ind,ID,url,descr 0,XMyPniM9LF0,,Woman exploring a forest 1,rDLBArZUl1c,,Succulents in a terrarium 2,cNDGZ2sQ3Bo,,Rural winter mountainside 3,iuZ_D1eoq9k,,Poppy seeds and flowers 4,BeD3vjQ8SI0,,Silhouette near dark trees 5,dO0KS_QGnzY,,Riding lessons in the mountains 6,ocwmWiNAWGs,,Grass and morning sun 7,cGe1PV_yEso,,Glowing sky and ocean 8,WKt6okFYtg4,, 9,JwLj2hCxuyI,, 10,Luwp6HZB2Oo,,Stork in the water 11,GfuxOPaitSs,, 12,2KXEb_8G5vo,, 13,UhlE4FBAXgo,, 14,scUJH30sgG4,,Breaking waves 15,1NKYcxSIw8g,,Rolling waves beneath the storm clouds 16,ke-sGAA8w64,,Winter Wear 17,PewUcrT1yIw,, 18,xapxF7PcOzU,,Woden pole on the sand beach 19,yBXLjBteptw,,Squirrel with a walnut 20,DqYw4KMZYOE,,Trees Roof Silhouette Night 21,mqtn_g1ogIY,,Top view of daisy clump 22,hSVAoeksQ7c,,Verdant mossy trees 23,-uzgaA9LfNw,,City Lights at Night 24,YN0TsnkaZBU,, 25,JHHDUs23wjA,, 26,bW2vHKCxbx4,,Beautiful urban sunset 27,4brY6pFNZMg,,Make a Wish 28,YWhRvW7KRJY,,Pink flower cluster 29,OBkWp-1lxjM,, 30,AZMmUy2qL6A,, 31,wkRHXxsZTvc,,Horses on lake shore 32,rg3F_zlBlnA,,Red leaves against concrete wall 33,XlFGKCeuIOw,, 34,iBh14jRMBI4,,Desolate lake 35,EfhCUc_fjrU,,Pink gerbera up close 36,-grKZ-GzWyU,,Ocean Cliffs 37,4xb7hurRzIU,, 38,5q5CAz_bOAg,,On tulip’s edge 39,j9NRVGf6Vo4,, 40,sG128uJZdMU,,A little peace from Slovakia II 41,OSwea3yxjT0,,Extremely delicious Spinach cake that can be found at L’ETO caffe in London 42,bEwKUiMvsLM,, 43,ugcMN98SYIk,,Us west coast Florida people take advantage of any wave opportunities. 44,pO16AqrOa80,,"This is the best of my first set of shots with a Canon Powershot SX400 IS. It’s the 2016 Supermoon in a cloudless sky, taken from DY4 0JN (UK) on the 14th November, 2016, 20:02 hours. Other shots were so bright, the light obliterated the detail. But this is one of two that captured the moon’s many facets, craters and pits. Werewolves on the loose!" 45,U_gVev6vaok,,Moon in the blue sky 46,nuMmwfyPOUw,, 47,kkJuQhp9Kw0,,Lily 48,88Kt5KHUe_8,, 49,4_Bc9CSm70A,, 50,ZEd44nDPTfA,,Kitten in black and white 51,Y9rurJkOVxk,,Verdant hill by a forest 52,TfrraGFywuQ,, 53,c8_nS7lF3eo,,White and black butterfly on a flower 54,F0dmGPe2KG0,, 55,PAnGAiaSPh0,,Palm sunset 56,5KNecHxjTnI,,Botanicals 57,Sq44zuvuYuQ,,Waterfall in Winter 58,b-0AT81Z5MA,, 59,83zRhEhFMfo,,At the beach 60,fvRMiI6KFI4,,"I was on vacation in Barbados with my friends from university in may 2016. Barbados is right next door to the island I’m from (St. Vincent) and though I’ve always heard about it’s beaches, I was in awe of the beauty in person. This was the first picture I took at this particular beach named “Brandon’s Beach” and is one of my favorite pictures of the whole trip because I couldn’t believe paradise was just in my backyard." 61,sQgW0mQ1CY0,,Two island silhouettes 62,sUO1FYKPsHw,,Side trip on the way to Landscape Arch. 63,tu5JVdcsUus,,Everyone around here farms; we keep to ourselves. 64,ajKHcwvii0I,,Yellow Flowers 65,TMikIBgzns4,,Rose 66,7MMP0CHyl9o,,Ocean waves drone view 67,6J_qm8DJWnY,,Light 68,ai5VAG9UOUM,,11 Stitched GoPro images from downtown phoenix. Tiny… Planet Phx. My Drone is a 3dr Solo Black 69,-BZc9Ee1qo0,,I took this image at midnight in a pitch black forest. The light coming from street lights illuminated the trees through the mist and created a dreamy scene. Find me on Instagram @niiloi 70,QqRuDeIXb5I,,Swim 71,zNv1vwEShic,, 72,ewgeSo_WYYE,, 73,cokIcMulPJA,,"Canada Goose, Iceland" 74,jSjgQmaQtVQ,,Hope 75,0Act4VHAn1U,, 76,GMsu5-mw7Bs,,Crisp Wednesday morning in Sweden. Photo was taken behind a lake were we met some fishermen. 77,sPGETxyXQ88,,A foggy ray of sun 78,8G85qt-OmK0,, 79,QBL4mmt4e6U,, 80,kq5qq5_mEv4,,Brighton beach 81,jMyziwK8XOI,,Free PSD mockups: 82,WMLH0gatK50,,"Went for a swim at my local beach, Lanikai beach park. Managed to get an amazing view of the Twin Islands or Mokulua islands in Hawaiian. The water was so refreshing and felt amazing!" 83,jxslQxviEJ0,,Grow 84,fh2JefbNlII,,Late autumn in the italian alps! 85,DN_yjgCAShE,,"In cities full of concrete, little jungles can be found." 86,3wTkYP5fP3g,,Shot on a South Keibab trail. It was funny to observe how shadows jumped over deep gorges while poor hikers had to use challenging winding paths. 87,VBBGigIuaDY,,"Early in the morning along the Southern California coast in San Diego, we were exploring the vast and beautiful beach neighborhood of Pacific Beach. There were a ton of surfers early in the morning as the sun was rising, but the pier was completely empty. This was an amazing and rare change to capture something at a time that it wasn’t full of people and the hustle and bustle of life. It was extremely calming just listening to the ocean waves and watching the sunrise." 88,T3WsIW4QwDU,, 89,gRr64-OCKy0,,This was a great adventure. Went to tenerife and got to shoot these jellyfish. At that time I really loved shooting animals. 90,lpddCskeg4A,, 91,3ZKgqa8p2f4,,Cherry Blossoms at Sunset 92,eEnF1u-xupM,,"A vertical shot of the Milky Way, captured on a photo trip during the summer of 2018. This one works really well for a phone background!" 93,YF4qTRQ2E28,, 94,w-LpijUp8yw,,seaside danmark 95,IgRQVZq7E3M,, 96,9CjgeMAM2SI,,"A unique view and a perfect reflection is waiting for your camera if you head to Lake Matherson, New Zealand. Surprisingly I was the only one there, 9:30am and pure silence." 97,ypl5fG5fZsM,, 98,w11m2Fy_FXY,,Look at you 99,bFRkux6F2Pc,,"I’ve had a few set of images of this rock for a while now and have seemingly been limited by my lens selection (lame excuse, I know). However, I had recently upgraded the versatility and was able to finally execute. The conditions were wet and cold, but the excitement was stronger. I had finally got what I needed and was going to give it my best shot. This rock has a small tradition (seemingly wide-known throughout Utah), where while driving through the curve of which the Subaru is on, you must end all conversations and turn off the radio and drive through in silence." 100,n0gbxCVQ-wA,,Heather at Millstone 101,uC21aXJ7yQs,,Above us 102,s8WyUW2jIyA,,Surf’s Up! 103,zGCbrmpbOgs,,The stripe 104,hcVtC5pgZTY,, 105,cbsoCwo44Y0,, 106,-M0mQ88b2Zc,, 107,oakCf0sQT18,, 108,5B4PbZzKVBw,,Endless Forest Path 109,HgDOBK2POUM,, 110,8bsvwFWVcvE,, 111,REeXDhZsWtY,, 112,zdR-LzX6wj0,, 113,5Id-tBbA3Ys,, 114,XWInxudi0JM,,A photographic allegory of autumn! 115,v1Mxj6AD-FE,,"Wild Water or Amazing Clouds, guess it!" 116,-xLy69vFazs,,I took this photo on a hike in Austria near Weiz. It was not sure if we have some farsightedness at the top of the mountain. 117,vq_PJkj8K7w,, 118,YflB1tUAS1c,, 119,UxArzYUBXpI,,Dark violet 120,NCCadIuk-pY,, 121,aNzyRSIv7fE,, 122,VivzPEYabew,,Hobbit Shire 123,zH3lXIVgpRM,, 124,9EMpkQwelbc,, 125,X8X5l0BDPk0,,If you love plants check out @karaeadscreates on instagram! 126,718nqUl20Mo,, 127,dK6RfYdSoWI,,The red clay forms such amazing shapes as it bakes in the hot southern Utah desert. 128,QrRSm-QbjW0,, 129,BZGEYkIQBys,, 130,IJDwBu4-KaQ,, 131,-_rYK0egLWE,, 132,p-vdIYB4mFY,,Bushy treetops 133,txuZ6ATkPMk,,Mountains by the lake 134,gkT4FfgHO5o,, 135,XnuFhviCGio,,Cliff Side Village Sea 136,1XEON7CaTJ8,,beach with rocky shore 137,8CDzJFF10d0,, 138,o94ZSuWMeis,, 139,rmc8Wjr3-c8,, 140,QTVi7cvYm0k,, 141,kirY8T8kskM,,Shadowy grove 142,p4orVxNl5Ko,,Bamboo and tree canopy 143,_4HhZOUEwmw,,stone pillar architecture 144,rYWz3Q88P8g,, 145,EXbGG5dBZKw,,Hiker over a mountain lake 146,FQGW34aZb1I,, 147,5dehYy5BkRw,,Rural Campgrounds 148,e0Q4qqvvrXI,,Gathering for long winter 149,F4cloJo0PQM,,We were travelling in Iceland when a blizzard started. Within 15 minutes the roads and surrounding mountains were covered in snow and a heavy mist hung over the landscape. 150,HS4D5MvY5F4,,Horse-drawn sled during a harsh winter 151,qQWcD3bPFYs,,Wine cup and wine bottle 152,I00Y30Ik8Xw,,"A not so random walk through the woods, can sometimes be very revealing. These are some alpine winter colors." 153,FJc8DIDMGek,,Snowy mountain’s crest 154,-Ndew-vyQis,,Cinque Terre was the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. We took a train there and hiked more than we should’ve to get to the most unforgettable views. There’s a reason they’re so iconic. 155,9HDfRHhCxME,,Bird’s-eye view of a forest 156,U8hfWW6uRvk,, 157,5kP9M84AGUE,,"Milford Sound in New Zealand has some of the fastest changing weather in the world. One minute blue skies, the next black clouds with heavy rainfall. We were lucky enough to experience both in a matter of minutes, but what comes with that is some of the most spectacular moving clouds we’ve ever seen. Clouds seamlessly engulf mountains and change your view in seconds. Here I caught midst of a moment where mountain rainforests fade away into the fog." 158,MTuudC6RZ10,, 159,pDGNBK9A0sk,, 160,9mXl4DEA2QA,,VÉRTIGO 161,eJ2SnU81KnI,,Just past Golden Hour 162,Mbm0WnJ5emc,,Snowy mountain sunset 163,hneAIGb01xQ,,Find something you love and do that for the rest of your life. That is a life well lived! - - - - ........ I think Casey Neistat said that but in a much much better way 164,zlGFO4rS4Yo,,Camping on the South Shore 165,cABs_SSYua0,,u can the star like sun 166,BQolqSUXExk,,Curious Cat 167,wA-dbT3FJnE,, 168,NpQSAv29evU,,Brown Octopus with full active camoflauge 169,S0c_wsCmlXE,,"Shot on the far south coast of NSW, Australia. This was a 151 second long exposure using an ND1000 filter, Nikon D810 and a Sigma 24-70mm lens. The swell was gradually getting more unruly towards the end of the shot and I had to get a little damp as to make sure I didn’t lose my gear in the process." 170,BeDY9KuP0sI,,Relax 171,hixInNwUURE,,"I originally wanted to test my new wide angle lens on a autumn morning. The weather forecast looked perfect. When I woke up the fog was so thick, you couldn’t see 50m. So, no chance to capture the sunrise. Instead, I took my Mavic Pro and had an amazing view from above the fog." 172,m-MaEPOxKNE,,Some plants make it some don’t 173,rguj49-IEnQ,, 174,wf8WxQJipkA,, 175,ZPRJBwzY-Cg,, 176,VvYzZeTAqm4,,Transgression 177,uaQI3BI8ZrA,,Mountain chain Rieserferner Ahrn 178,gTccxJuh2qs,,"When I visited Nusa Penida island, I was shocked by it’s beauty. But during sunset, above Kelingking Beach every next second of sunset was more beautiful than previous and I couldn’t stop capturing it." 179,CyArU4hGG04,, 180,oZzoDW61aoM,,Captured in Milan’s Isola disctrict. A piece of rural in the middle of the urban. 181,ooaXQSN2RVc,,"Titans of the Sea storming the beach, surrounded by a wave. Love the color of this beach!" 182,y4eZB73FFU4,, 183,UjbaffVRsYc,, 184,Mye8t_m1gac,,Winter from above 185,QQcY5YPqG-M,,Twilight Flowers 186,LochJVSdNLA,, 187,x7EwXNcMAZ4,, 188,zE1yRHnQicA,, 189,ZVcdVxjACGI,, 190,QlhQjboOXws,, 191,OcmeXPnMqs0,, 192,DmlNFRENGYQ,,Jellyfish 193,IOaNXOfPW6U,,"I went hiking with my family to the Carpathian Mountains in Slovakia, and I was surprised by the beautiful natural sights. This photo was taken in July, which makes the presence of the fog over the forest even more unusual." 194,0QWazupn9Ak,, 195,jAMNrW6zmKo,, 196,bBK5MINgxCc,, 197,ry101IF-axU,, 198,qBT44OJWNd8,, 199,TD07YqJr280,,Winter forest pattern 200,AMuKRdPBuek,, 201,cR88oyyXdPk,,Burg Eltz 202,Z0tYjoEPe0Y,,with birds i share 203,6zumjWR-7xY,,Colors of winter 204,6BxAn7e_cSU,, 205,UUdaB0mKWhI,, 206,TENM5K-MoB4,,The Prow Of An Ancient Ship 207,IWj4QSP61_k,,"This parrot has just enjoyed a cooling bath on a hot day. Black-capped Lory, found naturally in the rain forests of New Guinea." 208,z_ZAwgKqy6s,, 209,Cevnk8kiTSo,,Desert Dusk 210,fpJtQa8Sw4A,, 211,DHAluftDzos,, 212,a2tgpyd64FI,, 213,I6BBH67-_gE,, 214,INhXT8mOB00,,As I’m hiking I normally take the time to document the different types of plants and wildlife I come across. This is the Hawaiian Fern called the Lauae. 215,qo-90E5WNUg,, 216,XxXaqVlBkOM,,"You can see aurora borealis at Iceland from mid September till April, when there is enought dark at the night. There also needs to be active solar winds and partly clear skies - low and mid level clouds are problem but the highest ones should not block your view. Very usefull is aurora forecast app for your cellphone, where you can see the current solar winds status, low to mid clouds and also forecast for the next days. If the predictions are good, you just need to find a place with a nice view and wait till magic happen. Or you can just skip all this things and be amazed when aurora shows up" 217,A_6KbwLuVgk,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 / 100mm (Year: 1993)" 218,yKMl-xwSSmM,,"We drove one entire day in the desert of stones, before arriving at the final destination, the desert of sand." 219,PGeslSkvPQg,,"Have you ever seen petals fall from a tree full of cherry blossoms? It’s like snow, but the fall patterns are more swirly. This photo, I think, captures a lot of subtle motion." 220,wmRxznq4Ako,,Millions Of Drops 221,H6Vd-keym1I,, 222,CiZfdjwEH0Y,, 223,vKobEPBoHKQ,, 224,WxymoaJpmSo,, 225,aLtcC9oWdPw,,Autumn fire 226,lRDtBieDNF4,, 227,m0XjkoEtvG8,, 228,RpremigArgI,, 229,Axi7rU_1mPk,, 230,xGltqb1ChYw,,Portal into Another World 231,j1vvbaHdaWc,, 232,jZuGDWuDheg,, 233,KQX4AEXEV1g,, 234,pfpNGWxFd74,, 235,xxZziWRUVVc,, 236,xfngap_DToE,, 237,sJE7PuYN36E,, 238,dInw9vcxZdA,,"If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 239,YHEDxKvz4Ok,, 240,Ql7z0fslGp4,, 241,MbYI51QGvaA,, 242,gieA2XaTWZM,, 243,yX_fy31V8Lc,, 244,Xlqs0X5oNRI,,We drove over to see the Salton Sea before the smelly season. It was really quite an experience. Incredible area. On the way back we went through Glamis and did a bit of dune spotting. 245,F6fM4Yay0mY,,Australian Shepherd 246,IXmdOrGcUyU,, 247,tQ9US8krMps,, 248,8Ja70K5VvoI,, 249,m5sRyx2dlvI,,"Please support me , Donations from wildly respectful, generous, and big-hearted people like you make me keep doing what I’m doing. You are the fuel to my fire, and I could not be more grateful than I am for you now in this moment. Truly, thank you." 250,51Z_8Glm5d0,,This is part of a small series of photos I made during a recent hike at a natural landmark that is unique around Europe. 251,GIsFHopvbPA,, 252,d3YxzeuELHc,, 253,TCzG6fcDO-k,,Women’s day tulip 254,cTMPUPy40wA,, 255,HQw3rB-2ON8,, 256,xepikEyPgmI,, 257,qyjfiY4LkvY,, 258,3v6848LL3oM,, 259,xu5w1LlF1XU,, 260,f3ytCVDbSGU,,Tunnel View under the night sky. 261,3Q4Gqbr6Fx8,, 262,GKSvMr6aMpM,,"There are several dogwood flowers in front of the Hasselblad store in Harajuku ,Tokyo. Locals, as well as tourists, take pictures of the flowers." 263,wmz8y6L6c_k,, 264,qzcZkyTBDEE,, 265,Wqo3qM-F6p4,, 266,l2_h97Lpxtk,, 267,vEbCLafjKSw,,"A fireplace after a 40km hike and some boots being dried, as a hard rain hit us while walking." 268,MuQapz_QRvQ,, 269,rJxw6ceWqK8,, 270,fzjDqYe19tk,, 271,7ocKzyxxxqQ,, 272,QVe9Ago8Gbs,, 273,i7OiHRQkJHY,, 274,3qX5San3Kp0,,"Baker Beach. San Francisco, CA." 275,r8ft-unuN6E,,Magnolia 276,UCHF0caZTLo,, 277,MTe2m0p1Zkg,, 278,-fjrjyS18BQ,, 279,XoTCkD0ZIDo,,Feeding time 280,TGDD_dX7jC8,,Palm Tree on Kauai 281,T7wpzGFawUo,, 282,KTjx3bQdm74,, 283,RAmpnn20rmY,, 284,3gy6nLHPnOw,, 285,AjkWRg6gPvY,, 286,CA9oNcOBAbQ,, 287,n00dm9FBwrs,, 288,tz0moLxAMCc,, 289,mv6SYfwHmxY,, 290,8dSv2AyYM0U,, 291,DNN8mA0gStU,, 292,731BXpcasJI,, 293,ynSJxdATMjA,, 294,SMfln8rFErE,, 295,DauE-Q425nU,,A starry night in Banff National Park 296,F5A-WLKNWJ8,, 297,EsWpwAqUqhE,,You're Out There 298,hxMTWoUC6W4,, 299,x4Cl1dPE748,, 300,K7pW4OqWepc,, 301,TbJg-UB7mGs,,Brutality 302,y1WuGdr1F1U,, 303,niSQHIZRUVs,, 304,uSD_biCo2Nk,, 305,UtDX2hUydf0,, 306,bgv2t2inIPQ,,rainy street 307,InHaBX5_ktY,,Pink rhododendrons 308,sNKwtrVQ4hU,, 309,v_fB7X1gm9I,,Starry Night 310,5HT7p_DVJ3c,,"Coastline of Nordaustlandet, the second-largest island in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago. Most of the island is covered by massive white ice caps. The exposed rocky coast appears in reddish brown, peppered with blue and black lakes and flecks of white. The tiny island of Storøya is visible to the east. More than half of Storøya is also covered in ice." 311,XYpC_aS5D9o,, 312,mUtYXnpW1ts,,the goat is watching you 313,Th9qSzP3ySo,,Winter Sunrise in Yosemite 314,Pledx042HMI,,Jewel 2 315,oPBl-R8bjww,, 316,YnEhJ9dWT_M,,Nusa Penida // 2016 // @ultrabrad 317,SwoSs_f2BlU,, 318,MxKEvp6HTK4,,An Adelie penguin colony at Petermann Island during the Charcot Expedition. 319,scWIbhdNG_w,,More on my instagram @vadimsadovski 320,TP1_0rW-XYM,,Himeji Castle Grounds during Sakura Season 321,rVTBftsoszE,, 322,W88Ie_V6SVM,, 323,KkVXLvdAUE8,, 324,Ud_H_sPU85I,,Blooming Lotus 325,iZ4RwLlcQrU,, 326,qqiP8azcnms,,Grav Bell Base Water Pipe and Flowers 327,rPn_umT2IUI,, 328,2t3k4OPxu48,,An Iguana Under warm light 329,b8PWAyqpvU0,, 330,pKSzfKENNag,, 331,R81zUG2eSmg,,Golden Gate framed by the cypress 332,ep6buhlUofU,, 333,wFwHvT5toC8,,rosy pelican 334,q1zkHUJIz9w,, 335,KP_w9vx9YSU,,british shorthair cat chillings 336,xmeNoMLmRBM,,The Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge near the Hoover Dam (3/3) [ IG: @clay.banks ] 337,i4-iaBqVEd0,,Ocean waters from a cruise liner 338,w-Ns1bbb51A,, 339,G7TkXWpMRq0,, 340,MBtcLadqc6c,,Green swiss cheese plant on top of a yellow chair 341,aLOfEfo5hQI,, 342,bQo_9KZ9lqo,,Yellow-headed Amazon Parrot. 343,mAAG3tiLbvY,,Calm Almsee 344,hxFpOc9OuxA,, 345,dxtnwrmG_qs,, 346,b6WgV0h5KLQ,, 347,BHe9mQ6_gbg,,Praděd Lookout tower at night 348,ra7-gGjhymw,, 349,u-GLqqYahRc,, 350,Vxr9QbwI3hQ,, 351,cMo2YQXxTyQ,, 352,VhA3EI94ypw,, 353,zqgvoya_U1A,,wild flowers in a tincan 354,goUAv1vwwZs,,This cutie pie decided that she was going to work with me today and she can't nap her best nap without a pillow... 355,Aqwz4ylfVds,,warmth 356,vZbIwb0DnhY,,"We had the first big snowfall in our area and one thing to keep in mind, it doesn't stay around for too long! I had the rare opportunity to do a little bit of shooting while the snow was still falling." 357,EWlws83IZy8,, 358,Ti9LYYCT5jk,,Elegant silver and gold jewelry 359,GCngcbdQP6I,, 360,OYA0cf11JK4,, 361,v9Pyzn4YTaU,, 362,t80FcvPcW0c,,"The Path Pipe by Smoke Honest. A sleek modern discrete smoking pipe that can be taken anywhere. Perfect to take on your trips, hikes, or anywhere your life takes you." 363,IkycrBgyo6w,,light and sunflower little girl 364,319NRzUxJUw,, 365,TJhtVG47qyM,, 366,ljwn3qS33t8,,Miśka the dog dreaming 367,DTyPTrGrRo0,,Flare. 368,gfKDQHxSQW8,, 369,DS2q7Ng3MIA,, 370,2LonG9ppfmg,, 371,2bS-ZVGcW1g,, 372,Fza0q_fRufU,, 373,PwCFHWmjoGg,, 374,UOs8DetSXas,, 375,MpOw8c_wPio,, 376,YW7exyUnwJo,, 377,iiDJQbyUi9o,, 378,Af5SVVxBmPg,,"Messier 101 - the Pinwheel Galaxy. A grand-design spiral galaxy that's estimated to be approximately 21 million light years away and 170,000 light years across, compared to the Milky Way's 250,000 light year diameter, it's estimated to be home to around one trillion stars - more than double the Milky Way. Its asymmetrical shape is due to gravitational forces from surrounding smaller galaxies, one of which is visible in the upper right of the frame, a smaller elliptical galaxy, NGC 5204. This shot is just about ten hours (118 x 300s) of total exposure taken with a ZWO ASI294MC-Pro through an Explore Scientific ED127CF at 952mm focal length." 379,oZ43QK_MR7s,, 380,YeWfFANhSUo,, 381,Ty4f_NOFO60,, 382,FyeVOF4P4YI,, 383,YRfaG3JVwkU,, 384,vLCMWwg5TAs,, 385,2XZsjTekCSk,, 386,N4ZICSZl8ao,, 387,QfLm-2AiJ_M,,"NGC 4565 – the Needle Galaxy Located between 30 – 50 million light years away, it’s the most prominent edge-on spiral galaxies we have in our view. Residing near the North Galactic Pole in the constellation Coma Berenices (named for “Berenice's Hair"" in Latin and refers to Queen Berenice II of Egypt, who cut off her hair in gratitude to the gods for the safe return of her husband from battle), it has a spatial diameter of 140,000 light-years (Milky Way = 105,000 ly) and is estimated to contain a trillion stars (Milky Way 250-400 billion). With the darkness from a central dust lane obscuring much of the visual core of the galaxy, it’s very similar to our view of the core our Milky Way, and as such is studied extensively by astronomers." 388,zWQLnfMBxFI,,Northern lights over waterfall with sooting star 389,A9vhHNsJG4Y,, 390,FlRUJV1dByw,, 391,2ksPvCaaJ5Y,, 392,vS_5uvXCtWI,, 393,VIuZnc0CtPM,, 394,_-QQuvAwQ-0,, 395,JG_HfydoNqY,,An isolated single cell thunderstorm with an amazing light show. 396,EuVLbaHtkwA,, 397,iLL_Nc0sG4A,, 398,YOOSxIGOLAk,, 399,Xo4vJrtrmmA,, 400,IW7yli35qDE,, 401,iW1l64BMMR0,, 402,Zbtg7tLS8N0,,"© pixelperfektion – thank you, for crediting and supporting us! Plant with rich, green colored leaf" 403,Pzou5WWtMVA,,Tucson Monsoon 404,VTbpQSZCQOw,, 405,gzXhH-RiydU,, 406,4wnrpZtUmqU,,Solace 407,HgyAof19N2s,,"Pine forest. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica Summilux-R 1.4 50mm (Year: 1983)" 408,EHW2HZAOb54,, 409,IcjQEyUzPE4,, 410,-9cV7wTi--Y,,Film photography Skate 411,liZpmbRG4WQ,, 412,QC9L7-a-1Ag,, 413,nkIiQuBkvFQ,,Celebrating 100 photos with a little fog in a forest. 414,FeXfDfmxNmU,, 415,fR25nRDjAZA,, 416,kCRG93Yma3s,, 417,2ad8xwvyAC8,,"Beautiful, vibrant colored fruits at Ha'Carmel Market in Tel Aviv, Israel." 418,1Wvrp_tLkvI,,Fan palm leaf at the Cairns Botanic Gardens in Australia. 419,QsEO-fynmos,, 420,ambJ3CrFH4c,,Owyhee | @ultrabrad 421,Kuw-Q9mOmEw,,In the shadow of another mountain 422,SX5Wm20bOko,,A spotted scorpionfish on the reef. 423,ejAz1xfCyNM,,Layers. 424,HldhbwlLEDk,, 425,qWJVWFV2hJ0,,Beautiful Martuljek waterfalls in all their glory. 426,Vp_A70Hb45s,,Forest 427,v_3hqn4TNSs,, 428,3Y4aifH6Als,, 429,z9ZfO0mnGgI,, 430,0ARZS-6Q5OA,,"Poppy the labrador during her pet photoshoot at Crawfordsburn beach, Northern Ireland." 431,LwWPNOCiK-g,,Goodbye Horses 432,e13EWX0d1Vw,,"Saxonian Switzerland during the Golden Hour, captured from the viewpoint of Kleiner Winterberg. May 2020. Visit my website:" 433,cOdXOk0UT8w,, 434,cFru-neFSeQ,, 435,6Jsf8Hyz77A,,Bird in Brazil 436,rwz7hwZat20,, 437,rzOxBlhkziE,, 438,uECOXK6n3zo,, 439,nhPXWV_ER3o,,Sun set freeway 440,oYIdH6bFssk,,Lightbulb reflections 441,xorjaMB8W70,, 442,JU2MgHOHDsw,, 443,sYzFIusQp3Q,,South Jetty Road 444,Hep2n5vTAN8,,Volcano at dusk 445,7NjKwGDUmBM,,Tranquil Horizons 446,uRdKCTcP6QU,, 447,FV2fvsZkWTU,, 448,bcSmZFB2Vag,,Tree branches in the spring 449,crIXKhUDpBI,,mexican beach pineapple 450,D5fHK2gf5do,,Hang this photos on the wall. Buy prints 451,6x-hVXXiBxs,, 452,CFvqcuMhW5s,,Yawning husky on snow 453,9DEhNOfQpFw,, 454,VoU0wFIACAU,,Forest path 455,SOKol2ekjC0,, 456,lAViggylkew,,"Raspberries on the white plate, restaurant, food blogger . Please discover" 457,ums6YQRk1AI,,"Still life, books, glass bottle and purple florals" 458,q3h1eXxBi6g,,Mountain ice. Alberta/Canada 459,A3sCRWbgNwc,, 460,G7oehJFhvFI,, 461,5trab65sD9Q,, 462,QeyaDA7jShg,,magnolia tree blooming 463,EQu9ujfEMRA,, 464,tN_3jqDxnbM,,Dutch tulips in a vase 465,Z4OM3agIkRI,, 466,SazpfcJNDPQ,,couple in the city with pigeons 467,uqjOtMzoEg4,,Beach waves 468,9Y_b6ujUSZM,,Winter Night Snowy Drive 469,nsUoA4CK7vU,, 470,UGpzj1J9k58,, 471,8fJg5TR4R-w,, 472,XeOO8ir_YHs,,Golden Puppy 473,YpMQo6cK8BE,, 474,gm8VX_av4yM,,Driftwood in a lake 475,mAjtqOUIu4g,,Snow covered fir leaf 476,EGIfCNNatwk,,Vacation on Grado beach 477,MMJx78V7xS8,,Illuminated woods 478,DE9YwfVgu2s,, 479,71xCMzMD1ts,,Dark clouds gathering over white mountains 480,H7WijH3lleI,, 481,CZGv0jXzLak,, 482,f4bNG3lYKNY,, 483,sHZ35LSDHyo,, 484,BYmAySuY7U0,, 485,2154YiDnVJU,,Gmunden golden horu 486,mS26pmEiVVA,,Horses on a farm at sunset 487,SBU_KCPqrME,,Wintery walk through the wilderness 488,K20boRWBDso,, 489,slXKI-Kurds,, 490,PDtK325dx3k,,Small crab on sand beach 491,c07Xgi0wS74,, 492,KKJj8Hz6_kA,,Waterfall in a wooded ravine 493,gcCcIy6Fc_M,,Camping in the mountains 494,gCR62oNw0Dk,, 495,hbqTtTX5TRc,,I was taking Senior photos in the woods when I noticed this little fella staring right at us! Good thing I had my long lens! 496,OTP0nlljatI,,Old house in Roussillon 497,wHwsNE2E_QY,,Pioppi 498,FTKfX3xZIcc,,We were pretty glad we were driving slow on our way home from a camping expedition in the mountains of Santa Barbra. This little guy (maybe only a hand’s width big) was crossing a bridge that ran over a small stream. We pulled over to check him out and give him a headshot. We did learn a while back that you shouldn’t move turtles out of the road because they might get scared and pee and then become dehydrated and die… but that might just be for turtles in the desert of Joshua Tree. 499,rNazg-0I_k8,,Hiking Through the Wilderness 500,TSPfYB4kdkU,,Silhouette person on Monte Stivo 501,FNf1m9OkD7M,,Wild Garden | Follow on Instagram: @timmossholder 502,edDg_8vwejo,, 503,rsXSxNCWXNI,,Body. 504,6TbyJtC-TEc,, 505,lgvvFFplBHw,, 506,528O4k9AteI,,Iceland 507,QErxovgcOig,, 508,Pm2wSt4WwgI,,British cat face with big bright orange eyes. A domestic cat is hunting for prey and looking ahead 509,mebUICV3nbc,,Stopping to take in the view on the approach to Alpspitze 510,OxczpSUAdZg,, 511,ercx7zE_Mzo,, 512,8gOu6m_tj-0,,Hamster 513,e9I6xaZc7PI,, 514,02v3EO59IQg,,More of my work on Instagram: @morariu.emilia Press and make the blue-button white! 515,YhWpofXSS0Y,,Squirrel front look 516,Iyts7mPSaKQ,, 517,mT4OiPEbUZw,, 518,WFbZU-ixsiA,,Bokeh christmas xmas tree with lights 519,94sVs1D3Vvw,,Stream near the snowy slopes 520,joxKHxjpjlw,, 521,4wWFUeHnW2Y,,Foggy Fields of Grass 522,qLhCKmBjTec,,Crystal-clear waterfall 523,i9Q9bc-WgfE,,Los Angeles sunset field 524,tg8nXgXNekM,,Autumn park alley 525,QopVnKPfv3o,,Let there be light. 526,C1J_eSGNPt0,,"Enlightenment isn’t found with a full stomach, or on a soft pillow. - Conrad Anker" 527,vPQfc4niDh0,,This is not a Windows desktop… 528,t8ql_RX9JLE,, 529,AuXj9CyTA3E,,"If you see beauty in something, don’t wait for others to agree." 530,G78QimrxxvY,, 531,1cVQMljvsnw,,A huge dense flock of Snow Geese fly together in the evening before settling down for the night. 532,Km5JGMW4VPM,,"One day during a retreat in Nyanga. I was taking a walk besides a beautiful river bank, just admiring nature. I then decide to take a shot of the mountainous site covered in mist. This photo reminds me of a lot of memories about my visit to Nyanga." 533,HODsApZmrNo,, 534,rl8WD3FItw0,, 535,ISI5DlnYvuY,, 536,d8m_1c3MAdI,,I think this was my first cactus. 537,GEaSmg3JM50,,Late Afternoon Soon 538,nGcIgmLZxtk,, 539,wVG8CCQ20A0,, 540,YVKbOZIB1IA,,Antelope Canyon III 541,wamxUVXDLj0,, 542,-A18oTkoVjU,, 543,XQZmfprZt6s,,IG : @justinchrn 544,kkx5L-fHBs8,, 545,6JzF8Bf4Uhw,,I always wanted to roam and explore with my friend Tobi. Finally we found a date where both of us had time. We met early at 05:30AM and started the quest to find some fog. Tobi is a Pro-Landscape-Photographer. So he had a gut feeling where we could get lucky. And indeed we got lucky. A beautiful scenery not far from my home. What a morning. What an experience. 546,I5mQPIQ3768,,Smile 547,XTBm0hGh56s,, 548,GtoEb39VNP8,, 549,4TKFpJPnyU8,,"Waking up to this view on a snowboarding trip to Aosta, Italy in January" 550,c-cYqnFfeSs,,Follow me to the sea 551,Na6tH0QLg6Y,,The last sunflower 552,p6FnBHVepRc,,Walking around Wharariki beach lends a sense of wonder and scale. One of the best beaches I have ever visited. 553,ZEzLJClHRxs,,Cactus Sunset 554,LN8t4ZAGZFQ,,Wet Hair 555,Mhw2X-zOpKQ,,The tiniest wave in the ocean. 556,Gqo6cuu_UFw,,Ocean lighting strike 557,60NulquhzoI,, 558,-m2T-gYZxg4,, 559,rdG4hRoyVR0,, 560,5O8K7IpyEj8,, 561,B8ZbJpe5eCA,,"Waking up in the top of the mountain with a beautiful view, fresh snow and few leathered visitors" 562,7kCNXfo35aU,,A magical place 563,GYE0o4dwtZg,,snow-covered tree trunk 564,hTteNNHoi0w,, 565,0JyYRzjQHAQ,, 566,Knwea-mLGAg,,Milky Way 567,Lnxy9SDE6p4,,Cat Portrait 568,76VzOThqOvc,,serious looking vulture 569,gGMhd5wRFvo,,Magic of the northern lights near Tromsø - Norway 570,eeUilYOScmE,, 571,uIymHA9cBMw,,Stargazing 572,e18GHG0uSjs,,DEEP FOG 573,gWHX4Clf98A,,Moab 574,TQAEEqfhLRQ,,"It is the season where people want to cuddle with each other, the season where people want someone to hug a warm body, the season where we Fall in Love" 575,3yMlp-x9yDU,, 576,0YMDG0UTwSg,, 577,ZNvTykT8djM,, 578,enC2tXW2ykI,, 579,j06lbRyrXgw,, 580,0TPmrjTXjSs,,vast space 581,K_JWksrK_Rk,, 582,_Qv-KHHj8Vw,, 583,46qU4oA2Ph8,, 584,sB0vomvHU54,,"Little do many people know, a very famous song by ABBA called ‘Waterloo’ is actually set in a small village outside of Liverpool called Waterloo, not London. The amount of people who do not know this upsets me as I live here now and it’s a vibrant village full of life, it’s own beach and beautiful sunsets. (Like this one)" 585,OXvTb67W7IY,, 586,vEdEg7hrwDg,, 587,1ZfrBTMl8SA,, 588,KFC1447H5dM,, 589,X3wsPcNr2Ok,, 590,YjJFJDai9zg,, 591,oJmVzkVStoo,,A photo taken during a trip in the Dolomites. Postproduced image with Adobe Photoshop. Instagram Account - @therawhunter 592,PaD_I9YBLGU,, 593,o8_xDC4YIzE,, 594,c4HoAUZN1V8,, 595,z6d9fVA__j4,, 596,4X05lRweedk,, 597,Ib2q7YJf5bY,,Sometimes it is worth getting there early and waiting for the colours of the world to do their thing. I knew these rock pools would provide the perfect foreground if the clouds would just do their thing. Day after day I would look out over the ocean to see if the sun was going to hit the horizon just right and explode into colour. Then it happened. Support more photos like this by buying a print at 598,BLTcKiKXbzU,, 599,a_DKRBS7GUI,, 600,axDLaUNkBiQ,,Gulls 601,259b8iHAt3U,,Apocalypse 602,LcHfxomzCpU,, 603,-bDYrrVAZnc,,"Thunderstorm - Melbourne, Australia." 604,qDspZEzH8Ys,, 605,0ABCZ9bTsw4,, 606,xH1rat0kNz8,, 607,M7Qzh_PD2mM,,These photos are from one of my many Iceland visits. Iceland is the place that unlocked many things for me and broke so many chains in my head. 608,bQe8H8G2Hkw,, 609,kdLKidl6Lrc,, 610,2_xkTKvlCu0,, 611,MWIWbSkfni4,, 612,OzYhJVc3m7I,, 613,ADWxmGXCitw,, 614,_U0SEppuF6Q,,"After I just got out of the water, I rushed to my bag to grab my drone. I brought it out to the bow. I had just escaped the reach of the sharks but I was more scared to launch my drone off the boat. It was windy and bumpy. Finally I took off barley taking off in time to clear the second story of the boat. Once the drone was in the air it was worth it for one of the coolest shots I have ever taken." 615,nT3jt94C6JE,, 616,lvFlpqEvuRM,, 617,wHuVsvq-v3g,, 618,P0OHXE50Isk,, 619,5PDtzygACqg,, 620,ufuJ6jRnwiQ,, 621,FWVnG8-EVPg,,Apricot tree in full blossom 622,2Z8JaVIR3DA,, 623,0qv-EyDsi58,,Flowing Falls 624,9zVhImwfL30,,Enjoying the sunset. February 2019. 625,_mSSnMptGow,, 626,hPGkorH0blg,, 627,uxPSCdfNIVs,, 628,VIsMQquTMRk,, 629,kCxqCas3i3k,,"Summer sunsets are awesome, they last long while closing the day. It is somehow magical that after 15 years I was able to recover/digitize this photo from a slide." 630,jvYGzVs3tWc,,Subway on the Mars 631,eBu_C_UZgw4,, 632,0VbO85mcRqo,, 633,Ffsp1ot0mCQ,,"Enjoy your meal! If you like this picture please give me a “like” let me know your feedback, or leave your Comments/suggestions below check out my Instagram @picoftasty more surprise there! From now on, Every Saturday (Central Time - US & Canada) I will release Lightroom preset for people who are interested in food photography check out my website and download it for free. This is a great opportunity to practice and take your images to the next level. Now subscribe, get the latest release first" 634,J4DL0onKVng,,Watery Sky 635,i2uepvI1jHc,,beautiful 636,H-i1oc7eMhg,, 637,bgzCYIFEQcc,, 638,Uypha7ZQLYc,,Transalp ballooning – panoramic view at 5800m 639,r2I1MneHKZE,,Astro Night Sky 640,cRFJr--pLNc,, 641,qzgDM0Kgox4,,Real Rose 642,RvA8b4ApkLc,,"Endless. In a world where everything is the same, there is no matter — where you are." 643,ge4KMzd3Glw,, 644,PCFpVF2cT58,,"Young Cocker Spaniel Puppy, Bubba, exploring the garden" 645,5pfbBCXu6E4,, 646,jgm-1R6lDrw,,A woman takes her dog for a walk on a snowy day 647,oFzHW4l0_rk,, 648,ayfNSt1Xbnk,, 649,T12taAlomF8,,Lagoon Nebula 650,42EoU_nGrNo,, 651,d0-Xwg1Sg6Y,, 652,bcWOUe0914I,, 653,McCpH_sj46I,, 654,i5EBJEO2f-s,, 655,bYsTQKjMsys,, 656,mtZ_nK35Kmo,, 657,Z9gX-6Ly6xo,, 658,P_J3chFYwIU,, 659,rs36RRAeW3c,, 660,vZ-G32M6rdM,, 661,Oyd1LsV-GMw,,Mountain foggy day 662,8wd8ylNlNU8,, 663,UCusFxahol8,, 664,ZIbFC-6gBH8,, 665,P8oqPW32fm0,, 666,TKq1bO_1eVE,, 667,_M7BGSi_aRQ,, 668,M3uYC1UB-Tg,, 669,XYPmyAgFkWk,, 670,FuysnB0hYg4,, 671,hZbdVFkvELE,,visit @gingermias_ph in instagram for more 672,RlGVY-YD8lg,, 673,ADl8ht21lr0,, 674,0wyjE0FzVm4,, 675,A2ogxGEdgU8,, 676,bBGpZ63zNi0,, 677,Fst4SmneRU4,, 678,dg0E7wf7B5E,, 679,6BykweIpp8s,, 680,qDDq3BsWzsI,, 681,5vV1xgPPdoI,, 682,XitHGr3WfkE,, 683,kT4vu6_H74Q,, 684,EpjG7TWDogY,, 685,e5AUV18QJwQ,, 686,2AX7usznmyQ,, 687,JcMcK93oeZo,,"Sunset at Myvatn lake, Nort Iceland" 688,ojRXdflBWHI,, 689,Ow9LvM2j6wY,, 690,G4lCBsvvz8M,, 691,28ztKXfneYk,, 692,H28ODcp4EUk,, 693,-Y-XzY0HhEM,,Dramatic golden sunset. 694,gVG5k5u1Cxw,,Alpine peak on a cloudy day 695,9_f8nPHa0oE,, 696,HZg0vJHFyg0,, 697,A0U9EMwvkXs,, 698,OHKVd77EMmA,, 699,th4bqV0PQpI,,Waterfall in a rainforest 700,_xEUSpqL-_U,,San Francisco Fog 701,PQYovEfGC_I,,Sunrise in the Country 702,iWtN3DjheZ8,, 703,b7TuxjXs9j8,, 704,7gZEY7tY9C4,,Starry sunset over the desert 705,agE97zp_Xvo,,"Stormy moonlit ocean, Southwold" 706,bFFJj1UM8N0,,Golden grass and dark green trees 707,iK0QtlJgj30,, 708,O17rYkSBn44,, 709,kwQfBBIdySI,, 710,VhRP-_rD5Zs,, 711,nl0rS3FVQL0,, 712,Ad3k0qobxzE,, 713,Cz1GV4Nc2Oc,, 714,q_X-lyHxcdk,, 715,tJwmiOratQ8,, 716,ffrwy8OWPiQ,, 717,dYLlEVMfUbc,, 718,zCrumIJYa6w,, 719,RIwKjm3TVMU,, 720,aPQLPP4GsWI,, 721,QZkSJYowJ9g,,close up of an iguana 722,eiFijLC5wDg,, 723,1K3RQsw2mqE,,"Sunflower field in franconia, germany" 724,wP0pqxZmRmo,, 725,WjlaZ-FMnmM,, 726,fJ12d8l7CcM,,滨江大道 727,uvhC2O-WJKY,, 728,12ElVxe5DlI,, 729,cnXZcXkRvls,, 730,_eJgtdiVH70,, 731,q9rPuD51r5w,,Bass Player 732,ls-nIl6Aw6Q,, 733,6FHSrNSk2Ws,, 734,OSuy5-Degkw,,Foggy forest scene 735,qrz4ASlWgPk,, 736,VXzgQS-ZVRg,,Botanic Garden 737,tArLE7KHEVU,, 738,VMR6OpmDTUk,, 739,jf4F-nl3SQw,, 740,4ENJYRVbMjQ,, 741,s73JHf0DMKE,, 742,Xt-soCyj7sY,,Swimming pool shallow end. 743,Jvjjs7UJ_To,,Cat 744,0ImqAx2eZIQ,, 745,fH3W7neUFn0,, 746,4X-3nYIKgFM,,Dog waiting to play fetch. 747,Mo8l2XPCpAY,,"The fun thing about drones is getting to take photos from completely new perspectives. For example, here’s the top half of a 400-foot-tall dam, in all its cold industrial glory, located in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. If you look at the top you can see the doors workers use for maintenance. That gives you an idea of its massive scale." 748,oajraKUY0uQ,,Antarctic fur seal pup playing in the water. 749,5T63Q3a7JrE,, 750,olQ0LwzNcqo,, 751,gCpr7F7TU7s,, 752,CjcqO587KRI,,Aharen 753,AXxrS75ViLc,, 754,sJkoFxQh5OE,,"People spend so much time looking at the main landmark at the Painted Hills that they've missed the many square miles of absurd geology all around them. Did the 5 million other photographers who go to the Painted Hills even know there was a lake in the area? The colors in this photo blew me away, between the red and white soil, the vibrant green plants, and the dark blues and greens from the very clear lake. This is from a series of texture shots I'm uploading of the Painted Hills Unit at the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, and other locations in central Oregon." 755,vzNTn3mOyKw,, 756,6fC-sRlz-pw,,Glasshouse in the Copenhagen Botanical garden 757,eNi9DGpVYWk,, 758,tv47YFhYGhQ,, 759,OT9mIcpbpyk,,Portrait of a dog #002 760,U22mr8QmDvE,,Autumn maple leaf 761,RSGXmYouHSA,,"During my stay in Milan, I got to see a few pretty fancy bicycles. This one is definitely my favourite. The rain gives it an even more interesting touch." 762,HAGq70L1MXc,,Lake Wenatchee 763,tMHJUOKFLjU,,Sunrise in the mt cook area at 5am 764,IZdwSeYBoRk,, 765,bx6FW6H4PGU,, 766,HE5PT9HElGE,,Wild Poppies 767,HhmCIJTLuGY,,"This was my second time in NY city and I had a mission to take a good picture of this landmark because I failed to do it first time. I used my Joby Gorillapod and ND filter in order to capture a crisp long exposure shot and spent quite some time sitting on the ground, playing with different settings, trying to catch a perfect vehicle trail." 768,QHNb9b9aWWU,,Playful Giant 769,LuMUjyH8FfQ,, 770,Ir1P6OhJJqA,,The other side of beauty 771,ZUMtJb6XbhE,, 772,q75IeWLT738,,Staying up late. 773,4Y_bVu4j0cA,, 774,gOc3VRa-eas,,The Palms 775,ikU9mkrCAdQ,,Pacific Coast Highway 776,JDiLjBUoleM,, 777,LuH6F1tgdB8,,Crescent moon over mountain landscape 778,wNSSdNx932E,,Little Sahara //2017// @ultrabrad 779,jTXjghJhTlE,, 780,WGWvwoZUxXs,,vast and deep 781,rZsLSvYPovk,, 782,55GgPEJUzEY,, 783,R0sMkWxWIZo,, 784,A_unG6e0Cug,, 785,eD3gkNVlm94,, 786,UxmsLmapLu4,, 787,Xwx6eYL2_H8,, 788,856qCrNPoYo,, 789,iHA6rk4GyfQ,,"Aside from white balancing this photo, I didn't alter the natural colors. As part of my ongoing aerial series on the wild geology of the western United States, I give you this bird's eye photo of a network of geysers and hot springs at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. This alien landscape is about 8,000 feet above sea level and located off a side road about halfway between the Madison junction and Old Faithful." 790,c-Ut6_fIY2g,, 791,vT5SP5oTNMs,,Autumnal Oak Leaves 792,rbVOPKgWyrQ,,"Glencar waterfall, County Leitrim, Ireland" 793,5qVObnWoC74,,Chill out by the pool. 794,P3BwhD8sa6M,,Epilogue 795,CLxoWvTtN_k,,Hidden beach in San Diego. 796,EQHAS9IKPA8,,I made it to the top. What a wonderful day ❤. 797,W1cO4dORkhE,,Monstera deliciosa or the swiss cheese plant. Buy Instagram graphics & designs 798,4LS-5obpY4o,,Communal meeting area with wooden wall art 799,C_qwHIx6uBw,,Are we going up to down? | | Model: 800,yx5Apt60SXU,, 801,KSHR85btyr4,,A Prayer Plant leaf (Maranta) covered in water droplets at the Cairns Botanic Gardens. 802,AowZ2Bt_T50,, 803,wD9VImVnTqM,,Yellow and brown bird sitting on snow covered branch in winter 804,aI0L-I76mVo,, 805,XYMm4LRKZLE,, 806,nB8uw3aTNdk,, 807,UrMGQNrkdO0,,"Rapid Ice Movement. One glacier on Russian islands in the Arctic Ocean surprised scientists with its rapid change. After decades of normal, slow movement, a glacier draining Vavilov Ice Cap sprang forward, accelerating rapidly after 2013. This fast movement is extremely rare for cold-based glaciers. In 5 years, the ice tongue doubled in size. In this inverted rendition, land is blue and fractured sea ice appears tan across the top of the image." 808,AXCfMfhYch4,,My little puppy Bowie (the cavoodle) 809,S6rfqBGzU34,,A jellyfish swimming 810,4AzOycw7g90,,hills 811,9buyUkHByX8,,Milky way over Tufa formations. 812,weO07gZuLSo,, 813,EzAhT2CjWbY,,"Reindeers feeding in Tänndalen, Sweden." 814,PuQ1GTsHux8,,fall leaf 815,JhaiLvJnQd0,, 816,o97oyvCj4xI,, 817,8xXGy0A3AHQ,, 818,q-Vk0atiP6o,,Winter 819,8Yf_m-_HoUk,, 820,aQOe0Ri267U,,"Produced by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), this digitally colorized scanning electron microscopic (SEM) image depicts four, yellow colored, Group A Streptococcus (GAS), Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria, which were atop the surface of a human white blood cell (WBC), known as a neutrophil." 821,iBouqMX0Jdw,, 822,zZojCuFfvds,,Beautiful Maldives. 823,GwTS3bbRVJM,,A placid ray of light touching the freezing monrning 824,_EES7QLyDRs,,Autumn Leaves 825,OuYESbJjiW0,, 826,YzfZA-MASLY,, 827,YXN3FDDs5cE,,Autumn Fall forest 828,9AaJzkkZwBo,, 829,tttset1gSoE,, 830,T_GHGl2OLN0,, 831,tQO09TVNH-M,, 832,ODDYZaw-q6M,, 833,0iNLhORjMGM,, 834,_o0v4AH8Wg8,, 835,hNuGqLZs-_0,, 836,Mru8WGtMG6c,, 837,xknPNISfK8s,, 838,GxsLqgEwxcw,, 839,cZXqYNlEhY0,,forrest from up a mountain 840,N_Xa7H4YzFY,, 841,2j_N7qzz_-s,, 842,U0u02uYk4Pk,, 843,ztCzHOc3PNU,, 844,qi4yQSwqkck,, 845,cTEFCekvecI,, 846,20MaNSM_4FY,, 847,MbbjsRCcrYw,,"Hey guys, I'm currently unemployed, if you want to give me a hand I appreciate it. Thank You <3 Paypal Donations: ______________________ Follow me on instagram @rresenden" 848,PeweVqLj8_8,, 849,T0UsMfZVVDQ,, 850,q1JDCvvAorQ,,The rock formations outside the Arniston caves were stunning! 851,szW4bb6FZhI,,Moody Forest #4 852,NinW8p06rtQ,, 853,fVsB8TBavbI,,"Like in Cuba, but no" 854,RroF6oJ_eDM,, 855,Xu1xO3mpr1I,,A beautiful silhouette of a deer in front of a colorful sky during sunset! 856,pX9eRjli1ok,,Camping family relaxing in the sun amongst the forest 857,tL2THbH6brs,,Starry sky galaxy 858,oIrfsZZpLmM,, 859,o_AoBUaCXPQ,,Hey guys 🐪 860,U6QtM1xhT5A,,man hiking between two boulders at Enchanted Rock 861,6ZQW6zSRBYI,,Sunflower dust 862,Vtu3YaYzC6s,, 863,al2q65HLw5E,,Gullfoss waterfall 864,AORWsJS39ag,, 865,zdpgrMdIja0,, 866,D_d1WWQLBV0,, 867,265UOW_wBeA,, 868,Q2R-6QhSJAE,,A rough night in the hills of Scotland 869,OXsAhiF_ggs,, 870,od5r1Dus0TE,,Fireworks and a group of people 871,LavlJham18k,, 872,6j6uXEdYv74,,dayso filmmaker 873,g9Ek7TzdMVc,,Heart Nebula 874,lFtlK7y9Xek,, 875,_MCLUFQlZ_c,, 876,ZOEZ6LJlGLo,, 877,PkZzygxIxk0,, 878,ZsA3DknVxRc,, 879,bOzxv1wrLfU,,Please follow me on instagram @chrishenry 880,rPmPsd1N4Vs,,"Towards the top of Mt. Helgafell in the Capital Region, a solo traveler stands in the middle of the magnificent winter landscape of Iceland during sunset hours," 881,bVOKzG9zSek,,Oceans 882,Sn6xfs6-KlI,,"#stayhome – kids homemade handcraft watercolor painted easter egg. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 100mm (Year: 1993)" 883,oBXdm3b7Fgc,, 884,ZaN-1tbwi0Y,,"Warm sunrise in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia" 885,Un2l252-pWA,,Black dog in black background with beautifull eyes and nice hair 886,I84tlLmvRJQ,,White Chrysanthemum 887,hDxSd1rBAv8,, 888,_bQFVR3DF68,, 889,Zp8PwLQDnDg,,"Christine falls, Kelowna bc Canada" 890,f9dOqzYRAcU,, 891,SwIQu6xODrI,,Swirling red rock wallpaper 892,BnYkT95oHHg,,Skyscraper and woman reflected 893,Y-XuEekLULQ,, 894,R38mXXBaB5k,,Hare 895,4Vv0d-q2mOA,, 896,vpzbzTushg4,,Constant Change 897,I2ypZ7eRLDo,, 898,Iq5BnnRmFLQ,, 899,fDnuJF4IOlU,,"Hard to imagine two days before these were taken they were hot pink in colour. And, that they flower for only 10 days a year..." 900,vCIoc-Wha1Q,,Dusk on beach shore 901,D62hQefhteg,, 902,cSe3oKQ03OQ,, 903,aGx7X1VmFIY,, 904,FHWgQiTZJ0s,,Pale treeline 905,q2Cv_B3_AZI,,Rugged mountain 906,_YTj2yKHyrE,, 907,aKtb696SDks,, 908,7x4dOkulU9E,,lone person with waterfall 909,Dc3YQuyr2pU,,Moon eclipsed to a crescent 910,1eReB1OKOr0,, 911,HrLLdSf5VpU,, 912,bzEfpDMVQzs,, 913,8pfBVXajR_Y,,lots of greenery and cactus plants in a greenhouse 914,Z-JpFD-PtZs,,"Morning wilderness flower grass meadow. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica Elmarit-R 2.8 135mm (Year: 1987)" 915,XGeILxcyxJI,, 916,2vHgij_n6q8,,Сaribbean blue in Russia 917,9XEtNxwTFOU,, 918,U0ZZDMMjqtQ,, 919,lLctqdwTYes,,King Charles Cavalier dog in a summer dress on white background 920,htAyoWqrXww,,Green valley in the canyon 921,4k-U1Wp2d00,,Root-covered path through green forest 922,jzY47T8vh-U,,Small town red roofs 923,dg5KvcVv7tU,,Thunderstorm over the trees 924,TYB86_LEawY,,Autumn forest on a slope 925,dxZfq6Xuz5c,,Dry winter grassland by the mountains 926,XmqsrSq63q4,, 927,adIJfKDUg8Q,,Ready for bonfire season 928,gweOVL1QjPo,,Tropical beach 929,DHMcRjvBmdk,,Playing a tourist in my own city 930,44viBeBkT-c,,Conifer tree trunks 931,HvSQ_TBr7Ms,, 932,X0FpESo69Z0,, 933,oQmKteV2yBA,, 934,TwMLYN_CMT4,, 935,gCYler8QUFE,,Breaking waves on the shore 936,7lUDryZFbbE,,Fruit for a Snack 937,KkCDC-sGKwQ,,Osterluzeifalter / Southern Festoon 938,I3xo-4LpcY4,,Budding plant on black 939,p1Hlr3fdjTo,,hill cabin 940,Xv8nEggOsxw,, 941,9yCLzkpYZwY,, 942,PZEBRwmvNxE,, 943,qrCSGTkkDXo,, 944,VDwnkGuaP78,, 945,EOxpS6yBQU4,, 946,MnhfamCWs6s,, 947,rZ2LHT8eU9w,,Snowy mountains over a valley 948,vMwcWBEB-Pg,, 949,BSuY8m8VxRU,, 950,gnda23A98w4,,Ocean horizon view 951,Yh6K2eTr_FY,,Hiker with a large backpack 952,FjikPptEbZg,, 953,bB_ndHf9W9s,, 954,_cb5MjNG3DI,,Photographing Yosemite 955,c3qvF4WR0Rw,,Delicate flower on the ground 956,7psXKRl2amU,,Hiking By The Sheep 957,fi9PSKk7UyE,,Furry alley cat 958,tmKn9xNHY6I,,Jumping jeans shadow 959,HG5RcKEawLA,, 960,W4B39dbQo_U,,"We were on our way to our cabin in Pinetop, Arizona, we were in the car when suddenly we saw this huge frozen lake, immediately we pull over, it was beautiful, the silence, the cold, there was no one else, it was very peaceful." 961,9_53Y1MqCV4,,"waterall in big island, hawaii, usa" 962,x5MPo4MeIrA,,Playing with a “through glass” effect leads to a new vision 963,ZSNyhif9DdU,,Icelandic wildlife #1 964,IHGievc9q70,,Lynx portrait 965,iAGWGrTz8Ds,,Wstężyk gajowy i biedronka siedmiokropka 966,bGiEiximqpY,, 967,dDdZ-cbku7I,,Hiking on my way to mt. Viševnik. Found this little window through the trees and took this picture of autumn colors. 968,rnKqWvO80Y4,, 969,5fDa0X-8z3w,,Woods lost 970,eNSr7jJXm_4,, 971,F2olcCyRQBw,, 972,Tw_VQuS3Xio,,A picture taken during a cold winter over a mountain peak. Postproduced image with Photoshop. Instagram Account - @therawhunter 973,7HME278EgxQ,, 974,SowpP14j4vU,, 975,iflUHY8zMYc,, 976,vDX1H7HPyus,,White walk 977,ypgicIdtYps,, 978,vNGL14-V5TY,,Rose Bouquet 979,7gA0_YvrasQ,, 980,8R0l7vkXTXk,,Blue headed bird 981,-N_UwPdUs7E,, 982,uLMM6TyPfGw,,Fox by a field 983,gOWuRBY7gDM,,Giraffe and her calf 984,Ix1TiS-E17E,,Toronto Flatiron Reflections 985,HarWZWkqDm8,, 986,EWDvHNNfUmQ,,Fresh wood garlic on wood 987,xHnb8UeZnmg,,"On my first visit to the Serengeti, just an hour into the first game drive we had an incredible view of this male. Up high on a rock with seemingly endless flat planes around him it really was a real life version of Mufasa on Pride Rock. The vivid display of power he invokes is breathtaking and one of my favourite images to date." 988,JN1Lvw3EJaU,,Bee in a Purple Field 989,4JNVKCuPikc,,I had something like this in mind when I went to photograph the marsh songbirds on this morning. This isn’t exactly what I was trying for but I think it came out nice anyway. This Marsh Wren perched just high enough for me to get a silhouette of it through all the marsh grasses. There was a small area of clouds right on the horizon so instead of seeing the sun itself the whole horizon was glowing yellow and orange. I did like how some of the grasses went well above the bird to make it feel like you are in the marsh with it. 990,x8zEeH7euQI,,Game Of Thrones 991,CVMwln-ibuU,,Dessert 992,GSRoxaqsGpc,,When the moon shines over the summits … 993,ANo5_iE9dcU,,Snowy mountains at dusk 994,tHNLOz4eZts,,Dandelion Seeds 995,UcN6ICl3Geg,, 996,TBaEUj5-J7Q,,Fresh Flower Market 997,jWFUsU24Boo,, 998,pCyF1HIMovI,,Labrador urban sidewalk 999,9njCyLeVrwY,, 1000,ceyNDNQT7z8,, 1001,ucpymfy_cxM,, 1002,iSYYLt2rKac,,absolutely zero light pollution. More on Instagram @thomschneider come say hello. 1003,6dfqPcThFnw,,Paddleboarder loses balance 1004,Lm6mqM_KqQY,,Shoreham-By-Sea sunset. 1005,x5WHdQ3NTCg,,"And as dreams are essential to the psyche, wilderness is to the life. Every time I explore PNW, I have one of those life moments where we stop and think; “How did our life lead us here?” It’s one of those surreal places on the planet which make you pinch yourself multiple times to believe in what you experience. A place which makes us realize that fantasy of nature is much larger than our own. We still have things to learn." 1006,_hpk_92Crhs,, 1007,gAPXLS1LRVE,,everybody likes cats 1008,LLD9FKRoqDc,,Dreaming 1009,bsm3a-HYqbE,,Friends on a quiet beach 1010,NSSsyfAQW2g,, 1011,0PUQAOpLSIQ,,Deep blue 1012,aiKyJ6rHCP4,, 1013,rj1KGW8CtAc,,Beach at the end of a day 1014,5A400glnGew,,Ominous highlands 1015,qelGaL2OLyE,,"My sister and I went backpacking in Arches National Park over the summer. In some panic ridden state, we woke up and barely caught the sunrise." 1016,o9Z91mK4Q5I,,Cat clawing chair 1017,9-nO0rJlXCw,,"We stopped the car and got a shot of this, Was the perfect moment with all those moving waves." 1018,wMNO1ikcIBc,, 1019,795KLb6DI7E,,mystic village 1020,LKwo0PfwSTs,,"Take a trip to the Cairngorm Reindeer Centre in Aviemore, Scotland, and see Britain’s only free-ranging reindeer herd." 1021,pQfAgConZVw,, 1022,iSdpb3NuNWA,,Leaves background 1023,OoqKykDmBXw,,"A trip to Triberg in the black forest to see germanys highest waterfalls, but also a winter wonderland with snow and forests." 1024,WoH0n8syvzA,,It’s Raining 1025,lKkLmtZ5EHs,,Reflections … 1026,fMxxnzxSNO8,,Dog in nature 1027,ACwX4mdCQfQ,, 1028,Ie4XG8BDeis,, 1029,mjO1r3WX-7s,, 1030,6uYGO15giQo,,For years I’ve wanted to try and capture the Milky Way. Last night the conditions were perfect and got it! Duffus Castle is an old castle 5 mins from my house and made a great foreground for the shot. 1031,6jhfleCGlSE,,This very rapid ape was curious when I was making photo’s. This gave me the opportunity to take a photo. 1032,mqUprKkFwt8,,I got my first dedicated macro lens today and had to shoot something. I plucked these dandelions from the yard and toyed with the lighting a bit to produce this photo. I am impressed and very happy with this lens (Venus Optics Laowa 60mm f/2.8 2:1 Ultra Macro). 1033,1tdbV5PuwZ8,, 1034,wMr41_LZp0k,,Durdle Door at Sunset 1035,swyKyPjtl4A,, 1036,VlDtILENExg,, 1037,9IfTdiWy17Q,,Try to find some art in your life 1038,ceJhlary6lo,, 1039,nr_Uxk6UuXg,, 1040,5tKA14ysaRs,, 1041,wsK4zgu293Q,, 1042,JQiUriC3SDg,, 1043,O_NpTrtdzx0,,Deer in Winter 1044,a9REIVP16lk,, 1045,9XhgZmrvCEU,, 1046,SZs2dq_Y38w,, 1047,i8bK-Xon0tk,,Wailua Falls - the penultimate destination on the Road to Hana before reaching Haleakala National Park. The soft afternoon lighting and amazing dark contrast of the surrounding foliage gave me a splendid sight. 1048,YP3Bn91omtk,, 1049,f7hOaaAs8oE,,Flow 1050,cZzC8D5fqIE,, 1051,xwTgctQbCtA,, 1052,JYeDR7bwVBM,,Lost in the Wilderness 1053,RZSReC6K2K0,, 1054,5ErbZB4VY3M,,Hike in the Valley of Saas 1055,eGSjyhy6KmI,, 1056,aHbT3tyINHk,, 1057,CF33GT7iM9c,, 1058,jjrAsjbfOb8,, 1059,fkeoPkv6l6I,,Engulfed in Bubbles 1060,YUwcEo-zrUA,, 1061,DJ6egEZMgU8,,Instagram: 1062,tU1cHhG3U8Y,, 1063,BUdC1SJsW18,, 1064,ev0IgapSicM,, 1065,XU1-sAMZFqc,, 1066,13JMpnyS7Ls,, 1067,sMyVOkNT8RY,, 1068,GRIRnUHkzJY,, 1069,Qlyccavn9RA,, 1070,eXUR-Z4MF_A,, 1071,4ACB0cl1uoY,,Cactus summer 1072,KWpm9MmEo2s,,Teal is very popular in many online acrylic projects. So I went to this shop downtown that turned out to be a mine of acrylic paint. I mixed different shades of green and teal and got this marble-like pattern. 1073,WFRPTyxzf1c,, 1074,CKJYAcSc3WE,, 1075,Ora1LQF9aNc,, 1076,Szvrsk2DItU,, 1077,WNCdElkH9pw,, 1078,xesXSbLqT4U,, 1079,CUS5oaZWHi4,, 1080,39DcBUbYZP4,, 1081,xsqXx7ayoKY,,Sunset in winter 1082,hl3FyzTMK5U,, 1083,ddXxI6bKqv0,, 1084,N3nFwJkR9jE,, 1085,6xTKw5ufGTY,, 1086,y8wYVcO6CCs,,"If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 1087,_i2eoOLEKFw,, 1088,dwXKJSwJe7Q,, 1089,utBjiT8TOhA,, 1090,S6jfWpBjLtI,, 1091,Eq9KVoh8UDM,, 1092,elocvvovfpg,, 1093,1kqqPKhn0a4,, 1094,fwxVU3WnsFQ,, 1095,RkGKrLXIV0s,,"this photo has a funny story. after i composed my shot, i heared dogs barking in the distance but i didnt realize that they were heading my way…with no friendly intentions. i took several shots and when it seemed that the sound was getting closer i moved my attention to the surroundings and i saw 5 pairs of eyes sparkling in the dark and i thought…well…this is it:) but i kept calm and packed all my gear and i used my headlamp to blind them and walked backwards to my car. after i got in the car i realized that i was holding my breath and i laughed :) yeeey i’m alive!" 1096,CKG0Lfij7i0,, 1097,YgvWaaKtBR8,, 1098,6-ddSMITT2c,,"I am in love with plants and so fascinated by the forms, structures and colors of their leaves." 1099,7vBN2qpCCF4,, 1100,2g4tPn43KQM,, 1101,ke-voL7t_I8,, 1102,mM1lXSdkxrk,, 1103,MtRmdlbKYVA,, 1104,DSNjT7rOjX4,,Taken in Marrakech in the Scarabeo Camp 1105,Y5Y24G6LH7M,, 1106,6Xz7oFdVXsg,, 1107,iFjUiWx8lKo,,Our World Is Melting - Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon 1108,C83spss9s1Y,, 1109,rFh890jKgcs,,Follow me on Instagram @zekedrone 1110,id-lN41gs3U,, 1111,fH6E-zUtCAg,,#plantain#plants#nature#day#tranquil#wallpapers#clouds#green 1112,OY313ZQD-yo,, 1113,Cx4LXp4IsF0,, 1114,hNmEo1IllUg,, 1115,coLq-6uXei0,, 1116,vTXgphTGPD0,, 1117,mmrwj-VV17Q,, 1118,VEco5HQZvO0,, 1119,3iylzOqSXKA,, 1120,4C8SyeE2fsQ,, 1121,0oCZLHIHBns,, 1122,pLbEMpm26K4,, 1123,kzFxsT7GX7g,, 1124,hiKEGpFKqls,, 1125,CMrTYZcFR8I,, 1126,tCxmk9tX-HY,,Seal pup 1127,3AQJIh5lRhg,, 1128,ns6n-3A8NR4,,"One of the more well known exhibits at the Monterey Bay Aquarium is the Jelly exhibit, and I can see why. Getting such a close look at these slow moving creatures was pretty awesome." 1129,BYDq4QBu5sE,,"The trees around this waterfall are very, very tall." 1130,Hw0Y8xNH2uY,, 1131,bnRnYYOOlb0,, 1132,8LtKWFAiw5s,, 1133,3DyaiH8xnmY,,Gooooood moooorning! 1134,llcDy6LOLoM,, 1135,G5sUV9ytPHE,, 1136,Ppq1S8z8CtU,, 1137,zjfHfXykgDc,,Monk seal using marine debris from derelict fishing nets as pillow. 1138,V8nAvRXOklo,, 1139,zjqqKVQZoNg,,"Yar City, Xinjiang, China" 1140,lrPBS8b4G14,, 1141,1lF910N6uxc,, 1142,Lo-LcwylL6g,, 1143,ATtLrdUekdI,, 1144,6GTlIs8tmfE,,What a beauty... the Orion Nebula. It's a massive region where new stars are born. Visible with the naked eye under dark sky as a dim smudge. Photographed from my backyard with following equipment used: TS Optics 80/480mm f6 Triplet APO TS Optics 60mm Guidescope ZWO ASI1600MM Pro Camera ZWO ASI290MM Mini Guidecamera Sky-Watcher HEQ5 Mount / Belt Mode 1145,PWPjBNarV0k,,For more pictures: | contact: | instagram model : @cassdamamme 1146,Cc5lB_g-rRY,,"Dolomiti, Italy, South Tirol Mountains, Lake" 1147,U29SYhLxVsg,,Mythical morning at the lake 1148,tPGDYGDVT-w,, 1149,4wIY3oykWMo,, 1150,AEt7z0kcekE,, 1151,XqY8Ql6ldbY,, 1152,mVdJaJDm_N4,,Light Snow 1153,tvH8ECkyQKI,, 1154,GeH1kcP4u7o,, 1155,BRV1uuphRzc,, 1156,c0DaNred-DQ,,"Nothing comes close to seeing your first iceberg, the shape, glow, presence of these things are so different to anything I’ve experienced before." 1157,rfONinkVnt0,, 1158,Qpcxh5QNNMk,, 1159,VyMIKf0Me7Q,, 1160,Y5ZEfGtx6vU,, 1161,HUv-96WUw0E,, 1162,GA2sc8nIOsk,, 1163,-bi0Rm6XM14,, 1164,2ZiS4k0Dhug,, 1165,6deRJ7VRekc,, 1166,hmU2VviLGuc,,"Little Venice, Mykonos" 1167,-Qhg45BM2F4,, 1168,hnF6R81qeNQ,, 1169,UA7LMA8Acdg,, 1170,llMa71tGvq0,, 1171,J4BcCpiNrCQ,,Red Castle //Utah// 2019 1172,ICAxsNRt_WM,, 1173,ky-3fRcI5wk,,jellyfish captured on a phone 1174,2tLFuktLKmA,, 1175,iR_xeS5TvJs,,"Sunset in a Norwegian forest - Bergen, Norway" 1176,1lO4n2Z8EEI,, 1177,T6ifZA5nark,, 1178,DxK_D-dWJPo,, 1179,CLmYbo-btDs,, 1180,QgfbBybNDmc,, 1181,ox1Cp7Hzw4k,, 1182,JHq6UVu5KvM,, 1183,i1lnTyT0G80,, 1184,l98T7wfv88s,,"My plane is landing in Warsaw airport. Above the clouds beautiful weather, but I can clearly see the thick layer below me that will surely mean that it's either snowing or raining when I land. I grab the camera, counting for an opening in the clouds creating some opportunity. The plane pierces through the clouds and it all goes milky. I'm hopelessly staring at the grey nothingness in the window, when suddenly the clouds open." 1185,Sy4pkQCradg,,sunflowers 1186,DlUyOdQxAlY,, 1187,V97vyTEnSnU,,Rub al Khali 1188,p00aJ8BUOC4,, 1189,yxXpjF-RrnA,, 1190,1-mcGcgSK9w,,Turn Off The Light 1191,Yx6iqbJCED0,, 1192,W-ST3_J1Chk,,Tree trunk in heather 1193,Mq6j8q6n87s,, 1194,Bk7ftOK-ncQ,,cabin under the stars 1195,KkEuqTss7u0,,Living in Orange + Teal 1196,5y2OmVhG8aM,, 1197,UMktbmkrn60,, 1198,lwrpd3k_pDE,,Work Days 1199,gMOgJoxSTwQ,, 1200,3_qsx2TUgtc,,Sunset at the beach of Thassos / Greece 1201,3sjAlYp8RQo,,Forest Smoke Bomb 1 1202,e_A1yNyDgrk,, 1203,26W1QWlYxwk,,a lesson in stillness 1204,Fx5EOyYRkv8,,Sunny day in forest 1205,Hc4_sJSqbOQ,, 1206,SatHwrfW4AE,, 1207,QjgGnOOG8gE,,Big Sur - Cotton Candy 1208,SB0rxbS823g,,Sumba's beach at dusk. 1209,E9YoQjLw6A4,, 1210,U6mLK89hKNA,, 1211,9RO4iunJbAc,, 1212,vXgt1KB-sjU,, 1213,18QCh4MnFR4,,Somewhere over the mountains 1214,WzazSaQF1F8,,sunrise over the bay area 1215,2RUZ3S32hi8,,Wood texture on a eucalyptus tree 1216,7J8CUrhKgsE,,kitten in a basket 1217,mjeKp451tt8,,Mountains On The Lake 1218,ngu4VY2hI48,,Tulips!! 1219,eWFh_CUp_eA,, 1220,jsVIUZf9zvQ,,jellyfish 1221,ress3OC6rj8,,This picture was taken in Sea Life @ Netherlands. the Jellyfish were in a fishtank. 1222,60wCqYf7Fg8,,Swimming pool 1223,oM4uCeXpKSc,,"Hanging out with a few foxes on Prince Edward Island, Canada. This is one of the hundreds of photos I have had the privilege of taking. These wild foxes on PEI are so used people, they will let you sit next to them for hours." 1224,7urohtLU2Jk,, 1225,GfhRMAKDxHk,,"A castle in the Winter vibe, a sunray painted whit me!" 1226,8aVRacDrD0Q,,Jellyfish 1227,ZCaNF3UkqjU,, 1228,ykKI3fCpB6k,,“Plush” 1229,gLBCxsQEA60,, 1230,jEgLCyl8NHU,, 1231,34L-LpGvGyE,,Amazing Northern Lights 1232,N2JMp29mwk4,,🍁 My neck of the woods. 1233,O7Ot2YF1pB4,, 1234,kaX-JKpZpTA,, 1235,3ZPBVvFcpAk,, 1236,doJ2GZoXRtA,, 1237,cJOnoAX6W0k,, 1238,RYvGgzHtClM,,Sundial Peak at Big Cottonwood Canyon 1239,iLvzn9WMwW8,,Glacier lakes 1240,CHo47-rwOD8,, 1241,qnXiMkan_jk,,A man standing at the bottom of a waterfall. 1242,qRd3_-IVM38,, 1243,90AZu3T0-kk,,"Soft light close up of beautiful botanic leaves, textured and green" 1244,IRfprajRcdk,, 1245,jLi2MngIWo4,, 1246,s6D5sfyC25g,, 1247,liMX-3ZS6mo,, 1248,Bsg3zidR6h8,, 1249,0PgC0jve7u4,,Beautiful winter day 1250,LL9S2YyUt24,,"The intricate lines angling and criss-crossing over the landscape are roads in extreme southwestern Kazakhstan. The turquoise areas to the left are salt flats and marshes, some parts of which are submerged (dark blue). The water body is Sor Kaydak, which was once a gulf of the Caspian Sea. As water levels have dropped, curious patterns in the landscape emerged that reveal old tributaries." 1251,DzXiOcvR1j4,,Photo taken on photoworkshop. Animal in human care. 1252,OOFSqPWjCt0,, 1253,-81lVsfM4gQ,, 1254,10bkwLQmdg8,, 1255,OI56PFyvwEI,, 1256,zmToD74d3m4,, 1257,jEbn1sgtIcE,, 1258,Z31w0AdoAgo,, 1259,g3kwyb2YcoE,, 1260,Q17vEHiPN7s,, 1261,qgP5USTq2gw,, 1262,M8EuGPeWWPU,, 1263,e5388vfxA_E,, 1264,ubPpFb5JSfU,, 1265,j7AEootrjDU,, 1266,O2QPJgPqT3s,,Greenery and tropical foliage 1267,pDSU_VHNvWI,, 1268,Zzn7WEIAFEw,, 1269,tq6Ra0jDMi0,,"Cold fall weather of 2015, I’ve decided to go outside and turn on my camera. As I always wonder around and take photos of what catches my senses, I take a picture of this cut up wood. This wood is from a tree we cut that stood infront of our house. I remember my father during summer cutting up the wood into small pieces so we could use it for grilling or relaxing fire pit nights with friends. This is also my first try with Unsplash and I guess it worked! Thank you Unsplash!" 1270,oliegs9Dhg8,, 1271,revxuIor0nY,, 1272,d8IPvipdj1Y,,Family vacation at beach 1273,_BtaqvgtEmo,,Green and red polar lights 1274,3CjX86heiUk,,Peaceful mountain town 1275,DBmFFXczGWM,,Picturesque Mountains 1276,F-t5EpfQNpk,, 1277,QnY0lML_jHw,,Lake under tall clouds 1278,dff39L7dRY4,,Rocky slope in Catalonia 1279,xjXcPAja_sw,,Find the new World Trade Center 1280,i_ivTcj8GFo,,Dirt road up the dry mountain 1281,FfTufHz9qr4,,White mountains in Yellowstone 1282,_DJZtCTiclo,,Rowan berries on moss 1283,TB4hpi1nfJQ,,Forest and snowy mountain 1284,Gxa1GeJ2TlY,, 1285,BhYTpKwPxTY,,Joshua Tree watching over the Milky Way 1286,M4JlGCKQAu4,,Blue Jellyfish 1287,ror8uddVPKY,, 1288,huEO9FGV-ys,,Secret feather 1289,OKVtggvBLgQ,,This is a series of about 90 images stacked together to bring out colors from early in blue hour into night. I never know if the series of images will turn out. I am glad this set did. 1290,UQ1sExXYdLU,, 1291,0hHCIHyUN0E,, 1292,wITd9_eDTw8,, 1293,_t-B8BKrUaQ,, 1294,qmjGmLB0nOc,, 1295,UQXF_w83Z5s,, 1296,D3nec3JI0Ek,, 1297,w_l4K0oyEyY,,feather 1298,vIxqtVFOfgw,,a shot I like a lot from a very miserable rainy day I had to dry the lens after each shot and put my mini umbrella over the camera to give some protection. the good part the color of the ice was very intense 1299,Q2FBDW4agb0,, 1300,SM3EsVq4Kyk,, 1301,MMRZkrMzHrg,, 1302,xmaLgQsPCGc,,Wintry morning in the hills 1303,xBPL8IuVJkQ,,amazing beach even more amazing day 1304,fJr6SvtLHlk,, 1305,LJ3HxdRqlH0,, 1306,fdkRlkwpqbI,, 1307,F-MppUAwM18,,this picture can not discribe how beautiful was the sea 1308,Xg2hPPvpeSU,,Matisse the scruffy mongrel on a walk through the forest 1309,PI0ii8SgPRk,, 1310,Y3Td-v-JRHI,,"Next stop - Pearly Beach - we basically grew up here, we'd come for holiday visits all the time because one of our family friends had a house here! It was kinda crazy coming back after what we worked out to be 12 years!" 1311,evv3pE2W7Bo,, 1312,8yMMPaZ_e28,, 1313,Y42_waZVQrs,, 1314,nKav_re96FA,,calm camel 1315,Ym7_IpjcoAw,,Stranger 1316,6Ij_OHmhJgw,,"I missed the sunset, but I didn't miss the waves. Asilomar is a great place to watch the breaking of the waves over rocks, and a long exposure makes the movement of waves look magical." 1317,I_noAjhuEmA,,"morning dew, grass in nature" 1318,KdAephUd_d0,,Great grey owl 1319,ltDFZwFAy-4,, 1320,gpQVLgSReGc,,Dancing sunflowers 1321,J6Vt4utZ5UY,,Reindeer eating a great meal 1322,trwc7j0VDmw,,"Parrot, Monterrey boardwalk, Monterrey California United States," 1323,RW71EkNymH4,, 1324,yNSwh22gB9Y,, 1325,g14c0-NmNGI,, 1326,UAVSczNLrCk,,Glacier pattern 1327,DMjxUDZ5PSQ,, 1328,MYnhW-AYmQM,,A small jellyfish 1329,3SHAsRWNlUo,, 1330,u3f2u9k-mZw,,Sea lake wilderness plants – water reed rush 1331,FAbVOdITLZs,, 1332,egszj09jbJ0,, 1333,F8JH5TX0hhs,,Nesocolletes fulvescens - bee 1334,aWVoGNt0I2M,, 1335,yqIFxfERlpU,,foam swirl seen from above 1336,k3aPX1qZgEg,,desert landscape 1337,NKee5ABptKs,,man walking into ocean during sunrise 1338,1IwBabyMXAA,, 1339,q0jm87RaMR0,, 1340,Kl2lPdVAtko,, 1341,y5ixa-wRhDY,, 1342,I6Xozma9Bzo,,Camplife 1343,Bjsx5y_nU3Q,, 1344,UsPl0ngOihA,, 1345,WeZ2yrYz8hQ,,"SUP boarders enjoying the sunshine, and social distancing, on a May Bank Holiday during the COVID-19 lock down." 1346,LY4sj5j10Rg,,"DANIEL ARSHAM - ""PARIS, 3020"" SOLO SHOW" 1347,1DljuMaWA9g,, 1348,CDjqENI2XZE,,cereals 1349,YM5slCR8W1E,, 1350,e5SLMOjckxo,,Cloudy highlands 1351,fvp1d197Gi0,,Bleak evergreen forest 1352,WV6Fg2Tlbk0,,Stork eating grass 1353,Swfc6shtGP4,, 1354,LWzoYFmSRxc,,Rural Countryside at Bausen 1355,BGB9Eidt30I,, 1356,bY6baTGwoG0,,Chile sunset. 1357,Ob-5QPT6yv4,,Cliff edge and clouds 1358,TXZZDkuCA80,,A stroll through Edinburgh 1359,9PDBbyJc2eE,,Lost in the Wilderness 3 1360,f9bkzNQyylg,,Fire 1361,iyfjDcAr_2g,,Mountains in Les Orres 1362,_C-ZxPF-BtQ,,"Life off screen: I’m not a professional photographer, I work as Software Engineer and a screen is in front of me all day long. Photography is a passion, something I’d like to make my full time job, but for now it’s something that relax me and give me a lot of energy. I take my photos during my travels or after work, when I take my bike and I go to the hills, surrounded by nature…in peace." 1363,zIrrF7Bx3pQ,,Beach Coastal Rock Formations 1364,pbxwxwfI0B4,,Stormy clouds at night 1365,hfxvkEzd_I0,,Sunset in the desert 1366,tYQoo65Rw2o,,"This photo was taken at the Robert Ferguson Observatory in Ca. It is only three photos from a time lapse I was doing that night. I took the first photo, middle and last photo in the series and combined them to show the movement of the milky way. This was over a period of 3 hours. Enjoy! I’m on IG @bryangoffphoto Stop by and say hi!" 1367,YISKwWoqMXM,,Spotting beautiful details of golden hour moments in the lovely forests around Berlin. 1368,Py8vZdCw35U,, 1369,rmn4lfCRaoM,,Tiger held in captivity 1370,ZO8FtEm3H30,,Rocky Mountain Cliff 1371,1JjQ2sdr5UA,,Taking In The Scenery 1372,aI1tDC8PaLM,, 1373,Tkn5YMZiotM,, 1374,nHhFgT_GUpY,, 1375,e-S-Pe2EmrE,, 1376,JnZGbOKqJfU,,Cabins in the Mountains 1377,oY8IrtfeYgQ,, 1378,bjoxTUzLg1Q,, 1379,oKyF4ZYUo2k,, 1380,SFc16_pr0bA,, 1381,UAin9f4XOP0,,Cloudy orange sunset. 1382,8xpklKrfsG4,,Blue sky over Machu Picchu 1383,huInxp6rL1g,,Pug in a warm sweater 1384,iYQC9xWMvw4,,Fluffy kitten 1385,yhe56d6haoQ,,"Ice cave in Castner Glacier. Eastern Alaska Range, Alaska" 1386,6XwkG4B5xAU,,morning sun washing the flowers in its glow 1387,QO4Y97jiVDQ,,Lighting up the sky with lightning 1388,LkaF6Lx-XMA,,The famous Seljalandsfoss on Iceland. Luckily captured without people around it.. 1389,As-D1v5maSI,, 1390,Next1CT339I,, 1391,RmVVSA40fvU,, 1392,oRoYfRVw-Nk,,Vicuñas 1393,PczM1EIc80A,,A tree with ivy 1394,W1SqOiyiLpM,,「绣球无尽夏」记录于无锡市蠡园 1395,ornZV1YJNNo,, 1396,8MeEMFnrMKg,,The Island of Hospitality - BANDOS MALDIVES 1397,CGcJTwb5afE,, 1398,Nijc2oQz10I,, 1399,akbHiqZy4Pg,,leaf-plant-rock-water 1400,gEMnbCz0Aqw,, 1401,SmhN4FejPFs,,Mist rolls down 1402,jxpmzgAWx_E,,Niagara Falls 1403,XnvLe0u9iM8,, 1404,OCXR3-aU4Ss,, 1405,LUBvSohu6D0,,Mossy gorge 1406,Momc9B6BmZ8,, 1407,uGT_K29PAjE,,Cabin near a lake in winter 1408,sIu0dUDNvpo,, 1409,hahyMPtfgZ4,, 1410,Edod-s9I1lA,,Seagull flying above the beach 1411,gGolCK8dtI4,,Snowcapped and sunshine 1412,lH95qQnBrks,,Roses in pastel pink 1413,U6KmF4RpgiU,, 1414,FT9SsFEXqF4,,Gray cat portrait 1415,mVnhEKmHwtU,, 1416,t2XKo0kn8as,,Stars over mountain grassland 1417,24mYUFbeHto,,Calm lakeside sunset 1418,7IGfv8Fr3X0,, 1419,yWfCvL1SfqM,,Poppies covered in morning dew 1420,dnHGC9v6SwM,,"Ripples of black and tan sand formed by the waves and wind at Moonstone Beach in Trinidad, California." 1421,sjaUECL3heg,, 1422,PCWkToUtiUM,, 1423,kwEIP4ifUsg,, 1424,czGn_7oLvtY,,Arctic iceberg 1425,Up86yr8gM54,,Jardins et Serres d’Auteuil Greenhouse in Paris 1426,EqEz5B-NoEA,, 1427,oxav2Lmiie8,,"Surgeon Fish, Indian Ocean" 1428,NfWpp1Sev28,,"Low-hanging clouds over the Atlantic Ocean in Camps Bay, Cape Town, South Africa." 1429,gNEjsldOR3I,,A wonderful morning in summer! 1430,aUSnxLqNLTE,, 1431,SZzDy16_RKo,,bubbles 1432,PcovpDybx9g,, 1433,2vuAvzg0Qsc,,#flowers #blue #nature 1434,7BDP97v-tT8,, 1435,pZ8qegUxTwI,, 1436,ihHErt2UH5Y,,"This burning sky at the Horseshoe Bend was not a perfect sunset. I noticed a little detail on the horizon and I took some pictures with my telephoto lens. It was so small, not everybody noticed it. These clouds are lit up by the sun. In this brief moment I captured this amazing detail at the horizon." 1437,EB4I2zz16vo,, 1438,JOgIc2tj7zE,, 1439,1620RYaFv7E,, 1440,aZT031Rw5F8,, 1441,ApCWSB3UWqo,, 1442,F0if-2LD4cA,,"Atena, chocolate lab." 1443,BTIH6ASHgEo,,Can’t see Eye to Eye 1444,eUaIxWndTUk,, 1445,I53vswmQqC0,, 1446,IUCrOikDZi4,,Šar Mountain 1447,iTtLN5oTbck,, 1448,cHseFTbvv_k,, 1449,6IzbaHeluz4,,Lost in paradise 1450,OVWn1sbGIYQ,, 1451,-zEDq4sRxRE,, 1452,TvF_tbXRTV8,,Burning Man is a life most of us can only dream about compressed in one week and this timeframe is nothing for the scale and density of experiences the playa can offer. It was the only morning when I decided to dedicate some time for photography and took my camera with me after the whole night trip. And in the picture are our faithful bikes. 1453,wWtOyQJYtG4,, 1454,iMPND6oFrLo,,Sunset in the mediterranean 1455,jlG3A34mvRE,, 1456,eQ_icBB_jFk,,"This handsome Panther Chameleon goes by the name of Camo! From the Ambanja region of Madagascar; he was unwittingly rescued when at the time, he was grey in colour. Soon after, whilst in different settings and our care, he was back to his colourful self. Camo loves to be handled and is always ready for a walkabout!" 1457,ZVRuAo9viVs,,Lost In The Wild 1458,ZBAE8NAyApw,, 1459,YK8Mvocj6yE,,Somewhere out there is what I’m searching for. This is just a photo of me looking. 1460,RMWO3QYvcEY,,Patrick Hendry 1461,J7424lT_e-A,, 1462,Fox_fDW_36A,,ducktails 1463,JkLVPPwZtg8,,The glowy Beaver Full Moon setting behind Rundle mtn range 1464,R01v7vFyZGo,, 1465,ZKE9vySEeoI,, 1466,6eFqAdkeRKQ,, 1467,2cXz6dZ7jVE,, 1468,5Q2roF4AQ0k,,Mountains in Winnebach 1469,S-8ntPEsSwo,,Lake Blanche sunset. 1470,OVG7eFTB48c,, 1471,w1SIYXj7_6k,,Winter hike up mountain 1472,MUb81FMcWG8,,Smooth mountain ridge in Aspen 1473,xhLYMOmoBWU,, 1474,RgTI2KaQ5N4,,Macro view of frozen winter ball 1475,OsyU_2QtwZE,,Nevada winter mountain cabin 1476,waH_JQZhC_g,,Aerial drone photograph taken in the Ozark National Forest of Arkansas. 1477,gM1J2GN3cWI,,Italy mountainscape 1478,ELy8RcnCgEo,,I got lucky and caught this clear and crisp sunset full of color 1479,dYmZqPcd8xA,,I took this photo on a rainy day in front of the runway of Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport. It is one of the smallest commercial airports in Germany. 1480,u8Ptj0ahr6Y,,FUCK OFF UNSPLASH 1481,KUqk5tAMkZc,,Post ride views. 1482,yBDmnH1OY2g,, 1483,4Edi2v6gT_k,,Submission to “life off screen” for Offscreen contest. 1484,k8lqeigNCeU,, 1485,t8HI-lKRnVc,, 1486,bQjEEII7G5E,,Olive Tree 1487,iEP0t4Z4W3s,, 1488,ImIjopTWZ2Q,, 1489,BQb-tjUUBVk,,Happily Married Couple - Alex and Murray wedding love at Canon Beach 1490,nLH-8Cpmzaw,, 1491,yTjKwVqqsSc,,My first time shooting fireworks was incredible! 1492,7Xo5ZuwhmYA,, 1493,WDX11cny4jM,, 1494,pqiwf1X4haI,,Roses grow better in a Pour Over 1495,ZT-CmVhz9Mk,, 1496,CdPvDv7kQ4o,,"Hangang River, Seoul, SouthKorea 해질녘 여의도 한강공원 분수대에서" 1497,zM4W4X8M-RI,, 1498,zgXqlHd4SG4,, 1499,JyFPZwQC7jE,, 1500,XPd2CXRyMgc,,Crimson-backed Woodpecker. 1501,l8dk8zV_J3g,, 1502,gQR4STZ24kM,,Snowy cabin in the woods 1503,w5KJCocKSag,, 1504,NbaTh_gM0WI,, 1505,QZITvNEq5ek,, 1506,7lTAb59onvA,,cityscape view 1507,l9V-_4Wgm-Y,,Green moss clump 1508,oqWTauG4LTM,, 1509,LgXz-RK06I4,,Quiet town on a lake 1510,O74XUhi6Lfo,, 1511,0DosbK_etK8,, 1512,jEE9g4eR1bo,,Flat rocks on the arid hills 1513,FCPJn1NeFdI,,Forest branch 1514,9iC8vOi1cCQ,, 1515,Cp-LUHPRpWM,,woman underwater in dress 1516,PEaGxHk2NWY,,Purple allium in bloom 1517,3TuSxMKfgqI,, 1518,6ZhpkC8r32c,,Lone pink rose 1519,s_Pj_4M-81s,,Wild Rose after Rain 1520,yzv5CRh01cE,,Oasis 1521,7TGVEgcTKlY,,Red Fox in a Field 1522,H6Pc6bqHBvQ,,"Photo taken in Sumida Aquarium, close to the Skytree in Tokyo." 1523,ZKaZfYHgzZM,,The Hole In The Rock 1524,9Z1KRIfpBTM,,The beauty of nature 1525,wxrj0E0Sdgw,,Light pollution is hard to avoid when photographing the night sky but sometimes it can add an interesting style to the image. 1526,btjqFXX97l0,, 1527,v2WBFSBeOew,,"On the beach in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic." 1528,8XB_SUJibJs,,Shaped By Nature 1529,Z6oB3RqaQmU,,Another Picture of the Sea 1530,kF2eqnHLXNs,, 1531,kqzae4Pzb18,,4800 M 1532,aCP5yVUpe1k,, 1533,-y-v-wi0kHU,,Classic views through the windscreen when driving in the Westfjords of Iceland. 1534,oPUHHgy2BYU,,Smokey desire 1535,b_SCBsGGpJU,,Sitting on a wrech. We had just come out of a wreck and spotting this lovely creature 1536,xljtGZ2-P3Y,,coming alive 1537,4Lh-4xE5_Js,, 1538,YQeTXGRpao4,,"We spent the whole day walking around this island - cliff jumping, drone flying, swimming. I went for a swim in that tiny blue pool you can see as well. Just around the point is the Blue Lagoon where I jumped off a 13m cliff - my highest jump yet. I was also able to film a pod of dolphins after snapping this photo. Bali is an incredible destination once you get out of the touristy areas." 1539,YAjsL1KrbNo,,the smoke 1540,saU6KBr3rZ8,,Only cloud 1541,LM4X_cIjjQ8,,"Laying down on the bed, doing my priorities and such around 6pm, feeling stressed out and tired from work. When suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I see a flash of lightning behind the clouds across the horizon. It has caught my attention and strayed me from my work. I’ve been held captive and mesmerized by the series of flashes of lightning giving me a sense of calmness and as if, lifting the weight off my shoulders. Then looking back to my laptop, I realize that I should take some time off so I got out with my camera because photography and lightning are the two things that calms me down." 1542,xx6p28Oz9HI,,Beach Day 1543,VJRkIxYThkc,,make sure to enjoy your stay in paradise 1544,tv-d1R3FItE,,Lilac blossom - the smell of my childhood 1545,R9BbO_4K3wY,, 1546,WwBHxAbLJgk,,"Taken at the historic Anne Spencer garden in Lynchburg, VA, USA." 1547,qsLz93Dxpzw,,This photo was taken at midnight with my family at our cabin. we hiked up to what we call “The Rock”m which overlooks the valley. From there you had a complete 360 degree view of the stars and this is one of the shots I got. 1548,5mmNz49oQ2A,, 1549,ftqmVBz3aPg,, 1550,-UsvhirEIeI,,Lightroom Presets available (link in profile). 1551,bebw3CvfOlU,, 1552,PVF5lMJ46uQ,, 1553,BUP00jCFJAs,, 1554,SdAiz5q0KV4,, 1555,EeZueZwo_kE,, 1556,RGFntcLI8Go,,Nevada sagebrush on black 1557,aFECycgqgLI,,Altered reality 1558,kepMiJ7tmGs,, 1559,C8DsWqsrEAA,, 1560,bvQxbdjyRrg,,See more stock images like this on: 1561,Y0rHRcQFhaU,, 1562,7NE9jk3EUKw,,A choice selection of rockets and other craft are grouped around the Kennedy Space Center main garden area. 1563,Uex2QEEvKhg,, 1564,VFdQVKezaec,, 1565,eL2AJgHbu-E,,"Photo tour on island, arriving at jökulsárlón the wether was miserable, rain and more rain and ....but i seldom had so much fun taking pictures, I could had spend days there but our time was limited. anyway what nature is offering here is not to be copied by man." 1566,F0VCL60pArg,, 1567,ThAsKvr9fwE,, 1568,dK1GqPUQrO8,,Pug and tongue 1569,KNaE_jn1m2E,,Diamond beach Iceland 1570,n7NxekPquAE,, 1571,W2zipE1V-iQ,,Early morning coffee and some pretty leaves 1572,UOgUmt3ODTg,,Riley is an “animal ambassador” at the Ojai Raptor Center in California 1573,MrcPaQBxCso,, 1574,VaFst6bgEVE,, 1575,QxxqESp1ll8,,Water droplets gather on a leaf in the Alaskan rainforest. 1576,X9zfEUMrrow,, 1577,__or0r9kLQw,, 1578,HWs9HTMzf6Y,, 1579,Aj1KGUh-Ajg,,Then comes the sun 1580,lO8u9nHrRj4,, 1581,bn5OJIAMse0,, 1582,69P8Y4ErG0Y,, 1583,sK1sIZH-eKw,, 1584,pfNmcyaT_es,,Blending in 1585,0RTmv1Kx9Qk,, 1586,U7gbwg2fjCs,, 1587,DCAERnaj31U,,"Bumble bee on flower, macro with lots of bokeh. Donate at" 1588,sNKW7_8eegI,,Flowers on high altitude: Spring arriving in Switzerlands mountains 1589,auK19KSCKM8,, 1590,3DDRT7Zp69E,, 1591,tgFR67JUcBs,, 1592,xQiNJqA0xp8,, 1593,osGg3imtOX4,, 1594,fQ_PZvkJnhU,, 1595,sb1nHZ63tBg,, 1596,2Ka0oKSMxVE,, 1597,2TWVY8WkzNY,, 1598,im-e2EBMMsM,, 1599,62VeuYc6otY,, 1600,-Iqiws8Fqhw,, 1601,rbrncWka9y8,,Texture photo of a sand dune about 15 minutes before sunset at the Christmas Valley Sand Dunes in the Oregon High Desert. 1602,nrfSpR3_4yE,,Coconut tree in Barcelona 1603,yCH2PXtwdwc,, 1604,D1kyroHEwBM,,Valley near Claridenhorn 1605,P2BpJVAWxko,, 1606,YUTAkQ0ufYc,, 1607,PIxRDt5Xvkw,,Lime Tree 1608,t9OGCATN-vg,,(contact me for the full resoluton image) 1609,SEMfnquta08,,Yellow blossom on branches 1610,_-FI5wgbMVI,,Wild gray beach 1611,YylrhMRSP_U,, 1612,ST1RsddQLic,,Brown moss on rocks 1613,bkquuNd2QRI,,Turquoise haze over mountains 1614,cmcmCWUq_Kg,, 1615,LN_g3qA8ohg,, 1616,Eu2cbDzied0,,Imperial Beach lifeguard stand 1617,ovm_b91yEgY,,Iguana 1618,WnKsMwZrt40,,Hiking in a San Francisco forest 1619,oGrOhXJaHME,, 1620,7g5juwG5jrQ,, 1621,x-0VcjIWxVg,, 1622,uTaV0qkhpLM,, 1623,YShS0gEZSB4,, 1624,TD83GYA8E64,,unexpected meeting 1625,FLqLRSZD2Uc,, 1626,QI76OafqTiA,,Navagio Beach 1627,GBBa67P8tyo,, 1628,I8t2fP01wgo,, 1629,upaRSS6Dxe8,, 1630,AnEX3nHbdhQ,, 1631,xC_N77AjlXI,, 1632,wfw2tMMTX9M,, 1633,LyTA5vR2rQI,, 1634,EzmsOlmxveM,, 1635,waFfUmq0tWQ,, 1636,r_Mbv9Ko448,, 1637,dua2Zf0UKZo,,vietnamese man on longtail boat in front of a rainforest in vietnam trang an in ninh binh 1638,6_tSiHVv_y4,,Baton Sparks 1639,ivxGpfVnzcc,, 1640,Opl9RY833kQ,, 1641,M0_yupMxTzg,, 1642,XCu0zx3Ok7M,, 1643,o0UpbSgvr9A,, 1644,bSHEEO3che4,, 1645,eA1kezBkJw0,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica Summilux-R 1.4 / 50mm (Year: 1983)" 1646,_uEk28YLePY,, 1647,2DADsNcfqqs,, 1648,_oQdOTHPrsM,, 1649,l19Z6vtbr2w,, 1650,Ss6456d4St8,,"It has always been a dream to travel to Micronesia, but it’s a whole other story to get the opportunity to go, and dive the biggest graveyard of WWII ships in the world. The place I am speaking of is Chuck Lagoon of the Federated States of Micronesia, located about 1,000km south east from Guam on the Pacific Ocean. This is the remains of one of the merchant ships that sunk during Operation Hailstorm that took place in 1944." 