import sys, os import subprocess # nosec - disable B404:import-subprocess check from pathlib import Path spellcheck_dir = Path(__file__).parent spellcheck_config_filename = ".pyspelling.yml" # Add spellcheck directory to PYTHONPATH to use custom PySpelling Plugin for Jupyter Notebooks PYTHONPATH = ":".join([os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH") or "", str(spellcheck_dir)]) # Run PySpelling tool result = args=["pyspelling", "--config", f"{spellcheck_dir / spellcheck_config_filename}"], universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=PYTHONPATH), ) result_output = result.stdout.strip("\n") if result.stdout else result.stderr.strip("\n") print(result_output, file=sys.stderr if result.returncode else sys.stdout, flush=True) exit(result.returncode)