import base64 import streamlit as st from openai import OpenAI import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import fitz from PIL import Image import io import tempfile # Load environment variables load_dotenv() # Initialize OpenAI client client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY')) def convert_pdf_to_images(pdf_file): """Convert PDF to list of images using PyMuPDF""" images = [] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.pdf') as tmp_file: tmp_file.write(pdf_file.getvalue()) pdf_path = pdf_document = for page_number in range(pdf_document.page_count): page = pdf_document[page_number] pix = page.get_pixmap() img_data = pix.tobytes("png") image = images.append(image) pdf_document.close() os.unlink(pdf_path) return images def format_response(text): """Format the analysis response with clean styling""" formatted_text = "" # Split into pages pages = text.split("Page") for page_num, page_content in enumerate(pages[1:], 1): # Skip first empty split formatted_text += f'\n### Page {page_num}\n' # Process each line lines = page_content.split('\n') for line in lines: # Skip empty lines and lines with asterisks if line.strip() and not line.strip().startswith('*') and not line.strip().startswith('Here'): # Remove asterisks and dashes line = line.replace('**', '').replace('- ', '') if ':' in line: label, value = line.split(':', 1) formatted_text += f'- *{label.strip()}*: {value.strip()}\n' return formatted_text def analyze_image(image): """Analyze image using OpenAI API""" try: img_byte_arr = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') img_byte_arr = img_byte_arr.getvalue() base64_image = base64.b64encode(img_byte_arr).decode("utf-8") response = model="gpt-4o-mini", # Update to the correct model name messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": """Please analyze the image and extract the following information: - Sender information - Recipient information - Container details - Weights and measurements - Dates and reference numbers - Cargo details Format the response as 'Label: Value' pairs.""" }, { "type": "image_url", "image_url": { "url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{base64_image}" }, }, ], } ], max_tokens=1000 ) return response.choices[0].message.content except Exception as e: return f"An error occurred: {str(e)}" def main(): st.set_page_config(page_title="Document Analysis App", layout="wide") st.title("Document Analysis App") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload document (PDF/Image)", type=['pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg']) if uploaded_file is not None: if uploaded_file.type == "application/pdf": # Handle PDF with st.spinner("Processing PDF..."): images = convert_pdf_to_images(uploaded_file) if st.button("Extract Information"): with st.spinner("Analyzing document..."): all_results = [] for i, image in enumerate(images, 1): result = analyze_image(image) all_results.append(f"Page {i} Information:\n{result}") combined_results = "\n\n".join(all_results) st.markdown(format_response(combined_results)) else: # Handle single image image = if st.button("Extract Information"): with st.spinner("Analyzing document..."): result = analyze_image(image) st.markdown(format_response(result)) # Call the main function directly (no need for __name__ == "__main__" in Hugging Face Spaces) main()