1651,qk_CNOZsu5k,, 1652,iiQL6Y7wrlk,, 1653,Sg3XwuEpybU,,Happy Women’s Day! 1654,4VeSnxkrNAM,, 1655,zv7OJh94sbA,,Thanksgiving in Oregon 2016 1656,F7Sive0fwIg,,"Water, Light and long shutter speeds" 1657,9erhhb8WwqI,,Snow covered tree branches 1658,02vspxvuZLo,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 1659,zi2zXhEFbiA,, 1660,afSHvEbvrTA,,Spring Blossom 1661,G2a16WQx_Bg,,Pine trees sunset. 1662,MswdfT5x9FQ,, 1663,rZSTfP6fDJY,, 1664,uyhrApbajKQ,,The Milky Way over half dome 1665,aLs3W7QZZ5o,,Mysterious forest 1666,2YZsQYtxKJQ,, 1667,O6DUoIl6NWA,, 1668,FhX3lRABuFM,, 1669,5LG1MbyTJCo,,Under the Milky Way 1670,SidputyP-eE,, 1671,alU8WTW87mQ,,Kingfisher waiting for the New Year 1672,brayuV-bLVM,, 1673,xk1Vf9vPT3E,, 1674,ikLKcHGtBUs,,Forest path 1675,sAq_1U3-VuM,, 1676,PeRzeg-g-Ic,,Car driving on a mountain road between snowy trees 1677,QCS6DBntu2c,, 1678,t1ZVUx3M9xo,, 1679,vk5ucXTlhTg,, 1680,JQqcFma8X3o,,bokeh wave 1681,5u1SYBqzKHw,, 1682,Jkn8QAdbSPA,, 1683,gGOGPfE5WLk,,Fall trees with white sky 1684,Si-5X2X0ERg,, 1685,dBgbciMfzrE,,Fly fishing in the snow 1686,nNnUD1aXyzk,, 1687,uEjIOR0YFpA,, 1688,rSCot46l9Go,,Sunset at Tea Tree Bay Beach 1689,aqOZ_u2BhHo,, 1690,Xh_yj0ZYKyA,, 1691,lCPfh95L0nc,, 1692,geD_F8tnL94,, 1693,4rgJYUbFYwk,, 1694,xUV0gtgUi-g,, 1695,dUqaAYx7RaA,, 1696,55v5LszEpGI,, 1697,ON9lRyjBBp4,, 1698,8LNvEQ00pT0,, 1699,a7nzCe8FlT4,, 1700,Rq9X_ZYvBkM,, 1701,hQZNGAUEphs,, 1702,g1jeM28bCWs,, 1703,NprSHWuapPY,,Tall Trees. 1704,5UjzX51OdF4,,fly away / Day 25 🏁/ 365 Photo Challenge Instagram @weiding22 1705,TRVkQRdT820,, 1706,ee67VZ9Jijk,, 1707,apYiDRNa-pY,, 1708,dB0NXVpvgTo,,"Era un día frio en Viña del Mar, pero el estrés fue demaciado asi que decidi bajar a la playa. La mejor decisión." 1709,sZlQ7qqGJwg,, 1710,Qrg3PKWK5nY,, 1711,GW6_l_nC7tc,, 1712,mXNPlmi0qks,, 1713,GER4paOumxg,, 1714,lQPEChtLjUo,, 1715,nVHIrkG0rPc,, 1716,NyfXy0Is4YA,, 1717,xs9kOCAjOFw,, 1718,ziIJiGSkfR4,,Green leaves pressed up against glasshouse 1719,nKV2acRrR9U,, 1720,W37YpPM_FWs,, 1721,gQyizzpkkus,, 1722,tFBjYVy9CwQ,,"Blue-Ringed Octopus (Hapalochlaena sp.) The blue-ringed octopus flashes its 50-60 rings within a third of a second as a warning display to predators. Being one of the world's most venomous marine animals, its poison causes total body paralysis - also to humans." 1723,kwJfZxunoHc,, 1724,ZWe3IW9vYVA,,Man at Diamond Beach in Iceland 1725,OxOmKMwJfBo,, 1726,9KwHvjpA4oU,, 1727,KnVC6DeamxE,,visit @gingermias_ph in instagram for more 1728,IF9x9SGOh1w,,Until Tomorrow... 1729,dXqmB1GUq4c,,Feel free to use the photo for non-commercial use if you credit my IG account (@with.mountain) on social media. Contact: 1730,aDvDvH428RQ,, 1731,aPtPQFyLxMM,, 1732,BZzHWmQUszE,,Yeezy 1733,qCnjiI3pW3Y,,Bright Sky. Sony A7 + Sonnar 35mm 1734,FIOMaW2TaP8,,Camels in Wadi Rum 1735,7tHjDK0lPvU,, 1736,DNNQU7Igfwk,,California Sand Dunes 1737,ava0qkuTJ1g,,Rainy Details 1738,vK3aMRPRlek,,"The gold dust day gecko is a diurnal species of gecko. It lives in northern Madagascar, and on the island of Comoros; it has also been introduced to Hawaii and other Pacific islands. It typically inhabits various kinds of trees and houses. The gold dust day gecko feeds on insects and nectar. - Patrick Hendry" 1739,HFtz1LKWvxU,, 1740,9NK-gKbHd1Q,, 1741,pE8gkmuUHMU,, 1742,_QG2C0q6J-s,, 1743,UbMx420GRzI,, 1744,eWuc6TXc8Ok,,"Fansipan altitude : 3 143 m , Vietnam" 1745,LGhpQnV1jxs,, 1746,BvAoCypqRXU,, 1747,0Z0eOvTRb3M,, 1748,CHjbH30Lm8E,,"The most beautiful ""floor"" that one can walk on - Baikal Ice. And I had the privilege to walk 700km on it." 1749,EsrFC7v7vv8,, 1750,bAk-M7lOE3s,, 1751,KpDmXcJQj8E,, 1752,Iu9ftTz6jTc,, 1753,sHVKaNXqYHQ,, 1754,27FN002FU-4,, 1755,_9KLhQGQxcI,,Moody city 1756,sruwnRWm9OY,,warriors / Day 50 🏁/ 365 Photo Challenge Instagram @weiding22 1757,JHypHcOObf4,, 1758,kY0DXhSH4EE,, 1759,xHmmOYjB4Ws,,Fish in Jardins et Serres d’Auteuil Greenhouse in Paris 1760,-J2-WbOTpGU,,"niagara falls, detail" 1761,UQ1-aGTkCpk,, 1762,z5NnleM0pz8,, 1763,TcDINyfnq4Y,, 1764,YFlx4T220fg,,The Big Trip | Zebra Slot Canyon - Explore more at 1765,DYLqbcSqh8k,, 1766,I6OcpN0cJwQ,, 1767,nX6QkJ5Gf9M,,Sunflowers. 1768,teIn_B5FSMQ,, 1769,H3z8BDFIByU,,"A Grey Fantail, a very elusive bird to capture in flight with an erratic and aerobatic flight, sits very briefly to rest." 1770,FEQXTTmuwLQ,, 1771,K88BVN6yMrU,,star 1772,jO2RtqWabSg,, 1773,-_0lTCpTMsI,, 1774,KMPMW9MeLD4,, 1775,Vk7asANRhJI,, 1776,u9RqbVDWtbQ,,"Water, Spain" 1777,30OJcCJGnyw,, 1778,-k_Vg2y2vpI,, 1779,-MvFtQqmBJw,,Fog Mountains 1780,JqpsJelnXb8,, 1781,po8i9kSQg5E,,Taken at sunset at the San Clemente pier. 1782,fj2q9RMnoRU,, 1783,W7E7u_VkYJE,, 1784,3jlUF7-3-4E,,A look from a terrace towards a view of a rock formation with trees and a village around 1785,YjRmPekRehk,,"Dead trees, years after a forest fire, surrounded by fog." 1786,MlQVGO1h5Tc,,Spring flowers in bloom 1787,Y1E1ZtVkyxA,,Puppy-sitting Feira 1788,qO5gg1y8LlU,,It was sloth at first sight. 1789,YzfL90hZZdM,, 1790,TbVhtM_xCjM,,morning moments. 1791,AAjtt5UwlTs,, 1792,UOhPfuFaK0c,, 1793,C8kBG467Adg,,Spring Lilacs by the lake 1794,JZ5WREw9664,,Picnic and Proposal 1795,K10VEcbUuU8,, 1796,Sp70YIWtuM8,, 1797,40bmbO-8WZQ,, 1798,JHO-ATdNc1Q,, 1799,2WzMZHI8W70,,Small Things 1800,b_ZeDZJ6R2I,,storm clouds 1801,GThGehGopeI,,“You want me to stand in those plants?” 1802,vFfPXTRhpKI,,cherry 1803,w0XQM9X6uQc,,Green leaves 1804,N3_3laFj5Ts,, 1805,ApgwT6bsZk8,, 1806,KQBsTXCvGwM,, 1807,Q8Jx6lFPkt8,,The “dead fish” jump off a cliff next to a waterfall in Hawaii 1808,IOw7DMY5cGc,, 1809,Epvjdf92eVU,,Stormy 1810,gXriuz3PG5I,,Color Changing 1811,-mESfCrs84c,, 1812,P_pjzMeIbj8,, 1813,r5j9qCDYI0Y,, 1814,jcrt3m1TJig,, 1815,AblYIRrGcgI,, 1816,26dojsLMkUk,,"A beautiful dry flowers arrangement at Folles Avoines, a florist in Bordeaux, France." 1817,tA1PNCDcAzI,, 1818,Jrxf3c9JfUo,, 1819,CfbateTmxGk,, 1820,UT5DdZ1xuBE,, 1821,v070ZnVSaXM,, 1822,000KeyrTVg8,, 1823,Qo5iubm1_pI,, 1824,4T52lDRDqfw,,"Mist on the cliffs at Beer Head, Dorset, England" 1825,zE9JFijyPec,, 1826,dNyPi0PKWo0,, 1827,ioGCJTh-U_E,,Laya the poodle as a puppy. 1828,A1T8pAfwBrs,,Baby jellyfish 1829,xSP0q4TPvK0,, 1830,6ET9eBWVeCw,, 1831,iEtjBY4WQig,, 1832,4SX_tb0GPQU,, 1833,BAq-adH7Q3g,,Squirrel in autumn leaves 1834,q4g5quLfNkI,, 1835,u-s2k6UgFDA,, 1836,noqpAinc6FE,, 1837,m23zFF_8qp4,, 1838,XmJC_eXIseY,,"Near Dobbiaco lake. 👋 Small donation, huge appreciation 🙏🙏🙏" 1839,b0SCinliUJA,,Gas station in the sunset 1840,nwVHmuVpFTs,,"Medical illustration of drug-resistant, Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria. Medical Illustrator: Alissa Eckert" 1841,IthP0lCR2aI,, 1842,OCOvlHu_AvU,,Fall Sunset Closes the Busy Day 1843,y6-2kLUXzNY,,Wood 1844,gssTVzEia0c,, 1845,N8GhBFFJ2lc,, 1846,yDv44ZYUys4,,Roman Vibes 1847,35Xj_luATCM,,Deer in Nara cooling off 1848,kHxFj8DN0go,,"Every year, tens of thousands of people descend upon an unforgiving windswept playa in northwestern Nevada to build a city. Within months, the city is gone. Burning Man is named for the wooden effigy set ablaze at the end of the weeklong celebration in the temporary metropolis of Black Rock City. It all happens on an ancient alkali flat nestled between mountain ranges that fills with runoff after snowy winters. Band 7 of Landsat 8’s Operational Land Imager is sensitive to moisture in and above the soil." 1849,vWBKt9Dto1g,,The moon at night 1850,K-zFlq3gMBU,, 1851,pEKNT5zOM88,, 1852,Ehpdiarw9pI,,Elephant 1853,q2QD0gSlDlU,,Opening in the trees on a frozen lake 1854,tIlD5UUudMY,, 1855,2o-aXs-aloY,,"On the parking lot, there's a statue of a gorilla named Elmo holding an entrance sign pointing to the theater. It's so random." 1856,hc9jegP90wM,,#photography #photooftheday #photo #photographer #nature #unsplash #wildlife #animal #bird #water #eating #focus #detail 1857,_b-BtbTp5L0,, 1858,-oBq1dy8Nt4,, 1859,7COocBblpyE,,elephants are most impressive but endangered by human stupidity 1860,mJNRvieizfM,, 1861,Q4BFgLwOyYA,,The City of Penticton 1862,nxu2D27wESg,,Husky 1863,iUmoREuqGbo,, 1864,7lztKFod4G8,,Encounter with Arums 1865,cVBz9q1T_9M,,"The northern lights in a freezing March night in Ylläsjarvi, a small village in the Finnish Lapland. The northern lights are the most beautiful, awe inspiring and amazing thing in nature. Portfolio and Prints: Society6: Instagram:" 1866,uOnxXwB3KNE,, 1867,GXqvtQh1N9A,,Last light 1868,VKu-KPjZQJA,,Storm Clouds on Istanbul Skies 1869,znL3MUoOOtg,,The Reds 1870,yAsJE9nFiFw,, 1871,lXFAF-8wnNs,,"Chameleons can move their eyes in any direction they like, and are often looking in two different directions at the same time. This helps them to spot insects to eat, and to avoid danger." 1872,et4q6N3JAm8,, 1873,bboaGO5h5jI,,City Outskirts 1874,pkWkofT3rdI,, 1875,iTP99MVC9h8,, 1876,6BQZqghrSbk,, 1877,PYqc6SzRI2w,, 1878,8CZHJL4GWbw,, 1879,dTk4P3F3o_M,, 1880,AbcqHhW5hpk,,coffee 1881,UKx93uQ4boY,,The Duo. A Whippet and a Silken Windhound. 1882,cNuCegOYvOA,,Inverted metal nest 1883,C5Oj0jCdoBo,,sunset in the hills 1884,jfL-Dt3ITjA,, 1885,0sCeeplP7kA,,Ice on the beach with black sand in Iceland There is a lot of ice on that beach and any piece of art a sculpture made by nature 1886,dCmLLn_020E,,Nature. 1887,fnoCqGw7AMg,,Star sculpture in Bombay Beach 1888,NF7s8UiUtkE,, 1889,1SU-B1-Tt-0,,One of those shots that lowers your blood pressure the longer you look at it. So peaceful. 1890,v8PeqpzaCcQ,, 1891,XAlO0FaRuzQ,, 1892,xGcMaqnuf5s,, 1893,uV_qxY6HSeo,, 1894,gbmTyllsw-s,, 1895,06t6W1ZEF-w,, 1896,Wos1F9pYVBk,, 1897,LfJnyVrKFhM,, 1898,ypYQUYSnm50,,Peruvian desert 1899,bp7x6Y9ywxo,, 1900,VFTxZaIsDAs,,"Ariake. Watercolor by Kōkichi Tsunoi, 1921. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division. Summary: watercolor of ariaki (daybreak) cherry blossoms." 1901,ZDXkfEuu1kY,,Exploring the sandstone (IG: @clay.banks) 1902,tdUyC8pgjqo,,Karpatos Khrome-4 1903,ZMIMjpTktPI,, 1904,WUhpW32kBek,, 1905,o--JRwA52rM,, 1906,eCfCIwtKdsg,, 1907,s6S8IgEN6-4,,"an orange *Keep track of my latest project, all things about food & product photography here: - Instagram: or - Website: - Email:" 1908,A_HTot3y5XA,,Pink and Spring vibes. Please credit @msbirgith or visit for more lifestyle photos 1909,tt71yT06U4Q,, 1910,C2yqyXU9r3k,, 1911,vfn8UUtopgw,, 1912,koxORfb73pg,, 1913,Ncof1bHoJUI,,Stokksnes 1914,fgSs7E7zoFo,,"Laguna Beach, CA" 1915,emlAaP0imRM,,"Mountain Rainier National Park, WA" 1916,Juca_ztFD1g,, 1917,jynDaAkI0H8,, 1918,LtQMnwwN1SY,,Eventual Possibilities 1919,YR4svAcuKTc,, 1920,ejk_eyDs0iI,, 1921,ShVIk62U_ac,, 1922,6xAwNXqcxcI,,Beautiful and dangerous captured on a diving safari with 1923,TyjzZGCf6kY,, 1924,l2CWicvT03s,,"""Outback Opal 2"". I modified one of my sister Laya Clode's acrylic pour paintings in Photoshop to produce a crystalline effect, which then resulted in what looks like floating opal cabochons. Please see the tutorial on the page ""Oil and water photography"" on my site" 1925,L4CAMVlnRlg,,Story of Alps 1926,VES8WpHdP7A,, 1927,GQMKRGKiH6k,, 1928,1k5Sfs71fxQ,, 1929,yqymOwXGZ1Y,, 1930,dsa5FDWdDu8,, 1931,1n--m74tt74,, 1932,shRsxL3q8P4,, 1933,mIlZYhjUniU,,Forest 1934,o9f20Mi7nSY,, 1935,UuVkBMbNSlM,, 1936,StnT3S1ZMxI,, 1937,b50h2dmA69Q,, 1938,V4Pn7QeYdPQ,,sweet #blossom #blue #violet #pink #flower #sweet 1939,7wQsXq_HKJo,,Snowy rocks in the evening 1940,A6S-q3D67Ss,, 1941,DlCr9IujpJI,, 1942,22hRe9Vf77U,,Solo Traveler 1943,9vu8sY8fpnc,,Empty road by a forest 1944,Yd7ewgFs6Dg,,Relaxing at the beach 1945,jWklQXHhJuo,, 1946,Hzk8y6hFJRk,,Red cabin on the fjords 1947,YQ3FpeQkNhA,,Majestic hawk 1948,HbyWlOIbG0M,,Sea Rocks at Ballintoy on an overcast afternoon. 1949,WGrPJCUPVdk,,Sunrise over ocean and mountain range 1950,zb1-NiiWs5Q,,Blue ambiance in the forest 1951,diw-hjHiYxw,, 1952,coKTBYga3Js,, 1953,sSF3SfsJzwg,,"communion cup, purple background." 1954,Fbdr6gXJBVY,,"tiger on the road, Kanha nat. park, India" 1955,5n4xYIZvesQ,,a cute pug in a dog carrier bag car seat 1956,c54ZhWDLEDo,, 1957,pYxh7-ITaq8,,Woodland path 1958,GdC7MUTHekI,,Sweet-scented lavender 1959,QVWvweKGUrw,, 1960,HYydGAwvnrk,,Snow covered hillside next to lake 1961,M55GuYqk3Ug,,Fog In Desolate Fields 1962,7S39N5QDc6k,, 1963,HH3-wz4D2Ic,,Tandem Paragliding 1964,V254cfGimZs,, 1965,y7hS4CaACKI,, 1966,XA-Qaz7Ds10,, 1967,y_N4OVSUNFQ,,Spider 1968,nxZZijfqUz4,,Cat III 1969,sbovFdDUk3s,, 1970,hM8onRQkkpo,,Frozen lake 1971,k2kXzsZp7rY,, 1972,7A4Xs8n4cAM,,"I took this while flying back from a trip to Texas. Seeing a city from above never gets old, and I was fortunate to get such a clear and wonderous view of Chicago" 1973,_irVG9vKEss,, 1974,AVUX8QXnj4Y,, 1975,CjxbUA36nXA,, 1976,lJQ53PlqUeA,, 1977,e09sDeV8Azs,, 1978,9ESM9GC9fUM,,Rock Net 1979,VyWC9yj_1Is,,Green forest at sunset 1980,s2Zyn_8ich8,,cherry blossoms 1981,DQ-abXWQPnU,,Seljalandsfoss waterfall. 1982,cJoCRBZDYCc,, 1983,3tHeNvZkdco,,Aurora australis 1984,5KG21U99_lU,, 1985,AVNYMxgz5tw,,Plus size couple at pool party 1986,3T1nNcXRfC4,, 1987,K4gdrP7XP2w,, 1988,a8JQvaIEGQ4,, 1989,5IVa9hrd9x4,, 1990,zIpuI-EHSug,, 1991,ty5suMt_OGU,,September 2018. Bonfire at my friend's backyard. 1992,Q4hP7OjJHdA,, 1993,3XkGV8VrBY8,,the lone ranger 1994,oVqhIo51qKg,, 1995,yv6aahO780U,,Lilac 1996,QTWm4dJ_Z2E,, 1997,20gb55zYkGE,, 1998,pjjOpkk5i1k,, 1999,eVAXpfCJXN8,, 2000,dkP6NqLwQW4,,Mossy shore 2001,pcoKkN3NsX0,, 2002,420ha-HjGJY,,Red poppy field 2003,9jFECJnjLT8,,Plane against thick clouds 2004,ZloDJXzcMGA,,Blooming saffrons in the mountains 2005,mpQj-_zg0Gk,, 2006,2Pw2oFsSzsM,, 2007,sEpBadE9zb8,, 2008,3-1cgxIqQe8,,Green Cliff Calm Sea 2009,L-2p8fapOA8,, 2010,kluhXsuW7Is,, 2011,4pxfaTdfDXQ,,Red flowers on rust 2012,jNR_iCjgRLU,, 2013,HDq5MRNp2Rk,, 2014,qhiEjX0UvJM,, 2015,y_3-VTdpBYY,,Blood red maple leaves 2016,glvAFxm3vJQ,, 2017,taTNegisc4E,,Cactus and shadows 2018,tqe-NKrSXTw,, 2019,0B3wG1Q45zY,, 2020,LSMlc4Q1LV8,,"Female, subadult regal jumping spider (Phidippus regius). These are some of the largest jumping spiders and they are very cute and curious." 2021,tCX_vAa7Um8,, 2022,eMdHivuHFoA,, 2023,d2T2IFaWUzY,,Milky way. 2024,5obWxVCnE1Q,,Frozen Chesapeake Bay 2025,Tt6cKTH0uRw,,Pink roses on white wooden background 2026,X_o892Wx-OY,,Elephant 2027,WNz3W8jTHN4,,man standing on a snowy trail in the woods 2028,qXMpNtNp1uE,, 2029,kswmO8BRzQQ,, 2030,XuQqKs_XUTE,, 2031,ldqfGdZXzEo,, 2032,iIYoeZKNQtU,, 2033,HfBZFnHgVKo,,Female in Provo 2034,XPt6YCosdWE,,diver-hand-maldives 2035,Ylw9kor5NVk,,Sun over a forest road 2036,K7ngmPmTmvA,,Golden grass on blue 2037,6wGLeVPJLMw,,Shot with an iPhone 5s 2038,dXbteDwOUG8,, 2039,qijiWlQqjJM,,Sparks Fly 2040,A1wnyOs-Fg4,, 2041,1tDn0aP1UJc,,Two trees during storm 2042,AnhRz61WuRw,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 2043,g30P1zcOzXo,,Taken from the top of Poon Hill before sun rise 2044,seuLC5UMSFk,,On the Tongariro road 2045,DICEPtYOr1M,,Assassin’s creed 2046,yxFbkyNhF-c,,two free divers mid-hunt 2047,c_d3jgvwonk,,Young Surfer 2048,dRbtGYcRaao,,The reflection of the trees on the lake and soft white tones reminds me of a romantic winter wonderland. 2049,IuVCERDQy5w,,Shot on top of a mountain in Austria. 2050,0hDR599-5I0,,"Chunmei in Wuxi Meiyuan, a sunny weekend of 19 years in the rainy season" 2051,zSHkU6yz7Fo,,"This photo was taken while sitting in the sand on the western shore of Barbados. After a day exploring the island, my friends and I sat down to watch the sunset and reflect." 2052,0aUxXCbg-c0,,A top down aerial perspective of the icy path leading to the base of the Sólheimajökull glacier. 2053,qk09Nzr1tVE,, 2054,Tz3A1ByTkq0,, 2055,SVpo81IiCkY,, 2056,EcJjhnfKZBA,, 2057,kZvBwNc43Mc,, 2058,ygWPqVrGsNE,, 2059,bZlV3QZ6zoU,, 2060,eQRywYTBZOQ,,"Sunset inside the Nymuragira crater, with hot vent in front of a hot plume from a lava lake (hidden by the hornito)." 2061,je41C2yJQxU,, 2062,yxlLJh35N0c,, 2063,Jaq_YZsxzCc,, 2064,DXLwxY37ckw,,Young elephant in South Africa. 2065,6s38oNTMh64,,Made with Leica R7 (Year: 1994) and Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 / 100mm (Year: 1993). Analog scan via Fuji Frontier SP-3000. Film reel: Kodak Portra 800 2066,auwz3zxqDwc,,Pine trees by the mountain lake 2067,K7bDea4O630,, 2068,KcbZcHmwCMg,, 2069,drke6MEs8Gg,,Textured Rugs 2070,NaIh6MZq4hs,, 2071,hdxQF6yltWI,,Autumn leaves in close-up 2072,p_HYA_T-1WU,, 2073,n6WON5FWXfc,,Purple Dragonfly 2074,XcgRVnPlGAQ,,Streams in a field meet the forest and mountains 2075,ky9aMsPaxkA,, 2076,-2ii0_ctxpQ,,Narrow tree-lined road 2077,HZAcR-tDSCI,, 2078,7p_qy_CmczI,, 2079,wIKxP0Tn7lY,,Foggy day at Finkenberg 2080,3YiZ0B2W8c0,,Pastel yellow rose 2081,mQlSLxYeHj0,,A cabin among the snowy forest 2082,IpIenETtzXM,,Sunlit tulips 2083,yJN-LV7xpTI,,Weed in the Grass 2084,WYD0Gzym3Y0,, 2085,lDsDjiiiZ-k,, 2086,BtoUjLUtPnQ,,Butterfly on yellow flowers 2087,Z2URntRDnA0,,Surfer at sundown 2088,fvNaioUp-7c,,Onto the beach 2089,QELYdk58wOo,,Sunset through the long grass 2090,9YQGFzg0RiM,,"The downtown Los Angeles skyline is one in transition at the moment. I think that makes us more attuned to it, as photographers in L.A. This view from the east side of downtown is especially nice as it’s a bit more rare of a sighting, as most of LA sprawls west, south and north. But from this vantage point, the city pans out very nicely and, of course, is a great way to take in a sunset." 2091,f4N7UPRS3Lk,,"When I saw this photo for the first time, I thought of adventuring through the woods and ending the day with a refreshing dip. I’m not sure how or where this photo was taken, unfortunately. I like to imagine it was a pretty nice day though." 2092,RTngDNv-X-I,,"The lighting coming in through the window at my boyfriend’s house was gorgeous, so I got out my favorite model for a quick portrait session." 2093,M7EnqaUt6Yg,,"This coastline is part of a small island off the coast of Antarctica, seen from above on a special commercial flight operated by Antarctica Flights and Qantas." 2094,sDpmnfv-KRk,,Sunday Kitty 2095,LjOqMg5ciHw,,Full Rainbow 2096,NuX67NMvbus,,"It’s freaking cold! 5:50 in the morning here in San Giovanni - Bellagio, Italy. I woke up, especially for this moment. The water is calm, the birds are singing and the mountains are leaving a trail of light from the sun. This photograph is the story I fail to put in words. This is the moment. Shoot it." 2097,6b5pVRlo2os,,Laying Down Alone 2098,cS-xlbMTMHw,, 2099,uxC4Lqa1MSo,,Smokey Mountain Winter 2100,TTrP0PSOwyA,, 2101,myCFpqm6Jlw,,heart shaped yellow wildflowers 2102,Nk5QC2BRFAs,, 2103,FmnCWqRFUFU,,Sky through the roof 2104,Knh_5u-ZhJw,,"Eastern Asia is dominated geographically by China, which stretches from the Tian Shan Mountains in the west to the sheltered bays of the Yellow Sea in the east." 2105,l_6eIXkIY8k,,Some of my favorite photos I've ever taken. Somewhere between California and Phoenix I ran into this magical place. 2106,8I8G_Rw9lRw,,hand in a bunch of yellow wildflowers 2107,FMmL0O0vyMg,, 2108,YsPt8Zpr5-U,, 2109,bj7ALDr6E-o,, 2110,fZmUZ-5Bof4,, 2111,ZK88uSZlRlY,, 2112,7WvTMHlxiM8,, 2113,GxYYBY_9Ggk,,"Flamingos walking in the water in Kenya, Africa." 2114,tu9w8vPmu4s,, 2115,fhCD0DXhOUA,, 2116,sYtbXL9U7Vs,,Somewhere in California 2117,krGaYuaJBdA,,Lily Pads in a Pond 2118,3BL9hQzRk68,, 2119,oUPywYZT88Y,,Lonely Desert Hike 2120,Z6wqHOQwg-4,,Geneva botanical garden 2121,iu_b3R4YWB8,, 2122,Bu2-LpaD0kU,,"First shot I took with a wide angel lens, and I couldn’t be more happy with the result. This shot was a 50 second exposure with a focal length of 10mm. The moon was rising near the horizon hence the bright glowing toward the bottom of the image." 2123,z0f4PPGvKdA,,life off screen 2124,C0zDWAPFT9A,,Petting a cat 2125,WZ25RUfXa00,,Iceland is one of the places I’d always dreamed of visiting and so i’d researched and researched the best places to go. Nothing though can prepare you for it’s epic beauty… 2126,n9AA8bbKCYA,,Flew the drone out after a nice sunrise hike and unexpectedly ended up with this great photo. 2127,PNITl9KJ7sQ,, 2128,wUFU09WYaHA,,Fire & Shade in Geneva creek 2129,GY6ViMxtmDE,,M I N I M A L 2130,vvQtQE-0iqk,, 2131,legqE_QBFmI,, 2132,fAd4u_HTGGY,,Hello Earth 2133,zdj3p00Rep0,,Summer thunderstorm somewhere in Arizona. 2134,ST-Ts25_TpE,, 2135,1VgfQdCuX-4,, 2136,nRzvUFZn9L8,, 2137,YbsC9uruhJI,, 2138,GvSLkDH7XdI,, 2139,mINfOPaFpzQ,,"Tropical leaves - Shot on 35mm, Leica MDa with Dubblefilm Jelly film" 2140,rleYWWVY4Pc,,Ocean textures 2141,wOnNwh57DGA,,The Search Ends Here 2142,9b4WStMHwbw,, 2143,7euLKyfZfEU,, 2144,WvGGtnC1NPs,, 2145,s7qZayMy6Go,, 2146,g72LHa67Z9Y,, 2147,esFsRIt14NU,,"Torres del Paine National Park, Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas, Chile" 2148,9oc6uQmji40,, 2149,bBOr3l74rgw,,Sunset warm light girl and sunflowers 2150,YOqmDzDOXaQ,,Man on the rock looking down 2151,hQiCB5ZqaGc,, 2152,peF_cwPVing,,Sakura 2153,KNV9W0_kRVo,,road through a forest 2154,7ALrGfHusf4,,Cat sitting on couch in the sunlight 2155,os5aDCMhuWE,,Jaws - Turtle version. 2156,Mr65Zr7DoZM,,chapel under the night sky 2157,MmOKrNkiggQ,, 2158,yG9vP1Ntn_w,,Sunsets light 2159,8evlwXdRwkM,, 2160,FyDHcvRi3QI,, 2161,mxx-lVuVdFM,, 2162,Cm3UNAv5Yd0,, 2163,8V560oJ7MCc,, 2164,Ereoqdv5s48,,monochrome business district 2165,5W7mJVDoM1k,,"On our “rest day” during our ski trip, we decided it would be fun to try out snowshoeing. None in our group had been, and so after picking up some equipment we got to the trailhead and began our slow hike through the wintery wilderness. As tough as it was, I don’t think I’ve ever been surrounded by such snowy beauty // follow me on Instagram @jknepp" 2166,hS6hv49wyqM,, 2167,bNWXW7ZvYGo,,Wish you could see this 2168,UkiFIZQk-7Q,,Whooooosh 2169,VRLLIlgAypQ,, 2170,pfsoBr7m6W4,,"As we waited for the sunset on Patara Beach Dunes in Turkey, we witnessed a crowd of onlookers silhouetted against the evening sky." 2171,6U3CTja6LZE,, 2172,cOQP9StWSUA,, 2173,Gs1mJmK2ixc,,"We go to this beach with are kids, great for body boarding for them, and that’s about it. The sand is amazing though and the colors sublime." 2174,ozVQrfENFOs,, 2175,G17VfBFgV5k,, 2176,WiH_Xfn4fqI,,flower 2177,QcLA1fwH6yY,,Taken from the balcony of my hotel in Hamilton Island 2178,nAIoYp2_ldA,,"This was on South Georgia, with about 500,000 penguins on show, these four obviously had important business to discuss." 2179,-uAz9C0SZGQ,, 2180,qsYM_gFgliw,,Operating magnetic instruments. The Coast and Geodetic Survey was the Nation's primary geophysical agency until the early 1970's when its geomagnetic duties were transferred to the USGS. 2181,23jwDtTQgRQ,, 2182,xdFaanjRmTY,,It's always mesmerizing to see the trees blossom each year. Cherry blossom in the spring as a wallpaper. 2183,b8AiheHsMXw,,Glasshouse and leaves 2184,w9hXuaV6gvs,, 2185,imdoBgq1JTg,,@chowcalledbao Bao Chow Chow blue tongued dog 2186,UQE4SPKfxUY,,"Monte Bianco, Glacier" 2187,zmf5DxWIX0U,,sand dunes and sand waves with plants 2188,QV3PzSw9i8I,, 2189,HNI6doq6cTM,,"Mt. Hood, Oregon" 2190,CG1WELHqPrY,, 2191,NztlXwOQ4xk,, 2192,xrQjp_tHWjQ,, 2193,QIJvMvO3KFU,,Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) 2194,2h8LxlRo5ow,,Waiting for northern lights. Activity was not strong so i played with lights. A red and a blue beam to is from aurora. Lens is laowa 15mm on F2. First night shot with this one since i got it...does not look too sharp when zoomed in but i guess needs still some adjustment :) 2195,cLRvJPVw69U,, 2196,uwI8R_FyLrI,, 2197,SpRN0qZPLr8,, 2198,Du30R57aCyM,,Majestic Alpine mountain ridge 2199,NHoD8zj2bDk,, 2200,jeZXVb3JHgc,,Sea 2201,gxuJV1SMk_s,,Green hills along the coast 2202,ivieBAESVWM,, 2203,QSOITSYgM5E,,Night falls on the lake 2204,gsh-RsCnLKQ,,Sunrise over Yosemite 2205,FIKD9t5_5zQ,, 2206,-bAy8jTPWVo,, 2207,VbFjg0EhuFg,, 2208,trELt4tpj7w,, 2209,4pELNN9OpzQ,, 2210,JSwRr9BPIjA,,Misty Atlantic Beach 2211,2FCVdvwqmGg,, 2212,QdSYuTtcGZE,, 2213,yyilgcRTlNw,, 2214,O76IJx0xPb0,,Cloud Seven | Instagram: @timmossholder 2215,tnLiQK-KrZs,,"We had heard that Cedar Breaks National Monument was like a “mini Bryce Canyon”, and as soon as we hit Chessemen Ridge Overlook, the resemblance was obvious." 2216,Ac2sTreqGi4,,Broken Water v1.0 2217,K5TxOEJ0GOw,,Avatar is real 2218,cFR5mYxMP68,,"I was skeptical of going out on the frozen reservoir. I’d never done anything like it before and on top of that, there was no one really around. Out of nowhere a man came and showed me the ropes of ice fishing even though I was just there for photos. This was a view from about 200-300 feet on the ice." 2219,stAeL0d4vPU,,Mountain huts 2220,yQSxltQwPUE,,This bee visiting a sunflower can’t wait to get at the sweet nectar. I was lucky to get this photo where you can clearly see the bee’s tongue. 2221,_UdxLI5rPPo,, 2222,W-I60vzKKUE,,Sand and water 2223,Ptd-iTdrCJM,,SpaceX Falcon Heavy Demo Mission 2224,u_-mhj4Zu_Y,,Burrowing owl 2225,4e6jry350n4,, 2226,F9RH7-LcMWI,,Pine 2227,QTIugFX1Gug,,Surfers 2228,eCsCuWwcqpI,,This shot was taken on an exploratory visit to a lost place just outside Leipzig. It was perfect timing since the sun rays and the dust created this awesome effect. 2229,PHLTuYtgz60,,People on a white bridge over a waterfall 2230,z_dgFPmIUko,, 2231,zZzKLzKP24o,,Creek in the dark forest 2232,TIr6EwYMRUM,,desolate mountain trail walk 2233,uGSpk_ruIV4,,beach around the coastline 2234,cssvEZacHvQ,,Bridge over a green waterfall 2235,BiyVuXGiF7s,,Green peninsula 2236,aob1glDYLKw,,Thistle in close-up 2237,nGLcH_pMAzo,, 2238,ewUAtdqQ4wA,,Orangutan head 2239,gwr1-DB60xI,, 2240,Ho2s540bWiI,, 2241,4qn9F04AReM,,Haze on a snowy peak 2242,K9jj4BPCyMM,,Countryside road 2243,rfipIDrHGAc,,Melrose orange sunset. 2244,IVluebZ-I-k,, 2245,ivVXBCK7tpM,,Cabin on the mountain side 2246,jeWWV3OqN78,,Cloud on a mountaintop 2247,V2I277IbS08,, 2248,_omuigahLco,,Orange Tree 2249,-s1w1SguZTI,, 2250,LMgynmNmSGY,,Driving past a forest 2251,DqXPh4wrA20,,Cactus 2252,KD8jKVdCFoQ,,Primate Stare 2253,ijz0gXqaNrU,,Burning incense pit 2254,FZqISnUVsL0,,Nebelhorn hiker 2255,YH4DwLLZy4I,,Wistful white flower 2256,VQqt3g0BixA,,Leaf 2257,XYgVCMAT45k,,Bridge in a silver valley 2258,n4A-qBj_e3Q,,"For me winter is how nature “resets” it’s colorful pallet. Therefore in order to mess with nature (a bit), I dropped back and waited for my girl to move in the right spot. Didn’t tell her anything just slowed down while walking behind her. 1 shot - honest to God." 2259,eotyy_IFVRk,, 2260,KMYCSLP8uiU,, 2261,f0huI7_HjWw,,Healers of the Soul 2262,T__ouoJ7ojA,, 2263,JkTGLny-mLQ,, 2264,aQno38sLdMs,,The sea 2265,BuzUYEEPl_g,, 2266,3iN8u093I_c,, 2267,uNRcfXFqOG0,, 2268,m8AE-nBE-Gg,, 2269,pMbGBhhqSj4,, 2270,Clwh1mksdAM,, 2271,MBryOdMu_UU,, 2272,bkc-m0iZ4Sk,,"This illustration provided a 3D graphic representation of a spherical-shaped, measles virus particle, that was studded with glycoprotein tubercles. Those tubercular studs colorized maroon, are known as H-proteins (hemagglutinin), while those colorized gray, represented what are referred to as F-proteins (fusion). The F-protein is responsible for fusion of the virus and host cell membranes, viral penetration, and hemolysis. The H-protein is responsible for the binding of virions to cells. Both types of proteinaceous studs are embedded in the particle envelope’s lipid bilayer." 2273,Ec_2W2va7Gs,, 2274,QAVhRKo7vi8,,Morning light filtering through the forest 2275,Qy7d_SI_79o,,Cherry Blossom 2276,gUmmjvyRswI,, 2277,yMQT4dYNq2I,, 2278,ZZhlmDHiQTQ,,attitude 2279,OzI3ociii6E,, 2280,9WoyHrJtNJY,, 2281,A10ZZ_oBBME,,White rabbit on grass 2282,qqjWNVn8CvU,, 2283,lhZGjxOj9uw,, 2284,KGNaQcD8zdM,,Watchful fox 2285,cpCZqA1OTQk,,Fall Fungi 2286,Swer9cHxJjs,,Jelly 2287,_YJWwO2qBQY,,"Sea Stacks at Castlemartin, Wales." 2288,Eq2cmAIiH7U,, 2289,JYZYRF0j_Uc,, 2290,E-9CFTftQh4,,"Once you fall, you will be back up again." 2291,O01zcLhcEHc,, 2292,9mz2XG6stQg,, 2293,FWuXO8_oDvQ,, 2294,9KuuqLNMJ6Q,, 2295,Kfy_FwhfPlc,,Blockhouse Series 2296,-JrQwyTEIt0,,"I was laying on the floor and my cat Beebee was on the couch looking down, wondering what I was up to. I caught her expression against the stark white ceiling, with the smoke detector providing context while adding to the unique perspective. To the extent possible under law, Cassidy James Blaede has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this photo." 2297,AXXa1v1Jkm4,, 2298,deRs6Ef8QEg,, 2299,0FzehJxWGlY,,"When I visited Nusa Penida island, I was shocked by it’s beauty. But during sunset, above Kelingking Beach every next second of sunset was more beautiful than previous and I couldn’t stop capturing it." 2300,e6z6DVc_JqQ,,"Travelled through London to get an image and this I thought failed. Turns out, it did not" 2301,kN6jt0hu51s,, 2302,PtZ1eDGAYqQ,, 2303,EVR5whCD2UY,, 2304,TEND07a9xDg,, 2305,XvMiIGJFKwc,,You are a miracle. The idea of your existence is a miracle. The fact that you are breathing at all is a miracle. Remember this when the world makes you feel like you don’t matter. Buy the book at 2306,POTsPIv95Xw,,Jellyfishes 2307,5H6I6s-UEDg,, 2308,DTnBNG6QaqU,, 2309,IzNfbdz_Ous,,Ala moana 2310,cwBm8ieKvYc,,This was shot on my trip to Iceland September 2018 2311,6yNVI3EiCKM,, 2312,3q0pH85owM8,, 2313,AY40j5TAN6M,, 2314,Ley-912JMNI,, 2315,sAUZA96Qsm0,, 2316,7oGqlI-edAU,,Penguin shaking the water off with light from behind 2317,QSjl2Qwz5uw,, 2318,hwCmmEzhurc,,red-eyed tree frog 2319,HPA5j4Z3elA,,"vet, pets, cat, iv fluid therapy" 2320,Ji-4ClOpt2w,,Night Sky 2321,WAAxH5EmS24,, 2322,CoNkFbYZzBI,,"Minimal, White, and green is my favorite." 2323,JR5UOK0gXQk,, 2324,zS95glkgshs,, 2325,AyinWfQbHc0,,Dried flower on neutral background 2326,mS1Jm9RF5Bw,,Pillar of light. 2327,tMkEedbhuDo,,Dinas Dinlle beach at sunset after a passing storm 2328,ENRpSeOZ-aY,,summer beach 2329,YnHOIroyUYo,,i took this picture while taking a walk. It was 4 pm in a small town between rome and naples. 2330,WrPmNpKQUUY,, 2331,jcnTybEywOQ,, 2332,3oRI8i47gQ0,, 2333,vgZgU5qeskY,,Bar Sign 2334,J_9etWzDwTA,,“People Watch” 2335,L6fROjb21U0,,Cross the bridge 🌉 2336,qLBOF5GdbNE,,Fallen Dew 2337,8-9XKKb3q9k,, 2338,LaN6JE8I9Sk,, 2339,qtgbKm5lU2U,,Living Water 2340,V-_B9AaO8zs,, 2341,pK6gafrwSGQ,, 2342,PFmRe1cCFv8,, 2343,iYyfRNIgckk,, 2344,yp5CpUtAXBw,, 2345,MRRouj8NWWA,, 2346,3mKgiew4R98,, 2347,ozwiCDVCeiw,,Hummingbird in flight 2348,O_wOFhmlXtY,,"I always thought this photo was worthless but somehow deep down in my heart, I loved the way this picture was taken. One day I heard about a platform called “unsplash” and I immediately opened up my browser and started typing “u n s p l a s h . c o m”. It took me few mins to absorb what I was just looking at. Once I got through my excitement phase. I started looking for the best shots that I had in my camera roll… and there it was this shot… the most worthy worthless shot. Now it’s yours to use. I hope it was worthy for you to use…" 2349,DlsOa5moK4w,,Fresh blueberries 2350,fX1_vECihxU,, 2351,dfZbts6B4yw,, 2352,UIf9YO7LsuE,,Misty Machu Picchu 2353,cDD83wV627U,,Misty mountain 2354,1RIWi9HxXrk,,Lake in a mountain valley 2355,x9RN-ZIzkf0,,Mist over treetops 2356,EWpsHYyDL34,, 2357,YXhV27bQ3dY,,Surfer on the beach drone view 2358,am7TTMSpT_k,,Mountain valley in Zasele 2359,Gpdc-LgjJPA,, 2360,xL66l--msXU,,"Ust-Barguzin, Republic of Buryatia, Russia" 2361,Sol5LM1sowA,,Hilltops by the sea 2362,lHeXOpxzok8,,"I had one rule for the person I was going to marry: she had to be able to keep up with me. When my wife decided against the perfectly capable bridge and opt for the fallen tree instead, I felt reassurance that I had made the right call." 2363,32yZEmXW4yU,, 2364,4Res41zVxo4,, 2365,cSOhm0_If3A,, 2366,43SPQdj7tKg,, 2367,yXCh4WdArk4,, 2368,czWGmZmIRxc,, 2369,8dUR3ate39Q,, 2370,clKgdzM7X58,, 2371,3zE3OXraC9Q,, 2372,dtm33x7AYNs,,patrick hendry 2373,5bfPc8IUxSY,, 2374,5P8rFXb3DPA,, 2375,wXWbUuaoEy0,, 2376,mk2CrhutFGA,, 2377,lwaFA4WjyE4,, 2378,OKt8ZORXAP4,, 2379,byHgSMW7T4s,, 2380,w_gabpiwVyE,, 2381,8GANzOIotvs,, 2382,UpA6QvGpLHc,,African elephant crosses in front of the setting sun 2383,Y5cXeUqT29c,, 2384,Byty74DQRr8,, 2385,14myTElIJ3g,, 2386,jup055LPBTA,, 2387,t9eVfFCz2mM,, 2388,ioRVflj7HuI,, 2389,nt-Ysr9hoeU,, 2390,klbUSrU4YjQ,, 2391,xm6esles7ds,,One Tree Reef. Coral and yellow spones or tunicates. 2392,5adduhZzPso,, 2393,atuVFw9jkJo,, 2394,dvr12rSvKWY,,natural wood interiors 2395,S4aAaJWMwRg,, 2396,-0YZgPxq04k,, 2397,cd05Lc5N7tE,,Pressed leaf on lightbox 2398,lOaTye_A0GU,,Leaning pink rose 2399,YH-jqAyDUaA,, 2400,TEriGq5ywYA,,Aurora in Yellowknife Canada 2401,HHduE-PP8go,,Not Afraid of Sharks 2402,KRVmB7wraZ4,, 2403,yX2V4hxo6Vs,, 2404,LP7VwL1MPDo,, 2405,VIcTzkzNZR8,,Eclipse 2406,kvLBpUYjU80,, 2407,Yqljy-LwWQc,,Starry Night 2408,IZd81d-hZ3s,,This African crocodile came out of the water and I was lucky enough to be at its level to take this shot 2409,BHuC9BoigOU,,Cutting Axe 2410,eDvcl8d1jnE,,Palm Trees Shade 2411,yATLTPMkPa0,,"Sometimes, it’s worth looking down to appreciate what’s around." 2412,4qKU0oXGOio,, 2413,1hJK0Iv7Bs0,, 2414,5xXKOWWUu7I,, 2415,tEirXq_Kqbw,, 2416,koIvnSRz76E,, 2417,c6miNI_WdZ4,, 2418,zoiNQ5M754Y,, 2419,NZtQbK1nUdI,, 2420,aoJcYuInJ8U,, 2421,HhZNHvw5BKs,,Textured waves 2422,G6hxRrYewKs,, 2423,s8i0-0RRK0E,, 2424,MnK2dFPn3tk,, 2425,9GkYmKYVoGY,,A Rainbow in the morning. 2426,u1qgcW38FZk,, 2427,8PxCm4HsPX8,,Chinstrap penguin in a colony on Two Hummock island 2428,P01ppcM_gy8,, 2429,ElOpIMNu-eA,, 2430,Bx9OASUkzZE,, 2431,zgQEPvCkKDo,,Grey Heron 2432,7HHMaVFyWpM,, 2433,uqYy29Sfb8Q,, 2434,2NQEQHcHLBU,,Wild snow fox 2435,w4WU2PZ9bPg,, 2436,g-gBTxWbbVQ,,4am wake up calls are worth it. Always. No exceptions. Beautiful things happen before the world wakes. 2437,QPPvk720zUI,, 2438,ksdxKShHYWw,, 2439,ANwn7k90DVU,,Madera Trip 2440,A8_wYXdptpg,,Lost in the woods 2441,wbZTJDBvgoM,, 2442,RyheD9cxYgM,, 2443,12RAYoTsxbc,, 2444,pYAvBZvplOM,,The result of some sunday experimental photography :) 2445,OTDU4R_EdJs,, 2446,_QFWmYnpDbI,,Soap Bubbles Sunset 2447,XvM3U8zn1rs,, 2448,3ChC4Y_Zxws,, 2449,hdlt53ubteI,,"Download my presets: If you like my work then you can support it: My webstie, portfolio, youtube and more thing:" 2450,CuJnCzmWJ-A,,How beautiful the cherry blossoms are in full of beauty. 2451,06wpjlYVwy4,,Latvian National Museum of Art 2452,Ydgxf7nF1lk,, 2453,3-6mITmMyGI,, 2454,fTyBR0bkDF8,,Multiverse My new oil Planet series. 2455,PJTfOzSo8fQ,,adorable Pug dog in a jeans onesie 2456,J5ynisCwQqE,,"Rose, Flower, Woman , Lover" 2457,FvtzUX__djs,,"Epic Aurora Borealis over Reykjavik, Iceland" 2458,Vf87BfuLKO4,, 2459,JsqAqevX6lg,,From roots to needles 2460,3muVY4A7-mE,,People standing on the beach 2461,PyT4RLY71Fs,, 2462,hrd2VPGFSwU,,At the roots 2463,IBEXUZBmlXg,, 2464,aJafJ0sLo6o,,Woman looking off into a rocky basin 2465,OM7CvKnhjfs,,Caged tiger 2466,6LpHENNvrms,, 2467,f9h2BCbcFGU,,Arantza Hotela 2468,oUBAWnihnXM,,Moody 2469,uPRCiDu-wrs,,"The valley of the Fusine Lakes, one of the most fascinating places in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy." 2470,i54owgDjXeY,, 2471,BCoefk6GK6M,, 2472,Ew2FI_2T7Xc,, 2473,xQSLtWJqJ14,, 2474,mH1pMp0VeVo,, 2475,lY6DmKR8sYQ,, 2476,eFQgJT6KlmU,, 2477,erh2lbG3SJo,, 2478,VavDQ-0mWng,, 2479,5FmI4_iFVQk,, 2480,Wccwoigp1ag,,Himalayas through clouds 2481,LaHSJ0V-gMo,, 2482,xsO6DG_uuJg,,Lonely plants pt.2 2483,ohawGPXQss4,, 2484,IkKefyhojDU,, 2485,udfF-LFWPbM,,The Perfect Hour 2486,gsTKj-PRqko,, 2487,uDUgua2extA,, 2488,HMgtgolTyKM,,"This starfish or sea star is moving along slowly, and you can see the small tentacles under its arms, with one of them sticking to the glass of the tank. The photo is taken looking down into the tank as the animal moves across the glass." 2489,GSLrIhmiVfo,,Adelie Penguins leap to land from the frozen waters of Antarctica 2490,k1xcHOUgM74,, 2491,bngdOJ4Kr0Q,, 2492,3I9DuVQ2INg,, 2493,2oZ_9KuYaEo,, 2494,Zsd0YhBa8LM,, 2495,058Cv3A6GhA,, 2496,EDre44wQyOw,, 2497,s7fVceSaiiw,, 2498,xFEMp-gBmE0,, 2499,d8nGnF1IqCk,, 2500,1FOI4TLEl0I,, 2501,VdfeYvJSKs0,,"Sunrise on the beach in the summer time at Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina" 2502,FiQ1Z7qrF2U,, 2503,03ziV2xvdr8,,"ADD ME ON INSTAGRAM: daventuree The old man who took this ""American Pitbull Terrier x Dogo Argentino"" for a walk told me, how loveable his dog was. People who know me are very much aware of how much I love dogs... I just had to take a picture! The dog pose in front of the camera like a professional." 2504,Mh0tGbu0oqg,, 2505,_NdyDD-tZlM,, 2506,dvvh80k7euU,,A shot of old fisherman's hut at the sea. 2507,txAAUCuzSe8,, 2508,xvH21s7a4pA,, 2509,5-aU4IZqZt0,, 2510,1XdmQNLm8Sg,,Close up details of the Antelope Canyon wall. 2511,7WaVS_e7OdM,, 2512,3dvteQXK_uE,, 2513,As7HBdiZK_M,,For more pictures: contact: 2514,nxHiV04HlQc,, 2515,2YwK-mJj8CM,, 2516,kDpCTPp9tDA,,Butterfly and lavender 2517,NsX3OXTUZeo,, 2518,o9c8nI7lZu4,,Spent the day at the Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens in San Clemente — this window was a nice vignette. 2519,NzecKa3OWgM,,"Can you believe this adorable little fella was left in a foster home? He's now with me in his forever home. Ladies and gentleman, meet Boomer!" 2520,N-1XGL54pQg,,Cat nose 2521,wU4YomwcBRY,, 2522,vIBkCjlYp3o,,Houses in a woody valley 2523,XrjZhkSbYsI,, 2524,N4_Y4sGMI_8,, 2525,CGL3LQ0KcJM,,Small green island 2526,y0i1lh-T0_w,, 2527,irczSRN9bWI,,Swirling Sky 2528,XafbdHES4Co,,Fog covers Hurricane Ridge 2529,HNem8j1jpcE,, 2530,jQvOExlroYA,, 2531,tS_aLD60nz0,,Sprawling urban panorama 2532,k3IogSsONd4,,Park alley in autumn 2533,vdK0mk_-omM,,Life in the Country 2534,wVR3Jhs8BBU,, 2535,5bROqazy-40,, 2536,h2ZQT8HTFXc,,Mountain Canyon 2537,XoU6wq2aTBU,, 2538,ccJwEyfSZfY,, 2539,IabqYV8kOOM,, 2540,hgSTvf6ztRg,, 2541,xn6uop7erZ4,, 2542,vRccXUTZBp8,, 2543,--2IBUMom1I,, 2544,-UcW-PCS7d4,,detail view of the stone structure of a mountain range in Switzerland during spring with left over snow 2545,gmQObxamHnk,,I love cactus. This beauty grows in my yard and is the subject of many lens tests. 2546,Bl8Mix2HU3I,, 2547,M573j9xFAnc,,Felt it gave a rather mystical look. So here! :) 2548,uRQlCmfOCRg,, 2549,NFfFRNKhx40,, 2550,3bduYlHnUlI,, 2551,uGXDp-fw-9s,, 2552,B4P9WRTm24M,, 2553,zoGqZXsa-G8,, 2554,T2l1NxKOsjY,, 2555,HYiHT2Qn2Ao,,#sunflower#sunny#day#nature#plants#bee#yellow 2556,r31XzIAjmu0,, 2557,UUoDst3gsR8,, 2558,orvcsMy5a4I,, 2559,xVHhp4v_8eI,,"Sunburst over the desert The Living Desert is nestled amongst the Barrier Ranges and is located 12km from the City of Broken Hill. The scenery within the reserve is breathtaking and can be enjoyed via the numerous walking trails which include a range of statue's, Including this statue which on occasions you can capture the setting sun." 2560,PA3F7YWHUPM,,Trunk bleached by the sea salt. 2561,3X-QSL5DHug,, 2562,9Hdj4FVZTCw,,"Cenital view of Kawhagan Island near Siargao, in the Philippines" 2563,sOGJHCAGRTU,,Milky Way 2564,WZVIl9YOa-o,, 2565,ZPhmZyIoiO4,, 2566,ZFDrWItWVFY,, 2567,Lcr2jRF_arA,,Lune au Tamron 150-600 mm 2568,NjyezBCCPKw,, 2569,XBEwkyIhE_8,, 2570,_SXstgukXcM,, 2571,DljLHlYkJgo,, 2572,Y31bDcS9me0,,Patrick Hendry 2573,s0xEPfyYjfU,, 2574,eWeteZ9W3e0,,Jagged rocks among trees 2575,qZPzLJyiN7E,, 2576,aGHz9-KaO7Y,, 2577,0sRGmQwaxZ0,,Cool Oasis 2578,PyEFH3UWXOA,,Turquoise mountain lake 2579,vLv5PSHy4m4,, 2580,eWZyvJgVOac,,Sand beach by the ocean 2581,ZHW1qo-VRXM,, 2582,4VabkPPg8PY,,Preparing for an early morning session. 2583,kCpCd6oQTCw,,Road Trip 2584,eFsslCtGJxs,,lost in the winderness 2585,Cny5kzA3mEU,,tulip fields in washington 2586,MsNoBrXCZto,, 2587,P_R0TPQ8iPs,,Peaks 2588,Y_gpWZKXYjY,,Autumn vibe in the mountains 2589,Ab17BNzrt7M,, 2590,t9aPgJAKEvc,, 2591,IGRnxyv49xw,, 2592,LeiiI8mBXmE,, 2593,xVNs2PaWtrE,, 2594,mX7mSd3EipU,, 2595,dqA4CuBsmV4,, 2596,T0zXhHg2dMg,,"Moonset behind the Piz (peak) Boe, a known summit in the Ladinian Dolomites!" 2597,--Jy_8mvs4E,,"""Immiscible 8"". Oil drops on water. The fabulously colourful background is one of my sister Laya Clode's acrylic pour paintings. Please see the tutorial on the page ""Oil and water photography"" on my site" 2598,5cwigXmGWTo,,Rolling wave 2599,nQ0Zre-H3GM,, 2600,-l1Q0CV_9R0,,Observation 2601,XhHSid9QqAY,,Stop Coal Now! Global Climate Change Strike - No Planet B. 09-20-2019. 2602,avtx_piT4v0,, 2603,Xkr2GQ6UrjA,, 2604,_OZw-0kFH3A,, 2605,jrKO_zgVNhY,, 2606,EydnY2Yfd3U,, 2607,tQk3y00flv4,, 2608,DY2uZGX9UmQ,, 2609,lkMC1V8GjBY,, 2610,SwLyFhlch_k,, 2611,KTLa_fSO5Z0,,"Endless view on top of the ryten peak, norway" 2612,8z9YVLkDwTU,, 2613,ue4AfKGEQoA,,Vilyuchinsky volcano. 2614,uXoQWoRgNFs,, 2615,TH4Ug5gGgD8,, 2616,O6_LODpAnY8,,Let nature play part itself 2617,jA1wgIKp_l4,, 2618,7sMkfz98NdA,, 2619,7D8O5dSBil4,, 2620,XtYtlSyHSno,,"Every Thirsty Soul Tenney Park / Madison, Wisconsin" 2621,7BpUHA-TmM0,,Pattern of pine with clouds. 2622,pvjxMVTJ0i0,, 2623,GCOJ1fdfjaM,, 2624,a7lAOXavG5I,, 2625,sz9-J7zW0os,, 2626,jlHdSTmXOm8,, 2627,9OTvQhAm5d4,,Green fields 2628,bsnJnWipjxI,, 2629,4IDiM88FRKo,, 2630,em7gIbjEL0I,, 2631,bgy5x3qG2j0,, 2632,qgkK0dWOhdY,, 2633,Ai5nSTVMc88,, 2634,bmi3_KS0nlo,, 2635,wD5mxE-1nLg,, 2636,h_sm9J-EpA4,, 2637,xe-2yFdubIA,, 2638,tQkzkJJKz1k,,"Amsterdam, Netherlands" 2639,Jj5c_vzKkDQ,, 2640,YAzmlr2kjSY,, 2641,Y6llHB9rNac,,kelingking beach 2642,g-VWR0UN4kQ,,Underwater 2643,w_LXkAa_poo,,Outside is free 2644,mF6nc-b1IWc,, 2645,J6803ULieac,,Caught this little guy in action trying to catch fish. 2646,00taym-piCM,,underwater 2647,00W-OglEHdQ,,Finally reached the falls to capture this awesome shot! 2648,2-EudbifIo8,,Fallen Tree 2649,LoZ-HgXV6Aw,,The Gathering 2650,kFMQUwT827k,,A formation of rocks at Antelope Canyon that give the impression of a doorway 2651,SbrZdkLtTCY,, 2652,ZIG4ljoStOg,,Splashed 2653,pm7IxBGlh8I,,Moody waves 2654,z2gSHd515EY,,A single fallen maple leaf resting on a still lake. 2655,Qj0j1-yUhQk,,Leaving the room — as vivid and colorful as possible. 2656,ftloE4xFjVQ,,dogs are a girl’s best friend 2657,Re9KWrJh6-Y,, 2658,S5RBgaziupg,, 2659,NtrVHU6szd4,, 2660,I7zE1IZZZ_k,,Cape Town 2661,8rJ-vCnF60s,,Fern in the woods 2662,K8kTsPX-GRI,,Doggo looking into your soul 2663,HwaPsUVdoQM,,Luna 2664,0GBafJ-ZenA,,Time to warm up! 2665,4_iKPdgfA24,,Foggy autumn path 2666,eKrJC4CmHwk,,Painted Hills 2667,kF-1LGH1GAk,, 2668,HNL7R4oYVJY,,"It was late, cold but my friend decided to bring me here as I had just said I'd yet to try astrophotography. I'm glad he did. My hands are still cold but it was worth it." 2669,-YiYSrdKXUc,,The Big Trip | Second Beach on the Olympic Peninsula - Explore more at 2670,oMi_ZNFpVaw,, 2671,UvdzJDxcJg4,,"Lake Antholz, Italy!" 2672,N1fu7RBj9Qs,, 2673,lW5yf-EQFDs,,Saguaro cactus standing tall in an Arizona desert. 2674,Vtwjhg79bwI,, 2675,OU314om18_k,, 2676,YmGjyifpr5g,, 2677,ICOdHM1Cuvg,, 2678,CkwM5Mrnd8U,, 2679,sumAf8noMvo,,Serious-looking golden cat staring at the camera 2680,1ruQcIcp3wg,,Acronius longimanus 2681,ChSvFCbU4pY,, 2682,JVd2FchPjCg,,Summer 2683,Aaf-9EN6Xsg,, 2684,oIN4fV6DxAQ,, 2685,JdNddjxO7dQ,,Girl watching the ​sunrise in Budapest 2686,lElAU4dKtOc,, 2687,wq1UDPnVpJM,, 2688,jFYLpHPizQM,,Late afternoon in the hidden garden 2689,umwyWXep21w,, 2690,1PehHv0VwFM,,Breaking waves 2691,Rlt_ooGaQuQ,, 2692,n3_J3hycelY,,Golden Hour | Romoland California 2693,utFDOKw_FS0,,2019 2694,YzJlElq6Pc0,,A yacht and a sailboat walk into a bar 2695,nwFNYen-dHY,,Tropical palm 2696,F3FtTLqzl18,,Winter Roads in Iceland 2697,v-xbxa28YGQ,,Close-up on a skewbald horse 2698,7EqQ1s3wIAI,, 2699,HQqIOc8oYro,, 2700,Ovjx9FsXX9c,, 2701,GcwemPMayQg,,Man in tank top 2702,BNHcxk1CDdw,, 2703,prd5CXMsD68,,Bend in an empty forest road 2704,hNBIpodvIiA,, 2705,f2G2dpmdrpk,,Clear Desert Night Sky 2706,5gdMVqDFZ6I,, 2707,Cm5zI68Wdew,, 2708,YWWMGwXX2JY,,Treetops below 2709,JKJKKa7eDYM,, 2710,IA2pNk_dyqw,,Seabirds over a cliff 2711,pRrwpCcisjk,, 2712,N6k0xwP6HTM,, 2713,-iB7qi5HIaw,,Plums ready to collect 2714,aQwsh6Zybxc,,"Calibrating geomagnetic instruments at the Coast and Geodetic Surveygeomagnetic observatory at Corbin, Virginia." 2715,MHZjW_qGMfU,,Autumn berries with blank copy space 2716,Yo9sU8Lz7XE,, 2717,U97w1yUhDlo,, 2718,GZMj-7x1SgE,, 2719,zqoD05m0D_s,,Mossy tree stump in Autumn / Fall 2720,hFx2wvj_euI,, 2721,-mqCaSd9ZTw,, 2722,dJvNfflm7Mw,,ClimateStrike Sept 20th 2019 in Hamburg 2723,bYuo_uVzapM,,IF THE CLIMATE WAS A BANK YOU WOULD HAVE SAVED IT ALREADY. Global climate change strike protest demonstration - No Planet B - 09-20-2019 2724,qmB0aqrNL9I,, 2725,i2G6l4M6rJA,,Forest fungi on a mossy tree trunk 2726,1BuzFn7GT5s,, 2727,T31JWwB7DTE,, 2728,p6hzGvEXSoQ,, 2729,ADqQgiStp4c,,Green plant and Buddha 2730,WbIEX9Hq-EI,,Faroes 2731,wRAVyI990Tw,,Met this guy on a walk through Sevenoaks in the South of England after some serious overnight snow. 2732,hkMX6gV3teM,, 2733,pdYmr2ZwyGA,,Sunset over the clouds 2734,LV2xcHgfLg8,,Mountaineer’s footprints 2735,qnc90ycDCtY,, 2736,bBEDVL3Jzq8,, 2737,_-2CWIpxOtg,,Aqueduct near a beach 2738,5mgtTFa7Y3M,, 2739,TmTYtJ5RiN8,,Happy Couple 2740,NodtnCsLdTE,,"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Photo of a kitten named William hiding under a plaid" 2741,4j78jV5bd2M,,Otherwise known as Mount Cook. 2742,GAg4h8_mPCs,,A mountain covered in snow near clouds 2743,eKTUtA74uN0,,the coldest sunset 2744,nUATzmSnJXg,, 2745,z1iARjvJiH8,,"Taking holly cuttings, secateurs and holly on a grey jumper" 2746,WY_EKY3taJE,, 2747,gHQCyo5hMKg,, 2748,YcelXaXYxwY,, 2749,xrjPENC-T7g,, 2750,-DApw8eRfR8,, 2751,gbbsIIHqcX4,, 2752,JoGi6IYSwgk,,Malacca Malaysia 2753,7sxAi4G_NwI,, 2754,8RWZ93hLktI,,Silver Ape in a zoo enclosure 2755,D6TqIa-tWRY,,A Giraffe at Calgary Zoo poking his tongue out 2756,emUahxWNvyA,,The Big Trip | The Hall of Mosses in Hoh Rainforest - Explore more at 2757,ny4AHN0a5Z4,,"long-eared owl, owl, ransuil, nature" 2758,FZvusNluIZ0,, 2759,Z24xtlWlFFY,, 2760,adqJDoALnKU,,Mess tin being heated by a propane tank 2761,__CmMNKO4nw,, 2762,o_t4RaYrULw,, 2763,57lJY39Sjvo,, 2764,B7bpTKvi93M,, 2765,3zezglGulpw,, 2766,Ymasfz7ZDqg,,Instagram ( 2767,Tbf7H8d2YcU,, 2768,y0zH-1UHOKc,,Glamis Sand Dunes 2769,Y1SfXGHC7ys,, 2770,139hExGhAQE,,lunar eclipse 2771,S0KwARIB1TM,,"Sunset, Aerial view of Teruntum Tower, Kuala Lumpur" 2772,KhrkHG1SQf4,, 2773,GelRYYxMOlc,, 2774,iEOa4Mb7-cc,,Floating 2775,0XUnd0bXqTE,,"Sir John Murray's map of the Indian Ocean, Chart 1C, accompanying the Summary of Results of the Challenger Expedition, 1895." 2776,Pp80t568tnE,, 2777,JsfLEdl_i_U,,Nature 2778,pb8gcqJPyY8,, 2779,hLPZJrbjEtU,, 2780,-0eINgEiNw4,,"Each of these swirling clouds is a result of a meteorological phenomenon known as a Karman vortex. These vortices appeared over Alexander Selkirk Island in the southern Pacific Ocean. Rising precipitously from the surrounding waters, the island's highest point is nearly a mile (1.6 km) above sea level. As wind-driven clouds encounter this obstacle, they flow around it to form these large, spinning eddies." 2781,sITRFtDz29Y,,Sand formed by wind and water 2782,e4ING8JYKgI,,Winter Fox 2783,kQedwItwgJM,, 2784,wzSfjeKGiLk,,"A model aircraft fitted out with Led lights does some light painting above a beach, with the reflection captured in a pond." 2785,XJDN0iQuGPo,, 2786,vQV9qjzwATE,, 2787,SpQC2yAvx0k,, 2788,fLdFFqZKoA4,, 2789,TnqRUm0Sad0,,Fiery Sunset 2790,ULj3y_5A1Fo,, 2791,HYxf3bxJ_9U,, 2792,vRepMA0VQ54,, 2793,-97jc08hg8Y,, 2794,HgRiyehMWtM,, 2795,T8TGs7vyNB8,,Small lizard in the desert 2796,XKRqp9D30yc,,Crater 2797,Vv6fQHZtNPs,, 2798,FzPvoW6HHwk,,CABIN FOR THE DAY 2799,FJdvza-I5OA,, 2800,EkqDplXiAow,,"Upper Antelope Canyon, Arizona" 2801,2XLuMShTV-M,,Eagle flying over the snow on sunny weather 2802,qdqDFEEtzr8,,"Flavoursome yellow quince. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 100mm (Year: 1993)" 2803,hoS3dzgpHzw,,"A serene gradient from red to smoky blue-gray seems to mask a chaotic scene underneath, expressing a wide range of emotion. Looking like a NASA closeup of Jupiter, this image reveals sediment in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast." 2804,9oOngqsMlQc,,My cat ( Dokhmal ) 2 2805,xOdY5AtTz_Q,, 2806,pulmB_ZkwJ4,,One Tree Reef. Crinoid on soft coral 2807,0yuIA1K7LyA,,hello mr sunshine. 2808,RlxD954wcjU,,The last of autumn 2809,5wO3ukypCsY,,A church with pink walls 2810,jXxNDvpj8sA,, 2811,1-vouQEaHOA,,Beautiful mountain forest in South Tirol 2812,tzjkOcHg4GQ,, 2813,l54EzAmBHAk,, 2814,NG36wKLbYqs,, 2815,LrZkWTMc7mc,, 2816,9yePA1fgnVE,,Great Wave 2817,uSsi2xViv40,,"Hoover Dam, Nevada, USA. 2019/winter" 2818,OZxelxRGAWM,, 2819,XunPNEEvKBY,, 2820,Y_kIawhP8gc,, 2821,TK5KRJrFY7k,, 2822,gc3Va3J7KMI,,"Lantern Slide - Motor Boat Party of Explorers, BANZARE Voyage 2, Antarctica, 1930-31 Photographer: Eric Douglas" 2823,LlsAieNJE70,, 2824,UI39P7r0F9M,, 2825,l5y-s_v5WxQ,,"a good part of my pictures are about shallow depth of field, it is not about sharpens but atmosphere, to get a nice bokeh I use several old lenses this picture with a pentacon 200/4 with 15 aperture blades from Meyer Görlitz" 2826,05gFh96zSNc,, 2827,kCcyt7bYP3w,,Peace at the end of a sunny day... 2828,APxW6SksZ-s,, 2829,wNU8mO6o0dA,,Folhagem de bananeiras 2830,1c1KEBL1yTg,, 2831,aFAzJ6IKE_M,, 2832,mZRW7Txl1JQ,,from an experimental day to take leaf shots 2833,CPIQfMbSjmM,, 2834,C5A1ZQmNd9c,,"I went to walk in the Haut-Jura (France) a rainy and cold afternoon. I wanted to see the end of autumn, the beginning of winter. When nature falls asleep in the middle of the mist to enjoy the long nights ahead." 2835,yU-YlJxNDmQ,, 2836,02nvhdj6_dk,,"Please support me , Donations from wildly respectful, generous, and big-hearted people like you make me keep doing what I’m doing. You are the fuel to my fire, and I could not be more grateful than I am for you now in this moment. Truly, thank you." 2837,e0qi7y5348o,, 2838,PP5ADw-C8aU,, 2839,-Q1p5Gzn45c,, 2840,3nQhyFuwUkk,,Portrait of my dog called Marli. Shot with a Canon 5D Mark III and two Profoto B10 in my office. 2841,_b020HIGZUE,, 2842,Gxuo485Esfk,, 2843,4uKTkjE8Dyk,, 2844,y26NHYSTZRk,, 2845,nwROzyFBB64,, 2846,O-XriFhXMw0,, 2847,0ITYt-tkq4I,, 2848,KHXPva6mDf0,,Lost in the Layers 2849,HRA_VAi9_Nc,,Planning Patience always pays off. Cloudy day with no chance of sun’s light and it was almost dusk and the cool breeze open up the clouds and the Magic unfolds in Yosemite Valley ! 2850,q9GnP8x-yEs,,Our recent move to North Shore Oahu was the best thing we could’ve done. Within two weeks we ended up buying two longboards and surfing almost everyday. School and work seem to be an afterthought. The waves and silence of the ocean have seemed to steal our souls. 2851,xHtsXbV8mPE,,Sundown walk 2852,f3v1X9TMAlg,,Patrick Hendry - Fire in the morning 2853,lhsikYWe6eY,, 2854,sa4pChRklSg,, 2855,8r6pbTZojRc,,Patrick Hendry 2856,Rzj_f91nKXk,, 2857,9OXdVryFLm8,,From dusk till dawn 2858,Vs122-3pzzg,,amazing autumnal clouds! 2859,XTgILxe9BBk,, 2860,vouGfIv29zk,,Coconut Obsession 2861,PkeEM_G5GC8,,Quarter moon above the trees 2862,HA_Do8EMKt0,,W I N T E R 2863,i5Qoi2OYPzo,,There’s no story to tell on this photo because I forgot how did I took picture of it.Hahahaha 2864,vI6lH8neX-w,,Winter wonderland 2865,xyB0NOOkA04,, 2866,bWb758kLnGQ,, 2867,G0JBQjgEa7U,, 2868,TSKlNIgK1P4,,"Truly a river of ice, Antarctica's relatively fast-moving Byrd Glacier courses through the Transantarctic Mountains at a rate of 0.8 kilometers (0.5 miles) per year. More than 180 kilometers (112 miles) long, the glacier flows down from the polar plateau (left) to the Ross Ice Shelf (right). Long, sweeping flow lines are crossed in places by much shorter lines, which are deep cracks in the ice called crevasses. The conspicuous red patches indicate areas of exposed rock." 2869,K0pYO29H_fk,, 2870,3l43HYrFDEI,, 2871,FGyk4UGUyzE,, 2872,RizX-cliA7Y,, 2873,e7W6BYt6Pjg,, 2874,T5gN-734s6Y,,"Insane lightening storm, taken in Slime, Croatia." 2875,uP2QOCUBu7A,,"Zen decor - Japanese ikebana flower arrangement. A piece of decoration I made for my home. Love this minimal style of home decor, bringing such a zen feeling to the bedroom." 2876,J50y8mcFIgk,, 2877,YzfCevgzsPI,,"Hiking Enchanted Rock near Fredericksburg, TX" 2878,Yg1vVU0Tx8k,, 2879,VHX-eIns4Wo,,wooden vases with foliage 2880,I8FgIeBGOls,, 2881,gSrMofxVQ6M,, 2882,kNekqfpkhJQ,, 2883,xYtT23SfaSM,,The Calm 2884,jR5rqI4T0Iw,, 2885,z33xB9IB99s,,Horse portrait shooted with an old Pentacon 135/2.8 2886,7J8PXjmhv5o,, 2887,axXmXFO4a2E,, 2888,j5JMA4Fjq4c,,Plane window at sunset. 2889,7VmkyA4w2Mk,,Owl 2890,tyNFhbgnKLY,,"Bouquet of flowers for a bridesmaid, including lots of pink roses and greenery" 2891,1O802J9uvng,, 2892,Dv6BRmQCR8Q,, 2893,0o3Cfq6WJ6Y,,Still lost 2894,5JVfo96zGK8,, 2895,cHsOM2dvqyY,, 2896,fIzZ_ULmX3k,, 2897,nOHdp9g7HL0,, 2898,Z8xcUWGJ9-Y,, 2899,W7e-qm7Gzqk,,Brightness 2900,zUEjNDEEca8,,Fire 2901,_X3qm6HMQRo,,Happy as can be 2902,y8-GC22QyfY,,"Erste Spuren legen in eine tiefverschneite Winterlandschaft: ein neuer unvergesslicher Tag beginnt. Hier kommt es nicht auf Geschwindigkeit an. Wenn du stehenbleibst, hörst du nur das eigene Atmen und den Hauch des Windes." 2903,k7UyfYvOtbg,,"On a wonderful night, we look up at the stars" 2904,13PjNBaDMcg,,This child was delighted when a butterfly landed in her hands. 2905,2iOqib5eLE8,, 2906,SwLPmCYo-QM,,Roadtripping in North Germany 2907,YxDENE4HgMM,,Waking up 2908,PZXq_fY2hyI,, 2909,pPhN8HFzkDE,,Melon Juice 2910,6vEqcR8Icbs,,Tesla 2911,knB89oNur0A,,Evening Flight 2912,IsFXsOhofug,,IG : @ WithLuke // Contact : 2913,rGG-BCtNiuo,, 2914,P6s8EbcSgmA,,Heavens 2915,mMEkIV47Gy8,, 2916,orslXe6SYb4,,Infinity Dunes series 2917,WonzFfXzkww,, 2918,TZq5Og45jdM,,The road through the forest. 2919,cSSWEsnYv7w,, 2920,OZNUGcEVZRo,, 2921,UDVi9T3cHCs,, 2922,41cRYbUS98g,, 2923,_LPEv2mZNbI,, 2924,FIsfTkO0lmE,, 2925,pAi1QPtSHbE,,a doodle 2926,tTjspeLiy1M,,Happiest place on Earth! 2927,3hQfGWhwqUw,, 2928,7MNh1TqZ69o,, 2929,xecgb4O6Quc,,instagram: @_juanmay 2930,WPBzxBD0Bmw,, 2931,L4EsOAoU8-M,, 2932,4gVV7PyP7v8,,Life is colour. Instagram @zhai_wg 2933,jEoAMd9K5EE,, 2934,oAGoeMbr1-4,, 2935,Py_ofnAnc-E,, 2936,smjgqsH07JQ,, 2937,mfU50hZmjNI,,"The church of Welschellen, a little village in the Italian Dolomites!" 2938,JdTG51NRBkc,, 2939,iRNGsOeKUU0,, 2940,2F663tG1_dg,, 2941,6MB_jBwteIg,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Helios 44M 2.0 / 58mm (Year: 1977)" 2942,ei-3nNlBu0U,, 2943,n4Tczn9hobM,, 2944,HOcwYRf4vKk,, 2945,8diMGsnntJE,, 2946,UbSEm2Z9uT4,, 2947,Ql-6UQFedS4,, 2948,YnfbA6-67MQ,, 2949,qbCwcDfp_zw,,The Sun and Tree 2950,uyNYmXet4b0,, 2951,bBZqU9yNF-o,,WoW. 2952,IHvbODWm4hM,,Sleep mood 2953,u6mgK_UFc1M,,ORANGE VALLEY - Shoot on Nikon D5500 and Nikkor 18-135 mm. Post processed with Adobe Photoshop and Nik Plugin. - For more follow my social account: IG: Unsplash: Twitter: 2954,BmF-cNNxkI0,, 2955,3a_Drc5C2-g,,Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy 2956,IJSE0n7ngY8,,Voici NGC 7000 America. Une très grande nébuleuse située dans la constellation du Cygne ressemblant à l'Amérique du nord (ici inclinée vers la gauche). Le défiltrage et refiltrage Astrodon de notre appareil photo nous permet de capter plus de couleur surtout infrarouge qui donne ce résultat spectaculaire. 2957,RixnYDT4gAQ,, 2958,-xR3CRfkgwI,, 2959,qAhiEdGGDAE,,a very secret beach. 2960,ys-sZZkdT1s,, 2961,yU_XRPUJQmY,,Sunset dropping over the hill. 2962,EEFuhZAIGXg,,Jellyfish 2963,yHsZlVOVMOI,,The facade of the old building with flowers. 2964,xe_MtM-ixlw,, 2965,SRfA7Gkekjs,, 2966,g6YNrpOq1Gk,, 2967,kMqdxYqArA4,,aquarium 2968,pjbPnc3f7ic,,Yellow trees on autumn sky canvas 2969,9wI6CkCtL7c,,Cameo 2970,gBEAWbo1RU8,,"Sunset at Keyhole Arch, Pfeiffer Beach, CA." 2971,Rsew3zP2q-0,, 2972,ayFROJgIcUg,, 2973,dRGLpObu6XM,,Plant in the Window. 2974,XhCLdQ44d1o,, 2975,zyA1a1obMhA,, 2976,L3jDy80E8G4,,"Moon setting with Milky Way vertical, hiking overnight to Mt. Lafayette in the summer of 2018. Saturn up to the left." 2977,NrxOHO-XzMM,, 2978,vnocuAkEZ1c,, 2979,ZMFbova77nI,, 2980,FmrZ9-z4eVQ,,"This illustration provided a 3D graphic representation of a spherical-shaped mumps virus particle, that was studded with glycoprotein tubercles. The studs, colorized reddish-brown, are known as F-proteins (fusion), and those colorized beige, are referred to as HN-proteins (hemagglutinin-neuraminidase)." 2981,a4yUBzhnuO0,, 2982,x0TqUeO1cuA,, 2983,ZzqM2YmqZ-o,, 2984,J8YByQQ7qXM,,"Colorful buckets of ranunculus harvest at Pasture Song Farm in Pottstown, PA. Pasture Song is a small-scale, sustainable meat and cut-flower farm. More photography at and More from the farm at #regenerativeagriculture #organicfarming #regenerativefarming #farming #youngfarmers #flowerfarm" 2985,snhqHThkCRE,, 2986,X0k6AfQC6G8,,Grapefruit Pattern Blue 2987,qpOem3wkkW8,,Bouquet of cut sunflowers 2988,2Mo5cuWRLIU,,"Poppy field have a short period of blooming. But for flower it seems a long distance. Like a people life. Time and knowledge how to manage them are so important. Let's try dreaming more, doing what love the most. Try to catch the heaven like this flower." 2989,zeUM-uIEaew,, 2990,Pj7yh_GKc7I,,Forest hiking 2991,BqbhoYD1SZ0,,Dew-covered plant in macro 2992,SfC7fScwU-A,,Sea village behind shrubs 2993,rQPbNJSNueg,, 2994,e85qV3NjrUw,, 2995,Y9L7bPlJ3e8,,Deep green valley 2996,hjVHK07ZhAs,,Rock mass at beach 2997,wgLPy2YBXuc,, 2998,07mSKrzKiRw,,"BIG SUR - McWay Falls pon Pacific Coast Highway, California" 2999,zKG2MFxLGGQ,, 3000,SI72zZSoXqQ,, 3001,Q03M_Z6YG7c,, 3002,kcvlb727mn8,,Fog cloaks Cape Perpetua in the Siuslaw National Forest. 3003,Wh8geAzoATc,,switchin lanes 3004,KdLw-EPqWUM,, 3005,H02NEUl13t0,,Oregon 3006,Rtsljf7yRzo,, 3007,57MkCJ_iHfI,, 3008,7C7qxpf2xAg,, 3009,StV72L0DH4A,,Pink lady 3010,gptRZytFzFQ,, 3011,aCSy0PIJizM,, 3012,lrpBJaZDXzQ,, 3013,W5RsorTwek4,,"Early in this COVID-19 crisis I found myself transitioning to remote university and employment, trying to find my way as I relocate to Orange County. In a new place with too much time on my hands and a broken camera I've been making use of the drone and the terabytes of files I've collected with it. I hope to share these photos that have maintained my sanity and renew memories of normal times for y'all in the process." 3014,7b39feeIMO0,,I took 5 whole minutes to take in this beautiful view when I first saw it. 3015,pnFNoPuilVI,, 3016,eEljzRILh4I,,Layers on Layers 3017,DczselSGdko,,Rocky mountains with woods at the foot 3018,dmHnXJ-5ilQ,,Interchange by a river 3019,E0ZKJxZYVkQ,,Tree silhouette sunset. 3020,QP1dUyQ8WsI,,Afternoon pine forest 3021,57vHdjeZ0yg,,boardwalk 3022,QEZDhDKetMU,, 3023,CjTOXAUZaz4,,Waves in front of the mountains 3024,lQ_26aB7aR8,,High-rises from above 3025,bn2qOz8iSlI,,Trees on jagged rocks 3026,OKrac02GXgQ,,Watchful monkey 3027,sP4UZnpSiN4,,Cloud Covered Cliffs 3028,Z1c8J98ANF8,, 3029,jOR1DxGeWU4,, 3030,ZE2wQ-5LyiU,,Distant surfer watched from the rocks 3031,eqvj5r8nbH8,,Breakfast is served 3032,WKVGmz7o0O4,,Steam on the roadside 3033,ZOA-cqKuJAA,,There is something about a huge mountain reflection in a lake that just puts you at ease. Here is another picture from my trip to the Canadian Rockies. Lake Minnewanka at Sunrise. 3034,phMHfXGN8QA,,Racing to the bluffs to catch the last bit of light on the Northern California coastline. 3035,xW7Cdhoe9uA,,This picture is a composition of 3 pictures. 24mm lens does not fit much of the milky way in to begin with and the tripod doesn’t have a 90degree knee. Darkness forced iso to be cranked to 6400 and f down to lowest lens has so picture is grainy. All the shots were on 13sec. Risking everything above 15 gives you startrails. The very top right corner had to be brushed in. There are some artifacts that came out as if a light source would be present on the right was not… only northern lights 3036,7PCW3MAinSc,,"We started the ascent to the top of Mt. Washington in 80 degrees and sunlight. We reached the top and were completely engulfed in clouds and haze. On the way down, we reached a break in the clouds and storm, and saw the sun shining through so dramatically. It was such a vastly different view from the bottom and the top - an awesome experience." 3037,174FdYDjWa8,,"Go the 101, See the Magical McWay If you're interested in any of my images as artwork for your home and/or like the idea of supporting my ongoing artwork, please visit" 3038,3I0-griTncw,,Its much sharper when downloaded ! Shooting Grizzlys (with a camera) is always an adventure… the tail view is a challenge but sometimes the right light gives you a perfect shot. 3039,zvpA0_VBjdM,, 3040,kwXehEyKrVw,, 3041,iSy3_frM3PI,, 3042,DQZl8fxpSp8,, 3043,Uee848bGciw,, 3044,xjjly458_g8,, 3045,gwjSN4PXXNM,,I took this picture early in the morning. Unfortunately the sunrise could not be seen cause there was to much fog. Never the less - I love the picture. It was a nice adventure. 3046,EpPHL3cdrvQ,, 0,obDYYCcqJYI,,Elephant 1,e-HyzfROGB4,, 2,NXRFWKeOLkU,,One of many beautiful dunes in the Namib desert 3,_Lz4b6ihgEg,,"Matterhorn and Dent d'Hérens in early morning. View while climbing the ""Arbengrat"" ridge of Obergabelhorn 4063m" 4,Qtf1REoBpQg,,"Baja, mexico" 5,YAA5oQ6h4iE,,Taking the wrong turn in the isolation 6,RDVfpEi1RpI,, 7,KgRKlQXmHR0,,"young polar bear, northern Alaska" 8,ZAyvqmPDIQE,,Forest at winter 9,35-ci-fEAXw,, 10,f4RAhPf7ncI,, 11,7FLh300YONc,,Dirt path in foggy woods 12,oSf8ePoG9NU,, 13,YcCTVdhPiw4,,Withered plant in the winter 14,F7HGqkkMYAU,,Rotting leaves on a forest path 15,i2KibvLYjqk,, 16,NakpkplNCOE,, 17,cMRCyWeINTM,, 18,qKFsEMwttM4,, 19,whWoLKPmx10,,"A small and very cute Egyptian Goose gosling pauses in the morning sun for a short preening session. This little guy and 3 of its siblings were all walking around in the short grass and they stopped right in the morning sun. I laid down low along an embankment so I could get the little ducks’s head up into the dark background and really show off that fuzzy glow. Taken at a local park in Sebastian, Florida." 20,bHdDd_mhGBM,, 21,03sV2dG0ttA,, 22,gzeuX3xDLSc,, 23,kulRb2H8c2o,, 24,PRWgfeB2rpQ,, 25,xNpxB9bfLUE,,"A Mandarinfish at the Cairns Aquarium shows of its gorgeous colours and pattern, against a backdrop of white coral." 26,UQ7bRgOTLHY,,patrick hendry 27,IhVeOaVX608,, 28,on-pXQaSY4c,,"Hot sun, cold snow Mellow me — stuck Inbetween." 29,DilJHPmJLs4,, 30,zO0GYRsY8ew,, 31,LWhVBSBMY5U,,"This was a project for our magazine called Cooklife. We had a chance to discover Turkey’s northeastern parts, sleep under the stars, wake up over the clouds. Life over 2000 meters." 32,pZgObuh1dRQ,, 33,DgEA7saT8FQ,,Yosemite cliff under stars 34,V8YzvXKLwDw,, 35,WfVHxQlTuBY,,Patrick Hendry 36,516rZwqZ_-I,, 37,W4rUHIw3pd0,,Snow-covered Mount Hood 38,A9Vbvh_dMG0,,Tigers couple resting on the rocks 39,1qVS-o_OfrA,, 40,EG9qfm3BHR4,,Nighttime Railroad Station 41,vU1taGh2-og,, 42,ig-lw0Dtz34,,Sand coastline on clear day 43,HwZQGB-ZjG4,,Child with a lantern 44,-i-g_qjFNgs,,Flowers on a Mediterranean balcony 45,EuuIa8XTLK4,,Misty woods 46,R6ZlnE1zdS4,,A Red Fox walks along a fallen tree in an early spring snow in Southern New Jersey. 47,RDs0THr4lGs,,Snowy Alpine panorama 48,ZWpns_025uM,,Cloudy morning in Austria 49,YJ3-FeGCPgM,,farmer tan 50,zs47g0Ur-WM,,The Jefferson Memorial seen in a fiery Tidal Basin sunrise. 51,LogtVrLTpcI,,Aquarium 52,AV0M5WwJGwM,,white flowers at sunset 53,_Ih-9aJlojg,, 54,UNJ3hCbuHXA,,Tropical Vibes 55,zxNNOOugzTg,,Icelandic horses 56,2X-6XZtCelM,,Woman with a dead flower. 57,oxz-D5tYDGo,,"Hiking up to Seebensee, Austria I found this lovely creek running through the mountains" 58,WAcPXtRmBDg,,"Vibes: ""What The World Needs Now"" Jackie DeShannon version ❤️ Share your co-creations/feel free to tag me @avasol144 :-)" 59,ji6sY5YhvVw,, 60,TPug5zhUy90,,Another day 61,aPNn_uP8WlE,, 62,v-IdgVScjLM,,they've also friendly dogs in NYC! 63,sDJpH62NVnc,,Austria 64,T9lmRSoGPKg,,"Sedona, AZ hills at twilight" 65,L__cscFEBwg,, 66,PFt8IA323jw,, 67,zBSlRlaf4zE,, 68,ZFU-ncqLYJk,, 69,sCFKb-7K130,, 70,oVVX7DbE8dw,, 71,g-KH52m2P7g,,Baby Bird in the Wild 72,H_4YZp8wqmc,, 73,7KHYZ4eqSIw,, 74,9KaQdNT_mrc,, 75,M8spMIQcg24,,Wintry mountain landscape 76,rR5WwO06VIM,,Portrait of a Hen 77,FV-lFw49Rn0,,Italian valley 78,AEOLWK3-Q94,,Smooth forest creek 79,lOn96ZZZrQ4,,Black butterfly 80,dtSKdnEovx8,,white waves crashing on a black sand beach 81,Nwwp27CunIY,,Pine cones and pine 82,nf7gK0PpS0A,,Rolling Fog 83,7CME6Wlgrdk,,Fog 84,ZM7PgZ1zU2k,,Misty forest at dusk 85,bHsWi3ttOq4,, 86,3_v0K6vAFa4,,Pink rose bouquet 87,p0tgY-ju-Fs,,Black gorilla sideways 88,ap3LXI0fPJY,,It was a beautiful and sunny day until I saw these clouds on the sky. Nature made some art there! 89,gzWHNhhfi3o,, 90,tr7PoBH0Aow,,XX . BRKLYN 91,kYoM5XuPYfg,, 92,Lza_12_verw,,Pane in Vain 93,CtqmTFkexSw,,Winter Vibe 94,vAfCO8xrz0I,, 95,VvcPBp6kkDU,,Watching the sun disappear but it left a hole of light in the dark clouds. Shot with 400mm to get a close view to fill the picture. 96,09w_uPwAOFY,, 97,e9WHTFTQfKU,,Hear the breath of life 98,yTIYsD6txMM,, 99,O-AtUNgK2Rc,, 100,HMN2oHFpkLc,,"Vintage photo of camping, men and boys" 101,vikBFhzcebo,, 102,tR8bZwhvPlo,,Gorse bushes 103,VhRKFisMM1s,, 104,QBAMncfwXr8,, 105,sVROusYluMI,, 106,TJWeC_OjPtU,, 107,-G1YldWkPlQ,,📷Pentax Spotmatic - Kodak Ultra Max 400 108,2sHW5kPSOG8,,Close encounter with my cousin! 109,CmRp_0MG8f0,,sea turtle 110,Tmev9UoX00M,,"The Mogollon Rim in Payson, Arizona. IG: @harrisonhargrave" 111,WiqfVA-ej1o,, 112,yf1nr0ZzIJo,, 113,GNe-0GkGDVk,, 114,Sx4UfMm0vq0,,Cat Grey 115,2XlB5L33Asw,,Aerial shot of a salt lake 116,aaHdm8vEnX8,,Please follow me on instagram @chrishenry 117,nnNJ3T1KAk0,, 118,pYyOZ8q7AII,,Mystical garden 119,fWb-lvqWjqI,, 120,JhRjjzLQsjc,, 121,JiphyElpixM,,Small lake pier 122,v5W7hBmKusc,,Snow topped mountains in Gmunden 123,_ppnPXy_TVw,, 124,0u_VMSWGgBU,,Transmission tower at dusk 125,rquBAGah3ps,,"Western Kansas is known for two things: being flat and being windy. Both of those qualities make us a prime location for wind farms. People love them and people hate them. My wife hates them at night because a giant field of glowing red dots reminds her of ‘War of the Worlds’. I personally love them for multiple reasons, but for photography, they are nice in this area because they establish a looming vertical subject when we are accustomed to only never ending horizons." 126,tuiIo0uA-z8,, 127,eBo2n2lIdnU,,Alice in Wonderland 128,Rl6_B8Trx84,,Milk on the Rocks 129,i3GE3y8F0jg,,Waterside 130,M1gaxG1UN1E,,Grow on Me 131,fvi6KrnYRwM,,"On an engagement shoot I did with a couple, they ended up having a surf, so what better way to capture their time together -" 132,--Tn3E5ZtfQ,, 133,MgzKmcTFUg0,,Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost. - Erol Ozan 134,YEQOdewylrc,,"I took this shot on my way back to my home country from Kenya. I really enjoyed the way the clouds where hanging in the sky so i decided to take a shot. This shot, reminds me of how i had missed home and of all the experiences i had in Kenya." 135,Ow-joAY8NyY,,When the clouds broke. 136,8mY3XGmmTUo,,Stars over a rocky beach 137,6eCBRY8x3WM,, 138,Ae2WpHjXXcc,, 139,AfGUx4-QVp4,,Banana beach parasol 140,pcPu1xUanrM,,Silhouette girl making bubbles 141,KZv7w34tluA,,www.akingsny.comm 142,WH13S7ltJSc,,Winter Sunset is Capetown South Africa 143,sWkkIiTJMYc,, 144,Ea5nd9AkK7U,, 145,eodA_8CTOFo,,Spent the whole night in absolute silence at lost lake in the Uinta mountains watching the milky way roll across the horizon. This was taken just after the sun had gone down and the sky was still slightly blue. 146,XeEfTJVtM80,,Trees for days 147,kRnkqSKZODQ,,The emphasis on the sunset 148,wJKubwhDwZo,, 149,q6o0-1YSmSk,,Dolomites #03 – Cloud vs Mountain 150,Qtg_270Aa_I,, 151,EWHWl6HfO1A,, 152,nmFtns_cbbU,, 153,uQf8Ep6L5cc,, 154,2Q6V3bbV_uQ,,Blue like the flower on the water. 155,mCANW2YH-wU,, 156,GZLY-0kPG3M,, 157,Y4ybS881kKw,, 158,HgHLnm3Ss-0,, 159,N4wqYiRZrLI,, 160,znKmV5D4BHg,, 161,vgKeL-yh5Xw,, 162,UIPcRDDopjM,,Investigating the patterns on the mini leaves. 163,l4Oor4wnXmg,,Cloud reflection at a frozen lake in Sweden. 164,HIDkJoAE5kE,, 165,errtqHik8pc,,Roses grow better in Coffee 166,Bg1hgJEU3Es,,"Meteor streaking across the sky in Jeris, Finland." 167,354gcpqYVog,, 168,kn7FVkDwLfU,, 169,LEP9cyPh3Pc,, 170,jyZNOjXF6ZM,, 171,ZBR7NAYRR4M,, 172,E2ZuBbBtrVk,, 173,mGdrB6zZXzk,, 174,rcgK3rcLepo,, 175,tywmCG6SXkE,, 176,UBNLocquEhk,,Bass player posing outdoor in an old chair 177,y7AV9Sc2GdA,, 178,tqw3QPsVQds,,A hot air balloon over Napa Valley 179,SnBtwfljShg,, 180,qLnrOTpo5bA,, 181,GGYZTKqW5xE,, 182,DcitvRh5n18,, 183,4XrEyN5sXhA,, 184,w9xCYsMyW0s,, 185,qHxwq_E7_yY,,"La venere tra i girasoli, enza, Prato, Italy." 186,EWZAHjBzdb8,,Textured Water 187,cJDnWq3PKfU,,Shot during winter from top of a bridge. 188,4OsJnt_qnlo,, 189,NKMm1bACcl8,, 190,6O_Q5XfnIXA,, 191,_tBeFVZPlPY,, 192,_2oDf30N6BY,,Lavender Field 193,neyB-55sC_0,,Yosemite 194,VWIESSJmfW8,, 195,9UEEqkaiu68,, 196,s7nTU9i6whg,, 197,rAP497AwNoU,, 198,VouUERkgtzM,, 199,cC0F3R1c1QM,, 200,4EFSGT901Oo,,Breathe In The Cosmos 201,MKeBSjTFf7A,, 202,JZnUOMsiamc,, 203,bKFmjetkghk,, 204,so7DzaEzjRM,,A field of yellow sunflowers under a grey sky 205,TQz7cY4EXmc,,Moody Forest Light Rays 206,1SK0MfuNIEQ,, 207,frzHLsysu5s,,Papaya 208,r-cuTf1dVwE,,Nature 209,XuHkodhmiyk,, 210,IFMxm6dVWkc,, 211,YdxbjpvBemI,, 212,kA-tdqRoxQI,, 213,2lVzJLUazPA,,Black Iris Collection. 214,IGiHPr_ZdUc,, 215,Hbwe1RcpyU0,,dog wearing a white hoodie on a white background 216,o6YFpevb2KQ,, 217,xuN4ZvsiamU,, 218,zcWRhtwhkYw,,Brown leaves on white 219,RXq_71ICIcg,,Ocean sunset 220,bWijQI4v0dM,, 221,uSUKR_5yaDw,, 222,RDEaV381Cxg,,Phytoplankton - the foundation of the oceanic food chain. 223,qdRK3GDo8Ns,, 224,kHTVwP0hwQk,, 225,7SVIXmI5Cmk,,"House, Forest and Mountain in Austria." 226,WD-v2MnW59U,,The Lotus Flame 227,kGvAV9AOx8E,,We added two mystery snails to our betta fish tank and they're quite fascinating to watch. This one was making its way across the tank eating the trace amounts of algae forming on the glass. I followed it around with the macro lens and took this photo while it had its mouth open. 228,tCbAPUqxJxY,,single orange on tree 229,fy6yIySXO5A,,heather 230,ukrGD6yWTpg,,Scorpion Fish 231,i-YpIzc_7fE,,Dog at sunset in hills on the river 232,tBV0OhigrpA,,Let the sun warm your soul 233,_HHjiseEuGw,,"Ocean is life, is pure greatness and everyone must enjoy it. From the above sometimes is even better. Can you see the rainbow?" 234,BsFxGY09Ffo,, 235,3oh4edOzfBM,, 236,2o-PgGDhfuY,, 237,Tg6UYFPhn5Y,, 238,6egdNN_3k3I,, 239,EZj-pb2v6eA,,"An excursion with some lovely friends in the middle of the night, to go at the Sorapis’ lake. During our journey we meet this insane show." 240,CSfnZ1zaV50,,Reflex build 241,fA6PXjd41JI,, 242,ko758tMmtGU,,Cascata di Ferrera 243,SRfFmo9bDfk,, 244,-4AR-vVjAbM,, 245,DCelW4ytxfM,,"Macro photo of a Northern Dwarf Tree Frog Litoria bicolor. The wet season has started in North Queensland Australia, and the frogs are out to make baby frogs." 246,FzrjgIId6NU,,Swiss / Switzerland – Kanto Uri – Drive to Andermatt 247,GtxSPU95dgI,, 248,ouwUWVr7Ahw,, 249,wpw8sHoBtSY,,small painting (part of a larger project) 250,N5GCFcsVbys,,Gold skull on black background 251,E-en0xS-7v0,, 252,qPirkGGdF7M,, 253,DvubEFNz62U,, 254,yMED4uOmNyU,,Sunset 255,52XuIhCEcuU,,Memories of a different life. 256,YQPTf86GvpM,,So last night my car overheated and I had to pull over and see if it would cool down in the rain. within 20 min my battery died so I then had to call my roadside assistance to come jump my car. I steppe outside when I saw this young man down the street in the rain. I hurried to him and was able to capture this shot! 257,jrDzerLmfW0,,Macro shot of Guinea Feather 258,7K24SkQUbSw,,the tundras of hawaii 259,EurDbzjaxTE,,a day at salem affenberg 260,w5bYMd9leus,, 261,XDPk8ndzNho,, 262,NBbjSYX2cw8,, 263,X5YXJGEyvgg,,Do you know your path in the future? 264,9XRpNnTqdJE,, 265,fEgwf6BE920,,Pink flamingos to Bolivia 266,XfctvGNxn2Y,, 267,KPCXuBucEps,, 268,4D8s0xQUShA,, 269,ql1lJHJ-SSo,,Ramo da vida 270,V613DR6X9zE,,"A misty, foggy evening in the Dolomites. Follow me on Instagram for more @petenathanson" 271,jv9ATyWT0Bw,,Hard Work 272,Fk5-NJzOTDE,, 273,kKGn_dYsDn4,, 274,exS27fIKVYo,, 275,_4DNallhzNA,, 276,vouy8AF8JuM,,Transition 277,cH5nLGooui4,, 278,NgeO4H0CUQM,, 279,T8beRu40qh0,,Small cactus 280,TKzn-Y9-QWo,, 281,qxzDBxqDqf8,, 282,KMNYAFQipvs,, 283,zYxsnL9L1PA,, 284,0kiYSEyChqQ,, 285,V-BdyZf3S3Y,, 286,tF4SUj74Sb0,, 287,37GK7mshhtw,, 288,nxp6akNJiVk,, 289,71N_l2213rQ,,Mountain snow 290,9jmzdcmddqg,, 291,iUe90yZ_5zM,, 292,Npc9ZQdYMvQ,, 293,OzD_vkpMM5Y,, 294,CxBLFwVoxB4,, 295,CGqTT1YSDdw,, 296,PjscbMQkJms,,A Cleaner Wrasse takes a rest in the mouth of a huge Flowery Cod at the Cairns aquarium. 297,cbNVRnlntZ8,, 298,9F4qrNS4fCI,, 299,SGI_unTZ5Uk,, 300,3Xd5j9-drDA,,Chinstrap penguins on Two Hummock Island off the Antarctic Peninsula 301,9hOKBPVEc10,, 302,1m_0l2lmarA,, 303,eA_Da4OfNTU,, 304,-h8Od9ze-0o,,"Under the vast night sky, the milky way opened up before us." 305,40-GOluPlWA,, 306,vFdDc_vyHNU,, 307,Ipi3v05nO6g,, 308,RFT4YauTBs4,, 309,W_QbwqdG2BY,, 310,jhTAobA3X7g,, 311,8f0ItAkeMo4,,Couldn’t Chair Less 312,K6wPjUh_FIM,, 313,JrMkTw3lYBk,,Lost In The Wilderness 314,_AHEpAdR8Xo,, 315,GJHSCMY3zvA,, 316,6fS5dNHYun8,, 317,O8Ez4YZ49Mo,, 318,72gRsNvRXmg,, 319,jLlDee9Qwsg,, 320,0JecC3P4tl8,, 321,WB-tCcWcLYs,, 322,3KRYZnTyYmQ,,IG: 323,IRW6T87IfVA,, 324,QObzUZkDPVI,, 325,rStsi73WjUA,, 326,wqZPreqRrVw,, 327,-S7lA9stG8I,,#rock #ice #winter #waterfall #landscape 328,Ouxt6jBtrQ4,,Helix Beaker Water Pipe 329,ntbImMnNRqc,, 330,dx-Opp7ad6U,, 331,mSyTJIOClFI,, 332,30X3PVJsjdc,,Summer macro 333,Xlhu7bkCJOA,, 334,C9Ro96lXpmg,,Village Predazzo whit the southern Dolomites! 335,M34IAftLLsY,,Street Photography. Coral Gables. FL. 336,I4fDK4Fz_vw,, 337,yHPTzPMFzSU,, 338,pgu1Lju4zqc,,this bottom-up view between two buildings feels satisfying - the clear lines embody steadiness and resistance 339,vYPMX9tBApY,,Beach vibes 340,uVC2DMsIqnY,, 341,jy4F2C1qksc,,Wintergarde 342,2yqsIIFSN-Y,, 343,-hSsMy7qBTY,, 344,tY6ah8ZGrOs,,Happy Kiya 345,Q4w3jEDvK8c,,Luna 346,xeiuiKsS3VI,, 347,G17vOp6tLBg,, 348,m6gcW9YPEFI,,Like a painting 349,kSg47GgGJk8,,Sunflower 350,ewXt28yf8Rc,,An egret photographed in early evening light as it preens itself at Freshwater Lake in Cairns Australia. 351,IXjGoyt3sNY,,Countryside frost 352,pvTzM0GGHgA,,Bruges Christmas market 353,lQxqvRXJ0oU,, 354,Z6AadHE3KSY,, 355,PKGf72RfXeo,, 356,vpM6b8lhX_U,, 357,jnVxDpSgmUw,,"""Cool Blue"" Sunset at Pacific City, Oregon." 358,-m67bLjJaAs,, 359,wV2SA53q93g,, 360,OOuPX8bcpjI,, 361,AGX1VNUjtoU,, 362,8hSaNgg0FR4,, 363,inHGrOADoVc,, 364,X_focRRR0Uw,, 365,7D9QH-rUnq0,,"Messier 13 – the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules Located in the armpit of the constellation Hercules, M13 is one of the best known globular clusters in the northern hemisphere. Discovered by Edmond Halley (for whom the comet is named) in 1714 and cataloged by Charles Messier in 1764, it’s a cluster of several hundred thousand closely grouped stars. The stars are about 100 times more densely packed than in our area of the galaxy. It’s estimated to be approximately 22.2 thousand light years away, with a diameter of 145 light years. The galaxy in the upper right is NGC 6207, which is about 30 million light years away and 34,000 light years across. Globular clusters reside in the halo of a galaxy as opposed to the disk and are bound together by gravitational forces. There are about 150 known globular clusters in the Milky Way, with an estimated 20 more hidden by dust lanes. They are generally comprised of very old stars, and M13 is estimated to be 11.65 billion years old. The process in which globular clusters are created is largely unknown, but it’s hypothesized that they originate from areas of starburst activity and interactions between galaxies. There is no known active star formation in any of theses clusters, but due to the proximity of the stars collisions occur, and new stars are created. These new stars are called “blue stragglers”, some of which may be seen in the photo. The proximity of the stars (on average about one light year apart) also creates many binary star systems (think Tatooine), but due to the age and makeup of the stars there are very few with planets. This is about 3:15 hours of exposure." 