilder, Assertions$4 as ComponentAssertions, ComponentBuilder, Assertions as ContextMenuCommandAssertions, ContextMenuCommandBuilder, ContextMenuCommandType, Assertions$5 as EmbedAssertions, EmbedAuthorData, EmbedAuthorOptions, EmbedBuilder, EmbedFooterData, EmbedFooterOptions, EmbedImageData, IconData, MappedComponentTypes, MentionableSelectMenuBuilder, MessageActionRowComponentBuilder, MessageComponentBuilder, ModalActionRowComponentBuilder, Assertions$2 as ModalAssertions, ModalBuilder, ModalComponentBuilder, RGBTuple, RestOrArray, RoleSelectMenuBuilder, StringSelectMenuBuilder as SelectMenuBuilder, StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder as SelectMenuOptionBuilder, SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions, Assertions$1 as SlashCommandAssertions, SlashCommandAttachmentOption, SlashCommandBooleanOption, SlashCommandBuilder, SlashCommandChannelOption, SlashCommandIntegerOption, SlashCommandMentionableOption, SlashCommandNumberOption, SlashCommandOptionsOnlyBuilder, SlashCommandRoleOption, SlashCommandStringOption, SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder, SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder, SlashCommandSubcommandsOnlyBuilder, SlashCommandUserOption, StringSelectMenuBuilder, StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder, Assertions$3 as TextInputAssertions, TextInputBuilder, ToAPIApplicationCommandOptions, UserSelectMenuBuilder, createComponentBuilder, disableValidators, embedLength, enableValidators, isValidationEnabled, normalizeArray, version };
@@ -0,0 +1,2763 @@
1 |
"use strict";
2 |
var __create = Object.create;
3 |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
4 |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
5 |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
6 |
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
7 |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
8 |
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
9 |
var __export = (target, all) => {
10 |
for (var name in all)
11 |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
12 |
13 |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
14 |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
15 |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
16 |
if (!, key) && key !== except)
17 |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
18 |
19 |
return to;
20 |
21 |
var __reExport = (target, mod, secondTarget) => (__copyProps(target, mod, "default"), secondTarget && __copyProps(secondTarget, mod, "default"));
22 |
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
23 |
// If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM
24 |
// file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-
25 |
// compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set
26 |
// "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility.
27 |
isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
28 |
29 |
30 |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
31 |
var __decorateClass = (decorators, target, key, kind) => {
32 |
var result = kind > 1 ? void 0 : kind ? __getOwnPropDesc(target, key) : target;
33 |
for (var i = decorators.length - 1, decorator; i >= 0; i--)
34 |
if (decorator = decorators[i])
35 |
result = (kind ? decorator(target, key, result) : decorator(result)) || result;
36 |
if (kind && result)
37 |
__defProp(target, key, result);
38 |
return result;
39 |
40 |
41 |
// src/index.ts
42 |
var src_exports = {};
43 |
__export(src_exports, {
44 |
ActionRowBuilder: () => ActionRowBuilder,
45 |
ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin: () => ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin,
46 |
ApplicationCommandOptionBase: () => ApplicationCommandOptionBase,
47 |
ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin: () => ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin,
48 |
ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin: () => ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin,
49 |
BaseSelectMenuBuilder: () => BaseSelectMenuBuilder,
50 |
ButtonBuilder: () => ButtonBuilder,
51 |
ChannelSelectMenuBuilder: () => ChannelSelectMenuBuilder,
52 |
ComponentAssertions: () => Assertions_exports2,
53 |
ComponentBuilder: () => ComponentBuilder,
54 |
ContextMenuCommandAssertions: () => Assertions_exports6,
55 |
ContextMenuCommandBuilder: () => ContextMenuCommandBuilder,
56 |
EmbedAssertions: () => Assertions_exports,
57 |
EmbedBuilder: () => EmbedBuilder,
58 |
MentionableSelectMenuBuilder: () => MentionableSelectMenuBuilder,
59 |
ModalAssertions: () => Assertions_exports4,
60 |
ModalBuilder: () => ModalBuilder,
61 |
RoleSelectMenuBuilder: () => RoleSelectMenuBuilder,
62 |
SelectMenuBuilder: () => StringSelectMenuBuilder,
63 |
SelectMenuOptionBuilder: () => StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder,
64 |
SharedNameAndDescription: () => SharedNameAndDescription,
65 |
SharedSlashCommandOptions: () => SharedSlashCommandOptions,
66 |
SlashCommandAssertions: () => Assertions_exports5,
67 |
SlashCommandAttachmentOption: () => SlashCommandAttachmentOption,
68 |
SlashCommandBooleanOption: () => SlashCommandBooleanOption,
69 |
SlashCommandBuilder: () => SlashCommandBuilder,
70 |
SlashCommandChannelOption: () => SlashCommandChannelOption,
71 |
SlashCommandIntegerOption: () => SlashCommandIntegerOption,
72 |
SlashCommandMentionableOption: () => SlashCommandMentionableOption,
73 |
SlashCommandNumberOption: () => SlashCommandNumberOption,
74 |
SlashCommandRoleOption: () => SlashCommandRoleOption,
75 |
SlashCommandStringOption: () => SlashCommandStringOption,
76 |
SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder: () => SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder,
77 |
SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder: () => SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder,
78 |
SlashCommandUserOption: () => SlashCommandUserOption,
79 |
StringSelectMenuBuilder: () => StringSelectMenuBuilder,
80 |
StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder: () => StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder,
81 |
TextInputAssertions: () => Assertions_exports3,
82 |
TextInputBuilder: () => TextInputBuilder,
83 |
UserSelectMenuBuilder: () => UserSelectMenuBuilder,
84 |
createComponentBuilder: () => createComponentBuilder,
85 |
disableValidators: () => disableValidators,
86 |
embedLength: () => embedLength,
87 |
enableValidators: () => enableValidators,
88 |
isValidationEnabled: () => isValidationEnabled,
89 |
normalizeArray: () => normalizeArray,
90 |
version: () => version
91 |
92 |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
93 |
94 |
// src/messages/embed/Assertions.ts
95 |
var Assertions_exports = {};
96 |
__export(Assertions_exports, {
97 |
RGBPredicate: () => RGBPredicate,
98 |
authorNamePredicate: () => authorNamePredicate,
99 |
colorPredicate: () => colorPredicate,
100 |
descriptionPredicate: () => descriptionPredicate,
101 |
embedAuthorPredicate: () => embedAuthorPredicate,
102 |
embedFieldPredicate: () => embedFieldPredicate,
103 |
embedFieldsArrayPredicate: () => embedFieldsArrayPredicate,
104 |
embedFooterPredicate: () => embedFooterPredicate,
105 |
fieldInlinePredicate: () => fieldInlinePredicate,
106 |
fieldLengthPredicate: () => fieldLengthPredicate,
107 |
fieldNamePredicate: () => fieldNamePredicate,
108 |
fieldValuePredicate: () => fieldValuePredicate,
109 |
footerTextPredicate: () => footerTextPredicate,
110 |
imageURLPredicate: () => imageURLPredicate,
111 |
timestampPredicate: () => timestampPredicate,
112 |
titlePredicate: () => titlePredicate,
113 |
urlPredicate: () => urlPredicate,
114 |
validateFieldLength: () => validateFieldLength
115 |
116 |
var import_shapeshift = require("@sapphire/shapeshift");
117 |
118 |
// src/util/validation.ts
119 |
var validate = true;
120 |
function enableValidators() {
121 |
return validate = true;
122 |
123 |
__name(enableValidators, "enableValidators");
124 |
function disableValidators() {
125 |
return validate = false;
126 |
127 |
__name(disableValidators, "disableValidators");
128 |
function isValidationEnabled() {
129 |
return validate;
130 |
131 |
__name(isValidationEnabled, "isValidationEnabled");
132 |
133 |
// src/messages/embed/Assertions.ts
134 |
var fieldNamePredicate = import_shapeshift.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(256).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
135 |
var fieldValuePredicate = import_shapeshift.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(1024).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
136 |
var fieldInlinePredicate = import_shapeshift.s.boolean.optional;
137 |
var embedFieldPredicate = import_shapeshift.s.object({
138 |
name: fieldNamePredicate,
139 |
value: fieldValuePredicate,
140 |
inline: fieldInlinePredicate
141 |
142 |
var embedFieldsArrayPredicate = embedFieldPredicate.array.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
143 |
var fieldLengthPredicate = import_shapeshift.s.number.lessThanOrEqual(25).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
144 |
function validateFieldLength(amountAdding, fields) {
145 |
fieldLengthPredicate.parse((fields?.length ?? 0) + amountAdding);
146 |
147 |
__name(validateFieldLength, "validateFieldLength");
148 |
var authorNamePredicate = fieldNamePredicate.nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
149 |
var imageURLPredicate = import_shapeshift.s.string.url({
150 |
allowedProtocols: ["http:", "https:", "attachment:"]
151 |
152 |
var urlPredicate = import_shapeshift.s.string.url({
153 |
allowedProtocols: ["http:", "https:"]
154 |
155 |
var embedAuthorPredicate = import_shapeshift.s.object({
156 |
name: authorNamePredicate,
157 |
iconURL: imageURLPredicate,
158 |
url: urlPredicate
159 |
160 |
var RGBPredicate =;
161 |
var colorPredicate =[RGBPredicate, RGBPredicate, RGBPredicate])).nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
162 |
var descriptionPredicate = import_shapeshift.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(4096).nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
163 |
var footerTextPredicate = import_shapeshift.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(2048).nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
164 |
var embedFooterPredicate = import_shapeshift.s.object({
165 |
text: footerTextPredicate,
166 |
iconURL: imageURLPredicate
167 |
168 |
var timestampPredicate = import_shapeshift.s.union(import_shapeshift.s.number,;
169 |
var titlePredicate = fieldNamePredicate.nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
170 |
171 |
// src/util/normalizeArray.ts
172 |
function normalizeArray(arr) {
173 |
if (Array.isArray(arr[0]))
174 |
return arr[0];
175 |
return arr;
176 |
177 |
__name(normalizeArray, "normalizeArray");
178 |
179 |
// src/messages/embed/Embed.ts
180 |
var EmbedBuilder = class {
181 |
static {
182 |
__name(this, "EmbedBuilder");
183 |
184 |
185 |
* The API data associated with this embed.
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
* Creates a new embed from API data.
190 |
191 |
* @param data - The API data to create this embed with
192 |
193 |
constructor(data = {}) {
194 |
+ = { };
195 |
if (data.timestamp)
196 |
+ = new Date(data.timestamp).toISOString();
197 |
198 |
199 |
* Appends fields to the embed.
200 |
201 |
* @remarks
202 |
* This method accepts either an array of fields or a variable number of field parameters.
203 |
* The maximum amount of fields that can be added is 25.
204 |
* @example
205 |
* Using an array:
206 |
* ```ts
207 |
* const fields: APIEmbedField[] = ...;
208 |
* const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
209 |
* .addFields(fields);
210 |
* ```
211 |
* @example
212 |
* Using rest parameters (variadic):
213 |
* ```ts
214 |
* const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
215 |
* .addFields(
216 |
* { name: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1' },
217 |
* { name: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2' },
218 |
* );
219 |
* ```
220 |
* @param fields - The fields to add
221 |
222 |
addFields(...fields) {
223 |
const normalizedFields = normalizeArray(fields);
224 |
225 |
226 |
if (
227 |
228 |
229 |
+ = normalizedFields;
230 |
return this;
231 |
232 |
233 |
* Removes, replaces, or inserts fields for this embed.
234 |
235 |
* @remarks
236 |
* This method behaves similarly
237 |
* to {@link | Array.prototype.splice()}.
238 |
* The maximum amount of fields that can be added is 25.
239 |
240 |
* It's useful for modifying and adjusting order of the already-existing fields of an embed.
241 |
* @example
242 |
* Remove the first field:
243 |
* ```ts
244 |
* embed.spliceFields(0, 1);
245 |
* ```
246 |
* @example
247 |
* Remove the first n fields:
248 |
* ```ts
249 |
* const n = 4;
250 |
* embed.spliceFields(0, n);
251 |
* ```
252 |
* @example
253 |
* Remove the last field:
254 |
* ```ts
255 |
* embed.spliceFields(-1, 1);
256 |
* ```
257 |
* @param index - The index to start at
258 |
* @param deleteCount - The number of fields to remove
259 |
* @param fields - The replacing field objects
260 |
261 |
spliceFields(index, deleteCount, ...fields) {
262 |
validateFieldLength(fields.length - deleteCount,;
263 |
264 |
if (
265 |
+, deleteCount, ...fields);
266 |
267 |
+ = fields;
268 |
return this;
269 |
270 |
271 |
* Sets the fields for this embed.
272 |
273 |
* @remarks
274 |
* This method is an alias for {@link EmbedBuilder.spliceFields}. More specifically,
275 |
* it splices the entire array of fields, replacing them with the provided fields.
276 |
277 |
* You can set a maximum of 25 fields.
278 |
* @param fields - The fields to set
279 |
280 |
setFields(...fields) {
281 |
this.spliceFields(0, ?? 0, ...normalizeArray(fields));
282 |
return this;
283 |
284 |
285 |
* Sets the author of this embed.
286 |
287 |
* @param options - The options to use
288 |
289 |
setAuthor(options) {
290 |
if (options === null) {
291 |
+ = void 0;
292 |
return this;
293 |
294 |
295 |
+ = { name:, url: options.url, icon_url: options.iconURL };
296 |
return this;
297 |
298 |
299 |
* Sets the color of this embed.
300 |
301 |
* @param color - The color to use
302 |
303 |
setColor(color) {
304 |
305 |
if (Array.isArray(color)) {
306 |
const [red, green, blue] = color;
307 |
+ = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue;
308 |
return this;
309 |
310 |
+ = color ?? void 0;
311 |
return this;
312 |
313 |
314 |
* Sets the description of this embed.
315 |
316 |
* @param description - The description to use
317 |
318 |
setDescription(description) {
319 |
320 |
+ = description ?? void 0;
321 |
return this;
322 |
323 |
324 |
* Sets the footer of this embed.
325 |
326 |
* @param options - The footer to use
327 |
328 |
setFooter(options) {
329 |
if (options === null) {
330 |
+ = void 0;
331 |
return this;
332 |
333 |
334 |
+ = { text: options.text, icon_url: options.iconURL };
335 |
return this;
336 |
337 |
338 |
* Sets the image of this embed.
339 |
340 |
* @param url - The image URL to use
341 |
342 |
setImage(url) {
343 |
344 |
+ = url ? { url } : void 0;
345 |
return this;
346 |
347 |
348 |
* Sets the thumbnail of this embed.
349 |
350 |
* @param url - The thumbnail URL to use
351 |
352 |
setThumbnail(url) {
353 |
354 |
+ = url ? { url } : void 0;
355 |
return this;
356 |
357 |
358 |
* Sets the timestamp of this embed.
359 |
360 |
* @param timestamp - The timestamp or date to use
361 |
362 |
setTimestamp(timestamp = {
363 |
364 |
+ = timestamp ? new Date(timestamp).toISOString() : void 0;
365 |
return this;
366 |
367 |
368 |
* Sets the title for this embed.
369 |
370 |
* @param title - The title to use
371 |
372 |
setTitle(title) {
373 |
374 |
+ = title ?? void 0;
375 |
return this;
376 |
377 |
378 |
* Sets the URL of this embed.
379 |
380 |
* @param url - The URL to use
381 |
382 |
setURL(url) {
383 |
384 |
+ = url ?? void 0;
385 |
return this;
386 |
387 |
388 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
389 |
390 |
* @remarks
391 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
392 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
393 |
394 |
toJSON() {
395 |
return { };
396 |
397 |
398 |
399 |
// src/index.ts
400 |
__reExport(src_exports, require("@discordjs/formatters"), module.exports);
401 |
402 |
// src/components/Assertions.ts
403 |
var Assertions_exports2 = {};
404 |
__export(Assertions_exports2, {
405 |
buttonLabelValidator: () => buttonLabelValidator,
406 |
buttonStyleValidator: () => buttonStyleValidator,
407 |
channelTypesValidator: () => channelTypesValidator,
408 |
customIdValidator: () => customIdValidator,
409 |
defaultValidator: () => defaultValidator,
410 |
disabledValidator: () => disabledValidator,
411 |
emojiValidator: () => emojiValidator,
412 |
jsonOptionValidator: () => jsonOptionValidator,
413 |
labelValueDescriptionValidator: () => labelValueDescriptionValidator,
414 |
minMaxValidator: () => minMaxValidator,
415 |
optionValidator: () => optionValidator,
416 |
optionsLengthValidator: () => optionsLengthValidator,
417 |
optionsValidator: () => optionsValidator,
418 |
placeholderValidator: () => placeholderValidator,
419 |
urlValidator: () => urlValidator,
420 |
validateRequiredButtonParameters: () => validateRequiredButtonParameters,
421 |
validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters: () => validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters,
422 |
validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters: () => validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters
423 |
424 |
var import_shapeshift2 = require("@sapphire/shapeshift");
425 |
var import_v10 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
426 |
427 |
// src/components/selectMenu/StringSelectMenuOption.ts
428 |
var StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder = class {
429 |
430 |
* Creates a new string select menu option from API data.
431 |
432 |
* @param data - The API data to create this string select menu option with
433 |
* @example
434 |
* Creating a string select menu option from an API data object:
435 |
* ```ts
436 |
* const selectMenuOption = new SelectMenuOptionBuilder({
437 |
* label: 'catchy label',
438 |
* value: '1',
439 |
* });
440 |
* ```
441 |
* @example
442 |
* Creating a string select menu option using setters and API data:
443 |
* ```ts
444 |
* const selectMenuOption = new SelectMenuOptionBuilder({
445 |
* default: true,
446 |
* value: '1',
447 |
* })
448 |
* .setLabel('woah');
449 |
* ```
450 |
451 |
constructor(data = {}) {
452 |
+ = data;
453 |
454 |
static {
455 |
__name(this, "StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder");
456 |
457 |
458 |
* Sets the label for this option.
459 |
460 |
* @param label - The label to use
461 |
462 |
setLabel(label) {
463 |
+ = labelValueDescriptionValidator.parse(label);
464 |
return this;
465 |
466 |
467 |
* Sets the value for this option.
468 |
469 |
* @param value - The value to use
470 |
471 |
setValue(value) {
472 |
+ = labelValueDescriptionValidator.parse(value);
473 |
return this;
474 |
475 |
476 |
* Sets the description for this option.
477 |
478 |
* @param description - The description to use
479 |
480 |
setDescription(description) {
481 |
+ = labelValueDescriptionValidator.parse(description);
482 |
return this;
483 |
484 |
485 |
* Sets whether this option is selected by default.
486 |
487 |
* @param isDefault - Whether this option is selected by default
488 |
489 |
setDefault(isDefault = true) {
490 |
+ = defaultValidator.parse(isDefault);
491 |
return this;
492 |
493 |
494 |
* Sets the emoji to display for this option.
495 |
496 |
* @param emoji - The emoji to use
497 |
498 |
setEmoji(emoji) {
499 |
+ = emojiValidator.parse(emoji);
500 |
return this;
501 |
502 |
503 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
504 |
505 |
toJSON() {
506 |
507 |
return {
508 |
509 |
510 |
511 |
512 |
513 |
// src/components/Assertions.ts
514 |
var customIdValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
515 |
var emojiValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.object({
516 |
id: import_shapeshift2.s.string,
517 |
name: import_shapeshift2.s.string,
518 |
animated: import_shapeshift2.s.boolean
519 |
520 |
var disabledValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.boolean;
521 |
var buttonLabelValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(80).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
522 |
var buttonStyleValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.nativeEnum(import_v10.ButtonStyle);
523 |
var placeholderValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.string.lengthLessThanOrEqual(150).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
524 |
var minMaxValidator =;
525 |
var labelValueDescriptionValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
526 |
var jsonOptionValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.object({
527 |
label: labelValueDescriptionValidator,
528 |
value: labelValueDescriptionValidator,
529 |
description: labelValueDescriptionValidator.optional,
530 |
emoji: emojiValidator.optional,
531 |
default: import_shapeshift2.s.boolean.optional
532 |
533 |
var optionValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.instance(StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
534 |
var optionsValidator = optionValidator.array.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(0).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
535 |
var optionsLengthValidator =;
536 |
function validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters(options, customId) {
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
__name(validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters, "validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters");
541 |
var defaultValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.boolean;
542 |
function validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters(label, value) {
543 |
544 |
545 |
546 |
__name(validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters, "validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters");
547 |
var channelTypesValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.nativeEnum(import_v10.ChannelType).array.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
548 |
var urlValidator = import_shapeshift2.s.string.url({
549 |
allowedProtocols: ["http:", "https:", "discord:"]
550 |
551 |
function validateRequiredButtonParameters(style, label, emoji, customId, url) {
552 |
if (url && customId) {
553 |
throw new RangeError("URL and custom id are mutually exclusive");
554 |
555 |
if (!label && !emoji) {
556 |
throw new RangeError("Buttons must have a label and/or an emoji");
557 |
558 |
if (style === import_v10.ButtonStyle.Link) {
559 |
if (!url) {
560 |
throw new RangeError("Link buttons must have a url");
561 |
562 |
} else if (url) {
563 |
throw new RangeError("Non-link buttons cannot have a url");
564 |
565 |
566 |
__name(validateRequiredButtonParameters, "validateRequiredButtonParameters");
567 |
568 |
// src/components/ActionRow.ts
569 |
var import_v1011 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
570 |
571 |
// src/components/Component.ts
572 |
var ComponentBuilder = class {
573 |
static {
574 |
__name(this, "ComponentBuilder");
575 |
576 |
577 |
* The API data associated with this component.
578 |
579 |
580 |
581 |
* Constructs a new kind of component.
582 |
583 |
* @param data - The data to construct a component out of
584 |
585 |
constructor(data) {
586 |
+ = data;
587 |
588 |
589 |
590 |
// src/components/Components.ts
591 |
var import_v1010 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
592 |
593 |
// src/components/button/Button.ts
594 |
var import_v102 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
595 |
var ButtonBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder {
596 |
static {
597 |
__name(this, "ButtonBuilder");
598 |
599 |
600 |
* Creates a new button from API data.
601 |
602 |
* @param data - The API data to create this button with
603 |
* @example
604 |
* Creating a button from an API data object:
605 |
* ```ts
606 |
* const button = new ButtonBuilder({
607 |
* custom_id: 'a cool button',
608 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
609 |
* label: 'Click Me',
610 |
* emoji: {
611 |
* name: 'smile',
612 |
* id: '123456789012345678',
613 |
* },
614 |
* });
615 |
* ```
616 |
* @example
617 |
* Creating a button using setters and API data:
618 |
* ```ts
619 |
* const button = new ButtonBuilder({
620 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Secondary,
621 |
* label: 'Click Me',
622 |
* })
623 |
* .setEmoji({ name: '🙂' })
624 |
* .setCustomId('another cool button');
625 |
* ```
626 |
627 |
constructor(data) {
628 |
super({ type: import_v102.ComponentType.Button, });
629 |
630 |
631 |
* Sets the style of this button.
632 |
633 |
* @param style - The style to use
634 |
635 |
setStyle(style) {
636 |
+ = buttonStyleValidator.parse(style);
637 |
return this;
638 |
639 |
640 |
* Sets the URL for this button.
641 |
642 |
* @remarks
643 |
* This method is only available to buttons using the `Link` button style.
644 |
* Only three types of URL schemes are currently supported: `https://`, `http://`, and `discord://`.
645 |
* @param url - The URL to use
646 |
647 |
setURL(url) {
648 |
+ = urlValidator.parse(url);
649 |
return this;
650 |
651 |
652 |
* Sets the custom id for this button.
653 |
654 |
* @remarks
655 |
* This method is only applicable to buttons that are not using the `Link` button style.
656 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
657 |
658 |
setCustomId(customId) {
659 |
+ = customIdValidator.parse(customId);
660 |
return this;
661 |
662 |
663 |
* Sets the emoji to display on this button.
664 |
665 |
* @param emoji - The emoji to use
666 |
667 |
setEmoji(emoji) {
668 |
+ = emojiValidator.parse(emoji);
669 |
return this;
670 |
671 |
672 |
* Sets whether this button is disabled.
673 |
674 |
* @param disabled - Whether to disable this button
675 |
676 |
setDisabled(disabled = true) {
677 |
+ = disabledValidator.parse(disabled);
678 |
return this;
679 |
680 |
681 |
* Sets the label for this button.
682 |
683 |
* @param label - The label to use
684 |
685 |
setLabel(label) {
686 |
+ = buttonLabelValidator.parse(label);
687 |
return this;
688 |
689 |
690 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
691 |
692 |
toJSON() {
693 |
694 |
695 |
696 |
697 |
698 |
699 |
700 |
return {
701 |
702 |
703 |
704 |
705 |
706 |
// src/components/selectMenu/ChannelSelectMenu.ts
707 |
var import_v103 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
708 |
709 |
// src/components/selectMenu/BaseSelectMenu.ts
710 |
var BaseSelectMenuBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder {
711 |
static {
712 |
__name(this, "BaseSelectMenuBuilder");
713 |
714 |
715 |
* Sets the placeholder for this select menu.
716 |
717 |
* @param placeholder - The placeholder to use
718 |
719 |
setPlaceholder(placeholder) {
720 |
+ = placeholderValidator.parse(placeholder);
721 |
return this;
722 |
723 |
724 |
* Sets the minimum values that must be selected in the select menu.
725 |
726 |
* @param minValues - The minimum values that must be selected
727 |
728 |
setMinValues(minValues) {
729 |
+ = minMaxValidator.parse(minValues);
730 |
return this;
731 |
732 |
733 |
* Sets the maximum values that must be selected in the select menu.
734 |
735 |
* @param maxValues - The maximum values that must be selected
736 |
737 |
setMaxValues(maxValues) {
738 |
+ = minMaxValidator.parse(maxValues);
739 |
return this;
740 |
741 |
742 |
* Sets the custom id for this select menu.
743 |
744 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
745 |
746 |
setCustomId(customId) {
747 |
+ = customIdValidator.parse(customId);
748 |
return this;
749 |
750 |
751 |
* Sets whether this select menu is disabled.
752 |
753 |
* @param disabled - Whether this select menu is disabled
754 |
755 |
setDisabled(disabled = true) {
756 |
+ = disabledValidator.parse(disabled);
757 |
return this;
758 |
759 |
760 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
761 |
762 |
toJSON() {
763 |
764 |
return {
765 |
766 |
767 |
768 |
769 |
770 |
// src/components/selectMenu/ChannelSelectMenu.ts
771 |
var ChannelSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder {
772 |
static {
773 |
__name(this, "ChannelSelectMenuBuilder");
774 |
775 |
776 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
777 |
778 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
779 |
* @example
780 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
781 |
* ```ts
782 |
* const selectMenu = new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder({
783 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
784 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
785 |
* max_values: 2,
786 |
* });
787 |
* ```
788 |
* @example
789 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
790 |
* ```ts
791 |
* const selectMenu = new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder({
792 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
793 |
* })
794 |
* .addChannelTypes(ChannelType.GuildText, ChannelType.GuildAnnouncement)
795 |
* .setMinValues(2);
796 |
* ```
797 |
798 |
constructor(data) {
799 |
super({, type: import_v103.ComponentType.ChannelSelect });
800 |
801 |
802 |
* Adds channel types to this select menu.
803 |
804 |
* @param types - The channel types to use
805 |
806 |
addChannelTypes(...types) {
807 |
const normalizedTypes = normalizeArray(types);
808 |
+ ??= [];
809 |
810 |
return this;
811 |
812 |
813 |
* Sets channel types for this select menu.
814 |
815 |
* @param types - The channel types to use
816 |
817 |
setChannelTypes(...types) {
818 |
const normalizedTypes = normalizeArray(types);
819 |
+ ??= [];
820 |
+,, ...channelTypesValidator.parse(normalizedTypes));
821 |
return this;
822 |
823 |
824 |
* Adds default channels to this auto populated select menu.
825 |
826 |
* @param channels - The channels to add
827 |
828 |
addDefaultChannels(...channels) {
829 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(channels);
830 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
831 |
+ ??= [];
832 |
833 |
+ => ({
834 |
835 |
type: import_v103.SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Channel
836 |
837 |
838 |
return this;
839 |
840 |
841 |
* Sets default channels to this auto populated select menu.
842 |
843 |
* @param channels - The channels to set
844 |
845 |
setDefaultChannels(...channels) {
846 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(channels);
847 |
848 |
+ = => ({
849 |
850 |
type: import_v103.SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Channel
851 |
852 |
return this;
853 |
854 |
855 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
856 |
857 |
toJSON() {
858 |
859 |
return {
860 |
861 |
862 |
863 |
864 |
865 |
// src/components/selectMenu/MentionableSelectMenu.ts
866 |
var import_v104 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
867 |
var MentionableSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder {
868 |
static {
869 |
__name(this, "MentionableSelectMenuBuilder");
870 |
871 |
872 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
873 |
874 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
875 |
* @example
876 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
877 |
* ```ts
878 |
* const selectMenu = new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder({
879 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
880 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
881 |
* max_values: 2,
882 |
* });
883 |
* ```
884 |
* @example
885 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
886 |
* ```ts
887 |
* const selectMenu = new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder({
888 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
889 |
* })
890 |
* .setMinValues(1);
891 |
* ```
892 |
893 |
constructor(data) {
894 |
super({, type: import_v104.ComponentType.MentionableSelect });
895 |
896 |
897 |
* Adds default roles to this auto populated select menu.
898 |
899 |
* @param roles - The roles to add
900 |
901 |
addDefaultRoles(...roles) {
902 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(roles);
903 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
904 |
+ ??= [];
905 |
906 |
+ => ({
907 |
908 |
type: import_v104.SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Role
909 |
910 |
911 |
return this;
912 |
913 |
914 |
* Adds default users to this auto populated select menu.
915 |
916 |
* @param users - The users to add
917 |
918 |
addDefaultUsers(...users) {
919 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(users);
920 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
921 |
+ ??= [];
922 |
923 |
+ => ({
924 |
925 |
type: import_v104.SelectMenuDefaultValueType.User
926 |
927 |
928 |
return this;
929 |
930 |
931 |
* Adds default values to this auto populated select menu.
932 |
933 |
* @param values - The values to add
934 |
935 |
addDefaultValues(...values) {
936 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(values);
937 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
938 |
+ ??= [];
939 |
940 |
return this;
941 |
942 |
943 |
* Sets default values to this auto populated select menu.
944 |
945 |
* @param values - The values to set
946 |
947 |
setDefaultValues(...values) {
948 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(values);
949 |
950 |
+ = normalizedValues.slice();
951 |
return this;
952 |
953 |
954 |
955 |
// src/components/selectMenu/RoleSelectMenu.ts
956 |
var import_v105 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
957 |
var RoleSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder {
958 |
static {
959 |
__name(this, "RoleSelectMenuBuilder");
960 |
961 |
962 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
963 |
964 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
965 |
* @example
966 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
967 |
* ```ts
968 |
* const selectMenu = new RoleSelectMenuBuilder({
969 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
970 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
971 |
* max_values: 2,
972 |
* });
973 |
* ```
974 |
* @example
975 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
976 |
* ```ts
977 |
* const selectMenu = new RoleSelectMenuBuilder({
978 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
979 |
* })
980 |
* .setMinValues(1);
981 |
* ```
982 |
983 |
constructor(data) {
984 |
super({, type: import_v105.ComponentType.RoleSelect });
985 |
986 |
987 |
* Adds default roles to this auto populated select menu.
988 |
989 |
* @param roles - The roles to add
990 |
991 |
addDefaultRoles(...roles) {
992 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(roles);
993 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
994 |
+ ??= [];
995 |
996 |
+ => ({
997 |
998 |
type: import_v105.SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Role
999 |
1000 |
1001 |
return this;
1002 |
1003 |
1004 |
* Sets default roles to this auto populated select menu.
1005 |
1006 |
* @param roles - The roles to set
1007 |
1008 |
setDefaultRoles(...roles) {
1009 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(roles);
1010 |
1011 |
+ = => ({
1012 |
1013 |
type: import_v105.SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Role
1014 |
1015 |
return this;
1016 |
1017 |
1018 |
1019 |
// src/components/selectMenu/StringSelectMenu.ts
1020 |
var import_v106 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1021 |
var StringSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder {
1022 |
static {
1023 |
__name(this, "StringSelectMenuBuilder");
1024 |
1025 |
1026 |
* The options within this select menu.
1027 |
1028 |
1029 |
1030 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
1031 |
1032 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
1033 |
* @example
1034 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
1035 |
* ```ts
1036 |
* const selectMenu = new StringSelectMenuBuilder({
1037 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
1038 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
1039 |
* max_values: 2,
1040 |
* options: [
1041 |
* { label: 'option 1', value: '1' },
1042 |
* { label: 'option 2', value: '2' },
1043 |
* { label: 'option 3', value: '3' },
1044 |
* ],
1045 |
* });
1046 |
* ```
1047 |
* @example
1048 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
1049 |
* ```ts
1050 |
* const selectMenu = new StringSelectMenuBuilder({
1051 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
1052 |
* })
1053 |
* .setMinValues(1)
1054 |
* .addOptions({
1055 |
* label: 'Catchy',
1056 |
* value: 'catch',
1057 |
* });
1058 |
* ```
1059 |
1060 |
constructor(data) {
1061 |
const { options, ...initData } = data ?? {};
1062 |
super({ ...initData, type: import_v106.ComponentType.StringSelect });
1063 |
this.options = options?.map((option) => new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder(option)) ?? [];
1064 |
1065 |
1066 |
* Adds options to this select menu.
1067 |
1068 |
* @param options - The options to add
1069 |
1070 |
addOptions(...options) {
1071 |
const normalizedOptions = normalizeArray(options);
1072 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(this.options.length + normalizedOptions.length);
1073 |
1074 |
1075 |
(normalizedOption) => normalizedOption instanceof StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder ? normalizedOption : new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder(jsonOptionValidator.parse(normalizedOption))
1076 |
1077 |
1078 |
return this;
1079 |
1080 |
1081 |
* Sets the options for this select menu.
1082 |
1083 |
* @param options - The options to set
1084 |
1085 |
setOptions(...options) {
1086 |
return this.spliceOptions(0, this.options.length, ...options);
1087 |
1088 |
1089 |
* Removes, replaces, or inserts options for this select menu.
1090 |
1091 |
* @remarks
1092 |
* This method behaves similarly
1093 |
* to {@link | Array.prototype.splice()}.
1094 |
* It's useful for modifying and adjusting the order of existing options.
1095 |
* @example
1096 |
* Remove the first option:
1097 |
* ```ts
1098 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, 1);
1099 |
* ```
1100 |
* @example
1101 |
* Remove the first n option:
1102 |
* ```ts
1103 |
* const n = 4;
1104 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, n);
1105 |
* ```
1106 |
* @example
1107 |
* Remove the last option:
1108 |
* ```ts
1109 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(-1, 1);
1110 |
* ```
1111 |
* @param index - The index to start at
1112 |
* @param deleteCount - The number of options to remove
1113 |
* @param options - The replacing option objects or builders
1114 |
1115 |
spliceOptions(index, deleteCount, ...options) {
1116 |
const normalizedOptions = normalizeArray(options);
1117 |
const clone = [...this.options];
1118 |
1119 |
1120 |
1121 |
1122 |
(normalizedOption) => normalizedOption instanceof StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder ? normalizedOption : new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder(jsonOptionValidator.parse(normalizedOption))
1123 |
1124 |
1125 |
1126 |
this.options.splice(0, this.options.length, ...clone);
1127 |
return this;
1128 |
1129 |
1130 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
1131 |
1132 |
toJSON() {
1133 |
1134 |
return {
1135 |
1136 |
options: => option.toJSON())
1137 |
1138 |
1139 |
1140 |
1141 |
// src/components/selectMenu/UserSelectMenu.ts
1142 |
var import_v107 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1143 |
var UserSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder {
1144 |
static {
1145 |
__name(this, "UserSelectMenuBuilder");
1146 |
1147 |
1148 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
1149 |
1150 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
1151 |
* @example
1152 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
1153 |
* ```ts
1154 |
* const selectMenu = new UserSelectMenuBuilder({
1155 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
1156 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
1157 |
* max_values: 2,
1158 |
* });
1159 |
* ```
1160 |
* @example
1161 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
1162 |
* ```ts
1163 |
* const selectMenu = new UserSelectMenuBuilder({
1164 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
1165 |
* })
1166 |
* .setMinValues(1);
1167 |
* ```
1168 |
1169 |
constructor(data) {
1170 |
super({, type: import_v107.ComponentType.UserSelect });
1171 |
1172 |
1173 |
* Adds default users to this auto populated select menu.
1174 |
1175 |
* @param users - The users to add
1176 |
1177 |
addDefaultUsers(...users) {
1178 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(users);
1179 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
1180 |
+ ??= [];
1181 |
1182 |
+ => ({
1183 |
1184 |
type: import_v107.SelectMenuDefaultValueType.User
1185 |
1186 |
1187 |
return this;
1188 |
1189 |
1190 |
* Sets default users to this auto populated select menu.
1191 |
1192 |
* @param users - The users to set
1193 |
1194 |
setDefaultUsers(...users) {
1195 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(users);
1196 |
1197 |
+ = => ({
1198 |
1199 |
type: import_v107.SelectMenuDefaultValueType.User
1200 |
1201 |
return this;
1202 |
1203 |
1204 |
1205 |
// src/components/textInput/TextInput.ts
1206 |
var import_util = require("@discordjs/util");
1207 |
var import_v109 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1208 |
var import_fast_deep_equal = __toESM(require("fast-deep-equal"));
1209 |
1210 |
// src/components/textInput/Assertions.ts
1211 |
var Assertions_exports3 = {};
1212 |
__export(Assertions_exports3, {
1213 |
labelValidator: () => labelValidator,
1214 |
maxLengthValidator: () => maxLengthValidator,
1215 |
minLengthValidator: () => minLengthValidator,
1216 |
placeholderValidator: () => placeholderValidator2,
1217 |
requiredValidator: () => requiredValidator,
1218 |
textInputStyleValidator: () => textInputStyleValidator,
1219 |
validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters,
1220 |
valueValidator: () => valueValidator
1221 |
1222 |
var import_shapeshift3 = require("@sapphire/shapeshift");
1223 |
var import_v108 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1224 |
var textInputStyleValidator = import_shapeshift3.s.nativeEnum(import_v108.TextInputStyle);
1225 |
var minLengthValidator =;
1226 |
var maxLengthValidator =;
1227 |
var requiredValidator = import_shapeshift3.s.boolean;
1228 |
var valueValidator = import_shapeshift3.s.string.lengthLessThanOrEqual(4e3).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1229 |
var placeholderValidator2 = import_shapeshift3.s.string.lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1230 |
var labelValidator = import_shapeshift3.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(45).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1231 |
function validateRequiredParameters(customId, style, label) {
1232 |
1233 |
1234 |
1235 |
1236 |
__name(validateRequiredParameters, "validateRequiredParameters");
1237 |
1238 |
// src/components/textInput/TextInput.ts
1239 |
var TextInputBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder {
1240 |
static {
1241 |
__name(this, "TextInputBuilder");
1242 |
1243 |
1244 |
* Creates a new text input from API data.
1245 |
1246 |
* @param data - The API data to create this text input with
1247 |
* @example
1248 |
* Creating a select menu option from an API data object:
1249 |
* ```ts
1250 |
* const textInput = new TextInputBuilder({
1251 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
1252 |
* label: 'Type something',
1253 |
* style: TextInputStyle.Short,
1254 |
* });
1255 |
* ```
1256 |
* @example
1257 |
* Creating a select menu option using setters and API data:
1258 |
* ```ts
1259 |
* const textInput = new TextInputBuilder({
1260 |
* label: 'Type something else',
1261 |
* })
1262 |
* .setCustomId('woah')
1263 |
* .setStyle(TextInputStyle.Paragraph);
1264 |
* ```
1265 |
1266 |
constructor(data) {
1267 |
super({ type: import_v109.ComponentType.TextInput, });
1268 |
1269 |
1270 |
* Sets the custom id for this text input.
1271 |
1272 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
1273 |
1274 |
setCustomId(customId) {
1275 |
+ = customIdValidator.parse(customId);
1276 |
return this;
1277 |
1278 |
1279 |
* Sets the label for this text input.
1280 |
1281 |
* @param label - The label to use
1282 |
1283 |
setLabel(label) {
1284 |
+ = labelValidator.parse(label);
1285 |
return this;
1286 |
1287 |
1288 |
* Sets the style for this text input.
1289 |
1290 |
* @param style - The style to use
1291 |
1292 |
setStyle(style) {
1293 |
+ = textInputStyleValidator.parse(style);
1294 |
return this;
1295 |
1296 |
1297 |
* Sets the minimum length of text for this text input.
1298 |
1299 |
* @param minLength - The minimum length of text for this text input
1300 |
1301 |
setMinLength(minLength) {
1302 |
+ = minLengthValidator.parse(minLength);
1303 |
return this;
1304 |
1305 |
1306 |
* Sets the maximum length of text for this text input.
1307 |
1308 |
* @param maxLength - The maximum length of text for this text input
1309 |
1310 |
setMaxLength(maxLength) {
1311 |
+ = maxLengthValidator.parse(maxLength);
1312 |
return this;
1313 |
1314 |
1315 |
* Sets the placeholder for this text input.
1316 |
1317 |
* @param placeholder - The placeholder to use
1318 |
1319 |
setPlaceholder(placeholder) {
1320 |
+ = placeholderValidator2.parse(placeholder);
1321 |
return this;
1322 |
1323 |
1324 |
* Sets the value for this text input.
1325 |
1326 |
* @param value - The value to use
1327 |
1328 |
setValue(value) {
1329 |
+ = valueValidator.parse(value);
1330 |
return this;
1331 |
1332 |
1333 |
* Sets whether this text input is required.
1334 |
1335 |
* @param required - Whether this text input is required
1336 |
1337 |
setRequired(required = true) {
1338 |
+ = requiredValidator.parse(required);
1339 |
return this;
1340 |
1341 |
1342 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
1343 |
1344 |
toJSON() {
1345 |
1346 |
return {
1347 |
1348 |
1349 |
1350 |
1351 |
* {@inheritDoc Equatable.equals}
1352 |
1353 |
equals(other) {
1354 |
if ((0, import_util.isJSONEncodable)(other)) {
1355 |
return (0, import_fast_deep_equal.default)(other.toJSON(),;
1356 |
1357 |
return (0, import_fast_deep_equal.default)(other,;
1358 |
1359 |
1360 |
1361 |
// src/components/Components.ts
1362 |
function createComponentBuilder(data) {
1363 |
if (data instanceof ComponentBuilder) {
1364 |
return data;
1365 |
1366 |
switch (data.type) {
1367 |
case import_v1010.ComponentType.ActionRow:
1368 |
return new ActionRowBuilder(data);
1369 |
case import_v1010.ComponentType.Button:
1370 |
return new ButtonBuilder(data);
1371 |
case import_v1010.ComponentType.StringSelect:
1372 |
return new StringSelectMenuBuilder(data);
1373 |
case import_v1010.ComponentType.TextInput:
1374 |
return new TextInputBuilder(data);
1375 |
case import_v1010.ComponentType.UserSelect:
1376 |
return new UserSelectMenuBuilder(data);
1377 |
case import_v1010.ComponentType.RoleSelect:
1378 |
return new RoleSelectMenuBuilder(data);
1379 |
case import_v1010.ComponentType.MentionableSelect:
1380 |
return new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder(data);
1381 |
case import_v1010.ComponentType.ChannelSelect:
1382 |
return new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder(data);
1383 |
1384 |
throw new Error(`Cannot properly serialize component type: ${data.type}`);
1385 |
1386 |
1387 |
__name(createComponentBuilder, "createComponentBuilder");
1388 |
1389 |
// src/components/ActionRow.ts
1390 |
var ActionRowBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder {
1391 |
static {
1392 |
__name(this, "ActionRowBuilder");
1393 |
1394 |
1395 |
* The components within this action row.
1396 |
1397 |
1398 |
1399 |
* Creates a new action row from API data.
1400 |
1401 |
* @param data - The API data to create this action row with
1402 |
* @example
1403 |
* Creating an action row from an API data object:
1404 |
* ```ts
1405 |
* const actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder({
1406 |
* components: [
1407 |
* {
1408 |
* custom_id: "custom id",
1409 |
* label: "Type something",
1410 |
* style: TextInputStyle.Short,
1411 |
* type: ComponentType.TextInput,
1412 |
* },
1413 |
* ],
1414 |
* });
1415 |
* ```
1416 |
* @example
1417 |
* Creating an action row using setters and API data:
1418 |
* ```ts
1419 |
* const actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder({
1420 |
* components: [
1421 |
* {
1422 |
* custom_id: "custom id",
1423 |
* label: "Click me",
1424 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
1425 |
* type: ComponentType.Button,
1426 |
* },
1427 |
* ],
1428 |
* })
1429 |
* .addComponents(button2, button3);
1430 |
* ```
1431 |
1432 |
constructor({ components, } = {}) {
1433 |
super({ type: import_v1011.ComponentType.ActionRow, });
1434 |
this.components = components?.map((component) => createComponentBuilder(component)) ?? [];
1435 |
1436 |
1437 |
* Adds components to this action row.
1438 |
1439 |
* @param components - The components to add
1440 |
1441 |
addComponents(...components) {
1442 |
1443 |
return this;
1444 |
1445 |
1446 |
* Sets components for this action row.
1447 |
1448 |
* @param components - The components to set
1449 |
1450 |
setComponents(...components) {
1451 |
this.components.splice(0, this.components.length, ...normalizeArray(components));
1452 |
return this;
1453 |
1454 |
1455 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
1456 |
1457 |
toJSON() {
1458 |
return {
1459 |
1460 |
components: => component.toJSON())
1461 |
1462 |
1463 |
1464 |
1465 |
// src/interactions/modals/Assertions.ts
1466 |
var Assertions_exports4 = {};
1467 |
__export(Assertions_exports4, {
1468 |
componentsValidator: () => componentsValidator,
1469 |
titleValidator: () => titleValidator,
1470 |
validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters2
1471 |
1472 |
var import_shapeshift4 = require("@sapphire/shapeshift");
1473 |
var titleValidator = import_shapeshift4.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(45).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1474 |
var componentsValidator = import_shapeshift4.s.instance(ActionRowBuilder).array.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1475 |
function validateRequiredParameters2(customId, title, components) {
1476 |
1477 |
1478 |
1479 |
1480 |
__name(validateRequiredParameters2, "validateRequiredParameters");
1481 |
1482 |
// src/interactions/modals/Modal.ts
1483 |
var ModalBuilder = class {
1484 |
static {
1485 |
__name(this, "ModalBuilder");
1486 |
1487 |
1488 |
* The API data associated with this modal.
1489 |
1490 |
1491 |
1492 |
* The components within this modal.
1493 |
1494 |
components = [];
1495 |
1496 |
* Creates a new modal from API data.
1497 |
1498 |
* @param data - The API data to create this modal with
1499 |
1500 |
constructor({ components, } = {}) {
1501 |
+ = { };
1502 |
this.components = components?.map((component) => createComponentBuilder(component)) ?? [];
1503 |
1504 |
1505 |
* Sets the title of this modal.
1506 |
1507 |
* @param title - The title to use
1508 |
1509 |
setTitle(title) {
1510 |
+ = titleValidator.parse(title);
1511 |
return this;
1512 |
1513 |
1514 |
* Sets the custom id of this modal.
1515 |
1516 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
1517 |
1518 |
setCustomId(customId) {
1519 |
+ = customIdValidator.parse(customId);
1520 |
return this;
1521 |
1522 |
1523 |
* Adds components to this modal.
1524 |
1525 |
* @param components - The components to add
1526 |
1527 |
addComponents(...components) {
1528 |
1529 |
1530 |
(component) => component instanceof ActionRowBuilder ? component : new ActionRowBuilder(component)
1531 |
1532 |
1533 |
return this;
1534 |
1535 |
1536 |
* Sets components for this modal.
1537 |
1538 |
* @param components - The components to set
1539 |
1540 |
setComponents(...components) {
1541 |
this.components.splice(0, this.components.length, ...normalizeArray(components));
1542 |
return this;
1543 |
1544 |
1545 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
1546 |
1547 |
toJSON() {
1548 |
validateRequiredParameters2(,, this.components);
1549 |
return {
1550 |
1551 |
components: => component.toJSON())
1552 |
1553 |
1554 |
1555 |
1556 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/Assertions.ts
1557 |
var Assertions_exports5 = {};
1558 |
__export(Assertions_exports5, {
1559 |
assertReturnOfBuilder: () => assertReturnOfBuilder,
1560 |
localizationMapPredicate: () => localizationMapPredicate,
1561 |
validateChoicesLength: () => validateChoicesLength,
1562 |
validateDMPermission: () => validateDMPermission,
1563 |
validateDefaultMemberPermissions: () => validateDefaultMemberPermissions,
1564 |
validateDefaultPermission: () => validateDefaultPermission,
1565 |
validateDescription: () => validateDescription,
1566 |
validateLocale: () => validateLocale,
1567 |
validateLocalizationMap: () => validateLocalizationMap,
1568 |
validateMaxOptionsLength: () => validateMaxOptionsLength,
1569 |
validateNSFW: () => validateNSFW,
1570 |
validateName: () => validateName,
1571 |
validateRequired: () => validateRequired,
1572 |
validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters3
1573 |
1574 |
var import_shapeshift5 = require("@sapphire/shapeshift");
1575 |
var import_v1012 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1576 |
var namePredicate = import_shapeshift5.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(32).regex(/^[\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{N}\p{sc=Devanagari}\p{sc=Thai}_-]+$/u).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1577 |
function validateName(name) {
1578 |
1579 |
1580 |
__name(validateName, "validateName");
1581 |
var descriptionPredicate2 = import_shapeshift5.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1582 |
var localePredicate = import_shapeshift5.s.nativeEnum(import_v1012.Locale);
1583 |
function validateDescription(description) {
1584 |
1585 |
1586 |
__name(validateDescription, "validateDescription");
1587 |
var maxArrayLengthPredicate = import_shapeshift5.s.unknown.array.lengthLessThanOrEqual(25).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1588 |
function validateLocale(locale) {
1589 |
return localePredicate.parse(locale);
1590 |
1591 |
__name(validateLocale, "validateLocale");
1592 |
function validateMaxOptionsLength(options) {
1593 |
1594 |
1595 |
__name(validateMaxOptionsLength, "validateMaxOptionsLength");
1596 |
function validateRequiredParameters3(name, description, options) {
1597 |
1598 |
1599 |
1600 |
1601 |
__name(validateRequiredParameters3, "validateRequiredParameters");
1602 |
var booleanPredicate = import_shapeshift5.s.boolean;
1603 |
function validateDefaultPermission(value) {
1604 |
1605 |
1606 |
__name(validateDefaultPermission, "validateDefaultPermission");
1607 |
function validateRequired(required) {
1608 |
1609 |
1610 |
__name(validateRequired, "validateRequired");
1611 |
var choicesLengthPredicate = import_shapeshift5.s.number.lessThanOrEqual(25).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1612 |
function validateChoicesLength(amountAdding, choices) {
1613 |
choicesLengthPredicate.parse((choices?.length ?? 0) + amountAdding);
1614 |
1615 |
__name(validateChoicesLength, "validateChoicesLength");
1616 |
function assertReturnOfBuilder(input, ExpectedInstanceOf) {
1617 |
1618 |
1619 |
__name(assertReturnOfBuilder, "assertReturnOfBuilder");
1620 |
var localizationMapPredicate = import_shapeshift5.s.object(Object.fromEntries(Object.values(import_v1012.Locale).map((locale) => [locale, import_shapeshift5.s.string.nullish]))).strict.nullish.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1621 |
function validateLocalizationMap(value) {
1622 |
1623 |
1624 |
__name(validateLocalizationMap, "validateLocalizationMap");
1625 |
var dmPermissionPredicate = import_shapeshift5.s.boolean.nullish;
1626 |
function validateDMPermission(value) {
1627 |
1628 |
1629 |
__name(validateDMPermission, "validateDMPermission");
1630 |
var memberPermissionPredicate = import_shapeshift5.s.union(
1631 |
import_shapeshift5.s.bigint.transform((value) => value.toString()),
1632 |
import_shapeshift5.s.number.safeInt.transform((value) => value.toString()),
1633 |
1634 |
1635 |
function validateDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions) {
1636 |
return memberPermissionPredicate.parse(permissions);
1637 |
1638 |
__name(validateDefaultMemberPermissions, "validateDefaultMemberPermissions");
1639 |
function validateNSFW(value) {
1640 |
1641 |
1642 |
__name(validateNSFW, "validateNSFW");
1643 |
1644 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandBuilder.ts
1645 |
var import_ts_mixer6 = require("ts-mixer");
1646 |
1647 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandSubcommands.ts
1648 |
var import_v1024 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1649 |
var import_ts_mixer5 = require("ts-mixer");
1650 |
1651 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/NameAndDescription.ts
1652 |
var SharedNameAndDescription = class {
1653 |
static {
1654 |
__name(this, "SharedNameAndDescription");
1655 |
1656 |
1657 |
* The name of this command.
1658 |
1659 |
1660 |
1661 |
* The name localizations of this command.
1662 |
1663 |
1664 |
1665 |
* The description of this command.
1666 |
1667 |
1668 |
1669 |
* The description localizations of this command.
1670 |
1671 |
1672 |
1673 |
* Sets the name of this command.
1674 |
1675 |
* @param name - The name to use
1676 |
1677 |
setName(name) {
1678 |
1679 |
Reflect.set(this, "name", name);
1680 |
return this;
1681 |
1682 |
1683 |
* Sets the description of this command.
1684 |
1685 |
* @param description - The description to use
1686 |
1687 |
setDescription(description) {
1688 |
1689 |
Reflect.set(this, "description", description);
1690 |
return this;
1691 |
1692 |
1693 |
* Sets a name localization for this command.
1694 |
1695 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
1696 |
* @param localizedName - The localized name for the given `locale`
1697 |
1698 |
setNameLocalization(locale, localizedName) {
1699 |
if (!this.name_localizations) {
1700 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {});
1701 |
1702 |
const parsedLocale = validateLocale(locale);
1703 |
if (localizedName === null) {
1704 |
this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = null;
1705 |
return this;
1706 |
1707 |
1708 |
this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = localizedName;
1709 |
return this;
1710 |
1711 |
1712 |
* Sets the name localizations for this command.
1713 |
1714 |
* @param localizedNames - The object of localized names to set
1715 |
1716 |
setNameLocalizations(localizedNames) {
1717 |
if (localizedNames === null) {
1718 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", null);
1719 |
return this;
1720 |
1721 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {});
1722 |
for (const args of Object.entries(localizedNames)) {
1723 |
1724 |
1725 |
return this;
1726 |
1727 |
1728 |
* Sets a description localization for this command.
1729 |
1730 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
1731 |
* @param localizedDescription - The localized description for the given locale
1732 |
1733 |
setDescriptionLocalization(locale, localizedDescription) {
1734 |
if (!this.description_localizations) {
1735 |
Reflect.set(this, "description_localizations", {});
1736 |
1737 |
const parsedLocale = validateLocale(locale);
1738 |
if (localizedDescription === null) {
1739 |
this.description_localizations[parsedLocale] = null;
1740 |
return this;
1741 |
1742 |
1743 |
this.description_localizations[parsedLocale] = localizedDescription;
1744 |
return this;
1745 |
1746 |
1747 |
* Sets the description localizations for this command.
1748 |
1749 |
* @param localizedDescriptions - The object of localized descriptions to set
1750 |
1751 |
setDescriptionLocalizations(localizedDescriptions) {
1752 |
if (localizedDescriptions === null) {
1753 |
Reflect.set(this, "description_localizations", null);
1754 |
return this;
1755 |
1756 |
Reflect.set(this, "description_localizations", {});
1757 |
for (const args of Object.entries(localizedDescriptions)) {
1758 |
1759 |
1760 |
return this;
1761 |
1762 |
1763 |
1764 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/attachment.ts
1765 |
var import_v1013 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1766 |
1767 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandOptionBase.ts
1768 |
var ApplicationCommandOptionBase = class extends SharedNameAndDescription {
1769 |
static {
1770 |
__name(this, "ApplicationCommandOptionBase");
1771 |
1772 |
1773 |
* Whether this option is required.
1774 |
1775 |
* @defaultValue `false`
1776 |
1777 |
required = false;
1778 |
1779 |
* Sets whether this option is required.
1780 |
1781 |
* @param required - Whether this option should be required
1782 |
1783 |
setRequired(required) {
1784 |
1785 |
Reflect.set(this, "required", required);
1786 |
return this;
1787 |
1788 |
1789 |
* This method runs required validators on this builder.
1790 |
1791 |
runRequiredValidations() {
1792 |
validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, []);
1793 |
1794 |
1795 |
1796 |
1797 |
1798 |
1799 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/attachment.ts
1800 |
var SlashCommandAttachmentOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1801 |
static {
1802 |
__name(this, "SlashCommandAttachmentOption");
1803 |
1804 |
1805 |
* The type of this option.
1806 |
1807 |
type = import_v1013.ApplicationCommandOptionType.Attachment;
1808 |
1809 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1810 |
1811 |
toJSON() {
1812 |
1813 |
return { ...this };
1814 |
1815 |
1816 |
1817 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/boolean.ts
1818 |
var import_v1014 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1819 |
var SlashCommandBooleanOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1820 |
static {
1821 |
__name(this, "SlashCommandBooleanOption");
1822 |
1823 |
1824 |
* The type of this option.
1825 |
1826 |
type = import_v1014.ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean;
1827 |
1828 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1829 |
1830 |
toJSON() {
1831 |
1832 |
return { ...this };
1833 |
1834 |
1835 |
1836 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/channel.ts
1837 |
var import_v1016 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1838 |
var import_ts_mixer = require("ts-mixer");
1839 |
1840 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin.ts
1841 |
var import_shapeshift6 = require("@sapphire/shapeshift");
1842 |
var import_v1015 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1843 |
var allowedChannelTypes = [
1844 |
1845 |
1846 |
1847 |
1848 |
1849 |
1850 |
1851 |
1852 |
1853 |
1854 |
1855 |
var channelTypesPredicate = import_shapeshift6.s.array(import_shapeshift6.s.union( => import_shapeshift6.s.literal(type))));
1856 |
var ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin = class {
1857 |
static {
1858 |
__name(this, "ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin");
1859 |
1860 |
1861 |
* The channel types of this option.
1862 |
1863 |
1864 |
1865 |
* Adds channel types to this option.
1866 |
1867 |
* @param channelTypes - The channel types
1868 |
1869 |
addChannelTypes(...channelTypes) {
1870 |
if (this.channel_types === void 0) {
1871 |
Reflect.set(this, "channel_types", []);
1872 |
1873 |
1874 |
return this;
1875 |
1876 |
1877 |
1878 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/channel.ts
1879 |
var SlashCommandChannelOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1880 |
1881 |
* The type of this option.
1882 |
1883 |
type = import_v1016.ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel;
1884 |
1885 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1886 |
1887 |
toJSON() {
1888 |
1889 |
return { ...this };
1890 |
1891 |
1892 |
__name(SlashCommandChannelOption, "SlashCommandChannelOption");
1893 |
SlashCommandChannelOption = __decorateClass([
1894 |
(0, import_ts_mixer.mix)(ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin)
1895 |
], SlashCommandChannelOption);
1896 |
1897 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/integer.ts
1898 |
var import_shapeshift8 = require("@sapphire/shapeshift");
1899 |
var import_v1018 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1900 |
var import_ts_mixer2 = require("ts-mixer");
1901 |
1902 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.ts
1903 |
var ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin = class {
1904 |
static {
1905 |
__name(this, "ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin");
1906 |
1907 |
1908 |
* The maximum value of this option.
1909 |
1910 |
1911 |
1912 |
* The minimum value of this option.
1913 |
1914 |
1915 |
1916 |
1917 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin.ts
1918 |
var import_shapeshift7 = require("@sapphire/shapeshift");
1919 |
var import_v1017 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
1920 |
var stringPredicate = import_shapeshift7.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100);
1921 |
var numberPredicate = import_shapeshift7.s.number.greaterThan(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY).lessThan(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
1922 |
var choicesPredicate = import_shapeshift7.s.object({
1923 |
name: stringPredicate,
1924 |
name_localizations: localizationMapPredicate,
1925 |
value: import_shapeshift7.s.union(stringPredicate, numberPredicate)
1926 |
1927 |
var booleanPredicate2 = import_shapeshift7.s.boolean;
1928 |
var ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin = class {
1929 |
static {
1930 |
__name(this, "ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin");
1931 |
1932 |
1933 |
* The choices of this option.
1934 |
1935 |
1936 |
1937 |
* Whether this option utilizes autocomplete.
1938 |
1939 |
1940 |
1941 |
* The type of this option.
1942 |
1943 |
* @privateRemarks Since this is present and this is a mixin, this is needed.
1944 |
1945 |
1946 |
1947 |
* Adds multiple choices to this option.
1948 |
1949 |
* @param choices - The choices to add
1950 |
1951 |
addChoices(...choices) {
1952 |
if (choices.length > 0 && this.autocomplete) {
1953 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
1954 |
1955 |
1956 |
if (this.choices === void 0) {
1957 |
Reflect.set(this, "choices", []);
1958 |
1959 |
validateChoicesLength(choices.length, this.choices);
1960 |
for (const { name, name_localizations, value } of choices) {
1961 |
if (this.type === import_v1017.ApplicationCommandOptionType.String) {
1962 |
1963 |
} else {
1964 |
1965 |
1966 |
this.choices.push({ name, name_localizations, value });
1967 |
1968 |
return this;
1969 |
1970 |
1971 |
* Sets multiple choices for this option.
1972 |
1973 |
* @param choices - The choices to set
1974 |
1975 |
setChoices(...choices) {
1976 |
if (choices.length > 0 && this.autocomplete) {
1977 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
1978 |
1979 |
1980 |
Reflect.set(this, "choices", []);
1981 |
1982 |
return this;
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
* Whether this option uses autocomplete.
1986 |
1987 |
* @param autocomplete - Whether this option should use autocomplete
1988 |
1989 |
setAutocomplete(autocomplete) {
1990 |
1991 |
if (autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) {
1992 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
1993 |
1994 |
Reflect.set(this, "autocomplete", autocomplete);
1995 |
return this;
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/integer.ts
2000 |
var numberValidator =;
2001 |
var SlashCommandIntegerOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
2002 |
2003 |
* The type of this option.
2004 |
2005 |
type = import_v1018.ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer;
2006 |
2007 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMaxValue}
2008 |
2009 |
setMaxValue(max) {
2010 |
2011 |
Reflect.set(this, "max_value", max);
2012 |
return this;
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMinValue}
2016 |
2017 |
setMinValue(min) {
2018 |
2019 |
Reflect.set(this, "min_value", min);
2020 |
return this;
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
2024 |
2025 |
toJSON() {
2026 |
2027 |
if (this.autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) {
2028 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
2029 |
2030 |
return { ...this };
2031 |
2032 |
2033 |
__name(SlashCommandIntegerOption, "SlashCommandIntegerOption");
2034 |
SlashCommandIntegerOption = __decorateClass([
2035 |
(0, import_ts_mixer2.mix)(ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin)
2036 |
], SlashCommandIntegerOption);
2037 |
2038 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/mentionable.ts
2039 |
var import_v1019 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
2040 |
var SlashCommandMentionableOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
2041 |
static {
2042 |
__name(this, "SlashCommandMentionableOption");
2043 |
2044 |
2045 |
* The type of this option.
2046 |
2047 |
type = import_v1019.ApplicationCommandOptionType.Mentionable;
2048 |
2049 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
2050 |
2051 |
toJSON() {
2052 |
2053 |
return { ...this };
2054 |
2055 |
2056 |
2057 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/number.ts
2058 |
var import_shapeshift9 = require("@sapphire/shapeshift");
2059 |
var import_v1020 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
2060 |
var import_ts_mixer3 = require("ts-mixer");
2061 |
var numberValidator2 = import_shapeshift9.s.number;
2062 |
var SlashCommandNumberOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
2063 |
2064 |
* The type of this option.
2065 |
2066 |
type = import_v1020.ApplicationCommandOptionType.Number;
2067 |
2068 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMaxValue}
2069 |
2070 |
setMaxValue(max) {
2071 |
2072 |
Reflect.set(this, "max_value", max);
2073 |
return this;
2074 |
2075 |
2076 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMinValue}
2077 |
2078 |
setMinValue(min) {
2079 |
2080 |
Reflect.set(this, "min_value", min);
2081 |
return this;
2082 |
2083 |
2084 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
2085 |
2086 |
toJSON() {
2087 |
2088 |
if (this.autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) {
2089 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
2090 |
2091 |
return { ...this };
2092 |
2093 |
2094 |
__name(SlashCommandNumberOption, "SlashCommandNumberOption");
2095 |
SlashCommandNumberOption = __decorateClass([
2096 |
(0, import_ts_mixer3.mix)(ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin)
2097 |
], SlashCommandNumberOption);
2098 |
2099 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/role.ts
2100 |
var import_v1021 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
2101 |
var SlashCommandRoleOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
2102 |
static {
2103 |
__name(this, "SlashCommandRoleOption");
2104 |
2105 |
2106 |
* The type of this option.
2107 |
2108 |
type = import_v1021.ApplicationCommandOptionType.Role;
2109 |
2110 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
2111 |
2112 |
toJSON() {
2113 |
2114 |
return { ...this };
2115 |
2116 |
2117 |
2118 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/string.ts
2119 |
var import_shapeshift10 = require("@sapphire/shapeshift");
2120 |
var import_v1022 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
2121 |
var import_ts_mixer4 = require("ts-mixer");
2122 |
var minLengthValidator2 = import_shapeshift10.s.number.greaterThanOrEqual(0).lessThanOrEqual(6e3);
2123 |
var maxLengthValidator2 = import_shapeshift10.s.number.greaterThanOrEqual(1).lessThanOrEqual(6e3);
2124 |
var SlashCommandStringOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
2125 |
2126 |
* The type of this option.
2127 |
2128 |
type = import_v1022.ApplicationCommandOptionType.String;
2129 |
2130 |
* The maximum length of this option.
2131 |
2132 |
2133 |
2134 |
* The minimum length of this option.
2135 |
2136 |
2137 |
2138 |
* Sets the maximum length of this string option.
2139 |
2140 |
* @param max - The maximum length this option can be
2141 |
2142 |
setMaxLength(max) {
2143 |
2144 |
Reflect.set(this, "max_length", max);
2145 |
return this;
2146 |
2147 |
2148 |
* Sets the minimum length of this string option.
2149 |
2150 |
* @param min - The minimum length this option can be
2151 |
2152 |
setMinLength(min) {
2153 |
2154 |
Reflect.set(this, "min_length", min);
2155 |
return this;
2156 |
2157 |
2158 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
2159 |
2160 |
toJSON() {
2161 |
2162 |
if (this.autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) {
2163 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
2164 |
2165 |
return { ...this };
2166 |
2167 |
2168 |
__name(SlashCommandStringOption, "SlashCommandStringOption");
2169 |
SlashCommandStringOption = __decorateClass([
2170 |
(0, import_ts_mixer4.mix)(ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin)
2171 |
], SlashCommandStringOption);
2172 |
2173 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/user.ts
2174 |
var import_v1023 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
2175 |
var SlashCommandUserOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
2176 |
static {
2177 |
__name(this, "SlashCommandUserOption");
2178 |
2179 |
2180 |
* The type of this option.
2181 |
2182 |
type = import_v1023.ApplicationCommandOptionType.User;
2183 |
2184 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
2185 |
2186 |
toJSON() {
2187 |
2188 |
return { ...this };
2189 |
2190 |
2191 |
2192 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/SharedSlashCommandOptions.ts
2193 |
var SharedSlashCommandOptions = class {
2194 |
static {
2195 |
__name(this, "SharedSlashCommandOptions");
2196 |
2197 |
2198 |
2199 |
* Adds a boolean option.
2200 |
2201 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2202 |
2203 |
addBooleanOption(input) {
2204 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandBooleanOption);
2205 |
2206 |
2207 |
* Adds a user option.
2208 |
2209 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2210 |
2211 |
addUserOption(input) {
2212 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandUserOption);
2213 |
2214 |
2215 |
* Adds a channel option.
2216 |
2217 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2218 |
2219 |
addChannelOption(input) {
2220 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandChannelOption);
2221 |
2222 |
2223 |
* Adds a role option.
2224 |
2225 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2226 |
2227 |
addRoleOption(input) {
2228 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandRoleOption);
2229 |
2230 |
2231 |
* Adds an attachment option.
2232 |
2233 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2234 |
2235 |
addAttachmentOption(input) {
2236 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandAttachmentOption);
2237 |
2238 |
2239 |
* Adds a mentionable option.
2240 |
2241 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2242 |
2243 |
addMentionableOption(input) {
2244 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandMentionableOption);
2245 |
2246 |
2247 |
* Adds a string option.
2248 |
2249 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2250 |
2251 |
addStringOption(input) {
2252 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandStringOption);
2253 |
2254 |
2255 |
* Adds an integer option.
2256 |
2257 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2258 |
2259 |
addIntegerOption(input) {
2260 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandIntegerOption);
2261 |
2262 |
2263 |
* Adds a number option.
2264 |
2265 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2266 |
2267 |
addNumberOption(input) {
2268 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandNumberOption);
2269 |
2270 |
2271 |
* Where the actual adding magic happens. ✨
2272 |
2273 |
* @param input - The input. What else?
2274 |
* @param Instance - The instance of whatever is being added
2275 |
* @internal
2276 |
2277 |
_sharedAddOptionMethod(input, Instance) {
2278 |
const { options } = this;
2279 |
2280 |
const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new Instance()) : input;
2281 |
assertReturnOfBuilder(result, Instance);
2282 |
2283 |
return this;
2284 |
2285 |
2286 |
2287 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandSubcommands.ts
2288 |
var SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder = class {
2289 |
2290 |
* The name of this subcommand group.
2291 |
2292 |
name = void 0;
2293 |
2294 |
* The description of this subcommand group.
2295 |
2296 |
description = void 0;
2297 |
2298 |
* The subcommands within this subcommand group.
2299 |
2300 |
options = [];
2301 |
2302 |
* Adds a new subcommand to this group.
2303 |
2304 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand builder or an already built builder
2305 |
2306 |
addSubcommand(input) {
2307 |
const { options } = this;
2308 |
2309 |
const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder()) : input;
2310 |
assertReturnOfBuilder(result, SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder);
2311 |
2312 |
return this;
2313 |
2314 |
2315 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
2316 |
2317 |
* @remarks
2318 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
2319 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
2320 |
2321 |
toJSON() {
2322 |
validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, this.options);
2323 |
return {
2324 |
type: import_v1024.ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubcommandGroup,
2325 |
2326 |
name_localizations: this.name_localizations,
2327 |
description: this.description,
2328 |
description_localizations: this.description_localizations,
2329 |
options: => option.toJSON())
2330 |
2331 |
2332 |
2333 |
__name(SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder, "SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder");
2334 |
SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder = __decorateClass([
2335 |
(0, import_ts_mixer5.mix)(SharedNameAndDescription)
2336 |
], SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder);
2337 |
var SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder = class {
2338 |
2339 |
* The name of this subcommand.
2340 |
2341 |
name = void 0;
2342 |
2343 |
* The description of this subcommand.
2344 |
2345 |
description = void 0;
2346 |
2347 |
* The options within this subcommand.
2348 |
2349 |
options = [];
2350 |
2351 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
2352 |
2353 |
* @remarks
2354 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
2355 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
2356 |
2357 |
toJSON() {
2358 |
validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, this.options);
2359 |
return {
2360 |
type: import_v1024.ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
2361 |
2362 |
name_localizations: this.name_localizations,
2363 |
description: this.description,
2364 |
description_localizations: this.description_localizations,
2365 |
options: => option.toJSON())
2366 |
2367 |
2368 |
2369 |
__name(SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder, "SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder");
2370 |
SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder = __decorateClass([
2371 |
(0, import_ts_mixer5.mix)(SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions)
2372 |
], SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder);
2373 |
2374 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandBuilder.ts
2375 |
var SlashCommandBuilder = class {
2376 |
2377 |
* The name of this command.
2378 |
2379 |
name = void 0;
2380 |
2381 |
* The name localizations of this command.
2382 |
2383 |
2384 |
2385 |
* The description of this command.
2386 |
2387 |
description = void 0;
2388 |
2389 |
* The description localizations of this command.
2390 |
2391 |
2392 |
2393 |
* The options of this command.
2394 |
2395 |
options = [];
2396 |
2397 |
* Whether this command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
2398 |
2399 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
2400 |
2401 |
default_permission = void 0;
2402 |
2403 |
* The set of permissions represented as a bit set for the command.
2404 |
2405 |
default_member_permissions = void 0;
2406 |
2407 |
* Indicates whether the command is available in direct messages with the application.
2408 |
2409 |
* @remarks
2410 |
* By default, commands are visible. This property is only for global commands.
2411 |
2412 |
dm_permission = void 0;
2413 |
2414 |
* Whether this command is NSFW.
2415 |
2416 |
nsfw = void 0;
2417 |
2418 |
* Sets whether the command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
2419 |
2420 |
* @remarks
2421 |
* If set to `false`, you will have to later `PUT` the permissions for this command.
2422 |
* @param value - Whether or not to enable this command by default
2423 |
* @see {@link}
2424 |
* @deprecated Use {@link SlashCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link SlashCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
2425 |
2426 |
setDefaultPermission(value) {
2427 |
2428 |
Reflect.set(this, "default_permission", value);
2429 |
return this;
2430 |
2431 |
2432 |
* Sets the default permissions a member should have in order to run the command.
2433 |
2434 |
* @remarks
2435 |
* You can set this to `'0'` to disable the command by default.
2436 |
* @param permissions - The permissions bit field to set
2437 |
* @see {@link}
2438 |
2439 |
setDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions) {
2440 |
const permissionValue = validateDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions);
2441 |
Reflect.set(this, "default_member_permissions", permissionValue);
2442 |
return this;
2443 |
2444 |
2445 |
* Sets if the command is available in direct messages with the application.
2446 |
2447 |
* @remarks
2448 |
* By default, commands are visible. This method is only for global commands.
2449 |
* @param enabled - Whether the command should be enabled in direct messages
2450 |
* @see {@link}
2451 |
2452 |
setDMPermission(enabled) {
2453 |
2454 |
Reflect.set(this, "dm_permission", enabled);
2455 |
return this;
2456 |
2457 |
2458 |
* Sets whether this command is NSFW.
2459 |
2460 |
* @param nsfw - Whether this command is NSFW
2461 |
2462 |
setNSFW(nsfw = true) {
2463 |
2464 |
Reflect.set(this, "nsfw", nsfw);
2465 |
return this;
2466 |
2467 |
2468 |
* Adds a new subcommand group to this command.
2469 |
2470 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand group builder or an already built builder
2471 |
2472 |
addSubcommandGroup(input) {
2473 |
const { options } = this;
2474 |
2475 |
const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder()) : input;
2476 |
assertReturnOfBuilder(result, SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder);
2477 |
2478 |
return this;
2479 |
2480 |
2481 |
* Adds a new subcommand to this command.
