# Object segmentations with FastSAM and OpenVINO™ [![Binder](https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/eaidova/openvino_notebooks_binder.git/main?urlpath=git-pull%3Frepo%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fgithub.com%252Fopenvinotoolkit%252Fopenvino_notebooks%26urlpath%3Dtree%252Fopenvino_notebooks%252Fnotebooks%2Ffast-segment-anything%2Ffast-segment-anything.ipynb) [![Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://colab.research.google.com/github/openvinotoolkit/openvino_notebooks/blob/latest/notebooks/fast-segment-anything/fast-segment-anything.ipynb) The Fast Segment Anything Model (FastSAM) is a real-time CNN-based model that can segment any object within an image based on various user prompts. `Segment Anything` task is designed to make vision tasks easier by providing an efficient way to identify objects in an image. FastSAM significantly reduces computational demands while maintaining competitive performance, making it a practical choice for a variety of vision tasks. ## Notebook Contents The tutorial consists of the following steps: - Install and import prerequisite packages - Download the Fast Segment Anything Model using the [Ultralytics package](https://docs.ultralytics.com/). - Run the unconditioned segmentation mask generation pipeline - Convert the model backing the FastSAM pipeline - Quantize the model using NNCF - Run interactive segmentation pipeline using OpenVINO and Gradio ## Installation Instructions This is a self-contained example that relies solely on its own code.
We recommend running the notebook in a virtual environment. You only need a Jupyter server to start. For details, please refer to [Installation Guide](../../README.md).