366,I2bv2-_dN2M,, 367,NBsqUvr9eyo,, 368,ht-1Aucz1qY,, 369,-WAcDqnOR1U,, 370,m6jI3_8Ghrc,, 371,0pJ5B6fnBp0,, 372,zB6X9vNbJlE,, 373,52g9IdTSe90,, 374,FEGHUL4X_QQ,, 375,nGjGg9TVTGg,,Bling Surfing at foggy beach 376,iPj9S8wX7Ao,, 377,tVXczgiWlbU,,Glacier and lake 378,R2cWLl7yj1o,,Snowy mountains and cloudy skies 379,P45gtJKufJo,,snow covered mountains in Indio 380,_AJwryNo7kE,,Fog covered mountain forest 381,trnTvywx2Rg,, 382,PIOgkhaF3WA,, 383,D6DvJEjyUL0,, 384,UCfVkFjSS-s,, 385,pPxdiv5MkS0,,Billowing Clouds 386,gh0jQUTRX0c,,Tall snow-capped mountain peak 387,Ddp_T92Vjus,, 388,RAdctHjxpfY,,Dried Flowers in a Vase 389,5eYdj1ZTOlc,, 390,uwPtnsCQ9yU,,Stretching a few more miles just outside of Big Sure you still can find a good adventure to the shoreline 391,QLmw7fMCDkg,,"A nice sunrise around Le Salève, France, near Geneva Switzerland." 392,mx5kCS2DUF8,, 393,uCUpzsbQB6Q,, 394,C20Dero0f_0,,Brooklyn City 395,AWWUNRA1KFw,, 396,aFyD5aWKu6k,, 397,x3NRQiAM6lg,,Fog 398,OP0QlX1PDes,,Wave 399,aNUUb3XjSUk,,Landscape of the nature reserve Hruboskalsko based in Czechia 400,gozgmLILDyA,, 401,r-HTZtGDfeY,,Aurora Borealis 402,Zfp7eQCBWxA,, 403,VA7NdRPTQX8,,A farmland donkey the morning after rainfall. 404,ngdJZ_97eNM,,Fishing village on an island 405,-H03ewXHyhw,,"First attempt at doing an ink droplet in water, rather pleased with the result. Will need to test out my 24mm f1.4 next time instead of my 24-105mm f4 to get a faster shutter speed." 406,OpqAtrUNJeI,, 407,3d853e9ZjPM,, 408,M2ZLu8z44xQ,, 409,dLZHvop9Mmo,, 410,vUMEKlDV9J0,, 411,YWo2Qz8Kb3g,, 412,Xu6vANmFry8,, 413,84SUY3Lt2qU,, 414,riQlxx_jiyA,,Foamy Atlantic Sea 415,9wvBzqkbAMM,, 416,jgLLpbdjYcA,, 417,Oo2f26k1vFY,, 418,vK7zYg4wUBY,, 419,J349Se1PB_8,, 420,uWNoVArBQVk,, 421,9db5pOlO2DY,, 422,TXpPVwOpYZw,,I call this photo “Life on Mars”. I took this with a drone over the Christmas Valley Sand Dunes in central Oregon. This was right as the sun was setting in the high desert and I love how the shadow of this massive sand dune jumps out as the sun slips under the horizon. These sand dunes are pretty remote but worth the trip if you don't mind a long drive and unpaved roads. You can drive right up on the sand dunes if you have all-wheel drive. 423,WA1Lpc7iFNw,, 424,ZDGsHSg1ITI,, 425,vU1FGBXfX7c,, 426,DdOORDL7oIc,, 427,k34ZGqFpgzY,,weed(s) 🌼🌿 428,JVn25VdB-qo,,"Lions, Serengeti National Park" 429,f-WlKAU1uhQ,, 430,StKbeSGn7To,, 431,JqwRXYpSMDY,, 432,fz4j0RPp9qo,,Let`s get citrical 433,PxJaS-XAFGQ,,purple medusa 434,10bi9a-bxEs,, 435,wd3a2uJFCk0,, 436,ObD0leSrDzM,, 437,X55nQCPBz1M,,Night Tree 438,Dp4i7WJsNts,, 439,Hqa-Ymae0k0,,Water lilies (Nymphaea spp.) 440,4hKrSCnQw8U,, 441,z9CSymZaP84,,Butterfly on infrared lilas 442,eaAR5-jBl6k,,The road to Tucson 443,AnsiT6Qic6E,,Wetlands by the river 444,2Ex4vWs2R8c,, 445,dGIfygn2_DI,, 446,zwAevXBnEN0,, 447,Qf3qxh6g_Ac,, 448,qLi9OS1DvWw,, 449,12yMNjdgoXs,, 450,1pSMmxaCacM,,Sunset love 451,qfi4bEHYhOA,,Blue and white aerial view of the snow-covered Rocky Mountains 452,EJxDeY-iT8A,, 453,hoBkrQfLLog,, 454,j1F-WyKgr28,, 455,tdWNELsQSmE,,For more pictures: contact: 456,hjHGCKy3ahQ,, 457,eBEMhgNEmGg,, 458,PT-fO4LO8pQ,, 459,lckTrojViao,, 460,Nzzk-pOcqvA,, 461,eDfb2vObvvs,, 462,tBQ4KLOmpRM,, 463,-CKL7Ohzh7E,, 464,dP9U-tIfU3M,, 465,y7gWAxZA-Y0,, 466,RW-VedDbSIk,,NYC Grid 467,CHanWRzpWeg,,"A meteor streaks across the sky above Quebec, Canada. If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 468,pVXWsb-8QSU,,A drone shot of a girl laying on Pink Beach in Indonesia 469,wHzwfUU_By0,, 470,AQ02jqGjchk,, 471,3QPaY4uJlAY,, 472,D2_S61_ECWw,, 473,-o7oMLVY0G4,,Sacré-Cœur 474,M94JgUk9Ebc,,Bearded tit 475,GTfvR3xjFdk,, 476,KWsRjvr66fo,, 477,ySo1yHr1ask,, 478,_lP2UOoZJKk,, 479,9Jj5w46tbdE,, 480,6HeIChA_8OY,, 481,Bcqceawc4Gc,, 482,7Q-x0TH6z4w,,Find Me Among the Colors 483,OaHWHJC7aSA,, 484,7lfg2xKmEc8,, 485,Ytw2Q3uBIi8,, 486,vZ5KmUoYrF4,, 487,TtKZyFJ7XC0,, 488,udHDq62Dgpc,, 489,pAGWDcyK9As,,bird 490,QAV6rkZqxfc,, 491,p3u5XoPfbeU,,Tatry Landscape 492,J6aW8Qab5LQ,,Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan 493,TpfbFAwZ3ZM,,a quite bay in dunsy :) 494,QSnKwEKvMK8,, 495,jfkrskai7ug,, 496,WoZDHkU4ARU,, 497,RQFBpzfqVZw,, 498,UwPDjANCoJI,, 499,pdzQ1cAdftk,,"The hiking in Sahara was exhausting, but slow moment opens much more opportunity than riding or driving" 500,kgXQwrE9-f0,,Mirror 501,T5Pm7ZId3sc,,Follow me on IG @MichaelRFenton 502,QqMYOkOdXmg,, 503,fHK6kIQmtTw,,Somewhere in the mountains 504,OOdNKYx0YSw,,Lost in the Alps 505,0dD8vddb6_8,, 506,Bm7lTtGGF6Y,,Steaming puddle 507,kna0rERNTww,, 508,w6fF9cW2PTk,, 509,peAr1Fvt6xE,, 510,CV1yveqA5bw,,Tears in the Rain 511,Ap3AzCIYgE0,,patrick hendry 512,2-phOrgQnuY,, 513,5hc56cf64Gc,, 514,vDDm1B-n65Q,, 515,YWxfEBlvoiI,,I love how the back of a wave creates these whisps and trails of white wash. Turning it up and down creates a very cool texture. 516,ISegsbjgIms,, 517,kYNLtWunw8M,, 518,rZ1ljQA0uVI,, 519,VIUOtQ1AYzs,, 520,x4VEtc2Y4GY,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica Summicron-R 2.0 / 35mm (Year: 1978)" 521,gt7zBxxif4k,, 522,2n8USpVDRq8,,This branch was growing in front of a large abandoned pipe in the middle of the woods. The black abyss behind the leaves is the face of the pipe. It was so long you couldn't see the light at the other end. 523,BMHZAUj--IY,, 524,I997PvGj9BY,, 525,HrXIAucCgck,, 526,jd0xxPz9S7g,, 527,NXXHvIAzbYk,, 528,OFQzn3V1JKU,, 529,yKoNvfj5jTE,, 530,4pbmHLlnEiY,, 531,4-Yw22oNZmE,,"""There's always a bigger fish"" applies to the scenery surrounding this canoe." 532,WpxgQBQ7NK4,,Dapat se Gat 533,5mmngbWIflg,,"Always a pleasure to explore lakes or lagos in Italy, giving this gorgeous blue spectrum and mirror reflecting the mountains." 534,Yv8a7QK3VJ8,,Snap Dragon Still Life 535,hqUXUL6b5bQ,, 536,CWxZ8rYe-_8,, 537,Uuog4t78QTE,, 538,uVSTm1b36pE,,The Soul Nebula or is it The Star Child? 539,39BKKhuy11k,,Colored platform under water and oil 540,lhsEoR-mxKM,,Sakura Story 541,l-fJ7o__MlI,,Please follow me on instagram! @chrishenry 542,UmxtuzgYlks,, 543,vJwzv51OUqw,,A moody and stormy day at an exceptional lake in the Patagonian part of Argentina - landscape and nature shots by Jan Kronies 544,sEh0rgGtMLc,, 545,1vNkzc0nPKY,, 546,uU1dQJwLUSQ,,'Dried wild flowers + colour paletteing' is the new normal :) 547,OILFChaj_4c,,Macro Tropical forest 548,Ih1iNEBrn78,, 549,-leS_YgRdxA,, 550,INnZ8xG0ZHI,, 551,KW8yCmtQPvs,,Standing in the light 552,g5Mhx29yp-A,,Cute but grumpy cat in the Austrian mountains 553,9cWFabF8-fQ,,Autumn Magic 554,LFR9pA3i56E,,Entering Staging Exit Insta: @yong.chuannnnn 555,Jd09hiCUPCs,,"These are the Anti-Atlas Mountains, part of the Atlas Mountain range in southern Morocco, Africa. The region contains some of the world's largest and most diverse mineral resources, most of which are still untouched." 556,J4TqyglZmpM,,Beautiful Work Space 557,_Adyb5GR8lI,, 558,qS_p_2gnEoI,,Winter holidays can be enjoyed in Cēsis. 559,SDDuPsTX4IE,, 560,EkJ8D5dWEoM,, 561,12aMnqeePt0,,"Last year, I went to Siguniang mountain and Zhegu Mountain to take photos. I miss it very much" 562,KmmVj3LY4lA,,white roses 563,qPiOWwHTxd4,, 564,pr1M1Y7zdik,, 565,23FaYU5omLs,,Follow me on Instagram: @pratikgpta 566,_yN0CB0ZiSI,, 567,_5i7ieocPow,, 568,Q3qSVB2KsWg,,Evening sun peeks through the forest trees 569,SB7vEUD1t7I,, 570,D2r2nmABz0M,,"Hạ Long Bay (Vietnamese: Vịnh Hạ Long, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and popular travel destination in Quảng Ninh Province, Vietnam. The name Hạ Long means ""descending dragon"". Administratively, the bay belongs to Hạ Long city, Cẩm Phả city, and is a part of Vân Đồn District. The bay features thousands of limestone karsts and isles in various shapes and sizes. Ha Long Bay is a center of a larger zone which includes Bai Tu Long Bay to the northeast, and Cát Bà Island to the southwest. These larger zones share a similar geological, geographical," 571,-Iuvtg9nb3E,,Cat’s whisker from up close 572,HyUriQjS9R0,,Horseman on a lake shore 573,lp0IFw6YqZg,,Ocean waves splashing 574,t05kfHeygbE,, 575,R6KyoSRvQTk,,clouds 576,CKl172V28wM,, 577,iOUe2L7cTiQ,,Hilly Corsica coast 578,N5dWeS8p09k,,Frozen grass flowers 579,KlkS0cpFjN0,,Tranquil Photographer 580,7zEWYgpdHBs,, 581,ZgTnXdboOO8,,White blossom 582,aXqlZFeVFrU,, 583,t0qFiDspOv4,,silhouette of a man jumping in front of the sun 584,pVT1ocIt9Dc,,Snow and the Evergreens 585,IBLHwNwfq-k,,the big lizard 586,7trjwhGMwsM,,Instagram ( 587,0b7CIkTssHI,, 588,v6eA2IbLD3w,, 589,AYYbqlo5af0,, 590,OIx83YZSf9g,, 591,_KdARYO5PI8,,"Thousand stars on Nusa Penida, Indonesia" 592,3CVquBkD30o,, 593,dW6SQObWwCE,, 594,Fa5zsVbg71U,,Sunset at the beach 595,ytS63u0_n2A,,Found a friend 596,FaGkuorkWP0,, 597,gYUPN-9FPk4,, 598,xX1mcY-lTpo,, 599,HUCZ0Wrnadk,,light support 600,SI2_kU6LSdM,,Rauher Kulm 601,PuGr85II3yc,,Busy worker bee 602,fnxkPIs_5QA,,Two mountain waterfalls 603,SVqeVMCk9PE,,Birch grove in the autumn 604,d_qAeReozXY,, 605,2qQgdily4tY,,Early morning city traffic at sunrise 606,_mgfuATaQnk,, 607,l6HWvxFBwdU,,Bornholm cliff 608,Sp4EL_R1JQk,,Sunset reflections 609,GdJU2hYnfqQ,,Skyline by the sea on a cloudy day 610,lT8TicEZ7GQ,, 611,390qfaawd00,, 612,boE2xft0cAo,, 613,hsX9KpLLsIE,,Green lake with a pier 614,vnUuKluH0cw,, 615,LTCVqZfvSZE,, 616,1jKjJjGgDG8,,Hovedøya sunset 617,2vDWKa2T1Y0,, 618,HkJge4SZ8y0,,"La Jolla, CA" 619,bN3tt8IbiwE,, 620,rmxtNwz4NI4,, 621,BSbXkgg6YLo,, 622,zEHbwlpm0hw,,Madakuripuri // Indo // @ultrabrad 623,R3dNP3dr6VU,, 624,y6P0QSSlDGw,, 625,vSZLXMwUGBg,,A sleeping Sumatran tiger (insta:__sham.bam) 626,_iMJcYw6bJ0,, 627,-QVXoX2Lxjo,, 628,8m_izfof3j8,, 629,jAj6JqO1wkM,, 630,5iZWUKSh0Rc,,Rainbow Oil Patch on Tarmac From the series 631,9gAkkE6eg6U,,Mount Mcrea - Revelstoke 632,8mkzC5-jYbE,, 633,I8gRT8rraLQ,, 634,Oqlp59OWtME,, 635,dSZ1E8dtSIU,,@thevibrantmachine holding colorful fall / autumn leaf in forest 636,lJJZxDyE5_M,, 637,HgKZLVvWTQU,, 638,_5xFwCrB4iI,, 639,EoGBPqSiC3Q,,Lake Louise Alberta Canada 640,_F93tILWb_Y,, 641,k0ggc6_2q1Y,, 642,5KUOCOYWjaU,,Sunset by the beach 643,EOEH1bjAcSg,, 644,4i7JbYNVEdc,,Blue Astronaut 03 645,rCA3yyiEOKA,, 646,-SyUjRlHauQ,,Astronaut 07 @eliapelle 647,PoH5pzUL1z0,,Nature inside the house. 648,x5yqBIUOZgA,, 649,g-Gc-k-NPkA,,California Nebula 650,9MGmejLX0BY,,Magnolia in spring 2020 651,oOh-UMR1Vdc,,"Title: Portrait of William I, King of the Netherlands. Date: 1819. Institution: Rijksmuseum. Provider: Rijksmuseum. Providing Country: Netherlands. Public Domain" 652,_Nc4Dyr1ICc,,Trifid Nebula 653,Pw1MBHMb8eg,,Give me a shout on Instagram or message me: @isacciobota 654,L1G2AcunIro,, 655,wW1raPiIJIU,,Roses are red 656,fUHkDnmXq1Q,,Penumbral lunar eclipse 657,4ENFPMd4hUU,,Frozen forest in the fog 658,UUvNNd6S2xI,, 659,EH0fgjYXQYM,,Golden retriever surrounded by autumnal blades of grass and vineyards. 660,tLlk-NTF7hw,,Presumably a shepherds cabin in the Norwegian mountains. 661,xgrOnk_i7xE,,"This is to celebrate my 100th photograph posted on Unspalsh. Rest assured this is a very friendly elephant riding. We are not hurting animal in any ways, and we hope you see the beauty of this picture, the connection they make is absolutely an amazing thing." 662,VUyzV38LKUI,, 663,XcZo3Zk-QUc,, 664,YaFcnLmRY24,, 665,pLoal7b3-eI,,A river in Islande viewed by drone 666,nOqcsEegXec,,Mudflats in Cook Inlet at low tide 667,S80vfD4h2Hg,, 668,nURQGhuV6Mo,,Greenhouse exploration III 669,MrnKSSSuvuM,, 670,E-xJThzavF4,, 671,Z-JcRkLAAkk,, 672,jj4MA1toxjA,, 673,iZzPp_sFGFE,, 674,KICyOWUj-ww,, 675,q7Xl1XYUS_o,, 676,aGLktfYshmU,, 677,8PEU59oqwbo,, 678,HgoEnDWOGrA,, 679,4FUtVl7tw00,, 680,2RYs4mRqbM4,, 681,LZNnJ8XPIl8,, 682,RjcAkBw8WBw,, 683,WzxImIGmIjI,, 684,hnw3Al47-KE,, 685,2V8xZRYgpnk,, 686,LFs1SDLr5jE,,Instagram: @justincron 687,iq2I7sMR06g,,Mountain slopes near Lake Ingalls 688,Nmp6B3FKcqw,,Glaciar Perito Moreno // Perito Moreno Glacier 689,1Ofu8QGRFrg,,Red panda on a tree 690,HDWJiaYPK5c,, 691,hIMdKs_0cSE,, 692,jPKfyXZ54vw,, 693,czGBuGdu89s,,Straight mountain road 694,YXyTlLrSVs0,, 695,iYALJTrL_iA,, 696,jevOeAhaNF8,, 697,P0prZ8uA0fk,,Springtime snowdrops and autumn leaf 698,EZSlp_sVXzM,,Rolling wave crash 699,uWoZhhTSwiA,,Mother’s Day flower sale 700,FVOkPmiCzAM,, 701,QXwSpNrHvoI,, 702,A95wfNxMhpg,, 703,AQiCj9JFVjo,, 704,rJwV0cbnrFY,,Minimal Flower Arrangement 705,khyHnsPO0pE,,"People change slowly, like this leaf..." 706,PpwK032gSao,,"Three weeks in Japan, one favorite photography." 707,aPoSlgapDFU,, 708,eUx4Kym8rPo,, 709,nuChRUY3RlA,,Nature takes my mind to another level. 710,O0VMdma6g1o,, 711,TpR4-ecdnKQ,,Wallpaper 712,sSVSWMa035g,,Medical illustration of clindamycin-resistant group B Streptococcus bacteria 713,kKgUE7laS7I,, 714,rpiGqUvx-zY,, 715,SO7wd1P2Uio,,A break in the rolling clouds reveals the setting golden light 716,c_IajJmUucs,, 717,wgI28EMU2Ec,,Follow me on Instagram: 1967__labs 718,a0pqnpcdsug,, 719,ba5hzU6ioO0,, 720,xVLtKowshag,, 721,T5Ye7puWZxo,, 722,-CVg4toX4dc,,Looking down the waterfall 723,6Wad1bIYQ94,, 724,MvftAbKK9Ek,,Mount Pilchuck on the horizon 725,EFvP9cHipMQ,,Sharp mountain ridges 726,SDjnK0Emh6A,,Countryside near the river 727,wu14HwPv6f0,, 728,286UBkTOAl4,,Duck eating fish 729,Y3gJZuWKyeg,,Frost on black car 730,eRl8DXqwlcE,, 731,r077pfFsdaU,,Happy Gorilla 732,f7Hbh67haBk,,University of York building 733,OOo1c_jJ0Fk,,Instagram - @andrewtneel | Donations - 734,ny_5l4QKBnE,,Antelope and zebras 735,r6Pueuplv-8,,Garden of Succulents 736,r9PpqREUekU,,"Barramundi Cod. These fish seem to spend much of their time floating motionless with their heads facing down. This may make it harder for predators to spot them. The dark spots on a light background blend well into a background of coral with holes in it, and predators may be tuned in to see a fish which is typically horizontal and not vertical, and of course keeping still helps to avoid detection." 737,x1JnsqmKSVA,, 738,N9aiMge51Ro,, 739,mGpwm0TyPI8,,Another winter capture without snow - global warming 740,kx97mFLTGfk,,rose on book pages 741,ODXrQfJqo90,, 742,5XH6lrp1SKY,, 743,rQRMKSCWbXg,, 744,0UtMDLOk0Vg,,"Clouds getting in Haleakala Crater, 10,023 ft above sea level, Haleakala National Park. An incredible combination of natural colors." 745,eVd7hS355Qk,, 746,es-OB2FzzNY,, 747,xAns8H5j9rM,, 748,yK43IdBQsio,, 749,PlpndCreTSk,, 750,rZ_vCC19XJ0,, 751,DopUNx_sga4,, 752,WEOfKevjQs4,, 753,YEC7VQzWQt8,, 754,nicc2x0E_A4,, 755,6W_3ojA3i84,,"All you need for this shot is some pomme frites (french fries) and some patience. Let the birds know you have some with a good teaser fry, then hold it where you want them to land. Have the camera ready in the other hand and be ready to hold the trigger for that one good shot. Sadly, though, this beautiful monument of art is in a state of tragedy." 756,dqDPGq34lCM,, 757,nUrfdD3GQLU,, 758,t3DHojIo-08,,"From the Oh Tilly series ""Creative Workspace"", this is one of my favourite images because of the shallow depth of field and that adorable #hashtag mug (one of my faves for a morning coffee). There's a local pottery guy, his name is Devil, and he sells these little pots at the Sunday markets. I am so addicted to his pieces and to supporting his business that I pick up more than one every week. My husband rolls his eyes every time, but I've seen him pick them up and admire them. ;)" 759,MsoAoPmm3Bw,, 760,X3RT3hk_OYQ,, 761,6iaB3db3efQ,, 762,ezZXJoS03eQ,, 763,hPcrY_me2cI,, 764,Bx7ibIKcGkA,, 765,0cpfP5E86B4,, 766,RVEBa3RIXho,, 767,5X-6slUVwVg,, 768,XzzRFJkIE5w,, 769,rPE1qDdoVVI,,White gerbera on black 770,5UaE_ztguGU,,Glowing sunset at Island in the Sky 771,7AkM67Y4tbw,,Yawning tiger 772,01Qqkfz-ck8,,Evergreen treetops from above 773,l8tstdkzKTU,,The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire. ~ Pamela Hansford Johnson 774,c-NFJc86CSc,,"We only had time for a quick detour into Death Valley National Park on our way home from the Eastern Sierras. After spending most of our trip under overcast skies and in freezing temperatures, DVNP was a shock to our systems. Even under the brightest sun, this place is all about layers and textures and color. I look forward to seeing it again." 775,pvnF1k21qak,,Bed of pink flowers from above 776,8rrW22vsWqk,, 777,nI4OwVnz0dw,,A single Atlantic Puffin perches on the edge of a rock in soft overcast light on Machias Seal Island. 778,HRfzGjfJmKs,,White petals and pink buds 779,RdLw6AuTH6Y,,Potted orchids in a dark room 780,rEHuLF3jWjQ,, 781,fikcvtc8OWc,,"Driving up towards Lake Tahoe in early Fall, I turned a corner on a backroad and was surprised to see a this winter scene ahead of me." 782,KvvRd4F7pPM,,Fog is in the air 783,-BSvBlnCvUU,,Deep Rose Extravaganza 784,cnBQdL559mY,,Dog costumes 785,nKqSOhItLVU,,Corgi enjoying the snow Easter Day. 786,qKlO-lXq9Oo,, 787,4iLJ9_CpX8k,,A rainy day - some water drops on the front window of my car 788,JxQknXM9e1Y,,"TsingDao, China." 789,LAyG1M2wA-k,, 790,q9XgBcv1pA8,, 791,cvPhmXbDgI4,, 792,Wi_zzUPm580,, 793,MP30frmCUrs,, 794,_Gjo4VJC99I,,Latvia 795,P7WBXBUr9Rg,,pretty little stream 796,bLbDMXezT7w,, 797,n45C7xS02Uc,, 798,Kv45zIFFWno,,Savannah Sparrow shaking off the rain. 799,Xne1N4yZuOY,,Boulder formation 800,TKV0jyMKPB4,, 801,9D33N8SI904,,Running away from the dark sidde 802,fajFGKdLWcw,, 803,yOShCIf1NJY,, 804,BAzEZ4yqKlw,,Fragility 805,P4Qx2xTNUzk,, 806,KbbGcDFC2Fw,,Mountain Road 807,7x-CvG1VmC0,,Cherry Blossoms II 808,YLRvHE3s5ms,,An amazing sunset at Guincho 809,684D-N8wJXE,,Cat - Siames 810,4a1J6IS84YI,,sunset cliffs 811,NHJZ3Aj5_-E,, 812,UGWA3kjgvow,,"Russia, Kamchatka, city Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Mishennaya Hill." 813,buQ_5OxYkYM,,Light 814,-MyeEccQNxE,, 815,wlrIYIRzuv4,, 816,JoKJOi9tdJ0,,"Street grid in Chicago, United States." 817,FvrjfNKpITc,, 818,X7HsylKeork,,Bird’s-eye view of snowy mountains 819,lmbZ8kOSWvk,, 820,GzTl9ji7Ytc,, 821,PHDfBGPmhRs,, 822,Qw5jYjhQhmY,,Mist down below 823,pdAnq78gJhg,, 824,M72A61geqVo,, 825,z7vwbDUrlq4,, 826,PXdBkNF8rlk,,Icebergs of Iceland’s Vatnajokull 827,21r3djZK3Lc,,Red autumn leaves 828,NnnsN-cQUSw,,Man entering ocean 829,Lzx4J_Pb3sk,, 830,1braZySlEKA,, 831,jfQCT6XifkY,,Sleeping tiger up close 832,jPPHYSez-s4,,Woman in a sunlit meadow 833,-87JyMb9ZfU,, 834,X2WUR5hF3Rs,, 835,VvrZq6e4RGk,, 836,nKcYv9GTvd8,,Sunrise over an island 837,W3DbhZRWy7s,,Daffodils 838,32KY5byUI-Q,, 839,jI8A2ZhM8Y0,,moon phase 840,Fci5dt3wObs,,pink moon 2020 841,oA6g04auPyk,, 842,pC3T8Zub3mI,,Fisherman's Beach 843,aPUgCaBAzx8,, 844,ip1LRG9rljg,, 845,RiM-wOomC6w,, 846,h2wM8ZprLIQ,, 847,THp6auC7Pr4,,"The ""X""" 848,COE-CIGj8VA,,Mysterious Mist 849,-e_njRV9hRE,,Lake Pebbles 850,dXdyFy6bXt8,,Green cascade in Bridal Veil Falls | Instagram: @timmossholder 851,K5DxztpY1O8,,Ocean wave race to beach shore 852,iJnZwLBOB1I,, 853,YXIZOBSOWIU,,Majestic mountain view 854,F2eHfMwIOxA,,Elegant coffee shop 855,NBVADrOCDjU,,Roaring lion 856,9MeuvkmSrxQ,,Rural bouquet 857,z_aRTfBccJA,, 858,YNNorKGZ__M,,Wilting Wildflowers 859,qexZLgMcbPc,,Volcano ash cloud 860,GSs7lhq9uBI,,Ridges around Blue Lake 861,xjM0j6qBPGM,, 862,sTOYhbK0r_0,, 863,nLBcOY8t9tc,,Trendy Breakfast 864,x7DEzM3Mif4,,Sleepless nights 865,gmuIUQ2Y4cY,, 866,AL2-t0GrSko,,Cat in a bay 867,pB-IJfg8jb8,,Orange rose bouquet 868,8D_JPA3xYhM,, 869,l3r5Et4YhIs,,Rattlesnakes 870,fDcXBafvsGU,, 871,Dk9tjsGL48s,,A Cloud Above 872,70s5ZKzNkac,,the Deer | when in Dalat 873,Ct6LBZHaOSc,, 874,Y3IeFncA_wc,,"A stunning moment in Argentina, when my friend Conor seeked out to find the perfect spot in this magnificent patagonian landscape during sunset - by Jan Kronies" 875,Eb0x2kbj5eA,, 876,0AbVUUorULU,,Hayfield and hay bales 877,7oS_26cb1Wo,, 878,dBO39hZ9avA,, 879,1YZ2i6xeCHs,, 880,TFyi0QOx08c,,Misty shroud over a forest 881,cKyqdM-xias,,Light blue chunks of ice 882,02f3KC3zKPk,,Tranquil afternoon skyline 883,kMInhS0Nh-w,, 884,uXdRjbk-0dE,,Desert Formations 885,FPgRR0Dduk4,,Mist rolls down 886,Z2nBEvTs7hw,, 887,4li0JoBT2Uc,, 888,FBZB7cMZpTI,,"After Waiting for multiple days to get perfect lighting, I headed out to Rodeo Beach to get some HDR photos of the lovely rock formations. Stop by @its.matchu on instagram for more!" 889,47Ro8G_N7Vo,, 890,qkxL5LOaoR0,,morning vibes 891,tSCmtF61nNg,,Colorful autumn 892,IBVI7yEx_lI,,I found this view a couple of days ago on a photo walk. 893,YuJmGZDeH08,,November flower … 894,Ecq10puHWaI,,Scottish Highlander 895,tyX01W6KCyI,, 896,_dT9cM0ONIY,,if the wind is not to strong you can see the sand dancing 897,Qj20ZHLmVis,, 898,vsvqdUL_Y8o,,Through a Window 899,mFTH2t8fDO8,,Softy 900,jS4zPWMnPkA,,Misty mountain 901,IFSPbRgMqBo,, 902,3pekyY0-yOw,,"On a family trip to the Sanbona Nature Reserve we came across a pair of cheetahs who were just waking up as the sun was setting. I was able to get close enough to them to take a number of pictures of this one who was sitting up a few yards away from his dozing brother. The evening sun was coming from the side and the light was such that the mountains behind turned a dark blue, forming a perfect backdrop. Sanbona is about 4 hours’ drive from Cape Town in the scrubland semi-desert of the Karoo - which explains the heather-like plants that can be seen in the picture." 903,5kSxeTwftkc,, 904,auXdimpx7K8,,Sunrise meadow 905,6C--rfOEwCI,, 906,wsrKv9Gm06o,, 907,Qf3j1lHfyik,,Brown duck swimming in pond 908,T26KCgCPsCI,,Shooting Star Night Forest 909,P4wUyM5DAsc,,Gazing up in the forest 910,X6Gr8LBMvq4,, 911,6F4rbk2TAbw,, 912,pkEuxthQd1k,, 913,zvf7cZ0PC20,, 914,RWzPBcWVdpw,,Picturesque Mountain View 915,DAnwLsKzXjA,, 916,sLyMaAZh_AQ,, 917,gJyKLN84LwU,,Round pebble pattern 918,a47qPRbHx7g,,Szczeliniec Wielki landscape 919,X-MbINOd9kY,, 920,DLwUVlzrP0Q,, 921,g9M46POadWU,, 922,gop6nqUH5do,, 923,XCAo_gm4kxw,,"If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 924,hBI6dqA6uv4,, 925,kCJa4GoaRxc,, 926,XNWjkbjL2qk,,"When you are talking on the phone but don't want to miss the good light, you take leg selfies... at least I do ;-) Song to go along: ""Rain Down Love"" by Freemasons ❤️ Share your co-creations/feel free to tag me @avasol144 :-)" 927,TUWfAtNzaOU,, 928,aWups_vmfwA,, 929,xpZGrE4sHbs,,Seaside Clouds 930,-UCR39SnjCg,,Taken while in a car while driving on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway 931,vHyGq7AXHSQ,, 932,18dMIxCo3GE,, 933,VdAyo0CkbdQ,,Sunrise in Tuscany 934,9KZ0PGNCxNE,, 935,ZGpi37nNzOY,,Rhossili bay at sunset 936,tk2ROSG9Lyo,,"photo took during an adventure to Sorapis lake, in Italian Dolomiti mountains." 937,FNmyzvykrew,,george Street reflections 938,HH8Sk2LfeCk,, 939,WukitUSJRgY,, 940,vgEZgq1ftZE,,Trees Growing Upside Down. 941,-wEFdRCG4IU,, 942,BR1WANLLpDU,,"We are now in the mountains and they are in us, kindling enthusiasm, making every nerve quiver, filling every pore and cell of us.” ― John Muir" 943,Mb_Rgr8iD88,,Sparking Campfire 944,JZGuCuc5t54,,"Here’s looking at you, kid" 945,x-1rQxLUPy4,,Three Waterfalls 946,doPBjGyNPWY,,Dippy 947,0-B75Xgap10,,"At night when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself talking to the moon…" 948,I9IBL2Ko1ms,, 949,ji0RVgiTd-E,,Fall is coming 950,mFT1uZy4SeU,,Hurricane Ophelia 951,JhOMxEHrT6E,,Geoffroy Hauwen Photographer 952,j3JAI9KXJ-c,, 953,yxI2zdKXvhU,,"We were camping in the foothills of Sahyadri in Maharashtra. Sometime late in the night, we heard a crackling sound. When we peeped outside, a wildfire had broken out and was fast spreading. We had to move to higher grounds until we were safe from it." 954,FJu_dhnTqlE,,Each year I find myself in the midst of snowy wilderness skiing down slopes with a group of great friends. These images are collections I find to be the most beautifully captured of the incredible creation I was surrounded by // follow me on Instagram @jknepp 955,HtNi5iMGCts,, 956,hie_GRfI-ms,,Exploring the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria with friends - botanical gardens are always so full of the strangest mix of foliage. I especially love how the lighter greens in this almost look like little stars or snowflakes at first glance (or if you squint lol). 957,YJq3TJb3qRA,,IG :@justinchrn 958,8OfP1sfX5wc,, 959,Fpa9vFc7kXM,, 960,F5CW4uZ8tBw,,"This is one of the upper ridges above Snowbasin Ski Resort in Ogden Utah. You can see a number of small avalanches coming down from the ridge. The ski area management does a very good job of monitoring the situation and on many mornings you will be surprised by loud booms as the use charges to clear the potential avalanches. To learn how to take pictures like this, read my educational blogs at" 961,bsXHwvrK_4w,, 962,ZXQQZkojTSc,, 963,PIl4gJH1QaY,,Finnish forest in Finland from above. 📸 Julius Jansson See more at 👉 🙂 Please follow me also at 👉 964,UHeHurRVB8o,, 965,5IynMUOOpLE,, 966,nQpqImZ9PTc,, 967,njpwZMNL9TM,,Seceda Italy South Tyrol 968,Bzy973uq-BE,, 969,951YFKbvS3A,, 970,zgujXJqyNqI,,Winter stream 971,mkiFnR3hM_0,,My wife and my 2 months old puppy Smoothie in my town Fethiye Turkey. 972,eyPiErJ6XcI,,Marble 973,wEgiJtlfzPc,, 974,eK2lSRUZkbo,, 975,c70azU31VzU,, 976,DFFLki_s6LU,, 977,ZIlH22Jm7lM,, 978,ElMRqLN7P7A,, 979,DCZGNIZjz_Q,,this is our cooking tent on the hiking trip 980,BVFc_M6_KoU,, 981,IaUQaRORK6k,,Falling Leaf 982,icOzM-yHXiQ,, 983,HsCvG7kHeX0,, 984,_94wpXx6C4g,, 985,0HvnSVQy1dk,,"Queen of Grassland, Neelam" 986,Y7OSh5oC3NM,, 987,VBxwGKOKvrg,, 988,KDFxVFk7clU,, 989,YY0vaZV7oIA,,Iceland 990,0CH_I06Ow2Q,,A break in the clouds over giants causeway 991,H9-49q0sbZ4,, 992,D5CToKuyXwc,, 993,j9a-kdKUwRI,,Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden 994,WafDlqhMEi4,,"Blunt, South Dakota 🌎" 995,trjM-Y7CMXc,,A Ritual In A Simulation 996,fStVwGRWu28,,Transparencies of the moon (from negatives made at the Lick Observatory) 1888. 997,_h-ErYeit4Q,, 998,MMZS7sP1Q_8,,Trees in the Mist 999,unVUb_sk05g,, 1000,H25aqVohj6E,,Star trails and reflections over a lake during fall with colourful trees 1001,qGXzMAXG3SE,, 1002,K_pzZX8j3SE,,Sunset on top of a mountain 1003,nDmw1-vml5k,, 1004,7Tr62uzk45E,,Winter Notes 1005,SNlFn1sJuEs,, 1006,9YKmdOmnKt4,,Icey mountain valley 1007,ioAK4HESn6k,,Resort at the foot of a mountain 1008,NFwDSMSq54Q,,Misty Icelandic mountain 1009,PuobOOUjX5I,, 1010,Bp2DElKfy14,, 1011,XNrfBDsak2k,,Hike in the green mountains 1012,goZ1M5TVjag,,Snowy forest in Austria 1013,vChPu9FNN-Y,,Mist on a slope 1014,BFMaGkfHDWQ,,Hirzel spring forest sunset 1015,KFCPopx2icU,,"I took this photo earlier in the year. I was visiting my Dad in Palmdale, California. I was looking on Google Maps for a place to go and shoot. I found this place called Saddle Back Butte State Park. This photo is made up of 10 different shots. Originally it was a 360 panorama, I opened up photo shop and messed with the polar coordinates and boom I had a little planet. I hope you enjoy it. I’m on IG @bryangoffphotor Stop by and say hi!" 1016,nJk78aA1IHk,,The beach of contis (sunset) 1017,lvMXgXUuAGs,,"I’ve put off getting out for sunrise at Winnat’s Pass for two years now since moving here but finally made it down this week and it didn’t disappoint. Maybe I should have been down sooner but then my first experience of a sunrise here wouldn’t have been so memorable, so maybe not…" 1018,vwcxco7o564,,"Some deep green mood from Martvili Canyon, located in Semegrelo-Zemo Svaneti province of Georgia." 1019,m78EF2Rnp9A,,"Days are already noticeably shorter now, but the result is beautiful light earlier in the day! Plus there’s fewer people around, the only people we had to share the area around the Watzmannhaus were two couples at a otherwise terribly overcrowded place. It may have been advantageous that the Watzmannhaus is closed due to repairs right now…" 1020,YAt2KX0JVdE,, 1021,3atyPswCWX8,,Clouds and Stars at Night 1022,LyP7FdwBv3g,, 1023,X3YzPHn3Jus,, 1024,yQTQgXeYAac,,"Check out my work: From above, the view is more spectacular than you can think of. I was crossing this wonderful winter land being amazed by the landscape. I decided to stop in this parking lot, pulled out my drone being curios how it is above. The view of the curved road surrounded by the snowy trees pointing up like spears really took my breath." 1025,KofzUvmSHks,, 1026,3B5xl5yOTY4,, 1027,KcsVqG69jfU,, 1028,dTTyhArV6bI,, 1029,z2G_mtPCylQ,,Macro photography of water and sunflower oil in different variations 1030,a5DB2UhpwF0,,We got up extremely early to enjoy this spectacular sunrise in the Sahara desert. February 2019. 1031,16ds3WBpmks,, 1032,vrh9r3o3NFs,, 1033,SOnxfCNFqHI,, 1034,HL2kVQN85sA,, 1035,4qQolDX6eSw,, 1036,CpppxlHFa-8,, 1037,MVCdr7m1pas,, 1038,reXwAuEdkVM,,Chimpanzee mother and child 1039,SmAiLn-nnJg,, 1040,9KREEQaN7gQ,,Frozen Crater Lake 1041,IACtzClqfEA,, 1042,uY4Ulq78PZ8,,Yosemite Valley in summer 1043,sYkr-M78H6w,, 1044,6s4omYOt9Vo,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 1045,E4944K_4SvI,,"I was visiting the Big Island of Hawaii with some friends and family, and my brother convinced the group to take a lava tour by boat. I always kind of balk a little bit at overtly touristy stuff like that, but I think everyone was a pretty shocked when we got our first look at the Kalapana Lava Flow after about a half hour boat trip down the coast. It’s such an awesome, phantasmagorical sight and, since they actually get surprisingly close to the spots where the rivers of lava meet the ocean and throw up sulfurous steam clouds, also a pretty visceral sensory experience." 1046,HsG4OEPqGYc,,Rose arch 1047,c1bshOfP_IA,,"This is a funny photo. I tried for hours to take photos of the milky way and honestly I was pretty successful, I just wasn’t satisfied yet. It was late, like 2am late, so I didn’t want to go out stumbling around the woods in the dark by myself. I tried to think of what I could do from the porch instead. After failing to do things with the giant window, I turned to my lens filter. It worked." 1048,fufI8gQTfoE,,Bleak mountain 1049,gPy7RcnxOy8,, 1050,2l6nNAqmPj8,,Kahala Beach Park Island 1051,__1Mu7EZXOM,, 1052,2COogL-bEQQ,, 1053,d6u7FP4TlEY,,Thats me 1054,RyjvWS6rrxo,, 1055,8Ce-NRKCq4s,,Red morning 1056,nIOc10EJ-OI,,sea anemones in fluorescent light 1057,IyEwFM-fAVk,, 1058,-rQFG2huv8s,,Wild Fox not in the Wild 1059,M-rww53f9A0,,Stargazing 1060,0ugK8wqBY2w,, 1061,hoqRmTRaD_4,,College 1062,kkgVUBBiPCQ,,This shot shows the raw strength of nature. An aggressive waterfall; engulfing anything which dares to enter it’s icy cold path. Anyone brave enough to come close might end up in Davy Jones’ Locker 1063,kcy3tHgHpcs,, 1064,Pm7GlGS6jr0,, 1065,YV593oyMKmo,, 1066,XSumb9AtswI,, 1067,oV5uHzlsAeE,, 1068,2_vDHAj1M2c,, 1069,sDiO1FruXtU,, 1070,5GibcyAX20Q,, 1071,X-prib5n490,, 1072,gTyyHANr974,, 1073,M7bTHFJnnWg,, 1074,SSgWzII-hc0,, 1075,b3S7gyrfOMQ,, 1076,Vr-OPKxwXO0,, 1077,EhTm5XCGd-M,, 1078,hmzKoapQuYY,,This beautiful Koru (Māori for “loop”) is a spiral shape based on the appearance of a new unfurling silver fern frond. 1079,xssEs_oCv-A,, 1080,Rvs6IR8cX6I,, 1081,9XBxrbq0nyA,, 1082,Zl6FatXMxIM,, 1083,uZBmcIR5_94,, 1084,Le1JlDtVi2Q,,small in a big world 1085,tGui77fvvpE,, 1086,xd0g61tGBgc,, 1087,TJho51nvPJU,, 1088,UpT93Vbc7QY,,At 5:00 in the afternoon i took this incredible shot just outside my hotel room terrace and while editing just got this amazing photo after.The photo makes me feel relax and i’m proud of this photo. cheers! 1089,W-IuqDT0lhc,,Twilit Sky Pelasgia Greece 1090,DDDprixAHEI,, 1091,-3uIUqsR-Rw,,Trees reflected in a lake 1092,CQl3Y5bV6FA,,Curious Stranger 1093,R261qkc-nDE,,Simplicity 1094,m2D-AFuWV9s,,The goal was to create a minimalistic office work desk shot for Unsplash. 1095,s5Pugn21ixI,,The sky was burning 1096,gHmVElA9HE0,, 1097,BhqAdgQLKU8,, 1098,ZR8CPW96PHE,, 1099,BrU5UarFVUM,,Save Me 1100,ROYmdXcUZy8,,Sky Above the Cabin 1101,kv07HeayuCs,,Eyes always tell the truth 1102,3eLY9nwyqqE,, 1103,R8QApJtIIfQ,,Long Desert 1104,0iOOw41DZ28,,Magic flowers 1105,Ho6QQfohuYA,, 1106,deusjnAYb4I,, 1107,3D1ExKTAEvA,, 1108,dNEBkBW9KWU,, 1109,QNDzCNj-zmg,, 1110,NAHa3Wezfmw,, 1111,B6mK7FNvC24,, 1112,ix4UhAtghqM,, 1113,eDb3-1pRIGo,, 1114,xvwZJNaiRNo,, 1115,2E-bjdW54xQ,, 1116,EdlNaRhg9ik,, 1117,0BZlxflMHJ8,, 1118,7Za7c7F-2eM,,"Our newest family member, yet to be named. He is a senior rescue, maybe 10 years old. His voice is adorable. He sounds like a broken squeaky toy. He weighs less than 5 pounds and was found as a stray. He is a Chihuahua." 1119,yhXzWu9ZMog,, 1120,SK3QAiEnVlU,, 1121,kHdCQQ7uYh4,,"It was a beautiful but windy evening, with small waves rolling in. The off-shore wind made for long peeling waves, and the incoming mist made the nightsky a lush gradient of warm pink and purplish blue hues." 1122,5ooVeOvHI8I,, 1123,-6h-oYfdZDA,,Patrick Hendry 1124,iMYRUK-oadw,,Old bazaar in istanbul. A salesman was smoking in front of his shop. 1125,5pXwpRw6O8c,,"These corals contain proteins which are luminescent, so that they glow in the dark. This helps the associated algae to photosynthesise in dark, deep waters, which in turn feeds the coral animal, while the wastes from the coral animal fertilize the algae." 1126,GHv66Lu1UbI,,macro adventures 1127,cD1Qw9Rcwl4,, 1128,DziZIYOGAHc,,Doggy with style. ( 1129,ZSUR25NhLV0,,Sweeping Countryside 1130,Zr31aVCJlO4,, 1131,W9z_628BBpc,, 1132,CjU_8O7fFz8,,Starry Wonder 1133,ULo-nXncq0I,,"Here is a shot of the lunar eclipse. It was taken in Napa, California at about 0545. I was fortunate enough to be close by and not get shutdown due to in-climate weather as a bunch of my friends did. The shot was fairly easy to take. The hardest part about acquiring a photo like this is the focus. Even with the best optics you still have to worry about the atmospheric distortion, which is caused when the moon gets close to the horizon. I hope you enjoy. I’m on IG @bryangoffphoto Stop by and say hi!" 1134,0BZfRVas6-4,, 1135,S3nFZxn6XW4,,"hey , it’s the red / blue / moon ! well , not really . i got sleepy , so aha , here you go . reached unsplash H O M E page on 14 / 03 / 18" 1136,EU5FC6mUGoE,,Holland Tulip Festival 2018 1137,8Ixs7iiNm00,, 1138,LZ17mSYwnAA,, 1139,QiDpfjDGRtc,,"For this shot I went outside during a pretty cold night. I had a good friend with me and also some tea to keep us warm. We couldn’t stay under the starrysky until the core of the milkyway was rising, but the time that I spend outside at night is worth it every single time!" 1140,6aLDv_mhVuk,, 1141,exKQ01AmzNA,, 1142,iCARCmC4loQ,, 1143,No5ipm0fT4g,, 1144,v7aQXVy8vvw,, 1145,oenAIDZSffE,,"Initially we were disappointed to see clouds covering the sunset, but it ended up being the most stunning part of our trip." 1146,vvlnYvxTLWw,, 1147,a3IR4iEl2Vs,, 1148,Q7veAYoK0_o,,Instagram: 1149,Qgb9urMZ8lw,, 1150,lz8rih2cNJQ,, 1151,ToAojpJwImM,, 1152,0yNyDD2myzk,, 1153,JhkFyx_qJf8,, 1154,6F3ZfmKAwio,, 1155,5VW_VNa2DR0,, 1156,SUf8oKdv51o,,Furieuse montagne 1157,FzAXZSGlftI,, 1158,Lj8mNSTAyug,, 1159,N1cDmjZwkng,, 1160,fN2pzLWtG6A,, 1161,CPDgJKTdrrU,, 1162,tVsk5xi_iqk,, 1163,uyHNwTe6S3M,, 1164,2fpOAxv9SEk,,Her smile says it all. Relief because I’m not getting replaced. Contentedness because I have a new friend. Fatigue because new puppies are exhausting. Happiness because life is full. 1165,Z7Oit1N9Zr8,, 1166,fG34nL4nDZY,, 1167,NNpgj2sbkWM,,Green Cactus Plant 1168,Uuzq37W5HXs,,"Freshwater crocodile at Hartleys Crocodile Adventures. When its hot, crocodiles can open their mouths which helps to cool them down, or go into the water, or both. Freshwater crocodiles eat mostly fish and generally leave people alone." 1169,ef3JnLhfiwc,, 1170,UrhXqR6Q9VY,, 1171,aAkInHUJ1Yo,, 1172,Bxwi4zf1vhs,,Harmonious 1173,TW5NJf2HhFk,, 1174,j5Bze6kWpss,, 1175,vnywo8u6d9c,,Misty morning on Durmitor mountain 1176,3khMcS5CLN0,, 1177,kvHhSroTNPY,,"1965. James McDivitt, Ed White, Extravehicular Activity (EVA), Gemini 4 [Spacewalk]" 1178,ayf3hXSJcpU,, 1179,rM-GT6eKr24,,Neon plants 1180,0yAVtZiYkJY,, 1181,HcKUt2t9VmU,, 1182,TKy3LVuULQU,, 1183,fEFsgMqBifQ,, 1184,f26QyYjL1mI,, 1185,_oHRmhtvpWc,, 1186,fTsmxmjwvUk,,Mood of sky 1187,i2FUZFxUCWM,,The Palms Motor Hotel 1188,gY13Bmr1obc,,Spinning sky 1189,YSGcgJ2FP4o,, 1190,xOsSBb-Lkbs,, 1191,rOfUITM705M,,Hawaiian local presents a coconut to a customer 1192,-FnGodn23_c,, 1193,K8iJtsWwAoE,,Ocean creatures 1194,CQWjL7IGqwU,, 1195,Bt-b15AIBdo,,They've Gone Silent 1196,TZ7Ei8VdkXg,,"Self-portrait, Autumn 2019" 1197,VNGFoEkeiCM,,Spring Bloom Flowers 1198,beWmEyK6KDk,, 1199,YtFE5DukVro,,Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning 1200,xQChkCp7-Rs,,Tree 1201,_x-PryfGq0Y,, 1202,kIUT73ix6W4,,Abstract Painting 1203,6aqMVsVjbGk,,Flowers / tulips 1204,7XOij6KNUXI,, 1205,qryERMsy15A,,Emerging from the depths against a wall of bubbles from scuba divers. 1206,EQB-40dapuM,, 1207,s8mLR5hyD0M,,Watzmann 1208,gkS33Ewr1C0,,Sheep amid the buttercups 1209,vnxIPbYRzIU,, 1210,JMvpjLTfcSI,,Big Ears 1211,pt0H0mB4AGE,,Patrick Hendry 1212,unAj6K5eLCg,, 1213,8MEX5JuPCGY,, 1214,09g9xByMgiE,,"…a circle, it goes on forever. It’s not like a triangle, triangle have corners. It’s like a circle…" 1215,5Q2x0zysjSw,,Metallicity 1216,vMh3XA0sMkc,,Enjoying the beautiful shapes of jellyfish as they swim through the water. 1217,Ea9mpGch9Wc,, 1218,fnUssbdcjQc,, 1219,duqHJKl0dBA,, 1220,rTPGWHYzyjM,,"Massive fish with its mouth wide open, while a cleaner wrasse cleans its gills (not visible in the photo). The fish is about a metre/yard long or more, and the mouth is about 30 cm or one foot wide. The fish is a Malabar Groper (or Grouper) at the Cairns aquarium in Australia." 1221,Miv_3DJvmKw,, 1222,CJt2bK6SEs8,, 1223,woLhiOSmqqQ,, 1224,5uNqQ7Svz1Q,,Succulent i 1225,XVyyDWjl9K4,,Winter minimalism 1226,QF1kOkvoPmI,,break 1227,OMcmo10CTKM,,Fern in the woods 1228,ASlv_NS3N8A,,Mt. Fuji from the airplane in the evening 1229,eoJbO7P_1RY,,Sunrise in joshua tree national park a mystical and quiet place. 1230,jifzGH0df8U,,magnificent place in bali. it has volcanic black sand with metallic particles that shine on the sun. best experience ever. 1231,pBWNvXqzbZY,,Minimal Greenery 1232,iylxQ1e6sOA,,Cactus 1233,teEJx4omfSI,, 1234,qGqZV5hoDJg,, 1235,SQfRrFwECic,, 1236,J7vt2XffGU8,,It’s a water reservoir used for winter to replenish the snow on the slope. :) 1237,RYFgAH3L30U,, 1238,o7gOEQ-6x_I,, 1239,WVwRT_NX5Jo,, 1240,KsxL6KvLXMs,, 1241,XYxz-BUtt6I,,Fire in the Sky 3 1242,JJgsdqvKBIc,,"The road, the only road that crosses the volcano of the island of the meeting. Huge texture, fog, loneliness. Thank you to nature." 1243,H2OxaTNc_g8,, 1244,Hui8VyCnqJI,, 1245,f8ZH5UNsP1M,, 1246,JhzuzaHnfpo,, 1247,hxMAXDhpAPY,,Melting sun 1248,8zqwvxx7jVo,, 1249,oekvaoxJtoY,, 1250,fno8-0HvTVA,, 1251,BsKialH3Qzg,, 1252,FgT5qnrjFYI,, 1253,1ISY10dzyGQ,, 1254,XyicUZFU0fs,, 1255,yr9zGKsn_88,, 1256,2poldZWTz1U,,"Amazing place to hike in Utah. The day was beautiful with perfect skies. Thankfully the camera did its job, a simple point and click moment." 1257,Sf23azHZRR4,,Sit back and relax. Soak up some rays under the palm trees. 1258,kpR9Mwgkj8c,, 1259,Hn-51uPiyBc,, 1260,RgH1CT0rI88,, 1261,hX0uIAvhpbc,,"What appears to be a stroke of thick red paint is actually a remarkable interplay of light and cloud in the Canadian Rockies. Angling through them is part of the Rocky Mountain Trench, a valley that extends from Montana, USA, to just south of the Yukon Territory. Low clouds filled a part of the Trench near the border between the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. The light-reflecting nature of the clouds coupled with low sun elevation resulted in this startling effect." 1262,vfqBtntwQc8,,#stars #milkyway #space #night #tree #winter 1263,IaRgDQiF36Q,,Surveyor taking sun azimuth for true direction to determine magnetic declination from magnetic observations. 1264,jcYH_JE613I,, 1265,9itkgJ54qRY,,Moonset reflecting off Sundial Peak 1266,7n4WZuf2hjQ,, 1267,KZCnvR-vdqU,, 1268,1YQWPGiWBbE,,"Sea, Nazaré, Portugal, Beach, Cliffs, Portugal" 1269,nCJKX6M4gsE,, 1270,8vHA8vGmZWg,, 1271,fUOwc_uq-BY,,"A sunrise on a hike in Buckeye, AZ." 1272,C27Jip4jz4k,,Please follow me on instagram! @chrishenry 1273,-Ep46FW5-2k,, 1274,rqCGwHTHKeQ,, 1275,MdL25zW8tFA,, 1276,RPVMQDcvk2w,,Cloudy sky above mountains 1277,1ki5DgVdT8U,, 1278,KzJnbmtA4v4,, 1279,wyCDQSzN8XE,, 1280,PLgRZYZTW1Q,, 1281,vuM_W8S7VFE,, 1282,9-OCsKoyQlk,, 1283,JcQ4KMzgJDQ,, 1284,KH0CwR1y2hk,, 1285,0UXP93NNS1s,,Erasmusbrug 1286,D0hILsoEXD4,, 1287,9VHCFWlvVzI,,Grotte de Sabart 1288,M4J9MrbzgNI,, 1289,Fh3g6OffrIk,, 1290,5sm31HAOscw,,Point Reyes shipwreck with lights from above. 1291,B9gRant5G4M,,#blossom#pink#wallpapers#moon#night#outdoors#flower#crapemyrtle 1292,atSUvc1hMwk,,"This is my home. Every time I go back to visit, it feels as if I’m on my own island where no one is there. It’s just me and the aqua sea, like my own more positive version of Castaway." 1293,t72paH39gbs,,The sun goes and the moon arrives! Interchanging at the sky over the peak Putia! 1294,_SMGQ74kB3c,, 1295,ZT5mTdznDco,,My cat Coco 1296,QLDsnAtuyQU,, 1297,XbcNtDqiL80,, 1298,2H5V0cvEk_8,, 1299,dfJfWxcJyL0,, 1300,Wtc9YH-g8Ag,, 1301,zMG4w2x-Vrg,, 1302,6-OFHGaBkQY,, 1303,OLeb23vjgW4,, 1304,f0oe9P9Yixs,, 1305,ach79NNrGns,, 1306,uWJo5rEhvo4,, 1307,fE5616rLfqs,, 1308,V9bhKcwpUJ4,,Want to feed me ? 1309,mvU5TXxpwwQ,,Texture 1310,7-fq-FKKDXI,, 1311,EJd9Ydi7ULY,, 1312,5YryiYcFvtA,,Lightning In The Fields. 1313,Q-ELlB_T7NE,,dandelions at dusk 1314,67o2OkQa6f0,,kodak portra 160 1315,RqWzFwqzYF4,, 1316,i2LIZD83MWE,, 1317,ZqlcCpyg3Wo,,sand on film 1318,b7rnUVRvWtU,, 1319,m68JXTka3sA,, 1320,1qzy8Qc2ybU,, 1321,2WIA6r2giZI,,poppy 1322,YgVNvkm4884,, 1323,oLhfkqc452s,, 1324,o9eV8adqOoY,,Ocean Waves from above 1325,Nx4zEc2ZsSM,, 1326,jzB_vyra_W0,,"Toblerone building, Belgrade, Serbia" 1327,MUbcybuo7aY,, 1328,hp4SVuJM2-g,,Plankton Chronicles Series - Deep Sea Lantern fish For more photos and video visit : 1329,VAT6XKKwaIE,,Salt Pond Sunset at Alviso Marina County Park 1330,lCL4iN7TgAM,, 1331,C11jcgRh8zs,, 1332,wKcbeA6dPkY,,Vegan steak 1333,kFDyajOyqTA,, 1334,AEroKd15nOc,,Mountain flipped 1335,pmwtvHNv-zM,,More on: 1336,L-oIdn8_Vik,, 1337,IYvdGTWXxRM,,Amas des Pléiades M45 1338,ApIPm4EJCdo,,Bearded tit 1339,EGbnaltr0v4,, 1340,tlxtycP51_U,,yellow field 1341,dt0A75WG_aE,,The Big Trip | Night Adventures on Jumbo Rocks in Joshua Tree National Park - Explore more at 1342,h6-KSsXLSkI,,Summer reminiscing 1343,jWF4wfhw0qc,, 1344,54TRXFqXZDk,, 1345,QlHdnD7fRWc,, 1346,iCW61HY_vjg,, 1347,468GG76zLUs,,Help me 1348,6MVICWipbgU,, 1349,4juwXDwFhPQ,, 1350,STm-2Su3jL4,,"Crocodiles have a disconcerting habit of silently popping up out of nowhere, and usually too close for comfort." 1351,OY4OR_4NXpU,, 1352,S1CWlLK3_cI,, 1353,SHp9EsJLPoo,, 1354,yOyxMBWReH0,, 1355,KndUMm74tc0,, 1356,wy7PH8r4OAI,,"Walking around in the Bisti/De-na-zin area of northern New Mexico I used the Rokinon 12/2.8 stopped down to f/22 for the sunburst effect. I added more sky to make a square image, in post." 1357,1ZLNmP7-KUM,, 1358,Unl-fQ1_P5Q,, 1359,4Cep-u-04rA,, 1360,lwh3rgHLxPE,, 1361,2SzJk_cNtKs,,Exploring is always the answer. 1362,W8iQBo22Mp4,, 1363,8-bZnMIAz-c,, 1364,rPYYEN6__fM,, 1365,cHFPsgDQZ4g,, 1366,9AjPn-m8O9c,, 1367,OP1kmMw1wSQ,, 1368,P680ku9WLHA,, 1369,9VAUNy23g4A,, 1370,byoDDPKmXj0,, 1371,sCl3th_80_M,,"Backyard, Vega restaurant Rotterdam" 1372,wsid826W0DE,, 1373,g1HEbbI1Ug4,, 1374,4F58bW9NriA,, 1375,DIdIxXfI9Ak,, 1376,OYxpcPJUmWo,,"cake, wedding, flower, vintage" 1377,8ZfTxdPvNos,,Elephants are probably one of my favorite animals. It's really hard to choose an actual favorite since they're all remarkable and beautiful in their own many ways. 1378,izomGMf4PlU,, 1379,aZox57cA-eI,,Golden Doodle running excitedly towards the dock on a lake 1380,ucP35o2ek30,,The Black Forest in Germany. 1381,1fHy_CKvnMI,, 1382,ejhtQmbGZr8,, 1383,QUQMseC3QRU,, 1384,v9tWIMcSBRo,, 1385,PSrMFwz5gCU,, 1386,2EmLMaTshko,, 1387,yYHuMFSZ7A4,, 1388,uFBPaKyfUO4,, 1389,AqcD0Q1JLpE,, 1390,stft2ZhAZnw,, 1391,JjwtN3EcgRI,, 1392,-IMPRIR3c5c,,"If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 1393,PGrCqeohyOs,, 1394,v6zCPxFAbDc,, 1395,L8BaE93p2CI,,Shepherd and Sheep 1396,8gsBgEWk5SM,, 1397,lOYyakxnMu0,,Bald eagle Photo taken on photoworkshop. Animal in human care. 1398,PfmRghpQljw,, 1399,B51qcq7LO4w,,Long Eared Owl 1400,WLhTfuK6Abs,,Askur the icelandic sheep dog posing under light 1401,4HJiA2TWe2I,,Hieght is everything 1402,-WU5GBX8UCM,, 1403,e-bansznxfw,, 1404,-5eZ1-Ie68w,,Autumn Fall forest 1405,tJWZ3L9WLnE,,Lightning Illuminating the Ocean 1406,zbtVo3Xss14,, 1407,aWAZiXR9z0g,, 1408,QJnJs12L-Dg,,Iceland 1409,FvwjwUyaTbM,,Arcline Hemisphere 1410,A8COQ5JpH54,,Street crossing in Hradec Králové - night light painting 1411,RFLbREl04is,, 1412,WJeu2_Gl3L8,, 1413,bHDyoI80nIE,, 1414,r6a7Q9ISPGs,, 1415,kYREfnSxq94,,"Lenticular clouds hang above the hills of Jefferson County, Montana." 1416,qbhX3y3Rl3M,, 1417,krtsfZ2Ypoc,, 1418,H8d-fZVSgxY,, 1419,pDYaVUmp0ak,, 1420,9G3vKHcJPAs,, 1421,4rCu6te82xE,, 1422,daAg9FipEhw,,"A jellyfish at Ripley's Aquarium in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina." 1423,tjwiDhFVIM4,, 1424,tTgGrmakEO0,, 1425,JINHNZ9d9Nc,, 1426,5P8KiSpkzQ4,, 1427,R2g9Ap1Bn3Y,, 1428,H8-HJxjVOBE,, 1429,oWHNeo9C8hY,,"Jervis Bay Bioluminescence Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living organism, in this case algae that when disturbed glows blue. This occurs at various but limited locations around the world." 1430,0fhQYNv2nzE,, 1431,WBc2-r0bTzA,, 1432,SLuZoqV4NDI,, 1433,zD9O1tgKwvw,,A great elephant at my trip to the Wilhelma Zoo in Stuttgart Germany. 1434,vPWlMEumuKE,, 1435,VOTWzFmbRJ8,, 1436,ipbHYtupvIY,,Elephant 1437,-xYL27RWIU0,, 1438,S95EQl9CzNE,,Please follow me on Instagram @thomaslangnes 1439,Cwk4lprGKbk,, 1440,PGD3-wQDZ9k,, 1441,ij6W68pmcNo,, 1442,qzw-3kVDSoI,,elk in a forest 1443,5AG8P7CrUNY,,"nine-spotted moth, or butterfly population is getting smaller and smaller" 1444,Uszp5Gkg0AI,, 1445,YvYBOSiBJE8,, 1446,9JBO0HLm1Pc,,herastrau park leaves 1447,UM3jT5w6hlY,,Apple Tree | Instagram: @timmossholder 1448,pgUbpDLJh3E,,Golden retriever dog 1449,gCPL3YjHSyc,, 1450,lJB94bk-ePI,,Pink tree branch 1451,B4DOEDHEpMQ,,Spectacular waterfall 1452,avlalgWTwoo,,"These green and blue swirls in the Bering Sea reveal the bottom of the food chain in the ocean. Microscopic organisms called phytoplankton, which are important to fish populations, may be too small to be seen individually, but in vast numbers they are visible from space. The white clouds in the image look like bubbles in an aquarium." 1453,MOXG50At3qg,,Monstera deliciosa aka Swiss cheese plant 1454,7LNhmO01xbg,,Kitty wants food 1455,atzY4cTWRcA,, 1456,gvDU0qpWBCc,, 1457,-GQkaKEPs6c,, 1458,aFDgHo2u10M,,"I hope you like the photo! If you do, please leave a like. Feel free to check out my commercial food + hotel photography here on my other account: sebastiancoman and visit my website to get in touch with me:" 1459,jX7L50Fi_GA,,Tiny succulent 1460,rPvnyEQHYMs,,red rose 1461,BzmYah-zA_M,, 1462,JUSJ5_lMKpw,, 1463,VGGwl3Lj3_A,, 1464,ukL1Iy_l0gk,, 1465,QIHaEauJt5Q,, 1466,Cbw4eG-bS8M,, 1467,Ps0IYHkDfKk,,blistering pool 1468,I5o79zxl-U0,,Hong Kong Island from aerial view in sunrise 1469,KcRB0K_K6qg,, 1470,ONxt3hLkvs0,,"Under the vast night sky, the milky way opened up before us." 1471,aAIQr8Sv4Dg,, 1472,0wyzsMi8sb8,, 1473,-rckGTtnN7w,, 1474,RrhoLronAf4,, 1475,YTB3TFbz19w,, 1476,yTbKRDsZGEk,, 1477,diiIPzNM0FY,, 1478,U2hP3q07u-g,,"I took some liberty when editing this image. I was going for a retro film vibe with a technicolor effect, which I think I have achieved." 1479,yKnwJ_oy35M,, 1480,wdB2bCiVo08,, 1481,tVdL8ZJDObw,, 1482,ip2x13gsYJE,, 1483,NzdjuGxj_18,, 1484,0uPV-K67DaU,,Early lotus in Fuji Xtra 400. 1485,ghVaKawoKS0,, 1486,G7wugR0jj-k,, 1487,LDOshBvuuY0,,East Sierra Sunset 1488,5wEhOWeKMHs,, 1489,mqgytlEZ0g0,, 1490,qn4wTgRyVow,,"Comfort in Solitude - Atlanta, GA" 1491,Ihcmtj5bOoc,, 1492,bRqoWruEm_c,, 1493,6R3dGQJ3qOI,, 1494,xXa4h--mrbM,,Cacabelos Spain Lightleaks 1495,9Dx-nEu85fQ,, 1496,TuplP0IQvw4,, 1497,CnozRcIMAlU,, 1498,2gCNcAvkGEY,, 1499,EBmi-zjiNaI,, 1500,0cg6yKJIFJ4,, 1501,eqCyPhYCPjI,, 1502,nawbGwt_12U,,Your new iPhone or Samsung Wallpaper? Moody mountain reflections on a lake in the Rocky Mountains of Canada - by Jan Kronies 1503,DtHchyQtyZ8,, 1504,K_BHBCPIqZQ,, 1505,M_TF30BCXc8,, 1506,Bm0Ja6LZWl4,,Bandon sunset over the ocean and rocks 1507,GBzrI5L7yeg,,White wilderness 1508,8mqOw4DBBSg,,From a sunny afternoon spent wandering around the Glasshouse at RHS Wisley. I loved the texture and colours of these 🌿 1509,d_hXU0Y8EqU,,Nahuel Huapi mountain lake 1510,HPeyuY6SrUw,, 1511,iBFBdFHVxeY,,Hiking in the highlands near Glencoe 1512,sssxyuZape8,,"This is Choco, my chocolate Labrador pup" 1513,G86MS2ZsiJA,,Dew on a dark green leaf 1514,oXqW-EjTEFY,, 1515,XBbX5PYOvC0,,Surfer and the stormy sea 1516,QGk63wprbpY,,Small bird among yellow leaves 1517,kVTMG7jBzVc,,Rustic fence by a meadow 1518,fItRJ7AHak8,,Follow my work at Adventurous Mountain Hikes 1519,anxRjLPEeyE,,Touching a blossoming branch 1520,QS8EBjjI0Rs,, 1521,rZEl_Qb23yc,, 1522,Qh_BR0mlHE8,,"dog, fence" 1523,1c9BTfNowrA,,pure water 1524,L2ka1qylcfw,,"Road to Pirenópolis, GO." 1525,RLBPWIuQ6_E,, 1526,d7FbDJkJSFw,,Solar energy field thermal sustainable solar energy 1527,BuQ-jgeexaQ,,White Out in Yosemite 1528,vsJ00o6KjfA,,Karun river of Ahvaz which has dried up a lot due to the lack of rain in recent years. 1529,Ix7Zwjk5fWg,, 1530,-c0U7WKgEaI,, 1531,I7BDP_5WPqE,, 1532,Sza0bpjd8gw,,Winter countryside 1533,dAB-yqNnX_o,,View over the Blackwood forest 1534,aSRT6yjo0nQ,,foggy mountain 1535,p7XocVlPUyg,,Dark teal water background. 1536,2NwntN4J2Gw,,A Great Horned Owlet perched on a bare branch with its eyes wide open staring right at the camera. 1537,56D1nt0dxhk,,On my way back to Brisbane from Sydney 1538,NcWOe5wXvew,,monochrome vintage industrial 1539,8WClaa1CmZ0,,Mountains and a twinkling sky 1540,ewslNYDXmT8,, 1541,JQ3GQzG3iX4,,Fog over the Snow Topped pines 1542,esax_xh52zg,,Round droplets on a cobweb in macro 1543,UmDCqXIvty8,,Lone red tulip 1544,Q5Qe0WI66_4,,Tulips on a computer desk 1545,HXA9TfiSIk8,, 1546,0mtnfThbrMA,, 1547,qS-SDG7umac,, 1548,IBSNW5R1PPM,,Ocean washing ashore 1549,iSDYdetcHaM,,Snowy mountains in Yellowstone 1550,kx8FdCycanQ,, 1551,mUP8w6dENrY,,Hang this photos on the wall. Buy prints 1552,WCrchkdrlwI,,Foggy Snowy Barn Montreal 1553,o31cz2XQDFw,, 1554,wXWx996lKwo,, 1555,oKMoswpdSoI,, 1556,0aLd44ICcpg,,Mount Bromo 1557,G7Q8nTR0XzY,,Curling petals of a dandelion flower. 1558,_4XbpWp0ekU,,dog close up in the montain 1559,P7bEq3loN7k,, 1560,AELjKcCaNSk,,"Tropical, palms, leaves, coconuts, tree, beach, mountain" 1561,zzi-6FCQtF8,,The North American Nebula NGC7000 in the Hubble Color Palette 1562,OzUJa5Q9m1g,,Only in Australia can you play with Kangaroos on the beach. What a wonderful Experience. Follow us on instagram @wanderlustralia 1563,uyHE0u8_Ruw,,close up of an tropical outdoor plant in the sunshine (succulents) 1564,SYhshpPGVxw,,Summer landscape 1565,hpyywppDJug,, 1566,pgrJI-Rijgk,,Golden puppy 1567,z07CDvdqXIs,,Clouds 1568,xZVPlHGrztE,,Exploring the Lakes District 1569,PpDoE1f00KY,, 1570,ZmvLRnJK8C0,, 1571,IaylNkTlGR0,, 1572,PQ-_8LhCVOc,,Lone ear of wheat 1573,2qLT_Rq-2tk,,lifeguard watchtower in beach 1574,KpqijGSBWmw,, 1575,Z5qD8T3wVvk,,A woman walking 1576,dSM6qcdS7Hk,,Microscopic Life 1577,xV8uGe9gd6k,,Beautiful river bend at the foot of a mountain 1578,RS4YhxRHgBk,,Young woman admiring mountain landscape 1579,n9iJ_9JvjWI,, 1580,8oaSa-nODC0,,Hut in the Alps 1581,-sCzwQ6D1-g,,Cautious cheetah 1582,vLbtQEx64RU,, 1583,JzQUxNdjbZM,, 1584,aAQwxN-EOUI,, 1585,SWfcRVm-o0E,,Pineapple on the beach 1586,zQBSte4Rn3s,, 1587,ILnBrcYVXr4,, 1588,gvoHcmM47R4,,Rocks on a forested slope 1589,IZ01rjX0XQA,, 1590,0WrZceP8V28,,sunrise reflecting over ocean 1591,PpZiXBY7_Nw,, 1592,V6If1LurrhU,,Water refreshes athlete 1593,ebRanmiyixs,,Stars Samuel de Champlain Park 1594,s48nn4NtlZ4,,"One of the reasons why I go camping is because something unexpected always happens, and with minimal amenities at your disposal, you are forced to adapt and find a way to enjoy your experience. This night, it was an unexpected storm blowing into the valley. My girlfriend and I positioned the car to block the wind, and made a big fire to keep us warm. Stoking the fire, we noticed the wind was blowing embers across the ground inviting us to take a unique long exposure image. This photo is the result of making the best out of a bad situation, and a reminder of why I love camping." 1595,aMgRySE38Yw,, 1596,WeYamle9fDM,, 1597,bOv4fYURclY,,Clouds over the mountains 1598,T9CktnMI8TQ,,on the way to Corwatsch on a misty morning. 1599,wlzA74ZqRFs,,Sitting here with this view listening to nothing but this guy paddling on the lake with this mindblowing color felt like being in a dream world for a near moment. 1600,jizIM-9oLYA,,Mountain valley seen through a rock gap 1601,xO5EYYkBUHE,, 1602,LKOAOAJZEbc,,Svalbard Glacier 1603,H_a57GKWIMI,,"I made an Earth lettering inspired by nature. If you like what you see, you can follow me on Instagram @Miriamespacio Thanks!" 1604,3by7JGEnGxc,,Mt Seymour 1605,YcjuitSsPIw,, 1606,npwjNTG_SQA,, 1607,Btja2ka4R-k,,Gavia pass road 1608,nvm0MQU6iEU,,Blue roses 1609,9D3swqmEFjk,,Check out more of my travels at 1610,eshEeI2pzi0,,West Coast Glow 1611,pvN2u4wDsZI,, 1612,CPIxSGoAKOQ,,"Squirrelfish generally live in deeper waters, or in the darker recesses of coral reefs, and their huge eyes help them to see in the dark." 1613,0ZQ8vojHNuc,,Follow me on IG @MichaelRFenton 1614,FavFCFuToYs,, 1615,4IP4cPyyzRU,, 1616,bVwe2yS6Dsk,,It’s quiet and smells like nature. 1617,84HandHCrdw,, 1618,ex7j-sLCJL8,,This is first time that I tried for astrophotography. It was amazing that I can see all these start on the night sky. 1619,xsFxnW9_KZ0,,"In this region, called the Valley of the Moon in Jordan, steep-sided granite mountains alternate with sandy valleys. It may be an unfriendly landscape, but it makes nice textures for an art print. An intriguing interruption of those textures is provided by a few center pivot irrigation fields." 1620,GebuvyyNN5Y,,cat mochi 1621,WaOfPz6arXw,,New Zealand Mountains #2 1622,Z0oRWNDBV6Y,, 1623,3pZ3nf5wzDM,, 1624,c5pNtQ_eIZ0,,"Carolin, 2019. Mallorca." 1625,PDrbgSNIDt4,, 1626,L-3vdxcF-dc,, 1627,kT27HRV44FY,,Beille 3 1628,5kQ7Bulfu3E,,"A Great Egret is hanging around a man who is using a cast net to catch fish for bait, hoping to score a meal (which it did)." 1629,NQlPNaoLILo,, 1630,1PlrzNhc_KQ,, 1631,loP8xxkZIk8,,#photography #photooftheday #photo #photographer #nature #sealife #sea #turtle #seaturtle #unsplash #underwater #water #shell #wildlife #animal #seacreature 1632,kV_BiRZ5_Q4,,Texas morning colors 1633,m-gaU7tQK7A,, 1634,KSLy7L2neIs,,#cat #cats #catsofinstagram #instacat #instagramanet #instatag #catstagram #catlover #catoftheday #catsagram #catlovers #caturday #catlady #cathedral #catwang #catlove #catvalentine #catwalk #cats_of_instagram #kitty #kitten #pet #pets 1635,PO7CGnoDFUI,, 1636,BrXiun04yr4,,Snowy meadow through binoculars 1637,OwoupJhC0p8,,Cholla cactuses near mountains 1638,1tE75ajQzmY,, 1639,DlB33s176lQ,,Green Thumb 1640,2YQoKbyGvDc,,Grass on blue lake 1641,IE_sifhay7o,,Tracy Arm Fjord and Sawyer Glacier. 1642,Dm6Ns3TjQm4,,Picturesque mountain valley 1643,l93nrdccjF8,, 1644,3Mv8292lhhU,, 1645,1g_F4_lya8U,, 1646,EShlLCjjbqM,,Σχίσμα Ελούντας flowers 1647,1kEHpwZdmtc,, 1648,CnpLGmKULrQ,,Creamy pink flowers 1649,tN9h1vuAp6Y,,Yellow sunset 1650,rN5pPFFjjF0,, 1651,bx6RpPf6jVk,,Goats on a hillside 1652,vPyhiJjBlSM,,Crystal Jellyfish dancing in the starlight. 1653,ld22sXVrhJQ,, 1654,hvvtotn_-Eo,, 1655,NbIumdC8m8I,, 1656,WUVHhZGe3So,,Deep blue/green waters of the Wilson River. 1657,bveNvRa0GYU,, 1658,uHcvJ3-cq_Y,, 1659,-7pW0Lv1Zmo,, 1660,7HotsLcVV58,,No signal 2 IG:@eliapelle 1661,TDj92DZyiJI,, 1662,zSVPNNfKfac,, 1663,p6iHXIfiWOk,, 1664,n2gM9DptBPE,,Instagram : Link : 1665,l4gN_FKut_I,,Moody Blossom 1666,QOT8cYpkVv4,, 1667,59tcmWzKrZo,, 1668,FgMCSCxxUqo,, 1669,Qc-i6GZc6_4,, 1670,8ZgJyLGbC7Y,, 1671,Gg7uKdHFb_c,,Alpine mountains under a clear sky 1672,ItGkpXAr8gk,,Palm trees wind 1673,ti4uz330CwU,, 1674,HYA9Ak06qR8,, 1675,2wugfiddtXw,, 1676,MeP_uNYMHuk,, 1677,7F24TkqrCLQ,,Bleak beach by the ocean 1678,j2HQKlLFT_c,,Rocky shoreline ocean view 1679,xJqXTBt95tA,,Cathedral Rock on a sunny day 1680,ze0tqwj86S4,,Trees in the orange grass 1681,XZyD6CTOAIU,, 1682,5EDTkkHRCgg,, 1683,bz_a4GA3Lyg,, 1684,ooJi3CJQRa8,, 1685,VzwVyjlz2Z4,,Road in a pine forest 1686,sN1cOV7wfCM,, 1687,TDVUUHml2NA,, 1688,ph5Z0MOV5Zg,, 1689,cYZY5slt8bU,, 1690,2hSypX6qBew,, 1691,9zNNm4KccC8,, 1692,_Q4mepyyjMw,, 1693,Z9bu9dCSuA4,, 1694,OpgNivAhhdg,,Fog creeps through the forests of Banff as others find their spots to enjoy the view. 1695,QLTYmYuRSh0,, 1696,m-TaB8a8Bwg,, 1697,5zaGGWMwsi4,, 1698,442Fk0AFNUk,, 1699,sLWS_aYoQ38,, 1700,Eg3iyelG2iQ,, 1701,_aFgVTAfKNg,, 1702,Opo9reJ91Ms,, 1703,r9vIeE2uN7Y,,Oxford Natural History Museum 1704,AJCJ6e1zpWo,,Santa Cruz Trek Peru 1705,YpY--zR8BC0,, 1706,UDa5FrOWgQ8,, 1707,mxaZ98ZYuIs,,Dark blue wake 1708,wkZjjrcl9oo,,Gray horse wearing a bridle 1709,OokBLPrkCNk,,Foggy Country Road 1710,nUTaiCDS9RE,,Peaceful lake 1711,VNO2rqdLkKk,,Lonely Beach Walk 1712,NXciM5wByZg,,Black and white rocks in the sea 1713,MaAGeHnXl9g,, 1714,IDP1eRjKtho,,City sand coastline 1715,k-pNQB0koNo,,Insect Eyes 1716,WnB-gKIt1qo,, 1717,UvgzVZimyWU,, 1718,x6RO8lNSzpo,, 1719,GRXAclOGeOQ,,Old pier poles 1720,y692nLSXiaU,, 1721,NXB51Lc1RdM,,"No, it’s Patrick" 1722,12dXKDujs40,,Majestic stallion’s head 1723,gq4kE8KRP8c,,Muddy side of the road during sunset 1724,2ShvY8Lf6l0,,Sun peeking through the trees 1725,wdFMjN3f548,,Trees shedding leaves 1726,1vYkQVDWXl0,,Walking Alone in the Rain 1727,2NyNF1mrYGY,,Landscape and seascape 1728,mYXXokN8HZ0,,Metal tower sculpture in forrest 1729,UMrOAVh_GrY,, 1730,qn9r2gMDWzs,, 1731,4jcFu1byopQ,,"Life of leaves during the autumn. Different colors, different stages, same destiny." 1732,olgLe4Ct1II,,Large ship silhouette 1733,q75_AMCgsZU,, 1734,sirEpWjfSmo,, 1735,aPCf4QhVsN4,, 1736,L9oSwk12WKk,,Table-top mountain under clouds 1737,JZ4GNQzNxTU,,Frothy waterfall in Washington 1738,BUxLdXAsz8c,, 1739,4Xb9AqocdCc,, 1740,vs6a4EHj_Ro,,Red and blue hydrangea 1741,UFzAiLIwsNM,,Penguin flock in Antarctica 1742,cKTGIXC9dHc,, 1743,8fYhrgV_IWg,, 1744,v4YtpXknYLY,, 1745,G2ifDHnHZ6Y,,Kôprovský štít milky way 1746,9BbAmtCGpWY,, 1747,1c0l8A8VDzk,,Above The Mountainscape 1748,7MBgGXQ2Rqg,,monochrome ocean ripples 1749,R_qUr2FqvlI,,Sunset behind the rock 1750,WQo7FmqQBpo,,Rainy road 1751,uXMU_dC_tFM,, 1752,IraMdOH78NE,,Looking off into the sea 1753,DLICfSD33as,,It is amazing what we have come to find beyond the earth in this vast Universe. So many beautiful planets and other galaxies with such complex ideas we cannot fathom. How was this all created? And why? I would start by looking in the Bible 1754,nLNimOqmbpg,,Sweater 1755,uHBmbNrnRJU,, 1756,SlGVAKyP20U,, 1757,kFxWDfj0pD8,,Dark brown firewood texture 1758,r3ZWnitp3zk,,Rocky island in the sea 1759,6-XmguXtoVE,,Ladybug on white 1760,Ng12EyF84Yw,,Small waterfall in a sunny forest 1761,XsPM2CBTTpI,, 1762,qFabgklobRY,,Moody sunset with people. 1763,mwhklqGVzck,, 1764,OD3eGBXYu44,, 1765,CH4AVMDbr4Q,, 1766,Fu8pblIzEL0,, 1767,k7PwtUQgp78,, 1768,1E11Vqg_2hk,, 1769,NxzovEuz878,,Hiking by the river bend 1770,o7pBoWgW6Gc,,View across a lake 1771,DGmNdZETb4k,, 1772,d6kSvT2xZQo,, 1773,SDS53BJhAwc,,English Ranch leaves 1774,bkZlfn8Rccc,,Pink Flamingos 1775,pTPcbdUzlyY,,Grassy Hillside In Fog 1776,qWqj7_h0mxU,,White daisy in grass 1777,LZErFqDvkpk,,White plumeria cluster 1778,K0NZmsoaRt0,, 1779,bcyC0eCFH8U,, 1780,KwVbDSCb-bI,, 1781,bQUKDF5H7fo,,Beautiful red trees 1782,lYwwPmsWdOg,,Moon with a halo around 1783,9dTg44Qhx1Q,,"Photographing the last full Moon of 2016 was much fun because I had a pretty clear sky the whole night. I had an idea what to do with this shot so I think all played in my favor. This is how the Moon looks like when you enhance the colors of the surface. It has blue, cyan, purple and brown colors that represent the elements of titanium and iron on the surface of the Moon. It’s surely not a big grey ball on the sky :-)" 1784,njQ-fbNxpTk,,hope 1785,dY7ONzZzoU8,, 1786,cglOutdLi2I,,It’s been already a week unsplashing daily. Feels great. Wonder why I didn’t do that before. I guess I wanted to “mature” a little bit as a photographer before I embark on this journey. Looking forward to Day 100. 1787,KFnu4Y0uNJA,, 1788,UMftJn4b9yM,,monochrome curved wall 1789,M1G9mFJaVkw,,Evening clouds over the mountains 1790,YGrIw0NL_gs,, 1791,eKCeVOfw4J8,,Trekkers climb snow filled mountains 1792,QyfSWUp7ReM,,I Found You 1793,rC2UStRbYCg,,"Got a chance to witness one of the most amazing sights in my life, the Total Eclipse. This is the Diamond Ring just after Totality, with a slight red hue applied. What an amazing sign that I will always remember." 1794,ygCOdo61k3E,,"Every time I go out to shoot, I now there will be something that I never thought about. That makes photography so special. That moment you think, oh wow - that looks nice!" 1795,DNKdpg0wCa4,,Life underneath 1796,yb3hsmz4utg,,Monstera 1797,hcfyt4OHHgY,, 1798,NCq2PGvLWKM,,"It is not for us to believe because we understood, but it is for us to believe so that we may understand." 1799,WKKG5oYx3qA,,"At first light of day on the way to Oudtshoorn from Stellenbosch, we almost drove our car in the ditch seeing this incredible mountain range. We barely managed to stop on the roadside to take some quick snaps, risking our lives with trucks speeding by in the downhill part of the pass." 1800,7UFvf-r8P0I,, 1801,FKKMDuOT57k,,Wild Cactus 1802,6Gf1U9KEaZc,,A Micro X-ray of a flower before blooming. 1803,c-kCO7LWX2k,, 1804,pZdi_8Zz75c,, 1805,fbX8SlrR-gA,,Forest layout 1806,5RXGJ9DUI88,, 1807,pesu5W2yXmQ,,Tabby seen from high angle 1808,TwIXMn7iNnw,,"We were at Vantage, a few hours outside Seattle rock climbing. The bustle died as fellow campers laid their heavy heads on their sleeping pads. They knew what awaited them the next morning. This pic portrays the silence before the task at hand. It implies that rest is necessary and it is okay to live a little." 1809,2FqpN2CWCLo,,Glowing Embers 1810,U_BPsXzsHQQ,,Beautiful mountain reflection 1811,77PT57uSbkQ,,"garden flowers, summer inspired" 1812,2UJNFZViRIk,,Water dam in Romania - Drone 1813,lCWVtSagxOs,,Rainy window with bars 1814,F2hf-bZq8Lo,, 1815,4ORoz9btfgI,,Morning glory 1816,Pd3k4UDryf8,,Beach in Malaysia 1817,uwq9fWZ4ThE,,I dare you to not want to pet this cute baby goat 1818,F-jesbuPaeg,,symmetry kill 1819,Av-CbYallAE,,Instagram: 1820,9J1fWKaWtjU,,Shot on the mavic pro. Stunned by this black beach and its view 1821,VCSk5E-I4tE,, 1822,3AbwSH1y9dc,, 1823,c1Dyamo2P64,,"A shingled lighthouse with a red roof set against a cloudy, open sky." 1824,NMmxCtO1xqM,,Peaceful Austrian valley 1825,CCy2UFLO1Mg,,Deep blue hydrangea 1826,zjOv1yyUzQg,,Cloud-shrouded peak in Silverthorne 1827,oasArKDSG1E,,Purple petals 1828,HyZeCJdchlU,,Cabin near colorful hills 1829,PyBqsLsohOI,,Making a wish 1830,XY9tbPYhR34,,Starry sky over a mountain and a lake 1831,x2Miv4owGEM,,Clouds gathering over snowy mountains 1832,Sz0kMDeDUc0,,"In their haste, cars and a bus ignore the 40 mph speed limit." 1833,T2apDcwWGLA,,hand holding crystal ball 1834,8XIAf776Fqg,,Photoshop templates for bloggers > 1835,YsofE-Q3scU,,Rainbow flames 1836,hw_Kp0BvxAM,,Peaceful mountain lake 1837,5HyhRMThqJg,,Bambi’s mom 1838,TVkZ0uAAFZw,,Beautiful starry sky shot away from big cities and light pollution in the south province of France. 1839,bb00CZjDg1g,, 1840,HvntOpS_3tA,,Soul Surfer 1841,QTVxI9Ngguc,,Jellyfish 1842,ZuI1uqiLMSc,, 1843,HC2t702jdGo,, 1844,VyYOUQsxVhs,,"🌌 Do I want to restart summer? Maybe the summer of 2018 and sit down with my friend Tom (who's up there somewhere in the stars), have a pint and make silly jokes about toilets. Life's too short to be serious all the time. Hasta siempre chico!" 1845,X8cBJyA3D5Q,, 1846,vU83uXT4lVk,, 1847,_yEysKlHmuc,, 1848,Z77LD3NdwzU,,Ocean Beach - San Francisco - California 1849,BfBhwJ4qafo,, 1850,0O0Cia89YLU,, 1851,epWZiP40_AM,,Moody water lily 1852,qCl04BEIp04,, 1853,a66gEqpIP5U,,Sun rises over a frosty field in London's Richmond Park. 1854,rk2s0sm8xF4,, 1855,KjKrSyvQuBE,, 1856,ln7whDJ46r0,,Green and white leaf pattern 1857,mWOmdIUhFkU,,Mossy rocks near a glacier 1858,HU-CVU67TzY,, 1859,nSokqhD9e04,,"Blue, red and yellow" 1860,e1dnFk7_570,,Ocean Mist in Portugal 1861,89PFnHKg8HE,,"We were looking to capture a foggy sunrise view of Half-Dome in Yosemite, but the weather wasn’t cooperating with us. The fog that did show up was low-lying and moving quickly through the trees like a ghostly river meandering through the canyon, swirling around the tallest trees in small eddies. Like too many forests, the valley is infested with borers, which has killed thousands of trees. The splash of golden trees mixed with the green is actually really beautiful, but a sad reminder of how fragile the forest is." 1862,Kh0_UhMM95A,,"It was a nice day driving around the mountains at the nearest place of my hometown. I stopped with my car when I saw this view, stayed at the middle of the road and take that shot!" 1863,lsTrSNIvjwc,, 1864,kDo57E2qOE4,,Lily pad 1865,cyiZ-_3_s9Q,,I adore how the layers of the mountains fade as you go further back. I also love the silhouette of the tree in the center of the photo. 1866,cRA4jZUT6wQ,, 1867,bqW_v4uRgmo,, 1868,MpufQjt8b3o,,Zermatt | Switzerland 1869,FZ_dN1LzOFQ,, 1870,3CNe-P7EH_g,,kodak sunset 1871,7RDsNSudv0U,,Yosemite 1872,7WaKibxir18,, 1873,l3GaHpldUs8,, 1874,0BVBTXuh2tA,,"Fòrum, Barcelona" 1875,I8Fp_haYiLw,, 1876,HX66DQIezmc,,"dead or alive is often the question, sometimes a drop of rain make dead plants alive again. But in this case I a sure it is dad." 1877,SKr_5m_yTC0,, 1878,dtWVBGY5PS0,,Slow It Down 1879,D2uldSzTibU,,"Looking across from Haleakala, it’s neighbor looks peaceful with orange and brown streaks decorating the landscape. The photo was a very serene memory frozen in time." 1880,6DkEQoRUeQc,, 1881,oyVwqeEi70o,, 1882,5o6NIQG0l_s,,"My dream is to create all those beautifull flowers in a Felt Flower. I am a feltflorist from the Netherlands and I hope my flowers will make people happier all over the world. My flowers will contain beautifull memory’s and will flourish for ever in their homes, vases, albums, workspaces and in their hearts. This picture is made bij @charlottegripsfotografie, my house photographer." 1883,DZujlgxCwXQ,, 1884,xPc7Osbp3dQ,,"I generally set out at night to take star trails, but on this night, I did both, I took a series of photos to create star trails, but also took a few single shots to capture how beautiful the desert can be at night." 1885,Hkk_RdYxHO0,,taken in Iceland 1886,G_0dz7VPaic,,Colour Flight 1887,KbhmP_uoqTY,, 1888,VyZTJ_FRqJc,,Grazing deer herd 1889,_QwBXZ7NQ78,,Hills and mountains in Estes Park 1890,PaNxe-QJwhE,, 1891,7rc1slcFfuM,,Iceland winter waterfall 1892,Y5pSLoYarnE,,Tongariro Holiday Park 1893,zSGFGTed0zw,,"For the fullres photo, please contact me at" 1894,p1vOiWrFm18,,Frosty Cabin Escape 1895,xYMkO5LbGtc,,Snowcap mountain range and large clouded sky 1896,kqBzDbiVV40,,"During this winter trip to Yosemite we were driving around like hyper highschool girls freaking out at all the amazing photos that presented themselves in the Yosemite national park at night. When we took the turn to see this sight I said “Stop the car!!!” Its way better in person, you have to visit some time." 1897,R4lvbqy_r80,,Crater in iceland 1898,w2d6dMhVHR4,, 1899,KWvhJuC3TSI,,Small rose 1900,ZnVqsY0Baj4,,Riding Toward Adventure 1901,bhwtb3AIWXQ,,Little Maroon Jelly 1902,GtcsP-egN1c,,Chained parrot 1903,g6B4rdvegMc,,Trees in Yosemite Valley 1904,j1WmK7_KpQI,,Taken in Aceh - Indonesia 1905,03VeN3r0eg8,,Winter Day on Nebelhorn 1906,TitoZFWD37g,, 1907,tE9ziE9ULaA,,Simple shot of an acorn that i thought was cute! 1908,uWU15b9WLEY,,Where is the Winter? 1909,CBWrgF1cSuk,, 1910,C_S08WjVKME,,Old barn in the mist 1911,vKZFvyRicAU,,Green Spirit 1912,-Lc6azmFSk4,, 1913,Iem8O6y7ErA,,"Driving along the Atlantic Coast, we stumbled across the roof of a building peering out of the sand. Nambia’s coast used to have a number of whaling stations - but when the business was not profitable - the buildings were abandoned and left to rot. In beautiful irony, nature reclaimed the land from where the stations stood. And as I stood on the roof of the building I stared down into the now empty expanse and appreciated the unforgiving nature of the landscape around me." 1914,sw1AJnAlZ70,,Moments of sunset 1915,dpQqhZRyF7w,,come to me 1916,l7Co22u9V_c,,Fresh powder has fallen in Northwest Pennsylvania and it makes for a beautiful winter wonderland. 1917,5zFo-ngL3us,, 1918,hK2gyDaZgsM,,time is dancing 1919,NdvwatMI8EQ,, 1920,0PkOD-soy_M,, 1921,LgfyVnN-c40,,Act VI of yellow vest protest in Paris 1922,JP7R-PJ1JPY,, 1923,8IWeBlzZ_No,, 1924,qrBVjQd82w4,, 1925,anE0V1ljPUI,, 1926,cXfbr2pP9Ck,, 1927,VB3cvKx9-Hc,, 1928,G4Mgm1Tnfw4,,Thank you for using my koala pictures. Please support koalas. The koala is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native to Australia. 1929,Vv4Kl5WIfKw,, 1930,TB666yXGV1g,, 1931,CMhxw3lgZ7M,, 1932,IE2Z11zKsso,, 1933,qa5anXTJ9xY,, 1934,7k07usBEraQ,, 1935,pcPEKSRkVpE,, 1936,UNZZaAUlGzo,, 1937,LFAUrLzExaQ,, 1938,J6Nzo4LkB_8,, 1939,HNRIraDAjUU,, 1940,X1124i5xsEM,,lavender fields on film 1941,ZQ24OL-QpYg,, 1942,W14OJixQuSY,, 1943,bjcZyDeaA8o,,Please follow me on Instagram @thomaslangnes 1944,y2i9pZl7vOQ,, 1945,-YMhyDPQje4,, 1946,2yvFooPiiCU,,First roses of the year in my garden💛 1947,YbRKjSgfP8Y,,try the water 1948,OYUXl3eijdM,, 1949,7Ux2JGUQOY8,, 1950,3RBthpNvTvU,, 1951,jXlIiCDwcTc,,Lago Di Braies on an early foggy morning (horizontal) 1952,VYM0LtUHlYA,,Monochrome Moon. 1953,IXOqNy-Ilv4,, 1954,Fztf-d-JoaI,,I tried to capture the Grimming in Upper Styria (Austria) together with my buddy Christian. Unfortunately there was too much fog so we decided to just try other compositions. This endless road is what we came up with. Shot in the middle of the night with nearly no light at all. 1955,UF0WlFvPvrk,,"Kitch-iti-kipi means “big cold water”. It’s located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The water is 45 ft deep at its deepest, but it is crystal clear. If you look closely, you can see the fish swimming in this aerial shot. It’s definitely worth a visit!" 1956,psSssJl50lg,,Tiger in water 1957,ZUV1IgqvWlA,, 1958,GfZXZqWJj1c,,on top of the world 1959,FDGDNGqwAfU,,Walking in the forest 1960,hAw0XnvMgns,,purple lilac too much flowers in one photo 1961,SE4jDznVwRg,,The wet snake … 1962,hQTa-4sCanA,,In a lucky moment I was able to get this side profile portrait of a flamingo. 1963,Oq4cMZpHNsk,, 1964,L6dbA1JxjKQ,, 1965,4Y_wBtaxlbU,,"Taken in Perú, on the Northern border with Ecuador. Scanned from a 35mm slide." 1966,cAdVc6gIzVQ,, 1967,JCUcCpptkz8,,Bokeh balls from my Takumar 50mm F1.4 radioactive lens. 1968,kZuLR2H-CCs,,"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...............zzzzzzzzz" 1969,Ss7TNu1QEH8,, 1970,igF98ukTW2s,,Pure water 1971,suvaYsgz9lc,,from wet to dry 1972,3BBJwWRJ8A8,,This Mountain is a Real Beach 1973,Jc27qdspATo,, 1974,HTKtIsFmwVQ,, 1975,MYNcvJQERuQ,, 1976,Z_1PR49D1ac,, 1977,1tLozrUToWM,,"I love minimalist design photography, so I want to share this great shoot with you." 1978,_-LP96imp7Y,,"About 6 km from the main road we find this gem. A wonderful little place, without electricity and mobile coverage. Here you can see how the use of shacks has its place in Sweden’s history. You can make your own cheese, take a hike in wonderful nature and of course take a cup coffee. The latter is of course made on raw materials from the place …" 1979,mUfFvKR-xeY,, 1980,S3RDjVw1ozY,, 1981,i69C7l6-GXA,,"Drove through the night and camped on the edge of this beautiful red sandstone cliff…Woke up to the realization we were perched right on the edge of beauty, overlooking Lake Powell and some of the most amazing canyons in the West. Credit: @christianpaul" 1982,14KbjlzBdY4,, 1983,66AF2RFgZkw,,"Crystal clear water and a pristine beach at Cosy Corner South Beach in Tasmania, Australia." 1984,A4gIX5fffbw,, 1985,j2zaqbw72bU,, 1986,R0ffqqRLmM8,, 1987,-_g2m_6PzQk,, 1988,3GRE5b5ZEC4,, 1989,YT6FcxERssE,, 1990,xz6adWOcP4I,, 1991,gvt7oB7OheU,, 1992,dFBK4wQU7d0,,Redang island 1993,a1uhrE1rTjs,,Snow white flowers 1994,Kp8mnBHW9Kc,,Fall Foliage 1995,agnhLQWqr1Q,, 1996,FGvRZ-BeCKo,,Sunsets over beach 1997,61XW8CMNX6A,,Foggy Bluffs 1998,jwIk4Z3Msi4,, 1999,5iPhUVPYWsw,, 2000,no-EShQ7s1A,," support me by buying anything from my online store Water splashing above dark waves Edit: I've noticed my picture has been viewed a million times, and downloaded over hundred thousand times, thanks!" 2001,T72-kQyQxtA,, 2002,OAAMBhhLpa8,, 2003,SggfyXDxs2g,,Village houses on hill 2004,LUpby1ackK8,, 2005,gvc-JEQPB2Q,, 2006,LL8cXQjAK8w,, 2007,0EPcoWnN-UY,, 2008,2Li4zGceZgI,, 2009,Bd7YLDIXJXg,, 2010,qPH3bK46-oc,,"Imagine that you can walk almost 1km from the shore to the ocean, that's amazing!" 2011,prULhL339cE,,Long Exposure Night Sky Stars Shining in Colorado 2012,fdmYoC7OC14,, 2013,IWZtH8CAgK0,, 2014,-RTT_sBji8U,, 2015,nAYnjnyW5Ek,,Top down shot of a peninsula on the Mala Krbela island in Croatia 2016,mnlu_cyGucY,, 2017,4Ptgmd4qFgU,,Sunflowers wallpaper 2018,2Adr46TTPkI,, 2019,2YKiR1UaRMk,,Autumn Maple Leave 2020,DYnUs6en6jA,, 2021,QHvUcI-aalY,,Old English Bulldog Puppy Cute Sleeping 2022,4Hkwd4sp5NE,, 2023,-7QeX7V2YLY,, 2024,VQNow33d6V4,,Morning yoga 2025,GsByDsWh8tU,, 2026,1dkEAFPtdgM,, 2027,jcsxshwzvk0,, 2028,exlmv33UT90,,"The Caicos Islands (pronounced KAY-kohss) in the northern Caribbean are a popular tourist attraction, renowned for their beautiful beaches, clear waters, scuba diving, and luxury resorts. The islands lie primarily along the northern perimeter of the submerged Caicos Bank (turquoise), a shallow limestone platform formed of sand, algae, and coral reefs covering 6,140 square kilometers (2,370 square miles)." 2029,Cxb2BDPuO8c,, 2030,x8RPMpx0Ti0,,Fresh spring blossom – nature awakens 2031,n1bbNrNSJH8,, 2032,pPu2NpwjZvM,, 2033,yQgOSaXemqA,, 2034,r2PWTn_Wf3I,, 2035,8tAasC7RWzw,, 2036,F6S6C67fzBs,,orange rose with raindrops in a garden 2037,2527Xq95s3s,,"A leaf from a Fiddle-leaf fig tree was placed into a container of red food colour, and left for 17 hours to absorb the colour. The underside of the leaf was photographed, with lighting from behind. I think the complementary colours of green and red work well, and help to show the amazing details of the leaf veins." 2038,4nlxB0T9Guw,,Sleeping light in the Carpathian forest // 2019 2039,yr-97LOQ9fI,, 2040,foqU8C1KoMU,,Mountain Trees 2041,-x3N-id64jI,, 2042,zkqwRzGEmks,,"Milky Way near Mammoth Lakes, CA" 2043,NBbu5-kVdEE,, 2044,5Kgv18oIoZk,,horse nose 2045,db1r-AjW6YM,, 2046,jd8Df6JZkEM,, 2047,2NYBLRKJnCs,,Rollei 35S 2048,nzPivGosPIQ,,"Pevril point in Swanage, Dorset, United Kingdom. A lovely sunrise glowing red over the ledges of Pevril point." 