2482 |
2483 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand builder or an already built builder
2484 |
2485 |
addSubcommand(input) {
2486 |
const { options } = this;
2487 |
2488 |
const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder()) : input;
2489 |
assertReturnOfBuilder(result, SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder);
2490 |
2491 |
return this;
2492 |
2493 |
2494 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
2495 |
2496 |
* @remarks
2497 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
2498 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
2499 |
2500 |
toJSON() {
2501 |
validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, this.options);
2502 |
2503 |
2504 |
return {
2505 |
2506 |
options: => option.toJSON())
2507 |
2508 |
2509 |
2510 |
__name(SlashCommandBuilder, "SlashCommandBuilder");
2511 |
SlashCommandBuilder = __decorateClass([
2512 |
(0, import_ts_mixer6.mix)(SharedSlashCommandOptions, SharedNameAndDescription)
2513 |
], SlashCommandBuilder);
2514 |
2515 |
// src/interactions/contextMenuCommands/Assertions.ts
2516 |
var Assertions_exports6 = {};
2517 |
__export(Assertions_exports6, {
2518 |
validateDMPermission: () => validateDMPermission2,
2519 |
validateDefaultMemberPermissions: () => validateDefaultMemberPermissions2,
2520 |
validateDefaultPermission: () => validateDefaultPermission2,
2521 |
validateName: () => validateName2,
2522 |
validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters4,
2523 |
validateType: () => validateType
2524 |
2525 |
var import_shapeshift11 = require("@sapphire/shapeshift");
2526 |
var import_v1025 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
2527 |
var namePredicate2 = import_shapeshift11.s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(32).regex(/^( *[\p{P}\p{L}\p{N}\p{sc=Devanagari}\p{sc=Thai}]+ *)+$/u).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
2528 |
var typePredicate = import_shapeshift11.s.union(import_shapeshift11.s.literal(import_v1025.ApplicationCommandType.User), import_shapeshift11.s.literal(import_v1025.ApplicationCommandType.Message)).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
2529 |
var booleanPredicate3 = import_shapeshift11.s.boolean;
2530 |
function validateDefaultPermission2(value) {
2531 |
2532 |
2533 |
__name(validateDefaultPermission2, "validateDefaultPermission");
2534 |
function validateName2(name) {
2535 |
2536 |
2537 |
__name(validateName2, "validateName");
2538 |
function validateType(type) {
2539 |
2540 |
2541 |
__name(validateType, "validateType");
2542 |
function validateRequiredParameters4(name, type) {
2543 |
2544 |
2545 |
2546 |
__name(validateRequiredParameters4, "validateRequiredParameters");
2547 |
var dmPermissionPredicate2 = import_shapeshift11.s.boolean.nullish;
2548 |
function validateDMPermission2(value) {
2549 |
2550 |
2551 |
__name(validateDMPermission2, "validateDMPermission");
2552 |
var memberPermissionPredicate2 = import_shapeshift11.s.union(
2553 |
import_shapeshift11.s.bigint.transform((value) => value.toString()),
2554 |
import_shapeshift11.s.number.safeInt.transform((value) => value.toString()),
2555 |
2556 |
2557 |
function validateDefaultMemberPermissions2(permissions) {
2558 |
return memberPermissionPredicate2.parse(permissions);
2559 |
2560 |
__name(validateDefaultMemberPermissions2, "validateDefaultMemberPermissions");
2561 |
2562 |
// src/interactions/contextMenuCommands/ContextMenuCommandBuilder.ts
2563 |
var ContextMenuCommandBuilder = class {
2564 |
static {
2565 |
__name(this, "ContextMenuCommandBuilder");
2566 |
2567 |
2568 |
* The name of this command.
2569 |
2570 |
name = void 0;
2571 |
2572 |
* The name localizations of this command.
2573 |
2574 |
2575 |
2576 |
* The type of this command.
2577 |
2578 |
type = void 0;
2579 |
2580 |
* Whether this command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
2581 |
2582 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
2583 |
2584 |
default_permission = void 0;
2585 |
2586 |
* The set of permissions represented as a bit set for the command.
2587 |
2588 |
default_member_permissions = void 0;
2589 |
2590 |
* Indicates whether the command is available in direct messages with the application.
2591 |
2592 |
* @remarks
2593 |
* By default, commands are visible. This property is only for global commands.
2594 |
2595 |
dm_permission = void 0;
2596 |
2597 |
* Sets the name of this command.
2598 |
2599 |
* @param name - The name to use
2600 |
2601 |
setName(name) {
2602 |
2603 |
Reflect.set(this, "name", name);
2604 |
return this;
2605 |
2606 |
2607 |
* Sets the type of this command.
2608 |
2609 |
* @param type - The type to use
2610 |
2611 |
setType(type) {
2612 |
2613 |
Reflect.set(this, "type", type);
2614 |
return this;
2615 |
2616 |
2617 |
* Sets whether the command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
2618 |
2619 |
* @remarks
2620 |
* If set to `false`, you will have to later `PUT` the permissions for this command.
2621 |
* @param value - Whether to enable this command by default
2622 |
* @see {@link}
2623 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
2624 |
2625 |
setDefaultPermission(value) {
2626 |
2627 |
Reflect.set(this, "default_permission", value);
2628 |
return this;
2629 |
2630 |
2631 |
* Sets the default permissions a member should have in order to run this command.
2632 |
2633 |
* @remarks
2634 |
* You can set this to `'0'` to disable the command by default.
2635 |
* @param permissions - The permissions bit field to set
2636 |
* @see {@link}
2637 |
2638 |
setDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions) {
2639 |
const permissionValue = validateDefaultMemberPermissions2(permissions);
2640 |
Reflect.set(this, "default_member_permissions", permissionValue);
2641 |
return this;
2642 |
2643 |
2644 |
* Sets if the command is available in direct messages with the application.
2645 |
2646 |
* @remarks
2647 |
* By default, commands are visible. This method is only for global commands.
2648 |
* @param enabled - Whether the command should be enabled in direct messages
2649 |
* @see {@link}
2650 |
2651 |
setDMPermission(enabled) {
2652 |
2653 |
Reflect.set(this, "dm_permission", enabled);
2654 |
return this;
2655 |
2656 |
2657 |
* Sets a name localization for this command.
2658 |
2659 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
2660 |
* @param localizedName - The localized name for the given `locale`
2661 |
2662 |
setNameLocalization(locale, localizedName) {
2663 |
if (!this.name_localizations) {
2664 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {});
2665 |
2666 |
const parsedLocale = validateLocale(locale);
2667 |
if (localizedName === null) {
2668 |
this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = null;
2669 |
return this;
2670 |
2671 |
2672 |
this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = localizedName;
2673 |
return this;
2674 |
2675 |
2676 |
* Sets the name localizations for this command.
2677 |
2678 |
* @param localizedNames - The object of localized names to set
2679 |
2680 |
setNameLocalizations(localizedNames) {
2681 |
if (localizedNames === null) {
2682 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", null);
2683 |
return this;
2684 |
2685 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {});
2686 |
for (const args of Object.entries(localizedNames))
2687 |
2688 |
return this;
2689 |
2690 |
2691 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
2692 |
2693 |
* @remarks
2694 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
2695 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
2696 |
2697 |
toJSON() {
2698 |
validateRequiredParameters4(, this.type);
2699 |
2700 |
return { ...this };
2701 |
2702 |
2703 |
2704 |
// src/util/componentUtil.ts
2705 |
function embedLength(data) {
2706 |
return (data.title?.length ?? 0) + (data.description?.length ?? 0) + (data.fields?.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + + curr.value.length, 0) ?? 0) + (data.footer?.text.length ?? 0) + ( ?? 0);
2707 |
2708 |
__name(embedLength, "embedLength");
2709 |
2710 |
// src/index.ts
2711 |
var version = "1.7.0";
2712 |
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
2713 |
0 && (module.exports = {
2714 |
2715 |
2716 |
2717 |
2718 |
2719 |
2720 |
2721 |
2722 |
2723 |
2724 |
2725 |
2726 |
2727 |
2728 |
2729 |
2730 |
2731 |
2732 |
2733 |
2734 |
2735 |
2736 |
2737 |
2738 |
2739 |
2740 |
2741 |
2742 |
2743 |
2744 |
2745 |
2746 |
2747 |
2748 |
2749 |
2750 |
2751 |
2752 |
2753 |
2754 |
2755 |
2756 |
2757 |
2758 |
2759 |
2760 |
2761 |
2762 |
2763 |
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,2703 @@
1 |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
2 |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
3 |
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
4 |
var __export = (target, all) => {
5 |
for (var name in all)
6 |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
7 |
8 |
var __decorateClass = (decorators, target, key, kind) => {
9 |
var result = kind > 1 ? void 0 : kind ? __getOwnPropDesc(target, key) : target;
10 |
for (var i = decorators.length - 1, decorator; i >= 0; i--)
11 |
if (decorator = decorators[i])
12 |
result = (kind ? decorator(target, key, result) : decorator(result)) || result;
13 |
if (kind && result)
14 |
__defProp(target, key, result);
15 |
return result;
16 |
17 |
18 |
// src/messages/embed/Assertions.ts
19 |
var Assertions_exports = {};
20 |
__export(Assertions_exports, {
21 |
RGBPredicate: () => RGBPredicate,
22 |
authorNamePredicate: () => authorNamePredicate,
23 |
colorPredicate: () => colorPredicate,
24 |
descriptionPredicate: () => descriptionPredicate,
25 |
embedAuthorPredicate: () => embedAuthorPredicate,
26 |
embedFieldPredicate: () => embedFieldPredicate,
27 |
embedFieldsArrayPredicate: () => embedFieldsArrayPredicate,
28 |
embedFooterPredicate: () => embedFooterPredicate,
29 |
fieldInlinePredicate: () => fieldInlinePredicate,
30 |
fieldLengthPredicate: () => fieldLengthPredicate,
31 |
fieldNamePredicate: () => fieldNamePredicate,
32 |
fieldValuePredicate: () => fieldValuePredicate,
33 |
footerTextPredicate: () => footerTextPredicate,
34 |
imageURLPredicate: () => imageURLPredicate,
35 |
timestampPredicate: () => timestampPredicate,
36 |
titlePredicate: () => titlePredicate,
37 |
urlPredicate: () => urlPredicate,
38 |
validateFieldLength: () => validateFieldLength
39 |
40 |
import { s } from "@sapphire/shapeshift";
41 |
42 |
// src/util/validation.ts
43 |
var validate = true;
44 |
function enableValidators() {
45 |
return validate = true;
46 |
47 |
__name(enableValidators, "enableValidators");
48 |
function disableValidators() {
49 |
return validate = false;
50 |
51 |
__name(disableValidators, "disableValidators");
52 |
function isValidationEnabled() {
53 |
return validate;
54 |
55 |
__name(isValidationEnabled, "isValidationEnabled");
56 |
57 |
// src/messages/embed/Assertions.ts
58 |
var fieldNamePredicate = s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(256).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
59 |
var fieldValuePredicate = s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(1024).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
60 |
var fieldInlinePredicate = s.boolean.optional;
61 |
var embedFieldPredicate = s.object({
62 |
name: fieldNamePredicate,
63 |
value: fieldValuePredicate,
64 |
inline: fieldInlinePredicate
65 |
66 |
var embedFieldsArrayPredicate = embedFieldPredicate.array.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
67 |
var fieldLengthPredicate = s.number.lessThanOrEqual(25).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
68 |
function validateFieldLength(amountAdding, fields) {
69 |
fieldLengthPredicate.parse((fields?.length ?? 0) + amountAdding);
70 |
71 |
__name(validateFieldLength, "validateFieldLength");
72 |
var authorNamePredicate = fieldNamePredicate.nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
73 |
var imageURLPredicate = s.string.url({
74 |
allowedProtocols: ["http:", "https:", "attachment:"]
75 |
76 |
var urlPredicate = s.string.url({
77 |
allowedProtocols: ["http:", "https:"]
78 |
79 |
var embedAuthorPredicate = s.object({
80 |
name: authorNamePredicate,
81 |
iconURL: imageURLPredicate,
82 |
url: urlPredicate
83 |
84 |
var RGBPredicate =;
85 |
var colorPredicate =[RGBPredicate, RGBPredicate, RGBPredicate])).nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
86 |
var descriptionPredicate = s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(4096).nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
87 |
var footerTextPredicate = s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(2048).nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
88 |
var embedFooterPredicate = s.object({
89 |
text: footerTextPredicate,
90 |
iconURL: imageURLPredicate
91 |
92 |
var timestampPredicate = s.union(s.number,;
93 |
var titlePredicate = fieldNamePredicate.nullable.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
94 |
95 |
// src/util/normalizeArray.ts
96 |
function normalizeArray(arr) {
97 |
if (Array.isArray(arr[0]))
98 |
return arr[0];
99 |
return arr;
100 |
101 |
__name(normalizeArray, "normalizeArray");
102 |
103 |
// src/messages/embed/Embed.ts
104 |
var EmbedBuilder = class {
105 |
static {
106 |
__name(this, "EmbedBuilder");
107 |
108 |
109 |
* The API data associated with this embed.
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
* Creates a new embed from API data.
114 |
115 |
* @param data - The API data to create this embed with
116 |
117 |
constructor(data = {}) {
118 |
+ = { };
119 |
if (data.timestamp)
120 |
+ = new Date(data.timestamp).toISOString();
121 |
122 |
123 |
* Appends fields to the embed.
124 |
125 |
* @remarks
126 |
* This method accepts either an array of fields or a variable number of field parameters.
127 |
* The maximum amount of fields that can be added is 25.
128 |
* @example
129 |
* Using an array:
130 |
* ```ts
131 |
* const fields: APIEmbedField[] = ...;
132 |
* const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
133 |
* .addFields(fields);
134 |
* ```
135 |
* @example
136 |
* Using rest parameters (variadic):
137 |
* ```ts
138 |
* const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
139 |
* .addFields(
140 |
* { name: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1' },
141 |
* { name: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2' },
142 |
* );
143 |
* ```
144 |
* @param fields - The fields to add
145 |
146 |
addFields(...fields) {
147 |
const normalizedFields = normalizeArray(fields);
148 |
149 |
150 |
if (
151 |
152 |
153 |
+ = normalizedFields;
154 |
return this;
155 |
156 |
157 |
* Removes, replaces, or inserts fields for this embed.
158 |
159 |
* @remarks
160 |
* This method behaves similarly
161 |
* to {@link | Array.prototype.splice()}.
162 |
* The maximum amount of fields that can be added is 25.
163 |
164 |
* It's useful for modifying and adjusting order of the already-existing fields of an embed.
165 |
* @example
166 |
* Remove the first field:
167 |
* ```ts
168 |
* embed.spliceFields(0, 1);
169 |
* ```
170 |
* @example
171 |
* Remove the first n fields:
172 |
* ```ts
173 |
* const n = 4;
174 |
* embed.spliceFields(0, n);
175 |
* ```
176 |
* @example
177 |
* Remove the last field:
178 |
* ```ts
179 |
* embed.spliceFields(-1, 1);
180 |
* ```
181 |
* @param index - The index to start at
182 |
* @param deleteCount - The number of fields to remove
183 |
* @param fields - The replacing field objects
184 |
185 |
spliceFields(index, deleteCount, ...fields) {
186 |
validateFieldLength(fields.length - deleteCount,;
187 |
188 |
if (
189 |
+, deleteCount, ...fields);
190 |
191 |
+ = fields;
192 |
return this;
193 |
194 |
195 |
* Sets the fields for this embed.
196 |
197 |
* @remarks
198 |
* This method is an alias for {@link EmbedBuilder.spliceFields}. More specifically,
199 |
* it splices the entire array of fields, replacing them with the provided fields.
200 |
201 |
* You can set a maximum of 25 fields.
202 |
* @param fields - The fields to set
203 |
204 |
setFields(...fields) {
205 |
this.spliceFields(0, ?? 0, ...normalizeArray(fields));
206 |
return this;
207 |
208 |
209 |
* Sets the author of this embed.
210 |
211 |
* @param options - The options to use
212 |
213 |
setAuthor(options) {
214 |
if (options === null) {
215 |
+ = void 0;
216 |
return this;
217 |
218 |
219 |
+ = { name:, url: options.url, icon_url: options.iconURL };
220 |
return this;
221 |
222 |
223 |
* Sets the color of this embed.
224 |
225 |
* @param color - The color to use
226 |
227 |
setColor(color) {
228 |
229 |
if (Array.isArray(color)) {
230 |
const [red, green, blue] = color;
231 |
+ = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue;
232 |
return this;
233 |
234 |
+ = color ?? void 0;
235 |
return this;
236 |
237 |
238 |
* Sets the description of this embed.
239 |
240 |
* @param description - The description to use
241 |
242 |
setDescription(description) {
243 |
244 |
+ = description ?? void 0;
245 |
return this;
246 |
247 |
248 |
* Sets the footer of this embed.
249 |
250 |
* @param options - The footer to use
251 |
252 |
setFooter(options) {
253 |
if (options === null) {
254 |
+ = void 0;
255 |
return this;
256 |
257 |
258 |
+ = { text: options.text, icon_url: options.iconURL };
259 |
return this;
260 |
261 |
262 |
* Sets the image of this embed.
263 |
264 |
* @param url - The image URL to use
265 |
266 |
setImage(url) {
267 |
268 |
+ = url ? { url } : void 0;
269 |
return this;
270 |
271 |
272 |
* Sets the thumbnail of this embed.
273 |
274 |
* @param url - The thumbnail URL to use
275 |
276 |
setThumbnail(url) {
277 |
278 |
+ = url ? { url } : void 0;
279 |
return this;
280 |
281 |
282 |
* Sets the timestamp of this embed.
283 |
284 |
* @param timestamp - The timestamp or date to use
285 |
286 |
setTimestamp(timestamp = {
287 |
288 |
+ = timestamp ? new Date(timestamp).toISOString() : void 0;
289 |
return this;
290 |
291 |
292 |
* Sets the title for this embed.
293 |
294 |
* @param title - The title to use
295 |
296 |
setTitle(title) {
297 |
298 |
+ = title ?? void 0;
299 |
return this;
300 |
301 |
302 |
* Sets the URL of this embed.
303 |
304 |
* @param url - The URL to use
305 |
306 |
setURL(url) {
307 |
308 |
+ = url ?? void 0;
309 |
return this;
310 |
311 |
312 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
313 |
314 |
* @remarks
315 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
316 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
317 |
318 |
toJSON() {
319 |
return { };
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
// src/index.ts
324 |
export * from "@discordjs/formatters";
325 |
326 |
// src/components/Assertions.ts
327 |
var Assertions_exports2 = {};
328 |
__export(Assertions_exports2, {
329 |
buttonLabelValidator: () => buttonLabelValidator,
330 |
buttonStyleValidator: () => buttonStyleValidator,
331 |
channelTypesValidator: () => channelTypesValidator,
332 |
customIdValidator: () => customIdValidator,
333 |
defaultValidator: () => defaultValidator,
334 |
disabledValidator: () => disabledValidator,
335 |
emojiValidator: () => emojiValidator,
336 |
jsonOptionValidator: () => jsonOptionValidator,
337 |
labelValueDescriptionValidator: () => labelValueDescriptionValidator,
338 |
minMaxValidator: () => minMaxValidator,
339 |
optionValidator: () => optionValidator,
340 |
optionsLengthValidator: () => optionsLengthValidator,
341 |
optionsValidator: () => optionsValidator,
342 |
placeholderValidator: () => placeholderValidator,
343 |
urlValidator: () => urlValidator,
344 |
validateRequiredButtonParameters: () => validateRequiredButtonParameters,
345 |
validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters: () => validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters,
346 |
validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters: () => validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters
347 |
348 |
import { s as s2 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift";
349 |
import { ButtonStyle, ChannelType } from "discord-api-types/v10";
350 |
351 |
// src/components/selectMenu/StringSelectMenuOption.ts
352 |
var StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder = class {
353 |
354 |
* Creates a new string select menu option from API data.
355 |
356 |
* @param data - The API data to create this string select menu option with
357 |
* @example
358 |
* Creating a string select menu option from an API data object:
359 |
* ```ts
360 |
* const selectMenuOption = new SelectMenuOptionBuilder({
361 |
* label: 'catchy label',
362 |
* value: '1',
363 |
* });
364 |
* ```
365 |
* @example
366 |
* Creating a string select menu option using setters and API data:
367 |
* ```ts
368 |
* const selectMenuOption = new SelectMenuOptionBuilder({
369 |
* default: true,
370 |
* value: '1',
371 |
* })
372 |
* .setLabel('woah');
373 |
* ```
374 |
375 |
constructor(data = {}) {
376 |
+ = data;
377 |
378 |
static {
379 |
__name(this, "StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder");
380 |
381 |
382 |
* Sets the label for this option.
383 |
384 |
* @param label - The label to use
385 |
386 |
setLabel(label) {
387 |
+ = labelValueDescriptionValidator.parse(label);
388 |
return this;
389 |
390 |
391 |
* Sets the value for this option.
392 |
393 |
* @param value - The value to use
394 |
395 |
setValue(value) {
396 |
+ = labelValueDescriptionValidator.parse(value);
397 |
return this;
398 |
399 |
400 |
* Sets the description for this option.
401 |
402 |
* @param description - The description to use
403 |
404 |
setDescription(description) {
405 |
+ = labelValueDescriptionValidator.parse(description);
406 |
return this;
407 |
408 |
409 |
* Sets whether this option is selected by default.
410 |
411 |
* @param isDefault - Whether this option is selected by default
412 |
413 |
setDefault(isDefault = true) {
414 |
+ = defaultValidator.parse(isDefault);
415 |
return this;
416 |
417 |
418 |
* Sets the emoji to display for this option.
419 |
420 |
* @param emoji - The emoji to use
421 |
422 |
setEmoji(emoji) {
423 |
+ = emojiValidator.parse(emoji);
424 |
return this;
425 |
426 |
427 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
428 |
429 |
toJSON() {
430 |
431 |
return {
432 |
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 |
437 |
// src/components/Assertions.ts
438 |
var customIdValidator = s2.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
439 |
var emojiValidator = s2.object({
440 |
id: s2.string,
441 |
name: s2.string,
442 |
animated: s2.boolean
443 |
444 |
var disabledValidator = s2.boolean;
445 |
var buttonLabelValidator = s2.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(80).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
446 |
var buttonStyleValidator = s2.nativeEnum(ButtonStyle);
447 |
var placeholderValidator = s2.string.lengthLessThanOrEqual(150).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
448 |
var minMaxValidator =;
449 |
var labelValueDescriptionValidator = s2.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
450 |
var jsonOptionValidator = s2.object({
451 |
label: labelValueDescriptionValidator,
452 |
value: labelValueDescriptionValidator,
453 |
description: labelValueDescriptionValidator.optional,
454 |
emoji: emojiValidator.optional,
455 |
default: s2.boolean.optional
456 |
457 |
var optionValidator = s2.instance(StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
458 |
var optionsValidator = optionValidator.array.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(0).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
459 |
var optionsLengthValidator =;
460 |
function validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters(options, customId) {
461 |
462 |
463 |
464 |
__name(validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters, "validateRequiredSelectMenuParameters");
465 |
var defaultValidator = s2.boolean;
466 |
function validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters(label, value) {
467 |
468 |
469 |
470 |
__name(validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters, "validateRequiredSelectMenuOptionParameters");
471 |
var channelTypesValidator = s2.nativeEnum(ChannelType).array.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
472 |
var urlValidator = s2.string.url({
473 |
allowedProtocols: ["http:", "https:", "discord:"]
474 |
475 |
function validateRequiredButtonParameters(style, label, emoji, customId, url) {
476 |
if (url && customId) {
477 |
throw new RangeError("URL and custom id are mutually exclusive");
478 |
479 |
if (!label && !emoji) {
480 |
throw new RangeError("Buttons must have a label and/or an emoji");
481 |
482 |
if (style === ButtonStyle.Link) {
483 |
if (!url) {
484 |
throw new RangeError("Link buttons must have a url");
485 |
486 |
} else if (url) {
487 |
throw new RangeError("Non-link buttons cannot have a url");
488 |
489 |
490 |
__name(validateRequiredButtonParameters, "validateRequiredButtonParameters");
491 |
492 |
// src/components/ActionRow.ts
493 |
import {
494 |
ComponentType as ComponentType9
495 |
} from "discord-api-types/v10";
496 |
497 |
// src/components/Component.ts
498 |
var ComponentBuilder = class {
499 |
static {
500 |
__name(this, "ComponentBuilder");
501 |
502 |
503 |
* The API data associated with this component.
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 |
* Constructs a new kind of component.
508 |
509 |
* @param data - The data to construct a component out of
510 |
511 |
constructor(data) {
512 |
+ = data;
513 |
514 |
515 |
516 |
// src/components/Components.ts
517 |
import { ComponentType as ComponentType8 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
518 |
519 |
// src/components/button/Button.ts
520 |
import {
521 |
522 |
} from "discord-api-types/v10";
523 |
var ButtonBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder {
524 |
static {
525 |
__name(this, "ButtonBuilder");
526 |
527 |
528 |
* Creates a new button from API data.
529 |
530 |
* @param data - The API data to create this button with
531 |
* @example
532 |
* Creating a button from an API data object:
533 |
* ```ts
534 |
* const button = new ButtonBuilder({
535 |
* custom_id: 'a cool button',
536 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
537 |
* label: 'Click Me',
538 |
* emoji: {
539 |
* name: 'smile',
540 |
* id: '123456789012345678',
541 |
* },
542 |
* });
543 |
* ```
544 |
* @example
545 |
* Creating a button using setters and API data:
546 |
* ```ts
547 |
* const button = new ButtonBuilder({
548 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Secondary,
549 |
* label: 'Click Me',
550 |
* })
551 |
* .setEmoji({ name: '🙂' })
552 |
* .setCustomId('another cool button');
553 |
* ```
554 |
555 |
constructor(data) {
556 |
super({ type: ComponentType.Button, });
557 |
558 |
559 |
* Sets the style of this button.
560 |
561 |
* @param style - The style to use
562 |
563 |
setStyle(style) {
564 |
+ = buttonStyleValidator.parse(style);
565 |
return this;
566 |
567 |
568 |
* Sets the URL for this button.
569 |
570 |
* @remarks
571 |
* This method is only available to buttons using the `Link` button style.
572 |
* Only three types of URL schemes are currently supported: `https://`, `http://`, and `discord://`.
573 |
* @param url - The URL to use
574 |
575 |
setURL(url) {
576 |
+ = urlValidator.parse(url);
577 |
return this;
578 |
579 |
580 |
* Sets the custom id for this button.
581 |
582 |
* @remarks
583 |
* This method is only applicable to buttons that are not using the `Link` button style.
584 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
585 |
586 |
setCustomId(customId) {
587 |
+ = customIdValidator.parse(customId);
588 |
return this;
589 |
590 |
591 |
* Sets the emoji to display on this button.
592 |
593 |
* @param emoji - The emoji to use
594 |
595 |
setEmoji(emoji) {
596 |
+ = emojiValidator.parse(emoji);
597 |
return this;
598 |
599 |
600 |
* Sets whether this button is disabled.
601 |
602 |
* @param disabled - Whether to disable this button
603 |
604 |
setDisabled(disabled = true) {
605 |
+ = disabledValidator.parse(disabled);
606 |
return this;
607 |
608 |
609 |
* Sets the label for this button.
610 |
611 |
* @param label - The label to use
612 |
613 |
setLabel(label) {
614 |
+ = buttonLabelValidator.parse(label);
615 |
return this;
616 |
617 |
618 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
619 |
620 |
toJSON() {
621 |
622 |
623 |
624 |
625 |
626 |
627 |
628 |
return {
629 |
630 |
631 |
632 |
633 |
634 |
// src/components/selectMenu/ChannelSelectMenu.ts
635 |
import {
636 |
ComponentType as ComponentType2,
637 |
638 |
} from "discord-api-types/v10";
639 |
640 |
// src/components/selectMenu/BaseSelectMenu.ts
641 |
var BaseSelectMenuBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder {
642 |
static {
643 |
__name(this, "BaseSelectMenuBuilder");
644 |
645 |
646 |
* Sets the placeholder for this select menu.
647 |
648 |
* @param placeholder - The placeholder to use
649 |
650 |
setPlaceholder(placeholder) {
651 |
+ = placeholderValidator.parse(placeholder);
652 |
return this;
653 |
654 |
655 |
* Sets the minimum values that must be selected in the select menu.
656 |
657 |
* @param minValues - The minimum values that must be selected
658 |
659 |
setMinValues(minValues) {
660 |
+ = minMaxValidator.parse(minValues);
661 |
return this;
662 |
663 |
664 |
* Sets the maximum values that must be selected in the select menu.
665 |
666 |
* @param maxValues - The maximum values that must be selected
667 |
668 |
setMaxValues(maxValues) {
669 |
+ = minMaxValidator.parse(maxValues);
670 |
return this;
671 |
672 |
673 |
* Sets the custom id for this select menu.
674 |
675 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
676 |
677 |
setCustomId(customId) {
678 |
+ = customIdValidator.parse(customId);
679 |
return this;
680 |
681 |
682 |
* Sets whether this select menu is disabled.
683 |
684 |
* @param disabled - Whether this select menu is disabled
685 |
686 |
setDisabled(disabled = true) {
687 |
+ = disabledValidator.parse(disabled);
688 |
return this;
689 |
690 |
691 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
692 |
693 |
toJSON() {
694 |
695 |
return {
696 |
697 |
698 |
699 |
700 |
701 |
// src/components/selectMenu/ChannelSelectMenu.ts
702 |
var ChannelSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder {
703 |
static {
704 |
__name(this, "ChannelSelectMenuBuilder");
705 |
706 |
707 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
708 |
709 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
710 |
* @example
711 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
712 |
* ```ts
713 |
* const selectMenu = new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder({
714 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
715 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
716 |
* max_values: 2,
717 |
* });
718 |
* ```
719 |
* @example
720 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
721 |
* ```ts
722 |
* const selectMenu = new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder({
723 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
724 |
* })
725 |
* .addChannelTypes(ChannelType.GuildText, ChannelType.GuildAnnouncement)
726 |
* .setMinValues(2);
727 |
* ```
728 |
729 |
constructor(data) {
730 |
super({, type: ComponentType2.ChannelSelect });
731 |
732 |
733 |
* Adds channel types to this select menu.
734 |
735 |
* @param types - The channel types to use
736 |
737 |
addChannelTypes(...types) {
738 |
const normalizedTypes = normalizeArray(types);
739 |
+ ??= [];
740 |
741 |
return this;
742 |
743 |
744 |
* Sets channel types for this select menu.
745 |
746 |
* @param types - The channel types to use
747 |
748 |
setChannelTypes(...types) {
749 |
const normalizedTypes = normalizeArray(types);
750 |
+ ??= [];
751 |
+,, ...channelTypesValidator.parse(normalizedTypes));
752 |
return this;
753 |
754 |
755 |
* Adds default channels to this auto populated select menu.
756 |
757 |
* @param channels - The channels to add
758 |
759 |
addDefaultChannels(...channels) {
760 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(channels);
761 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
762 |
+ ??= [];
763 |
764 |
+ => ({
765 |
766 |
type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Channel
767 |
768 |
769 |
return this;
770 |
771 |
772 |
* Sets default channels to this auto populated select menu.
773 |
774 |
* @param channels - The channels to set
775 |
776 |
setDefaultChannels(...channels) {
777 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(channels);
778 |
779 |
+ = => ({
780 |
781 |
type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType.Channel
782 |
783 |
return this;
784 |
785 |
786 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
787 |
788 |
toJSON() {
789 |
790 |
return {
791 |
792 |
793 |
794 |
795 |
796 |
// src/components/selectMenu/MentionableSelectMenu.ts
797 |
import {
798 |
ComponentType as ComponentType3,
799 |
SelectMenuDefaultValueType as SelectMenuDefaultValueType2
800 |
} from "discord-api-types/v10";
801 |
var MentionableSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder {
802 |
static {
803 |
__name(this, "MentionableSelectMenuBuilder");
804 |
805 |
806 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
807 |
808 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
809 |
* @example
810 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
811 |
* ```ts
812 |
* const selectMenu = new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder({
813 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
814 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
815 |
* max_values: 2,
816 |
* });
817 |
* ```
818 |
* @example
819 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
820 |
* ```ts
821 |
* const selectMenu = new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder({
822 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
823 |
* })
824 |
* .setMinValues(1);
825 |
* ```
826 |
827 |
constructor(data) {
828 |
super({, type: ComponentType3.MentionableSelect });
829 |
830 |
831 |
* Adds default roles to this auto populated select menu.
832 |
833 |
* @param roles - The roles to add
834 |
835 |
addDefaultRoles(...roles) {
836 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(roles);
837 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
838 |
+ ??= [];
839 |
840 |
+ => ({
841 |
842 |
type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType2.Role
843 |
844 |
845 |
return this;
846 |
847 |
848 |
* Adds default users to this auto populated select menu.
849 |
850 |
* @param users - The users to add
851 |
852 |
addDefaultUsers(...users) {
853 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(users);
854 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
855 |
+ ??= [];
856 |
857 |
+ => ({
858 |
859 |
type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType2.User
860 |
861 |
862 |
return this;
863 |
864 |
865 |
* Adds default values to this auto populated select menu.
866 |
867 |
* @param values - The values to add
868 |
869 |
addDefaultValues(...values) {
870 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(values);
871 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
872 |
+ ??= [];
873 |
874 |
return this;
875 |
876 |
877 |
* Sets default values to this auto populated select menu.
878 |
879 |
* @param values - The values to set
880 |
881 |
setDefaultValues(...values) {
882 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(values);
883 |
884 |
+ = normalizedValues.slice();
885 |
return this;
886 |
887 |
888 |
889 |
// src/components/selectMenu/RoleSelectMenu.ts
890 |
import {
891 |
ComponentType as ComponentType4,
892 |
SelectMenuDefaultValueType as SelectMenuDefaultValueType3
893 |
} from "discord-api-types/v10";
894 |
var RoleSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder {
895 |
static {
896 |
__name(this, "RoleSelectMenuBuilder");
897 |
898 |
899 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
900 |
901 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
902 |
* @example
903 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
904 |
* ```ts
905 |
* const selectMenu = new RoleSelectMenuBuilder({
906 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
907 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
908 |
* max_values: 2,
909 |
* });
910 |
* ```
911 |
* @example
912 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
913 |
* ```ts
914 |
* const selectMenu = new RoleSelectMenuBuilder({
915 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
916 |
* })
917 |
* .setMinValues(1);
918 |
* ```
919 |
920 |
constructor(data) {
921 |
super({, type: ComponentType4.RoleSelect });
922 |
923 |
924 |
* Adds default roles to this auto populated select menu.
925 |
926 |
* @param roles - The roles to add
927 |
928 |
addDefaultRoles(...roles) {
929 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(roles);
930 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
931 |
+ ??= [];
932 |
933 |
+ => ({
934 |
935 |
type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType3.Role
936 |
937 |
938 |
return this;
939 |
940 |
941 |
* Sets default roles to this auto populated select menu.
942 |
943 |
* @param roles - The roles to set
944 |
945 |
setDefaultRoles(...roles) {
946 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(roles);
947 |
948 |
+ = => ({
949 |
950 |
type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType3.Role
951 |
952 |
return this;
953 |
954 |
955 |
956 |
// src/components/selectMenu/StringSelectMenu.ts
957 |
import { ComponentType as ComponentType5 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
958 |
var StringSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder {
959 |
static {
960 |
__name(this, "StringSelectMenuBuilder");
961 |
962 |
963 |
* The options within this select menu.
964 |
965 |
966 |
967 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
968 |
969 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
970 |
* @example
971 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
972 |
* ```ts
973 |
* const selectMenu = new StringSelectMenuBuilder({
974 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
975 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
976 |
* max_values: 2,
977 |
* options: [
978 |
* { label: 'option 1', value: '1' },
979 |
* { label: 'option 2', value: '2' },
980 |
* { label: 'option 3', value: '3' },
981 |
* ],
982 |
* });
983 |
* ```
984 |
* @example
985 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
986 |
* ```ts
987 |
* const selectMenu = new StringSelectMenuBuilder({
988 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
989 |
* })
990 |
* .setMinValues(1)
991 |
* .addOptions({
992 |
* label: 'Catchy',
993 |
* value: 'catch',
994 |
* });
995 |
* ```
996 |
997 |
constructor(data) {
998 |
const { options, ...initData } = data ?? {};
999 |
super({ ...initData, type: ComponentType5.StringSelect });
1000 |
this.options = options?.map((option) => new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder(option)) ?? [];
1001 |
1002 |
1003 |
* Adds options to this select menu.
1004 |
1005 |
* @param options - The options to add
1006 |
1007 |
addOptions(...options) {
1008 |
const normalizedOptions = normalizeArray(options);
1009 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(this.options.length + normalizedOptions.length);
1010 |
1011 |
1012 |
(normalizedOption) => normalizedOption instanceof StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder ? normalizedOption : new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder(jsonOptionValidator.parse(normalizedOption))
1013 |
1014 |
1015 |
return this;
1016 |
1017 |
1018 |
* Sets the options for this select menu.
1019 |
1020 |
* @param options - The options to set
1021 |
1022 |
setOptions(...options) {
1023 |
return this.spliceOptions(0, this.options.length, ...options);
1024 |
1025 |
1026 |
* Removes, replaces, or inserts options for this select menu.
1027 |
1028 |
* @remarks
1029 |
* This method behaves similarly
1030 |
* to {@link | Array.prototype.splice()}.
1031 |
* It's useful for modifying and adjusting the order of existing options.
1032 |
* @example
1033 |
* Remove the first option:
1034 |
* ```ts
1035 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, 1);
1036 |
* ```
1037 |
* @example
1038 |
* Remove the first n option:
1039 |
* ```ts
1040 |
* const n = 4;
1041 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, n);
1042 |
* ```
1043 |
* @example
1044 |
* Remove the last option:
1045 |
* ```ts
1046 |
* selectMenu.spliceOptions(-1, 1);
1047 |
* ```
1048 |
* @param index - The index to start at
1049 |
* @param deleteCount - The number of options to remove
1050 |
* @param options - The replacing option objects or builders
1051 |
1052 |
spliceOptions(index, deleteCount, ...options) {
1053 |
const normalizedOptions = normalizeArray(options);
1054 |
const clone = [...this.options];
1055 |
1056 |
1057 |
1058 |
1059 |
(normalizedOption) => normalizedOption instanceof StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder ? normalizedOption : new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder(jsonOptionValidator.parse(normalizedOption))
1060 |
1061 |
1062 |
1063 |
this.options.splice(0, this.options.length, ...clone);
1064 |
return this;
1065 |
1066 |
1067 |
* {@inheritDoc BaseSelectMenuBuilder.toJSON}
1068 |
1069 |
toJSON() {
1070 |
1071 |
return {
1072 |
1073 |
options: => option.toJSON())
1074 |
1075 |
1076 |
1077 |
1078 |
// src/components/selectMenu/UserSelectMenu.ts
1079 |
import {
1080 |
ComponentType as ComponentType6,
1081 |
SelectMenuDefaultValueType as SelectMenuDefaultValueType4
1082 |
} from "discord-api-types/v10";
1083 |
var UserSelectMenuBuilder = class extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder {
1084 |
static {
1085 |
__name(this, "UserSelectMenuBuilder");
1086 |
1087 |
1088 |
* Creates a new select menu from API data.
1089 |
1090 |
* @param data - The API data to create this select menu with
1091 |
* @example
1092 |
* Creating a select menu from an API data object:
1093 |
* ```ts
1094 |
* const selectMenu = new UserSelectMenuBuilder({
1095 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
1096 |
* placeholder: 'select an option',
1097 |
* max_values: 2,
1098 |
* });
1099 |
* ```
1100 |
* @example
1101 |
* Creating a select menu using setters and API data:
1102 |
* ```ts
1103 |
* const selectMenu = new UserSelectMenuBuilder({
1104 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
1105 |
* })
1106 |
* .setMinValues(1);
1107 |
* ```
1108 |
1109 |
constructor(data) {
1110 |
super({, type: ComponentType6.UserSelect });
1111 |
1112 |
1113 |
* Adds default users to this auto populated select menu.
1114 |
1115 |
* @param users - The users to add
1116 |
1117 |
addDefaultUsers(...users) {
1118 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(users);
1119 |
optionsLengthValidator.parse(( ?? 0) + normalizedValues.length);
1120 |
+ ??= [];
1121 |
1122 |
+ => ({
1123 |
1124 |
type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType4.User
1125 |
1126 |
1127 |
return this;
1128 |
1129 |
1130 |
* Sets default users to this auto populated select menu.
1131 |
1132 |
* @param users - The users to set
1133 |
1134 |
setDefaultUsers(...users) {
1135 |
const normalizedValues = normalizeArray(users);
1136 |
1137 |
+ = => ({
1138 |
1139 |
type: SelectMenuDefaultValueType4.User
1140 |
1141 |
return this;
1142 |
1143 |
1144 |
1145 |
// src/components/textInput/TextInput.ts
1146 |
import { isJSONEncodable } from "@discordjs/util";
1147 |
import { ComponentType as ComponentType7 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
1148 |
import isEqual from "fast-deep-equal";
1149 |
1150 |
// src/components/textInput/Assertions.ts
1151 |
var Assertions_exports3 = {};
1152 |
__export(Assertions_exports3, {
1153 |
labelValidator: () => labelValidator,
1154 |
maxLengthValidator: () => maxLengthValidator,
1155 |
minLengthValidator: () => minLengthValidator,
1156 |
placeholderValidator: () => placeholderValidator2,
1157 |
requiredValidator: () => requiredValidator,
1158 |
textInputStyleValidator: () => textInputStyleValidator,
1159 |
validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters,
1160 |
valueValidator: () => valueValidator
1161 |
1162 |
import { s as s3 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift";
1163 |
import { TextInputStyle } from "discord-api-types/v10";
1164 |
var textInputStyleValidator = s3.nativeEnum(TextInputStyle);
1165 |
var minLengthValidator =;
1166 |
var maxLengthValidator =;
1167 |
var requiredValidator = s3.boolean;
1168 |
var valueValidator = s3.string.lengthLessThanOrEqual(4e3).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1169 |
var placeholderValidator2 = s3.string.lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1170 |
var labelValidator = s3.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(45).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1171 |
function validateRequiredParameters(customId, style, label) {
1172 |
1173 |
1174 |
1175 |
1176 |
__name(validateRequiredParameters, "validateRequiredParameters");
1177 |
1178 |
// src/components/textInput/TextInput.ts
1179 |
var TextInputBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder {
1180 |
static {
1181 |
__name(this, "TextInputBuilder");
1182 |
1183 |
1184 |
* Creates a new text input from API data.
1185 |
1186 |
* @param data - The API data to create this text input with
1187 |
* @example
1188 |
* Creating a select menu option from an API data object:
1189 |
* ```ts
1190 |
* const textInput = new TextInputBuilder({
1191 |
* custom_id: 'a cool select menu',
1192 |
* label: 'Type something',
1193 |
* style: TextInputStyle.Short,
1194 |
* });
1195 |
* ```
1196 |
* @example
1197 |
* Creating a select menu option using setters and API data:
1198 |
* ```ts
1199 |
* const textInput = new TextInputBuilder({
1200 |
* label: 'Type something else',
1201 |
* })
1202 |
* .setCustomId('woah')
1203 |
* .setStyle(TextInputStyle.Paragraph);
1204 |
* ```
1205 |
1206 |
constructor(data) {
1207 |
super({ type: ComponentType7.TextInput, });
1208 |
1209 |
1210 |
* Sets the custom id for this text input.
1211 |
1212 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
1213 |
1214 |
setCustomId(customId) {
1215 |
+ = customIdValidator.parse(customId);
1216 |
return this;
1217 |
1218 |
1219 |
* Sets the label for this text input.
1220 |
1221 |
* @param label - The label to use
1222 |
1223 |
setLabel(label) {
1224 |
+ = labelValidator.parse(label);
1225 |
return this;
1226 |
1227 |
1228 |
* Sets the style for this text input.
1229 |
1230 |
* @param style - The style to use
1231 |
1232 |
setStyle(style) {
1233 |
+ = textInputStyleValidator.parse(style);
1234 |
return this;
1235 |
1236 |
1237 |
* Sets the minimum length of text for this text input.
1238 |
1239 |
* @param minLength - The minimum length of text for this text input
1240 |
1241 |
setMinLength(minLength) {
1242 |
+ = minLengthValidator.parse(minLength);
1243 |
return this;
1244 |
1245 |
1246 |
* Sets the maximum length of text for this text input.
1247 |
1248 |
* @param maxLength - The maximum length of text for this text input
1249 |
1250 |
setMaxLength(maxLength) {
1251 |
+ = maxLengthValidator.parse(maxLength);
1252 |
return this;
1253 |
1254 |
1255 |
* Sets the placeholder for this text input.
1256 |
1257 |
* @param placeholder - The placeholder to use
1258 |
1259 |
setPlaceholder(placeholder) {
1260 |
+ = placeholderValidator2.parse(placeholder);
1261 |
return this;
1262 |
1263 |
1264 |
* Sets the value for this text input.
1265 |
1266 |
* @param value - The value to use
1267 |
1268 |
setValue(value) {
1269 |
+ = valueValidator.parse(value);
1270 |
return this;
1271 |
1272 |
1273 |
* Sets whether this text input is required.
1274 |
1275 |
* @param required - Whether this text input is required
1276 |
1277 |
setRequired(required = true) {
1278 |
+ = requiredValidator.parse(required);
1279 |
return this;
1280 |
1281 |
1282 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
1283 |
1284 |
toJSON() {
1285 |
1286 |
return {
1287 |
1288 |
1289 |
1290 |
1291 |
* {@inheritDoc Equatable.equals}
1292 |
1293 |
equals(other) {
1294 |
if (isJSONEncodable(other)) {
1295 |
return isEqual(other.toJSON(),;
1296 |
1297 |
return isEqual(other,;
1298 |
1299 |
1300 |
1301 |
// src/components/Components.ts
1302 |
function createComponentBuilder(data) {
1303 |
if (data instanceof ComponentBuilder) {
1304 |
return data;
1305 |
1306 |
switch (data.type) {
1307 |
case ComponentType8.ActionRow:
1308 |
return new ActionRowBuilder(data);
1309 |
case ComponentType8.Button:
1310 |
return new ButtonBuilder(data);
1311 |
case ComponentType8.StringSelect:
1312 |
return new StringSelectMenuBuilder(data);
1313 |
case ComponentType8.TextInput:
1314 |
return new TextInputBuilder(data);
1315 |
case ComponentType8.UserSelect:
1316 |
return new UserSelectMenuBuilder(data);
1317 |
case ComponentType8.RoleSelect:
1318 |
return new RoleSelectMenuBuilder(data);
1319 |
case ComponentType8.MentionableSelect:
1320 |
return new MentionableSelectMenuBuilder(data);
1321 |
case ComponentType8.ChannelSelect:
1322 |
return new ChannelSelectMenuBuilder(data);
1323 |
1324 |
throw new Error(`Cannot properly serialize component type: ${data.type}`);
1325 |
1326 |
1327 |
__name(createComponentBuilder, "createComponentBuilder");
1328 |
1329 |
// src/components/ActionRow.ts
1330 |
var ActionRowBuilder = class extends ComponentBuilder {
1331 |
static {
1332 |
__name(this, "ActionRowBuilder");
1333 |
1334 |
1335 |
* The components within this action row.
1336 |
1337 |
1338 |
1339 |
* Creates a new action row from API data.
1340 |
1341 |
* @param data - The API data to create this action row with
1342 |
* @example
1343 |
* Creating an action row from an API data object:
1344 |
* ```ts
1345 |
* const actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder({
1346 |
* components: [
1347 |
* {
1348 |
* custom_id: "custom id",
1349 |
* label: "Type something",
1350 |
* style: TextInputStyle.Short,
1351 |
* type: ComponentType.TextInput,
1352 |
* },
1353 |
* ],
1354 |
* });
1355 |
* ```
1356 |
* @example
1357 |
* Creating an action row using setters and API data:
1358 |
* ```ts
1359 |
* const actionRow = new ActionRowBuilder({
1360 |
* components: [
1361 |
* {
1362 |
* custom_id: "custom id",
1363 |
* label: "Click me",
1364 |
* style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
1365 |
* type: ComponentType.Button,
1366 |
* },
1367 |
* ],
1368 |
* })
1369 |
* .addComponents(button2, button3);
1370 |
* ```
1371 |
1372 |
constructor({ components, } = {}) {
1373 |
super({ type: ComponentType9.ActionRow, });
1374 |
this.components = components?.map((component) => createComponentBuilder(component)) ?? [];
1375 |
1376 |
1377 |
* Adds components to this action row.
1378 |
1379 |
* @param components - The components to add
1380 |
1381 |
addComponents(...components) {
1382 |
1383 |
return this;
1384 |
1385 |
1386 |
* Sets components for this action row.
1387 |
1388 |
* @param components - The components to set
1389 |
1390 |
setComponents(...components) {
1391 |
this.components.splice(0, this.components.length, ...normalizeArray(components));
1392 |
return this;
1393 |
1394 |
1395 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
1396 |
1397 |
toJSON() {
1398 |
return {
1399 |
1400 |
components: => component.toJSON())
1401 |
1402 |
1403 |
1404 |
1405 |
// src/interactions/modals/Assertions.ts
1406 |
var Assertions_exports4 = {};
1407 |
__export(Assertions_exports4, {
1408 |
componentsValidator: () => componentsValidator,
1409 |
titleValidator: () => titleValidator,
1410 |
validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters2
1411 |
1412 |
import { s as s4 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift";
1413 |
var titleValidator = s4.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(45).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1414 |
var componentsValidator = s4.instance(ActionRowBuilder).array.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1415 |
function validateRequiredParameters2(customId, title, components) {
1416 |
1417 |
1418 |
1419 |
1420 |
__name(validateRequiredParameters2, "validateRequiredParameters");
1421 |
1422 |
// src/interactions/modals/Modal.ts
1423 |
var ModalBuilder = class {
1424 |
static {
1425 |
__name(this, "ModalBuilder");
1426 |
1427 |
1428 |
* The API data associated with this modal.
1429 |
1430 |
1431 |
1432 |
* The components within this modal.
1433 |
1434 |
components = [];
1435 |
1436 |
* Creates a new modal from API data.
1437 |
1438 |
* @param data - The API data to create this modal with
1439 |
1440 |
constructor({ components, } = {}) {
1441 |
+ = { };
1442 |
this.components = components?.map((component) => createComponentBuilder(component)) ?? [];
1443 |
1444 |
1445 |
* Sets the title of this modal.
1446 |
1447 |
* @param title - The title to use
1448 |
1449 |
setTitle(title) {
1450 |
+ = titleValidator.parse(title);
1451 |
return this;
1452 |
1453 |
1454 |
* Sets the custom id of this modal.
1455 |
1456 |
* @param customId - The custom id to use
1457 |
1458 |
setCustomId(customId) {
1459 |
+ = customIdValidator.parse(customId);
1460 |
return this;
1461 |
1462 |
1463 |
* Adds components to this modal.
1464 |
1465 |
* @param components - The components to add
1466 |
1467 |
addComponents(...components) {
1468 |
1469 |
1470 |
(component) => component instanceof ActionRowBuilder ? component : new ActionRowBuilder(component)
1471 |
1472 |
1473 |
return this;
1474 |
1475 |
1476 |
* Sets components for this modal.
1477 |
1478 |
* @param components - The components to set
1479 |
1480 |
setComponents(...components) {
1481 |
this.components.splice(0, this.components.length, ...normalizeArray(components));
1482 |
return this;
1483 |
1484 |
1485 |
* {@inheritDoc ComponentBuilder.toJSON}
1486 |
1487 |
toJSON() {
1488 |
validateRequiredParameters2(,, this.components);
1489 |
return {
1490 |
1491 |
components: => component.toJSON())
1492 |
1493 |
1494 |
1495 |
1496 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/Assertions.ts
1497 |
var Assertions_exports5 = {};
1498 |
__export(Assertions_exports5, {
1499 |
assertReturnOfBuilder: () => assertReturnOfBuilder,
1500 |
localizationMapPredicate: () => localizationMapPredicate,
1501 |
validateChoicesLength: () => validateChoicesLength,
1502 |
validateDMPermission: () => validateDMPermission,
1503 |
validateDefaultMemberPermissions: () => validateDefaultMemberPermissions,
1504 |
validateDefaultPermission: () => validateDefaultPermission,
1505 |
validateDescription: () => validateDescription,
1506 |
validateLocale: () => validateLocale,
1507 |
validateLocalizationMap: () => validateLocalizationMap,
1508 |
validateMaxOptionsLength: () => validateMaxOptionsLength,
1509 |
validateNSFW: () => validateNSFW,
1510 |
validateName: () => validateName,
1511 |
validateRequired: () => validateRequired,
1512 |
validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters3
1513 |
1514 |
import { s as s5 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift";
1515 |
import { Locale } from "discord-api-types/v10";
1516 |
var namePredicate = s5.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(32).regex(/^[\p{Ll}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{N}\p{sc=Devanagari}\p{sc=Thai}_-]+$/u).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1517 |
function validateName(name) {
1518 |
1519 |
1520 |
__name(validateName, "validateName");
1521 |
var descriptionPredicate2 = s5.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1522 |
var localePredicate = s5.nativeEnum(Locale);
1523 |
function validateDescription(description) {
1524 |
1525 |
1526 |
__name(validateDescription, "validateDescription");
1527 |
var maxArrayLengthPredicate = s5.unknown.array.lengthLessThanOrEqual(25).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1528 |
function validateLocale(locale) {
1529 |
return localePredicate.parse(locale);
1530 |
1531 |
__name(validateLocale, "validateLocale");
1532 |
function validateMaxOptionsLength(options) {
1533 |
1534 |
1535 |
__name(validateMaxOptionsLength, "validateMaxOptionsLength");
1536 |
function validateRequiredParameters3(name, description, options) {
1537 |
1538 |
1539 |
1540 |
1541 |
__name(validateRequiredParameters3, "validateRequiredParameters");
1542 |
var booleanPredicate = s5.boolean;
1543 |
function validateDefaultPermission(value) {
1544 |
1545 |
1546 |
__name(validateDefaultPermission, "validateDefaultPermission");
1547 |
function validateRequired(required) {
1548 |
1549 |
1550 |
__name(validateRequired, "validateRequired");
1551 |
var choicesLengthPredicate = s5.number.lessThanOrEqual(25).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1552 |
function validateChoicesLength(amountAdding, choices) {
1553 |
choicesLengthPredicate.parse((choices?.length ?? 0) + amountAdding);
1554 |
1555 |
__name(validateChoicesLength, "validateChoicesLength");
1556 |
function assertReturnOfBuilder(input, ExpectedInstanceOf) {
1557 |
1558 |
1559 |
__name(assertReturnOfBuilder, "assertReturnOfBuilder");
1560 |
var localizationMapPredicate = s5.object(Object.fromEntries(Object.values(Locale).map((locale) => [locale, s5.string.nullish]))).strict.nullish.setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
1561 |
function validateLocalizationMap(value) {
1562 |
1563 |
1564 |
__name(validateLocalizationMap, "validateLocalizationMap");
1565 |
var dmPermissionPredicate = s5.boolean.nullish;
1566 |
function validateDMPermission(value) {
1567 |
1568 |
1569 |
__name(validateDMPermission, "validateDMPermission");
1570 |
var memberPermissionPredicate = s5.union(
1571 |
s5.bigint.transform((value) => value.toString()),
1572 |
s5.number.safeInt.transform((value) => value.toString()),
1573 |
1574 |
1575 |
function validateDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions) {
1576 |
return memberPermissionPredicate.parse(permissions);
1577 |
1578 |
__name(validateDefaultMemberPermissions, "validateDefaultMemberPermissions");
1579 |
function validateNSFW(value) {
1580 |
1581 |
1582 |
__name(validateNSFW, "validateNSFW");
1583 |
1584 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandBuilder.ts
1585 |
import { mix as mix6 } from "ts-mixer";
1586 |
1587 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandSubcommands.ts
1588 |
import {
1589 |
ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType11
1590 |
} from "discord-api-types/v10";
1591 |
import { mix as mix5 } from "ts-mixer";
1592 |
1593 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/NameAndDescription.ts
1594 |
var SharedNameAndDescription = class {
1595 |
static {
1596 |
__name(this, "SharedNameAndDescription");
1597 |
1598 |
1599 |
* The name of this command.
1600 |
1601 |
1602 |
1603 |
* The name localizations of this command.
1604 |
1605 |
1606 |
1607 |
* The description of this command.
1608 |
1609 |
1610 |
1611 |
* The description localizations of this command.
1612 |
1613 |
1614 |
1615 |
* Sets the name of this command.
1616 |
1617 |
* @param name - The name to use
1618 |
1619 |
setName(name) {
1620 |
1621 |
Reflect.set(this, "name", name);
1622 |
return this;
1623 |
1624 |
1625 |
* Sets the description of this command.
1626 |
1627 |
* @param description - The description to use
1628 |
1629 |
setDescription(description) {
1630 |
1631 |
Reflect.set(this, "description", description);
1632 |
return this;
1633 |
1634 |
1635 |
* Sets a name localization for this command.
1636 |
1637 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
1638 |
* @param localizedName - The localized name for the given `locale`
1639 |
1640 |
setNameLocalization(locale, localizedName) {
1641 |
if (!this.name_localizations) {
1642 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {});
1643 |
1644 |
const parsedLocale = validateLocale(locale);
1645 |
if (localizedName === null) {
1646 |
this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = null;
1647 |
return this;
1648 |
1649 |
1650 |
this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = localizedName;
1651 |
return this;
1652 |
1653 |
1654 |
* Sets the name localizations for this command.
1655 |
1656 |
* @param localizedNames - The object of localized names to set
1657 |
1658 |
setNameLocalizations(localizedNames) {
1659 |
if (localizedNames === null) {
1660 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", null);
1661 |
return this;
1662 |
1663 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {});
1664 |
for (const args of Object.entries(localizedNames)) {
1665 |
1666 |
1667 |
return this;
1668 |
1669 |
1670 |
* Sets a description localization for this command.
1671 |
1672 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
1673 |
* @param localizedDescription - The localized description for the given locale
1674 |
1675 |
setDescriptionLocalization(locale, localizedDescription) {
1676 |
if (!this.description_localizations) {
1677 |
Reflect.set(this, "description_localizations", {});
1678 |
1679 |
const parsedLocale = validateLocale(locale);
1680 |
if (localizedDescription === null) {
1681 |
this.description_localizations[parsedLocale] = null;
1682 |
return this;
1683 |
1684 |
1685 |
this.description_localizations[parsedLocale] = localizedDescription;
1686 |
return this;
1687 |
1688 |
1689 |
* Sets the description localizations for this command.
1690 |
1691 |
* @param localizedDescriptions - The object of localized descriptions to set
1692 |
1693 |
setDescriptionLocalizations(localizedDescriptions) {
1694 |
if (localizedDescriptions === null) {
1695 |
Reflect.set(this, "description_localizations", null);
1696 |
return this;
1697 |
1698 |
Reflect.set(this, "description_localizations", {});
1699 |
for (const args of Object.entries(localizedDescriptions)) {
1700 |
1701 |
1702 |
return this;
1703 |
1704 |
1705 |
1706 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/attachment.ts
1707 |
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType } from "discord-api-types/v10";
1708 |
1709 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandOptionBase.ts
1710 |
var ApplicationCommandOptionBase = class extends SharedNameAndDescription {
1711 |
static {
1712 |
__name(this, "ApplicationCommandOptionBase");
1713 |
1714 |
1715 |
* Whether this option is required.
1716 |
1717 |
* @defaultValue `false`
1718 |
1719 |
required = false;
1720 |
1721 |
* Sets whether this option is required.
1722 |
1723 |
* @param required - Whether this option should be required
1724 |
1725 |
setRequired(required) {
1726 |
1727 |
Reflect.set(this, "required", required);
1728 |
return this;
1729 |
1730 |
1731 |
* This method runs required validators on this builder.
1732 |
1733 |
runRequiredValidations() {
1734 |
validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, []);
1735 |
1736 |
1737 |
1738 |
1739 |
1740 |
1741 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/attachment.ts
1742 |
var SlashCommandAttachmentOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1743 |
static {
1744 |
__name(this, "SlashCommandAttachmentOption");
1745 |
1746 |
1747 |
* The type of this option.
1748 |
1749 |
type = ApplicationCommandOptionType.Attachment;
1750 |
1751 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1752 |
1753 |
toJSON() {
1754 |
1755 |
return { ...this };
1756 |
1757 |
1758 |
1759 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/boolean.ts
1760 |
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType2 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
1761 |
var SlashCommandBooleanOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1762 |
static {
1763 |
__name(this, "SlashCommandBooleanOption");
1764 |
1765 |
1766 |
* The type of this option.
1767 |
1768 |
type = ApplicationCommandOptionType2.Boolean;
1769 |
1770 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1771 |
1772 |
toJSON() {
1773 |
1774 |
return { ...this };
1775 |
1776 |
1777 |
1778 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/channel.ts
1779 |
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType3 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
1780 |
import { mix } from "ts-mixer";
1781 |
1782 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin.ts
1783 |
import { s as s6 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift";
1784 |
import { ChannelType as ChannelType2 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
1785 |
var allowedChannelTypes = [
1786 |
1787 |
1788 |
1789 |
1790 |
1791 |
1792 |
1793 |
1794 |
1795 |
1796 |
1797 |
var channelTypesPredicate = s6.array(s6.union( => s6.literal(type))));
1798 |
var ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin = class {
1799 |
static {
1800 |
__name(this, "ApplicationCommandOptionChannelTypesMixin");
1801 |
1802 |
1803 |
* The channel types of this option.
1804 |
1805 |
1806 |
1807 |
* Adds channel types to this option.
1808 |
1809 |
* @param channelTypes - The channel types
1810 |
1811 |
addChannelTypes(...channelTypes) {
1812 |
if (this.channel_types === void 0) {
1813 |
Reflect.set(this, "channel_types", []);
1814 |
1815 |
1816 |
return this;
1817 |
1818 |
1819 |
1820 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/channel.ts
1821 |
var SlashCommandChannelOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1822 |
1823 |
* The type of this option.
1824 |
1825 |
type = ApplicationCommandOptionType3.Channel;
1826 |
1827 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1828 |
1829 |
toJSON() {
1830 |
1831 |
return { ...this };
1832 |
1833 |
1834 |
__name(SlashCommandChannelOption, "SlashCommandChannelOption");
1835 |
SlashCommandChannelOption = __decorateClass([
1836 |
1837 |
], SlashCommandChannelOption);
1838 |
1839 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/integer.ts
1840 |
import { s as s8 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift";
1841 |
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType5 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
1842 |
import { mix as mix2 } from "ts-mixer";
1843 |
1844 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.ts
1845 |
var ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin = class {
1846 |
static {
1847 |
__name(this, "ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin");
1848 |
1849 |
1850 |
* The maximum value of this option.
1851 |
1852 |
1853 |
1854 |
* The minimum value of this option.
1855 |
1856 |
1857 |
1858 |
1859 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin.ts
1860 |
import { s as s7 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift";
1861 |
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType4 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
1862 |
var stringPredicate = s7.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(100);
1863 |
var numberPredicate = s7.number.greaterThan(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY).lessThan(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
1864 |
var choicesPredicate = s7.object({
1865 |
name: stringPredicate,
1866 |
name_localizations: localizationMapPredicate,
1867 |
value: s7.union(stringPredicate, numberPredicate)
1868 |
1869 |
var booleanPredicate2 = s7.boolean;
1870 |
var ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin = class {
1871 |
static {
1872 |
__name(this, "ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin");
1873 |
1874 |
1875 |
* The choices of this option.
1876 |
1877 |
1878 |
1879 |
* Whether this option utilizes autocomplete.
1880 |
1881 |
1882 |
1883 |
* The type of this option.
1884 |
1885 |
* @privateRemarks Since this is present and this is a mixin, this is needed.
1886 |
1887 |
1888 |
1889 |
* Adds multiple choices to this option.
1890 |
1891 |
* @param choices - The choices to add
1892 |
1893 |
addChoices(...choices) {
1894 |
if (choices.length > 0 && this.autocomplete) {
1895 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
1896 |
1897 |
1898 |
if (this.choices === void 0) {
1899 |
Reflect.set(this, "choices", []);
1900 |
1901 |
validateChoicesLength(choices.length, this.choices);
1902 |
for (const { name, name_localizations, value } of choices) {
1903 |
if (this.type === ApplicationCommandOptionType4.String) {
1904 |
1905 |
} else {
1906 |
1907 |
1908 |
this.choices.push({ name, name_localizations, value });
1909 |
1910 |
return this;
1911 |
1912 |
1913 |
* Sets multiple choices for this option.
1914 |
1915 |
* @param choices - The choices to set
1916 |
1917 |
setChoices(...choices) {
1918 |
if (choices.length > 0 && this.autocomplete) {
1919 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
1920 |
1921 |
1922 |
Reflect.set(this, "choices", []);
1923 |
1924 |
return this;
1925 |
1926 |
1927 |
* Whether this option uses autocomplete.
1928 |
1929 |
* @param autocomplete - Whether this option should use autocomplete
1930 |
1931 |
setAutocomplete(autocomplete) {
1932 |
1933 |
if (autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) {
1934 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
1935 |
1936 |
Reflect.set(this, "autocomplete", autocomplete);
1937 |
return this;
1938 |
1939 |
1940 |
1941 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/integer.ts
1942 |
var numberValidator =;
1943 |
var SlashCommandIntegerOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1944 |
1945 |
* The type of this option.
1946 |
1947 |
type = ApplicationCommandOptionType5.Integer;
1948 |
1949 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMaxValue}
1950 |
1951 |
setMaxValue(max) {
1952 |
1953 |
Reflect.set(this, "max_value", max);
1954 |
return this;
1955 |
1956 |
1957 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMinValue}
1958 |
1959 |
setMinValue(min) {
1960 |
1961 |
Reflect.set(this, "min_value", min);
1962 |
return this;
1963 |
1964 |
1965 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1966 |
1967 |
toJSON() {
1968 |
1969 |
if (this.autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) {
1970 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
1971 |
1972 |
return { ...this };
1973 |
1974 |
1975 |
__name(SlashCommandIntegerOption, "SlashCommandIntegerOption");
1976 |
SlashCommandIntegerOption = __decorateClass([
1977 |
mix2(ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin)
1978 |
], SlashCommandIntegerOption);
1979 |
1980 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/mentionable.ts
1981 |
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType6 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
1982 |
var SlashCommandMentionableOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
1983 |
static {
1984 |
__name(this, "SlashCommandMentionableOption");
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
* The type of this option.
1988 |
1989 |
type = ApplicationCommandOptionType6.Mentionable;
1990 |
1991 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
1992 |
1993 |
toJSON() {
1994 |
1995 |
return { ...this };
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/number.ts
2000 |
import { s as s9 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift";
2001 |
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType7 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
2002 |
import { mix as mix3 } from "ts-mixer";
2003 |
var numberValidator2 = s9.number;
2004 |
var SlashCommandNumberOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
2005 |
2006 |
* The type of this option.
2007 |
2008 |
type = ApplicationCommandOptionType7.Number;
2009 |
2010 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMaxValue}
2011 |
2012 |
setMaxValue(max) {
2013 |
2014 |
Reflect.set(this, "max_value", max);
2015 |
return this;
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin.setMinValue}
2019 |
2020 |
setMinValue(min) {
2021 |
2022 |
Reflect.set(this, "min_value", min);
2023 |
return this;
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
2027 |
2028 |
toJSON() {
2029 |
2030 |
if (this.autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) {
2031 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
2032 |
2033 |
return { ...this };
2034 |
2035 |
2036 |
__name(SlashCommandNumberOption, "SlashCommandNumberOption");
2037 |
SlashCommandNumberOption = __decorateClass([
2038 |
mix3(ApplicationCommandNumericOptionMinMaxValueMixin, ApplicationCommandOptionWithChoicesAndAutocompleteMixin)
2039 |
], SlashCommandNumberOption);
2040 |
2041 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/role.ts
2042 |
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType8 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
2043 |
var SlashCommandRoleOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
2044 |
static {
2045 |
__name(this, "SlashCommandRoleOption");
2046 |
2047 |
2048 |
* The type of this option.
2049 |
2050 |
type = ApplicationCommandOptionType8.Role;
2051 |
2052 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
2053 |
2054 |
toJSON() {
2055 |
2056 |
return { ...this };
2057 |
2058 |
2059 |
2060 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/string.ts
2061 |
import { s as s10 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift";
2062 |
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType9 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
2063 |
import { mix as mix4 } from "ts-mixer";
2064 |
var minLengthValidator2 = s10.number.greaterThanOrEqual(0).lessThanOrEqual(6e3);
2065 |
var maxLengthValidator2 = s10.number.greaterThanOrEqual(1).lessThanOrEqual(6e3);
2066 |
var SlashCommandStringOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
2067 |
2068 |
* The type of this option.
2069 |
2070 |
type = ApplicationCommandOptionType9.String;
2071 |
2072 |
* The maximum length of this option.
2073 |
2074 |
2075 |
2076 |
* The minimum length of this option.
2077 |
2078 |
2079 |
2080 |
* Sets the maximum length of this string option.
2081 |
2082 |
* @param max - The maximum length this option can be
2083 |
2084 |
setMaxLength(max) {
2085 |
2086 |
Reflect.set(this, "max_length", max);
2087 |
return this;
2088 |
2089 |
2090 |
* Sets the minimum length of this string option.
2091 |
2092 |
* @param min - The minimum length this option can be
2093 |
2094 |
setMinLength(min) {
2095 |
2096 |
Reflect.set(this, "min_length", min);
2097 |
return this;
2098 |
2099 |
2100 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
2101 |
2102 |
toJSON() {
2103 |
2104 |
if (this.autocomplete && Array.isArray(this.choices) && this.choices.length > 0) {
2105 |
throw new RangeError("Autocomplete and choices are mutually exclusive to each other.");
2106 |
2107 |
return { ...this };
2108 |
2109 |
2110 |
__name(SlashCommandStringOption, "SlashCommandStringOption");
2111 |
SlashCommandStringOption = __decorateClass([
2112 |
2113 |
], SlashCommandStringOption);
2114 |
2115 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/options/user.ts
2116 |
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType as ApplicationCommandOptionType10 } from "discord-api-types/v10";
2117 |
var SlashCommandUserOption = class extends ApplicationCommandOptionBase {
2118 |
static {
2119 |
__name(this, "SlashCommandUserOption");
2120 |
2121 |
2122 |
* The type of this option.
2123 |
2124 |
type = ApplicationCommandOptionType10.User;
2125 |
2126 |
* {@inheritDoc ApplicationCommandOptionBase.toJSON}
2127 |
2128 |
toJSON() {
2129 |
2130 |
return { ...this };
2131 |
2132 |
2133 |
2134 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/mixins/SharedSlashCommandOptions.ts
2135 |
var SharedSlashCommandOptions = class {
2136 |
static {
2137 |
__name(this, "SharedSlashCommandOptions");
2138 |
2139 |
2140 |
2141 |
* Adds a boolean option.
2142 |
2143 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2144 |
2145 |
addBooleanOption(input) {
2146 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandBooleanOption);
2147 |
2148 |
2149 |
* Adds a user option.
2150 |
2151 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2152 |
2153 |
addUserOption(input) {
2154 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandUserOption);
2155 |
2156 |
2157 |
* Adds a channel option.
2158 |
2159 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2160 |
2161 |
addChannelOption(input) {
2162 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandChannelOption);
2163 |
2164 |
2165 |
* Adds a role option.
2166 |
2167 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2168 |
2169 |
addRoleOption(input) {
2170 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandRoleOption);
2171 |
2172 |
2173 |
* Adds an attachment option.
2174 |
2175 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2176 |
2177 |
addAttachmentOption(input) {
2178 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandAttachmentOption);
2179 |
2180 |
2181 |
* Adds a mentionable option.
2182 |
2183 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2184 |
2185 |
addMentionableOption(input) {
2186 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandMentionableOption);
2187 |
2188 |
2189 |
* Adds a string option.
2190 |
2191 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2192 |
2193 |
addStringOption(input) {
2194 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandStringOption);
2195 |
2196 |
2197 |
* Adds an integer option.
2198 |
2199 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2200 |
2201 |
addIntegerOption(input) {
2202 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandIntegerOption);
2203 |
2204 |
2205 |
* Adds a number option.
2206 |
2207 |
* @param input - A function that returns an option builder or an already built builder
2208 |
2209 |
addNumberOption(input) {
2210 |
return this._sharedAddOptionMethod(input, SlashCommandNumberOption);
2211 |
2212 |
2213 |
* Where the actual adding magic happens. ✨
2214 |
2215 |
* @param input - The input. What else?
2216 |
* @param Instance - The instance of whatever is being added
2217 |
* @internal
2218 |
2219 |
_sharedAddOptionMethod(input, Instance) {
2220 |
const { options } = this;
2221 |
2222 |
const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new Instance()) : input;
2223 |
assertReturnOfBuilder(result, Instance);
2224 |
2225 |
return this;
2226 |
2227 |
2228 |
2229 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandSubcommands.ts
2230 |
var SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder = class {
2231 |
2232 |
* The name of this subcommand group.
2233 |
2234 |
name = void 0;
2235 |
2236 |
* The description of this subcommand group.
2237 |
2238 |
description = void 0;
2239 |
2240 |
* The subcommands within this subcommand group.
2241 |
2242 |
options = [];
2243 |
2244 |
* Adds a new subcommand to this group.
2245 |
2246 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand builder or an already built builder
2247 |
2248 |
addSubcommand(input) {
2249 |
const { options } = this;
2250 |
2251 |
const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder()) : input;
2252 |
assertReturnOfBuilder(result, SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder);
2253 |
2254 |
return this;
2255 |
2256 |
2257 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
2258 |
2259 |
* @remarks
2260 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
2261 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
2262 |
2263 |
toJSON() {
2264 |
validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, this.options);
2265 |
return {
2266 |
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType11.SubcommandGroup,
2267 |
2268 |
name_localizations: this.name_localizations,
2269 |
description: this.description,
2270 |
description_localizations: this.description_localizations,
2271 |
options: => option.toJSON())
2272 |
2273 |
2274 |
2275 |
__name(SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder, "SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder");
2276 |
SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder = __decorateClass([
2277 |
2278 |
], SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder);
2279 |
var SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder = class {
2280 |
2281 |
* The name of this subcommand.
2282 |
2283 |
name = void 0;
2284 |
2285 |
* The description of this subcommand.
2286 |
2287 |
description = void 0;
2288 |
2289 |
* The options within this subcommand.
2290 |
2291 |
options = [];
2292 |
2293 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
2294 |
2295 |
* @remarks
2296 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
2297 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
2298 |
2299 |
toJSON() {
2300 |
validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, this.options);
2301 |
return {
2302 |
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType11.Subcommand,
2303 |
2304 |
name_localizations: this.name_localizations,
2305 |
description: this.description,
2306 |
description_localizations: this.description_localizations,
2307 |
options: => option.toJSON())
2308 |
2309 |
2310 |
2311 |
__name(SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder, "SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder");
2312 |
SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder = __decorateClass([
2313 |
mix5(SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions)
2314 |
], SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder);
2315 |
2316 |
// src/interactions/slashCommands/SlashCommandBuilder.ts
2317 |
var SlashCommandBuilder = class {
2318 |
2319 |
* The name of this command.
2320 |
2321 |
name = void 0;
2322 |
2323 |
* The name localizations of this command.
2324 |
2325 |
2326 |
2327 |
* The description of this command.
2328 |
2329 |
description = void 0;
2330 |
2331 |
* The description localizations of this command.
2332 |
2333 |
2334 |
2335 |
* The options of this command.
2336 |
2337 |
options = [];
2338 |
2339 |
* Whether this command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
2340 |
2341 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
2342 |
2343 |
default_permission = void 0;
2344 |
2345 |
* The set of permissions represented as a bit set for the command.
2346 |
2347 |
default_member_permissions = void 0;
2348 |
2349 |
* Indicates whether the command is available in direct messages with the application.
2350 |
2351 |
* @remarks
2352 |
* By default, commands are visible. This property is only for global commands.
2353 |
2354 |
dm_permission = void 0;
2355 |
2356 |
* Whether this command is NSFW.
2357 |
2358 |
nsfw = void 0;
2359 |
2360 |
* Sets whether the command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
2361 |
2362 |
* @remarks
2363 |
* If set to `false`, you will have to later `PUT` the permissions for this command.
2364 |
* @param value - Whether or not to enable this command by default
2365 |
* @see {@link}
2366 |
* @deprecated Use {@link SlashCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link SlashCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
2367 |
2368 |
setDefaultPermission(value) {
2369 |
2370 |
Reflect.set(this, "default_permission", value);
2371 |
return this;
2372 |
2373 |
2374 |
* Sets the default permissions a member should have in order to run the command.
2375 |
2376 |
* @remarks
2377 |
* You can set this to `'0'` to disable the command by default.
2378 |
* @param permissions - The permissions bit field to set
2379 |
* @see {@link}
2380 |
2381 |
setDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions) {
2382 |
const permissionValue = validateDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions);
2383 |
Reflect.set(this, "default_member_permissions", permissionValue);
2384 |
return this;
2385 |
2386 |
2387 |
* Sets if the command is available in direct messages with the application.
2388 |
2389 |
* @remarks
2390 |
* By default, commands are visible. This method is only for global commands.
2391 |
* @param enabled - Whether the command should be enabled in direct messages
2392 |
* @see {@link}
2393 |
2394 |
setDMPermission(enabled) {
2395 |
2396 |
Reflect.set(this, "dm_permission", enabled);
2397 |
return this;
2398 |
2399 |
2400 |
* Sets whether this command is NSFW.
2401 |
2402 |
* @param nsfw - Whether this command is NSFW
2403 |
2404 |
setNSFW(nsfw = true) {
2405 |
2406 |
Reflect.set(this, "nsfw", nsfw);
2407 |
return this;
2408 |
2409 |
2410 |
* Adds a new subcommand group to this command.
2411 |
2412 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand group builder or an already built builder
2413 |
2414 |
addSubcommandGroup(input) {
2415 |
const { options } = this;
2416 |
2417 |
const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder()) : input;
2418 |
assertReturnOfBuilder(result, SlashCommandSubcommandGroupBuilder);
2419 |
2420 |
return this;
2421 |
2422 |
2423 |
* Adds a new subcommand to this command.
2424 |
2425 |
* @param input - A function that returns a subcommand builder or an already built builder
2426 |
2427 |
addSubcommand(input) {
2428 |
const { options } = this;
2429 |
2430 |
const result = typeof input === "function" ? input(new SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder()) : input;
2431 |
assertReturnOfBuilder(result, SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder);
2432 |
2433 |
return this;
2434 |
2435 |
2436 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
2437 |
2438 |
* @remarks
2439 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
2440 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
2441 |
2442 |
toJSON() {
2443 |
validateRequiredParameters3(, this.description, this.options);
2444 |
2445 |
2446 |
return {
2447 |
2448 |
options: => option.toJSON())
2449 |
2450 |
2451 |
2452 |
__name(SlashCommandBuilder, "SlashCommandBuilder");
2453 |
SlashCommandBuilder = __decorateClass([
2454 |
mix6(SharedSlashCommandOptions, SharedNameAndDescription)
2455 |
], SlashCommandBuilder);
2456 |
2457 |
// src/interactions/contextMenuCommands/Assertions.ts
2458 |
var Assertions_exports6 = {};
2459 |
__export(Assertions_exports6, {
2460 |
validateDMPermission: () => validateDMPermission2,
2461 |
validateDefaultMemberPermissions: () => validateDefaultMemberPermissions2,
2462 |
validateDefaultPermission: () => validateDefaultPermission2,
2463 |
validateName: () => validateName2,
2464 |
validateRequiredParameters: () => validateRequiredParameters4,
2465 |
validateType: () => validateType
2466 |
2467 |
import { s as s11 } from "@sapphire/shapeshift";
2468 |
import { ApplicationCommandType } from "discord-api-types/v10";
2469 |
var namePredicate2 = s11.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(1).lengthLessThanOrEqual(32).regex(/^( *[\p{P}\p{L}\p{N}\p{sc=Devanagari}\p{sc=Thai}]+ *)+$/u).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
2470 |
var typePredicate = s11.union(s11.literal(ApplicationCommandType.User), s11.literal(ApplicationCommandType.Message)).setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled);
2471 |
var booleanPredicate3 = s11.boolean;
2472 |
function validateDefaultPermission2(value) {
2473 |
2474 |
2475 |
__name(validateDefaultPermission2, "validateDefaultPermission");
2476 |
function validateName2(name) {
2477 |
2478 |
2479 |
__name(validateName2, "validateName");
2480 |
function validateType(type) {
2481 |
2482 |
2483 |
__name(validateType, "validateType");
2484 |
function validateRequiredParameters4(name, type) {
2485 |
2486 |
2487 |
2488 |
__name(validateRequiredParameters4, "validateRequiredParameters");
2489 |
var dmPermissionPredicate2 = s11.boolean.nullish;
2490 |
function validateDMPermission2(value) {
2491 |
2492 |
2493 |
__name(validateDMPermission2, "validateDMPermission");
2494 |
var memberPermissionPredicate2 = s11.union(
2495 |
s11.bigint.transform((value) => value.toString()),
2496 |
s11.number.safeInt.transform((value) => value.toString()),
2497 |
2498 |
2499 |
function validateDefaultMemberPermissions2(permissions) {
2500 |
return memberPermissionPredicate2.parse(permissions);
2501 |
2502 |
__name(validateDefaultMemberPermissions2, "validateDefaultMemberPermissions");
2503 |
2504 |
// src/interactions/contextMenuCommands/ContextMenuCommandBuilder.ts
2505 |
var ContextMenuCommandBuilder = class {
2506 |
static {
2507 |
__name(this, "ContextMenuCommandBuilder");
2508 |
2509 |
2510 |
* The name of this command.
2511 |
2512 |
name = void 0;
2513 |
2514 |
* The name localizations of this command.
2515 |
2516 |
2517 |
2518 |
* The type of this command.
2519 |
2520 |
type = void 0;
2521 |
2522 |
* Whether this command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
2523 |
2524 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
2525 |
2526 |
default_permission = void 0;
2527 |
2528 |
* The set of permissions represented as a bit set for the command.
2529 |
2530 |
default_member_permissions = void 0;
2531 |
2532 |
* Indicates whether the command is available in direct messages with the application.
2533 |
2534 |
* @remarks
2535 |
* By default, commands are visible. This property is only for global commands.
2536 |
2537 |
dm_permission = void 0;
2538 |
2539 |
* Sets the name of this command.
2540 |
2541 |
* @param name - The name to use
2542 |
2543 |
setName(name) {
2544 |
2545 |
Reflect.set(this, "name", name);
2546 |
return this;
2547 |
2548 |
2549 |
* Sets the type of this command.
2550 |
2551 |
* @param type - The type to use
2552 |
2553 |
setType(type) {
2554 |
2555 |
Reflect.set(this, "type", type);
2556 |
return this;
2557 |
2558 |
2559 |
* Sets whether the command is enabled by default when the application is added to a guild.
2560 |
2561 |
* @remarks
2562 |
* If set to `false`, you will have to later `PUT` the permissions for this command.
2563 |
* @param value - Whether to enable this command by default
2564 |
* @see {@link}
2565 |
* @deprecated Use {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDefaultMemberPermissions} or {@link ContextMenuCommandBuilder.setDMPermission} instead.
2566 |
2567 |
setDefaultPermission(value) {
2568 |
2569 |
Reflect.set(this, "default_permission", value);
2570 |
return this;
2571 |
2572 |
2573 |
* Sets the default permissions a member should have in order to run this command.
2574 |
2575 |
* @remarks
2576 |
* You can set this to `'0'` to disable the command by default.
2577 |
* @param permissions - The permissions bit field to set
2578 |
* @see {@link}
2579 |
2580 |
setDefaultMemberPermissions(permissions) {
2581 |
const permissionValue = validateDefaultMemberPermissions2(permissions);
2582 |
Reflect.set(this, "default_member_permissions", permissionValue);
2583 |
return this;
2584 |
2585 |
2586 |
* Sets if the command is available in direct messages with the application.
2587 |
2588 |
* @remarks
2589 |
* By default, commands are visible. This method is only for global commands.
2590 |
* @param enabled - Whether the command should be enabled in direct messages
2591 |
* @see {@link}
2592 |
2593 |
setDMPermission(enabled) {
2594 |
2595 |
Reflect.set(this, "dm_permission", enabled);
2596 |
return this;
2597 |
2598 |
2599 |
* Sets a name localization for this command.
2600 |
2601 |
* @param locale - The locale to set
2602 |
* @param localizedName - The localized name for the given `locale`
2603 |
2604 |
setNameLocalization(locale, localizedName) {
2605 |
if (!this.name_localizations) {
2606 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {});
2607 |
2608 |
const parsedLocale = validateLocale(locale);
2609 |
if (localizedName === null) {
2610 |
this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = null;
2611 |
return this;
2612 |
2613 |
2614 |
this.name_localizations[parsedLocale] = localizedName;
2615 |
return this;
2616 |
2617 |
2618 |
* Sets the name localizations for this command.
2619 |
2620 |
* @param localizedNames - The object of localized names to set
2621 |
2622 |
setNameLocalizations(localizedNames) {
2623 |
if (localizedNames === null) {
2624 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", null);
2625 |
return this;
2626 |
2627 |
Reflect.set(this, "name_localizations", {});
2628 |
for (const args of Object.entries(localizedNames))
2629 |
2630 |
return this;
2631 |
2632 |
2633 |
* Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.
2634 |
2635 |
* @remarks
2636 |
* This method runs validations on the data before serializing it.
2637 |
* As such, it may throw an error if the data is invalid.
2638 |
2639 |
toJSON() {
2640 |
validateRequiredParameters4(, this.type);
2641 |
2642 |
return { ...this };
2643 |
2644 |
2645 |
2646 |
// src/util/componentUtil.ts
2647 |
function embedLength(data) {
2648 |
return (data.title?.length ?? 0) + (data.description?.length ?? 0) + (data.fields?.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + + curr.value.length, 0) ?? 0) + (data.footer?.text.length ?? 0) + ( ?? 0);
2649 |
2650 |
__name(embedLength, "embedLength");
2651 |
2652 |
// src/index.ts
2653 |
var version = "1.7.0";
2654 |
export {
2655 |
2656 |
2657 |
2658 |
2659 |
2660 |
2661 |
2662 |
2663 |
Assertions_exports2 as ComponentAssertions,
2664 |
2665 |
Assertions_exports6 as ContextMenuCommandAssertions,
2666 |
2667 |
Assertions_exports as EmbedAssertions,
2668 |
2669 |
2670 |
Assertions_exports4 as ModalAssertions,
2671 |
2672 |
2673 |
StringSelectMenuBuilder as SelectMenuBuilder,
2674 |
StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder as SelectMenuOptionBuilder,
2675 |
2676 |
2677 |
Assertions_exports5 as SlashCommandAssertions,
2678 |
2679 |
2680 |
2681 |
2682 |
2683 |
2684 |
2685 |
2686 |
2687 |
2688 |
2689 |
2690 |
2691 |
2692 |
Assertions_exports3 as TextInputAssertions,
2693 |
2694 |
2695 |
2696 |
2697 |
2698 |
2699 |
2700 |
2701 |
2702 |
2703 |
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
1 |
2 |
"$schema": "",
3 |
"name": "@discordjs/builders",
4 |
"version": "1.7.0",
5 |
"description": "A set of builders that you can use when creating your bot",
6 |
"exports": {
7 |
".": {
8 |
"require": {
9 |
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
10 |
"default": "./dist/index.js"
11 |
12 |
"import": {
13 |
"types": "./dist/index.d.mts",
14 |
"default": "./dist/index.mjs"
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
"main": "./dist/index.js",
19 |
"module": "./dist/index.mjs",
20 |
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
21 |
"directories": {
22 |
"lib": "src",
23 |
"test": "__tests__"
24 |
25 |
"files": [
26 |
27 |
28 |
"contributors": [
29 |
"Vlad Frangu <>",
30 |
"Crawl <>",
31 |
"Amish Shah <>",
32 |
"SpaceEEC <>",
33 |
"Aura Román <>"
34 |
35 |
"license": "Apache-2.0",
36 |
"keywords": [
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
"repository": {
46 |
"type": "git",
47 |
"url": "",
48 |
"directory": "packages/builders"
49 |
50 |
"bugs": {
51 |
"url": ""
52 |
53 |
"homepage": "",
54 |
"dependencies": {
55 |
"@sapphire/shapeshift": "^3.9.3",
56 |
"discord-api-types": "0.37.61",
57 |
"fast-deep-equal": "^3.1.3",
58 |
"ts-mixer": "^6.0.3",
59 |
"tslib": "^2.6.2",
60 |
"@discordjs/formatters": "^0.3.3",
61 |
"@discordjs/util": "^1.0.2"
62 |
63 |
"devDependencies": {
64 |
"@favware/cliff-jumper": "^2.2.1",
65 |
"@types/node": "16.18.60",
66 |
"@vitest/coverage-v8": "^0.34.6",
67 |
"cross-env": "^7.0.3",
68 |
"downlevel-dts": "^0.11.0",
69 |
"esbuild-plugin-version-injector": "^1.2.1",
70 |
"eslint": "^8.53.0",
71 |
"eslint-config-neon": "^0.1.57",
72 |
"eslint-formatter-pretty": "^5.0.0",
73 |
"prettier": "^3.0.3",
74 |
"tsup": "^7.2.0",
75 |
"turbo": "^1.10.17-canary.0",
76 |
"typescript": "^5.2.2",
77 |
"vitest": "^0.34.6",
78 |
"@discordjs/api-extractor": "^7.38.1"
79 |
80 |
"engines": {
81 |
"node": ">=16.11.0"
82 |
83 |
"publishConfig": {
84 |
"access": "public"
85 |
86 |
"scripts": {
87 |
"test": "vitest run",
88 |
"build": "tsc --noEmit && tsup",
89 |
"build:docs": "tsc -p && downlevel-dts ./dist-docs ./dist-docs",
90 |
"lint": "prettier --check . && cross-env TIMING=1 eslint --format=pretty src __tests__",
91 |
"format": "prettier --write . && cross-env TIMING=1 eslint --fix --format=pretty src __tests__",
92 |
"fmt": "pnpm run format",
93 |
"docs": "pnpm run build:docs && api-extractor run --local",
94 |
"changelog": "git cliff --prepend ./ -u -c ./cliff.toml -r ../../ --include-path 'packages/builders/*'",
95 |
"release": "cliff-jumper"
96 |
97 |
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
1 |
# Changelog
2 |
3 |
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
4 |
5 |
# [@discordjs/collection@1.5.3]( - (2023-08-17)
6 |
7 |
## Documentation
8 |
9 |
- Update Node.js requirement to 16.11.0 (#9764) ([188877c](
10 |
11 |
# [@discordjs/collection@1.5.2]( - (2023-07-31)
12 |
13 |
## Refactor
14 |
15 |
- **collection:** Reduce `reduce`'s code (#9581) ([b85a3f2](
16 |
17 |
# [@discordjs/collection@1.5.1]( - (2023-05-01)
18 |
19 |
## Bug Fixes
20 |
21 |
- Fix external links (#9313) ([a7425c2](
22 |
23 |
## Documentation
24 |
25 |
- Generate static imports for types with api-extractor ([98a76db](
26 |
27 |
# [@discordjs/collection@1.5.2]( - (2023-07-31)
28 |
29 |
## Refactor
30 |
31 |
- **collection:** Reduce `reduce`'s code (#9581) ([b85a3f2](
32 |
33 |
# [@discordjs/collection@1.5.1]( - (2023-05-01)
34 |
35 |
## Bug Fixes
36 |
37 |
- Fix external links (#9313) ([a7425c2](
38 |
39 |
## Documentation
40 |
41 |
- Generate static imports for types with api-extractor ([98a76db](
42 |
43 |
# [@discordjs/collection@1.5.1]( - (2023-05-01)
44 |
45 |
## Bug Fixes
46 |
47 |
- Fix external links (#9313) ([a7425c2](
48 |
49 |
## Documentation
50 |
51 |
- Generate static imports for types with api-extractor ([98a76db](
52 |
53 |
# [@discordjs/collection@1.5.0]( - (2023-04-01)
54 |
55 |
## Bug Fixes
56 |
57 |
- **scripts:** Accessing tsComment ([d8d5f31](
58 |
59 |
## Features
60 |
61 |
- **website:** Render syntax and mdx on the server (#9086) ([ee5169e](
62 |
63 |
## Refactor
64 |
65 |
- **collection:** Fix/silence linter warnings (#9266) ([d6f4e60](
66 |
67 |
# [@discordjs/collection@1.4.0]( - (2023-03-12)
68 |
69 |
## Documentation
70 |
71 |
- Fix version export (#9049) ([8b70f49](
72 |
73 |
## Features
74 |
75 |
- **website:** Add support for source file links (#9048) ([f6506e9](
76 |
77 |
## Refactor
78 |
79 |
- Compare with `undefined` directly (#9191) ([869153c](
80 |
81 |
# [@discordjs/collection@1.3.0]( - (2022-11-28)
82 |
83 |
## Bug Fixes
84 |
85 |
- Pin @types/node version ([9d8179c](
86 |
87 |
## Features
88 |
89 |
- Add `Collection#subtract()` (#8393) ([291f36c](
90 |
91 |
# [@discordjs/collection@1.2.0]( - (2022-10-08)
92 |
93 |
## Bug Fixes
94 |
95 |
- Footer / sidebar / deprecation alert ([ba3e0ed](
96 |
97 |
## Documentation
98 |
99 |
- Change name (#8604) ([dd5a089](
100 |
- Remove xml tag from collection#find (#8550) ([4032457](
101 |
102 |
## Features
103 |
104 |
- Web-components (#8715) ([0ac3e76](
105 |
106 |
## Refactor
107 |
108 |
- Website components (#8600) ([c334157](
109 |
- Use `eslint-config-neon` for packages. (#8579) ([edadb9f](
110 |
111 |
## Typings
112 |
113 |
- **Collection:** Make fn return type unknown (#8676) ([822b7f2](
114 |
115 |
# [@discordjs/collection@1.1.0]( - (2022-08-22)
116 |
117 |
## Bug Fixes
118 |
119 |
- Use proper format for `@link` text (#8384) ([2655639](
120 |
121 |
## Documentation
122 |
123 |
- Fence examples in codeblocks ([193b252](
124 |
- Use link tags (#8382) ([5494791](
125 |
126 |
## Features
127 |
128 |
- **website:** Show `constructor` information (#8540) ([e42fd16](
129 |
- **website:** Show descriptions for `@typeParam` blocks (#8523) ([e475b63](
130 |
131 |
## Refactor
132 |
133 |
- **website:** Adjust typography (#8503) ([0f83402](
134 |
- Docs design (#8487) ([4ab1d09](
135 |
136 |
# [@discordjs/collection@0.8.0]( - (2022-07-17)
137 |
138 |
## Bug Fixes
139 |
140 |
- **Collection:** Make error messages consistent (#8224) ([5bd6b28](
141 |
- Check for function type (#8064) ([3bb9c0e](
142 |
143 |
## Documentation
144 |
145 |
- Add codecov coverage badge to readmes (#8226) ([f6db285](
146 |
147 |
## Features
148 |
149 |
- Codecov (#8219) ([f10f4cd](
150 |
- **docgen:** Update typedoc ([b3346f4](
151 |
- Website (#8043) ([127931d](
152 |
- **docgen:** Typescript support ([3279b40](
153 |
- Docgen package (#8029) ([8b979c0](
154 |
- Use vitest instead of jest for more speed ([8d8e6c0](
155 |
- Add scripts package for locally used scripts ([f2ae1f9](
156 |
157 |
## Refactor
158 |
159 |
- **collection:** Remove `default` property (#8055) ([c8f1690](
160 |
- **collection:** Remove default export (#8053) ([16810f3](
161 |
- Move all the config files to root (#8033) ([769ea0b](
162 |
163 |
## Testing
164 |
165 |
- **collection:** Improve coverage (#8222) ([a51f721](
166 |
167 |
# [@discordjs/collection@0.7.0]( - (2022-06-04)
168 |
169 |
## Styling
170 |
171 |
- Cleanup tests and tsup configs ([6b8ef20](
172 |
173 |
# [@discordjs/collection@0.6.0]( - (2022-04-17)
174 |
175 |
## Features
176 |
177 |
- Add support for module: NodeNext in TS and ESM (#7598) ([8f1986a](
178 |
- **builders:** Add attachment command option type (#7203) ([ae0f35f](
179 |
- **Collection:** Add merging functions (#7299) ([e4bd07b](
180 |
181 |
# [@discordjs/collection@0.5.0]( - (2022-01-24)
182 |
183 |
## Refactor
184 |
185 |
- Make `intersect` perform a true intersection (#7211) ([d8efba2](
186 |
187 |
## Typings
188 |
189 |
- Add `ReadonlyCollection` (#7245) ([db25f52](
190 |
- **Collection:** Union types on `intersect` and `difference` (#7196) ([1f9b922](
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
1 |
Apache License
2 |
Version 2.0, January 2004
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1. Definitions.
8 |
9 |
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
10 |
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
11 |
12 |
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
13 |
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
14 |
15 |
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
16 |
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
17 |
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
18 |
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
19 |
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
20 |
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
21 |
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
22 |
23 |
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
24 |
exercising permissions granted by this License.
25 |
26 |
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
27 |
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
28 |
source, and configuration files.
29 |
30 |
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
31 |
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
32 |
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
33 |
and conversions to other media types.
34 |
35 |
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
36 |
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
37 |
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
38 |
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
39 |
40 |
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
41 |
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
42 |
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
43 |
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
44 |
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
45 |
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
46 |
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
47 |
48 |
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
49 |
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
50 |
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
51 |
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
52 |
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
53 |
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
54 |
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
55 |
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
56 |
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
57 |
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
58 |
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
59 |
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
60 |
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
61 |
62 |
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
63 |
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
64 |
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
65 |
66 |
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
67 |
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
68 |
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
69 |
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
70 |
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
71 |
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
72 |
73 |
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
74 |
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
75 |
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
76 |
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
77 |
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
78 |
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
79 |
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
80 |
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
81 |
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
82 |
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
83 |
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
84 |
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
85 |
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
86 |
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
87 |
as of the date such litigation is filed.
88 |
89 |
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
90 |
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
91 |
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
92 |
meet the following conditions:
93 |
94 |
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
95 |
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
96 |
97 |
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
98 |
stating that You changed the files; and
99 |
100 |
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
101 |
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
102 |
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
103 |
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
104 |
the Derivative Works; and
105 |
106 |
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
107 |
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
108 |
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
109 |
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
110 |
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
111 |
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
112 |
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
113 |
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
114 |
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
115 |
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
116 |
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
117 |
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
118 |
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
119 |
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
120 |
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
121 |
as modifying the License.
122 |
123 |
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
124 |
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
125 |
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
126 |
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
127 |
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
128 |
the conditions stated in this License.
129 |
130 |
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
131 |
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
132 |
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
133 |
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
134 |
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
135 |
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
136 |
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
137 |
138 |
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
139 |
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
140 |
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
141 |
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
142 |
143 |
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
144 |
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
145 |
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
146 |
147 |
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
148 |
149 |
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
150 |
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
151 |
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
152 |
153 |
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
154 |
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
155 |
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
156 |
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
157 |
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
158 |
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
159 |
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
160 |
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
161 |
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
162 |
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
163 |
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
164 |
165 |
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
166 |
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
167 |
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
168 |
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
169 |
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
170 |
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
171 |
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
172 |
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
173 |
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
174 |
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
Copyright 2021 Noel Buechler
179 |
Copyright 2015 Amish Shah
180 |
181 |
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
182 |
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
183 |
You may obtain a copy of the License at
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
188 |
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
189 |
190 |
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
191 |
limitations under the License.
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
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<div align="center">
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<br />
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4 |
<a href=""><img src="" width="546" alt="discord.js" /></a>
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6 |
<br />
7 |
8 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Discord server" /></a>
9 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm version" /></a>
10 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm downloads" /></a>
11 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Build status" /></a>
12 |
<a href="" ><img src="" alt="Code coverage" /></a>
13 |
14 |
15 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Vercel" /></a>
16 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Cloudflare Workers" height="44" /></a>
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
## About
21 |
22 |
`@discordjs/collection` is a powerful utility data structure used in discord.js.
23 |
24 |
## Installation
25 |
26 |
**Node.js 16.11.0 or newer is required.**
27 |
28 |
29 |
npm install @discordjs/collection
30 |
yarn add @discordjs/collection
31 |
pnpm add @discordjs/collection
32 |
33 |
34 |
## Links
35 |
36 |
- [Website][website] ([source][website-source])
37 |
- [Documentation][documentation]
38 |
- [Guide][guide] ([source][guide-source])
39 |
Also see the v13 to v14 [Update Guide][guide-update], which includes updated and removed items from the library.
40 |
- [discord.js Discord server][discord]
41 |
- [Discord API Discord server][discord-api]
42 |
- [GitHub][source]
43 |
- [npm][npm]
44 |
- [Related libraries][related-libs]
45 |
46 |
## Contributing
47 |
48 |
Before creating an issue, please ensure that it hasn't already been reported/suggested, and double-check the
49 |
50 |
See [the contribution guide][contributing] if you'd like to submit a PR.
51 |
52 |
## Help
53 |
54 |
If you don't understand something in the documentation, you are experiencing problems, or you just need a gentle nudge in the right direction, please don't hesitate to join our official [discord.js Server][discord].
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
1 |
2 |
* @internal
3 |
4 |
interface CollectionConstructor {
5 |
new (): Collection<unknown, unknown>;
6 |
new <K, V>(entries?: readonly (readonly [K, V])[] | null): Collection<K, V>;
7 |
new <K, V>(iterable: Iterable<readonly [K, V]>): Collection<K, V>;
8 |
readonly prototype: Collection<unknown, unknown>;
9 |
readonly [Symbol.species]: CollectionConstructor;
10 |
11 |
12 |
* Represents an immutable version of a collection
13 |
14 |
type ReadonlyCollection<K, V> = Omit<Collection<K, V>, 'delete' | 'ensure' | 'forEach' | 'get' | 'reverse' | 'set' | 'sort' | 'sweep'> & ReadonlyMap<K, V>;
15 |
16 |
* Separate interface for the constructor so that emitted js does not have a constructor that overwrites itself
17 |
18 |
* @internal
19 |
20 |
interface Collection<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {
21 |
constructor: CollectionConstructor;
22 |
23 |
24 |
* A Map with additional utility methods. This is used throughout discord.js rather than Arrays for anything that has
25 |
* an ID, for significantly improved performance and ease-of-use.
26 |
27 |
* @typeParam K - The key type this collection holds
28 |
* @typeParam V - The value type this collection holds
29 |
30 |
declare class Collection<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {
31 |
32 |
* Obtains the value of the given key if it exists, otherwise sets and returns the value provided by the default value generator.
33 |
34 |
* @param key - The key to get if it exists, or set otherwise
35 |
* @param defaultValueGenerator - A function that generates the default value
36 |
* @example
37 |
* ```ts
38 |
* collection.ensure(guildId, () => defaultGuildConfig);
39 |
* ```
40 |
41 |
ensure(key: K, defaultValueGenerator: (key: K, collection: this) => V): V;
42 |
43 |
* Checks if all of the elements exist in the collection.
44 |
45 |
* @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for
46 |
* @returns `true` if all of the elements exist, `false` if at least one does not exist.
47 |
48 |
hasAll(...keys: K[]): boolean;
49 |
50 |
* Checks if any of the elements exist in the collection.
51 |
52 |
* @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for
53 |
* @returns `true` if any of the elements exist, `false` if none exist.
54 |
55 |
hasAny(...keys: K[]): boolean;
56 |
57 |
* Obtains the first value(s) in this collection.
58 |
59 |
* @param amount - Amount of values to obtain from the beginning
60 |
* @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values, starting from the end if amount is negative
61 |
62 |
first(): V | undefined;
63 |
first(amount: number): V[];
64 |
65 |
* Obtains the first key(s) in this collection.
66 |
67 |
* @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain from the beginning
68 |
* @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array of keys, starting from the end if
69 |
* amount is negative
70 |
71 |
firstKey(): K | undefined;
72 |
firstKey(amount: number): K[];
73 |
74 |
* Obtains the last value(s) in this collection.
75 |
76 |
* @param amount - Amount of values to obtain from the end
77 |
* @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values, starting from the start if
78 |
* amount is negative
79 |
80 |
last(): V | undefined;
81 |
last(amount: number): V[];
82 |
83 |
* Obtains the last key(s) in this collection.
84 |
85 |
* @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain from the end
86 |
* @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array of keys, starting from the start if
87 |
* amount is negative
88 |
89 |
lastKey(): K | undefined;
90 |
lastKey(amount: number): K[];
91 |
92 |
* Identical to {@link |}.
93 |
* Returns the item at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.
94 |
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.
95 |
96 |
* @param index - The index of the element to obtain
97 |
98 |
at(index: number): V | undefined;
99 |
100 |
* Identical to {@link |}.
101 |
* Returns the key at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.
102 |
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.
103 |
104 |
* @param index - The index of the key to obtain
105 |
106 |
keyAt(index: number): K | undefined;
107 |
108 |
* Obtains unique random value(s) from this collection.
109 |
110 |
* @param amount - Amount of values to obtain randomly
111 |
* @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values
112 |
113 |
random(): V | undefined;
114 |
random(amount: number): V[];
115 |
116 |
* Obtains unique random key(s) from this collection.
117 |
118 |
* @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain randomly
119 |
* @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array
120 |
121 |
randomKey(): K | undefined;
122 |
randomKey(amount: number): K[];
123 |
124 |
* Identical to {@link | Array.reverse()}
125 |
* but returns a Collection instead of an Array.
126 |
127 |
reverse(): this;
128 |
129 |
* Searches for a single item where the given function returns a truthy value. This behaves like
130 |
* {@link | Array.find()}.
131 |
* All collections used in Discord.js are mapped using their `id` property, and if you want to find by id you
132 |
* should use the `get` method. See
133 |
* {@link | MDN} for details.
134 |
135 |
* @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)
136 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
137 |
* @example
138 |
* ```ts
139 |
* collection.find(user => user.username === 'Bob');
140 |
* ```
141 |
142 |
find<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): V2 | undefined;
143 |
find(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): V | undefined;
144 |
find<This, V2 extends V>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2, thisArg: This): V2 | undefined;
145 |
find<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): V | undefined;
146 |
147 |
* Searches for the key of a single item where the given function returns a truthy value. This behaves like
148 |
* {@link | Array.findIndex()},
149 |
* but returns the key rather than the positional index.
150 |
151 |
* @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)
152 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
153 |
* @example
154 |
* ```ts
155 |
* collection.findKey(user => user.username === 'Bob');
156 |
* ```
157 |
158 |
findKey<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): K2 | undefined;
159 |
findKey(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): K | undefined;
160 |
findKey<This, K2 extends K>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2, thisArg: This): K2 | undefined;
161 |
findKey<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): K | undefined;
162 |
163 |
* Removes items that satisfy the provided filter function.
164 |
165 |
* @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)
166 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
167 |
* @returns The number of removed entries
168 |
169 |
sweep(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): number;
170 |
sweep<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: T): number;
171 |
172 |
* Identical to
173 |
* {@link | Array.filter()},
174 |
* but returns a Collection instead of an Array.
175 |
176 |
* @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)
177 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
178 |
* @example
179 |
* ```ts
180 |
* collection.filter(user => user.username === 'Bob');
181 |
* ```
182 |
183 |
filter<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): Collection<K2, V>;
184 |
filter<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): Collection<K, V2>;
185 |
filter(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): Collection<K, V>;
186 |
filter<This, K2 extends K>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2, thisArg: This): Collection<K2, V>;
187 |
filter<This, V2 extends V>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2, thisArg: This): Collection<K, V2>;
188 |
filter<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): Collection<K, V>;
189 |
190 |
* Partitions the collection into two collections where the first collection
191 |
* contains the items that passed and the second contains the items that failed.
192 |
193 |
* @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)
194 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
195 |
* @example
196 |
* ```ts
197 |
* const [big, small] = collection.partition(guild => guild.memberCount > 250);
198 |
* ```
199 |
200 |
partition<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): [Collection<K2, V>, Collection<Exclude<K, K2>, V>];
201 |
partition<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): [Collection<K, V2>, Collection<K, Exclude<V, V2>>];
202 |
partition(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>];
203 |
partition<This, K2 extends K>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2, thisArg: This): [Collection<K2, V>, Collection<Exclude<K, K2>, V>];
204 |
partition<This, V2 extends V>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2, thisArg: This): [Collection<K, V2>, Collection<K, Exclude<V, V2>>];
205 |
partition<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>];
206 |
207 |
* Maps each item into a Collection, then joins the results into a single Collection. Identical in behavior to
208 |
* {@link | Array.flatMap()}.
209 |
210 |
* @param fn - Function that produces a new Collection
211 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
212 |
* @example
213 |
* ```ts
214 |
* collection.flatMap(guild => guild.members.cache);
215 |
* ```
216 |
217 |
flatMap<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => Collection<K, T>): Collection<K, T>;
218 |
flatMap<T, This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => Collection<K, T>, thisArg: This): Collection<K, T>;
219 |
220 |
* Maps each item to another value into an array. Identical in behavior to
221 |
* {@link |}.
222 |
223 |
* @param fn - Function that produces an element of the new array, taking three arguments
224 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
225 |
* @example
226 |
* ```ts
227 |
* => user.tag);
228 |
* ```
229 |
230 |
map<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T): T[];
231 |
map<This, T>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg: This): T[];
232 |
233 |
* Maps each item to another value into a collection. Identical in behavior to
234 |
* {@link |}.
235 |
236 |
* @param fn - Function that produces an element of the new collection, taking three arguments
237 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
238 |
* @example
239 |
* ```ts
240 |
* collection.mapValues(user => user.tag);
241 |
* ```
242 |
243 |
mapValues<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T): Collection<K, T>;
244 |
mapValues<This, T>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg: This): Collection<K, T>;
245 |
246 |
* Checks if there exists an item that passes a test. Identical in behavior to
247 |
* {@link | Array.some()}.
248 |
249 |
* @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)
250 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
251 |
* @example
252 |
* ```ts
253 |
* collection.some(user => user.discriminator === '0000');
254 |
* ```
255 |
256 |
some(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): boolean;
257 |
some<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: T): boolean;
258 |
259 |
* Checks if all items passes a test. Identical in behavior to
260 |
* {@link | Array.every()}.
261 |
262 |
* @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)
263 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
264 |
* @example
265 |
* ```ts
266 |
* collection.every(user => !;
267 |
* ```
268 |
269 |
every<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): this is Collection<K2, V>;
270 |
every<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): this is Collection<K, V2>;
271 |
every(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): boolean;
272 |
every<This, K2 extends K>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2, thisArg: This): this is Collection<K2, V>;
273 |
every<This, V2 extends V>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2, thisArg: This): this is Collection<K, V2>;
274 |
every<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): boolean;
275 |
276 |
* Applies a function to produce a single value. Identical in behavior to
277 |
* {@link | Array.reduce()}.
278 |
279 |
* @param fn - Function used to reduce, taking four arguments; `accumulator`, `currentValue`, `currentKey`,
280 |
* and `collection`
281 |
* @param initialValue - Starting value for the accumulator
282 |
* @example
283 |
* ```ts
284 |
* collection.reduce((acc, guild) => acc + guild.memberCount, 0);
285 |
* ```
286 |
287 |
reduce<T = V>(fn: (accumulator: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, initialValue?: T): T;
288 |
289 |
* Identical to
290 |
* {@link | Map.forEach()},
291 |
* but returns the collection instead of undefined.
292 |
293 |
* @param fn - Function to execute for each element
294 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
295 |
* @example
296 |
* ```ts
297 |
* collection
298 |
* .each(user => console.log(user.username))
299 |
* .filter(user =>
300 |
* .each(user => console.log(user.username));
301 |
* ```
302 |
303 |
each(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => void): this;
304 |
each<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => void, thisArg: T): this;
305 |
306 |
* Runs a function on the collection and returns the collection.
307 |
308 |
* @param fn - Function to execute
309 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
310 |
* @example
311 |
* ```ts
312 |
* collection
313 |
* .tap(coll => console.log(coll.size))
314 |
* .filter(user =>
315 |
* .tap(coll => console.log(coll.size))
316 |
* ```
317 |
318 |
tap(fn: (collection: this) => void): this;
319 |
tap<T>(fn: (this: T, collection: this) => void, thisArg: T): this;
320 |
321 |
* Creates an identical shallow copy of this collection.
322 |
323 |
* @example
324 |
* ```ts
325 |
* const newColl = someColl.clone();
326 |
* ```
327 |
328 |
clone(): Collection<K, V>;
329 |
330 |
* Combines this collection with others into a new collection. None of the source collections are modified.
331 |
332 |
* @param collections - Collections to merge
333 |
* @example
334 |
* ```ts
335 |
* const newColl = someColl.concat(someOtherColl, anotherColl, ohBoyAColl);
336 |
* ```
337 |
338 |
concat(...collections: ReadonlyCollection<K, V>[]): Collection<K, V>;
339 |
340 |
* Checks if this collection shares identical items with another.
341 |
* This is different to checking for equality using equal-signs, because
342 |
* the collections may be different objects, but contain the same data.
343 |
344 |
* @param collection - Collection to compare with
345 |
* @returns Whether the collections have identical contents
346 |
347 |
equals(collection: ReadonlyCollection<K, V>): boolean;
348 |
349 |
* The sort method sorts the items of a collection in place and returns it.
350 |
* The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.
351 |
* The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.
352 |
353 |
* @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.
354 |
* If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value, according to the string conversion of each element.
355 |
* @example
356 |
* ```ts
357 |
* collection.sort((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);
358 |
* ```
359 |
360 |
sort(compareFunction?: Comparator<K, V>): this;
361 |
362 |
* The intersect method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values are present in both original structures.
363 |
364 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
365 |
366 |
intersect<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, T>;
367 |
368 |
* The subtract method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values of the original structure are not present in the other.
369 |
370 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
371 |
372 |
subtract<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, V>;
373 |
374 |
* The difference method returns a new structure containing items where the key is present in one of the original structures but not the other.
375 |
376 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
377 |
378 |
difference<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, T | V>;
379 |
380 |
* Merges two Collections together into a new Collection.
381 |
382 |
* @param other - The other Collection to merge with
383 |
* @param whenInSelf - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in this Collection
384 |
* @param whenInOther - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in the other Collection
385 |
* @param whenInBoth - Function getting the result if the entry exists in both Collections
386 |
* @example
387 |
* ```ts
388 |
* // Sums up the entries in two collections.
389 |
* coll.merge(
390 |
* other,
391 |
* x => ({ keep: true, value: x }),
392 |
* y => ({ keep: true, value: y }),
393 |
* (x, y) => ({ keep: true, value: x + y }),
394 |
* );
395 |
* ```
396 |
* @example
397 |
* ```ts
398 |
* // Intersects two collections in a left-biased manner.
399 |
* coll.merge(
400 |
* other,
401 |
* x => ({ keep: false }),
402 |
* y => ({ keep: false }),
403 |
* (x, _) => ({ keep: true, value: x }),
404 |
* );
405 |
* ```
406 |
407 |
merge<T, R>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>, whenInSelf: (value: V, key: K) => Keep<R>, whenInOther: (valueOther: T, key: K) => Keep<R>, whenInBoth: (value: V, valueOther: T, key: K) => Keep<R>): Collection<K, R>;
408 |
409 |
* The sorted method sorts the items of a collection and returns it.
410 |
* The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.
411 |
* The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.
412 |
413 |
* @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.
414 |
* If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value,
415 |
* according to the string conversion of each element.
416 |
* @example
417 |
* ```ts
418 |
* collection.sorted((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);
419 |
* ```
420 |
421 |
sorted(compareFunction?: Comparator<K, V>): Collection<K, V>;
422 |
toJSON(): V[];
423 |
private static defaultSort;
424 |
425 |
* Creates a Collection from a list of entries.
426 |
427 |
* @param entries - The list of entries
428 |
* @param combine - Function to combine an existing entry with a new one
429 |
* @example
430 |
* ```ts
431 |
* Collection.combineEntries([["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["a", 2]], (x, y) => x + y);
432 |
* // returns Collection { "a" => 3, "b" => 2 }
433 |
* ```
434 |
435 |
static combineEntries<K, V>(entries: Iterable<[K, V]>, combine: (firstValue: V, secondValue: V, key: K) => V): Collection<K, V>;
436 |
437 |
438 |
* @internal
439 |
440 |
type Keep<V> = {
441 |
keep: false;
442 |
} | {
443 |
keep: true;
444 |
value: V;
445 |
446 |
447 |
* @internal
448 |
449 |
type Comparator<K, V> = (firstValue: V, secondValue: V, firstKey: K, secondKey: K) => number;
450 |
451 |
452 |
* The {@link | @discordjs/collection} version
453 |
* that you are currently using.
454 |
455 |
declare const version: string;
456 |
457 |
export { Collection, CollectionConstructor, Comparator, Keep, ReadonlyCollection, version };
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
1 |
2 |
* @internal
3 |
4 |
interface CollectionConstructor {
5 |
new (): Collection<unknown, unknown>;
6 |
new <K, V>(entries?: readonly (readonly [K, V])[] | null): Collection<K, V>;
7 |
new <K, V>(iterable: Iterable<readonly [K, V]>): Collection<K, V>;
8 |
readonly prototype: Collection<unknown, unknown>;
9 |
readonly [Symbol.species]: CollectionConstructor;
10 |
11 |
12 |
* Represents an immutable version of a collection
13 |
14 |
type ReadonlyCollection<K, V> = Omit<Collection<K, V>, 'delete' | 'ensure' | 'forEach' | 'get' | 'reverse' | 'set' | 'sort' | 'sweep'> & ReadonlyMap<K, V>;
15 |
16 |
* Separate interface for the constructor so that emitted js does not have a constructor that overwrites itself
17 |
18 |
* @internal
19 |
20 |
interface Collection<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {
21 |
constructor: CollectionConstructor;
22 |
23 |
24 |
* A Map with additional utility methods. This is used throughout discord.js rather than Arrays for anything that has
25 |
* an ID, for significantly improved performance and ease-of-use.
26 |
27 |
* @typeParam K - The key type this collection holds
28 |
* @typeParam V - The value type this collection holds
29 |
30 |
declare class Collection<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {
31 |
32 |
* Obtains the value of the given key if it exists, otherwise sets and returns the value provided by the default value generator.
33 |
34 |
* @param key - The key to get if it exists, or set otherwise
35 |
* @param defaultValueGenerator - A function that generates the default value
36 |
* @example
37 |
* ```ts
38 |
* collection.ensure(guildId, () => defaultGuildConfig);
39 |
* ```
40 |
41 |
ensure(key: K, defaultValueGenerator: (key: K, collection: this) => V): V;
42 |
43 |
* Checks if all of the elements exist in the collection.
44 |
45 |
* @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for
46 |
* @returns `true` if all of the elements exist, `false` if at least one does not exist.
47 |
48 |
hasAll(...keys: K[]): boolean;
49 |
50 |
* Checks if any of the elements exist in the collection.
51 |
52 |
* @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for
53 |
* @returns `true` if any of the elements exist, `false` if none exist.
54 |
55 |
hasAny(...keys: K[]): boolean;
56 |
57 |
* Obtains the first value(s) in this collection.
58 |
59 |
* @param amount - Amount of values to obtain from the beginning
60 |
* @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values, starting from the end if amount is negative
61 |
62 |
first(): V | undefined;
63 |
first(amount: number): V[];
64 |
65 |
* Obtains the first key(s) in this collection.
66 |
67 |
* @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain from the beginning
68 |
* @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array of keys, starting from the end if
69 |
* amount is negative
70 |
71 |
firstKey(): K | undefined;
72 |
firstKey(amount: number): K[];
73 |
74 |
* Obtains the last value(s) in this collection.
75 |
76 |
* @param amount - Amount of values to obtain from the end
77 |
* @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values, starting from the start if
78 |
* amount is negative
79 |
80 |
last(): V | undefined;
81 |
last(amount: number): V[];
82 |
83 |
* Obtains the last key(s) in this collection.
84 |
85 |
* @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain from the end
86 |
* @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array of keys, starting from the start if
87 |
* amount is negative
88 |
89 |
lastKey(): K | undefined;
90 |
lastKey(amount: number): K[];
91 |
92 |
* Identical to {@link |}.
93 |
* Returns the item at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.
94 |
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.
95 |
96 |
* @param index - The index of the element to obtain
97 |
98 |
at(index: number): V | undefined;
99 |
100 |
* Identical to {@link |}.
101 |
* Returns the key at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.
102 |
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.
103 |
104 |
* @param index - The index of the key to obtain
105 |
106 |
keyAt(index: number): K | undefined;
107 |
108 |
* Obtains unique random value(s) from this collection.
109 |
110 |
* @param amount - Amount of values to obtain randomly
111 |
* @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values
112 |
113 |
random(): V | undefined;
114 |
random(amount: number): V[];
115 |
116 |
* Obtains unique random key(s) from this collection.
117 |
118 |
* @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain randomly
119 |
* @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array
120 |
121 |
randomKey(): K | undefined;
122 |
randomKey(amount: number): K[];
123 |
124 |
* Identical to {@link | Array.reverse()}
125 |
* but returns a Collection instead of an Array.
126 |
127 |
reverse(): this;
128 |
129 |
* Searches for a single item where the given function returns a truthy value. This behaves like
130 |
* {@link | Array.find()}.
131 |
* All collections used in Discord.js are mapped using their `id` property, and if you want to find by id you
132 |
* should use the `get` method. See
133 |
* {@link | MDN} for details.
134 |
135 |
* @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)
136 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
137 |
* @example
138 |
* ```ts
139 |
* collection.find(user => user.username === 'Bob');
140 |
* ```
141 |
142 |
find<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): V2 | undefined;
143 |
find(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): V | undefined;
144 |
find<This, V2 extends V>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2, thisArg: This): V2 | undefined;
145 |
find<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): V | undefined;
146 |
147 |
* Searches for the key of a single item where the given function returns a truthy value. This behaves like
148 |
* {@link | Array.findIndex()},
149 |
* but returns the key rather than the positional index.
150 |
151 |
* @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)
152 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
153 |
* @example
154 |
* ```ts
155 |
* collection.findKey(user => user.username === 'Bob');
156 |
* ```
157 |
158 |
findKey<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): K2 | undefined;
159 |
findKey(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): K | undefined;
160 |
findKey<This, K2 extends K>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2, thisArg: This): K2 | undefined;
161 |
findKey<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): K | undefined;
162 |
163 |
* Removes items that satisfy the provided filter function.
164 |
165 |
* @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)
166 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
167 |
* @returns The number of removed entries
168 |
169 |
sweep(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): number;
170 |
sweep<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: T): number;
171 |
172 |
* Identical to
173 |
* {@link | Array.filter()},
174 |
* but returns a Collection instead of an Array.
175 |
176 |
* @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)
177 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
178 |
* @example
179 |
* ```ts
180 |
* collection.filter(user => user.username === 'Bob');
181 |
* ```
182 |
183 |
filter<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): Collection<K2, V>;
184 |
filter<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): Collection<K, V2>;
185 |
filter(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): Collection<K, V>;
186 |
filter<This, K2 extends K>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2, thisArg: This): Collection<K2, V>;
187 |
filter<This, V2 extends V>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2, thisArg: This): Collection<K, V2>;
188 |
filter<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): Collection<K, V>;
189 |
190 |
* Partitions the collection into two collections where the first collection
191 |
* contains the items that passed and the second contains the items that failed.
192 |
193 |
* @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)
194 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
195 |
* @example
196 |
* ```ts
197 |
* const [big, small] = collection.partition(guild => guild.memberCount > 250);
198 |
* ```
199 |
200 |
partition<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): [Collection<K2, V>, Collection<Exclude<K, K2>, V>];
201 |
partition<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): [Collection<K, V2>, Collection<K, Exclude<V, V2>>];
202 |
partition(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>];
203 |
partition<This, K2 extends K>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2, thisArg: This): [Collection<K2, V>, Collection<Exclude<K, K2>, V>];
204 |
partition<This, V2 extends V>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2, thisArg: This): [Collection<K, V2>, Collection<K, Exclude<V, V2>>];
205 |
partition<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>];
206 |
207 |
* Maps each item into a Collection, then joins the results into a single Collection. Identical in behavior to
208 |
* {@link | Array.flatMap()}.
209 |
210 |
* @param fn - Function that produces a new Collection
211 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
212 |
* @example
213 |
* ```ts
214 |
* collection.flatMap(guild => guild.members.cache);
215 |
* ```
216 |
217 |
flatMap<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => Collection<K, T>): Collection<K, T>;
218 |
flatMap<T, This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => Collection<K, T>, thisArg: This): Collection<K, T>;
219 |
220 |
* Maps each item to another value into an array. Identical in behavior to
221 |
* {@link |}.
222 |
223 |
* @param fn - Function that produces an element of the new array, taking three arguments
224 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
225 |
* @example
226 |
* ```ts
227 |
* => user.tag);
228 |
* ```
229 |
230 |
map<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T): T[];
231 |
map<This, T>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg: This): T[];
232 |
233 |
* Maps each item to another value into a collection. Identical in behavior to
234 |
* {@link |}.
235 |
236 |
* @param fn - Function that produces an element of the new collection, taking three arguments
237 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
238 |
* @example
239 |
* ```ts
240 |
* collection.mapValues(user => user.tag);
241 |
* ```
242 |
243 |
mapValues<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T): Collection<K, T>;
244 |
mapValues<This, T>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg: This): Collection<K, T>;
245 |
246 |
* Checks if there exists an item that passes a test. Identical in behavior to
247 |
* {@link | Array.some()}.
248 |
249 |
* @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)
250 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
251 |
* @example
252 |
* ```ts
253 |
* collection.some(user => user.discriminator === '0000');
254 |
* ```
255 |
256 |
some(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): boolean;
257 |
some<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: T): boolean;
258 |
259 |
* Checks if all items passes a test. Identical in behavior to
260 |
* {@link | Array.every()}.
261 |
262 |
* @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)
263 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
264 |
* @example
265 |
* ```ts
266 |
* collection.every(user => !;
267 |
* ```
268 |
269 |
every<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): this is Collection<K2, V>;
270 |
every<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): this is Collection<K, V2>;
271 |
every(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): boolean;
272 |
every<This, K2 extends K>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2, thisArg: This): this is Collection<K2, V>;
273 |
every<This, V2 extends V>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2, thisArg: This): this is Collection<K, V2>;
274 |
every<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): boolean;
275 |
276 |
* Applies a function to produce a single value. Identical in behavior to
277 |
* {@link | Array.reduce()}.
278 |
279 |
* @param fn - Function used to reduce, taking four arguments; `accumulator`, `currentValue`, `currentKey`,
280 |
* and `collection`
281 |
* @param initialValue - Starting value for the accumulator
282 |
* @example
283 |
* ```ts
284 |
* collection.reduce((acc, guild) => acc + guild.memberCount, 0);
285 |
* ```
286 |
287 |
reduce<T = V>(fn: (accumulator: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, initialValue?: T): T;
288 |
289 |
* Identical to
290 |
* {@link | Map.forEach()},
291 |
* but returns the collection instead of undefined.
292 |
293 |
* @param fn - Function to execute for each element
294 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
295 |
* @example
296 |
* ```ts
297 |
* collection
298 |
* .each(user => console.log(user.username))
299 |
* .filter(user =>
300 |
* .each(user => console.log(user.username));
301 |
* ```
302 |
303 |
each(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => void): this;
304 |
each<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => void, thisArg: T): this;
305 |
306 |
* Runs a function on the collection and returns the collection.
307 |
308 |
* @param fn - Function to execute
309 |
* @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function
310 |
* @example
311 |
* ```ts
312 |
* collection
313 |
* .tap(coll => console.log(coll.size))
314 |
* .filter(user =>
315 |
* .tap(coll => console.log(coll.size))
316 |
* ```
317 |
318 |
tap(fn: (collection: this) => void): this;
319 |
tap<T>(fn: (this: T, collection: this) => void, thisArg: T): this;
320 |
321 |
* Creates an identical shallow copy of this collection.
322 |
323 |
* @example
324 |
* ```ts
325 |
* const newColl = someColl.clone();
326 |
* ```
327 |
328 |
clone(): Collection<K, V>;
329 |
330 |
* Combines this collection with others into a new collection. None of the source collections are modified.
331 |
332 |
* @param collections - Collections to merge
333 |
* @example
334 |
* ```ts
335 |
* const newColl = someColl.concat(someOtherColl, anotherColl, ohBoyAColl);
336 |
* ```
337 |
338 |
concat(...collections: ReadonlyCollection<K, V>[]): Collection<K, V>;
339 |
340 |
* Checks if this collection shares identical items with another.
341 |
* This is different to checking for equality using equal-signs, because
342 |
* the collections may be different objects, but contain the same data.
343 |
344 |
* @param collection - Collection to compare with
345 |
* @returns Whether the collections have identical contents
346 |
347 |
equals(collection: ReadonlyCollection<K, V>): boolean;
348 |
349 |
* The sort method sorts the items of a collection in place and returns it.
350 |
* The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.
351 |
* The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.
352 |
353 |
* @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.
354 |
* If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value, according to the string conversion of each element.
355 |
* @example
356 |
* ```ts
357 |
* collection.sort((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);
358 |
* ```
359 |
360 |
sort(compareFunction?: Comparator<K, V>): this;
361 |
362 |
* The intersect method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values are present in both original structures.
363 |
364 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
365 |
366 |
intersect<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, T>;
367 |
368 |
* The subtract method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values of the original structure are not present in the other.
369 |
370 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
371 |
372 |
subtract<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, V>;
373 |
374 |
* The difference method returns a new structure containing items where the key is present in one of the original structures but not the other.
375 |
376 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
377 |
378 |
difference<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, T | V>;
379 |
380 |
* Merges two Collections together into a new Collection.
381 |
382 |
* @param other - The other Collection to merge with
383 |
* @param whenInSelf - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in this Collection
384 |
* @param whenInOther - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in the other Collection
385 |
* @param whenInBoth - Function getting the result if the entry exists in both Collections
386 |
* @example
387 |
* ```ts
388 |
* // Sums up the entries in two collections.
389 |
* coll.merge(
390 |
* other,
391 |
* x => ({ keep: true, value: x }),
392 |
* y => ({ keep: true, value: y }),
393 |
* (x, y) => ({ keep: true, value: x + y }),
394 |
* );
395 |
* ```
396 |
* @example
397 |
* ```ts
398 |
* // Intersects two collections in a left-biased manner.
399 |
* coll.merge(
400 |
* other,
401 |
* x => ({ keep: false }),
402 |
* y => ({ keep: false }),
403 |
* (x, _) => ({ keep: true, value: x }),
404 |
* );
405 |
* ```
406 |
407 |
merge<T, R>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>, whenInSelf: (value: V, key: K) => Keep<R>, whenInOther: (valueOther: T, key: K) => Keep<R>, whenInBoth: (value: V, valueOther: T, key: K) => Keep<R>): Collection<K, R>;
408 |
409 |
* The sorted method sorts the items of a collection and returns it.
410 |
* The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.
411 |
* The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.
412 |
413 |
* @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.
414 |
* If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value,
415 |
* according to the string conversion of each element.
416 |
* @example
417 |
* ```ts
418 |
* collection.sorted((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);
419 |
* ```
420 |
421 |
sorted(compareFunction?: Comparator<K, V>): Collection<K, V>;
422 |
toJSON(): V[];
423 |
private static defaultSort;
424 |
425 |
* Creates a Collection from a list of entries.
426 |
427 |
* @param entries - The list of entries
428 |
* @param combine - Function to combine an existing entry with a new one
429 |
* @example
430 |
* ```ts
431 |
* Collection.combineEntries([["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["a", 2]], (x, y) => x + y);
432 |
* // returns Collection { "a" => 3, "b" => 2 }
433 |
* ```
434 |
435 |
static combineEntries<K, V>(entries: Iterable<[K, V]>, combine: (firstValue: V, secondValue: V, key: K) => V): Collection<K, V>;
436 |
437 |
438 |
* @internal
439 |
440 |
type Keep<V> = {
441 |
keep: false;
442 |
} | {
443 |
keep: true;
444 |
value: V;
445 |
446 |
447 |
* @internal
448 |
449 |
type Comparator<K, V> = (firstValue: V, secondValue: V, firstKey: K, secondKey: K) => number;
450 |
451 |
452 |
* The {@link | @discordjs/collection} version
453 |
* that you are currently using.
454 |
455 |
declare const version: string;
456 |
457 |
export { Collection, CollectionConstructor, Comparator, Keep, ReadonlyCollection, version };
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
1 |
"use strict";
2 |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
3 |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
4 |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
5 |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
6 |
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
7 |
var __export = (target, all) => {
8 |
for (var name in all)
9 |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
10 |
11 |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
12 |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
13 |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
14 |
if (!, key) && key !== except)
15 |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
16 |
17 |
return to;
18 |
19 |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
20 |
21 |
// src/index.ts
22 |
var src_exports = {};
23 |
__export(src_exports, {
24 |
Collection: () => Collection,
25 |
version: () => version
26 |
27 |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
28 |
29 |
// src/collection.ts
30 |
var Collection = class _Collection extends Map {
31 |
static {
32 |
__name(this, "Collection");
33 |
34 |
35 |
* Obtains the value of the given key if it exists, otherwise sets and returns the value provided by the default value generator.
36 |
37 |
* @param key - The key to get if it exists, or set otherwise
38 |
* @param defaultValueGenerator - A function that generates the default value
39 |
* @example
40 |
* ```ts
41 |
* collection.ensure(guildId, () => defaultGuildConfig);
42 |
* ```
43 |
44 |
ensure(key, defaultValueGenerator) {
45 |
if (this.has(key))
46 |
return this.get(key);
47 |
if (typeof defaultValueGenerator !== "function")
48 |
throw new TypeError(`${defaultValueGenerator} is not a function`);
49 |
const defaultValue = defaultValueGenerator(key, this);
50 |
this.set(key, defaultValue);
51 |
return defaultValue;
52 |
53 |
54 |
* Checks if all of the elements exist in the collection.
55 |
56 |
* @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for
57 |
* @returns `true` if all of the elements exist, `false` if at least one does not exist.
58 |
59 |
hasAll(...keys) {
60 |
return keys.every((key) => super.has(key));
61 |
62 |
63 |
* Checks if any of the elements exist in the collection.
64 |
65 |
* @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for
66 |
* @returns `true` if any of the elements exist, `false` if none exist.
67 |
68 |
hasAny(...keys) {
69 |
return keys.some((key) => super.has(key));
70 |
71 |
first(amount) {
72 |
if (amount === void 0)
73 |
return this.values().next().value;
74 |
if (amount < 0)
75 |
return this.last(amount * -1);
76 |
amount = Math.min(this.size, amount);
77 |
const iter = this.values();
78 |
return Array.from({ length: amount }, () =>;
79 |
80 |
firstKey(amount) {
81 |
if (amount === void 0)
82 |
return this.keys().next().value;
83 |
if (amount < 0)
84 |
return this.lastKey(amount * -1);
85 |
amount = Math.min(this.size, amount);
86 |
const iter = this.keys();
87 |
return Array.from({ length: amount }, () =>;
88 |
89 |
last(amount) {
90 |
const arr = [...this.values()];
91 |
if (amount === void 0)
92 |
return arr[arr.length - 1];
93 |
if (amount < 0)
94 |
return this.first(amount * -1);
95 |
if (!amount)
96 |
return [];
97 |
return arr.slice(-amount);
98 |
99 |
lastKey(amount) {
100 |
const arr = [...this.keys()];
101 |
if (amount === void 0)
102 |
return arr[arr.length - 1];
103 |
if (amount < 0)
104 |
return this.firstKey(amount * -1);
105 |
if (!amount)
106 |
return [];
107 |
return arr.slice(-amount);
108 |
109 |
110 |
* Identical to {@link |}.
111 |
* Returns the item at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.
112 |
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.
113 |
114 |
* @param index - The index of the element to obtain
115 |
116 |
at(index) {
117 |
index = Math.floor(index);
118 |
const arr = [...this.values()];
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
* Identical to {@link |}.
123 |
* Returns the key at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.
124 |
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.
125 |
126 |
* @param index - The index of the key to obtain
127 |
128 |
keyAt(index) {
129 |
index = Math.floor(index);
130 |
const arr = [...this.keys()];
131 |
132 |
133 |
random(amount) {
134 |
const arr = [...this.values()];
135 |
if (amount === void 0)
136 |
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
137 |
if (!arr.length || !amount)
138 |
return [];
139 |
return Array.from(
140 |
{ length: Math.min(amount, arr.length) },
141 |
() => arr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length), 1)[0]
142 |
143 |
144 |
randomKey(amount) {
145 |
const arr = [...this.keys()];
146 |
if (amount === void 0)
147 |
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
148 |
if (!arr.length || !amount)
149 |
return [];
150 |
return Array.from(
151 |
{ length: Math.min(amount, arr.length) },
152 |
() => arr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length), 1)[0]
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
* Identical to {@link | Array.reverse()}
157 |
* but returns a Collection instead of an Array.
158 |
159 |
reverse() {
160 |
const entries = [...this.entries()].reverse();
161 |
162 |
for (const [key, value] of entries)
163 |
this.set(key, value);
164 |
return this;
165 |
166 |
find(fn, thisArg) {
167 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
168 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
169 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
170 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
171 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
172 |
if (fn(val, key, this))
173 |
return val;
174 |
175 |
return void 0;
176 |
177 |
findKey(fn, thisArg) {
178 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
179 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
180 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
181 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
182 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
183 |
if (fn(val, key, this))
184 |
return key;
185 |
186 |
return void 0;
187 |
188 |
sweep(fn, thisArg) {
189 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
190 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
191 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
192 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
193 |
const previousSize = this.size;
194 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
195 |
if (fn(val, key, this))
196 |
197 |
198 |
return previousSize - this.size;
199 |
200 |
filter(fn, thisArg) {
201 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
202 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
203 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
204 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
205 |
const results = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
206 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
207 |
if (fn(val, key, this))
208 |
results.set(key, val);
209 |
210 |
return results;
211 |
212 |
partition(fn, thisArg) {
213 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
214 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
215 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
216 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
217 |
const results = [
218 |
new this.constructor[Symbol.species](),
219 |
new this.constructor[Symbol.species]()
220 |
221 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
222 |
if (fn(val, key, this)) {
223 |
results[0].set(key, val);
224 |
} else {
225 |
results[1].set(key, val);
226 |
227 |
228 |
return results;
229 |
230 |
flatMap(fn, thisArg) {
231 |
const collections =, thisArg);
232 |
return new this.constructor[Symbol.species]().concat(...collections);
233 |
234 |
map(fn, thisArg) {
235 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
236 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
237 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
238 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
239 |
const iter = this.entries();
240 |
return Array.from({ length: this.size }, () => {
241 |
const [key, value] =;
242 |
return fn(value, key, this);
243 |
244 |
245 |
mapValues(fn, thisArg) {
246 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
247 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
248 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
249 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
250 |
const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
251 |
for (const [key, val] of this)
252 |
coll.set(key, fn(val, key, this));
253 |
return coll;
254 |
255 |
some(fn, thisArg) {
256 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
257 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
258 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
259 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
260 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
261 |
if (fn(val, key, this))
262 |
return true;
263 |
264 |
return false;
265 |
266 |
every(fn, thisArg) {
267 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
268 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
269 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
270 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
271 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
272 |
if (!fn(val, key, this))
273 |
return false;
274 |
275 |
return true;
276 |
277 |
278 |
* Applies a function to produce a single value. Identical in behavior to
279 |
* {@link | Array.reduce()}.
280 |
281 |
* @param fn - Function used to reduce, taking four arguments; `accumulator`, `currentValue`, `currentKey`,
282 |
* and `collection`
283 |
* @param initialValue - Starting value for the accumulator
284 |
* @example
285 |
* ```ts
286 |
* collection.reduce((acc, guild) => acc + guild.memberCount, 0);
287 |
* ```
288 |
289 |
reduce(fn, initialValue) {
290 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
291 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
292 |
let accumulator;
293 |
const iterator = this.entries();
294 |
if (initialValue === void 0) {
295 |
if (this.size === 0)
296 |
throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty collection with no initial value");
297 |
accumulator =[1];
298 |
} else {
299 |
accumulator = initialValue;
300 |
301 |
for (const [key, value] of iterator) {
302 |
accumulator = fn(accumulator, value, key, this);
303 |
304 |
return accumulator;
305 |
306 |
each(fn, thisArg) {
307 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
308 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
309 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
310 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
311 |
for (const [key, value] of this) {
312 |
fn(value, key, this);
313 |
314 |
return this;
315 |
316 |
tap(fn, thisArg) {
317 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
318 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
319 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
320 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
321 |
322 |
return this;
323 |
324 |
325 |
* Creates an identical shallow copy of this collection.
326 |
327 |
* @example
328 |
* ```ts
329 |
* const newColl = someColl.clone();
330 |
* ```
331 |
332 |
clone() {
333 |
return new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this);
334 |
335 |
336 |
* Combines this collection with others into a new collection. None of the source collections are modified.
337 |
338 |
* @param collections - Collections to merge
339 |
* @example
340 |
* ```ts
341 |
* const newColl = someColl.concat(someOtherColl, anotherColl, ohBoyAColl);
342 |
* ```
343 |
344 |
concat(...collections) {
345 |
const newColl = this.clone();
346 |
for (const coll of collections) {
347 |
for (const [key, val] of coll)
348 |
newColl.set(key, val);
349 |
350 |
return newColl;
351 |
352 |
353 |
* Checks if this collection shares identical items with another.
354 |
* This is different to checking for equality using equal-signs, because
355 |
* the collections may be different objects, but contain the same data.
356 |
357 |
* @param collection - Collection to compare with
358 |
* @returns Whether the collections have identical contents
359 |
360 |
equals(collection) {
361 |
if (!collection)
362 |
return false;
363 |
if (this === collection)
364 |
return true;
365 |
if (this.size !== collection.size)
366 |
return false;
367 |
for (const [key, value] of this) {
368 |
if (!collection.has(key) || value !== collection.get(key)) {
369 |
return false;
370 |
371 |
372 |
return true;
373 |
374 |
375 |
* The sort method sorts the items of a collection in place and returns it.
376 |
* The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.
377 |
* The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.
378 |
379 |
* @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.
380 |
* If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value, according to the string conversion of each element.
381 |
* @example
382 |
* ```ts
383 |
* collection.sort((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);
384 |
* ```
385 |
386 |
sort(compareFunction = _Collection.defaultSort) {
387 |
const entries = [...this.entries()];
388 |
entries.sort((a, b) => compareFunction(a[1], b[1], a[0], b[0]));
389 |
390 |
for (const [key, value] of entries) {
391 |
super.set(key, value);
392 |
393 |
return this;
394 |
395 |
396 |
* The intersect method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values are present in both original structures.
397 |
398 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
399 |
400 |
intersect(other) {
401 |
const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
402 |
for (const [key, value] of other) {
403 |
if (this.has(key) &&, this.get(key))) {
404 |
coll.set(key, value);
405 |
406 |
407 |
return coll;
408 |
409 |
410 |
* The subtract method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values of the original structure are not present in the other.
411 |
412 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
413 |
414 |
subtract(other) {
415 |
const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
416 |
for (const [key, value] of this) {
417 |
if (!other.has(key) || !, other.get(key))) {
418 |
coll.set(key, value);
419 |
420 |
421 |
return coll;
422 |
423 |
424 |
* The difference method returns a new structure containing items where the key is present in one of the original structures but not the other.
425 |
426 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
427 |
428 |
difference(other) {
429 |
const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
430 |
for (const [key, value] of other) {
431 |
if (!this.has(key))
432 |
coll.set(key, value);
433 |
434 |
for (const [key, value] of this) {
435 |
if (!other.has(key))
436 |
coll.set(key, value);
437 |
438 |
return coll;
439 |
440 |
441 |
* Merges two Collections together into a new Collection.
442 |
443 |
* @param other - The other Collection to merge with
444 |
* @param whenInSelf - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in this Collection
445 |
* @param whenInOther - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in the other Collection
446 |
* @param whenInBoth - Function getting the result if the entry exists in both Collections
447 |
* @example
448 |
* ```ts
449 |
* // Sums up the entries in two collections.
450 |
* coll.merge(
451 |
* other,
452 |
* x => ({ keep: true, value: x }),
453 |
* y => ({ keep: true, value: y }),
454 |
* (x, y) => ({ keep: true, value: x + y }),
455 |
* );
456 |
* ```
457 |
* @example
458 |
* ```ts
459 |
* // Intersects two collections in a left-biased manner.
460 |
* coll.merge(
461 |
* other,
462 |
* x => ({ keep: false }),
463 |
* y => ({ keep: false }),
464 |
* (x, _) => ({ keep: true, value: x }),
465 |
* );
466 |
* ```
467 |
468 |
merge(other, whenInSelf, whenInOther, whenInBoth) {
469 |
const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
470 |
const keys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...this.keys(), ...other.keys()]);
471 |
for (const key of keys) {
472 |
const hasInSelf = this.has(key);
473 |
const hasInOther = other.has(key);
474 |
if (hasInSelf && hasInOther) {
475 |
const result = whenInBoth(this.get(key), other.get(key), key);
476 |
if (result.keep)
477 |
coll.set(key, result.value);
478 |
} else if (hasInSelf) {
479 |
const result = whenInSelf(this.get(key), key);
480 |
if (result.keep)
481 |
coll.set(key, result.value);
482 |
} else if (hasInOther) {
483 |
const result = whenInOther(other.get(key), key);
484 |
if (result.keep)
485 |
coll.set(key, result.value);
486 |
487 |
488 |
return coll;
489 |
490 |
491 |
* The sorted method sorts the items of a collection and returns it.
492 |
* The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.
493 |
* The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.
494 |
495 |
* @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.
496 |
* If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value,
497 |
* according to the string conversion of each element.
498 |
* @example
499 |
* ```ts
500 |
* collection.sorted((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);
501 |
* ```
502 |
503 |
sorted(compareFunction = _Collection.defaultSort) {
504 |
return new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this).sort((av, bv, ak, bk) => compareFunction(av, bv, ak, bk));
505 |
506 |
toJSON() {
507 |
return [...this.values()];
508 |
509 |
static defaultSort(firstValue, secondValue) {
510 |
return Number(firstValue > secondValue) || Number(firstValue === secondValue) - 1;
511 |
512 |
513 |
* Creates a Collection from a list of entries.