2049,OYSI5IsVmlk,,pelikan portrai 2050,QH9gxlxrdl4,,Long eared owl 2051,xYELvQ3tMfg,,Faroe Islands Wallpaper #2 2052,iuJZZqlbxks,, 2053,Y0kiGIsaMnE,, 2054,UqKtNG8wOps,,Orchids 2055,fWfMQPvdyXA,, 2056,iGbRJ9yqEBU,, 2057,Qm8_fOqNIMs,, 2058,zMtAUOiH_FY,,More at Follow us on Instagram too @shotbycerqueira and @incrediblerafa 2059,awOqYSFe6dc,, 2060,ezlcdrktPYs,,Untouched sand dunes by the beach 2061,01zdIpN6uHU,, 2062,j8u-tvjHcKY,,"Akpatok Island lies in Ungava Bay in northern Quebec, Canada. Accessible only by air, Akpatok Island rises out of the water as sheer cliffs that soar 500 to 800 feet (150 to 243m) above the sea surface. The island is an important sanctuary for cliff-nesting seabirds. Numerous ice floes around the island attract walrus and whales, making Akpatok a traditional hunting ground for native Inuit people." 2063,gUeZsicdffs,,Sunflower Field 2064,V19Au12dmhQ,, 2065,0vofVFTZdV4,,Stormy day in Oslo. 2066,IhoyEv5hFFw,,Releasing an injured seal into a rehabilitation pen. 2067,jG4xhAmz-uQ,,#Flowers #portrait #people #girl #beautiful #beautiful #cute #love #happiness 2068,7IoD4CqPvHU,,Goat. 2069,MiF8w7M70Mw,, 2070,Rx51u2hx55w,,Flowers / tulips 2071,cVIh2tG7Rd8,,"After a day of rain, the sun plays with the clouds, giving them an eerie look." 2072,lxbeHfdLQB8,,"A sunday between glacial and strong wind, snow, friends and a lot of wonderful views." 2073,24BXMwhpFGg,, 2074,WecIqruEZfo,, 2075,6uYZHJoXrn8,,Single tattooed hand reaching round tree trunk 2076,QRdX9dO8poY,, 2077,Xb8-etU90Ko,, 2078,sYX3gNz2Ams,,Ash pools 2079,GK0sAWELI-I,,Some sheep greeting the sunrise (and me) on Monte Due Mani mount. 2080,FemzgBWP7tE,, 2081,SPoHKx9dOJM,, 2082,hp_54rTyjQw,,My brother in the snowy forest. I love the mood and light in this one! Evening photos are always the best. ** Please note that I am the brand owner of the business on his shirt. The business is about saving the planet and we have a mission to plant 10 million trees. Check us out: 2083,0b4sfNTqBLU,, 2084,sIncYQhigc4,, 2085,EG-Jh3JM1Po,, 2086,qvkA4FMTNKo,, 2087,ZI6t_35uldM,, 2088,nE6EPBrM-EA,,Minimal architecture line 2089,hEn53KY416I,, 2090,GZi8gjGV76g,, 2091,yN5c71nvg6g,, 2092,WBOIAohpTtg,,Calm sunset 2093,r87uZZIh_yI,, 2094,isLn_yy6rYs,,"An Easter bouquet of tulips, daffodils, butterfly ranunculus, and a singular Icelandic poppy" 2095,v62DciMwDAE,, 2096,SQztxCHwdXw,,Easter Lily 2097,sFEDVau5xYg,, 2098,IVrZ4aBrYCo,, 2099,xUN4g-Ny-vs,, 2100,WPGyHNq1lCE,, 2101,2M0FVuFv-sY,,Perspective from plane view: island and stars in middle of the ocean 2102,YnfGtpt2gf4,,Red flowers on branches in low-angle 2103,mOcdke2ZQoE,,warm sunrise on beach 2104,Ub6-Ws5Q4-Y,,Snails crawling ground 2105,ZXAYcC6YXNg,,Winter landscape from the northernmost point of Italy! 2106,fRcGuKFVX9c,, 2107,IsyJYCQAy3I,,"The photographer and the black cat, the ghost!" 2108,o-v_2u2yiiA,, 2109,RUmniNVBbbc,, 2110,VUCsGfIaNuo,,Fogs swallow the sun 2111,Wm4vaMmHwS0,, 2112,vDXNdsGerpM,, 2113,IkItz2V-ZUY,, 2114,Io23ZmWVGnQ,,Deer Walking Through Snow 2115,m_wgaQ-sQPQ,, 2116,1_a_WAqHIUU,, 2117,185yAIxYkWE,, 2118,03TcFSGzKyA,, 2119,VcygBxpyBBM,, 2120,zlCAI1SWZ5M,, 2121,cMGDcf41JSk,, 2122,SQt0ZDqNapg,,Wild Blues 🌊 2123,-tXcEuihgzE,,I don’t think there are many things better than being able to see the Milky Way with my naked eyes. Something about looking up at the stars on a dark night makes you feel both small and big in a very meaningful way. Life isn’t easy. No one says it’s going to be. But then again not many people tell you what an actual sh*tstorm it can be. Nights like this are what keep me going. 2124,oH_ms8DfItI,,Wild rose with dark blank space 2125,i7qnaWkt6iA,,"Another photo I took that afternoon in the Zoo in Wrocław (Poland). Nothing special, but I really like views like this one." 2126,xbeg3GcblgM,, 2127,9je_jDd48G8,,Torres 2128,rvYTYQJoW3c,, 2129,Gh6gW0NTE8s,,Snowy mountain village from above. 2130,Sh9ltPas49Q,,Deep breathe 2131,W-6OVTrVoR0,, 2132,qyGdjuaLDkc,, 2133,4qZxI1Ac01c,,Each year I find myself in the midst of snowy wilderness skiing down slopes with a group of great friends. These images are collections I find to be the most beautifully captured of the incredible creation I was surrounded by // follow me on Instagram @jknepp 2134,uVo1IJToLRU,, 2135,7OLN3JOPRYI,,My adopted dog 2136,0QZOCgk10w4,,"Sometimes you can’t control your environment. Some photographers prefer to shoot in studios for this reason; it gives them the power to decide every single aspect of the image they’re creating. In my opinion, there is something beautiful about working alongside nature to create images that express something deeper: the relationship between people and the earth. Who needs expensive lights and studios when you have the beauty of the outdoors that gives something new every time? The wind that caused my model’s hair to react that way was completely unplanned, but it’s what made this photo." 2137,bmP8_ADi6wU,,Feather monster 2138,-qRnt_BkJH4,, 2139,vSjvVsebqrc,,cherry-blossom-두호고등학교 2140,9wg5jCEPBsw,,Ama Dablam mountain 2141,P7w9VrUo9vU,, 2142,CYLYOTWE01o,,mountain lake with cloud sky 2143,WUC1wC8pP9A,,Decorative Greenery 2144,aw6UewokOIo,,Modern coffee machine 2145,rldNiZx1fNI,, 2146,HfGRKdRsolA,,Tall peak under overcast sky 2147,YMMXnBHhvCo,, 2148,PdJjT-zYg_E,, 2149,23B9fajPhho,, 2150,Gl48sm4Od6g,,pineapple trio 2151,vfyvip4aT4Q,, 2152,5WYiCX1HHYg,,Beautiful mountainous scenery 2153,IghZxJgO94M,, 2154,lOtNuvETRZA,, 2155,Gzm1yUip9Yw,, 2156,aBKcE-ZaqD4,, 2157,xSMkwnpLdgA,, 2158,9CfajiGQL0o,, 2159,a8XBnZ993XY,, 2160,tFSv6aHKfMA,, 2161,pRv7Hak0hDE,, 2162,sXPbIgVcmW4,, 2163,RrCjwzmvWhE,, 2164,oupoh2QrfQ0,, 2165,ZFbqiKjlVRg,,the coast 2166,vZGvVTO1pIg,,Beekeepers and friends enjoying spending time monitoring a beehive and looking at the raw honeycomb and bees. 2167,BwV8eTMN_aI,, 2168,J7fvaRBwRvA,, 2169,R_kik2MoltU,, 2170,HMgGRalFuwY,, 2171,v8XmVLHLJsI,,Details of the Antelope Canyon wall. 2172,qbtyUQtqJ8k,,Watching breaking ice sheets 2173,FKbg8jbLMQ8,,Santa Marianita beach 2174,-ftqFUopdDs,,(contact me for the full resoluton image) 2175,Sa7787z58VQ,,"Rocky, snowy mountains" 2176,tHe4kd2ZI3U,, 2177,bXHlgb58_co,,New Zealand mountain valley 2178,bbuMCIRFXiQ,,Dark clouds over a mansion 2179,aolmXcUxr7Y,,Black butterfly contrast 2180,-uEIBNhwrDo,,Sunset with sail boat on water 2181,RLR9AfOd5hw,,coconut nest window bird 2182,TThJasoRU2o,,Scunthorpe Lake reflections 2183,iilZhNg5uaQ,,Butterfly on a yellow flower in macro 2184,2IITGgRhrQU,,"Just a few short days after my mother-in-law passed away from Pancreatic cancer, we went to a flower and garden festival to clear our minds. We were mesmerized by the beauty and found such peace in this greenhouse. This photograph represents STILLNESS and FREEDOM." 2185,xMMh-VFGL9M,,"Sunset at Hug Point, Oregon." 2186,yDxzI-3IEMc,,Early morning light burns off the dew gathered from the cold night. 2187,y9zUTieUc-U,,A Lazy Ragdoll 2188,t3HVjP4xNsg,,SpaceX Bangabandhu Satellite-1 Mission 2189,0BQF3phvLC8,, 2190,GVxJRsudSIU,, 2191,uYp5bsGm-2E,, 2192,mKlqiRl9gVw,, 2193,V8aqozDhJZM,, 2194,Tx0MZO77lCs,, 2195,aexdWGJu7Gs,, 2196,oLIK3KOkWh4,, 2197,Zo2RGmUEoH8,, 2198,lgyV1UrUpvY,, 2199,D8R_txR_0PE,,Alone tree has grown in the middle of Jordan desert. 2200,wypWVHGOgns,,I’ll grab the moon for you 2201,sJ88FssZxPg,, 2202,Y55zLkK2SUs,, 2203,droTbsEL2HA,, 2204,3Eax7IYlEyc,, 2205,mtPgR_6uAVY,, 2206,0O4fhk7ZxAc,, 2207,bATGYGF8XK0,, 2208,wJG1mfBAhAE,, 2209,aYCNRZX-1uc,,Night Flight 2210,bN76Cu9dBNE,, 2211,p4xNF5ZPc0c,,"We were on our honeymoon and it rained for a couple of days, but it didn’t stop us from exploring the island. We were driving past town when I saw a cluster of coconut trees ahead. There was traffic that day so we were stopped right in front of the trees. I snapped a quick photo of the trees and drive on." 2212,sokB-0Di-NY,, 2213,2gi8sXHejxc,, 2214,cbEh1Lfpknw,, 2215,bQQ_e7O84po,, 2216,YvslAVov5l8,, 2217,YXWLwKzVeaw,, 2218,VJtr6V6US7M,, 2219,wXWde-ziEkw,, 2220,MFM-RhG4Ge0,, 2221,hYea-WWUUsM,, 2222,l344Gqkbs1U,,Power of the Earth 2223,zNwFleFYTB0,,"Even though there’s not that many places in Switzerland where you are only by yourself in the wilderness, I found some." 2224,8m2VbT6QBF0,,"I found myself inches away from hundreds of birds, all craving the attention of my camera. This one however, called out… guiding me. I felt as if this bird was showing me something greater. This picture captures the moment the bird peered back as if to check that I was still attentive." 2225,V2wJBB2p7eU,,Montara Beach California 2226,zIKUDu2npEw,,Waves hitting rocks 2227,pBrHNFqcX-M,,Red sports car boost 2228,mFbrMEVKCkc,,il pontile 2229,V0YbWqOCsd4,,Chasing the light and shadow 2230,LYK3ksSQyeo,,instagram @honest_studio_ilsan 2231,1HmtbpxZ5aI,,Free autumnal red 2232,Lza9A9l3rRs,, 2233,DOkuHj2FxRM,, 2234,hxhmflnl5d8,,road trees river trees 2235,3ygQFZk58ys,, 2236,Rcvf6-n1gc8,, 2237,xmO2tzc2eDA,, 2238,2_mO5_qyevs,,Fresh Air Pt. 2 2239,1yglEKdGSzU,,El Cap 2240,-fiPzmOG8sU,,Calm Childhood Memories 2241,xndHhTH2Ejc,,Mountain cirque from above 2242,xqV9QdGOSas,,Order prints: 2243,Du5g-fwvcQc,, 2244,9FDKj-FrfA4,,Walking The Hounds 2245,6SeYtqSaGLI,,Tired of life 2246,T1wpGZhvwUo,,There is a unique experience surfing in the fog and it rarely comes around in southern california. Here I am checking out the surf in the morning. 2247,g58DqgOzCcM,,A wave is trapped and breaking between rock and stone. 2248,PuhnmljHXJ8,,One of the most amazing and intense sightings of the year for me. I was lucky enough to spot this mother lioness and her cub on a trip to Botswana. 2249,H2iEmRRERjU,,"When we started this hike last year in May, we never thought, that there could be snow up there. So we ended up stump through the snow with just short trousers :’D" 2250,W03UoQoFsoM,, 2251,zMWfRUiFqq0,, 2252,KLR9T4OEgwA,,Good little worker bee 2253,9ToO6t9la9g,,Fog over a mountain glacier 2254,9BK7Yae7tTY,,Pôr do sol no Chapéu 2255,Yvn6sBShnN8,, 2256,xWeSCy5BdfI,,Jurassic Park 2257,GcmlAkobXig,,"This photograph is about a sorta love affair between the dignified Madagascar Jewel and the creepy Stapelia. They were growing in separate pots for some time - one-day Stapelia decided there’s enough room for the both of them and moved in. So they’re stuck together. Shot on a sunny afternoon in the daylight coming from the left side of the plants, diffused with some curtains. I used my instant rain kit :)" 2258,2jZtqOxWxwI,, 2259,sMP1im1Jbq4,,"Neon signage in Shinjuku, Tokyo" 2260,OFg8T0EjkLY,, 2261,PA0KerQ0lHg,, 2262,Lm-gHYlX3JE,,I C E 2263,yWLzoFf0u0I,,"Find your hill — Enjoy the view, put some space between mind and you." 2264,hjODrLxv55E,,Autumn Forms of the Nurali Hills 2265,hucFcUCN_2o,, 2266,_58DIXD9PJ4,, 2267,xGTEHP3Dlxw,, 2268,INlDrPFQIQc,, 2269,nRVn-_k1uMI,,Night street 2270,q9O1lqBPp3U,, 2271,wH3YxJwMC5o,,Mirror cave 2272,FoCNcBeLO04,,Hoya Crossfilter 4 2273,ksR1i-rYCR8,, 2274,dBmOTBJfiRA,,Most animals in the desert leave tracks but are not to be seen live 2275,RtrlOlAGWlw,,"Wild horses on the dunes of Rhosilli bay as the Sun goes down behind Worms Head, an iconic Gower landmark" 2276,X_OPwu2O91Y,,"Jumping spiders have been called ""the gateway spider"" because their curious nature, docile behavior, and cute looks are a great example of how cool spiders can be. I am uncertain of the identification but I believe it to be a female, juvenile putnam jumping spider or tan jumping spider" 2277,ZzNLsAPymuI,,"1937. Band rehearsal, Red House, West Virginia" 2278,oE2Ur2kfs1g,,portrait 2279,GDZTiBLvTn4,, 2280,_d8W23F1-O0,, 2281,5dOuxHN3tn0,,A male bison (American Buffalo) trudges through the snow in Yellowstone National Park. 2282,jvZ-DzlMl0Q,,"Heart candle, wax flowers & scissors still life." 2283,mpKjZcWyDeQ,, 2284,55TVKtxMzBw,, 2285,TBM_ve-QvZc,, 2286,v9INAT0RK4M,, 2287,XmIkDJB9jIM,, 2288,q9OAbYJkulc,, 2289,yKODRI_6NjE,, 2290,xqC7hdLMpgk,, 2291,reYDl88Nah0,,"When I saw this amazing light over Sinaia, I knew I got to fly my drone. So I did, and captured it just before it went away. Enjoy." 2292,oROoBerFkCA,, 2293,GyI4XacdRaU,, 2294,PItsVmyu34Q,,Shot from iPhone in midday sun. 2295,Ff_cmjGYRI0,,"Kandy, the city of Macacas." 2296,-Ui26s8zR-c,, 2297,4cczA2THGt0,, 2298,DGTCVaFzvhM,, 2299,Ynb1v7l3B_0,, 2300,ZmxUiiOIWvw,, 2301,6-qhtf3qEco,, 2302,ao6LnfSepTk,, 2303,pVl_uUIpZug,,Pink flower in meadow with bokeh in the background 2304,Du53ZTq9ZrI,, 2305,OsNQITphjQQ,, 2306,_V2CVQQTrAE,, 2307,exrCFOo-zeg,, 2308,0p86Ar07Vro,, 2309,YCjbBClZT7Y,, 2310,XXX5HKsq4e0,, 2311,uB9edsIMLdY,, 2312,no07bZEGsGs,, 2313,Yy9CgcdHwVM,, 2314,mba39OxwVJk,, 2315,VO8HS5UFBXU,,"this universe want me to see you happy, not to make you happy" 2316,5zcMJqXnjwo,, 2317,fUX49GpZ8fI,, 2318,psW1ci6-_gY,, 2319,KoGBeoXmC80,, 2320,-EZ-KG3piNg,,Textures and composition 2321,O3QMRUGcEtc,, 2322,nDEAbWv_Zv4,, 2323,N4sMGTLNo5Y,, 2324,ttaAGtLKYzA,, 2325,CgGu2C3RjDc,,Rugged mountains and blue sky 2326,tB4-ftQ4zyI,, 2327,_wiwIptkADo,, 2328,qo0GIeUrE0s,, 2329,3Ku0e3k9qXU,, 2330,HbhJyWnE9Oo,,Tatra Mountains landscape 2331,M8eCY2GcleI,,Sand beach at sunset 2332,twUvrKBcnFY,, 2333,twcXFyVCeZI,,Clouds over a mountain valley 2334,GE5f_k4MPc4,, 2335,HkZVyO9l_Ig,,Up to the Dolomite mountains 2336,W05ltFhe47U,, 2337,XLJbfIGVBFc,, 2338,-hI5dX2ObAs,, 2339,pzXZGvK4Epw,,Long mountain lake 2340,f5zUL7P0GVM,,Jagged peaks over a forest 2341,7i9yLoUgoP8,, 2342,alEcQuIv-4M,, 2343,WzfEPYMKOyc,, 2344,TYxCBJp_QNI,, 2345,piQY2YNDJ8k,, 2346,cs3tf8kDKEc,,Bailey and Bella 8 weeks old. Scottish Highland Kittens. 2347,ge-PWcmWHJI,, 2348,Onn0IShZYPQ,,Sunrise 2349,p7NyTNEQFBQ,, 2350,3HDao9OoFuw,, 2351,G8wjPp7ALUs,, 2352,bv_aq10IrQ4,, 2353,PnAc2UaeqII,, 2354,W5jVoQ7jTK0,,Cloud-kisser 2355,i9RB3EgASWg,,a famous rock 2356,WuEeWJ5GuHQ,, 2357,k3sRKjVkpf4,, 2358,-43qvNitz5k,, 2359,s6TjfPVCrTY,, 2360,hDqLoCCGOdU,, 2361,ceJnzvS6ktU,, 2362,tvAHVu1792A,, 2363,4-3AraaiMno,,"Castel Savoia (in French Château Savoie) is an eighteenth-century villa in eclectic style located in Gressoney-Saint-Jean, in Valle d’Aosta, Italy. Went there with my DJI Mavic 2 Pro on a Sunday afternoon and had an hour of fun shooting this amazing place. Buy print at:" 2364,kcTuZfuSPQg,, 2365,zxcBR3zNc7I,, 2366,RkjCP8rMAZY,, 2367,Jw8q7NcT73A,,patrick hendry 2368,L7rY1CeRxpw,, 2369,2wWJ--XoTyg,, 2370,Jea6w_Z72xw,, 2371,jSADgWPmKDU,, 2372,Uzd_GcItrPQ,, 2373,ySfPejYWhzE,, 2374,pGK2H3KXogU,, 2375,epsVnUN2k50,, 2376,ZpWKuEXs16Q,, 2377,5KzJ_AWPs5c,, 2378,EmACXKd5zcI,,beach rock formation 2379,bHJ0fs-vn1Y,, 2380,4V8JxijgZ_c,,San Diego beach sunrise 2381,pf6By2t-Ogo,,White waves in Hawaii 2382,P8PlK2nGwqA,,Wooded lake island 2383,4wkhi0pAJq4,, 2384,--lzOIJ-a4U,,Dune 2385,t9LjTYOTw_g,, 2386,wXGKpIIMXOA,, 2387,3bBb4GAHZbo,,Golden Hour At The Lake 2388,3bh3elC0D7M,,🏖 2389,Yw55lWXP80Q,,"Red Kite in Borth, Wales" 2390,BR2rEWcQQJQ,,Not the target species on this outing but I was pleasantly surprised with how beautiful some of these Sanderlings looked sporting their breeding colors. The normally white and gray shorebird really comes into its own with the rusty brown and strongly patterned breast and back feathers. There weren’t many of the Sanderlings showing off these colors so every time one would come nearby I would give it all my attention. I really liked the foot hanging just over the surface of the wet sand and the soft reflection. The light was getting good at this point and highlighted the colorful plumage. 2391,fqoHScXjiW4,,Tropical Bird 2392,VV6olRjZljc,,Fragrant lilac bouquet 2393,cUUJQcwrvaM,, 2394,tWqr6uv1KBs,,Very clean shot of the sea during a beautiful sunset. Keep it clean. 2395,GedDz5ZCY3o,, 2396,SN5tuWyD5h8,, 2397,alzTQTQraEs,,Suds 2398,2WHCbvt1msg,, 2399,erhCc_KIBPc,, 2400,klQg8MHvdqA,,Decaying flowers 2401,_tfCdU7tuJ0,,Amazon Alexa and Plant 2402,SX9rcJjJrBo,,Tuft 2403,bWf18mAURWA,, 2404,kNeWMuetKrY,, 2405,-vGlVFOmy5c,, 2406,f-E5jielqNM,, 2407,w9waBpBegmY,,Leaving Now | Instagram: @timmossholder 2408,AdTuFx8bgzA,, 2409,QP7OpOi5GEQ,, 2410,JPBHnu1lTz0,, 2411,02YdrfDb3UE,,Otro momento de un amanecer en la playa de la Misericordia de Málaga. 2412,znpY1tAN8Nk,, 2413,Bgv7QBQ9rz4,, 2414,-U7yopkOG-Y,, 2415,QF7xkGwlpP0,, 2416,n-sp98bMW18,,Countryside on rainy day 2417,lylytYIVMnI,, 2418,ErLZS7yy_GI,, 2419,zpZSv4uz6mE,, 2420,C8YesXcp2ng,, 2421,MvsjXlQtkCY,,Hosta Green 2422,H4Cu_p_V6b8,, 2423,oCq-efwCWDo,, 2424,vLpEyFYxO6w,,Magic Leaves 2425,MZxQoMVN518,, 2426,kHtvihHtIGA,, 2427,G0Ot7IsL-_I,, 2428,bLp9aGZwcRc,, 2429,TIrXot28Znc,,stars in the sky 2430,V8yZ7Oa9fZE,, 2431,cH5jDvYXwBo,, 2432,-So60UAgCtU,,Tulips standing at attention 2433,r7tuuJ7DFPI,,Beach paradise sunset. 2434,Hx1vZR1Hwgk,,Two seeding dandelions 2435,aWf0vy3iJfk,, 2436,Lq019pp20uA,,Sunny Mountain Cliff 2437,J8U4qsUP3X4,,lagoon-spring 2438,-0_ww2ACIw8,, 2439,tBkUAsDwbq0,,Climbing flowers in the mountains 2440,oMpAz-DN-9I,, 2441,UJbHNoVPZW0,,Meadow mountain house at sunset 2442,B60t4HvxznY,, 2443,t4Om5jdVWjw,,Scenic river with a bridge 2444,VPKGUt4s0iI,, 2445,2fFVsZjGZCg,,"A herd of sheep in Montepulciano, Tuscany Italy" 2446,AGy2eebW8-4,,Snowy mountains and a forest 2447,UpTNL9qXJfg,, 2448,Ok48cN7arSU,,Light and Shadow 2449,z6A_uGtY51M,,A minimal photo of a jelly fish under water. 2450,5EB77GOJRRs,, 2451,v8rpiJbY2RY,,Do you guys ever purposely rock a canoe if you're sharing it with a nervous person or am I the only dick here? 2452,_Ud5-7QuRuI,,"Glamis, california" 2453,TB4eiLwXMY4,, 2454,3FkT1eA_5rc,,Dreamy and grainy 2455,pwaaqfoMibI,,Crowded sand beach 2456,s95DnBWUe-8,,Jeep driving in winter forest 2457,msS5CR97Tk0,,Bay under the forested cliff 2458,W9W4yJeMtVo,,ocean arriving beach shore 2459,3dmRC9IDdYY,, 2460,J7X_npgVujU,,Fisherman fishing in beach 2461,wtGh3uLjAvI,, 2462,b63L3HfxsTU,,Silhouette Reflections 2463,HUywIRyF_L4,,Person jumps in the ocean 2464,4mNV6RJcEu8,,Sparse forest on a bright day 2465,aIYFR0vbADk,,Succulent center in macro 2466,RIQmx5x5sqI,,Pink fabric 2467,aoWGZ3zu2Qc,, 2468,kCOxrCu2RwU,, 2469,WC0ZcYOWthE,, 2470,GXMr7BadXQo,, 2471,oJieg2n8duk,,Squirrel on a lawn 2472,y5vLKnZr6Zg,,Mountains by lake Tovel 2473,9MCEnpMjsdo,,"Water, ass, ground." 2474,NxxycCKR3vw,,Sr. Sirigueijo 2475,4vg-EpI5noQ,,"Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can’t remember." 2476,JSfsK9VH4q8,, 2477,-VOQzKmWWq4,,Heartbreak 2478,TTnfO3URifc,,Strolling by the wintry woods 2479,MDw8m0JAwDI,,Road to the lighthouse of Cap Formentor 2480,79YoQ2edaZc,,Stingray 2481,Ug75hfUlFzs,, 2482,ci-Lit-OEnY,, 2483,US1kBah1F4s,,Simple Still Life Scene 2484,YyDdPH_FXm0,,king fisher with prey 2485,Q-dD1KpMcDQ,, 2486,3uLnZ8hUBcw,, 2487,3Tr7IVLv--g,,and we float on... 2488,QvmGKgYGHT0,, 2489,OX4iI1cHoJ0,, 2490,Hodc7_oYS-k,, 2491,bDCfnZKt7oU,,Toucan in the rain 2492,Tt1Wd0Sb1eo,,tranquil morning 2493,cHuKZSqvKgo,, 2494,w_w5iDGsx68,, 2495,W1py5swbJZY,, 2496,KypNW49ED7k,, 2497,FSEMQ1j5PX4,, 2498,kwmGFvVst98,, 2499,N67OsxlDpWw,, 2500,iBWm7rPLZnM,, 2501,6E1mi5XXcfY,, 2502,IYtp7I_yfIY,,Majestic bird. 2503,devkd2d69Tw,, 2504,N0gMs6R6fVY,,The top of a seven mile hike from Moraine lake calls for good views 2505,v0JgZtpCN2o,, 2506,8tX-iZZaSMs,, 2507,1DrgYOTM_OQ,, 2508,PAiSxyby4Eg,,dog on beach with hat 2509,DqKkQ9E1LYs,, 2510,QbUPNes7IlI,, 2511,tpL5jONGQPY,,Ducklings 2512,5APTa3rtEe8,,Leaf veins. A Sea Grape leaf photographed with a macro lens and lit from behind. Coccoloba uvifera grows naturally in tropical America. 2513,kzaKQlXmp5I,, 2514,j1KUsXahuXk,,spooky coffee. 2515,JZRlnfsdcj0,,polar bear under water 2516,MnmAUrVKZkM,,WESTDAHL in Glacier Bay. 2517,_zLNV65MQeA,,Clouds at sunrise with a lone bird flying through 2518,NvrCEwqQ0Pk,,Looking back at Striding Edge near the summit of Helvellyn. 2519,vReoR2TvbrA,,Which way? 2520,7-oM8eFUkFQ,,More Autumn Vibes from Graz. 2521,ZrSvGL_13-0,, 2522,WTKFxbfvKUE,,Bamboo forest and textures 2523,ywPqgpKsXls,, 2524,2R8a4l8w4nc,, 2525,FOgxRVxjGSs,,Bradford Pear in Autumn 2526,-7JAEi4PhTU,, 2527,TJO8EfZgYog,,reflection of the night sky 2528,B7j5sAKeTxQ,,Spider Web 2529,gcHKTjl3B8Q,, 2530,Ntn7j17TWpM,,Royal Botanical Gardens of Edinburgh Glass House 2531,Ce4fTWlBosM,, 2532,MxzI8hI1Asg,, 2533,VddVIbL5Gyk,, 2534,W-Lslcwce18,, 2535,mOALmYT5BO8,, 2536,eAaoUuAMb7M,, 2537,34bCU4PRV3o,, 2538,teEl8_uC2UQ,, 2539,EDfC5VI_7-Y,, 2540,im43wgQ_81g,,My instagram: guillaume.tnl Please tag me if use my photos Thanks! 2541,iQhRYATGEmM,, 2542,N_dZnM0Gs8Q,, 2543,tB2FY5kMV_0,, 2544,0rgPRpLQr6I,, 2545,5QLEAY7sDaI,, 2546,pvLgCmqYvrE,, 2547,WGujDHx1YTA,, 2548,X_M9atcOZmw,, 2549,VD-pDCpC8UE,, 2550,V5Z4xV7WnEE,, 2551,gStfADPD4Uo,,patrick hendry 2552,3suAHB4_Smo,,this was the first time i take photographs of the stars in the night 2553,obxjtll5jHI,, 2554,xh_l2eGV4B4,,"I was taking photos of the sky and there was this cloud which looks like an aurore so I decided to take a picture of it, and the result is really cool." 2555,M1lej2F2aE8,, 2556,p0o6T5zJBSU,, 2557,7H2D2j6j8BA,, 2558,g1nJBKTlUK8,, 2559,Gu2tUshY06E,, 2560,KcN0qQQZ9lE,, 2561,qYTSgYBSUCg,, 2562,tQ9oqZWPUn8,, 2563,olb10A0AchE,, 2564,LITaF1ZlU-g,, 2565,Eh7Q7ALqiWY,,"Aurora borealis (norhern lights) near Bakkagerdi, Borgarfjordur, Northeast Iceland" 2566,bjMHQUBZl1A,, 2567,VjdII_v1_6w,, 2568,WFPH8BKGg8U,, 2569,ZhsYjreGsSE,,A soft focus 2570,fBkkiSWvnmM,,New Zealand had a KP 7.67 Aurora Australis recently. This image was taken from Brighton beach near Dunedin in the South island. 2571,8XFwrqj0Wtg,,Maldives 2572,dLY1k-VeY7Q,,"On August, I spent about two weeks in Iceland and Greenland. This glacier was the first astonishment as we arrived in Iceland. The first time in my life sitting so close to the glacier and touch the cold water. Not just cold but extremely freezing. Still, an unbelievably beautiful scenery with no doubt." 2573,ipC1JLW7xms,, 2574,Y0yk9JkmDvE,,Hawaiian Nights 2575,pWt3l_oy7iM,,Red passion! 2576,SHcHVFhz7-M,,Stars in the patagonian lake 2577,gD9D5yWcz7E,,Lakefront resort winter 2578,elcikMY7DoY,, 2579,oyTN8p5KawA,, 2580,En7oa07OXTo,, 2581,WRrGflm_Umo,, 2582,ZJJnafokhsQ,,While it all spins around me 2583,URnWOJX8wW4,,Princess 2584,VU0vy7rnBDg,,In Melbourne 2585,24IRUV5nIYM,, 2586,g8aS5zSBXCs,, 2587,u7HIbDV9uJU,, 2588,Fi0LRQIiC18,, 2589,npuKvB2KDBg,, 2590,OjQgsR1oyEw,, 2591,SVFEQ_MOn6Q,, 2592,1UwXJm17MF0,, 2593,0lXMQ0lA6I8,, 2594,-mBvbLc7pgU,,"A bright Yellow Warbler who didn't seem the least bit bothered by the heavy rain and wind. He was bouncing around in the low brush in front of my friend and I. It landed on a lot of great perches, some a little distant like this one that gave a great sense of environment and the rain and some closer and right near us. I really likd how the bird was framed in on this perch and you could easily see the heavy rain that was not fun to shoot in but worth it." 2595,CzW-wxA15j8,,Wildfire 2596,GPtSep_xvYw,,Fall colors 2597,0Tdvt8QZSAs,, 2598,67eas7lSruI,, 2599,b66Ga6C48hE,, 2600,6fPM3O_QM6s,,"Agriturismo Baccoleno Val D`Orcia, Toscana." 2601,zeNeAUwoJvs,, 2602,PBbHhOAYvEM,,Moody Winter in Blausee 2603,5TpBhNBPAE8,, 2604,T52Iey5L3gk,,July Storm 1 2605,XyqwK1vvCDE,,Milky Way 2606,7CwF-4IbqBo,, 2607,KZC7BJo0Cl0,,Bromo 2608,eSB6hpSU1hk,, 2609,WdTf_3LLy4k,, 2610,-kzGzUsE6kc,, 2611,pMO-sf6mjIs,, 2612,K50_EI8qwDE,, 2613,IDC5zZVNxmU,,Portrait of my dog called Marli. Shot with a Canon 5D Mark III and two Profoto B10 in my office. 2614,iAiQcNKILlM,, 2615,tSVYjmyQn5E,, 2616,AvOUmlZZMyY,,When you are traveling and you have all you need in front of your eyes. 2617,ZzxaWk4vKuk,,Mountain Lion 2618,mQM4EK5QZeE,, 2619,tfjKJ_gN39E,,Photo shoot for Keystone Cats exotic shorthairs in Pennsylvania. This is Pond and she is gorgeous! 2620,hkJPX2nvmIQ,,"""We're all mad here.""" 2621,7c3Lp1O5YRY,, 2622,ANCoz0JMhiQ,, 2623,dyBiKaBgteA,, 2624,Qm4yrKLiawY,,A tulip blooming 2625,4AEDq78nAeE,,Ray of light on Reykjavik 2626,bNhgX6kpQFk,, 2627,ECzqBXclKhQ,, 2628,RnSSIvq4VKQ,, 2629,JuKXByQwe2I,, 2630,yVCBr4ZuOnI,,Print: Behance: Blog: Support: My presets: Original unedited photo: Bruce Mars @pexels I manipulated this photo. 2631,RH5PbTuKfMg,,alex_cook_22 2632,I21uYM9yjLo,,Amazing sunflower field light 2633,pdbBU4K5Jss,, 2634,pFZJ-ko2_Vw,, 2635,HFQ8iNkJRPc,, 2636,XNZL8fmd_JU,, 2637,fSPxYxOEUpc,, 2638,bxtCvM7Ym3A,, 2639,uELiHAWOvto,, 2640,bgGYZekLC0Q,, 2641,PoK68zebcQ8,,"Hazy sunset in East Los Angeles, from Montecito Heights. If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more -" 2642,t6RA2zjvclw,, 2643,Cfuh5uWiUCQ,,Etosha National Park 2644,qBtfxPahn-s,,Hiker in the mountains. 2645,Yh2zBhsnTjw,, 2646,Tev75FnobUI,, 2647,IQ-4W6x_y9o,,Sample of corallimorphs collected by ROV Jason photographed under a blacklight to demonstrate florescence 2648,FW6vnOnqUZQ,, 2649,95RvuULh91A,, 2650,zvimWZkiIKc,,An Offering 2651,T8_fEGtX3Ak,,details 2652,HzoIOgYkMkM,,pink flowers on a concrete background 2653,fDk6Hl77W9I,, 2654,zsP_Nv8wm-4,, 2655,HLJU-gY_3Cs,,Deep Blue 2656,NU8T8LHaeiA,,aurora-borealis-geilo Instagram: @haakonz 2657,LFsiXYD1gI8,, 2658,IfRI9FDmDzA,,Just Keep Swimming 2659,3Bsw31s1kPw,,First attempt at stitching astro images. 2660,FP-IARaDjnw,,White light 2661,yOQS6aL0aeM,, 2662,bvvYzc-3fGA,,Colored facade 2663,s_JFRLuCg8g,, 2664,EzWXRdFkjx8,, 2665,K83caYTSZd4,,Desert Colour. 2666,NMsHduEYiUE,,Horse running 2667,2hGwOFy5boo,, 2668,YEsedBccUEA,,Golden Ferns 2669,FZU6emgWeaQ,, 2670,4vm6v0KmCS8,,One of my favorite shots from antelope canyon that I just recently found in the archives. The sunlight brings about a whole new shape and pattern to the canyon. 2671,DAMx2WC73Ms,, 2672,V7CqOeoLrBg,,My Border-Aussie Boom. 2673,3SmjwAgGHCQ,,Waterfall 2674,ii3iAIdhLrg,,"Sunset over Saguenay river, Tadoussac." 2675,04tWq2fcl_E,, 2676,w-gozYHuBoM,, 2677,oEgiJNbYw8w,, 2678,PNQmObD_Ogc,,June Lake California 2679,v5NrELy41dk,, 2680,01yoVTDYCyY,,Trip to Italy and more! 2681,0IN6_K36BQA,,"Wild horses. Jelgava, Latvia." 2682,e6i5JIHJDMU,, 2683,iUA1cea8QiY,, 2684,l80IjH0Vn8Y,,pastel colored light composition 2685,lKdrxnoymxo,, 2686,kEYmW2wNl8I,,"Paleontology prehistoric fossilisation. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 100mm (Year: 1993)" 2687,H36GOz0SXI0,, 2688,QSLJ5GfqnII,, 2689,eclvuzkPUQE,, 2690,X0Bf8b-_sWQ,, 2691,xR72aLTtBCE,, 2692,pC7jzCHMdtg,, 2693,ydN8zFZt61E,, 2694,u49N64PLEs0,, 2695,GfxPQhdwPrc,,patrick hendry 2696,7VdPA-5pr7g,, 2697,8pc5B4rnw_I,, 2698,Na76VHC6ASQ,,The weather was really nice that day and really warm which is not that common at the beginning of November in Germany. The Eibsee is one of my favorite spots in the alps and always worth a visit. If there is no wind you can get awesome reflections in the lake. 2699,I06JotQta14,, 2700,H8-XPYlSMvU,, 2701,HbzxsqpoUpw,, 2702,EopeznrRaZo,, 2703,D-IYJRBkVPw,,Hoverfly in Green 2704,eWv5tyX5WvQ,,A night with a super moon and a tree in the right place. 2705,OOWmZlxvw08,, 2706,zQzP8YKpLDw,, 2707,h3hCI98EFDw,, 2708,DBJ3jsdXeJA,,hulk's secret / Day 59 🏁/ 365 Photo Challenge Instagram @weiding22 2709,yEauzeZU6xo,,"Full Disk Earth, Apollo 17, 1972" 2710,gSd173Bwsqk,,"Porlarbear Hornsund, Svalbard" 2711,B-CKuoYQod0,, 2712,suf2PfBNdx4,,A Storm Warning 2713,-wxBDRoX-MI,, 2714,kF7k5rkjmt8,,stone 2715,LNWsYSXJrxI,, 2716,RyvVnWaWbjI,,Edgar Allen Poe would like a word. 2717,EOnh3WVZTmc,, 2718,Bb4zdJr4BoE,,"Glacier of Mont Fort, Switzerland" 2719,PBKWzc7JWVI,,Malibu in motion 2720,ljuBktTzgRQ,, 2721,yBlsBxWw7FM,, 2722,7wD_C_xFZ1Q,, 2723,izbNCiJTjGw,,pure focus 2724,ik1NXKrJyws,, 2725,98TECvicCdM,, 2726,45ANDyTydD4,, 2727,Ou_dF_T_GxY,,"""Dead Sea Scrolls"", Bombay Bay, California" 2728,M887fQiK-Eg,,Princess Cruises alaska 2729,9ASO0_p5Ah4,,Philodendron 2730,Q6nJR7QBmLM,,Sunset bouncing off ocean waves 2731,Y7HZk5YA8lE,,"Macro of my cat ""Ragù""" 2732,1L_nJObIbFA,, 2733,i7uV0Q8tJ48,,Everlasting bouquet 2734,vh0FucFJ7pw,, 2735,lqvkRyklVtc,, 2736,cVjHWQ4J8sg,, 2737,Ngr_aJSMfPk,, 2738,507E2BtaBMI,,Sunlight filtering through the trees with log pile in foreground 2739,HEYJY7l8QVI,, 2740,R3ugMRe2nVk,,Laula the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 2741,xkxtDdrl5oE,, 2742,OxbuqhIxtOg,,Teeny tiny red blossom on a tree 2743,YtwIas3Bnjw,,Silhouette of a bird perched on a branch 2744,D3TciOBZhRw,,Rozdestnica wrotyczówka na liściu jesienią 2745,wj8ln29QWks,, 2746,1TSFZpdOaW4,, 2747,sdNuc7D1dcU,,rowanberry 2748,b1KUMfBOGdg,,"Different from the previous drone shot, I tried to create a kind of mysterious mood in the fall morning of Yosemite. The fog and tree color there were amazing. Hope you like this image." 2749,l6qAfA84094,, 2750,BRY1Q8e07zo,,"This shot was taken right before we reached, it was perfect sandbank to relax, get a tan and go on a picnic with refreshments." 2751,ER3C_Lv_NdA,,"This day was so epic, no wind now waves, just pure color. The color is not always like this, so amazing." 2752,5zWj7K_QVos,,"Raindrops on the hotel window presents a unique view of the Kuala Lumpur Tower (Menara Kuala Lumpur). During rainy days, you’ll get to see clouds near the top of the tower as well." 2753,zRtPCjFUiC8,, 2754,Z38tG-Wk2IQ,,"A warm Summer day at the Tulip Festival, just outside of Portland Oregon." 2755,qb4s8PmzBo0,, 2756,VxC-EsSTYtQ,,Beautiful lagoons in the Maldives with never ending shades of blues. 2757,c5Fm2UZwzBU,,"Took this photo on a workshop a few days ago, just wanted to share it with the community. Just moments before the sun rises over the mountains." 2758,rNEKUh8ds8Y,, 2759,vJNe-sw36WU,, 2760,JjCZ0bFr3B4,, 2761,tIvWsbppj5k,,Natural minimalism 2762,QEpwMhgEs90,, 2763,3Aa3VMvyss8,, 2764,gQxrO5kOABU,, 2765,otyp_qz4XTw,, 2766,aMsVld55NhQ,, 2767,nXEeLFFW2BM,, 2768,Bu5D3tfhugM,,"Snout Beetles owe the name to the sometimes strongly extended head with the probes that are often in the middle or at the very front. Some species have a snout that is not as strongly extended (for example, species from the subfamily Scolytinae) and there are also beetles from other infra-orders that have a somewhat extended ‘snout’, so that confusion may occur in some species." 2769,C0edGRyDr7I,,"Snow covered lake ontario, golden hour." 2770,ADqQOnZv4cA,,Japanese Cedar Cones 2771,em2ytvoRgFc,, 2772,3GkGBBvKCek,, 2773,T4njmGbHhNs,, 2774,DORi0W_afqk,, 2775,csli8jyaBKA,,Pine cones in a forest 2776,PFy-3PaHT_M,, 2777,lkST28_poLo,,Stairs up to the pagoda 2778,SiCHD6EN3aU,,Smooth rocks on the beach 2779,iz5QZUeFL84,,Forest gateway 2780,F1oeYBKJsdw,,Golden meadow in the mountains 2781,Dpt0dkTrZrs,,Snow covered leaves on a branch 2782,eOpewngf68w,,Whangarei Falls footbridge 2783,ZzsSEbzTxDI,, 2784,OxE7y50wZJE,,Lone brown horse in sunlight 2785,rmAQEA8rPPU,, 2786,k7R5xrY71lg,,Morning sunlight between trees 2787,37RQRTBwsBc,,Sunset view through grass 2788,S-i0IWeB6_A,,Garden sunflowers 2789,iyKrJexlGiY,, 2790,t_OUw49w3tM,, 2791,bmaua_wAVJ4,, 2792,qE1Y8GQKhEk,,When I was shooting in Summer Island Maldives. the water there is like magic. 2793,O31kjYCHzPY,,Bald Eagle 2794,e4WiZR_8Ki8,,"While you enjoy a meal at the Cairns aquarium restaurant, the sharks in the tank check you out as a possible meal!" 2795,ERlyiQL0YZA,,sunset3 2796,5SBZMmsoHdw,,"South Tyrol, Austria, Hike to Tierser-Alpl-Hütte" 2797,k_BJky6dU8E,, 2798,V7Mqq-xAH3c,, 2799,HSzIqM2BuCQ,, 2800,42bbCLs-MuI,,Spikes in a row 2801,QA3koHXkUM4,,Fields of roses 2802,v5pGMr1KcA0,,The texture and the scale of this place is magnificent. 2803,GRRxLL7ygJ0,, 2804,kem3xr844k4,,rainbow on the night sky 2805,E8DpEGoTV-g,, 2806,GE1Bu9cnHWc,, 2807,lVrQnkrbtts,,textured surface 2808,-ZaQMp3-53M,,My dog. 2809,xtIYGB0KEqc,, 2810,XL017h5dLlg,,Something got this girls attention 2811,c4MEDTlcz4k,,Way over discovery bay looking out of this world. 2812,F1AYzQqsIbY,,cloudy sky and lighthouse 2813,7k1hBrAvK0w,, 2814,R5uIfpzGkRI,,Moon rise over Lofoten 2815,Qdi8UvGd1Ww,, 2816,ec2SZSGPwJA,,"Met a female dragon, had a fire conversation" 2817,31iUN4YecXI,,"A massive sunset in Florence, firenze, ponte santa trinita, italy." 2818,OHzkfrv9Ycw,, 2819,1lHzm_NxIhY,,Stars 2820,LsPw-DE_GAs,,Stopped on the way home from Palo Alto because the lighting was so interesting… 2821,neyb2xCMhrE,, 2822,sP-1GxfzV84,,flower blue 2823,Z6JhSpqkWdo,,Skogafoss 2824,i_R6FJ2R2vQ,, 2825,1V_ze5Oc-GU,, 2826,CatpolIjez8,,Reflections on Lake Magog in Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park. 2827,yNGQ830uFB4,,Desert at Twilight 2828,JV063WPzq-8,, 2829,jkPKQWK1sKU,, 2830,FkNzeOnsA0g,, 2831,GkKJ56oZ_30,,Splash and spray 2832,u-Q14NlYLEI,,Farm Tractor 2833,9Ci0VKjx3Hk,,White flowers in the springtime 2834,5qlegaTwZpM,,Blue lake under blue sky 2835,eG1Kvq1ZF1o,,Cloud enveloping a mountain 2836,mTpnDoAcuGA,, 2837,tNN6zkUnTgg,,Red canyon arch 2838,JT-ADySithU,,Snow on a mountain in Gudauri 2839,DgSnapS1itA,,Sitting by the water 2840,iP2S3hsCqeY,,Green Yosemite floor 2841,z6wpnrnnxo8,,Mountain pass in Andorra 2842,O6N9RV2rzX8,, 2843,fS7rpnwSdaE,, 2844,0d61AGiZrl8,,Light in the dark in Pikrolimni 2845,s2YlQXGk640,, 2846,nNe9wBDbQ1I,,Storm Clouds Black White 2847,fh4rdH2E6jM,,Pink flowers in the soil 2848,i79pTSJjB-0,,Autumn trail bridge path 2849,C9sZDSCGikM,, 2850,pCoXyXyroCk,,Great Salt Lake 2851,NuvOR__aZnk,,"I was invited to Vandenberg Airforce Base on January 14, 2017, to see my first rocket launch. Super cool…and loud! SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket with a payload of 10 communication satellites." 2852,WjDU5pKWYeo,, 2853,q1X6ADPZl4w,,half dead 2854,Qz4wgqT466M,,Two hikers cliff top 2855,gwHLF1zqQ9w,, 2856,T2_SgPx1Uiw,,Abandoned base taken over by penguins 2857,Dxb-fAEa740,, 2858,ECr-lSBi71s,,Lost in the woods 2859,mEdKuPYJe1I,, 2860,cRPz6-ryzSg,, 2861,F0_qeY5OWJE,, 2862,qYVJWNvsH7Q,, 2863,V1CkOyLJUos,, 2864,74T_ZCepPkY,, 2865,RbuoieHTGB4,, 2866,kT8XuFDKHAg,, 2867,jCTo3MAtzjA,, 2868,S_AAp27zg_s,, 2869,BoY7LooE1uA,, 2870,U6YXXb5mcKM,, 2871,KVeogBZzl4M,, 2872,vvkQVCO5vJE,, 2873,ugG-_T6_6WQ,, 2874,zelgyeLINKc,, 2875,Jq3YxzGagdU,,I was out shooting in Chicago when I passed the Chicago Theatre. I've shot here so many times I wasn't even going to stop to shoot it but then I noticed the Tulips which are only here for a little bit every year. I crouched down and saw this awesome perspective and decided to capture it. 2876,XZyjr93zaZg,,"On the morning of January 31st, 2018, the super blue blood moon appeared in the western night skies, the first time since 1866. I stumbled out of bed at 4 in the morning, drove down to Laguna Beach and setup my tripod to capture this amazing moment. I couldn’t wait to share it with the world." 2877,JY_rSd-Kb1o,,Crepe myrtles placed within 5 different layers (panes) of glass 2878,kJUxs4gzKIE,,"A winter hike into the stakkholtsgja canyon. This one was taken in middle of january 2018. It is the same canyon i used for the night photo with two torches i was just positioned a bit lower in it. Beginning of this canyon was also used exactly a year ago for a short scene in game of thrones, where they capture the undead guy. This time it is not me standing but my dear coworker, who i photographically abused, so that i can deliver you this photo :)" 2879,NznxEfw9iVI,,I sort of have a black thumb. This is my longest living succulent and the only named one because I feel attached to him now that he has survived 1.5 years under my care and counting! I’m trying get into product photography/content creation so I used him to take some test shots :) 2880,yASysTwq-Is,, 2881,lcT_p8kLCsc,,What a night 2882,o4SYFlupp7M,, 2883,QGAtijDu6yU,, 2884,5jySMpqi6xk,, 2885,SBapPARYIdQ,,Pines Pattern 2886,KQN500iE8KA,, 2887,XcuR5qEgqS0,,"The Heroes’ Cross of Caraiman peak, captured on a rainy day from the Deer’s Valley, near Bușteni." 2888,VtpnGnMFbcE,,"Partial Moon Eclipse 27.7.2018 near Sreser, Peljesac, Croatia There are more similar photos from this location/site on my web site If you are interested in one of them under an Unsplash license, you can ask me by email to" 2889,W5I7UeZFq-w,, 2890,GtO__3-f2xA,, 2891,NUAWzwhkbc4,,"A popular holiday destination, the Lake District in northwestern England is a region of picturesque mountains and long, narrow lakes. Most of the lakes lie in U-shaped valleys that were carved by glaciers during the last ice age. Morecambe Bay, below the Lake District, opens into the Irish Sea. This large expanse of intertidal sand and mudflats is notorious for its quicksand and tides that are said to move ""as fast as a horse can run.""" 2892,vz_m8qlTMG4,, 2893,2qNv4dIyO5U,,Moody shot from the Traunfall in Upper Austria. 2894,64LsOxZKxLE,, 2895,PxaikXoyX54,,losing my mind. Follow On: Instagram: @joshrh19 Link: 2896,VHt_sWcj70I,,"Underwater shot by Kyle @SubtleCinematics with the GoPro Hero 7 in Maui, Hawaii! Check out our Instagram @SubtleCinematics" 2897,boXCJlRbw5g,, 2898,4AqVwLE4nfo,, 2899,-qGHHWtGF4I,, 2900,vpNgJ_O5qSM,, 2901,_gIhns5OmOs,, 2902,cp-2ip_Yr3Y,, 2903,AbfO2iCuJYs,, 2904,-mzP7tz2mmo,, 2905,CfXpoPvGm18,, 2906,p9jnac0OtS0,,Thank you for downloading! If you'd like to help support Venmo: Rubengutierrez_ 2907,tLzq8XyscP8,,Spring Blooms 2908,yfp_Z_e3Afs,, 2909,1Uqr_jqi3c4,, 2910,Eh4twSFC9k4,, 2911,av7MnNYJgCQ,,"Sunset on a flight from Helsinki, Finnland to Frankfurt, Germany over the Baltic Sea." 2912,3-c_auIU2tQ,,"Milky Way in Banff, Canada." 2913,gR8QukPoAvQ,, 2914,kcJr7qBdhKY,, 2915,Zpy0FToMJnk,,Blooming cherry tree branch in a wild forest 2916,3WA7KJ8QiQE,,orchid 2917,uWVfQbJvKC8,,workshop 2918,6tZ6625rPJY,, 2919,tT6PEGPUG7Q,, 2920,bXFDEFDtSUU,, 2921,RnsJ29J0CJY,,Buzludzha 2922,jUsuh8ZZyNo,,Long Eared Owl 2923,LPijToysXaY,, 2924,rP1sy-UPAGE,, 2925,lojbVPmh2TY,,Austrian forest sunset. 2926,cuTk59eNHUE,, 2927,xnyXLEyE8L0,, 2928,3O8YUC-jEIA,, 2929,VxGEk4fpiq4,, 2930,E-1tnSNP0y4,, 2931,dG5jDchRjMw,,Scenic autumn road 2932,Rkuvgq5swfU,,Small icy lake 2933,4knR_YzeUVc,,Ice on black beach 2934,v1IQm8wYBus,, 2935,yZTbN9-5fx4,,Orange spotted bird 2936,0LsBP2oxR58,, 2937,76NywJh3Bck,,Mexico sunset 2938,tqzqzH8hb5A,,Bright Lone Star 2939,ss0vA9RUCV4,, 2940,uPwWtazOsyg,,Diamond Peak on a gray day 2941,_KAMW5UWCv8,,beach found a stump of a coral I love this nature formed pictures I just have to frame 2942,8x5leSXyCYk,, 2943,gNrfKOsIK2U,,Mossy rock 2944,ZDagqkTNwnc,,"Snoqualmie Falls, WA" 2945,A71XT-sghVw,, 2946,rSutCh8Izmg,,Snowdrops national trust Anglesea Abbey Cambridge 2947,RcwsTvNdsFc,,Temple batu caves indian malaysia culture tourism man birds feeding 2948,MxLH_vnwvW8,, 2949,saQS8uWHuwU,, 2950,mhePnduuYT0,, 2951,NoSRqbXJY68,, 2952,hA9f77XTXZk,,babyboy IG: derkleinebalu check him out 2953,OT74_ac4uqk,,"• • Tub of Spongebob 🏝 • . The good news for lovers of the Spongebob cartoon series, Bikini Bottom Island turns out to exist in the real world, especially the island is in Indonesia, precisely in Berau, East Kalimantan . Originally, the name of this island is Manimbora, the island is not too wide, we can surround it in 15 minutes, the island is uninhabited, and is located on the path to Derawan Island." 2954,3fucumsUI68,,Green Earth 2955,e3mPCV4LPNE,, 2956,sSyfyxlKQPY,, 2957,2Q8zDWkj0Yw,, 2958,mhQJs9041Ro,,Sandstone rock formation at dusk 2959,JcYQ67_TCmY,,Wintery walk in the woods 2960,PzPbh-faPgU,,I was traveling between Pienza an Montepulciano in Tuscany. We pulled off the road to take pictures of this gorgeous early Spring scene in the Val d’Orcia. 2961,_1iEJewMxKk,,Delicate pink flowers in close-up 2962,5DLvpkwOpAs,,Red leaf-like flowers 2963,Wx7rP3ibILc,,Ocean after sunset 2964,pIfF5Q8AYaE,,Remote waterfall from above 2965,xJ2tjuUHD9M,,Hazy mountains 2966,u_3o1zyz3r4,,Oslo sunset 2967,RdyMe8KQAV0,, 2968,eUobvePZrec,,Ocean bay 2969,Ffxm66W0haQ,,Bare trees and white rock face 2970,7c_8XUWLPQw,,Wooded hill in autumn 2971,-h-_S37Eu_0,,Bunderspitz mountain above clouds 2972,OQ0zP6AS2DI,, 2973,mTKHsH8VldU,, 2974,WaLH-jZVVKE,,Milky way in ranukumbolo lake 2975,8m0jo7jb5To,, 2976,s3KrnlDaRMw,, 2977,KT7WwMrVMtI,, 2978,Ho9GO6v-HdM,,Winter Pinewood Forest 2979,PYmJqolqPCY,, 2980,iiHhN5ypKKk,,Worker 2981,IF0UuvY1CXI,, 2982,P37HRY7xmBw,, 2983,lApiQ3--c0k,, 2984,qG0ZYJStwIM,, 2985,ORULrjhYiNo,, 2986,vjZmWejk-3M,,If you love plants check out @karaeadscreates on instagram! 2987,r0u55GLtIjw,, 2988,8fPAgCoAY_E,, 2989,ELoa8cRyLiQ,, 2990,cCMySCLaY9U,,Super Blood Wolf Lunar Eclipse 2991,T6lEU56hBfs,, 2992,ltw71OMpt84,,Angel wings. 2993,-EKShciZ-RM,, 2994,kEH7ljKWDOM,, 2995,IIWiU1QXmWY,, 2996,JEIzmszejPo,,beach view from above 2997,wbrflrQLQEY,,Forbiden Lake (Doubtful Lake) 2998,RJ_zZKgKrog,,Hot air balloon sunrise in Cappadocia Turkey 2999,W-c6msBKn2Y,,Bronx Zoo 3000,XNCv-DcTLx4,,Sunflower sunset 3001,Xr1wRq-3kN8,, 3002,bjJlT_5ahWM,, 3003,YRpITTLXxrA,,Exploring foggy mountain 3004,liIFVgjhuSE,,Bat flying through trees 3005,cb_R6b7qhu8,,A Lymantria dispar caterpillar 3006,ykaaehSInpw,,thunderstorm during night with stars 3007,M_s3XsRhx4o,, 3008,D3usG7M3DPY,, 3009,hk58fkOkAA4,, 3010,-dm8WfhnQU4,,Single green leaf on brown leaves 3011,RYr9Bwegjt0,,Starry night 3012,41dsC76eIPs,,Bloom 3013,3dFYPaYcHnQ,,Botanical Garden 3014,5sh24a7m0BU,,THERE IS NO PLANTE B. Global climate change strike - No Planet B - Global Climate Strike 09-20-2019 3015,10UzSfKEXsc,,“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” ― Dr. Seuss 3016,MR975kPtI2Y,, 3017,R0o2u1s1K9E,,Cactus vibes 3018,6WWivei8PuU,, 3019,Um22Cte8XbQ,, 3020,xut4U8rHXm8,, 3021,MYCX157AX8w,,Fall 3022,j-ukn6RzOFo,,Waves breaking over a pier 3023,03zz73y2Q98,,Moraine Lake in Banff National Park. 3024,pZB4DGuKrYw,, 3025,VbBwwcDyhPQ,,"This summer I was in Oregon where I happened to be shooting next to Darrell Gulin, one of Canon's ""Explorer of Light"" photographers, and a past president of the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA). When you've got your camera with you, you meet the nicest people! Check out:" 3026,EQxBDe3l2UA,, 3027,ws3jxXaOxAM,, 3028,zS89X3bIwS8,, 3029,alUretUHLPs,,chania beach | crete 3030,25N6S1NG6PA,, 3031,n9-uE5LjaoQ,,Perfect wave at Cloudbreak 3032,jKjr1-Kg3-Q,, 3033,tbPXz-9umWI,, 3034,IHJtKBe9xNs,, 3035,n8fDM9yS2PQ,, 3036,O_Lyb6Et9Hw,,Aerial (drone) view of Arctic Icebergs 3037,AkfLu4YO5gs,, 3038,oVfRbUwLJ80,, 3039,wOYtxjKP0fA,, 3040,zyLgpFi4Tvg,, 3041,Rr2VsarcVok,, 3042,X-0FisCRIaA,,Tortoise on a mission at C&J's Animal Park. View my photo story at 3043,tj9r4rC2E4Y,,Pink Flowers 3044,KFeFkg_l45Y,, 3045,wHm-Yos67KM,, 3046,0WGucY1VHI0,,patrick hendry 3047,i_Y3bly9cp4,, 3048,-lslpw4q2uE,, 3049,zH8YU5X1mGc,,Over A Cliff 3050,nt1KMuZb9DM,, 3051,UNGYOAr0w5k,, 3052,a1Lm99Kkqtg,,Wind turbine 3053,txQ76E4w0DM,, 3054,bnJ_47FxOBg,, 3055,ohw_fm-PQis,,Our french bulldog Ruby Tuesday @officialrubytuesday sleeping inside her teepee on her favorite concrete floor and a little sheep rug. 3056,stLtvg_x2HQ,, 3057,HIzOKqo5S_g,, 3058,Ikge1ZIk9yc,, 3059,v08L_SdFKNI,, 3060,RBvSlR3JJtA,, 3061,X4ORAFELQmI,, 3062,cnsuw8UtH_E,,blistering breach 3063,w7SG9_qA7hg,,First roses of the year in my garden💛 3064,5TBHn1e4IbA,, 3065,vuYdnIDse0U,, 3066,7aakIwWg3Zk,, 3067,q-mqF5F31CU,, 3068,7b9BA_BFgcM,,"White Space Light & Home Decor (Cactus, Chair)" 3069,QqEhqTsdvpw,, 3070,5B2VpwxFCOI,, 3071,yD4UfvraUE0,,wind in the desert it starts like this and than you better pack your camera if you like to use it again 3072,34mvN5nt1ls,,Reindeer in a stream 3073,bYZYYhrytSM,,Frozen orchard path 3074,kRpYCajakTU,,Rocky ocean lagoon 3075,0Tgk-wiuCU4,,Hiking in the snow 3076,zflmSpgZ5Cg,, 3077,rlxZqmc6D_I,,Trail under a tree arch 3078,iQMXEK58enk,,Twilight lake sunset. 3079,ZytvP7_lfBs,,dark mountain 3080,E3y-qzhiyuM,, 3081,fVdavkZrNq8,, 3082,YLRmLiTMgSY,, 3083,EBlpRir2AVU,, 3084,tI7pPcIPhEA,, 3085,Db7ZEEmcVkQ,, 3086,--kGuWTwn48,, 3087,mKlvYQQj7Ls,, 3088,QSCgPKn0Rsc,,The Rising Son | Easter Morning 3089,z7d7sZOOSaM,, 3090,JagaSkurcCw,, 3091,icME4lpQYxY,, 3092,Uej0u2_88HI,, Early morning views at the Door! If you’re using this image please consider following my Instagram in good faith. Thank you Tom 3093,Fnz4M0TkJrA,, 3094,aIf54kIiT6s,, 3095,Zj35rdbkAwI,, 3096,JrFfuHQr-L4,, 3097,XvFeCtQFTIA,,Morning Light 3098,hEDwwsfES2w,,Stumbled across this large pond in the New Forest full of lily pads. 3099,MoeK0FnAUKc,,Surfer on the rock by the sea 3100,1iqLU3K_x8o,,Half Rainbow 3101,SWxMLK2VFqg,,At The Waterfall 3102,xcECoLX1ne0,,Hummingbird in the Dark 3103,pV4QnzUOIgs,,"The view from the highest hill in the bottom of Pyramid Valley looking towards the mountains behind Lake Sumner, North Canterbury, New Zealand. This shot was taken in winter and the haze in the distance is mist that had formed along the Hurunui River." 3104,kO9IchKdhFA,, 3105,xr43RescWSA,,this is a combination of two photos 3106,IKHdm0p2-qg,,Autumn Rain 3107,cVOWzY0Vqj8,,found in a pond close to my house. The interesting thing about these flowers is that they are only open during the night and in the morning. 3108,e_9F7TjMNug,, 3109,CVM26yarZNc,,My cat 3110,om4O_x_qWD8,,I used my macro lens to shoot this image of liquid and bubbles. 3111,ABmygVJcYgY,,Salvation Mountain 3112,IPheOySCW7A,,My little Princess. 3113,5-5dX3Rj84o,,Bamboo forest 3114,HerfWSF3pyA,, 3115,a0bQ9HJyoZI,,"Rose on piano, valentine" 3116,u7zd4x6-dx8,, 3117,9-P8_FkYxxk,, 3118,KMxkO_CmlK0,,"This image shows a spinning formation of ice, clouds, and low-lying fog off the eastern coast of Greenland." 3119,z5iZvsTr7k8,,Sunlight get through tree top 3120,_InLq4vc33M,,ZX Spectrum Love 3121,eN6FkYAetF8,,Red Crossing 3122,hFGWIHLTYhs,,"Cute cat sitting in a ceramic dish - Thanksgiving themed set up, green towel, for photoshoot for celebrity vet in Los Angeles, California. Blue background." 3123,wcCtmK2Bz60,, 3124,ZsTkRnw_iYY,,Pink lilac in spring 3125,LiF7bWwW4Cw,, 3126,NoNqa205O40,,Bali - rice fields - travel - palm trees 3127,hW7PNjnCcQ0,, 3128,Ul2YZgsVq0I,,Over and Over 3129,2Cb3nFNwFKU,, 3130,vqTrcOyr3uA,, 3131,9P0mHuTgMgs,,Autumn colors and leaves. 3132,Onxwf_aIuLQ,, 3133,nqLMg7DHLqU,, 3134,CfN8BZn9jF8,,Sand. 3135,-thDZQGZ-c4,, 3136,Br10CzIMblU,,"Close up of an Australian Waterdragon sunning itself in golden hour on dry shrub land. Nature, wildlife, dragon, lizard" 3137,CLACWnwpx24,,Wallpaper 3138,5QMmLrR_oVw,,Maltese puppy in a romantic city 3139,tOyk5gNMGwI,,Frozen Tree 3140,-DKUThtgWI0,,"A pano of tree tops in Snowdonia, UK" 3141,Z_yoZNHQlF0,, 3142,MDCBUBmleUU,, 3143,TI0KGco6jmc,,Tiefblick Dürrenstein / Dolomites 3144,3IqWy4vpwCc,,Yellow-bellied fantail flycatcher 3145,ZDDwSNHWQJo,,light direction 3146,FfA1uTlRKNI,,Spring Changes on Shiny Honey Blog 3147,7KlrI-Ak6Og,, 3148,NifTl3qB6No,, 3149,wfNm2fIgapI,,Aquatic Jungle 3150,ux6cQ8aEa8A,, 3151,F-ga6WwcqOQ,, 3152,BPHUaMvPNvA,, 3153,z9U2_RaFvBI,, 3154,ar2F6xmKgFI,, 3155,8V-5Y_Mdbn4,, 3156,-3l6KX8uCAM,, 3157,Qz3l8A2Vs9w,, 3158,STsMn4oIe64,,Rosa banksiae is known as a rose without thorns. They are easy to grow and create arches and fences of flowers. 3159,rcXU8Tezb_k,, 3160,20lVo5yj2l0,, 3161,tnpr-hPOta0,, 3162,PbJZebbcd48,, 3163,EareE6FLxqE,, 3164,QbRbkNM4-kk,, 3165,iMdsjoiftZo,, 3166,PFLchrsv9jY,,Dark Skies in Death Valley 3167,8iTugPNZ_As,,Big turtle on sand beach 3168,PlkgSH5YOOI,, 3169,4wz1YsANFB0,,White daisy bed 3170,O73fo4W8h5k,,Sea washing ashore drone view 3171,OofGutWjGCE,,Coastal Carolina Nightlife 3172,OCD_7D8pUxg,, 3173,cKiZU7mARIA,, 3174,1QYtLPzPXb0,,Mermaid among the Rocks 3175,yeKy0TNjsjk,, 3176,5xVPhqbC4bQ,,Sitting in front of rain of stars 3177,wKjdkGgeWuk,, 3178,OW4Cu-4ZSos,,Homeward 3179,Bd2nfT_pxzk,,We pulled off to the side of the road to make some new friends. These two were extremely nice. The one on the left was named Dylan and the one on the right was named Moe. Pretty funny dudes… these two. 3180,0ugpg5ordnE,, 3181,-7_yLivAnMc,,The Dense Clouds at Haleakalā National Park 3182,xy10On28JY4,, 3183,-XmAfIE66Hk,, 3184,wlOWYmijM8s,, 3185,4cq-ni_sK74,, 3186,Sj-8iUY6TZE,, 3187,3tBfSX3amQo,, 3188,LWVIR87DHPY,,Met a new friend in the middle of the trip to Tennessee 3189,lpY5UwUM4Us,, 3190,iOzvpb5XErM,, 3191,rQ5dDFQS3r8,, 3192,p4-TQ6D5A9Y,, 3193,6k3Wyvd9Bds,, 3194,VOSU6M0effo,,A trip to the landlocked country in Africa reveals visual surprises. 3195,WMkSJDwqlEU,, 3196,7iV8_p0_dps,, 3197,OVOjK3MuxEg,, 3198,hYcVvb_4vfs,, 3199,IK1VKOkCQzs,, 3200,-qV4zfChfNw,,Old Rose 3201,csRCk7vJhmM,,Volcano Iztaccíhuatl 3202,FiL6gpag2EM,, 3203,WQdcQltFuI8,,We only saw a few beetle in four days but many tracks 3204,d1nsI5luUFU,, 3205,fH8lOM299ag,, 3206,iSUccs7RhsM,, 3207,SNza0Rua4j8,, 3208,BglVxFPYMYc,, 3209,6t2iIAobYEc,, 3210,iju7Wte3jAM,,Patrick Hendry 3211,Sv7c91hu9cQ,,Recorded in the first half of the year in the previous company downstairs 3212,sekYpSdRxK4,,Half Moon from earth 3213,nLdRVPSlcXA,, 3214,QUmzl6ltHxs,, 3215,X00ZafKUdBo,, 3216,T1uFIQI3_04,,Koala on a Tree 3217,m5Rat6m4YwA,,A quiet park walk in central Copenhagen with two puppies and Rolf & Lazurus leashes. 3218,_7RIlgQ9HTQ,, 3219,TRY6tTONVSk,,Rose Coffee 3220,ermSexWy9Rc,,Took a walk down to the river where the waterfall meets the rocks. I shed a tear as the roaring falls crashed against the rocks like thunder in the night sky. 3221,O2XjYawdUAY,,"I love this shot because photographing golden fall colours was on my bucket list, but I could never find the right frame. Until I came across these trees." 3222,pr1lCH_uqrg,,streak 3223,aoWukdAWJno,, 3224,Q_YXgJxtzUg,, 3225,rkfHzgA_g-E,,The Look of Love is in my Eyes 3226,EzD_bfNYmLo,, 3227,x-sFPZd0yaw,, 3228,YqCAN6WvMec,, 3229,xQcqCPQ6XGM,, 3230,IxAifqpprXM,,November 3231,_ZO2obWfpFQ,,I took this photo when I was traveling through Norway together with my sister and her husband. They have fixed up an old van and it was the start of their long journey through Europe and Asia. 3232,mtMFJz071Cs,,There is no better companion than a selfess creature that puts you before anything. Argos the stallion pup. 3233,3TFvE51aVqA,, 3234,sWeozWD_104,, 3235,NljTy5Y15JM,, 3236,g016_NJoOUk,, 3237,Ivzo69e18nk,, 3238,EY8Fxfbsqm0,,Fern frond 3239,x7Kz09VroNU,,"Petra, Jordan" 3240,LziO0mzXwQo,,"Durmitor National Park, Montenegro." 3241,rVNpkC2LrM4,, 3242,DM_QhS1VVqY,,"This works really well as a background, especially on phones :)" 3243,Ze2Pcm-G1hg,, 3244,Y7iHt3LRWGg,,single rose in a glass jar against a white background 3245,71KMQp-Qkvw,, 3246,ajNq3sOmVwY,, 3247,ApqmbiIYqkg,, 3248,ftwDuke2UgA,,"Taken at Ree Safari Park in Ebeltoft, Danmark. Grey parrot" 3249,EWnBD3Een3I,, 3250,jJ_G90li7DE,, 3251,bI4fJYm2iJs,,Tulips colours are just beautiful 3252,onWHdzQyJcI,, 3253,F8mUf0hjf74,, 3254,AcbIlrg13Hs,,Everoranges 3255,z9hwMHnA788,, 3256,RVX2STx44UI,,"The Drake Passage is famous for it’s rough conditions. However I spent most of my time leaning off the side of the boat, not only looking for whales and dolphins, but also to stare at the beautiful (and freezing) seas." 3257,MSW-u52e_sw,, 3258,sI1bYNGYDaA,,"This trip was one of the most intense of my life: after drove around 18 hours from Leknes (Lofoten) to Posio (Finland) and nearly a thousand of km on our shoulder, we sleep around 3 hour before heading up to this really mesmerizing place. In Riisitunturin National Park, we have spent the sunset and the night, and after that, my friend, Alessandro, has lost himself during the night, shooting the trees under northern light, but fortunately Finnish Police have found him in less than 2 hours, but this is another story." 3259,n2w_6qtYWyI,,model is @shesaybrandon on instagram. Picture by me 3260,xvYxGcwFvuE,,Bond 3261,VYfeG1MrzSE,, 3262,WCqt8Pi2Q8s,, 3263,x2zvGE7abYs,, 3264,CapqzCpuKQ0,, 3265,XPpm_WL-DnY,, 3266,1wQbtsNa5K8,, 3267,sMa6hfJuIO4,,Old cottage wood pile 3268,KkOggSYb-1Y,, 3269,aj8emQggZFg,, 3270,r7SAdcwi8Vc,,Woody canopy 3271,JHMDtWaNZaA,,Translucent pink petals 3272,yLquu6Sq_Qw,, 3273,gYV7f1VF4vs,,Snow patch mountains in Greeland 3274,6LkxufmApSk,,Cape Town misty forest 3275,BdQk6Qm3vAU,, 3276,OiJ-fI0swYI,,Log cabin in woods 3277,qBX6EMdy0a4,, 3278,vtCZp-9GvrQ,,Snowflakes up close 3279,EhvMzMRO4_o,,Dawn with a side of crescent moon 3280,hqjJT_INc3Y,, 3281,VZOU5zZVgYM,, 3282,W0wxbLr67CY,,Rainy Day Thinking 3283,PLBCvuEbCq4,, 3284,6GR_1l7b7fM,, 3285,qZtXseRsNVs,,Deep red poppy 3286,qe3zhCb3fFs,,Haze around trees in Yosemite 3287,Z_Jdq_xKwb8,,"Starlight - Start Point Lighthouse, Devon, UK Can't really fly, so digging through the back catalogue and getting creative with some stir-crazy sci-fi." 3288,0BIVXIsbiAo,,From my upcoming nature at home collection :) 3289,uXiXPE5sJGA,, 3290,CkWOpMckrUk,,Beautiful Blue coral. #maldivesislands #maldives #maldivify #instago #maldives_ig #travelcaptures #nature #ig_global_life #oceanholic #moodhu #asiatravel #excusethehashtags #islandlife #beachesnresorts #bestplacestogo #travelinspiration #holidaypictures 3291,o4o1bbUdw_8,, 3292,EbqiYxpD9lo,,Topography 2. 3293,GBzafXc0CZ8,, 3294,DvpwXNORDEw,,Three men in a boat 3295,cETX8uGxpDw,, 3296,Ik5V3W8y96Q,, 3297,uNWEqiQ75hA,, 3298,e8dgy7hG6C8,,Mobile Filming Device 3299,8n72OQoS3pI,,His name is Eo. :) 3300,qEO5MpLyOks,,black Schnauzer dog with sunglasses on a white background 3301,U0_hlwXFLn0,,Black and why canopy 3302,ywiAen4L4qA,,seagull wingspan and sky 3303,2nFk2-fvijw,, 3304,CiPMvigq-UI,, 3305,YAb8F9M1Y3o,, 3306,XVcrByn2QRs,,Flowers Bloom 3307,P86-JPbDnPY,, 3308,ktQuuihh3_w,, 3309,YdeNI9QXCoc,, 3310,YKQawNUINXA,, 3311,iHzpnUYS3Zc,,Wild Rooster 3312,s3rz3mp_owI,,Colorful butterfly on gray flower 3313,8P1ImpCGvno,,Canton in Switzerland 3314,uz_O6R7ifgQ,, 3315,kmUL-nvOAIM,, 3316,0IijELTGVzM,, 3317,RLLR0oRz16Y,, 3318,xS--dvomjVM,,Cheat Lake in the winter 3319,j3WIygrch5s,,Wooden Star | Instagram: @timmossholder 3320,LLHBWpbTnOg,,Barrika 3321,79hJX_Wl6ac,,Christmas tree hunt 2017. 3322,AdIHYQ8L6_M,,Flying above Tajikistan 3323,5NqGg1EsGmY,, 3324,r9Zoxx8WOpg,,A 19 minute exposure of the northern sky in rural Indiana. 3325,DoMfuJkUuU0,,Take a breath of winter … 3326,R7hBaZWyiyM,,just look around yourself 3327,m4Y6cFwMc10,, 3328,aViOE3m_BgU,,"I love to watch the night sky. Out in the bush of WA the night sky is so dark, and the stars so bright." 3329,9SINYXBd5Uo,, 3330,oQGzIvv1vE0,,Photochot of a surfer girl training with a balance board before session 3331,J1S7_1EPgbo,, 3332,mu6qWkCDZsI,,And the last one turns off the lights … 3333,XamaAMClSP0,, 3334,_roUcFWstas,, 3335,8jeWeKdygfk,, 3336,OD7xwEvXoTI,, 3337,S9PBEoEbUqQ,, 3338,piy0UM3yBXA,, 3339,G-ZBx1tv4gs,, 3340,nBSzDA8qZzA,,"It has been photographed a billion times, but I always find something that interests me. This trip was no different. I tried shooting up into the crevasse above to capture the subtle ways light would play down the edges and smooth sides of the polished sandstone." 3341,yn8F2bFGdZs,, 3342,quS7YOKdiXA,, 3343,mRtvD37qsNM,, 3344,ZgNtL5IWdI8,, 3345,WFd242YEMDw,, 3346,dNDgra9HQWA,, 3347,Ltdrfx1iOb4,, 3348,N3JUrtX1hys,,"I think sunflowers look so cheerful, it is no wonder that Vincent van Gogh did a series of paintings of them." 3349,Nvdo48sQNrk,, 3350,Rt0jNTXYIxo,, 3351,qqcnY0F0VhY,, 3352,sP5CaWEN7Do,, 3353,hxb2Xdr3Uhw,, 3354,ueJJlc4Mclk,,night owl (insta: @__sham.bam) 3355,m30wSnGoXb0,,Infernal flames Halloween project 😈 3356,Mh3Xzp8o4YE,,The mountains 3357,2UN2HhLhTPE,,The warmth in shadows gives hope 3358,3Cgmcux-cpY,, 3359,4UR1RNIetCI,, 3360,lxU-CFBRtjI,, 3361,m2whWGCH63A,, 3362,OnVP1HDESbI,,"Sahara Livin' If you use my work, I would appreciate if you could please credit me" 3363,JAjrbewMbFQ,,Caramel-brown-white-coloured dog in the snow. 3364,loB0bVC9haM,, 3365,FEHiD2DJgpA,, 3366,7XT19IHoXoc,, 3367,qOKknZH3RHg,, 3368,M6ia_mkGg0s,,A sky full of stars with clouds. 3369,6i2fQh9Vt78,, 3370,q6eqhy8dnGQ,, 3371,sMJaf08ugD0,,"A picture I took a little time ago when crossing the Andes by plane, from Argentina to Chile. Aconcagua it’s a massive mountain (highest peak in South America), and always a beauty to see." 3372,TLu_k5wlufw,, 3373,eSOVOj43s6g,,"This photo taught me two lessons. First, that you have to really look around when you’ve got a drone. There are some really cool patterns in places that you don’t think of as “impressive”. The other lesson was that you need good gloves, good touchscreen gloves, if you want to fly a drone at 19deg for more than 5min :) It doesn’t get cold, or snow, much in TN so I was glad to be able to capture some little snowy moments like this one." 3374,UaW1-Bm4-LM,,"When you did not have you first coffee yet, you make a grumpy face" 3375,HK-lMcoBnMM,,Mountain near Lago di Braies 3376,BcMKWC1YmoM,, 3377,FRCI2Gg3iyk,,Two zebras in dry grass 3378,WTjhbQo5CnY,,The Glacier 3379,I3AMPLzJjW8,,Couldn’t help but take this photo on a morning spent on the beach in San Juan. Too bad there were no waves. Maybe next time. 3380,KKK-mavLRIY,,Crush 3381,LrKqfqjCunQ,, 3382,TwZb_z0Cf88,,This was an impromptu shot I took while I was at Safeway at Lake Tahoe. The mood was perfect and the shot was as I expected it to be. 3383,D1XvUGLFkIE,,Balloons 3384,JuLejnakAm0,,I went to see my dad a few months ago and he lives near Edwards Air Force Base. After he went to bed I decided to go out and shoot the stars since it was such a nice night. I checked Google Maps for some spots and ended up with this little gem! I’m on IG @bryangoffphoto Stop by and say hi! 3385,Y5Tjb62cxl8,,Gray conifers by a lake 3386,EGcfyDiUv58,, 3387,84YI_5TWAiU,,Misty Pine Forest Slope 3388,ESus7wfHOas,, 3389,N7-wxyaIxFs,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 3390,br4dnLzZlXg,,Wooded slope in Gasse 3391,v_xElanNBtE,,Stars Flashlight Silverthorne 3392,btyl4ggZJv4,, 3393,Fnb73SxGQCk,,White mist and green needles 3394,UEzo86enGbk,,Snow in a forest from above 3395,NoLg1Cg4t2c,,Hiking in the Alps 3396,iGANt1N2ge8,,"My father lives in the house his great-great grandfather homesteaded in the late 1800’s, and has been “storing” things in this barn for his entire life. He is especially proud of his antler collection, which he adds to by walking around the mountains in rural Montana where we live and picking up sheds. This picture was taken one sunny day in preparation for a tour of the barn given by the Montana Historical Society." 3397,RYEZAnpxZl8,,"That day, the sky was blue and the seagulls were flying there. They made a tweet, I could not understand, but they should be free voice" 3398,dofHEJOc3hA,,Setting sun reflection 3399,S07WZ4ESDro,,Splitting the waters 3400,Nq8LdWC7HnM,, 3401,K3A2_j-STfk,, 3402,0e3pR1XIDIs,, 3403,Pk8t4cL2pkw,, 3404,3b8aSFVAoJw,,White trees in snow 3405,_mfYmm4i59M,, 3406,QZTQnMRbfMs,, 3407,2zlxFmByClI,,Dog’s head macro view 3408,5eymZgGOl8E,, 3409,wco6kR0hkXE,, 3410,oCJuJQqvCzc,,A happy golden retriever with dramatic lighting 3411,MzFclBeMwSo,, 3412,QcMPCPstGIE,, 3413,mVPpRr9K0jk,, 3414,HlVGB7gkR1c,, 3415,FdoxtIWEwp0,,Deep red chrysanthemum up close 3416,7AcMUSYRZpU,,Pristine water lily 3417,E_C_WvgZZMo,, 3418,hzchS2pFvF4,, 3419,KeCfJr-c8BA,,Abstract blue 3420,ETaQWqsDkBk,,Ready for touchdown. Gaining an overview — Sometimes it is better to view things from above. 3421,HQoVGoS12WI,,Golden Retriever on Snowfall - All pictures edited with my presets that you can find on my website in BIO 3422,fRJGUAQ6uNg,, 3423,zpiRxhM7Mhc,,Stars 3424,ECw9RwoHY8o,, 3425,17IrbLEIJts,,"California superbloom, 2019" 3426,o-c4UrB0WBA,, 3427,r4-Go4AjUL8,,Valentines themed minimal feminine background 3428,pHKF2AIFraU,, 3429,TV5z-No2aa0,, 3430,Q2K4H24xLg8,, 3431,p0SHEPp-xPI,, 3432,ljRXaBnVeto,,The Baltic Sea at sunset. 3433,tiQ1VKRYT20,, 3434,9kl-JdBvJ5c,, 3435,5lpymiTSkX0,, 3436,N8BOOpQN4fs,, 3437,-lkzSWtoK7s,, 3438,nBDb1m-_nJA,,woman holding olive branch 3439,kfYpgkSDjYc,, 3440,DD1fSz2HF1s,,Get lost and discover yourself 3441,-SFhuMwFClk,, 3442,yfz7GxYCjvY,,Cold winter morning 3443,PSUOqQQqyrw,, 3444,UZ3V6AV5y4o,,Noticed this little beach on the Google Map and went down there from the Half Moon Bay and I witnessed one of my best sunsets in 2018 3445,700DLhhOHI8,, 3446,KHZhHunI1A8,, 3447,qyhLjwn6Gpc,, 3448,McJM6QKy5lk,, 3449,n3i9j5qPiE4,, 3450,NH7r3ERGY28,,water on leafs 3451,Mrk2vBjEZlY,,Perhaps one of the most impressive sunsets I have ever seen across the sky. 3452,XjrglbPoMHo,, 3453,ZN4CzqizIyI,, 3454,kxs81x_DFSA,,view 3455,WPAl7OvYGaU,, 3456,WRRpdESbZyU,, 3457,YToHPqMcgj8,,"Mountain Rainier National Park, WA" 3458,EeTNgRggr3o,,Summertime Lightning 3459,_9sUb6nRlS0,,Thx to my love 3460,Zf4jpcGEinM,, 3461,0xNCcbA-3go,,the coast 3462,_HzWbMe4_xw,,"Dawn at SkyWay Monte Bianco, Valle d'Aosta, Italy" 3463,Otedz7W0jAc,, 3464,IwL6PB09dXI,,Early mornings at Lago di Braies. Reflections! 3465,DtJNZuMZfD4,, 3466,xYY7WADfens,,THERE ARE NO JOBS ON A DEAD PLANET. Global climate change strike - No Planet B - Global Climate Strike 09-20-2019 3467,-g2sJ3rUBMU,,Dutch weather 3468,uSdvhL8pEEI,,Sunny autumn forest 3469,jS0ysot7MwE,, 3470,xfywMJhgiuQ,, 3471,k57zT_fhwGA,, 3472,3P7PovXdSfo,, 3473,T7W7iOkXssw,, 3474,Z5Phu-u_sac,,"""Lovestory on Sandy Lake"" by @lesnik_tsu, @gangstasia,, @stebunovroman, @roman.purtow and @sibereco. Follow us on Instagram or visit our site:" 3475,k2r3F4x0B6E,, 3476,bC2mmDypDjI,,"Relaxed summer evening walk in Kulmbach, Germany" 3477,4aphqBYyZsA,,Aurora australis 3478,toWawwGlLFw,, 3479,T-7ozJu_C-Q,,a dog 3480,TomNEOzcGWk,,I just don't want to know he's there. My kayak caught the attention of some residents at the flying fox colony on Melbourne's Yarra River. 3481,cpdWNoJjPZk,, 3482,GU898HSLrfM,,Aerial View of Methoni's Port 3483,VTXU8ff8FIU,, 3484,Ybae5BzydAA,, 3485,8FSJjOb1nUc,,Monsterra 3486,mToWY2DEtyE,, 3487,F3ks2pDyH4s,,"Light beams shot through as we wandered through the slot canyons. We had spent the first few hours of this trip lost and searching for the entrance. As we wandered around the desert, we finally spotted a huge dome, with a little slot as the entrance. Some of the best sights have to be earned." 3488,vORp9xB52pQ,,Eden Falls - waterfall hike to the end of the Lost Valley Trail on the Buffalo National River in the Fall. 3489,XtZ5emHC1xg,, 3490,TUsh6A4lc5w,,Birdseye view above some a bunch of trees 3491,vtCFtlD4UsQ,, 3492,3E8rLxf0gIM,,just a detail view of a dune 3493,RB4PqgzOSXY,,Beyond Sunset 3494,TqfJUbdnCxM,,Let it snow 3495,JEKjnauPgh0,,Sans l’ombre d’un doute 3496,VaNCkQdk0KY,,Preparing 3497,OX750uiId6U,, 3498,lOgqAvG9oEg,, 3499,KTIZBSUEUSk,, 3500,gQbMk677ZaU,, 3501,bBsldgB6hwI,,Phoebe 3502,ap_jGgL225M,,Winter adventures 3503,iAvs49baejQ,, 3504,Mfnt00bqUFg,, 3505,cm0C-xPERsU,, 3506,NuXIbzxI3pU,, 3507,AN3WQruP40g,, 3508,PXchClPTMT8,, 3509,USAIDz9AwuM,, 3510,9_V3wHZaS68,, 3511,0Q1hQfPmQ5k,, 3512,WqQwOQ9fVj4,,"Enjoy your meal! I would love to hear your comments! Check out my Instagram @picoftasty more surprise there! From now on, Every Saturday (Central Time - US & Canada) I will release Lightroom preset for people who are interested in food photography check out my website and download it for free. This is a great opportunity to practice and take your images to the next level. Now subscribe, get the latest release first Any questions please don't hesitate to ask." 3513,ABeSepIOoXA,, 3514,rMhBcdCSh0Y,, 3515,Al7NDkUV-ow,, 3516,JcvvdtxLUV8,, 3517,z4_fg3mPh9s,, 3518,D9gKmhEavyU,, 3519,ohShlY1eT6w,, 3520,dFgtAO0qBVk,, 3521,gnTI0R9N0vA,,"First Earth Rise, Apollo 8, 1968" 3522,sUQgq3SIe3E,, 3523,Jxe7va8wOGU,, 3524,qoLIbEPuY8U,, 3525,dJzxlwJ5eN8,, 3526,7JrWqj5c8v0,, 3527,61NSIQp8xQQ,, 3528,XEKTrEG5yGY,,Rosa 3529,aQqt0ysGj9s,, 3530,QwsCqHTim98,, 3531,4gkgdLdabSE,, 3532,rY2xCe6cJLQ,, 3533,KLmb0bHBF0w,,The Hope - - 3534,Fn5muX5OAWU,, 3535,0BXPLi57t_E,, 3536,hE1RINETjj0,,"Full Moon September 12,2019 (insta: @__sham.bam)" 3537,pv7hY0HYPC4,,ROΛD TO HΞΛVΞN This is a composite edited in Λdobe Photoshop & Nik Software GEAR⤸ Foreground: Nikon D5500 - Samyang 14 mm Sky: iPhone 3538,15KEebsV9Sk,,Dried flowers on creased linen 3539,fOfQEcyWkUU,,Firefly 3540,6H1A0aMLWog,, 3541,v9MpHbQimqY,,bubbbbble 3542,yYyoSmJeCTM,, 3543,yfQuSYqVLHc,,"The beauty of Alberta, Canada" 3544,UYP9-IXnNtU,, 3545,ZIdWoLJYLWo,,Walking into the future. Blue sky and water. Please credit @msbirgith or for more product/lifestyle pictures 3546,oFkBRU880AI,, 3547,XG_oD9-ZLKs,, 3548,WxFRIj4KGTk,, 3549,SwTHV2bjXOU,,Night view mode on #stars #night 3550,X1UM5eoq8Qc,, 3551,GVe30cQ8CWU,, 3552,rYNBgvBMO7A,,Scotts Head 3553,GGBxsZbyvr4,, 3554,xRmAq6H6Z1Y,, 3555,69AbeAp5td8,, 3556,2UWPLT1-t1s,, 3557,Tw7lgNlqu0M,, 3558,IxcpqX5BC9s,,Just before going to class and running over it with my tire a had to take a photo of this fungus! 3559,d4wscs4FtpY,, 3560,zndOvUadrTg,, 3561,soBO_1Z6GJI,, 3562,aQtrSnmsNXM,, 3563,9fV3DBIrp94,, 3564,Sjqpt06Tun0,, 3565,vMb7PHDSjTs,, 3566,KaICbgWxOps,, 3567,rO3Pji_YfZM,, 3568,5yYuBoXpBUI,, 3569,gWwqBy4q7Vs,, 3570,5godE_BVywk,,"Hat in a car. Saw it in Klagenfurt, Austria" 3571,oWPVLg-JcJE,,Starry Tent 3572,jaerdwgbtA4,, 3573,zNX2iAs2m7A,, 3574,NzP7jZ2PqbE,,For more pictures: | contact: 3575,Dn-NBprVOUU,, 3576,SbpTTkGGAYo,, 3577,FmEaQuJvm6E,, 3578,DTvzW2sl9eE,, 3579,JjWpEsLwe-0,, 3580,7UIwR4-zA4k,, 3581,VIoNlC4ZHXM,, 3582,rZ-goDWnEE8,, 3583,5thcT9XPl9A,, 3584,mLpyv_Yx2ek,, 3585,jeq-mz11xAY,,Flower Power 3586,rUEaBfevZdg,,Wooden Path 3587,G1qq0jl_B-s,, 3588,JnT4Mjq5n_E,,TIME IS UP. Global climate change protest demonstration strike - No Planet B - 09-20-2019 3589,9Qwd8wAnZrE,, 3590,KikHCJzAMtQ,, 3591,Y3iOPJf6nn8,, 3592,7XjqE50Upak,,Red soft coral with polyps extended 3593,5xsVcdy1-vc,, 3594,dTE7yYUc18k,, 3595,vq4FD80s18E,,Take me home 3596,M3xDlTUuix4,, 3597,OrkbCipJriw,,Heather 3598,8FiketcHw_g,, 3599,ED6eLNiMWY8,,Divide 3600,TvWLntPMaTw,,"The abandoned paper mill in Vicksburg, MI. Built in 1904 and abandoned since 2001." 3601,Pkb5_XBteRA,, 3602,t6xpHxXxC90,,"Northern Lights @ Lofoten, Norway" 3603,df-BFy8gah0,, 3604,iHU7qjnnEjI,, 3605,eN-aERim94s,,Puffer on the Reef at Turks and Caicos 3606,hKxz1TkOxY8,, 3607,l7Tb_P4kGc0,, 3608,UhP0GH9mcCw,,"Holdings of the Long Bell Lumber Company, Cowlitz County, Washington. Notice the tall ferns; the constant dripping moisture in the forests of this section have earned them the name ""the rain forests."" 1941" 3609,qAbR6rwlCrg,, 3610,mawU2PoJWfU,,Blue lake and green shore 3611,UCxGjDhopsQ,, 3612,idC3r5zPx_Y,,Staring monkey 3613,PK65bPGTUIE,, 3614,Mcc5uQF9Ucw,,The Orion constellation shines above treetops on a slightly cloudy winter evening. 3615,fYtSWs7LQuQ,,Moments before sunrise 3616,aIeukKl3raU,, 3617,E12vXZq9AZA,,My dogs beautiful blue eye as he stares at the squirrel in my front yard 3618,SGufjfDP1oI,,On a late October’s day we explored the surrounding areas of Deception Pass. 3619,EPdCJtYPrPE,, 3620,Q0CH8WkF9zI,,This photo was about 6 hours of failures in the making. Starting with forgetting lens and tripods and escalating to falling off boulders. We made it out unscathed… No idea how and we got some epic photos. One of my favorites 🤙🏻 3621,c3jhLMlx7Dk,, 3622,phIFdC6lA4E,, 3623,tUFH4fvkH8o,, 3624,oS2I_xgu9JE,, 3625,a1GWMmsT16o,,Cabezon is a volcanic plug in the desert of northern New Mexico that marks one of the corners of the traditional Navajo lands. 3626,ocZ-_Y7-Ptg,, 3627,KvHT4dltPEQ,,I’m sure they’re alive all year long but they’re only apparent for a short while. I’m out there during that while. Just because they’re cute. 3628,rMqbe4WLqXk,,Light blue sky 3629,UGQpaq08Igw,,"The calming ripples formed by the incoming tides, makes me feel relaxed, in awe of nature, and at peace." 3630,Hq4a_H12qkA,,When the sunrise the light is magic ! 3631,oIM58AeAlFs,, 3632,TOc_JldXOX8,,I took this picture in the Xihu park in Changsha, It has been rainy for almost a month. 3633,nwxK2Znr-is,, 3634,V8HT5jAP5xY,, 3635,ebtE5zDS0Ps,, 3636,Zss4gzMP3hA,,Green planet 3637,By4VoZNLYlw,,"Waves crashing against the rocks at a local spot China Walls, making a splash in the air" 3638,4sMVrh8-S1g,,Patrick Hendry 3639,XYg2zLjxxa0,,Ready for liftoff 3640,LWx8f5roUMU,, 3641,T7vukhwtpAM,,The Lunar Blood Moon Eclipse on January 31st 2018 as seen in Phoenix AZ 3642,rQ6rgzM0aI0,, 3643,GynPMVp2ki0,,"Happy sled dog from Aasiaat, Greenland. Priceless smile! Photo by Filip Gielda - Visit Greenland" 3644,_tsCWHs44oY,, 3645,Tn5e2CQxPw8,, 3646,jSLl86mynnA,, 3647,N3NYflyZCd0,,Konik Horse 3648,QLCEF-jMers,, 3649,hUQQMgMlmQU,, 3650,pl1Pp-mDzfw,, 3651,tPyONjp4qN8,, 3652,4XPrYlhh4Qc,, 3653,S-poEZlb7-4,, 3654,dWiK1hrTl14,, 3655,0XToRP9B3SY,, 3656,eORbhX0F4_4,,"This image depicts Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) intern, Maureen Metcalfe, as she was using one of the agency’s transmission electron microscopes (TEM). The microscope’s screen was displaying a thin section of the variola virus, revealing some of the ultrastructural features displayed by this pathogenic organism, which is the cause of smallpox." 3657,W_eFTZhI4DY,,Peruvian desert lines 3658,bC3s0Rrcx24,, 3659,LHnJL3D50vc,,Old Oak Tree 3660,0g-j9lB26IY,, 3661,-gx9iiRan6I,, 3662,4TtcdEAyc3k,, 3663,vk1ytfbPAco,, 3664,v_JzMR1rlTw,, 3665,9GxkHE6U0aw,,"From our photo group trip to Portugal, from Faro to Porto, more can be found here:" 3666,aR5eYezpkbY,,"This is without doubt my favourite urban botanical spots. Located right in the middle of London, in the most brutal of all Brutalist building ever built, the Barbican. It doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside ( usually grey and drizzly) inside the Barbican Conservatory it’s always tropical and always sunny, there’s always something blooming and there’s always something new to discover." 3667,F07Su5SRI8M,, 3668,qGhYl8-ktz8,,"Jasmine vine, covered in fragrant flowers, frames blank wall." 3669,sck2kBTmuKI,, 3670,9lLeQYpG4z4,,Scaly-breasted Hummingbird 3671,zgeIkPRkwZc,,"just because it’s not valentine’s day, doesn’t mean a heart should not be shared." 3672,AD_h-vmwvyE,, 3673,rHmn-CYiMlo,, 3674,l1EJ-hXM5vY,, 3675,etJBEUW4ZDg,, 3676,OnAwhivaqrU,,rose bouquet 3677,McY4SgpdZYM,, 3678,XnDG84G9wEU,,"Moss closeup in Knysna rainforest, South Africa" 3679,d7s54Z0gKYQ,, 3680,-O8DCISKYoE,, 3681,bOfXe5ADdC8,, 3682,yeGjTGufUyk,, 3683,X8s4HMKO9GI,,Exotic girl in tropical forest 3684,iwVwa40V5ls,,ZX Spectrum Love 3685,mJ2sbR4VvTI,, 3686,2tZyuvlYSAA,, 3687,wkjeq0kPg0M,,"14th beach and boardwalk, Ocean City, N. J. Please visit Digital Commonwealth to view more images:" 3688,o_KN6weJsdU,, 3689,d5_hjWQ4NwA,, 3690,JLC6T31cWdU,, 3691,TlIR1X6_zSk,, 3692,ttWdHcG7D20,, 3693,9h_QJnQrNLg,,You have to let your feet go to a distant place and your eyes see the most foreign thing and you don’t regret it 3694,U7icXzyYg7A,,"When we arrived in the black forest, there wasn’t that much snow. But on the second day, it just wouldn’t snowing, so for the rest of the trip we had wonderful white landscapes to wander (and fly ;)) around in. Buy awesome, limited edtition, photo prints:" 3695,variq6wI8WM,, 3696,xqFCy9AbHP4,, 3697,BYZ99ZqXqLQ,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica Summilux-R 1.4 / 50mm (Year: 1983)" 3698,HlJZ-xm3KCI,, 3699,dt_52sPH1jw,,A cold misty forest 3700,zaHWfUdvXK8,,"During this little weekend in the Alps I suggested to my family go the Lac du Lauzet but the weather wasn’t good. Locals told us that there would be no snow there. It appeared that after 2km we had to walk into 10cm of snow.3km later the snow went up to 30cm and more at some places.1km later the path disappeared under the snow. My father wanted to turn back because of the night falling, but we motivated him to keep going. Results: he was first arrived. With the return, we walked 4km in the mud, 6km in 10cm of snow & 6km in 30cm. We were soaked and exhausted but proud of us and full of memories" 3701,yQmB-Pt5HLg,,Wild Horse v1.0 3702,JoBowFBWcmk,, 3703,H22jcGTyrS4,, 3704,MTPP9BeU1bQ,, 3705,SBtYCyt__8Q,,Dark’n dirty 3706,tEa3C6jgp4o,, 3707,Rcjp4wV0Sag,, 3708,A0jpjwo_tts,, 3709,cFbNlpRZKi0,,Follow the unkown 3710,c60glX9yzYU,,🌌 Star Trail Vortex 3711,ciMdTo06QuE,, 3712,8R6_WD3on6U,, 3713,gHBiiAStM44,,Are you lost? 3714,xzBmfCZ_2rA,,🤙🏻 3715,FGm0y_lYs9w,, 3716,rJyRei5D0dg,,Big Dipper 3717,CJrVRKv99SE,, 3718,R3K19uV-yeM,,"My friends and I went to a lakeside cabin for a weekend, but were bummed to see the forecast called for rain. However, the first morning before the rain we awoke to a beautiful fog and a very calm lake; creating a mirrored effect of the tree line and mountains. It did end up raining after, but if all rainy days are preceded by such peaceful and beautiful moments then I wouldn’t mind it raining more often." 3719,Qu-T7JOu-Iw,, 3720,-giZAxNxlL4,, 3721,4IiRByTJNQs,, 3722,UY52j2uUvdU,, 3723,tmogmRgjmfA,, 3724,mG9F67BiQHE,, 3725,Eus76BcieVQ,, 3726,PI10cdBtuOw,,Working bee. A busy bee visits a sunflower for pollen and nectar. 3727,_69oVQYQ7GQ,,Who is the first to starts summer in Catalonia? 3728,86LOh4f8zKk,, 3729,pb1GCavTL80,, 3730,c0G9AIZURck,,look at my insta for more @rawcurve / 3731,thjohSp4wh4,, 3732,EZIlJo1stHs,, 3733,1VO4qqSvxfA,, 3734,-JPCZcxeqzM,, 3735,r7aGQ0kifA0,, 3736,zq6KzPq8-os,, 3737,_TM0dj7Tgrs,,Dark stairway 3738,4flavNqoVZc,,"Drone shot of the beach and boats in the small island of Guyam, in the Philippines" 3739,UgWcvfl4q5I,,Polar bear and two cubs on ice floe. 3740,j4ocWYAP_cs,, 3741,VHOCg7ECjuc,, 3742,Ghe1ctNIT2I,, 3743,BmBIAxoC3Kg,,"My first trip to Portland, OR. I wanted to see this infamous Multnomah Falls. That day was rainy and cold, but the amazing view and my persistence to explore the beautiful falls kept me motivated." 3744,hDj6NWYfG08,,"Life guard house," 3745,7Y0NshQLohk,,White wavy texture 3746,B4ATl6GUnq4,,Above at all hovers the uncertainty 3747,bXoCQve4CYo,, 3748,ndjyaOp0fOc,,Bright light background 3749,Oq7nmQnKiQQ,,I was walking back from a hike and snapped this photo. I was simply captivated with how beautiful all the colors and fog looked during the sunset. Stop by @its.matchu on instagram and say hi! 3750,mnS6N54IOfE,, 3751,hQD6vVNU55M,,Under the mily way 3752,OsS5j1KyZKY,, 3753,1mLEA1A9vXE,,Woodpile 3754,oxNwH7YRDRc,, 3755,TLhu3-84jT4,, 3756,BckdUV5HFlc,,Icy River 3757,IeT0awaXPl4,,No Post 3758,K9X1klwnNxo,,travel to yukon at night 3759,IehbKaWlDiI,, 3760,FJq0dUHJmz4,, 3761,xsN9KK4DKV0,, 3762,v6wcqI6qRYI,, 3763,JhbOlVfCxFA,, 3764,_FacZj2pLAc,, 3765,3Wtb_MlbWwM,, 3766,wuIgjTpqAq0,,"If you have never experienced a slot canyon hike, I really think you should do it. Upper Antelope Canyon near Page, Arizona is a fantastic place. An easy hike and great guides make it simply unforgettable. You'll want a wide angle and a high ISO camera." 3767,VYv2cfReifM,, 3768,cjN-bnlHxHA,, 3769,Tk0TrFkwG0Q,, 3770,2DcQEdb0-3c,, 3771,xb58P14hThc,,"A sound-activated remote camera station placed northeast of Launch Complex 39-A captures the launch of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy on April 11, 2019. This view (water tower on the left and crew access tower on the right) is rare, as this is only the second time that SpaceX as opened the north-side camera locations." 3772,4D7-9lVUvNY,, 3773,IhRsDt0agXw,,Close up details of the Rattlesnake Canyon wall. 3774,I0QTg9ctFDY,, 3775,Y_rRD2aDTwQ,, 3776,r2tY-AwYhwk,,Gift box of nuts 3777,eA32JIBsSu8,,"Planet Earth (Africa, Europa, Asia) painted by watercolor" 3778,6YcOfQFpKm8,,"A sunrise in the desert of Buckeye, AZ." 3779,6VBgzF3H64c,,A school of juvenile sunshinefish swim about the reef. 3780,MtyIABygxmw,, 3781,r2Lplik6yi4,,Deer in snow covered forest. 