514 |
515 |
* @param entries - The list of entries
516 |
* @param combine - Function to combine an existing entry with a new one
517 |
* @example
518 |
* ```ts
519 |
* Collection.combineEntries([["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["a", 2]], (x, y) => x + y);
520 |
* // returns Collection { "a" => 3, "b" => 2 }
521 |
* ```
522 |
523 |
static combineEntries(entries, combine) {
524 |
const coll = new _Collection();
525 |
for (const [key, value] of entries) {
526 |
if (coll.has(key)) {
527 |
coll.set(key, combine(coll.get(key), value, key));
528 |
} else {
529 |
coll.set(key, value);
530 |
531 |
532 |
return coll;
533 |
534 |
535 |
536 |
// src/index.ts
537 |
var version = "1.5.3";
538 |
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
539 |
0 && (module.exports = {
540 |
541 |
542 |
543 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
{"version":3,"sources":["../src/index.ts","../src/collection.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export * from './collection.js';\n\n/**\n * The {@link | @discordjs/collection} version\n * that you are currently using.\n */\n// This needs to explicitly be `string` so it is not typed as a \"const string\" that gets injected by esbuild\nexport const version = '1.5.3' as string;\n","/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nexport interface CollectionConstructor {\n\tnew (): Collection<unknown, unknown>;\n\tnew <K, V>(entries?: readonly (readonly [K, V])[] | null): Collection<K, V>;\n\tnew <K, V>(iterable: Iterable<readonly [K, V]>): Collection<K, V>;\n\treadonly prototype: Collection<unknown, unknown>;\n\treadonly [Symbol.species]: CollectionConstructor;\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents an immutable version of a collection\n */\nexport type ReadonlyCollection<K, V> = Omit<\n\tCollection<K, V>,\n\t'delete' | 'ensure' | 'forEach' | 'get' | 'reverse' | 'set' | 'sort' | 'sweep'\n> &\n\tReadonlyMap<K, V>;\n\n/**\n * Separate interface for the constructor so that emitted js does not have a constructor that overwrites itself\n *\n * @internal\n */\nexport interface Collection<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {\n\tconstructor: CollectionConstructor;\n}\n\n/**\n * A Map with additional utility methods. This is used throughout discord.js rather than Arrays for anything that has\n * an ID, for significantly improved performance and ease-of-use.\n *\n * @typeParam K - The key type this collection holds\n * @typeParam V - The value type this collection holds\n */\nexport class Collection<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains the value of the given key if it exists, otherwise sets and returns the value provided by the default value generator.\n\t *\n\t * @param key - The key to get if it exists, or set otherwise\n\t * @param defaultValueGenerator - A function that generates the default value\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.ensure(guildId, () => defaultGuildConfig);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic ensure(key: K, defaultValueGenerator: (key: K, collection: this) => V): V {\n\t\tif (this.has(key)) return this.get(key)!;\n\t\tif (typeof defaultValueGenerator !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${defaultValueGenerator} is not a function`);\n\t\tconst defaultValue = defaultValueGenerator(key, this);\n\t\tthis.set(key, defaultValue);\n\t\treturn defaultValue;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Checks if all of the elements exist in the collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for\n\t * @returns `true` if all of the elements exist, `false` if at least one does not exist.\n\t */\n\tpublic hasAll(...keys: K[]) {\n\t\treturn keys.every((key) => super.has(key));\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Checks if any of the elements exist in the collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for\n\t * @returns `true` if any of the elements exist, `false` if none exist.\n\t */\n\tpublic hasAny(...keys: K[]) {\n\t\treturn keys.some((key) => super.has(key));\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains the first value(s) in this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of values to obtain from the beginning\n\t * @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values, starting from the end if amount is negative\n\t */\n\tpublic first(): V | undefined;\n\tpublic first(amount: number): V[];\n\tpublic first(amount?: number): V | V[] | undefined {\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return this.values().next().value;\n\t\tif (amount < 0) return this.last(amount * -1);\n\t\tamount = Math.min(this.size, amount);\n\t\tconst iter = this.values();\n\t\treturn Array.from({ length: amount }, (): V =>;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains the first key(s) in this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain from the beginning\n\t * @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array of keys, starting from the end if\n\t * amount is negative\n\t */\n\tpublic firstKey(): K | undefined;\n\tpublic firstKey(amount: number): K[];\n\tpublic firstKey(amount?: number): K | K[] | undefined {\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return this.keys().next().value;\n\t\tif (amount < 0) return this.lastKey(amount * -1);\n\t\tamount = Math.min(this.size, amount);\n\t\tconst iter = this.keys();\n\t\treturn Array.from({ length: amount }, (): K =>;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains the last value(s) in this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of values to obtain from the end\n\t * @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values, starting from the start if\n\t * amount is negative\n\t */\n\tpublic last(): V | undefined;\n\tpublic last(amount: number): V[];\n\tpublic last(amount?: number): V | V[] | undefined {\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.values()];\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return arr[arr.length - 1];\n\t\tif (amount < 0) return this.first(amount * -1);\n\t\tif (!amount) return [];\n\t\treturn arr.slice(-amount);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains the last key(s) in this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain from the end\n\t * @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array of keys, starting from the start if\n\t * amount is negative\n\t */\n\tpublic lastKey(): K | undefined;\n\tpublic lastKey(amount: number): K[];\n\tpublic lastKey(amount?: number): K | K[] | undefined {\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.keys()];\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return arr[arr.length - 1];\n\t\tif (amount < 0) return this.firstKey(amount * -1);\n\t\tif (!amount) return [];\n\t\treturn arr.slice(-amount);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Identical to {@link |}.\n\t * Returns the item at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.\n\t * Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param index - The index of the element to obtain\n\t */\n\tpublic at(index: number) {\n\t\tindex = Math.floor(index);\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.values()];\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Identical to {@link |}.\n\t * Returns the key at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.\n\t * Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param index - The index of the key to obtain\n\t */\n\tpublic keyAt(index: number) {\n\t\tindex = Math.floor(index);\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.keys()];\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains unique random value(s) from this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of values to obtain randomly\n\t * @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values\n\t */\n\tpublic random(): V | undefined;\n\tpublic random(amount: number): V[];\n\tpublic random(amount?: number): V | V[] | undefined {\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.values()];\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];\n\t\tif (!arr.length || !amount) return [];\n\t\treturn Array.from(\n\t\t\t{ length: Math.min(amount, arr.length) },\n\t\t\t(): V => arr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length), 1)[0]!,\n\t\t);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains unique random key(s) from this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain randomly\n\t * @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array\n\t */\n\tpublic randomKey(): K | undefined;\n\tpublic randomKey(amount: number): K[];\n\tpublic randomKey(amount?: number): K | K[] | undefined {\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.keys()];\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];\n\t\tif (!arr.length || !amount) return [];\n\t\treturn Array.from(\n\t\t\t{ length: Math.min(amount, arr.length) },\n\t\t\t(): K => arr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length), 1)[0]!,\n\t\t);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Identical to {@link | Array.reverse()}\n\t * but returns a Collection instead of an Array.\n\t */\n\tpublic reverse() {\n\t\tconst entries = [...this.entries()].reverse();\n\t\tthis.clear();\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of entries) this.set(key, value);\n\t\treturn this;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Searches for a single item where the given function returns a truthy value. This behaves like\n\t * {@link | Array.find()}.\n\t * All collections used in Discord.js are mapped using their `id` property, and if you want to find by id you\n\t * should use the `get` method. See\n\t * {@link | MDN} for details.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.find(user => user.username === 'Bob');\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic find<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): V2 | undefined;\n\tpublic find(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): V | undefined;\n\tpublic find<This, V2 extends V>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): V2 | undefined;\n\tpublic find<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): V | undefined;\n\tpublic find(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): V | undefined {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) return val;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn undefined;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Searches for the key of a single item where the given function returns a truthy value. This behaves like\n\t * {@link | Array.findIndex()},\n\t * but returns the key rather than the positional index.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.findKey(user => user.username === 'Bob');\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic findKey<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): K2 | undefined;\n\tpublic findKey(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): K | undefined;\n\tpublic findKey<This, K2 extends K>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): K2 | undefined;\n\tpublic findKey<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): K | undefined;\n\tpublic findKey(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): K | undefined {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) return key;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn undefined;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Removes items that satisfy the provided filter function.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @returns The number of removed entries\n\t */\n\tpublic sweep(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): number;\n\tpublic sweep<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: T): number;\n\tpublic sweep(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): number {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tconst previousSize = this.size;\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) this.delete(key);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn previousSize - this.size;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Identical to\n\t * {@link | Array.filter()},\n\t * but returns a Collection instead of an Array.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.filter(user => user.username === 'Bob');\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic filter<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): Collection<K2, V>;\n\tpublic filter<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): Collection<K, V2>;\n\tpublic filter(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): Collection<K, V>;\n\tpublic filter<This, K2 extends K>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): Collection<K2, V>;\n\tpublic filter<This, V2 extends V>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): Collection<K, V2>;\n\tpublic filter<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): Collection<K, V>;\n\tpublic filter(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): Collection<K, V> {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tconst results = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, V>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) results.set(key, val);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn results;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Partitions the collection into two collections where the first collection\n\t * contains the items that passed and the second contains the items that failed.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * const [big, small] = collection.partition(guild => guild.memberCount > 250);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic partition<K2 extends K>(\n\t\tfn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2,\n\t): [Collection<K2, V>, Collection<Exclude<K, K2>, V>];\n\tpublic partition<V2 extends V>(\n\t\tfn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2,\n\t): [Collection<K, V2>, Collection<K, Exclude<V, V2>>];\n\tpublic partition(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>];\n\tpublic partition<This, K2 extends K>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): [Collection<K2, V>, Collection<Exclude<K, K2>, V>];\n\tpublic partition<This, V2 extends V>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): [Collection<K, V2>, Collection<K, Exclude<V, V2>>];\n\tpublic partition<This>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>];\n\tpublic partition(\n\t\tfn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown,\n\t\tthisArg?: unknown,\n\t): [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>] {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tconst results: [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>] = [\n\t\t\tnew this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, V>(),\n\t\t\tnew this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, V>(),\n\t\t];\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults[0].set(key, val);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tresults[1].set(key, val);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn results;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Maps each item into a Collection, then joins the results into a single Collection. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link | Array.flatMap()}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function that produces a new Collection\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.flatMap(guild => guild.members.cache);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic flatMap<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => Collection<K, T>): Collection<K, T>;\n\tpublic flatMap<T, This>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => Collection<K, T>,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): Collection<K, T>;\n\tpublic flatMap<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => Collection<K, T>, thisArg?: unknown): Collection<K, T> {\n\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-method-this-argument\n\t\tconst collections =, thisArg);\n\t\treturn new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, T>().concat(...collections);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Maps each item to another value into an array. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link |}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function that produces an element of the new array, taking three arguments\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * => user.tag);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic map<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T): T[];\n\tpublic map<This, T>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg: This): T[];\n\tpublic map<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg?: unknown): T[] {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tconst iter = this.entries();\n\t\treturn Array.from({ length: this.size }, (): T => {\n\t\t\tconst [key, value] =;\n\t\t\treturn fn(value, key, this);\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Maps each item to another value into a collection. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link |}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function that produces an element of the new collection, taking three arguments\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.mapValues(user => user.tag);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic mapValues<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T): Collection<K, T>;\n\tpublic mapValues<This, T>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg: This): Collection<K, T>;\n\tpublic mapValues<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg?: unknown): Collection<K, T> {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tconst coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, T>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) coll.set(key, fn(val, key, this));\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Checks if there exists an item that passes a test. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link | Array.some()}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.some(user => user.discriminator === '0000');\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic some(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): boolean;\n\tpublic some<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: T): boolean;\n\tpublic some(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): boolean {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) return true;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Checks if all items passes a test. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link | Array.every()}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.every(user => !;\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic every<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): this is Collection<K2, V>;\n\tpublic every<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): this is Collection<K, V2>;\n\tpublic every(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): boolean;\n\tpublic every<This, K2 extends K>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): this is Collection<K2, V>;\n\tpublic every<This, V2 extends V>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): this is Collection<K, V2>;\n\tpublic every<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): boolean;\n\tpublic every(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): boolean {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (!fn(val, key, this)) return false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Applies a function to produce a single value. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link | Array.reduce()}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function used to reduce, taking four arguments; `accumulator`, `currentValue`, `currentKey`,\n\t * and `collection`\n\t * @param initialValue - Starting value for the accumulator\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.reduce((acc, guild) => acc + guild.memberCount, 0);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic reduce<T = V>(fn: (accumulator: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, initialValue?: T): T {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tlet accumulator!: T;\n\n\t\tconst iterator = this.entries();\n\t\tif (initialValue === undefined) {\n\t\t\tif (this.size === 0) throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty collection with no initial value');\n\t\t\taccumulator =[1];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\taccumulator = initialValue;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of iterator) {\n\t\t\taccumulator = fn(accumulator, value, key, this);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn accumulator;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Identical to\n\t * {@link | Map.forEach()},\n\t * but returns the collection instead of undefined.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function to execute for each element\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection\n\t * .each(user => console.log(user.username))\n\t * .filter(user =>\n\t * .each(user => console.log(user.username));\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic each(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => void): this;\n\tpublic each<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => void, thisArg: T): this;\n\tpublic each(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => void, thisArg?: unknown): this {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of this) {\n\t\t\tfn(value, key, this);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn this;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Runs a function on the collection and returns the collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function to execute\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection\n\t * .tap(coll => console.log(coll.size))\n\t * .filter(user =>\n\t * .tap(coll => console.log(coll.size))\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic tap(fn: (collection: this) => void): this;\n\tpublic tap<T>(fn: (this: T, collection: this) => void, thisArg: T): this;\n\tpublic tap(fn: (collection: this) => void, thisArg?: unknown): this {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tfn(this);\n\t\treturn this;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates an identical shallow copy of this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * const newColl = someColl.clone();\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic clone(): Collection<K, V> {\n\t\treturn new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Combines this collection with others into a new collection. None of the source collections are modified.\n\t *\n\t * @param collections - Collections to merge\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * const newColl = someColl.concat(someOtherColl, anotherColl, ohBoyAColl);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic concat(...collections: ReadonlyCollection<K, V>[]) {\n\t\tconst newColl = this.clone();\n\t\tfor (const coll of collections) {\n\t\t\tfor (const [key, val] of coll) newColl.set(key, val);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn newColl;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Checks if this collection shares identical items with another.\n\t * This is different to checking for equality using equal-signs, because\n\t * the collections may be different objects, but contain the same data.\n\t *\n\t * @param collection - Collection to compare with\n\t * @returns Whether the collections have identical contents\n\t */\n\tpublic equals(collection: ReadonlyCollection<K, V>) {\n\t\tif (!collection) return false; // runtime check\n\t\tif (this === collection) return true;\n\t\tif (this.size !== collection.size) return false;\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (!collection.has(key) || value !== collection.get(key)) {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The sort method sorts the items of a collection in place and returns it.\n\t * The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.\n\t * The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.\n\t *\n\t * @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.\n\t * If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value, according to the string conversion of each element.\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.sort((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic sort(compareFunction: Comparator<K, V> = Collection.defaultSort) {\n\t\tconst entries = [...this.entries()];\n\t\tentries.sort((a, b): number => compareFunction(a[1], b[1], a[0], b[0]));\n\n\t\t// Perform clean-up\n\t\tsuper.clear();\n\n\t\t// Set the new entries\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of entries) {\n\t\t\tsuper.set(key, value);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn this;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The intersect method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values are present in both original structures.\n\t *\n\t * @param other - The other Collection to filter against\n\t */\n\tpublic intersect<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, T> {\n\t\tconst coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, T>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of other) {\n\t\t\tif (this.has(key) &&, this.get(key))) {\n\t\t\t\tcoll.set(key, value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The subtract method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values of the original structure are not present in the other.\n\t *\n\t * @param other - The other Collection to filter against\n\t */\n\tpublic subtract<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, V> {\n\t\tconst coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, V>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (!other.has(key) || !, other.get(key))) {\n\t\t\t\tcoll.set(key, value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The difference method returns a new structure containing items where the key is present in one of the original structures but not the other.\n\t *\n\t * @param other - The other Collection to filter against\n\t */\n\tpublic difference<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, T | V> {\n\t\tconst coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, T | V>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of other) {\n\t\t\tif (!this.has(key)) coll.set(key, value);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (!other.has(key)) coll.set(key, value);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Merges two Collections together into a new Collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param other - The other Collection to merge with\n\t * @param whenInSelf - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in this Collection\n\t * @param whenInOther - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in the other Collection\n\t * @param whenInBoth - Function getting the result if the entry exists in both Collections\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * // Sums up the entries in two collections.\n\t * coll.merge(\n\t * other,\n\t * x => ({ keep: true, value: x }),\n\t * y => ({ keep: true, value: y }),\n\t * (x, y) => ({ keep: true, value: x + y }),\n\t * );\n\t * ```\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * // Intersects two collections in a left-biased manner.\n\t * coll.merge(\n\t * other,\n\t * x => ({ keep: false }),\n\t * y => ({ keep: false }),\n\t * (x, _) => ({ keep: true, value: x }),\n\t * );\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic merge<T, R>(\n\t\tother: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>,\n\t\twhenInSelf: (value: V, key: K) => Keep<R>,\n\t\twhenInOther: (valueOther: T, key: K) => Keep<R>,\n\t\twhenInBoth: (value: V, valueOther: T, key: K) => Keep<R>,\n\t): Collection<K, R> {\n\t\tconst coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, R>();\n\t\tconst keys = new Set([...this.keys(), ...other.keys()]);\n\n\t\tfor (const key of keys) {\n\t\t\tconst hasInSelf = this.has(key);\n\t\t\tconst hasInOther = other.has(key);\n\n\t\t\tif (hasInSelf && hasInOther) {\n\t\t\t\tconst result = whenInBoth(this.get(key)!, other.get(key)!, key);\n\t\t\t\tif (result.keep) coll.set(key, result.value);\n\t\t\t} else if (hasInSelf) {\n\t\t\t\tconst result = whenInSelf(this.get(key)!, key);\n\t\t\t\tif (result.keep) coll.set(key, result.value);\n\t\t\t} else if (hasInOther) {\n\t\t\t\tconst result = whenInOther(other.get(key)!, key);\n\t\t\t\tif (result.keep) coll.set(key, result.value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The sorted method sorts the items of a collection and returns it.\n\t * The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.\n\t * The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.\n\t *\n\t * @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.\n\t * If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value,\n\t * according to the string conversion of each element.\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.sorted((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic sorted(compareFunction: Comparator<K, V> = Collection.defaultSort) {\n\t\treturn new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this).sort((av, bv, ak, bk) => compareFunction(av, bv, ak, bk));\n\t}\n\n\tpublic toJSON() {\n\t\t// toJSON is called recursively by JSON.stringify.\n\t\treturn [...this.values()];\n\t}\n\n\tprivate static defaultSort<V>(firstValue: V, secondValue: V): number {\n\t\treturn Number(firstValue > secondValue) || Number(firstValue === secondValue) - 1;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a Collection from a list of entries.\n\t *\n\t * @param entries - The list of entries\n\t * @param combine - Function to combine an existing entry with a new one\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * Collection.combineEntries([[\"a\", 1], [\"b\", 2], [\"a\", 2]], (x, y) => x + y);\n\t * // returns Collection { \"a\" => 3, \"b\" => 2 }\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic static combineEntries<K, V>(\n\t\tentries: Iterable<[K, V]>,\n\t\tcombine: (firstValue: V, secondValue: V, key: K) => V,\n\t): Collection<K, V> {\n\t\tconst coll = new Collection<K, V>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of entries) {\n\t\t\tif (coll.has(key)) {\n\t\t\t\tcoll.set(key, combine(coll.get(key)!, value, key));\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcoll.set(key, value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n}\n\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nexport type Keep<V> = { keep: false } | { keep: true; value: V };\n\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nexport type Comparator<K, V> = (firstValue: V, secondValue: V, firstKey: K, secondKey: K) => number;\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;;ACqCO,IAAM,aAAN,MAAM,oBAAyB,IAAU;AAAA,EArChD,OAqCgD;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAWxC,OAAO,KAAQ,uBAA2D;AAChF,QAAI,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG;AAAG,aAAO,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG;AACtC,QAAI,OAAO,0BAA0B;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,qBAAqB,oBAAoB;AACjH,UAAM,eAAe,sBAAsB,KAAK,IAAI;AACpD,SAAK,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY;AAC1B,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAQO,UAAU,MAAW;AAC3B,WAAO,KAAK,MAAM,CAAC,QAAQ,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,CAAC;AAAA,EAC1C;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAQO,UAAU,MAAW;AAC3B,WAAO,KAAK,KAAK,CAAC,QAAQ,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,CAAC;AAAA,EACzC;AAAA,EAUO,MAAM,QAAsC;AAClD,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,KAAK,OAAO,EAAE,KAAK,EAAE;AACtD,QAAI,SAAS;AAAG,aAAO,KAAK,KAAK,SAAS,EAAE;AAC5C,aAAS,KAAK,IAAI,KAAK,MAAM,MAAM;AACnC,UAAM,OAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACzB,WAAO,MAAM,KAAK,EAAE,QAAQ,OAAO,GAAG,MAAS,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE,KAAK;AAAA,EACjE;AAAA,EAWO,SAAS,QAAsC;AACrD,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE,KAAK,EAAE;AACpD,QAAI,SAAS;AAAG,aAAO,KAAK,QAAQ,SAAS,EAAE;AAC/C,aAAS,KAAK,IAAI,KAAK,MAAM,MAAM;AACnC,UAAM,OAAO,KAAK,KAAK;AACvB,WAAO,MAAM,KAAK,EAAE,QAAQ,OAAO,GAAG,MAAS,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE,KAAK;AAAA,EACjE;AAAA,EAWO,KAAK,QAAsC;AACjD,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,CAAC;AAC7B,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,IAAI,IAAI,SAAS,CAAC;AACnD,QAAI,SAAS;AAAG,aAAO,KAAK,MAAM,SAAS,EAAE;AAC7C,QAAI,CAAC;AAAQ,aAAO,CAAC;AACrB,WAAO,IAAI,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM;AAAA,EACzB;AAAA,EAWO,QAAQ,QAAsC;AACpD,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,CAAC;AAC3B,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,IAAI,IAAI,SAAS,CAAC;AACnD,QAAI,SAAS;AAAG,aAAO,KAAK,SAAS,SAAS,EAAE;AAChD,QAAI,CAAC;AAAQ,aAAO,CAAC;AACrB,WAAO,IAAI,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM;AAAA,EACzB;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EASO,GAAG,OAAe;AACxB,YAAQ,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK;AACxB,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,CAAC;AAC7B,WAAO,IAAI,GAAG,KAAK;AAAA,EACpB;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EASO,MAAM,OAAe;AAC3B,YAAQ,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK;AACxB,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,CAAC;AAC3B,WAAO,IAAI,GAAG,KAAK;AAAA,EACpB;AAAA,EAUO,OAAO,QAAsC;AACnD,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,CAAC;AAC7B,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,IAAI,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK,OAAO,IAAI,IAAI,MAAM,CAAC;AAC3E,QAAI,CAAC,IAAI,UAAU,CAAC;AAAQ,aAAO,CAAC;AACpC,WAAO,MAAM;AAAA,MACZ,EAAE,QAAQ,KAAK,IAAI,QAAQ,IAAI,MAAM,EAAE;AAAA,MACvC,MAAS,IAAI,OAAO,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK,OAAO,IAAI,IAAI,MAAM,GAAG,CAAC,EAAE,CAAC;AAAA,IACjE;AAAA,EACD;AAAA,EAUO,UAAU,QAAsC;AACtD,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,CAAC;AAC3B,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,IAAI,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK,OAAO,IAAI,IAAI,MAAM,CAAC;AAC3E,QAAI,CAAC,IAAI,UAAU,CAAC;AAAQ,aAAO,CAAC;AACpC,WAAO,MAAM;AAAA,MACZ,EAAE,QAAQ,KAAK,IAAI,QAAQ,IAAI,MAAM,EAAE;AAAA,MACvC,MAAS,IAAI,OAAO,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK,OAAO,IAAI,IAAI,MAAM,GAAG,CAAC,EAAE,CAAC;AAAA,IACjE;AAAA,EACD;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAMO,UAAU;AAChB,UAAM,UAAU,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,QAAQ,CAAC,EAAE,QAAQ;AAC5C,SAAK,MAAM;AACX,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK;AAAS,WAAK,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK;AACvD,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAuBO,KAAK,IAAqD,SAAkC;AAClG,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AAAG,eAAO;AAAA,IAChC;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAqBO,QAAQ,IAAqD,SAAkC;AACrG,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AAAG,eAAO;AAAA,IAChC;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAWO,MAAM,IAAqD,SAA2B;AAC5F,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,UAAM,eAAe,KAAK;AAC1B,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AAAG,aAAK,OAAO,GAAG;AAAA,IACxC;AAEA,WAAO,eAAe,KAAK;AAAA,EAC5B;AAAA,EA0BO,OAAO,IAAqD,SAAqC;AACvG,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,UAAM,UAAU,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ;AAC3D,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AAAG,gBAAQ,IAAI,KAAK,GAAG;AAAA,IAC7C;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAgCO,UACN,IACA,SACuC;AACvC,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,UAAM,UAAgD;AAAA,MACrD,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ;AAAA,MAC3C,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ;AAAA,IAC5C;AACA,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG;AACvB,gBAAQ,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,KAAK,GAAG;AAAA,MACxB,OAAO;AACN,gBAAQ,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,KAAK,GAAG;AAAA,MACxB;AAAA,IACD;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAkBO,QAAW,IAA8D,SAAqC;AAEpH,UAAM,cAAc,KAAK,IAAI,IAAI,OAAO;AACxC,WAAO,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ,EAAE,OAAO,GAAG,WAAW;AAAA,EAC1E;AAAA,EAeO,IAAO,IAA+C,SAAwB;AACpF,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,UAAM,OAAO,KAAK,QAAQ;AAC1B,WAAO,MAAM,KAAK,EAAE,QAAQ,KAAK,KAAK,GAAG,MAAS;AACjD,YAAM,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE;AACjC,aAAO,GAAG,OAAO,KAAK,IAAI;AAAA,IAC3B,CAAC;AAAA,EACF;AAAA,EAeO,UAAa,IAA+C,SAAqC;AACvG,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,UAAM,OAAO,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ;AACxD,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK;AAAM,WAAK,IAAI,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,CAAC;AAC/D,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAeO,KAAK,IAAqD,SAA4B;AAC5F,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AAAG,eAAO;AAAA,IAChC;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAyBO,MAAM,IAAqD,SAA4B;AAC7F,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AAAG,eAAO;AAAA,IACjC;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAcO,OAAc,IAA+D,cAAqB;AACxG,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI;AAEJ,UAAM,WAAW,KAAK,QAAQ;AAC9B,QAAI,iBAAiB,QAAW;AAC/B,UAAI,KAAK,SAAS;AAAG,cAAM,IAAI,UAAU,kDAAkD;AAC3F,oBAAc,SAAS,KAAK,EAAE,MAAM,CAAC;AAAA,IACtC,OAAO;AACN,oBAAc;AAAA,IACf;AAEA,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,UAAU;AACpC,oBAAc,GAAG,aAAa,OAAO,KAAK,IAAI;AAAA,IAC/C;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAmBO,KAAK,IAAkD,SAAyB;AACtF,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAE/C,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,MAAM;AAChC,SAAG,OAAO,KAAK,IAAI;AAAA,IACpB;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAiBO,IAAI,IAAgC,SAAyB;AACnE,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,OAAG,IAAI;AACP,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAUO,QAA0B;AAChC,WAAO,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAE,IAAI;AAAA,EACjD;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAWO,UAAU,aAAyC;AACzD,UAAM,UAAU,KAAK,MAAM;AAC3B,eAAW,QAAQ,aAAa;AAC/B,iBAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK;AAAM,gBAAQ,IAAI,KAAK,GAAG;AAAA,IACpD;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAUO,OAAO,YAAsC;AACnD,QAAI,CAAC;AAAY,aAAO;AACxB,QAAI,SAAS;AAAY,aAAO;AAChC,QAAI,KAAK,SAAS,WAAW;AAAM,aAAO;AAC1C,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,MAAM;AAChC,UAAI,CAAC,WAAW,IAAI,GAAG,KAAK,UAAU,WAAW,IAAI,GAAG,GAAG;AAC1D,eAAO;AAAA,MACR;AAAA,IACD;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAcO,KAAK,kBAAoC,YAAW,aAAa;AACvE,UAAM,UAAU,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,QAAQ,CAAC;AAClC,YAAQ,KAAK,CAAC,GAAG,MAAc,gBAAgB,EAAE,CAAC,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC,GAAG,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;AAGtE,UAAM,MAAM;AAGZ,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,SAAS;AACnC,YAAM,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK;AAAA,IACrB;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAOO,UAAa,OAAmD;AACtE,UAAM,OAAO,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ;AACxD,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,OAAO;AACjC,UAAI,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,GAAG,OAAO,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG,CAAC,GAAG;AACrD,aAAK,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK;AAAA,MACpB;AAAA,IACD;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAOO,SAAY,OAAmD;AACrE,UAAM,OAAO,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ;AACxD,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,MAAM;AAChC,UAAI,CAAC,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC,OAAO,GAAG,OAAO,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,CAAC,GAAG;AACzD,aAAK,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK;AAAA,MACpB;AAAA,IACD;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAOO,WAAc,OAAuD;AAC3E,UAAM,OAAO,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAY;AAC5D,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,OAAO;AACjC,UAAI,CAAC,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG;AAAG,aAAK,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK;AAAA,IACxC;AAEA,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,MAAM;AAChC,UAAI,CAAC,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG;AAAG,aAAK,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK;AAAA,IACzC;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EA8BO,MACN,OACA,YACA,aACA,YACmB;AACnB,UAAM,OAAO,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ;AACxD,UAAM,OAAO,oBAAI,IAAI,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,GAAG,GAAG,MAAM,KAAK,CAAC,CAAC;AAEtD,eAAW,OAAO,MAAM;AACvB,YAAM,YAAY,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG;AAC9B,YAAM,aAAa,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG;AAEhC,UAAI,aAAa,YAAY;AAC5B,cAAM,SAAS,WAAW,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG,GAAI,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,GAAI,GAAG;AAC9D,YAAI,OAAO;AAAM,eAAK,IAAI,KAAK,OAAO,KAAK;AAAA,MAC5C,WAAW,WAAW;AACrB,cAAM,SAAS,WAAW,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG,GAAI,GAAG;AAC7C,YAAI,OAAO;AAAM,eAAK,IAAI,KAAK,OAAO,KAAK;AAAA,MAC5C,WAAW,YAAY;AACtB,cAAM,SAAS,YAAY,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,GAAI,GAAG;AAC/C,YAAI,OAAO;AAAM,eAAK,IAAI,KAAK,OAAO,KAAK;AAAA,MAC5C;AAAA,IACD;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAeO,OAAO,kBAAoC,YAAW,aAAa;AACzE,WAAO,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAE,IAAI,EAAE,KAAK,CAAC,IAAI,IAAI,IAAI,OAAO,gBAAgB,IAAI,IAAI,IAAI,EAAE,CAAC;AAAA,EAC3G;AAAA,EAEO,SAAS;AAEf,WAAO,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,CAAC;AAAA,EACzB;AAAA,EAEA,OAAe,YAAe,YAAe,aAAwB;AACpE,WAAO,OAAO,aAAa,WAAW,KAAK,OAAO,eAAe,WAAW,IAAI;AAAA,EACjF;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAaA,OAAc,eACb,SACA,SACmB;AACnB,UAAM,OAAO,IAAI,YAAiB;AAClC,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK,SAAS;AACnC,UAAI,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG,GAAG;AAClB,aAAK,IAAI,KAAK,QAAQ,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG,GAAI,OAAO,GAAG,CAAC;AAAA,MAClD,OAAO;AACN,aAAK,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK;AAAA,MACpB;AAAA,IACD;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AACD;;;AD9yBO,IAAM,UAAU;","names":[]}
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
1 |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
2 |
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
3 |
4 |
// src/collection.ts
5 |
var Collection = class _Collection extends Map {
6 |
static {
7 |
__name(this, "Collection");
8 |
9 |
10 |
* Obtains the value of the given key if it exists, otherwise sets and returns the value provided by the default value generator.
11 |
12 |
* @param key - The key to get if it exists, or set otherwise
13 |
* @param defaultValueGenerator - A function that generates the default value
14 |
* @example
15 |
* ```ts
16 |
* collection.ensure(guildId, () => defaultGuildConfig);
17 |
* ```
18 |
19 |
ensure(key, defaultValueGenerator) {
20 |
if (this.has(key))
21 |
return this.get(key);
22 |
if (typeof defaultValueGenerator !== "function")
23 |
throw new TypeError(`${defaultValueGenerator} is not a function`);
24 |
const defaultValue = defaultValueGenerator(key, this);
25 |
this.set(key, defaultValue);
26 |
return defaultValue;
27 |
28 |
29 |
* Checks if all of the elements exist in the collection.
30 |
31 |
* @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for
32 |
* @returns `true` if all of the elements exist, `false` if at least one does not exist.
33 |
34 |
hasAll(...keys) {
35 |
return keys.every((key) => super.has(key));
36 |
37 |
38 |
* Checks if any of the elements exist in the collection.
39 |
40 |
* @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for
41 |
* @returns `true` if any of the elements exist, `false` if none exist.
42 |
43 |
hasAny(...keys) {
44 |
return keys.some((key) => super.has(key));
45 |
46 |
first(amount) {
47 |
if (amount === void 0)
48 |
return this.values().next().value;
49 |
if (amount < 0)
50 |
return this.last(amount * -1);
51 |
amount = Math.min(this.size, amount);
52 |
const iter = this.values();
53 |
return Array.from({ length: amount }, () =>;
54 |
55 |
firstKey(amount) {
56 |
if (amount === void 0)
57 |
return this.keys().next().value;
58 |
if (amount < 0)
59 |
return this.lastKey(amount * -1);
60 |
amount = Math.min(this.size, amount);
61 |
const iter = this.keys();
62 |
return Array.from({ length: amount }, () =>;
63 |
64 |
last(amount) {
65 |
const arr = [...this.values()];
66 |
if (amount === void 0)
67 |
return arr[arr.length - 1];
68 |
if (amount < 0)
69 |
return this.first(amount * -1);
70 |
if (!amount)
71 |
return [];
72 |
return arr.slice(-amount);
73 |
74 |
lastKey(amount) {
75 |
const arr = [...this.keys()];
76 |
if (amount === void 0)
77 |
return arr[arr.length - 1];
78 |
if (amount < 0)
79 |
return this.firstKey(amount * -1);
80 |
if (!amount)
81 |
return [];
82 |
return arr.slice(-amount);
83 |
84 |
85 |
* Identical to {@link |}.
86 |
* Returns the item at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.
87 |
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.
88 |
89 |
* @param index - The index of the element to obtain
90 |
91 |
at(index) {
92 |
index = Math.floor(index);
93 |
const arr = [...this.values()];
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
* Identical to {@link |}.
98 |
* Returns the key at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.
99 |
* Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.
100 |
101 |
* @param index - The index of the key to obtain
102 |
103 |
keyAt(index) {
104 |
index = Math.floor(index);
105 |
const arr = [...this.keys()];
106 |
107 |
108 |
random(amount) {
109 |
const arr = [...this.values()];
110 |
if (amount === void 0)
111 |
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
112 |
if (!arr.length || !amount)
113 |
return [];
114 |
return Array.from(
115 |
{ length: Math.min(amount, arr.length) },
116 |
() => arr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length), 1)[0]
117 |
118 |
119 |
randomKey(amount) {
120 |
const arr = [...this.keys()];
121 |
if (amount === void 0)
122 |
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
123 |
if (!arr.length || !amount)
124 |
return [];
125 |
return Array.from(
126 |
{ length: Math.min(amount, arr.length) },
127 |
() => arr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length), 1)[0]
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
* Identical to {@link | Array.reverse()}
132 |
* but returns a Collection instead of an Array.
133 |
134 |
reverse() {
135 |
const entries = [...this.entries()].reverse();
136 |
137 |
for (const [key, value] of entries)
138 |
this.set(key, value);
139 |
return this;
140 |
141 |
find(fn, thisArg) {
142 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
143 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
144 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
145 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
146 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
147 |
if (fn(val, key, this))
148 |
return val;
149 |
150 |
return void 0;
151 |
152 |
findKey(fn, thisArg) {
153 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
154 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
155 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
156 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
157 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
158 |
if (fn(val, key, this))
159 |
return key;
160 |
161 |
return void 0;
162 |
163 |
sweep(fn, thisArg) {
164 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
165 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
166 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
167 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
168 |
const previousSize = this.size;
169 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
170 |
if (fn(val, key, this))
171 |
172 |
173 |
return previousSize - this.size;
174 |
175 |
filter(fn, thisArg) {
176 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
177 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
178 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
179 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
180 |
const results = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
181 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
182 |
if (fn(val, key, this))
183 |
results.set(key, val);
184 |
185 |
return results;
186 |
187 |
partition(fn, thisArg) {
188 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
189 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
190 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
191 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
192 |
const results = [
193 |
new this.constructor[Symbol.species](),
194 |
new this.constructor[Symbol.species]()
195 |
196 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
197 |
if (fn(val, key, this)) {
198 |
results[0].set(key, val);
199 |
} else {
200 |
results[1].set(key, val);
201 |
202 |
203 |
return results;
204 |
205 |
flatMap(fn, thisArg) {
206 |
const collections =, thisArg);
207 |
return new this.constructor[Symbol.species]().concat(...collections);
208 |
209 |
map(fn, thisArg) {
210 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
211 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
212 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
213 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
214 |
const iter = this.entries();
215 |
return Array.from({ length: this.size }, () => {
216 |
const [key, value] =;
217 |
return fn(value, key, this);
218 |
219 |
220 |
mapValues(fn, thisArg) {
221 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
222 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
223 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
224 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
225 |
const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
226 |
for (const [key, val] of this)
227 |
coll.set(key, fn(val, key, this));
228 |
return coll;
229 |
230 |
some(fn, thisArg) {
231 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
232 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
233 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
234 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
235 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
236 |
if (fn(val, key, this))
237 |
return true;
238 |
239 |
return false;
240 |
241 |
every(fn, thisArg) {
242 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
243 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
244 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
245 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
246 |
for (const [key, val] of this) {
247 |
if (!fn(val, key, this))
248 |
return false;
249 |
250 |
return true;
251 |
252 |
253 |
* Applies a function to produce a single value. Identical in behavior to
254 |
* {@link | Array.reduce()}.
255 |
256 |
* @param fn - Function used to reduce, taking four arguments; `accumulator`, `currentValue`, `currentKey`,
257 |
* and `collection`
258 |
* @param initialValue - Starting value for the accumulator
259 |
* @example
260 |
* ```ts
261 |
* collection.reduce((acc, guild) => acc + guild.memberCount, 0);
262 |
* ```
263 |
264 |
reduce(fn, initialValue) {
265 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
266 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
267 |
let accumulator;
268 |
const iterator = this.entries();
269 |
if (initialValue === void 0) {
270 |
if (this.size === 0)
271 |
throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty collection with no initial value");
272 |
accumulator =[1];
273 |
} else {
274 |
accumulator = initialValue;
275 |
276 |
for (const [key, value] of iterator) {
277 |
accumulator = fn(accumulator, value, key, this);
278 |
279 |
return accumulator;
280 |
281 |
each(fn, thisArg) {
282 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
283 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
284 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
285 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
286 |
for (const [key, value] of this) {
287 |
fn(value, key, this);
288 |
289 |
return this;
290 |
291 |
tap(fn, thisArg) {
292 |
if (typeof fn !== "function")
293 |
throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);
294 |
if (thisArg !== void 0)
295 |
fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
296 |
297 |
return this;
298 |
299 |
300 |
* Creates an identical shallow copy of this collection.
301 |
302 |
* @example
303 |
* ```ts
304 |
* const newColl = someColl.clone();
305 |
* ```
306 |
307 |
clone() {
308 |
return new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this);
309 |
310 |
311 |
* Combines this collection with others into a new collection. None of the source collections are modified.
312 |
313 |
* @param collections - Collections to merge
314 |
* @example
315 |
* ```ts
316 |
* const newColl = someColl.concat(someOtherColl, anotherColl, ohBoyAColl);
317 |
* ```
318 |
319 |
concat(...collections) {
320 |
const newColl = this.clone();
321 |
for (const coll of collections) {
322 |
for (const [key, val] of coll)
323 |
newColl.set(key, val);
324 |
325 |
return newColl;
326 |
327 |
328 |
* Checks if this collection shares identical items with another.
329 |
* This is different to checking for equality using equal-signs, because
330 |
* the collections may be different objects, but contain the same data.
331 |
332 |
* @param collection - Collection to compare with
333 |
* @returns Whether the collections have identical contents
334 |
335 |
equals(collection) {
336 |
if (!collection)
337 |
return false;
338 |
if (this === collection)
339 |
return true;
340 |
if (this.size !== collection.size)
341 |
return false;
342 |
for (const [key, value] of this) {
343 |
if (!collection.has(key) || value !== collection.get(key)) {
344 |
return false;
345 |
346 |
347 |
return true;
348 |
349 |
350 |
* The sort method sorts the items of a collection in place and returns it.
351 |
* The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.
352 |
* The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.
353 |
354 |
* @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.
355 |
* If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value, according to the string conversion of each element.
356 |
* @example
357 |
* ```ts
358 |
* collection.sort((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);
359 |
* ```
360 |
361 |
sort(compareFunction = _Collection.defaultSort) {
362 |
const entries = [...this.entries()];
363 |
entries.sort((a, b) => compareFunction(a[1], b[1], a[0], b[0]));
364 |
365 |
for (const [key, value] of entries) {
366 |
super.set(key, value);
367 |
368 |
return this;
369 |
370 |
371 |
* The intersect method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values are present in both original structures.
372 |
373 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
374 |
375 |
intersect(other) {
376 |
const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
377 |
for (const [key, value] of other) {
378 |
if (this.has(key) &&, this.get(key))) {
379 |
coll.set(key, value);
380 |
381 |
382 |
return coll;
383 |
384 |
385 |
* The subtract method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values of the original structure are not present in the other.
386 |
387 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
388 |
389 |
subtract(other) {
390 |
const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
391 |
for (const [key, value] of this) {
392 |
if (!other.has(key) || !, other.get(key))) {
393 |
coll.set(key, value);
394 |
395 |
396 |
return coll;
397 |
398 |
399 |
* The difference method returns a new structure containing items where the key is present in one of the original structures but not the other.
400 |
401 |
* @param other - The other Collection to filter against
402 |
403 |
difference(other) {
404 |
const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
405 |
for (const [key, value] of other) {
406 |
if (!this.has(key))
407 |
coll.set(key, value);
408 |
409 |
for (const [key, value] of this) {
410 |
if (!other.has(key))
411 |
coll.set(key, value);
412 |
413 |
return coll;
414 |
415 |
416 |
* Merges two Collections together into a new Collection.
417 |
418 |
* @param other - The other Collection to merge with
419 |
* @param whenInSelf - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in this Collection
420 |
* @param whenInOther - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in the other Collection
421 |
* @param whenInBoth - Function getting the result if the entry exists in both Collections
422 |
* @example
423 |
* ```ts
424 |
* // Sums up the entries in two collections.
425 |
* coll.merge(
426 |
* other,
427 |
* x => ({ keep: true, value: x }),
428 |
* y => ({ keep: true, value: y }),
429 |
* (x, y) => ({ keep: true, value: x + y }),
430 |
* );
431 |
* ```
432 |
* @example
433 |
* ```ts
434 |
* // Intersects two collections in a left-biased manner.
435 |
* coll.merge(
436 |
* other,
437 |
* x => ({ keep: false }),
438 |
* y => ({ keep: false }),
439 |
* (x, _) => ({ keep: true, value: x }),
440 |
* );
441 |
* ```
442 |
443 |
merge(other, whenInSelf, whenInOther, whenInBoth) {
444 |
const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
445 |
const keys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...this.keys(), ...other.keys()]);
446 |
for (const key of keys) {
447 |
const hasInSelf = this.has(key);
448 |
const hasInOther = other.has(key);
449 |
if (hasInSelf && hasInOther) {
450 |
const result = whenInBoth(this.get(key), other.get(key), key);
451 |
if (result.keep)
452 |
coll.set(key, result.value);
453 |
} else if (hasInSelf) {
454 |
const result = whenInSelf(this.get(key), key);
455 |
if (result.keep)
456 |
coll.set(key, result.value);
457 |
} else if (hasInOther) {
458 |
const result = whenInOther(other.get(key), key);
459 |
if (result.keep)
460 |
coll.set(key, result.value);
461 |
462 |
463 |
return coll;
464 |
465 |
466 |
* The sorted method sorts the items of a collection and returns it.
467 |
* The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.
468 |
* The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.
469 |
470 |
* @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.
471 |
* If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value,
472 |
* according to the string conversion of each element.
473 |
* @example
474 |
* ```ts
475 |
* collection.sorted((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);
476 |
* ```
477 |
478 |
sorted(compareFunction = _Collection.defaultSort) {
479 |
return new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this).sort((av, bv, ak, bk) => compareFunction(av, bv, ak, bk));
480 |
481 |
toJSON() {
482 |
return [...this.values()];
483 |
484 |
static defaultSort(firstValue, secondValue) {
485 |
return Number(firstValue > secondValue) || Number(firstValue === secondValue) - 1;
486 |
487 |
488 |
* Creates a Collection from a list of entries.
489 |
490 |
* @param entries - The list of entries
491 |
* @param combine - Function to combine an existing entry with a new one
492 |
* @example
493 |
* ```ts
494 |
* Collection.combineEntries([["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["a", 2]], (x, y) => x + y);
495 |
* // returns Collection { "a" => 3, "b" => 2 }
496 |
* ```
497 |
498 |
static combineEntries(entries, combine) {
499 |
const coll = new _Collection();
500 |
for (const [key, value] of entries) {
501 |
if (coll.has(key)) {
502 |
coll.set(key, combine(coll.get(key), value, key));
503 |
} else {
504 |
coll.set(key, value);
505 |
506 |
507 |
return coll;
508 |
509 |
510 |
511 |
// src/index.ts
512 |
var version = "1.5.3";
513 |
export {
514 |
515 |
516 |
517 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
{"version":3,"sources":["../src/collection.ts","../src/index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nexport interface CollectionConstructor {\n\tnew (): Collection<unknown, unknown>;\n\tnew <K, V>(entries?: readonly (readonly [K, V])[] | null): Collection<K, V>;\n\tnew <K, V>(iterable: Iterable<readonly [K, V]>): Collection<K, V>;\n\treadonly prototype: Collection<unknown, unknown>;\n\treadonly [Symbol.species]: CollectionConstructor;\n}\n\n/**\n * Represents an immutable version of a collection\n */\nexport type ReadonlyCollection<K, V> = Omit<\n\tCollection<K, V>,\n\t'delete' | 'ensure' | 'forEach' | 'get' | 'reverse' | 'set' | 'sort' | 'sweep'\n> &\n\tReadonlyMap<K, V>;\n\n/**\n * Separate interface for the constructor so that emitted js does not have a constructor that overwrites itself\n *\n * @internal\n */\nexport interface Collection<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {\n\tconstructor: CollectionConstructor;\n}\n\n/**\n * A Map with additional utility methods. This is used throughout discord.js rather than Arrays for anything that has\n * an ID, for significantly improved performance and ease-of-use.\n *\n * @typeParam K - The key type this collection holds\n * @typeParam V - The value type this collection holds\n */\nexport class Collection<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains the value of the given key if it exists, otherwise sets and returns the value provided by the default value generator.\n\t *\n\t * @param key - The key to get if it exists, or set otherwise\n\t * @param defaultValueGenerator - A function that generates the default value\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.ensure(guildId, () => defaultGuildConfig);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic ensure(key: K, defaultValueGenerator: (key: K, collection: this) => V): V {\n\t\tif (this.has(key)) return this.get(key)!;\n\t\tif (typeof defaultValueGenerator !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${defaultValueGenerator} is not a function`);\n\t\tconst defaultValue = defaultValueGenerator(key, this);\n\t\tthis.set(key, defaultValue);\n\t\treturn defaultValue;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Checks if all of the elements exist in the collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for\n\t * @returns `true` if all of the elements exist, `false` if at least one does not exist.\n\t */\n\tpublic hasAll(...keys: K[]) {\n\t\treturn keys.every((key) => super.has(key));\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Checks if any of the elements exist in the collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param keys - The keys of the elements to check for\n\t * @returns `true` if any of the elements exist, `false` if none exist.\n\t */\n\tpublic hasAny(...keys: K[]) {\n\t\treturn keys.some((key) => super.has(key));\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains the first value(s) in this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of values to obtain from the beginning\n\t * @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values, starting from the end if amount is negative\n\t */\n\tpublic first(): V | undefined;\n\tpublic first(amount: number): V[];\n\tpublic first(amount?: number): V | V[] | undefined {\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return this.values().next().value;\n\t\tif (amount < 0) return this.last(amount * -1);\n\t\tamount = Math.min(this.size, amount);\n\t\tconst iter = this.values();\n\t\treturn Array.from({ length: amount }, (): V =>;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains the first key(s) in this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain from the beginning\n\t * @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array of keys, starting from the end if\n\t * amount is negative\n\t */\n\tpublic firstKey(): K | undefined;\n\tpublic firstKey(amount: number): K[];\n\tpublic firstKey(amount?: number): K | K[] | undefined {\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return this.keys().next().value;\n\t\tif (amount < 0) return this.lastKey(amount * -1);\n\t\tamount = Math.min(this.size, amount);\n\t\tconst iter = this.keys();\n\t\treturn Array.from({ length: amount }, (): K =>;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains the last value(s) in this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of values to obtain from the end\n\t * @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values, starting from the start if\n\t * amount is negative\n\t */\n\tpublic last(): V | undefined;\n\tpublic last(amount: number): V[];\n\tpublic last(amount?: number): V | V[] | undefined {\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.values()];\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return arr[arr.length - 1];\n\t\tif (amount < 0) return this.first(amount * -1);\n\t\tif (!amount) return [];\n\t\treturn arr.slice(-amount);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains the last key(s) in this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain from the end\n\t * @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array of keys, starting from the start if\n\t * amount is negative\n\t */\n\tpublic lastKey(): K | undefined;\n\tpublic lastKey(amount: number): K[];\n\tpublic lastKey(amount?: number): K | K[] | undefined {\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.keys()];\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return arr[arr.length - 1];\n\t\tif (amount < 0) return this.firstKey(amount * -1);\n\t\tif (!amount) return [];\n\t\treturn arr.slice(-amount);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Identical to {@link |}.\n\t * Returns the item at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.\n\t * Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param index - The index of the element to obtain\n\t */\n\tpublic at(index: number) {\n\t\tindex = Math.floor(index);\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.values()];\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Identical to {@link |}.\n\t * Returns the key at a given index, allowing for positive and negative integers.\n\t * Negative integers count back from the last item in the collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param index - The index of the key to obtain\n\t */\n\tpublic keyAt(index: number) {\n\t\tindex = Math.floor(index);\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.keys()];\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains unique random value(s) from this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of values to obtain randomly\n\t * @returns A single value if no amount is provided or an array of values\n\t */\n\tpublic random(): V | undefined;\n\tpublic random(amount: number): V[];\n\tpublic random(amount?: number): V | V[] | undefined {\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.values()];\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];\n\t\tif (!arr.length || !amount) return [];\n\t\treturn Array.from(\n\t\t\t{ length: Math.min(amount, arr.length) },\n\t\t\t(): V => arr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length), 1)[0]!,\n\t\t);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Obtains unique random key(s) from this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param amount - Amount of keys to obtain randomly\n\t * @returns A single key if no amount is provided or an array\n\t */\n\tpublic randomKey(): K | undefined;\n\tpublic randomKey(amount: number): K[];\n\tpublic randomKey(amount?: number): K | K[] | undefined {\n\t\tconst arr = [...this.keys()];\n\t\tif (amount === undefined) return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];\n\t\tif (!arr.length || !amount) return [];\n\t\treturn Array.from(\n\t\t\t{ length: Math.min(amount, arr.length) },\n\t\t\t(): K => arr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length), 1)[0]!,\n\t\t);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Identical to {@link | Array.reverse()}\n\t * but returns a Collection instead of an Array.\n\t */\n\tpublic reverse() {\n\t\tconst entries = [...this.entries()].reverse();\n\t\tthis.clear();\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of entries) this.set(key, value);\n\t\treturn this;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Searches for a single item where the given function returns a truthy value. This behaves like\n\t * {@link | Array.find()}.\n\t * All collections used in Discord.js are mapped using their `id` property, and if you want to find by id you\n\t * should use the `get` method. See\n\t * {@link | MDN} for details.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.find(user => user.username === 'Bob');\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic find<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): V2 | undefined;\n\tpublic find(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): V | undefined;\n\tpublic find<This, V2 extends V>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): V2 | undefined;\n\tpublic find<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): V | undefined;\n\tpublic find(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): V | undefined {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) return val;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn undefined;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Searches for the key of a single item where the given function returns a truthy value. This behaves like\n\t * {@link | Array.findIndex()},\n\t * but returns the key rather than the positional index.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.findKey(user => user.username === 'Bob');\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic findKey<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): K2 | undefined;\n\tpublic findKey(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): K | undefined;\n\tpublic findKey<This, K2 extends K>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): K2 | undefined;\n\tpublic findKey<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): K | undefined;\n\tpublic findKey(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): K | undefined {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) return key;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn undefined;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Removes items that satisfy the provided filter function.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @returns The number of removed entries\n\t */\n\tpublic sweep(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): number;\n\tpublic sweep<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: T): number;\n\tpublic sweep(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): number {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tconst previousSize = this.size;\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) this.delete(key);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn previousSize - this.size;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Identical to\n\t * {@link | Array.filter()},\n\t * but returns a Collection instead of an Array.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - The function to test with (should return boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.filter(user => user.username === 'Bob');\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic filter<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): Collection<K2, V>;\n\tpublic filter<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): Collection<K, V2>;\n\tpublic filter(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): Collection<K, V>;\n\tpublic filter<This, K2 extends K>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): Collection<K2, V>;\n\tpublic filter<This, V2 extends V>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): Collection<K, V2>;\n\tpublic filter<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): Collection<K, V>;\n\tpublic filter(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): Collection<K, V> {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tconst results = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, V>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) results.set(key, val);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn results;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Partitions the collection into two collections where the first collection\n\t * contains the items that passed and the second contains the items that failed.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * const [big, small] = collection.partition(guild => guild.memberCount > 250);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic partition<K2 extends K>(\n\t\tfn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2,\n\t): [Collection<K2, V>, Collection<Exclude<K, K2>, V>];\n\tpublic partition<V2 extends V>(\n\t\tfn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2,\n\t): [Collection<K, V2>, Collection<K, Exclude<V, V2>>];\n\tpublic partition(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>];\n\tpublic partition<This, K2 extends K>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): [Collection<K2, V>, Collection<Exclude<K, K2>, V>];\n\tpublic partition<This, V2 extends V>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): [Collection<K, V2>, Collection<K, Exclude<V, V2>>];\n\tpublic partition<This>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>];\n\tpublic partition(\n\t\tfn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown,\n\t\tthisArg?: unknown,\n\t): [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>] {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tconst results: [Collection<K, V>, Collection<K, V>] = [\n\t\t\tnew this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, V>(),\n\t\t\tnew this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, V>(),\n\t\t];\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults[0].set(key, val);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tresults[1].set(key, val);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn results;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Maps each item into a Collection, then joins the results into a single Collection. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link | Array.flatMap()}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function that produces a new Collection\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.flatMap(guild => guild.members.cache);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic flatMap<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => Collection<K, T>): Collection<K, T>;\n\tpublic flatMap<T, This>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => Collection<K, T>,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): Collection<K, T>;\n\tpublic flatMap<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => Collection<K, T>, thisArg?: unknown): Collection<K, T> {\n\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-method-this-argument\n\t\tconst collections =, thisArg);\n\t\treturn new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, T>().concat(...collections);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Maps each item to another value into an array. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link |}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function that produces an element of the new array, taking three arguments\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * => user.tag);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic map<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T): T[];\n\tpublic map<This, T>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg: This): T[];\n\tpublic map<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg?: unknown): T[] {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tconst iter = this.entries();\n\t\treturn Array.from({ length: this.size }, (): T => {\n\t\t\tconst [key, value] =;\n\t\t\treturn fn(value, key, this);\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Maps each item to another value into a collection. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link |}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function that produces an element of the new collection, taking three arguments\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.mapValues(user => user.tag);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic mapValues<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T): Collection<K, T>;\n\tpublic mapValues<This, T>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg: This): Collection<K, T>;\n\tpublic mapValues<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, thisArg?: unknown): Collection<K, T> {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tconst coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, T>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) coll.set(key, fn(val, key, this));\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Checks if there exists an item that passes a test. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link | Array.some()}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.some(user => user.discriminator === '0000');\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic some(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): boolean;\n\tpublic some<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: T): boolean;\n\tpublic some(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): boolean {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (fn(val, key, this)) return true;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Checks if all items passes a test. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link | Array.every()}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function used to test (should return a boolean)\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.every(user => !;\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic every<K2 extends K>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2): this is Collection<K2, V>;\n\tpublic every<V2 extends V>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2): this is Collection<K, V2>;\n\tpublic every(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown): boolean;\n\tpublic every<This, K2 extends K>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => key is K2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): this is Collection<K2, V>;\n\tpublic every<This, V2 extends V>(\n\t\tfn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => value is V2,\n\t\tthisArg: This,\n\t): this is Collection<K, V2>;\n\tpublic every<This>(fn: (this: This, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg: This): boolean;\n\tpublic every(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => unknown, thisArg?: unknown): boolean {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tfor (const [key, val] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (!fn(val, key, this)) return false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Applies a function to produce a single value. Identical in behavior to\n\t * {@link | Array.reduce()}.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function used to reduce, taking four arguments; `accumulator`, `currentValue`, `currentKey`,\n\t * and `collection`\n\t * @param initialValue - Starting value for the accumulator\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.reduce((acc, guild) => acc + guild.memberCount, 0);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic reduce<T = V>(fn: (accumulator: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => T, initialValue?: T): T {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tlet accumulator!: T;\n\n\t\tconst iterator = this.entries();\n\t\tif (initialValue === undefined) {\n\t\t\tif (this.size === 0) throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty collection with no initial value');\n\t\t\taccumulator =[1];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\taccumulator = initialValue;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of iterator) {\n\t\t\taccumulator = fn(accumulator, value, key, this);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn accumulator;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Identical to\n\t * {@link | Map.forEach()},\n\t * but returns the collection instead of undefined.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function to execute for each element\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection\n\t * .each(user => console.log(user.username))\n\t * .filter(user =>\n\t * .each(user => console.log(user.username));\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic each(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => void): this;\n\tpublic each<T>(fn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, collection: this) => void, thisArg: T): this;\n\tpublic each(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: this) => void, thisArg?: unknown): this {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of this) {\n\t\t\tfn(value, key, this);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn this;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Runs a function on the collection and returns the collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param fn - Function to execute\n\t * @param thisArg - Value to use as `this` when executing function\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection\n\t * .tap(coll => console.log(coll.size))\n\t * .filter(user =>\n\t * .tap(coll => console.log(coll.size))\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic tap(fn: (collection: this) => void): this;\n\tpublic tap<T>(fn: (this: T, collection: this) => void, thisArg: T): this;\n\tpublic tap(fn: (collection: this) => void, thisArg?: unknown): this {\n\t\tif (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(`${fn} is not a function`);\n\t\tif (thisArg !== undefined) fn = fn.bind(thisArg);\n\t\tfn(this);\n\t\treturn this;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates an identical shallow copy of this collection.\n\t *\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * const newColl = someColl.clone();\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic clone(): Collection<K, V> {\n\t\treturn new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Combines this collection with others into a new collection. None of the source collections are modified.\n\t *\n\t * @param collections - Collections to merge\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * const newColl = someColl.concat(someOtherColl, anotherColl, ohBoyAColl);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic concat(...collections: ReadonlyCollection<K, V>[]) {\n\t\tconst newColl = this.clone();\n\t\tfor (const coll of collections) {\n\t\t\tfor (const [key, val] of coll) newColl.set(key, val);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn newColl;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Checks if this collection shares identical items with another.\n\t * This is different to checking for equality using equal-signs, because\n\t * the collections may be different objects, but contain the same data.\n\t *\n\t * @param collection - Collection to compare with\n\t * @returns Whether the collections have identical contents\n\t */\n\tpublic equals(collection: ReadonlyCollection<K, V>) {\n\t\tif (!collection) return false; // runtime check\n\t\tif (this === collection) return true;\n\t\tif (this.size !== collection.size) return false;\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (!collection.has(key) || value !== collection.get(key)) {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The sort method sorts the items of a collection in place and returns it.\n\t * The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.\n\t * The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.\n\t *\n\t * @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.\n\t * If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value, according to the string conversion of each element.\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.sort((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic sort(compareFunction: Comparator<K, V> = Collection.defaultSort) {\n\t\tconst entries = [...this.entries()];\n\t\tentries.sort((a, b): number => compareFunction(a[1], b[1], a[0], b[0]));\n\n\t\t// Perform clean-up\n\t\tsuper.clear();\n\n\t\t// Set the new entries\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of entries) {\n\t\t\tsuper.set(key, value);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn this;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The intersect method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values are present in both original structures.\n\t *\n\t * @param other - The other Collection to filter against\n\t */\n\tpublic intersect<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, T> {\n\t\tconst coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, T>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of other) {\n\t\t\tif (this.has(key) &&, this.get(key))) {\n\t\t\t\tcoll.set(key, value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The subtract method returns a new structure containing items where the keys and values of the original structure are not present in the other.\n\t *\n\t * @param other - The other Collection to filter against\n\t */\n\tpublic subtract<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, V> {\n\t\tconst coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, V>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (!other.has(key) || !, other.get(key))) {\n\t\t\t\tcoll.set(key, value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The difference method returns a new structure containing items where the key is present in one of the original structures but not the other.\n\t *\n\t * @param other - The other Collection to filter against\n\t */\n\tpublic difference<T>(other: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>): Collection<K, T | V> {\n\t\tconst coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, T | V>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of other) {\n\t\t\tif (!this.has(key)) coll.set(key, value);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of this) {\n\t\t\tif (!other.has(key)) coll.set(key, value);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Merges two Collections together into a new Collection.\n\t *\n\t * @param other - The other Collection to merge with\n\t * @param whenInSelf - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in this Collection\n\t * @param whenInOther - Function getting the result if the entry only exists in the other Collection\n\t * @param whenInBoth - Function getting the result if the entry exists in both Collections\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * // Sums up the entries in two collections.\n\t * coll.merge(\n\t * other,\n\t * x => ({ keep: true, value: x }),\n\t * y => ({ keep: true, value: y }),\n\t * (x, y) => ({ keep: true, value: x + y }),\n\t * );\n\t * ```\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * // Intersects two collections in a left-biased manner.\n\t * coll.merge(\n\t * other,\n\t * x => ({ keep: false }),\n\t * y => ({ keep: false }),\n\t * (x, _) => ({ keep: true, value: x }),\n\t * );\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic merge<T, R>(\n\t\tother: ReadonlyCollection<K, T>,\n\t\twhenInSelf: (value: V, key: K) => Keep<R>,\n\t\twhenInOther: (valueOther: T, key: K) => Keep<R>,\n\t\twhenInBoth: (value: V, valueOther: T, key: K) => Keep<R>,\n\t): Collection<K, R> {\n\t\tconst coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]<K, R>();\n\t\tconst keys = new Set([...this.keys(), ...other.keys()]);\n\n\t\tfor (const key of keys) {\n\t\t\tconst hasInSelf = this.has(key);\n\t\t\tconst hasInOther = other.has(key);\n\n\t\t\tif (hasInSelf && hasInOther) {\n\t\t\t\tconst result = whenInBoth(this.get(key)!, other.get(key)!, key);\n\t\t\t\tif (result.keep) coll.set(key, result.value);\n\t\t\t} else if (hasInSelf) {\n\t\t\t\tconst result = whenInSelf(this.get(key)!, key);\n\t\t\t\tif (result.keep) coll.set(key, result.value);\n\t\t\t} else if (hasInOther) {\n\t\t\t\tconst result = whenInOther(other.get(key)!, key);\n\t\t\t\tif (result.keep) coll.set(key, result.value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The sorted method sorts the items of a collection and returns it.\n\t * The sort is not necessarily stable in Node 10 or older.\n\t * The default sort order is according to string Unicode code points.\n\t *\n\t * @param compareFunction - Specifies a function that defines the sort order.\n\t * If omitted, the collection is sorted according to each character's Unicode code point value,\n\t * according to the string conversion of each element.\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * collection.sorted((userA, userB) => userA.createdTimestamp - userB.createdTimestamp);\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic sorted(compareFunction: Comparator<K, V> = Collection.defaultSort) {\n\t\treturn new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this).sort((av, bv, ak, bk) => compareFunction(av, bv, ak, bk));\n\t}\n\n\tpublic toJSON() {\n\t\t// toJSON is called recursively by JSON.stringify.\n\t\treturn [...this.values()];\n\t}\n\n\tprivate static defaultSort<V>(firstValue: V, secondValue: V): number {\n\t\treturn Number(firstValue > secondValue) || Number(firstValue === secondValue) - 1;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a Collection from a list of entries.\n\t *\n\t * @param entries - The list of entries\n\t * @param combine - Function to combine an existing entry with a new one\n\t * @example\n\t * ```ts\n\t * Collection.combineEntries([[\"a\", 1], [\"b\", 2], [\"a\", 2]], (x, y) => x + y);\n\t * // returns Collection { \"a\" => 3, \"b\" => 2 }\n\t * ```\n\t */\n\tpublic static combineEntries<K, V>(\n\t\tentries: Iterable<[K, V]>,\n\t\tcombine: (firstValue: V, secondValue: V, key: K) => V,\n\t): Collection<K, V> {\n\t\tconst coll = new Collection<K, V>();\n\t\tfor (const [key, value] of entries) {\n\t\t\tif (coll.has(key)) {\n\t\t\t\tcoll.set(key, combine(coll.get(key)!, value, key));\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcoll.set(key, value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn coll;\n\t}\n}\n\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nexport type Keep<V> = { keep: false } | { keep: true; value: V };\n\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nexport type Comparator<K, V> = (firstValue: V, secondValue: V, firstKey: K, secondKey: K) => number;\n","export * from './collection.js';\n\n/**\n * The {@link | @discordjs/collection} version\n * that you are currently using.\n */\n// This needs to explicitly be `string` so it is not typed as a \"const string\" that gets injected by esbuild\nexport const version = '1.5.3' as string;\n"],"mappings":";;;;AAqCO,IAAM,aAAN,MAAM,oBAAyB,IAAU;AAAA,EArChD,OAqCgD;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAWxC,OAAO,KAAQ,uBAA2D;AAChF,QAAI,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG;AAAG,aAAO,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG;AACtC,QAAI,OAAO,0BAA0B;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,qBAAqB,oBAAoB;AACjH,UAAM,eAAe,sBAAsB,KAAK,IAAI;AACpD,SAAK,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY;AAC1B,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAQO,UAAU,MAAW;AAC3B,WAAO,KAAK,MAAM,CAAC,QAAQ,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,CAAC;AAAA,EAC1C;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAQO,UAAU,MAAW;AAC3B,WAAO,KAAK,KAAK,CAAC,QAAQ,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,CAAC;AAAA,EACzC;AAAA,EAUO,MAAM,QAAsC;AAClD,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,KAAK,OAAO,EAAE,KAAK,EAAE;AACtD,QAAI,SAAS;AAAG,aAAO,KAAK,KAAK,SAAS,EAAE;AAC5C,aAAS,KAAK,IAAI,KAAK,MAAM,MAAM;AACnC,UAAM,OAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACzB,WAAO,MAAM,KAAK,EAAE,QAAQ,OAAO,GAAG,MAAS,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE,KAAK;AAAA,EACjE;AAAA,EAWO,SAAS,QAAsC;AACrD,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE,KAAK,EAAE;AACpD,QAAI,SAAS;AAAG,aAAO,KAAK,QAAQ,SAAS,EAAE;AAC/C,aAAS,KAAK,IAAI,KAAK,MAAM,MAAM;AACnC,UAAM,OAAO,KAAK,KAAK;AACvB,WAAO,MAAM,KAAK,EAAE,QAAQ,OAAO,GAAG,MAAS,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE,KAAK;AAAA,EACjE;AAAA,EAWO,KAAK,QAAsC;AACjD,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,CAAC;AAC7B,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,IAAI,IAAI,SAAS,CAAC;AACnD,QAAI,SAAS;AAAG,aAAO,KAAK,MAAM,SAAS,EAAE;AAC7C,QAAI,CAAC;AAAQ,aAAO,CAAC;AACrB,WAAO,IAAI,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM;AAAA,EACzB;AAAA,EAWO,QAAQ,QAAsC;AACpD,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,CAAC;AAC3B,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,IAAI,IAAI,SAAS,CAAC;AACnD,QAAI,SAAS;AAAG,aAAO,KAAK,SAAS,SAAS,EAAE;AAChD,QAAI,CAAC;AAAQ,aAAO,CAAC;AACrB,WAAO,IAAI,MAAM,CAAC,MAAM;AAAA,EACzB;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EASO,GAAG,OAAe;AACxB,YAAQ,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK;AACxB,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,CAAC;AAC7B,WAAO,IAAI,GAAG,KAAK;AAAA,EACpB;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EASO,MAAM,OAAe;AAC3B,YAAQ,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK;AACxB,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,CAAC;AAC3B,WAAO,IAAI,GAAG,KAAK;AAAA,EACpB;AAAA,EAUO,OAAO,QAAsC;AACnD,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,CAAC;AAC7B,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,IAAI,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK,OAAO,IAAI,IAAI,MAAM,CAAC;AAC3E,QAAI,CAAC,IAAI,UAAU,CAAC;AAAQ,aAAO,CAAC;AACpC,WAAO,MAAM;AAAA,MACZ,EAAE,QAAQ,KAAK,IAAI,QAAQ,IAAI,MAAM,EAAE;AAAA,MACvC,MAAS,IAAI,OAAO,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK,OAAO,IAAI,IAAI,MAAM,GAAG,CAAC,EAAE,CAAC;AAAA,IACjE;AAAA,EACD;AAAA,EAUO,UAAU,QAAsC;AACtD,UAAM,MAAM,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,CAAC;AAC3B,QAAI,WAAW;AAAW,aAAO,IAAI,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK,OAAO,IAAI,IAAI,MAAM,CAAC;AAC3E,QAAI,CAAC,IAAI,UAAU,CAAC;AAAQ,aAAO,CAAC;AACpC,WAAO,MAAM;AAAA,MACZ,EAAE,QAAQ,KAAK,IAAI,QAAQ,IAAI,MAAM,EAAE;AAAA,MACvC,MAAS,IAAI,OAAO,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK,OAAO,IAAI,IAAI,MAAM,GAAG,CAAC,EAAE,CAAC;AAAA,IACjE;AAAA,EACD;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAMO,UAAU;AAChB,UAAM,UAAU,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,QAAQ,CAAC,EAAE,QAAQ;AAC5C,SAAK,MAAM;AACX,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK;AAAS,WAAK,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK;AACvD,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAuBO,KAAK,IAAqD,SAAkC;AAClG,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AAAG,eAAO;AAAA,IAChC;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAqBO,QAAQ,IAAqD,SAAkC;AACrG,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AAAG,eAAO;AAAA,IAChC;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAWO,MAAM,IAAqD,SAA2B;AAC5F,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,UAAM,eAAe,KAAK;AAC1B,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AAAG,aAAK,OAAO,GAAG;AAAA,IACxC;AAEA,WAAO,eAAe,KAAK;AAAA,EAC5B;AAAA,EA0BO,OAAO,IAAqD,SAAqC;AACvG,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,UAAM,UAAU,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ;AAC3D,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI;AAAG,gBAAQ,IAAI,KAAK,GAAG;AAAA,IAC7C;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAgCO,UACN,IACA,SACuC;AACvC,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,UAAM,UAAgD;AAAA,MACrD,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ;AAAA,MAC3C,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ;AAAA,IAC5C;AACA,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,MAAM;AAC9B,UAAI,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,GAAG;AACvB,gBAAQ,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,KAAK,GAAG;AAAA,MACxB,OAAO;AACN,gBAAQ,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,KAAK,GAAG;AAAA,MACxB;AAAA,IACD;AAEA,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAkBO,QAAW,IAA8D,SAAqC;AAEpH,UAAM,cAAc,KAAK,IAAI,IAAI,OAAO;AACxC,WAAO,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ,EAAE,OAAO,GAAG,WAAW;AAAA,EAC1E;AAAA,EAeO,IAAO,IAA+C,SAAwB;AACpF,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,UAAM,OAAO,KAAK,QAAQ;AAC1B,WAAO,MAAM,KAAK,EAAE,QAAQ,KAAK,KAAK,GAAG,MAAS;AACjD,YAAM,CAAC,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK,EAAE;AACjC,aAAO,GAAG,OAAO,KAAK,IAAI;AAAA,IAC3B,CAAC;AAAA,EACF;AAAA,EAeO,UAAa,IAA+C,SAAqC;AACvG,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAAU,GAAG,EAAE,oBAAoB;AAC3E,QAAI,YAAY;AAAW,WAAK,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO;AAC/C,UAAM,OAAO,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY,OAAO,OAAO,EAAQ;AACxD,eAAW,CAAC,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK;AAAM,WAAK,IAAI,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,CAAC;AAC/D,WAAO;AAAA,EACR;AAAA,EAeO,KAAK,IAAqD,SAA4B;AAC5F,QAAI,OAAO,OAAO;AAAY,YAAM,IAAI,UAA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5 |
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34 |
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35 |
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36 |
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37 |
"Aura Román <>"
38 |
39 |
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40 |
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42 |
43 |
44 |
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50 |
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76 |
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1 |
Apache License
2 |
Version 2.0, January 2004
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1. Definitions.
8 |
9 |
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
10 |
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
11 |
12 |
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
13 |
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
14 |
15 |
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
16 |
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
17 |
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
18 |
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
19 |
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
20 |
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
21 |
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
22 |
23 |
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
24 |
exercising permissions granted by this License.
25 |
26 |
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
27 |
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
28 |
source, and configuration files.
29 |
30 |
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
31 |
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
32 |
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
33 |
and conversions to other media types.
34 |
35 |
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
36 |
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
37 |
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
38 |
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
39 |
40 |
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
41 |
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
42 |
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
43 |
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
44 |
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
45 |
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
46 |
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
47 |
48 |
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
49 |
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
50 |
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
51 |
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
52 |
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
53 |
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
54 |
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
55 |
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
56 |
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
57 |
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
58 |
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
59 |
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
60 |
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
61 |
62 |
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
63 |
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
64 |
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
65 |
66 |
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
67 |
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
68 |
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
69 |
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
70 |
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
71 |
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
72 |
73 |
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
74 |
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
75 |
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
76 |
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
77 |
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
78 |
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
79 |
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
80 |
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
81 |
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
82 |
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
83 |
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
84 |
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
85 |
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
86 |
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
87 |
as of the date such litigation is filed.
88 |
89 |
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
90 |
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
91 |
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
92 |
meet the following conditions:
93 |
94 |
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
95 |
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
96 |
97 |
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
98 |
stating that You changed the files; and
99 |
100 |
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
101 |
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
102 |
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
103 |
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
104 |
the Derivative Works; and
105 |
106 |
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
107 |
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
108 |
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
109 |
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
110 |
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
111 |
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
112 |
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
113 |
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
114 |
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
115 |
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
116 |
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
117 |
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
118 |
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
119 |
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
120 |
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
121 |
as modifying the License.
122 |
123 |
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
124 |
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
125 |
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
126 |
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
127 |
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
128 |
the conditions stated in this License.
129 |
130 |
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
131 |
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
132 |
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
133 |
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
134 |
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
135 |
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
136 |
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
137 |
138 |
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
139 |
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
140 |
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
141 |
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
142 |
143 |
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
144 |
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
145 |
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
146 |
147 |
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
148 |
149 |
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
150 |
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
151 |
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
152 |
153 |
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
154 |
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
155 |
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
156 |
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
157 |
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
158 |
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
159 |
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
160 |
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
161 |
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
162 |
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
163 |
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
164 |
165 |
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
166 |
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
167 |
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
168 |
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
169 |
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
170 |
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
171 |
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
172 |
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
173 |
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
174 |
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
Copyright 2021 Noel Buechler
179 |
Copyright 2021 Vlad Frangu
180 |
181 |
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
182 |
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
183 |
You may obtain a copy of the License at
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
188 |
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
189 |
190 |
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
191 |
limitations under the License.
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
1 |
<div align="center">
2 |
<br />
3 |
4 |
<a href=""><img src="" width="546" alt="discord.js" /></a>
5 |
6 |
<br />
7 |
8 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Discord server" /></a>
9 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm version" /></a>
10 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm downloads" /></a>
11 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Build status" /></a>
12 |
<a href="" ><img src="" alt="Code coverage" /></a>
13 |
14 |
15 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Vercel" /></a>
16 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Cloudflare Workers" height="44" /></a>
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
## About
21 |
22 |
`@discordjs/formatters` is a collection of functions for formatting strings to be used on Discord.
23 |
24 |
## Installation
25 |
26 |
**Node.js 16.11.0 or newer is required.**
27 |
28 |
29 |
npm install @discordjs/formatters
30 |
yarn add @discordjs/formatters
31 |
pnpm add @discordjs/formatters
32 |
bun add @discordjs/formatters
33 |
34 |
35 |
## Example usage
36 |
37 |
38 |
import { codeBlock } from '@discordjs/formatters';
39 |
40 |
const formattedCode = codeBlock('hello world!');
41 |
42 |
43 |
// Prints:
44 |
// ```
45 |
// hello world!
46 |
// ```
47 |
48 |
49 |
## Links
50 |
51 |
- [Website][website] ([source][website-source])
52 |
- [Documentation][documentation]
53 |
- [Guide][guide] ([source][guide-source])
54 |
Also see the v13 to v14 [Update Guide][guide-update], which includes updated and removed items from the library.
55 |
- [discord.js Discord server][discord]
56 |
- [Discord API Discord server][discord-api]
57 |
- [GitHub][source]
58 |
- [npm][npm]
59 |
- [Related libraries][related-libs]
60 |
61 |
## Contributing
62 |
63 |
Before creating an issue, please ensure that it hasn't already been reported/suggested, and double-check the
64 |
65 |
See [the contribution guide][contributing] if you'd like to submit a PR.
66 |
67 |
## Help
68 |
69 |
If you don't understand something in the documentation, you are experiencing problems, or you just need a gentle nudge in the right direction, please don't hesitate to join our official [discord.js Server][discord].
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
1 |
import { URL } from 'node:url';
2 |
import { Snowflake } from 'discord-api-types/globals';
3 |
4 |
5 |
* The options that affect what will be escaped.
6 |
7 |
interface EscapeMarkdownOptions {
8 |
9 |
* Whether to escape bold text.
10 |
11 |
* @defaultValue `true`
12 |
13 |
bold?: boolean;
14 |
15 |
* Whether to escape bulleted lists.
16 |
17 |
* @defaultValue `false`
18 |
19 |
bulletedList?: boolean;
20 |
21 |
* Whether to escape code blocks.
22 |
23 |
* @defaultValue `true`
24 |
25 |
codeBlock?: boolean;
26 |
27 |
* Whether to escape text inside code blocks.
28 |
29 |
* @defaultValue `true`
30 |
31 |
codeBlockContent?: boolean;
32 |
33 |
* Whether to escape `\`.
34 |
35 |
* @defaultValue `true`
36 |
37 |
escape?: boolean;
38 |
39 |
* Whether to escape headings.
40 |
41 |
* @defaultValue `false`
42 |
43 |
heading?: boolean;
44 |
45 |
* Whether to escape inline code.
46 |
47 |
* @defaultValue `true`
48 |
49 |
inlineCode?: boolean;
50 |
51 |
* Whether to escape text inside inline code.
52 |
53 |
* @defaultValue `true`
54 |
55 |
inlineCodeContent?: boolean;
56 |
57 |
* Whether to escape italics.
58 |
59 |
* @defaultValue `true`
60 |
61 |
italic?: boolean;
62 |
63 |
* Whether to escape masked links.
64 |
65 |
* @defaultValue `false`
66 |
67 |
maskedLink?: boolean;
68 |
69 |
* Whether to escape numbered lists.
70 |
71 |
* @defaultValue `false`
72 |
73 |
numberedList?: boolean;
74 |
75 |
* Whether to escape spoilers.
76 |
77 |
* @defaultValue `true`
78 |
79 |
spoiler?: boolean;
80 |
81 |
* Whether to escape strikethroughs.
82 |
83 |
* @defaultValue `true`
84 |
85 |
strikethrough?: boolean;
86 |
87 |
* Whether to escape underlines.
88 |
89 |
* @defaultValue `true`
90 |
91 |
underline?: boolean;
92 |
93 |
94 |
* Escapes any Discord-flavored markdown in a string.
95 |
96 |
* @param text - Content to escape
97 |
* @param options - Options for escaping the markdown
98 |
99 |
declare function escapeMarkdown(text: string, options?: EscapeMarkdownOptions): string;
100 |
101 |
* Escapes code block markdown in a string.
102 |
103 |
* @param text - Content to escape
104 |
105 |
declare function escapeCodeBlock(text: string): string;
106 |
107 |
* Escapes inline code markdown in a string.
108 |
109 |
* @param text - Content to escape
110 |
111 |
declare function escapeInlineCode(text: string): string;
112 |
113 |
* Escapes italic markdown in a string.
114 |
115 |
* @param text - Content to escape
116 |
117 |
declare function escapeItalic(text: string): string;
118 |
119 |
* Escapes bold markdown in a string.
120 |
121 |
* @param text - Content to escape
122 |
123 |
declare function escapeBold(text: string): string;
124 |
125 |
* Escapes underline markdown in a string.
126 |
127 |
* @param text - Content to escape
128 |
129 |
declare function escapeUnderline(text: string): string;
130 |
131 |
* Escapes strikethrough markdown in a string.
132 |
133 |
* @param text - Content to escape
134 |
135 |
declare function escapeStrikethrough(text: string): string;
136 |
137 |
* Escapes spoiler markdown in a string.
138 |
139 |
* @param text - Content to escape
140 |
141 |
declare function escapeSpoiler(text: string): string;
142 |
143 |
* Escapes escape characters in a string.
144 |
145 |
* @param text - Content to escape
146 |
147 |
declare function escapeEscape(text: string): string;
148 |
149 |
* Escapes heading characters in a string.
150 |
151 |
* @param text - Content to escape
152 |
153 |
declare function escapeHeading(text: string): string;
154 |
155 |
* Escapes bulleted list characters in a string.
156 |
157 |
* @param text - Content to escape
158 |
159 |
declare function escapeBulletedList(text: string): string;
160 |
161 |
* Escapes numbered list characters in a string.
162 |
163 |
* @param text - Content to escape
164 |
165 |
declare function escapeNumberedList(text: string): string;
166 |
167 |
* Escapes masked link characters in a string.
168 |
169 |
* @param text - Content to escape
170 |
171 |
declare function escapeMaskedLink(text: string): string;
172 |
173 |
174 |
* Wraps the content inside a code block with no language.
175 |
176 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
177 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
178 |
179 |
declare function codeBlock<Content extends string>(content: Content): `\`\`\`\n${Content}\n\`\`\``;
180 |
181 |
* Wraps the content inside a code block with the specified language.
182 |
183 |
* @typeParam Language - This is inferred by the supplied language
184 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
185 |
* @param language - The language for the code block
186 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
187 |
188 |
declare function codeBlock<Language extends string, Content extends string>(language: Language, content: Content): `\`\`\`${Language}\n${Content}\n\`\`\``;
189 |
190 |
* Wraps the content inside \`backticks\` which formats it as inline code.
191 |
192 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
193 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
194 |
195 |
declare function inlineCode<Content extends string>(content: Content): `\`${Content}\``;
196 |
197 |
* Formats the content into italic text.
198 |
199 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
200 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
201 |
202 |
declare function italic<Content extends string>(content: Content): `_${Content}_`;
203 |
204 |
* Formats the content into bold text.
205 |
206 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
207 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
208 |
209 |
declare function bold<Content extends string>(content: Content): `**${Content}**`;
210 |
211 |
* Formats the content into underscored text.
212 |
213 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
214 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
215 |
216 |
declare function underscore<Content extends string>(content: Content): `__${Content}__`;
217 |
218 |
* Formats the content into strike-through text.
219 |
220 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
221 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
222 |
223 |
declare function strikethrough<Content extends string>(content: Content): `~~${Content}~~`;
224 |
225 |
* Formats the content into a quote.
226 |
227 |
* @remarks This needs to be at the start of the line for Discord to format it.
228 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
229 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
230 |
231 |
declare function quote<Content extends string>(content: Content): `> ${Content}`;
232 |
233 |
* Formats the content into a block quote.
234 |
235 |
* @remarks This needs to be at the start of the line for Discord to format it.
236 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
237 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
238 |
239 |
declare function blockQuote<Content extends string>(content: Content): `>>> ${Content}`;
240 |
241 |
* Wraps the URL into `<>` which stops it from embedding.
242 |
243 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
244 |
* @param url - The URL to wrap
245 |
246 |
declare function hideLinkEmbed<Content extends string>(url: Content): `<${Content}>`;
247 |
248 |
* Wraps the URL into `<>` which stops it from embedding.
249 |
250 |
* @param url - The URL to wrap
251 |
252 |
declare function hideLinkEmbed(url: URL): `<${string}>`;
253 |
254 |
* Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL.
255 |
256 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
257 |
* @param content - The content to display
258 |
* @param url - The URL the content links to
259 |
260 |
declare function hyperlink<Content extends string>(content: Content, url: URL): `[${Content}](${string})`;
261 |
262 |
* Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL.
263 |
264 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
265 |
* @typeParam Url - This is inferred by the supplied URL
266 |
* @param content - The content to display
267 |
* @param url - The URL the content links to
268 |
269 |
declare function hyperlink<Content extends string, Url extends string>(content: Content, url: Url): `[${Content}](${Url})`;
270 |
271 |
* Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL with a custom tooltip.
272 |
273 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
274 |
* @typeParam Title - This is inferred by the supplied title
275 |
* @param content - The content to display
276 |
* @param url - The URL the content links to
277 |
* @param title - The title shown when hovering on the masked link
278 |
279 |
declare function hyperlink<Content extends string, Title extends string>(content: Content, url: URL, title: Title): `[${Content}](${string} "${Title}")`;
280 |
281 |
* Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL with a custom tooltip.
282 |
283 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
284 |
* @typeParam Url - This is inferred by the supplied URL
285 |
* @typeParam Title - This is inferred by the supplied title
286 |
* @param content - The content to display
287 |
* @param url - The URL the content links to
288 |
* @param title - The title shown when hovering on the masked link
289 |
290 |
declare function hyperlink<Content extends string, Url extends string, Title extends string>(content: Content, url: Url, title: Title): `[${Content}](${Url} "${Title}")`;
291 |
292 |
* Formats the content into a spoiler.
293 |
294 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
295 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
296 |
297 |
declare function spoiler<Content extends string>(content: Content): `||${Content}||`;
298 |
299 |
* Formats a user id into a user mention.
300 |
301 |
* @typeParam UserId - This is inferred by the supplied user id
302 |
* @param userId - The user id to format
303 |
304 |
declare function userMention<UserId extends Snowflake>(userId: UserId): `<@${UserId}>`;
305 |
306 |
* Formats a channel id into a channel mention.
307 |
308 |
* @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id
309 |
* @param channelId - The channel id to format
310 |
311 |
declare function channelMention<ChannelId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId): `<#${ChannelId}>`;
312 |
313 |
* Formats a role id into a role mention.
314 |
315 |
* @typeParam RoleId - This is inferred by the supplied role id
316 |
* @param roleId - The role id to format
317 |
318 |
declare function roleMention<RoleId extends Snowflake>(roleId: RoleId): `<@&${RoleId}>`;
319 |
320 |
* Formats an application command name, subcommand group name, subcommand name, and id into an application command mention.
321 |
322 |
* @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name
323 |
* @typeParam SubcommandGroupName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand group name
324 |
* @typeParam SubcommandName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand name
325 |
* @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id
326 |
* @param commandName - The application command name to format
327 |
* @param subcommandGroupName - The subcommand group name to format
328 |
* @param subcommandName - The subcommand name to format
329 |
* @param commandId - The application command id to format
330 |
331 |
declare function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<CommandName extends string, SubcommandGroupName extends string, SubcommandName extends string, CommandId extends Snowflake>(commandName: CommandName, subcommandGroupName: SubcommandGroupName, subcommandName: SubcommandName, commandId: CommandId): `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandGroupName} ${SubcommandName}:${CommandId}>`;
332 |
333 |
* Formats an application command name, subcommand name, and id into an application command mention.
334 |
335 |
* @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name
336 |
* @typeParam SubcommandName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand name
337 |
* @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id
338 |
* @param commandName - The application command name to format
339 |
* @param subcommandName - The subcommand name to format
340 |
* @param commandId - The application command id to format
341 |
342 |
declare function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<CommandName extends string, SubcommandName extends string, CommandId extends Snowflake>(commandName: CommandName, subcommandName: SubcommandName, commandId: CommandId): `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandName}:${CommandId}>`;
343 |
344 |
* Formats an application command name and id into an application command mention.
345 |
346 |
* @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name
347 |
* @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id
348 |
* @param commandName - The application command name to format
349 |
* @param commandId - The application command id to format
350 |
351 |
declare function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<CommandName extends string, CommandId extends Snowflake>(commandName: CommandName, commandId: CommandId): `</${CommandName}:${CommandId}>`;
352 |
353 |
* Formats a non-animated emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.
354 |
355 |
* @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id
356 |
* @param emojiId - The emoji id to format
357 |
358 |
declare function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(emojiId: EmojiId, animated?: false): `<:_:${EmojiId}>`;
359 |
360 |
* Formats an animated emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.
361 |
362 |
* @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id
363 |
* @param emojiId - The emoji id to format
364 |
* @param animated - Whether the emoji is animated
365 |
366 |
declare function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(emojiId: EmojiId, animated?: true): `<a:_:${EmojiId}>`;
367 |
368 |
* Formats an emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.
369 |
370 |
* @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id
371 |
* @param emojiId - The emoji id to format
372 |
* @param animated - Whether the emoji is animated
373 |
374 |
declare function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(emojiId: EmojiId, animated?: boolean): `<:_:${EmojiId}>` | `<a:_:${EmojiId}>`;
375 |
376 |
* Formats a channel link for a direct message channel.
377 |
378 |
* @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id
379 |
* @param channelId - The channel's id
380 |
381 |
declare function channelLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId): `${ChannelId}`;
382 |
383 |
* Formats a channel link for a guild channel.
384 |
385 |
* @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id
386 |
* @typeParam GuildId - This is inferred by the supplied guild id
387 |
* @param channelId - The channel's id
388 |
* @param guildId - The guild's id
389 |
390 |
declare function channelLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId, guildId: GuildId): `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}`;
391 |
392 |
* Formats a message link for a direct message channel.
393 |
394 |
* @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id
395 |
* @typeParam MessageId - This is inferred by the supplied message id
396 |
* @param channelId - The channel's id
397 |
* @param messageId - The message's id
398 |
399 |
declare function messageLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, MessageId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId): `${ChannelId}/${MessageId}`;
400 |
401 |
* Formats a message link for a guild channel.
402 |
403 |
* @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id
404 |
* @typeParam MessageId - This is inferred by the supplied message id
405 |
* @typeParam GuildId - This is inferred by the supplied guild id
406 |
* @param channelId - The channel's id
407 |
* @param messageId - The message's id
408 |
* @param guildId - The guild's id
409 |
410 |
declare function messageLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, MessageId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId, guildId: GuildId): `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}/${MessageId}`;
411 |
412 |
* The heading levels for expanded markdown.
413 |
414 |
declare enum HeadingLevel {
415 |
416 |
* The first heading level.
417 |
418 |
One = 1,
419 |
420 |
* The second heading level.
421 |
422 |
Two = 2,
423 |
424 |
* The third heading level.
425 |
426 |
Three = 3
427 |
428 |
429 |
* Formats the content into a heading level.
430 |
431 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
432 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
433 |
* @param level - The heading level
434 |
435 |
declare function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level?: HeadingLevel.One): `# ${Content}`;
436 |
437 |
* Formats the content into a heading level.
438 |
439 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
440 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
441 |
* @param level - The heading level
442 |
443 |
declare function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level: HeadingLevel.Two): `## ${Content}`;
444 |
445 |
* Formats the content into a heading level.
446 |
447 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
448 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
449 |
* @param level - The heading level
450 |
451 |
declare function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level: HeadingLevel.Three): `### ${Content}`;
452 |
453 |
* A type that recursively traverses into arrays.
454 |
455 |
type RecursiveArray<ItemType> = readonly (ItemType | RecursiveArray<ItemType>)[];
456 |
457 |
* Formats the elements in the array to an ordered list.
458 |
459 |
* @param list - The array of elements to list
460 |
* @param startNumber - The starting number for the list
461 |
462 |
declare function orderedList(list: RecursiveArray<string>, startNumber?: number): string;
463 |
464 |
* Formats the elements in the array to an unordered list.
465 |
466 |
* @param list - The array of elements to list
467 |
468 |
declare function unorderedList(list: RecursiveArray<string>): string;
469 |
470 |
* Formats a date into a short date-time string.
471 |
472 |
* @param date - The date to format. Defaults to the current time
473 |
474 |
declare function time(date?: Date): `<t:${bigint}>`;
475 |
476 |
* Formats a date given a format style.
477 |
478 |
* @typeParam Style - This is inferred by the supplied {@link TimestampStylesString}
479 |
* @param date - The date to format
480 |
* @param style - The style to use
481 |
482 |
declare function time<Style extends TimestampStylesString>(date: Date, style: Style): `<t:${bigint}:${Style}>`;
483 |
484 |
* Formats the given timestamp into a short date-time string.
485 |
486 |
* @typeParam Seconds - This is inferred by the supplied timestamp
487 |
* @param seconds - A Unix timestamp in seconds
488 |
489 |
declare function time<Seconds extends number>(seconds: Seconds): `<t:${Seconds}>`;
490 |
491 |
* Formats the given timestamp into a short date-time string.
492 |
493 |
* @typeParam Seconds - This is inferred by the supplied timestamp
494 |
* @typeParam Style - This is inferred by the supplied {@link TimestampStylesString}
495 |
* @param seconds - A Unix timestamp in seconds
496 |
* @param style - The style to use
497 |
498 |
declare function time<Seconds extends number, Style extends TimestampStylesString>(seconds: Seconds, style: Style): `<t:${Seconds}:${Style}>`;
499 |
500 |
* The {@link | message formatting timestamp styles}
501 |
* supported by Discord.
502 |
503 |
declare const TimestampStyles: {
504 |
505 |
* Short time format, consisting of hours and minutes.
506 |
507 |
* @example `16:20`
508 |
509 |
readonly ShortTime: "t";
510 |
511 |
* Long time format, consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds.
512 |
513 |
* @example `16:20:30`
514 |
515 |
readonly LongTime: "T";
516 |
517 |
* Short date format, consisting of day, month, and year.
518 |
519 |
* @example `20/04/2021`
520 |
521 |
readonly ShortDate: "d";
522 |
523 |
* Long date format, consisting of day, month, and year.
524 |
525 |
* @example `20 April 2021`
526 |
527 |
readonly LongDate: "D";
528 |
529 |
* Short date-time format, consisting of short date and short time formats.
530 |
531 |
* @example `20 April 2021 16:20`
532 |
533 |
readonly ShortDateTime: "f";
534 |
535 |
* Long date-time format, consisting of long date and short time formats.
536 |
537 |
* @example `Tuesday, 20 April 2021 16:20`
538 |
539 |
readonly LongDateTime: "F";
540 |
541 |
* Relative time format, consisting of a relative duration format.
542 |
543 |
* @example `2 months ago`
544 |
545 |
readonly RelativeTime: "R";
546 |
547 |
548 |
* The possible {@link TimestampStyles} values.
549 |
550 |
type TimestampStylesString = (typeof TimestampStyles)[keyof typeof TimestampStyles];
551 |
552 |
* All the available faces from Discord's native slash commands.
553 |
554 |
declare enum Faces {
555 |
556 |
* `¯\_(ツ)_/¯`
557 |
558 |
Shrug = "\u00AF_(\u30C4)_/\u00AF",
559 |
560 |
* `(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻`
561 |
562 |
Tableflip = "(\u256F\u00B0\u25A1\u00B0)\u256F\uFE35 \u253B\u2501\u253B",
563 |
564 |
* `┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)`
565 |
566 |
Unflip = "\u252C\u2500\u252C\u30CE( \u00BA _ \u00BA\u30CE)"
567 |
568 |
569 |
* All the available guild navigation mentions.
570 |
571 |
declare enum GuildNavigationMentions {
572 |
573 |
* Browse Channels tab.
574 |
575 |
Browse = "<id:browse>",
576 |
577 |
* Customize tab with the server's {@link | onboarding prompts}.
578 |
579 |
Customize = "<id:customize>",
580 |
581 |
* {@link | Server Guide} tab.
582 |
583 |
Guide = "<id:guide>"
584 |
585 |
586 |
export { EscapeMarkdownOptions, Faces, GuildNavigationMentions, HeadingLevel, RecursiveArray, TimestampStyles, TimestampStylesString, blockQuote, bold, channelLink, channelMention, chatInputApplicationCommandMention, codeBlock, escapeBold, escapeBulletedList, escapeCodeBlock, escapeEscape, escapeHeading, escapeInlineCode, escapeItalic, escapeMarkdown, escapeMaskedLink, escapeNumberedList, escapeSpoiler, escapeStrikethrough, escapeUnderline, formatEmoji, heading, hideLinkEmbed, hyperlink, inlineCode, italic, messageLink, orderedList, quote, roleMention, spoiler, strikethrough, time, underscore, unorderedList, userMention };
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
1 |
import { URL } from 'node:url';
2 |
import { Snowflake } from 'discord-api-types/globals';
3 |
4 |
5 |
* The options that affect what will be escaped.
6 |
7 |
interface EscapeMarkdownOptions {
8 |
9 |
* Whether to escape bold text.
10 |
11 |
* @defaultValue `true`
12 |
13 |
bold?: boolean;
14 |
15 |
* Whether to escape bulleted lists.
16 |
17 |
* @defaultValue `false`
18 |
19 |
bulletedList?: boolean;
20 |
21 |
* Whether to escape code blocks.
22 |
23 |
* @defaultValue `true`
24 |
25 |
codeBlock?: boolean;
26 |
27 |
* Whether to escape text inside code blocks.
28 |
29 |
* @defaultValue `true`
30 |
31 |
codeBlockContent?: boolean;
32 |
33 |
* Whether to escape `\`.
34 |
35 |
* @defaultValue `true`
36 |
37 |
escape?: boolean;
38 |
39 |
* Whether to escape headings.
40 |
41 |
* @defaultValue `false`
42 |
43 |
heading?: boolean;
44 |
45 |
* Whether to escape inline code.
46 |
47 |
* @defaultValue `true`
48 |
49 |
inlineCode?: boolean;
50 |
51 |
* Whether to escape text inside inline code.
52 |
53 |
* @defaultValue `true`
54 |
55 |
inlineCodeContent?: boolean;
56 |
57 |
* Whether to escape italics.
58 |
59 |
* @defaultValue `true`
60 |
61 |
italic?: boolean;
62 |
63 |
* Whether to escape masked links.
64 |
65 |
* @defaultValue `false`
66 |
67 |
maskedLink?: boolean;
68 |
69 |
* Whether to escape numbered lists.
70 |
71 |
* @defaultValue `false`
72 |
73 |
numberedList?: boolean;
74 |
75 |
* Whether to escape spoilers.
76 |
77 |
* @defaultValue `true`
78 |
79 |
spoiler?: boolean;
80 |
81 |
* Whether to escape strikethroughs.
82 |
83 |
* @defaultValue `true`
84 |
85 |
strikethrough?: boolean;
86 |
87 |
* Whether to escape underlines.
88 |
89 |
* @defaultValue `true`
90 |
91 |
underline?: boolean;
92 |
93 |
94 |
* Escapes any Discord-flavored markdown in a string.
95 |
96 |
* @param text - Content to escape
97 |
* @param options - Options for escaping the markdown
98 |
99 |
declare function escapeMarkdown(text: string, options?: EscapeMarkdownOptions): string;
100 |
101 |
* Escapes code block markdown in a string.
102 |
103 |
* @param text - Content to escape
104 |
105 |
declare function escapeCodeBlock(text: string): string;
106 |
107 |
* Escapes inline code markdown in a string.
108 |
109 |
* @param text - Content to escape
110 |
111 |
declare function escapeInlineCode(text: string): string;
112 |
113 |
* Escapes italic markdown in a string.
114 |
115 |
* @param text - Content to escape
116 |
117 |
declare function escapeItalic(text: string): string;
118 |
119 |
* Escapes bold markdown in a string.
120 |
121 |
* @param text - Content to escape
122 |
123 |
declare function escapeBold(text: string): string;
124 |
125 |
* Escapes underline markdown in a string.
126 |
127 |
* @param text - Content to escape
128 |
129 |
declare function escapeUnderline(text: string): string;
130 |
131 |
* Escapes strikethrough markdown in a string.
132 |
133 |
* @param text - Content to escape
134 |
135 |
declare function escapeStrikethrough(text: string): string;
136 |
137 |
* Escapes spoiler markdown in a string.
138 |
139 |
* @param text - Content to escape
140 |
141 |
declare function escapeSpoiler(text: string): string;
142 |
143 |
* Escapes escape characters in a string.
144 |
145 |
* @param text - Content to escape
146 |
147 |
declare function escapeEscape(text: string): string;
148 |
149 |
* Escapes heading characters in a string.
150 |
151 |
* @param text - Content to escape
152 |
153 |
declare function escapeHeading(text: string): string;
154 |
155 |
* Escapes bulleted list characters in a string.
156 |
157 |
* @param text - Content to escape
158 |
159 |
declare function escapeBulletedList(text: string): string;
160 |
161 |
* Escapes numbered list characters in a string.
162 |
163 |
* @param text - Content to escape
164 |
165 |
declare function escapeNumberedList(text: string): string;
166 |
167 |
* Escapes masked link characters in a string.
168 |
169 |
* @param text - Content to escape
170 |
171 |
declare function escapeMaskedLink(text: string): string;
172 |
173 |
174 |
* Wraps the content inside a code block with no language.
175 |
176 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
177 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
178 |
179 |
declare function codeBlock<Content extends string>(content: Content): `\`\`\`\n${Content}\n\`\`\``;
180 |
181 |
* Wraps the content inside a code block with the specified language.
182 |
183 |
* @typeParam Language - This is inferred by the supplied language
184 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
185 |
* @param language - The language for the code block
186 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
187 |
188 |
declare function codeBlock<Language extends string, Content extends string>(language: Language, content: Content): `\`\`\`${Language}\n${Content}\n\`\`\``;
189 |
190 |
* Wraps the content inside \`backticks\` which formats it as inline code.
191 |
192 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
193 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
194 |
195 |
declare function inlineCode<Content extends string>(content: Content): `\`${Content}\``;
196 |
197 |
* Formats the content into italic text.
198 |
199 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
200 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
201 |
202 |
declare function italic<Content extends string>(content: Content): `_${Content}_`;
203 |
204 |
* Formats the content into bold text.
205 |
206 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
207 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
208 |
209 |
declare function bold<Content extends string>(content: Content): `**${Content}**`;
210 |
211 |
* Formats the content into underscored text.
212 |
213 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
214 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
215 |
216 |
declare function underscore<Content extends string>(content: Content): `__${Content}__`;
217 |
218 |
* Formats the content into strike-through text.
219 |
220 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
221 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
222 |
223 |
declare function strikethrough<Content extends string>(content: Content): `~~${Content}~~`;
224 |
225 |
* Formats the content into a quote.
226 |
227 |
* @remarks This needs to be at the start of the line for Discord to format it.
228 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
229 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
230 |
231 |
declare function quote<Content extends string>(content: Content): `> ${Content}`;
232 |
233 |
* Formats the content into a block quote.
234 |
235 |
* @remarks This needs to be at the start of the line for Discord to format it.
236 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
237 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
238 |
239 |
declare function blockQuote<Content extends string>(content: Content): `>>> ${Content}`;
240 |
241 |
* Wraps the URL into `<>` which stops it from embedding.
242 |
243 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
244 |
* @param url - The URL to wrap
245 |
246 |
declare function hideLinkEmbed<Content extends string>(url: Content): `<${Content}>`;
247 |
248 |
* Wraps the URL into `<>` which stops it from embedding.
249 |
250 |
* @param url - The URL to wrap
251 |
252 |
declare function hideLinkEmbed(url: URL): `<${string}>`;
253 |
254 |
* Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL.
255 |
256 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
257 |
* @param content - The content to display
258 |
* @param url - The URL the content links to
259 |
260 |
declare function hyperlink<Content extends string>(content: Content, url: URL): `[${Content}](${string})`;
261 |
262 |
* Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL.
263 |
264 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
265 |
* @typeParam Url - This is inferred by the supplied URL
266 |
* @param content - The content to display
267 |
* @param url - The URL the content links to
268 |
269 |
declare function hyperlink<Content extends string, Url extends string>(content: Content, url: Url): `[${Content}](${Url})`;
270 |
271 |
* Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL with a custom tooltip.
272 |
273 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
274 |
* @typeParam Title - This is inferred by the supplied title
275 |
* @param content - The content to display
276 |
* @param url - The URL the content links to
277 |
* @param title - The title shown when hovering on the masked link
278 |
279 |
declare function hyperlink<Content extends string, Title extends string>(content: Content, url: URL, title: Title): `[${Content}](${string} "${Title}")`;
280 |
281 |
* Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL with a custom tooltip.
282 |
283 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
284 |
* @typeParam Url - This is inferred by the supplied URL
285 |
* @typeParam Title - This is inferred by the supplied title
286 |
* @param content - The content to display
287 |
* @param url - The URL the content links to
288 |
* @param title - The title shown when hovering on the masked link
289 |
290 |
declare function hyperlink<Content extends string, Url extends string, Title extends string>(content: Content, url: Url, title: Title): `[${Content}](${Url} "${Title}")`;
291 |
292 |
* Formats the content into a spoiler.
293 |
294 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
295 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
296 |
297 |
declare function spoiler<Content extends string>(content: Content): `||${Content}||`;
298 |
299 |
* Formats a user id into a user mention.
300 |
301 |
* @typeParam UserId - This is inferred by the supplied user id
302 |
* @param userId - The user id to format
303 |
304 |
declare function userMention<UserId extends Snowflake>(userId: UserId): `<@${UserId}>`;
305 |
306 |
* Formats a channel id into a channel mention.
307 |
308 |
* @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id
309 |
* @param channelId - The channel id to format
310 |
311 |
declare function channelMention<ChannelId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId): `<#${ChannelId}>`;
312 |
313 |
* Formats a role id into a role mention.
314 |
315 |
* @typeParam RoleId - This is inferred by the supplied role id
316 |
* @param roleId - The role id to format
317 |
318 |
declare function roleMention<RoleId extends Snowflake>(roleId: RoleId): `<@&${RoleId}>`;
319 |
320 |
* Formats an application command name, subcommand group name, subcommand name, and id into an application command mention.
321 |
322 |
* @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name
323 |
* @typeParam SubcommandGroupName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand group name
324 |
* @typeParam SubcommandName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand name
325 |
* @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id
326 |
* @param commandName - The application command name to format
327 |
* @param subcommandGroupName - The subcommand group name to format
328 |
* @param subcommandName - The subcommand name to format
329 |
* @param commandId - The application command id to format
330 |
331 |
declare function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<CommandName extends string, SubcommandGroupName extends string, SubcommandName extends string, CommandId extends Snowflake>(commandName: CommandName, subcommandGroupName: SubcommandGroupName, subcommandName: SubcommandName, commandId: CommandId): `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandGroupName} ${SubcommandName}:${CommandId}>`;
332 |
333 |
* Formats an application command name, subcommand name, and id into an application command mention.
334 |
335 |
* @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name
336 |
* @typeParam SubcommandName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand name
337 |
* @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id
338 |
* @param commandName - The application command name to format
339 |
* @param subcommandName - The subcommand name to format
340 |
* @param commandId - The application command id to format
341 |
342 |
declare function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<CommandName extends string, SubcommandName extends string, CommandId extends Snowflake>(commandName: CommandName, subcommandName: SubcommandName, commandId: CommandId): `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandName}:${CommandId}>`;
343 |
344 |
* Formats an application command name and id into an application command mention.
345 |
346 |
* @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name
347 |
* @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id
348 |
* @param commandName - The application command name to format
349 |
* @param commandId - The application command id to format
350 |
351 |
declare function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<CommandName extends string, CommandId extends Snowflake>(commandName: CommandName, commandId: CommandId): `</${CommandName}:${CommandId}>`;
352 |
353 |
* Formats a non-animated emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.
354 |
355 |
* @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id
356 |
* @param emojiId - The emoji id to format
357 |
358 |
declare function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(emojiId: EmojiId, animated?: false): `<:_:${EmojiId}>`;
359 |
360 |
* Formats an animated emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.
361 |
362 |
* @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id
363 |
* @param emojiId - The emoji id to format
364 |
* @param animated - Whether the emoji is animated
365 |
366 |
declare function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(emojiId: EmojiId, animated?: true): `<a:_:${EmojiId}>`;
367 |
368 |
* Formats an emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.
369 |
370 |
* @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id
371 |
* @param emojiId - The emoji id to format
372 |
* @param animated - Whether the emoji is animated
373 |
374 |
declare function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(emojiId: EmojiId, animated?: boolean): `<:_:${EmojiId}>` | `<a:_:${EmojiId}>`;
375 |
376 |
* Formats a channel link for a direct message channel.
377 |
378 |
* @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id
379 |
* @param channelId - The channel's id
380 |
381 |
declare function channelLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId): `${ChannelId}`;
382 |
383 |
* Formats a channel link for a guild channel.
384 |
385 |
* @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id
386 |
* @typeParam GuildId - This is inferred by the supplied guild id
387 |
* @param channelId - The channel's id
388 |
* @param guildId - The guild's id
389 |
390 |
declare function channelLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId, guildId: GuildId): `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}`;
391 |
392 |
* Formats a message link for a direct message channel.
393 |
394 |
* @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id
395 |
* @typeParam MessageId - This is inferred by the supplied message id
396 |
* @param channelId - The channel's id
397 |
* @param messageId - The message's id
398 |
399 |
declare function messageLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, MessageId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId): `${ChannelId}/${MessageId}`;
400 |
401 |
* Formats a message link for a guild channel.
402 |
403 |
* @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id
404 |
* @typeParam MessageId - This is inferred by the supplied message id
405 |
* @typeParam GuildId - This is inferred by the supplied guild id
406 |
* @param channelId - The channel's id
407 |
* @param messageId - The message's id
408 |
* @param guildId - The guild's id
409 |
410 |
declare function messageLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, MessageId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId, messageId: MessageId, guildId: GuildId): `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}/${MessageId}`;
411 |
412 |
* The heading levels for expanded markdown.
413 |
414 |
declare enum HeadingLevel {
415 |
416 |
* The first heading level.
417 |
418 |
One = 1,
419 |
420 |
* The second heading level.
421 |
422 |
Two = 2,
423 |
424 |
* The third heading level.
425 |
426 |
Three = 3
427 |
428 |
429 |
* Formats the content into a heading level.
430 |
431 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
432 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
433 |
* @param level - The heading level
434 |
435 |
declare function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level?: HeadingLevel.One): `# ${Content}`;
436 |
437 |
* Formats the content into a heading level.
438 |
439 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
440 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
441 |
* @param level - The heading level
442 |
443 |
declare function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level: HeadingLevel.Two): `## ${Content}`;
444 |
445 |
* Formats the content into a heading level.
446 |
447 |
* @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content
448 |
* @param content - The content to wrap
449 |
* @param level - The heading level
450 |
451 |
declare function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level: HeadingLevel.Three): `### ${Content}`;
452 |
453 |
* A type that recursively traverses into arrays.
454 |
455 |
type RecursiveArray<ItemType> = readonly (ItemType | RecursiveArray<ItemType>)[];
456 |
457 |
* Formats the elements in the array to an ordered list.
458 |
459 |
* @param list - The array of elements to list
460 |
* @param startNumber - The starting number for the list
461 |
462 |
declare function orderedList(list: RecursiveArray<string>, startNumber?: number): string;
463 |
464 |
* Formats the elements in the array to an unordered list.
465 |
466 |
* @param list - The array of elements to list
467 |
468 |
declare function unorderedList(list: RecursiveArray<string>): string;
469 |
470 |
* Formats a date into a short date-time string.
471 |
472 |
* @param date - The date to format. Defaults to the current time
473 |
474 |
declare function time(date?: Date): `<t:${bigint}>`;
475 |
476 |
* Formats a date given a format style.
477 |
478 |
* @typeParam Style - This is inferred by the supplied {@link TimestampStylesString}
479 |
* @param date - The date to format
480 |
* @param style - The style to use
481 |
482 |
declare function time<Style extends TimestampStylesString>(date: Date, style: Style): `<t:${bigint}:${Style}>`;
483 |
484 |
* Formats the given timestamp into a short date-time string.
485 |
486 |
* @typeParam Seconds - This is inferred by the supplied timestamp
487 |
* @param seconds - A Unix timestamp in seconds
488 |
489 |
declare function time<Seconds extends number>(seconds: Seconds): `<t:${Seconds}>`;
490 |
491 |
* Formats the given timestamp into a short date-time string.
492 |
493 |
* @typeParam Seconds - This is inferred by the supplied timestamp
494 |
* @typeParam Style - This is inferred by the supplied {@link TimestampStylesString}
495 |
* @param seconds - A Unix timestamp in seconds
496 |
* @param style - The style to use
497 |
498 |
declare function time<Seconds extends number, Style extends TimestampStylesString>(seconds: Seconds, style: Style): `<t:${Seconds}:${Style}>`;
499 |
500 |
* The {@link | message formatting timestamp styles}
501 |
* supported by Discord.
502 |
503 |
declare const TimestampStyles: {
504 |
505 |
* Short time format, consisting of hours and minutes.
506 |
507 |
* @example `16:20`
508 |
509 |
readonly ShortTime: "t";
510 |
511 |
* Long time format, consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds.
512 |
513 |
* @example `16:20:30`
514 |
515 |
readonly LongTime: "T";
516 |
517 |
* Short date format, consisting of day, month, and year.
518 |
519 |
* @example `20/04/2021`
520 |
521 |
readonly ShortDate: "d";
522 |
523 |
* Long date format, consisting of day, month, and year.
524 |
525 |
* @example `20 April 2021`
526 |
527 |
readonly LongDate: "D";
528 |
529 |
* Short date-time format, consisting of short date and short time formats.
530 |
531 |
* @example `20 April 2021 16:20`
532 |
533 |
readonly ShortDateTime: "f";
534 |
535 |
* Long date-time format, consisting of long date and short time formats.
536 |
537 |
* @example `Tuesday, 20 April 2021 16:20`
538 |
539 |
readonly LongDateTime: "F";
540 |
541 |
* Relative time format, consisting of a relative duration format.
542 |
543 |
* @example `2 months ago`
544 |
545 |
readonly RelativeTime: "R";
546 |
547 |
548 |
* The possible {@link TimestampStyles} values.
549 |
550 |
type TimestampStylesString = (typeof TimestampStyles)[keyof typeof TimestampStyles];
551 |
552 |
* All the available faces from Discord's native slash commands.
553 |
554 |
declare enum Faces {
555 |
556 |
* `¯\_(ツ)_/¯`
557 |
558 |
Shrug = "\u00AF_(\u30C4)_/\u00AF",
559 |
560 |
* `(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻`
561 |
562 |
Tableflip = "(\u256F\u00B0\u25A1\u00B0)\u256F\uFE35 \u253B\u2501\u253B",
563 |
564 |
* `┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)`
565 |
566 |
Unflip = "\u252C\u2500\u252C\u30CE( \u00BA _ \u00BA\u30CE)"
567 |
568 |
569 |
* All the available guild navigation mentions.
570 |
571 |
declare enum GuildNavigationMentions {
572 |
573 |
* Browse Channels tab.
574 |
575 |
Browse = "<id:browse>",
576 |
577 |
* Customize tab with the server's {@link | onboarding prompts}.
578 |
579 |
Customize = "<id:customize>",
580 |
581 |
* {@link | Server Guide} tab.
582 |
583 |
Guide = "<id:guide>"
584 |
585 |
586 |
export { EscapeMarkdownOptions, Faces, GuildNavigationMentions, HeadingLevel, RecursiveArray, TimestampStyles, TimestampStylesString, blockQuote, bold, channelLink, channelMention, chatInputApplicationCommandMention, codeBlock, escapeBold, escapeBulletedList, escapeCodeBlock, escapeEscape, escapeHeading, escapeInlineCode, escapeItalic, escapeMarkdown, escapeMaskedLink, escapeNumberedList, escapeSpoiler, escapeStrikethrough, escapeUnderline, formatEmoji, heading, hideLinkEmbed, hyperlink, inlineCode, italic, messageLink, orderedList, quote, roleMention, spoiler, strikethrough, time, underscore, unorderedList, userMention };
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
1 |
"use strict";
2 |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
3 |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
4 |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
5 |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
6 |
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
7 |
var __export = (target, all) => {
8 |
for (var name in all)
9 |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
10 |
11 |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
12 |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
13 |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
14 |
if (!, key) && key !== except)
15 |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
16 |
17 |
return to;
18 |
19 |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
20 |
21 |
// src/index.ts
22 |
var src_exports = {};
23 |
__export(src_exports, {
24 |
Faces: () => Faces,
25 |
GuildNavigationMentions: () => GuildNavigationMentions,
26 |
HeadingLevel: () => HeadingLevel,
27 |
TimestampStyles: () => TimestampStyles,
28 |
blockQuote: () => blockQuote,
29 |
bold: () => bold,
30 |
channelLink: () => channelLink,
31 |
channelMention: () => channelMention,
32 |
chatInputApplicationCommandMention: () => chatInputApplicationCommandMention,
33 |
codeBlock: () => codeBlock,
34 |
escapeBold: () => escapeBold,
35 |
escapeBulletedList: () => escapeBulletedList,
36 |
escapeCodeBlock: () => escapeCodeBlock,
37 |
escapeEscape: () => escapeEscape,
38 |
escapeHeading: () => escapeHeading,
39 |
escapeInlineCode: () => escapeInlineCode,
40 |
escapeItalic: () => escapeItalic,
41 |
escapeMarkdown: () => escapeMarkdown,
42 |
escapeMaskedLink: () => escapeMaskedLink,
43 |
escapeNumberedList: () => escapeNumberedList,
44 |
escapeSpoiler: () => escapeSpoiler,
45 |
escapeStrikethrough: () => escapeStrikethrough,
46 |
escapeUnderline: () => escapeUnderline,
47 |
formatEmoji: () => formatEmoji,
48 |
heading: () => heading,
49 |
hideLinkEmbed: () => hideLinkEmbed,
50 |
hyperlink: () => hyperlink,
51 |
inlineCode: () => inlineCode,
52 |
italic: () => italic,
53 |
messageLink: () => messageLink,
54 |
orderedList: () => orderedList,
55 |
quote: () => quote,
56 |
roleMention: () => roleMention,
57 |
spoiler: () => spoiler,
58 |
strikethrough: () => strikethrough,
59 |
time: () => time,
60 |
underscore: () => underscore,
61 |
unorderedList: () => unorderedList,
62 |
userMention: () => userMention
63 |
64 |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
65 |
66 |
// src/escapers.ts
67 |
function escapeMarkdown(text, options = {}) {
68 |
const {
69 |
codeBlock: codeBlock2 = true,
70 |
inlineCode: inlineCode2 = true,
71 |
bold: bold2 = true,
72 |
italic: italic2 = true,
73 |
underline = true,
74 |
strikethrough: strikethrough2 = true,
75 |
spoiler: spoiler2 = true,
76 |
codeBlockContent = true,
77 |
inlineCodeContent = true,
78 |
escape = true,
79 |
heading: heading2 = false,
80 |
bulletedList = false,
81 |
numberedList = false,
82 |
maskedLink = false
83 |
} = options;
84 |
if (!codeBlockContent) {
85 |
return text.split("```").map((subString, index, array) => {
86 |
if (index % 2 && index !== array.length - 1)
87 |
return subString;
88 |
return escapeMarkdown(subString, {
89 |
inlineCode: inlineCode2,
90 |
bold: bold2,
91 |
italic: italic2,
92 |
93 |
strikethrough: strikethrough2,
94 |
spoiler: spoiler2,
95 |
96 |
97 |
heading: heading2,
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
}).join(codeBlock2 ? "\\`\\`\\`" : "```");
103 |
104 |
if (!inlineCodeContent) {
105 |
return text.split(/(?<=^|[^`])`(?=[^`]|$)/g).map((subString, index, array) => {
106 |
if (index % 2 && index !== array.length - 1)
107 |
return subString;
108 |
return escapeMarkdown(subString, {
109 |
codeBlock: codeBlock2,
110 |
bold: bold2,
111 |
italic: italic2,
112 |
113 |
strikethrough: strikethrough2,
114 |
spoiler: spoiler2,
115 |
116 |
heading: heading2,
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
}).join(inlineCode2 ? "\\`" : "`");
122 |
123 |
let res = text;
124 |
if (escape)
125 |
res = escapeEscape(res);
126 |
if (inlineCode2)
127 |
res = escapeInlineCode(res);
128 |
if (codeBlock2)
129 |
res = escapeCodeBlock(res);
130 |
if (italic2)
131 |
res = escapeItalic(res);
132 |
if (bold2)
133 |
res = escapeBold(res);
134 |
if (underline)
135 |
res = escapeUnderline(res);
136 |
if (strikethrough2)
137 |
res = escapeStrikethrough(res);
138 |
if (spoiler2)
139 |
res = escapeSpoiler(res);
140 |
if (heading2)
141 |
res = escapeHeading(res);
142 |
if (bulletedList)
143 |
res = escapeBulletedList(res);
144 |
if (numberedList)
145 |
res = escapeNumberedList(res);
146 |
if (maskedLink)
147 |
res = escapeMaskedLink(res);
148 |
return res;
149 |
150 |
__name(escapeMarkdown, "escapeMarkdown");
151 |
function escapeCodeBlock(text) {
152 |
return text.replaceAll("```", "\\`\\`\\`");
153 |
154 |
__name(escapeCodeBlock, "escapeCodeBlock");
155 |
function escapeInlineCode(text) {
156 |
return text.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^`])``?(?=[^`]|$)/g, (match) => match.length === 2 ? "\\`\\`" : "\\`");
157 |
158 |
__name(escapeInlineCode, "escapeInlineCode");
159 |
function escapeItalic(text) {
160 |
let idx = 0;
161 |
const newText = text.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^*])\*([^*]|\*\*|$)/g, (_, match) => {
162 |
if (match === "**")
163 |
return ++idx % 2 ? `\\*${match}` : `${match}\\*`;
164 |
return `\\*${match}`;
165 |
166 |
idx = 0;
167 |
return newText.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^_])(?<!<a?:.+)_(?!:\d+>)([^_]|__|$)/g, (_, match) => {
168 |
if (match === "__")
169 |
return ++idx % 2 ? `\\_${match}` : `${match}\\_`;
170 |
return `\\_${match}`;
171 |
172 |
173 |
__name(escapeItalic, "escapeItalic");
174 |
function escapeBold(text) {
175 |
let idx = 0;
176 |
return text.replaceAll(/\*\*(\*)?/g, (_, match) => {
177 |
if (match)
178 |
return ++idx % 2 ? `${match}\\*\\*` : `\\*\\*${match}`;
179 |
return "\\*\\*";
180 |
181 |
182 |
__name(escapeBold, "escapeBold");
183 |
function escapeUnderline(text) {
184 |
let idx = 0;
185 |
return text.replaceAll(/(?<!<a?:.+)__(_)?(?!:\d+>)/g, (_, match) => {
186 |
if (match)
187 |
return ++idx % 2 ? `${match}\\_\\_` : `\\_\\_${match}`;
188 |
return "\\_\\_";
189 |
190 |
191 |
__name(escapeUnderline, "escapeUnderline");
192 |
function escapeStrikethrough(text) {
193 |
return text.replaceAll("~~", "\\~\\~");
194 |
195 |
__name(escapeStrikethrough, "escapeStrikethrough");
196 |
function escapeSpoiler(text) {
197 |
return text.replaceAll("||", "\\|\\|");
198 |
199 |
__name(escapeSpoiler, "escapeSpoiler");
200 |
function escapeEscape(text) {
201 |
return text.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\");
202 |
203 |
__name(escapeEscape, "escapeEscape");
204 |
function escapeHeading(text) {
205 |
return text.replaceAll(/^( {0,2})([*-] )?( *)(#{1,3} )/gm, "$1$2$3\\$4");
206 |
207 |
__name(escapeHeading, "escapeHeading");
208 |
function escapeBulletedList(text) {
209 |
return text.replaceAll(/^( *)([*-])( +)/gm, "$1\\$2$3");
210 |
211 |
__name(escapeBulletedList, "escapeBulletedList");
212 |
function escapeNumberedList(text) {
213 |
return text.replaceAll(/^( *\d+)\./gm, "$1\\.");
214 |
215 |
__name(escapeNumberedList, "escapeNumberedList");
216 |
function escapeMaskedLink(text) {
217 |
return text.replaceAll(/\[.+]\(.+\)/gm, "\\$&");
218 |
219 |
__name(escapeMaskedLink, "escapeMaskedLink");
220 |
221 |
// src/formatters.ts
222 |
function codeBlock(language, content) {
223 |
return content === void 0 ? `\`\`\`
224 |
225 |
\`\`\`` : `\`\`\`${language}
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
__name(codeBlock, "codeBlock");
230 |
function inlineCode(content) {
231 |
return `\`${content}\``;
232 |
233 |
__name(inlineCode, "inlineCode");
234 |
function italic(content) {
235 |
return `_${content}_`;
236 |
237 |
__name(italic, "italic");
238 |
function bold(content) {
239 |
return `**${content}**`;
240 |
241 |
__name(bold, "bold");
242 |
function underscore(content) {
243 |
return `__${content}__`;
244 |
245 |
__name(underscore, "underscore");
246 |
function strikethrough(content) {
247 |
return `~~${content}~~`;
248 |
249 |
__name(strikethrough, "strikethrough");
250 |
function quote(content) {
251 |
return `> ${content}`;
252 |
253 |
__name(quote, "quote");
254 |
function blockQuote(content) {
255 |
return `>>> ${content}`;
256 |
257 |
__name(blockQuote, "blockQuote");
258 |
function hideLinkEmbed(url) {
259 |
return `<${url}>`;
260 |
261 |
__name(hideLinkEmbed, "hideLinkEmbed");
262 |
function hyperlink(content, url, title) {
263 |
return title ? `[${content}](${url} "${title}")` : `[${content}](${url})`;
264 |
265 |
__name(hyperlink, "hyperlink");
266 |
function spoiler(content) {
267 |
return `||${content}||`;
268 |
269 |
__name(spoiler, "spoiler");
270 |
function userMention(userId) {
271 |
return `<@${userId}>`;
272 |
273 |
__name(userMention, "userMention");
274 |
function channelMention(channelId) {
275 |
return `<#${channelId}>`;
276 |
277 |
__name(channelMention, "channelMention");
278 |
function roleMention(roleId) {
279 |
return `<@&${roleId}>`;
280 |
281 |
__name(roleMention, "roleMention");
282 |
function chatInputApplicationCommandMention(commandName, subcommandGroupName, subcommandName, commandId) {
283 |
if (commandId !== void 0) {
284 |
return `</${commandName} ${subcommandGroupName} ${subcommandName}:${commandId}>`;
285 |
286 |
if (subcommandName !== void 0) {
287 |
return `</${commandName} ${subcommandGroupName}:${subcommandName}>`;
288 |
289 |
return `</${commandName}:${subcommandGroupName}>`;
290 |
291 |
__name(chatInputApplicationCommandMention, "chatInputApplicationCommandMention");
292 |
function formatEmoji(emojiId, animated = false) {
293 |
return `<${animated ? "a" : ""}:_:${emojiId}>`;
294 |
295 |
__name(formatEmoji, "formatEmoji");
296 |
function channelLink(channelId, guildId) {
297 |
return `${guildId ?? "@me"}/${channelId}`;
298 |
299 |
__name(channelLink, "channelLink");
300 |
function messageLink(channelId, messageId, guildId) {
301 |
return `${guildId === void 0 ? channelLink(channelId) : channelLink(channelId, guildId)}/${messageId}`;
302 |
303 |
__name(messageLink, "messageLink");
304 |
var HeadingLevel = /* @__PURE__ */ ((HeadingLevel2) => {
305 |
HeadingLevel2[HeadingLevel2["One"] = 1] = "One";
306 |
HeadingLevel2[HeadingLevel2["Two"] = 2] = "Two";
307 |
HeadingLevel2[HeadingLevel2["Three"] = 3] = "Three";
308 |
return HeadingLevel2;
309 |
})(HeadingLevel || {});
310 |
function heading(content, level) {
311 |
switch (level) {
312 |
case 3 /* Three */:
313 |
return `### ${content}`;
314 |
case 2 /* Two */:
315 |
return `## ${content}`;
316 |
317 |
return `# ${content}`;
318 |
319 |
320 |
__name(heading, "heading");
321 |
function listCallback(element, startNumber, depth = 0) {
322 |
if (Array.isArray(element)) {
323 |
return => listCallback(element2, startNumber, depth + 1)).join("\n");
324 |
325 |
return `${" ".repeat(depth - 1)}${startNumber ? `${startNumber}.` : "-"} ${element}`;
326 |
327 |
__name(listCallback, "listCallback");
328 |
function orderedList(list, startNumber = 1) {
329 |
return listCallback(list, Math.max(startNumber, 1));
330 |
331 |
__name(orderedList, "orderedList");
332 |
function unorderedList(list) {
333 |
return listCallback(list);
334 |
335 |
__name(unorderedList, "unorderedList");
336 |
function time(timeOrSeconds, style) {
337 |
if (typeof timeOrSeconds !== "number") {
338 |
timeOrSeconds = Math.floor((timeOrSeconds?.getTime() ?? / 1e3);
339 |
340 |
return typeof style === "string" ? `<t:${timeOrSeconds}:${style}>` : `<t:${timeOrSeconds}>`;
341 |
342 |
__name(time, "time");
343 |
var TimestampStyles = {
344 |
345 |
* Short time format, consisting of hours and minutes.
346 |
347 |
* @example `16:20`
348 |
349 |
ShortTime: "t",
350 |
351 |
* Long time format, consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds.
352 |
353 |
* @example `16:20:30`
354 |
355 |
LongTime: "T",
356 |
357 |
* Short date format, consisting of day, month, and year.
358 |
359 |
* @example `20/04/2021`
360 |
361 |
ShortDate: "d",
362 |
363 |
* Long date format, consisting of day, month, and year.
364 |
365 |
* @example `20 April 2021`
366 |
367 |
LongDate: "D",
368 |
369 |
* Short date-time format, consisting of short date and short time formats.
370 |
371 |
* @example `20 April 2021 16:20`
372 |
373 |
ShortDateTime: "f",
374 |
375 |
* Long date-time format, consisting of long date and short time formats.
376 |
377 |
* @example `Tuesday, 20 April 2021 16:20`
378 |
379 |
LongDateTime: "F",
380 |
381 |
* Relative time format, consisting of a relative duration format.
382 |
383 |
* @example `2 months ago`
384 |
385 |
RelativeTime: "R"
386 |
387 |
var Faces = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Faces2) => {
388 |
Faces2["Shrug"] = "\xAF_(\u30C4)_/\xAF";
389 |
Faces2["Tableflip"] = "(\u256F\xB0\u25A1\xB0)\u256F\uFE35 \u253B\u2501\u253B";
390 |
Faces2["Unflip"] = "\u252C\u2500\u252C\u30CE( \xBA _ \xBA\u30CE)";
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return Faces2;
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})(Faces || {});
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var GuildNavigationMentions = /* @__PURE__ */ ((GuildNavigationMentions2) => {
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GuildNavigationMentions2["Browse"] = "<id:browse>";
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GuildNavigationMentions2["Customize"] = "<id:customize>";
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GuildNavigationMentions2["Guide"] = "<id:guide>";
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return GuildNavigationMentions2;
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})(GuildNavigationMentions || {});
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// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
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0 && (module.exports = {
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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{"version":3,"sources":["../src/index.ts","../src/escapers.ts","../src/formatters.ts"],"sourcesContent":["export * from './escapers.js';\nexport * from './formatters.js';\n","/* eslint-disable prefer-named-capture-group */\n\n/**\n * The options that affect what will be escaped.\n */\nexport interface EscapeMarkdownOptions {\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape bold text.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tbold?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape bulleted lists.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `false`\n\t */\n\tbulletedList?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape code blocks.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tcodeBlock?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape text inside code blocks.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tcodeBlockContent?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape `\\`.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tescape?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape headings.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `false`\n\t */\n\theading?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape inline code.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tinlineCode?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape text inside inline code.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tinlineCodeContent?: boolean;\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape italics.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\titalic?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape masked links.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `false`\n\t */\n\tmaskedLink?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape numbered lists.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `false`\n\t */\n\tnumberedList?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape spoilers.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tspoiler?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape strikethroughs.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tstrikethrough?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape underlines.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tunderline?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes any Discord-flavored markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n * @param options - Options for escaping the markdown\n */\nexport function escapeMarkdown(text: string, options: EscapeMarkdownOptions = {}): string {\n\tconst {\n\t\tcodeBlock = true,\n\t\tinlineCode = true,\n\t\tbold = true,\n\t\titalic = true,\n\t\tunderline = true,\n\t\tstrikethrough = true,\n\t\tspoiler = true,\n\t\tcodeBlockContent = true,\n\t\tinlineCodeContent = true,\n\t\tescape = true,\n\t\theading = false,\n\t\tbulletedList = false,\n\t\tnumberedList = false,\n\t\tmaskedLink = false,\n\t} = options;\n\n\tif (!codeBlockContent) {\n\t\treturn text\n\t\t\t.split('```')\n\t\t\, index, array) => {\n\t\t\t\tif (index % 2 && index !== array.length - 1) return subString;\n\t\t\t\treturn escapeMarkdown(subString, {\n\t\t\t\t\tinlineCode,\n\t\t\t\t\tbold,\n\t\t\t\t\titalic,\n\t\t\t\t\tunderline,\n\t\t\t\t\tstrikethrough,\n\t\t\t\t\tspoiler,\n\t\t\t\t\tinlineCodeContent,\n\t\t\t\t\tescape,\n\t\t\t\t\theading,\n\t\t\t\t\tbulletedList,\n\t\t\t\t\tnumberedList,\n\t\t\t\t\tmaskedLink,\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t.join(codeBlock ? '\\\\`\\\\`\\\\`' : '```');\n\t}\n\n\tif (!inlineCodeContent) {\n\t\treturn text\n\t\t\t.split(/(?<=^|[^`])`(?=[^`]|$)/g)\n\t\t\, index, array) => {\n\t\t\t\tif (index % 2 && index !== array.length - 1) return subString;\n\t\t\t\treturn escapeMarkdown(subString, {\n\t\t\t\t\tcodeBlock,\n\t\t\t\t\tbold,\n\t\t\t\t\titalic,\n\t\t\t\t\tunderline,\n\t\t\t\t\tstrikethrough,\n\t\t\t\t\tspoiler,\n\t\t\t\t\tescape,\n\t\t\t\t\theading,\n\t\t\t\t\tbulletedList,\n\t\t\t\t\tnumberedList,\n\t\t\t\t\tmaskedLink,\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t.join(inlineCode ? '\\\\`' : '`');\n\t}\n\n\tlet res = text;\n\tif (escape) res = escapeEscape(res);\n\tif (inlineCode) res = escapeInlineCode(res);\n\tif (codeBlock) res = escapeCodeBlock(res);\n\tif (italic) res = escapeItalic(res);\n\tif (bold) res = escapeBold(res);\n\tif (underline) res = escapeUnderline(res);\n\tif (strikethrough) res = escapeStrikethrough(res);\n\tif (spoiler) res = escapeSpoiler(res);\n\tif (heading) res = escapeHeading(res);\n\tif (bulletedList) res = escapeBulletedList(res);\n\tif (numberedList) res = escapeNumberedList(res);\n\tif (maskedLink) res = escapeMaskedLink(res);\n\treturn res;\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes code block markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeCodeBlock(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll('```', '\\\\`\\\\`\\\\`');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes inline code markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeInlineCode(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^`])``?(?=[^`]|$)/g, (match) => (match.length === 2 ? '\\\\`\\\\`' : '\\\\`'));\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes italic markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeItalic(text: string): string {\n\tlet idx = 0;\n\tconst newText = text.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^*])\\*([^*]|\\*\\*|$)/g, (_, match) => {\n\t\tif (match === '**') return ++idx % 2 ? `\\\\*${match}` : `${match}\\\\*`;\n\t\treturn `\\\\*${match}`;\n\t});\n\tidx = 0;\n\treturn newText.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^_])(?<!<a?:.+)_(?!:\\d+>)([^_]|__|$)/g, (_, match) => {\n\t\tif (match === '__') return ++idx % 2 ? `\\\\_${match}` : `${match}\\\\_`;\n\t\treturn `\\\\_${match}`;\n\t});\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes bold markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeBold(text: string): string {\n\tlet idx = 0;\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/\\*\\*(\\*)?/g, (_, match) => {\n\t\tif (match) return ++idx % 2 ? `${match}\\\\*\\\\*` : `\\\\*\\\\*${match}`;\n\t\treturn '\\\\*\\\\*';\n\t});\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes underline markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeUnderline(text: string): string {\n\tlet idx = 0;\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/(?<!<a?:.+)__(_)?(?!:\\d+>)/g, (_, match) => {\n\t\tif (match) return ++idx % 2 ? `${match}\\\\_\\\\_` : `\\\\_\\\\_${match}`;\n\t\treturn '\\\\_\\\\_';\n\t});\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes strikethrough markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeStrikethrough(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll('~~', '\\\\~\\\\~');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes spoiler markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeSpoiler(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll('||', '\\\\|\\\\|');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes escape characters in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeEscape(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes heading characters in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeHeading(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/^( {0,2})([*-] )?( *)(#{1,3} )/gm, '$1$2$3\\\\$4');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes bulleted list characters in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeBulletedList(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/^( *)([*-])( +)/gm, '$1\\\\$2$3');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes numbered list characters in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeNumberedList(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/^( *\\d+)\\./gm, '$1\\\\.');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes masked link characters in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeMaskedLink(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/\\[.+]\\(.+\\)/gm, '\\\\$&');\n}\n","import type { URL } from 'node:url';\nimport type { Snowflake } from 'discord-api-types/globals';\n\n/**\n * Wraps the content inside a code block with no language.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function codeBlock<Content extends string>(content: Content): `\\`\\`\\`\\n${Content}\\n\\`\\`\\``;\n\n/**\n * Wraps the content inside a code block with the specified language.\n *\n * @typeParam Language - This is inferred by the supplied language\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param language - The language for the code block\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function codeBlock<Language extends string, Content extends string>(\n\tlanguage: Language,\n\tcontent: Content,\n): `\\`\\`\\`${Language}\\n${Content}\\n\\`\\`\\``;\n\nexport function codeBlock(language: string, content?: string): string {\n\treturn content === undefined ? `\\`\\`\\`\\n${language}\\n\\`\\`\\`` : `\\`\\`\\`${language}\\n${content}\\n\\`\\`\\``;\n}\n\n/**\n * Wraps the content inside \\`backticks\\` which formats it as inline code.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function inlineCode<Content extends string>(content: Content): `\\`${Content}\\`` {\n\treturn `\\`${content}\\``;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into italic text.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function italic<Content extends string>(content: Content): `_${Content}_` {\n\treturn `_${content}_`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into bold text.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function bold<Content extends string>(content: Content): `**${Content}**` {\n\treturn `**${content}**`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into underscored text.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function underscore<Content extends string>(content: Content): `__${Content}__` {\n\treturn `__${content}__`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into strike-through text.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function strikethrough<Content extends string>(content: Content): `~~${Content}~~` {\n\treturn `~~${content}~~`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a quote.\n *\n * @remarks This needs to be at the start of the line for Discord to format it.\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function quote<Content extends string>(content: Content): `> ${Content}` {\n\treturn `> ${content}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a block quote.\n *\n * @remarks This needs to be at the start of the line for Discord to format it.\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function blockQuote<Content extends string>(content: Content): `>>> ${Content}` {\n\treturn `>>> ${content}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Wraps the URL into `<>` which stops it from embedding.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param url - The URL to wrap\n */\nexport function hideLinkEmbed<Content extends string>(url: Content): `<${Content}>`;\n\n/**\n * Wraps the URL into `<>` which stops it from embedding.\n *\n * @param url - The URL to wrap\n */\nexport function hideLinkEmbed(url: URL): `<${string}>`;\n\nexport function hideLinkEmbed(url: URL | string) {\n\treturn `<${url}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to display\n * @param url - The URL the content links to\n */\nexport function hyperlink<Content extends string>(content: Content, url: URL): `[${Content}](${string})`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @typeParam Url - This is inferred by the supplied URL\n * @param content - The content to display\n * @param url - The URL the content links to\n */\nexport function hyperlink<Content extends string, Url extends string>(\n\tcontent: Content,\n\turl: Url,\n): `[${Content}](${Url})`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL with a custom tooltip.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @typeParam Title - This is inferred by the supplied title\n * @param content - The content to display\n * @param url - The URL the content links to\n * @param title - The title shown when hovering on the masked link\n */\nexport function hyperlink<Content extends string, Title extends string>(\n\tcontent: Content,\n\turl: URL,\n\ttitle: Title,\n): `[${Content}](${string} \"${Title}\")`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL with a custom tooltip.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @typeParam Url - This is inferred by the supplied URL\n * @typeParam Title - This is inferred by the supplied title\n * @param content - The content to display\n * @param url - The URL the content links to\n * @param title - The title shown when hovering on the masked link\n */\nexport function hyperlink<Content extends string, Url extends string, Title extends string>(\n\tcontent: Content,\n\turl: Url,\n\ttitle: Title,\n): `[${Content}](${Url} \"${Title}\")`;\n\nexport function hyperlink(content: string, url: URL | string, title?: string) {\n\treturn title ? `[${content}](${url} \"${title}\")` : `[${content}](${url})`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a spoiler.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function spoiler<Content extends string>(content: Content): `||${Content}||` {\n\treturn `||${content}||`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a user id into a user mention.\n *\n * @typeParam UserId - This is inferred by the supplied user id\n * @param userId - The user id to format\n */\nexport function userMention<UserId extends Snowflake>(userId: UserId): `<@${UserId}>` {\n\treturn `<@${userId}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a channel id into a channel mention.\n *\n * @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id\n * @param channelId - The channel id to format\n */\nexport function channelMention<ChannelId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId): `<#${ChannelId}>` {\n\treturn `<#${channelId}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a role id into a role mention.\n *\n * @typeParam RoleId - This is inferred by the supplied role id\n * @param roleId - The role id to format\n */\nexport function roleMention<RoleId extends Snowflake>(roleId: RoleId): `<@&${RoleId}>` {\n\treturn `<@&${roleId}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats an application command name, subcommand group name, subcommand name, and id into an application command mention.\n *\n * @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name\n * @typeParam SubcommandGroupName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand group name\n * @typeParam SubcommandName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand name\n * @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id\n * @param commandName - The application command name to format\n * @param subcommandGroupName - The subcommand group name to format\n * @param subcommandName - The subcommand name to format\n * @param commandId - The application command id to format\n */\nexport function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<\n\tCommandName extends string,\n\tSubcommandGroupName extends string,\n\tSubcommandName extends string,\n\tCommandId extends Snowflake,\n>(\n\tcommandName: CommandName,\n\tsubcommandGroupName: SubcommandGroupName,\n\tsubcommandName: SubcommandName,\n\tcommandId: CommandId,\n): `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandGroupName} ${SubcommandName}:${CommandId}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats an application command name, subcommand name, and id into an application command mention.\n *\n * @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name\n * @typeParam SubcommandName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand name\n * @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id\n * @param commandName - The application command name to format\n * @param subcommandName - The subcommand name to format\n * @param commandId - The application command id to format\n */\nexport function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<\n\tCommandName extends string,\n\tSubcommandName extends string,\n\tCommandId extends Snowflake,\n>(\n\tcommandName: CommandName,\n\tsubcommandName: SubcommandName,\n\tcommandId: CommandId,\n): `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandName}:${CommandId}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats an application command name and id into an application command mention.\n *\n * @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name\n * @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id\n * @param commandName - The application command name to format\n * @param commandId - The application command id to format\n */\nexport function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<CommandName extends string, CommandId extends Snowflake>(\n\tcommandName: CommandName,\n\tcommandId: CommandId,\n): `</${CommandName}:${CommandId}>`;\n\nexport function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<\n\tCommandName extends string,\n\tSubcommandGroupName extends Snowflake | string,\n\tSubcommandName extends Snowflake | string,\n\tCommandId extends Snowflake,\n>(\n\tcommandName: CommandName,\n\tsubcommandGroupName: SubcommandGroupName,\n\tsubcommandName?: SubcommandName,\n\tcommandId?: CommandId,\n):\n\t| `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandGroupName} ${SubcommandName}:${CommandId}>`\n\t| `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandGroupName}:${SubcommandName}>`\n\t| `</${CommandName}:${SubcommandGroupName}>` {\n\tif (commandId !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn `</${commandName} ${subcommandGroupName} ${subcommandName!}:${commandId}>`;\n\t}\n\n\tif (subcommandName !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn `</${commandName} ${subcommandGroupName}:${subcommandName}>`;\n\t}\n\n\treturn `</${commandName}:${subcommandGroupName}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a non-animated emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.\n *\n * @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id\n * @param emojiId - The emoji id to format\n */\nexport function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(emojiId: EmojiId, animated?: false): `<:_:${EmojiId}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats an animated emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.\n *\n * @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id\n * @param emojiId - The emoji id to format\n * @param animated - Whether the emoji is animated\n */\nexport function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(emojiId: EmojiId, animated?: true): `<a:_:${EmojiId}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats an emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.\n *\n * @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id\n * @param emojiId - The emoji id to format\n * @param animated - Whether the emoji is animated\n */\nexport function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(\n\temojiId: EmojiId,\n\tanimated?: boolean,\n): `<:_:${EmojiId}>` | `<a:_:${EmojiId}>`;\n\nexport function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(\n\temojiId: EmojiId,\n\tanimated = false,\n): `<:_:${EmojiId}>` | `<a:_:${EmojiId}>` {\n\treturn `<${animated ? 'a' : ''}:_:${emojiId}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a channel link for a direct message channel.\n *\n * @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id\n * @param channelId - The channel's id\n */\nexport function channelLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n): `${ChannelId}`;\n\n/**\n * Formats a channel link for a guild channel.\n *\n * @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id\n * @typeParam GuildId - This is inferred by the supplied guild id\n * @param channelId - The channel's id\n * @param guildId - The guild's id\n */\nexport function channelLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n\tguildId: GuildId,\n): `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}`;\n\nexport function channelLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n\tguildId?: GuildId,\n): `${ChannelId}` | `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}` {\n\treturn `${guildId ?? '@me'}/${channelId}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a message link for a direct message channel.\n *\n * @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id\n * @typeParam MessageId - This is inferred by the supplied message id\n * @param channelId - The channel's id\n * @param messageId - The message's id\n */\nexport function messageLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, MessageId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n\tmessageId: MessageId,\n): `${ChannelId}/${MessageId}`;\n\n/**\n * Formats a message link for a guild channel.\n *\n * @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id\n * @typeParam MessageId - This is inferred by the supplied message id\n * @typeParam GuildId - This is inferred by the supplied guild id\n * @param channelId - The channel's id\n * @param messageId - The message's id\n * @param guildId - The guild's id\n */\nexport function messageLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, MessageId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n\tmessageId: MessageId,\n\tguildId: GuildId,\n): `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}/${MessageId}`;\n\nexport function messageLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, MessageId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n\tmessageId: MessageId,\n\tguildId?: GuildId,\n):\n\t| `${ChannelId}/${MessageId}`\n\t| `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}/${MessageId}` {\n\treturn `${guildId === undefined ? channelLink(channelId) : channelLink(channelId, guildId)}/${messageId}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * The heading levels for expanded markdown.\n */\nexport enum HeadingLevel {\n\t/**\n\t * The first heading level.\n\t */\n\tOne = 1,\n\t/**\n\t * The second heading level.\n\t */\n\tTwo,\n\t/**\n\t * The third heading level.\n\t */\n\tThree,\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a heading level.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n * @param level - The heading level\n */\nexport function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level?: HeadingLevel.One): `# ${Content}`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a heading level.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n * @param level - The heading level\n */\nexport function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level: HeadingLevel.Two): `## ${Content}`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a heading level.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n * @param level - The heading level\n */\nexport function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level: HeadingLevel.Three): `### ${Content}`;\n\nexport function heading(content: string, level?: HeadingLevel) {\n\tswitch (level) {\n\t\tcase HeadingLevel.Three:\n\t\t\treturn `### ${content}`;\n\t\tcase HeadingLevel.Two:\n\t\t\treturn `## ${content}`;\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\treturn `# ${content}`;\n\t}\n}\n\n/**\n * A type that recursively traverses into arrays.\n */\nexport type RecursiveArray<ItemType> = readonly (ItemType | RecursiveArray<ItemType>)[];\n\n/**\n * Callback function for list formatters.\n *\n * @internal\n */\nfunction listCallback(element: RecursiveArray<string>, startNumber?: number, depth = 0): string {\n\tif (Array.isArray(element)) {\n\t\treturn => listCallback(element, startNumber, depth + 1)).join('\\n');\n\t}\n\n\treturn `${' '.repeat(depth - 1)}${startNumber ? `${startNumber}.` : '-'} ${element}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the elements in the array to an ordered list.\n *\n * @param list - The array of elements to list\n * @param startNumber - The starting number for the list\n */\nexport function orderedList(list: RecursiveArray<string>, startNumber = 1): string {\n\treturn listCallback(list, Math.max(startNumber, 1));\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the elements in the array to an unordered list.\n *\n * @param list - The array of elements to list\n */\nexport function unorderedList(list: RecursiveArray<string>): string {\n\treturn listCallback(list);\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a date into a short date-time string.\n *\n * @param date - The date to format. Defaults to the current time\n */\nexport function time(date?: Date): `<t:${bigint}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats a date given a format style.\n *\n * @typeParam Style - This is inferred by the supplied {@link TimestampStylesString}\n * @param date - The date to format\n * @param style - The style to use\n */\nexport function time<Style extends TimestampStylesString>(date: Date, style: Style): `<t:${bigint}:${Style}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the given timestamp into a short date-time string.\n *\n * @typeParam Seconds - This is inferred by the supplied timestamp\n * @param seconds - A Unix timestamp in seconds\n */\nexport function time<Seconds extends number>(seconds: Seconds): `<t:${Seconds}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the given timestamp into a short date-time string.\n *\n * @typeParam Seconds - This is inferred by the supplied timestamp\n * @typeParam Style - This is inferred by the supplied {@link TimestampStylesString}\n * @param seconds - A Unix timestamp in seconds\n * @param style - The style to use\n */\nexport function time<Seconds extends number, Style extends TimestampStylesString>(\n\tseconds: Seconds,\n\tstyle: Style,\n): `<t:${Seconds}:${Style}>`;\n\nexport function time(timeOrSeconds?: Date | number, style?: TimestampStylesString): string {\n\tif (typeof timeOrSeconds !== 'number') {\n\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n\t\ttimeOrSeconds = Math.floor((timeOrSeconds?.getTime() ?? / 1_000);\n\t}\n\n\treturn typeof style === 'string' ? `<t:${timeOrSeconds}:${style}>` : `<t:${timeOrSeconds}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * The {@link | message formatting timestamp styles}\n * supported by Discord.\n */\nexport const TimestampStyles = {\n\t/**\n\t * Short time format, consisting of hours and minutes.\n\t *\n\t * @example `16:20`\n\t */\n\tShortTime: 't',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Long time format, consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds.\n\t *\n\t * @example `16:20:30`\n\t */\n\tLongTime: 'T',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Short date format, consisting of day, month, and year.\n\t *\n\t * @example `20/04/2021`\n\t */\n\tShortDate: 'd',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Long date format, consisting of day, month, and year.\n\t *\n\t * @example `20 April 2021`\n\t */\n\tLongDate: 'D',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Short date-time format, consisting of short date and short time formats.\n\t *\n\t * @example `20 April 2021 16:20`\n\t */\n\tShortDateTime: 'f',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Long date-time format, consisting of long date and short time formats.\n\t *\n\t * @example `Tuesday, 20 April 2021 16:20`\n\t */\n\tLongDateTime: 'F',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Relative time format, consisting of a relative duration format.\n\t *\n\t * @example `2 months ago`\n\t */\n\tRelativeTime: 'R',\n} as const satisfies Record<string, string>;\n\n/**\n * The possible {@link TimestampStyles} values.\n */\nexport type TimestampStylesString = (typeof TimestampStyles)[keyof typeof TimestampStyles];\n\n// prettier-ignore\n/**\n * All the available faces from Discord's native slash commands.\n */\nexport enum Faces {\n\t/**\n\t * `¯\\_(ツ)_/¯`\n\t */\n\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape\n\tShrug = '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯',\n\n\t/**\n\t * `(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻`\n\t */\n\tTableflip = '(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻',\n\n\t/**\n\t * `┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)`\n\t */\n\tUnflip = '┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)',\n}\n\n/**\n * All the available guild navigation mentions.\n */\nexport enum GuildNavigationMentions {\n\t/**\n\t * Browse Channels tab.\n\t */\n\tBrowse = '<id:browse>',\n\t/**\n\t * Customize tab with the server's {@link | onboarding prompts}.\n\t */\n\tCustomize = '<id:customize>',\n\t/**\n\t * {@link | Server Guide} tab.\n\t */\n\tGuide = '<id:guide>',\n}\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;;;AC8GO,SAAS,eAAe,MAAc,UAAiC,CAAC,GAAW;AACzF,QAAM;AAAA,IACL,WAAAA,aAAY;AAAA,IACZ,YAAAC,cAAa;AAAA,IACb,MAAAC,QAAO;AAAA,IACP,QAAAC,UAAS;AAAA,IACT,YAAY;AAAA,IACZ,eAAAC,iBAAgB;AAAA,IAChB,SAAAC,WAAU;AAAA,IACV,mBAAmB;AAAA,IACnB,oBAAoB;AAAA,IACpB,SAAS;AAAA,IACT,SAAAC,WAAU;AAAA,IACV,eAAe;AAAA,IACf,eAAe;AAAA,IACf,aAAa;AAAA,EACd,IAAI;AAEJ,MAAI,CAAC,kBAAkB;AACtB,WAAO,KACL,MAAM,KAAK,EACX,IAAI,CAAC,WAAW,OAAO,UAAU;AACjC,UAAI,QAAQ,KAAK,UAAU,MAAM,SAAS;AAAG,eAAO;AACpD,aAAO,eAAe,WAAW;AAAA,QAChC,YAAAL;AAAA,QACA,MAAAC;AAAA,QACA,QAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA,eAAAC;AAAA,QACA,SAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA,SAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,MACD,CAAC;AAAA,IACF,CAAC,EACA,KAAKN,aAAY,cAAc,KAAK;AAAA,EACvC;AAEA,MAAI,CAAC,mBAAmB;AACvB,WAAO,KACL,MAAM,yBAAyB,EAC/B,IAAI,CAAC,WAAW,OAAO,UAAU;AACjC,UAAI,QAAQ,KAAK,UAAU,MAAM,SAAS;AAAG,eAAO;AACpD,aAAO,eAAe,WAAW;AAAA,QAChC,WAAAA;AAAA,QACA,MAAAE;AAAA,QACA,QAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA,eAAAC;AAAA,QACA,SAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA,SAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,MACD,CAAC;AAAA,IACF,CAAC,EACA,KAAKL,cAAa,QAAQ,GAAG;AAAA,EAChC;AAEA,MAAI,MAAM;AACV,MAAI;AAAQ,UAAM,aAAa,GAAG;AAClC,MAAIA;AAAY,UAAM,iBAAiB,GAAG;AAC1C,MAAID;AAAW,UAAM,gBAAgB,GAAG;AACxC,MAAIG;AAAQ,UAAM,aAAa,GAAG;AAClC,MAAID;AAAM,UAAM,WAAW,GAAG;AAC9B,MAAI;AAAW,UAAM,gBAAgB,GAAG;AACxC,MAAIE;AAAe,UAAM,oBAAoB,GAAG;AAChD,MAAIC;AAAS,UAAM,cAAc,GAAG;AACpC,MAAIC;AAAS,UAAM,cAAc,GAAG;AACpC,MAAI;AAAc,UAAM,mBAAmB,GAAG;AAC9C,MAAI;AAAc,UAAM,mBAAmB,GAAG;AAC9C,MAAI;AAAY,UAAM,iBAAiB,GAAG;AAC1C,SAAO;AACR;AA7EgB;AAoFT,SAAS,gBAAgB,MAAsB;AACrD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,OAAO,WAAW;AAC1C;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,iBAAiB,MAAsB;AACtD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,6BAA6B,CAAC,UAAW,MAAM,WAAW,IAAI,WAAW,KAAM;AACvG;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,aAAa,MAAsB;AAClD,MAAI,MAAM;AACV,QAAM,UAAU,KAAK,WAAW,+BAA+B,CAAC,GAAG,UAAU;AAC5E,QAAI,UAAU;AAAM,aAAO,EAAE,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,KAAK,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK;AAC/D,WAAO,MAAM,KAAK;AAAA,EACnB,CAAC;AACD,QAAM;AACN,SAAO,QAAQ,WAAW,gDAAgD,CAAC,GAAG,UAAU;AACvF,QAAI,UAAU;AAAM,aAAO,EAAE,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,KAAK,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK;AAC/D,WAAO,MAAM,KAAK;AAAA,EACnB,CAAC;AACF;AAXgB;AAkBT,SAAS,WAAW,MAAsB;AAChD,MAAI,MAAM;AACV,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,cAAc,CAAC,GAAG,UAAU;AAClD,QAAI;AAAO,aAAO,EAAE,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,KAAK,WAAW,SAAS,KAAK;AAC/D,WAAO;AAAA,EACR,CAAC;AACF;AANgB;AAaT,SAAS,gBAAgB,MAAsB;AACrD,MAAI,MAAM;AACV,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,+BAA+B,CAAC,GAAG,UAAU;AACnE,QAAI;AAAO,aAAO,EAAE,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,KAAK,WAAW,SAAS,KAAK;AAC/D,WAAO;AAAA,EACR,CAAC;AACF;AANgB;AAaT,SAAS,oBAAoB,MAAsB;AACzD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,MAAM,QAAQ;AACtC;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,cAAc,MAAsB;AACnD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,MAAM,QAAQ;AACtC;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,aAAa,MAAsB;AAClD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,MAAM,MAAM;AACpC;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,cAAc,MAAsB;AACnD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,oCAAoC,YAAY;AACxE;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,mBAAmB,MAAsB;AACxD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,qBAAqB,UAAU;AACvD;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,mBAAmB,MAAsB;AACxD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,gBAAgB,OAAO;AAC/C;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,iBAAiB,MAAsB;AACtD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,iBAAiB,MAAM;AAC/C;AAFgB;;;AC9RT,SAAS,UAAU,UAAkB,SAA0B;AACrE,SAAO,YAAY,SAAY;AAAA,EAAW,QAAQ;AAAA,UAAa,SAAS,QAAQ;AAAA,EAAK,OAAO;AAAA;AAC7F;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,WAAmC,SAAoC;AACtF,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,OAA+B,SAAkC;AAChF,SAAO,IAAI,OAAO;AACnB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,KAA6B,SAAoC;AAChF,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,WAAmC,SAAoC;AACtF,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,cAAsC,SAAoC;AACzF,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAWT,SAAS,MAA8B,SAAkC;AAC/E,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAWT,SAAS,WAAmC,SAAoC;AACtF,SAAO,OAAO,OAAO;AACtB;AAFgB;AAmBT,SAAS,cAAc,KAAmB;AAChD,SAAO,IAAI,GAAG;AACf;AAFgB;AAyDT,SAAS,UAAU,SAAiB,KAAmB,OAAgB;AAC7E,SAAO,QAAQ,IAAI,OAAO,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,OAAO,IAAI,OAAO,KAAK,GAAG;AACvE;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,QAAgC,SAAoC;AACnF,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,YAAsC,QAAgC;AACrF,SAAO,KAAK,MAAM;AACnB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,eAA4C,WAAyC;AACpG,SAAO,KAAK,SAAS;AACtB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,YAAsC,QAAiC;AACtF,SAAO,MAAM,MAAM;AACpB;AAFgB;AA6DT,SAAS,mCAMf,aACA,qBACA,gBACA,WAI6C;AAC7C,MAAI,cAAc,QAAW;AAC5B,WAAO,KAAK,WAAW,IAAI,mBAAmB,IAAI,cAAe,IAAI,SAAS;AAAA,EAC/E;AAEA,MAAI,mBAAmB,QAAW;AACjC,WAAO,KAAK,WAAW,IAAI,mBAAmB,IAAI,cAAc;AAAA,EACjE;AAEA,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,IAAI,mBAAmB;AAC/C;AAvBgB;AAsDT,SAAS,YACf,SACA,WAAW,OAC8B;AACzC,SAAO,IAAI,WAAW,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO;AAC5C;AALgB;AA8BT,SAAS,YACf,WACA,SAC2G;AAC3G,SAAO,gCAAgC,WAAW,KAAK,IAAI,SAAS;AACrE;AALgB;AAoCT,SAAS,YACf,WACA,WACA,SAGsE;AACtE,SAAO,GAAG,YAAY,SAAY,YAAY,SAAS,IAAI,YAAY,WAAW,OAAO,CAAC,IAAI,SAAS;AACxG;AARgB;AAaT,IAAK,eAAL,kBAAKC,kBAAL;AAIN,EAAAA,4BAAA,SAAM,KAAN;AAIA,EAAAA,4BAAA;AAIA,EAAAA,4BAAA;AAZW,SAAAA;AAAA,GAAA;AA0CL,SAAS,QAAQ,SAAiB,OAAsB;AAC9D,UAAQ,OAAO;AAAA,IACd,KAAK;AACJ,aAAO,OAAO,OAAO;AAAA,IACtB,KAAK;AACJ,aAAO,MAAM,OAAO;AAAA,IACrB;AACC,aAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AAAA,EACrB;AACD;AATgB;AAqBhB,SAAS,aAAa,SAAiC,aAAsB,QAAQ,GAAW;AAC/F,MAAI,MAAM,QAAQ,OAAO,GAAG;AAC3B,WAAO,QAAQ,IAAI,CAACC,aAAY,aAAaA,UAAS,aAAa,QAAQ,CAAC,CAAC,EAAE,KAAK,IAAI;AAAA,EACzF;AAEA,SAAO,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,QAAQ,CAAC,CAAC,GAAG,cAAc,GAAG,WAAW,MAAM,GAAG,IAAI,OAAO;AACpF;AANS;AAcF,SAAS,YAAY,MAA8B,cAAc,GAAW;AAClF,SAAO,aAAa,MAAM,KAAK,IAAI,aAAa,CAAC,CAAC;AACnD;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,cAAc,MAAsC;AACnE,SAAO,aAAa,IAAI;AACzB;AAFgB;AAyCT,SAAS,KAAK,eAA+B,OAAuC;AAC1F,MAAI,OAAO,kBAAkB,UAAU;AAEtC,oBAAgB,KAAK,OAAO,eAAe,QAAQ,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,KAAK,GAAK;AAAA,EAC5E;AAEA,SAAO,OAAO,UAAU,WAAW,MAAM,aAAa,IAAI,KAAK,MAAM,MAAM,aAAa;AACzF;AAPgB;AAaT,IAAM,kBAAkB;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAM9B,WAAW;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAOX,UAAU;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAOV,WAAW;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAOX,UAAU;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAOV,eAAe;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAOf,cAAc;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,EAOd,cAAc;AACf;AAWO,IAAK,QAAL,kBAAKC,WAAL;AAKN,EAAAA,OAAA,WAAQ;AAKR,EAAAA,OAAA,eAAY;AAKZ,EAAAA,OAAA,YAAS;AAfE,SAAAA;AAAA,GAAA;AAqBL,IAAK,0BAAL,kBAAKC,6BAAL;AAIN,EAAAA,yBAAA,YAAS;AAIT,EAAAA,yBAAA,eAAY;AAIZ,EAAAA,yBAAA,WAAQ;AAZG,SAAAA;AAAA,GAAA;","names":["codeBlock","inlineCode","bold","italic","strikethrough","spoiler","heading","HeadingLevel","element","Faces","GuildNavigationMentions"]}
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
1 |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
2 |
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
3 |
4 |
// src/escapers.ts
5 |
function escapeMarkdown(text, options = {}) {
6 |
const {
7 |
codeBlock: codeBlock2 = true,
8 |
inlineCode: inlineCode2 = true,
9 |
bold: bold2 = true,
10 |
italic: italic2 = true,
11 |
underline = true,
12 |
strikethrough: strikethrough2 = true,
13 |
spoiler: spoiler2 = true,
14 |
codeBlockContent = true,
15 |
inlineCodeContent = true,
16 |
escape = true,
17 |
heading: heading2 = false,
18 |
bulletedList = false,
19 |
numberedList = false,
20 |
maskedLink = false
21 |
} = options;
22 |
if (!codeBlockContent) {
23 |
return text.split("```").map((subString, index, array) => {
24 |
if (index % 2 && index !== array.length - 1)
25 |
return subString;
26 |
return escapeMarkdown(subString, {
27 |
inlineCode: inlineCode2,
28 |
bold: bold2,
29 |
italic: italic2,
30 |
31 |
strikethrough: strikethrough2,
32 |
spoiler: spoiler2,
33 |
34 |
35 |
heading: heading2,
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
}).join(codeBlock2 ? "\\`\\`\\`" : "```");
41 |
42 |
if (!inlineCodeContent) {
43 |
return text.split(/(?<=^|[^`])`(?=[^`]|$)/g).map((subString, index, array) => {
44 |
if (index % 2 && index !== array.length - 1)
45 |
return subString;
46 |
return escapeMarkdown(subString, {
47 |
codeBlock: codeBlock2,
48 |
bold: bold2,
49 |
italic: italic2,
50 |
51 |
strikethrough: strikethrough2,
52 |
spoiler: spoiler2,
53 |
54 |
heading: heading2,
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
}).join(inlineCode2 ? "\\`" : "`");
60 |
61 |
let res = text;
62 |
if (escape)
63 |
res = escapeEscape(res);
64 |
if (inlineCode2)
65 |
res = escapeInlineCode(res);
66 |
if (codeBlock2)
67 |
res = escapeCodeBlock(res);
68 |
if (italic2)
69 |
res = escapeItalic(res);
70 |
if (bold2)
71 |
res = escapeBold(res);
72 |
if (underline)
73 |
res = escapeUnderline(res);
74 |
if (strikethrough2)
75 |
res = escapeStrikethrough(res);
76 |
if (spoiler2)
77 |
res = escapeSpoiler(res);
78 |
if (heading2)
79 |
res = escapeHeading(res);
80 |
if (bulletedList)
81 |
res = escapeBulletedList(res);
82 |
if (numberedList)
83 |
res = escapeNumberedList(res);
84 |
if (maskedLink)
85 |
res = escapeMaskedLink(res);
86 |
return res;
87 |
88 |
__name(escapeMarkdown, "escapeMarkdown");
89 |
function escapeCodeBlock(text) {
90 |
return text.replaceAll("```", "\\`\\`\\`");
91 |
92 |
__name(escapeCodeBlock, "escapeCodeBlock");
93 |
function escapeInlineCode(text) {
94 |
return text.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^`])``?(?=[^`]|$)/g, (match) => match.length === 2 ? "\\`\\`" : "\\`");
95 |
96 |
__name(escapeInlineCode, "escapeInlineCode");
97 |
function escapeItalic(text) {
98 |
let idx = 0;
99 |
const newText = text.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^*])\*([^*]|\*\*|$)/g, (_, match) => {
100 |
if (match === "**")
101 |
return ++idx % 2 ? `\\*${match}` : `${match}\\*`;
102 |
return `\\*${match}`;
103 |
104 |
idx = 0;
105 |
return newText.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^_])(?<!<a?:.+)_(?!:\d+>)([^_]|__|$)/g, (_, match) => {
106 |
if (match === "__")
107 |
return ++idx % 2 ? `\\_${match}` : `${match}\\_`;
108 |
return `\\_${match}`;
109 |
110 |
111 |
__name(escapeItalic, "escapeItalic");
112 |
function escapeBold(text) {
113 |
let idx = 0;
114 |
return text.replaceAll(/\*\*(\*)?/g, (_, match) => {
115 |
if (match)
116 |
return ++idx % 2 ? `${match}\\*\\*` : `\\*\\*${match}`;
117 |
return "\\*\\*";
118 |
119 |
120 |
__name(escapeBold, "escapeBold");
121 |
function escapeUnderline(text) {
122 |
let idx = 0;
123 |
return text.replaceAll(/(?<!<a?:.+)__(_)?(?!:\d+>)/g, (_, match) => {
124 |
if (match)
125 |
return ++idx % 2 ? `${match}\\_\\_` : `\\_\\_${match}`;
126 |
return "\\_\\_";
127 |
128 |
129 |
__name(escapeUnderline, "escapeUnderline");
130 |
function escapeStrikethrough(text) {
131 |
return text.replaceAll("~~", "\\~\\~");
132 |
133 |
__name(escapeStrikethrough, "escapeStrikethrough");
134 |
function escapeSpoiler(text) {
135 |
return text.replaceAll("||", "\\|\\|");
136 |
137 |
__name(escapeSpoiler, "escapeSpoiler");
138 |
function escapeEscape(text) {
139 |
return text.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\");
140 |
141 |
__name(escapeEscape, "escapeEscape");
142 |
function escapeHeading(text) {
143 |
return text.replaceAll(/^( {0,2})([*-] )?( *)(#{1,3} )/gm, "$1$2$3\\$4");
144 |
145 |
__name(escapeHeading, "escapeHeading");
146 |
function escapeBulletedList(text) {
147 |
return text.replaceAll(/^( *)([*-])( +)/gm, "$1\\$2$3");
148 |
149 |
__name(escapeBulletedList, "escapeBulletedList");
150 |
function escapeNumberedList(text) {
151 |
return text.replaceAll(/^( *\d+)\./gm, "$1\\.");
152 |
153 |
__name(escapeNumberedList, "escapeNumberedList");
154 |
function escapeMaskedLink(text) {
155 |
return text.replaceAll(/\[.+]\(.+\)/gm, "\\$&");
156 |
157 |
__name(escapeMaskedLink, "escapeMaskedLink");
158 |
159 |
// src/formatters.ts
160 |
function codeBlock(language, content) {
161 |
return content === void 0 ? `\`\`\`
162 |
163 |
\`\`\`` : `\`\`\`${language}
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
__name(codeBlock, "codeBlock");
168 |
function inlineCode(content) {
169 |
return `\`${content}\``;
170 |
171 |
__name(inlineCode, "inlineCode");
172 |
function italic(content) {
173 |
return `_${content}_`;
174 |
175 |
__name(italic, "italic");
176 |
function bold(content) {
177 |
return `**${content}**`;
178 |
179 |
__name(bold, "bold");
180 |
function underscore(content) {
181 |
return `__${content}__`;
182 |
183 |
__name(underscore, "underscore");
184 |
function strikethrough(content) {
185 |
return `~~${content}~~`;
186 |
187 |
__name(strikethrough, "strikethrough");
188 |
function quote(content) {
189 |
return `> ${content}`;
190 |
191 |
__name(quote, "quote");
192 |
function blockQuote(content) {
193 |
return `>>> ${content}`;
194 |
195 |
__name(blockQuote, "blockQuote");
196 |
function hideLinkEmbed(url) {
197 |
return `<${url}>`;
198 |
199 |
__name(hideLinkEmbed, "hideLinkEmbed");
200 |
function hyperlink(content, url, title) {
201 |
return title ? `[${content}](${url} "${title}")` : `[${content}](${url})`;
202 |
203 |
__name(hyperlink, "hyperlink");
204 |
function spoiler(content) {
205 |
return `||${content}||`;
206 |
207 |
__name(spoiler, "spoiler");
208 |
function userMention(userId) {
209 |
return `<@${userId}>`;
210 |
211 |
__name(userMention, "userMention");
212 |
function channelMention(channelId) {
213 |
return `<#${channelId}>`;
214 |
215 |
__name(channelMention, "channelMention");
216 |
function roleMention(roleId) {
217 |
return `<@&${roleId}>`;
218 |
219 |
__name(roleMention, "roleMention");
220 |
function chatInputApplicationCommandMention(commandName, subcommandGroupName, subcommandName, commandId) {
221 |
if (commandId !== void 0) {
222 |
return `</${commandName} ${subcommandGroupName} ${subcommandName}:${commandId}>`;
223 |
224 |
if (subcommandName !== void 0) {
225 |
return `</${commandName} ${subcommandGroupName}:${subcommandName}>`;
226 |
227 |
return `</${commandName}:${subcommandGroupName}>`;
228 |
229 |
__name(chatInputApplicationCommandMention, "chatInputApplicationCommandMention");
230 |
function formatEmoji(emojiId, animated = false) {
231 |
return `<${animated ? "a" : ""}:_:${emojiId}>`;
232 |
233 |
__name(formatEmoji, "formatEmoji");
234 |
function channelLink(channelId, guildId) {
235 |
return `${guildId ?? "@me"}/${channelId}`;
236 |
237 |
__name(channelLink, "channelLink");
238 |
function messageLink(channelId, messageId, guildId) {
239 |
return `${guildId === void 0 ? channelLink(channelId) : channelLink(channelId, guildId)}/${messageId}`;
240 |
241 |
__name(messageLink, "messageLink");
242 |
var HeadingLevel = /* @__PURE__ */ ((HeadingLevel2) => {
243 |
HeadingLevel2[HeadingLevel2["One"] = 1] = "One";
244 |
HeadingLevel2[HeadingLevel2["Two"] = 2] = "Two";
245 |
HeadingLevel2[HeadingLevel2["Three"] = 3] = "Three";
246 |
return HeadingLevel2;
247 |
})(HeadingLevel || {});
248 |
function heading(content, level) {
249 |
switch (level) {
250 |
case 3 /* Three */:
251 |
return `### ${content}`;
252 |
case 2 /* Two */:
253 |
return `## ${content}`;
254 |
255 |
return `# ${content}`;
256 |
257 |
258 |
__name(heading, "heading");
259 |
function listCallback(element, startNumber, depth = 0) {
260 |
if (Array.isArray(element)) {
261 |
return => listCallback(element2, startNumber, depth + 1)).join("\n");
262 |
263 |
return `${" ".repeat(depth - 1)}${startNumber ? `${startNumber}.` : "-"} ${element}`;
264 |
265 |
__name(listCallback, "listCallback");
266 |
function orderedList(list, startNumber = 1) {
267 |
return listCallback(list, Math.max(startNumber, 1));
268 |
269 |
__name(orderedList, "orderedList");
270 |
function unorderedList(list) {
271 |
return listCallback(list);
272 |
273 |
__name(unorderedList, "unorderedList");
274 |
function time(timeOrSeconds, style) {
275 |
if (typeof timeOrSeconds !== "number") {
276 |
timeOrSeconds = Math.floor((timeOrSeconds?.getTime() ?? / 1e3);
277 |
278 |
return typeof style === "string" ? `<t:${timeOrSeconds}:${style}>` : `<t:${timeOrSeconds}>`;
279 |
280 |
__name(time, "time");
281 |
var TimestampStyles = {
282 |
283 |
* Short time format, consisting of hours and minutes.