3782,pYg7L4pPjq4,,Colorful road in Iceland seen from above 3783,474zbfqYDIA,, 3784,OxIOi3Q8zWg,, 3785,ofQ5XUPlOPM,,Reflection of pink 3786,3pyUJBaihFo,,Lavandar farm 3787,DPcAr4iovHk,,Palm trees 🌴 3788,lir0ZA4HqdQ,,Detail shot of a pink peony 3789,NMROoqUCZWU,, 3790,MiFYoc9N-G0,,Olga Instagram: @zvandrei 3791,kw7_Y-4uP3c,,More on IG : @baptx_zw 3792,wr4JFFG0ekk,,Sunset from Bowness Bay 3793,7W-XM-91EbE,, 3794,tUktf1eeraA,, 3795,Rz4vu4xD2n8,, 3796,wcMK9KKbmms,, 3797,Dm4r62CyHbg,, 3798,zL06L8VNMQo,, 3799,2_M5YygFMqo,,In search of the unknown 3800,thLkcLo5ocE,, 3801,USuDsWIPgNA,,Good morning Switzerland 3802,3kgiW7ufPEM,,PORTRAITS INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPRTRTS EDITORIAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPHTO PERSONAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVR 3803,VFarxJ7jpBk,, 3804,ulILDliRCeI,,HOME. 3805,ZmKykuKK0OA,, 3806,dwOWes8ZPMU,,moon 8 dic 3807,KUmgUuidjmU,, 3808,IMyagWV7dUY,, 3809,_NB6BO4yFDU,, 3810,YDhmL9M3Pz4,, 3811,WJO5ioCr7KE,,white little floret 3812,kobFL9lbajE,,Simples 3813,3QZDtbwuld0,,Newborn Seaturtle 3814,EwR6Mvwx17I,, 3815,fr1RS1sUPe4,, 3816,ovXu5yiEVWc,, 3817,m6kf2nTdw_0,,Patrick Hendry 3818,NlRVtfgWsGI,, 3819,V2nOIGJMVHw,, 3820,ZMMaNNqRjqI,, 3821,J1qireCQ8oA,, 3822,jW71oyzIDD8,, 3823,kp2IvVD52bE,,Wild camp 3824,cqbLg3lZEpk,,Torres del Paine 3825,KrTerTmrPF0,,Downtown Minneapolis on a cold foggy night. Did you catch the giant arrow in the sky? (Wait for it…). Now that you see it you’ll look at the photo completely different. Kind of like the FedEx logo. 3826,04AuJ0tXRnE,,"Walking into the sea in the middle of winter seems like the least sensible thing to do, especially here in Ireland. But the warmth of the light (plus my new, and it turns out totally waterproof, wellies) tempted me in to take some shots across the water as it lapped the vacant sands." 3827,gJ5A6f0mZKU,,- behind shadows 3828,pUGRSh9dS9M,, 3829,44JB2IiNwjY,, 3830,jvBKdfWU5WI,, 3831,GuKCcvC830U,,out of the snow 3832,PsBlNmNId3w,,Young woman walking through snowy woods 3833,hEB3n_fIXq4,, 3834,Ua5OqXCd91Q,, 3835,X9nzr_tkHBo,,"The Jurkalne Bluffs is one of the most picturesque parts of Latvia’s seashore, with a quiet beach untouched by civilization and bluffs of up to 20 meters high." 3836,gemkALsn2Ls,,Deers closeup view 3837,de_BkXSVlHk,,Colorful sunflower 3838,nF1FvXdJL7o,,"The eastern side of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula juts into the Pacific Ocean west of Alaska. In this winter image, a volcanic terrain is hidden under snow-covered peaks and valley glaciers feed blue ice into coastal waters." 3839,mJ0aHdvfKYY,, 3840,oPxXsjTMDTA,, 3841,xOYk1Y0MjKI,,The best of South Tyrol / Dolomites #2 3842,9al37FBY_D0,, 3843,w85Oo3eOKRY,, 3844,ZGbTnp3HuNg,,Waimea Bay in the winter 3845,6aAvzce1coc,,Lemons and figs in the sun 3846,A7C_NiPIwEQ,, 3847,kfqZbKHV8dQ,, 3848,RM73MZdIioQ,, 3849,v3d5uBB26yA,,Reflections 3850,CgaR_2wm3qg,,cool spires 3851,_7IUgAL60nc,,A cold morning in the deep forest of the Cozia National Park. 3852,gHVgf5ncIjg,,"enjoy this vibe. - blurry leaf, sunset" 3853,4p-6t9ee_oM,,Open bible book with pink flower and petals 3854,SI4HxHuVUAM,, 3855,7F7tRmVgJ5I,, 3856,PQrAzKxxZbc,, 3857,IIdNqTB1Ois,, 3858,L-YUfBHlKYs,, 3859,_u2-ehIURgQ,,Instagram: @skuniakina 3860,e5MHkduR1Y0,,Grass tops in a field 3861,55OH6wnJqXo,,Shades 3862,iSJLoYGkZXg,, 3863,qcMR_rcmgT8,, 3864,DxSls2bejLQ,, 3865,Xvc3Qz1dH6w,,take flight; birds flying low over the ocean early in the morning! 3866,ctWw2S9VqOI,, 3867,MQkyOz9XBfc,,Road to the mountain 3868,pLshzlb5yOA,, 3869,NpJaA8uG4tY,,Small black frenchie puppy sitting on floor 3870,IYvDPPOnDY4,, 3871,UVwTVGjBnYA,,I took this in the hopes that summer will be here sooner then later the drag of winter needs to end. 3872,e__MxlrBpuM,, 3873,RMVjvm9j-Z0,, 3874,v9C7j_YG1Ns,, 3875,CCLy_uElfcE,, 3876,MTXTnciUNds,,winter water in the lake 3877,kF8pH4lMkyc,, 3878,8HuPjWW_kp8,,Blonde girl wearing hat and scarf 3879,5AoIQCU-mOk,, 3880,B0FmHP9k_uk,, 3881,FZeV7B1TqH8,, 3882,e6gNFrIL9Qg,, 3883,aXhpN8s6IY0,, 3884,UsYyAPhLCRc,,Single leaf in a glass bottle with window shadows 3885,ezo9NU1n-Xs,, 3886,MKDORZkkks4,, 3887,TK1z7nRT6aE,,"""Sacred Colours 4"". Drops of water on a pane of glass above one of my abstract paintings. The colours are those of the garments worn by the priests in the Old Testament (gold, red, blue, purple and white linen), hence the name sacred colours. I used rain-x to help the water to bead on the glass surface." 3888,HzaT5l4Fzqc,,Birds flocking in the Alps 3889,qPJ6eRAMmCM,,Sunset field 3890,d-oQ-JvPhR4,,Peaceful Sailboat Ride 3891,GBO4_7WymqY,,Bird in flight at dusk 3892,H423vyWJDDg,,White blossom branches 3893,4miBe6zg5r0,, 3894,8qdFwrlPbs8,, 3895,QxoaFDNmL4s,, 3896,f1MN6A50y64,, 3897,6L4n1QwNHTo,,Majesticly Vintage 3898,6whwCHgsMiA,, 3899,5dtCWIWr42E,, 3900,oadGu3tBr44,,"Milky Way from Braidwood, IL. 2nd attempt." 3901,1qy56dbREEQ,, 3902,B_OO_6VPJwY,, 3903,jWm2v3Cj_Yc,, 3904,PjQS_lhv3ZA,, 3905,AwcMpeGQ5eM,, 3906,rylftF215t4,,"A sleeping koala takes a small peek to see what is happening around it, and goes straight back to sleep." 3907,oH9-lNOo5vg,,Peak in the Nature Park Fanes Sennes Prags in the Italian Dolomites! 3908,rUToYeO_3hg,, 3909,lvqcncxBYqw,, 3910,CJ1AsPVhtCE,, 3911,BEwrVP6o0yQ,, 3912,G0QhBjqwyts,, 3913,_lbm8oYt3ks,, 3914,yLOKuWPwXjQ,,A Black-Browed Albatross flying in high winds off the coast of the Falkland Islands 3915,HPfNUwXuPO0,, 3916,-MX1uWzQI8E,,Message in a bottle 3917,ZvLvu1gUcYA,,"Located on the Italian island of Sicily, Mt. Etna is one of the world's most active volcanoes. In this image of the volcano in 2001, a plume of steam and smoke rising from the crater drifts over some of the many dark lava flows that cover its slopes." 3918,YhxzT-cSEWc,, 3919,SGXIUN4k7_4,,"Based on electron microscopic (EM) imagery, this three-dimensional (3D) illustration provides a graphical representation of a single norovirus virion, set against a beige background. The different colors represent different regions of the organism’s outer protein shell, or capsid." 3920,iSG__tlTgxI,, 3921,s8L7-feygjw,,Tokyo Skytree at Night 3922,t_Rq61CvcbI,, 3923,USeSKEyVaQk,,Cheese plants heaven in the Lisbon Botanical gardens 3924,dzzBN8YaLts,,Bonfire 3925,QJ4811FhmjM,, 3926,3kWZ-gVZAG0,, 3927,4phuTHxUdfs,, 3928,h_nQFn3CtEA,, 3929,H24jTouFwl4,,Xbox one S Product shot Follow me on instagram @iamthecho 3930,GQh15nPNjVA,,stars outdoor space trees atmosphere 3931,zCMWw56qseM,,Sea foam 3932,BLrygrgfM44,,THERE IS NO PLANET B #ACTNOW Extinction Rebellion. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and vintage analog lens Leica Summilux-R 1.4 50mm. 3933,7I8GNdKFZLo,, 3934,bzbTD24WsXA,,Winter 3935,gLqahNfePLc,, 3936,0gb2WexRbWs,,#sunrise #greece 3937,5yS6VvkhtyA,, 3938,m7YpOZhtkBg,,cold sharp ice melting above flowing dark water 3939,qgQYGwXzf7I,,Close encounter with an elephant during Safari in South Africa 3940,pv8jyM-3Ous,, 3941,8dXad1em74g,,"Zion National Park, Utah" 3942,hFDtTZLuq_E,,The top of Pizzo Arera 3943,WcaFG7XvYbU,, 3944,Rur5fFIrWNY,, 3945,5bV5U_0P7sI,, 3946,rMlsy5I2ENk,, 3947,ZxNKxnR32Ng,, 3948,MljwsnGwdOY,,An image created with Adobe Photoshop starting from a photo taken in the dunes of a desert to the Canary Islands. Instagram Account - @therawhunter 3949,CTnoBheROLo,, 3950,1rC6XZ16l-A,, 3951,DLX3PWsDPRM,, 3952,sGZIr7i6LzQ,, 3953,p1nUYQmp6-0,,"on of the night´s shot during our hiking trip. contrary to Horse, Dromedary lay down or rest on their knee s. They get hog-tie by binding a rope around one knee or the forelegs get joined, that they stay close to the camp" 3954,6LcQ6CIqZPo,,Blooming hyacinth flower bud on white linen 3955,JtSI04pKj94,, 3956,JRANAe8a4UI,, 3957,q5-eKiRZeEA,, 3958,HpA-AYXVQ6s,, 3959,yvsnPie3Ceg,, 3960,X0ojZtU-t2M,, 3961,JVlvRfTBMLo,,Dinnertime 3962,yCkFqXOZuLk,,"My favourite way to start the day is photographing at the beach. Whether in the water or along the shoreline, you’ll find me most mornings with a camera at the ocean. This morning I was quite sick, so I thought it best not to get IN the water, so I just shot it from the shoreline. Enjoy!" 3963,58-gJd9R78Y,, 3964,83ciNDcauQk,,📷Pentax Spotmatic - Kodak Ultra Max 400 3965,sgPkMmwWsQI,,Please follow me on instagram @chrishenry 3966,L5eAUfaiZLo,, 3967,4WLxL9PVIko,, 3968,w7lILxm1D8g,, 3969,GpJxmjgN0DI,, 3970,Aknut7U5kks,, 3971,Ci5Axawxe_M,, 3972,qcmhNEipNl0,, 3973,7EtzgOxT9B4,, 3974,tuYmiNlEJR0,,The Book of Ecclesiastes ( 3975,y3eu1bcxkeY,, 3976,VytBzqiVTkE,, 3977,BvUHJjyis_c,,"Russia, Kamchatka, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Pacific Ocean brown bear" 3978,E-c4PT831-8,, 3979,YGtzCS1Xf7c,,Alone island in the middle if the mist 3980,lFmZ1WUVJus,, 3981,VHRPXd7hpX0,,"If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more -" 3982,849n64P4h2w,, 3983,_ypd6fZlJq4,, 3984,N04FIfHhv_k,, 3985,LBwbN6zn5yI,,Golden Hour 3986,Fr90gvaGnP0,, 3987,orithxkCgh0,, 3988,W4HN8SjPO0M,, 3989,8Ei1HAyKgrc,, 3990,-oK7LnDmtk0,,#details #water #pool #aqua #swimming #summer 3991,UyjP9vIVPnk,,"Baby, let's go ride in my Mercury Cougar." 3992,1lqL7A9x0g0,, 3993,JPFWudeuc54,,Long exposure of a mountain peak while drone circling around it. 3994,6ISotEZR4Zs,, 3995,eIB0N3v8Kk0,, 3996,izzX6KW_zvE,, 3997,XP_29yGfcCE,, 3998,ZBDEggKrqSc,, 3999,u5wiZajqnZg,, 4000,Oj9z9dvGh6E,,Lizard crawling up branch 4001,wPJygs79jMA,, 4002,px368LdsbpQ,, 4003,KepE0s0aPsw,,Rio de janero Beach 4004,JM2mzeuwblg,,Mountain sunset in Santiago. 4005,P6fU9OIpO4A,,Crowded sand beach 4006,phx4UXMQRTg,,Golden grass by a lake Order Prints: 4007,Inyj2Zm6qpo,,Ocean rock 4008,W4KxWAPJsCk,,Red lily after rain 4009,8POiNVf11ww,, 4010,4-02wP3zAZ8,, 4011,WtD1HUEUHkY,, 4012,xVptEZzgVfo,,Vintage voltmeter 4013,f9NACz3-V-s,,I can climb this 4014,q2OuUEDauXo,, 4015,FVWHZO4qCZk,,Long sandy coastline 4016,9twXXB0kI3I,, 4017,JnOHvMgw_Jo,, 4018,1QhBFQAl89E,, 4019,Be3cfgSkZmM,, 4020,SdDvlTI3bVc,, 4021,c0rDZbpRU8s,, 4022,WS5yjFjycNY,, 4023,5Hgov2GTADc,, 4024,sFaRftmKvq0,, 4025,iOT_NFZvfPg,, 4026,RcMLPd5z1vY,, 4027,4OfpbnDaBYk,, 4028,1KkTIBhf8sM,, 4029,-96qBKyFefQ,, 4030,4wShtFwSICA,,Dead End 4031,94Vq10rJIRQ,, 4032,3vhXlBFfQxY,, 4033,TVcKFyyQmOA,, 4034,rSaIa1clcEU,, 4035,cyMDdXzFzSM,, 4036,2U-2DOIG-8c,,The beach view at Miss Cove is quite breathtaking at sunset. A beach that trials off to a rocky shore created the perfect scene for sunset captures in California at Moss Cove. 4037,21ib47VsDoo,,Water on Glass 4038,N4_yS-Q3A04,, 4039,9XflZ4fpa0w,, 4040,3OkGr42P04c,, 4041,AA0hg214U1E,, 4042,wJY-gPkU-DU,, 4043,QNJazu2XFTE,, 4044,rWCYoMv6BoM,, 4045,J3wj7-w1kkk,, 4046,qjOllrFRTn0,, 4047,-YJwv851oys,, 4048,PBnjCrbc7Pc,, 4049,YZXSsRBrBGU,, 4050,nbwNY3On1lE,,"If you like or download this image, please view the post here" 4051,B8_YF4fjPwo,, 4052,ahx3_CZS4Bc,, 4053,17EfL8ACKvQ,,Dark inspiration - sea 4054,WfCEu02YBYs,,BUNNIES! We saw them at a farm stall and they were so cute I sat in the rain and fawned over them because HOW CAN YOU NOT?! 4055,PyM_JZA47zI,,Cali sunset 4056,EKbYkPzpAFI,, 4057,dSsM_5_In0k,, 4058,uXddeLoUAuc,, 4059,cw1qmkKFD1E,, 4060,b6NL-BSMBqs,,Frozen swiss farms 4061,c0MoS6zD55w,,Mountain sunset 4062,YyBKZGYyPHo,,Surf Cantabria playa de gerra 4063,1nNJ9-XFMpk,,Feather on black background 4064,otNwmNbhXXM,, 4065,KEjLQwKjhFI,, 4066,AqZu3RBNfd0,, 4067,3MJ4rvfmu1k,, 4068,FYgnwFMZBM0,,Banana leaf plant - Home decor 4069,fnMKXVvWuWk,, 4070,sej7tZNk0fc,, 4071,nMYtzRF6d1g,,Paris cityscape. 4072,cJTR66_uY80,, 4073,r-PPOX0QQ1g,, 4074,zvPue9YOTaw,, 4075,goFe-VUw_ps,, 4076,7W2ZgDovmGY,, 4077,k1qEjBSYHa8,, 4078,-XzwYdf65jE,, 4079,J8bE3rRM1iQ,, 4080,o0AHjbbE3w4,, 4081,oBUIARw95xM,,Instagram: 4082,DArEMUZ54VE,,Winter countryside 4083,9OHCxtT29r0,, 4084,C2YORgsJqXs,,water level 4085,8Bt868w98HE,,Spahats Creek Falls 4086,4UnQjtkPjB8,, 4087,ugvI_joyen0,, 4088,OakQzmjMCEI,, 4089,0YDprNhG5_o,,"#alpine, lake, sunrise, nature" 4090,aJOslo_ZuWM,, 4091,m8HsSWh-y6E,,simon the kitty. 4092,EQ56luxxbPI,, 4093,0AZoKtwcTEs,, 4094,Lcqz6UUKXRU,, 4095,pQ4k5uZV2eM,,My name is Fall 4096,WocopbxkEyQ,, 4097,2MO_9uDDu30,,Rafting | Middlefork of the Salmon ID| @ultrabrad 4098,BXUu79N-uI0,,The final sunset 4099,WCUkHeiWo30,, 4100,Sne2rCdLz3w,,"Misty forest in the rain. If you look closely you can see the texture that the raindrops added, a bit like brushstrokes." 4101,7g9mt_tsCPM,,"The Many Faces of Cold Virus HRV14. The protein coat of the human rhinovirus HRV14 is composed of 12 pentameric caps each containing five copies of the three coat proteins, VP1, VP2, ans VP3. The computer reconstruction shown here illustrate one of these fivefold-symetric units, with red, green, and blue used to denote the three constituent proteins." 4102,Ek1rFEVpnsQ,, 4103,nc8Qwfie-tU,,Asked my friends to pose for a picture. 4104,XRJrnmxcqEM,,BANANA FLOWER | Ready to be cleaned and prepared for cooking. 4105,4lMGhP1Oecs,,Fuzzy trunks and branches 4106,MAhxp823ExY,,Chicken Coop 4107,i16R3iKEG3s,,I was on a break at a design agency I used to work for. It’s rainy and gloomy outside but as soon as I walked outside I felt refreshed and ready to take on anything. Just keep moving forward. 4108,pQnquYFDswM,,Twilight Hour in the Desert 4109,uX2w48eXXqQ,,A slow ride 4110,vMt0fajokOg,, 4111,oQl0eVYd_n8,, 4112,kZMVEgTgy50,,Alpinism in its heartland 4113,tb4wis6XoQk,, 4114,XIRflvFVx4U,,The Getty 4115,-oWyJoSqBRM,, 4116,QJSWD8bkn0w,,Under a pale winter sun 4117,YO30oaaoWGw,,Forested hills 4118,jlV2k_Fx0fc,, 4119,3geSxX_yqsc,, 4120,jwFB7AQjz3g,, 4121,Q5oFixaamNg,,Mountain Goat 4122,LC-X2POQrlE,,Couple in an ice castle. 4123,hzGEDRYFiu4,,Forest trail 4124,XQ1gpx6Z-8k,, 4125,tPK3IgpX6ik,, 4126,m10xFgSsvts,,Lightning In The Fields. 4127,oCxaclJklOI,,Please follow me on instagram @chrishenry 4128,c5-mCFlanbU,, 4129,SLqtELcKVeY,,Butterfly pic 4130,60RIlM9JVLs,,water splash into snowy puddle in the sunshine 4131,bYFwkzeGJtc,, 4132,h5_9VPIUz9A,, 4133,VkaihQSqVbI,, 4134,KCTtTjfE2Ew,, 4135,N7rBQcnvR1E,, 4136,5LM2Tdg7tsM,,A close up shot of a German shepherd puppy with his tongue out sitting on a rock with his owner. 4137,9jC_bFwaIQo,, 4138,tos-RoArLiE,, 4139,j7oMSz1kwmg,, 4140,AmtDxJpEEEg,, 4141,GV7BikTLMmI,,Paradise island 4142,eHGCUD180xE,, 4143,-9KvUbBuIXQ,,Everything Beautiful is Far Away 4144,OeC1wIsKNpk,,Haze over Peyto Lake 4145,tzzEaJqBrBY,,Lone cactus on a rainy day 4146,xpVKTW4u3wY,, 4147,k7l1pdB8a94,,Rocks under thick moss 4148,xk6QxqsNsfQ,,Light blue lake behind a forest 4149,qVj3KuEikvg,, 4150,fBwyKbLqXE8,,Needly plants in sunlight 4151,gqa-fnYASIQ,, 4152,SIoHky3TPeo,,Cloud mirror 4153,Of9dTU50RlU,, 4154,G74n9VZ5ves,,Orange rock tower 4155,9KdFMZf6N6c,, 4156,JUCM3Q9mPAE,, 4157,NhORwuiTg_U,,"Turbid waters spill out into the Gulf of Mexico where their suspended sediment is deposited to form the Mississippi River Delta. Like the webbing on a duck's foot, marshes and mudflats prevail between the shipping channels that have been cut into the delta." 4158,h7e2PAoVL5c,,Wilderness lake plants reed 4159,-FuWze0ne1w,, 4160,hqiBPrRXC5k,,Close up of pink and white bouquet fit for a boho bride 4161,Pr2uyqoGP0c,, 4162,g1QCzKIZxGY,,#closeup #colors #flowers #flora #detail 4163,vAqjalwmmyM,,"Chile, South America, Atacama Desert" 4164,pLkZ396GXs4,,Glacier pattern 4165,e7k00anL8Uk,, 4166,Z0_2854ZyDQ,, 4167,WKmQ8E_bIH8,,"Water drops collisions. Clean water, 3 flashes with color gels." 4168,FNhTynn1U5g,,oil drop 4169,EzLjLKHICcU,, 4170,-r4C7TXOGyM,,"The highest point in Gran Canarias, Spain. You can see the sea and in this image, the sun is setting just right" 4171,Qs656qRrpOo,, 4172,HFOl5CaZQgU,,Best friend 4173,pjjgTYNmaQ8,, 4174,YntylUcrf7Y,, 4175,2TE9VLMNlAI,,Church in the Wild 4176,an-ex_KaPWE,, 4177,jqdJ0A0lNV4,,"The unmistakable silhouette of a Kangaroo at day break, eating grass on the sand dunes above the beach at Potato Point, South Coast NSW" 4178,3XRwG5D-Rq4,, 4179,uhWTcFf5kCs,, 4180,VHEd35_KDLE,, 4181,hthK_pGbq60,,A watchtower on the edge of treeline 4182,xKRpkE93JGo,,Twilight atmosphere and sky 4183,RKNE63GLNAo,, 4184,87TJNWkepvI,,Calm At Dawn 4185,leHDA08Lbpc,, 4186,p-bkdO43shE,,Mountain valley in black and white 4187,mblYxasm0nk,, 4188,S9NOTNXRvSE,, 4189,xIdyajpQ6qo,, 4190,KJwc8w_ANIA,,Fern Leaf 4191,XGNkXDdJcyc,,Seashell 4192,daz75NUy4uc,,Skidaw milky way 4193,Phi5RJovtpo,, 4194,r-Xo8fxc_6w,,A photo taken during my trip in the Italian Alps. Image edited with Adobe Photoshop. Instagram Account - @therawhunter - For more follow my social account: IG: Unsplash: Twitter: 4195,ZnWjdyRzs-4,,Peach Day Lilly 4196,SJPrbVaHo-Q,, 4197,j-P8z4EOgyQ,, 4198,feqGkF_FhZE,, 4199,QczsC7XZMT8,,"A crystal clear iceberg washed up on the black volcanic sands of the beach at Jökulsárlón, Iceland (Glacier Lagoon). This image was shot at sunrise." 4200,UGT3Tv1prvU,, 4201,_6eLgT8V5kI,,twilight flowers 4202,1Numr3tL60s,, 4203,5MS-B8eQgdc,,patrick hendry 4204,Fj8KqLQSvZE,, 4205,DFvNCTFjLRc,,"I’ve been visiting this part of the California coastline since before I can remember. Every year my parents would take my siblings and I camping in the redwoods just a few miles away from this very stretch of Hwy 1. I still come back to this place whenever I get a chance, it’s just too beautiful and too full of fond memories to stay away for long. This morning was my first time visiting with a drone, and it was an incredible experience getting to see this place that I love from a new perspective" 4206,G59UIKfHz6o,, 4207,Vm9OnYpSmI4,, 4208,HQMyV8a_4_4,, 4209,9CDujCdrukY,, 4210,j1PN6JKCDvY,, 4211,_hpvJZtlxQc,, 4212,Dx47EsVBnEo,, 4213,m9nlre7iSbo,, 4214,PBIMlz4x6go,, 4215,AehBIa3KUyk,, 4216,vhDty1K0bn0,, 4217,iok-yiZRtZQ,,deep in the mountains in Idaho hiking! 4218,Ron4GOP7Yfs,, 4219,g0enUw24TBI,,Fire in the Sky. 4220,r8xGs1Rme0k,, 4221,NHO_fPIy3k4,, 4222,kIX8jtmvzQo,, 4223,Xp8-S8K0U-I,,"sunset light beam, surreal play of light, strong orange evening light in swiss alps, Berner Oberland region with dramatic sky, Swiss mountains" 4224,-FWU2UKRXZo,,Good morning! 4225,Xysv7yo5zZY,,find 4226,RKiMg1bwsMY,,Hang this photos on the wall. Buy prints 4227,PEvI6UOCEYE,, 4228,PhOAIvz3fBA,,Cute Bunny 4229,kEdbencrbZs,,pebble beach pineapple 4230,usPwtf-VXbM,,Countryside under a dark cloud 4231,8v_1afZJpg4,,Rock arch over a pond 4232,Tmwxe3V73o0,, 4233,qQUtvVdurHg,, 4234,Kp9z6zcUfGw,, 4235,6YqpFWWQsno,,Namibie beach pier sunset 4236,Ks7LLlFTcGI,, 4237,34pAD9-7Rb8,,Aerial view of a small lake 4238,itdkHUjTuIY,,White and purple flower in close-up 4239,qaxSjLbZPSA,, 4240,HJ5C7y_SOU0,, 4241,iXtJmvdZfgI,, 4242,vwD095BeK5Y,, 4243,8ObGfV2RBpA,, 4244,OWUQC6o42oY,, 4245,p0-baYz_TcU,, 4246,M0NcxA2ktLM,,Vase with lilac bouquet 4247,FTD6oj1kTlo,, 4248,I8Y2XavQcDE,,Lotus in Kodak Gold 200. Photo taken with Zenit ET. 4249,Gc0dzEFOEqI,, 4250,YQvHYTcf2js,, 4251,HG2KpOO0vSc,, 4252,Zj9VGShc1Bw,, 4253,CAL8LqubHro,, 4254,rhWFXsgOXbY,,Camera : Lubitel 2 Film : Kodak Tri-X 400 Developer: Ilford HC 4255,O7U9u7k50BE,, 4256,enaFJelpNxY,,To infinity and beyond 4257,N7-uM2wo61k,,Mt Bromo // Indo // @ultrabrad 4258,q9x4rdGR_Pc,, 4259,5OJL-rd2AQY,,Sunrise in the Dolomites 4260,q9wjM94iMpU,, 4261,_yZXNp4aeB0,, 4262,ZYj6CrOkCAM,, 4263,EcjN9KUQYz8,, 4264,t82Ve5dINfI,, 4265,Kd-53vFZktM,, 4266,mbUXFI5ZpLc,, 4267,z14hF-2ssM0,, 4268,mfllI-eRFDg,,Celebrating my 200m views with the tallest building in San Francisco covered by fog. 4269,r8-rx-S6vic,, 4270,2KF8gtGpccU,, 4271,3tvnHnUXjDU,, 4272,K4f7LJ4hw-A,, 4273,vy_cVJCAVG0,, 4274,7FdljYpa8ts,,Shelter in Tre Cime di Lavaredo 4275,jeK3aQWHQjE,, 4276,WHqJxo9WqeA,,Undersea Turtle 4277,Pp6efQ_ghiA,, 4278,4XtO1nyNI68,, 4279,qqE2beiENU4,, 4280,phZY1kYbgJo,, 4281,fPipNm8A5uc,,dessert plant 4282,oXghXngfH2c,, 4283,5Qzqbf_PqJk,, 4284,dwVToFjYJOo,, 4285,NUTYDyjfB4c,, 4286,kmQFBYibklw,, 4287,k95Ce7mwUjI,, 4288,dd7pIdRmuGY,, 4289,OCBJqVtrqmA,, 4290,OCCgOfhpo0Q,, 4291,qINZ8zEYErY,,Deep Blue Sea 4292,5V4gcwizvAM,,Myrtle's bridge on a misty morning 4293,1ts13gEKEww,, 4294,dSB_QwlCpRs,, 4295,CLXGiGV5ICc,,Scenic view of Yosemite Valley 4296,AENmGl9JVgs,,Dazzling pink flowers from above 4297,BwMtUpBYLIs,, 4298,bgY0Xemuqf8,, 4299,hoCXpPUMCoE,,"Beach shore line in Daytona Beach, FL" 4300,Y6-GL40aPPs,,monochrome water ripple 4301,pX7mX52yOvU,,Surreal Sunrise in the Desert 4302,0aNUp-RV-Pk,, 4303,40hkGAlW0Wo,,Rose Bush 4304,ErnD0oSB9OE,,San Diego mountains at night 4305,KBoWO5yV668,, 4306,oSVlo_oniEs,,Springtime daffodils 4307,MPFiYu__1bA,,Ocean washing ashore 4308,_loXJCMS20w,, 4309,NjpmEtVr6i4,,High ice blue iceberg 4310,ZTkcfldXhz0,,Red flower in hand 4311,P559qKtbcno,,Stars in the hands. Cookies 4312,8Mz7SPNNLUI,,More on my instagram @vadimsadovski 4313,JRxedHrd7Aw,, 4314,2MG9GP29gMM,,Taken on layers of glass and using paint and live florals 4315,Hr8gz4OE-Cs,,Foggy morning in the woods. 4316,j2VYBc7IPiM,,Moody 4317,z9sSlefTHKA,,Winding Path 4318,VIqCeAwQ1rU,,Fern - Detail Study 4319,Utq2sdgwkMk,, 4320,4PTfF-svS3Y,,Switzerland 4321,qpZlQ8IIghI,, 4322,sgM7vHx0D2s,,Feelin hot hot hot (IG: @clay.banks) 4323,7q_SST3Kdm8,,Dog in the wild! Wyoming - Patrick Hendry 4324,DfYPBHaOR04,, 4325,CZABLi1Lbk4,,cave 4326,lDqz-rgqvjY,, 4327,DUGwyJsZEwI,, 4328,Acn2CND_4j8,,Windmills for alternative Energie 4329,b2_pVdk4lGI,, 4330,4s4itKbaOFY,, 4331,L0euktN3N6A,, 4332,DZ6fV_ASe-Q,,Milky way over the Cheibenhorn. 4333,su_GwSt_hbY,, 4334,AqtIChV1GJU,,"Since Halloween is fast approaching, here's a nice spooky photo of very low clouds swallowing up the tops of massive pine trees in an old growth forest in Marion County, Oregon." 4335,48QmYJxZo9U,, 4336,wHfirl02LOo,,Refuge du Find des Fours. 4337,CjI0sUPPK3M,, 4338,maSgd_zq8Eo,, 4339,sMJnzyC4CNA,,Mount Rainier | Washington | Stars | Milky Way 4340,Msjd65OsrFY,, 4341,e0p5x5zxk5A,,"Beautiful brown haired woman disguised in Catrina for El Dia del Muertos (or Halloween), with make up and roses, with the sun behind her." 4342,cI5qHkT-LmM,,"Colorful autumn leaves. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica Summicron-R 2.0 35mm (Year: 1978)" 4343,Lbv1852MmOw,, 4344,BPfriEsg82k,, 4345,ixHB8yFBYqI,,Alone of the San Dunes 4346,kHtrdnGVF70,, 4347,tFiXn-Rjmb4,,A sleepy four legged creature looking for rest 4348,imtdvAUCbGU,, 4349,sfwjXp9laVI,, 4350,DEg6mbiK6DI,, 4351,bup1w6gcZzo,,sunflowers 4352,BPoQ37g40q0,, 4353,kWOH__tMzbk,, 4354,IBpGptHrtfU,,The famous northern lights in Iceland captured from the airplane on our trip over from American. I was shooting with a 50mm lens through the tiny window up by the flight attendants. They allowed me to stand up with them during the time the lights were visible since it was the middle of the night and most of the plane was sleeping. I was thankful that we got to see the lights from the plane and I was able to capture them since it was the only time we saw the lights during our incredible trip to Iceland. 4355,X4c7EiLf8GE,,Synevyr Lake 4356,vvsdTa3If0s,, 4357,KSZh1z292J4,, 4358,9OGez_v-X5w,, 4359,GRlNGlxojXU,, 4360,gsf4OfORp5c,,Hot Air Balloon In The Sky 4361,n7DY58YFg9E,, 4362,1lY3XL_aHu0,,black bird on barbed wire 4363,q3vpyhed2f4,,Flying raven 4364,BuMtcu_W2XU,, 4365,ZcIKjpWWgRw,,Green crocodile macro 4366,P0CG96L86SY,,Two birds flying overhead 4367,pEb-Xf_qM0s,,Stranded on a green planet 4368,1axC9P7Qg2I,,Glacier Point Through The Fog 4369,3FFO_aNa5Sc,,Pots in a cupboard 4370,NdLplBqacAc,,Waterfall down a rock mountain 4371,OOgSrGCp4YI,,Sunlit roots in the woods 4372,WbBTlOk-CRY,,Vacation in Santa Monica 4373,dull_SO_ZOM,, 4374,JE01L3hB0GQ,,Richly colored sky over calm sea water 4375,TXtjSg9cDgk,,Natural Symmetry 4376,b4w4sNKMgIs,,The Dyrhólaey lighthouse Iceland 4377,BdfEcYZXyfg,,Frozen water droplet 4378,zY05CVaJEF4,,Folha de Coqueiro. 4379,zUTalRZ7tGE,, 4380,cFgCc3PM-A0,,Wooden vase with evergreen leaf and dried lotus seed pod 4381,qKVngcBKeFk,, 4382,x3OhtQ2h4Zc,, 4383,QtKBYCCg3Qk,, 4384,oCqamP96fWE,,Pool water steps 4385,fYSl60PXAnM,, 4386,m1ZdLbux1DA,, 4387,cRK5zOhFVBk,,Mystic flower 4388,uICqspTDw6k,,footprints at sunrise along the beach 4389,PIw2SNW5Llk,, 4390,xcg3KF41Dxw,, 4391,QhSEhdWKo_M,,Snow outside. 22 march Stay home 4392,5VJUsVvMExM,, 4393,Op3orMY-Dr0,, 4394,qc9KRky-S4I,,"Worker honeybees entering, leaving, and guarding their beehive" 4395,tEkVO3O6ckc,,Lily Leaves in the Spring 4396,mdl6MW0BbYQ,, 4397,Z0nrMloIDpE,,"Tulum, Mexico" 4398,fxhMAEs1HoE,, 4399,z4nNWnKQ5lA,,Man throwing rock into water Follow my Instagram for more @_stuartdavies 4400,2ADcM29yVqw,, 4401,5ov4OE10KXQ,, 4402,xa0FS-lGz8I,, 4403,pW78W50iFDA,, 4404,jSoc-A8rwfo,, 4405,qIufTYQ0tRk,, 4406,g4FFeW9cLZ8,, 4407,wAP_IBPhn-4,,happy and cute King Charles Cavalier dog in a pink hoodie with a plush toy 4408,Y7y4L7gQT7U,, 4409,6vbYxccNP-o,,sunset in the dessert 4410,dxgHqZZBt0E,,Trail walking 4411,ZSI-wuA49T0,, 4412,9j-cpV3dStU,,Cloud on forest mountain 4413,unmA0TJr3r0,, 4414,e3dY8laAQtA,, 4415,bSNJ6R5Qrt4,, 4416,4QWR5geRC9I,,Hiker on a wet path 4417,-KNNQqX9rqY,,Tiger in a zoo 4418,cl4sIocoUxw,,A small little island bar part of Turi Beach resort Indonesia 4419,EFRCyoKToLQ,,Green freshness 4420,hXXRLtTxXCU,,Reflection 4421,XQzktFXCBvs,,alone 4422,v3UZKbMaTGk,,London street in the rain 4423,XU5lNez5TEs,,Woman looking out bus window 4424,vleprUp1Gqw,, 4425,vV7dgoL94Ig,,Drone view of sand beach 4426,oUQ4Q0JXWWo,,Baya 4427,XjvWEsPTDeY,, 4428,KkBaC9hT-54,, 4429,ayb2c2lphjE,,Flamingo 4430,Tu9NKqO4I70,,Leave 4431,f04IRgkV1AM,,Here comes the storm 4432,ZjOQmOOWmGs,, 4433,UwefJSzdQSc,,Glacier lake 4434,c_WqJYeyOcE,, 4435,iD9F5pzNwLk,,Blue River 4436,KjBqVYNANOs,,Dusk light can paint the sky with such deep colors… 4437,zn50rwVVdcM,,Giraffe Portrait 4438,XFkkYwKiC_U,,"This was my first trip with my first DSLR camera and we were hiking the mountains in rural Cuba, Viñales specifically. Turkey Vultures were soaring the skies above us, soaking up the sun and dominating the skyline. As the sunset moved behind the trees, creating a picturesque silhouette, this one Vulture spiralled down and glided through my shot. This photo is special to me because it was my first great shot with my new camera and gave me the confidence and belief to continue chasing Cuba's beautiful and photographic personality." 4439,TVbhlT_Dmd4,,Giau Pass 4440,9cH-uVU__0c,,My Instagram: @albertdera Model’s Instagram: @chelseaclaire 4441,r8L5QYrSWaU,, 4442,fsJB3KT2rj8,,Paradise 4443,eaxgNP4cpY8,,Colors of sky 4444,IiPcQ_LtkeI,,Green forest shoreline 4445,b6VzeoRZiS0,, 4446,AtH9GMAkfPE,, 4447,n78buPU6Wow,,Road to mountains 4448,CB6rBauoCg4,,Hiking in the mountains in Schilt 4449,9dMzyieG4OI,,Cliff view of ocean crashing 4450,vUNQaTtZeOo,,Perched blue and orange bird 4451,kBYtnHaV8Vw,, 4452,iU55jSiifYQ,, 4453,FCuJ_bVjrrs,,Cat face in sunlight 4454,3TLpBVH3S6M,, 4455,Kj2H1sGbhQU,, 4456,fXHAYQM19gs,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 4457,t20pc32VbrU,, 4458,aTZCDbg2yJE,, 4459,kZ8dyUT0h30,,Bear in a zoo 4460,NsojRZoIOx0,,Sunset Over The Desert 4461,iwJQwwf3Kjs,, 4462,L6NIw3POnjA,, 4463,idT5wzPcgf4,,A man sits on a rock overlooking the ocean. 4464,uoVh6xLSRQ0,,Penguins Go Separate Ways 4465,ExarETx4xNA,,Yosemite waterfall 4466,DUPB6heM2m0,, 4467,jZCilFgdJmM,,Black rock mountains 4468,J1ksLpgoSdw,, 4469,AACGBoNy59Q,,Red and green plant 4470,y7kjgVOy_HA,,Rippled sand dunes 4471,DmgwxkcdFCM,, 4472,0qRSzNyjvsI,, 4473,Zyx6a0ReB18,, 4474,JKmvji6Gpc4,,Everywhere 4475,EmKblwDsQxs,,"This year we went on an endless summer adventure. We got an RV and drove up the California and Oregon Coast, all the way to Vancouver Island. It was quality family and leisure time. Along the way, I took photos of the different textures we encountered on the beaches and hiking trails This is a small sample of it. Enjoy!" 4476,xTMqJkax10g,,Just a portrait we did along the side of the road in Arizona. 4477,cH2ONCiMBZ4,, 4478,Q1X3QeGSLBU,, 4479,wfZw7a5z4dc,, 4480,8CwoHpZe3qE,, 4481,pe1vEukaec8,,Misty morning mountain 4482,6dC5tYPiD2s,, 4483,pcWckzku0YQ,,This snowy owl seemed to glare at me as I took its picture. 4484,AA4QB4Q1v14,, 4485,Fjy7lavh46o,,Pale sky over woods 4486,DZJZvBKdc9c,,Green forest carpet 4487,yDErldm0VcU,,Autumnal Squash 4488,1SrYeRojDuE,, 4489,7bMZYfvdTFk,, 4490,6HmilN41EDc,,Azure mountain lake 4491,G3EDWxWJXpI,,Malham Cove astrophotography 4492,AygJgCM_vto,,Foggy Germany 4493,OYwAuYE8YHQ,,horse 4494,oLm7HixJIts,, 4495,UjBG1_w5wtk,,Leopard 4496,UO-cOtxGbgk,,Water Fall 4497,9m6XwFTWGKs,, 4498,CGCHz52xcB0,,woman and an Italian waterdog walking together 4499,Sf-Zq-m7lhA,, 4500,ADni_CcI8xU,, 4501,xz-qq9KNgwk,, 4502,Rx4WJfynHDo,,"Fed by multiple waterways, Brazil's Negro River is the Amazon River's largest tributary. The mosaic of partially-submerged islands visible in the channel disappears when rainy season downpours raise the water level." 4503,y7DJig1cJnA,, 4504,JrQ_V0pmdDc,,@jacksondavidoficial 4505,mSfnuqwcQ-Q,,"Based on electron microscopic (EM) imagery, this illustration provides a three-dimensional (3D), graphical representation of a number of norovirus virions, set against a black background. Illustrator: Alissa Eckert, MS" 4506,1r4x--Dct_8,, 4507,hQBQ1ATvH10,, 4508,MasnAA5KqDY,, 4509,1RYs4998eQg,,Leaves texture background. 4510,b-4Uyq9io9A,, 4511,muFaKaGw0eE,,Drone coastline 4512,tsBDNuCJiLg,,Surfer in the ocean 4513,y7KWvgT7__g,,New York City pigeon 4514,YHwRitWfylM,,Rocky coastline 4515,Sd8O2SgKDJA,,Large rock reflected in water 4516,hb8W2a4i5Uo,, 4517,QlCNwrdd_iA,,Black sand coastline 4518,tcRRNN5uKT4,,Gorgeous Geirangerfjord 4519,oggLZPzV3Ho,, 4520,MEqH3hWecG0,, 4521,QOLbGPwsS6E,,Power Lines In The Field 4522,u3aim8PGE7I,,Boat under a rocky arch 4523,G2doS7pHkt4,,Dew on a cobweb 4524,5_vibwWz9kk,, 4525,tnEdvYk3IOw,, 4526,tD0ZjZWqo5Y,, 4527,ii6dE72AUhc,, 4528,KP7st4kSWaw,,Rainbow mountains 4529,KS58Vmila-8,,winter sky 4530,Uo-StCdUEq0,,Moody Forest 4531,iEGXkSXRXN4,, 4532,bHb6Mk-p3aA,,Hiking 4533,v7daTKlZzaw,,Taken from the top of Poon Hill before sun rise 4534,shb8l1o-0Zk,,Bars of Light 4535,jBh3BGP-gjA,,Gorgeous white rose 4536,9xO5YhSKSFU,,Tree-lined slope in the winter 4537,T2LEdBxpm54,,"A bright and soft white moon that lives in the water, perched on an anchor, salt the water moon of the sea, that the treasure will await you. Your crown of gold, your silver necklace, but above all your heart of glass, the moon of the sea looks at the water with its shine and its eye shadow. You … moon of the sea you surprise me with your whiteness and your beauty. You … beautiful moon with blue eyes, blue of the sea." 4538,nsvba88g24M,,Couple enjoying autumn 4539,5CldgrlKlkE,,Green life 4540,KcqhQH6KEpA,,Storm brewing over a village 4541,Ws92xzbSris,,"Darker currents, so revitalizing." 4542,FHl79chXS6s,,My dogs named ”Kanshan“ and ”Momo“ 4543,uOi2kDnPRTY,,Kubota Spring 4544,9ZuBcTK_eEg,, 4545,WNoYQaAtCfo,, 4546,v_JSV8iukrg,,Tawny owl 4547,v-E-YdAcdnM,, 4548,mrtSPZk4cAE,,"The Dorset Coastline facing East, South UK" 4549,Z0zTskmGBDg,, 4550,VBQQfzNPTwU,, 4551,4e881rR-v3Y,, 4552,-zpu-sU2g-0,, 4553,WYmdycZdmMw,, 4554,F1F84QlcxZ8,,The majestic Bald Eagle 4555,nWzeuNznyuc,, 4556,Zs6T2rub2zw,, 4557,J6j1HgSi40c,, 4558,tVwLhUC3-b0,,leaf 4559,D8yBPa9ebmA,, 4560,3k2YPubx_X4,, 4561,v0ONtgs7dpU,, 4562,Hu0pc4Y92Ng,,Lenticular clouds forming over Mount Hood as a system rolls in. Shot from the top of Table Mountain in the Columbia River Gorge. 4563,jIHnkltO88U,,Social distancing in the Alps 4564,SMNIQfGoqL8,, 4565,S6tfM7TE86g,, 4566,FXdq4CCcRuw,, 4567,fsBOigltAQc,,First attempt at night photography. Instagram: @tatonomusic 4568,cnO9IQzhUbI,, 4569,LtxbHVUhp90,, 4570,iIuq_cF06u0,, 4571,yDjcjNTu0rI,, 4572,E7wX4dyeNLI,,Gold Coast sunrise from Coolangatta 4573,_oPb9mMQdek,,Amazing colors that a soap bubble can have 4574,1I-fwrMgMMI,,Surfers at sunrise | Follow me on insta @calebrussell 4575,Obomi-1TVMw,, 4576,dF3UUgTdGGw,, 4577,0T3R-QVgXUg,, 4578,Niosy0vFoC4,,Crazy creek falls 4579,q-f5_iHh1WI,,PORTRAITS INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPRTRTS EDITORIAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPHTO PERSONAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVR 4580,aNt5tprOPGc,,Lunar Eclipse 2019 4581,T7BnCQvibwY,, 4582,fWbwArVC4fw,, 4583,c2tsGuLi1kc,,"A great Egret just about to touch down in the water at Freshwater Lake in Cairns, Australia." 4584,Ld9jkKeeSJw,, 4585,No4Mm-Jtqp8,,"Beach, Portugal, Nazaré, Moody, Sea, Portugal" 4586,X0DswOtf2CE,, 4587,UzEf18WCkro,, 4588,t81H__wdxlc,,"Blue and Gold Macaw. Ally, one of the keepers at Kuranda Birdworld, gives Tango a cuddle." 4589,P0En__Z1MQQ,, 4590,gZC-cbqJ_YE,, 4591,lO_mws79E50,, 4592,w5tI4WACAKo,,Leaves in the frozen lake. 4593,EQEM2sI1-vo,,Sunrise 4594,LX9BDdudRzM,, 4595,32XfEamz_tc,, 4596,cz-E5Y1oPdc,,At Puy-du-Fou in France during a show 4597,3Lazy6QQR6c,,Calling For Its Mother 4598,9KpQrPEy8P8,, 4599,R5rVLQZ8hG8,,Woman looking toward ocean 4600,0K9H0yts_tE,,Deep forest 4601,M2nMIpSkK6Q,,sunrise söll tirol austria 4602,k5lTncJ95Fo,,White Sands National Monument 4603,OMiFlI-tG-A,,A hike in the Bavarian Alps near Oberstdorf! 4604,Q3sxsoUpT0E,, 4605,uFrOUoJg4hM,,Snow in January! Bavarian Alps. 4606,t-DKv3i1jSM,,"My wife and I visited Yellowstone for a couple days before the official start of the summer season. It was chilly and some roads were closed due to snow, but we avoided the crowds and got to explore the park in relative solitude. I took a few landscapes, but I mostly focused on the colors and textures I encountered." 4607,BFkqQ2woEyI,, 4608,rv63du1a79E,, 4609,TmvReoXVOyA,,We made a trip to the black forest as it had begun to snow on the top of the mountains. We started the drone and saw the snow on the mountaintop. 4610,1tsAbBciTic,, 4611,ocqT7E3QJlk,,up the moutain we go 4612,yL38vJ5N6Ng,, 4613,ZmIGHiaopTw,, 4614,RLKGkoClZts,,Spring 4615,dZUUaXSB-9Q,, 4616,8qaARs3mRhE,, 4617,WeFGb5AgquY,,drying wastes 4618,whpWiJHBAVo,,Grass 4619,74ARAYe0Bwo,, 4620,6NlIoS4xvQw,,Please follow me on instagram! @chrishenry 4621,caEWN2AZLLE,, 4622,fF9z39kVOfk,, 4623,YseQjbBL_ys,, 4624,ig9yVlj5YYg,, 4625,sHiimARWbOQ,,"Inaccessible beaches on the coast of Kauai, HI that only hikers and helicopters can get to." 4626,KrLXXQSojYs,,yellow 4627,aKtvwYyUXxI,,Cracked river bed at Heswall 4628,z2i4pPQKQVM,, 4629,wRt8myE0W00,,Bee world. A honeybee gets covered in pollen while visiting sunflowers for pollen and nectar. 4630,xHfWl35OOsg,, 4631,Q7vf3z8x934,, 4632,HkaSi5Fvc0s,, 4633,sehhztON17I,, 4634,k5uXZniydCg,,These Forests Were Alive 4635,F2yL7fk9E7M,, 4636,ngdpTQouVso,,Moody Tones 4637,_mSlcGbdxS8,, 4638,qGkVJ7Tx36s,,"My whippet, Fiddich, when she was a 10 week old puppy" 4639,9RL4bFoHZJc,,Pure essential stone ... :-) 4640,VZjBZIsm_0w,, 4641,1e965gK_VoU,,The core of the Milky Way rising above Mt Oberon. 4642,z0Dldbjt1I0,, 4643,2WZy9Yf3kvs,,The Golden North Hotel at Skagway. 4644,mHK4yW2exrI,, 4645,0Cgq8VSQ2y4,,Fog at Pismo Beach 4646,cv7dOD8tua4,, 4647,0nulATHut58,, 4648,8Dyeu13DmwI,, 4649,7xpClgGJ644,, 4650,zVUNeTkoaDg,, 4651,uXU4Avx77UY,,Only during night his majesty Agung showed up from behind the clouds. 4652,FykBLDBOeS8,,Come on! 4653,VPTSmbGba7Q,, 4654,vPiz8ZQ9Wf8,,fall feels 4655,5T7dG1MRA3U,,Hurricane Irma Aftermath 4656,kBlqlwbuxHU,, 4657,Nfa9MxBhYdc,, 4658,k05YVymx-dM,,If you like my work then you can support it. Paypal: or my blog: My website: 4659,zr3Z02FgKn0,, 4660,iRI3E9R_ROs,,sleepy cat standing up 4661,6ZI5uurRjo0,, 4662,OGkG20wMhNM,, 4663,ob0HHPoDrko,, 4664,LVePVunOnII,,"Little boathouse alongside Hoopers Inlet, Otago Peninsula, New Zealand." 4665,KsomZsgjLSA,,"All I remember was the night being quite cold, and I had stood there for over an hour waiting for each phase of the lunar eclipse to occur whilst my camera was automatically capturing the whole event. But of course the human eye cannot always see the vividness of the moon at it’s ‘red’ phase, but at least we have the help of post-editing programs to bring it out." 4666,OWq8w3BYMFY,,Floral desktop 4667,Lrh3mpcFKzE,,"Staying in New York for the weekend is always fun. What makes it better is spending that time with friends you don’t see often. Pair that with an air bnb, plenty of coffee and your first tattoo and you get a complete New York experience. Also, thanks to this window for letting us take a picture of it! :)" 4668,h0faiuiUFE4,,All the answers 4669,3miN-KsnXN8,,Snails 4670,45o2z4CwioA,,Wings of the mountain 4671,igq_LX7b374,, 4672,LiPzyy7obfo,,A white Snowy Egret dances across the surface of the water showing off its yellow feet on a bright sunny day. 4673,MvEsMGNZfh0,,Anemone 4674,vB2qLuSjnsc,,"With a ridge on the top of the head, and independently moving eyes, these creatures are freaky." 4675,eSELz5TTv-c,,A New Adventure 4676,9ef2NIjnx1s,, 4677,vFrhuBvI-hI,,You remember me when the west wind moves… 4678,GQlKO6siGuU,, 4679,n3bQJQheSZs,,Glamping tent cabin. 4680,k4ov7ulBn20,,"Young polar bears, northern Alaska" 4681,MmDCMgqI2oA,, 4682,zETOmeqpWQs,, 4683,9Gmf3HPHK8o,,Walking on the sand in a cloud day 4684,P3ek4SMx_kc,,Ocean Flight | Instagram: @timmossholder 4685,B1KFwtFFZl8,,Cat napping by the window 4686,9jYj32TN9Ts,,Sunrise over foggy hills 4687,6p6WDodvR2Y,,Sea foam on rocks at sunset 4688,vF9qIeQ-DI8,, 4689,XBGacbT3vXI,, 4690,nvmmUzpQcVs,, 4691,kpAXYoXSeuY,,Looking off into the countryside below 4692,rRGTgjHQHDQ,,Low craggy mountain 4693,CEeoDFpVxxw,,Stone rock wall 4694,5ttEycWs3hs,,Man sits on log in snow 4695,ncQ2sguVlgo,, 4696,nu8ciPnl8oA,,Bridal Veil Falls 4697,6fCfkt11-eQ,, 4698,ur3wTilBmjQ,,YOU'LL DIE OF OLD AGE. WE'LL DIE OF CLIMATE CHANGE. Global climate change strike protest demonstration - No Planet B - 09-20-2019 4699,OwB4OhIhQEg,, 4700,PcGwQR3VgDA,,Blueberry Bagel; Breakfast of Champions 4701,owLO80GIjac,, 4702,9-afZwuWJbY,, 4703,ypEcKnyWykc,, 4704,XFJjX6RfgMw,, 4705,19YYRDdcvSI,,A house cat staring up 4706,IRh4OLpNUFc,, 4707,ayx-0-GGmqc,, 4708,otT2199XwI8,, 4709,ofctnmgTmZs,, 4710,e9QFb4VVu8M,, 4711,miZ59VJcc-s,,christmas deer reindeer drawing 4712,lorROoQWJWI,, 4713,RJcIm0NV6Io,, 4714,5ZmEd6QRqiU,, 4715,ysRLATH07ck,,Patrick Hendry 4716,-ezYkae0yfs,, 4717,tH8VsaZA5HA,, 4718,gyaPIZZjV_A,,After the Rain 4719,xp5kA-OYA3A,, 4720,T5WR9adosj8,, 4721,2V_uQ1G3Aik,, 4722,iemTASePNHk,, 4723,hjaXORXT1dI,, 4724,RujHm96SGHU,,It’s Not Magic 4725,1ci1vj9nx3A,,I had a sumac tree outside our house and I always loved seeing the colours every morning. This seemed like a perfect opportunity to use my newly built light box. 4726,Og_MdHmMUjM,, 4727,bYDbkz8gvh4,, 4728,CmZY38GVNsQ,, 4729,LpYtdy59oxM,, 4730,c5EaVO5bR4U,, 4731,7gJNE8eIrGY,, 4732,AEuxVfta5_M,,verrazano bridge 4733,qysVTP1OONk,,Lovely Friesian cow and herd leader (cow herds commonly have leaders). Identifying marks removed. 4734,76LxMoNfwY8,,Vibrant Sunset 4735,l5Tv4eB5P4s,,Tulips at the flower market 4736,YBFg_Z5X1Lk,, 4737,flq9q_gNAAc,,"We were on one of our many roadtrips on the Isle of Skye. We drove on a curvy road and after a curve we suddenly saw four deer right by the side of the road. We stopped the car, got out quietly and spent a long time taking shots of them. I love this shot because it shows so much detail of the horns. The most fascinating part of the deer." 4738,KZBLsGi6Jdk,,Focused sand beach 4739,NacnbMsZTdc,, 4740,r0UQ0dDpC4E,,Half Dome sunset 4741,y8ii1w5DfC4,,dama de la noche 4742,h0xg3Auzu5o,,Tulips on the grounds of the Logan LDS Temple 4743,YCh5-MpB6C8,,A Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sits perched in a beautiful pink cherry blossom tree. 4744,SsaiVkABcBw,, 4745,5VuLCwvZCQU,,"My style of photography is different. I have combined my love of soft focus, shallow depth of field, the water &the colour blue to come up with this series of photos. This photo was taken waist deep in the water with a wave nearly completely taking out my camera as I held it near the surface. The bigger the risk the better the result." 4746,IMpw_kAxbDs,,On the edge 4747,h4O4CNybgtU,,daisy 4748,WOrpHzyEhAc,, 4749,UDxJWk3HAKg,, 4750,_0rXmiM1uzk,, 4751,WpieYg_a7WE,,New day 4752,EdJZqsZpZYg,, 4753,V11kq6ksD2s,,In the sea 4754,PzpoDcsigko,, 4755,ZDwp-QdzoH8,, 4756,mCW5DyBrWjg,, 4757,n2sQQ6XjqfE,, 4758,5KxbOrjB4Ag,, 4759,PGlA5efHOiI,,The shepherd’s glance 4760,O4gz1ERTS40,, 4761,3QDsA0uUd4k,, 4762,1t6K4S2r5kU,, 4763,EHxhvz64mIQ,, 4764,-lb-Wob1TeQ,, 4765,1jmA-qJbDyc,, 4766,8niaLtRULmY,, 4767,cdzDvBS9ZqE,, 4768,rOrGGkyllm4,, 4769,YBVQhHYVCjE,, 4770,6x_jvcaUsHY,, 4771,iWh8vVPMkp0,,It was my first time to drive a car for a trip. Australia have great environment for photography. 4772,XIqCrFOqf5A,,When it snows the moose come on the roads to eat off the salty/gravel that get’s sprayed on the roads 4773,sQ0VZqSaChc,,Lady Dog 4774,Y_IkSzXHZ0s,, 4775,K2g7_KFvihg,, 4776,607uZYuwvdA,,Water 4777,NMyTQfoYpP8,,Cattle grazing on a drizzly winter morning 4778,Ih2e_shFVdI,,Shot in the heart of the welsh countryside on an editorial assignment. 4779,wlIB1M8YTnY,, 4780,iinwAX0hUKI,, 4781,hM9-eAL7JV0,,Under an orange coloured sky 4782,NbfZKsVBzRg,,Banff alberta 4783,L1jHI4ThA44,, 4784,j3rzmtUZ4sk,, 4785,p9GWoY3UB4g,,Instagram @dirtjoy Location @pasturesongfarm 4786,sKPPBn6OkJg,,Great Tit 4787,9XV8npV5aJo,, 4788,tUDyIShDHcc,, 4789,CGvE2mlBpKk,, 4790,Tmc6zldj7tI,,Koi 4791,RZea5h26e_g,, 4792,uwQlgl4NbSg,,Sea breeze and splashing waves 4793,6kcMKTpDafY,, 4794,JabLtzJl8bc,, 4795,nXlUIwIaH84,,Hiking in the Canyon 4796,QaJVl5qGoIw,,Rocky cliff and thick clouds 4797,thLwVwt7F18,,Clouds over a flat mountain 4798,qD8wZXGswBE,, 4799,p2ndr_u5XWs,,iceland 丁亦然 4800,fHEChYk9RWc,, 4801,X0SMdQSQwzc,, 4802,ppejgFCcRdw,,Red sky setting over coastline and silhouette plants. 4803,yedZbD3NHrs,, 4804,iVB_P7pn2eY,,Cherry blossoms at sunset in spring 4805,5RoaGkI_v0I,, 4806,JxfCQHpInnY,, 4807,YnMgsRsfS50,, 4808,0O9A0F_d1qA,, 4809,yhfvUbgKyYc,,Fox 4810,9_hJzvceSW8,, 4811,bWssU2C3LSI,,Sun rays light the way in the jungle 4812,QKu9gPZAZi0,,More on IG : @baptx_zw 4813,yB4x1f_8yEc,,Colour 4814,dCfagb2y28M,, 4815,Lv5ndK10jZo,, 4816,k_NkqIaRhro,, 4817,5G-PIeppWZs,,River in the hills 4818,x_iVI1bW1to,,Roosevelt Mountain view 4819,INf4LQZwxRU,, 4820,Dqudx_1X83Y,, 4821,fdR2GOe4aBY,, 4822,EVXB_Is-UqI,,Sleepy tabby 4823,r82HiTMi8eM,, 4824,iMVzDFNyAUY,, 4825,cz3ls2zvc6U,,plants and greenhouse window 4826,ANOUzKhSVfg,,"I decided to go to the aviary one day, and I originally decided to not go, but then changed my mind just because I wanted to see something new. This amongst others was some of the amazing work I was able to leave the National Aviary with." 4827,-cKXtsJWU-I,,"I took this star trail at Mabini, Batangas, Philippines way back in 2015. It was the first time I took this kind of star trail utilizing the position of the North Star (Polaris) at the sky, which seems to produce circular path of stars because the Earth rotates with Polaris right above the rotational axis." 4828,OgnlOAW1e8g,,"Away from the hustle and bustle is Bali's exotic coast of Nusa Penida, where the waves crash wildly. Exploring this side of her is so breathtaking." 4829,6bUmlGstym8,,"BALI, INDONESIA - DECEMBER 5, 2017: Holy spring water. People praying in the Tirta Empul temple. Bali, Indonesia." 4830,eelpgSLWrqo,, 4831,mSr0QiHdzfQ,,Boat 4832,OZ-r0tEnW6M,, 4833,xw2lTo2IrSA,,iceland 4834,wK_DZlAJJ_Q,,Wolf sleeping in the dark 4835,OLg2-XhU97o,,Horizon 4836,jGcFr_eeBZQ,,Moody 4837,Dj-zdwmP92k,, 4838,oUIkPN3qccg,,"Landmannalaugar, Iceland - one the most beautiful places in Iceland. The drive to this place via the F-Roads, the sceneries, the numerous lakes, snow capped mountains, etc… all of this just adds fuel to the fire." 4839,IEpyWlEEoQ4,, 4840,IaZCYJHBYkM,,Experimenting 4841,cOfdOE9T37s,, 4842,MbKkEA2LJhE,, 4843,eIacfa4rDEE,, 4844,dXUZ4XQLBUE,, 4845,rHdcv9t96x8,,patrick hendry 4846,mHaGFQPalxA,, 4847,2DNM5vMPte0,,Tiny yellow flowers on green 4848,kl-dC3shTIw,, 4849,-4YbaM07U44,,Please help support these images by viewing a blog post at 4850,-h5qBDn_8Tw,,Woman’s silhouette against the setting sun 4851,ZQeRH1XD4Tc,,Cloudy Canyon 4852,cv_fqvrbKWs,,Gloomy forest under mist 4853,DGsMynNom04,, 4854,r5ibM0gMdIQ,, 4855,ANyAligrI6Y,, 4856,z7tQUhBVOrY,,Mountain resort in Chalberhöni 4857,eD-yqMiiHP0,,Telluride valley 4858,vSsad4VVliw,,Jellyfish swimming at Vancouver Aquarium 4859,zqCuZEpWPHU,, 4860,sKJ7zSylUao,,Kungsträdgården cherry blossom 4861,DxuDxXNXQnc,,"Imagine yourself standing at this scenery… It took me 20 minutes to tell my dad the basics of photography. I described him the golden ratio and how to get the cam to focus on me. Well, he tried it a few times and came up with this shot. I’m afraid I underestimated my father. I’m sorry pa ;)" 4862,xVwo6NxKDFk,,Green grove during golden hour 4863,ujc_IeZlxcE,,Cat eyes up close 4864,n7QwQle51-U,,Hang this photos on the wall. Buy prints 4865,G-bQlVMt1H8,, 4866,p3OzJuT_Dks,,Pfeiffer Beach at Dusk 4867,vJfDLjN_Odk,,Trees in snow covered forests 4868,TyL4MDmxLck,,Dark clouds and sun 4869,eXSttBQoYbM,,Nordfjordeid river sunset 4870,vgZzM-Gy0e0,,"Moon on cloudy sky, Maastricht" 4871,tU9u8LXFCqU,, 4872,jf6EbeBE8UQ,,Fresh red apples 4873,dU5KI3Iap2g,,Dark branches at dusk 4874,A-YUeXZ1rq8,,"Photographed this beautiful dog named Huey for a volunteer run initiative called PixelPaws which aims to help dogs find their forever homes through photography. This dog was available for adoption through LEASH Animal Welfare Society, which is an incredible dog rescue organization serving Greater Vancouver in rescuing/rehoming dogs in need." 4875,U1e-3W_Mam0,,New Forest Pony in the fog 4876,BLst6qvhXQM,,Misty mountain range 4877,Zk7CTalDR6c,,"The weather was so awful, but in the end, we were lucky! a rainy day, a waterfall and and a rainbow inside! despite the wet, i advise you this place:)" 4878,eq9FtP7XwJI,, 4879,5ty0nTfb4HQ,, 4880,-N-O19tUMlE,, 4881,mo8cVXGxTqI,, 4882,J-QwNaJZf_8,, 4883,LONPDGRFTew,, 4884,XhpE3fvd9ME,, 4885,-12cgSu9HW0,, 4886,c5_llPei-Co,, 4887,5EABoJYaYvk,,Pasteliscious graduations … :-) 4888,eh2Jy0S5RgE,, 4889,fmRFpOdrIng,, 4890,_m7i89Km880,, 4891,-S7QOoudef0,,"M51 through 127mm/952mm FL telescope for 9:55 of total exposure from 8600’ in CO. Located an estimated 23 - 36 million light years from Earth, M51 is approximately 30,000 light years across and home to an estimated 100 billion stars. It’s an interesting target due to its interaction with a dwarf elliptical galaxy, which it appears to be cannibalizing, but with the use of the Hubble astronomers have determined that the dwarf galaxy is actually behind M51. There is still interaction, though, and the dwarf galaxy’s gravitational forces have created areas of great star formation in M51." 4892,AllEP6K_TAg,,Miller. 4893,tz-nFaE_iYs,,Drop in the ocean 4894,UXN3vPt8Wbk,, 4895,nFSw6m01-38,,Large forest near beach 4896,pGQbWXBC1dA,, 4897,2CfZuXbzdO0,, 4898,HT0ZBtvuI2k,,Urbana autumn 4899,3tdvWoNxvbw,,Yellow and green 4900,3Vr4qQvQn34,,pineapple in the water 4901,5dXZJ-2ubMk,,Tropical sand beach 4902,LbAeanvJGsk,, 4903,axYF1KFjoDY,,Seeing Switzerland 4904,Zm74mm1xEDY,, 4905,qR-zUW8ohaM,,Favorite of myselfe 4906,7K3VasWk47Q,,Goldfish are super cute in close up. First time taking goldfish photos and I just noticed how adorable they are. 4907,jtes8PJxxj8,,I love the similarity of the flower to an insect. 4908,RoO9RkFEG7A,, 4909,xifK5zht0lU,, 4910,eChtL5S-6vA,,Fig 4911,XkF8LgDb0do,,Butterflies 4912,otADc2vVL9k,, 4913,QholJFsJ-Ao,, 4914,udEwE-IosGU,,Colorful gift 4915,cw6snjPwZfo,, 4916,wN7zIHTztY0,, 4917,0_vRmdJe3Qo,,a foggy afternoon in Italy’s Dolomites. Follow me for more on Instagram @petenathanson 4918,yWSJtyCB2R4,,Green-crowned Brilliant hummingbird in flight 4919,nQr2Oi51mkA,,patrick hendry 4920,Z4M28koOUuw,, 4921,xQXtlKg1r8w,, 4922,QWiQ-0AAHBE,, 4923,_JsasKuuQmE,, 4924,cg9CblfDP4g,, 4925,LPjXzh0oXCg,,Lost in Nature 4926,_Mu-vL07AAk,, 4927,EB546E6QK9Q,, 4928,6C0u7Vytc2I,, 4929,fseyI75HPRw,, 4930,hfs2ierY1mY,,Cat portrait 4931,RdzyHqnT9PM,,Birch brunches 4932,tSpmcoiN8-k,, 4933,rAXFt2G3ICM,, 4934,BMO1D0CmiJo,,My girlfriend savoring her solitude at Scorpius Arch near Joshua Tree National Park. It’s pretty hard to beat being under the stars in the desert....the skies are just so incredible here! 4935,Fu6cRM5L6p8,,Little green jewel: hummingbird 4936,wX-NB8xFD3w,,Braies Lake. Autumn 4937,QsqPBgo4lBo,,Autumn layered hills in Austria 4938,KTOlqhaLBoU,, 4939,NNR4QyCE8yU,,Two Sides 4940,E_0ZmIjgM_Y,,Lonely Shell 4941,L4Ni7rMqjvM,,Sunset over frozen landscape 4942,Auewhfdwzj4,,Snowy Trees 4943,D5NmSl8IQig,, 4944,E2kFHkrozhA,,"A wet day, raindrops on a window pane" 4945,kQ9eaeqRj_E,,"It has always been a dream to travel to Micronesia, but it’s a whole other story to get the opportunity to go, and dive the biggest graveyard of WWII ships in the world. The place I am speaking of is Chuck Lagoon of the Federated States of Micronesia, located about 1,000km south east from Guam on the Pacific Ocean. This is the remains of one of the merchant ships that sunk during Operation Hailstorm that took place in 1944." 4946,8v38azmFYr8,, 4947,Ngx7SkuJnUU,, 4948,_TuI8tZHlk4,, 4949,wC_-Wh_1M-U,, 4950,KTMVVusOTPw,, 4951,Hpfl9-T-ZA4,,Hiking in the Great Sand Dunes National Park the morning light covered the dunes for miles to come. 4952,aeNg4YA41P8,, 4953,upYdB_zSvAo,, 4954,SWW6BAASQH4,, 4955,7EsFOzUoIzU,, 4956,Y0PlqPrZS0U,, 4957,MOPIbtwqEPE,, 4958,p_7SlUgr-v0,,Instagram - @andrewtneel | Donations - 4959,ikqcHfUKN4Y,, 4960,X2UpqWaE2is,, 4961,hSqDoHuNqsU,, 4962,2QmSb_hKUAk,, 4963,arrl5dVwzC8,, 4964,DwOhN74AZV8,,@adventure.yuki desert 4965,o3h00LfKjW8,,The magic moment when you arrive on top of the ridge and you can finally see te sun rise after a few hours of climbing in the dark. The clouds are hiding the plains of Italy and only the highest summits show themselves. 4966,C_EDf36k5KI,,"This was unlike any world I’d experienced up until this point. Black volcanic sand stretched out in every direction further than the eye could see, whilst horizontal snow and strong winds blasted in off the cold ocean. After walking for forty minutes in this isolated, lonely landscape void of any features – just black land, white sky – a shape began to appear out of the bleak and alien landscape." 4967,avkOWEX2rGk,,Intersection 4968,gKYrC6ozs6A,,Foggy Forrest 4969,-anCWaNIJWQ,,Sunset at Ladybower Reservoir 4970,frYytUN8-as,, 4971,gf6wLX59-4Q,,ant 4972,Rvn4K42KgWQ,,Wild Nature 4973,D-MFmGFRx_c,,Ploke 4974,Giag3Trwfwo,,I was cleaning up my aquarium today. This requires a lot of plant trimming. I thought it’d be a waste and I took a shot of one in my mini-aquarium. 4975,eUFfY6cwjSU,,Imagine you are above the fog. Seeing the sun set. Then you turn around and see this. A mountain summit peaking out of the fog and catching fire. Goosebumps all over your body. And a refreshing feeling of joy and thankfulness filling up your body. This is Switzerland. This I can call my home. I really appreciate that a lot lately. 4976,kRVZiYX6hiQ,,coconut tree 4977,cMr19bJU1uY,,The orange leaf 4978,gxCFOgUrT-Q,, 4979,yty30exygSI,, 4980,b1PKMkon-ZA,,Lost in the Swiss Alps 4981,4SvKT6nFiog,,Little House in Braies Lake. 4982,RNrh6mIrOxo,, 4983,4CDdd1RCt6w,, 4984,9KgxAnq7eD0,,Bay 4985,_i1juAwzYX0,,Tumpak Sewu 4986,JLqtVfDE1wk,,Inside 4987,Q9cb64SF3pQ,, 4988,iIs8YF5dRu8,,"A tree frog hanging out with a few of its mates. These are adult Northern Dwarf Tree frogs, and they are only about 2.5 cm or one inch long." 4989,R7TNkNlJ2Fw,, 4990,tNt7fOOOgKA,, 4991,kU9NnI73MRg,, 4992,znGRjrQMeP4,,Portrait of my dog called Marli. Shot with a Canon 5D Mark III and two Profoto B10 in my office. 4993,rtF8RXSGODY,, 4994,dqMr4KTo9To,,Pyrénées 4995,lxBXK41lecQ,, 4996,KHTN7BtUPhM,, 4997,yEaAz6RNjXg,, 4998,cbXqMA6anQU,, 4999,AGloOxeAaDg,, 5000,qPPWNeFVLFQ,, 5001,1uVCTVSn-2o,,some smoke 5002,0S1Npjtequo,, 5003,O6vaYviRDoo,,Winter Wonderland 5004,FFo23lzk2YA,,"Kirkjufell, Snaefellsnes peninsula" 5005,OgwFtp4bgOs,,"Our dog, laying on the couch, waiting to go out." 5006,bkGwwU_MNow,, 5007,RQ-saBd2YBY,, 5008,aQx1sz3cbpQ,, 5009,3dH1sQ22w5U,,I have been getting into a lot of free diving lately here in Hawaii. Diving deeper and deeper every time and getting more comfortable in the blue abyss. 5010,381mluBoRI8,, 5011,tolcU--dvuw,,Portrait of an Icelandic horse in the snow. 5012,iqQSamug4kc,,Wisteria Hysteria 💜 5013,AwD90-LWA5o,, 5014,x8Z_6-Yb-rs,,Pink hydrangea photo with blank space 5015,ndyfVMhl8qI,,model IG: maags_28 5016,Amo081zdJsI,,Cayo Sombrero desde el aire 5017,kTJ8MnqQozg,, 5018,3rcxLx-NfvQ,,“Run Forest!” 5019,2cullqDimzw,,This moon jelly was taking off in an upwards direction and seemed like a spaceship taking off into the sky. I was thrilled to take this shot and kept looking at the moon jelly long after the shot was complete at how graceful its traveling motion was. 5020,kGK9Yzwj23E,, 5021,sa4TE0-MrOw,,This Gem is one of Iceland’s most photographed locations. I could not miss out on it’s beauty. 5022,YCniL3n_B7Q,,this plant is still alive if you look closely you can see some green 5023,brgihxn3nhY,, 5024,dI7vfR1Bqcg,,Sunrise over mountains 5025,g6PHc0No__I,, 5026,AL4oxw2UD8E,, 5027,4IudSy467O4,, 5028,KSQtxsEGEF8,, 5029,nYYsLfGaf7w,,The frozen window. 5030,4zOsQ8LtBAM,, 5031,PPIG6_PqBj0,, 5032,sV0S3Yca4Ro,,Typical summer evening in Orange County. 5033,biA6SQ07Xkc,,Grossglockner 5034,SYP9NRNDXb0,, 5035,vYCkTmxkDAY,, 5036,HAZQOdgr7ls,,@cleytonewerton 5037,YvE48lbqksM,, 5038,G1dnziWGHi8,,campfire 5039,sCTLk6Rg5PE,, 5040,V2NujMxpZ3U,,"Northern Lights captured in Lofoten, Norway." 5041,hcB2HnGxXpg,, 5042,DszAeHV8zfQ,,"Yet another sleeping koala. I am not happy with the lighting in this photo, where the koala is in the deep shade of an orange/brown tarpaulin (which is needed to give them shelter from the rain and the sun), and the bright light background, but I can't help being amused by the way they can sleep anywhere in any position." 5043,6KQETG8J-zI,,"A few months ago, I shared the mobile size. Now, I share the original version from Infinity Dunes. I hope you will enjoy it. :)" 5044,HuhBWIfw4Kg,,Couple standing under the milkyway 5045,viUZRdsd8jM,, 5046,FPeQ-qchWsg,, 5047,OouFKZynpAM,,"Save The World Now - Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire" 5048,zESCoTmVaaw,, 5049,EVYV305eFcc,,Yellow Hornet on black background 5050,xE5XeM69bIs,,Dark clouds in Austria. 5051,uCG-HpG-5MU,, 5052,mxcPiBmFWN0,,"ice, sea" 5053,w6tMRf7kGLA,, 5054,ZDAUsoNPSTc,,M31 Grande Galaxie d'Andromède 5055,a1kfCcEy40Y,,NGC 2244 Nébuleuse de la Rosette 5056,neBHai7g9vc,, 5057,Cmmi8bWE_lM,,Lovely swallows for decoration. White and soft 5058,grUjTGo7kJA,,If you use this photo please give me credit. Instagram- @gbarkz Twitter- @gbarkz 5059,564cKQH_xPs,,Crow right after the rain 5060,1Ee4L9DOiBs,,Falling asleep sun in the cloud crown 5061,s50A_eWDWnk,,Books to read during autumn. Stories that remind you of fall leaves. 5062,59HvwdKmJ5g,, 5063,7XTEQGRT15o,, 5064,7A5eK3q9qUA,,Ultra Macro Sunflower Bloom 5065,eEDjM06CJog,, 5066,aWcJuh1mUhc,, 5067,ZFpWLhm2rao,,"Last July I went back up to Brownfield, Maine to do some camping with friends. The stars were as gorgeous as ever up there. I created a bunch of shots, including some really long exposures of star trails, with a fire roaring at our campsite. It did an amazing job of illuminating the trees in the foreground under the stars. Here’s a few choice shots from our weekend up there. All the photos below have only have some slight color modifications and highlight reduction. The universe is incredible." 5068,FVZeE6Hz34o,, 5069,0ZswiyI0vNo,, 5070,II9V1qe5_90,,I was flying to Israel while this beautiful Sunset took place. 5071,AtDW6DNCaP4,, 5072,X-bSv8Z-uHk,,Autumn coloured rowan leaf 5073,8YcuK5L147w,, 5074,LYycu62H2-8,, 5075,ILFtGTwz9Dg,, 5076,PLUfSggqvAA,,Beautiful sky over Eastern Washington 5077,2Nca6Aum17o,, 5078,gySXcf5d7bI,, 5079,u--FJIuB6Pk,, 5080,9hSejnboeTY,,Mighty elephant 5081,zF2aLwowymQ,,Reflections 5082,59OA9ycJhpI,, 5083,v0azhmQt08g,,Morning Frost 5084,F4dGVi1g8rQ,,One morning on the mountains 5085,ZP38hZbE0mA,, 5086,FqR4cKMdojI,, 5087,swnvvNsfr94,,"Located in its own atoll between Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll and Addu Atoll, the island of Fuvahmulah is the only one-island atoll in the Maldives. It has many distinctive features that make Fuvahmulah different from rest of the islands in Maldives. Fuvahmulah has a fish and a bird native to this island. That fish and bird are not found in any other part of the Maldives. It is also one of the few islands that have fresh water lakes." 5088,0HzReGi-sRc,,"If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 5089,MzaGpQw5gok,, 5090,E38Gb_nVPck,, 5091,6ST6S6i9IGM,,The cutest black cat to wake up to on a Sunday morning. 5092,mG8AoU-bm0Y,, 5093,-IAG6PBRW0U,,"The cave-dwelling tree frog is only found in a few places in North-western Australia, and can be found in various colours, including a bluer form than the one on the left. The dark colour is probably good camouflage for hiding in caves during the day time." 5094,li-gdQe8aYk,, 5095,cbuWlxiYDO4,, 5096,_aQ-61m_Ldo,,Without words 5097,pUWhM-AKqRA,,"Every morning, on my way to school, I would see this church off in the distance near my home. I would only see the top of the tower only and not the rest of the area around it. One day on my reading week, I decided to drive to the church and see it for myself. Once I got there, it was a long symmetrical street with symmetrical buildings with the church, right in the center. I would have never guessed it could have been so beautiful to see and I always wanted to try the water reflection and that day was the day." 5098,9rhxF_w9BPg,, 5099,ix_gCEM3xAo,, 5100,i_DlPQIBNJw,,Calming 5101,EndtRefD85E,, 5102,MkRw42X3EHU,, 5103,3YfPEn2_HwY,, 5104,Y7mzlRgkF4I,,Red deer stag in the snow. 5105,Qq9PQ0wgIwo,, 5106,rFyog7Kj7SQ,, 5107,sTzIHQ_MGAM,, 5108,Erk5qM2_fdk,, 5109,HZyfOfr6xXg,, 5110,LFPyqloH7D0,, 5111,RHU_TqqAVaI,,Blazing Trails 5112,992EIGirjrk,, 5113,niYTtTIR-u4,,A New Day In Heaven 5114,7AbabK9lsB4,, 5115,8sQoBzPNdpQ,,A long exposure taken while on vacation in Maui enjoying some time on the beach. 5116,QPg8RkHRIOo,,Winter sun breaking through the forest 🌿 5117,rR1_WcIXlBM,,"Pyramid Lake, Alberta" 5118,eAQjV3mzCkY,, 5119,4B-Iz7n26Pk,, 5120,cXrzyV_RQPM,,"This is what i can see through my camera lens, from the rooftop." 5121,YV_gbygzlWk,,Foggy reflection 5122,M_6lB2xafZI,,Liquid Texture 5123,veXmuv38r-Y,,Little sunset 5124,ACt8ycSzpdE,, 5125,G8OTxsn7Bm0,,wanderings in siena italy 5126,upT9R6CO-Hc,, 5127,bPQdMRJ91u8,,"Poppies growing wild on a hill near where I live in England, taken on a Summer’s evening." 5128,8Br36-oRXDg,,"St Catherine’s Lighthouse, Isle of Wight" 5129,CJBCaMkLP_U,,Tip of canoe over a lake 5130,k1kFlhjVry8,, 5131,Ojdt_mSDk38,, 5132,uasc967z9fI,, 5133,OLC2nQUQhKA,, 5134,pA1fXKDwip0,, 5135,pH6vl8AHOjI,, 5136,2EGf-Ag2tyA,, 5137,g3AfGB9h1Eg,, 5138,ZoUpBFH_NZQ,, 5139,x5lMhzgCDRE,, 5140,7ipfwE3beik,, 5141,4_-u8IUasRs,, 5142,-aAucsS1f24,, 5143,UDG_wELaYUM,, 5144,BcD1vwoiaVo,, 5145,Y9mp8VnyreQ,,Fox🦊 5146,pyYTMUVVHtM,,Sky surfing - Airplane skytrail (contrail) in a wave of clouds 5147,6WUPDCnCMeg,,Milky Way among hoodoos in northern New Mexico 5148,lgF26_yD3mc,,Instagram: A photo of a cat named Momo I photographed while on another shoot with @sergio_snaps in Hyde Park. He had such a unique face so I just had to get a photo of him. Thanks again to Apple the owner (that was her name) for letting me take his portrait. I guess some cats look better with age? He was 15 years old. 5149,JkgVHEFSolA,,BUNNIES! We saw them at a farm stall and they were so cute I sat in the rain and fawned over them because HOW CAN YOU NOT?! 5150,4dnG_KjLPiM,, 5151,dfXDeGpXhdE,, 5152,uaJLLOhY2yU,, 5153,M603EjHnT9o,, 5154,DXs26MQJdzM,, 5155,ZCPwkmfsHNY,,Morning fog 5156,y3bgHYbFAJY,, 5157,4WHUSsDQtUM,, 5158,kp5FXwwZ7T4,,Ranunculus asiaticus;Ranunculus asiaticus (L.) Lepech 5159,skY1_GL45No,,"A spring spider, small, intelligent and that have beautiful eyes. Spring spider not having the typical spider outfit, so if someone has a arachnophobia and want to get rid of it start with this sympathetic Spider" 5160,CkWR0Tk72o8,,Roses in the rain 5161,1E8qo-fplqo,,Butterfly on Leaf 5162,_aZUDe5-0TM,,Eagle Nebula w/ Pillars of Creation 5163,lDiJHItixp8,,Arizona poppy pollen on Protoxaea gloriosa. 5164,cTyP4o0va5Y,,Spot surfers behind cliffs 5165,AKlzQNrTxuw,, 5166,YHVPKfbcofQ,, 5167,5jVXWpYsB_M,, 5168,lpu2T4Kts0A,,White Island (NZ) 5169,LLBHaRrsA2Y,,I bought this cute little lady to decorate my desk. 5170,jN6veAO4R3w,,Sea Light 5171,2NQ6ftSvjTA,,Late arvo we stopped in our way home to see what we have above. 5172,v1ySnKYCtrE,, 5173,e4xOmzd8vzg,,Above the Big Apple. 5174,2PakANi-QL8,,The night sky never stops to fascinate me. Especially the contrast between the snowy mountains and the stars. 5175,0koIWaAZbaA,, 5176,g137Qcdt_WY,, 5177,0M03LwqzZBM,, 5178,pZMz_YhZBrE,, 5179,8SivQyBVe2A,, 5180,H3JMIfuFdm4,, 5181,SX-57pDiwXk,, 5182,yGNW29N58JE,,Big Sur - McWay Falls 5183,zmA2gYoK844,, 5184,C_TkoY43wHQ,, 5185,NrOryg_70DM,,Greenhouse 5186,NcIqdCCcWt4,, 5187,FUGORD16rKk,, 5188,F_w27ZOGr9E,, 5189,3qoP52UWFiY,,"Active volcano - Mount Bromo, East Java, Indonesia" 5190,RMj_T-DMgDA,, 5191,r4_DayMRmlU,,Brooklyn fog 5192,9lcpZm-iUqk,, 5193,iV6B4CJqNQ0,,Help me fade into flashing lights. 5194,p8EnhMq-SDw,,Adventures in rainy forest 5195,X4S6nOLiyi4,, 5196,GY_YJtmwPas,, 5197,pGUmqkI2kRQ,, 5198,RuRYRswYDkk,,EARTH IS MORE VALUABLE THAN MONEY. Global climate change strike - No Planet B - 09-20-2019 5199,jTxLB1K9tnw,, 5200,1VIRv1zTbpw,, 5201,ajkqofd131g,, 5202,uRgBaTy6h0Y,, 5203,ZXuDkw7Be7E,,Lion’s face 5204,34VYZIxPpG4,, 5205,3eFEYj1wAhY,,All in a row 5206,LN5XeYAISaQ,, 5207,p0QXvtFjdnw,, 5208,MVJcEkePdlg,,Taken at 40m of west coast of ireland 5209,w9-Jt0OIPwY,, 5210,EOIToTneyZ4,, 5211,ZVBtg2zI6Xg,, 5212,AgfD0XDbrNE,,Green leaves 5213,m117hUWMu40,, 5214,_BfG3aGhKmI,, 5215,51dAtAlho8c,, 5216,jwVtyX01KCs,, 5217,JYgUSBcwmhE,,Cinque Terre 3 5218,L9d8igOT6iE,, 5219,vAxQRGqezXk,, 5220,UD72gxXTOMM,,Colors and Reflections 5221,tN8jULv1f08,,Heavy clouds were forecasted that night however a window opened for 30 minutes. And I was there. 5222,EggYutwSQBo,, 5223,5qvCZzhO1QU,, 5224,VPrJtXMySLg,, 5225,a4DetUeg_-Y,, 5226,3P0HuDHqY2A,,cockatoo looking upside down on a roof 5227,SD68VmEjzdA,,Are you ready for some snow? Some snow in my shoes — is not stopping me. 5228,XN9dwgqJNIw,, 5229,BXYKqXStTk8,, 5230,uR6dIgDnt38,, 5231,pHBplPLtltQ,, 5232,ROHriX4DtPo,,ocean 5233,fHaBDYb2dJg,, 5234,Gh7S9OwvLM4,, 5235,TDpoZ06YpGU,,Mortal outer space Halloween project 😈 5236,8qigdir-PfA,, 5237,A1JZ9krTGOE,,lakes and mountains...the best combo 5238,iBER-hi4DyU,, 5239,TwZiXqHfvYg,,Bibione - winter season 2019 2020 5240,S7ywAOqQBEY,, 5241,GzCeSAodc4Y,,coffee spoons. 5242,4PtD98mu6F0,, 5243,GItteEOU488,, 5244,m8v7BDLV8yE,,A puppy sleeping on a blanket. Full of love. 5245,879qVfj9txc,, 5246,ph7WwQfGdC8,,Vent on Wall 5247,PUKCK3--Goc,, 5248,v0sFWsMb1Ls,, 5249,SLmBb5T07sw,,"Dolomites, Prags, Plātzwiese!" 5250,ZsKSXBRZJ10,, 5251,WVkjUmBtv-w,,@ultrabrad | McCall Idaho 5252,R0Sir8eFUNM,, 5253,wT3lf5qweEI,, 5254,5zsuqCUXtq0,, 5255,jQ0AyTwRrq0,, 5256,bY3jN_teqtU,,A low angle shot of a sunset. 5257,nDi1FnvsiRk,,"Smoo Cave, Scotland" 5258,5rL7XPj-13I,, 5259,CnSQuQMoYIE,,"Mountain Rainier National Park, WA" 5260,fSNxJBAPWFQ,, 5261,cBY75aZddVo,, 5262,QEqwendVvQU,,Hot air balloon in Cappadocia 5263,A6pK6vCywBg,,Macedon Ranges | Australia 5264,BLEv2_ocIjI,, 5265,LoiTMNlopsA,, 5266,3nJEkAuRf_s,, 5267,aSIQAUaSQ6Y,, 5268,I2SEp-d3J4w,, 5269,grw2DRoqLAU,, 5270,lEj5WCWzIj4,,Cherry Trees in Salzburg / Austria. #cherry #tree #salzburg 5271,_Xeb-EIzQDM,, 5272,2WM1SY4O0lA,, 5273,RYTYua042v0,,A rock desert landscape at sunrise. 5274,arpKT6IRMus,, 5275,k8d6bp2Zh3Q,,"Minimal, White, and green is my favorite." 5276,x3TCL2PSXyo,, 5277,pPnPXduIwZs,, 5278,vpgmX8uggE4,, 5279,qeIh0T2ZKPI,,DEAR NEIGHBOR Cafe @ Hong Kong University 5280,qRzFbrK-bUk,, 5281,GTM-c9mCnCU,,Treasure hunter 5282,64e8mSfGKRc,,Shapely 5283,6v6ZfsD7TkA,, 5284,J1GkZvFw6Xc,,White Sheep in the Dunes of Sylt or the Scottish Highlands - Animals 5285,R6FTKYEzpMA,,It's time spent stargazing that I'm most glad life has given me the opportunity to witness the beauty of our universe! 5286,Q5ms-c062hc,, 5287,Z0za2Xh5ki4,, 5288,kjEBjje4-dE,,Painted silver peach 5289,RPe3f0ko_GU,, 5290,vbvgtUERHdM,, 5291,FhwJAiHGq_s,, 5292,56UMas5mIAk,,Angelic Highland deer in Scotland 5293,U_ed4780TBM,,Waiving goodbye. The sun will melt the ice — but not today. 5294,G-9RjDS7354,, 5295,wxXZ6vSgjBw,, 5296,O8o1vNXelBc,,Summer Morning in the Grass 5297,P6f7iQfnNWc,, 5298,bTFn9BELHp0,,Campfire 5299,Gnt2q-5I-yQ,, 5300,t1LU8HpERbw,, 5301,V0CKTSLHmKU,,"Took this the other day in the Cascade Mountains in Oregon. Cold landscape, warm skies." 5302,JilrMaQ43Mo,, 5303,u1Tjfbu53UI,,A podengo dog sleeping on a pillow 5304,OcyfTC5WeJs,, 5305,fNCT47HnlNE,,Beautiful reflections in a moody lake in front of a snowy mountain in the Rocky Mountains of Canada - by Jan Kronies 5306,-chdwgZoiRM,, 5307,KBXkv3ZNAGE,, 5308,-O7lmpJGjEo,, 5309,qYQE2Ekbhhs,, 5310,SHpq0Y8dsLg,, 5311,75715CVEJhI,,"One of my cats, Vladimir. He is from Russia! He has an instagram if you'd like to see more of him: @Vladimir_Purtin" 5312,fFlgthcnq4g,,Mavrikiy Island 5313,hyQSmDqsZTA,, 5314,qs4UkGjtG1k,, 5315,8PWMoSJrdLA,,flowers on the table 5316,DM_mRWgNQUg,, 5317,ZSvOIjQktbQ,,Two hikers and a lake in the swiss mountains 5318,b95kjjjjhHw,,Blue Jay flying away from bird feeder. 5319,RXqFDIWlhiQ,, 5320,5qsdjmqgH2s,, 5321,avstNl4hD2A,, 5322,1AjFW8aJGOw,,Franco ti odio 5323,6bvV9gDllE0,, 5324,sDY0c0m7V7I,, 5325,ZW3dnRiZD9U,, 5326,vIx55PnjL58,, 5327,xi1uWodzJro,, 5328,W4lEzi0XM28,, 5329,CN_42yx-2Xo,, 5330,IeRX8XZZBzc,,"Enjoy your meal! If you like this picture please give me a “like” let me know your feedback, or leave your Comments/suggestions below check out my Instagram @picoftasty more surprise there! From now on, Every Saturday (Central Time - US & Canada) I will release Lightroom preset for people who are interested in food photography check out my website and download it for free. This is a great opportunity to practice and take your images to the next level. - Now subscribe, get the latest release first" 5331,uYcEkcREK7E,, 5332,7Oc33M8vs0s,, 5333,2UpMepuEeak,, 5334,jUABxtsZRto,, 5335,gv3K2lZx2ds,, 5336,BQTeDdp2ZVY,,Lonely plants pt.1 5337,lvrTUp-jnpw,, 5338,6e1bs-HiA2E,, 5339,HoRz1E3nWVc,, 5340,Z67hhn3WeQQ,, 5341,A93gsuMxVcE,,Barren Countryside 5342,bS6hYldBDTY,, 5343,324ovGl1BwM,,Red rock waterfalls 5344,GjNs11Xnmfg,, 5345,rBYEbsJIwrY,,Na Pali Coast 5346,6UvCwtfv-lg,,Bright Moon Zelenci 5347,K1YRblz-rD0,, 5348,NRFJdmGTyhA,,Scenic beach off a cliff 5349,GfLUxuWZg0w,,Impressive granite mountain 5350,F0CW4F8ut3U,, 5351,5bPYpV_Icmw,, 5352,VdiIybARWVg,,Lakeside grass 5353,wn57cSQ7VzI,,Bull statue 5354,mhggGZl58nw,, 5355,KdZvvyemkPM,,Rooster side view 5356,B5PcDNbMu0M,, 5357,ZwI4uewZnPk,, 5358,lTe-_Yn6vBk,, 5359,F-teTYLMPYs,,This waterfall is called “Månafossen” which directly translates to “The moon waterfall”. It flows down stream in the south-western part of Norway. 5360,aKbEqMv0C-I,, 5361,yTDiDDIJmso,, 5362,xXMut5JKj38,, 5363,5y0S2uOViY8,, 5364,bmyxoe3MYpw,,"Lake Antholz, where the Biathlon World Championships will take place in winter!" 5365,C0OD8OM-oM0,,Imbé/RS 5366,8Ddfbsq6be0,, 5367,zof6TAxxano,, 5368,PRz3ZHo4aR8,, 5369,af532zkScZA,, 5370,wx5N2tZulfc,, 5371,ZEEmlVExQrE,, 5372,x7qj_D4dOzM,, 5373,s5WmKAt6Dl0,, 5374,ugcwlC0LQtQ,, 5375,Vf-ewWoMfbw,,In Full Bloom 5376,fa2Yf8x8_3c,,"Me and my gf went for a short walk on Sunday - the weather wasn’t the best, however it is always a great feeling when you go out and breath some fresh air. We stopped by this awesome orange pine (or fir) tree to take some portraits of my gf as I wanted to test my new 50mm f/1.2 lens. However there were still some small groups of people walking or running around us most of the time so we took a short break from posing for portraits. And as I was waiting for people to disappear in the distance I raised my head and looked above me through the viewfinder. This is the amazing view I saw!" 5377,1FDVPV_fx1M,, 5378,pOUA8Xay514,,Toshi the black pug 5379,gkiqxMENP1I,, 5380,8u_ayNSWoic,, 5381,80LaJg5ov2c,,Beautiful location! 5382,L79Jcm80Y3U,, 5383,Z_xEXzSZhgs,,"After record snowfall in Greensboro, NC (12/18), I wandered downtown capturing a desolate and over-exposed city." 5384,X1A_GgB34Vg,,A morning drive along the Icefields Parkway in Alberta. Follow me on Instagram for more @petenathanson 5385,N-mQRaHutps,, 5386,goGoK7gtRow,,Shine 5387,G_JaD0sXlVo,, 5388,fYarkPCI5Qk,, 5389,sIIZe2ACHiw,, 5390,rUoevJCLWlQ,, 5391,wY0wDz2iSpA,, 5392,wvWwItCssr8,,"Discover my childhood landscape, the one that surrounds me for so many years, from the sky. Indescribable sensation, incomparable moment." 5393,XhqAiWzGmZA,,"Immerse in the beautiful area of Madikeri (Karnataka), driving through the forrest was a great experience. Coconut trees in India are everywhere and the view is always spectacular." 5394,PjSxVpS_FLI,,look at my insta for more @rawcurve / 5395,iLPlvV2ntKU,, 5396,5o7Gj8l2AOY,, 5397,p5vZxxutXUI,,Shooting Stars 5398,wX7NeTEXq_w,,Colorful Flower with water drops 5399,UjLC1DeHtFY,, 5400,exx4eF-yJ1Y,, 5401,034P0H7vwsk,, 5402,l8Xg0WdsQKc,,"Golden October, as it says in the book!" 5403,l-kLSg1mIMA,, 5404,0aKcuV5znqw,, 5405,g1miJCXaGok,, 5406,Y-rOXxk9Xes,, 5407,h7Avg2PXXj0,, 5408,EKtslPxyFjE,,Foggy mornings in Seattle provide the perfect atmosphere... 5409,UgKZsDakCRo,, 5410,NIZ-8TFWLFY,, 5411,QgZ8YtxnOGY,, 5412,E4GIc8Z9wLE,,Available as a print at 5413,hBWGMj072TI,, 5414,xEXLpdGMNVY,,Tomato three ways 5415,swKgX5nCMMg,, 5416,ID4OhGirKvg,, 5417,p8BM14LpLF0,, 5418,gOHM6Qg-ErY,,A bridge in Scotland arial shot 5419,1PQYdjt7oxk,,Fall is my favourite season. The colors. The quality of the air. The fog. The temperatures are just right. What season do you like the most? 5420,CACQDEJknBs,,black and white cat. 5421,q61hX065mSs,,Kira 5422,zj7RXPg7yRU,,North America 5423,wg2xU_UNiVc,, 5424,xmlcrqeeCV8,,Beautiful sunset in Hawaii 5425,ojI-UOqIkUE,,"Second and final set of three aerial photos of the geysers and hot springs at Yellowstone National Park. This is one of my favorite shots--I captured an amazing view of an erupting geyser, spraying steam and sulfur fumes into the sky. The naturally occurring colors, caused by the minerals and metals in the hot springs, create the amazing blues, greens, yellows, and oranges." 5426,8PMkdKL_Oww,, 5427,qQfYkkzjunc,,Black French Bulldog with the tongue out and collar & leash set 5428,04I1gHNB3UE,, 5429,nSuY5im32Oo,, 5430,4P_iFjVBhLI,, 5431,D75zbV9FeFM,,Spring daffodils 5432,qDG05DPwZSY,, 5433,g5O1bjRD5e4,,town in the dark valley 5434,-YgjeN6beJw,,favorite stream 5435,X83bkXtLSSQ,, 5436,-MV5dLL5vOo,, 5437,PwF1zWCCDx0,, 5438,mb_Jz0rswCE,,Ventos de outono 5439,x4KHGHqRbh4,, 5440,1NWelRMqR4Q,, 5441,Vtl7MjBGPkA,, 5442,Zlx6F3CKcVQ,,Namibia 5443,FDuF2ywToNQ,, 5444,DWGBY2Wuqeo,, 5445,5m_mHHraMaY,,Bee Book and honeycomb product with lavender flowers flat lay on a wooden table 5446,Cx3S6SMiDuA,, 5447,6_NnPDTx72Q,, 5448,69d3fqlZCzM,, 5449,YX1iGfwNgl0,, 5450,ixD4y32EZIc,, 5451,pm6GX3AF2m4,, 5452,ul1ziqGW90c,,From the Heaven 5453,o2BDg2rvmeM,, 5454,NFj6pEUdmpY,, 5455,lKFiWrydyP0,, 5456,8-0Qv5D0X2A,,White tulips in spring garden on sunny day 5457,QnGqi8Rd-DA,, 5458,tn-L8982b3k,, 5459,RbZEoUkRbdE,,"Canapa Sativa Siciliana dei campi Molino Crisafulli, a Caltagirone (Ct) - Italy" 5460,X4WaO4SFQ2Y,,Accidental shot during a dive in El Nido - Phillipines. 5461,pPNJqvSAcpE,, 5462,T-0EW-SEbsE,, 5463,EM0kI2YTnP0,, 5464,cpxlLSN8NcA,, 5465,cXV0Si_tbbU,,The sun was setting on a quiet Sunday evening as I ventured into a very dense woodland near my home town. As we veered towards the edge of the forest we were stunned by the most incredible golden beams shining through the branches. My sister continued towards the edge of the forest and I held back to capture this beauty. 5466,AghUTwUuD0k,, 5467,jeijVHIFM-Q,, 5468,A7Yzb-fZNNc,, 5469,HxmmHVhJ2mA,, 5470,GAITSZuvo_I,, 5471,xpLNPVL3IJA,, 5472,TbjAclxbyAQ,, 5473,Ng4J06Y-B7M,, 5474,PpWIWHMRA5A,, 5475,Ji-W5tGH6MU,, 5476,wyMwxvwwOss,, 5477,3bOElZGFIBc,, 5478,7mfR5n3XozU,, 5479,fPbGZNZfDUE,, 5480,t4ynvtqc2Ck,, 5481,5Mmy6kg0yxI,, 5482,EWg-mAHuZqk,,Road winds through barren trees in early spring. 5483,VPSB45M7IfA,,Skógafoss Waterfall from Above 5484,Urg2oQ7Q-5c,, 5485,72GQ6dN_ubY,, 5486,NUOlhRbZdps,, 5487,QJNFKcofcOc,, 5488,AEgvTRJXm-U,, 5489,xpQQLDlD7uI,, 5490,vRc8v1NpZlU,, 5491,xu4M63Jc3CU,,Georgia mountains 5492,VIh-B-bNZMc,, 5493,qLD1ecHFVLg,,Stuck in traffic during an Uber ride. 5494,Gv-bIY2M4xo,, 5495,iHGcTV4QmFg,, 5496,i4Y9hr5dxKc,,An Osprey coming in for a landing. 5497,PZXfCAeAeXE,, 5498,oDgNnfhzXpc,,The moon and a couple of leaves 5499,ZFA5c0loQE8,,Penguins walking the beach in a group 5500,0nQyVZdt0nw,,Cactus in a small pot from the top corner 5501,vlmb9C2Ah_s,,Title: Still life with fish. Institution:Rijksmuseum. Provider: Rijksmuseum. Providing Country: Netherlands. Public Domain 5502,KPMzsQOw8NA,, 5503,ge04Fy2bEC8,,"vet, pets, dog, iv fluid therapy" 5504,3dVjKoVYgD0,, 5505,FUgY6QZ61y0,,Instagram:billow926 business e-mail 5506,Jdem_eQTHTQ,, 5507,_66BSxESN3s,, 5508,5qSCuY8qE8w,, 5509,LCanFGd68ns,, 5510,D7W4NAKJFts,,INTO THE NIGHT 5511,vUzCJ5RBRVA,, 5512,grCM24bO6qc,, 5513,BxR1MJ8ca60,, 5514,LUQehBE2FOA,, 5515,WDlqI4aDa4A,, 5516,bJ0lOLbUDTg,,Lake Tänndalssjön 5517,QFwLJSVRsxw,, 5518,Siv6j1dJzVM,, 5519,F9zR_IBSqw4,,"Taking our dog for her first hike in the snow and she loved it! The snow clinging to the trees made it so beautiful, despite the cold." 5520,k3lyazSYkFY,,Once upon a time in Gerês 5521,0qqWALcBFnY,, 5522,kZy1nlnf9Z8,, 5523,KWu_pl00QEQ,,Who are you? 5524,xBsxXrsTpPE,, 5525,_WThfbbHnME,, 5526,8rmYDezMIE4,, 5527,Q13yyWF05FE,, 5528,heeEKtHAYEg,, 5529,NVg0yEOoqBE,, 5530,TNTx5XKzcjg,, 5531,LwvI4hex7Do,, 5532,rR05vMl13gI,, 5533,A-G8q9zorGs,,One millisecond after I shot this picture the bubble popped. 5534,MZ-qSAwdhYk,,a bouquet of wildflowers. 5535,rRESblStjRg,, 5536,5MIyBZMf7us,, 5537,k35L5yISxl4,, 5538,h9MIH8j6BN0,, 5539,0TvvHQKcwRI,,sunset-lapmer 5540,onEC5llcpmY,, 5541,ezlulqxVHnA,, 5542,I3eKSkHXOG0,,Mountains Snow Lake Reflection 5543,_7bJUC2WAXU,, 5544,OL24DQ35pT0,, 5545,qfP1pMAYYhI,, 5546,-gJqD3dtluU,,Winter is coming. 5547,5UvzkkLrbG0,, 5548,VziE37AVI2w,,A photogenic fish poses for the camera 5549,5_ViQalsK3Q,, 5550,JTEi1fWSygE,,Sea and how i connect with her. 5551,kDrTt4sCC7I,, 5552,UhN03GxYXko,, 5553,3XWWFTKH2d4,, 5554,WMDvr2Av6cA,, 5555,P_DeR9_AuME,, 5556,OiRTwOIDRek,, 5557,Q8x0hSBMMGk,, 5558,8pgK9350lv4,,Alps @ Switzerland 5559,juq8dZOMD38,, 5560,wrl0_UPI0Hg,, 5561,C-I_w_Z5cG8,, 5562,RmyQy67U3HY,, 5563,w1Zk4MbGq0Y,, 5564,1VQVUiR9Kuo,, 5565,G_JiiEcrpDA,, 5566,TcNpLoAZkLI,, 5567,QFMOJsn_3T0,,goldfinch and bullfinch birds 5568,ts_Gq68ytOk,,The Hole 5569,a_nu2fRoqwI,, 5570,ywrYcjXJVtM,, 5571,R0vIDGIR9Ew,,calm. 5572,k7WetNdaY6A,,"Forest of lava trees resulting from eruption of a 1-km-line of vents east of Pu'u Kahaulea on Hawai'i Island's Kilauea Volcano. The bulbous top of each lava tree marks the high stand of the lava flow as it spread through the trees. As the fissure eruption waned, the flow continued to spread laterally; its surface subsided, leaving pillars of lava that had chilled against tree trunks. Spattering is from fissure out of view to the left. Note blob of spatter adhering to the top of the stripped 'ohi'a tree." 5573,KkHNZ2JTDgQ,, 5574,c85HdnKXTzg,,Berries in a snow covered bush 5575,5YIkcl0Bz_M,, 5576,ch7gjhW-ivU,, 5577,P6InS7LxUS4,,snow on orange leaf in winter. 5578,x3OSAqWYWaU,, 5579,ppMZQopIabU,,#greenmarket #morningmarket 5580,I5AYxsxSuVA,,Murmurations over Brighton pier 5581,gCVk-NOhp6A,,"Myrtle, the Puglington - Pug x Bedlington - shot using Rembrant Lighting technique" 5582,z4Hf3PDGxCc,,Fading fire at sunset 5583,NTt_sJMZEYA,, 5584,XU_MYbgspMI,,"A moment on Reynisfjara, the black sand beach in southern Iceland. The beach can get quite populated with tourists but patience with the crowds allowed for this moment." 5585,9HhnOtBi-Ng,, 5586,sY3yB1rjDUA,, 5587,LfEUDfXa7Vk,, 5588,x_KL-b7MhVE,, 5589,8IpLoxz_Wqk,, 5590,Gey6OS4ZZH8,, 5591,1_5J6uHtees,, 5592,WXp2BT0AgnE,, 5593,WnqZcnwPZ1Y,,The sense of space skiing down near the Gran Zebrù 5594,6biqtvPSCH4,, 5595,Yq52YU-GrbE,,"This works really well as a background, especially on phones :)" 5596,s5P2GQiweBY,, 5597,dxZHS55WnlM,, 5598,JFpIo92Moac,, 5599,fJ_eN5zFjgg,,Lush greenery in the Pacific Northwest. Large overlapping leaves create a vibrant atmosphere. 