284 |
285 |
* @example `16:20`
286 |
287 |
ShortTime: "t",
288 |
289 |
* Long time format, consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds.
290 |
291 |
* @example `16:20:30`
292 |
293 |
LongTime: "T",
294 |
295 |
* Short date format, consisting of day, month, and year.
296 |
297 |
* @example `20/04/2021`
298 |
299 |
ShortDate: "d",
300 |
301 |
* Long date format, consisting of day, month, and year.
302 |
303 |
* @example `20 April 2021`
304 |
305 |
LongDate: "D",
306 |
307 |
* Short date-time format, consisting of short date and short time formats.
308 |
309 |
* @example `20 April 2021 16:20`
310 |
311 |
ShortDateTime: "f",
312 |
313 |
* Long date-time format, consisting of long date and short time formats.
314 |
315 |
* @example `Tuesday, 20 April 2021 16:20`
316 |
317 |
LongDateTime: "F",
318 |
319 |
* Relative time format, consisting of a relative duration format.
320 |
321 |
* @example `2 months ago`
322 |
323 |
RelativeTime: "R"
324 |
325 |
var Faces = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Faces2) => {
326 |
Faces2["Shrug"] = "\xAF_(\u30C4)_/\xAF";
327 |
Faces2["Tableflip"] = "(\u256F\xB0\u25A1\xB0)\u256F\uFE35 \u253B\u2501\u253B";
328 |
Faces2["Unflip"] = "\u252C\u2500\u252C\u30CE( \xBA _ \xBA\u30CE)";
329 |
return Faces2;
330 |
})(Faces || {});
331 |
var GuildNavigationMentions = /* @__PURE__ */ ((GuildNavigationMentions2) => {
332 |
GuildNavigationMentions2["Browse"] = "<id:browse>";
333 |
GuildNavigationMentions2["Customize"] = "<id:customize>";
334 |
GuildNavigationMentions2["Guide"] = "<id:guide>";
335 |
return GuildNavigationMentions2;
336 |
})(GuildNavigationMentions || {});
337 |
export {
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 |
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 |
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
{"version":3,"sources":["../src/escapers.ts","../src/formatters.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/* eslint-disable prefer-named-capture-group */\n\n/**\n * The options that affect what will be escaped.\n */\nexport interface EscapeMarkdownOptions {\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape bold text.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tbold?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape bulleted lists.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `false`\n\t */\n\tbulletedList?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape code blocks.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tcodeBlock?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape text inside code blocks.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tcodeBlockContent?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape `\\`.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tescape?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape headings.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `false`\n\t */\n\theading?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape inline code.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tinlineCode?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape text inside inline code.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tinlineCodeContent?: boolean;\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape italics.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\titalic?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape masked links.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `false`\n\t */\n\tmaskedLink?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape numbered lists.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `false`\n\t */\n\tnumberedList?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape spoilers.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tspoiler?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape strikethroughs.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tstrikethrough?: boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Whether to escape underlines.\n\t *\n\t * @defaultValue `true`\n\t */\n\tunderline?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes any Discord-flavored markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n * @param options - Options for escaping the markdown\n */\nexport function escapeMarkdown(text: string, options: EscapeMarkdownOptions = {}): string {\n\tconst {\n\t\tcodeBlock = true,\n\t\tinlineCode = true,\n\t\tbold = true,\n\t\titalic = true,\n\t\tunderline = true,\n\t\tstrikethrough = true,\n\t\tspoiler = true,\n\t\tcodeBlockContent = true,\n\t\tinlineCodeContent = true,\n\t\tescape = true,\n\t\theading = false,\n\t\tbulletedList = false,\n\t\tnumberedList = false,\n\t\tmaskedLink = false,\n\t} = options;\n\n\tif (!codeBlockContent) {\n\t\treturn text\n\t\t\t.split('```')\n\t\t\, index, array) => {\n\t\t\t\tif (index % 2 && index !== array.length - 1) return subString;\n\t\t\t\treturn escapeMarkdown(subString, {\n\t\t\t\t\tinlineCode,\n\t\t\t\t\tbold,\n\t\t\t\t\titalic,\n\t\t\t\t\tunderline,\n\t\t\t\t\tstrikethrough,\n\t\t\t\t\tspoiler,\n\t\t\t\t\tinlineCodeContent,\n\t\t\t\t\tescape,\n\t\t\t\t\theading,\n\t\t\t\t\tbulletedList,\n\t\t\t\t\tnumberedList,\n\t\t\t\t\tmaskedLink,\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t.join(codeBlock ? '\\\\`\\\\`\\\\`' : '```');\n\t}\n\n\tif (!inlineCodeContent) {\n\t\treturn text\n\t\t\t.split(/(?<=^|[^`])`(?=[^`]|$)/g)\n\t\t\, index, array) => {\n\t\t\t\tif (index % 2 && index !== array.length - 1) return subString;\n\t\t\t\treturn escapeMarkdown(subString, {\n\t\t\t\t\tcodeBlock,\n\t\t\t\t\tbold,\n\t\t\t\t\titalic,\n\t\t\t\t\tunderline,\n\t\t\t\t\tstrikethrough,\n\t\t\t\t\tspoiler,\n\t\t\t\t\tescape,\n\t\t\t\t\theading,\n\t\t\t\t\tbulletedList,\n\t\t\t\t\tnumberedList,\n\t\t\t\t\tmaskedLink,\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t})\n\t\t\t.join(inlineCode ? '\\\\`' : '`');\n\t}\n\n\tlet res = text;\n\tif (escape) res = escapeEscape(res);\n\tif (inlineCode) res = escapeInlineCode(res);\n\tif (codeBlock) res = escapeCodeBlock(res);\n\tif (italic) res = escapeItalic(res);\n\tif (bold) res = escapeBold(res);\n\tif (underline) res = escapeUnderline(res);\n\tif (strikethrough) res = escapeStrikethrough(res);\n\tif (spoiler) res = escapeSpoiler(res);\n\tif (heading) res = escapeHeading(res);\n\tif (bulletedList) res = escapeBulletedList(res);\n\tif (numberedList) res = escapeNumberedList(res);\n\tif (maskedLink) res = escapeMaskedLink(res);\n\treturn res;\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes code block markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeCodeBlock(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll('```', '\\\\`\\\\`\\\\`');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes inline code markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeInlineCode(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^`])``?(?=[^`]|$)/g, (match) => (match.length === 2 ? '\\\\`\\\\`' : '\\\\`'));\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes italic markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeItalic(text: string): string {\n\tlet idx = 0;\n\tconst newText = text.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^*])\\*([^*]|\\*\\*|$)/g, (_, match) => {\n\t\tif (match === '**') return ++idx % 2 ? `\\\\*${match}` : `${match}\\\\*`;\n\t\treturn `\\\\*${match}`;\n\t});\n\tidx = 0;\n\treturn newText.replaceAll(/(?<=^|[^_])(?<!<a?:.+)_(?!:\\d+>)([^_]|__|$)/g, (_, match) => {\n\t\tif (match === '__') return ++idx % 2 ? `\\\\_${match}` : `${match}\\\\_`;\n\t\treturn `\\\\_${match}`;\n\t});\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes bold markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeBold(text: string): string {\n\tlet idx = 0;\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/\\*\\*(\\*)?/g, (_, match) => {\n\t\tif (match) return ++idx % 2 ? `${match}\\\\*\\\\*` : `\\\\*\\\\*${match}`;\n\t\treturn '\\\\*\\\\*';\n\t});\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes underline markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeUnderline(text: string): string {\n\tlet idx = 0;\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/(?<!<a?:.+)__(_)?(?!:\\d+>)/g, (_, match) => {\n\t\tif (match) return ++idx % 2 ? `${match}\\\\_\\\\_` : `\\\\_\\\\_${match}`;\n\t\treturn '\\\\_\\\\_';\n\t});\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes strikethrough markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeStrikethrough(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll('~~', '\\\\~\\\\~');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes spoiler markdown in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeSpoiler(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll('||', '\\\\|\\\\|');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes escape characters in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeEscape(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes heading characters in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeHeading(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/^( {0,2})([*-] )?( *)(#{1,3} )/gm, '$1$2$3\\\\$4');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes bulleted list characters in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeBulletedList(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/^( *)([*-])( +)/gm, '$1\\\\$2$3');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes numbered list characters in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeNumberedList(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/^( *\\d+)\\./gm, '$1\\\\.');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escapes masked link characters in a string.\n *\n * @param text - Content to escape\n */\nexport function escapeMaskedLink(text: string): string {\n\treturn text.replaceAll(/\\[.+]\\(.+\\)/gm, '\\\\$&');\n}\n","import type { URL } from 'node:url';\nimport type { Snowflake } from 'discord-api-types/globals';\n\n/**\n * Wraps the content inside a code block with no language.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function codeBlock<Content extends string>(content: Content): `\\`\\`\\`\\n${Content}\\n\\`\\`\\``;\n\n/**\n * Wraps the content inside a code block with the specified language.\n *\n * @typeParam Language - This is inferred by the supplied language\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param language - The language for the code block\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function codeBlock<Language extends string, Content extends string>(\n\tlanguage: Language,\n\tcontent: Content,\n): `\\`\\`\\`${Language}\\n${Content}\\n\\`\\`\\``;\n\nexport function codeBlock(language: string, content?: string): string {\n\treturn content === undefined ? `\\`\\`\\`\\n${language}\\n\\`\\`\\`` : `\\`\\`\\`${language}\\n${content}\\n\\`\\`\\``;\n}\n\n/**\n * Wraps the content inside \\`backticks\\` which formats it as inline code.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function inlineCode<Content extends string>(content: Content): `\\`${Content}\\`` {\n\treturn `\\`${content}\\``;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into italic text.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function italic<Content extends string>(content: Content): `_${Content}_` {\n\treturn `_${content}_`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into bold text.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function bold<Content extends string>(content: Content): `**${Content}**` {\n\treturn `**${content}**`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into underscored text.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function underscore<Content extends string>(content: Content): `__${Content}__` {\n\treturn `__${content}__`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into strike-through text.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function strikethrough<Content extends string>(content: Content): `~~${Content}~~` {\n\treturn `~~${content}~~`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a quote.\n *\n * @remarks This needs to be at the start of the line for Discord to format it.\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function quote<Content extends string>(content: Content): `> ${Content}` {\n\treturn `> ${content}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a block quote.\n *\n * @remarks This needs to be at the start of the line for Discord to format it.\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function blockQuote<Content extends string>(content: Content): `>>> ${Content}` {\n\treturn `>>> ${content}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Wraps the URL into `<>` which stops it from embedding.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param url - The URL to wrap\n */\nexport function hideLinkEmbed<Content extends string>(url: Content): `<${Content}>`;\n\n/**\n * Wraps the URL into `<>` which stops it from embedding.\n *\n * @param url - The URL to wrap\n */\nexport function hideLinkEmbed(url: URL): `<${string}>`;\n\nexport function hideLinkEmbed(url: URL | string) {\n\treturn `<${url}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to display\n * @param url - The URL the content links to\n */\nexport function hyperlink<Content extends string>(content: Content, url: URL): `[${Content}](${string})`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @typeParam Url - This is inferred by the supplied URL\n * @param content - The content to display\n * @param url - The URL the content links to\n */\nexport function hyperlink<Content extends string, Url extends string>(\n\tcontent: Content,\n\turl: Url,\n): `[${Content}](${Url})`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL with a custom tooltip.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @typeParam Title - This is inferred by the supplied title\n * @param content - The content to display\n * @param url - The URL the content links to\n * @param title - The title shown when hovering on the masked link\n */\nexport function hyperlink<Content extends string, Title extends string>(\n\tcontent: Content,\n\turl: URL,\n\ttitle: Title,\n): `[${Content}](${string} \"${Title}\")`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the content and the URL into a masked URL with a custom tooltip.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @typeParam Url - This is inferred by the supplied URL\n * @typeParam Title - This is inferred by the supplied title\n * @param content - The content to display\n * @param url - The URL the content links to\n * @param title - The title shown when hovering on the masked link\n */\nexport function hyperlink<Content extends string, Url extends string, Title extends string>(\n\tcontent: Content,\n\turl: Url,\n\ttitle: Title,\n): `[${Content}](${Url} \"${Title}\")`;\n\nexport function hyperlink(content: string, url: URL | string, title?: string) {\n\treturn title ? `[${content}](${url} \"${title}\")` : `[${content}](${url})`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a spoiler.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n */\nexport function spoiler<Content extends string>(content: Content): `||${Content}||` {\n\treturn `||${content}||`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a user id into a user mention.\n *\n * @typeParam UserId - This is inferred by the supplied user id\n * @param userId - The user id to format\n */\nexport function userMention<UserId extends Snowflake>(userId: UserId): `<@${UserId}>` {\n\treturn `<@${userId}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a channel id into a channel mention.\n *\n * @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id\n * @param channelId - The channel id to format\n */\nexport function channelMention<ChannelId extends Snowflake>(channelId: ChannelId): `<#${ChannelId}>` {\n\treturn `<#${channelId}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a role id into a role mention.\n *\n * @typeParam RoleId - This is inferred by the supplied role id\n * @param roleId - The role id to format\n */\nexport function roleMention<RoleId extends Snowflake>(roleId: RoleId): `<@&${RoleId}>` {\n\treturn `<@&${roleId}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats an application command name, subcommand group name, subcommand name, and id into an application command mention.\n *\n * @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name\n * @typeParam SubcommandGroupName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand group name\n * @typeParam SubcommandName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand name\n * @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id\n * @param commandName - The application command name to format\n * @param subcommandGroupName - The subcommand group name to format\n * @param subcommandName - The subcommand name to format\n * @param commandId - The application command id to format\n */\nexport function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<\n\tCommandName extends string,\n\tSubcommandGroupName extends string,\n\tSubcommandName extends string,\n\tCommandId extends Snowflake,\n>(\n\tcommandName: CommandName,\n\tsubcommandGroupName: SubcommandGroupName,\n\tsubcommandName: SubcommandName,\n\tcommandId: CommandId,\n): `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandGroupName} ${SubcommandName}:${CommandId}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats an application command name, subcommand name, and id into an application command mention.\n *\n * @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name\n * @typeParam SubcommandName - This is inferred by the supplied subcommand name\n * @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id\n * @param commandName - The application command name to format\n * @param subcommandName - The subcommand name to format\n * @param commandId - The application command id to format\n */\nexport function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<\n\tCommandName extends string,\n\tSubcommandName extends string,\n\tCommandId extends Snowflake,\n>(\n\tcommandName: CommandName,\n\tsubcommandName: SubcommandName,\n\tcommandId: CommandId,\n): `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandName}:${CommandId}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats an application command name and id into an application command mention.\n *\n * @typeParam CommandName - This is inferred by the supplied command name\n * @typeParam CommandId - This is inferred by the supplied command id\n * @param commandName - The application command name to format\n * @param commandId - The application command id to format\n */\nexport function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<CommandName extends string, CommandId extends Snowflake>(\n\tcommandName: CommandName,\n\tcommandId: CommandId,\n): `</${CommandName}:${CommandId}>`;\n\nexport function chatInputApplicationCommandMention<\n\tCommandName extends string,\n\tSubcommandGroupName extends Snowflake | string,\n\tSubcommandName extends Snowflake | string,\n\tCommandId extends Snowflake,\n>(\n\tcommandName: CommandName,\n\tsubcommandGroupName: SubcommandGroupName,\n\tsubcommandName?: SubcommandName,\n\tcommandId?: CommandId,\n):\n\t| `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandGroupName} ${SubcommandName}:${CommandId}>`\n\t| `</${CommandName} ${SubcommandGroupName}:${SubcommandName}>`\n\t| `</${CommandName}:${SubcommandGroupName}>` {\n\tif (commandId !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn `</${commandName} ${subcommandGroupName} ${subcommandName!}:${commandId}>`;\n\t}\n\n\tif (subcommandName !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn `</${commandName} ${subcommandGroupName}:${subcommandName}>`;\n\t}\n\n\treturn `</${commandName}:${subcommandGroupName}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a non-animated emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.\n *\n * @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id\n * @param emojiId - The emoji id to format\n */\nexport function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(emojiId: EmojiId, animated?: false): `<:_:${EmojiId}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats an animated emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.\n *\n * @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id\n * @param emojiId - The emoji id to format\n * @param animated - Whether the emoji is animated\n */\nexport function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(emojiId: EmojiId, animated?: true): `<a:_:${EmojiId}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats an emoji id into a fully qualified emoji identifier.\n *\n * @typeParam EmojiId - This is inferred by the supplied emoji id\n * @param emojiId - The emoji id to format\n * @param animated - Whether the emoji is animated\n */\nexport function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(\n\temojiId: EmojiId,\n\tanimated?: boolean,\n): `<:_:${EmojiId}>` | `<a:_:${EmojiId}>`;\n\nexport function formatEmoji<EmojiId extends Snowflake>(\n\temojiId: EmojiId,\n\tanimated = false,\n): `<:_:${EmojiId}>` | `<a:_:${EmojiId}>` {\n\treturn `<${animated ? 'a' : ''}:_:${emojiId}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a channel link for a direct message channel.\n *\n * @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id\n * @param channelId - The channel's id\n */\nexport function channelLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n): `${ChannelId}`;\n\n/**\n * Formats a channel link for a guild channel.\n *\n * @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id\n * @typeParam GuildId - This is inferred by the supplied guild id\n * @param channelId - The channel's id\n * @param guildId - The guild's id\n */\nexport function channelLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n\tguildId: GuildId,\n): `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}`;\n\nexport function channelLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n\tguildId?: GuildId,\n): `${ChannelId}` | `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}` {\n\treturn `${guildId ?? '@me'}/${channelId}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a message link for a direct message channel.\n *\n * @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id\n * @typeParam MessageId - This is inferred by the supplied message id\n * @param channelId - The channel's id\n * @param messageId - The message's id\n */\nexport function messageLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, MessageId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n\tmessageId: MessageId,\n): `${ChannelId}/${MessageId}`;\n\n/**\n * Formats a message link for a guild channel.\n *\n * @typeParam ChannelId - This is inferred by the supplied channel id\n * @typeParam MessageId - This is inferred by the supplied message id\n * @typeParam GuildId - This is inferred by the supplied guild id\n * @param channelId - The channel's id\n * @param messageId - The message's id\n * @param guildId - The guild's id\n */\nexport function messageLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, MessageId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n\tmessageId: MessageId,\n\tguildId: GuildId,\n): `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}/${MessageId}`;\n\nexport function messageLink<ChannelId extends Snowflake, MessageId extends Snowflake, GuildId extends Snowflake>(\n\tchannelId: ChannelId,\n\tmessageId: MessageId,\n\tguildId?: GuildId,\n):\n\t| `${ChannelId}/${MessageId}`\n\t| `${GuildId}/${ChannelId}/${MessageId}` {\n\treturn `${guildId === undefined ? channelLink(channelId) : channelLink(channelId, guildId)}/${messageId}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * The heading levels for expanded markdown.\n */\nexport enum HeadingLevel {\n\t/**\n\t * The first heading level.\n\t */\n\tOne = 1,\n\t/**\n\t * The second heading level.\n\t */\n\tTwo,\n\t/**\n\t * The third heading level.\n\t */\n\tThree,\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a heading level.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n * @param level - The heading level\n */\nexport function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level?: HeadingLevel.One): `# ${Content}`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a heading level.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n * @param level - The heading level\n */\nexport function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level: HeadingLevel.Two): `## ${Content}`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the content into a heading level.\n *\n * @typeParam Content - This is inferred by the supplied content\n * @param content - The content to wrap\n * @param level - The heading level\n */\nexport function heading<Content extends string>(content: Content, level: HeadingLevel.Three): `### ${Content}`;\n\nexport function heading(content: string, level?: HeadingLevel) {\n\tswitch (level) {\n\t\tcase HeadingLevel.Three:\n\t\t\treturn `### ${content}`;\n\t\tcase HeadingLevel.Two:\n\t\t\treturn `## ${content}`;\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\treturn `# ${content}`;\n\t}\n}\n\n/**\n * A type that recursively traverses into arrays.\n */\nexport type RecursiveArray<ItemType> = readonly (ItemType | RecursiveArray<ItemType>)[];\n\n/**\n * Callback function for list formatters.\n *\n * @internal\n */\nfunction listCallback(element: RecursiveArray<string>, startNumber?: number, depth = 0): string {\n\tif (Array.isArray(element)) {\n\t\treturn => listCallback(element, startNumber, depth + 1)).join('\\n');\n\t}\n\n\treturn `${' '.repeat(depth - 1)}${startNumber ? `${startNumber}.` : '-'} ${element}`;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the elements in the array to an ordered list.\n *\n * @param list - The array of elements to list\n * @param startNumber - The starting number for the list\n */\nexport function orderedList(list: RecursiveArray<string>, startNumber = 1): string {\n\treturn listCallback(list, Math.max(startNumber, 1));\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats the elements in the array to an unordered list.\n *\n * @param list - The array of elements to list\n */\nexport function unorderedList(list: RecursiveArray<string>): string {\n\treturn listCallback(list);\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a date into a short date-time string.\n *\n * @param date - The date to format. Defaults to the current time\n */\nexport function time(date?: Date): `<t:${bigint}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats a date given a format style.\n *\n * @typeParam Style - This is inferred by the supplied {@link TimestampStylesString}\n * @param date - The date to format\n * @param style - The style to use\n */\nexport function time<Style extends TimestampStylesString>(date: Date, style: Style): `<t:${bigint}:${Style}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the given timestamp into a short date-time string.\n *\n * @typeParam Seconds - This is inferred by the supplied timestamp\n * @param seconds - A Unix timestamp in seconds\n */\nexport function time<Seconds extends number>(seconds: Seconds): `<t:${Seconds}>`;\n\n/**\n * Formats the given timestamp into a short date-time string.\n *\n * @typeParam Seconds - This is inferred by the supplied timestamp\n * @typeParam Style - This is inferred by the supplied {@link TimestampStylesString}\n * @param seconds - A Unix timestamp in seconds\n * @param style - The style to use\n */\nexport function time<Seconds extends number, Style extends TimestampStylesString>(\n\tseconds: Seconds,\n\tstyle: Style,\n): `<t:${Seconds}:${Style}>`;\n\nexport function time(timeOrSeconds?: Date | number, style?: TimestampStylesString): string {\n\tif (typeof timeOrSeconds !== 'number') {\n\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n\t\ttimeOrSeconds = Math.floor((timeOrSeconds?.getTime() ?? / 1_000);\n\t}\n\n\treturn typeof style === 'string' ? `<t:${timeOrSeconds}:${style}>` : `<t:${timeOrSeconds}>`;\n}\n\n/**\n * The {@link | message formatting timestamp styles}\n * supported by Discord.\n */\nexport const TimestampStyles = {\n\t/**\n\t * Short time format, consisting of hours and minutes.\n\t *\n\t * @example `16:20`\n\t */\n\tShortTime: 't',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Long time format, consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds.\n\t *\n\t * @example `16:20:30`\n\t */\n\tLongTime: 'T',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Short date format, consisting of day, month, and year.\n\t *\n\t * @example `20/04/2021`\n\t */\n\tShortDate: 'd',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Long date format, consisting of day, month, and year.\n\t *\n\t * @example `20 April 2021`\n\t */\n\tLongDate: 'D',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Short date-time format, consisting of short date and short time formats.\n\t *\n\t * @example `20 April 2021 16:20`\n\t */\n\tShortDateTime: 'f',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Long date-time format, consisting of long date and short time formats.\n\t *\n\t * @example `Tuesday, 20 April 2021 16:20`\n\t */\n\tLongDateTime: 'F',\n\n\t/**\n\t * Relative time format, consisting of a relative duration format.\n\t *\n\t * @example `2 months ago`\n\t */\n\tRelativeTime: 'R',\n} as const satisfies Record<string, string>;\n\n/**\n * The possible {@link TimestampStyles} values.\n */\nexport type TimestampStylesString = (typeof TimestampStyles)[keyof typeof TimestampStyles];\n\n// prettier-ignore\n/**\n * All the available faces from Discord's native slash commands.\n */\nexport enum Faces {\n\t/**\n\t * `¯\\_(ツ)_/¯`\n\t */\n\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape\n\tShrug = '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯',\n\n\t/**\n\t * `(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻`\n\t */\n\tTableflip = '(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻',\n\n\t/**\n\t * `┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)`\n\t */\n\tUnflip = '┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)',\n}\n\n/**\n * All the available guild navigation mentions.\n */\nexport enum GuildNavigationMentions {\n\t/**\n\t * Browse Channels tab.\n\t */\n\tBrowse = '<id:browse>',\n\t/**\n\t * Customize tab with the server's {@link | onboarding prompts}.\n\t */\n\tCustomize = '<id:customize>',\n\t/**\n\t * {@link | Server Guide} tab.\n\t */\n\tGuide = '<id:guide>',\n}\n"],"mappings":";;;;AA8GO,SAAS,eAAe,MAAc,UAAiC,CAAC,GAAW;AACzF,QAAM;AAAA,IACL,WAAAA,aAAY;AAAA,IACZ,YAAAC,cAAa;AAAA,IACb,MAAAC,QAAO;AAAA,IACP,QAAAC,UAAS;AAAA,IACT,YAAY;AAAA,IACZ,eAAAC,iBAAgB;AAAA,IAChB,SAAAC,WAAU;AAAA,IACV,mBAAmB;AAAA,IACnB,oBAAoB;AAAA,IACpB,SAAS;AAAA,IACT,SAAAC,WAAU;AAAA,IACV,eAAe;AAAA,IACf,eAAe;AAAA,IACf,aAAa;AAAA,EACd,IAAI;AAEJ,MAAI,CAAC,kBAAkB;AACtB,WAAO,KACL,MAAM,KAAK,EACX,IAAI,CAAC,WAAW,OAAO,UAAU;AACjC,UAAI,QAAQ,KAAK,UAAU,MAAM,SAAS;AAAG,eAAO;AACpD,aAAO,eAAe,WAAW;AAAA,QAChC,YAAAL;AAAA,QACA,MAAAC;AAAA,QACA,QAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA,eAAAC;AAAA,QACA,SAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA,SAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,MACD,CAAC;AAAA,IACF,CAAC,EACA,KAAKN,aAAY,cAAc,KAAK;AAAA,EACvC;AAEA,MAAI,CAAC,mBAAmB;AACvB,WAAO,KACL,MAAM,yBAAyB,EAC/B,IAAI,CAAC,WAAW,OAAO,UAAU;AACjC,UAAI,QAAQ,KAAK,UAAU,MAAM,SAAS;AAAG,eAAO;AACpD,aAAO,eAAe,WAAW;AAAA,QAChC,WAAAA;AAAA,QACA,MAAAE;AAAA,QACA,QAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA,eAAAC;AAAA,QACA,SAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA,SAAAC;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,QACA;AAAA,MACD,CAAC;AAAA,IACF,CAAC,EACA,KAAKL,cAAa,QAAQ,GAAG;AAAA,EAChC;AAEA,MAAI,MAAM;AACV,MAAI;AAAQ,UAAM,aAAa,GAAG;AAClC,MAAIA;AAAY,UAAM,iBAAiB,GAAG;AAC1C,MAAID;AAAW,UAAM,gBAAgB,GAAG;AACxC,MAAIG;AAAQ,UAAM,aAAa,GAAG;AAClC,MAAID;AAAM,UAAM,WAAW,GAAG;AAC9B,MAAI;AAAW,UAAM,gBAAgB,GAAG;AACxC,MAAIE;AAAe,UAAM,oBAAoB,GAAG;AAChD,MAAIC;AAAS,UAAM,cAAc,GAAG;AACpC,MAAIC;AAAS,UAAM,cAAc,GAAG;AACpC,MAAI;AAAc,UAAM,mBAAmB,GAAG;AAC9C,MAAI;AAAc,UAAM,mBAAmB,GAAG;AAC9C,MAAI;AAAY,UAAM,iBAAiB,GAAG;AAC1C,SAAO;AACR;AA7EgB;AAoFT,SAAS,gBAAgB,MAAsB;AACrD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,OAAO,WAAW;AAC1C;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,iBAAiB,MAAsB;AACtD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,6BAA6B,CAAC,UAAW,MAAM,WAAW,IAAI,WAAW,KAAM;AACvG;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,aAAa,MAAsB;AAClD,MAAI,MAAM;AACV,QAAM,UAAU,KAAK,WAAW,+BAA+B,CAAC,GAAG,UAAU;AAC5E,QAAI,UAAU;AAAM,aAAO,EAAE,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,KAAK,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK;AAC/D,WAAO,MAAM,KAAK;AAAA,EACnB,CAAC;AACD,QAAM;AACN,SAAO,QAAQ,WAAW,gDAAgD,CAAC,GAAG,UAAU;AACvF,QAAI,UAAU;AAAM,aAAO,EAAE,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,KAAK,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK;AAC/D,WAAO,MAAM,KAAK;AAAA,EACnB,CAAC;AACF;AAXgB;AAkBT,SAAS,WAAW,MAAsB;AAChD,MAAI,MAAM;AACV,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,cAAc,CAAC,GAAG,UAAU;AAClD,QAAI;AAAO,aAAO,EAAE,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,KAAK,WAAW,SAAS,KAAK;AAC/D,WAAO;AAAA,EACR,CAAC;AACF;AANgB;AAaT,SAAS,gBAAgB,MAAsB;AACrD,MAAI,MAAM;AACV,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,+BAA+B,CAAC,GAAG,UAAU;AACnE,QAAI;AAAO,aAAO,EAAE,MAAM,IAAI,GAAG,KAAK,WAAW,SAAS,KAAK;AAC/D,WAAO;AAAA,EACR,CAAC;AACF;AANgB;AAaT,SAAS,oBAAoB,MAAsB;AACzD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,MAAM,QAAQ;AACtC;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,cAAc,MAAsB;AACnD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,MAAM,QAAQ;AACtC;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,aAAa,MAAsB;AAClD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,MAAM,MAAM;AACpC;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,cAAc,MAAsB;AACnD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,oCAAoC,YAAY;AACxE;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,mBAAmB,MAAsB;AACxD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,qBAAqB,UAAU;AACvD;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,mBAAmB,MAAsB;AACxD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,gBAAgB,OAAO;AAC/C;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,iBAAiB,MAAsB;AACtD,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,iBAAiB,MAAM;AAC/C;AAFgB;;;AC9RT,SAAS,UAAU,UAAkB,SAA0B;AACrE,SAAO,YAAY,SAAY;AAAA,EAAW,QAAQ;AAAA,UAAa,SAAS,QAAQ;AAAA,EAAK,OAAO;AAAA;AAC7F;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,WAAmC,SAAoC;AACtF,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,OAA+B,SAAkC;AAChF,SAAO,IAAI,OAAO;AACnB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,KAA6B,SAAoC;AAChF,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,WAAmC,SAAoC;AACtF,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,cAAsC,SAAoC;AACzF,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAWT,SAAS,MAA8B,SAAkC;AAC/E,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAWT,SAAS,WAAmC,SAAoC;AACtF,SAAO,OAAO,OAAO;AACtB;AAFgB;AAmBT,SAAS,cAAc,KAAmB;AAChD,SAAO,IAAI,GAAG;AACf;AAFgB;AAyDT,SAAS,UAAU,SAAiB,KAAmB,OAAgB;AAC7E,SAAO,QAAQ,IAAI,OAAO,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,KAAK,OAAO,IAAI,OAAO,KAAK,GAAG;AACvE;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,QAAgC,SAAoC;AACnF,SAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AACpB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,YAAsC,QAAgC;AACrF,SAAO,KAAK,MAAM;AACnB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,eAA4C,WAAyC;AACpG,SAAO,KAAK,SAAS;AACtB;AAFgB;AAUT,SAAS,YAAsC,QAAiC;AACtF,SAAO,MAAM,MAAM;AACpB;AAFgB;AA6DT,SAAS,mCAMf,aACA,qBACA,gBACA,WAI6C;AAC7C,MAAI,cAAc,QAAW;AAC5B,WAAO,KAAK,WAAW,IAAI,mBAAmB,IAAI,cAAe,IAAI,SAAS;AAAA,EAC/E;AAEA,MAAI,mBAAmB,QAAW;AACjC,WAAO,KAAK,WAAW,IAAI,mBAAmB,IAAI,cAAc;AAAA,EACjE;AAEA,SAAO,KAAK,WAAW,IAAI,mBAAmB;AAC/C;AAvBgB;AAsDT,SAAS,YACf,SACA,WAAW,OAC8B;AACzC,SAAO,IAAI,WAAW,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,OAAO;AAC5C;AALgB;AA8BT,SAAS,YACf,WACA,SAC2G;AAC3G,SAAO,gCAAgC,WAAW,KAAK,IAAI,SAAS;AACrE;AALgB;AAoCT,SAAS,YACf,WACA,WACA,SAGsE;AACtE,SAAO,GAAG,YAAY,SAAY,YAAY,SAAS,IAAI,YAAY,WAAW,OAAO,CAAC,IAAI,SAAS;AACxG;AARgB;AAaT,IAAK,eAAL,kBAAKC,kBAAL;AAIN,EAAAA,4BAAA,SAAM,KAAN;AAIA,EAAAA,4BAAA;AAIA,EAAAA,4BAAA;AAZW,SAAAA;AAAA,GAAA;AA0CL,SAAS,QAAQ,SAAiB,OAAsB;AAC9D,UAAQ,OAAO;AAAA,IACd,KAAK;AACJ,aAAO,OAAO,OAAO;AAAA,IACtB,KAAK;AACJ,aAAO,MAAM,OAAO;AAAA,IACrB;AACC,aAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AAAA,EACrB;AACD;AATgB;AAqBhB,SAAS,aAAa,SAAiC,aAAsB,QAAQ,GAAW;AAC/F,MAAI,MAAM,QAAQ,OAAO,GAAG;AAC3B,WAAO,QAAQ,IAAI,CAACC,aAAY,aAAaA,UAAS,aAAa,QAAQ,CAAC,CAAC,EAAE,KAAK,IAAI;AAAA,EACzF;AAEA,SAAO,GAAG,KAAK,OAAO,QAAQ,CAAC,CAAC,GAAG,cAAc,GAAG,WAAW,MAAM,GAAG,IAAI,OAAO;AACpF;AANS;AAcF,SAAS,YAAY,MAA8B,cAAc,GAAW;AAClF,SAAO,aAAa,MAAM,KAAK,IAAI,aAAa,CAAC,CAAC;AACnD;AAFgB;AAST,SAAS,cAAc,MAAsC;AACnE,SAAO,aAAa,IAAI;AACzB;AAFgB;AAyCT,SAAS,KAAK,eAA+B,OAAuC;AAC1F,MAAI,OAAO,kBAAkB,UA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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
1 |
2 |
"$schema": "",
3 |
"name": "@discordjs/formatters",
4 |
"version": "0.3.3",
5 |
"description": "A set of functions to format strings for Discord.",
6 |
"exports": {
7 |
".": {
8 |
"require": {
9 |
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
10 |
"default": "./dist/index.js"
11 |
12 |
"import": {
13 |
"types": "./dist/index.d.mts",
14 |
"default": "./dist/index.mjs"
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
"main": "./dist/index.js",
19 |
"module": "./dist/index.mjs",
20 |
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
21 |
"directories": {
22 |
"lib": "src",
23 |
"test": "__tests__"
24 |
25 |
"files": [
26 |
27 |
28 |
"contributors": [
29 |
"Crawl <>",
30 |
"SpaceEEC <>",
31 |
"Vlad Frangu <>",
32 |
"Aura Román <>"
33 |
34 |
"license": "Apache-2.0",
35 |
"keywords": [],
36 |
"repository": {
37 |
"type": "git",
38 |
"url": "",
39 |
"directory": "packages/formatters"
40 |
41 |
"bugs": {
42 |
"url": ""
43 |
44 |
"homepage": "",
45 |
"dependencies": {
46 |
"discord-api-types": "0.37.61"
47 |
48 |
"devDependencies": {
49 |
"@favware/cliff-jumper": "^2.2.1",
50 |
"@types/node": "16.18.60",
51 |
"@vitest/coverage-v8": "^0.34.6",
52 |
"cross-env": "^7.0.3",
53 |
"eslint": "^8.53.0",
54 |
"eslint-config-neon": "^0.1.57",
55 |
"eslint-formatter-pretty": "^5.0.0",
56 |
"prettier": "^3.0.3",
57 |
"tsup": "^7.2.0",
58 |
"turbo": "^1.10.17-canary.0",
59 |
"typescript": "^5.2.2",
60 |
"vitest": "^0.34.6",
61 |
"@discordjs/api-extractor": "^7.38.1"
62 |
63 |
"engines": {
64 |
"node": ">=16.11.0"
65 |
66 |
"publishConfig": {
67 |
"access": "public"
68 |
69 |
"scripts": {
70 |
"test": "vitest run",
71 |
"build": "tsc --noEmit && tsup",
72 |
"build:docs": "tsc -p",
73 |
"lint": "prettier --check . && cross-env TIMING=1 eslint --format=pretty src __tests__",
74 |
"format": "prettier --write . && cross-env TIMING=1 eslint --fix --format=pretty src __tests__",
75 |
"docs": "pnpm run build:docs && api-extractor run --local",
76 |
"changelog": "git cliff --prepend ./ -u -c ./cliff.toml -r ../../ --include-path 'packages/formatters/*'",
77 |
"release": "cliff-jumper"
78 |
79 |
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
1 |
Apache License
2 |
Version 2.0, January 2004
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1. Definitions.
8 |
9 |
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
10 |
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
11 |
12 |
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
13 |
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
14 |
15 |
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
16 |
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
17 |
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
18 |
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
19 |
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
20 |
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
21 |
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
22 |
23 |
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
24 |
exercising permissions granted by this License.
25 |
26 |
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
27 |
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
28 |
source, and configuration files.
29 |
30 |
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
31 |
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
32 |
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
33 |
and conversions to other media types.
34 |
35 |
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
36 |
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
37 |
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
38 |
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
39 |
40 |
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
41 |
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
42 |
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
43 |
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
44 |
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
45 |
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
46 |
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
47 |
48 |
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
49 |
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
50 |
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
51 |
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
52 |
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
53 |
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
54 |
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
55 |
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
56 |
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
57 |
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
58 |
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
59 |
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
60 |
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
61 |
62 |
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
63 |
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
64 |
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
65 |
66 |
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
67 |
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
68 |
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
69 |
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
70 |
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
71 |
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
72 |
73 |
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
74 |
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
75 |
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
76 |
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
77 |
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
78 |
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
79 |
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
80 |
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
81 |
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
82 |
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
83 |
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
84 |
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
85 |
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
86 |
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
87 |
as of the date such litigation is filed.
88 |
89 |
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
90 |
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
91 |
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
92 |
meet the following conditions:
93 |
94 |
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
95 |
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
96 |
97 |
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
98 |
stating that You changed the files; and
99 |
100 |
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
101 |
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
102 |
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
103 |
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
104 |
the Derivative Works; and
105 |
106 |
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
107 |
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
108 |
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
109 |
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
110 |
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
111 |
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
112 |
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
113 |
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
114 |
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
115 |
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
116 |
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
117 |
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
118 |
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
119 |
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
120 |
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
121 |
as modifying the License.
122 |
123 |
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
124 |
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
125 |
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
126 |
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
127 |
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
128 |
the conditions stated in this License.
129 |
130 |
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
131 |
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
132 |
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
133 |
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
134 |
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
135 |
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
136 |
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
137 |
138 |
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
139 |
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
140 |
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
141 |
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
142 |
143 |
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
144 |
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
145 |
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
146 |
147 |
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
148 |
149 |
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
150 |
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
151 |
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
152 |
153 |
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
154 |
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
155 |
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
156 |
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
157 |
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
158 |
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
159 |
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
160 |
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
161 |
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
162 |
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
163 |
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
164 |
165 |
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
166 |
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
167 |
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
168 |
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
169 |
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
170 |
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
171 |
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
172 |
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
173 |
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
174 |
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
Copyright 2021 Noel Buechler
179 |
Copyright 2021 Vlad Frangu
180 |
Copyright 2021 Aura Román
181 |
182 |
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
183 |
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
184 |
You may obtain a copy of the License at
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
189 |
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
190 |
191 |
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
192 |
limitations under the License.
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
1 |
<div align="center">
2 |
<br />
3 |
4 |
<a href=""><img src="" width="546" alt="discord.js" /></a>
5 |
6 |
<br />
7 |
8 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Discord server" /></a>
9 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm version" /></a>
10 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="npm downloads" /></a>
11 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Tests status" /></a>
12 |
<a href="" ><img src="" alt="Code coverage" /></a>
13 |
14 |
15 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Vercel" /></a>
16 |
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Cloudflare Workers" height="44" /></a>
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
## About
21 |
22 |
`@discordjs/rest` is a module that allows you to easily make REST requests to the Discord API.
23 |
24 |
## Installation
25 |
26 |
**Node.js 16.11.0 or newer is required.**
27 |
28 |
Note: native fetch (not recommended) is unavailable in this node version, either use a newer node version or use the more performant `undiciRequest` strategy (default)
29 |
30 |
31 |
npm install @discordjs/rest
32 |
yarn add @discordjs/rest
33 |
pnpm add @discordjs/rest
34 |
bun add @discordjs/rest
35 |
36 |
37 |
## Examples
38 |
39 |
Install all required dependencies:
40 |
41 |
42 |
npm install @discordjs/rest discord-api-types
43 |
yarn add @discordjs/rest discord-api-types
44 |
pnpm add @discordjs/rest discord-api-types
45 |
bun add @discordjs/rest discord-api-types
46 |
47 |
48 |
Send a basic message:
49 |
50 |
51 |
import { REST } from '@discordjs/rest';
52 |
import { Routes } from 'discord-api-types/v10';
53 |
54 |
const rest = new REST({ version: '10' }).setToken(TOKEN);
55 |
56 |
try {
57 |
await, {
58 |
body: {
59 |
content: 'A message via REST!',
60 |
61 |
62 |
} catch (error) {
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
Create a thread from an existing message to be archived after 60 minutes of inactivity:
68 |
69 |
70 |
import { REST } from '@discordjs/rest';
71 |
import { Routes } from 'discord-api-types/v10';
72 |
73 |
const rest = new REST({ version: '10' }).setToken(TOKEN);
74 |
75 |
try {
76 |
await, MESSAGE_ID), {
77 |
body: {
78 |
name: 'Thread',
79 |
auto_archive_duration: 60,
80 |
81 |
82 |
} catch (error) {
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
Send a basic message in an edge environment:
88 |
89 |
90 |
import { REST } from '@discordjs/rest';
91 |
import { Routes } from 'discord-api-types/v10';
92 |
93 |
const rest = new REST({ version: '10', makeRequest: fetch }).setToken(TOKEN);
94 |
95 |
try {
96 |
await, {
97 |
body: {
98 |
content: 'A message via REST from the edge!',
99 |
100 |
101 |
} catch (error) {
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
## Links
107 |
108 |
- [Website][website] ([source][website-source])
109 |
- [Documentation][documentation]
110 |
- [Guide][guide] ([source][guide-source])
111 |
Also see the v13 to v14 [Update Guide][guide-update], which includes updated and removed items from the library.
112 |
- [discord.js Discord server][discord]
113 |
- [Discord API Discord server][discord-api]
114 |
- [GitHub][source]
115 |
- [npm][npm]
116 |
- [Related libraries][related-libs]
117 |
118 |
## Contributing
119 |
120 |
Before creating an issue, please ensure that it hasn't already been reported/suggested, and double-check the
121 |
122 |
See [the contribution guide][contributing] if you'd like to submit a PR.
123 |
124 |
## Help
125 |
126 |
If you don't understand something in the documentation, you are experiencing problems, or you just need a gentle nudge in the right direction, please don't hesitate to join our official [discord.js Server][discord].
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
@@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
1 |
import * as url from 'url';
2 |
import { Snowflake } from 'discord-api-types/v10';
3 |
import { Readable } from 'node:stream';
4 |
import { ReadableStream } from 'node:stream/web';
5 |
import { Collection } from '@discordjs/collection';
6 |
import { Awaitable } from '@discordjs/util';
7 |
import * as undici from 'undici';
8 |
import { RequestInit, Dispatcher, Response, BodyInit, Agent } from 'undici';
9 |
import { AsyncEventEmitter } from '@vladfrangu/async_event_emitter';
10 |
11 |
interface IHandler {
12 |
13 |
* The unique id of the handler
14 |
15 |
readonly id: string;
16 |
17 |
* If the bucket is currently inactive (no pending requests)
18 |
19 |
get inactive(): boolean;
20 |
21 |
* Queues a request to be sent
22 |
23 |
* @param routeId - The generalized api route with literal ids for major parameters
24 |
* @param url - The url to do the request on
25 |
* @param options - All the information needed to make a request
26 |
* @param requestData - Extra data from the user's request needed for errors and additional processing
27 |
28 |
queueRequest(routeId: RouteData, url: string, options: RequestInit, requestData: HandlerRequestData): Promise<ResponseLike>;
29 |
30 |
31 |
interface RestEvents {
32 |
handlerSweep: [sweptHandlers: Collection<string, IHandler>];
33 |
hashSweep: [sweptHashes: Collection<string, HashData>];
34 |
invalidRequestWarning: [invalidRequestInfo: InvalidRequestWarningData];
35 |
rateLimited: [rateLimitInfo: RateLimitData];
36 |
response: [request: APIRequest, response: ResponseLike];
37 |
restDebug: [info: string];
38 |
39 |
type RestEventsMap = {
40 |
[K in keyof RestEvents]: RestEvents[K];
41 |
42 |
43 |
* Options to be passed when creating the REST instance
44 |
45 |
interface RESTOptions {
46 |
47 |
* The agent to set globally
48 |
49 |
agent: Dispatcher | null;
50 |
51 |
* The base api path, without version
52 |
53 |
* @defaultValue `''`
54 |
55 |
api: string;
56 |
57 |
* The authorization prefix to use for requests, useful if you want to use
58 |
* bearer tokens
59 |
60 |
* @defaultValue `'Bot'`
61 |
62 |
authPrefix: 'Bearer' | 'Bot';
63 |
64 |
* The cdn path
65 |
66 |
* @defaultValue `''`
67 |
68 |
cdn: string;
69 |
70 |
* How many requests to allow sending per second (Infinity for unlimited, 50 for the standard global limit used by Discord)
71 |
72 |
* @defaultValue `50`
73 |
74 |
globalRequestsPerSecond: number;
75 |
76 |
* The amount of time in milliseconds that passes between each hash sweep. (defaults to 1h)
77 |
78 |
* @defaultValue `3_600_000`
79 |
80 |
handlerSweepInterval: number;
81 |
82 |
* The maximum amount of time a hash can exist in milliseconds without being hit with a request (defaults to 24h)
83 |
84 |
* @defaultValue `86_400_000`
85 |
86 |
hashLifetime: number;
87 |
88 |
* The amount of time in milliseconds that passes between each hash sweep. (defaults to 4h)
89 |
90 |
* @defaultValue `14_400_000`
91 |
92 |
hashSweepInterval: number;
93 |
94 |
* Additional headers to send for all API requests
95 |
96 |
* @defaultValue `{}`
97 |
98 |
headers: Record<string, string>;
99 |
100 |
* The number of invalid REST requests (those that return 401, 403, or 429) in a 10 minute window between emitted warnings (0 for no warnings).
101 |
* That is, if set to 500, warnings will be emitted at invalid request number 500, 1000, 1500, and so on.
102 |
103 |
* @defaultValue `0`
104 |
105 |
invalidRequestWarningInterval: number;
106 |
107 |
* The method called to perform the actual HTTP request given a url and web `fetch` options
108 |
* For example, to use global fetch, simply provide `makeRequest: fetch`
109 |
110 |
makeRequest(url: string, init: RequestInit): Promise<ResponseLike>;
111 |
112 |
* The extra offset to add to rate limits in milliseconds
113 |
114 |
* @defaultValue `50`
115 |
116 |
offset: number;
117 |
118 |
* Determines how rate limiting and pre-emptive throttling should be handled.
119 |
* When an array of strings, each element is treated as a prefix for the request route
120 |
* (e.g. `/channels` to match any route starting with `/channels` such as `/channels/:id/messages`)
121 |
* for which to throw {@link RateLimitError}s. All other request routes will be queued normally
122 |
123 |
* @defaultValue `null`
124 |
125 |
rejectOnRateLimit: RateLimitQueueFilter | string[] | null;
126 |
127 |
* The number of retries for errors with the 500 code, or errors
128 |
* that timeout
129 |
130 |
* @defaultValue `3`
131 |
132 |
retries: number;
133 |
134 |
* The time to wait in milliseconds before a request is aborted
135 |
136 |
* @defaultValue `15_000`
137 |
138 |
timeout: number;
139 |
140 |
* Extra information to add to the user agent
141 |
142 |
* @defaultValue DefaultUserAgentAppendix
143 |
144 |
userAgentAppendix: string;
145 |
146 |
* The version of the API to use
147 |
148 |
* @defaultValue `'10'`
149 |
150 |
version: string;
151 |
152 |
153 |
* Data emitted on `RESTEvents.RateLimited`
154 |
155 |
interface RateLimitData {
156 |
157 |
* Whether the rate limit that was reached was the global limit
158 |
159 |
global: boolean;
160 |
161 |
* The bucket hash for this request
162 |
163 |
hash: string;
164 |
165 |
* The amount of requests we can perform before locking requests
166 |
167 |
limit: number;
168 |
169 |
* The major parameter of the route
170 |
171 |
* For example, in `/channels/x`, this will be `x`.
172 |
* If there is no major parameter (e.g: `/bot/gateway`) this will be `global`.
173 |
174 |
majorParameter: string;
175 |
176 |
* The HTTP method being performed
177 |
178 |
method: string;
179 |
180 |
* The time, in milliseconds, that will need to pass before this specific request can be retried
181 |
182 |
retryAfter: number;
183 |
184 |
* The route being hit in this request
185 |
186 |
route: string;
187 |
188 |
* The scope of the rate limit that was hit.
189 |
190 |
* This can be `user` for rate limits that are per client, `global` for rate limits that affect all clients or `shared` for rate limits that
191 |
* are shared per resource.
192 |
193 |
scope: 'global' | 'shared' | 'user';
194 |
195 |
* The time, in milliseconds, that will need to pass before the sublimit lock for the route resets, and requests that fall under a sublimit
196 |
* can be retried
197 |
198 |
* This is only present on certain sublimits, and `0` otherwise
199 |
200 |
sublimitTimeout: number;
201 |
202 |
* The time, in milliseconds, until the route's request-lock is reset
203 |
204 |
timeToReset: number;
205 |
206 |
* The full URL for this request
207 |
208 |
url: string;
209 |
210 |
211 |
* A function that determines whether the rate limit hit should throw an Error
212 |
213 |
type RateLimitQueueFilter = (rateLimitData: RateLimitData) => Awaitable<boolean>;
214 |
interface APIRequest {
215 |
216 |
* The data that was used to form the body of this request
217 |
218 |
data: HandlerRequestData;
219 |
220 |
* The HTTP method used in this request
221 |
222 |
method: string;
223 |
224 |
* Additional HTTP options for this request
225 |
226 |
options: RequestInit;
227 |
228 |
* The full path used to make the request
229 |
230 |
path: RouteLike;
231 |
232 |
* The number of times this request has been attempted
233 |
234 |
retries: number;
235 |
236 |
* The API route identifying the ratelimit for this request
237 |
238 |
route: string;
239 |
240 |
interface ResponseLike extends Pick<Response, 'arrayBuffer' | 'bodyUsed' | 'headers' | 'json' | 'ok' | 'status' | 'statusText' | 'text'> {
241 |
body: Readable | ReadableStream | null;
242 |
243 |
interface InvalidRequestWarningData {
244 |
245 |
* Number of invalid requests that have been made in the window
246 |
247 |
count: number;
248 |
249 |
* Time in milliseconds remaining before the count resets
250 |
251 |
remainingTime: number;
252 |
253 |
254 |
* Represents a file to be added to the request
255 |
256 |
interface RawFile {
257 |
258 |
* Content-Type of the file
259 |
260 |
contentType?: string;
261 |
262 |
* The actual data for the file
263 |
264 |
data: Buffer | Uint8Array | boolean | number | string;
265 |
266 |
* An explicit key to use for key of the formdata field for this file.
267 |
* When not provided, the index of the file in the files array is used in the form `files[${index}]`.
268 |
* If you wish to alter the placeholder snowflake, you must provide this property in the same form (`files[${placeholder}]`)
269 |
270 |
key?: string;
271 |
272 |
* The name of the file
273 |
274 |
name: string;
275 |
276 |
277 |
* Represents possible data to be given to an endpoint
278 |
279 |
interface RequestData {
280 |
281 |
* Whether to append JSON data to form data instead of `payload_json` when sending files
282 |
283 |
appendToFormData?: boolean;
284 |
285 |
* If this request needs the `Authorization` header
286 |
287 |
* @defaultValue `true`
288 |
289 |
auth?: boolean;
290 |
291 |
* The authorization prefix to use for this request, useful if you use this with bearer tokens
292 |
293 |
* @defaultValue `'Bot'`
294 |
295 |
authPrefix?: 'Bearer' | 'Bot';
296 |
297 |
* The body to send to this request.
298 |
* If providing as BodyInit, set `passThroughBody: true`
299 |
300 |
body?: BodyInit | unknown;
301 |
302 |
* The {@link | Agent} to use for the request.
303 |
304 |
dispatcher?: Agent;
305 |
306 |
* Files to be attached to this request
307 |
308 |
files?: RawFile[] | undefined;
309 |
310 |
* Additional headers to add to this request
311 |
312 |
headers?: Record<string, string>;
313 |
314 |
* Whether to pass-through the body property directly to `fetch()`.
315 |
* <warn>This only applies when files is NOT present</warn>
316 |
317 |
passThroughBody?: boolean;
318 |
319 |
* Query string parameters to append to the called endpoint
320 |
321 |
query?: URLSearchParams;
322 |
323 |
* Reason to show in the audit logs
324 |
325 |
reason?: string | undefined;
326 |
327 |
* The signal to abort the queue entry or the REST call, where applicable
328 |
329 |
signal?: AbortSignal | undefined;
330 |
331 |
* If this request should be versioned
332 |
333 |
* @defaultValue `true`
334 |
335 |
versioned?: boolean;
336 |
337 |
338 |
* Possible headers for an API call
339 |
340 |
interface RequestHeaders {
341 |
Authorization?: string;
342 |
'User-Agent': string;
343 |
'X-Audit-Log-Reason'?: string;
344 |
345 |
346 |
* Possible API methods to be used when doing requests
347 |
348 |
declare enum RequestMethod {
349 |
Delete = "DELETE",
350 |
Get = "GET",
351 |
Patch = "PATCH",
352 |
Post = "POST",
353 |
Put = "PUT"
354 |
355 |
type RouteLike = `/${string}`;
356 |
357 |
* Internal request options
358 |
359 |
* @internal
360 |
361 |
interface InternalRequest extends RequestData {
362 |
fullRoute: RouteLike;
363 |
method: RequestMethod;
364 |
365 |
type HandlerRequestData = Pick<InternalRequest, 'auth' | 'body' | 'files' | 'signal'>;
366 |
367 |
* Parsed route data for an endpoint
368 |
369 |
* @internal
370 |
371 |
interface RouteData {
372 |
bucketRoute: string;
373 |
majorParameter: string;
374 |
original: RouteLike;
375 |
376 |
377 |
* Represents a hash and its associated fields
378 |
379 |
* @internal
380 |
381 |
interface HashData {
382 |
lastAccess: number;
383 |
value: string;
384 |
385 |
386 |
declare const DefaultUserAgent: `DiscordBot (, ${string})`;
387 |
388 |
* The default string to append onto the user agent.
389 |
390 |
declare const DefaultUserAgentAppendix: string;
391 |
declare const DefaultRestOptions: {
392 |
readonly agent: null;
393 |
readonly api: "";
394 |
readonly authPrefix: "Bot";
395 |
readonly cdn: "";
396 |
readonly headers: {};
397 |
readonly invalidRequestWarningInterval: 0;
398 |
readonly globalRequestsPerSecond: 50;
399 |
readonly offset: 50;
400 |
readonly rejectOnRateLimit: null;
401 |
readonly retries: 3;
402 |
readonly timeout: 15000;
403 |
readonly userAgentAppendix: string;
404 |
readonly version: "10";
405 |
readonly hashSweepInterval: 14400000;
406 |
readonly hashLifetime: 86400000;
407 |
readonly handlerSweepInterval: 3600000;
408 |
readonly makeRequest: (url: string, init: undici.RequestInit) => Promise<ResponseLike>;
409 |
410 |
411 |
* The events that the REST manager emits
412 |
413 |
declare enum RESTEvents {
414 |
Debug = "restDebug",
415 |
HandlerSweep = "handlerSweep",
416 |
HashSweep = "hashSweep",
417 |
InvalidRequestWarning = "invalidRequestWarning",
418 |
RateLimited = "rateLimited",
419 |
Response = "response"
420 |
421 |
declare const ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: readonly ["webp", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"];
422 |
declare const ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS: readonly ["png", "json", "gif"];
423 |
declare const ALLOWED_SIZES: readonly [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096];
424 |
type ImageExtension = (typeof ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS)[number];
425 |
type StickerExtension = (typeof ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS)[number];
426 |
type ImageSize = (typeof ALLOWED_SIZES)[number];
427 |
declare const OverwrittenMimeTypes: {
428 |
readonly 'image/apng': "image/png";
429 |
430 |
declare const BurstHandlerMajorIdKey = "burst";
431 |
432 |
* Prefix for deprecation warnings.
433 |
434 |
* @internal
435 |
436 |
declare const DEPRECATION_WARNING_PREFIX: "DeprecationWarning";
437 |
438 |
439 |
* The options used for image URLs
440 |
441 |
interface BaseImageURLOptions {
442 |
443 |
* The extension to use for the image URL
444 |
445 |
* @defaultValue `'webp'`
446 |
447 |
extension?: ImageExtension;
448 |
449 |
* The size specified in the image URL
450 |
451 |
size?: ImageSize;
452 |
453 |
454 |
* The options used for image URLs with animated content
455 |
456 |
interface ImageURLOptions extends BaseImageURLOptions {
457 |
458 |
* Whether or not to prefer the static version of an image asset.
459 |
460 |
forceStatic?: boolean;
461 |
462 |
463 |
* The options to use when making a CDN URL
464 |
465 |
interface MakeURLOptions {
466 |
467 |
* The allowed extensions that can be used
468 |
469 |
allowedExtensions?: readonly string[];
470 |
471 |
* The extension to use for the image URL
472 |
473 |
* @defaultValue `'webp'`
474 |
475 |
extension?: string | undefined;
476 |
477 |
* The size specified in the image URL
478 |
479 |
size?: ImageSize;
480 |
481 |
482 |
* The CDN link builder
483 |
484 |
declare class CDN {
485 |
private readonly base;
486 |
constructor(base?: string);
487 |
488 |
* Generates an app asset URL for a client's asset.
489 |
490 |
* @param clientId - The client id that has the asset
491 |
* @param assetHash - The hash provided by Discord for this asset
492 |
* @param options - Optional options for the asset
493 |
494 |
appAsset(clientId: string, assetHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
495 |
496 |
* Generates an app icon URL for a client's icon.
497 |
498 |
* @param clientId - The client id that has the icon
499 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
500 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
501 |
502 |
appIcon(clientId: string, iconHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
503 |
504 |
* Generates an avatar URL, e.g. for a user or a webhook.
505 |
506 |
* @param id - The id that has the icon
507 |
* @param avatarHash - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar
508 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar
509 |
510 |
avatar(id: string, avatarHash: string, options?: Readonly<ImageURLOptions>): string;
511 |
512 |
* Generates a user avatar decoration URL.
513 |
514 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
515 |
* @param userAvatarDecoration - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar decoration
516 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar decoration
517 |
518 |
avatarDecoration(userId: string, userAvatarDecoration: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
519 |
520 |
* Generates a banner URL, e.g. for a user or a guild.
521 |
522 |
* @param id - The id that has the banner splash
523 |
* @param bannerHash - The hash provided by Discord for this banner
524 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
525 |
526 |
banner(id: string, bannerHash: string, options?: Readonly<ImageURLOptions>): string;
527 |
528 |
* Generates an icon URL for a channel, e.g. a group DM.
529 |
530 |
* @param channelId - The channel id that has the icon
531 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this channel
532 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
533 |
534 |
channelIcon(channelId: string, iconHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
535 |
536 |
* Generates a default avatar URL
537 |
538 |
* @param index - The default avatar index
539 |
* @remarks
540 |
* To calculate the index for a user do `(userId >> 22) % 6`,
541 |
* or `discriminator % 5` if they're using the legacy username system.
542 |
543 |
defaultAvatar(index: number): string;
544 |
545 |
* Generates a discovery splash URL for a guild's discovery splash.
546 |
547 |
* @param guildId - The guild id that has the discovery splash
548 |
* @param splashHash - The hash provided by Discord for this splash
549 |
* @param options - Optional options for the splash
550 |
551 |
discoverySplash(guildId: string, splashHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
552 |
553 |
* Generates an emoji's URL for an emoji.
554 |
555 |
* @param emojiId - The emoji id
556 |
* @param options - Optional options for the emoji
557 |
558 |
emoji(emojiId: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
559 |
560 |
* Generates an emoji's URL for an emoji.
561 |
562 |
* @param emojiId - The emoji id
563 |
* @param extension - The extension of the emoji
564 |
* @deprecated This overload is deprecated. Pass an object containing the extension instead.
565 |
566 |
emoji(emojiId: string, extension?: ImageExtension): string;
567 |
568 |
* Generates a guild member avatar URL.
569 |
570 |
* @param guildId - The id of the guild
571 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
572 |
* @param avatarHash - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar
573 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar
574 |
575 |
guildMemberAvatar(guildId: string, userId: string, avatarHash: string, options?: Readonly<ImageURLOptions>): string;
576 |
577 |
* Generates a guild member banner URL.
578 |
579 |
* @param guildId - The id of the guild
580 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
581 |
* @param bannerHash - The hash provided by Discord for this banner
582 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
583 |
584 |
guildMemberBanner(guildId: string, userId: string, bannerHash: string, options?: Readonly<ImageURLOptions>): string;
585 |
586 |
* Generates an icon URL, e.g. for a guild.
587 |
588 |
* @param id - The id that has the icon splash
589 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
590 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
591 |
592 |
icon(id: string, iconHash: string, options?: Readonly<ImageURLOptions>): string;
593 |
594 |
* Generates a URL for the icon of a role
595 |
596 |
* @param roleId - The id of the role that has the icon
597 |
* @param roleIconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this role icon
598 |
* @param options - Optional options for the role icon
599 |
600 |
roleIcon(roleId: string, roleIconHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
601 |
602 |
* Generates a guild invite splash URL for a guild's invite splash.
603 |
604 |
* @param guildId - The guild id that has the invite splash
605 |
* @param splashHash - The hash provided by Discord for this splash
606 |
* @param options - Optional options for the splash
607 |
608 |
splash(guildId: string, splashHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
609 |
610 |
* Generates a sticker URL.
611 |
612 |
* @param stickerId - The sticker id
613 |
* @param extension - The extension of the sticker
614 |
* @privateRemarks
615 |
* Stickers cannot have a `.webp` extension, so we default to a `.png`
616 |
617 |
sticker(stickerId: string, extension?: StickerExtension): string;
618 |
619 |
* Generates a sticker pack banner URL.
620 |
621 |
* @param bannerId - The banner id
622 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
623 |
624 |
stickerPackBanner(bannerId: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
625 |
626 |
* Generates a team icon URL for a team's icon.
627 |
628 |
* @param teamId - The team id that has the icon
629 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
630 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
631 |
632 |
teamIcon(teamId: string, iconHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
633 |
634 |
* Generates a cover image for a guild scheduled event.
635 |
636 |
* @param scheduledEventId - The scheduled event id
637 |
* @param coverHash - The hash provided by discord for this cover image
638 |
* @param options - Optional options for the cover image
639 |
640 |
guildScheduledEventCover(scheduledEventId: string, coverHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
641 |
642 |
* Constructs the URL for the resource, checking whether or not `hash` starts with `a_` if `dynamic` is set to `true`.
643 |
644 |
* @param route - The base cdn route
645 |
* @param hash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
646 |
* @param options - Optional options for the link
647 |
648 |
private dynamicMakeURL;
649 |
650 |
* Constructs the URL for the resource
651 |
652 |
* @param route - The base cdn route
653 |
* @param options - The extension/size options for the link
654 |
655 |
private makeURL;
656 |
657 |
658 |
interface DiscordErrorFieldInformation {
659 |
code: string;
660 |
message: string;
661 |
662 |
interface DiscordErrorGroupWrapper {
663 |
_errors: DiscordError[];
664 |
665 |
type DiscordError = DiscordErrorFieldInformation | DiscordErrorGroupWrapper | string | {
666 |
[k: string]: DiscordError;
667 |
668 |
interface DiscordErrorData {
669 |
code: number;
670 |
errors?: DiscordError;
671 |
message: string;
672 |
673 |
interface OAuthErrorData {
674 |
error: string;
675 |
error_description?: string;
676 |
677 |
interface RequestBody {
678 |
files: RawFile[] | undefined;
679 |
json: unknown | undefined;
680 |
681 |
682 |
* Represents an API error returned by Discord
683 |
684 |
declare class DiscordAPIError extends Error {
685 |
rawError: DiscordErrorData | OAuthErrorData;
686 |
code: number | string;
687 |
status: number;
688 |
method: string;
689 |
url: string;
690 |
requestBody: RequestBody;
691 |
692 |
* @param rawError - The error reported by Discord
693 |
* @param code - The error code reported by Discord
694 |
* @param status - The status code of the response
695 |
* @param method - The method of the request that erred
696 |
* @param url - The url of the request that erred
697 |
* @param bodyData - The unparsed data for the request that errored
698 |
699 |
constructor(rawError: DiscordErrorData | OAuthErrorData, code: number | string, status: number, method: string, url: string, bodyData: Pick<InternalRequest, 'body' | 'files'>);
700 |
701 |
* The name of the error
702 |
703 |
get name(): string;
704 |
private static getMessage;
705 |
private static flattenDiscordError;
706 |
707 |
708 |
709 |
* Represents a HTTP error
710 |
711 |
declare class HTTPError extends Error {
712 |
status: number;
713 |
method: string;
714 |
url: string;
715 |
requestBody: RequestBody;
716 |
name: string;
717 |
718 |
* @param status - The status code of the response
719 |
* @param statusText - The status text of the response
720 |
* @param method - The method of the request that erred
721 |
* @param url - The url of the request that erred
722 |
* @param bodyData - The unparsed data for the request that errored
723 |
724 |
constructor(status: number, statusText: string, method: string, url: string, bodyData: Pick<InternalRequest, 'body' | 'files'>);
725 |
726 |
727 |
declare class RateLimitError extends Error implements RateLimitData {
728 |
timeToReset: number;
729 |
limit: number;
730 |
method: string;
731 |
hash: string;
732 |
url: string;
733 |
route: string;
734 |
majorParameter: string;
735 |
global: boolean;
736 |
retryAfter: number;
737 |
sublimitTimeout: number;
738 |
scope: RateLimitData['scope'];
739 |
constructor({ timeToReset, limit, method, hash, url, route, majorParameter, global, retryAfter, sublimitTimeout, scope, }: RateLimitData);
740 |
741 |
* The name of the error
742 |
743 |
get name(): string;
744 |
745 |
746 |
747 |
* Represents the class that manages handlers for endpoints
748 |
749 |
declare class REST extends AsyncEventEmitter<RestEventsMap> {
750 |
751 |
752 |
* The {@link | Agent} for all requests
753 |
* performed by this manager.
754 |
755 |
agent: Dispatcher | null;
756 |
readonly cdn: CDN;
757 |
758 |
* The number of requests remaining in the global bucket
759 |
760 |
globalRemaining: number;
761 |
762 |
* The promise used to wait out the global rate limit
763 |
764 |
globalDelay: Promise<void> | null;
765 |
766 |
* The timestamp at which the global bucket resets
767 |
768 |
globalReset: number;
769 |
770 |
* API bucket hashes that are cached from provided routes
771 |
772 |
readonly hashes: Collection<string, HashData>;
773 |
774 |
* Request handlers created from the bucket hash and the major parameters
775 |
776 |
readonly handlers: Collection<string, IHandler>;
777 |
private hashTimer;
778 |
private handlerTimer;
779 |
readonly options: RESTOptions;
780 |
constructor(options?: Partial<RESTOptions>);
781 |
private setupSweepers;
782 |
783 |
* Runs a get request from the api
784 |
785 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
786 |
* @param options - Optional request options
787 |
788 |
get(fullRoute: RouteLike, options?: RequestData): Promise<unknown>;
789 |
790 |
* Runs a delete request from the api
791 |
792 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
793 |
* @param options - Optional request options
794 |
795 |
delete(fullRoute: RouteLike, options?: RequestData): Promise<unknown>;
796 |
797 |
* Runs a post request from the api
798 |
799 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
800 |
* @param options - Optional request options
801 |
802 |
post(fullRoute: RouteLike, options?: RequestData): Promise<unknown>;
803 |
804 |
* Runs a put request from the api
805 |
806 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
807 |
* @param options - Optional request options
808 |
809 |
put(fullRoute: RouteLike, options?: RequestData): Promise<unknown>;
810 |
811 |
* Runs a patch request from the api
812 |
813 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
814 |
* @param options - Optional request options
815 |
816 |
patch(fullRoute: RouteLike, options?: RequestData): Promise<unknown>;
817 |
818 |
* Runs a request from the api
819 |
820 |
* @param options - Request options
821 |
822 |
request(options: InternalRequest): Promise<unknown>;
823 |
824 |
* Sets the default agent to use for requests performed by this manager
825 |
826 |
* @param agent - The agent to use
827 |
828 |
setAgent(agent: Dispatcher): this;
829 |
830 |
* Sets the authorization token that should be used for requests
831 |
832 |
* @param token - The authorization token to use
833 |
834 |
setToken(token: string): this;
835 |
836 |
* Queues a request to be sent
837 |
838 |
* @param request - All the information needed to make a request
839 |
* @returns The response from the api request
840 |
841 |
queueRequest(request: InternalRequest): Promise<ResponseLike>;
842 |
843 |
* Creates a new rate limit handler from a hash, based on the hash and the major parameter
844 |
845 |
* @param hash - The hash for the route
846 |
* @param majorParameter - The major parameter for this handler
847 |
* @internal
848 |
849 |
private createHandler;
850 |
851 |
* Formats the request data to a usable format for fetch
852 |
853 |
* @param request - The request data
854 |
855 |
private resolveRequest;
856 |
857 |
* Stops the hash sweeping interval
858 |
859 |
clearHashSweeper(): void;
860 |
861 |
* Stops the request handler sweeping interval
862 |
863 |
clearHandlerSweeper(): void;
864 |
865 |
* Generates route data for an endpoint:method
866 |
867 |
* @param endpoint - The raw endpoint to generalize
868 |
* @param method - The HTTP method this endpoint is called without
869 |
* @internal
870 |
871 |
private static generateRouteData;
872 |
873 |
874 |
875 |
* Creates and populates an URLSearchParams instance from an object, stripping
876 |
* out null and undefined values, while also coercing non-strings to strings.
877 |
878 |
* @param options - The options to use
879 |
* @returns A populated URLSearchParams instance
880 |
881 |
declare function makeURLSearchParams<OptionsType extends object>(options?: Readonly<OptionsType>): url.URLSearchParams;
882 |
883 |
* Converts the response to usable data
884 |
885 |
* @param res - The fetch response
886 |
887 |
declare function parseResponse(res: ResponseLike): Promise<unknown>;
888 |
889 |
* Calculates the default avatar index for a given user id.
890 |
891 |
* @param userId - The user id to calculate the default avatar index for
892 |
893 |
declare function calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex(userId: Snowflake): number;
894 |
895 |
896 |
* The {@link | @discordjs/rest} version
897 |
* that you are currently using.
898 |
899 |
declare const version: string;
900 |
901 |
export { ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, ALLOWED_SIZES, ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS, APIRequest, BaseImageURLOptions, BurstHandlerMajorIdKey, CDN, DEPRECATION_WARNING_PREFIX, DefaultRestOptions, DefaultUserAgent, DefaultUserAgentAppendix, DiscordAPIError, DiscordErrorData, HTTPError, HandlerRequestData, HashData, ImageExtension, ImageSize, ImageURLOptions, InternalRequest, InvalidRequestWarningData, MakeURLOptions, OAuthErrorData, OverwrittenMimeTypes, REST, RESTEvents, RESTOptions, RateLimitData, RateLimitError, RateLimitQueueFilter, RawFile, RequestBody, RequestData, RequestHeaders, RequestMethod, ResponseLike, RestEvents, RestEventsMap, RouteData, RouteLike, StickerExtension, calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex, makeURLSearchParams, parseResponse, version };
@@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
1 |
import * as url from 'url';
2 |
import { Snowflake } from 'discord-api-types/v10';
3 |
import { Readable } from 'node:stream';
4 |
import { ReadableStream } from 'node:stream/web';
5 |
import { Collection } from '@discordjs/collection';
6 |
import { Awaitable } from '@discordjs/util';
7 |
import * as undici from 'undici';
8 |
import { RequestInit, Dispatcher, Response, BodyInit, Agent } from 'undici';
9 |
import { AsyncEventEmitter } from '@vladfrangu/async_event_emitter';
10 |
11 |
interface IHandler {
12 |
13 |
* The unique id of the handler
14 |
15 |
readonly id: string;
16 |
17 |
* If the bucket is currently inactive (no pending requests)
18 |
19 |
get inactive(): boolean;
20 |
21 |
* Queues a request to be sent
22 |
23 |
* @param routeId - The generalized api route with literal ids for major parameters
24 |
* @param url - The url to do the request on
25 |
* @param options - All the information needed to make a request
26 |
* @param requestData - Extra data from the user's request needed for errors and additional processing
27 |
28 |
queueRequest(routeId: RouteData, url: string, options: RequestInit, requestData: HandlerRequestData): Promise<ResponseLike>;
29 |
30 |
31 |
interface RestEvents {
32 |
handlerSweep: [sweptHandlers: Collection<string, IHandler>];
33 |
hashSweep: [sweptHashes: Collection<string, HashData>];
34 |
invalidRequestWarning: [invalidRequestInfo: InvalidRequestWarningData];
35 |
rateLimited: [rateLimitInfo: RateLimitData];
36 |
response: [request: APIRequest, response: ResponseLike];
37 |
restDebug: [info: string];
38 |
39 |
type RestEventsMap = {
40 |
[K in keyof RestEvents]: RestEvents[K];
41 |
42 |
43 |
* Options to be passed when creating the REST instance
44 |
45 |
interface RESTOptions {
46 |
47 |
* The agent to set globally
48 |
49 |
agent: Dispatcher | null;
50 |
51 |
* The base api path, without version
52 |
53 |
* @defaultValue `''`
54 |
55 |
api: string;
56 |
57 |
* The authorization prefix to use for requests, useful if you want to use
58 |
* bearer tokens
59 |
60 |
* @defaultValue `'Bot'`
61 |
62 |
authPrefix: 'Bearer' | 'Bot';
63 |
64 |
* The cdn path
65 |
66 |
* @defaultValue `''`
67 |
68 |
cdn: string;
69 |
70 |
* How many requests to allow sending per second (Infinity for unlimited, 50 for the standard global limit used by Discord)
71 |
72 |
* @defaultValue `50`
73 |
74 |
globalRequestsPerSecond: number;
75 |
76 |
* The amount of time in milliseconds that passes between each hash sweep. (defaults to 1h)
77 |
78 |
* @defaultValue `3_600_000`
79 |
80 |
handlerSweepInterval: number;
81 |
82 |
* The maximum amount of time a hash can exist in milliseconds without being hit with a request (defaults to 24h)
83 |
84 |
* @defaultValue `86_400_000`
85 |
86 |
hashLifetime: number;
87 |
88 |
* The amount of time in milliseconds that passes between each hash sweep. (defaults to 4h)
89 |
90 |
* @defaultValue `14_400_000`
91 |
92 |
hashSweepInterval: number;
93 |
94 |
* Additional headers to send for all API requests
95 |
96 |
* @defaultValue `{}`
97 |
98 |
headers: Record<string, string>;
99 |
100 |
* The number of invalid REST requests (those that return 401, 403, or 429) in a 10 minute window between emitted warnings (0 for no warnings).
101 |
* That is, if set to 500, warnings will be emitted at invalid request number 500, 1000, 1500, and so on.
102 |
103 |
* @defaultValue `0`
104 |
105 |
invalidRequestWarningInterval: number;
106 |
107 |
* The method called to perform the actual HTTP request given a url and web `fetch` options
108 |
* For example, to use global fetch, simply provide `makeRequest: fetch`
109 |
110 |
makeRequest(url: string, init: RequestInit): Promise<ResponseLike>;
111 |
112 |
* The extra offset to add to rate limits in milliseconds
113 |
114 |
* @defaultValue `50`
115 |
116 |
offset: number;
117 |
118 |
* Determines how rate limiting and pre-emptive throttling should be handled.
119 |
* When an array of strings, each element is treated as a prefix for the request route
120 |
* (e.g. `/channels` to match any route starting with `/channels` such as `/channels/:id/messages`)
121 |
* for which to throw {@link RateLimitError}s. All other request routes will be queued normally
122 |
123 |
* @defaultValue `null`
124 |
125 |
rejectOnRateLimit: RateLimitQueueFilter | string[] | null;
126 |
127 |
* The number of retries for errors with the 500 code, or errors
128 |
* that timeout
129 |
130 |
* @defaultValue `3`
131 |
132 |
retries: number;
133 |
134 |
* The time to wait in milliseconds before a request is aborted
135 |
136 |
* @defaultValue `15_000`
137 |
138 |
timeout: number;
139 |
140 |
* Extra information to add to the user agent
141 |
142 |
* @defaultValue DefaultUserAgentAppendix
143 |
144 |
userAgentAppendix: string;
145 |
146 |
* The version of the API to use
147 |
148 |
* @defaultValue `'10'`
149 |
150 |
version: string;
151 |
152 |
153 |
* Data emitted on `RESTEvents.RateLimited`
154 |
155 |
interface RateLimitData {
156 |
157 |
* Whether the rate limit that was reached was the global limit
158 |
159 |
global: boolean;
160 |
161 |
* The bucket hash for this request
162 |
163 |
hash: string;
164 |
165 |
* The amount of requests we can perform before locking requests
166 |
167 |
limit: number;
168 |
169 |
* The major parameter of the route
170 |
171 |
* For example, in `/channels/x`, this will be `x`.
172 |
* If there is no major parameter (e.g: `/bot/gateway`) this will be `global`.
173 |
174 |
majorParameter: string;
175 |
176 |
* The HTTP method being performed
177 |
178 |
method: string;
179 |
180 |
* The time, in milliseconds, that will need to pass before this specific request can be retried
181 |
182 |
retryAfter: number;
183 |
184 |
* The route being hit in this request
185 |
186 |
route: string;
187 |
188 |
* The scope of the rate limit that was hit.
189 |
190 |
* This can be `user` for rate limits that are per client, `global` for rate limits that affect all clients or `shared` for rate limits that
191 |
* are shared per resource.
192 |
193 |
scope: 'global' | 'shared' | 'user';
194 |
195 |
* The time, in milliseconds, that will need to pass before the sublimit lock for the route resets, and requests that fall under a sublimit
196 |
* can be retried
197 |
198 |
* This is only present on certain sublimits, and `0` otherwise
199 |
200 |
sublimitTimeout: number;
201 |
202 |
* The time, in milliseconds, until the route's request-lock is reset
203 |
204 |
timeToReset: number;
205 |
206 |
* The full URL for this request
207 |
208 |
url: string;
209 |
210 |
211 |
* A function that determines whether the rate limit hit should throw an Error
212 |
213 |
type RateLimitQueueFilter = (rateLimitData: RateLimitData) => Awaitable<boolean>;
214 |
interface APIRequest {
215 |
216 |
* The data that was used to form the body of this request
217 |
218 |
data: HandlerRequestData;
219 |
220 |
* The HTTP method used in this request
221 |
222 |
method: string;
223 |
224 |
* Additional HTTP options for this request
225 |
226 |
options: RequestInit;
227 |
228 |
* The full path used to make the request
229 |
230 |
path: RouteLike;
231 |
232 |
* The number of times this request has been attempted
233 |
234 |
retries: number;
235 |
236 |
* The API route identifying the ratelimit for this request
237 |
238 |
route: string;
239 |
240 |
interface ResponseLike extends Pick<Response, 'arrayBuffer' | 'bodyUsed' | 'headers' | 'json' | 'ok' | 'status' | 'statusText' | 'text'> {
241 |
body: Readable | ReadableStream | null;
242 |
243 |
interface InvalidRequestWarningData {
244 |
245 |
* Number of invalid requests that have been made in the window
246 |
247 |
count: number;
248 |
249 |
* Time in milliseconds remaining before the count resets
250 |
251 |
remainingTime: number;
252 |
253 |
254 |
* Represents a file to be added to the request
255 |
256 |
interface RawFile {
257 |
258 |
* Content-Type of the file
259 |
260 |
contentType?: string;
261 |
262 |
* The actual data for the file
263 |
264 |
data: Buffer | Uint8Array | boolean | number | string;
265 |
266 |
* An explicit key to use for key of the formdata field for this file.
267 |
* When not provided, the index of the file in the files array is used in the form `files[${index}]`.
268 |
* If you wish to alter the placeholder snowflake, you must provide this property in the same form (`files[${placeholder}]`)
269 |
270 |
key?: string;
271 |
272 |
* The name of the file
273 |
274 |
name: string;
275 |
276 |
277 |
* Represents possible data to be given to an endpoint
278 |
279 |
interface RequestData {
280 |
281 |
* Whether to append JSON data to form data instead of `payload_json` when sending files
282 |
283 |
appendToFormData?: boolean;
284 |
285 |
* If this request needs the `Authorization` header
286 |
287 |
* @defaultValue `true`
288 |
289 |
auth?: boolean;
290 |
291 |
* The authorization prefix to use for this request, useful if you use this with bearer tokens
292 |
293 |
* @defaultValue `'Bot'`
294 |
295 |
authPrefix?: 'Bearer' | 'Bot';
296 |
297 |
* The body to send to this request.
298 |
* If providing as BodyInit, set `passThroughBody: true`
299 |
300 |
body?: BodyInit | unknown;
301 |
302 |
* The {@link | Agent} to use for the request.
303 |
304 |
dispatcher?: Agent;
305 |
306 |
* Files to be attached to this request
307 |
308 |
files?: RawFile[] | undefined;
309 |
310 |
* Additional headers to add to this request
311 |
312 |
headers?: Record<string, string>;
313 |
314 |
* Whether to pass-through the body property directly to `fetch()`.
315 |
* <warn>This only applies when files is NOT present</warn>
316 |
317 |
passThroughBody?: boolean;
318 |
319 |
* Query string parameters to append to the called endpoint
320 |
321 |
query?: URLSearchParams;
322 |
323 |
* Reason to show in the audit logs
324 |
325 |
reason?: string | undefined;
326 |
327 |
* The signal to abort the queue entry or the REST call, where applicable
328 |
329 |
signal?: AbortSignal | undefined;
330 |
331 |
* If this request should be versioned
332 |
333 |
* @defaultValue `true`
334 |
335 |
versioned?: boolean;
336 |
337 |
338 |
* Possible headers for an API call
339 |
340 |
interface RequestHeaders {
341 |
Authorization?: string;
342 |
'User-Agent': string;
343 |
'X-Audit-Log-Reason'?: string;
344 |
345 |
346 |
* Possible API methods to be used when doing requests
347 |
348 |
declare enum RequestMethod {
349 |
Delete = "DELETE",
350 |
Get = "GET",
351 |
Patch = "PATCH",
352 |
Post = "POST",
353 |
Put = "PUT"
354 |
355 |
type RouteLike = `/${string}`;
356 |
357 |
* Internal request options
358 |
359 |
* @internal
360 |
361 |
interface InternalRequest extends RequestData {
362 |
fullRoute: RouteLike;
363 |
method: RequestMethod;
364 |
365 |
type HandlerRequestData = Pick<InternalRequest, 'auth' | 'body' | 'files' | 'signal'>;
366 |
367 |
* Parsed route data for an endpoint
368 |
369 |
* @internal
370 |
371 |
interface RouteData {
372 |
bucketRoute: string;
373 |
majorParameter: string;
374 |
original: RouteLike;
375 |
376 |
377 |
* Represents a hash and its associated fields
378 |
379 |
* @internal
380 |
381 |
interface HashData {
382 |
lastAccess: number;
383 |
value: string;
384 |
385 |
386 |
declare const DefaultUserAgent: `DiscordBot (, ${string})`;
387 |
388 |
* The default string to append onto the user agent.
389 |
390 |
declare const DefaultUserAgentAppendix: string;
391 |
declare const DefaultRestOptions: {
392 |
readonly agent: null;
393 |
readonly api: "";
394 |
readonly authPrefix: "Bot";
395 |
readonly cdn: "";
396 |
readonly headers: {};
397 |
readonly invalidRequestWarningInterval: 0;
398 |
readonly globalRequestsPerSecond: 50;
399 |
readonly offset: 50;
400 |
readonly rejectOnRateLimit: null;
401 |
readonly retries: 3;
402 |
readonly timeout: 15000;
403 |
readonly userAgentAppendix: string;
404 |
readonly version: "10";
405 |
readonly hashSweepInterval: 14400000;
406 |
readonly hashLifetime: 86400000;
407 |
readonly handlerSweepInterval: 3600000;
408 |
readonly makeRequest: (url: string, init: undici.RequestInit) => Promise<ResponseLike>;
409 |
410 |
411 |
* The events that the REST manager emits
412 |
413 |
declare enum RESTEvents {
414 |
Debug = "restDebug",
415 |
HandlerSweep = "handlerSweep",
416 |
HashSweep = "hashSweep",
417 |
InvalidRequestWarning = "invalidRequestWarning",
418 |
RateLimited = "rateLimited",
419 |
Response = "response"
420 |
421 |
declare const ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: readonly ["webp", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"];
422 |
declare const ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS: readonly ["png", "json", "gif"];
423 |
declare const ALLOWED_SIZES: readonly [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096];
424 |
type ImageExtension = (typeof ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS)[number];
425 |
type StickerExtension = (typeof ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS)[number];
426 |
type ImageSize = (typeof ALLOWED_SIZES)[number];
427 |
declare const OverwrittenMimeTypes: {
428 |
readonly 'image/apng': "image/png";
429 |
430 |
declare const BurstHandlerMajorIdKey = "burst";
431 |
432 |
* Prefix for deprecation warnings.
433 |
434 |
* @internal
435 |
436 |
declare const DEPRECATION_WARNING_PREFIX: "DeprecationWarning";
437 |
438 |
439 |
* The options used for image URLs
440 |
441 |
interface BaseImageURLOptions {
442 |
443 |
* The extension to use for the image URL
444 |
445 |
* @defaultValue `'webp'`
446 |
447 |
extension?: ImageExtension;
448 |
449 |
* The size specified in the image URL
450 |
451 |
size?: ImageSize;
452 |
453 |
454 |
* The options used for image URLs with animated content
455 |
456 |
interface ImageURLOptions extends BaseImageURLOptions {
457 |
458 |
* Whether or not to prefer the static version of an image asset.
459 |
460 |
forceStatic?: boolean;
461 |
462 |
463 |
* The options to use when making a CDN URL
464 |
465 |
interface MakeURLOptions {
466 |
467 |
* The allowed extensions that can be used
468 |
469 |
allowedExtensions?: readonly string[];
470 |
471 |
* The extension to use for the image URL
472 |
473 |
* @defaultValue `'webp'`
474 |
475 |
extension?: string | undefined;
476 |
477 |
* The size specified in the image URL
478 |
479 |
size?: ImageSize;
480 |
481 |
482 |
* The CDN link builder
483 |
484 |
declare class CDN {
485 |
private readonly base;
486 |
constructor(base?: string);
487 |
488 |
* Generates an app asset URL for a client's asset.
489 |
490 |
* @param clientId - The client id that has the asset
491 |
* @param assetHash - The hash provided by Discord for this asset
492 |
* @param options - Optional options for the asset
493 |
494 |
appAsset(clientId: string, assetHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
495 |
496 |
* Generates an app icon URL for a client's icon.
497 |
498 |
* @param clientId - The client id that has the icon
499 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
500 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
501 |
502 |
appIcon(clientId: string, iconHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
503 |
504 |
* Generates an avatar URL, e.g. for a user or a webhook.
505 |
506 |
* @param id - The id that has the icon
507 |
* @param avatarHash - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar
508 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar
509 |
510 |
avatar(id: string, avatarHash: string, options?: Readonly<ImageURLOptions>): string;
511 |
512 |
* Generates a user avatar decoration URL.
513 |
514 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
515 |
* @param userAvatarDecoration - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar decoration
516 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar decoration
517 |
518 |
avatarDecoration(userId: string, userAvatarDecoration: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
519 |
520 |
* Generates a banner URL, e.g. for a user or a guild.
521 |
522 |
* @param id - The id that has the banner splash
523 |
* @param bannerHash - The hash provided by Discord for this banner
524 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
525 |
526 |
banner(id: string, bannerHash: string, options?: Readonly<ImageURLOptions>): string;
527 |
528 |
* Generates an icon URL for a channel, e.g. a group DM.
529 |
530 |
* @param channelId - The channel id that has the icon
531 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this channel
532 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
533 |
534 |
channelIcon(channelId: string, iconHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
535 |
536 |
* Generates a default avatar URL
537 |
538 |
* @param index - The default avatar index
539 |
* @remarks
540 |
* To calculate the index for a user do `(userId >> 22) % 6`,
541 |
* or `discriminator % 5` if they're using the legacy username system.
542 |
543 |
defaultAvatar(index: number): string;
544 |
545 |
* Generates a discovery splash URL for a guild's discovery splash.
546 |
547 |
* @param guildId - The guild id that has the discovery splash
548 |
* @param splashHash - The hash provided by Discord for this splash
549 |
* @param options - Optional options for the splash
550 |
551 |
discoverySplash(guildId: string, splashHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
552 |
553 |
* Generates an emoji's URL for an emoji.
554 |
555 |
* @param emojiId - The emoji id
556 |
* @param options - Optional options for the emoji
557 |
558 |
emoji(emojiId: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
559 |
560 |
* Generates an emoji's URL for an emoji.
561 |
562 |
* @param emojiId - The emoji id
563 |
* @param extension - The extension of the emoji
564 |
* @deprecated This overload is deprecated. Pass an object containing the extension instead.
565 |
566 |
emoji(emojiId: string, extension?: ImageExtension): string;
567 |
568 |
* Generates a guild member avatar URL.
569 |
570 |
* @param guildId - The id of the guild
571 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
572 |
* @param avatarHash - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar
573 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar
574 |
575 |
guildMemberAvatar(guildId: string, userId: string, avatarHash: string, options?: Readonly<ImageURLOptions>): string;
576 |
577 |
* Generates a guild member banner URL.
578 |
579 |
* @param guildId - The id of the guild
580 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
581 |
* @param bannerHash - The hash provided by Discord for this banner
582 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
583 |
584 |
guildMemberBanner(guildId: string, userId: string, bannerHash: string, options?: Readonly<ImageURLOptions>): string;
585 |
586 |
* Generates an icon URL, e.g. for a guild.
587 |
588 |
* @param id - The id that has the icon splash
589 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
590 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
591 |
592 |
icon(id: string, iconHash: string, options?: Readonly<ImageURLOptions>): string;
593 |
594 |
* Generates a URL for the icon of a role
595 |
596 |
* @param roleId - The id of the role that has the icon
597 |
* @param roleIconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this role icon
598 |
* @param options - Optional options for the role icon
599 |
600 |
roleIcon(roleId: string, roleIconHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
601 |
602 |
* Generates a guild invite splash URL for a guild's invite splash.
603 |
604 |
* @param guildId - The guild id that has the invite splash
605 |
* @param splashHash - The hash provided by Discord for this splash
606 |
* @param options - Optional options for the splash
607 |
608 |
splash(guildId: string, splashHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
609 |
610 |
* Generates a sticker URL.
611 |
612 |
* @param stickerId - The sticker id
613 |
* @param extension - The extension of the sticker
614 |
* @privateRemarks
615 |
* Stickers cannot have a `.webp` extension, so we default to a `.png`
616 |
617 |
sticker(stickerId: string, extension?: StickerExtension): string;
618 |
619 |
* Generates a sticker pack banner URL.
620 |
621 |
* @param bannerId - The banner id
622 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
623 |
624 |
stickerPackBanner(bannerId: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
625 |
626 |
* Generates a team icon URL for a team's icon.
627 |
628 |
* @param teamId - The team id that has the icon
629 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
630 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
631 |
632 |
teamIcon(teamId: string, iconHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
633 |
634 |
* Generates a cover image for a guild scheduled event.
635 |
636 |
* @param scheduledEventId - The scheduled event id
637 |
* @param coverHash - The hash provided by discord for this cover image
638 |
* @param options - Optional options for the cover image
639 |
640 |
guildScheduledEventCover(scheduledEventId: string, coverHash: string, options?: Readonly<BaseImageURLOptions>): string;
641 |
642 |
* Constructs the URL for the resource, checking whether or not `hash` starts with `a_` if `dynamic` is set to `true`.
643 |
644 |
* @param route - The base cdn route
645 |
* @param hash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
646 |
* @param options - Optional options for the link
647 |
648 |
private dynamicMakeURL;
649 |
650 |
* Constructs the URL for the resource
651 |
652 |
* @param route - The base cdn route
653 |
* @param options - The extension/size options for the link
654 |
655 |
private makeURL;
656 |
657 |
658 |
interface DiscordErrorFieldInformation {
659 |
code: string;
660 |
message: string;
661 |
662 |
interface DiscordErrorGroupWrapper {
663 |
_errors: DiscordError[];
664 |
665 |
type DiscordError = DiscordErrorFieldInformation | DiscordErrorGroupWrapper | string | {
666 |
[k: string]: DiscordError;
667 |
668 |
interface DiscordErrorData {
669 |
code: number;
670 |
errors?: DiscordError;
671 |
message: string;
672 |
673 |
interface OAuthErrorData {
674 |
error: string;
675 |
error_description?: string;
676 |
677 |
interface RequestBody {
678 |
files: RawFile[] | undefined;
679 |
json: unknown | undefined;
680 |
681 |
682 |
* Represents an API error returned by Discord
683 |
684 |
declare class DiscordAPIError extends Error {
685 |
rawError: DiscordErrorData | OAuthErrorData;
686 |
code: number | string;
687 |
status: number;
688 |
method: string;
689 |
url: string;
690 |
requestBody: RequestBody;
691 |
692 |
* @param rawError - The error reported by Discord
693 |
* @param code - The error code reported by Discord
694 |
* @param status - The status code of the response
695 |
* @param method - The method of the request that erred
696 |
* @param url - The url of the request that erred
697 |
* @param bodyData - The unparsed data for the request that errored
698 |
699 |
constructor(rawError: DiscordErrorData | OAuthErrorData, code: number | string, status: number, method: string, url: string, bodyData: Pick<InternalRequest, 'body' | 'files'>);
700 |
701 |
* The name of the error
702 |
703 |
get name(): string;
704 |
private static getMessage;
705 |
private static flattenDiscordError;
706 |
707 |
708 |
709 |
* Represents a HTTP error
710 |
711 |
declare class HTTPError extends Error {
712 |
status: number;
713 |
method: string;
714 |
url: string;
715 |
requestBody: RequestBody;
716 |
name: string;
717 |
718 |
* @param status - The status code of the response
719 |
* @param statusText - The status text of the response
720 |
* @param method - The method of the request that erred
721 |
* @param url - The url of the request that erred
722 |
* @param bodyData - The unparsed data for the request that errored
723 |
724 |
constructor(status: number, statusText: string, method: string, url: string, bodyData: Pick<InternalRequest, 'body' | 'files'>);
725 |
726 |
727 |
declare class RateLimitError extends Error implements RateLimitData {
728 |
timeToReset: number;
729 |
limit: number;
730 |
method: string;
731 |
hash: string;
732 |
url: string;
733 |
route: string;
734 |
majorParameter: string;
735 |
global: boolean;
736 |
retryAfter: number;
737 |
sublimitTimeout: number;
738 |
scope: RateLimitData['scope'];
739 |
constructor({ timeToReset, limit, method, hash, url, route, majorParameter, global, retryAfter, sublimitTimeout, scope, }: RateLimitData);
740 |
741 |
* The name of the error
742 |
743 |
get name(): string;
744 |
745 |
746 |
747 |
* Represents the class that manages handlers for endpoints
748 |
749 |
declare class REST extends AsyncEventEmitter<RestEventsMap> {
750 |
751 |
752 |
* The {@link | Agent} for all requests
753 |
* performed by this manager.
754 |
755 |
agent: Dispatcher | null;
756 |
readonly cdn: CDN;
757 |
758 |
* The number of requests remaining in the global bucket
759 |
760 |
globalRemaining: number;
761 |
762 |
* The promise used to wait out the global rate limit
763 |
764 |
globalDelay: Promise<void> | null;
765 |
766 |
* The timestamp at which the global bucket resets
767 |
768 |
globalReset: number;
769 |
770 |
* API bucket hashes that are cached from provided routes
771 |
772 |
readonly hashes: Collection<string, HashData>;
773 |
774 |
* Request handlers created from the bucket hash and the major parameters
775 |
776 |
readonly handlers: Collection<string, IHandler>;
777 |
private hashTimer;
778 |
private handlerTimer;
779 |
readonly options: RESTOptions;
780 |
constructor(options?: Partial<RESTOptions>);
781 |
private setupSweepers;
782 |
783 |
* Runs a get request from the api
784 |
785 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
786 |
* @param options - Optional request options
787 |
788 |
get(fullRoute: RouteLike, options?: RequestData): Promise<unknown>;
789 |
790 |
* Runs a delete request from the api
791 |
792 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
793 |
* @param options - Optional request options
794 |
795 |
delete(fullRoute: RouteLike, options?: RequestData): Promise<unknown>;
796 |
797 |
* Runs a post request from the api
798 |
799 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
800 |
* @param options - Optional request options
801 |
802 |
post(fullRoute: RouteLike, options?: RequestData): Promise<unknown>;
803 |
804 |
* Runs a put request from the api
805 |
806 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
807 |
* @param options - Optional request options
808 |
809 |
put(fullRoute: RouteLike, options?: RequestData): Promise<unknown>;
810 |
811 |
* Runs a patch request from the api
812 |
813 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
814 |
* @param options - Optional request options
815 |
816 |
patch(fullRoute: RouteLike, options?: RequestData): Promise<unknown>;
817 |
818 |
* Runs a request from the api
819 |
820 |
* @param options - Request options
821 |
822 |
request(options: InternalRequest): Promise<unknown>;
823 |
824 |
* Sets the default agent to use for requests performed by this manager
825 |
826 |
* @param agent - The agent to use
827 |
828 |
setAgent(agent: Dispatcher): this;
829 |
830 |
* Sets the authorization token that should be used for requests
831 |
832 |
* @param token - The authorization token to use
833 |
834 |
setToken(token: string): this;
835 |
836 |
* Queues a request to be sent
837 |
838 |
* @param request - All the information needed to make a request
839 |
* @returns The response from the api request
840 |
841 |
queueRequest(request: InternalRequest): Promise<ResponseLike>;
842 |
843 |
* Creates a new rate limit handler from a hash, based on the hash and the major parameter
844 |
845 |
* @param hash - The hash for the route
846 |
* @param majorParameter - The major parameter for this handler
847 |
* @internal
848 |
849 |
private createHandler;
850 |
851 |
* Formats the request data to a usable format for fetch
852 |
853 |
* @param request - The request data
854 |
855 |
private resolveRequest;
856 |
857 |
* Stops the hash sweeping interval
858 |
859 |
clearHashSweeper(): void;
860 |
861 |
* Stops the request handler sweeping interval
862 |
863 |
clearHandlerSweeper(): void;
864 |
865 |
* Generates route data for an endpoint:method
866 |
867 |
* @param endpoint - The raw endpoint to generalize
868 |
* @param method - The HTTP method this endpoint is called without
869 |
* @internal
870 |
871 |
private static generateRouteData;
872 |
873 |
874 |
875 |
* Creates and populates an URLSearchParams instance from an object, stripping
876 |
* out null and undefined values, while also coercing non-strings to strings.
877 |
878 |
* @param options - The options to use
879 |
* @returns A populated URLSearchParams instance
880 |
881 |
declare function makeURLSearchParams<OptionsType extends object>(options?: Readonly<OptionsType>): url.URLSearchParams;
882 |
883 |
* Converts the response to usable data
884 |
885 |
* @param res - The fetch response
886 |
887 |
declare function parseResponse(res: ResponseLike): Promise<unknown>;
888 |
889 |
* Calculates the default avatar index for a given user id.
890 |
891 |
* @param userId - The user id to calculate the default avatar index for
892 |
893 |
declare function calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex(userId: Snowflake): number;
894 |
895 |
896 |
* The {@link | @discordjs/rest} version
897 |
* that you are currently using.
898 |
899 |
declare const version: string;
900 |
901 |
export { ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, ALLOWED_SIZES, ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS, APIRequest, BaseImageURLOptions, BurstHandlerMajorIdKey, CDN, DEPRECATION_WARNING_PREFIX, DefaultRestOptions, DefaultUserAgent, DefaultUserAgentAppendix, DiscordAPIError, DiscordErrorData, HTTPError, HandlerRequestData, HashData, ImageExtension, ImageSize, ImageURLOptions, InternalRequest, InvalidRequestWarningData, MakeURLOptions, OAuthErrorData, OverwrittenMimeTypes, REST, RESTEvents, RESTOptions, RateLimitData, RateLimitError, RateLimitQueueFilter, RawFile, RequestBody, RequestData, RequestHeaders, RequestMethod, ResponseLike, RestEvents, RestEventsMap, RouteData, RouteLike, StickerExtension, calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex, makeURLSearchParams, parseResponse, version };
@@ -0,0 +1,1474 @@
1 |
"use strict";
2 |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
3 |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
4 |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
5 |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
6 |
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
7 |
var __export = (target, all) => {
8 |
for (var name in all)
9 |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
10 |
11 |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
12 |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
13 |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
14 |
if (!, key) && key !== except)
15 |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
16 |
17 |
return to;
18 |
19 |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
20 |
21 |
// src/index.ts
22 |
var src_exports = {};
23 |
__export(src_exports, {
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
BurstHandlerMajorIdKey: () => BurstHandlerMajorIdKey,
28 |
CDN: () => CDN,
29 |
30 |
DefaultRestOptions: () => DefaultRestOptions,
31 |
DefaultUserAgent: () => DefaultUserAgent,
32 |
DefaultUserAgentAppendix: () => DefaultUserAgentAppendix,
33 |
DiscordAPIError: () => DiscordAPIError,
34 |
HTTPError: () => HTTPError,
35 |
OverwrittenMimeTypes: () => OverwrittenMimeTypes,
36 |
REST: () => REST,
37 |
RESTEvents: () => RESTEvents,
38 |
RateLimitError: () => RateLimitError,
39 |
RequestMethod: () => RequestMethod,
40 |
calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex: () => calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex,
41 |
makeURLSearchParams: () => makeURLSearchParams,
42 |
parseResponse: () => parseResponse,
43 |
version: () => version
44 |
45 |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
46 |
var import_node_buffer = require("buffer");
47 |
var import_util2 = require("@discordjs/util");
48 |
var import_undici2 = require("undici");
49 |
50 |
// src/environment.ts
51 |
var defaultStrategy;
52 |
function setDefaultStrategy(newStrategy) {
53 |
defaultStrategy = newStrategy;
54 |
55 |
__name(setDefaultStrategy, "setDefaultStrategy");
56 |
function getDefaultStrategy() {
57 |
return defaultStrategy;
58 |
59 |
__name(getDefaultStrategy, "getDefaultStrategy");
60 |
61 |
// src/strategies/undiciRequest.ts
62 |
var import_node_http = require("http");
63 |
var import_node_url = require("url");
64 |
var import_node_util = require("util");
65 |
var import_undici = require("undici");
66 |
async function makeRequest(url, init) {
67 |
const options = {
68 |
69 |
body: await resolveBody(init.body)
70 |
71 |
const res = await (0, import_undici.request)(url, options);
72 |
return {
73 |
body: res.body,
74 |
async arrayBuffer() {
75 |
return res.body.arrayBuffer();
76 |
77 |
async json() {
78 |
return res.body.json();
79 |
80 |
async text() {
81 |
return res.body.text();
82 |
83 |
get bodyUsed() {
84 |
return res.body.bodyUsed;
85 |
86 |
headers: new import_undici.Headers(res.headers),
87 |
status: res.statusCode,
88 |
statusText: import_node_http.STATUS_CODES[res.statusCode],
89 |
ok: res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300
90 |
91 |
92 |
__name(makeRequest, "makeRequest");
93 |
async function resolveBody(body) {
94 |
if (body == null) {
95 |
return null;
96 |
} else if (typeof body === "string") {
97 |
return body;
98 |
} else if (import_node_util.types.isUint8Array(body)) {
99 |
return body;
100 |
} else if (import_node_util.types.isArrayBuffer(body)) {
101 |
return new Uint8Array(body);
102 |
} else if (body instanceof import_node_url.URLSearchParams) {
103 |
return body.toString();
104 |
} else if (body instanceof DataView) {
105 |
return new Uint8Array(body.buffer);
106 |
} else if (body instanceof Blob) {
107 |
return new Uint8Array(await body.arrayBuffer());
108 |
} else if (body instanceof FormData) {
109 |
return body;
110 |
} else if (body[Symbol.iterator]) {
111 |
const chunks = [...body];
112 |
return Buffer.concat(chunks);
113 |
} else if (body[Symbol.asyncIterator]) {
114 |
const chunks = [];
115 |
for await (const chunk of body) {
116 |
117 |
118 |
return Buffer.concat(chunks);
119 |
120 |
throw new TypeError(`Unable to resolve body.`);
121 |
122 |
__name(resolveBody, "resolveBody");
123 |
124 |
// src/lib/utils/constants.ts
125 |
var import_util = require("@discordjs/util");
126 |
var import_v10 = require("discord-api-types/v10");
127 |
var DefaultUserAgent = `DiscordBot (, 2.2.0)`;
128 |
var DefaultUserAgentAppendix = (0, import_util.getUserAgentAppendix)();
129 |
var DefaultRestOptions = {
130 |
agent: null,
131 |
api: "",
132 |
authPrefix: "Bot",
133 |
cdn: "",
134 |
headers: {},
135 |
invalidRequestWarningInterval: 0,
136 |
globalRequestsPerSecond: 50,
137 |
offset: 50,
138 |
rejectOnRateLimit: null,
139 |
retries: 3,
140 |
timeout: 15e3,
141 |
userAgentAppendix: DefaultUserAgentAppendix,
142 |
version: import_v10.APIVersion,
143 |
hashSweepInterval: 144e5,
144 |
// 4 Hours
145 |
hashLifetime: 864e5,
146 |
// 24 Hours
147 |
handlerSweepInterval: 36e5,
148 |
// 1 Hour
149 |
async makeRequest(...args) {
150 |
return getDefaultStrategy()(...args);
151 |
152 |
153 |
var RESTEvents = /* @__PURE__ */ ((RESTEvents2) => {
154 |
RESTEvents2["Debug"] = "restDebug";
155 |
RESTEvents2["HandlerSweep"] = "handlerSweep";
156 |
RESTEvents2["HashSweep"] = "hashSweep";
157 |
RESTEvents2["InvalidRequestWarning"] = "invalidRequestWarning";
158 |
RESTEvents2["RateLimited"] = "rateLimited";
159 |
RESTEvents2["Response"] = "response";
160 |
return RESTEvents2;
161 |
})(RESTEvents || {});
162 |
var ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ["webp", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"];
163 |
var ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS = ["png", "json", "gif"];
164 |
var ALLOWED_SIZES = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096];
165 |
var OverwrittenMimeTypes = {
166 |
167 |
"image/apng": "image/png"
168 |
169 |
var BurstHandlerMajorIdKey = "burst";
170 |
var DEPRECATION_WARNING_PREFIX = "DeprecationWarning";
171 |
172 |
// src/lib/errors/RateLimitError.ts
173 |
var RateLimitError = class _RateLimitError extends Error {
174 |
static {
175 |
__name(this, "RateLimitError");
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
}) {
201 |
202 |
this.timeToReset = timeToReset;
203 |
this.limit = limit;
204 |
this.method = method;
205 |
this.hash = hash;
206 |
this.url = url;
207 |
this.route = route;
208 |
this.majorParameter = majorParameter;
209 |
+ = global;
210 |
this.retryAfter = retryAfter;
211 |
this.sublimitTimeout = sublimitTimeout;
212 |
this.scope = scope;
213 |
214 |
215 |
* The name of the error
216 |
217 |
get name() {
218 |
return `${}[${this.route}]`;
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
// src/lib/utils/types.ts
223 |
var RequestMethod = /* @__PURE__ */ ((RequestMethod2) => {
224 |
RequestMethod2["Delete"] = "DELETE";
225 |
RequestMethod2["Get"] = "GET";
226 |
RequestMethod2["Patch"] = "PATCH";
227 |
RequestMethod2["Post"] = "POST";
228 |
RequestMethod2["Put"] = "PUT";
229 |
return RequestMethod2;
230 |
})(RequestMethod || {});
231 |
232 |
// src/lib/utils/utils.ts
233 |
function serializeSearchParam(value) {
234 |
switch (typeof value) {
235 |
case "string":
236 |
return value;
237 |
case "number":
238 |
case "bigint":
239 |
case "boolean":
240 |
return value.toString();
241 |
case "object":
242 |
if (value === null)
243 |
return null;
244 |
if (value instanceof Date) {
245 |
return Number.isNaN(value.getTime()) ? null : value.toISOString();
246 |
247 |
if (typeof value.toString === "function" && value.toString !== Object.prototype.toString)
248 |
return value.toString();
249 |
return null;
250 |
251 |
return null;
252 |
253 |
254 |
__name(serializeSearchParam, "serializeSearchParam");
255 |
function makeURLSearchParams(options) {
256 |
const params = new URLSearchParams();
257 |
if (!options)
258 |
return params;
259 |
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) {
260 |
const serialized = serializeSearchParam(value);
261 |
if (serialized !== null)
262 |
params.append(key, serialized);
263 |
264 |
return params;
265 |
266 |
__name(makeURLSearchParams, "makeURLSearchParams");
267 |
async function parseResponse(res) {
268 |
if (res.headers.get("Content-Type")?.startsWith("application/json")) {
269 |
return res.json();
270 |
271 |
return res.arrayBuffer();
272 |
273 |
__name(parseResponse, "parseResponse");
274 |
function hasSublimit(bucketRoute, body, method) {
275 |
if (bucketRoute === "/channels/:id") {
276 |
if (typeof body !== "object" || body === null)
277 |
return false;
278 |
if (method !== "PATCH" /* Patch */)
279 |
return false;
280 |
const castedBody = body;
281 |
return ["name", "topic"].some((key) => Reflect.has(castedBody, key));
282 |
283 |
return true;
284 |
285 |
__name(hasSublimit, "hasSublimit");
286 |
function shouldRetry(error) {
287 |
if ( === "AbortError")
288 |
return true;
289 |
return "code" in error && error.code === "ECONNRESET" || error.message.includes("ECONNRESET");
290 |
291 |
__name(shouldRetry, "shouldRetry");
292 |
async function onRateLimit(manager, rateLimitData) {
293 |
const { options } = manager;
294 |
if (!options.rejectOnRateLimit)
295 |
296 |
const shouldThrow = typeof options.rejectOnRateLimit === "function" ? await options.rejectOnRateLimit(rateLimitData) : options.rejectOnRateLimit.some((route) => rateLimitData.route.startsWith(route.toLowerCase()));
297 |
if (shouldThrow) {
298 |
throw new RateLimitError(rateLimitData);
299 |
300 |
301 |
__name(onRateLimit, "onRateLimit");
302 |
function calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex(userId) {
303 |
return Number(BigInt(userId) >> 22n) % 6;
304 |
305 |
__name(calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex, "calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex");
306 |
async function sleep(ms) {
307 |
return new Promise((resolve) => {
308 |
setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms);
309 |
310 |
311 |
__name(sleep, "sleep");
312 |
function isBufferLike(value) {
313 |
return value instanceof ArrayBuffer || value instanceof Uint8Array || value instanceof Uint8ClampedArray;
314 |
315 |
__name(isBufferLike, "isBufferLike");
316 |
function deprecationWarning(message) {
317 |
if (typeof globalThis.process === "undefined") {
318 |
console.warn(`${DEPRECATION_WARNING_PREFIX}: ${message}`);
319 |
} else {
320 |
process.emitWarning(message, DEPRECATION_WARNING_PREFIX);
321 |
322 |
323 |
__name(deprecationWarning, "deprecationWarning");
324 |
325 |
// src/lib/CDN.ts
326 |
var deprecationEmittedForEmoji = false;
327 |
var CDN = class {
328 |
constructor(base = DefaultRestOptions.cdn) {
329 |
this.base = base;
330 |
331 |
static {
332 |
__name(this, "CDN");
333 |
334 |
335 |
* Generates an app asset URL for a client's asset.
336 |
337 |
* @param clientId - The client id that has the asset
338 |
* @param assetHash - The hash provided by Discord for this asset
339 |
* @param options - Optional options for the asset
340 |
341 |
appAsset(clientId, assetHash, options) {
342 |
return this.makeURL(`/app-assets/${clientId}/${assetHash}`, options);
343 |
344 |
345 |
* Generates an app icon URL for a client's icon.
346 |
347 |
* @param clientId - The client id that has the icon
348 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
349 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
350 |
351 |
appIcon(clientId, iconHash, options) {
352 |
return this.makeURL(`/app-icons/${clientId}/${iconHash}`, options);
353 |
354 |
355 |
* Generates an avatar URL, e.g. for a user or a webhook.
356 |
357 |
* @param id - The id that has the icon
358 |
* @param avatarHash - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar
359 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar
360 |
361 |
avatar(id, avatarHash, options) {
362 |
return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/avatars/${id}/${avatarHash}`, avatarHash, options);
363 |
364 |
365 |
* Generates a user avatar decoration URL.
366 |
367 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
368 |
* @param userAvatarDecoration - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar decoration
369 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar decoration
370 |
371 |
avatarDecoration(userId, userAvatarDecoration, options) {
372 |
return this.makeURL(`/avatar-decorations/${userId}/${userAvatarDecoration}`, options);
373 |
374 |
375 |
* Generates a banner URL, e.g. for a user or a guild.
376 |
377 |
* @param id - The id that has the banner splash
378 |
* @param bannerHash - The hash provided by Discord for this banner
379 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
380 |
381 |
banner(id, bannerHash, options) {
382 |
return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/banners/${id}/${bannerHash}`, bannerHash, options);
383 |
384 |
385 |
* Generates an icon URL for a channel, e.g. a group DM.
386 |
387 |
* @param channelId - The channel id that has the icon
388 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this channel
389 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
390 |
391 |
channelIcon(channelId, iconHash, options) {
392 |
return this.makeURL(`/channel-icons/${channelId}/${iconHash}`, options);
393 |
394 |
395 |
* Generates a default avatar URL
396 |
397 |
* @param index - The default avatar index
398 |
* @remarks
399 |
* To calculate the index for a user do `(userId >> 22) % 6`,
400 |
* or `discriminator % 5` if they're using the legacy username system.
401 |
402 |
defaultAvatar(index) {
403 |
return this.makeURL(`/embed/avatars/${index}`, { extension: "png" });
404 |
405 |
406 |
* Generates a discovery splash URL for a guild's discovery splash.
407 |
408 |
* @param guildId - The guild id that has the discovery splash
409 |
* @param splashHash - The hash provided by Discord for this splash
410 |
* @param options - Optional options for the splash
411 |
412 |
discoverySplash(guildId, splashHash, options) {
413 |
return this.makeURL(`/discovery-splashes/${guildId}/${splashHash}`, options);
414 |
415 |
emoji(emojiId, options) {
416 |
let resolvedOptions;
417 |
if (typeof options === "string") {
418 |
if (!deprecationEmittedForEmoji) {
419 |
420 |
"Passing a string for the second parameter of CDN#emoji() is deprecated. Use an object instead."
421 |
422 |
deprecationEmittedForEmoji = true;
423 |
424 |
resolvedOptions = { extension: options };
425 |
} else {
426 |
resolvedOptions = options;
427 |
428 |
return this.makeURL(`/emojis/${emojiId}`, resolvedOptions);
429 |
430 |
431 |
* Generates a guild member avatar URL.
432 |
433 |
* @param guildId - The id of the guild
434 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
435 |
* @param avatarHash - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar
436 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar
437 |
438 |
guildMemberAvatar(guildId, userId, avatarHash, options) {
439 |
return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/guilds/${guildId}/users/${userId}/avatars/${avatarHash}`, avatarHash, options);
440 |
441 |
442 |
* Generates a guild member banner URL.
443 |
444 |
* @param guildId - The id of the guild
445 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
446 |
* @param bannerHash - The hash provided by Discord for this banner
447 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
448 |
449 |
guildMemberBanner(guildId, userId, bannerHash, options) {
450 |
return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/guilds/${guildId}/users/${userId}/banner`, bannerHash, options);
451 |
452 |
453 |
* Generates an icon URL, e.g. for a guild.
454 |
455 |
* @param id - The id that has the icon splash
456 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
457 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
458 |
459 |
icon(id, iconHash, options) {
460 |
return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/icons/${id}/${iconHash}`, iconHash, options);
461 |
462 |
463 |
* Generates a URL for the icon of a role
464 |
465 |
* @param roleId - The id of the role that has the icon
466 |
* @param roleIconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this role icon
467 |
* @param options - Optional options for the role icon
468 |
469 |
roleIcon(roleId, roleIconHash, options) {
470 |
return this.makeURL(`/role-icons/${roleId}/${roleIconHash}`, options);
471 |
472 |
473 |
* Generates a guild invite splash URL for a guild's invite splash.
474 |
475 |
* @param guildId - The guild id that has the invite splash
476 |
* @param splashHash - The hash provided by Discord for this splash
477 |
* @param options - Optional options for the splash
478 |
479 |
splash(guildId, splashHash, options) {
480 |
return this.makeURL(`/splashes/${guildId}/${splashHash}`, options);
481 |
482 |
483 |
* Generates a sticker URL.
484 |
485 |
* @param stickerId - The sticker id
486 |
* @param extension - The extension of the sticker
487 |
* @privateRemarks
488 |
* Stickers cannot have a `.webp` extension, so we default to a `.png`
489 |
490 |
sticker(stickerId, extension = "png") {
491 |
return this.makeURL(`/stickers/${stickerId}`, { allowedExtensions: ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS, extension });
492 |
493 |
494 |
* Generates a sticker pack banner URL.
495 |
496 |
* @param bannerId - The banner id
497 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
498 |
499 |
stickerPackBanner(bannerId, options) {
500 |
return this.makeURL(`/app-assets/710982414301790216/store/${bannerId}`, options);
501 |
502 |
503 |
* Generates a team icon URL for a team's icon.
504 |
505 |
* @param teamId - The team id that has the icon
506 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
507 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
508 |
509 |
teamIcon(teamId, iconHash, options) {
510 |
return this.makeURL(`/team-icons/${teamId}/${iconHash}`, options);
511 |
512 |
513 |
* Generates a cover image for a guild scheduled event.
514 |
515 |
* @param scheduledEventId - The scheduled event id
516 |
* @param coverHash - The hash provided by discord for this cover image
517 |
* @param options - Optional options for the cover image
518 |
519 |
guildScheduledEventCover(scheduledEventId, coverHash, options) {
520 |
return this.makeURL(`/guild-events/${scheduledEventId}/${coverHash}`, options);
521 |
522 |
523 |
* Constructs the URL for the resource, checking whether or not `hash` starts with `a_` if `dynamic` is set to `true`.
524 |
525 |
* @param route - The base cdn route
526 |
* @param hash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
527 |
* @param options - Optional options for the link
528 |
529 |
dynamicMakeURL(route, hash, { forceStatic = false, ...options } = {}) {
530 |
return this.makeURL(route, !forceStatic && hash.startsWith("a_") ? { ...options, extension: "gif" } : options);
531 |
532 |
533 |
* Constructs the URL for the resource
534 |
535 |
* @param route - The base cdn route
536 |
* @param options - The extension/size options for the link
537 |
538 |
makeURL(route, { allowedExtensions = ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, extension = "webp", size } = {}) {
539 |
extension = String(extension).toLowerCase();
540 |
if (!allowedExtensions.includes(extension)) {
541 |
throw new RangeError(`Invalid extension provided: ${extension}
542 |
Must be one of: ${allowedExtensions.join(", ")}`);
543 |
544 |
if (size && !ALLOWED_SIZES.includes(size)) {
545 |
throw new RangeError(`Invalid size provided: ${size}
546 |
Must be one of: ${ALLOWED_SIZES.join(", ")}`);
547 |
548 |
const url = new URL(`${this.base}${route}.${extension}`);
549 |
if (size) {
550 |
url.searchParams.set("size", String(size));
551 |
552 |
return url.toString();
553 |
554 |
555 |
556 |
// src/lib/errors/DiscordAPIError.ts
557 |
function isErrorGroupWrapper(error) {
558 |
return Reflect.has(error, "_errors");
559 |
560 |
__name(isErrorGroupWrapper, "isErrorGroupWrapper");
561 |
function isErrorResponse(error) {
562 |
return typeof Reflect.get(error, "message") === "string";
563 |
564 |
__name(isErrorResponse, "isErrorResponse");
565 |
var DiscordAPIError = class _DiscordAPIError extends Error {
566 |
567 |
* @param rawError - The error reported by Discord
568 |
* @param code - The error code reported by Discord
569 |
* @param status - The status code of the response
570 |
* @param method - The method of the request that erred
571 |
* @param url - The url of the request that erred
572 |
* @param bodyData - The unparsed data for the request that errored
573 |
574 |
constructor(rawError, code, status, method, url, bodyData) {
575 |
576 |
this.rawError = rawError;
577 |
this.code = code;
578 |
this.status = status;
579 |
this.method = method;
580 |
this.url = url;
581 |
this.requestBody = { files: bodyData.files, json: bodyData.body };
582 |
583 |
static {
584 |
__name(this, "DiscordAPIError");
585 |
586 |
587 |
588 |
* The name of the error
589 |
590 |
get name() {
591 |
return `${}[${this.code}]`;
592 |
593 |
static getMessage(error) {
594 |
let flattened = "";
595 |
if ("code" in error) {
596 |
if (error.errors) {
597 |
flattened = [...this.flattenDiscordError(error.errors)].join("\n");
598 |
599 |
return error.message && flattened ? `${error.message}
600 |
${flattened}` : error.message || flattened || "Unknown Error";
601 |
602 |
return error.error_description ?? "No Description";
603 |
604 |
static *flattenDiscordError(obj, key = "") {
605 |
if (isErrorResponse(obj)) {
606 |
return yield `${key.length ? `${key}[${obj.code}]` : `${obj.code}`}: ${obj.message}`.trim();
607 |
608 |
for (const [otherKey, val] of Object.entries(obj)) {
609 |
const nextKey = otherKey.startsWith("_") ? key : key ? Number.isNaN(Number(otherKey)) ? `${key}.${otherKey}` : `${key}[${otherKey}]` : otherKey;
610 |
if (typeof val === "string") {
611 |
yield val;
612 |
} else if (isErrorGroupWrapper(val)) {
613 |
for (const error of val._errors) {
614 |
yield* this.flattenDiscordError(error, nextKey);
615 |
616 |
} else {
617 |
yield* this.flattenDiscordError(val, nextKey);
618 |
619 |
620 |
621 |
622 |
623 |
// src/lib/errors/HTTPError.ts
624 |
var HTTPError = class _HTTPError extends Error {
625 |
626 |
* @param status - The status code of the response
627 |
* @param statusText - The status text of the response
628 |
* @param method - The method of the request that erred
629 |
* @param url - The url of the request that erred
630 |
* @param bodyData - The unparsed data for the request that errored
631 |
632 |
constructor(status, statusText, method, url, bodyData) {
633 |
634 |
this.status = status;
635 |
this.method = method;
636 |
this.url = url;
637 |
this.requestBody = { files: bodyData.files, json: bodyData.body };
638 |
639 |
static {
640 |
__name(this, "HTTPError");
641 |
642 |
643 |
name =;
644 |
645 |
646 |
// src/lib/REST.ts
647 |
var import_collection = require("@discordjs/collection");
648 |
var import_snowflake = require("@sapphire/snowflake");
649 |
var import_async_event_emitter = require("@vladfrangu/async_event_emitter");
650 |
var import_magic_bytes = require("magic-bytes.js");
651 |
652 |
// src/lib/handlers/Shared.ts
653 |
var invalidCount = 0;
654 |
var invalidCountResetTime = null;
655 |
function incrementInvalidCount(manager) {
656 |
if (!invalidCountResetTime || invalidCountResetTime < {
657 |
invalidCountResetTime = + 1e3 * 60 * 10;
658 |
invalidCount = 0;
659 |
660 |
661 |
const emitInvalid = manager.options.invalidRequestWarningInterval > 0 && invalidCount % manager.options.invalidRequestWarningInterval === 0;
662 |
if (emitInvalid) {
663 |
manager.emit("invalidRequestWarning" /* InvalidRequestWarning */, {
664 |
count: invalidCount,
665 |
remainingTime: invalidCountResetTime -
666 |
667 |
668 |
669 |
__name(incrementInvalidCount, "incrementInvalidCount");
670 |
async function makeNetworkRequest(manager, routeId, url, options, requestData, retries) {
671 |
const controller = new AbortController();
672 |
const timeout = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), manager.options.timeout);
673 |
if (requestData.signal) {
674 |
if (requestData.signal.aborted)
675 |
676 |
677 |
requestData.signal.addEventListener("abort", () => controller.abort());
678 |
679 |
let res;
680 |
try {
681 |
res = await manager.options.makeRequest(url, { ...options, signal: controller.signal });
682 |
} catch (error) {
683 |
if (!(error instanceof Error))
684 |
throw error;
685 |
if (shouldRetry(error) && retries !== manager.options.retries) {
686 |
return null;
687 |
688 |
throw error;
689 |
} finally {
690 |
691 |
692 |
if (manager.listenerCount("response" /* Response */)) {
693 |
694 |
"response" /* Response */,
695 |
696 |
method: options.method ?? "get",
697 |
path: routeId.original,
698 |
route: routeId.bucketRoute,
699 |
700 |
data: requestData,
701 |
702 |
703 |
res instanceof Response ? res.clone() : { ...res }
704 |
705 |
706 |
return res;
707 |
708 |
__name(makeNetworkRequest, "makeNetworkRequest");
709 |
async function handleErrors(manager, res, method, url, requestData, retries) {
710 |
const status = res.status;
711 |
if (status >= 500 && status < 600) {
712 |
if (retries !== manager.options.retries) {
713 |
return null;
714 |
715 |
throw new HTTPError(status, res.statusText, method, url, requestData);
716 |
} else {
717 |
if (status >= 400 && status < 500) {
718 |
if (status === 401 && requestData.auth) {
719 |
720 |
721 |
const data = await parseResponse(res);
722 |
throw new DiscordAPIError(data, "code" in data ? data.code : data.error, status, method, url, requestData);
723 |
724 |
return res;
725 |
726 |
727 |
__name(handleErrors, "handleErrors");
728 |
729 |
// src/lib/handlers/BurstHandler.ts
730 |
var BurstHandler = class {
731 |
732 |
* @param manager - The request manager
733 |
* @param hash - The hash that this RequestHandler handles
734 |
* @param majorParameter - The major parameter for this handler
735 |
736 |
constructor(manager, hash, majorParameter) {
737 |
this.manager = manager;
738 |
this.hash = hash;
739 |
this.majorParameter = majorParameter;
740 |
+ = `${hash}:${majorParameter}`;
741 |
742 |
static {
743 |
__name(this, "BurstHandler");
744 |
745 |
746 |
* {@inheritdoc}
747 |
748 |
749 |
750 |
* {@inheritDoc IHandler.inactive}
751 |
752 |
inactive = false;
753 |
754 |
* Emits a debug message
755 |
756 |
* @param message - The message to debug
757 |
758 |
debug(message) {
759 |
this.manager.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `[REST ${}] ${message}`);
760 |
761 |
762 |
* {@inheritDoc IHandler.queueRequest}
763 |
764 |
async queueRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData) {
765 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData);
766 |
767 |
768 |
* The method that actually makes the request to the API, and updates info about the bucket accordingly
769 |
770 |
* @param routeId - The generalized API route with literal ids for major parameters
771 |
* @param url - The fully resolved URL to make the request to
772 |
* @param options - The fetch options needed to make the request
773 |
* @param requestData - Extra data from the user's request needed for errors and additional processing
774 |
* @param retries - The number of retries this request has already attempted (recursion)
775 |
776 |
async runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries = 0) {
777 |
const method = options.method ?? "get";
778 |
const res = await makeNetworkRequest(this.manager, routeId, url, options, requestData, retries);
779 |
if (res === null) {
780 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries);
781 |
782 |
const status = res.status;
783 |
let retryAfter = 0;
784 |
const retry = res.headers.get("Retry-After");
785 |
if (retry)
786 |
retryAfter = Number(retry) * 1e3 + this.manager.options.offset;
787 |
if (status === 401 || status === 403 || status === 429) {
788 |
789 |
790 |
if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
791 |
return res;
792 |
} else if (status === 429) {
793 |
const isGlobal = res.headers.has("X-RateLimit-Global");
794 |
const scope = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Scope") ?? "user";
795 |
await onRateLimit(this.manager, {
796 |
global: isGlobal,
797 |
798 |
799 |
route: routeId.bucketRoute,
800 |
majorParameter: this.majorParameter,
801 |
hash: this.hash,
802 |
803 |
timeToReset: retryAfter,
804 |
805 |
sublimitTimeout: 0,
806 |
807 |
808 |
809 |
810 |
"Encountered unexpected 429 rate limit",
811 |
` Global : ${isGlobal}`,
812 |
` Method : ${method}`,
813 |
` URL : ${url}`,
814 |
` Bucket : ${routeId.bucketRoute}`,
815 |
` Major parameter: ${routeId.majorParameter}`,
816 |
` Hash : ${this.hash}`,
817 |
` Limit : ${Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY}`,
818 |
` Retry After : ${retryAfter}ms`,
819 |
` Sublimit : None`,
820 |
` Scope : ${scope}`
821 |
822 |
823 |
await sleep(retryAfter);
824 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries);
825 |
} else {
826 |
const handled = await handleErrors(this.manager, res, method, url, requestData, retries);
827 |
if (handled === null) {
828 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries);
829 |
830 |
return handled;
831 |
832 |
833 |
834 |
835 |
// src/lib/handlers/SequentialHandler.ts
836 |
var import_async_queue = require("@sapphire/async-queue");
837 |
var SequentialHandler = class {
838 |
839 |
* @param manager - The request manager
840 |
* @param hash - The hash that this RequestHandler handles
841 |
* @param majorParameter - The major parameter for this handler
842 |
843 |
constructor(manager, hash, majorParameter) {
844 |
this.manager = manager;
845 |
this.hash = hash;
846 |
this.majorParameter = majorParameter;
847 |
+ = `${hash}:${majorParameter}`;
848 |
849 |
static {
850 |
__name(this, "SequentialHandler");
851 |
852 |
853 |
* {@inheritDoc}
854 |
855 |
856 |
857 |
* The time this rate limit bucket will reset
858 |
859 |
reset = -1;
860 |
861 |
* The remaining requests that can be made before we are rate limited
862 |
863 |
remaining = 1;
864 |
865 |
* The total number of requests that can be made before we are rate limited
866 |
867 |
868 |
869 |
* The interface used to sequence async requests sequentially
870 |
871 |
#asyncQueue = new import_async_queue.AsyncQueue();
872 |
873 |
* The interface used to sequence sublimited async requests sequentially
874 |
875 |
#sublimitedQueue = null;
876 |
877 |
* A promise wrapper for when the sublimited queue is finished being processed or null when not being processed
878 |
879 |
#sublimitPromise = null;
880 |
881 |
* Whether the sublimit queue needs to be shifted in the finally block
882 |
883 |
#shiftSublimit = false;
884 |
885 |
* {@inheritDoc IHandler.inactive}
886 |
887 |
get inactive() {
888 |
return this.#asyncQueue.remaining === 0 && (this.#sublimitedQueue === null || this.#sublimitedQueue.remaining === 0) && !;
889 |
890 |
891 |
* If the rate limit bucket is currently limited by the global limit
892 |
893 |
get globalLimited() {
894 |
return this.manager.globalRemaining <= 0 && < this.manager.globalReset;
895 |
896 |
897 |
* If the rate limit bucket is currently limited by its limit
898 |
899 |
get localLimited() {
900 |
return this.remaining <= 0 && < this.reset;
901 |
902 |
903 |
* If the rate limit bucket is currently limited
904 |
905 |
get limited() {
906 |
return this.globalLimited || this.localLimited;
907 |
908 |
909 |
* The time until queued requests can continue
910 |
911 |
get timeToReset() {
912 |
return this.reset + this.manager.options.offset -;
913 |
914 |
915 |
* Emits a debug message
916 |
917 |
* @param message - The message to debug
918 |
919 |
debug(message) {
920 |
this.manager.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `[REST ${}] ${message}`);
921 |
922 |
923 |
* Delay all requests for the specified amount of time, handling global rate limits
924 |
925 |
* @param time - The amount of time to delay all requests for
926 |
927 |
async globalDelayFor(time) {
928 |
await sleep(time);
929 |
this.manager.globalDelay = null;
930 |
931 |
932 |
* {@inheritDoc IHandler.queueRequest}
933 |
934 |
async queueRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData) {
935 |
let queue = this.#asyncQueue;
936 |
let queueType = 0 /* Standard */;
937 |
if (this.#sublimitedQueue && hasSublimit(routeId.bucketRoute, requestData.body, options.method)) {
938 |
queue = this.#sublimitedQueue;
939 |
queueType = 1 /* Sublimit */;
940 |
941 |
await queue.wait({ signal: requestData.signal });
942 |
if (queueType === 0 /* Standard */) {
943 |
if (this.#sublimitedQueue && hasSublimit(routeId.bucketRoute, requestData.body, options.method)) {
944 |
queue = this.#sublimitedQueue;
945 |
const wait = queue.wait();
946 |
947 |
await wait;
948 |
} else if (this.#sublimitPromise) {
949 |
await this.#sublimitPromise.promise;
950 |
951 |
952 |
try {
953 |
return await this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData);
954 |
} finally {
955 |
956 |
if (this.#shiftSublimit) {
957 |
this.#shiftSublimit = false;
958 |
959 |
960 |
if (this.#sublimitedQueue?.remaining === 0) {
961 |
962 |
this.#sublimitedQueue = null;
963 |
964 |
965 |
966 |
967 |
* The method that actually makes the request to the api, and updates info about the bucket accordingly
968 |
969 |
* @param routeId - The generalized api route with literal ids for major parameters
970 |
* @param url - The fully resolved url to make the request to
971 |
* @param options - The fetch options needed to make the request
972 |
* @param requestData - Extra data from the user's request needed for errors and additional processing
973 |
* @param retries - The number of retries this request has already attempted (recursion)
974 |
975 |
async runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries = 0) {
976 |
while ( {
977 |
const isGlobal = this.globalLimited;
978 |
let limit2;
979 |
let timeout;
980 |
let delay;
981 |
if (isGlobal) {
982 |
limit2 = this.manager.options.globalRequestsPerSecond;
983 |
timeout = this.manager.globalReset + this.manager.options.offset -;
984 |
if (!this.manager.globalDelay) {
985 |
this.manager.globalDelay = this.globalDelayFor(timeout);
986 |
987 |
delay = this.manager.globalDelay;
988 |
} else {
989 |
limit2 = this.limit;
990 |
timeout = this.timeToReset;
991 |
delay = sleep(timeout);
992 |
993 |
const rateLimitData = {
994 |
global: isGlobal,
995 |
method: options.method ?? "get",
996 |
997 |
route: routeId.bucketRoute,
998 |
majorParameter: this.majorParameter,
999 |
hash: this.hash,
1000 |
limit: limit2,
1001 |
timeToReset: timeout,
1002 |
retryAfter: timeout,
1003 |
sublimitTimeout: 0,
1004 |
scope: "user"
1005 |
1006 |
this.manager.emit("rateLimited" /* RateLimited */, rateLimitData);
1007 |
await onRateLimit(this.manager, rateLimitData);
1008 |
if (isGlobal) {
1009 |
this.debug(`Global rate limit hit, blocking all requests for ${timeout}ms`);
1010 |
} else {
1011 |
this.debug(`Waiting ${timeout}ms for rate limit to pass`);
1012 |
1013 |
await delay;
1014 |
1015 |
if (!this.manager.globalReset || this.manager.globalReset < {
1016 |
this.manager.globalReset = + 1e3;
1017 |
this.manager.globalRemaining = this.manager.options.globalRequestsPerSecond;
1018 |
1019 |
1020 |
const method = options.method ?? "get";
1021 |
const res = await makeNetworkRequest(this.manager, routeId, url, options, requestData, retries);
1022 |
if (res === null) {
1023 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries);
1024 |
1025 |
const status = res.status;
1026 |
let retryAfter = 0;
1027 |
const limit = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Limit");
1028 |
const remaining = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Remaining");
1029 |
const reset = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Reset-After");
1030 |
const hash = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Bucket");
1031 |
const retry = res.headers.get("Retry-After");
1032 |
const scope = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Scope") ?? "user";
1033 |
this.limit = limit ? Number(limit) : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
1034 |
this.remaining = remaining ? Number(remaining) : 1;
1035 |
this.reset = reset ? Number(reset) * 1e3 + + this.manager.options.offset :;
1036 |
if (retry)
1037 |
retryAfter = Number(retry) * 1e3 + this.manager.options.offset;
1038 |
if (hash && hash !== this.hash) {
1039 |
this.debug(["Received bucket hash update", ` Old Hash : ${this.hash}`, ` New Hash : ${hash}`].join("\n"));
1040 |
this.manager.hashes.set(`${method}:${routeId.bucketRoute}`, { value: hash, lastAccess: });
1041 |
} else if (hash) {
1042 |
const hashData = this.manager.hashes.get(`${method}:${routeId.bucketRoute}`);
1043 |
if (hashData) {
1044 |
hashData.lastAccess =;
1045 |
1046 |
1047 |
let sublimitTimeout = null;
1048 |
if (retryAfter > 0) {
1049 |
if (res.headers.has("X-RateLimit-Global")) {
1050 |
this.manager.globalRemaining = 0;
1051 |
this.manager.globalReset = + retryAfter;
1052 |
} else if (!this.localLimited) {
1053 |
sublimitTimeout = retryAfter;
1054 |
1055 |
1056 |
if (status === 401 || status === 403 || status === 429) {
1057 |
1058 |
1059 |
if (res.ok) {
1060 |
return res;
1061 |
} else if (status === 429) {
1062 |
const isGlobal = this.globalLimited;
1063 |
let limit2;
1064 |
let timeout;
1065 |
if (isGlobal) {
1066 |
limit2 = this.manager.options.globalRequestsPerSecond;
1067 |
timeout = this.manager.globalReset + this.manager.options.offset -;
1068 |
} else {
1069 |
limit2 = this.limit;
1070 |
timeout = this.timeToReset;
1071 |
1072 |
await onRateLimit(this.manager, {
1073 |
global: isGlobal,
1074 |
1075 |
1076 |
route: routeId.bucketRoute,
1077 |
majorParameter: this.majorParameter,
1078 |
hash: this.hash,
1079 |
limit: limit2,
1080 |
timeToReset: timeout,
1081 |
1082 |
sublimitTimeout: sublimitTimeout ?? 0,
1083 |
1084 |
1085 |
1086 |
1087 |
"Encountered unexpected 429 rate limit",
1088 |
` Global : ${isGlobal.toString()}`,
1089 |
` Method : ${method}`,
1090 |
` URL : ${url}`,
1091 |
` Bucket : ${routeId.bucketRoute}`,
1092 |
` Major parameter: ${routeId.majorParameter}`,
1093 |
` Hash : ${this.hash}`,
1094 |
` Limit : ${limit2}`,
1095 |
` Retry After : ${retryAfter}ms`,
1096 |
` Sublimit : ${sublimitTimeout ? `${sublimitTimeout}ms` : "None"}`,
1097 |
` Scope : ${scope}`
1098 |
1099 |
1100 |
if (sublimitTimeout) {
1101 |
const firstSublimit = !this.#sublimitedQueue;
1102 |
if (firstSublimit) {
1103 |
this.#sublimitedQueue = new import_async_queue.AsyncQueue();
1104 |
void this.#sublimitedQueue.wait();
1105 |
1106 |
1107 |
1108 |
this.#sublimitPromise = null;
1109 |
await sleep(sublimitTimeout);
1110 |
let resolve;
1111 |
const promise = new Promise((res2) => resolve = res2);
1112 |
this.#sublimitPromise = { promise, resolve };
1113 |
if (firstSublimit) {
1114 |
await this.#asyncQueue.wait();
1115 |
this.#shiftSublimit = true;
1116 |
1117 |
1118 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries);
1119 |
} else {
1120 |
const handled = await handleErrors(this.manager, res, method, url, requestData, retries);
1121 |
if (handled === null) {
1122 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries);
1123 |
1124 |
return handled;
1125 |
1126 |
1127 |
1128 |
1129 |
// src/lib/REST.ts
1130 |
var REST = class _REST extends import_async_event_emitter.AsyncEventEmitter {
1131 |
static {
1132 |
__name(this, "REST");
1133 |
1134 |
1135 |
* The {@link | Agent} for all requests
1136 |
* performed by this manager.