5600,FvnzX1dHlkk,, 5601,VxdlzR69Np0,, 5602,9tz7Agk8mgI,,"Ice on the glacier Lagune. What a miserable weather, non stop rain The lens need to be dryer all the time. The sky structure less, but the colors of the ice have been incredible." 5603,bdbTGHCmnpU,,Moody Sunrise 5604,eypeNHaLfPc,, 5605,mrk9YjyE9cU,,Camellia 5606,gE6UI_UGDWE,, 5607,GtlwUsWg7u0,, 5608,smc7o-dNYNI,, 5609,Jc3W4lMQWCk,,Hiking the forest road on a moody day 5610,Puo697EQZGU,, 5611,0eCPVce7Utk,, 5612,VoWrVCg1IdA,, 5613,IHdGUmpPiJI,,"""Bad Hair Day"". A Fijian Iguana in the process of shedding its skin." 5614,lsDB42t01JQ,, 5615,KzShFY3HEd8,,"White geranium, macro" 5616,MfyRvw596JQ,,Husky Puppy Looking Straight Into the Camera 5617,VISPUxoCwx4,, 5618,u8kxtV3raCQ,, 5619,_nqApgG-QrY,,"I used a cut-open plastic bottle to pour the paint. First black, then the cold, then the warm :)" 5620,LkiFg9Yqq1s,,Long exposure of an electrical tower taken at night. I used a flash to light up the electrical tower. The sky was exposed for 20 sec. 5621,6EKd_skBMJU,, 5622,eAtR0tXy3tU,, 5623,43J9_A7nxu0,,For more pictures: contact: 5624,8jNGvYybnA8,, 5625,dTbaL9VGNCc,, 5626,Hd2T6EzW_2Q,, 5627,34wMPQbgpqs,, 5628,_-RMtzOb2MQ,, 5629,yPC5-b3y1EM,, 5630,BXlSfmhVEzE,, 5631,DGziBHJLEIg,, 5632,wlkFoaFbqNk,, 5633,ZsOLUk8_FWw,,Follow Me on Instagram- @pratikgpta 5634,TA63W432ZII,,milkyway 5635,o6SIfbetZDc,,Red Castle //Utah// 2019 5636,K5pLGYJMHKk,,Derp. Instagram ( 5637,cJG8UJQT0Ws,, 5638,stpi6rLRQx0,,Sideways 5639,QSrhmfDNT1s,,", Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne" 5640,0wKbVgkFR3Q,, 5641,s9TJ2ncyLcQ,,🍩 Donut ! 5642,1tvzjgFADc0,, 5643,K--ihYGUN_o,, 5644,rbupxkfFqSE,, 5645,YxCyGRM0xYU,,Harrison H. Schmitt during the Apollo 17 mission. 5646,ebklUKCX6TQ,, 5647,6RE5Ilcj-QU,,"A macro photo of a Jumping Spider, probably Cosmophasis thalassina." 5648,JBQZF_KawMo,,Tulips after rain 5649,hbBdc9NOxps,,Bougainvillea and palm 5650,2-CW6LScbn0,,Winter berries 5651,-KxkDgEvWT8,, 5652,BOX4A2g3MdQ,,Blue 5653,fr1I0f26Jog,, 5654,ImBZS-6bVCM,,Volume rendering of the entropy in a 3D core-collapse supernova simulation at Argonne National Laboratory. 5655,ap9OIOg10Sc,, 5656,_UEn0G02KA8,, 5657,uw2J0770z6Q,, 5658,sC58WOuI7vM,,Foggy moody around bromo mountain 5659,8w_E-_ljrqc,, 5660,QBaoXfGP-gc,, 5661,5B-I62BwJ5E,, 5662,cZR7HvWy_ms,,Ottawa Tulip’s Festival 5663,DBM4oqyze88,, 5664,u457qCut4mw,,"Prickly pear cactus with yellow flowers, growing free outside an abandoned business." 5665,bfwhP9xodvE,,"Sunset over Shenvall Bothy, Scottish Highlands" 5666,KVy9zIdMwbM,, 5667,_j6wbAlQ1ow,,Orbs of the Multiverse My new Soap & Oil Planet series. 5668,2vBvK8NnUPs,, 5669,--SDX4KWIbA,, 5670,T8A0O2p_8ag,, 5671,V9pks_2Fqws,,bouquet of flowers on chair in a window 5672,TZQP5mNI3fA,, 5673,oOFrXiz8-0A,,Winding river under clouds 5674,nQtuv9JTzYs,, 5675,fdxtGbvDpIc,,Yellow daisy on black 5676,T1-nZX0OPvI,,Mossy mountain ridge 5677,haQ5cW9S6oo,, 5678,-1l9VYK7O4E,, 5679,Nw_D8v79PM4,, 5680,_KOiOzZa0j0,,Tending tiny white flowers 5681,fqrId9OgmH4,,Palm tree 5682,5SH4PHlGH_I,,Dew on green foliage in macro 5683,WfNOi2zxBMk,,Flower Vase 5684,ZW-DAc4_jw8,, 5685,1XKLbjpjfsU,,Rocky Shore 5686,lFpSPfVNIbo,, 5687,XlMO1d12W98,, 5688,3cweyzh4RCg,, 5689,HqehJBm7Yzo,, 5690,Uk9vZRJEbG8,,The light of the sunset creates a subtle orange glow in the storm clouds above jagged glaciers. Maybe a dragon will be born. 5691,352QM42iN7A,,An old man sitting in a Park - Berlin 5692,A9UJcN04wgY,,"Sun rays, for days." 5693,dLt8x2R2uBY,, 5694,bBL4o4BJxag,, 5695,KnoEP81a9Rk,,Taken on layers of glass and using paint and live florals 5696,yBGMn-hp4oQ,,Monkey in Indonesia 5697,UzOetzOumSA,,Soft pink petals 5698,IrM6Fvhmc9k,,Concret + Flowers 5699,ERDtf2D6xPY,,"Book of Psalms, Bible with green leaves and flowers on white background table" 5700,XOaGRAO5CE0,, 5701,S3_dzrI2LYk,, 5702,iskXW9D2XaI,,Painted Hills 5703,Cxzd5L90NTM,,Moonlight 5704,bdEB-TgRpOc,, 5705,UmFxT8lQBJw,, 5706,tgxqpsVG-0A,, 5707,OdAqbedkfiA,,Conifers at the foot of snowy mountains 5708,kYbc8Ltrt_s,, 5709,lVtlz3JRV6o,, 5710,w9UQ02x-QsU,,Lake louise in summer 5711,U5g4-PQeeKM,,Bridge Near The Beach 5712,SlzAPpWtHyQ,, 5713,RlSBud7YmWY,, 5714,CdbNtePkCSE,,forest sun rays 5715,f_cfBQSZgTo,, 5716,lrYzPTyEtHg,,Mountain in Hallstatt 5717,SHIDPK_URIU,, 5718,27GGDSsuQQg,,Violet water lilies 5719,5d2ETacuSgw,,Jumping high over cloudy mountains 5720,KpouF2UR_JA,, 5721,0MqeFyrZsoA,, 5722,mPVwSyfGdHo,,Florida Beach Sun 5723,K6lFOsVxaK8,, 5724,3xUiO2-3BT4,, 5725,Hy-eOCI25k0,,jellyfish 5726,3EhJH2ilLnA,, 5727,MwWsAfTIXJk,, 5728,CnvNLpQnz30,,Winter's breath 5729,RFNr7Q2trpM,, 5730,MsWZ18ySzco,,Don't forget to look up when you are in a slot canyon. 5731,3DVBjY83URg,, 5732,jgFA_cfgNHk,,I really like to photograph squirrels) 5733,RLlGYFFZ9_k,,"Gangwon province, Korea, night view, galaxy, universe" 5734,CpNHzJq9fMA,, 5735,yX_SdFLOgpw,, 5736,60PShgZzlnY,, 5737,XbGbigKAez4,,Muted summer foliage.. 5738,RixHj-Q6CaY,, 5739,6oAl2TPDEgQ,, 5740,gemA39BJHOU,, 5741,54j8X38VwoM,,"Huskey ride worker dog, huskeyrider" 5742,G79y_R0m4X8,, 5743,UBWnGHh-JIE,,"To get this shot, I went to Filisur (a small city in Switzerland), walked around 30min to be close to the viaduct and using Google Maps, I managed to see the best time to capture the train, it took a while to see the first train and with a good light, but the result was great =)" 5744,wAy3MicEu74,,Morning mist 5745,PZuIash2jZU,,cockapoo puppy looking like a teddy bear wearing clothes 5746,EMFc-h8NSJQ,, 5747,NEigHitVXbk,,Griffon dog lying in clothes black pajamas 5748,qw6_11-Ob48,, 5749,Auls8tAUE60,, 5750,zCXdITPhTkI,, 5751,nZSYmlHVFjU,,Sardiniabay 5752,Uh4ylA6VWYQ,, 5753,7r63yy3PHjY,,Wave 04 5754,WT_jlGC4RjI,,Sunrise 5755,L_hK813fu9k,,Ocean so blue 5756,iIK81QhpntA,,Mist shrouding a forest 5757,cuY2PJXucG0,,View of a horizon from a beach 5758,Rn1FBiO1kZU,, 5759,f8R_kFRACJ4,,Driving in the mountains 5760,we1tBosANpU,,"Balloon ride over hilly countryside in Riegersburg, Austria" 5761,E8M9WPOH0_g,,Waterfalls in the woods 5762,V7ZLzhBbY0o,,Marmot on a rocky cliff 5763,IhJ0hp4UVHo,,Wildflowers in Winter 5764,E-bEFCNPuvw,, 5765,J5S6SJzjyrk,,Grandmother’s flowers 5766,lG5skcBScoY,,Gloomy path 5767,euj6KbeuNJk,, 5768,Oy84q0IlQ_4,,Drone view of a night sky 5769,M6PJeMHl6cI,, 5770,wZybkWjETWo,,fada 5771,EkI9kedvfjA,, 5772,PA1oa5oULOM,,Please help support these images by viewing a blog post at 5773,oECdZLdijBU,,Full Moon Volcanic Crater 5774,L4NfLl7SJGU,, 5775,NwBZ94Leirc,, 5776,AUcG7hKM8w0,,Road to the valley village 5777,-KppBfOlugc,, 5778,n2QxaEjczJM,,Great red rock formation at dusk 5779,rEgveRa_5ds,, 5780,5ylV-khwM9s,,Ottawa dog 5781,hpXX7cJXleE,,Autumn forest floor 5782,zThTy8rPPsY,, 5783,w3Bee3kA898,, 5784,G4su92tyImI,,Tall pines in the winter 5785,9uUy6Rf7iPw,,Was walking around Airlie Beach and snap that cute colorful parrot. 5786,QNwET9cMlJU,, 5787,-BKkI_hy9PQ,, 5788,TzfAYmwwFP4,,Empire State Building 5789,V9mRmcZjToI,, 5790,XwM_9Hx7lXE,, 5791,C6VuGcWjQHc,,Tree Bank 5792,KCEwOduK8ck,, 5793,rkpZP_8R1LA,, 5794,-3cTY-Q6k88,, 5795,gC-D2J14si8,,Summer noon cloud 5796,qItn62Nb6Zs,,Watching the lighting is kinda scary but if you can take a photo like this. It is worth! 5797,yKFTT1ELWNY,,horseshoe bend 5798,XSzMnfgxikg,, 5799,lpxf698eF6s,,What a handsome alpaca 5800,LO7bR7RdPmo,, 5801,IJwweVIMxrw,, 5802,fv7ttjeTgyM,, 5803,czVdvCYsnG4,, 5804,R6fs9tqTVpQ,,Autumn fall countryside lane 5805,cUr8oSVN3NE,, 5806,BC_amF5ZDas,,"Nestled on Ten Mile Beach between Woody Head and Evens Head lies Black Rocks. A unique getaway distinguished by the crumbly Coffee Rock, giving the park its name." 5807,OkBI7PNsYys,, 5808,fq753OfZi0Y,, 5809,V9XdQA_Lz-8,,Colorful Bloom of a Lilly 5810,PO4mYiIjI9o,, 5811,BpH--upRlCs,, 5812,N56pNPcli_0,,Feel free to use the photo for non-commercial use if you credit my IG account (@with.mountain) on social media. Contact: 5813,O3YJvHJefXw,, 5814,gkjRlDIbNFc,, 5815,nT9jadSJQvk,,A boat in the ocean 5816,DmnOlnAWRdE,, 5817,qY1NKI6RUwQ,,My dog 5818,s79i3mBakbU,,"A plane flies into the clouds above Vienna, Virginia. If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 5819,ylIIzWBP45w,, 5820,Acm2u4rBYXo,, 5821,pWf3xq6lods,,A grunt sculpin (Rhamphocottus richardsoni) 5822,knpZDQSXrOQ,,english channel 5823,37y-rwXmG68,, 5824,6M0oZxnTTOk,,Raindrops 5825,NebZlAhqHTc,, 5826,MO1XK3d7S44,, 5827,T5mUXWrpVio,, 5828,nqQ6Ski2uvw,, 5829,rCd6UnPFVEs,, 5830,dJkYV4EgVZ8,, 5831,7lf1iuSVRXY,,sleepy 5832,fLIyZpAukDE,, 5833,uZSBGjGPoFk,,Peach rose 5834,0rCO8xvW6tc,,"dog, pet, cute, sit, beauty, filmstyle, cinematic" 5835,a_hPPrncGlQ,, 5836,CFAcehoXBZs,, 5837,YpqqApYeB9E,, 5838,4i6Fsw5kl5M,,Multiverse 5839,ttjZ2LAbwDs,, 5840,5zBl2v4aYXM,,"Cat, cute, baby cat, special, special cat, pet, film, cinematic, portrait" 5841,VWZ3OTlhqyE,,Oriental cat 5842,brnxc_LbhmM,,"Picture By, Lawrence Vinay." 5843,m2wVqd83ero,, 5844,PsFv4Gj0wrQ,,Steller sea lion posing. 5845,B2Qe6hrWcag,, 5846,YmJuwhrIvP8,, 5847,K-x7h4NXtAY,,"Moody cloud forest (found in Monteverde, Costa Rica) - by Jan Kronies" 5848,TLBtuIfGT3Y,,"A mist rolling through the forest, rain approaches." 5849,T593KTpGVI4,, 5850,ORJKv3R0PmE,, 5851,2fe4MyhhNxI,,"Mealt Falls, Isle of Skye" 5852,VaAT_S5Xlwc,,Bronx Zoo 5853,aT3VvFtsEQ8,,Lake DIablo at sunset 5854,39vpfhj59ZQ,, 5855,hgkjhbL5C1g,,Sunset with cranes 5856,emI7VUcvLi0,, 5857,zzPy6rFnMQs,,A single acorn and leaves with blank space 5858,vQgsIIVdVec,, 5859,tJtVwevSrvY,,Wild water forest 5860,rO891dYDJ5I,, 5861,nNNxBHA4ops,,"Plants in deep green, mostly leaves" 5862,pibsjChY-jk,,Infrared capture of the incredible West Glacier in Montana. 5863,lLUbQBbf6Bc,, 5864,wYcIMh-l3TQ,, 5865,yJuJszd5SwQ,,"Mud cracks formed on a river bed in Kutch, Gujarat, India. Patterns, textures and natural designs." 5866,bOHg3NmtWgE,,"Shark Fin Cove, Davenport, CA" 5867,Z7TD5rjQHVc,, 5868,c4haFZYuRq4,, 5869,b6217h9zVyQ,,Sunset in Puntacorvo 5870,11cvx-KcGRw,, 5871,vhP2cyHpcDk,,Sunset mountains 5872,Brp7zv5Xrr8,,The milky way over Eagles Nest. 5873,bwAVtjCknOs,,Blue Jellyfish 5874,HAfxeVUGVSY,,Etretat 5875,Qc4YBIo-1Ro,,Road to Schweitzer Resort 5876,jh8WipwZKBY,, 5877,-xy_ujtYM1Y,, 5878,gevel6AKpGU,,Ducking Around 5879,6pgpjcPNKrs,, 5880,PfTNxPww6bY,,"This amazing view is from Angels Landing, at Zion National Park. Getting there is a thrill, and watching this sunset was amazing" 5881,EPVTWAQsD4c,, 5882,PEzlKh7GcnQ,,The autumn 5883,PwzISwC2kLs,,"The place resides in north-eastern part of India, spread across Nagaland and Manipur. It takes 5 hours of trekking to reach this place, and by the time you do it's already late in the evening, so no sightseeing. You rest for the night in a guesthouse at the top of the hill. As the chill of the morning wakes you up and you go out to see the first light and feel its warmth, you surprisingly get this spectacular breathtaking view. Every time I look at the picture, it reminds me of that morning, that calm atmosphere, the fresh air, the rich colours of nature, a true paradise far away from reality." 5884,SwIh3kr1__U,, 5885,ZBUesmAQapY,,Napoli Coast 5886,99OFKjzpSMs,, 5887,EAH3N7R-Ngs,,"Mars (left), Jupiter (right) 16:9 Panorama of 9 vertical shots taken in the summer of 2018 when mars was at opposition. Shot with the Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 for Sony E-mount, one amazing multipurpose lens! If you download and use this image kindly consider making a donation,or at least give it a like (that’s free!). Any contribution will be much appreciated!" 5888,hvjgkhxEwe8,, 5889,mZHka6FRCj0,, 5890,8vwjO4ucBA8,, 5891,GfFFOqiTH4M,,Neon Quote Sign. #neonsign 5892,NVmgCHbgdx0,, 5893,i6epKg39R60,, 5894,JYZoEt0dSn8,, 5895,yCh6kaI0ZkQ,, 5896,ypibB9C-W2E,,Sunrise in Male' city Date: 5.9.2019 5897,7x5OMOsQw6M,, 5898,GiF7nzJBNKQ,, 5899,2GW_HCfZjZ8,, 5900,8Lx05VYjz20,, 5901,Os0yZJISLqA,, 5902,FGjR4IGwP7U,,Rainy New York scene. 5903,ExgjQ-dXsv4,,Dripping 5904,qzDWBdtd9m4,,A Bald Eagle in a forest. 5905,R-CrIoLU11M,, 5906,GEZ0FhIad1s,,pomeranian on sleds in a winter wonderland with balloons 5907,HjlBQUKunwk,, 5908,o9wMDPHaPKQ,, 5909,auPmvdEJQ-4,, 5910,hIeOM_GjgvE,, 5911,_9-ni_UhjZg,, 5912,E_H-5Cyxjfc,,In the forest 5913,_o736AObRRA,, 5914,xGQdUzyNje0,, 5915,4UBHkX2rlMY,, 5916,b7jGGUO4LFs,, 5917,aUuQ90vcbpY,, 5918,e8R5ATqC8-0,, 5919,xHxzkyVE7NU,, 5920,fUE29IBWtRA,, 5921,WeX_0rAiRxU,, 5922,gJHeUIfFjfY,, 5923,5nkadYXTBpM,, 5924,CuZub0D22u4,, 5925,zAm8YFpCCsc,,The Pelican nebula 5926,Bn8igtvsXzY,,bougainvillea flower. 5927,vGLXKqCY66Y,,"A nice blue hour shot in the Great Sand Dunes National Park in southern Colorado. I drove my minivan to the dunes to capture some astro-photography and got there right as the sun was setting. I went out into the dunes to get my bearings before waiting for the milky way to rise and captured this shot. If you look closely, there is a singular man at the top silhouetted by the dusky sky." 5928,K3kFkfjnZ54,, 5929,_WiFMBRT7Aw,,Steep brook in the forest 5930,K2SXdKPEhcg,, 5931,RkxAeG0YdTI,,At the edge of a conifer forest 5932,iU25xH2wEDY,,Fish in azure water 5933,EKIyHUrUHWU,, 5934,FXbxrC1LtrM,, 5935,89hxasw-4E0,,Gorilla looking up 5936,Z9J2Tau44Vg,,Tree-lined Siegessäule skyline 5937,8n-3h1WkaQk,, 5938,CRjCvUBXmvg,,Old steel bridge 5939,356V-ooP184,, 5940,8_sJ6E94w-w,,Horse herd at dusk 5941,VyKP21q9RZ8,,Brasil succulent 5942,zH9dWD_KttY,, 5943,63yI-VSessk,,Sunflower in bloom 5944,410vhNRq7_Q,,daisy-wildflower-close 5945,7WWyRNDCQgw,, 5946,SUgjIT8-eOk,,Arid mountains 5947,VGDq7059Sts,, 5948,diDwi---5lo,,Mist on forested hills 5949,d2wuqguRzZ0,,"During a week long backpacking trip through the High Sierra Mountains in California, our first evening greeted us with an amazing scene of light streaming through the Minarets Pinnacles, a series of jagged rocks a part of The Ritter Range // follow my adventures on Instagram @jknepp" 5950,VS8suHoZ8KE,, 5951,jYpBrPayXM8,,Macra X-ray of mushrooms with false colors. 5952,FygfEHNM1b8,, 5953,lVI14capYAQ,, 5954,t2vQ-HyQYvI,, 5955,qJhwq8vulK4,, 5956,KIJYJLQlylI,, 5957,Ww2OeKVqHY8,,Lost in Desert! 5958,c4IBsSCuwIU,,"This illustration provided a 3D graphical representation of a number of Rotavirus virions, set against a black background. Note the organism’s characteristic, wheel-like appearance, which was made visible when viewed under the electron microscope. It’s this morphology that gives the Rotavirus its name, which is derived from the Latin rota, meaning ""wheel"". Rotaviruses are nonenveloped, double-shelled viruses, making them quite stable in the environment." 5959,DmjsBtfqywM,, 5960,sC4USXHzL3M,,Smiling Hyena 5961,vXjNwYi2B8M,, 5962,4Chuane9YwM,, 5963,EJ8wV3reASw,, 5964,aD3JtBykp-8,,and we'll all float on. 5965,1e_y2TFohKU,, 5966,To4BFrz-CN0,, 5967,-3qSsolbivo,, 5968,LT65hL9fcP4,,Aerial (drone) view of Arctic Icebergs 5969,LIj0__XAnu0,,"The Texas State flower, bluebonnets, contrasted against the backdrop of a classic red and white barn." 5970,sB0IHgOuU2E,, 5971,HXaon3dwhk4,,hd background of waterfall next to ocean 5972,xYzqDr0DBNw,,Please follow me on instagram! @chrishenry 5973,CsbjgzTH-nI,,Sunrise 5974,WNMaBz8Rcio,, 5975,MElp4bG_5Vs,, 5976,vk6yq8misec,, 5977,eQt87l3yfnE,, 5978,l-DhcRijUyY,, 5979,sL3CO0rSBaQ,,"Coral Trout. The Coral Trout is a predatory fish inhabiting the Western pacific ocean. They are often a beautiful orange or red, with blue spots. Photographed at the Cairns Aquarium." 5980,JxcJn9RnsWo,,"Surprized cat Odessa, UA 2019" 5981,jKroy1wvrW4,, 5982,x6B9MWORhSE,, 5983,m4e5KSssRB8,,"Cacti, Arboretum and Botanical Garden Trompenburg, Rotterdam The Netherlands" 5984,XOyxignLq1E,, 5985,ON1Cn-xpI3o,,"Drone shot of the forest and cascades, Pemberton, Western Australia. I would say Pemberton is one of my favourite towns in Western Australia. The gorgeous forests, the smell of the sweet, earthy air & the silence is a welcome relief to the hectic go-go-go of the city. I feel this photograph does an amazing job of portraying this feeling of ‘comforting isolation’. I feel all humans are naturally wired to feel more grounded & alive when close to nature. The forest towers above me and the roads are empty… Yet I feel more at peace and connected than I have in a long time." 5986,kEWgZCXhMYs,, 5987,EVtAn8yQ250,,"Plitvice Lakes, Croatia" 5988,8MYXXe1uozM,,Puffin 5989,IeZLzgGuFAk,, 5990,E9rLbhnJoWk,, 5991,Geq2WJvDzlM,,北京秋季落叶猫 5992,akNHTG8zEiY,, 5993,lCQ0y0Fm4hw,,"Rufous-Tailed Hummingbird (Amazilia Tzacatl) - Drake Bay, Costa Rica" 5994,MO-6ciutGXY,,Vik’s Black Beach 5995,mrHMlOspL50,, 5996,G_zIaQlhpZk,,Morning campfire 5997,cUAm6kqdT6w,,Banksia 5998,C3pzgcA3Uk0,,"Summer, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne" 5999,9sOpMec31PM,, 6000,1GXoWtfjxqw,,Greenhouse exploration VI 6001,r1miJNBdJrc,,Naptime for this wolf 6002,pLFIqmpfZSI,, 6003,ovlpqD8fb4M,,Iceland waterfall 6004,cwxXiiFnixg,, 6005,okNjFhwkfm0,,Silhouette of a man riding his bike at the beach 6006,sEhHko2u1mA,,Tin Bider is an ancient and eroded meteor crater on the Tin Rhert Plateau in the Algerian Sahara. Tin Bider is nearly 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) in diameter and was caused by a meteorite impact in this region of northern Africa roughly 70 million years ago. The other streaks near the crater are unrelated to the impact event. These rock folds are geologic features older than the crater. 6007,ZMcLVBi9xx4,, 6008,4esAX0n8dOA,,Coastal Views 6009,PdZnthaFdKU,, 6010,-UrmKM-sTq0,,Exploring the mountains in autumn 6011,nMDtGlqLtZw,,Hikers in the High Tatras 6012,j7m7yfl3w-M,, 6013,WSFY8g2CJDo,,Macro of cat’s head 6014,GEhel8749cY,, 6015,ZQwyFDqNxa0,,A forest in the snow 6016,kMU_2u2Ap2g,,Two horses grazing by a lake 6017,-6UNL6Ghn_c,, 6018,7DuOJmIsFx0,,Moraine Lake by surrounded by trees and mountains 6019,FtOQH6aFDCo,, 6020,pI2BcDA6Hsw,,Inside of the small wave 6021,8OU9YceYtJY,, 6022,XCL4bRfnD0k,, 6023,Fyxq6Paxskw,, 6024,mFECC6AY67E,, 6025,71DPL8YAx-8,, 6026,aKbcDhr7eI0,,Jungle fun with flares Follow Instagram @_stuartdavies 6027,IJDY2mghqe4,,"drought, desert expand globally even in areas as central Europe have problems with to little water if you follow the link you can see how dry it is in Germany" 6028,xelC-x_Uvh0,,"My new puppy, Bradley" 6029,LLBNCFTLB-w,, 6030,SEXw8U_E-9o,, 6031,GKtf5t8xn7w,,morocco desert sky the Milky Way 6032,Ez5V2THOpDo,, 6033,EuSngguD40I,, 6034,Hf1Wk-T4Lxo,, 6035,x_jTtMOOMd4,,Swimming at the beach 6036,l61smgU3Y7w,,Surfing wave 6037,GnSUxDu5YB4,,Clouds surround a mountain 6038,WG5NqS_n7j4,,Colorful rock face by the water 6039,U5rMrSI7Pn4,,Pug snugged in a blanket 6040,gKbZBSnpdgA,,Crescent forest road 6041,9kbsq91NFwg,,Full moon and branches 6042,Gxu2qqKFqoM,, 6043,jUlbX-PZKP4,,"This shot was taken during my last trip to Amsterdam. It was the last day of my travel, me and my friends were in the center of the city. When I casually raised my eyes to look the place and then I saw this geometric shape." 6044,EX2L9yoQEGs,,Lavender flowers up close 6045,gQrYB3j9mJ0,,Flying domestic from Newark to Milwaukee to start an epic 2500 miles motorcycle ride on Royal Enfields for a Thrashville story. Check it out at 6046,KYr62DW9i4w,,"I photograph almost exclusively in the morning when I go to work. For a while now, I’ve been picking different routes to work and shot everything I found even remotely interesting. This is one of my routes." 6047,1qhPLP0upU0,, 6048,4BBubjsxFvc,,Horsing around 6049,FwaSpxu9yA0,,jaipur textures 6050,WfYedPKs-R8,,Favorite time 6051,Wssgnfn6F8M,,Soft Universe 6052,bhIQEe_26mk,, 6053,tcehx6j7vaM,, 6054,xCIUbJzLroI,, 6055,wq1BodC0TS8,, 6056,WwrhlbLFmyM,, 6057,6Xl_GxiMKSM,,The road through the forest. 6058,Dj3ZL8go6y0,,curiosity killed the cat.... this fox made it :) 6059,jdtI316Vgfk,,Singapore gardens forest plant green waterfall park tourism Asia nature tree travel modern beautiful flower tropical gently tenderness herbs fern 6060,vT_JAucWU00,,"During Golden Hour, Grzes, Tatras" 6061,oNHnYgMdZto,,wedding bouquet 6062,pc8cLmKBLVA,, 6063,viEJOM-6NAA,, 6064,9_zozKmBgRQ,, 6065,eum_YYP_H78,,how blue can the sea be? 6066,57z_qzb8KVQ,, 6067,vMn1VwthDFg,, 6068,zzux2cH-F-A,,Snowdrop woods 6069,ce7Y6VlaMZw,, 6070,LwHpgXCW-0c,,"Lantern Slide - Glaciers, Antarctica, 1907-1914" 6071,Il7s321k7_g,, 6072,BxY-nv-RBsA,, 6073,0uaSThUbRmA,, 6074,dfBgZCUp1o4,, 6075,9Bt8wXvar6Y,, 6076,ZnA-YoH77Po,,Foggy Mountain 6077,qTN7y0IyG4w,, 6078,p6m_BWCHzJE,, 6079,f7wHooaH-YI,,under my umbrella 6080,Om51NdOhNX4,, 6081,wg9uiLcE6XM,,"Szafranka czerwona, samiec" 6082,6uc7BqmrSJM,, 6083,GnSjLdysow4,, 6084,Jm3U2aR1ekM,, 6085,8zZf1FEaiSA,, 6086,EyRalaLicv0,, 6087,c6Q2ANaZqQI,, 6088,bzOhmrLjbeI,, 6089,biyW-piLJ7Y,,Handheld shot of the moon at dawn 6090,G7qe8gt4T1U,, 6091,sQlxZiDWSGc,,wild floral on white surface with copy space. top view - flatlay 6092,e_Db0hkk3Lo,,Rainy mood. 6093,oG6kMRU9GWI,, 6094,EbvX20imFmM,,Frosty Autumn morning 6095,LmTKlDEy4wU,, 6096,KFKcVW_4PAk,,My #frenchie 6097,lt6gE86VyaA,,"Captured by a sound-activated camera placed near the launch pad, this photo shows a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifting 60 Starlink satellites to orbit. The satellites will eventually provide Internet access to remote areas of Canada and the northern United States. The cryogenic rocket fuel is super-chilled, causing frost to form on the outside of the rocket. The shaking of lift-off causes the frost to fall from the cold rocket until it is vaporized by the heat of the exhaust." 6098,qplOPFWwEJ0,, 6099,2qAYutRPgoU,, 6100,fFmCevlfWlo,,Tokyo Birdeye View 6101,dOlBjtJfFkk,,Earth's shadow on the Moon 6102,cqF08K4A3kI,,Colorful Ara parrot wing 6103,ZAul1EmXrdI,,Mossy memories 6104,mA_KoHBMAnM,, 6105,tGzA4Bf1zck,, 6106,gbfoKls0V-0,, 6107,Aq3NQwdqOU8,, 6108,JnaqkY-wRYI,, 6109,hhdKoEGW8YY,,Looking Ice - perhaps a more appropriate name for Looking Glass Falls on this frozen day. 6110,0y2O5rLgi1w,, 6111,P81LbTij5Ro,,"Portage Glacier. Chugach National Forest, Alaska." 6112,5tauz4uFeDo,,"Millie, the Cocker Spaniel self-isolating during the Coronavirus outbreak." 6113,K8wq-Ozdvj4,,The Flower #artsy #Flower #aflower 6114,NayrpkeMdJc,, 6115,CMstEftd1R4,,"Another day. Another walk, part 1." 6116,h2pcUpLSKVI,,Please follow me on instagram! @chrishenry 6117,fQczbbxZXQc,, 6118,Z9us-Jpvkk4,,Pastel florals 6119,V19xKrq6Lqc,, 6120,RFz8sIn8EzY,, 6121,e9W084wv0No,, 6122,7YfwiR8hpc4,, 6123,T2r9oWS-NDQ,,Spiralling Staircase pt.1 // Follow me on Instagram to see my new and latest photos (@__sham.bam) 6124,Tn09il6Doe4,, 6125,UzO4kgBMCv4,, 6126,L231l5xoV08,, 6127,aQc61CdLhvc,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 6128,I8eMPkbcHfs,, 6129,AVglEOUTpuM,,Tabby resting on a bench 6130,r0J9sGBWFOc,,Innsbruck mountain under fog 6131,0CA620eIwvc,,Curiosity & Enormity 6132,deHOEUf7X4M,,"Not only is Singapore Botanic Garden the oldest garden in Singapore but it’s also the first and only tropical botanic garden on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. It’s a place of true beauty. Open from 5am to midnight daily it’s free to visit, so good to have this vast green space open to everyone to enjoy. Families were enjoying the space, tourists and locals, some walking, some jogging, some meditating and some dancing in a group. It’s a real ‘peoples space’." 6133,jFe7cVwN9EI,,Overcast sky over a mountain pass 6134,Irk9KPCWZoY,,Spreading good vibes. Let us know what you create! 6135,ccBjJELcYLs,,"There are few places I have no words for, this is one of them…" 6136,wUSoHXq3v4g,,Granite peaks over a forested valley 6137,vmqim3PbzMc,, 6138,CqgbxNGsf6Y,,Wood pile in a shack 6139,0ufo_AhJ2jU,,Hunger 6140,fczScUUQ2FY,,"Silhouettes, Sunset Collection" 6141,8OpoaLl9yok,,Nature 6142,ViZ9jzAfuJY,, 6143,C5xOWA6WEG0,,View on Paris from Eiffel tower. 6144,PkXNYci4p4Y,, 6145,lyStEjlKNSw,,Friends will be friends 6146,B9uvQJgPeVI,,IG 👉@tandemxvisuals 6147,EfZBmS4Nu3U,, 6148,H7lOI44BLec,, 6149,DWCbM1b_PbY,, 6150,oz8ufR7FIAg,, 6151,USS8_fIsprQ,,Green shoots coming out on a tree. 6152,xeFDdF5azzI,, 6153,Q6p4GExQeA8,,Cheetah in the Serengeti 6154,MCIPw2QSniM,, 6155,0GM9rnGzBUI,,Man photographing on the rocks. Follow me on insta @bailey.shoots 6156,nJMuLxTQydE,,detailed summer beach view 6157,nufybs_HQKc,,"I hope you like the photo! If you do, please leave a like. Feel free to check out my commercial food + hotel photography here on my other account: sebastiancoman and visit my website to get in touch with me:" 6158,316Bp23oLt8,,Yosemite Half Dome on medium format film 6159,F8kVbIUIOZo,, 6160,eN6xK_EpGdU,,Collared Kingfisher. 6161,Y7wZ2qRK0hM,,Wood 6162,I8cimlwEVOo,, 6163,wfXF5aAdvS0,,"Image taken from page 298 of 'Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853 and 1854, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry" 6164,oC9vwHUoRxo,,Shooted on Dji Mavic Pro 6165,Nr3lSVE43XA,, 6166,2qSc9Jm3uTI,, 6167,ocFm38bEyTE,, 6168,RMSeVxRJK9k,,Sunset after storm 6169,sLQfj__BtWY,, 6170,KFwZzfMC3Ss,,Wood texture from eucalyptus tree 6171,DyKNWG7d1yk,, 6172,hXSE3xI1y4w,, 6173,8Oz7s7fi9vM,, 6174,UklXbPE-Hos,, 6175,WUnVkNLfA7w,, 6176,ysLZmXc7dsQ,,Countryside Golden Hour 6177,EXuKQaf3Ei8,,Horse baring its teeth 6178,6itktBSoYjo,,Hot air balloon in blue sky 6179,Ta58Bnoo9bA,, 6180,9xYPtngecWw,, 6181,Zj4y1Ci0yAk,,Purple and Pink sky 6182,DQNs-72u860,,Countryside under the mountain range 6183,f5Fx_B3Qc4o,,Sunrays over woods 6184,03YJ4PT6uKM,,Mountains rising up from the clouds 6185,ptojCRijT3E,,Red and white mushroom 6186,MlRFRREhho8,,Pony herd in the autumn 6187,Jg-g4SM3jx0,, 6188,8tem2WpFPhM,,Firewood for the winter 6189,2_3g53wNQk8,, 6190,fuAy6Gs8QCw,,Snowy Mountains France 6191,l7johAWZ_iM,,"Plätzwiese, High Plateau at Prags in the Italian Dolomites, South Tyrol." 6192,i92q7QYl5AQ,, 6193,YcdJU6enWL4,, 6194,M1QzDIabr3Q,, 6195,r4bAh1wL9S4,, 6196,o1Ev6tF9Y4U,, 6197,M5kI-5OFviE,, 6198,nB8Q_e35cFM,, 6199,eMDhTAw6Zp4,, 6200,CsE8s5zuUGg,,White blossom tree in the evening sunlight 6201,Yz34Nz4aIAo,,Please follow me on Instagram @thomaslangnes 6202,yHST1WmTqzI,, 6203,U8-U5cH1O4o,, 6204,RqbB-fNP6dQ,,A Pineapple Express Cocktail with a Passion Fruit Garnish. 6205,2opFBNXAJzw,,Jetty Beach #maldivesislands #maldives #maldivify #instago #maldives_ig #travelcaptures #nature #ig_global_life #oceanholic #moodhu #asiatravel #excusethehashtags #islandlife #beachesnresorts #bestplacestogo #travelinspiration #holidaypictures 6206,hBhfEXkihOs,,More of This 6207,vMtCnxmODfU,,Watch and Sunglasses by the swimming pool summer time 6208,CTuzHNchLVU,,Blue skies and snow at Mount Robson 6209,9jw_NZJ8miA,, 6210,T0CoYITBuaA,, 6211,PjTBdhXI_7s,,Park City night sky 6212,1PhcPDabyu8,, 6213,l9bESp2DG8I,, 6214,ZC-5oGQAGSc,, 6215,b2r6HhUD3vs,,Diverse flower vase 6216,EZwBWe2XxKg,,Palmeira 6217,CncOSlhYvW0,,reached unsplash H O M E page 26 / 05 / 17 6218,QJ8xjeIjROk,,Sheep gathering in a field in Yorkshire 6219,epbFlGlHb2k,,Glendalough bird 6220,UVyOfX3v0Ls,,Adventure in the mountains 6221,iafcRHii_1I,,"This star trail photo is the very first one I’ve taken. It is composed of 170, 30 second exposure photos blended into one final photo. I took this photo right at our backyard and although the composition isn’t perfect, I love how this photo turned out, it gives the impression of a sky full of falling stars which is amazing and surreal." 6222,SF4gmhPd84M,, 6223,hUp58GsPKAw,,Frozen 6224,oCFmEIACoh8,, 6225,G9VZnGLCUwA,, 6226,OV4ZAabvPoY,,Carefree 6227,FPmRheqlFbQ,, 6228,sbZU1j31ggE,,Cars wind their way up and down Winnats Pass on a snowy January evening. 6229,c-6pkOSP8t0,, 6230,QtpcZ6Hx5KQ,, 6231,XOA3-WglG8A,, 6232,D9gJhpvzvrM,, 6233,Wqm4-dLJ7Zc,, 6234,hsscTvn6WlQ,, 6235,z0rOYhd70Mo,, 6236,aUogDKapyIE,, 6237,_nY-cwxNPuU,, 6238,I9-tfPOUdpw,,"The year after I retired, I snow -birded in Arizona. The sunsets were my favorite things about Arizona. To learn how to take pictures like this, read my educational blogs at" 6239,72vYm4Q3dCg,, 6240,URWAAwLNFuE,, 6241,FvTn9Dlv39A,, 6242,2ItamjVvf-0,,Borderliner 6243,YTFcqSn7zQk,,"I captured this photo in woods of Vail, Colorado this afternoon. I used my 70-200 lens with a 2x and high shutter speed so I could rapid fire handheld before he scurried off to find his lunch. Spring is only a couple weeks away, and this handsome fella is ready to hunt!" 6244,HkBUjbbZQMQ,, 6245,1JXd96WKotU,, 6246,xIyq6MJ7G3E,, 6247,4mA9_5vbZ_s,, 6248,KBHqwZ4z69Y,, 6249,4vJI1vq0UCk,, 6250,Ti8NogDRMBs,, 6251,gGI_UtxcNkk,, 6252,BLFJHr4hrfk,, 6253,4J_1bwE8-BY,, 6254,D2nNU7CBkeI,, 6255,K3q1KVUeGQY,, 6256,ar13WJ3PpHk,, 6257,-o3n0pGzjHA,, 6258,1tpePb85fzM,, 6259,jlk3NsmBuJw,, 6260,0NZDUuQvjcI,, 6261,2HI-i7o1qQc,,Winding Winters 6262,hxWfMMnF5-Y,, 6263,lbmrrNgq2lo,,Nimbus 6264,g8bA98ZYr-g,, 6265,cHMPGlV-78c,, 6266,xP4LtXeaZ6g,, 6267,aYC1O4eTG5M,,On a trail in Iceland 6268,qk_YEHM0H-U,, 6269,CupKDzqvtlk,, 6270,g_eJl04NKEY,, 6271,s_NpXXUCPeI,, 6272,goTLMOVgAo8,,look at my insta for more @rawcurve | 6273,8OOkmGgh1VU,, 6274,ZfWvyate1EU,, 6275,RApQxN_Js5Y,,Deuce and Ruby. Brother and sister. Friend and enemy. 6276,LT1LK5UaU_g,, 6277,NAt_DQ-TyEY,, 6278,hYV224kZ23Q,,Pumpkin season 6279,fdGxX1O3DNY,, 6280,NXpIPtzrslg,,"We waited for the sunset to loom over the cold beaches of Tofino. As we waited for the sun, the sky became enveloped in a cascade of saturated pigments and hues. As the ocean began to recide, and the sun began to wander out of the grasp of our eyes, a man wandered in front, out for a leisurely stroll across the beach." 6281,zEAIgUBbDK0,,Yellow heart 6282,3bdiIO1vjuU,, 6283,CYVb5FaJzFk,, 6284,FJ_8VRdPFAQ,,"I have been studying a new book on Lightroom software, especially how to make panoramic views. Most of my panos come out looking long and thin like a bumper sticker. But using a few tricks I just learned, this pano is more square, at 10,000 x 6085 pixels. This was made from 5 photos taken in June at Ecola SP near Cannon Beach, Or. To learn how to take pictures like this, read my educational blogs at" 6285,ZsnMNp8SVW0,,Morro Estrellado 6286,sxh5dE2bD50,,Sakura 6287,J8yfVLm00mQ,, 6288,U8pgck1dgtQ,,The Little Guy 6289,VBE6B99R3Oo,,Patterns in the Sand 6290,g1ppbbqrZuo,, 6291,tYvDUnU1tN8,, 6292,fvEO6jLGyic,, 6293,GyALQFQ9cp4,, 6294,5yOefHJEaGw,,walking in city slush 6295,PVBoJEDJu-E,,Wavy ocean at beach 6296,_gXgOTSQy1k,,Rome Altare della Patria 6297,jjomJChoTgA,, 6298,on6575qnuzg,,Forest Fungi 6299,3VhSG1g8Reg,,Keep calm and guard on 6300,E1KWzfCtdSI,, 6301,G9zkaRjVOS4,,View of the flat countryside under fog 6302,714AY_xpEyY,,Friendly fox in Hovedøya 6303,6nrE8WMLCMA,,Wild Deer 6304,soIigqWsH_g,,Is all about light 6305,MruMbGWdj9Q,,Lynx kitten 6306,1aqRkSR-66c,,Puffin on Staffa 6307,81ZI1By9294,,It would have been way easier to edit this photo if the water had been cleaner. I easily removed more than 100 spots in the water to get it that clean. At least the orange leaves in the water look great 😁 6308,43xyqHpv-wo,, 6309,HmSyUTHWSk0,, 6310,Fy-qf6eIkHQ,, 6311,tLOb9NdcIDM,,Greenhouse exploration IX 6312,wsqEZPXMAjU,,Some beautiful catci in a greenhouse in Munich 6313,ceZPfkU-i-E,,Instagram: @ivaylovalkkov Doggo 6314,u-RYD-Ipr9Q,,Fresh flowers 6315,FUhe1wl4D9k,,BUNNIES! We saw them at a farm stall and they were so cute I sat in the rain and fawned over them because HOW CAN YOU NOT?! 6316,9DpKKl9Ypdg,, 6317,tysAsdeKr-o,, 6318,2aZ_Hvb2cJ0,,Soft pale floral double exposure 6319,Xa7PXbsD2ro,,For more go on Instagram: 6320,YmsrXcDf0J8,,I can't get over the beauty of mist rising from forests. 6321,uhiq7aVvCjk,,"Borzoi , flowers" 6322,mV5s8AVX0Ss,,Milagres under the sunsets light 6323,Xh4yVFNT5iw,,Mystery covered by fog 6324,7ePufqgGXSM,, 6325,MmMjQYv8fz8,, 6326,PTAV3j7DWLw,, 6327,62Ims7pw_X8,, 6328,VeGNeHkD3eY,, 6329,GqtIZYIeBHU,,An other rainy day in England force my plane to stay stuck a the airport 6330,xCpB1A5vrFk,, 6331,DMTYChpZ3oo,,bamboo and dog 6332,pKPHfNQ-8GY,, 6333,EQoy5wuqD0I,, 6334,9BBLsw03rr4,, 6335,QHJ-yIpJUe0,,detail view of the stone structure of a mountain range in Switzerland during spring with left over snow 6336,zMhwcAAzvTI,,"Aurora borealis, northern Iceland" 6337,MdZFPwlWMYs,, 6338,hvvNY6b8pE0,,A monkey gives a huge smile for a portrait at the Ol Pajeta Conservancy in Kenya. 6339,6wTmxddgiow,, 6340,s9u9o-BpxZ0,, 6341,P7bjVAreBU4,,Aurora australis 6342,t74oFPTXzqs,,"Day's End Tenney Park / Madison, Wisconsin" 6343,A6TYqwlgsWM,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 6344,KzkG73OANzc,,Lion’s stare 6345,KNKseupQHHI,, 6346,FPfuKVQ42D4,,Floating Jellyfish 6347,ae0MPMx5-aU,, 6348,C0TdqVpiui0,, 6349,nP1EL_8dLc4,, 6350,EXdO9Z9Aof0,, 6351,RzTH654pB7U,,Clouds over a meandering river 6352,twC0altIuuc,, 6353,eSiMUVzG95w,,Black and white mountain range 6354,8yqk7jWIacs,, 6355,f19Pxh_96CA,,"I wouldn’t have called this a perfect day, at least not by most standards. Dark, cold, and a bit snowy for fall. It wasn’t blue skies and sunny to say the least. Despite everything being a bit “messy” it was a prefect day for photography and it led to amazing shots like this one. Sometimes just because things aren’t “perfect” doesn’t mean they can’t be perfect 😉" 6356,iDjHhEwp3PU,, 6357,zAffziey-50,,"The weather forecast predicted clouds and rain. I almost decided to sleep in, but I decided to go out anyway. I’m glad I did because the light was shining perfectly through the fog. I flew my drone above the fog and captured this sunrise above the trees. Getting up despite the weather forecast was definitely worth it!" 6358,xyVOH2nG_3k,,Braving the walk across the frozen lake was worth the shot. 6359,IVyZrLp41D0,,"Another day. Another walk, part 2." 6360,VN9Hw0WvXIY,,Please follow me on Instagram @thomaslangnes 6361,jcm-YETcAxI,, 6362,K_HAkmAjIJI,, 6363,PkHEqZiIYoo,,Underwater view of a swimming sea turtle at a sandy beach on the Big Island of Hawaii. 6364,9cyXgoHqMiw,, 6365,g4H8d2ffW2g,,cute Cavapoo puppy dog on the street in the city 6366,Kp-SF408cBA,,Jungle fun with flares Follow Instagram @_stuartdavies 6367,EbWDDnbnBHU,,Serenity 6368,nxCtO8W9JLo,,Nighttime Metropolis 6369,ZTddS6GK98U,, 6370,rmAK5hu7xsA,, 6371,kioB5vGYUSo,, 6372,3eqn2LWLYzs,, 6373,YbgPWfWlvkE,,Brown and green fields 6374,LH-oDgQW2CQ,, 6375,uWNR8PHQqL4,,Autumn Leaves 6376,GdGE2xwj7Pg,, 6377,-zdtwDAm30w,,This was captured on the road near Reykjavik during the transition of sunset to sunrise (longest day in June). This is maybe how hell can look like? 6378,YYgAZpVBJvY,,"Durdle Door Durdle Door (sometimes written Durdle Dor) is a natural limestone arch on the Jurassic Coast near Lulworth in Dorset, England. It is privately owned by the Welds, a family who owns 12,000 acres (50 km2) in Dorset in the name of the Lulworth Estate. It is open to the public. The name Durdle is derived from the Old English word ‘thirl' meaning bore or drill. - Wikipedia -" 6379,WDA2VnXHV3w,, 6380,L4h2cvheWuc,,"This is our star being eclipsed by our moon during an annular eclipse. I viewed this in Tokyo during the early hours of May 20th, 2012. I still remember the anticipation in everyone's faces due to the fact that the clouds would not open the sky to us but also because the light around us began to dim and we knew our window of opportunity to see the eclipse was fading. It was only in the last 10 or so minutes did the clouds thin out and leave a very translucent layer for the sun to be able to shine its light through for us to see a massive ring appear above us." 6381,t67W9gHHl1Q,,Field of tulips in the Netherlands. 6382,zmlQ2VwjRVA,,"My old truck parked against the night sky, with a flashlight poking to the trees." 6383,c3JYwbM8j6I,,Spring is here! - Download Lightroom preset pack for free: Download FREE wallpaper pack: Print: Behance: Blog: Support: My presets: 6384,UU2R0bKa8Bo,, 6385,-_8f3Cj9W9Y,, 6386,s8AnRSP8Xxc,, 6387,kmihWgpbDEg,, 6388,UV-OG6-UinM,, 6389,aMdfkV6LdPY,,"The Waterfall Effect Stephen's Falls / Governor Dodge State Park, Wisconsin" 6390,vKcU26xeRBM,, 6391,5jR9jcbEGFM,,Secluded walking in the New Forest 6392,nZwzE0Gr0NE,, 6393,s4VRWe7sNPA,,Purple Robed Flowers 6394,KxM0PZYh7-w,,Giant blue-green cacti 6395,BEKemN2tw7Q,,Edible Plant Starts in a Pot just watered 6396,QCHOpKC6BPs,, 6397,Bos5YImw904,, 6398,Fyr_9iyz8Vg,,monochrome sunrays and sea 6399,sJaenHSSFC0,, 6400,EaPkmf6yQqc,, 6401,RMT25nAhLT4,,Endless Blue Waters 6402,e8La0hOfuz0,,Blowing Grass 6403,ST6YltRNdGA,,Turkey vulture in flight 6404,fymPCbDLGj8,, 6405,3Z70SDuYs5g,,"Return trip from Hana, Hawaii" 6406,qoHZc56m8eY,, 6407,e2Kqx0pJDvY,, 6408,zwRVa3sVGBA,,Last summer sunrise capture 6409,XqpkdfzXFDw,, 6410,4gbD9rtkTe4,,An Event 6411,DsOV070-Dcc,,Puzzlewood 6412,-rIY3FTk1M8,, 6413,8F1YBgAGqgA,, 6414,dZB1erih0Js,, 6415,zyJkh98ySE0,,Grey Heron 6416,TOTad-4mj_c,, 6417,RInsLVDCGow,,Painted Hills 6418,N5-Jf1XITyw,, 6419,gVue-ikcepk,, 6420,DMcBPeVJmtQ,,Urban nature. Who's the stronger in that story? 6421,9-RvfN13ZhE,, 6422,woSQVDZQeEI,,Reflection on a misty lake 6423,_WO5MhhMJWs,,Drip Drop 6424,9fFgnt89RRk,,Coloured moon with clouds 6425,TH0HvgFId-E,,Local forestry works left neatly stacked logs by the side of the road. 6426,XilclTaYy6M,, 6427,qvdPnivpYso,, 6428,vpu9PmFlBiM,,Of Light & Rocks 6429,e0BNPHPJDjg,,A gradient of the Zillertal Alps! 6430,X_yDmjSAH4g,, 6431,WT_nZUfAmBc,, 6432,a7T0PQol-6E,,Whale shark viewing photographer. This fish was about 16-18 feet long. 6433,OgVT4yfpIxk,,Launching an ozonesonde balloon 6434,_CSr-_ZICSY,, 6435,HUGWwCoOuz0,, 6436,ztH8dJavyzI,, 6437,0H92ha6c9SI,, 6438,GvR6IODtYd0,,Glasses Babe 6439,SFm_vwwUQB8,, 6440,M3-kUGFYyUE,, 6441,c19qlljAdjI,, 6442,1CK8-u2oisU,, 6443,K0vp1x2vC9g,,Rose farm 6444,jcJT41efAtc,, 6445,x3YAC7ig0vg,,Misty day in Yosemite Valley 6446,dbRzRdHfXho,,Winter Dog 6447,pl6XZycqe-k,, 6448,ymOROKFl8tE,, 6449,jS0zC2PJ17A,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 6450,_GJrk7Gj8lE,, 6451,i3nTy4JcLpY,,"Goč is a mountainous area in central Serbia, about 15 km south of the spa town of Vrnjačka Banja. Its highest peak Ljukten has an elevation of 1,216 m above sea level. Goč is a popular hiking and mountaneering destination and the village Goč is a small ski resort." 6452,GQSPqzif4uE,,Hiking through the hills. 6453,LKgtcY1KoZI,, 6454,7y-zM8nppxk,, 6455,J_mibm6IT3Y,, 6456,6J93jXFHs24,,Layer of sugar 6457,Qbn7_Nqs8WA,, 6458,NKttv4dABKw,,Macro X-ray of mushrooms with false colors. 6459,zdsMxyby0nE,,The mountains are calling 6460,2CHn_UAdp5Q,,Moonrise 6461,03b7JRdv0Io,, 6462,O-TM2E-7cn4,,Amiable amphibian 6463,FX1Mfd4iQ0c,,Celebrating on the lake 6464,ejtUKzLaYn8,,Shallow stream in the mountains 6465,9u5LhFpxiSk,, 6466,ALiBOTEmgDM,,Duck in the Water 6467,6yHiGAJkufk,, 6468,ErNPS_vof-4,, 6469,tR2aTsb4qG0,, 6470,NOrDYeJRhgI,, 6471,NnPZZ09-tMk,,White daisy 6472,RvV6qccrbkA,,Long-beaked red bird 6473,JE5g2ZZG9qA,, 6474,G3EMue5dLO0,,Drone view of ocean waves 6475,UAdLm2mRFCk,,Sunlit pink flower 6476,8i-LoPR-Jmc,, 6477,hqnlAZeUnhI,,Open 6478,PAVvPPzBKJQ,,aquarium 6479,TLPOEpVqUAc,, 6480,UfzifhiEE9U,, 6481,bWLQ9oL1T6M,,Winter sunset in Bavaria 6482,X_k7370LRiU,, 6483,iwwMFnt1GTc,, 6484,oj_0Hkqd12A,, 6485,Flt-xlcP7xE,, 6486,0Q3m0UJlRyM,, 6487,R3WCRCq69YA,,"Water drops collisions. Hot water with kitchen cleaning solution, 3 flashes with color gels." 6488,bCeXyz34Rcc,, 6489,iqA-XuToHzM,,Crescent Moon 6490,A7q9mOybFJc,, 6491,QEU-QgIOJKA,,"This illustration depicted a three-dimensional (3D), computer-generated image, of a group of Gram-positive, Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. The artistic recreation was based upon scanning electron microscopic (SEM) imagery." 6492,2CJIkl-df2M,, 6493,XTvuBVrq59I,, 6494,SuqciLTLPgk,,IG : alexisantoine1 6495,QAsLE63RQQQ,, 6496,AUSFatpksyY,,Wavy sea and overcast sky 6497,5GKdpmo0wI8,,Two hydrangea vases 6498,eQu4HfK53lk,,lost in the blue stones 6499,EM2qDcsiRj0,,Polar bear in cave 6500,yho1aq2aqwc,,"A hike in the Bavarian Alps near Oberstdorf! Analog photo, no photoshop. Shot with Mamiya RB67 on Kodak Portra 400." 6501,XqaGEEXKLok,, 6502,ycG0A6DlvOk,,Green Canyon 6503,F1Av_fpLCxY,,Awakening 6504,DfB7vqqIfLY,, 6505,hoSRVDlrRKg,,"The contrast between the energy visible as stars to our eyes, and then the local ways to produce energy, was my main focus to capture in this photo. Buy awesome, limited edtition, photo prints:" 6506,QpIayO5KIRE,,Ocean City 6507,zrT1tjnxJKQ,,Maple 6508,BeyPCfMj3ts,, 6509,nkdHH3qZknQ,,Southern moonlight 6510,LPKk3wtkC-g,, 6511,Dpo2Z7WgxIk,, 6512,_ukWHu8fUcY,,There use to be twelve 6513,sGj7xKpukpQ,,Sunset over Catalina Island 2 6514,cBYOgEBN9BY,, 6515,ufL3nzZ54x0,,The angry look 6516,Uu4UkPK4PCY,,Waiting 6517,z_6048wbVio,,Over the Clouds 6518,qNPwSVIMgD0,,Morning! 6519,bywVO_z3GKs,, 6520,UXV9W9QzCDE,,"This wonderful sunset was taken at Austria, Hainburg an der Donau" 6521,X8hcjl7HqSY,, 6522,HkvqT0RtOg0,,Beach huts 6523,hh4G-19JQAc,, 6524,P7sCjCzALXs,,patrick hendry 6525,J4fcg3i1rwg,, 6526,DJuEc_jgTf4,, 6527,Ul-1-YbuyX4,, 6528,S4G-9Ua-sfM,, 6529,QhSJH59lUhE,, 6530,Z_qfc16mwX8,, 6531,EmIpcvtqkKU,,A flamingo buries its beak in its feathers while taking a rest at the Memphis Zoo. 6532,-yrI75gsE2g,,Green house plants 6533,n9RKQ7Up5Wg,,Wooden bench under a tree in the sunset 6534,ibFsGPepWSc,, 6535,eg8_H52znW0,, 6536,qeBSukQRyQU,,French Bulldog with a backpack walking on the street in the city 6537,1fxcQYy5OXc,,Urban Gardening in raised bed – Seed tomato and herbs breeding upbringing. Self supply & self-sufficiency. Made with Meyer Optik Görlitz Primoplan 1.9 75mm 6538,0grrJP6jPDg,,@victoria.vamm 6539,70mSnRb0KZU,, 6540,6qRQF60O4IU,,Green pine grove 6541,vuWB5mGu5wE,,Sunset over a river valley 6542,vT01Ptkjw1s,, 6543,betmVWGYcLY,,Rock Maze 6544,wbkYwKstquI,,deck sunlight 6545,JXkCLZhhRJg,,Road along the fjord 6546,_qGq1Z2Bk6c,, 6547,mk2USqDQE5E,, 6548,LGDF_tLnuWk,,A tiny island from 1200 in Maldives. Beautiful kurendhoo 6549,_P5y0w_PLcM,, 6550,l_EQejjJVUw,,"Tulum, Mexico" 6551,m1XTWAXUKQc,, 6552,1ZtiluJGP4c,, 6553,kWj6163pUVM,,Fine light wire 6554,keEPKXQfriU,, 6555,V8T9fs4PC-o,, 6556,VOZQkkKXvY4,, 6557,4WbzrJ0Z3h4,, 6558,joL0nSbZ-lI,,Super macro ...close to the edit 6559,0ZmJsrhQ-Nc,,A sunflower bouquet. 6560,bIZrEK-Z_cI,,Drone view house roofs 6561,t1mqA3V3-7g,,Parasailing over Palmtrees 6562,ln5drpv_ImI,,Sublime purple night sky 6563,5SGZCmLsN0U,,Sunset casts rays over ocean 6564,nuGsDCyJ698,,Black and white beach 6565,8oPubUm97Cc,,Yangling grass 6566,snzfWXW6zOY,,Peaking emotion 6567,Km9q4SOvzDw,, 6568,tsjodB4dmmQ,, 6569,Ywr4ytWQuuY,,Ocean waves drone view 6570,ogAYf-36sz0,, 6571,AKCkxe-Y2tA,,Stars over a field 6572,ai6IRDJQMKw,,"My friends came together and were shooting cheap Muckleshoot fireworks, but the pictures turned out rich :)" 6573,SO4ZKEdRstw,,Reaching for the unknown 6574,iSHwa3EaMlo,, 6575,FPz-Dd-xx4c,, 6576,f-X4hUILms0,,just starting to rain 6577,h-ACUrBngrw,,Volcano explosion at dusk 6578,VeiHRfGxTzY,,"Last beam in the night, trying to catch the polar lights" 6579,lK8F0T8TlUQ,, 6580,dMakhkE1poE,, 6581,7RLieJX9AEQ,,LAGO DI GARDA 6582,lNcyVn9Zut0,, 6583,Uk2gp7JAMrA,, 6584,hXHTSfhxovo,, 6585,A25sCBl2JCs,,Model - 6586,9GM1ZuBHOXU,, 6587,NkbOZJKgx4o,,"뭘 해야 할지 모르겠는 여행 마지막 날이야, 너는 버리고 갈 책들을 내게 주었다. 사람의 마음을 사는 법, 행복을 부르는 습관, 이런 마법책을 나는 읽지 않는다. /김이듬, 마법책을 받은 날" 6588,YdFbyTpW8b4,, 6589,AZiyMfuAum4,,Woodshop. 6590,A3m4SIMT9vk,, 6591,8hQaC2gAebM,,"Whilst out in Banff I wanted to spend a few hours getting some astrophotography shots at the light pollution there is barely anything at all. Once I got a few photos of the Milky Way, I turned my camera to the landscape to my left and captured this nice silhouette outline with a starry sky backdrop" 6592,ROJLfAbL1Ig,, 6593,jQ00inKvlew,,Closeup macro of a Waratah flower yet to bloom. 6594,S14GKA6Q6NI,,"The golden hour had the perfect light settings, so I put my old friend on a stump and took this image." 6595,fRHTTzVG5Uk,,kodak portra 160 6596,MfNkNIab6B4,,a sunflower ;) 6597,ZlO_TuYKSIY,, 6598,BALZ8uogVjs,,The Cabin 6599,Uq9Q307bINk,,Alone In The Field 6600,L7QSnNpwjVw,, 6601,DqfBkWSJFcg,,Golden sunlight on a snowy mountain 6602,RmNAdoJNFJs,, 6603,qCA6EULMskk,,Ripples near slick rocks 6604,dJVU4jXV1Q8,, 6605,Rtfx2c95OUo,,The heart of the forest 6606,BqNzOD2g5mo,,Glishorn 6607,fSdTIM3ijQQ,, 6608,kzlfzjTdOco,,Ocean bay 6609,lO_uBu22nxM,,Small autumn leaves 6610,ttqvRcvjzWQ,, 6611,bUu9bVUosqE,, 6612,Kc7xqFTtcc4,, 6613,2o5cSEwAWyI,,Bird on the rock by the ocean 6614,xPHjMxI8zKo,, 6615,qztBRIrU1FM,, 6616,6o8pjwSEg04,, 6617,S9wM0RPfvVE,,Portrait 6618,ipmG_8rHIzA,, 6619,RdDTrEeDAV0,, 6620,m6iJEDrtk4I,, 6621,mDHMoOuDe34,,This might be my favorite photo I've every taken. San Francisco is so beautiful | 6622,ixHqF3BKPtQ,, 6623,iVCQpLfXZJQ,,"Landscape of lakes and little forest islands in Guatape, Colombia - by Jan Kronies" 6624,BGiBzTZVewM,,Moody Waterfall in Iceland 6625,3bOcN07-iKo,, 6626,r24Ms9a40e0,, 6627,DE8aLsTJV_s,, 6628,SHZ2C-ahVsw,,"leaves fallen on the road to the Lions Gate Bridge, such scenic views" 6629,JtVkmKQ1FQI,, 6630,tNhsb1k1jkE,,how to train your ferrari 6631,jMmxzz5ladY,, 6632,XPm4iCJKyhI,,Rhino 6633,X-YdJgy_VnU,,Last image of the day after an amazing Engagement Shoot in Coole Park. A game of Swans passed through the air in the distance. The perfect end to a Perfect Day. 6634,d1J56ZSXv4w,,baby succulents 6635,C-Q2EEidTSY,, 6636,La5V_Qr6h3A,,Soyuz launch seen from east of Almaty in Kazakhstan. 6637,1bPXERSwOcg,,My next door neighbor has had horses all of my life and I was wanting to make a few photos of them to give her. This is one of my favorites! 6638,iIs6G45BCQk,, 6639,dBrKSWR-z1w,, 6640,0xHF2nHHY_s,,Pushed my 16mm lens against this area on the wood which collected morning dew. It’s amazing to see beautiful little wonders when we take our time. 6641,N6d-jP0r46I,, 6642,nhFcSmJtAeo,,"Mainly because of all the things I’ve seen and all the places I’ve visited in the past 6 years of my life. I feel extremely fortunate and blessed to do what could seem a given to some or unreachable to others. Well, nothing is impossible. It all started when I decided to leave my home country Greece and improve my quality of life abroad. I found my home (and my Haffen as they say in German), in Austria and Innsbruck in particular. Even tho people don’t really speak German here 😂😅😂😅 I felt very welcomed and I also started my own family. Well so far is a family of two, lol." 6643,uWqz5Ekf57o,,Windy and amazing is the sky … 6644,RZ9e_mWiguo,,Winding country lane in Autumn 6645,9Jtvio08V84,,"nature and soft technology in Jeffrey s bay South Africa, an early morning shot" 6646,NYgRKk1lKJs,,If you like my work then you can support it. Paypal: or my website: 6647,TJ1RLAvxayQ,, 6648,rnM68YuWNFw,, 6649,woiwBMqfJcA,, 6650,wI6o8OwUwdw,, 6651,y_VSZO-taAE,, 6652,jYp7Nwew9KQ,, 6653,qElMHWePpok,,In The Fog 6654,6VWXU0srXYc,, 6655,k_lajXwxVII,, 6656,cPyHO3eDlsE,,reaching for cherries! 6657,DlBDTpQ-cf4,,Taken on the outskirts of Norwich on a winters night 6658,febRNr5D-_s,, 6659,UocBRAST7es,, 6660,9CkGNheiEFQ,, 6661,oTPrcrSZHe8,, 6662,2pSK9oOgCmQ,, 6663,9yf1CtxhDmw,, 6664,dftkVVKj4NM,, 6665,1dkM0L186v0,,"The road to the Pass Pordoi, Italian Dolomites, early January morning!" 6666,8ylllL2hMZg,,African Penguin 6667,3YXUtyn9oQ8,, 6668,oYllk_NdgA0,, 6669,jyASQAXhmGk,,Bearded Dragon 6670,xBeB0jF1gDE,,My little sleeping cat Bella at New Year night 6671,k_fU0rv-wxY,,There is bird in the tree 6672,Oz7_usBqwuY,, 6673,xwp6N64jlfM,,An example how magic the nature can be. The little powerful flower between the stones in Higher Mountains! 6674,kqIA11dfeu0,,Mystery 6675,3LPGWASiSbM,,Always tried to catch my cat eyes in a way that they were the main objective of the photo. This time i got it. 6676,Q_LffdLyQqk,, 6677,6iH-qD2kPLk,,Sailboat shot from above showing the clear blue water of the mediterranean ocean. 6678,GWoLvxxjSzs,,Orange larches 6679,2eubG_o4gLc,,Fallen Leaves v1.0 6680,ZUeaIyohD2Q,, 6681,BNGBsFn2E8A,, 6682,s_rkPARaF64,, 6683,qIeGdtHFExk,,Red Castle //Utah// 2019 6684,n8xuDzWd8J8,,Setter-Shepherd mix 6685,RL8TVeilWGc,, 6686,bQkTHPi1Rdo,, 6687,tNrzxTG2-Ac,,Aoraki Mount Cook National Park 6688,itoJcCrzxps,, 6689,8kDx62gZRzk,, 6690,evDXF-jQHDo,, 6691,X8gD28Gl11c,,"Fabulous sunset over a lake and the forest islands on Vancouver Island, Canada - by Jan Kronies" 6692,Of6GuO1UM74,, 6693,kqI8_AsMoxo,, 6694,Yu-xv5OzGgo,, 6695,54tF6l2A6Wg,, 6696,W7L6KCaNfRU,,"Medical illustration of Clostridioides difficile bacteria, formerly known as Clostridium difficile. Medical Illustrator: Jennifer Oosthuizen" 6697,6umtydwGbK8,,"Shark Fin Cove, Davenport, California" 6698,unmESHEhsrM,,"Kids working with chalk, abstract." 6699,ueGeeKfNbhQ,,Pine branches 6700,l_oWTzCrgoA,, 6701,rK9mwAWj1E8,, 6702,d1mFYMYePMk,, 6703,ub1IrHmmuZw,, 6704,STwa_OD6arA,, 6705,KxKbXRfrO3I,, 6706,3-8GSy13P4Q,, 6707,pdALzg0yN-8,, 6708,_0TevBj2F1M,, 6709,hylpbYOXUbk,, 6710,S_gEP9wdQ_M,, 6711,vL9vTupr3FA,, 6712,2Nd8o0IuEGA,, 6713,iB3amqsIHko,,Winter Sunset 6714,PBXZSIQ0XTg,, 6715,ePwEGur8gIw,, 6716,vmfKwrqkOkA,, 6717,0KwXPynNlEE,, 6718,jl2T_E4tUyo,,"A few days ago, i drove to the alps with some friends and this was actually the last spot we have been to that day. After about two hours of hiking we had this breathtaking view. When the sunset happened, the light was even better and I took this shot!" 6719,kAiFcKbZFk0,,Montara Summer Surf 6720,E3XUdw2ohd4,,"Aye. Websites and Facebook posts tell of some snowy owl in our area from time to time and I have searched for them in real life often. Too often they are seen at airports with construction cones and architecture in the background. Even worse, they can be seen sitting in the middle of a 10-acre field. This time, though…THIS time I found one sitting on rocks at a nearby beach. It was young, so somewhat unafraid, and I was able to get within 40 feet of it, miles from the nearest airport or 10-acre field!" 6721,ndwJFLXFsN4,,"During a road trip to California with my wife and 6-month old son, we ventured into Yosemite park to capture this memory. It was quite the memory!" 6722,2_Ip8Tfi8jM,,Water lily on black 6723,HvCtRFpxK8s,, 6724,JVNr8XQLiJ8,, 6725,S3U2Y0NTYRo,,i see you under leaves 6726,ygTnhAS4fds,,Bird on a Branch 6727,XHDtPRj535A,, 6728,NVMF-cAHxCg,, 6729,-IRA80xFg4c,,"On my way home in the late evening when darkness fell i took this picture whit ISO 3200, hand hold :-)" 6730,aDIXIp1UFeU,,A photo taken at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The jellyfish were incredible. 6731,BXCZi9smw78,,Instagram : @clvmentm Facebook Page : 6732,dWAZcKLLLFI,,Mysteryland 2019 6733,zuRKuKnCtjU,, 6734,hSh_X3kJ4bI,,"The Dasht-e Kevir, or Great Salt Desert, is the largest desert in Iran. It is a primarily uninhabited wasteland, composed of mud and salt marshes covered with crusts of salt that protect the meager moisture from completely evaporating." 6735,zptRXyxJEpU,,styling 6736,c1GvSm0xf_g,, 6737,nt4eH8aHOB8,,The Smoothing 6738,CFZrIuCllGE,, 6739,HM80Wo7qUUM,, 6740,aErJZckIlYA,,daisy in a can 6741,xGzB5nN7CG8,, 6742,Nai1NsFbUG0,,White and yellow daffodils 6743,pkfwwofpNUw,, 6744,1rridJacwTQ,,Alps 6745,-z0M-aBEd1g,, 6746,zqizPu51Sgk,, 6747,fToxgvMA3UY,, 6748,XuISREAobh8,, 6749,t29_JK9QeIk,, 6750,nMuZUN9ybCM,, 6751,lHlG-D1-JLQ,, 6752,X7x8WkwMFb8,, 6753,gW-MSuNgAAA,, 6754,JxVEhksTtFc,, 6755,3PdHzNqMYbA,, 6756,6MPpec4Jxd0,, 6757,sV7_2anjhU8,, 6758,FtuzP3HqRIo,, 6759,NtphuzX6Xgc,, 6760,mRwOOCTL0HQ,,Tucson Monsoon 6761,Bz6Lavu8Gho,, 6762,xK-WCgInEjI,, 6763,4NQeaG_23qs,, 6764,Um_wbzp7FEw,, 6765,i8XLga8W1Go,,Puffin standing on a mossy rock 6766,TF9OYaMVDOI,, 6767,-qFnfTtAm3Y,, 6768,yTfoBjmZsI0,, 6769,L3RxgAayKn8,, 6770,32LuMRgCaTI,, 6771,DRT02CURWE8,, 6772,2mTvI_sbFTA,, 6773,RK_yOJ8HJME,, 6774,0yeDc5fOgu4,, 6775,T8QAKeKDPXY,, 6776,jr7DHvgW0ls,,Hungarian desert - MY PRESETS: BEHANCE: BLOG: SUPPORT: 6777,8qJ2A8vy7Pk,,That summer feeling. 🍍🌺 6778,o-UODeUeBuM,, 6779,IrmZCfZzJSc,,My buddies farm was lit. 6780,BLkMMH5ndOc,, 6781,H6U_0nC-Sbk,, 6782,sbLxgU-sldg,, 6783,uXJZrtf972E,, 6784,E1sBcYRkVfc,, 6785,DapP9j2DJMQ,, 6786,SfdwxMA5VIM,,We searched the coast line for 5 hours to find a new unridden break. After a lot of trekking through forests and rocky beached we finally gave up and took a decision to check our regular surf spot just before sunset. We arrived just as the sun was setting and managed to finally catch some waves. The light was too good not to try to capture and I was happy I brought water camera to get this shot. 6787,SoZ3b8LLOdo,,I AM BOLD 6788,5MOScwaoYXM,,Parliament of Puffins 6789,6SQBR77lexo,,Beautiful view from the chairlift. 6790,sVGnruulBcA,, 6791,kpuZEEoPAAk,,Somewhere in Arizona at sunset. 6792,TrlHGvVLtbA,,After session 6793,uwEt4grBcdo,,Lyle Lovett 6794,0Hz_ReW_4cU,, 6795,w-EAWnIgoM0,,"The only great thing to come of this fishing trip! The trout wasn’t nice to us, but at least the sunrise was." 6796,t7LHEPiHpIY,, 6797,l8Y9fVgxrEE,,Our Living Room 6798,CIYt1FnKFo8,,"Blue-winged Kookaburra feathers from close up. Photo taken in the predatory bird aviary at Hartleys Crocodile Adventures, Queensland, Australia. It was great to be able to get close to this bird to take this photo - in the wild it would be nearly to impossible to get this close." 6799,n57xld8vu3M,,Just enjoying nature’s transition to Winter. 6800,RL0l7Zk5PxU,,Sand beach by the ocean 6801,ElPClNFoO7Y,, 6802,8kbx3Y3wVDM,, 6803,wZZt49QBvos,,Two rocks in blue sea 6804,Lj89lbyJk1o,, 6805,Rgen0bVcCAE,, 6806,ppP1vODv3ik,,"Sun-kissed skies, river and snowy mountains" 6807,cS8oFSFhlpU,, 6808,xYYBo69fvQE,,vineyard estate 6809,mGfiYDUpYrI,,Tropical Tulum coast 6810,52J7km2qTjk,,Rocky bottom 6811,SId-lmFXSDU,,Splitting logs 6812,SR5w74BxHf8,, 6813,MDgRcuGYu58,,Blue mountain silhouettes 6814,CRbTJ5eFy8U,, 6815,H5LcJiG_VJo,, 6816,cgCIcTdhlYQ,,"Taken at Stimpson Family Nature Reserve in Bellingham, WA. Follow me on instagram @justincron" 6817,uB94lufrqIg,, 6818,fuO-41l5SSQ,,Lassen Volcanic National Park 6819,-6i6a23H5Ho,, 6820,QznWNL1VrVc,,Cannon Beach | Oregon | Beach | Long Exposure 6821,LR3j8MIUEtw,,Kitten roaring 6822,A9KmPND5o4g,,New born turtle 6823,4ePxJT_ffKw,,Gecko Lookout! 6824,PySq7yX6hlw,,An isolated single cell thunderstorm with an amazing light show 6825,fx0tUUZMgao,, 6826,yg44fb_3g_0,,Looking up the trunk of a tree 6827,rh7KA6jVJFM,,Autumn Fall forest 6828,4JDPLjR1Ew4,, 6829,9IbiYcv7xg4,,Sunset over the ocean! Cape May 6830,PW7mMolpl1E,, 6831,7ZcOPmdQkUk,, 6832,LVVuYLzKHhs,,Smoky Mountain stroll 6833,Xb0KaPYmDr0,,seed in winter 6834,sK0tm_ZRkLs,, 6835,aI29TMOR3pc,,"Long exposure of vehicles traveling along the Rt. 97 Scenic Byway. As can been seen from the shot, this is the famous section at Hawk’s Nest that has multiple tight s-bends. The pull-offs along this section give magnificent elevated views of the Delaware River." 6836,bAja1bOVoxM,, 6837,KAGdWugM5a0,, 6838,E2SGMyG5vLw,, 6839,lVpEY1BOTuM,, 6840,8w02wTykmnQ,, 6841,Oppz-6ZENZ0,, 6842,PkcoJIiGGbI,, 6843,xp-tY7kTiaA,, 6844,yhiZm7vYXaM,, 6845,ojCO1tFX8qA,, 6846,ZwENX5SK6bU,, 6847,8JMZVxSi15Y,, 6848,sGkbB4Ul5hM,, 6849,M-ha6BbQwV8,, 6850,7kY7pjxfECA,, 6851,CQYSg3Hmwrs,,Football on Faroe islands #4 6852,zU-voGnfUVQ,,Cherry Picking 6853,SsIaLCKWnfM,,Man standing on dirt path 6854,FFWAOSHxo08,, 6855,TmHot1VRct0,,(contact me for the full resoluton image) 6856,MqlbnO4W8ZE,, 6857,nvBfwtaUBnI,, 6858,u3h94-naVHU,,Hancock Shaker Village lamb 6859,3BoRilpEebo,, 6860,r593e2EAyHg,,Wet forest road 6861,n1Cmx0ZnIns,,Looking down at the breaking waves 6862,FDJ371PeyhY,, 6863,scgdtiUGQ2E,,Order Prints: 6864,horUo-9ghIw,,Northern Lights above Iceland 6865,esOC8MkpLPA,, 6866,ZjxHQkbdHGc,,negev desert 6867,pDzzUvZjXY8,,Houses on the sand beach 6868,2T7SbAVijvE,,New Years Eve 6869,pKoKW6UQOuk,,eagle 6870,P3PUwBUNnMA,,Lightroom Presets available (link in profile). 6871,NQuTriDx_zQ,,"I went on a desert quad biking adventure in Egypt. This is the second photo I took of the quad bikes in the desert, it would have been perfect to get an evenly spaced line in the desert." 6872,GKTgaIpo0pU,, 6873,5RY9GtjPXZM,,"Edit: Hi there. Did you know that this photo has been viewed over 6 million times? That kind of blows my mind. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and enjoy the photo! Early in the morning as the sun rises, the red deer stag was resting in his earth bed on the hill." 6874,pXKewwt4xLk,, 6875,812R8yikx3k,, 6876,izOae89oonk,, 6877,Nk3-4mE6h2U,,Almost There 6878,OlBkP6gOZ7A,, 6879,yy03FLwEWAw,,rauw 6880,WlVZSJVLLQg,,"the desert is more intens than pictures can show, there is the heat the dry air, the quietness pictures can give you only a small impression" 6881,u3XMyl-4OSY,,"On our way to the local forest, we saw a group of wild Scottish highland cows enjoying the sunset. We were looking for some cool portrait spots but photographed them instead. I really like colors in the picture that make it moody!" 6882,TQGpLw48VsU,, 6883,u26M0jqr-QA,,Snow-covered trees from above. 6884,M52IOXTweEk,, 6885,FY1yJ7W3T8U,,Bluebells 6886,CP2oKR8GNkQ,, 6887,PsdmADHMbvg,, 6888,7f7SlDYdp7o,, 6889,ckT1cixLmvQ,, 6890,xvYOajceQCI,,Moody Forest #1 6891,edxZ6DsFr1M,, 6892,1ykxJPkXu3k,,Instagram: . Albany Wind Farm. 6893,9j4m-GwS4Dk,,N.I.G.H.T. S.K.Y. 6894,mwD6DGPjl6M,,its amazing how small can the world make us feel 6895,cyksSpNxj5A,, 6896,XbW-is1LA2M,,"Hybrid flamingo with beak in his feathers, close-up, AquaZoo Leeuwarden" 6897,mB5wa5ccdW4,,Moody horse 6898,r41Okp2LdTc,,Three small islands in the vastness of the ocean 6899,1Zgn-Xg1xGg,,Something Certain 6900,JHsBmcCRkoE,, 6901,A1oiB1Ncnks,,rose in sunlight 6902,RTICqZlyBtk,,Please follow me on instagram @chrishenry 6903,_lyTWHfRfE8,,This mountain has blueberries on it. Really good blueberries 6904,ztB6AOiu0zM,,woman holding olive branch 6905,H5gNMv1vT4A,, 6906,DsNrm25URHE,,Christmas time in the Mountains. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO All! 6907,8DujUEpxazE,,Ice 6908,Xuv4SC-ld4M,, 6909,7ZEwvin8ZQM,,look forward and get into focus like me ! 6910,hXQTu-r9WRc,, 6911,tmiN6tdlw0U,, 6912,Q6m2gEw4RdQ,, 6913,DEhVUno3PrY,, 6914,jR3YdXK2Jzg,, 6915,XTTYFZaN3U4,, 6916,GlWOWrJXk5s,, 6917,U43p3pD0uX8,, 6918,Gm6hbdL12zU,, 6919,wmix1hJX8Z4,,Sleepy Koala 6920,LoDa3AITH3U,, 6921,TjTpHmuE0LY,, 6922,9dvvpHhMQOQ,, 6923,xxo1rggtU5Q,, 6924,44Dhvsik8TE,, 6925,WDAjGgL8s6s,, 6926,yAKK-aS6sI8,, 6927,Fzz0YyU1vBw,, 6928,VHXHpayjTAE,,Splash 6929,wlR8dMrX3Bg,, 6930,4VsPzCgUo98,,"Long exposure of Whitewater falls in Cashiers, NC." 6931,KT3Lx5r8K4o,,A winter portrait under the Galactic Core 6932,MlOL3_CD2yg,, 6933,bw-YKfQx8Bw,, 6934,qzZfQY3ann0,, 6935,fj0m7qmL45c,,The beautiful Almsee in Upper Austria. 6936,OerFPKNQcV8,, 6937,xQLjyaYnskg,,上色見熊野座神社 6938,SmZlptlLhaY,,This is the face my cat makes when I should be petting him. 6939,fNPzcLbeIqA,, 6940,3_LuiBGleko,, 6941,T-6J6uvjDec,, 6942,RDLQMrWY5WA,, 6943,TSssZLepa3Y,,Frozen landscape 6944,wRso54AdVuE,,Butalism 6945,QTiQ4ujnKeg,, 6946,svRyUxZAwtI,, 6947,NWnOtEp0ro0,,Hvidhoved ørn på Bornholms Rovfugleshow 6948,nqA0ugvuEzU,, 6949,Yjs0JIdu3dE,, 6950,LH7-_hr5PbM,,Walking and exploring on an island in New Zealand called Waiheke when I saw the light on the other side of this type of “entrance”. What wonderful landscape will I find on the other side? How long will the road last until it reaches its destination? 6951,odfhHtD3igY,, 6952,CK7rdTauhDE,, 6953,-DsfJVPr4vo,, 6954,bNCXoisclCo,,At the end of the tunnel 6955,Wz-qST1cCmQ,,Life is about appreciation 6956,g364MzmBGiE,,Evening falls on a mountain ridge 6957,xP_AGmeEa6s,,burn bright. 6958,lcXS0Tuixhk,,Pescador Island 6959,SbJQHvev8Js,,Shallow DOF 6960,gvb84QdErNs,, 6961,DQX6Y3WRz8A,,Some earth between hot water and cold sky — icelandic vibes. 6962,1CuRCSwI1NY,,Morro Bay is known for Morro Rock and good surf. Here is a beautiful stop along the Highway one coast drive. 6963,DUxJSaANcWs,,Bleeding Sky 6964,au4CtdHO1XU,,The Sharks Tooth 6965,x8xJpClTvR0,,Mystic Autumn 6966,dCygCggFfrY,, 6967,dp2m5glF2Y4,, 6968,UHfIT1ISIt4,, 6969,XHrq43cIss0,,Took this on a camp with my Google pixel 6970,SiT39VyfKl0,,I got long hot bike in the desert to the wave and if you are lucky enough to find it it’s so worth it 6971,30gyIWoLz3o,, 6972,EGX9zroV8xI,,Sunlight through a grove of eucalyptus trees 6973,GRqpl9ULpZU,, 6974,AXFVS1yRD0Q,, 6975,h48eaWQT11w,, 6976,zrwf2TEMnFY,, 6977,2TlKofper84,, 6978,Wu2xSpzGjXU,, 6979,pFg2jpJRWwM,, 6980,AN0Z7lJ7Cmw,,I love this mood ♥ 6981,1OxbIpPE8Po,, 6982,uG5IIOXRyIY,,The Mask 6983,DmuvkswNsb0,,Latvian National Museum of Art 6984,rD1_nrA5_1U,,Minutes in the air at 46.945165 22.521670 Going back home to Holland from Cluj-Napoca Romania 6985,iibjsy2QFEE,,Pink Peony 6986,qOfmobUSLss,, 6987,L-fsASSJ29c,, 6988,heA7aXvx5Dk,, 6989,9heFPPJx3RM,, 6990,7hI6SQjk4Yc,,A shy Tomato Clownfish hides in a sea anemone at the Cairns aquarium. 6991,vwqULpM2VaM,, 6992,f49STOSOuaI,, 6993,81x15xK4yKg,, 6994,dFA5XycbhoQ,,Orbs of the Multiverse Last piece of my new Soap & Oil Planet series. I hope you enjoyed this series :) stay safe! 6995,mZGJFOBoWuI,, 6996,8TI2DzFJmGU,,Cat peaks out a window 6997,smNyQQyHATY,, 6998,MILMQwMWZRs,,orange sneakers on a rock with dried leaves around 6999,bUTw0JyBmAI,, 7000,VQ41v-gnd1M,, 7001,OQT10zDF74k,, 7002,dury9xCbgOs,,Alone house in the forest 7003,xOrBz3UQTtw,, 7004,6-jMNbtR6UM,, 7005,NSCZ3H6e95k,, 7006,v4iO2FwIMEc,, 7007,zQzkH0aTMac,,Blizzard 7008,mtsTiDC8lps,, 7009,ziaC0m4Pk5w,, 7010,BL8BGEQtxic,, 7011,lKNx7Ipbs5M,,"Shot on October 10, 2018 The Kilauea volcano has been continuously erupting since 1983. However also being the most active vulcano on the island, it stopped erupting by the end of this summer. Seen on the picture. This was due to an earhtquake in may following major lava streams destroying dozens of houses and roads." 7012,F_CwnIG8o-U,, 7013,wGS0qxjyVgk,, 7014,WqEA-2B64qI,, 7015,dUeD4im5YSQ,, 7016,ZFB9S3LNcVg,, 7017,rWq8f9QHDkQ,,Venezia (Venice). Italy 7018,dYh0sZ1D05M,, 7019,07hvfiAscb8,,The smaller mountain in the front is the Daniel. What a lovely name :) Right beside it is the Plattberg. Both are located in Tirol in Austria right at the border to Germany. 7020,Re6iq3xZJ_8,,A close-up of a screech owl. It was injured by a car and is being cared for by park rangers at Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park. 7021,t1_BuMsRRsI,,Stranger Things 7022,PmwzduXDxjQ,, 7023,1jG0HbnO_8o,, 7024,DK9FVDXD2cg,, 7025,G80MG5ib42o,,Palm tree trunk - like a piece of art 7026,9rC6w_49RSE,,Blackstone Glacier seen on the approach to Anchorage from the east. 7027,bCqZor3BOu0,, 7028,JUn6Ja1-Lgw,, 7029,gALfFBldv3o,, 7030,HT_tLT8mGLA,,It Floats Away 7031,GGyvqO9Iw54,,Jardins et Serres d’Auteuil Greenhouse in Paris 7032,4A1pfhfUR4E,, 7033,L_zCAwr-qy4,,Colors We Think About | Light We Feel 7034,-Oo_nApUwRg,, 7035,8qXnX2T_3mo,, 7036,0K8f4RRMFhA,,Harvest Moon Bunny (insta: __sham.bam) 7037,NCFDCgj-2mM,, 7038,_oRt0kO6W-s,,"Hiking to waterfalls in Ubud, Bali" 7039,KOZ9SG-MDyc,, 7040,H2mvRfuLvfM,, 7041,76QeeOdEdIQ,, 7042,zEZvPMjdVzs,, 7043,vNRdmHotLd4,, 7044,Vo-rKrFcAR8,, 7045,Nw3N66qyd2o,,3 camels 7046,tNn5S_vbx_Y,, 7047,809gNezh_b8,, 7048,vLCxJg4eWVU,,"Oh, deer!" 7049,P_3HGUB9tPI,, 7050,Yd9wuqsByck,, 7051,h2PgB8xb8AI,, 7052,6UJygvfoT2w,, 7053,-zXB4y-Rs1g,, 7054,KLyrk4NgYbs,, 7055,7by0hnrUBP8,, 7056,rwA1XLEazZk,, 7057,h83M8F34mjA,,Beautiful morning light and frost on garden plants. 7058,mkaZ3UPhXc4,, 7059,bBInWbKTuhw,, 7060,0KoRn8IQFww,,A blazing sunset reflecting off an unusuallycalm North Pacific Ocean. 7061,xZX3pXjQQSw,, 7062,durfAAEvuko,, 7063,9IxEntLDdFQ,, 7064,WQ5HOvrDZ6Y,,"Aerial view, from the east, of waning lava fountain from Pu'u 'O'o on Hawai'i Island's Kilauea Volcano. Taken at the end of eruption episode 32. Pu'u 'O'o rose 209 meters above the pre-1983 surface (928 meters above sea level)." 7065,IHHiw3VMZvc,, 7066,MrKwuNIP6F4,,Story of a Cowboy 7067,MVQPTvPYsJs,,Coal & Fire 7068,sFPxZsn8cwU,, 7069,xPIWbOvKViI,,"A behind the scenes shot from ""The Storm"", a collaboration between TheFatRat and Maisy Kay. Check out the video here" 7070,gasB30pgsg0,,No Signal 02 IG:@eliapelle 7071,h6iLV0_5RDo,, 7072,6JZJyHXQ-p0,,Skógafoss on a bad whether day as on the whole trip 7073,USnraKKqLR4,,Milky Way with moon and pinnacles 7074,H4omQL75e6k,, 7075,mBz6QjRZKvc,, 7076,7h06P9UKhYY,,"Rhino with a snow-covered tusk, Burgers’ Zoo" 7077,CqoSqqHhsuI,, 7078,R-3vY4S0ksU,, 7079,ENkQJj-7orc,,Tiny flowers in white and red 7080,YkYSChy5RU4,, 7081,rQtip_2cQYc,,Fragrant chamomile 7082,xy2oRrisYm0,,Mountain slopes under a mist 7083,epcsn8Ed8kY,, 7084,0-dy5lOmnMs,,Orange rose on dark green 7085,ALLMFFPBhCY,,Mossy log pile 7086,5CsJnGSR4s4,,Foggy Dolomites 7087,J_Q_cOe2GOY,,Two huts — Teetering in romance. Colors float through the air. 7088,xG74huvY134,,New Forest Raod 7089,wjG-OALMLAs,,Winter wilderness lake 7090,k1hbfag2na0,,TUR 7091,vuFzbaTpR7s,,Maldivian lagoon. 7092,NqFwYtq93l0,,About 10 minutes or so before the sun touched the horizon I came upon this Black Skimmer resting in the shallows. I positioned myself so the Skimmer was right in the sun’s reflection on the water and captured this silhouette. 7093,dChZrZx6mf8,,Infinity star 7094,JQ0YTMFhN5Q,, 7095,J7toyl4g7M0,, 7096,HVWVERp33tQ,,The high climb 7097,wANOyJD6QP8,, 7098,mZ39bDsdmeQ,,Lonely rhino at Cabárceno (National Park in North Spain). I really like this shot. 7099,f9uAn6snTs8,,Always had this shot in my mind… 7100,e62pgCl1I_w,, 7101,EFBfcXn5uTk,, 7102,nfCcsEgpAAM,, 7103,dxC84vR2-8U,, 7104,uMzm3jwlCkk,, 7105,7A_yfNw528g,, 7106,NCpD5mHUVv8,, 7107,vVOnrDeAGZ4,, 7108,DGyVvAJNyPE,,Mannequin. 7109,OpiTaaXFW18,, 7110,MSpFr8sETjc,, 7111,VeKqfHaa3e4,,View from a beach cave 7112,VLOpw_F9iC8,,Clouds roll in over mountains 7113,9TRaDtl7Z5U,, 7114,01ZeHnK3F_4,,Valley town 7115,ZSMgNjYrHRM,, 7116,RueSVa1rAJc,, 7117,PaZjj8jC-Tg,, 7118,4O_gBjrlssQ,,"Sunset at Lyme Regis, England" 7119,hVSk2hJukaE,, 7120,CpHNKNRwXps,, 7121,PkoQb_vQEYk,, 7122,aZHda9Sy5Qw,, 7123,lh7-oEeOe_M,,Rocky seaside 7124,mFkhqZFo8mw,, 7125,nDZdzlakTiQ,,Holdingu Ice on the glacier in Austria 7126,mOLet_-xn2M,, 7127,7CbXiA8kKOY,,Echinopsis Oxygona 7128,jwbLorj4p-g,, 7129,4yzDJjewBZ4,, 7130,JY21kYWBsgk,,This photo was taken at Multnomah Falls on a spring afternoon. 7131,N7x_-WvJC9U,, 7132,P2pb7LumUT0,, 7133,swH9TQSgOG4,, 7134,4oovIxttThA,, 7135,JIvEPMe66Rk,,Sunbeam inside Antelope Canyon. 7136,us5jmqSK6WM,, 7137,rNhMPBsDD1o,, 7138,CNGdxgjWdz4,, 7139,k-hHz56AImQ,,A morning storm in the Badlands being chased away by the rising sun. One of those moments that leave you standing there speechless in awe of the beauty. 7140,eaLKL_WEZsc,, 7141,vdQfgQohWOY,," The Hegedex stands out freely in the ridge bordering the Pfunderer valley on the east side and dominates the view of the Pustertal valley from the Brixen region. Toward the west it breaks off with a broad, steep flank into the Pfunderer valley, on the south side are the pre-summits of the Altberg (2385 m) and the settlement terrace of Terenten in front of it. On the east side the mountain range is bounded by the short Terner valley (also Terentental)." 7142,Ai2BDteKScI,, 7143,SH9qxARmUiE,,"wolf lichen collected from old growth trees in the Eastern Sierra Nevada mountains, photographed on black." 7144,fGfUJnZD3Mw,, 7145,IVX3YgXftjw,,Patrick Hendry 7146,Nj09rsh9mvI,, 7147,TdAfVvGXelo,, 7148,lNf5ab5EaJs,,during the hike to Earnslaw Burn 7149,a0F4kX9nLBU,,A barn owl looks out from its nest. 7150,3pnKzEQGOXc,, 7151,8YRrnjZq4aY,,instagram: anastasiavityukova__ 7152,KQXeabDx7dI,, 7153,o9nE1a7jhBQ,, 7154,5H69DBo4cGM,,"Frozen forest on Kosmaj mountain, Belgrade, Serbia. More photos on my Instagram >" 7155,Dj_OzafImwc,, 7156,sy803eXiVRk,, 7157,lHmuz2kVwoY,, 7158,LD4Lz2uoP_E,, 7159,HJ_DFU16zhw,,Bamboo Forest Walk 7160,Ue1sGyjLUME,,Tomorrow is Saturday. Inflatables. 7161,VMdxiJ5asWo,,Boats at rest. 7162,9w8RQrQzqjQ,,Deck in a lake in Austria 7163,6h80hokygJU,,"Rose Garden. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica Summicron-R 2.0 90mm (Year: 1981)" 7164,wNGPoWonOgQ,,Park Lage - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil 7165,39utYXTgMYo,, 7166,1UFTd1eRamE,, 7167,Q-ckzJJPgEU,,"Taken at night with a slow shutter speed, the flower was floating stationary overhead on some clear thread while my hand created the motion blur." 7168,b9qMrce84C4,,Forest Wallpaper 7169,2NitDiiC_rY,,"Old wooden bobsleigh and luge track in Murjani, Latvia." 7170,10B8fyjCf68,,Adventure 7171,AXC489OdlY8,, 7172,JtXy-ekKzb0,,Reversing deforestation is complicated; planting a tree is simple. 7173,wSkGPwlErxY,, 7174,w-teNOBaLVc,, 7175,YRspb1Z6eE0,,Ice cream van on the beach 7176,-UBrUHi2wsQ,, 7177,e2uTOpgW5Ec,,Saxon Switzerland sunrise 7178,71r-CaIQCiY,,The Waterfall Bender 7179,tDwc_wK57Pk,, 7180,QWOLBiDMkLg,,"Amazing layers of clouds and mountains, with a cabin in the distance. #itsgreatoutthere" 7181,jR5I7mKa1Sw,, 7182,hKwBa0Gltuk,,Deadly waves in Iceland 7183,woWf_VJ7dNs,,The first launch of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. 7184,WJ6fmN1D-h0,,cat 7185,UsbMGphPWw4,, 7186,2nkth4yfAAI,, 7187,3ODJ3CeHlUo,, 7188,3ikHyQtIH94,,Can you see the Mountain? 7189,AB6z0-LIOX8,, 7190,6xXt9LYQAdw,, 7191,UC5phxqDdy8,, 7192,i_NIPjipLMY,, 7193,QTnOhxGJZkk,,"NGC 7293 – Helix Nebula A fairly well known target (Eye of God, Eye of Sauron), the Helix Nebula is one of the closest planetary nebulae to Earth, estimated to be around 655 light years away in the constellation of Aquarius. Planetary nebula is a misnomer, as they are the ionized gases released from an intermediate star as it expands at the end of its life and unrelated to planets. This is what will happen to our sun in about 5 billion years, but well before this stage in our sun’s evolution the Earth will have been incinerated. Our sun is too small to go supernova, instead it will expand as" 7194,F1cMxMqk0Vc,, 7195,j8vAzje0O64,, 7196,ui_izgPOwKY,,Taking flight 7197,ZhMVRbv9GSc,, 7198,wxKsq4LLEDM,,Blue Light 7199,jggkw_DAzjA,,"Photo of a young crocodile in water through glass. The eye is above the water, the reflection of the eye is on the surface of the water, and the rest of the head is underwater." 7200,qyb32Dns3aI,, 7201,3PdvcqJGf3g,,Wonderful pebble beach. 7202,O0xLqkI9i-E,, 7203,hWr2kkfcxM4,, 7204,KhQ0ea2v0lY,,Cold frosty morning in the countryside 7205,Q4Hqe54dvKg,, 7206,utFO-7TScD4,,"I was trying to capture the horizon and the Jupiter-like clouds during sunset when the first car to drive by in half an hour crashed my long exposure. However, I think it was the perfect touch to this photo. The lights are from the tops of 300-foot-tall wind turbines on a farm in North-Central Oregon. The big mountain is Mount Adams (Washington)." 7207,0hFK_7mbJ_Q,, 7208,WsUciKaXDuk,, 7209,T4BWIcNX2rg,, 7210,8E-ZQb9hDwg,, 7211,en-RjVJurms,, 7212,Zwp8zDWO-CI,, 7213,pzgc2oAyBMw,, 7214,YA-DFlSzXBE,, 7215,dq93aNzsrH0,,Celebrating my 200m views with the tallest building in San Francisco covered by fog. 7216,LXw-Dg0H4is,, 7217,O_B1LTxHb98,, 7218,8DCaf6WWpuU,, 7219,331x7yqD-3k,, 7220,BdBSS3-xQhc,, 7221,dbORTH6dYfU,, 7222,ZYtDVTBUAJA,, 7223,FbhNdD1ow2g,, 7224,UUbs2ViJgog,, 7225,e7-35H0fB70,, 7226,ER-k5Ka9lWA,,Last days of this year's autumn. Awesome tones of Cluj-Napoca City in Romania. 7227,b3N3YAV9xIw,, 7228,NdMcz5d74Ak,, 7229,xmFe9_aRVP0,,"The third largest continent, North America is a land of many facets: frozen tundra, rugged mountains, high plains, deserts, and lowland forests." 7230,uHHA_YklxMc,, 7231,G29K-hg9KZs,, 7232,ZswV2gLztzo,, 7233,O_PiZADjg6M,, 7234,8UXhQkhTEEc,, 7235,YT8d9hNCEb8,, 7236,lzD1i1Rfbtw,,Airstream Travel Trailer on a Mountainside with Big Sky 7237,zMB-MkZdTXc,, 7238,ZvqDDmZts94,, 7239,FpCgVhP_p-c,, 7240,rO2IyxK78Zc,,New Forest Pony 7241,NSocj1QGLSU,,"The Jurassic Coastline of Dorset, UK" 7242,d-S5l_ujXLc,,Prionyx thomae 7243,eLdD5PoGhTA,, 7244,Iw5UkZqsH-c,, 7245,sAwJixo17RM,,This shot was taken in Robberg Nature Reserve near Plettenberg Bay in South Africa. 7246,4EjacWPPkaM,, 7247,KQv97RQhtho,, 7248,c8k5eRMV8ls,, 7249,Ga27HHbTkCE,, 7250,Mi8ozXhtmqI,,"Blossoms, Jamaica Pond, 1952" 7251,uVAvF7EG2UQ,, 7252,kuGFt0iJusE,,"Odie enjoying the sun in Los Angeles. If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 7253,HUmttbWvIzc,,Purple tulips at the Tulip Festival. 7254,TcopxPxpeqY,,Please follow me on instagram! @chrishenry 7255,QQAjgp2bM-U,,Amber Ledge 7256,hG31g7mXmss,, 7257,Wl-cl8xk7gg,,"A lonely deer stands in isolation in Richmond Park, London." 7258,SOOSddC_xLo,, 7259,xq2t-1DH2MY,, 7260,zchVMqVzZYk,, 7261,Olv8IytYdFM,, 7262,JG0Wqwi69pk,, 7263,SBmUSVPQN94,,The Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge near the Hoover Dam (2/3) [ IG: @clay.banks ] 7264,jk383wwFcyk,,Bullfrog (Rana Catesbeiana) 7265,yOkJPDCI_rI,,burning sky sunset after storm 7266,9ivMm671L48,,Lunca creciente 7267,aVmXOKHtOdE,, 7268,a-a3P8jqJSA,, 7269,YkMkngYOo4w,, 7270,4_5ao9QNI38,, 7271,vNPSUhQgphE,, 7272,Zjimo-V5LfU,, 7273,8cHvMUP43yE,, 7274,zPktb9QkcGY,,"Light, bright plants, interior gardening inspiration" 7275,fGFswdJ4SVw,,jelly 7276,Pa7qbWfoh6E,,Wildlife abounds walking along the white sand beaches of Ft. Mcree on the Pensacola Florida pass. This Blue Heron was busy eyeing a spot to pick up some dinner. 7277,AHj57XK2vZ0,,"Some autumn leaves lit by the street light in my city, Strasbourg." 7278,aTbrv4d8wIw,,Just one of my favourite photos from November the 5th here in Nottingham for Bonfire night! Fireworks were amazing too and it was great to see it! 7279,ADi4sARKzlM,,A snow goose catching the sun’s last rays. 7280,0aYGuHdeQs4,, 7281,qUcKnH9ICxc,, 7282,pg6uyl1yqOg,,"Amazing ‘Arrecife de las Sirenas’ in Cabo de Gata (Almeria, Spain)." 7283,oJ51oJxb4oY,, 7284,WgDy0odb324,, 7285,BcoPi0XN2y0,,Nublado 7286,Y1VHgLgPe34,, 7287,--e3kJUMSZw,,Frozen Day 7288,C5Bae2RCCJ0,,Yellow Jellyfish 7289,x0_WocZ0Cjw,, 7290,1ufh4CgvFls,, 7291,M2m9JJKt-1I,, 7292,_WUItMsKxDg,, 7293,xF3DZY4oVBs,, 7294,rqOIV-eTBR4,, 7295,tjhRuXnTBoI,,A hundred bad days made a hundred good stories ✨ 7296,AcpOK-Et4yo,, 7297,1HzX60Vq9ok,, 7298,6MqriaX8VbY,, 7299,ezEKbRPBCR8,, 7300,5LI2YgvhHbE,,insta: @citydrown 7301,KlyZGkmE01w,, 7302,FsviThsRYYA,, 7303,8P4TXHFB-Vo,,Star-gazer in the sahara desert 7304,SFYL9rFcLy0,, 7305,RCBF176izzg,,"My best friend is called ""Willy"" and he is a cactus ..." 7306,m1oaVAL3PdQ,, 7307,Rs82ubSF-8M,,"Trees at Ashdown Forest, Sussex, UK." 7308,1Ytzecs_XU4,,variety of fall flowers 7309,ydU5iN4mWek,,"Woods in Wassergspreng, Austria." 7310,qmWzxQJ6M6g,,Lilacs in Bloom 7311,X5c3f2QZGXQ,,Sign of Hope 7312,iwDd0BEw7z4,,Paddling beneath the boardwalk 7313,bvpWQI8Xb0k,, 7314,c64UTXEETuk,, 7315,TSuGZ6_GMcs,,Cloudy Alps from above 7316,cNL9PYsgVNE,,Small clouds in the mountains 7317,eTU7o_K4LBI,,coconut is all you need 7318,jcsXq4614dA,,This rose was gift for my girlfriend 7319,jWEGJTo9ooM,,Residential district in fog 7320,gZwIfbHaAOM,,Frosted leaves on trees 7321,pR5OXJn6Kug,,Frisco 7322,x1noB3hon_Q,,Turtle For Air 7323,cyTb5Qrs-ko,, 7324,qO0O57ei1ik,, 7325,d7t7TjsBfpY,,Shot from wistlandpound reservoir. 7326,vmTZW2FNvP8,,Mid-Autumn 7327,_RQ-4GOd9rg,,"I took this shot of a formation of granite pillars in the Alabama Hills outside Lone Pine. This location is known as the backdrop for many old Western movies. We were there early on a beautiful day, but the Silent Witnesses of the past did not give up any of their long-held secrets." 7328,pxr5wubtX8Y,,Stratified Falls 7329,HhsROCtI76I,, 7330,1UF27kmDDg0,, 7331,vESk46kcm9g,,Falling tube lights 7332,wQImoykAwGs,, 7333,pGCwAAk04BU,,"I was driving home from dinner one evening and came over a ridge to see the moon spilling onto the still water. I’ve always loved looking at the moon and had never seen it looking so enticing. I didn’t have a tripod with me but managed to balance the camera on the back of my moped. This scene reminds me how powerful the moon is and that even during the stillest, loneliest nights, one is never really alone." 7334,4B785DeHG-s,,"Built for speed like a torpedo, a blacktip reef shark glides past at the Cairns aquarium, while the photographer struggles to pan at the same speed." 