1137 |
1138 |
agent = null;
1139 |
1140 |
1141 |
* The number of requests remaining in the global bucket
1142 |
1143 |
1144 |
1145 |
* The promise used to wait out the global rate limit
1146 |
1147 |
globalDelay = null;
1148 |
1149 |
* The timestamp at which the global bucket resets
1150 |
1151 |
globalReset = -1;
1152 |
1153 |
* API bucket hashes that are cached from provided routes
1154 |
1155 |
hashes = new import_collection.Collection();
1156 |
1157 |
* Request handlers created from the bucket hash and the major parameters
1158 |
1159 |
handlers = new import_collection.Collection();
1160 |
#token = null;
1161 |
1162 |
1163 |
1164 |
constructor(options = {}) {
1165 |
1166 |
this.cdn = new CDN(options.cdn ?? DefaultRestOptions.cdn);
1167 |
this.options = { ...DefaultRestOptions, ...options };
1168 |
this.options.offset = Math.max(0, this.options.offset);
1169 |
this.globalRemaining = Math.max(1, this.options.globalRequestsPerSecond);
1170 |
this.agent = options.agent ?? null;
1171 |
1172 |
1173 |
setupSweepers() {
1174 |
const validateMaxInterval = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((interval) => {
1175 |
if (interval > 144e5) {
1176 |
throw new Error("Cannot set an interval greater than 4 hours");
1177 |
1178 |
}, "validateMaxInterval");
1179 |
if (this.options.hashSweepInterval !== 0 && this.options.hashSweepInterval !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
1180 |
1181 |
this.hashTimer = setInterval(() => {
1182 |
const sweptHashes = new import_collection.Collection();
1183 |
const currentDate =;
1184 |
this.hashes.sweep((val, key) => {
1185 |
if (val.lastAccess === -1)
1186 |
return false;
1187 |
const shouldSweep = Math.floor(currentDate - val.lastAccess) > this.options.hashLifetime;
1188 |
if (shouldSweep) {
1189 |
sweptHashes.set(key, val);
1190 |
this.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `Hash ${val.value} for ${key} swept due to lifetime being exceeded`);
1191 |
1192 |
return shouldSweep;
1193 |
1194 |
this.emit("hashSweep" /* HashSweep */, sweptHashes);
1195 |
}, this.options.hashSweepInterval);
1196 |
1197 |
1198 |
if (this.options.handlerSweepInterval !== 0 && this.options.handlerSweepInterval !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
1199 |
1200 |
this.handlerTimer = setInterval(() => {
1201 |
const sweptHandlers = new import_collection.Collection();
1202 |
this.handlers.sweep((val, key) => {
1203 |
const { inactive } = val;
1204 |
if (inactive) {
1205 |
sweptHandlers.set(key, val);
1206 |
this.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `Handler ${} for ${key} swept due to being inactive`);
1207 |
1208 |
return inactive;
1209 |
1210 |
this.emit("handlerSweep" /* HandlerSweep */, sweptHandlers);
1211 |
}, this.options.handlerSweepInterval);
1212 |
1213 |
1214 |
1215 |
1216 |
* Runs a get request from the api
1217 |
1218 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
1219 |
* @param options - Optional request options
1220 |
1221 |
async get(fullRoute, options = {}) {
1222 |
return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "GET" /* Get */ });
1223 |
1224 |
1225 |
* Runs a delete request from the api
1226 |
1227 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
1228 |
* @param options - Optional request options
1229 |
1230 |
async delete(fullRoute, options = {}) {
1231 |
return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "DELETE" /* Delete */ });
1232 |
1233 |
1234 |
* Runs a post request from the api
1235 |
1236 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
1237 |
* @param options - Optional request options
1238 |
1239 |
async post(fullRoute, options = {}) {
1240 |
return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "POST" /* Post */ });
1241 |
1242 |
1243 |
* Runs a put request from the api
1244 |
1245 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
1246 |
* @param options - Optional request options
1247 |
1248 |
async put(fullRoute, options = {}) {
1249 |
return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "PUT" /* Put */ });
1250 |
1251 |
1252 |
* Runs a patch request from the api
1253 |
1254 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
1255 |
* @param options - Optional request options
1256 |
1257 |
async patch(fullRoute, options = {}) {
1258 |
return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "PATCH" /* Patch */ });
1259 |
1260 |
1261 |
* Runs a request from the api
1262 |
1263 |
* @param options - Request options
1264 |
1265 |
async request(options) {
1266 |
const response = await this.queueRequest(options);
1267 |
return parseResponse(response);
1268 |
1269 |
1270 |
* Sets the default agent to use for requests performed by this manager
1271 |
1272 |
* @param agent - The agent to use
1273 |
1274 |
setAgent(agent) {
1275 |
this.agent = agent;
1276 |
return this;
1277 |
1278 |
1279 |
* Sets the authorization token that should be used for requests
1280 |
1281 |
* @param token - The authorization token to use
1282 |
1283 |
setToken(token) {
1284 |
this.#token = token;
1285 |
return this;
1286 |
1287 |
1288 |
* Queues a request to be sent
1289 |
1290 |
* @param request - All the information needed to make a request
1291 |
* @returns The response from the api request
1292 |
1293 |
async queueRequest(request2) {
1294 |
const routeId = _REST.generateRouteData(request2.fullRoute, request2.method);
1295 |
const hash = this.hashes.get(`${request2.method}:${routeId.bucketRoute}`) ?? {
1296 |
value: `Global(${request2.method}:${routeId.bucketRoute})`,
1297 |
lastAccess: -1
1298 |
1299 |
const handler = this.handlers.get(`${hash.value}:${routeId.majorParameter}`) ?? this.createHandler(hash.value, routeId.majorParameter);
1300 |
const { url, fetchOptions } = await this.resolveRequest(request2);
1301 |
return handler.queueRequest(routeId, url, fetchOptions, {
1302 |
body: request2.body,
1303 |
files: request2.files,
1304 |
auth: request2.auth !== false,
1305 |
signal: request2.signal
1306 |
1307 |
1308 |
1309 |
* Creates a new rate limit handler from a hash, based on the hash and the major parameter
1310 |
1311 |
* @param hash - The hash for the route
1312 |
* @param majorParameter - The major parameter for this handler
1313 |
* @internal
1314 |
1315 |
createHandler(hash, majorParameter) {
1316 |
const queue = majorParameter === BurstHandlerMajorIdKey ? new BurstHandler(this, hash, majorParameter) : new SequentialHandler(this, hash, majorParameter);
1317 |
this.handlers.set(, queue);
1318 |
return queue;
1319 |
1320 |
1321 |
* Formats the request data to a usable format for fetch
1322 |
1323 |
* @param request - The request data
1324 |
1325 |
async resolveRequest(request2) {
1326 |
const { options } = this;
1327 |
let query = "";
1328 |
if (request2.query) {
1329 |
const resolvedQuery = request2.query.toString();
1330 |
if (resolvedQuery !== "") {
1331 |
query = `?${resolvedQuery}`;
1332 |
1333 |
1334 |
const headers = {
1335 |
1336 |
"User-Agent": `${DefaultUserAgent} ${options.userAgentAppendix}`.trim()
1337 |
1338 |
if (request2.auth !== false) {
1339 |
if (!this.#token) {
1340 |
throw new Error("Expected token to be set for this request, but none was present");
1341 |
1342 |
headers.Authorization = `${request2.authPrefix ?? this.options.authPrefix} ${this.#token}`;
1343 |
1344 |
if (request2.reason?.length) {
1345 |
headers["X-Audit-Log-Reason"] = encodeURIComponent(request2.reason);
1346 |
1347 |
const url = `${options.api}${request2.versioned === false ? "" : `/v${options.version}`}${request2.fullRoute}${query}`;
1348 |
let finalBody;
1349 |
let additionalHeaders = {};
1350 |
if (request2.files?.length) {
1351 |
const formData = new FormData();
1352 |
for (const [index, file] of request2.files.entries()) {
1353 |
const fileKey = file.key ?? `files[${index}]`;
1354 |
if (isBufferLike( {
1355 |
let contentType = file.contentType;
1356 |
if (!contentType) {
1357 |
const [parsedType] = (0, import_magic_bytes.filetypeinfo)(;
1358 |
if (parsedType) {
1359 |
contentType = OverwrittenMimeTypes[parsedType.mime] ?? parsedType.mime ?? "application/octet-stream";
1360 |
1361 |
1362 |
formData.append(fileKey, new Blob([], { type: contentType }),;
1363 |
} else {
1364 |
formData.append(fileKey, new Blob([`${}`], { type: file.contentType }),;
1365 |
1366 |
1367 |
if (request2.body != null) {
1368 |
if (request2.appendToFormData) {
1369 |
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(request2.body)) {
1370 |
formData.append(key, value);
1371 |
1372 |
} else {
1373 |
formData.append("payload_json", JSON.stringify(request2.body));
1374 |
1375 |
1376 |
finalBody = formData;
1377 |
} else if (request2.body != null) {
1378 |
if (request2.passThroughBody) {
1379 |
finalBody = request2.body;
1380 |
} else {
1381 |
finalBody = JSON.stringify(request2.body);
1382 |
additionalHeaders = { "Content-Type": "application/json" };
1383 |
1384 |
1385 |
const method = request2.method.toUpperCase();
1386 |
const fetchOptions = {
1387 |
// Set body to null on get / head requests. This does not follow fetch spec (likely because it causes subtle bugs) but is aligned with what request was doing
1388 |
body: ["GET", "HEAD"].includes(method) ? null : finalBody,
1389 |
headers: { ...request2.headers, ...additionalHeaders, ...headers },
1390 |
1391 |
// Prioritize setting an agent per request, use the agent for this instance otherwise.
1392 |
dispatcher: request2.dispatcher ?? this.agent ?? void 0
1393 |
1394 |
return { url, fetchOptions };
1395 |
1396 |
1397 |
* Stops the hash sweeping interval
1398 |
1399 |
clearHashSweeper() {
1400 |
1401 |
1402 |
1403 |
* Stops the request handler sweeping interval
1404 |
1405 |
clearHandlerSweeper() {
1406 |
1407 |
1408 |
1409 |
* Generates route data for an endpoint:method
1410 |
1411 |
* @param endpoint - The raw endpoint to generalize
1412 |
* @param method - The HTTP method this endpoint is called without
1413 |
* @internal
1414 |
1415 |
static generateRouteData(endpoint, method) {
1416 |
if (endpoint.startsWith("/interactions/") && endpoint.endsWith("/callback")) {
1417 |
return {
1418 |
majorParameter: BurstHandlerMajorIdKey,
1419 |
bucketRoute: "/interactions/:id/:token/callback",
1420 |
original: endpoint
1421 |
1422 |
1423 |
const majorIdMatch = /(?:^\/webhooks\/(\d{17,19}\/[^/?]+))|(?:^\/(?:channels|guilds|webhooks)\/(\d{17,19}))/.exec(
1424 |
1425 |
1426 |
const majorId = majorIdMatch?.[2] ?? majorIdMatch?.[1] ?? "global";
1427 |
const baseRoute = endpoint.replaceAll(/\d{17,19}/g, ":id").replace(/\/reactions\/(.*)/, "/reactions/:reaction").replace(/\/webhooks\/:id\/[^/?]+/, "/webhooks/:id/:token");
1428 |
let exceptions = "";
1429 |
if (method === "DELETE" /* Delete */ && baseRoute === "/channels/:id/messages/:id") {
1430 |
const id = /\d{17,19}$/.exec(endpoint)[0];
1431 |
const timestamp = import_snowflake.DiscordSnowflake.timestampFrom(id);
1432 |
if ( - timestamp > 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14) {
1433 |
exceptions += "/Delete Old Message";
1434 |
1435 |
1436 |
return {
1437 |
majorParameter: majorId,
1438 |
bucketRoute: baseRoute + exceptions,
1439 |
original: endpoint
1440 |
1441 |
1442 |
1443 |
1444 |
// src/shared.ts
1445 |
var version = "2.2.0";
1446 |
1447 |
// src/index.ts
1448 |
globalThis.FormData ??= import_undici2.FormData;
1449 |
globalThis.Blob ??= import_node_buffer.Blob;
1450 |
setDefaultStrategy((0, import_util2.shouldUseGlobalFetchAndWebSocket)() ? fetch : makeRequest);
1451 |
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
1452 |
0 && (module.exports = {
1453 |
1454 |
1455 |
1456 |
1457 |
1458 |
1459 |
1460 |
1461 |
1462 |
1463 |
1464 |
1465 |
1466 |
1467 |
1468 |
1469 |
1470 |
1471 |
1472 |
1473 |
1474 |
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,1432 @@
1 |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
2 |
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
3 |
4 |
// src/index.ts
5 |
import { Blob as Blob2 } from "node:buffer";
6 |
import { shouldUseGlobalFetchAndWebSocket } from "@discordjs/util";
7 |
import { FormData as FormData2 } from "undici";
8 |
9 |
// src/environment.ts
10 |
var defaultStrategy;
11 |
function setDefaultStrategy(newStrategy) {
12 |
defaultStrategy = newStrategy;
13 |
14 |
__name(setDefaultStrategy, "setDefaultStrategy");
15 |
function getDefaultStrategy() {
16 |
return defaultStrategy;
17 |
18 |
__name(getDefaultStrategy, "getDefaultStrategy");
19 |
20 |
// src/strategies/undiciRequest.ts
21 |
import { STATUS_CODES } from "node:http";
22 |
import { URLSearchParams as URLSearchParams2 } from "node:url";
23 |
import { types } from "node:util";
24 |
import { request, Headers } from "undici";
25 |
async function makeRequest(url, init) {
26 |
const options = {
27 |
28 |
body: await resolveBody(init.body)
29 |
30 |
const res = await request(url, options);
31 |
return {
32 |
body: res.body,
33 |
async arrayBuffer() {
34 |
return res.body.arrayBuffer();
35 |
36 |
async json() {
37 |
return res.body.json();
38 |
39 |
async text() {
40 |
return res.body.text();
41 |
42 |
get bodyUsed() {
43 |
return res.body.bodyUsed;
44 |
45 |
headers: new Headers(res.headers),
46 |
status: res.statusCode,
47 |
statusText: STATUS_CODES[res.statusCode],
48 |
ok: res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300
49 |
50 |
51 |
__name(makeRequest, "makeRequest");
52 |
async function resolveBody(body) {
53 |
if (body == null) {
54 |
return null;
55 |
} else if (typeof body === "string") {
56 |
return body;
57 |
} else if (types.isUint8Array(body)) {
58 |
return body;
59 |
} else if (types.isArrayBuffer(body)) {
60 |
return new Uint8Array(body);
61 |
} else if (body instanceof URLSearchParams2) {
62 |
return body.toString();
63 |
} else if (body instanceof DataView) {
64 |
return new Uint8Array(body.buffer);
65 |
} else if (body instanceof Blob) {
66 |
return new Uint8Array(await body.arrayBuffer());
67 |
} else if (body instanceof FormData) {
68 |
return body;
69 |
} else if (body[Symbol.iterator]) {
70 |
const chunks = [...body];
71 |
return Buffer.concat(chunks);
72 |
} else if (body[Symbol.asyncIterator]) {
73 |
const chunks = [];
74 |
for await (const chunk of body) {
75 |
76 |
77 |
return Buffer.concat(chunks);
78 |
79 |
throw new TypeError(`Unable to resolve body.`);
80 |
81 |
__name(resolveBody, "resolveBody");
82 |
83 |
// src/lib/utils/constants.ts
84 |
import { getUserAgentAppendix } from "@discordjs/util";
85 |
import { APIVersion } from "discord-api-types/v10";
86 |
var DefaultUserAgent = `DiscordBot (, 2.2.0)`;
87 |
var DefaultUserAgentAppendix = getUserAgentAppendix();
88 |
var DefaultRestOptions = {
89 |
agent: null,
90 |
api: "",
91 |
authPrefix: "Bot",
92 |
cdn: "",
93 |
headers: {},
94 |
invalidRequestWarningInterval: 0,
95 |
globalRequestsPerSecond: 50,
96 |
offset: 50,
97 |
rejectOnRateLimit: null,
98 |
retries: 3,
99 |
timeout: 15e3,
100 |
userAgentAppendix: DefaultUserAgentAppendix,
101 |
version: APIVersion,
102 |
hashSweepInterval: 144e5,
103 |
// 4 Hours
104 |
hashLifetime: 864e5,
105 |
// 24 Hours
106 |
handlerSweepInterval: 36e5,
107 |
// 1 Hour
108 |
async makeRequest(...args) {
109 |
return getDefaultStrategy()(...args);
110 |
111 |
112 |
var RESTEvents = /* @__PURE__ */ ((RESTEvents2) => {
113 |
RESTEvents2["Debug"] = "restDebug";
114 |
RESTEvents2["HandlerSweep"] = "handlerSweep";
115 |
RESTEvents2["HashSweep"] = "hashSweep";
116 |
RESTEvents2["InvalidRequestWarning"] = "invalidRequestWarning";
117 |
RESTEvents2["RateLimited"] = "rateLimited";
118 |
RESTEvents2["Response"] = "response";
119 |
return RESTEvents2;
120 |
})(RESTEvents || {});
121 |
var ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ["webp", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"];
122 |
var ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS = ["png", "json", "gif"];
123 |
var ALLOWED_SIZES = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096];
124 |
var OverwrittenMimeTypes = {
125 |
126 |
"image/apng": "image/png"
127 |
128 |
var BurstHandlerMajorIdKey = "burst";
129 |
var DEPRECATION_WARNING_PREFIX = "DeprecationWarning";
130 |
131 |
// src/lib/errors/RateLimitError.ts
132 |
var RateLimitError = class _RateLimitError extends Error {
133 |
static {
134 |
__name(this, "RateLimitError");
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
}) {
160 |
161 |
this.timeToReset = timeToReset;
162 |
this.limit = limit;
163 |
this.method = method;
164 |
this.hash = hash;
165 |
this.url = url;
166 |
this.route = route;
167 |
this.majorParameter = majorParameter;
168 |
+ = global;
169 |
this.retryAfter = retryAfter;
170 |
this.sublimitTimeout = sublimitTimeout;
171 |
this.scope = scope;
172 |
173 |
174 |
* The name of the error
175 |
176 |
get name() {
177 |
return `${}[${this.route}]`;
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 |
// src/lib/utils/types.ts
182 |
var RequestMethod = /* @__PURE__ */ ((RequestMethod2) => {
183 |
RequestMethod2["Delete"] = "DELETE";
184 |
RequestMethod2["Get"] = "GET";
185 |
RequestMethod2["Patch"] = "PATCH";
186 |
RequestMethod2["Post"] = "POST";
187 |
RequestMethod2["Put"] = "PUT";
188 |
return RequestMethod2;
189 |
})(RequestMethod || {});
190 |
191 |
// src/lib/utils/utils.ts
192 |
function serializeSearchParam(value) {
193 |
switch (typeof value) {
194 |
case "string":
195 |
return value;
196 |
case "number":
197 |
case "bigint":
198 |
case "boolean":
199 |
return value.toString();
200 |
case "object":
201 |
if (value === null)
202 |
return null;
203 |
if (value instanceof Date) {
204 |
return Number.isNaN(value.getTime()) ? null : value.toISOString();
205 |
206 |
if (typeof value.toString === "function" && value.toString !== Object.prototype.toString)
207 |
return value.toString();
208 |
return null;
209 |
210 |
return null;
211 |
212 |
213 |
__name(serializeSearchParam, "serializeSearchParam");
214 |
function makeURLSearchParams(options) {
215 |
const params = new URLSearchParams();
216 |
if (!options)
217 |
return params;
218 |
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) {
219 |
const serialized = serializeSearchParam(value);
220 |
if (serialized !== null)
221 |
params.append(key, serialized);
222 |
223 |
return params;
224 |
225 |
__name(makeURLSearchParams, "makeURLSearchParams");
226 |
async function parseResponse(res) {
227 |
if (res.headers.get("Content-Type")?.startsWith("application/json")) {
228 |
return res.json();
229 |
230 |
return res.arrayBuffer();
231 |
232 |
__name(parseResponse, "parseResponse");
233 |
function hasSublimit(bucketRoute, body, method) {
234 |
if (bucketRoute === "/channels/:id") {
235 |
if (typeof body !== "object" || body === null)
236 |
return false;
237 |
if (method !== "PATCH" /* Patch */)
238 |
return false;
239 |
const castedBody = body;
240 |
return ["name", "topic"].some((key) => Reflect.has(castedBody, key));
241 |
242 |
return true;
243 |
244 |
__name(hasSublimit, "hasSublimit");
245 |
function shouldRetry(error) {
246 |
if ( === "AbortError")
247 |
return true;
248 |
return "code" in error && error.code === "ECONNRESET" || error.message.includes("ECONNRESET");
249 |
250 |
__name(shouldRetry, "shouldRetry");
251 |
async function onRateLimit(manager, rateLimitData) {
252 |
const { options } = manager;
253 |
if (!options.rejectOnRateLimit)
254 |
255 |
const shouldThrow = typeof options.rejectOnRateLimit === "function" ? await options.rejectOnRateLimit(rateLimitData) : options.rejectOnRateLimit.some((route) => rateLimitData.route.startsWith(route.toLowerCase()));
256 |
if (shouldThrow) {
257 |
throw new RateLimitError(rateLimitData);
258 |
259 |
260 |
__name(onRateLimit, "onRateLimit");
261 |
function calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex(userId) {
262 |
return Number(BigInt(userId) >> 22n) % 6;
263 |
264 |
__name(calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex, "calculateUserDefaultAvatarIndex");
265 |
async function sleep(ms) {
266 |
return new Promise((resolve) => {
267 |
setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms);
268 |
269 |
270 |
__name(sleep, "sleep");
271 |
function isBufferLike(value) {
272 |
return value instanceof ArrayBuffer || value instanceof Uint8Array || value instanceof Uint8ClampedArray;
273 |
274 |
__name(isBufferLike, "isBufferLike");
275 |
function deprecationWarning(message) {
276 |
if (typeof globalThis.process === "undefined") {
277 |
console.warn(`${DEPRECATION_WARNING_PREFIX}: ${message}`);
278 |
} else {
279 |
process.emitWarning(message, DEPRECATION_WARNING_PREFIX);
280 |
281 |
282 |
__name(deprecationWarning, "deprecationWarning");
283 |
284 |
// src/lib/CDN.ts
285 |
var deprecationEmittedForEmoji = false;
286 |
var CDN = class {
287 |
constructor(base = DefaultRestOptions.cdn) {
288 |
this.base = base;
289 |
290 |
static {
291 |
__name(this, "CDN");
292 |
293 |
294 |
* Generates an app asset URL for a client's asset.
295 |
296 |
* @param clientId - The client id that has the asset
297 |
* @param assetHash - The hash provided by Discord for this asset
298 |
* @param options - Optional options for the asset
299 |
300 |
appAsset(clientId, assetHash, options) {
301 |
return this.makeURL(`/app-assets/${clientId}/${assetHash}`, options);
302 |
303 |
304 |
* Generates an app icon URL for a client's icon.
305 |
306 |
* @param clientId - The client id that has the icon
307 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
308 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
309 |
310 |
appIcon(clientId, iconHash, options) {
311 |
return this.makeURL(`/app-icons/${clientId}/${iconHash}`, options);
312 |
313 |
314 |
* Generates an avatar URL, e.g. for a user or a webhook.
315 |
316 |
* @param id - The id that has the icon
317 |
* @param avatarHash - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar
318 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar
319 |
320 |
avatar(id, avatarHash, options) {
321 |
return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/avatars/${id}/${avatarHash}`, avatarHash, options);
322 |
323 |
324 |
* Generates a user avatar decoration URL.
325 |
326 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
327 |
* @param userAvatarDecoration - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar decoration
328 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar decoration
329 |
330 |
avatarDecoration(userId, userAvatarDecoration, options) {
331 |
return this.makeURL(`/avatar-decorations/${userId}/${userAvatarDecoration}`, options);
332 |
333 |
334 |
* Generates a banner URL, e.g. for a user or a guild.
335 |
336 |
* @param id - The id that has the banner splash
337 |
* @param bannerHash - The hash provided by Discord for this banner
338 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
339 |
340 |
banner(id, bannerHash, options) {
341 |
return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/banners/${id}/${bannerHash}`, bannerHash, options);
342 |
343 |
344 |
* Generates an icon URL for a channel, e.g. a group DM.
345 |
346 |
* @param channelId - The channel id that has the icon
347 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this channel
348 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
349 |
350 |
channelIcon(channelId, iconHash, options) {
351 |
return this.makeURL(`/channel-icons/${channelId}/${iconHash}`, options);
352 |
353 |
354 |
* Generates a default avatar URL
355 |
356 |
* @param index - The default avatar index
357 |
* @remarks
358 |
* To calculate the index for a user do `(userId >> 22) % 6`,
359 |
* or `discriminator % 5` if they're using the legacy username system.
360 |
361 |
defaultAvatar(index) {
362 |
return this.makeURL(`/embed/avatars/${index}`, { extension: "png" });
363 |
364 |
365 |
* Generates a discovery splash URL for a guild's discovery splash.
366 |
367 |
* @param guildId - The guild id that has the discovery splash
368 |
* @param splashHash - The hash provided by Discord for this splash
369 |
* @param options - Optional options for the splash
370 |
371 |
discoverySplash(guildId, splashHash, options) {
372 |
return this.makeURL(`/discovery-splashes/${guildId}/${splashHash}`, options);
373 |
374 |
emoji(emojiId, options) {
375 |
let resolvedOptions;
376 |
if (typeof options === "string") {
377 |
if (!deprecationEmittedForEmoji) {
378 |
379 |
"Passing a string for the second parameter of CDN#emoji() is deprecated. Use an object instead."
380 |
381 |
deprecationEmittedForEmoji = true;
382 |
383 |
resolvedOptions = { extension: options };
384 |
} else {
385 |
resolvedOptions = options;
386 |
387 |
return this.makeURL(`/emojis/${emojiId}`, resolvedOptions);
388 |
389 |
390 |
* Generates a guild member avatar URL.
391 |
392 |
* @param guildId - The id of the guild
393 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
394 |
* @param avatarHash - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar
395 |
* @param options - Optional options for the avatar
396 |
397 |
guildMemberAvatar(guildId, userId, avatarHash, options) {
398 |
return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/guilds/${guildId}/users/${userId}/avatars/${avatarHash}`, avatarHash, options);
399 |
400 |
401 |
* Generates a guild member banner URL.
402 |
403 |
* @param guildId - The id of the guild
404 |
* @param userId - The id of the user
405 |
* @param bannerHash - The hash provided by Discord for this banner
406 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
407 |
408 |
guildMemberBanner(guildId, userId, bannerHash, options) {
409 |
return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/guilds/${guildId}/users/${userId}/banner`, bannerHash, options);
410 |
411 |
412 |
* Generates an icon URL, e.g. for a guild.
413 |
414 |
* @param id - The id that has the icon splash
415 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
416 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
417 |
418 |
icon(id, iconHash, options) {
419 |
return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/icons/${id}/${iconHash}`, iconHash, options);
420 |
421 |
422 |
* Generates a URL for the icon of a role
423 |
424 |
* @param roleId - The id of the role that has the icon
425 |
* @param roleIconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this role icon
426 |
* @param options - Optional options for the role icon
427 |
428 |
roleIcon(roleId, roleIconHash, options) {
429 |
return this.makeURL(`/role-icons/${roleId}/${roleIconHash}`, options);
430 |
431 |
432 |
* Generates a guild invite splash URL for a guild's invite splash.
433 |
434 |
* @param guildId - The guild id that has the invite splash
435 |
* @param splashHash - The hash provided by Discord for this splash
436 |
* @param options - Optional options for the splash
437 |
438 |
splash(guildId, splashHash, options) {
439 |
return this.makeURL(`/splashes/${guildId}/${splashHash}`, options);
440 |
441 |
442 |
* Generates a sticker URL.
443 |
444 |
* @param stickerId - The sticker id
445 |
* @param extension - The extension of the sticker
446 |
* @privateRemarks
447 |
* Stickers cannot have a `.webp` extension, so we default to a `.png`
448 |
449 |
sticker(stickerId, extension = "png") {
450 |
return this.makeURL(`/stickers/${stickerId}`, { allowedExtensions: ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS, extension });
451 |
452 |
453 |
* Generates a sticker pack banner URL.
454 |
455 |
* @param bannerId - The banner id
456 |
* @param options - Optional options for the banner
457 |
458 |
stickerPackBanner(bannerId, options) {
459 |
return this.makeURL(`/app-assets/710982414301790216/store/${bannerId}`, options);
460 |
461 |
462 |
* Generates a team icon URL for a team's icon.
463 |
464 |
* @param teamId - The team id that has the icon
465 |
* @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
466 |
* @param options - Optional options for the icon
467 |
468 |
teamIcon(teamId, iconHash, options) {
469 |
return this.makeURL(`/team-icons/${teamId}/${iconHash}`, options);
470 |
471 |
472 |
* Generates a cover image for a guild scheduled event.
473 |
474 |
* @param scheduledEventId - The scheduled event id
475 |
* @param coverHash - The hash provided by discord for this cover image
476 |
* @param options - Optional options for the cover image
477 |
478 |
guildScheduledEventCover(scheduledEventId, coverHash, options) {
479 |
return this.makeURL(`/guild-events/${scheduledEventId}/${coverHash}`, options);
480 |
481 |
482 |
* Constructs the URL for the resource, checking whether or not `hash` starts with `a_` if `dynamic` is set to `true`.
483 |
484 |
* @param route - The base cdn route
485 |
* @param hash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon
486 |
* @param options - Optional options for the link
487 |
488 |
dynamicMakeURL(route, hash, { forceStatic = false, ...options } = {}) {
489 |
return this.makeURL(route, !forceStatic && hash.startsWith("a_") ? { ...options, extension: "gif" } : options);
490 |
491 |
492 |
* Constructs the URL for the resource
493 |
494 |
* @param route - The base cdn route
495 |
* @param options - The extension/size options for the link
496 |
497 |
makeURL(route, { allowedExtensions = ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, extension = "webp", size } = {}) {
498 |
extension = String(extension).toLowerCase();
499 |
if (!allowedExtensions.includes(extension)) {
500 |
throw new RangeError(`Invalid extension provided: ${extension}
501 |
Must be one of: ${allowedExtensions.join(", ")}`);
502 |
503 |
if (size && !ALLOWED_SIZES.includes(size)) {
504 |
throw new RangeError(`Invalid size provided: ${size}
505 |
Must be one of: ${ALLOWED_SIZES.join(", ")}`);
506 |
507 |
const url = new URL(`${this.base}${route}.${extension}`);
508 |
if (size) {
509 |
url.searchParams.set("size", String(size));
510 |
511 |
return url.toString();
512 |
513 |
514 |
515 |
// src/lib/errors/DiscordAPIError.ts
516 |
function isErrorGroupWrapper(error) {
517 |
return Reflect.has(error, "_errors");
518 |
519 |
__name(isErrorGroupWrapper, "isErrorGroupWrapper");
520 |
function isErrorResponse(error) {
521 |
return typeof Reflect.get(error, "message") === "string";
522 |
523 |
__name(isErrorResponse, "isErrorResponse");
524 |
var DiscordAPIError = class _DiscordAPIError extends Error {
525 |
526 |
* @param rawError - The error reported by Discord
527 |
* @param code - The error code reported by Discord
528 |
* @param status - The status code of the response
529 |
* @param method - The method of the request that erred
530 |
* @param url - The url of the request that erred
531 |
* @param bodyData - The unparsed data for the request that errored
532 |
533 |
constructor(rawError, code, status, method, url, bodyData) {
534 |
535 |
this.rawError = rawError;
536 |
this.code = code;
537 |
this.status = status;
538 |
this.method = method;
539 |
this.url = url;
540 |
this.requestBody = { files: bodyData.files, json: bodyData.body };
541 |
542 |
static {
543 |
__name(this, "DiscordAPIError");
544 |
545 |
546 |
547 |
* The name of the error
548 |
549 |
get name() {
550 |
return `${}[${this.code}]`;
551 |
552 |
static getMessage(error) {
553 |
let flattened = "";
554 |
if ("code" in error) {
555 |
if (error.errors) {
556 |
flattened = [...this.flattenDiscordError(error.errors)].join("\n");
557 |
558 |
return error.message && flattened ? `${error.message}
559 |
${flattened}` : error.message || flattened || "Unknown Error";
560 |
561 |
return error.error_description ?? "No Description";
562 |
563 |
static *flattenDiscordError(obj, key = "") {
564 |
if (isErrorResponse(obj)) {
565 |
return yield `${key.length ? `${key}[${obj.code}]` : `${obj.code}`}: ${obj.message}`.trim();
566 |
567 |
for (const [otherKey, val] of Object.entries(obj)) {
568 |
const nextKey = otherKey.startsWith("_") ? key : key ? Number.isNaN(Number(otherKey)) ? `${key}.${otherKey}` : `${key}[${otherKey}]` : otherKey;
569 |
if (typeof val === "string") {
570 |
yield val;
571 |
} else if (isErrorGroupWrapper(val)) {
572 |
for (const error of val._errors) {
573 |
yield* this.flattenDiscordError(error, nextKey);
574 |
575 |
} else {
576 |
yield* this.flattenDiscordError(val, nextKey);
577 |
578 |
579 |
580 |
581 |
582 |
// src/lib/errors/HTTPError.ts
583 |
var HTTPError = class _HTTPError extends Error {
584 |
585 |
* @param status - The status code of the response
586 |
* @param statusText - The status text of the response
587 |
* @param method - The method of the request that erred
588 |
* @param url - The url of the request that erred
589 |
* @param bodyData - The unparsed data for the request that errored
590 |
591 |
constructor(status, statusText, method, url, bodyData) {
592 |
593 |
this.status = status;
594 |
this.method = method;
595 |
this.url = url;
596 |
this.requestBody = { files: bodyData.files, json: bodyData.body };
597 |
598 |
static {
599 |
__name(this, "HTTPError");
600 |
601 |
602 |
name =;
603 |
604 |
605 |
// src/lib/REST.ts
606 |
import { Collection } from "@discordjs/collection";
607 |
import { DiscordSnowflake } from "@sapphire/snowflake";
608 |
import { AsyncEventEmitter } from "@vladfrangu/async_event_emitter";
609 |
import { filetypeinfo } from "magic-bytes.js";
610 |
611 |
// src/lib/handlers/Shared.ts
612 |
var invalidCount = 0;
613 |
var invalidCountResetTime = null;
614 |
function incrementInvalidCount(manager) {
615 |
if (!invalidCountResetTime || invalidCountResetTime < {
616 |
invalidCountResetTime = + 1e3 * 60 * 10;
617 |
invalidCount = 0;
618 |
619 |
620 |
const emitInvalid = manager.options.invalidRequestWarningInterval > 0 && invalidCount % manager.options.invalidRequestWarningInterval === 0;
621 |
if (emitInvalid) {
622 |
manager.emit("invalidRequestWarning" /* InvalidRequestWarning */, {
623 |
count: invalidCount,
624 |
remainingTime: invalidCountResetTime -
625 |
626 |
627 |
628 |
__name(incrementInvalidCount, "incrementInvalidCount");
629 |
async function makeNetworkRequest(manager, routeId, url, options, requestData, retries) {
630 |
const controller = new AbortController();
631 |
const timeout = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), manager.options.timeout);
632 |
if (requestData.signal) {
633 |
if (requestData.signal.aborted)
634 |
635 |
636 |
requestData.signal.addEventListener("abort", () => controller.abort());
637 |
638 |
let res;
639 |
try {
640 |
res = await manager.options.makeRequest(url, { ...options, signal: controller.signal });
641 |
} catch (error) {
642 |
if (!(error instanceof Error))
643 |
throw error;
644 |
if (shouldRetry(error) && retries !== manager.options.retries) {
645 |
return null;
646 |
647 |
throw error;
648 |
} finally {
649 |
650 |
651 |
if (manager.listenerCount("response" /* Response */)) {
652 |
653 |
"response" /* Response */,
654 |
655 |
method: options.method ?? "get",
656 |
path: routeId.original,
657 |
route: routeId.bucketRoute,
658 |
659 |
data: requestData,
660 |
661 |
662 |
res instanceof Response ? res.clone() : { ...res }
663 |
664 |
665 |
return res;
666 |
667 |
__name(makeNetworkRequest, "makeNetworkRequest");
668 |
async function handleErrors(manager, res, method, url, requestData, retries) {
669 |
const status = res.status;
670 |
if (status >= 500 && status < 600) {
671 |
if (retries !== manager.options.retries) {
672 |
return null;
673 |
674 |
throw new HTTPError(status, res.statusText, method, url, requestData);
675 |
} else {
676 |
if (status >= 400 && status < 500) {
677 |
if (status === 401 && requestData.auth) {
678 |
679 |
680 |
const data = await parseResponse(res);
681 |
throw new DiscordAPIError(data, "code" in data ? data.code : data.error, status, method, url, requestData);
682 |
683 |
return res;
684 |
685 |
686 |
__name(handleErrors, "handleErrors");
687 |
688 |
// src/lib/handlers/BurstHandler.ts
689 |
var BurstHandler = class {
690 |
691 |
* @param manager - The request manager
692 |
* @param hash - The hash that this RequestHandler handles
693 |
* @param majorParameter - The major parameter for this handler
694 |
695 |
constructor(manager, hash, majorParameter) {
696 |
this.manager = manager;
697 |
this.hash = hash;
698 |
this.majorParameter = majorParameter;
699 |
+ = `${hash}:${majorParameter}`;
700 |
701 |
static {
702 |
__name(this, "BurstHandler");
703 |
704 |
705 |
* {@inheritdoc}
706 |
707 |
708 |
709 |
* {@inheritDoc IHandler.inactive}
710 |
711 |
inactive = false;
712 |
713 |
* Emits a debug message
714 |
715 |
* @param message - The message to debug
716 |
717 |
debug(message) {
718 |
this.manager.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `[REST ${}] ${message}`);
719 |
720 |
721 |
* {@inheritDoc IHandler.queueRequest}
722 |
723 |
async queueRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData) {
724 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData);
725 |
726 |
727 |
* The method that actually makes the request to the API, and updates info about the bucket accordingly
728 |
729 |
* @param routeId - The generalized API route with literal ids for major parameters
730 |
* @param url - The fully resolved URL to make the request to
731 |
* @param options - The fetch options needed to make the request
732 |
* @param requestData - Extra data from the user's request needed for errors and additional processing
733 |
* @param retries - The number of retries this request has already attempted (recursion)
734 |
735 |
async runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries = 0) {
736 |
const method = options.method ?? "get";
737 |
const res = await makeNetworkRequest(this.manager, routeId, url, options, requestData, retries);
738 |
if (res === null) {
739 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries);
740 |
741 |
const status = res.status;
742 |
let retryAfter = 0;
743 |
const retry = res.headers.get("Retry-After");
744 |
if (retry)
745 |
retryAfter = Number(retry) * 1e3 + this.manager.options.offset;
746 |
if (status === 401 || status === 403 || status === 429) {
747 |
748 |
749 |
if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
750 |
return res;
751 |
} else if (status === 429) {
752 |
const isGlobal = res.headers.has("X-RateLimit-Global");
753 |
const scope = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Scope") ?? "user";
754 |
await onRateLimit(this.manager, {
755 |
global: isGlobal,
756 |
757 |
758 |
route: routeId.bucketRoute,
759 |
majorParameter: this.majorParameter,
760 |
hash: this.hash,
761 |
762 |
timeToReset: retryAfter,
763 |
764 |
sublimitTimeout: 0,
765 |
766 |
767 |
768 |
769 |
"Encountered unexpected 429 rate limit",
770 |
` Global : ${isGlobal}`,
771 |
` Method : ${method}`,
772 |
` URL : ${url}`,
773 |
` Bucket : ${routeId.bucketRoute}`,
774 |
` Major parameter: ${routeId.majorParameter}`,
775 |
` Hash : ${this.hash}`,
776 |
` Limit : ${Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY}`,
777 |
` Retry After : ${retryAfter}ms`,
778 |
` Sublimit : None`,
779 |
` Scope : ${scope}`
780 |
781 |
782 |
await sleep(retryAfter);
783 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries);
784 |
} else {
785 |
const handled = await handleErrors(this.manager, res, method, url, requestData, retries);
786 |
if (handled === null) {
787 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries);
788 |
789 |
return handled;
790 |
791 |
792 |
793 |
794 |
// src/lib/handlers/SequentialHandler.ts
795 |
import { AsyncQueue } from "@sapphire/async-queue";
796 |
var SequentialHandler = class {
797 |
798 |
* @param manager - The request manager
799 |
* @param hash - The hash that this RequestHandler handles
800 |
* @param majorParameter - The major parameter for this handler
801 |
802 |
constructor(manager, hash, majorParameter) {
803 |
this.manager = manager;
804 |
this.hash = hash;
805 |
this.majorParameter = majorParameter;
806 |
+ = `${hash}:${majorParameter}`;
807 |
808 |
static {
809 |
__name(this, "SequentialHandler");
810 |
811 |
812 |
* {@inheritDoc}
813 |
814 |
815 |
816 |
* The time this rate limit bucket will reset
817 |
818 |
reset = -1;
819 |
820 |
* The remaining requests that can be made before we are rate limited
821 |
822 |
remaining = 1;
823 |
824 |
* The total number of requests that can be made before we are rate limited
825 |
826 |
827 |
828 |
* The interface used to sequence async requests sequentially
829 |
830 |
#asyncQueue = new AsyncQueue();
831 |
832 |
* The interface used to sequence sublimited async requests sequentially
833 |
834 |
#sublimitedQueue = null;
835 |
836 |
* A promise wrapper for when the sublimited queue is finished being processed or null when not being processed
837 |
838 |
#sublimitPromise = null;
839 |
840 |
* Whether the sublimit queue needs to be shifted in the finally block
841 |
842 |
#shiftSublimit = false;
843 |
844 |
* {@inheritDoc IHandler.inactive}
845 |
846 |
get inactive() {
847 |
return this.#asyncQueue.remaining === 0 && (this.#sublimitedQueue === null || this.#sublimitedQueue.remaining === 0) && !;
848 |
849 |
850 |
* If the rate limit bucket is currently limited by the global limit
851 |
852 |
get globalLimited() {
853 |
return this.manager.globalRemaining <= 0 && < this.manager.globalReset;
854 |
855 |
856 |
* If the rate limit bucket is currently limited by its limit
857 |
858 |
get localLimited() {
859 |
return this.remaining <= 0 && < this.reset;
860 |
861 |
862 |
* If the rate limit bucket is currently limited
863 |
864 |
get limited() {
865 |
return this.globalLimited || this.localLimited;
866 |
867 |
868 |
* The time until queued requests can continue
869 |
870 |
get timeToReset() {
871 |
return this.reset + this.manager.options.offset -;
872 |
873 |
874 |
* Emits a debug message
875 |
876 |
* @param message - The message to debug
877 |
878 |
debug(message) {
879 |
this.manager.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `[REST ${}] ${message}`);
880 |
881 |
882 |
* Delay all requests for the specified amount of time, handling global rate limits
883 |
884 |
* @param time - The amount of time to delay all requests for
885 |
886 |
async globalDelayFor(time) {
887 |
await sleep(time);
888 |
this.manager.globalDelay = null;
889 |
890 |
891 |
* {@inheritDoc IHandler.queueRequest}
892 |
893 |
async queueRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData) {
894 |
let queue = this.#asyncQueue;
895 |
let queueType = 0 /* Standard */;
896 |
if (this.#sublimitedQueue && hasSublimit(routeId.bucketRoute, requestData.body, options.method)) {
897 |
queue = this.#sublimitedQueue;
898 |
queueType = 1 /* Sublimit */;
899 |
900 |
await queue.wait({ signal: requestData.signal });
901 |
if (queueType === 0 /* Standard */) {
902 |
if (this.#sublimitedQueue && hasSublimit(routeId.bucketRoute, requestData.body, options.method)) {
903 |
queue = this.#sublimitedQueue;
904 |
const wait = queue.wait();
905 |
906 |
await wait;
907 |
} else if (this.#sublimitPromise) {
908 |
await this.#sublimitPromise.promise;
909 |
910 |
911 |
try {
912 |
return await this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData);
913 |
} finally {
914 |
915 |
if (this.#shiftSublimit) {
916 |
this.#shiftSublimit = false;
917 |
918 |
919 |
if (this.#sublimitedQueue?.remaining === 0) {
920 |
921 |
this.#sublimitedQueue = null;
922 |
923 |
924 |
925 |
926 |
* The method that actually makes the request to the api, and updates info about the bucket accordingly
927 |
928 |
* @param routeId - The generalized api route with literal ids for major parameters
929 |
* @param url - The fully resolved url to make the request to
930 |
* @param options - The fetch options needed to make the request
931 |
* @param requestData - Extra data from the user's request needed for errors and additional processing
932 |
* @param retries - The number of retries this request has already attempted (recursion)
933 |
934 |
async runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries = 0) {
935 |
while ( {
936 |
const isGlobal = this.globalLimited;
937 |
let limit2;
938 |
let timeout;
939 |
let delay;
940 |
if (isGlobal) {
941 |
limit2 = this.manager.options.globalRequestsPerSecond;
942 |
timeout = this.manager.globalReset + this.manager.options.offset -;
943 |
if (!this.manager.globalDelay) {
944 |
this.manager.globalDelay = this.globalDelayFor(timeout);
945 |
946 |
delay = this.manager.globalDelay;
947 |
} else {
948 |
limit2 = this.limit;
949 |
timeout = this.timeToReset;
950 |
delay = sleep(timeout);
951 |
952 |
const rateLimitData = {
953 |
global: isGlobal,
954 |
method: options.method ?? "get",
955 |
956 |
route: routeId.bucketRoute,
957 |
majorParameter: this.majorParameter,
958 |
hash: this.hash,
959 |
limit: limit2,
960 |
timeToReset: timeout,
961 |
retryAfter: timeout,
962 |
sublimitTimeout: 0,
963 |
scope: "user"
964 |
965 |
this.manager.emit("rateLimited" /* RateLimited */, rateLimitData);
966 |
await onRateLimit(this.manager, rateLimitData);
967 |
if (isGlobal) {
968 |
this.debug(`Global rate limit hit, blocking all requests for ${timeout}ms`);
969 |
} else {
970 |
this.debug(`Waiting ${timeout}ms for rate limit to pass`);
971 |
972 |
await delay;
973 |
974 |
if (!this.manager.globalReset || this.manager.globalReset < {
975 |
this.manager.globalReset = + 1e3;
976 |
this.manager.globalRemaining = this.manager.options.globalRequestsPerSecond;
977 |
978 |
979 |
const method = options.method ?? "get";
980 |
const res = await makeNetworkRequest(this.manager, routeId, url, options, requestData, retries);
981 |
if (res === null) {
982 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries);
983 |
984 |
const status = res.status;
985 |
let retryAfter = 0;
986 |
const limit = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Limit");
987 |
const remaining = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Remaining");
988 |
const reset = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Reset-After");
989 |
const hash = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Bucket");
990 |
const retry = res.headers.get("Retry-After");
991 |
const scope = res.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Scope") ?? "user";
992 |
this.limit = limit ? Number(limit) : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
993 |
this.remaining = remaining ? Number(remaining) : 1;
994 |
this.reset = reset ? Number(reset) * 1e3 + + this.manager.options.offset :;
995 |
if (retry)
996 |
retryAfter = Number(retry) * 1e3 + this.manager.options.offset;
997 |
if (hash && hash !== this.hash) {
998 |
this.debug(["Received bucket hash update", ` Old Hash : ${this.hash}`, ` New Hash : ${hash}`].join("\n"));
999 |
this.manager.hashes.set(`${method}:${routeId.bucketRoute}`, { value: hash, lastAccess: });
1000 |
} else if (hash) {
1001 |
const hashData = this.manager.hashes.get(`${method}:${routeId.bucketRoute}`);
1002 |
if (hashData) {
1003 |
hashData.lastAccess =;
1004 |
1005 |
1006 |
let sublimitTimeout = null;
1007 |
if (retryAfter > 0) {
1008 |
if (res.headers.has("X-RateLimit-Global")) {
1009 |
this.manager.globalRemaining = 0;
1010 |
this.manager.globalReset = + retryAfter;
1011 |
} else if (!this.localLimited) {
1012 |
sublimitTimeout = retryAfter;
1013 |
1014 |
1015 |
if (status === 401 || status === 403 || status === 429) {
1016 |
1017 |
1018 |
if (res.ok) {
1019 |
return res;
1020 |
} else if (status === 429) {
1021 |
const isGlobal = this.globalLimited;
1022 |
let limit2;
1023 |
let timeout;
1024 |
if (isGlobal) {
1025 |
limit2 = this.manager.options.globalRequestsPerSecond;
1026 |
timeout = this.manager.globalReset + this.manager.options.offset -;
1027 |
} else {
1028 |
limit2 = this.limit;
1029 |
timeout = this.timeToReset;
1030 |
1031 |
await onRateLimit(this.manager, {
1032 |
global: isGlobal,
1033 |
1034 |
1035 |
route: routeId.bucketRoute,
1036 |
majorParameter: this.majorParameter,
1037 |
hash: this.hash,
1038 |
limit: limit2,
1039 |
timeToReset: timeout,
1040 |
1041 |
sublimitTimeout: sublimitTimeout ?? 0,
1042 |
1043 |
1044 |
1045 |
1046 |
"Encountered unexpected 429 rate limit",
1047 |
` Global : ${isGlobal.toString()}`,
1048 |
` Method : ${method}`,
1049 |
` URL : ${url}`,
1050 |
` Bucket : ${routeId.bucketRoute}`,
1051 |
` Major parameter: ${routeId.majorParameter}`,
1052 |
` Hash : ${this.hash}`,
1053 |
` Limit : ${limit2}`,
1054 |
` Retry After : ${retryAfter}ms`,
1055 |
` Sublimit : ${sublimitTimeout ? `${sublimitTimeout}ms` : "None"}`,
1056 |
` Scope : ${scope}`
1057 |
1058 |
1059 |
if (sublimitTimeout) {
1060 |
const firstSublimit = !this.#sublimitedQueue;
1061 |
if (firstSublimit) {
1062 |
this.#sublimitedQueue = new AsyncQueue();
1063 |
void this.#sublimitedQueue.wait();
1064 |
1065 |
1066 |
1067 |
this.#sublimitPromise = null;
1068 |
await sleep(sublimitTimeout);
1069 |
let resolve;
1070 |
const promise = new Promise((res2) => resolve = res2);
1071 |
this.#sublimitPromise = { promise, resolve };
1072 |
if (firstSublimit) {
1073 |
await this.#asyncQueue.wait();
1074 |
this.#shiftSublimit = true;
1075 |
1076 |
1077 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries);
1078 |
} else {
1079 |
const handled = await handleErrors(this.manager, res, method, url, requestData, retries);
1080 |
if (handled === null) {
1081 |
return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries);
1082 |
1083 |
return handled;
1084 |
1085 |
1086 |
1087 |
1088 |
// src/lib/REST.ts
1089 |
var REST = class _REST extends AsyncEventEmitter {
1090 |
static {
1091 |
__name(this, "REST");
1092 |
1093 |
1094 |
* The {@link | Agent} for all requests
1095 |
* performed by this manager.
1096 |
1097 |
agent = null;
1098 |
1099 |
1100 |
* The number of requests remaining in the global bucket
1101 |
1102 |
1103 |
1104 |
* The promise used to wait out the global rate limit
1105 |
1106 |
globalDelay = null;
1107 |
1108 |
* The timestamp at which the global bucket resets
1109 |
1110 |
globalReset = -1;
1111 |
1112 |
* API bucket hashes that are cached from provided routes
1113 |
1114 |
hashes = new Collection();
1115 |
1116 |
* Request handlers created from the bucket hash and the major parameters
1117 |
1118 |
handlers = new Collection();
1119 |
#token = null;
1120 |
1121 |
1122 |
1123 |
constructor(options = {}) {
1124 |
1125 |
this.cdn = new CDN(options.cdn ?? DefaultRestOptions.cdn);
1126 |
this.options = { ...DefaultRestOptions, ...options };
1127 |
this.options.offset = Math.max(0, this.options.offset);
1128 |
this.globalRemaining = Math.max(1, this.options.globalRequestsPerSecond);
1129 |
this.agent = options.agent ?? null;
1130 |
1131 |
1132 |
setupSweepers() {
1133 |
const validateMaxInterval = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((interval) => {
1134 |
if (interval > 144e5) {
1135 |
throw new Error("Cannot set an interval greater than 4 hours");
1136 |
1137 |
}, "validateMaxInterval");
1138 |
if (this.options.hashSweepInterval !== 0 && this.options.hashSweepInterval !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
1139 |
1140 |
this.hashTimer = setInterval(() => {
1141 |
const sweptHashes = new Collection();
1142 |
const currentDate =;
1143 |
this.hashes.sweep((val, key) => {
1144 |
if (val.lastAccess === -1)
1145 |
return false;
1146 |
const shouldSweep = Math.floor(currentDate - val.lastAccess) > this.options.hashLifetime;
1147 |
if (shouldSweep) {
1148 |
sweptHashes.set(key, val);
1149 |
this.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `Hash ${val.value} for ${key} swept due to lifetime being exceeded`);
1150 |
1151 |
return shouldSweep;
1152 |
1153 |
this.emit("hashSweep" /* HashSweep */, sweptHashes);
1154 |
}, this.options.hashSweepInterval);
1155 |
1156 |
1157 |
if (this.options.handlerSweepInterval !== 0 && this.options.handlerSweepInterval !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
1158 |
1159 |
this.handlerTimer = setInterval(() => {
1160 |
const sweptHandlers = new Collection();
1161 |
this.handlers.sweep((val, key) => {
1162 |
const { inactive } = val;
1163 |
if (inactive) {
1164 |
sweptHandlers.set(key, val);
1165 |
this.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `Handler ${} for ${key} swept due to being inactive`);
1166 |
1167 |
return inactive;
1168 |
1169 |
this.emit("handlerSweep" /* HandlerSweep */, sweptHandlers);
1170 |
}, this.options.handlerSweepInterval);
1171 |
1172 |
1173 |
1174 |
1175 |
* Runs a get request from the api
1176 |
1177 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
1178 |
* @param options - Optional request options
1179 |
1180 |
async get(fullRoute, options = {}) {
1181 |
return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "GET" /* Get */ });
1182 |
1183 |
1184 |
* Runs a delete request from the api
1185 |
1186 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
1187 |
* @param options - Optional request options
1188 |
1189 |
async delete(fullRoute, options = {}) {
1190 |
return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "DELETE" /* Delete */ });
1191 |
1192 |
1193 |
* Runs a post request from the api
1194 |
1195 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
1196 |
* @param options - Optional request options
1197 |
1198 |
async post(fullRoute, options = {}) {
1199 |
return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "POST" /* Post */ });
1200 |
1201 |
1202 |
* Runs a put request from the api
1203 |
1204 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
1205 |
* @param options - Optional request options
1206 |
1207 |
async put(fullRoute, options = {}) {
1208 |
return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "PUT" /* Put */ });
1209 |
1210 |
1211 |
* Runs a patch request from the api
1212 |
1213 |
* @param fullRoute - The full route to query
1214 |
* @param options - Optional request options
1215 |
1216 |
async patch(fullRoute, options = {}) {
1217 |
return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "PATCH" /* Patch */ });
1218 |
1219 |
1220 |
* Runs a request from the api
1221 |
1222 |
* @param options - Request options
1223 |
1224 |
async request(options) {
1225 |
const response = await this.queueRequest(options);
1226 |
return parseResponse(response);
1227 |
1228 |
1229 |
* Sets the default agent to use for requests performed by this manager
1230 |
1231 |
* @param agent - The agent to use
1232 |
1233 |
setAgent(agent) {
1234 |
this.agent = agent;
1235 |
return this;
1236 |
1237 |
1238 |
* Sets the authorization token that should be used for requests
1239 |
1240 |
* @param token - The authorization token to use
1241 |
1242 |
setToken(token) {
1243 |
this.#token = token;
1244 |
return this;
1245 |
1246 |
1247 |
* Queues a request to be sent
1248 |
1249 |
* @param request - All the information needed to make a request
1250 |
* @returns The response from the api request
1251 |
1252 |
async queueRequest(request2) {
1253 |
const routeId = _REST.generateRouteData(request2.fullRoute, request2.method);
1254 |
const hash = this.hashes.get(`${request2.method}:${routeId.bucketRoute}`) ?? {
1255 |
value: `Global(${request2.method}:${routeId.bucketRoute})`,
1256 |
lastAccess: -1
1257 |
1258 |
const handler = this.handlers.get(`${hash.value}:${routeId.majorParameter}`) ?? this.createHandler(hash.value, routeId.majorParameter);
1259 |
const { url, fetchOptions } = await this.resolveRequest(request2);
1260 |
return handler.queueRequest(routeId, url, fetchOptions, {
1261 |
body: request2.body,
1262 |
files: request2.files,
1263 |
auth: request2.auth !== false,
1264 |
signal: request2.signal
1265 |
1266 |
1267 |
1268 |
* Creates a new rate limit handler from a hash, based on the hash and the major parameter
1269 |
1270 |
* @param hash - The hash for the route
1271 |
* @param majorParameter - The major parameter for this handler
1272 |
* @internal
1273 |
1274 |
createHandler(hash, majorParameter) {
1275 |
const queue = majorParameter === BurstHandlerMajorIdKey ? new BurstHandler(this, hash, majorParameter) : new SequentialHandler(this, hash, majorParameter);
1276 |
this.handlers.set(, queue);
1277 |
return queue;
1278 |
1279 |
1280 |
* Formats the request data to a usable format for fetch
1281 |
1282 |
* @param request - The request data
1283 |
1284 |
async resolveRequest(request2) {
1285 |
const { options } = this;
1286 |
let query = "";
1287 |
if (request2.query) {
1288 |
const resolvedQuery = request2.query.toString();
1289 |
if (resolvedQuery !== "") {
1290 |
query = `?${resolvedQuery}`;
1291 |
1292 |
1293 |
const headers = {
1294 |
1295 |
"User-Agent": `${DefaultUserAgent} ${options.userAgentAppendix}`.trim()
1296 |
1297 |
if (request2.auth !== false) {
1298 |
if (!this.#token) {
1299 |
throw new Error("Expected token to be set for this request, but none was present");
1300 |
1301 |
headers.Authorization = `${request2.authPrefix ?? this.options.authPrefix} ${this.#token}`;
1302 |
1303 |
if (request2.reason?.length) {
1304 |
headers["X-Audit-Log-Reason"] = encodeURIComponent(request2.reason);
1305 |
1306 |
const url = `${options.api}${request2.versioned === false ? "" : `/v${options.version}`}${request2.fullRoute}${query}`;
1307 |
let finalBody;
1308 |
let additionalHeaders = {};
1309 |
if (request2.files?.length) {
1310 |
const formData = new FormData();
1311 |
for (const [index, file] of request2.files.entries()) {
1312 |
const fileKey = file.key ?? `files[${index}]`;
1313 |
if (isBufferLike( {
1314 |
let contentType = file.contentType;
1315 |
if (!contentType) {
1316 |
const [parsedType] = filetypeinfo(;
1317 |
if (parsedType) {
1318 |
contentType = OverwrittenMimeTypes[parsedType.mime] ?? parsedType.mime ?? "application/octet-stream";
1319 |
1320 |
1321 |
formData.append(fileKey, new Blob([], { type: contentType }),;
1322 |
} else {
1323 |
formData.append(fileKey, new Blob([`${}`], { type: file.contentType }),;
1324 |
1325 |
1326 |
if (request2.body != null) {
1327 |
if (request2.appendToFormData) {
1328 |
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(request2.body)) {
1329 |
formData.append(key, value);
1330 |
1331 |
} else {
1332 |
formData.append("payload_json", JSON.stringify(request2.body));
1333 |
1334 |
1335 |
finalBody = formData;
1336 |
} else if (request2.body != null) {
1337 |
if (request2.passThroughBody) {
1338 |
finalBody = request2.body;
1339 |
} else {
1340 |
finalBody = JSON.stringify(request2.body);
1341 |
additionalHeaders = { "Content-Type": "application/json" };
1342 |
1343 |
1344 |
const method = request2.method.toUpperCase();
1345 |
const fetchOptions = {
1346 |
// Set body to null on get / head requests. This does not follow fetch spec (likely because it causes subtle bugs) but is aligned with what request was doing
1347 |
body: ["GET", "HEAD"].includes(method) ? null : finalBody,
1348 |
headers: { ...request2.headers, ...additionalHeaders, ...headers },
1349 |
1350 |
// Prioritize setting an agent per request, use the agent for this instance otherwise.
1351 |
dispatcher: request2.dispatcher ?? this.agent ?? void 0
1352 |
1353 |
return { url, fetchOptions };
1354 |
1355 |
1356 |
* Stops the hash sweeping interval
1357 |
1358 |
clearHashSweeper() {
1359 |
1360 |
1361 |
1362 |
* Stops the request handler sweeping interval
1363 |
1364 |
clearHandlerSweeper() {
1365 |
1366 |
1367 |
1368 |
* Generates route data for an endpoint:method
1369 |
1370 |
* @param endpoint - The raw endpoint to generalize
1371 |
* @param method - The HTTP method this endpoint is called without
1372 |
* @internal
1373 |
1374 |
static generateRouteData(endpoint, method) {
1375 |
if (endpoint.startsWith("/interactions/") && endpoint.endsWith("/callback")) {
1376 |
return {
1377 |
majorParameter: BurstHandlerMajorIdKey,
1378 |
bucketRoute: "/interactions/:id/:token/callback",
1379 |
original: endpoint
1380 |
1381 |
1382 |
const majorIdMatch = /(?:^\/webhooks\/(\d{17,19}\/[^/?]+))|(?:^\/(?:channels|guilds|webhooks)\/(\d{17,19}))/.exec(
1383 |
1384 |
1385 |
const majorId = majorIdMatch?.[2] ?? majorIdMatch?.[1] ?? "global";
1386 |
const baseRoute = endpoint.replaceAll(/\d{17,19}/g, ":id").replace(/\/reactions\/(.*)/, "/reactions/:reaction").replace(/\/webhooks\/:id\/[^/?]+/, "/webhooks/:id/:token");
1387 |
let exceptions = "";
1388 |
if (method === "DELETE" /* Delete */ && baseRoute === "/channels/:id/messages/:id") {
1389 |
const id = /\d{17,19}$/.exec(endpoint)[0];
1390 |
const timestamp = DiscordSnowflake.timestampFrom(id);
1391 |
if ( - timestamp > 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14) {
1392 |
exceptions += "/Delete Old Message";
1393 |
1394 |
1395 |
return {
1396 |
majorParameter: majorId,
1397 |
bucketRoute: baseRoute + exceptions,
1398 |
original: endpoint
1399 |
1400 |
1401 |
1402 |
1403 |
// src/shared.ts
1404 |
var version = "2.2.0";
1405 |
1406 |
// src/index.ts
1407 |
globalThis.FormData ??= FormData2;
1408 |
globalThis.Blob ??= Blob2;
1409 |
setDefaultStrategy(shouldUseGlobalFetchAndWebSocket() ? fetch : makeRequest);
1410 |
export {
1411 |
1412 |
1413 |
1414 |
1415 |
1416 |
1417 |
1418 |
1419 |
1420 |
1421 |
1422 |
1423 |
1424 |
1425 |
1426 |
1427 |
1428 |
1429 |
1430 |
1431 |
1432 |
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
1 |
import { Response, request, RequestInit } from 'undici';
2 |
import { Readable } from 'node:stream';
3 |
import { ReadableStream } from 'node:stream/web';
4 |
5 |
interface ResponseLike extends Pick<Response, 'arrayBuffer' | 'bodyUsed' | 'headers' | 'json' | 'ok' | 'status' | 'statusText' | 'text'> {
6 |
body: Readable | ReadableStream | null;
7 |
8 |
9 |
type RequestOptions = Exclude<Parameters<typeof request>[1], undefined>;
10 |
declare function makeRequest(url: string, init: RequestInit): Promise<ResponseLike>;
11 |
declare function resolveBody(body: RequestInit['body']): Promise<Exclude<RequestOptions['body'], undefined>>;
12 |
13 |
export { RequestOptions, makeRequest, resolveBody };
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
1 |
import { Response, request, RequestInit } from 'undici';
2 |
import { Readable } from 'node:stream';
3 |
import { ReadableStream } from 'node:stream/web';
4 |
5 |
interface ResponseLike extends Pick<Response, 'arrayBuffer' | 'bodyUsed' | 'headers' | 'json' | 'ok' | 'status' | 'statusText' | 'text'> {
6 |
body: Readable | ReadableStream | null;
7 |
8 |
9 |
type RequestOptions = Exclude<Parameters<typeof request>[1], undefined>;
10 |
declare function makeRequest(url: string, init: RequestInit): Promise<ResponseLike>;
11 |
declare function resolveBody(body: RequestInit['body']): Promise<Exclude<RequestOptions['body'], undefined>>;
12 |
13 |
export { RequestOptions, makeRequest, resolveBody };
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
1 |
"use strict";
2 |
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
3 |
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
4 |
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
5 |
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
6 |
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
7 |
var __export = (target, all) => {
8 |
for (var name in all)
9 |
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
10 |
11 |
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
12 |
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
13 |
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
14 |
if (!, key) && key !== except)
15 |
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
16 |
17 |
return to;
18 |
19 |
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
20 |
21 |
// src/strategies/undiciRequest.ts
22 |
var undiciRequest_exports = {};
23 |
__export(undiciRequest_exports, {
24 |
makeRequest: () => makeRequest,
25 |
resolveBody: () => resolveBody
26 |
27 |
module.exports = __toCommonJS(undiciRequest_exports);
28 |
var import_node_http = require("http");
29 |
var import_node_url = require("url");
30 |
var import_node_util = require("util");
31 |
var import_undici = require("undici");
32 |
async function makeRequest(url, init) {
33 |
const options = {
34 |
35 |
body: await resolveBody(init.body)
36 |
37 |
const res = await (0, import_undici.request)(url, options);
38 |
return {
39 |
body: res.body,
40 |
async arrayBuffer() {
41 |
return res.body.arrayBuffer();
42 |
43 |
async json() {
44 |
return res.body.json();
45 |
46 |
async text() {
47 |
return res.body.text();
48 |
49 |
get bodyUsed() {
50 |
return res.body.bodyUsed;
51 |
52 |
headers: new import_undici.Headers(res.headers),
53 |
status: res.statusCode,
54 |
statusText: import_node_http.STATUS_CODES[res.statusCode],
55 |
ok: res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300
56 |
57 |
58 |
__name(makeRequest, "makeRequest");
59 |
async function resolveBody(body) {
60 |
if (body == null) {
61 |
return null;
62 |
} else if (typeof body === "string") {
63 |
return body;
64 |
} else if (import_node_util.types.isUint8Array(body)) {
65 |
return body;
66 |
} else if (import_node_util.types.isArrayBuffer(body)) {
67 |
return new Uint8Array(body);
68 |
} else if (body instanceof import_node_url.URLSearchParams) {
69 |
return body.toString();
70 |
} else if (body instanceof DataView) {
71 |
return new Uint8Array(body.buffer);
72 |
} else if (body instanceof Blob) {
73 |
return new Uint8Array(await body.arrayBuffer());
74 |
} else if (body instanceof FormData) {
75 |
return body;
76 |
} else if (body[Symbol.iterator]) {
77 |
const chunks = [...body];
78 |
return Buffer.concat(chunks);
79 |
} else if (body[Symbol.asyncIterator]) {
80 |
const chunks = [];
81 |
for await (const chunk of body) {
82 |
83 |
84 |
return Buffer.concat(chunks);
85 |
86 |
throw new TypeError(`Unable to resolve body.`);
87 |
88 |
__name(resolveBody, "resolveBody");
89 |
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
90 |
0 && (module.exports = {
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
{"version":3,"sources":["../../src/strategies/undiciRequest.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { STATUS_CODES } from 'node:http';\nimport { URLSearchParams } from 'node:url';\nimport { types } from 'node:util';\nimport { type RequestInit, request, Headers } from 'undici';\nimport type { ResponseLike } from '../shared.js';\n\nexport type RequestOptions = Exclude<Parameters<typeof request>[1], undefined>;\n\nexport async function makeRequest(url: string, init: RequestInit): Promise<ResponseLike> {\n\t// The cast is necessary because `headers` and `method` are narrower types in `undici.request`\n\t// our request path guarantees they are of acceptable type for `undici.request`\n\tconst options = {\n\t\t...init,\n\t\tbody: await resolveBody(init.body),\n\t} as RequestOptions;\n\tconst res = await request(url, options);\n\treturn {\n\t\tbody: res.body,\n\t\tasync arrayBuffer() {\n\t\t\treturn res.body.arrayBuffer();\n\t\t},\n\t\tasync json() {\n\t\t\treturn res.body.json();\n\t\t},\n\t\tasync text() {\n\t\t\treturn res.body.text();\n\t\t},\n\t\tget bodyUsed() {\n\t\t\treturn res.body.bodyUsed;\n\t\t},\n\t\theaders: new Headers(res.headers as Record<string, string[] | string>),\n\t\tstatus: res.statusCode,\n\t\tstatusText: STATUS_CODES[res.statusCode]!,\n\t\tok: res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300,\n\t};\n}\n\nexport async function resolveBody(body: RequestInit['body']): Promise<Exclude<RequestOptions['body'], undefined>> {\n\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-eq-null, eqeqeq\n\tif (body == null) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t} else if (typeof body === 'string') {\n\t\treturn body;\n\t} else if (types.isUint8Array(body)) {\n\t\treturn body;\n\t} else if (types.isArrayBuffer(body)) {\n\t\treturn new Uint8Array(body);\n\t} else if (body instanceof URLSearchParams) {\n\t\treturn body.toString();\n\t} else if (body instanceof DataView) {\n\t\treturn new Uint8Array(body.buffer);\n\t} else if (body instanceof Blob) {\n\t\treturn new Uint8Array(await body.arrayBuffer());\n\t} else if (body instanceof FormData) {\n\t\treturn body;\n\t} else if ((body as Iterable<Uint8Array>)[Symbol.iterator]) {\n\t\tconst chunks = [...(body as Iterable<Uint8Array>)];\n\n\t\treturn Buffer.concat(chunks);\n\t} else if ((body as AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>)[Symbol.asyncIterator]) {\n\t\tconst chunks: Uint8Array[] = [];\n\n\t\tfor await (const chunk of body as AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>) {\n\t\t\tchunks.push(chunk);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn Buffer.concat(chunks);\n\t}\n\n\tthrow new TypeError(`Unable to resolve body.`);\n}\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA,uBAA6B;AAC7B,sBAAgC;AAChC,uBAAsB;AACtB,oBAAmD;AAKnD,eAAsB,YAAY,KAAa,MAA0C;AAGxF,QAAM,UAAU;AAAA,IACf,GAAG;AAAA,IACH,MAAM,MAAM,YAAY,KAAK,IAAI;AAAA,EAClC;AACA,QAAM,MAAM,UAAM,uBAAQ,KAAK,OAAO;AACtC,SAAO;AAAA,IACN,MAAM,IAAI;AAAA,IACV,MAAM,cAAc;AACnB,aAAO,IAAI,KAAK,YAAY;AAAA,IAC7B;AAAA,IACA,MAAM,OAAO;AACZ,aAAO,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK;AAAA,IACtB;AAAA,IACA,MAAM,OAAO;AACZ,aAAO,IAAI,KAAK,KAAK;AAAA,IACtB;AAAA,IACA,IAAI,WAAW;AACd,aAAO,IAAI,KAAK;AAAA,IACjB;AAAA,IACA,SAAS,IAAI,sBAAQ,IAAI,OAA4C;AAAA,IACrE,QAAQ,IAAI;AAAA,IACZ,YAAY,8BAAa,IAAI,UAAU;AAAA,IACvC,IAAI,IAAI,cAAc,OAAO,IAAI,aAAa;AAAA,EAC/C;AACD;AA3BsB;AA6BtB,eAAsB,YAAY,MAAgF;AAEjH,MAAI,QAAQ,MAAM;AACjB,WAAO;AAAA,EACR,WAAW,OAAO,SAAS,UAAU;AACpC,WAAO;AAAA,EACR,WAAW,uBAAM,aAAa,IAAI,GAAG;AACpC,WAAO;AAAA,EACR,WAAW,uBAAM,cAAc,IAAI,GAAG;AACrC,WAAO,IAAI,WAAW,IAAI;AAAA,EAC3B,WAAW,gBAAgB,iCAAiB;AAC3C,WAAO,KAAK,SAAS;AAAA,EACtB,WAAW,gBAAgB,UAAU;AACpC,WAAO,IAAI,WAAW,KAAK,MAAM;AAAA,EAClC,WAAW,gBAAgB,MAAM;AAChC,WAAO,IAAI,WAAW,MAAM,KAAK,YAAY,CAAC;AAAA,EAC/C,WAAW,gBAAgB,UAAU;AACpC,WAAO;AAAA,EACR,WAAY,KAA8B,OAAO,QAAQ,GAAG;AAC3D,UAAM,SAAS,CAAC,GAAI,IAA6B;AAEjD,WAAO,OAAO,OAAO,MAAM;AAAA,EAC5B,WAAY,KAAmC,OAAO,aAAa,GAAG;AACrE,UAAM,SAAuB,CAAC;AAE9B,qBAAiB,SAAS,MAAmC;AAC5D,aAAO,KAAK,KAAK;AAAA,IAClB;AAEA,WAAO,OAAO,OAAO,MAAM;AAAA,EAC5B;AAEA,QAAM,IAAI,UAAU,yBAAyB;AAC9C;AAjCsB;","names":[]}