7335,HzWy2qNulc8,,The Milky Way peeking above the horizon 7336,Kelbg6sI6GE,, 7337,A8iLzX6OddM,, 7338,JyYlC71iguw,, 7339,pBhQnMTINig,,A dark nights Sky 7340,0Z4lIZ7qSyQ,, 7341,sLUwiXCRHJU,,Gulf sunset 7342,5_RZnT-1tB8,, 7343,F_mQy6Z0vow,,Eucalyptus leaves wrapped in gray fabric on a wood background 7344,XAANxQyIfUU,, 7345,m-InFQ9clVU,, 7346,2rIGLsZzMhY,,Antarctic fur seal grooming at Cape Shirreff. 7347,a-vFDVATX-A,, 7348,PZJy9wXF-fI,, 7349,Z-niYJ8Ti1A,, 7350,MbweoXr6U0Q,, 7351,m16CRKJQAWo,, 7352,8bBj5UCSwlg,, 7353,TSHH03vtj64,, 7354,JUXulYgo78E,,"Snow-capped Colima Volcano, the most active volcano in Mexico, rises abruptly from the surrounding landscape in the state of Jalisco. Colima is actually a melding of two volcanoes, the older Nevado de Colima to the north and the younger, historically active Volcan de Colima to the south. Legend has it that gods sit atop the volcano on thrones of fire and ice." 7355,4AsQEW-6Lk0,, 7356,pyFWN-TrXvk,, 7357,yZh2xy0MWps,,"Fern closeup in Knysna rainforest, South Africa" 7358,kJEZa_ec2VU,, 7359,NdfqcjPLUNY,, 7360,hxkzvihbS_c,, 7361,GsdTx_G1XaQ,,Trigonium species from the Bay of Villefranche. 7362,Bxkg6LmeY18,,Follow us over on Instagram @twinsfisch #fischertwinsphotography. Please tag us when using our photo. Thanks! 7363,nAnv-ayK1wE,, 7364,li9VW3SsLl4,, 7365,jlPJelJrSn4,, 7366,xXBay_JDj0I,, 7367,ONVX1qrfw0A,, 7368,MFbyzPYC8SU,, 7369,sdz9gizS0pI,, 7370,idJlwN3NRhg,, 7371,AQQVOVirJzw,, 7372,pfn8zWMBSpI,, 7373,vtwO53rvdvM,, 7374,QMRN_GX7p4I,, 7375,PDaDQV27w-I,,British wild rose 7376,H7Wb_TLDFic,, 7377,LYLaMpBcB0I,, 7378,EdWWd5E02ME,, 7379,zrBxt415Puo,, 7380,QQ9aVFVnb_Y,, 7381,_zVj-LCVCFs,,light is more than the absence of darkness 7382,QUf2s1TUme0,,Husky 7383,-zxeFLnmnkQ,, 7384,wcL2JgX-s4c,, 7385,a7IVuJwYjp8,, 7386,uiYPlABvWBM,,View from a resort in the Alps 7387,jeYr6lIACoA,, 7388,sD--EGHBvqw,,Steamy waterfall 7389,O_uHS1bru2k,,Juniper berries 7390,QxkBP3A9XmU,,Empty shells on the beach 7391,BmeqsTLE75w,,Stone road in the forest 7392,6J--NXulQCs,,Evergreen forest by the lake 7393,JL_TVC-zSJM,, 7394,TLJImI78VRg,,Three mountain peaks 7395,cNLAzrBElU0,, 7396,se-zFGkun4Y,,Woodlands on the long slope 7397,u9Z5p-N-DSc,,Sandsurfing in the Sahara. 7398,FmUKACwkbM4,, 7399,1rzZXCr0vFI,, 7400,7i2EEVY_888,, 7401,cM-ZZlkRQQs,, 7402,wNKGgnlzxAw,, 7403,D6zQt8NfIq4,, 7404,HbQj2RAanTs,,Sun Flower Blooming 7405,oNVakcBGyN8,, 7406,Jr_DkO3Ow14,, 7407,IAVVv6z3D6g,, 7408,8sbwihARadA,, 7409,zH1SVhA7lxI,, 7410,nz2hUsnlyLc,, 7411,inxgrwcntZo,, 7412,Lbu7p5_AGH8,, 7413,2CLrgWqOcFE,, 7414,7FAFY8iYBXM,, 7415,rMk7NQVP4GE,,Protester girl on anti-police meeting 7416,sBZGuKJVHcY,,Sunset on Adriatic Sea 7417,AArsLnEeZmQ,,Poppies at golden hour 7418,gTy4zjnPhUk,, 7419,7aZsyk8JjSo,, 7420,_MtntMqsVOQ,, 7421,4qZq7xlqpvM,,White sky behind dark forest 7422,d8bKbXRcOVo,,Fog descending on a pine forest 7423,V63oM8OPJSo,,summer palm tree paradise 7424,BAPzw6CKBQY,,Dry pine cone top 7425,6msS8vT5pzw,,Full moon over the mountains 7426,gGC63oug3iY,,"Blue, red and green parrot" 7427,RJDZBhPzlDg,, 7428,98aEy4lUQgo,, 7429,lEBDlbXLEgs,, 7430,7DS9AKLs23o,, 7431,oGaPflEHgQg,,Bird on sandy beach 7432,sce76VFkUKo,, 7433,CzcK8pMZ1Kw,, 7434,I1qykSwOQaE,, 7435,ggEsHZIGzA4,,credit: 7436,HdCjBjxYyWk,, 7437,eSNjFDbw_i4,,fire falls 2019 7438,rzBvZs6mQWk,, 7439,bpIyUMGPH1A,, 7440,FwTKMK5IwRo,, 7441,LSIH1dOKn-4,, 7442,iKSEj1JuJVo,, 7443,Yvrw7Lb98FE,, 7444,KX_CP9nVU-s,, 7445,iOnJL4UmpTU,, 7446,L6W0IPXrbxA,, 7447,CJ_9I6aXSnc,, 7448,pMp2mrNFWn8,, 7449,oJDUFteat78,, 7450,SqBK8g4g_ug,,Above the Valley 7451,bjf2nQPyT3M,,Jellyfish 7452,Lx7vsvRmWdA,,Content Among the Sage 7453,GJez8OZsyec,, 7454,MMC9UV4uw3Y,, 7455,tqRlYH1Dc08,, 7456,kjbUGZyTSho,, 7457,w6cETx5yHDg,,Into a Winter Wonderland 7458,99bz22tvPWM,,An Orange Lacewing butterfly rests on a fern frond at the Cairns Botanic Gardens conservatory in Australia. 7459,mNL99FQ394I,,Dazzle 7460,MQ_LpMSxgh8,,Skogen 7461,8eJYLrG6cf0,, 7462,2FxgoQ0qcW4,,Black ash 7463,Oze6U2m1oYU,,Andromeda Galaxy 7464,HFfKonA7DJ0,,Cove Beach 7465,k8xaxyEUHKI,,Bird trying to attack to the enemy 7466,cfAH6Fiuc2c,,It’s impossible to put into words just how massive Haifoss is. Absolutely worth the absurdly bumpy drive there. 7467,cmonQeT6nbU,, 7468,jTSUq-mPO1I,, 7469,jyys-fZFibY,,I love to photograph houses. For whatever reason they’ve always captivated me. I found these roses outside one of those houses somewhere in Kansas City 7470,RMHF7BY3XXo,,Walking in the summer times 7471,ZvPvViNfH3Y,,Before the storm 7472,YRUdoIElae0,, 7473,z3Ywlxbxl5g,,At Least the Sun Calls 7474,KXECHbY5yKg,, 7475,Y18pVOZI7io,,For more pictures: | contact: 7476,7y3I4Pr7S80,, 7477,Q9-GkLBz2Jk,, 7478,xvPXJy2su0g,,Palm trees reflecting in iPhone screen. 7479,1tqpzFw1fS4,,If I could be a bird .. 7480,ncpmQtyTzjg,,Arctic Iceberg at night 7481,624WUhcCm4w,,"Lake Bled, Slovenia" 7482,3MxE6q2r8_g,, 7483,UwKXPb7N9UY,, 7484,QKZ0bak8_KE,, 7485,_zHYUQmWrzk,,Forest under gray sky 7486,EafH-BTjj1Q,,Mountains under dark sky 7487,jROqJxRsitA,,This photo has been taken on the wonderfull beach of Akumal in Mexico on a fullmoon night. 7488,p7ysydPUB_I,,Highway to the Ocean 7489,gtabImSzH-g,, 7490,rNBaaxyeWWM,, 7491,rvKlgNHaTC4,, 7492,asgcv25s4bA,,Storm over Blue Lake 7493,WZZX44gy5mw,,The sunrise. 7494,_hPCc2Dxkr0,,Lava 7495,kjE7bvuLB44,, 7496,fXqOgYJgNBk,,Boss. 7497,Bwkl85sszNM,, 7498,eGONyR28dwk,, 7499,j4PQ4d0ZBXU,,These tracks were from the sled my daughter was sleeping in as we walked across this frozen lake. 7500,iA0a8iIUFlM,,Grass sunset night sky 7501,8OsreS5A9JM,, 7502,vpG6QggnAWk,,The last of my photos of amazing central Oregon textures. This is about 10 miles away from the Painted Hills and as far as I know is an unnamed area. These blue and pink banks were from the bottom of an ancient sea and are part of a tectonic uplift feature. No one does geology like Central Oregon. 7503,Qxl9eZnoc1w,, 7504,RfgWAyCBNWk,,Available as a print at 7505,2zlciPh-p88,, 7506,2FEE6BR343k,,Sea foam 7507,AJ7RFgyn5fU,, 7508,qS46PROnAOQ,,Tucson Monsoon 7509,dnE2335wpzc,,Coral Peonies 7510,Rvafp7dvsvM,,"Trying out some flower photography, wow i was surprised with this output." 7511,kgCCkjyU_OI,, 7512,gGnAXDoGWB4,, 7513,lISpfc1IL6Y,, 7514,bun7ERlQamw,, 7515,QBVERQDZiHY,, 7516,Upr0-kdncIo,, 7517,xjC-LS9fc8I,, 7518,yhiK6erZql0,,For more pictures: contact: 7519,VnJPrX8cc8Q,, 7520,pvxAkkylOGY,, 7521,K83_cy82Lj8,,INSTA:@copper.spoon WEBSITE: 7522,boEQuTkobH0,, 7523,LoPGu6By90k,, 7524,4zNgG9rz3yo,, 7525,Jvg6U2VW1dQ,, 7526,ieWHXjjAEwY,,Single cell thunderstorm cloud to ground strike with impressive illuminated structure. 7527,OElxWB3VkKo,, 7528,4cnN9LFhL88,,"Minutes after I took this photo, the clouds rolled in. The valley had disappeared, leaving nothing but the highest peaks visible through a thick layer of gray." 7529,M8YBPJWQbRk,, 7530,9pDTO5sIAPs,, 7531,U553jpgOdjE,, 7532,0Isix5BusbM,, 7533,N4w76CIiHDU,,Long exposure shot of a rock on the beach 7534,XncbYJr12Bo,, 7535,kkBXGVE9k-8,,chilling 7536,2t5woYq1sjg,,Short eared owl 7537,18DeX6hwebI,, 7538,TZNo2zmrpaA,,"I carry field notes with me every day. This is a stack of notebooks representing years of caring these guys around with me. Mostly they contain silly little lists or notes, usually nothing too important. Every once in a while you can stumble on some silly poetry." 7539,7o1lRegtJEs,, 7540,PbF_KzTNw1E,, 7541,tSR133k8Diw,, 7542,bBw0cCGoJ_8,, 7543,EShGwCZs3Nc,, 7544,Uy9Bh-kmt3s,,"A wonderful sunrise one morning at Durdle Door in Dorset. That time of year the sun rises to the left of the Door, whichh creates a wonderful opportunity for getting the light just hitting the top of the rock as it does here. A wonderful place, and even better at 6 am with no crowds!!" 7545,XObb1sV-hns,, 7546,mgHMNt38OJc,, 7547,klzBR5evrPo,, 7548,XS-bgrSgXxI,, 7549,JXZYAWCFBbI,,Thanks @adrian_infernus for borrowed this lens 20mm 1.4 SIGMA 7550,K03EeiFqtps,, 7551,jmUAwCkB2X8,, 7552,6BLE9HVwIJw,, 7553,70gMzJvw4K8,, 7554,JxNZ9RU8414,, 7555,iUGefrVAecs,, 7556,eonAf_JQFbI,, 7557,ka8WGEY2eZU,,A sunny town on the river shore 7558,Q5MoCEtHQiw,, 7559,gYyX7h7fbAM,, 7560,BXBUtRSCWxk,, 7561,KM1M0Kk4Xtg,, 7562,aeUAfC92R-0,,Green wooded slopes 7563,Hk7l6DmgO7Q,,Paris skyline view 7564,zmEkesACv_c,,Wooded slopes in black-and-white 7565,dRQhhIdaCBU,,Sunset over Mojstrovka 7566,v_2nNEhz2Z0,, 7567,a8r9V5ZG3Po,,Lifeguard stations at sunset 7568,VcRbMldAFU8,, 7569,u6V8eekpN2g,,Sea Turtle 7570,Q9EooYVjeqs,, 7571,cHffIPyYemc,, 7572,TkleHhWiJz4,, 7573,LfpWI2jzoHE,, 7574,0IzXFdwrLAE,,"Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia Instagram: @bibons" 7575,SjZ7gSECF9Q,, 7576,PTZ9BgapPyo,,Mountains in Salzburg 7577,7n1fOwnCXM8,,"oh yes, this was taken in golden hour in my favourite country district, mardan" 7578,Cy6PwK1mtHM,, 7579,FFGdSelMjmI,, 7580,1TCGooComJs,,Sunflower 7581,BJBQO-gYjik,,Grizzly in BC 7582,gMG1vTnbs2o,,The fourth week of protests in Chile 7583,RdoyDRR17cA,, 7584,2Ruer-0N9ig,,Christmas tree haunting 7585,ZwBAsx53dms,, 7586,TsD2ki2uXB8,,Chowchow puppy 7587,QtxgNsmJQSs,, 7588,sKHf8VwwFdo,, 7589,EDvECxZcu6Q,, 7590,0xYkkvLu9So,, 7591,cQvo-8yW-zI,,"Download my presets: If you like my work then you can support it: My webstie, portfolio, youtube and more thing:" 7592,QcRIbY2XqPE,, 7593,gk9rpqetbtk,, 7594,PGHIP0o15Hk,, 7595,a8JR4dP_CcY,, 7596,rZ-16r8qM34,, 7597,b1-Orxql-eQ,,Ok so it’s not quite a blizzard… but these are a selection of photos I took during the latest snow in Oxfordshire. The set is a during and after snow over a two day period. The contrast of during and after is quite spectacular. 7598,p6Cavyt_-WA,, 7599,VKJjSeRDykg,,"While on a trip to Dalarna, central Sweden, we were blessed with clear skies and lovely thick snow." 7600,d8LBoKmavIk,, 7601,L-QUhyxKeFM,, 7602,eAeADptbds4,, 7603,nGc9GJPoN5A,, 7604,G9Zgb-yGM_g,,salty water 7605,fnctVhgg25s,,Potted plants 7606,jisnSnPIopw,, 7607,0jy-e04bmaE,,Leaves pressed against window 7608,yWCyI7I0yOc,, 7609,w4lzk2_Yasc,,Beautiful autumnal ferns. 7610,pABXnHlGPKQ,,"Book of Luke, Bible with flowers on white table" 7611,SBKdiLOmylc,,Spotted leaves of a Bunny Ears cactus soaking up evening sunlight. 7612,IHWnTa6P7Z0,, 7613,ugA20jqhHL4,,"Dobbiaco Lake 👋 Small donation, huge appreciation 🙏🙏🙏" 7614,uMSzX-yZldA,, 7615,AwGkb9feEu8,, 7616,JiuVoQd-ZLk,,"In far northern Canada, pulses of freshwater flow down rivers after inland ice and snow melts. These pulses, known as a freshet, carry huge amounts of sediment. The sediment seen in this image flowed into the Beaufort Sea from the Mackenzie River, the longest northward-flowing river in North America." 7617,vC4iux2XAho,,Schnee-Eule ( Snowy owl ) 7618,FFoXLhjiymY,, 7619,SVXht2_xfJw,, 7620,xUhfow5oxHc,,"Anza Borrego Desert State Park, California" 7621,rlX9J28Pd9g,,Mist over a glacier 7622,g0RPlxVxiNQ,, 7623,uCZuTa_iK_k,,Wet Autumn Leaf 7624,Z6kGPw1zTJI,, 7625,mACqpqOCyLY,,Villages in the mountain valley 7626,_rsGm7nob3w,,Rough ocean splashing coast 7627,pN3Z2usSIQw,,Sunlight Through The Trees 7628,XhUmcEQfpYs,, 7629,lssS7acGDls,,Proud Peacock 7630,iQjrA3BCu4Y,,Old bridge in the mountains 7631,Zi7hgVlMnqQ,, 7632,xD4spDgNtF0,,Rocky coast 7633,QFkiMoKzovY,,Resting cat in black and white 7634,eorb_1PkoB8,,Man Stars Goblin Valley 7635,zmOvU3LupwE,,Brown hare in close-up 7636,Rr9zn33OMbk,, 7637,HKn3U7bSXsQ,,Green cat eyes in macro 7638,LDlC-35X2uU,,"I love elegant and minimal images, and I am inspired by like-minded feeds on Instagram. Also, I love anything that involves florals. Every week I purchase flowers from Trader Joes and practice my photography skills shooting them. Usually, I incorporate props from around the home. They can be anything simple from a piece of fabric or little plates I’ve gathered etc. To shoot the images I generally style the items I’ll be using in front/on some foam board. Also, natural light is a must!" 7639,PmQb16W6KRc,, 7640,qaBh11PzGOk,, 7641,plyCLMpXnAU,, 7642,-jXsYZeA7tQ,, 7643,P1x3b24K_Pw,, 7644,PdGBci-4jR8,, 7645,6g_XF6iRi4I,,"This was one of my first nights out taking photos of the stars at my families farm. The night sky was incredibly clear, and so I sat out in the middle of the paddock with my camera and took photos all night. This is one of the photos I was blessed to have captured." 7646,FYd_OgGb1KM,, 7647,eTOK4R3ZI-U,,"If you wait in certain spots across the Chicagoland area, you are bound to have a plane go directly overhead every 5-10 minutes. I did not have to wait long before this plane crossed perfectly into the puddle that also reflected Trump Tower." 7648,O6AqdbcbQXU,, 7649,wmXadAZ1Dk4,, 7650,mpEntmqDPmk,, 7651,t7GFFM1QLU4,, 7652,GDoh9pYC_W4,,For more pictures: | contact: 7653,tvnLADoe214,, 7654,PDAzh1rSIa8,, 7655,-zzvGaZ3gjY,, 7656,ltHZ2CPXrqI,, 7657,pHBlOgHWcEg,, 7658,mf8A3tpVWPU,, 7659,YJ2RjAE9tjk,, 7660,KrNAe1fhw7A,, 7661,g-2WkOjYRdg,,Daphne Karla on South Beach 7662,xROcpKs3Phg,, 7663,908CphGYrK0,, 7664,vwMBY66ED6Y,, 7665,WyrPzCU3hfM,, 7666,jsTSF_xjXYA,, 7667,9DfroERH2SA,, 7668,Vc-ElUnZi3g,, 7669,7xemAmqHhLc,,Piercing Through 7670,7mLqq9Y-Czw,, 7671,dduRtiR5q8Q,, 7672,bg20VZvrfvY,,Wood Texture 7673,XTkSZ30_9EE,, 7674,4411cTk9I2g,,A nice beach in Maldives shot with a drone 7675,aiLd4Y1Kwn0,, 7676,kY9O3Q4dL58,, 7677,Y--zr3CPaPs,,Elephants in an African game reserve 7678,2E946jsOFvE,, 7679,PtVq35qD-CU,,"Like distant galaxies amid clouds of interstellar dust, chunks of sea ice drift through graceful swirls of grease ice in the frigid waters of Foxe Basin near Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic. Sea ice often begins as grease ice, a soupy slick of tiny ice crystals on the ocean's surface. As the temperature drops, grease ice thickens and coalesces into slabs of more solid ice." 7680,paw_7bdZ8Xg,,Beautiful girl on a sunflower field 7681,WQiYHPhacLM,,"Geissler Group, Villnöss, Dolomites, Italy!" 7682,YvC4jD09cZ8,, 7683,PnpbBlVy1pM,, 7684,OR4q9_Y2nuY,, 7685,oaQVbCRASUI,, 7686,O1ytfWZ6tJA,, 7687,4S_ClvzmN9w,, 7688,sGCBg9mSZlk,, 7689,J0TFI-jvHGE,,pineapple on the rocks 7690,yJ9sc4peomM,,I see you 7691,Z43yOLLYhas,, 7692,cSwO_dTgzq4,,Wild Daisies 7693,2PMsTEWAfwU,, 7694,ekzhv1vjkLA,,Small catamarans 7695,O1lz53oVK2M,, 7696,qHkOCA7MyiI,,Coniferous forest near a hill 7697,v6YntOOHPTY,,Green woodland from above 7698,DPXytK8Z59Y,,Blue Kingfisher 7699,kuT7X8djcMM,,Searching for leaves 7700,Ri9Q6ZQrN5g,, 7701,93q1OMq5uHE,,Cute Koala 7702,OlMEi486nFU,, 7703,FzrlPh20l7Q,,Patterns found in Pismo Beach during sunset light up at the right angle when the sun and your naked eye align 7704,rIDE73mqi2s,,Mesa Arch at sunrise 7705,RAVdOqWXPvg,, 7706,y3p2G0dZKaU,,The best of South Tyrol / Dolomites #1 7707,Lzq-zkGmLOg,,BUNNIES! We saw them at a farm stall and they were so cute I sat in the rain and fawned over them because HOW CAN YOU NOT?! 7708,aiLEdIkIuvM,,"Composition and balance of the sunset, the crescent moon, the planet Venus and a Joshua Tree. A moment and view of stillness and beauty." 7709,NrKDthcZAWE,,breathless. 7710,UNksPqDxPFY,, 7711,An18-liwqIw,,"The Turpan Depression, nestled at the foot of China's Bogda Mountains, is a strange mix of salt lakes and sand dunes, and is one of the few places in the world that lies below sea level." 7712,O_UbPKaz6no,,"Cat licking her face on set at a studio photoshoot for a celebrity vet in LA, CA. White background. Animal photography." 7713,0zPMieZk240,, 7714,PChlguQgbCw,, 7715,QhKqg3Col5Y,, 7716,Jpb0rUMsfDQ,, 7717,qkVrnY0Q2Kg,, 7718,Tz5DiEBWdGI,,Nébuleuse de la tête de cheval IC434 près de la constellation d'Orion 7719,QFD5u8vYf1s,, 7720,A9PKQpac6RU,,pumping station 7721,IZeAQG55l14,,Two shooting stars fly across the Milky Way. 7722,4xv3lqnanYc,,"If you like and use my photos, I would love a small donation (even just $2 would help) to my GoFundMe account to buy back my stolen gear (yes, I lost everything!) Thanks!" 7723,FA6sU_QUMbE,, 7724,oacHEtIlXsA,,Man relaxing under tree 7725,FgauF0UHTLA,,Spider on web 7726,uqz8meQz0aQ,,Heading to the sea 7727,-rSka4Bw-EU,, 7728,rN0PNH9G-WE,,flower1 7729,GHOiyov2TSQ,, 7730,tquA0vWzO2I,, 7731,6Xush5UEXpo,, 7732,YDNvydD1jAY,,Flowers in spring 7733,LQvkqPoDvAc,,Swampy 7734,m0BHTN-srjc,,A little-big Jellyfish 7735,FRVhwfdOT9U,,Delicate petals in a basket 7736,fniN3gHwnEI,,Drone view of ocean shoreline 7737,3xUnaShh5SQ,,White sands 7738,dtSmhMpO_CM,,succulents on a silver platter 7739,sZj8qOt3yTU,,Pink Dogwood shines in the sun. This tree in my yard makes me happy every season when it gets full of color. 7740,qzj2SNRNqeY,, 7741,mvqDXU6GP2U,,Tree lines in haze 7742,B2mq60Ksrsg,, 7743,6-C0VRsagUw,, 7744,_f2m3mEkaaU,,Table Mountain Peak 7745,vIqxsp0_p1g,,Countryside Barn 7746,-u-utDdi6m0,, 7747,ka8xTk3KMw0,,Winding road through green mountains 7748,cOzOIsKvsUQ,, 7749,0hvmAoYkQYM,, 7750,EmSpZYr3hEg,,"Grassy snowy mountains, Geiranger" 7751,VTB2FX7JmUY,,Autumn leaves on a trail 7752,9U_uCvfpptk,, 7753,D_pbnIkHz1Y,, 7754,S1sI_1eWH7Y,,Mountain lake under dense mist 7755,heJkpnyPjwM,,dayso filmmaker Sony Alpha A7III 12mm Samyang f/2.8 1/250s 7756,rwvoWJlMkIs,,The moon 7757,RWDUvWHobTw,,A simple stack of 15 photos 7758,rN8PJXQNy4w,, 7759,N22iRE8u3MU,,Beautiful ice blue Caldera in Iceland 7760,Fne5OhxT5Oo,, 7761,mbcSPgVqWBA,,ceramic bowl with dried scented lotus pod - zen decor 7762,s0Q-dxkZhto,, 7763,4ytXGKoqWDY,, 7764,QPvrefd5TXg,, 7765,mIZ7fVKat5c,,Apple tree blossom 7766,WZdn76tZW0c,, 7767,n6hzRDQ9CM8,, 7768,6vXQrXVFXjI,,Job 38:1 Then the LORD spoke to Job out of the storm. Been through a lot these past few months and boy have I been listening. Taken right before a storm front moved through. You never know what you're going to get when you try to take one of these. Every once in a while they turn out. 7769,ADUToBSx4Ko,, 7770,3TE8zK0gF7E,, 7771,DNXWtB33WWE,,Cloudy Coastline 7772,MPYUwhE8Jjs,, 7773,JIF__24w3XA,,Hikers on a misty slope 7774,CitnR95_VWo,,Storm brewing 7775,8lI4lsWQ4ts,,Alone In The Pasture 7776,2V3OzQZAIPs,,Snow coated tree under the sky 7777,SoC1ex6sI4w,, 7778,wCujVcf0JDw,, 7779,1NRIIzqbJls,,"To travel, to experience and learn: that is to live. - Tenzing Norgay" 7780,Ey1CHKvnShc,,"The title in German translates to “Tyrol is exciting”. It’s a clearly German expression for amazement or extravagance. Just like watching a great film in the cinema; hence the “Kino”. If you ask me, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones could have easily used the Austrian landscapes for several scenes. Oh well, at least we got James Bond. Not the same tho… (fanboy-ing so hard right now)." 7781,eFiNsmpqmYU,,Instagram: @Exit 7782,qem7xLMt1bU,,Horse grazing in the shade of conifers 7783,9wTWFyInJ4Y,,Brace yourself 7784,mSK5nNsAsLY,,Royal Botanical Greenhouse of Laeken 7785,5kGjw-8MJeU,,"Cagliari, 2017." 7786,QC8zpwAGIcA,,A lighter and a sunset 7787,bUhzlj3gGso,,Clouds of Candy Cotton 7788,PoYQTd37fDA,, 7789,mxYNQELP0cc,, 7790,SVoJPEjWRTU,, 7791,Wc-1sAv4cn4,, 7792,YV7_BcObbIs,, 7793,Z2gm_Ml_qzk,,One Tree Reef. Cespitularia sp soft coral. 7794,EzL0hR0wL0M,, 7795,ZLToLF-Zj3w,, 7796,waHvcfwjtR0,, 7797,hVQxf6LDA7I,,Sun is setting behind a forest in easter Switzerland 7798,gxSG3JhTR3A,,Early mornings at Lago di Braies. Reflections! 7799,_rlA77TNjOE,, 7800,FUnytarDDjM,, 7801,BhPAD28OFnU,, 7802,5MGT5A6AlpY,, 7803,fMWj0dGNpPo,, 7804,JTfLqxRWQlc,, 7805,ooe-48G6NtY,, 7806,JgcNCll5rek,, 7807,boCk0rIiOSw,, 7808,46V1mFWvpV4,, 7809,9RMUiIz8at8,, 7810,_84S1gXSeZM,, 7811,8MD_TrUkzbU,, 7812,i6YnuvqUPSM,, 7813,7oGIKVNjPx0,, 7814,brzlKDaThy4,, 7815,kvd23GVL21c,, 7816,YR04dy3YKo4,,Iconic Transamerica Pyramid building in San Francisco downtown. 7817,ZqTW0r33Bg0,,Wisteria clouds ... 7818,6XX1Tc9UvQk,, 7819,TFNpV_iC19E,, 7820,Ko6XKSsO4w8,, 7821,s1qLr2HQfAE,, 7822,oa8vRa1JBlw,, 7823,HN_mGWcZolE,, 7824,SzD33Xh8SIA,, 7825,0Mmp6ojpwWU,, 7826,w0eeWGAhLiI,,Snowy mountain street. 7827,F5cua3OiVA4,, 7828,zbai2Y1GBIw,, 7829,xeRDNkA04Y4,, 7830,S3AJ3p5poN0,, 7831,J9GXIayf7hU,, 7832,IFP0Yu25w7w,, 7833,kYT8gMyh_4Y,,Cracked | Follow on Instagram: @timmossholder 7834,f5_rRxchjoU,, 7835,UMpdxLFOZIU,, 7836,JnHBi5TEP1c,, 7837,O3farXTL2J8,, 7838,kzyFbrac-GA,, 7839,7_6iCm1dMDc,, 7840,VGkq_um-IdE,, 7841,uHXvkxCft7Y,, 7842,yDdwpp7l8D0,, 7843,Shi_yFfqy9U,,Ocean Beach - San Francisco - California 7844,kXYmB2m-poo,, 7845,ZoUNWvSr9LA,, 7846,4-2dvzP_oqM,,Group of Jellyfish blue colored in a tank. 7847,Z0RptXj3fME,, 7848,T9Mbcy99bgw,, 7849,DCQF-SaeD-c,,rain days 7850,yT1rgJxKFoM,,European Wolf 7851,d0vTE6gPSU8,, 7852,H82Rqe4griA,,Autumn Look 7853,PbuIkxyrNGI,,close up of monstera leaves against a red wall 7854,Y8Qj8RZLJJM,, 7855,7DTKnOcXJB4,, 7856,YUqXIgVFQTM,, 7857,HCr_LtYtn5o,,Bed of leaves. 7858,O91I2-gs6-g,, 7859,Z37zX20xvF4,,Palm tree on the beach! Warm vibes only! Instagram: @VisualsByRoyalZ | @RoyalZProduction 7860,D0SiXcGKaM4,, 7861,y20B37KJ-NA,,More on my instagram @vadimsadovski 7862,gBNibyDrL7I,, 7863,tFt1QJxgfhc,, 7864,tnYIRn3LiLA,, 7865,xBMO6_1Nl4Q,,Ladder 7866,B86kKJF-dHw,, 7867,88ZQhf315tU,, 7868,KopO-Re-bEw,,Taken on layers of glass and using paint and live florals 7869,kjfdacDML9M,,Back packing through the Budawangs in Australia 7870,NHvT7LMWI4A,,Silhouette mountains sunrise. 7871,5aWCPG8zlJQ,,Spent a day traveling to different parks to get some nice fall photos. Found a lake at a park that had super still water and some leaves just floating near the shore. A lot of the trees here were beginning to change color so it made for the perfect shot. 7872,gCKIlTMFUP4,, 7873,-nvKrf2JWkM,,a cat sleeping beautifully on a cozy bed of cats 7874,FSrYZ-SG06k,, 7875,qvDnmtwq_x0,, 7876,w4ylKjkqz44,, 7877,Tf33w4dJglY,,"Walking around in the beautiful fall weather in Georgetown, Colorado, I saw several of these ivy things growing up old wooden walls. I loved the color contrast of the green against the white clapboard. Taken with my walkaround Lumix." 7878,t--2nGjWLXc,, 7879,72vLY-QMd3w,,Little snek at the Detroit Zoo 7880,J_h6ez1ufyY,,Gloomy 7881,o51TCXsqCh4,, 7882,l4MwmH8QIxk,, 7883,sbXx9kSdHwI,, 7884,DqpKPaKNxjw,,Storm Diana has been producing some big waves off the south coast recently. And last weekend was no different. Huge 6 foot plus waves were rolling in and battering the Portland coast. It made for great fun! This was exactly the shot I wanted - capturing the power of the waves with a 0.6s exposure just after a big wave had hit the coast. 7885,3obnj6Rz1eY,, 7886,F1rES0sVuIw,, 7887,HKXKRUoy6yQ,, 7888,8C1_maRH3nY,, 7889,-N235jQ01v4,, 7890,7FU42T_XgH8,, 7891,BtvsZExa-a8,,Autumn in mountains 7892,njgv9Lz_obc,, 7893,AvyqZ8XwQ6c,, 7894,m42Edn1pI7g,, 7895,jT86IpheR2w,, 7896,6pXuQsRIyyY,, 7897,o8cMgOUB-Z0,, 7898,mg-k04n58xY,, 7899,hxn2HjZHyQE,,Ginger thinking about the future! 7900,aNM8Pk_QmOA,,"Winter in Lungiarù, Kampill, Longiarù!" 7901,o8bh7gCXWto,, 7902,nZKNG8ZW2Gw,,Greater Flamingo 7903,qiMmrWdYZfg,,Eucalyptus 7904,enEdaSOO5K8,,Eel 7905,GrPp1JlyJ9s,, 7906,W3EWDe2VjCE,,cloud covered mountain with forest of trees poking through 7907,pa7YYVCq7k0,,Creepy Location in Germany 7908,2vnWl27Xiso,, 7909,4Q1Yu2c5EXA,,Moon 7910,VwZM3qZTGNo,, 7911,T9QF0KX7FSY,, 7912,OA2usnLvqAU,,"Sometimes, the fun must wait for the moments like this… // follow me on Instagram @jknepp" 7913,-ZXDwPL4kgE,, 7914,8zr_bdZMDCA,,"first time flying the drone! lil wayne Loooooooved it. he actually tried attacking it and the propellers sliced him a bit so he was bleeding :( but he’s a champ, he didn’t care, he was still so amazed by the drone. i edited this photo but the foto was taken by my friend Kaelen H. @kaelenh on IG" 7915,S59dyPi00ow,,I wish I would to know how old these trees are… 7916,cUaXzFXVKkA,, 7917,l0oZqM8Zf1o,,Tourists hiking a glacier in Patagonia Argentina 7918,AsRAyHIkOHk,,"I’m terrible at growing anything, if I ever had kids I’d worry I’d leave them in a store. Alas, I’ve successfully raised this one for the last few days and I couldn’t be prouder." 7919,Vw6PwmjrtiE,,misty trees 7920,9LEogrMVMwY,,Flying 7921,3ENfnnjbdJs,,Rainy days 7922,QGkQJTFfvRE,,Faded roses 7923,AgE1Vmi-r_M,,Another view from the top 7924,IyAmVX9y8Iw,,IG: @katiedrazz 7925,Qp98pvJki-U,, 7926,SJCc19SBg2k,, 7927,ZP7Gg5m69Vg,, 7928,9_uMcDhylKw,,Palm Aid 7929,d_z_-ckeOSs,, 7930,I3nHRNu3960,, 7931,KQK3n4K9dt0,, 7932,lVOL-j5XtQY,,Lost in thought 7933,SmxLmoZH6Hc,, 7934,zi72GAIX02s,, 7935,5YdyZZWSJvk,, 7936,bIdMeWTtqfo,, 7937,VVjxp2jpBuI,, 7938,rUoa7RXJaWI,,"The rock formations at Montaña de Oro Beach, near where I live, are incredible! Just another reason to love California. ❤️😎" 7939,vXH0OQfoXwk,, 7940,HQ1eQRQkjI8,, 7941,5WYKhfXZ7gs,, 7942,pEOaSft8ahM,, 7943,GRLN5FC4cLg,, 7944,R-Z1BYePvd8,,lonely waterfall 7945,uExE6A4WspI,, 7946,uSnAfRE4X9s,, 7947,F2DDx_PnYKA,, 7948,u3JNbeMGEn4,, 7949,FlnBOxM_iF4,, 7950,KaNvPPzCoIw,, 7951,LIlG2UO71TY,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 / 100mm (Year: 1993)" 7952,M30X2OMeVoE,,"Timber Lumberjack with Motor Saw. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica Summilux-R 1.4 / 50mm (Year: 1983)" 7953,-fQqwGNgIpw,, 7954,4e2OFBrL3I0,, 7955,20iUSfosUIc,, 7956,Yx0sVL2H8pA,, 7957,QvbLjB9pHLM,, 7958,iqbk5e3evrc,,"Large aloe vera plant at the Pineapple Fields Resort in Eleuthera, the Bahamas. Love giant succulents!" 7959,Uz0OpFr0JzY,, 7960,SFKAoY5scVU,,"a relaxed house cat, by the window." 7961,JVPX0mLB-NQ,, 7962,ew6Mt77oSHI,,Tucson Monsoon 7963,HX73apcFYts,, 7964,PRDYeguNNTU,, 7965,chb2Q85RyOg,,Greenhouse cactus 7966,wql4ybjCFcQ,,More: 7967,f9B6uiwrBWo,,mountain scenery with lake 7968,Bnm0Ntarz6o,,Late Sunset 7969,hPbMO39Qcec,,Jaguar F-PACE 7970,xIc_bOuI_vE,, 7971,xfLHmmDpqNk,,cute fluffy cockapoo dog in a white hoodie in a city 7972,cJC2NmbkvHM,,A vase of pink peonies 7973,JJSJrHLwzjk,, 7974,70J4nzXT4CQ,,bouquet of cow parsley wild flowers in window 7975,AN2SypyyOnA,, 7976,P9G7dBP-7ZQ,, 7977,wSb8d-ke5-4,, 7978,kmF_Aq8gkp0,, 7979,fQGWykCu0Cg,, 7980,DRPC3e4dm80,,Tire in the Lake 7981,JymAEDgMK6U,, 7982,DRKknUyra0Y,, 7983,53AjL2h_eO8,,Corporate beauty 7984,5KmkrOjOBrE,,Svalbard Snowscape II 7985,00Dy3T-PtE8,, 7986,29oO_Fj56Lg,, 7987,eA0VZdYWIig,, 7988,KM2L7b-9plk,,Green room 7989,SyqwYmKUA6k,,Water Hills 7990,2YSTI1j5fc8,, 7991,LCaKuYefLQk,,Blue Blanket 7992,GeY9BMwIyvY,, 7993,bInJ2wIkITo,,"Boat ride at Lake Moreno in Patagonia, Bariloche, Argentina" 7994,_lofCeUHMOo,,Patrick Hendry 7995,SVur00PsY38,,Into the Woods 1 7996,lYpBEQ159Mw,,Wandering through the snow of the blackforest in Germany with my mother. We had a great girls weekend in the nature. 7997,89JjCbf_NvA,, 7998,EvS_yFY48VU,, 7999,Mur1brzxdKM,, 8000,kHprIGwkZK4,,Losted by Fish 🐠 8001,FhHK2VqU52I,, 8002,s6r-2tQnLfI,,A snowy winter lake deep inside a forest in beautiful Canada (Vancouver Island) - by Jan Kronies 8003,5nH0Hh78Nh4,, 8004,AR8XAYZVB7Q,, 8005,6kNVJ1fr3Ug,,Crochet yarn 8006,cj4XksqA3lc,, 8007,Qfk5WlDlUvE,,Young boy cleaning his rifle. 8008,fPSQ1KL3wnw,, 8009,5TIY1COWmv0,, 8010,WbFn1M_s4vE,, 8011,0cSOFraG4uc,, 8012,_KScGQeCaNk,, 8013,nNqDGvg8P6M,,More of my work on instagram: @morariu.emilia Press and make the blue button white! 8014,6XrbdMWBg_g,, 8015,ny8DoR0IezI,,A shower in the heat 8016,w2tM5aCIAKQ,, 8017,7rOby5QnIgE,, 8018,UxHol6SwLyM,, 8019,E4lCUOWdt5g,, 8020,on__f0tEf_E,, 8021,aPDdaxVPxXY,, 8022,PSnrTvbKk4I,, 8023,DHq112zTaJQ,, 8024,DfRd0Ly_qaY,,Ocean Water 8025,9VkueYH5qic,,Ready for Christmas 8026,ncJKXaCp-3A,,"Stormy coastline with breaking waves along the Garden Route in Knsyna, South Africa." 8027,48Ex3a6HXVA,, 8028,ef7x0FjQN0M,, 8029,mdE6-YNEqhU,,"Tulips are a sign of spring with its reviving colors, warmth and a very special fragrance." 8030,rFCNA9RlkP0,, 8031,834nbDVo9c8,, 8032,VrQRpV4c9jY,, 8033,XECNPsL6PVM,, 8034,RsDH_BgoKQ0,, 8035,Xtz44YgyrK4,, 8036,_TlLurJZdIc,, 8037,bcJFSLkkx2A,, 8038,jlwAIT6Cy0o,, 8039,YNRTbN9IawU,, 8040,KUaSsTacWeY,,lost soul ( TEXAS) 8041,aGX9ypwhhXA,,"Lake Bled, Slovenia during a foggy sunrise" 8042,JiqalEW6Ml0,,Aurora’s Dance 8043,plO_spV7N08,, 8044,MB6eaZQRMIs,,"The Milky Way in August over Montagnac, South of France" 8045,tBSAoST2YW0,, 8046,k4btplJLgyo,, 8047,WUQWuGEmnAQ,, 8048,RQs0-tFcI5I,,Beach Peace and Sea Stones! 8049,Ec-HyhqZEGQ,,A floating jellyfish in a sea of blue 8050,o9qVQKUa3w4,, 8051,PFimzg8OsX4,, 8052,7qvdXt3egso,, 8053,3cq6kDeKlbQ,, 8054,PrxkLnOd7VQ,, 8055,WvzhI-31ku0,, 8056,6lCZ_V9Dlgo,, 8057,8LPgWfHgcMg,, 8058,SJNkYXNcfyI,, 8059,7RjuH1Vk2Cg,, 8060,dAFk0IjztP0,,Penguin March 8061,NZkOikMx90w,, 8062,23AS61ws1qw,, 8063,n9nDQHBpqF8,, 8064,NUX8vT_lkWI,, 8065,v7RF4HWhdkM,,Fiddle Leaf Fig Detail 8066,CQyrS2eMcPs,, 8067,2mV2ibHWWTk,, 8068,X8vOsD9U08E,, 8069,2Cirx1WkMvU,, 8070,me0hi86szok,, 8071,5XEi4zfliX4,, 8072,ROKiNFIhd9M,, 8073,seFqZVb5ve4,, 8074,HGh3GDvXgX8,, 8075,cX-KEISwDIw,, 8076,USXfF_ONUGo,,Cold white winter landscape from above with snowy trees gradient. 8077,zhqN_WPjKpY,, 8078,UiRRFlDSyXs,,Ocean foam // 2017 8079,AFKOugrPThg,, 8080,llCkggB7uCQ,, 8081,O68D64n0C-k,,Rùni Road 8082,5Kbc5Yl77MI,,lost in the waves 8083,rFvlfJCKqEU,, 8084,yf8U_tViydE,, 8085,N-bNpRhmh6w,, 8086,6TidXDBDqhA,,White snowdrop Spring HD photo 8087,44uct78vlvg,,good boye doing a monch 8088,h5qIrTmDb5M,, 8089,lIf1_NsE-FE,, 8090,6s2oTaFpPE4,,"This illustration depicts a three-dimensional (3D), computer-generated image of a number of oblong-shaped, Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria. The artistic recreation was based upon scanning electron microscopic (SEM) imagery. See PHIL 21922, for another view of these microbes." 8091,nf7W_hn6DKQ,,Elephants on an African safari game drive 8092,uGCDi2f0jIk,, 8093,fqIafUr6OOg,,Ural owl 8094,dYxeEQ-3TnI,,sunset cat 8095,WEWfy5pusrk,,moon 8096,jPSfvI9lsEI,, 8097,dkZlPD0NdJM,, 8098,A_lY4rHDZ-I,, 8099,LWQtPI7dalA,,"The hills of north Portugal. And if you look closely, a fragment of a rainbow :)" 8100,V5yz9InMF2s,,A New Years Eve Walk 8101,onwHGWNbPD0,,The Touch IG:@eliapelle 8102,hJ_wuNzpIiI,, 8103,601J978TjQo,, 8104,fkYugzeEDZo,,Person in parka in winter 8105,1PrQ2mHW-Fo,,Alpine landscape 8106,voITMWAQWgc,, 8107,KXuLbGP6eTA,,Pink hydrangea clusters 8108,HFhXVTJ-IzE,, 8109,ODx5fU9tgqg,, 8110,XG_3sXtRO5I,, 8111,xVLjiB9ZMhM,,Grand Teton lake panorama 8112,ps2daRcXYes,, 8113,xyzc3eNA2Wg,, 8114,JruCKmJdmng,, 8115,-fdLwPMi7iQ,, 8116,EzGmrjAA74k,,Swan floating in the water 8117,KEXUeZIev10,,Cat on a bench from above 8118,T8ecfi8E4oQ,,Blue dragonfly in macro 8119,RLhp4Dh6iMc,,Chalets on the mountain 8120,oNflJCdmoA0,,Fog over Yosemite National Park 8121,-aptt8SCOHI,,Camping on Top of The World 8122,iJLKLJzT1A4,,Towards the end of the day the clouds began to break up and there were spots of sun here and there. When things lined up just right this adult Bald Eagle circled around a few times and finally banked to dive for a fish. This image was taken just before the dive when it was caught in a spot of sun when the background was still in shade from the clouds. It created a rather dramatic lighting setup that I think works for the more distant bird. 8123,82JvJrB9deY,, 8124,AUuvyTkkod4,,A bbq flame on the top of Jabel Jais mountains Ras Al Khaimah. Special wind for the sparks to fly 8125,icuCJlKLOng,,Plants on the window sill 8126,9yvADFNcXOc,,The locals call him Cyrus. I was lucky enough to get a stare-down from him on an afternoon safari in the Kruger National Park. What an amazing creature and moment. 8127,jkwbOfd3xJI,, 8128,U2XoCezbP_o,,Lion Yawn 8129,0924-LQ6Z4Y,,Orange poppy 8130,llg7GwrWxw0,,"This photo was taken during a 5 month trip in South America. I have always been inspired and amazed by space, hence, I was thrilled about doing this astronomy tour in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. San Pedro de Atacama is known as one of the best stargazing spot in the world due to its height (approx. 2400m), and the absence of light and air pollution. The photo clearly shows the Milky Way. The ‘cloud’ located below centre is actually the Large Magellanic Cloud, visible at the night sky with bare eyes." 8131,vFjzgb4brnU,,Wild + Free 8132,9swU_dZxwGg,, 8133,h40ktgpO-f4,,"Wet suits strapped around our waists, sandy surf boards encumbered to the dermal coating around our digits, we headed towards the beach. Presented in front of us, are two fellow surfers, like us, in pursuit of conquering the thunderous roars of the ocean." 8134,pgALUCcT7NA,, 8135,85kwUxo61BY,,"Antelope Canyon, Arizona" 8136,n4pNuXxyIr4,,Vladimir during a walk on a brisk fall afternoon. 8137,cFY1Eqyeh8Y,, 8138,hzMs0FJ9AGY,, 8139,5sVAy79gODU,, 8140,VeJsglK0Lj0,,"Water drops collisions. Clean water, 3 flashes with color gels." 8141,ikVIIuLzkE8,, 8142,urCaJJiYQdY,,Oh hai 👋☺️ Kibi workin' it. 8143,XmlThIRJuUM,, 8144,8q_ryioVxFU,,A House Sparrow perched on a moss covered rock in shallow water in a light rain with a dark background. 8145,wya0Ls5bxMM,, 8146,yLQLW4e_vBo,, 8147,N4P7u9AfG_s,, 8148,ztBHq2Os5k0,, 8149,URiPibO9QOw,, 8150,g46DoEITTsU,,Milkyway 8151,MLdvLmuF3Y0,,Minimal floral photo - pink rose 8152,JMjHzt9wZOE,, 8153,8FrqLR6lcFM,, 8154,fjq7dNxSkG0,,The hillside remains of a pine tree forest wildfire near Eagle Falls in Emerald Bay. 8155,dSxE1Iz4nxs,, 8156,zoVCH6tc4ag,,Fallen Leaves in Autumn 8157,RbMsF14jxU4,, 8158,tAsalup_R10,,Reflect 8159,q7YoK4YOd9U,, 8160,viezXU3TDJw,, 8161,q1uiITCnFfY,,Dried florals and grass on tan background. Neutral earth tones. 8162,SOM7hsTVG9c,, 8163,q76zzot5w14,, 8164,sVhWVEX8zFA,, 8165,UhHDV3JhwxY,, 8166,uR_pNOruRPk,, 8167,nx8EDJGuYtA,, 8168,fiz57SRVOn8,,View from Top down to a small river 8169,_D5PWijBDWA,, 8170,r3ovJrTHOLY,,Full moon 8171,cAhJtuBBj_g,, 8172,vJ-HitB6viA,,"Joshua Tree National Park, California" 8173,E9TAGw8i7E4,,Kamchatka. Russia. 8174,brq3YUxtrB0,,A beautiful sunrise coming over Farnsworth Peak just outside of Salt Lake City. The reflection from the spillway allows us to enjoy the magnificent colors 2X. 8175,5HNQ65FAUFw,, 8176,8D-0K6JUAEE,,Silver fox killing prey 8177,fjqacsPRnUI,,Tall evergreen trees and trunks in the forrests of Utah 8178,QSFw4URqwgw,,"In a galaxy far, far away Bulbusim Field - Israel still looking for the English name of this site and the name of this stones in Hebrew: Bulbus 480 photos 15sec exposure and 10 sec interval = 3:20 hour exposure Nikon D7100 Sigma 10-20mm f/4.0 ISO400" 8179,aPAiDOXImF8,, 8180,fuAGwZjIYg8,, 8181,J2WhZF2bYTI,,A close up of a duck. 8182,7D50dThPCUA,,Geometry of mountains 8183,oRUU76aYIrc,,"Beach, Stone, cliffs, Sand, Sea, Seaside, Nazaré, Surfing, Portugal" 8184,mt9saBcM4zU,,"A beautiful, cute shot of a squirrel standing on top of logs." 8185,Xss4cp4exmU,, 8186,lvSDZw6V8nw,,Hiking up the hills 8187,aOuy0kyXszo,, 8188,qgQIvS-FTQs,, 8189,bk4hN4Jvnac,, 8190,-K3kpN0FCKo,,Frozen lake in the mountains 8191,FpaxwZ4apss,,White daisy in macro 8192,h1jyIBttST0,, 8193,hcaZvkpPBac,, 8194,EyBKbpPCW7A,,Snow covered rock in Zermatt 8195,CTdSlskmvmU,, 8196,qJmfb_wWXhw,, 8197,zOTA4ZDSsUE,,Splashing water between rocks 8198,MlmN7bHBhE4,,Caribou in the mountains 8199,savOaIMns3Y,, 8200,vu64DRWMlVA,,Man in swimshorts entering sea 8201,0gmYLADpIzA,, 8202,mibCiPnj-B8,, 8203,EFoDbpGsGHk,, 8204,do4a-a29Ru4,, 8205,fzph7RGsyQc,, 8206,rXo51TSGKkg,, 8207,_Agwkkxw0JY,, 8208,a-53lXH3huw,, 8209,4O7OLWAPBOU,, 8210,s51uznTZw14,, 8211,0M7Z6WTi-1M,, 8212,ScDGKvXvfNk,, 8213,tPdCEy9KpZk,, 8214,6m0liQSEjxE,, 8215,bM95unm7O5U,, 8216,rN3W0kwlETE,, 8217,pMtCj8V0zLk,, 8218,6tsIyDa7Hfg,, 8219,1bNKt1xarao,, 8220,zqPHrKKrwi0,, 8221,iOMv4daqIUg,, 8222,uj3hvdfQujI,,SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch 8223,67sVPjK6Q7I,,A shot from a favorite spot located in AA. Himandhoo. 8224,OXF4xhRWQVo,,"Manejaba rumbo a la casa, en un dia nublado, cuando vi esto de inmediato me detuve agarre mi camara y capture este momento" 8225,dazjc3MXsDc,,"You got to love Paris, especially at night!" 8226,TnLdd0LMfwk,, 8227,D2Q2o7bYWew,, 8228,6alYiK8YdWI,,"Photo tour on island, arriving at jökulsárlón the wether was miserable, rain and more rain and ....but i seldom had so much fun taking pictures, I could had spend days there but our time was limited. anyway what nature is offering here is not to be copied by man." 8229,Y-B3hOhzguw,, 8230,Qv8NgYRjSn4,, 8231,p5YPd6wVzeg,,"The water looks like glass, and all the boats are anchored nicely the same direction. Just looks cool." 8232,Sk1x2a-xKKY,, 8233,jgicMx7vd58,, 8234,WaUcTYPfiCU,,"Follow me instagram: Taken during my first desert safari experience in Dubai, United Arab Emirates." 8235,i2Jh9aTP6R0,,Fallen Autumn leaves 8236,hcoUSNdX1Ho,, 8237,79PlWbxj6LU,, 8238,AaB6qlzlgJs,,Winter in the suburbs 8239,na_ixmBlOmQ,, 8240,hjGJFIXW8QM,,Sun in branches over a road 8241,KQNBuD9YGdo,,"This was taken on one of the stops on a 28 day 10,000 mile roadtrip a couple buddies and I took around the US right after undergrad graduation. This is one of my favorite spots, getting to sit on the edge with my feet hanging over a huge drop down into the river as the sunset put a beautiful red/orange glow on the rock around us was incredible." 8242,VL2Vec7fHLU,,wintertime CZECH 8243,QdmJzausBHA,,A snapshot on a cold and dreary morning in the Austrian Alps when the clouds were so low they slowly drifted through the trees along the mountains slopes. I quite liked the moody atmosphere that morning :) 8244,-Ylz_tc8NOk,,Wind in the gray mane 8245,NwH8vv448IY,,Water at Sunset 8246,tLatn4r0nYo,,. 8247,Qz3eI1B2QPs,,"This is one of my favorite drone shots I’ve taken, because of the simplicity of the shot. The asymmetry has an interesting wait in this composition, Just the right timing with the wave kissing the beach, and the trails from the road to the beach. Love it." 8248,F1OjCxOlj8Q,,Lost River 8249,cs6Omgsf0fU,, 8250,16EFEq4gphQ,,Sometimes the wilderness welcomes you like this !! 8251,Wfiw2vKu3FA,, 8252,y7eGBydmTKk,, 8253,8pizdZJS3nE,, 8254,Uq5i7GDrAGg,, 8255,Bn5zWppkIIQ,,Sunset in Ullum 8256,TwWmbN3mxzU,, 8257,Gmxbaiph-YE,, 8258,G3wOGRDvLmg,, 8259,KlfQcIMDsfU,, 8260,tmlcscaVcDU,, 8261,0z6wiMb8ko0,, 8262,zXEme0luaxk,, 8263,RZfllCbu5H0,,Birds in the snow 8264,TUpGrkNEcx0,, 8265,h6LYN_lvSV8,,Haut de Cry 8266,7ALIbwRkwig,, 8267,a2c-rhR4GuU,, 8268,Y-nyDv3TWm0,, 8269,nf9kjXTk2Ec,, 8270,clvr9zKeARA,, 8271,z0a-D45sfEk,, 8272,KaXMBK6l9HE,,Milky Way over New Mexico 8273,UiiTzYSzGQw,,Golden hour on top of the world (IG: @clay.banks) 8274,fsNMGdyQTUY,,Soothing. 8275,N4bjUOElScA,,Wadi Rum Desert 8276,52M4SY5LsUA,,Closeup autumn leaves and acorns 8277,bxvrvRNxksg,,My Indian cat 8278,kGtFjYdm7DI,,mars 8279,63KDwZUZQw8,, 8280,E-MnIT8i9So,, 8281,JMxXwZa6lbM,, 8282,2qMHr5LFysU,,Nature is simply art 8283,XEhsWKXOH98,,"Greenery on a white background, palm like leaves." 8284,lfxIZmSOHlg,, 8285,rrvmXbtfaVM,, 8286,WEbH-GI55V0,, 8287,giej3vS8oAM,,Wild seabird with large bill looking at camera 8288,n5hXarluTw0,, 8289,sE6kaZmqaLY,, 8290,oGToiYG3-Xw,, 8291,vtVq3dJKTDo,,NIGHT FOG 8292,JS8FZel_JeE,, 8293,9nqaWIpWSRg,, 8294,dES3dtwSExQ,,Real maple leaf emoji! 8295,wk8ilTaXqw4,,Planted 8296,jhpL88kP7Y8,,Taken facing west on an English summer evening under The Downs between Midhurst and Petersfield. Please contact me for any work enquiries at 8297,qbHurXgCb9g,, 8298,fqGoZHT5gTU,, 8299,_MJKaRig1Ic,, 8300,DN-dHSY7zMg,, 8301,PddI8rcE4EQ,, 8302,MsEJU1u2TyM,, 8303,Nc2VVYgt1Hk,, 8304,HS5eIZZ03yk,, 8305,u6B3EJ6Ry9k,, 8306,vkcQgIQPgK0,, 8307,ObDVW7BhIJA,, 8308,dGm_6Zk-4eg,, 8309,HF5_h2VMqoY,, 8310,3yC7FphJtB0,, 8311,1sE2B5qpSqs,,Yellow roses from the Werribee Mansion gardens. 8312,eT_rrCbvcqg,, 8313,JTL1sXlJz2U,, 8314,Oc1bTDcP-xk,, 8315,a-DETTxYhCw,,Soft lilies 8316,eu38O-E8j_k,,Metamorphic texture 8317,dE-P0iC2Clo,, 8318,GN1S30kN9Ig,, 8319,nUpgLnikqkQ,,"A quiet moment. This is Kevin. A very special albino border collie puppy, Kevin was born with congenital deafness. Not that he knows, or cares! He’s incredibly smart and confident. He thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread... His family agree. We communicate with sign language. And hugs." 8320,2DZY6KK5c5w,, 8321,RIXsW5YxLsk,,"Sunset behind mountain ridge, Churfirsten, Walenstad, Eastern Switzerland, Swiss Mountains with soft evening light, moody scenery, soft swiss alps landscape" 8322,-pyAqezoOn0,,🌴 8323,2xXoIWFnsZY,, 8324,BImL-nrv8lw,,From flowers to big mountains. 8325,tFEmy--9XV8,, 8326,hfKuW9ql9HM,,Cloud-crested mountain 8327,IyjhDTTQitM,, 8328,T86bARnzPBQ,, 8329,oRIFpNILJOU,, 8330,qAShc5SV83M,,apartment buzzer 8331,c5FohGHma9s,,Beach sunrise 8332,dgEPR8a0C-s,,Hear me roar 8333,X5b6Pab-qr4,,"This photo was taken during a family hike while staying at the Snowbird Resort in Utah. We kept hearing about this beautiful hike and scenery that would take your breath away that ended at a Secret Lake. We found out later that the Lake’s name was spelled Cecret, not Secret. It was the middle of summer in Utah and the area this lake is located is not accessible for much of the year without snow shoes. It was cold, but the air was still. I haven’t felt peace like we felt in this special place in many other areas of the country. If you find yourself here, you can count yourself very lucky." 8334,lDTctMQfbDk,,Mountain woods in Aspen 8335,KI00wDytDFI,, 8336,wix6JnF_CvM,,Red Mountain In The Winter 8337,NM0YUlx96Ic,,Chasing Sunrise 8338,xJ5rjfp-O5k,,Twin waves of silver water smoothly roll to shore 8339,LuK-MuZ-yf0,,The Trauma of Everyday Life | MARK EPSTEIN 8340,CmTi971Mbss,, 8341,rHCdqRXeQNY,,"Like dark fingers, cold ocean waters reach deeply into the mountainous coastline of northern Norway, defining the fjords for which the country is famous. Flanked by snow-capped peaks, some of these ice-sculpted fjords are hundreds of meters deep." 8342,hNpQfqvvbbw,, 8343,MFlZ6NiJ1u0,,"A powerful ocean wave, backlit with the rising sun on the east coast taken yesterday morning :) not long after this photo was taken I saw a shark, so I swam in…" 8344,UDli4t68AHM,, 8345,4CQgIa0628I,,Surfers silhouette at sunset 8346,2kgCGiNLuh0,,Two Sentinels 8347,BRvIxq3mp9Y,, 8348,Gk3Ot2WwLQM,,"A type of Christmas beetle which decided to join the table at an Italian restaurant in Yungaburra, Australia." 8349,3se-NFr8NIo,, 8350,zxV_xahWh7o,, 8351,IH5XSVpwZDk,,"A magical night full of Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) in the winter forest Coldfoot, Alaska - by Jan Kronies" 8352,2VnOvjSpI3Q,, 8353,q9vuMxXt35s,,Night fire - Patrick Hendry 8354,GN2BfC4qhHQ,, 8355,YIp0r1i3KJ0,, 8356,Nop0Ql7TVrI,, 8357,0juN5ROSxzc,, 8358,H1DANBA3R2U,, 8359,H25__QIKI9g,, 8360,SsO2-awZhX0,,"The tendency to recognize human faces in things that are not human is common. Can you see the eye, nose, and mouth in this satellite image of Morocco? The face captured in this ""Earth Selfie"" appears to be quietly watching over the waters just off its coast. The city of Agadir is underneath the chin, and the irrigated farms of the Souss Valley appear in red." 8361,F2IkGADqx_w,, 8362,AQ_Qu0ysWbw,, 8363,7aBrK7mWPeY,, 8364,FcDqdJUM6B4,,"If you like my work, please support me:" 8365,XxXAkVuEnvU,, 8366,7_gwY9Ht1Zc,, 8367,H0CoqaTSC_o,, 8368,aBWy6vLFmIk,, 8369,TMKHTt0IwbA,,Pink wild flowers in the sunlight 8370,lYPVjinbYxk,,perfect goldenhour sunset 8371,w-S6qFG13pg,,Top Down drone shot of Isola Bella 8372,FgApDEeJvHw,, 8373,ts7R37V-gPM,,A coyote trots through the snow at Yellowstone National Park. 8374,LrvZpc5V5vg,, 8375,9TORfLhVBa4,, 8376,lyM1tqY0bcI,, 8377,v2T64yyvFAw,, 8378,Yr4-fZqIOwM,, 8379,NKnw2Ju4ZC0,,Roaming on mars #visual #earth 8380,SdG5KmRFZNI,, 8381,JkVNRBpFSK8,, 8382,03CBKvuP-48,, 8383,eUGCQ0yr4P4,,Scottish cow - Highland cattle 8384,yx-ov9zxhAA,,Eden Beach Vibes 8385,QSQ5ck5Aljo,, 8386,7_Vjf9qHIhI,, 8387,JjOu9wkQrKU,,Koh Hong view form above 8388,Jcy_G4W46uc,, 8389,fQpzOJXijB4,, 8390,f0hwZSrb1sE,, 8391,mJJRr7MAB2U,, 8392,fQIye7dCmrw,, 8393,vUqQUabK3e8,, 8394,BvI2MKKCTZ4,, 8395,EQcZQzew9e0,, 8396,Syl05eRC0nA,, 8397,VTGTi6elV1I,,Follow us on Instagram too @shotbycerqueira and @incrediblerafa More at 8398,e4Yv_AWY2W4,,90.3% full moon 60 stacked shots from video Worth downloading for max rez! 8399,rUUhwSpQry0,, 8400,WQu116gY_KI,,A young alpaca 8401,BIzmgjskR6M,, 8402,frCSu-B5Mxg,, 8403,w1JE5duY62M,,"Taken at daytime, the flower was placed on a piece of glass above me so I could get the clouds in the background." 8404,rSzOCn4CEfw,, 8405,6SbxNnLP44A,, 8406,FOw1hgHiWP0,,IG: 8407,G51K-d_klTE,,Jellyfish 8408,jQDFXkWIjV0,, 8409,hnzijjZAgIg,, 8410,ykk25W6Tiyw,, 8411,ydkeMTvbNEA,, 8412,ITzzbdwnCvY,, 8413,qjZzZccbE1E,, 8414,gxDdSqomSb0,,"Out of a foggy and windless Hindmarsh Island sunrise, a line of birds are perfectly reflected in the surface of the Murray River." 8415,iW96qgYxlp4,, 8416,vmIA2O4chj8,, 8417,tKyXbJNH2bQ,, 8418,OCwYQdmYk3Q,, 8419,jER5Qkzx9Lk,,Beautiful ferns overlap one another 8420,oNte8riFdX0,, 8421,IaV9XuFnAsE,,leaves 8422,vmOQ1rJ9CVQ,, 8423,ByaHMxgO8H0,, 8424,E853UwyijNo,, 8425,izqJ2_I5yhc,, 8426,GDKZFPm5o2Q,,Drift mode 8427,AD1-QzLMZT8,, 8428,rr-zHlGjG_8,, 8429,sUJQVvFhVSY,,Name: Marshmallow 8430,WAkS8Fx-WEs,,Brave photograper @antongorlin 8431,J1t1FY__6EI,,Hydrangea 8432,jpHBFSy_xHk,, 8433,MvzELAYGZGI,, can you please support me comment and like on the link and jam out .. thank you 8434,llYg8Ni43fc,, 8435,29SqSdfvN_A,,Road dust under setting sun 8436,ll-Cj_GBia8,, 8437,XeCvtUX-AE0,,Sharp green mountain ridges 8438,qj3PI0aDWks,,Sunrise On Desert Sculptures 8439,Ay5BwGZUwx4,, 8440,Volo9FYUAzU,,Liberation of the world’s smallest falcon after medical treatment. 8441,NYDo21ssGao,,Rocky creek with a waterfall 8442,KuIHzQ7YbPU,, 8443,KuF2iCw5meY,,Kiffen. 8444,WTSn3axynUk,, 8445,22oq-np6oIU,,white cactus blooming 8446,2GyhJK267ok,,Textures and composition 8447,gNgqWgCeevU,, 8448,dT-EB9W5mXA,,Canyon and fog 8449,9Kn4nEndOCY,, 8450,VNW4XMbfkN4,, 8451,w-pEeDGN1w0,,models 8452,39rjQQBw424,, 8453,dY2zrv3QBwg,, 8454,2krpK2Rrfn4,, 8455,90bGfiqwQ1M,, 8456,MEZEfc06GA0,, 8457,B4zONO7GRQ4,, 8458,6VmWnSCJSw8,,A dinosaur toy 8459,ZaXS_O_Fedw,, 8460,daYZ8ixAn8g,,Sunset over a summit in Silverthorne 8461,8uIwJQAJZhQ,,"When I went out to fly my drone on a sunny, late winter, evening I wanted to shoot some beautiful landscape images before the last snow would be gone. But as I flew above the forest and pointed my camera down, I saw an unusal winter scenery, the trees where so colorful that it looked more like fall than winter. So my originally planned winter image instead turned into a combination of colorful autumn trees, with white winter covering the ground, and the green spring trees." 8462,09bjVyGlot0,,"A perfect example of what can happen when forces of nature collide. As the lava flowed into the ocean, fierce wind and waves forced it back and it cooled into a formation that resembles black teeth." 8463,EEkVpXOKwuE,,"Was taking this one after a long surf session. Located in Maldives, this amazing place just makes you wana get out of your comfort zone and do crazy things. This one was taken at sunset." 8464,5P91SF0zNsI,,Dark contrasts 8465,4iEvf_jvhyI,,"There were a garden of these flowers that bloomed late summer. The only source of water they could receive were from the rain. No one was there to watch and nurture these flowers. Yet through the days of hardly any water, they still managed to bloom." 8466,T81W5sGDcIo,, 8467,s5DDiJZ8TMk,,Streak of light 8468,eAKDzK4lo4o,,Burning Forrest 8469,55NI4yEAas4,,Ocean Storm 8470,VV_LHS5ploc,,Got the lens wet for this one 8471,zkLb3ELOYAM,, 8472,cOdDOVj3FCc,, 8473,89mrtlB4cJ0,,beautiful flaws 8474,aIG_jyVDd4Y,, 8475,H1EjwcsiW7E,, 8476,QCrDUYKGbp4,,Nature’s building blocks 8477,6Bo-eIl7390,, 8478,PwYKS1pSnFI,,Whippet wardrobe 8479,q7ElJAi6ULU,, 8480,ofr2Cp4NzP4,, 8481,ZWc2aWj_PRQ,, 8482,-P8ptLiGFII,, 8483,HClRPkz_5cQ,, 8484,cFIrOY6fqNY,, 8485,pM6I0jnZtuU,, 8486,xWb4OBh8Bos,, 8487,QdWHgO-DZSA,,"[…]But the deeper emotional experience was me standing in the water and looking. The water was still quite warm. Way warmer than the air around so I was naturally drawn to stay. It felt like the water around my legs, the wind, the fresh air that filled my lungs, the scenery of the setting sun […] It’s the same story like the other popular Picture of this scene. It was so amazing. Even when I think of this now, my internal World calms down. the whole text doesn’t fit here :) More to read at Instagram @le_me_sane" 8488,Bwiwa-qA4Hc,, 8489,1d57qBCaBF0,, 8490,CMFoMxLVVKI,, 8491,7YVvzNAFFdE,,Spring awakening – white flowers blossom bloom 8492,byq7RBYWz4g,, 8493,HSDTgNnccZU,, 8494,LpvrYs8m1Dc,, 8495,dusICW_htGI,, 8496,YtGi3ahtj-M,, 8497,sXUBQJDrT8w,,Wisteria 8498,pM982LYLOTM,, 8499,vtER6NMAsxw,, 8500,fiDcrG26q2k,,"if you like my work, please help me by following me on my Instagram" 8501,IAJNzZhDADQ,,Multiverse My new Soap & Oil Planet series. 8502,HWMKmigec2A,,Cracked Coconut background 8503,YZgkPAzy1C4,, 8504,MoU9RTtaxWw,,Hawk Haven Vineyard 8505,3wB4-0KLq_g,, 8506,fmnQbuFtaE8,,pond 8507,UdgvzNom0Xs,,Snowy crabapples 8508,vJ1Pf6Ubi7I,, 8509,vZpp6mWL2jw,,"A cheery bunch of bright yellow ranunculus in the high tunnel at Pasture Song Farm, Pottstown, PA • •" 8510,4Q4LpNP-UAs,, 8511,LxsT96p8iPE,,Wave 8512,fpr4wdEWFDY,, 8513,kl5GkWA-HKE,,Pineapple 8514,QY6RO5kyvvo,, 8515,VXtbt_gDdYs,,Leopard close-up 8516,NIz7SKse_wQ,, 8517,8OFkSqaH56M,,Enjoy the view 8518,gXSFnk2a9V4,,Coastline view 8519,7U4EZyDGyHw,, 8520,rL6sOvctpo4,,Walking up an outdoor path 8521,P04_cJHFkVM,,Inside a rolling wave 8522,bBG0dtdDf6A,, 8523,ri26dGNMWwg,,blossom-flower-focus 8524,wKXu09HY3yM,,Gathering clouds at dusk 8525,fls0nc42WOA,,Spring blossom 8526,Qkieal1MvLk,, 8527,V0SkM3CoaCM,, 8528,AMi8QWJ5Dec,, 8529,2BTgB4I4eSM,, 8530,G21-GaAZrrs,, 8531,ukiTZv50eHI,, 8532,Hhh30PbAIig,,Two baby elephants playing 8533,T5OVioD8WH8,, 8534,g6Z-1PNpIRs,,Blue ski and nature landscape. Please credit @msbirgith or for more product/lifestyle pictures 8535,u0qp8EJ1SXI,,Diamond beach 8536,BL8xd3p3bXs,, 8537,7PucpvbbQzA,,Two polar bears kissing in Budapest's Zoo. 8538,N7aPgCjQgXo,, 8539,yG1vIgBQ5iE,, 8540,CPvhE5xQ7zE,,cute fluffy cockapoo dog in a navy T-shirt in a city 8541,7WLU8DKkGfQ,,Exploring the desolate wilderness 8542,vHeXw6Nj_BM,,Birch trees in autumn 8543,iEUlg3-vtjQ,,Surf board in summer 8544,G-BUa80VUoE,, 8545,6-Kyz5xP2D4,,Bee hovering over foxglove 8546,7X7he8_fA04,,Snow covered Swiss Alps 8547,X2DE1VmN7x4,, 8548,HfDasDyQCPQ,,Tree in fog and snow 8549,LZshOOjAYU0,, 8550,9HH4kl5XvtI,, 8551,d8ddeWAc4z4,,Blue ice on a lake 8552,RG07Rwkxg6k,, 8553,jYpg75dlshk,,Coastline near Mount Oberon 8554,B1Zyw7sdm5w,,tulip-bouquet-vienna 8555,ifpIUxbtu7M,, 8556,6dR-fozkSV4,, 8557,guDkXldTxy8,,Para Club Aérodrome de Namur 8558,ZdcrxlDWRtY,, 8559,V6TWE6h8gyg,,"Glacier, Mont Blanc at dawn" 8560,k7DEOz7rNEY,, 8561,v9GbU7Lhilg,, 8562,xyTs62EY-cE,, 8563,N_NFolZUgZY,,Big full moon reflecting on the calm sea. 8564,GKzgF32piaE,,"Tasman Glacier, Aoraki / Mount Cook New Zealand" 8565,rxo6PaEhyqQ,,"CAN I HAVE A PLASTIK BAG, PLEASE? IT'S IN THE FISCH, SIR... Global climate change strike protest demonstration - No Planet B - 09-20-2019" 8566,60YV8bT4xtU,,Detail of an Indian elephant whose name I missed. 8567,uwbKs1Metf8,, 8568,uzWLhB7n3m8,, 8569,JziSXsl7Zic,, 8570,-QwtLw1XQVE,, 8571,E9Rv-YNmPnM,, 8572,idMSI66-1NQ,, 8573,oJbglDa4cO0,,MT SI 8574,JeS8xcWzQ_0,, 8575,IfL3QovlAbI,, 8576,V-_455qjV_E,, 8577,iuhLxpgSAuA,, 8578,HuI_NdlkwdU,, 8579,fs-8bJ7J5EE,, 8580,vyhL-1Pc6Zg,, 8581,Fjom5RkW_rY,,Available as a print at 8582,eSMSjNueDOk,, 8583,Pilm2S_wgG0,,"Dieses acht-beinige Lebewesen lebt bei mir im Garten .Acht Beine habe lediglich Spinnentiere . Es ist eine Kreuzspinne und erst ein paar Monate alt . Habe diese Art bisher jedes Jahr bei mir in den Hochbeeten , reichlich Nahrung vorhanden ." 8584,LAVftCS27v8,,BRUN WEED NOT COAL. Global climate change protest demonstration strike - No Planet B - 09-20-2019 8585,6cplDi5aou4,, 8586,-zxG8fyqCg0,, 8587,6cQ9E0AbwOo,,Beru Bar at The Standard Maldives 8588,NqtAK18tJKM,, 8589,S3G8qX4Ft5s,, 8590,4Y2xR3sxo7E,, 8591,MJ7602o8vIc,,Sunflower baby 8592,TRRN99_v08w,, 8593,vCnMlf8qPFg,,A coyote searches for food during a winter storm at Yellowstone National Park. 8594,Eb-noaTwHiU,, 8595,y6amoiq258Y,,ship in rough waters 8596,UdvXJ95Yqt8,,Starry sky circle 8597,LmLj4iign6Q,, 8598,zUI1hH5uXgE,,Dark-haired woman on sandy beach 8599,iVguHY5hPXs,,City Skyline from Above 8600,PAcI-vmFL2g,,The eye of the falcon 8601,HthjuB6VkRM,,Fog-shrouded mountain ridge 8602,93g2k8D1Mi8,,Glacier Point golden hour 8603,rOkLqIRCku4,, 8604,KL7ajlGL9cc,,Snowy mountains in Brig 8605,YoijbT_McEE,, 8606,wmNq6j3FwUY,, 8607,bTpbJ1V2JDM,, 8608,bvmy53FBsmU,,Lake Ohau under thick clouds 8609,elayN_YscVg,, 8610,ym_hlhDzZWI,,Gnarled forest trees 8611,3vAXhTcL_mk,,We had another family photo walk but this one was at the Lighthouse at the Southernmost point of Africa. We only had one golden hour in the whole week and this was it. It was so beautiful it made it kinda okay - although more would have been lovely! 8612,hpTJrAKM_3s,, 8613,YmRHtOxcV74,, 8614,tu3tdsAmn4w,, 8615,3mMZjU_BAJo,, 8616,4ADrWAWYnT4,,Ikebana flower arrangement - ceramic vase 8617,_qyPu6EJFf8,, 8618,AWQkKWta8Mg,,Speed @Bracht's inspiration 8619,QJ47qti2RoM,, 8620,J3pLliEQu3Q,, 8621,TqZtx16LJwA,,Mount Bromo 8622,gbTPGIMICuo,,Cholla cactus garden in Joshua Tree National Park at sunrise 8623,qKmkjx87OBg,,Seven Seventeen: Thursday's Gone 8624,DCSZbabZb3U,, 8625,k-2Z5ovVHW0,, 8626,Wqt15MLirEQ,, 8627,Eak0KdAhM20,,"Waking up early in the morning, I took my gear and went to shoot some nice aerial shots of this beautiful island in Maldives. From the moment I saw this road, I knew that this is what I wanted that day. I unpacked my gear and flew it up above this road and got an outstanding view." 8628,kJQoglNY3M0,, 8629,ae3CP4sZLV8,, 8630,MlDrlYm81jA,, 8631,Eh9XI5v5ws0,, 8632,U8422hZkMjo,, 8633,nIimx1QSCHE,, 8634,db0U0V0Ti_U,, 8635,s58EMLnB_Ns,,"Aurora borealis on lake Myvatn, northern Iceland" 8636,GtbE_1zPmZ8,, 8637,mBV6JIBq1l0,,A desolate dusty brown riverbed with dry broken clay soil 8638,BYppFFk3k4A,, 8639,Q4ci8kW_oIw,, 8640,7w0qmCsxcyU,,"White lotus. Photo taken with motion film, Kodak Vision 2 200T." 8641,YW2gfvPnbK8,, 8642,zzW47lWoaAA,, 8643,Qh_Z2aUXzOs,, 8644,XdiT-ET1bXk,,Spectacular Night Skies 8645,DsFE3v6AiPY,, 8646,LUT8d4GVbxE,, 8647,e5fIUZGgEaU,, 8648,DEJXgIsRCrM,,"My partner and I were on a week long diving expedition in Chunk Micronesia in the Pacific, and every night we had clear skies, no moon, and nothing but an endless river of burning bright stars. One particular night the dive shop was nice enough to turn off all of their lights around the dock and my partner and I spent an evening together shooting long exposure photos of the Milky Way as gentle waves passed beneath us. Total bliss!" 8649,TApAkERW5pQ,,My brother and I hired one of these boats for an hour and paddled around this gorgeous lake. Then a storm rolled in and we were stuck in the middle of the lake with no shelter from the torrential rain. An spontaneous race began between all the boats on the lake as everyone raced back to the dock. I’m proud to say that our boat pulled in first. 8650,Z4wF0h47fy8,,Marmolada Glacier 8651,0K96UecwvOk,, 8652,22HltbHJbPI,,A lovely cottage by the sea 8653,RSDJP5S9thw,, 8654,9x54LzhThH8,,Winter breath 8655,cLgdul2ApcA,,I was in Bali in a fun trip with my wife! Traveling the island filming and shooting! I can across this monkey and scrambled to get the camera from video to photo to capture this! So glad I did because it’s such a raw moment in life!! Hope you guys enjoy it 8656,zfrfsvB3wNA,, 8657,uTCRyZvEcUo,, 8658,IL3iGkYisHc,, 8659,KCyLa5xkoic,,Big lens (600mm) is safe to animals and you ;-) 8660,h8v1mpLmGU0,, 8661,MXlfLbMfDWg,, 8662,FpIFOQYSahs,, 8663,rvA7nHhgXls,, 8664,5htXZu3V3oM,, 8665,q0nDIxv3UI0,, 8666,sfsvTLQh0o4,,"I went to walk in the Haut-Jura (France) a rainy and cold afternoon. I wanted to see the end of autumn, the beginning of winter. When nature falls asleep in the middle of the mist to enjoy the long nights ahead." 8667,Ji7kcVi8KHs,, 8668,4FpYJNla4GY,,Crow at sunset 8669,Y3GeJOgLKrA,,Living Coral (Pantone 2019 featured color) 8670,A6xAf8YumBI,,Summer — ending here. 8671,pO1tGn64oJI,, 8672,I-Rx35qlxPU,, 8673,I40IxW_BUjU,, 8674,311t51Tz1Tk,, 8675,I4FHWcYIMjI,, 8676,Ui8oRefm5Y8,, 8677,PExc_MRsikQ,, 8678,p-DDK9lOmmE,, 8679,rGcCsUQK4KI,, 8680,ZKZMccAtnBo,, 8681,umv7ib2nqlA,, 8682,Q5n4j1hb9VU,, 8683,KH9_FVZmmb4,,rich green garden hostas 8684,CR-WoxtBJx0,,reflection of forest trees on shallow still water 8685,jxG54Kyo7WQ,,Abandoned surfboard 8686,88MqyyeY7Vw,,sunset in warm summer 8687,9dIHG8pXuW8,,Sea breeze under the cliff 8688,RdF3apSExR0,,Haze over the lake 8689,cfyTzECvjlU,,Clouds on a hill 8690,6T7kfc3VitU,, 8691,ZpBolO3VHlw,, 8692,89nbYihiJP0,, 8693,F6DA-zlYfuU,, 8694,i8OIDJwtnA0,,Isolated fake plant on white background 8695,qkaCOR_R-Xw,, 8696,zXRxkI4vMZg,, 8697,9r-WFdAQQAc,, 8698,E_61iNM4uaQ,,"While on recent hiking trip, woke up early to notice the fog coming down from the mountain." 8699,r2x1h58_W7g,,Man standing in sunset on Venice beach. 8700,3mwLg4zztbM,, 8701,TrU31T1wrnY,, 8702,XrsuqnxIZOI,, 8703,iGX3Ba5oiQ4,, 8704,elJc2RFEg7M,, 8705,EIeN8My2vLY,, 8706,UCrRNOrGtAE,, 8707,UqriYLpT0pk,, 8708,DsFnLlcnTok,, 8709,eh_Q3gHA8gM,,Colour Palette ...on your body!!! 8710,aa1ktIrQv5I,, 8711,8wV8bdQtmTo,,A simple shot out of an airplane. 8712,pnhpnva1qiE,, 8713,Nw8j0pBvRWg,, 8714,WbNJ1esHobg,,Cannonball 8715,Z8nwpzUsqic,,Yosemite under pale blue sky 8716,ozVnbCyuoPQ,, 8717,YLrvkbT0zOA,,Sun over frosty grass 8718,RbbdzZBKRDY,,Orange clouds over mountains 8719,2pp6Ak91CkM,, 8720,jJfreew6A84,,Touching the snail shell 8721,uVdZqcdEjkQ,,Waterfall behind mist 8722,8UduFQnQ718,,Peaceful mountain lake 8723,Dksk8szLRN0,, 8724,BiqAZqMU2bM,, 8725,tlbUJKfHhEw,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 8726,_VPhfBO6rqY,, 8727,ka9D9DiEVvw,,We visited one of our favourite nature reservoirs close to our home to check out the new alpacas that roam the reservoir with some sheep. It’s a great and peaceful place called “Sydhavnstippen” not too far from the center of Copenhagen 8728,knvrzah30jo,,instagram: anastasiavityukova__ 8729,b7QKktHL_aU,, 8730,TOWN5qqOquw,, 8731,WgLnbIo1NBk,,Annas Hummingbird at the feeder 8732,dFDt1sy9z2M,, 8733,3YbnpFS39oc,, 8734,yNfDBAu_8wo,, 8735,f8S8W5CBzcI,,Alone in the dark 8736,QalgXfXyxAI,, 8737,csIP21dp6u0,, 8738,pPF0z9Hhv2s,, 8739,YOaUHVUVWno,, 8740,xVFM4TfqHh4,, 8741,0XYeJue2KJM,, 8742,JOWxC-h1GCw,, 8743,nmg5w3EyAFM,, 8744,gxvJ4Z1Cy6o,, 8745,av5GTf-KxcI,, 8746,5gg45OHX_-E,, 8747,ssC6HHt6YEc,, 8748,RzCDZt233_g,,At the Broad in LA — the water fountains on the second floor are really well lit. 8749,LNrLkNcCXFc,, 8750,oNSvTtnNXEc,, 8751,jBWtrolriM0,,Out of focus blue neon 8752,wICt19W7Eek,, 8753,z-h64PPR2F4,, 8754,igOyiLcfLPs,, 8755,xlTolOtNLZM,,A mountain reflection on a glassy alpine lake. Location: Lake Agnes in Banff National Park. Photo by Alec Olson ( 8756,Hxh4mGqmJpY,,man on road 8757,HpuZmyOSboI,, 8758,LWQ0BVih3Tg,, 8759,YxVdliBFsis,, 8760,Ta6qTsWpZFk,,Hard to Forget 8761,1Z_BVuDS1h4,,Taken at The Inn Hotel in Okoboji. A hidden gem vacation spot in the Midwest. 8762,hzkVe21fpBM,, 8763,TZVQtuWXkoc,,View from Mount Pilatus (Switzerland) 8764,Ucu-UTmVgM8,,Blåsjø energy station from the air. 8765,gqYOrTAszQc,, 8766,PTwUwY_3qao,,ice 8767,CHs2E34Xve0,, 8768,lcmJ4F4gDI0,, 8769,vRXnSd61IDg,, 8770,YTcgiHrdZng,, 8771,96HGASDzrW8,,luna llena febrero 2020 8772,pI0xpRUO_TM,, 8773,qayNP9ccw9E,, 8774,FGoZrS5yVO8,, 8775,Lo1tiR0w-9A,,Scarlet lily beetle 8776,I6NWQDDYZGw,,Sitting on top of rocks looking at crashing waves. Follow me on insta @bailey.shoots 8777,rx5Dupt07Q4,, 8778,ATHIPH-ZNLU,,A close-up image of the hand of a Gorilla. 8779,Oh0KxJ1oERo,,"This photo was taken by Instagram user @Jacobhestonvibes, who is part of Trend's curated creator network. For more photos like this, or to work with creators like this, check out" 8780,FC-B5Ta5y7o,, 8781,27I_GzFc93k,, 8782,9LROilep0yw,,Never ending path 8783,SNECCeK2BAw,, 8784,Bs3O-4MdPI8,, 8785,4SjCceZv_aE,, 8786,ezhhBKbODaM,, 8787,REzrl3m1r5A,,woman holding a cute cockapoo puppy 8788,oq2d-XbL-FQ,, 8789,yGjd1GKthu8,,"Water drops collisions. Hot water with kitchen cleaning solution, 3 flashes with color gels." 8790,0oGY3Wwzrf4,, 8791,pmeeZQFb7zE,, 8792,p9jMjIy0zlM,, 8793,ujcmPPxhxT8,, 8794,oSrIlXW7Owc,,Snowdrops in Spring 8795,9ngA7Xyhnuc,,Girl holding pampas grass. 8796,_9mK0m-nPT8,,Frozen fishing boot. 8797,ZXd5rL_16qk,, 8798,sHO5UXoKyxw,,Snowing on the way to Queenstown 8799,s5_rlPwwads,, 8800,6CxXMoK0yys,, 8801,8S6pJrGKsAY,,A composition taken in the garden of my house. Postproduct with Adobe Photoshop Instagram Account - @therawhunter 8802,ROdim26cPC0,,Allgäuer Hochalpen. 8803,IAeSETtwkkc,, 8804,037fCBgZB10,,"Had about 5 seconds to snap a few shots, was lucky enough to capture this one. His eyes felt piercing to my soul and it was actually intimidating." 8805,WcBxhDgdEv4,, 8806,NI3QxZhuVyY,, 8807,0q4ocGuwz9Y,, 8808,bcdyusTUXkU,,Jellyfish 8809,vlukOqxOA8o,,"After watching the skaters at the Venice Beach skate park, I walked to the water’s edge and waited for the moment when the sun crossed the horizon." 8810,sDbCdEBm7kQ,,instagram: anastasiavityukova__ 8811,aeWzbrcZg_A,, 8812,ylmxQJ6FjKQ,, 8813,9NXLBAHP8iM,, 8814,YwooaOFPRtM,, 8815,HYTwWSE5ztw,,Red-eyed Tree Frog 8816,DMHPOxMVg_Q,, 8817,DByTSWNmP2Q,, 8818,UbvcYKScirk,, 8819,r__gBLb4TiE,,Ferns 8820,QZ2EQuPpQJs,,Wolf in the Forest 8821,9ByO5h6jsZs,, 8822,A6LxkX78DIE,, 8823,O1snVYtvoyM,,The Final Word 8824,0-9HeeTVUpU,,True King of His Domain 8825,JFlpH7nbocA,, 8826,Kuv2iYmMxXQ,,"Petra, Jordan" 8827,Z6EpCdMcoUU,,milkyway 8828,mtuYqjDzaXM,, 8829,DLX1-etjz9w,, 8830,D0uIwP4Uof4,, 8831,O8kyWikNYwY,, 8832,YkQIl0pfbTM,, 8833,s3AFTBZ3cnc,, 8834,o2P43QBZRy4,,"Sometimes, we just need a moment to ourselves to gather our minds together to face another day." 8835,S9543y3UEgg,,We came home from Sandymount as the clouds were receding from the peninsula towards the city. The sun was shining through the mist and lighting up the water. 8836,Ex57cKpwdnE,, 8837,iz_j6rv3vQk,, 8838,aJm2XW384QA,,Keyboard 8839,iTkJ5vzN-Sc,, 8840,m5Zy3Ulb3g0,, 8841,YETY9SV-V6Q,, 8842,z0Uf0vskPK8,, 8843,bfeoodFek4g,,Flor Tropical 8844,qLOkSLn63jA,, 8845,TesmGGBgwzs,,"Follow me on Instagram @jevanleith for my latest content! Intense display of alpenglow at sunset as seen from Mt. Washington Omni Resort in Bretton Woods, NH" 8846,JyBidC-_Sa8,,Hortensia 8847,C9WXjpoCA20,,"Lake Baikal, Russia" 8848,fGAzm73CCeo,, 8849,DzwjLcYgjV4,, 8850,4u_yWBCwIlI,, 8851,58zgsq3c63g,,Blue mountains in winter 8852,WgGJjGN4_ck,,Treetops seen from the ground 8853,tL_7kJL38M4,,Cold river in a small town 8854,4yDg-dDX9uM,, 8855,xNZHQn6lyLk,, 8856,z9W8c3I1rEU,,Waterway Path 8857,cvfv_hxr0-M,,Tree trunk circles 8858,hJETEWJOB-o,,Wooded mountain ridge 8859,oqj-BL2KnK8,, 8860,-CHpb3IYazA,, 8861,BO5BswJwguI,,Red fox and violet flowers 8862,XlcgYsU317E,,Woman walking towards ocean 8863,zqaTy6eJ7Ms,,Dew on a flower bud 8864,4izt8TxQmEs,, 8865,63DhhZq03LI,, 8866,MfxVlgok-OY,,Misty mountains along the lake 8867,50B9vMs8cr0,,Shrubbery-filled canyon 8868,5wZ3iImG-I4,,Sahalie Falls 8869,7_h1c6Zd7lQ,,This photo was taken looking up through a gorge in Iceland in winter 8870,VzEgZgibC5Y,,Melting Time 8871,o8Avj1O7e6g,,I caught half the wave and half seagull. Fun lucky shots are always the best 8872,ijbFF9hOvho,, 8873,xUEVkOOxF_U,, 8874,yDHoaHm7t70,,Walking on the river bank during autumn you notice certain things. 8875,dQhOK_r9gGw,,So sad day 8876,toz-zT_KiX4,,"Night picture in Marcahusi, Perú" 8877,MDC4yo149ZY,,Storm’s Brewing 8878,N_SFVgX45u0,,Standing Tall! 8879,l9lTEDuHS5k,, 8880,VMRoyyNmWnE,,"As I entered the Monterey bay aquarium, there was a fast flicker of lights in front of me and as I looked behind to see what was causing it, it was these sardines swimming fast and the light was bouncing of them. Very fascinating indeed." 8881,DvjWMZ4viw8,,"My friend, Liv, was definitely the horse girl in high school, and I always WISHED I was. I’m glad we became friends so I can use her for her equestrians. :)" 8882,79RxQID1sKM,, 8883,kJqXzt-B-hI,, 8884,bRVU_0xpYco,, 8885,BoPCylFa26w,, 8886,uhnbTZC7N9k,, 8887,DWMDOv47CiQ,,"The Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Bible with a red rose on white background" 8888,7yq_QLzn6SI,, 8889,F7hurtVH1TY,,Looking mean 8890,FSPOriFQjGQ,, 8891,kLnY9WylBsE,,Stars Sky Mountain 8892,PzytfAmbOQM,,"Beach hut, or life guards tower." 8893,bNQpUb4U0Y4,,Wild camping at a fjord in norway 8894,Jr1PTVn00Rs,, 8895,7XRcZ9fbkRQ,,"Near the Queen Fabiola Mountains, also called the Yamato Mountains, is a classic example of blue ice in Antarctica. Blue ice emerges where wind scours glaciers clean of snow and forms when air bubbles are squeezed out of layers of partially compacted snow left over from previous seasons. The ice appears blue because red and yellow wavelengths of light are absorbed. Deeply penetrating light is uniformly scattered at blue wavelengths by the enclosed air bubbles." 8896,jSYvMM1OuGU,, 8897,eOffmzHe2fA,,"Climate change, yo." 8898,JVd93ogqQ8U,, 8899,9b-tgO39yQ8,,Wickedly enchanting king of the darkness! 8900,rWxKYNCbWK0,,Astrophotography shot of the Milky Way core. 8901,nx4YSxCmn9o,, 8902,bl61PHDfMmM,, 8903,7Y_Hiv-GzXQ,,Super Moon 6th of May in Germany. Clouds passing by at dusk. 8904,B4uB-XwECUE,, 8905,rk8fmaulMI4,,Little boy walking in the french alps 8906,4GVe6DC-ADA,, 8907,bSVETtYwn00,,Spot the Leopard ! 8908,GNhcE4VdFfk,,Autumn park lane 8909,KltGjY-LvpY,,woman-big-tree-spring 8910,E8eCrbekbLw,,Winter in the wilderness 8911,xzjouTJASSA,,Tree shadows on moss 8912,zfI-h2dsFg0,,Hovering In The Air 8913,ZiSOuwe2Plw,,Summer haze over a mountain valley 8914,E9CrQou9K0Y,,Peak in Swiss Alps 8915,beg15hyDab8,, 8916,OR_3rbIv5yI,,Smooth turquoise water 8917,QG10KYxWaZA,, 8918,A1q6e1iTDK0,, 8919,eiwVOa9zb10,,Door to Hell - Darvaza gas crater 8920,R9U2BwJodI4,,Icicles on a Twig 8921,UeJqS3qhufQ,,Blooming pink lotus. 8922,Ixp4YhCKZkI,,Man in a bubbling river 8923,zjy2yMUGzRU,,Pebble Stack 8924,3a20DBlwvYY,, 8925,iVEWLe-GidE,,Man looks at snowy mountain 8926,TRys9NU8GiQ,, 8927,vSl1odYyd8w,,Bicycle with a flower box 8928,lia05Pltu_g,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 8929,t5aPwmIWNDI,,Hiking man with watch 8930,Qo_WAibzJxE,,Clouds at a mountain’s base 8931,P0J-1ZaQzAM,, 8932,W6RXSc8OWN0,, 8933,kujXUuh1X0o,, 8934,OIVuAKXW9VA,, 8935,NHrctirn9us,, 8936,hTRX57jELi0,, 8937,7WOHrTUd34c,, 8938,qTY0Y064C1A,,Flower and Butterfly 8939,X5Fh2ZKAKYU,, 8940,EPXsgd5FfJ4,,White as snow. 8941,8p8Eyo-O28w,, 8942,GzHl2BGcvmo,, 8943,c11_sMCmlgg,, 8944,JdERpwlWmrg,,Sopela - Bizkaia febrero 2019 8945,s6DBKueaX-g,, 8946,UPXeaJI3yG8,,"A storm looks chaotic from indoors, but in the woods, it’s calm, quiet and surreal. Had this place to myself for a skate through the forest, with nothing but the ice cracking through the valley to remind you that you’re standing on a lake of water." 8947,fC93iEvjROg,, 8948,W8Sz4uktWNI,,American Bokeh 8949,E-mq-1X4yqs,, 8950,jPs0ZgfLRww,, 8951,RAfIk-ZKbPk,,Posing Boa Constrictor showing of its beautiful pattern. 8952,0-YbTNu0xtY,,"Got a Drone in early 2019, playing around my known scenarios." 8953,dzCSTLjLZa8,, 8954,izfOdN-3zw0,,Beeswax candle in a jar with matches 8955,21oTg6aBdgs,, 8956,JRz-dSGOYuo,, 8957,gVOeMYBJTxk,,Curious squirrel in Holland Park 8958,l_l4mPMvUVg,,The Guardian 8959,IOkL3ZqAapM,, 8960,EH77bfIyO9U,,McCall Moon Idaho 2018 8961,NY5uagc167k,,Winter sunrise 34 8962,4rezxlfTrGA,,"This is Lily she's my 3 year old red coat retriever and she is very hard to get a photo of, however I got this gem and is my favorite one of her!" 8963,v13b146Nz-A,, 8964,ZMEmMguGD1I,,Black sand and white wave 8965,6Qo7dWR2wZM,, 8966,s9Tf1eBDFqw,, 8967,aJDIj3ikk-k,, 8968,TOcmDVAo2jo,,"Seen through the ""eyes"" of a satellite sensor, ribbons of Saharan sand dunes seem to glow in sunset colors. These patterned stripes are part of Erg Chech, a desolate sand sea in southwestern Algeria, Africa, where the prevailing winds create an endlessly shifting collage of large, linear sand dunes. The term ""erg"" is derived from an Arabic word for a field of sand dunes." 8969,BhVSQZ9rP0s,, 8970,Gle4o4gWQ-s,, 8971,-U_hmajpkGs,,misty trees and grass 8972,B8QfD01O2pQ,,Big Sur 8973,DlYzHwAl32g,,Dragonfly on lavender 8974,ipckz_9zDXY,,Helicopter over mountain range 8975,K0mecICLjlc,,Reflecting on things 8976,G85VuTpw6jg,,Middle of Nowhere 8977,tXvXT25LI84,,"Our first dives in Sweden was a big surprise. We had no idea that it was so splendid in colors and had such and abundance of life underneath the surface. Even in the most frigid areas life thrives and it is our duty to explore it, show it to others and protect it for future generations." 8978,L22gzH9pwMg,,Life — stretching for energy. 8979,AN0ITn5DnTw,,"The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow" 8980,3nMWpUx4HyQ,, 8981,IGZtcY1-pYw,, 8982,nfxIvG2B62I,,Fern 8983,EEJurLdHU1k,, 8984,Qf4eZXC3t2Y,, 8985,66CmRE4XQ94,,Freezy sunset 8986,CBYKO0OGRVo,,People watching the sunset in the Wadi Rum desert. 8987,MhPJdWYWbWI,, 8988,4dKe5pHNahs,, 8989,hggrWgO6ipU,, 8990,CpxG-UHDn8o,, 8991,6L_Jg8RMjmo,,Double exposure 120 medium format expired film - floral dream 8992,FIOiHwB71_k,,Cannabis drying Ph by Andrea Porziella 8993,U1of8qPcn5E,,I found a beautiful place to get lost. One-bedroom with a view on the mountains 8994,_nW-rEtrrTY,,Drying roses 8995,Er1UyvpqFao,, 8996,owmGhhOarjI,,Red Sea Coral Reef 8997,C2nvJdsHUY4,,Deer in the snow and snowflakes 8998,YY-LeXGF-p4,, 8999,p6iWns7gziE,, 9000,AZVG-xEZioM,, 9001,36ZAcwUEZZs,,Vallée Perdue 9002,y2FNl3gFzAU,,"in frame, Ali Ghanizadeh" 9003,CQGojeLz4VA,,colored ray of light on dark floor 9004,6rW-AcbSnTA,,Koala Bear 9005,rGmCuOfPwnk,,Rocky coast 9006,PqP_d9duxpk,,"In the American Southwest, transitions from one ecosystem to another can be dramatic and abrupt. This certainly is true in northern Arizona, USA, where the parched Painted Desert, shown here in a palette of purples, adjoins Sitgreaves National Forest (shades of green), a realm of pine woodlands with abundant wildlife. Within the Painted Desert lie the Hopi Buttes, a field of ancient volcanic cones, seen here as a scattering of dark, circular shapes near the top of the image" 9007,r6QPltUpmLU,,"weaverbirds, weaver finches or bishops nice bird with interesting nests" 9008,CojYYoyTTjM,,wide angle forest 9009,FwTpIuCRGrs,, 9010,Os9DR-03M_8,, 9011,RO9nomDWJk8,,Light shining through fog 9012,5D5f_jOayzU,, 9013,g4IHRSd0Ovs,, 9014,ZCYry4c__Is,,Landmanalaugar Trail 9015,uD4aq6xVY2c,,wind and sand 9016,OsKIfYaqbNc,, 9017,8RgYXN5RXnc,, 9018,7xG3whU-rd4,,sunflower 9019,TwIpoGL8oXc,, 9020,6xipUtAsjt4,,Woman sitting on the rock 9021,ZW8dIPP4S4U,, 9022,LkjruCBLg9I,, 9023,QpKC8gwyETY,, 9024,jTy-wEC0WJg,,Ocean splash 9025,i5FsBOLsB50,, 9026,rT8NmgPO9II,,Sunflowers following the sun 9027,GygPFmXGD1o,,Virgin forests around a river 9028,ucZFkiPBSfA,,Snow covered mountain in New Zealand 9029,Huza8QOO3tc,,Light chestnut in the mountains 9030,goYWKFMrUBk,, 9031,Z7WpznlDFVY,, 9032,qZJajnlnPSw,,Brown rabbit green foliage 9033,vXtB-l6koGg,, 9034,oxtlu_MSeKw,,Cliff face waterfall 9035,r6Dc-Usvcjc,, 9036,TI_3eaoMyjo,, 9037,sQmRZqfvcLc,,"The last rays of light catch a pinnacle of rock at the Barron Falls. This is only a small portion of the falls, but I wanted to capture something a bit different from the typical photos taken of these falls." 9038,0lW2zmlDePM,, 9039,WmCsa1gPlAc,, 9040,Im7KE_r9628,, 9041,khNpiQ0IhlU,,Vertical Greens 9042,-9SsJ2jHnkg,, 9043,tc3I5mz5NCw,, 9044,Cl3G0MNsMdo,, 9045,0TNl3CbF2XE,, 9046,Pvhxxlg2uW4,, 9047,hNp1366ybxs,, 9048,hk1EKHh4r9E,, 9049,6xufrwuFPGE,, 9050,QOcoUOmglrA,, 9051,XUzBDdM5TRo,, 9052,ZJ65mFzCGLA,, 9053,Khki2jKgFXA,, 9054,fzCTCZmVEbQ,, 9055,uo2zk9u4q9E,,Farmhouse In The Country 9056,IrhXxv0g29I,,Colorful sky during sunset 9057,0HXv9vpVPcQ,, 9058,DmOCkOnx-MQ,,Cheetah in close-up 9059,3bn5lab02Ow,, 9060,hRCcgolBn88,,Escape To The Seashore 9061,ji3xd3uKN6Y,, 9062,soGoAfesWO8,,Walking in a canyon 9063,fUd_0iyYFVg,, 9064,r5d_dVc8SE8,,Blue sky over the canyon 9065,yVK1HaC4L70,,"I kept arriving home to find this bird hanging around the same tree every week, when i finally got my camera i manage to snap my favourite shot of him/her starring into the distance hanging on a tree." 9066,GnVM7tzWGmQ,, 9067,33JLhfRuqbk,,Aerial view over the building materials processing factory. 9068,KcW-vf8y62Q,,"Sunrise over Cumbria, UK" 9069,EzAEuLvVNwE,, 9070,LQiD5PsBdfE,,Last night I flew to Japan. I was in daylight for about 22 hours straight and we flew with the sunset. I woke up to this stunning view of the artic ocean somewhere between Alaska & Russia. 9071,ZkBjtrG7aYg,, 9072,FhmJJuudRIM,, 9073,AwoNdzQSzqs,,"We met a kindful monkey family on an island near Phi Phi, Thailand." 9074,QgW0ZCbmfbo,, 9075,nO4QtJ-mjTI,,My friend from Australia was visiting and I promised him I would take him to one of my favorite beach spots. Little did he know that this particular spot is known for sea turtles hanging out on the beach. We named her Brooke –– meet Brooke. 9076,zbzf2jNRUjg,, 9077,e-32e0ESFtI,, 9078,74PvIANT2TQ,,"Aletsch glacier is the largest glacier in Eurasia, situated in the heart of the Swiss alps. This was shot from the top of the observatory at Jungfraujoch." 9079,qDgU6Bznt3M,, 9080,CBIbVZe0RuM,,Winter is coming II 9081,kNYhzQ4yXW0,, 9082,9Cdx0HutWsI,, 9083,s1i4hmEtOGE,, 9084,v5YpGQUO22Y,,Fun with Fins 9085,T431bquULpM,, 9086,sZ5hjZ38Pfo,, 9087,FRa84GgwMA4,, 9088,gpiKdZmDQig,,"Who knew you could create such beauty with simple things like water, food coloring , light, and glass tubes!" 9089,8s3QjZ-bBAU,,"Bad weather, worse than in England :-)" 9090,-TsNjhAkCbY,,Sunrise at Cathedral Cove 9091,Vx3dVQ7Z4y0,,Seasonal transitions … 9092,U8ZbwMO8B-s,,The majestic Piz Bernina 9093,v3Y5CM2P4AI,, 9094,lKFR8Ho3jYw,,"This Buddha statue is in Langza, a very small village in the Spiti District of Himachal Pradesh in India. The statue believed to be a 1000 years old is atop a hill and the rest of the village is built below it. Another must thing to do is to hunt for prehistoric fossils of marine animals. These fossils are a million years old and are found in abundance here." 9095,bMNNBuaM1Kk,, 9096,QcbZHa4JL-8,, 9097,CaR0iiongDA,, 9098,eIu82mzf4EA,, 9099,5L47XYRvGOo,,"The Dugongs of Marsha Shouna (Dugong dugon) Dugongs are believed to be inspirations behind tales of mermaids and in parts of Indonesia they are considered reincarnations of women. The word ""dugong"" means lady of the sea. It's herbivorous and feed uniquely on sea grass. Their numbers are very low and in some countries they are entirely depleted due to hunting, bycatch and habitat destruction. I was extremely lucky to encounter one in Marsha Shouna on the western coast of the Red Sea, once home to thousands of dugongs but now with very few individuals. The 100 km coastline along Marsa Alam had only seven dugongs left at the time of writing." 9100,kKWhCqTn258,, 9101,qygQf1cJvKA,, 9102,npxX8FDHYAM,, 9103,Ui8rcq9bG90,, 9104,ITtjpF5IPdA,,Rock Climbing in Winter 9105,4HVCsDOg0qI,, 9106,fNClQ4pRlaE,,Tree-lined mountain side in black and white 9107,46P3SPTkZqQ,, 9108,zs91xvuqJNw,,Scuba fins on the beach 9109,W6qpx-LJTMc,, 9110,qtsajsuU7tc,, 9111,5HjuIfzF6qc,, 9112,geo7JjwI1nY,, 9113,VSBonHHIo0k,, 9114,RSzEmga3ttM,,Mountains and a colorful sky 9115,e2M48b0df8g,,Wave II 9116,KNpZwwdd2co,,Sölden 9117,WHrwb43vH9E,,Bambi 9118,FeA80dxForQ,,Cotton Candy Clouds 9119,SqE0zjaYuFI,,We were camping on a ridge in Red River Gorge and when the stars came out we couldn’t help ourselves. 9120,Ro1AMuzkjMA,,Fire vs water 9121,7tbd6lxwa4o,, 9122,nK29mSjUxF4,, 9123,G4EMlYs57-c,, 9124,NQrg9b35A6c,, 9125,LwKfWWAdgcc,,From sunlight gradient to a springlike pattern! 9126,GyamGRsFCs4,, 9127,mp3hzmuKMwk,, 9128,SLrpRVmD5L0,, 9129,KCnX0ux2jFo,, 9130,Ef3MRkoRdFY,, 9131,U3hUVXk3-Z0,, 9132,yiwB58St4bE,, 9133,Vjmf16jf6oI,, 9134,_MHsOnBYLO0,, 9135,AByHM2Q7wIk,, 9136,z2t4GdXOtE8,, 9137,R4y_E5ZQDPg,, 9138,2Uw7ahDL7ZM,, 9139,1kENJA0o9o0,, 9140,nEPPei7uspc,, 9141,r-PmMq3jlgM,, 9142,xgZtkF5ohFo,, 9143,a6Q-o0lAZzU,,"Kili, with a Huawei P9" 9144,3e845MfT_3A,, 9145,XYq2hcSmakA,, 9146,rSjgPKsBSkY,, 9147,JWAqFXFGIX4,,"The Big Trip | Moraine Lake in Banff, Alberta - Explore more at" 9148,K7nRN_jXkmg,, 9149,Q7p9V_xHe08,, 9150,kkeuNeS4pcA,,cute cockapoo puppy on a fashionable leash 9151,amdbOncnf3U,, 9152,_PXq5uPU2Z4,, 9153,rTyCjfTUtmU,, 9154,mFF39sOZSgM,,Astronaut in Red & Blue 9155,ocQSj25qFJk,, 9156,8DJ_MamyVoY,, 9157,90z5HND9qag,,Driftwood 9158,61RmZvKHu0M,, 9159,nHqz62TdUVA,, 9160,_P92Jrf0h-E,, 9161,dTmaDl-mt80,, 9162,rBSRJxzymNk,,"Rinjani. Last week hike to this beautiful crater lake was quite intense. First day was rough. Nine hours of hike with both legs cramped the whole path. Not sure if it is because I'm out of shape by now, or is it my backpack that was too heavy. Or am I just getting old? Second day was better though. That was another 6 hours hike until we finally reach Plawangan, where I took this picture. Literally cried when I saw the lake. It was magnificent. The scale is insane. We were walking under the rain most of the day on the third day. I already had a feeling that there might be flood in one of the four rivers that we crossed. That's exactly what happened. Thankfully the water was still less than half of my height so getting across was still possible. Overall this hike is one of the best and most scenic walk I ever did! And especially because I get to share this trip with one of my best friends." 9163,HcjNjmh5yxY,, 9164,kL1Q-5dd4tw,, 9165,cC2mROq0Vo0,, 9166,lDIFWfKzqAg,, 9167,tErjYYO3xpE,, 9168,9WW1IVK9vJo,, 9169,K0bHWOmxC1Q,, 9170,ErTuOqPrxkU,, 9171,9duHH_ZLCs4,, 9172,6CkxRiF9CO8,, 9173,rQjbpvDtJoU,, 9174,nVcl0i0LYY0,, 9175,J3L87k6cME0,, 9176,1fWwJOY49ow,, 9177,kQgROa14ALQ,, 9178,Rqw9waqdWB4,,Lake Antorno! 9179,Mlph3gkbwpc,,"Hike 3 miles to get to this falls. Came early hoping that no one else would be here. With an empty parking lot and no one on the trail, I had a peaceful walk and great exploring of the falls and river to myself. Found a perfect spot for the light just as it got high enough above the horizon. An instant favorite of mine." 9180,tQlWjhG1148,, 9181,UGnJvzC_9yo,,One of the majestic lookouts of Zion National Park. 9182,65SjWi7gTao,,Vintage Car 9183,JR4U-7LyyHc,, 9184,mN-_5ZQAt3M,,A Sumatran tiger that is an endangered species. (insta: @__sham.bam) 9185,GOJVZjuYIpY,, 9186,S9xK7jc416M,, 9187,t3nS2c_HRrM,, 9188,YFPQ_6yqfDo,,Drone flight over Emerald Lake in British Columbia. 9189,3NoxefgvKfQ,, 9190,i7VH6QYIZCs,, 9191,HQoTSxxao4Y,,patrick hendry 9192,nYnwq0iN2jI,, 9193,MJ2Xh3u0FZM,,patrick hendry 9194,3sC4wWooCwU,, 9195,k8dv7AKfJEs,, 9196,EX541gZJOyA,, 9197,x-1Tu58tDe0,, 9198,XJapZPU5o68,,Kerala forest amazing where we could see beautiful deer and feeding time. Enjoyed the moment and more meaning full terms of nature. 9199,Efo365uEZho,, 9200,xHwECOZhmJk,, 9201,H3_GQYwcyH8,, 9202,Xqv_LgUV_qA,,"Legend has it that Java island was was once floating on the ocean, unstable and shaky. The Gods decided to move a piece of Mount Meru from India and nail it down to the earth so that the whole island of Java would stop moving. This new mountain ( the one in the picture) is then called Semeru." 9203,kLYMnhW01Jg,, 9204,IERftqMP5U8,, 9205,IV89hx2pZ2U,, 9206,DdBs-0CGr7c,, 9207,GfXUkvQ9XdY,,"Skógafoss, Iceland." 9208,FjvIsYAqoic,,Beautiful brown horse 9209,et3MhqDA2EQ,, 9210,LRDwiuEVcrU,,Santa Monica 9211,N5hP0vbZO1g,, 9212,r1BS0pzlr1M,,ONE WORLD. Global climate change protest demonstration strike - No Planet B - 09-20-2019 9213,-jJGKGSiwvs,, 9214,M8uSC8OPXco,, 9215,LaX3yF3xdRE,, 9216,t7BQj9RE0E4,, 9217,6o9ogx_D_zU,, 9218,WTaiR_RHGv8,, 9219,2HLQBF2hZY0,, 9220,MCbkIOFqw4o,, 9221,p43NV_6C1UA,,Into the fall 9222,mRFmtpv5wQQ,, 9223,AZYv8elWDm4,,"Appearing as if an artist imitating Jackson Pollock had randomly spurted ink onto the canvas, this image shows swirling ice in the Foxe Basin of northern Canada. Even though the image is from late July, there was still ice floating in the water this far north." 9224,kvRzI3rR5Gk,,White Peacock 9225,vx9S7Unasuw,,Focus 9226,95FYSv14vp4,, 9227,iP7WjWMkqMc,,Taken from a gondola towards the target 9228,EzpVvIrL-Xw,,Splash 9229,k7TxFz4JEQk,, 9230,7P1oKtfl0U0,, 9231,aosXRjP3xSk,, 9232,r6t1sO6f79I,, 9233,2pyjlGXJ4xQ,, 9234,MsfSiArqwgw,,"There is a funny story about this place actually. We arrived at night because we didn’t really know where to sleep, so we checked on Wikicamp, and there was this post everybody was commenting about seeing bears at that spot. The sky was getting dark so decided to go. After more than an hour in the dark, we ended up on small track where I was afraid to lose control of the car in a hole or whatever. We finally arrived on the river bank and started to ear noises all over the place. We cooked and closed ourselves inside the van. In the morning, we saw the salmons in the river, but no signs of bear" 9235,Y467x86KgaE,, 9236,4OL3fGdePW8,,"Midori is a green sea turtle who was found sick and hungry, and has been looked after by the staff at the Cairns Aquarium. She is now well again, and will be released back into the wild soon." 9237,8nAvFWUig3c,, 9238,m5fHSKYSflI,, 9239,PdmNoLZhnYw,, 9240,L4_PRAKTmRo,, 9241,6TzQTCwMngU,, 9242,AS2KB6jD1SU,, 9243,T-aZ2fkM1jM,, 9244,2IQPwhsi2_g,,Sunrise pool water 9245,ypeC7Lu4MZ4,,"A green glowing mountain lake at an altitude of 4300m (found near Cusco, Peru) - by Jan Kronies" 9246,kVwPcYo1Z3I,, 9247,k92icBp_NFU,, 9248,WX1cd_eMbyY,, 9249,DwUDNpfFqUQ,, 9250,pU17ntS5_RM,,@thevibrantmachine wide angle shot of forest and its reflection in autumn / fall 9251,bHs7kU5jxAQ,,Fallow Deer herd 9252,06jbyhQkaZc,,red hibiscus 9253,BEhhHytdNnE,, 9254,n5Wvn6wU1Xw,, 9255,VAxzTA5IStU,, 9256,gn_2RqzptsY,, 9257,tmrQPLJpBrk,, 9258,lILzdeaHJFA,,betta fish 9259,Nq1ZrJ6vjq0,, 9260,0LKJVPJtDnQ,,Shop my photos at: 9261,jZoyFrGyyT8,, 9262,iS4pAzvxX74,, 9263,fXik2Do-bB4,,wonder. 9264,FTnnt3YoRlg,, 9265,SXc2-U8Nyss,,On My Mind Until the Very End 9266,_HZo1HuTb2s,,A series of rocky outcroppings are a prominent feature of this Sahara Desert landscape near the Terkezi Oasis in the country of Chad. 9267,0mhcdAI9qhw,, 9268,XOI0grE-Bck,, 9269,JLmdRe5_rkQ,, 9270,4XoKKDcI4xo,,Somewhere there is also your castle of dreams! 9271,vlQGNIiCPfk,,sea urchin in the sand the resistance in the ocean flow creates pattern by sorting sand particles 9272,L0nLG8t7zho,,"Instagram: . Small Pine Tree forest in Fremantle, Western Australia" 9273,utikpS-Dj2U,, 9274,8q75gZzmGmQ,,"Green jungle rainforest in Knysna, South Africa" 9275,rSZNTnohlSg,, 9276,QxwOnX6nNnI,, 9277,dfVoqS8Bjvo,, 9278,x2u1nD1JcUc,,Flatlay Mockup with Peony Flowers 9279,uc0_iFmcxUI,,At Yayoi Kusama's Infinity Room exhibit at The Broad in Los Angeles — thought a bokeh'd version would be a little more original. 9280,a9eWX1JPR04,, 9281,UluXzcupy20,, 9282,nHAB10RNuYk,, 9283,11GtELneaow,,"One week with friends and family in a lonely finca on Mallorca. I remember taking this shot after having barbecue and some glasses of wine in the backyard of our stay. Laughing, talking and listening to music with your best ones until sun rises is pure magic." 9284,t1hdZZuisDs,, 9285,Khigp82JQQc,, 9286,0lhHjp78qWs,, 9287,xWLFefl8DwE,, 9288,y6Fa0cHKJGc,, 9289,HV5G-0wyqUc,, 9290,MUdGuohE-Mk,,stars in the sky 9291,3BnLfLeRuh8,, 9292,2odryVMQ2qw,, 9293,QiyU5YQ4zuA,, 9294,UN7teWR3BdQ,, 9295,y7yyz0sxtnc,,Lion 9296,ZEe7RN4XppE,, 9297,-mxbFhmev4o,, 9298,xytTMVr1Bts,,PORTRAITS INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPRTRTS EDITORIAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPHTO PERSONAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVR 9299,sBemaTOP8LI,, 9300,zGaxf67vuAo,, 9301,nYwfKdzB_Ds,,summer beach 9302,bk11wZwb9F4,,Urban Gardening in raised bed – herbs and salad breeding upbringing. Self supply & self-sufficiency. 9303,oCiEnES6OE4,,Curious eyes. 9304,JNn3GlE96AU,, 9305,Q-DLA9uYn1k,, 9306,PO6bqRgG2Ks,, 9307,4I6-DAdDC6A,,No land in sight 9308,dQHT2Q_Zg6U,,Lone gray pony in the meadow 9309,yPmZpuKJaq8,,Suburban neighborhood 9310,y5AtHqcQFq4,, 9311,9YwcZz_90pM,,Sunset from Untersberg 9312,j8k4szOyltE,,Wood pigeon 9313,aexi2sGj7HU,, 9314,qE-YAZJcBBo,,A shot of the Pacific Ocean from above 9315,aR-eWYIEaOQ,,My dear teddy bear taking a shower. 9316,adpryEuopIg,, 9317,UJIxF9skkVI,, 9318,0qqJw8p-jpk,,Beautiful California #phikigai #cliffs #cali #california #nature #landscape #ocean 9319,HUIU3k-I64M,,"The prominent crimson streak in the center of this image represents the remains of an extensive lava and mud flow. Its source is the currently dormant Anyuyskiy Volcano orange circular shape at the right end of the streak) in northeastern Russia. Remote and largely inaccessible, the region is a rugged collection of towering volcanic peaks, steep valleys, and wild, snow-fed rivers and streams." 9320,N-VVEG_hHgk,, 9321,ez67tKJAdxc,, 9322,tctDPv2ga0Y,, 9323,ElCaJL4wAms,, 9324,aYqYTdEXUAg,, 9325,6ADGjmDDeuU,,A curious dog sitting in a forrest looking to his left side. 9326,McG_X6zcDM0,,Road through cold wilderness 9327,lm-remrbp4Q,,La Baule 1 ❤️❤️❤️ 9328,oI3Vb4Q_Nl0,,Thirsty tiger 9329,nMJKAXHBLLI,,Cameleon 9330,gBj3ALJ2uUE,,Floral Mood 9331,PP8Escz15d8,,I was in Namibia directing a professional stills and video crew for a commercial commission. Tracks can take months to be erased by the wind so we had to trek for miles around potential scenes so no to disturb the pristine sand dunes. 9332,aJMX4GyHjJ8,,Barge 9333,RsUURmlUFgw,,Tiny window box 9334,XYeRx4q_zCw,,man sitting on rock ledge 9335,dm7M67VaEBc,, 9336,Gjekq6n_Ifw,, 9337,RTDb00SNeKA,, 9338,xgbiuDfGOgI,,Dandelion sunset 9339,v1QRu62lur0,,Taken on a walk through an infected rose garden at sunrise. 9340,Ziaf2LRD77Y,,Ferns 9341,xqeWJEHajkA,,Play Time in Antarctica 9342,kYQLWznFed4,,A night out in Yosemite revealed climbers attempting to ascent El Capitan under the stars. 9343,12SBDhgmrVU,,Potted Snowdrops 9344,QqeI3bD9xM4,, 9345,05nPKZbBArI,, 9346,KonWFWUaAuk,, 9347,ZpKxweXHqkc,,CosmoCaixa Barcelona water 9348,_ykb4UBjtGU,, 9349,HAQeTDUXEJc,, 9350,Hyp37Eif3II,, 9351,Zwkzj9y6sR4,,Dim shot of pink flowers 9352,3bCNOhJFZUY,,Wooded valley between hills 9353,CqyO2A33tJY,,Fog at Blue Ridge Parkway 9354,LRdui1LP-7A,,Texas Sky 9355,DX5r6BNoWVE,,Bird Plumage 9356,BCuxVP5WEsU,,Clouds 9357,r4uZCaZzOK0,, 9358,oNH3HqGnwj8,,Barn Cat 9359,-YiJvbfNDqk,,Mysterious gradient in the nature 9360,HR9BS9MqOSY,,night sky 9361,A3qM1rBpDNM,, 9362,5NyN-wyH3qE,, 9363,ud0IUeBQ8dk,, 9364,Z2gMxgOz3i8,, 9365,48quI1IuRyc,,Autumn leave on a moss texture 9366,lWxVL4pXYpM,, 9367,qkeZuoie7KQ,, 9368,zjq0I3XupiI,,Bubble reflection with blurred trees. 9369,m5jjant4RTI,,Rub al Khali 9370,cFaBLmwPMqI,, 9371,vqU47hNXGE0,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 100mm (Year: 1993)" 9372,6s2_rJBNIok,, 9373,5py1uD3sxNA,,A wild cat I found in Italy that was very interested in my camera lens 9374,2sE9RKtxvok,,Antelope Canyon 9375,5J_8PpDt1xM,,#serbia #travel #outdoors #adventures #folkgreen #nature #discoverglobe 9376,pbat-5Sh99A,,The Carlsbad flower fields never disappoint and are filled with both flowers and visitors alike during the spring time. 9377,mYahsd-VpDM,, 9378,Stj-ZzhAedQ,, 9379,CFZQ4HnWoc8,,wedding cowboy boots + ring 9380,0PA1e5CmX-A,,"A foggy morning in Huntington Beach, CA." 9381,7ZiG0-YeFjU,, 9382,r9d5y6pr5CA,, 9383,VlOrWGCFl_w,,Berlin 1958 9384,2sT1wre6vfU,, 9385,bwLTlE9aZIw,,Vallarta Blue 9386,i8ygGWtQzvY,, 9387,miBYxBjvAtw,,Follow the white rabbit 9388,fKU0bpwyMok,,A young eagle in a tree. 9389,CJbjLRV3Le0,,boi 9390,u1CYRNlTaWE,, 9391,vYmCV4XGXvo,, 9392,81tIDMsJrGg,, 9393,ln8kriexrIc,, 9394,3UY5DMqdJ7o,,"Lenticular sunrise - Torres del Paine, Chile - 08:33 am" 9395,HUnKJow_Jrg,, 9396,3z56aMRpjJ0,,Meditating Bee 9397,F5OImWxy25E,,F A L L 9398,Q-wPqMx3X1I,, 9399,PgBTaq-AgVI,, 9400,dcCMLFHfqz8,,Flying a drone at sunset during the Unplash photowalk! 9401,oPQn7cy0c4Y,, 9402,onpxyxjwKm0,,Black kite 9403,1tVvsmU5rSY,,"On a rainy day in Portland, the beauty of the pads in the stillness of the water caught my eye." 9404,uk6s_niKhmE,,Succulents 9405,HDmwWA58nhc,, 9406,vz8EomKc2Hc,,White rose with blank space 9407,FANxpL4CiaQ,,a dog next to a lake 9408,1fbxmY5wAmk,,Mystery trail 9409,YBEyahCAcHU,, 9410,dcDWqGuqTZU,, 9411,wTNHub_B1co,, 9412,PldARDsKPYM,, 9413,a2kD4b0KK4s,, 9414,md6agtjzUJ8,, 9415,RrTYO8B35Gs,,Available as a print at 9416,U4KQkhon3zo,, 9417,5z2O8cO9btA,,The dark side - I liked the dark skyscrapers in the background with the main street and BTS as the vein to get to the dark side and out again. 9418,ILXowuyW26s,, 9419,WspJ7L648Js,, 9420,tEbRUeGJDfw,, 9421,JibO_kC6vh4,, 9422,RBr5vfWUlec,, 9423,x8eJMfI69b4,, 9424,Iue7I1lxD4s,,Plant ladies are the new Cat ladies. 9425,ruKuBN02kM8,, 9426,HjMawaLeB_E,, 9427,gRtZgVZw3kk,,Palm leaves with light coming through. 9428,gj6keK1vMCs,, 9429,oydjPv49hAM,, 9430,dHDXAv3ft98,, 9431,3JGe7oyR0-o,, 9432,Jz2wA20zdlw,, 9433,jTOQkHCiCm0,, 9434,7UYE15RyWp8,, 9435,B-UHk7w7hH8,,A hawkfish takes a little rest in a soft coral at the Cairns aquarium. 9436,jPpcf4Yk2Cg,,Took a day trip with family to Usery Park and captured this scene. Who doesn’t love the desert vibe! 9437,NVUpJUdToZE,, 9438,w1Y8iLFT2ds,, 9439,ad91jz_dFpc,, 9440,Qgp5pN_NHhk,, 9441,QdCUY4gwL5A,, 9442,ASJWSSFuMEQ,, 9443,kiSdNBATwYU,, 9444,IDvIgnnzl30,, 9445,bkSriE6jz3E,, 9446,GYwPGMuJWYw,, 9447,8igVvSqemck,, 9448,QESaXJBiB8Y,,Cozy Acoustic Mornings 9449,EttXghhkhlQ,,I took this picture last night. Billions of bioluminescent dinoflagellates make the waves glow blue. When the waves break the bioluminescent dinoflagellates are stimulated and a chemical reaction occurs making the wave blue.. 9450,TUP71tXCvC4,, 9451,pDeagUyN-Pk,,The Kirkujell Waterfalls are quite stunning during the day but during the night we were lucky enough to experience the vivid aurora borealis. 9452,ciahwyO2Y38,,Durdle Door 9453,95wSwemIflo,,Autumn hike with my camera. 9454,jcol69MgmhY,,How do you define autumn? 9455,CdBPMI26KDo,,Le Marcelly Mountain 9456,qfb0jxbt0-I,,Ominous Light 9457,o0XfsSAgsxo,,Mountains at sunrise 9458,_SnPaOUxO2k,,Snow Globe 9459,6VNSvpYqSbY,, 9460,XF9Zz6xlNJg,,"Young tourist woman swinging on the cliff in the jungle rainforest of a tropical Bali island, Indonesia." 9461,N-pFzUB8fGs,,Sunlight 9462,OeiohtSfVLw,,Swimming bear 9463,ZVWjCkaWaH8,, 9464,IGwXvxGzuEE,,Please follow me on instagram @chrishenry 9465,8TSo4PAKaO8,, 9466,A8tFlXQzRXg,,"Cone Nebula, Fox Fur Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster" 9467,D58hn80g2bQ,, 9468,7QOfMKIGvjE,,Waterfall 9469,07AayWYOT9w,, 9470,Ng9C-pVYZNY,,Spring vibes. Please credit @msbirgith or for more product/lifestyle pictures 9471,8fjB_w8G7nU,,underwater fashion photography 9472,jwqqLCy1qsQ,, 9473,zgc0iHXHNnU,, 9474,90myODWk4KU,, 9475,3m-zNu3SBZk,,Ear & Poppy 9476,YNUFtf4qyh0,,Light Waves 9477,v-C-Bt4rGeY,,Badger Juvenile 9478,tA1Bzvn0Kps,,hummingbird 9479,ICvbF6rm9Q4,, 9480,ROuONKrWRCk,,credit: 9481,fXNQCLBJmHc,, 9482,_6iV1AJZ53s,, 9483,pazLjzzTs94,,"This beautifull small animal( half an inch) lives in Azia, I did several attempts to get a nice picture of this animal but it is so hard to find one and to make a nice picture it,s even harder. But this time my diveguide found one at 25 meters dept while diving in the Philipinnes. Our divecomputer told us that we had 9 minutes to take the picture. The first minutes this seahorse was moving all the times and could not focus on him. Then he curled his tiny tail around the coral and i made some shots. With 1 minute to go we went up and finally i had my picture." 9484,GSb6G1CITBk,, 9485,tLxh49JmdNc,, 9486,z74nmAY_8cg,, 9487,uugxDhY-7qY,, 9488,Mu3T3DmvQQw,, 9489,L4uhEXtUHWw,, 9490,BegzezQCwb4,, 9491,VlVYlNtmtlA,, 9492,szRs1EUmD5g,, 9493,jPieCjSwY74,, 9494,cy_ZXXCWT9c,, 9495,GqSx5Ub3Aso,,IG: 9496,6vvIBTvL90A,, 9497,3p528N2QWDg,, 9498,9Txz_NCheAw,,Red leaf foliage in woods in Adirondack mountains on a hiking trail 9499,GvQ5EIeJjWo,,Upline Ash Catcher 9500,BHconYTWcNA,,35mm | labradoodle puppy 9501,u5ank0oyzSU,, 9502,1DCmWqXXL18,, 9503,el8wSmniCjE,, 9504,QZh_DXUE_Js,,Moody days in Austria. 9505,fTlXjG24mQ0,,The first Blue Hour in autumn whit snow this year! 9506,VV-i-9dAhkY,, 9507,HHpVVwxxSzs,, 9508,KZiafzFhNXQ,, 9509,kUrLX4zjyY8,, 9510,3Gb0WLf2Dzo,, 9511,qCIU_lobMeM,, 9512,_S1-CsVUytg,,Snow Geese 9513,Nq4RgzpcKR4,, 9514,5xA-2_J7KgY,, 9515,AX7f5e7DkWE,, 9516,TwdXGGFj9Kc,, 9517,iR4MFt4PDMw,,Golden pier sunset with cityscape. 9518,X7Qc8dzH93Y,,Majestic tree bark 9519,pHSVRnQ89oE,, 9520,7Ll2-X9qUSo,,Twisting path in an autumn forest 9521,Pyo1wC3j7OA,, 9522,j4PaE7E2_Ws,, 9523,s0ifr6qb6H0,,Ornate Architecture 9524,_rThRCcLV6U,,Huge rolling wave 9525,0P5QJN8Vpbk,, 9526,jJuYXZdLg84,,Sandvika fall day 9527,V_xncvgzDoo,, 9528,HWIOLU7_O6w,,Satellite views 9529,hNkRwNF-PZ8,, 9530,f87RdAQSoJk,,Smoking flowers 9531,h_-VPnLM_HE,,Stockholm greenhouse 9532,wAMWMiiMl_Q,,Geoffroy Hauwen Photographer 9533,FtwksVn6V9A,, 9534,u_zwqri95PA,,lonely flower 9535,h6rGS61oyYg,, 9536,1U6EOU8hiTM,, 9537,UmR9b80fvvA,,Flower 9538,pdRyFq73lJY,, 9539,f42uyMi7uuk,, 9540,bGBgoqlQzgg,,Spring is here 9541,zYTRgDGmnjU,,Instagram:billow926 business e-mail 9542,F7hAScLT50E,,Light in the Forrest 9543,BmhgPWc3dKw,,Yellow sunflowers in the evening light. 9544,jH7EBc1GvCg,,nusa penida 9545,knK0OAgkac4,, 9546,TzsUGk6Yvxs,,Fox 9547,gVtDahE74Eg,, 9548,2W5LoumSdfw,,Clouds over the mountains and lake 9549,ygtqVCgoMaE,,"Hiking along the crest of Cumulus Mountain, in Alaska's Chugach State Park." 9550,sKVzvHqqhg0,, 9551,gITaHOppzP8,,"best friend, the dog" 9552,Nx0Y8EvS4rs,, 9553,-zJl5wsRqLw,, 9554,-MEWAfxO8nE,,THERE IS NO WASTE IN NATURE. Global climate change strike - No Planet B - Global Climate Strike 09-20-2019 9555,Z7Ab0K8Rxmc,, 9556,B0VdY1ydF-Q,, 9557,RZk2SjAGhZw,, 9558,xrFzxT9iixk,, 9559,X7TNgWB-Ynw,, 9560,hSdeDNjqK9I,, 9561,jXe1K19KxM0,, 9562,YjI0qDYT9X0,, 9563,s-jK057wsPU,, 9564,052hzhzi5_E,, 9565,Qhnsv_Ey2mA,,Island on a lake. 9566,ydNFcouRAoI,, 9567,1rHCG1WGx6I,, 9568,KtZOt9X7jiw,, 9569,6PDDbSrgaWU,, 9570,z8i5iwIQYiY,, 9571,3N9yzE5XkZk,, 9572,yx4gKfBLmIc,, 9573,VJ7r5bUdlYI,, 9574,DwSj0PcCnYw,, 9575,hcjjoTawInU,, 9576,81kaw0a8fdo,, 9577,yVzhybUVD0U,, 9578,qIarqqinggY,,Underwater beautiful jellyfish. 9579,OtFKligsDPc,, 9580,rlPUYlJUWTg,,Lightning bolts 9581,nMko4N1-bxE,,Beach scene 9582,15IUVkHJP2I,, 9583,BcqFFPNrxMw,, 9584,ERC9inc8Ad8,, 9585,VaiHJ7xfiNc,, 9586,dhOaokGswrw,, 9587,pyfHZL6g_PQ,,Bryce Canyon National Park 9588,eZTKitkTfAw,,"The cape of Posidi in Halkidiki, Greece" 9589,VbR2qJ9sDYU,,Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon 9590,H-m75s68Oeo,, 9591,EfnpQAQ-SrY,, 9592,d7DPgyoE1S8,,Jellyfish 9593,s01AtZLnj6c,, 9594,7Vesk70cnI4,, 9595,tx4SGBtceg8,, 9596,M35DI6c9zPQ,, 9597,iZYJzBWXfYA,,NO NATURE - NO FUTURE. Global climate change strike - No Planet B - Global Climate Strike 09-20-2019 9598,MNct3qjbeUQ,,jellyfishes captured on a phone 9599,2mBczPqF4sM,, 9600,_33eCBDMPYE,,girl standing on side of mountain going on a hike 9601,ktfn7vcMnoc,,Waterfalls in Krka National Park in Croatia 9602,QvMnYyk5Rj8,,"While walking around at a park, I found a maple tree that already had changed its colors and found an opening on a branch low enough for me to shoot though. Although, I had to stand on my tip-toes to grab this shot, haha!" 9603,9R5FnAn5tYM,,"Late December of 2018, driving along the Steven Pass. The snow was so heavy that almost blocked my vision." 9604,x_-5cYSxuo0,, 9605,qZzJoiKHqmo,,An Eastern Tailed-blue sits on a small plant in a very light colored field as the sun sets in the sky behind it. 9606,wes7Iu07s2A,, 9607,2WlmpCUZhKw,, 9608,CVasL0l5YA8,, 9609,f-Y4Jjh9JCA,, 9610,FAd7ce2snms,, 9611,7U8tMpT_xgY,, 9612,ua2Hgb5hrvs,, 9613,bLQFCJDImnc,, 9614,V0YNgbM0Qo0,,Crashing waves on the beach 9615,KvKop_a_EXw,, 9616,__I-gX-cnd8,, 9617,QjjBr_f5U8M,, 9618,_RCrSFnVbo4,,Cactus 9619,0w30TD5VuCg,, 9620,MlhnXTGxIl0,,View of Naples from Castel Sant'Elmo in the blue hour 9621,cq8wbDCwTDw,, 9622,PgfSWgL3wjI,,Fall necessities 9623,qHW_RiXD434,, 9624,2x4ceLz2yEo,,"Namib-Naukluft National Park is an ecological preserve in Namibia's vast Namib Desert. Coastal winds create the tallest sand dunes in the world here, with some dunes reaching 980 feet (300 meters) in height." 9625,GmFhArWOb18,, 9626,ijoibhWVEpk,, 9627,3DsxYjhozPQ,,"red sunset, dead sea" 9628,CTVoJIXk_NA,, 9629,1HW6B-huMc8,,Sun shining through the trees 9630,CECnRDLiqEo,, 9631,PLyZ2XqzOTY,, 9632,M849r1Eu4rg,, 9633,Pa-Q43Ps0g0,, 9634,MafkAQBUwew,,Tower inflatable paddle board below a waterfall. 9635,Hu2yPu0vFQ8,,"This 1997 image depicts a digitally-colorized transmission electron microscopic (TEM) image of Avian Influenza A H5N1 viruses (seen in gold), grown in Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells (seen in green) ." 9636,Ys04CxhjmOw,, 9637,PaUO4kad6gk,,"Male fur seals, basking on the beach." 9638,aRZvsaPw57g,,Forest down below 9639,1fUu0dratoM,,Green Mountain Landscape 9640,hPN4PY9abNQ,, 9641,AHsPeCugLzo,, 9642,b7o_smzr3Gk,, 9643,7IAOJehMof4,,Sólheimajökulll glaciers 9644,beOtbD3cFAg,, 9645,7TmqwexUtWQ,,View from a precipice in Yosemite 9646,bpUBAGzBjZU,,Fir trees on mountain slopes 9647,35onhFFHSWk,,Palm trees on a white beach 9648,sF8j0Acen78,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 9649,BdLO3i0JLCs,, 9650,evX-ej4zBs8,,This photo is taken from the top of the empire state building. Edited with Lightroom and VSCO filter pack 6. 9651,N8viHoaBgWM,,Family Drink 9652,rn1_gNgYy3g,, 9653,7inNQ9oz3hE,,Macro photo of a Boyd’s forest dragon. Photo taken with a Tamron 90mm lens at the Cairns aquarium. 9654,G73eQ6uBoYg,, 9655,g-BbFrTvGic,, 9656,Xy6Ob32m1gI,,Area near HI-FIX navigation station just north of the United States/Mexico border. 9657,QblcpBX5DEQ,, 9658,i8pUeON1T-s,,Blanco White 9659,y0bCt2UwpvY,,More at Follow us on Instagram too @shotbycerqueira and @incrediblerafa 9660,4BZv7NSRmGQ,, 9661,ViLP5h3QHGk,,A woman standing at the bottom of a large waterfall 9662,ZWB25Ym9be4,, 9663,LWAgtKaUBpo,, 9664,bBWQ5olPaPw,,"Man on a mountain, Switzerland" 9665,sKYFYxJeH4M,, 9666,0P3M35GDyk8,, 9667,iSIJflv0ro4,,winter water in the lake 9668,qCltMYXyMp0,, 9669,3Ky8aLeEW1I,, 9670,RZZsiA5aghk,, 9671,s81oKOjpKlQ,, 9672,o-vWInSi-kw,,Water Splash cause we love Bokeh 9673,L_LL3POB3rA,, 9674,x_mRlyrsMzA,, 9675,qhG-_TldTMo,, 9676,-gaJGfyMt1c,,Monstera deliciosa aka Swiss cheese plant 9677,POUsamZKs9g,,No Signal 2.1 IG:@eliapelle 9678,363KlfFKoJE,,Neon banana sign on a wall 9679,nieMxI1_MIg,, 9680,3pJjynWgHX0,, 9681,k-BWF1qiu9o,,A Great Horned Owl perched on top of a Pine Tree at dusk. 9682,1qT-zMTRFp0,,"Elusive, but ecologically vital, Namibia's Ugab River only flows above ground for a few days each year. The subterranean waters underlying this ephemeral river, however, are shallow enough in places to fill hollows and sustain a wildlife population that includes the rare desert elephant." 9683,CseA7uM0D7k,, 9684,ft-iUOR0hi4,, 9685,cSxbCC-gxp8,,"Lake Manicouagan, Canada, is one of the Earth's largest and oldest known impact craters. The crater is 65 kilometers (40 miles) wide and is estimated to be about 214 million years old. The lake and island are clearly seen from space and are sometimes called the ""Eye of Quebec.""" 9686,1CjTWVqg3c8,, 9687,RjB2B5p3lvg,, 9688,SrzF87xRwwY,,Swim 9689,BAm9wRoItF8,, 9690,a8q3lk93pwE,, 9691,DBtgQI-9XdM,,China Beijing 9692,3OhxmJ1XlNI,,A photo taken on the way from Norway to Gdansk. 9693,mFbw9Nxk-JY,,Saw this crashing as I was waiting for the next wave. The symmetrical crop seemed to make sense since it was just off. Love texture. 9694,uF4WjyBhTNE,, 9695,hKHlMUfSOx8,, 9696,XUqKgdAsLhs,, 9697,s2cocR07DQs,,Picture in picture 9698,7GX5aICb5i4,,bean the cat 9699,RXVpFWdfG5k,, 9700,DYqv4whT_P4,,Fall is gone 9701,7-kUG-7QPRU,, 9702,lAuVkbAPIhM,, 9703,lAAmMH2c2gU,, 9704,-M_L-PDhtCw,, 9705,J9L1jMXRvZA,,Just Ripples 9706,7a1mxg3VbI0,,Cliffs in California #phikigai #beach #mountains #cliffs #flowers 9707,_RUWqZUIeqo,,The view from inside the tidal cave. This is just a quarter of it! 9708,5AyUHeSnxz8,,#dog #dogs #snow 9709,1-SgkezDA_s,, 9710,9bybELtYylc,, 9711,jlb0nJeVT30,, 9712,eqbLoTqQKZs,, 9713,jY6PNtt4jRI,,mountain moon 9714,VIUcNPH9bu8,,Don't worry Bee happy !!! 9715,_FB0Jhp-ly8,,lakeside landing 9716,2OxmAcK3eXY,, 9717,xdKvm8L3RWY,,"Fruit, Farmer's Market, Figs, Apples, Plums, Radish, Fresh, Healthy, Health" 9718,jgV1dF5Hb4A,,model: @inisropicture 9719,q6n8nIrDQHE,,Power Line Grids 9720,YjVITlFtEtc,, 9721,-SE2XM3_IYc,, 9722,hHCFRgQ_VTw,, 9723,FJwLkLo3d70,,"Drone shot over Palos Verdes, CA - Taken with the DJI Mavic Mini" 9724,BxzmGCyVRI8,, 9725,jDF9a8b-qKU,, 9726,R6HqPJjH-EQ,, 9727,zV_hZv4zIGM,, 9728,awnSTPhti88,,hand in a bunch of yellow wildflowers 9729,ggb3AuXlQXk,,Some cacti in a greenhouse in munich 9730,xpM5wl9lx5M,,Dawn reflections of the trees in a puddle at the ponds 9731,zRWKqjPKH_o,,One of my favorite photos!I was so happy that I managed to take this one.It brings me so many feelings.Hope you like it too and become also one of your favorites! 9732,anlKrEDT314,, 9733,d8LfBmm_V6c,, 9734,sXasgEgeIcs,, 9735,1YNB4F3UB5I,, 9736,G9Yy-iitjjg,,Morelia Spilotes. Artist: Helena Forde 9737,jxn929uiwYs,,sakura 9738,V9NAWl4o43o,,Moody florals 9739,ip6WrAhBVFo,, 9740,YrUvoXDQuW0,,Head of King cobra 9741,7_CM0-V4Uhk,,Weeds I collected on my hike 9742,hf7-5Hup2mM,, 9743,vUkTMmZxSDQ,, 9744,uZZYr09bz-0,,The gardens of St John's College Cambridge in the spring evening sunshine 9745,6PuUkY7u0mM,, 9746,5MteLUU9FGI,, 9747,gNRqK6A7EeQ,,flores 9748,uosfneTS2eQ,,High five from Archie 9749,SBFJupxExwg,,Blue peace 9750,jQ5Qv30h6BQ,,View of the Dead Horse Point 9751,QP-6IYWN1Rg,, 9752,g3U8buWsBYI,,Dogs in a Pub 9753,X5vN4DcKTsk,, 9754,MDJiR79HinY,, 9755,_vVzm7TouUM,, 9756,2gaXXPSXUIg,, 9757,wdhQcnLlXbU,,Submerged Selfie 9758,D6tTUPoGZNM,, 9759,i4Tv0A_n4EQ,, 9760,s-qDfEXCm7Q,, 9761,d0Wp0GW4rIs,, 9762,NfksNc1Zz2g,,Taste the rainbow. 9763,0kXBFGcApRs,, 9764,x0ts1W23Shk,, 9765,-SHM5MQWvz0,, 9766,WTtm2pAIdjE,, 9767,sXv8U0CwueQ,, 9768,pR166OP_l6g,, 9769,_MJzPKfbcSI,, 9770,rmg9FZdgR3g,, 9771,ym_PHqXJ-sU,, 9772,kjt8njhhy7U,,Varanasi 9773,-OIO018ubcg,,tenderness... 9774,9cXy7udIEHI,,Astro-Photographers at Delicate Arch 9775,AvohARXdGVI,,Bloody bubbles Halloween project 😈 9776,2DinZpReESM,, 9777,IPXcUYHeErc,,"M45 or Pleiades Cluster, group of stars in a blue nebulae" 9778,dLLLH9hvoI4,, 9779,EPH5TOhcehM,, 9780,aRJyXovCkas,,Elowah Falls in Oregon 9781,IqJ7ym82iTk,,Lion 9782,wZ8KKGUHxtU,, 9783,2c8uI47Lwxo,, 9784,S6ylG61p0T0,,Red Wood Forest 9785,AlLWOkmwMv8,, 9786,Xrk0XsowDN4,, 9787,vkqxorg2QSY,, 9788,Ng_HiXmVEoU,,Point Loma Lighthouse. 9789,l-xbNPTlGi0,, 9790,5M_X4QucpIU,,Lovely tulips up close 9791,OPyRXGstZcI,, 9792,OZ7J3eehqZM,,"This place is called Selva Viva, in the center of Santiago do Chile. A great place for kids." 9793,J01SwKibtVk,,Wahkeena Falls 9794,_uGI-ImEs0Q,, 9795,4wUog-sdP0g,, 9796,6SbFGnQTE8s,,SpaceX SAOCOM 1A Mission 9797,FBOP5an6h74,,"My brother and I were here for the shortest period of time, which in hindsight was a mistake, cause theres heaps to see around here. From this location here you can see a number of waterfalls on the mountain in the background; but what’s exciting is that there’s more than thirty impressive waterfalls in this area. This photo is a tiny snapshot of an amazing place which I am so keen to go back to." 9798,-QGe504tURw,, 9799,sw_yLx362yM,, 9800,FRtqsShu1yk,,One with the nature… 9801,ZK795D9B1Ac,,A place between earth and sky 9802,iiqISoi2IN0,,Far Away 9803,vciNkl75o7Q,, 9804,xpHK3gv8ZQs,, 9805,tfdgSSfGMHU,, 9806,28ooOtiCJhc,,Boat trip through a winter trip 9807,B4XBE_W8sJI,, 9808,j4JAIyGcoIc,, 9809,0QdIJgNmMdg,,Waves 9810,PtxmS7fF9PM,, 9811,KeLaCq2myPo,,"The sun doesn’t rise high in the sky during the winter. The sun had just returned after months below the horizon and the days were beginning to get longer. This was taken around in the morning hours, on a beautiful and peaceful day in Longyearbyen." 9812,Kol2ib6ehQE,,Bloom 9813,mA6ZjlOmnZw,,"Yosemite is beautiful. This photo turned out better than some of my previous night photos at Glacier Point because a sliver of moon was casting a glow on the valley from behind me, making the details in the Half Dome visible." 9814,Np1l2KmC0WA,,Summery graduations … 9815,nhlvWBVicTg,,"A painting of a cosy stone cottage by Sian Butler (my Mum). Sian is well known for her Australian Outback pastel paintings (number one, two, three etc., on Australian Google image search), but she is a also very versatile artist and has done a series of acrylic paintings of cottages. They are mostly inspired by cottages in Tasmania, but with an obvious British influence. In her cottage series, I like the way Sian has combined numerous textures and techniques to produce delightful scenes. She wants you to enjoy them and share them." 9816,38FgR7z7iKQ,,Spiral Arm of Milky Way in 5x4 format. 9817,niR8Nyc6iik,,above the sea 9818,K3B6crImWj0,,a local koi + fish shop near my house 9819,R_mpbJ2pHc0,,"Was enjoying a dinner in Laguna Beach and Shazam, what a sunset." 9820,s3YiYZE_Tao,,Wild Horse v3.0 9821,Z3eoqf-y9eY,, 9822,7FY-hkN1TYo,, 9823,K3ZHXB9glms,, 9824,lpi3K6TjssQ,, 9825,4fWlc-iW3ME,, 9826,YL-wHZmvcLs,,"Peak Tristenspitz in Weissenbach, a little village in South Tyrol, Italy!" 9827,oCYd3U5aSYA,, 9828,wXHFJvJUS6Y,, 9829,ltrQDYV-mEE,, 9830,y34UOHoDkWQ,, 9831,TxdmI9tHX54,, 9832,TkQjNx6qCTA,, 9833,x6ECyqOzRFg,, 9834,Sri1TMcNJ8A,, 9835,dD43WjBAB1o,, 9836,nh_aX2KuIrQ,, 9837,t6iXZfv3Bfo,, 9838,sToenEp42P8,, 9839,oWJcgqjFb6I,, 9840,fVuX5xQwLg8,,The Milky Way galaxy. 9841,s_Sb3d12CuY,,Orange monkey by stone wall 9842,GYozuXsPmCU,, 9843,qG4s3X000js,,Emu bird strolling through the grass 9844,8zqfyrmSSwU,,Little Lizard 9845,ZBD7Wh3SJEI,,sunrise over mountains 9846,4ORkIHJWaf8,, 9847,jrzvClypPq8,, 9848,E9hVNb7wOY8,,A storm is coming 9849,sfXgg-7Df0A,, 9850,zDEy_rlUkt0,,Pond over a lake 9851,vmvlzJz1lHg,, 9852,efwGCPFdIcM,,Sparrows on a railing 9853,bMHRz70Tcjg,,Bridging the abyss 9854,1-C334jLxG0,, 9855,awTYiY18HK4,,Thick pine forest 9856,T98W3jQkRc0,, 9857,GjwsHRIcQjU,,"Total lunar Eclipse, Stockholm" 9858,TWvnc-oToE4,,"The lookout point on the beggining of the trail to Bonete Beach. That moment when I shot this picture was equal the image, calm and with a complete silence for kilometers. The sea seemed like be stopped. But I felt a different energy there, I stayed just watching this scene for a long time. Was so magical. Get your T-shirt and other products with this picture here:" 9859,aOzBoVjtoYE,,De Garcons 9860,FtiInfYXQDQ,, 9861,5PKDYuQu674,,A Peacock made a show at Malaysia Bird Park 9862,-GsEJuUdzqk,, 9863,0QP-0DUaCo4,,Small plants on a window. 9864,ymfYqeKN-FU,,Beautiful sunrise at the black sand beach on Iceland. 9865,-LyPtbXQiQ0,, 9866,l34mghyKvg4,, 9867,C4iBjL9HNvM,, 9868,Og0dCc93I08,, 9869,rYShKW8zQpA,, 9870,of3d69synHo,, 9871,kGnRkbKnqq4,,"Saguaro, ready to bloom." 9872,5UquUAEHo4s,,The Milky Way Core with Rho Ophiuchi. Due to luminical contamination and micro 4/3 sensor there is a lot of noise and color noise altough this is a 20 photos composition. Hope you enjoy! 9873,fJQamCZIZf8,, 9874,WpXDw0nzyxk,,"Maui, HI" 9875,1Hp_6AnkWkc,,Ocean wave 9876,ZoB0Vs0R34g,,Misty field 9877,8OewKfSoJ6Q,, 9878,7zsPTSd3rjQ,,"Torres del Paine National Park, Puerto Natales and Punta Arenas, Chile" 9879,kU6D2VatkC8,, 9880,szqj9gIy_YM,,Stargazers // 2019 9881,SkJYJCqRB_A,,Icelandic hideaway 9882,0t2ktFIhC1s,, 9883,LTG3VYE6X7U,,My cat looking happy as ever 9884,CiAE-eLSxjY,, 9885,YiHuqXMRMm0,,Bee & Flowers 9886,bgsH88j-DM0,, 9887,XkJVuVTFlps,, 9888,43AmSo3su6w,,Grand Teton National Park 9889,xTagILWbWS4,,lensball rocks in the desert 9890,bL6VgDDsS8M,,Pomegranate on a red background 9891,WLCTq-mynZA,, 9892,jJKfRPoy9B0,,"Autumn is just around the corner, you can smell it everywhere! The mountain peaks are covered whit snow, the colours change, the nights are cold …" 9893,j6IPqZV5JHw,,Monstera Deliciosa 9894,un5DGskIJuE,, 9895,zhkkZ6KIU_A,,creative arrangements 9896,UqdUSJKvXbQ,, 9897,1bel5M-40v4,,"here is the famous waterfall in Iceland. Ok one of many! This is a throwback to June. And I can tell you, it wasn’t very summery. In fact, it was damn cold outside and it rained on us every single day! I was pretty surprised it didn’t snow this day. My hands were actually numb from from holding the Canon but I managed! It was well worth it! This is a fantastic place. I highly recommend the trip if you can make it. I hope to get there in the winter for the northern lights. The spent the whole day just on the ring with plenty to see. Five days surely was just enough leaving me hungry for more!" 9898,qA0A_uaCVTU,, 9899,dtMeXoJeZP0,, 9900,Df0fD6hWyro,, 9901,oW7N5Nxksic,, 9902,BKn0yCHkoPw,, 9903,DSrIOQZARW0,, 9904,9JxubXPaidg,,Before They´re Coming 9905,Sp1BuStLWSw,,"I’m not often very proud of my pictures, but I really like the mood of this one" 9906,tb9CHUK5LWY,, 9907,s1W6LB38iYs,,A corner of my workspace 9908,t8OfFJJBKh8,,"Wapta Mountain as seen from the base of Takkakaw Falls in British Columbia, Canada. Takkakaw Falls has a height of 373 metres (1,224 ft), which makes it the second tallest waterfall in Canada. The river it feeds runs through Yoho national park and like the rest of the glacial waters, it carries the same incredibly turqouise-green colour." 9909,3qTwxAtTc04,,"Slot canyon, 17 Mile Canyon, Utah." 9910,meJ9nSDCFY0,,Aurora australis over the meteorological tower of the Atmospheric Research Observatory. 9911,xXIRSZmzvU8,, 9912,c_r8KzXTQaw,, 9913,6XNyAfdR4VE,,Street / Shadow 9914,NxhnRkhKIrc,, 9915,vxzkxfJ8FlE,, 9916,JRS6BX_RrVw,,Bird of prey - Osprey 9917,b6pk1dugR7A,,Warm sunflowers 9918,oCmfZpzj7HU,,This cutie pie decided that she was going to work with me today and she can't nap her best nap without a pillow... 9919,WS3s1k-Ocpc,,Sunset 2020 9920,RZ6HOs0vERo,,dawn from the sky 9921,zWAWHLCGzos,,High altitude hiking mountain views in the Italian Dolomites during summer 9922,OKCfK-U8qMk,, 9923,Eg7e88ES_3w,, 9924,bHA1flrt7-I,,La vue des Alpes sous la Neige 9925,EAM783R0Xlc,,High tide 9926,EKRkt64tYdc,,"After a 2 hours walk in the cold, and really icy path, we finally arrived in the edge of this mesmerizing cliff, Nursfjord, in Senja. After all day of snow and wind, the sky break up whit this awesome glimpse of light, before turning white again. A unique moment to share whit my adventure friend, smoke a cig, and then go back home." 9927,5hqX-SmETF0,, 9928,uQdotWkBEQ8,,Cancelled Plans because of Rain 9929,hXzuZ_snmb0,, 9930,m_x26CPIjic,, 9931,Svu5GV_e_ow,, 9932,4r8cWrYF2qU,,"Went out for my first walk with my first telephoto lens, managed to come across some water rats, and pigeons!" 9933,AvTmlJmNs_M,,Snow is unusual here in Cambridge UK so I was out early with my camera and the ducks by the green caught my eye. I deliberately set-up to overexpose this shot with the aim of having just the orange duck bill stand out. 9934,9lau4mL-FAE,,The Caribou is Life 9935,dmPlSznVjsQ,, 9936,8k1AY9MwSKk,, 9937,gBghxKhWmX0,, 9938,fk4tiMlDFF0,,Lionheart 9939,V2rz4JlfAzI,, 9940,SU9ew9mJoSU,, 9941,i026XBCmx10,,Antarctic fur seal pup with a backpack. 9942,qs_tnFls5FI,, 9943,iANR5BfavC8,,the african grey parrot 9944,zkufauVAGRI,, 9945,9X-cADK0Lzw,, 9946,G5dMbH6ZEfI,,Seul au milieu d'une plage de sable noire 9947,uVolD05JdAc,,Cold Falls 9948,K_2TEWmCiOc,, 9949,boUeQ9kyNYs,, 9950,jNzqRD8bx0g,,Ostrich in a colourful field in South Africa 9951,Is8DHFUjaJw,,Border collie 9952,9Jz2qSKPX8I,, 9953,6f579sNrEHQ,, 9954,DZgTjbgjUJ4,, 9955,8spo0Sr00j8,,Northern pygmy owl. 9956,-px1VQmT3zA,,Please follow me on instagram @chrishenry 9957,fnDhmSpeRf4,,Northern lights over Olstinden - Lofoten 9958,UFrFm0rS3Cs,,The Bombay Beach Drive-In Theater 9959,ZRKXo_8vmEY,,White rose 9960,1YEwMXQOOuY,,Early onset of snow in South Tyrol 9961,ssCv1mtvs9Y,, 9962,xOZBw4opOg8,, 9963,8Jax6JiCsCo,,One curious dog 9964,Ty7NWf2y8lI,,Black and White Dog with brown eyes on a beige background 9965,U9HN5TRyfi4,, 9966,Ksd5S_1weXM,,Blurry Blossom 9967,JuO5gpQA0mg,, 9968,AffbZBFfGPI,, 9969,i1Znvi_bVSY,,Skališkių cave 9970,DYm6tSSGjGM,, 9971,mQcg0JvGa8k,, 9972,jurZ5GqS-AI,,A sunrise is the best medicine for a racing mind. 9973,7ykoAE-7Bxo,,The reality of Easter ... 9974,YLO-mNM-zVw,, 9975,OY6hJz5TBwM,, 9976,qRzbLRgb9uY,,Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach Iceland 9977,22ZKUvCow_I,,"Photo taken at Guanshe Shanzhuang Wetland Park, Jinyuan Road, Binhu District, Wuxi;Please indicate the source when using" 9978,p9xxIX-6FWU,, 9979,xvyIraiIdSA,, 9980,WcWmqF1WavY,,Taken off the back deck of a cabin in the Smoky Mountains 9981,1OozlaeKXwo,, 9982,f6qFneRNwNI,,This Jack Russell Terrier loves being at the cabin. 9983,qw0oFurynX8,, 9984,Bjus-5FA0Tw,, 9985,VYtV-Ebn6Xc,, 9986,uzTkdB3hUtA,,#aerial #drone #birdseye #topdown #beach #water #waves #sand #desert #nature 9987,_Ht9Gs3MZck,,'Handle of The Scene' 9988,o-K0MVyw4As,,"Durga idol at Kumartuli, Kolkata, India" 9989,0hdnu8DcSDk,, 9990,nHm6mCMD0EA,, 9991,TVq120P66BE,,Smoking Grav Donut Chillum 9992,bvMQciyt_GU,,Cattle In The Pasture 9993,WE8mfKIPHpQ,,Mountain folds in black and white 9994,V5UhLXxb9tM,,Douglas firs 9995,hjdQdd3oudQ,,Granite ridges under gray clouds 9996,NORa8-4ohA0,, 9997,n-9XMqjSbGg,,Lake Powell drone shot 9998,Ndc6FS9v_hw,, 9999,jr887Q5vi-s,, 10000,VvhFBq9D7N0,, 10001,5UFn4Ly4jwQ,,Wet sidewalk and traffic at Musée d’Orsay 10002,KDMwhO2SjVg,,Pink flower head 10003,NNpyT27Sd-E,,pinecones 10004,MolqkWsMpuU,,Single White Rose 10005,uFomxGheuGk,,Umbrella California St rain 10006,Frjr1uH0qRM,, 10007,lCH1SP-DT-A,,Fog over Catskill Mountains 10008,x_gyAYzyeQA,, 10009,ZcU6yvg6CMo,, 10010,EP4ccdDJM1w,, 10011,CoUrfmbQc8Q,, 10012,OuDKs560LcE,, 10013,i80SbIDgFf8,, 10014,e34QuJzoufc,, 10015,o8PCoxDO8PQ,, 10016,cYAWWdOZkfE,, 10017,WdJetqSIlp4,, 10018,2aPfcyAC2cc,, 10019,KPNVqRM86do,, 10020,wGcxlasobMk,, 10021,wGBmXQoHtdA,, 10022,HDxsIFHz4TI,, 10023,ea-aWFTK8rc,, 10024,n99TDa5RwjQ,, 10025,pqYGHW0_od0,,Tengmalm’s owl Photo taken on photoworkshop. Animal in human care. 10026,hh0MxOC7sc8,, 10027,QBqTmpZDOq0,, 10028,NAYmG1jzU8U,, 10029,fzvZeqND1bo,, 10030,NpA_iJ0X3Vk,, 10031,o5mzlI1bwxU,, 10032,Q-X94Fl2UXA,, 10033,y-PxNb9Ug2Q,, 10034,C6ushDNv4qI,, 10035,JmYSrgATvKM,,Alone in the dark 10036,UJnVaYcacZM,, 10037,08NuTokjPUg,, 10038,47oFSaPx-x8,, 10039,l_Iuva4ULHQ,, 10040,tM8vN04UZvo,, 10041,mHsCGoBJgIE,, 10042,txLhOesjV0A,, 10043,7JiNQI504Vk,,"This strong woman competed in the barrel race at the Tucson Rodeo, working powerfully with her horse teammate to navigate around barrels at top speed. International Women’s Day" 10044,rBStqsXCPiU,, 10045,p1SKuYXxqec,,"Boa constrictor in the night - snake, reptile, pet" 10046,FIU-a_gq_M8,, 10047,QdjwwwHELx4,, 10048,dXYGFCyXhpo,,Bokeh Cityscape at Night 10049,NnU-FaJ7OVM,,sunflower 10050,11Wof7jOIEk,, 10051,8cILLKfsgwU,, 10052,i7Lqt9H7taU,,Blue wall / Fish in jail 10053,7OxXUJsVmD8,,Autumn leaves 10054,Ij1bCguPF_8,, 10055,gFjngFzO_gw,,Cute wee daisies 10056,DSqCFuT9fP0,, 10057,1tXeMpkssik,,Griffon dog in blue dog shirt 10058,3rmz1wI4X-4,, 10059,LJC_xJDSURc,, 10060,zs3HRrWW66A,,"Water drops collisions. Clean water, 3 flashes with color gels." 10061,JUUkhXzi9Fc,, 10062,iBgMBNqoeaU,,Banksia 10063,KdcSLoK8iKU,, 10064,nbTrbBk_6Os,, 10065,97ALcKmTj2o,, 10066,vExD0Y0Aei0,, 10067,wVMuNOSt5KY,, 10068,VItLTVJy3hk,, 10069,whRfkkV_9zM,, 10070,KRb2pGRE758,, 10071,PK94wCeXdjA,, 10072,FuNrwaaIvFY,, 10073,GJ8ZQV7eGmU,, 10074,fqWU-vEhUxc,, 10075,j2Z37PX7SMI,, 10076,yR-l24eC4fc,, 10077,6RinnIbzYQs,, 10078,RfnWYWSQlws,,Silhouette of the Zillertal Alps! 10079,vBwFQbDhG4Q,, 10080,D8RcXNWGNQc,, 10081,ItUu8fg-qQw,, 10082,o1UHhgmLszM,, 10083,e3c7mRl9G2E,,"Faroe Islands, Gasadalur" 10084,zVrSFbocKtc,, 10085,7hQ4Y_-bSb4,,Miniature poodle sitting in his bed with grey background. 10086,RCAaKlix5lU,, 10087,uSaF4ytmcR4,,Desolate forest under clouds 10088,IbsV7A0PGVQ,,Black and white conifer forest 10089,wPVqVETFREE,,Neighborhood palm trees 10090,d19by2PLaPc,, 10091,EPy0gBJzzZU,,Tree in green wheat field 10092,Slq6WuNVeAc,, 10093,pQDBGxtiDEo,,Dandelion umbrellas in macro 10094,5zsw1PjXg8k,, 10095,Fb1D6YD7ZcQ,,Rough ocean crashing on beach 10096,04zTvMalMfU,,Golden countryside hills 10097,LoMs1_wq3tU,,Winding road 10098,7BRMAIPDjOQ,, 10099,_IsVVBmZZm4,, 10100,UsDyOmKQjzo,, 10101,l1i6383x4pY,, 10102,Hohf86jTS4E,, 10103,4Bevd529iMs,, 10104,FI7jG3yMggg,, 10105,mdd7mF1ZvSU,, 10106,tAXqHzwi6hI,, 10107,ZusssbOd_fY,, 10108,W0_V-HgrJtg,,There are various legends about this 77m high „Aiguille“ needle rock. Apparently a secret passage should have led into the rock with a treasure hidden inside. 10109,7Wex-v7bDW8,, 10110,PF2lGp1keEQ,, 10111,TT9u16zDqJQ,, 10112,SVE2I-_vPcI,,Machu Picchu - Peru 10113,ngl7iev9TVk,,Cozy Fall Autumn Leaves Rustic Wood Flat Lay 10114,8DSudktoBMc,,"To get this shot, I went to Filisur (a small city in Switzerland), walked around 30min to be close to the viaduct and using Google Maps, I managed to see the best time to capture the train, it took a while to see the first train and with a good light, but the result was great =)" 10115,st77sPdfTm0,,Orrido of Bellano 10116,y2FApfBHgh0,, 10117,aVEj738GxT0,,The power of a waterfall 10118,73XDgt_ks8A,, 10119,oyBxvFU3SJI,, 10120,EuUo2r8LQNk,,Moon 10121,hhh5D47NHxI,, 10122,-rs2y0wRmgs,,Chance cove provincial park in Newfoundland 10123,BABFyMIIMmg,,Sunset on Memorial Day 10124,8pnP5ZBLvJo,, 10125,B7mIW-x3g9s,,White mountain with wooded slopes 10126,cuaxqIA_pk0,,Sunrise over white-flowered grass 10127,5XjNhm3hz7U,, 10128,ZDNr5nuZABg,,Rocky beach under a red cliff 10129,o8IfF0RUTTs,, 10130,Evb5GA0181k,,Wind on Wheat 10131,Ap8Ga6uWBmE,,Wooden door with climbing ivy 10132,yqmlajPxR3Y,,Graceful bell-shaped flower 10133,SEzVpnp0aYo,,Ledge over the azure sea 10134,GCTlIsw58Wk,, 10135,iUOVU02fbSA,, 10136,xwzmhut4RB8,,Snow on green mountain 10137,GlHKd5I4SkY,,Red toadstool in Konnerud 10138,OLKq8fbYIfM,, 10139,PM1kjYQZudc,,Lake in the fertile valley 10140,X3jymZ1oJ2E,, 10141,N-BdZE5HyMg,,Thick bamboo stems 10142,9-nse_cRvkE,, 10143,BJ0sQjuotKc,,First snow. 10144,5dXNWjCYTuM,, 10145,iRlPnaQ3BeY,,"Sunset @ Salad Beach, Ko Pha Ngan" 10146,XWARm1Wgg4U,,Santorini. 10147,IIxCWkkzs6s,, 10148,MOOEMjUm80Y,, 10149,PvDFxBPc6Zw,, 10150,LkA_BtlPnwE,,A pretty pink sea horse at the Cairns aquarium. 10151,JB3QUablsm0,,"San Juan Mountains, Colorado" 10152,faCwTallTC0,,Flying colhereiros 10153,OqmlhZ45DEw,,A bunch of eucalyptus drying on the floor 10154,bxu8d8W8ee4,,portrait of a man while he adjusts his beanie in cold winter while snow is falling 10155,oUMjZliHG2Y,,Blossom 10156,LZmpWkWyKsE,,Closeup photo of a common frog in Estonia 10157,_nEvHodTtOQ,, 10158,zz1F6I1qlVk,,moeraki boulders 10159,3m4lH961q20,,Flowers in a patch of grass 10160,PUHqjv88Rxw,,Woods and mountains 10161,XCyO3VSHZ8w,,Rocky shoreline 10162,U2fnW9DZ2z4,, 10163,eNulyu7PzZU,, 10164,63ix4im4FXw,,Branson pink sunset. 10165,V2KLjfTMgJw,, 10166,X29UcYNM7Vc,, 10167,HCRBFsJZMMs,, 10168,lXR2boS_O94,,Proud Bird 10169,jA-BODhXaws,, 10170,Z9DnCWFV1YM,, 10171,KznfRCHrdos,, 10172,t6kr9bbHaVg,,Sunlight and flowers in a greenhouse 10173,4UfCRXv_tGM,, 10174,SqhcwFqVlyI,,Happy dog at Anjuna Beach 10175,bmb5A0b3VlA,,Mountain side folds 10176,4882m_sB9ak,, 10177,nW4Vv17PnbI,, 10178,LJ1B95FJbXA,, 10179,9H7ODl9BwV4,, 10180,ykP_G8afgCE,, 10181,nF0xGIHLfq4,, 10182,E-JQUqfcvKY,, 10183,9vhM9xJGtyo,, 10184,cHqzh_McpYg,, 10185,kNUtq_GyDF8,, 10186,p9BRX1mBfe4,,"On the road from Dallas to Lubbock, TX. This small storm developed shortly after midnight." 10187,eXgKsIsARcM,, 10188,Tweuw1r7T48,, 10189,riqztV6_edg,,"This is a long exposure of the Milky Way, captured at Copper Mountain in Colorado." 10190,5c5of6JPvN8,, 10191,spcuk2BHwR4,, 10192,hYAkdFZb-Yg,,Receding waves 10193,1YP1idcknWw,, 10194,EE1B5Kvu6yg,,IG: clem.i 10195,wk3VvqvVwRU,, 10196,23UKpGWYCOs,, 10197,YXGq3y6Fnzc,,Bay leaf 10198,5a5_ffZrD1o,,Pine cones and needles 10199,W5MhJ6cy1So,, 10200,e8e2kOfEzOo,,The canal during winter 10201,oxVjCyH_ldQ,,Sunset silhoutte 10202,vWj-NLIp6uo,,Rocky path on a foggy day 10203,JSmc0GmSV1o,,Dew on shiny leaves 10204,kZbWrWydXPk,, 10205,sLraJyotfeY,,I took this photo of my wife on a day excursion to Ķemeri National Park in Latvia. 10206,PJCZOWuOxbU,, 10207,UX0z93NuQz0,,Mountains hills valleys 10208,Ktcux4GKCJ4,,Foggy Farm Fields 10209,tj3RmNxFL44,,Snow covered barn in wintertime 10210,ZNPu-6dSHyU,,Misty Mountains in Telluride 10211,r2qkF8tMbRw,, 10212,tbOXXj3DG7E,,lupinia field 10213,rcyOwzB5m_I,, 10214,CLMlVwtPsI4,,Spring Cherry Blossoms 10215,TLLjBr_8thQ,,A group of jelly fish. 10216,-bxUoy7QNAw,,Instagram: clem.i 10217,lvy_VvdLmnA,, 10218,vfrtRoww7Eo,, 10219,zS_b76LrEL8,, 10220,L4zSs6fpiuc,,Milky way 10221,6WZQkGI3V4s,,"Due to the reduced air traffic at the moment, it is currently much easier to take pictures of the Milky Way without disturbing airplanes. The image was taken at 1:30 am in the north of Munich." 10222,Y1ByvAGQ5iE,,Summer above the clouds 10223,GYt6khO6-xA,,Person walking on windy beach 10224,QKSm-kXeWac,, 10225,Bq3P98-J__E,,"Shot at Cataloochee Valley, which is located on the North Carolina side of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The valley is home to more than 100 elk who often graze within yards of the main road – and sometimes like to snarl traffic by jaywalking." 10226,k-Fqo6-TEsY,, 10227,jyMTzkGK-qc,,Rainforest mountains 10228,keNdmwAyzl4,, 10229,cuIPyl8Xd1E,,"Your first guess might have been a desert, the second guess might have been a beach. Welcome to Stockton, which is both. It's a vast land that has huge dunes close to the ocean. First Australians lived here long before it was used as a WWII fortification against the Japanese (because it legit looks big and convenient for an entire troop to land here, like the Dunkirk) Visit this place during the summer to see spectacular sunsets" 10230,aHimW8gzrrQ,, 10231,l7PIfQySfng,, 10232,QvwxYQMdsxY,, 10233,9XixVlnUCbk,, 10234,40gVsm3PtOA,, 10235,Ceh6yQjzYoQ,, 10236,NYA129LRlOc,, 10237,1kM1ykIvI6k,, 10238,hLXqw76-bfE,, 10239,2fXoydsBzMc,, 10240,I0t5kmqiVnA,, 10241,noKvuXflOrU,, 10242,EO8m4zBeVho,, 10243,J1k62CkFVQI,, 10244,dRRFeDpxB_4,, 10245,u9v63-gnRbc,,"Woke up to some misty snow in South Tyrol, making the trees blend into nothingness." 10246,6mJjg-KtGq0,, 10247,1RYcMd8xz14,,Norwegian Waterfall Vøringsfossen in the sunlight 10248,rvUMC5Hj27Y,, 10249,BiB1vT42daY,, 10250,j4YcBgiBJxY,,Autumn in the Alps 10251,oUoRl1xBRaM,,Late fall days in Austria. #3 10252,dI46tPo1wBo,, 10253,_AWZ5FJR1n0,, 10254,ITQwhPIH6rw,,snow cat 10255,zGcNOyPVRu8,, 10256,mFFATULxMBU,,Porsche trip 10257,B2L_DTbeZCM,, 10258,XEl6Skx8AHc,, 10259,RI_w4lD6b10,,a dog in his back yard to the world 10260,E9qRQax0BE4,, 10261,DVauUHIJby0,,Dream 10262,KkULG2Bc0S0,, 10263,C-oou0-Bu64,, 10264,rPG1Fg8UDUw,,through the wineglass 10265,Co1ItSyXvq8,, 10266,aFVlCrGEDfE,, 10267,sULj5SDr1mw,,Thank you for downloading! If you'd like to help support Venmo: Rubengutierrez_ 10268,4M1wucdlANA,,Muir 10269,4SOEj44KvHA,,Snowy owl Photo taken on photoworkshop. Animal in human care. 10270,KiMBm228zuM,, 10271,18ijl_lmgPc,, 10272,KcH4PcbL63w,, 10273,fzdVhDxAQsU,,White-tailed eagle (juvenile) Photo taken on photoworkshop. Animal in human care. 10274,AEt9D4Oteh0,, 10275,U7jr4ZE7reQ,, 10276,9qxaQSub3C8,, 10277,okb9GB_O6w0,, 10278,7WsOA1rFJ48,, 10279,Aiu_IXC_fE8,,White-tailed eagle Photo taken on photoworkshop. Animal in human care. 10280,iMFEQOxUc7o,,Sea turtle Reunion Island 10281,0KleqkJzL1k,, 10282,A2mjVkcix-w,, 10283,__LjxJzd0MA,, 10284,dKUMqzvv-Ng,, 10285,amW_y6aUivc,, 10286,b1MgPXpylbo,,"Is there anything better than mossy rocks and waterfalls? If so, please contact me." 10287,2THFkVFcIzE,, 10288,mHmoyfzCZJA,, 10289,BSVQsScNJOU,,The most photogenic canoes under a blanket of fog. 10290,o3qMftQupG8,,Bridge at Multnomah Falls 10291,IDG5EvRRSv4,,"Golden hour in Étretat, Normandy" 10292,6-eI--kMxps,, 10293,feos9QXjxJY,,jellyfish 10294,v0pY3MniTRw,, 10295,6ASyWY7CkpY,,The bride walks in. 10296,h6HmCufGDzk,, 10297,7fwHKqwpQlw,,jellyfish 10298,6UbLS0jdxoo,,Wind and sand in the desert 10299,aJBTx43KmJI,,A wonderful winter morning 10300,qTMemutAdYg,, 10301,WDj1x88Zc3E,, 10302,JIMpO5hHezA,,Girl with a sunflower warm light 10303,vtQcSwuEF3I,, 10304,G-dEFYTeEA8,, 10305,7Dn0hmvnCh8,, 10306,099M7jfu7CY,, 10307,2yCtPkx3apQ,,Snowy Scene 10308,_6XeSN_WRn0,,snowy stream in the woods 10309,aYfnNdUTxns,,Sakura 10310,TswA7-ubi68,,Walled garden at National Trust's Hinton Ampner on a cold Winters morning 10311,s0pqpSsagiE,, 10312,n7j9hmR3s9U,,instagram: jey__photography 10313,OCZG6ny9FYE,, 10314,6PLRhCThClY,, 10315,IMRuLuNnFw4,, 10316,MZ4wcaMfALk,, 10317,TeK4hLivmBQ,, 10318,Erzyy3Gy2LU,,Prowling leopard on a tree 10319,BvUicqkaZZ0,, 10320,Ejpx_sdKEKo,, 10321,oY0EDfHGPH4,,Mornings at Moraine Lake - photo by @kalenemsley and model @brookewillson 10322,_STvosrG-pw,,Get comfy 10323,lUV966hrjxY,,Snowy ridge under gray clouds 10324,G5JDRSKi3uY,,I drove from 1am to 6am to make it up to Mammoth to reach this mountain range before sunrise. I was able to make it on this beautiful clear morning before the sunrise and ran around trying to find the perfect angle and then I came across this perfect moment of the sun just peeking over and hitting Mount Whitney. 10325,3oPqx0BHNhM,,White cosmos 10326,ybw0y8C6clo,,RISE 10327,ml9MFzLef0s,,Over the River 10328,Fw55DEkH6pg,,pink-blossom-madrid 10329,T2oJlc94A40,, 10330,5V4p6RvxhdQ,,This was taken on the approach trail leading up to the Appalachian Trail. It was foggy and cold but beautiful. There was utter stillness that day. 10331,5G_peujhUY4,, 10332,g62VRbWsfu4,, 10333,uy4Kq7_Mxnk,, 10334,Ff-FOrLwiBQ,, 10335,ueT5V6mFtE8,,Man holding smoke outdoors 10336,w1ZpeRjj_CY,, 10337,HJ0TN1YZl5Q,, 10338,5C1MT7fzl0U,, 10339,PteQb2-8rmY,,The amazing pleated round leaves of the fan palm Licuala cordata. I took this photo from an angle which I liked - the leaves are not arranged. Photographed in the conservatory at the Cairns Botanic Gardens in Australia. 10340,464wfabbCGQ,, 10341,VY96fIwZuuY,, 10342,LhhDk7oBy0k,, 10343,d9wuC3RcGh0,, 10344,WHLI73X8tE0,,"Cloud-to-ground lightning 1. 5 miles west-northwest of Gilbert, IA." 10345,gfA0Se1Arj0,, 10346,KnJKGaYwZY0,, 10347,fmTDdLOEkl0,, 10348,L1LqgIGuVtg,, 10349,z_9lFEKPQuQ,, 10350,smTjpYqN4mI,,Alligator's Eye 10351,wTzEXPVuz-U,, 10352,JTUl8Bg8ESI,,Autumn leaves on the ground. 10353,QHwkMEEWyfY,, 10354,O2o3wkYcr4k,, 10355,mURpPcK9YCY,,The colours of Soho in the early morning.. 10356,rzzA_-ugnxI,,A hiker in the swiss mountains 10357,LxLJ1iol0WM,, 10358,yyijxaabWm0,, 10359,9vX8cag3-_I,, 10360,dfybbBsKgbk,,"Snowy Welsh road from drone, Audi SQ5 down below." 10361,l5PbiqtgJl4,, 10362,_Lpa_vi4fCY,, 10363,hQDx2S3aRLU,,"Dürrenstein, magic panoramic peak in the Dolomites, Italy!" 10364,IbumtEh-ORY,,A walk along the water 10365,CaIuhk9STrU,,"Alps, Italy" 10366,oB4dbisMHYk,,Bird Watching 10367,ML4nlbQR1tc,,The Suns Rainbow 10368,n4RJtjHhb9A,,Green parrot walking 10369,SVS0VIUopIw,, 10370,63EhFafADqI,,Pink flowers inside yellow pot 10371,JkWOwVc0d2E,, 10372,SAIYaICERqo,,"Hands down my favorite color, and place to be." 10373,O1wM1M3VYW4,,"松の花, pine flowers in Linggarjati." 10374,8HcQPjn-Qcw,,Lost 10375,uwcBQUhVgXU,,beautiful clouds 10376,ks1_xiKXkkg,,"Hot summer nights in Adelaide… the best place to relax is down the beach. henley, a local favourite, constantly features some of the best sunsets you’ll ever see!" 10377,iwFbKbfPGNk,,Hiding in the leaves 10378,iOb6kC7-7DE,,Facing the cold winter 10379,-TQUERQGUZ8,,"Testing photoshop, inspired by Michael Pistono." 10380,dAN1C1zbfPw,,Morning hour 10381,fej7XoMQFCw,,Natural Gradient 10382,1SoH2oBDKQo,,Winter Wonderland Adventures 10383,O_9Hc2bhpbM,, 10384,aw2Y2fMAo2Q,, 10385,kbjQSAZYrHk,,Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill. 10386,VhGBRSznCF8,, 10387,NBvSv4ubVoY,,Dabu Fantastic 10388,_6cLPVtUrZY,, 10389,UzvR9fZQXCI,, 10390,Z-kMX3oNbns,, 10391,ZFREQaXoscI,,Crater 10392,BwLip9mJiF8,,Black Sea Nettle doing their elegant dance at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. 10393,QPc_OS03Tk8,, 10394,4w4DAyRWG5c,, 10395,pmCoGdvAaag,,"We had another family photo walk but this one was at the beach! And this time my sister joined and took some photos, she even modelled for us! It was a great time and the ocean - actually everything was beautiful - the rock formations were out of this world." 10396,YXtxBfcKpdk,,@sahobbs also pls hire me in nyc 10397,DIk61Z2lM7o,, 10398,smO2je8-ygk,,womans reflection in pond. 10399,7fsLjQpbO5I,, 10400,u3QFwPDgRvY,,Golden clouds and full moon sunset at Крым. 10401,CRyWIgWEfM8,, 10402,9eFIAh0w0nU,,Mossy tree bark 10403,g5ns6tY_efY,,(contact me for the full resoluton image) 10404,P2aZetaMqmk,, 10405,nadEf7Yjb_Q,, 10406,J8R34suxfRU,,"Snowflake in Flushing, Michigan" 10407,C_Hmfumev1w,, 10408,2cL8ZO7FekI,,The reflection of a snowy mountain village 10409,VxNxsEx18wo,, 10410,VGpp0LcHZT4,, 10411,g18mC7IHXcE,,Dry white flowers 10412,kTaIjvHsyJg,,Snowcapped Mountains 10413,Fj1YrTXNodk,,Tulips in Bloom 10414,x7mpSrRHoe4,,St. Mary’s Glacier 10415,yqI40yJ7VOs,, 10416,2_CRBTyieWo,,Cherry blossom in macro 10417,xaZSE0h7yIY,, 10418,DHh3hIVh1GI,,Waves 10419,xtFRl1ZjKto,,"A muddy fur spotted with tanned spots, a silent predator stealthily tip-toes across the forest floor. There is a cloud of mystery that surrounds his movements, his nature will always be unpredictable to the visiting citizens. The Leopard was first spotted crouched beside the nala flowing downstream Judi Waterhole, as he lay in wait for a thirsty denizen. Alas, his plans were of no avail as a nearby tigress started calling out to her cubs and the leopard was left with little choice, but to bolt." 10420,ZX8W_cVMYYM,,"To support, get this photo on a face mask at! Thank you!" 10421,oKWKSEQJKeE,,Spring Melt° 10422,OLHb0uC-aQ4,,Starry night cloudscape sky 10423,JPxL7_gdKbg,,"This is one of my favorite highways. It’s such a beautiful scenic drive. The diablo Lookout is a pretty popular place, but I will never grow tired of the view." 10424,pGT8GQEdpsg,,"This picture has been taken during the sunset in the French Pyrenees, near Spain. After 5 hours, hiking this, I reached the top of the “Pique Rouge des Bassiès” in Ariège, at 2,676m above sea level. This view took me to a world beyond imagination. A calm world, with as only noise, the wind. A world where the noise of city is gone, maybe forever." 10425,zODhvByGc74,,Took the first Chamonix cableway for Aiguille du Midi. The morning lights were simply amazing 10426,FYtVrif82Lw,,The staredown 10427,oUPUZ99RVQ8,,Backpacking in Sequoia 10428,OQQUGWDShBQ,,Golden Horizon 10429,I1p_peSsnUw,,"The forecast said storm incoming. I positioned myself on my patio with a book and a camera, ready to snap pictures if an opportunity would arise. I spent the next hour taking pictures of these strange clouds as they floated slowly across the horizon." 10430,XfTy6ocePqk,, 10431,qlbqA3YIHII,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 / 100mm (Year: 1993)" 10432,E95Lpkg-bgc,, 10433,_eV65AZ-t4M,, 10434,rFzqp86k4EU,,"have a photoshoot in Ranca Upas located in Ciwidey, Indonesia. Found this awesome place with a deer inside it" 10435,yxo5ZXF8d54,, 10436,8ZnjpohnfoY,,visit @gingermias_ph in instagram for more 10437,peN4-At20n0,,Happy dog against a white minimal background 10438,3P0BmvFk5rg,, 10439,RCyXpUUhLDI,, 10440,p0OtsabgNiI,, 10441,Qsj8mQsYqWs,,Yoho National Park Canada 10442,Z_TwXe5oXNI,,Startrails 10443,JY7hz6yQfzg,, 10444,jt9hr5AdOV4,, 10445,g4FOtkiE90k,, 10446,6-wZzd2hCOs,,"A shot up towards the sky, reminding me of why I love being down here." 10447,2LTGjreDgus,, 10448,2CAT4lAoJKM,,January 2017 10449,Cn8uBaKZeDk,, 10450,SJGiS1JzUCc,, 10451,n2LTC8aGPMM,, 10452,WFSSsl82MEE,,Two girls walking in Yosemite Valley 10453,h0wD0bLnnxw,, 10454,gWi-8mOA4Wg,,"spring, flowers, nature, sunset, University square, sundown" 10455,ESAKFD0sCCE,,The Apple Core nebula or The Dumbbell Nebula or The Hourglass nebula 10456,iU4fhAg9DYQ,,Please follow me on Instagram @thomaslangnes 10457,dxjZWpyFUuk,, 10458,H-gZ6NEaDLg,,"Peony flowers, pink" 10459,aZwG_DK83hI,, 10460,EBlWHSt0OZ4,,Light by night 10461,O4TscN7RnSc,,stylish black Snautzer dog wearing a shirt and a scarf on white background 10462,Vn7vB7rWenQ,, 10463,ysesCvb2G_Q,,An old photo I found on my hard drive. It’s a G for giraffe and another photo for the Unsplash Challenge :) 10464,7MH4ped6_Mo,,Rifugio Lago Nambino 10465,u5EdZMmIjfs,, 10466,v7-pC1PYRR0,,You have no time to live. 10467,ERB4MTXEkbo,,Sleeping red panda 10468,4gF_abRdjZo,,When it rains and the larches are yellow we have early Autumn in Nature Park! 10469,Hnq1Q3Dv2Ls,, 10470,AKW2gWJC9mM,,A photo taken during my trip in the Italian Alps. Image edited with Adobe Photoshop. - For more follow my social account: IG: Unsplash: Twitter: 10471,fKdkTVEYMiQ,,Winter Wonderland 10472,chgLdfjvUYc,, 10473,UvmlwpcnGhU,,"I like to experiment with long exposures and water and it’s a great alternative for bad weather days too. This awesome stone looks somewhat like an egg to me and with the white water, it simply fascinats me." 10474,wpTiFyTvUu8,, 10475,hnqJlzt6R9c,, 10476,UhP-w1Z4viY,, 10477,n6RPQ_6KleA,, 10478,wUT6Oa6UHJI,, 10479,FZuoIfhquOg,,Something suspicious moving there in snow...lets have a look 10480,dM317CbttyY,, 10481,9EiQ5BepZhQ,,PORTRAITS INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPRTRTS EDITORIAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPHTO PERSONAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVR 10482,CKzs8kOg-F4,, 10483,8v6QE7KSRkU,,oil drop 10484,qdOnyPgRzVs,, 10485,nIk_QNc2K4w,,Aerial (drone) view of Arctic Icebergs 10486,QePAf7rRngM,, 10487,wAJJJbP7mbc,,PORTRAITS INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPRTRTS EDITORIAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPHTO PERSONAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVR 10488,YuicvRyGweo,, 10489,mhcoGbnaThc,, 10490,bNVUIsvteK8,,Jungle in the early morning 10491,pg5CVv0FEBU,, 10492,wqDGB8GssZw,,"I've never taken photos of flowers, but lockdown has got me enjoying being in nature. I've got really into using a plant identifier app, these are campion :)" 10493,47urRDhCphA,,Food Photographer! 🍴Follow me on instagram for more foodie adventures! Products and no pics? Contact me! 😄 @foodphotographermx 10494,8riEnnzCy4M,,Hidden gem | mavic mini 10495,6ieXV38E3h8,, 10496,r52dZwpvB6Q,,Foggy rock tower 10497,L_dOphQuWtk,,Mountains seen from a patch of grass 10498,DcJKdbEMpfE,, 10499,JdY-P44WBpY,,Coastal storm brewing 10500,1IQEuE3yPj8,, 10501,ztMdyooYqA0,, 10502,E4-PK5Km3NY,, 10503,ARSCXacOtkY,,Sun shining on a lake 10504,YOoFGjC8NxM,, 10505,9gnXVOgo_-I,,Snow on a mountain behind the desert 10506,hUttXQw48No,,Hikers on mossy mountains 10507,DdBqFig0XJE,, 10508,JtfyFoJDh-U,, 10509,00bdG0g6CiE,, 10510,bxCgan0J1Sg,, 10511,HCdDfGkYip8,,The Last Rays of Light 10512,nJxJokIWRhQ,,Imposing mountain under snow 10513,BC3EF3ZHAHI,,Camping in the mountains 10514,Qjd6-RuaVo0,,Walking on water in the woods 10515,1Mjc977gkTk,,Calm before the storm 10516,ZVbv1akA-l4,,Écosse valley and mountains 10517,escJJ9mCfXY,, 10518,XRwDE7DnDbg,,Under the cherry blossom 10519,HzXhY9Wgzbw,,"Beach at Los Angeles, California, United States" 10520,eWk5u40S8cc,,Green lakeside 10521,NLyQsdKZuaE,,Signs of Fall 10522,Ioy3OB0U5cI,, 10523,eqJaXgR1Pmc,,"Shot at Cataloochee Valley, which is located on the North Carolina side of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The valley is home to more than 100 elk who often graze within yards of the main road – and sometimes like to snarl traffic by jaywalking." 10524,rlXgUH7Sh_I,,Evergreen forest in snow 10525,NAj-fILakAg,,Rocky shoreline 10526,jtLxG4HDaLM,, 10527,Kj2BSq2lHqs,, 10528,qNhaNFeZz7k,, 10529,dQhQ_oQnXIg,, 10530,v_vAqTkIgzg,, 10531,g4LBtO1xGJw,, 10532,37nC8XgoIMM,,"Cute Koala sleeping in Moonlit Sanctuary, Melbourne" 10533,tdwXsN5M3Ag,,Aerial View of a Frozen Lake | Shot on DJI Mavic Mini 10534,mxtg0AVXU1I,, 10535,DfFQ7XHKXqY,, 10536,0et_5SA0p4A,,"forest, tree, wood, woman, hat, jacket, winter, autumn, leaf, fashion, winter fashion, holiday, serenity, nature, landscape, shorts, face, smile, cool" 10537,6y_dKy86RjU,,"Snoqualmie Falls, WA" 10538,6uFJWoMstHg,,Fake Nature 10539,PnmZykuarnA,,This is our Impala Bambi - he's very cute and fairly tame - you can walk up to 2 meters near him before he starts acting weird or nervous. 10540,wr3c3m9zOg8,, 10541,2IIVCliix0A,, 10542,YEZEYPNOfzQ,,wild monkey in singapore 10543,gBF-WhN1M8A,, 10544,z7B6kgZQIt0,,grass-crocus-spring-group 10545,bROd3dK_7kE,,Forest on a mountain in Ouray 10546,UK29SVDGfUc,, 10547,jsUQBs8vC5Y,,Gray and yellow bird 10548,6Fo47c49zEQ,, 10549,xScd4RblFy8,,Bamboo graffiti 10550,d5SALKdoGb4,,Winter in the fields 10551,zufAJSV_8zA,, 10552,PVPsGlhs3rU,,Lens Float 2.0 10553,I5xgbgk_vro,,Camelia 10554,HLHaSGAuF0A,,Blooming buttercup 10555,N04OZ43b3kQ,,Sunset dreams 10556,AgKIg-V7sLs,, 10557,dWsb2mf_0D4,, 10558,pYc_Fg7aZwE,,10:30 am un viaje increíble al Nevado de Toluca. 10559,lfMh5cB030U,,Bee 10560,uzwTVzXqZcg,,"This image was taken from the suspension bridge near Mühlebach, Wallis - Switzerland." 10561,CIjUQRXCA34,,Pink roses on black 10562,OUVwazRPmKQ,,Tree trunks and green grass 10563,RBRkrO9GY_Q,,Sunset in Joshua Tree 10564,swACMn-yCn8,,Little Signs of Life 10565,iFGZbWs2qSA,,Stars Dark Blue Night 10566,qVotvbsuM_c,, 10567,0A-hKmGN-og,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 10568,3B_NrzTjajc,,"This is a cropped shot of some sand at the Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park in Utah. However, it could look like large sand dunes from an aerial view also. Whether near or far, I love the softness of the texture and the crisp lines that could be changed instantly by a slight breeze. It’s a magical, playful, pink place." 10569,C_Fr8yUq5yY,,"When you drive into the quiet mountain in late night, waiting for something that is never guaranteed to come up, then it just came from the other side of sky passing over you, leaving your breath stopped and your tear dropped." 10570,50XN7cidjCc,,"I used to live in Freiburg, Germany, for about 5 months during autumn and winter. One day when there was no class, my best friend and I took a walk around the Seepark lake in the afternoon and every little detail there captured our attention. We were in awe of the natural beauty and calmness we got to experience and this is one of them." 10571,CwUb0LsQUgk,, 10572,BixjrJxngiU,,Fire under Water 10573,CBgeH8kWoAI,,Ripples 10574,FOvVKp7IA68,,"On an off chance we found ourselves needing to drive from Inuvik to Tuktoyuktuk, Northwest Territories, Canada, which was only accessible by ice road at the time. It took us about three hours driving on the ice to reach Tuktoyuktuk, which sits on the shore of the Arctic Ocean. This is what you see when you step out and look down. Taken during the last weeks of the ice road before it permanently closed." 10575,x02dRo6PEIY,,"This ship washed up on Salmon Creek Beach, California last September. As soon as I heard about it I rushed down there to see it in person. To my luck it happened to be a clear night and what you see on your screen is what I got. I hope you like it! I’m on IG @bryangoffphoto Stop by and say hi!" 10576,S2_e-byc-mM,,"For most of you, V&A is a place you pass through once, admiring all the art and skeletons, stairs and all its stunning rooms. For me, it was my daily escape ‘room’ to my lunch break; I miss it heaps. It even smells like home." 10577,ZFXbeOSIV18,, 10578,lzgLNsmmWPg,, 10579,A4AJVLFu-Ug,,Sky anger 10580,Q5QspluNZmM,,Rowing in the Swedish archipelago the wind suddenly stopped and the water became this oily super smooth surface. We stopped moving and got fascinated by the water drops forming patterns on the surface. Even the most common thing can turn into something beautiful under the right circumstances. 10581,U16ligRKQB0,, 10582,5A8bGnMzYLI,, 10583,Y1vNJCM7nyw,,An inquisitive King Parrot inspects the photographer. Parrots are some of the most intelligent of birds. The palm frond suggests its wet forest home. 10584,yACCk5tINMw,,Barrika - Bizkaia enero 2018 10585,wJXwCBBTc00,,Spring Tulips 10586,BOPlOgNxaH0,, 10587,PzAmR_Nt7KM,,King penguins diving 10588,qAe1B88uonI,,Making new friends 10589,qzk94DSQXIo,,🌴 10590,z56L143KBvE,,NO BUSINESS ON A DEAD PLANET. Climate change chaos strike demonstration protest 10591,UI2okJ_DwW4,, 10592,IB9UBb6Yapk,,Dance with Aurora 10593,nCyJO5ml6bM,, 10594,D9O293Ip1M8,,shine sea shine for me 10595,pRrQu9yIcms,, 10596,0ZHvH8DITFA,,"Two waterfalls in Haifoss, Iceland." 10597,vHrhy6TiC5Q,, 10598,FZO9sWPQ7Jc,,A ripped and torn curtain in an abandoned hotel. 10599,pFq0O7JIzac,,Porsche trip 10600,jK_IcCLis0A,, 10601,K7WVQ32uDlk,,Labrador sitting on the floor looking up. 10602,fp9W28EkW50,,Spruce tree 10603,q4Bq01jA_l0,,"winter, flower, Nature" 10604,P0y39JMznbs,, 10605,BkzyM1PAyDw,,"""The Mist"" Del Norte Redwoods in California" 10606,PCh7-2fqilA,, 10607,2kTJ7nZMa_s,,Mountain lake dam 10608,Wa6LnHpFhIM,,Girl with white Christmas lights 10609,wsHwYxu-rkc,,Rural Bavarian countryside sunset 10610,D5n3TdyVH8I,, 10611,544ZtgLDJ98,,"I was fortunate enough to visit a farm in rural Alberta and do a fun lifestyle photoshoot with a cowboy on a horse. We wanted to bring in a fog machine, but the horse was not cooperating with our big ideas (and for good reason- he’s just a horse of course!), so we went with a lantern instead. I went with my photography class from Prairie College. It was a challenging and fun photography experience!" 10612,HQOA0LA91As,,Almond Blossom flower 10613,8jgtv5xffFI,,Half moon over ridge 10614,11tmJit0vQk,,This lamps reminded in UFO. It was around 6:23pm on top of a building. 10615,2UngTfC3r3Y,,"This is where I spent my Saturday morning. How about you? Bubblers are the people who go out to this lake to see the methane bubbles that appear under the surface of the ice. I was on the verge of freezing to death and had to retreat into the van but the others managed to catch a glimpse of them. I regret it though- next time I’d lose a toe for the photo. For now, I’m not yet a bubbler!" 10616,SZezHIDy_bs,,You can see such a beautiful panorama when you drive through the Canadian Rockies at night. Love it! 10617,ru4gWU_sSpQ,, 10618,mKWKbHZaN-0,,Cat greeting its owner 10619,QFjSiok61xA,,stars in the sky 10620,VMAkxcu4sHw,, 10621,uRcl64R-D-A,,"Adolescence is a particularly hard time for children. They are experiencing all kinds of new changes in their bodies and in their feelings. As well, they often feel misunderstood as they are struggling to leave behind their childhood and become adults. The image of my 15 year old son wants to explain this division between what is still, and what will become." 10622,xwTjujkXQ6Y,,Fog clinging to the top of Yosemite Valley’s huge rock faces. The fog adds a ton of texture and layers that are only prominent in these conditions. It’s spectacular to look at in all conditions. 10623,jDPgqR4UBIM,,"After a cloudy day with plenty of rain, the sun dropped below the clouds and lit up the sky in an awesome orange vibrancy." 10624,bKAJqLwO7n0,,Lower Antelope Canyon 10625,5kvTWhB9eW0,,Wood Reflection 10626,0eKR4M2uuL8,,"This is my dog, Ryan Gosling. He’s a very good boy." 10627,tyAK-wNcZJw,,"Wood, logs, tree and woodland." 10628,Dn6hpitEonI,,Lost in Time 10629,5qMw3UqI-8M,,Milky Way Nights 10630,h9ofGpytmUI,, 10631,qgBMQWmwY8U,, 10632,DtkCZXcH4lI,, 10633,Xh6JwZJ44Ag,, 10634,13GMvnQePYY,, 10635,s-VWgH8rCh0,, 10636,Qe0OXRgMtk0,, 10637,KVKYuYjKPnk,, 10638,Pd5wwOn3ajY,,Sunset on Balaton 10639,wSKx5si4GOg,,Autumn fruits 10640,OO15jdbY5KU,,Greece 10641,ohmrRMdoegU,, 10642,7HY_wtyz8fQ,,leaf floating in water 10643,eu-6lA-jqFk,,Octopus 10644,GJJGpecwvMs,, 10645,5Ew9X1qEBro,, 10646,FXUftf_D4Ro,,James Adams shooting for Visual Media Church at Half Dome in Yosemite National Park 10647,tWK7yQYavxs,, 10648,0al4nhlSu5E,,Monument Valley sunrise - Patrick Hendry 10649,zKMEHHxtg9c,, 10650,gRtL4a3etvk,, 10651,EiASeD6kV5I,, 10652,2k9T4uHLq74,,"A lonely palm tree in San Clemente, CA" 10653,ZlhEPqWgfBs,, 10654,MjovRKTi9EE,, 10655,0Ahf1MY-mJI,, 10656,llEJ21aMgwI,, 10657,UPJ0vTjPFXE,, 10658,r2SY2zsBmgM,,"An arrangement of white poppies in the vase at Pasture Song Farm, Pottstown, PA • •" 10659,h5RMWNY8bYQ,, 10660,4qNm-Yl8eA4,, 10661,IJ16Rn29Rgc,,Wheat 10662,9fWmKm1h-kc,, 10663,EJ79f7Vew8A,, 10664,azhcOje9rHM,, 10665,WkRKRoBzKZk,, 10666,BE2GzN6PH98,, 10667,h3lxnaFjr0M,,Machu Picchu - Perú 10668,iTWW0evCuec,, 10669,-F-l4tcFVaw,, 10670,-KUomk45Cu8,,Lençois Maranheses in Brazil 10671,XbODBvn1RxM,, 10672,XjkJtDb2tHY,, 10673,NAP14GEjvh8,,Jellyfish at Shedd Aquarium 10674,vgy7iw7rGg8,,Story of The Moon 10675,BAm5XO5rA0Q,, 10676,yGMw4KpX4CE,, 10677,ZUctozdvVtw,,E’ così… non smetterò mai di guardarti… non smetterai mai di stupirmi…! Luc 10678,pk6w2b3WVhM,, 10679,Va3e334xsEU,,Waves crash on a Pacifica beach just before the rain hits. 10680,jzCmSH6en5c,, 10681,kmu4AjOBuHo,, 10682,pVOOebNvs_M,, 10683,UpZ9_Mxayl4,, 10684,y1GcM8xAi5A,,"Bee in pink flower meadow, bokeh in the background" 10685,lhYtQ29qmi0,,tender. 10686,IClZkw4UhRA,,Yawn. 10687,LRayx4TWgYg,, 10688,OdMK8m5G8qk,, 10689,cOVcbr8zf80,, 10690,sIvO9Uiyl6c,, 10691,-mNvCsNlsSE,, 10692,sqL5xItVgpg,,Sunrise over tropical valley 10693,TIWirjDSYbY,,Bridge between mountains 10694,h-40pu5qr8A,,Woman standing in storm 10695,kDj82KFbRvU,, 10696,IA7nYNqfyc8,,Mountain ridge in the evening 10697,n1h2kVc549c,,Deer herd on a winter’s day 10698,u7HTdpOiAV0,, 10699,jJzmexjwfGE,,Blue lilac 10700,T8I3UuK-QXY,,Yellow grass under the mountain 10701,UNOMwllEXfg,,Green mountain on savannah 10702,lmbWKsrPWG0,,At the foot of the granite giant 10703,YWFiUKpVUVg,,Beautiful tulip field 10704,49Q0vhYLMD0,, 10705,PyZkNerV-BA,, 10706,GZgg9vMDFWw,,Desolate waterfall 10707,9oYejvnGNj0,, 10708,_Q9Gu7njZGk,, 10709,9xWwTHXMEQg,, 10710,S6_Wq3N8iTU,, 10711,CX6-_wXxOsY,, 10712,OtSfukJOl2o,, 10713,lLtBNeVOHFE,, 10714,7ehH_SB9pIc,, 10715,Yd6TC3qee6M,, 10716,TmzhGmML2TY,, 10717,pOCcShZwNcs,, 10718,bOVi_-y0450,,Golden Hour in the Maldives 10719,JPTvaSKvhoo,,Somewhere in Morocco // 2015 // @ultrabrad 10720,N2oCdJEd78Y,, 10721,JWQ_KxUrrBU,,Lightning strikes the Sangre de Cristo mountains near Taos. 10722,KAWw-M-8u3I,, 10723,BBJH-XjRNYI,, 10724,MfNhU7gCTG8,,the heaven 10725,ECKktv7grHE,, 10726,9vhQDqVKGYo,,Aurora borealis 10727,0wTnTOnLIos,,Another angle of the Lago di Braies in South Tyrol. 10728,J4msIpL0Gss,,Spring is here. Almost 10729,11SmxL6FI1A,,"Underground, cave" 10730,A5xIX4QhFAQ,, 10731,H7nMkBMgcNw,, 10732,OKT6Ce9fwqI,, 10733,PHduitZ_9_g,, 10734,95lsE8yq67U,,Beautiful crocus in the Carpathians. 10735,BIS1BCDl1dY,,Arara bird 10736,Re_yoaMGzIo,,Pastel florals 10737,t01wOFRQZog,,Summer sunset over a field 10738,xme2qFpwm6E,, 10739,v57VVOCbj-E,, 10740,ffc9RT_vR1E,, 10741,VD8AuCBXP4Y,, 10742,hVF_04fzKO4,,Kite and exciting beach 10743,1STmIG4BaR0,,Male Northern Harrier hovering as it hunts. 10744,_eR_Z0gS6YA,, 10745,1_q2w3bPCAI,, 10746,9EwxGJdTJNo,, 10747,qgfiux6vEmc,,Highland coast on a cloudy day 10748,4xYgBTYC2-Q,,Cloud on the field 10749,Stzrs8510_M,, 10750,2S0c1k1NB8Q,, 10751,5ulmc8IHdLc,,Forest valley in the snowy mountains 10752,d_JvLe9Qvdo,, 10753,yBqcajVQng4,,Horseshoe Bend on a sunny day 10754,njEtyA05EN4,,Hazy mountaintops at dusk 10755,S8Fnjxj1JCY,, 10756,KQj838dxJBE,,Foggy Foliage 10757,7kLufxYoqWk,,Surreal Desert Skies 10758,UrR6DvU6zHA,, 10759,TWQ8b6jH368,, 10760,9W9WSv6JyS8,,Seclusion at its finest. 10761,UopYStMVExU,,Catch It 10762,z97kjUA4clc,,Red mountains 10763,PdPKIkd1L9g,, 10764,8n3g1PFN9gs,,Patrick Hendry 10765,8vw-n7ERFeo,,Waves 10766,SF3E7T7ABzI,, 10767,kR1Aer8c_WI,, 10768,hm5PoOr5ros,,"The picture is dedicated to Jimi Hendrix, the greatest guitarist that has ever been and who died on September 18, 34 years ago." 10769,-bSucp2nUdQ,,Thunderstorm 10770,9t-cMKscY4w,, 10771,cUzEAzbYo_s,,Blue and Yellow 10772,RyGGRpD78Vc,,The cloud and the Winter 10773,l0IPVqjNWNo,,Soft Glory 10774,Rh8vxWHc5DA,, 10775,hiy_bs9MrOE,,Aligned in Death Valley 10776,1WnJiWvCBWY,,"Taroko Gorge, Taiwan R.O.C." 10777,A7v5KWxnKQA,, 10778,uA2Yv2h6TSU,, 10779,TITPpNGxVt8,, 10780,aPJif68ghkg,,Soaking up the sun 10781,S_elJCwbLYs,, 10782,PuEh_qN50Y4,, 10783,SOZWHqeXcPQ,, 10784,NFfseZrqZ6o,, 10785,HFRjaVSSzYQ,, 10786,3Xj6BntfsIU,, 10787,qeeyFVkHy_U,, 10788,rhX_DqtHq8E,, 10789,nIR1dHtZ49A,, 10790,WbOn78k-ywU,,An early morning through the jungle to reach this beautiful waterfall. It falls so perfectly it looks man made. 10791,f72UG0Hcr_Q,, 10792,ZSCsXWyR7c0,, 10793,exoixOPKUBk,, 10794,xfKj435Z9rI,, 10795,l4uDLlj6INI,,"Mammoth Lakes, Sunset." 10796,2bU8FGDhMFQ,, 10797,IXZru8ftAy0,, 10798,UgLMs2mn-KI,, 10799,mjvx6KF_ftg,, 10800,BYk4w0QXLEw,,Foggy morning 10801,nsFLt0rBQHI,,One of my best morning view... 10802,wqOweIWvRzA,, 10803,f4GdYFpUyH8,,Jane West Spoon 10804,YiUNjvAy6LY,, 10805,fVNyjet1CXY,, 10806,Gv7jYYGQVYw,,Print available here : 10807,eUrG-yIJC2o,, 10808,ODVTWo4-biU,, 10809,Bf8YHJcECkA,,"Antelope Canyon, Arizona" 10810,q-I5OlNELvM,,red 10811,HcL5DG6CHRg,,Out of focus flowers in foreground. On Ilford HP5+. 10812,R7Bh47VBEMk,, 10813,JAWdE2j_sJ4,, 10814,XiJ_R-Eqi3I,, 10815,G28GwD5DhbY,,Giraffe Profile 10816,fWedXQEG9_c,, 10817,Ktz1FPvD9Nk,, 10818,KZJKg7pvIYA,,Morning waves 10819,Kszb3meIFCA,, 10820,XeXBi9uxasc,, 10821,4pRVGe4LJkI,, 10822,FvkQso3yiOk,,Kirkjufellsfoss 10823,qj8ujkhbLfc,, 10824,YSA0jM0-XP0,, 10825,fEC55UElliI,,A Room with a Million Dollar View 10826,hfu9Prfb3lo,, 10827,kBO-sBhf_I8,, 10828,TjQs965nRIE,, 10829,0eriTFRzDdg,,Nordkette 10830,JC41nl2gcbY,, 10831,4Ww2bI-O3z0,, 10832,CF4c2GAker4,,Arid Desolation 10833,-VIIUPt7h9E,, 10834,GLyY47CZI5E,, 10835,wgH3Lzgmm_c,, 10836,aMZgsIWqQaQ,, 10837,ZeM0C96lmdU,,Green mountain valley 10838,MZVXrjKYgow,,Pines reaching for the sky 10839,bdHUUnDHtcE,, 10840,n1Y2tKFvN1Y,,Potted succulents in window 10841,pq_ulQTFVbc,,Horse in the autumn grass 10842,I8lryvkk5Y4,,Leaning roses 10843,-hXpKWsSrXw,,Smokebomb 10844,Vy7VdLXh_nU,,dog running at the beach 10845,9oK61bbs6EI,, 10846,WkkKSJi1_-M,,Fun Fact: this place is the most photographed place on the whole PCH. 10847,Hbx3UZ_6uZ4,,được hôm chi dẫn đi chup… 10848,dfar2BIUomI,,A 1.8km walkway located in Finolhu Maldives. 10849,aqGnxsrDmBw,, 10850,RbieUIDnfds,, 10851,0jI_VomyV2I,, 10852,4_LTR48NBYQ,,A tense moment as a Boa Constrictor stares straight at you. 10853,8t81T5VVTLU,,Waves break over rocks at Freshwater West. 10854,yVVcklmaUTE,, 10855,lWY2xGMYbt8,,Mandarinfish would have to be one of the most colourful fish in the world. They live in coral reefs in the Pacific ocean. 10856,bZvdX5Ysm44,, 10857,ZUhPvOw9S34,,patrick hendry 10858,NJY3uia5dqE,, 10859,J7w12ShptC0,, 10860,_pA5RUGRPvg,,Squid Chandelier 10861,ptuWfpasMSM,, 10862,Xvlc79bu9MA,, 10863,pKIlcnFYhRg,, 10864,Oww-awml8ek,, 10865,LvWYmMA_U8k,, 10866,b1Hy7vsdAEg,, 10867,mm78zjmDtlQ,,Charros from Sylmar CA 10868,MdOyV8YumcU,, 10869,wJADNChYu-g,,Prism Rose 10870,7Y0ZVBWCfNw,, 10871,42OBN2nUku8,,Iguana eye 10872,5TmdCtpV-s0,, 10873,CWct2mb7Qbw,, 10874,WXbb62kB7pE,, 10875,HyXN3uapAVA,, 10876,iqA-eciZBaM,,Thanks @adrian_infernus for borrowed this lens 20mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art | SIGMA 10877,b2JrArs5QW0,, 10878,8T4Iioq6d6c,, 10879,i7itbiBIKSs,,Colorful Life 10880,nALTSmBN458,, 10881,Y3DkPWVg9DA,, 10882,LY4gv8WaPu8,, 10883,PFG80DBvn50,, 10884,H-KXryoq2wE,,It was in the middle of nowhere… and we could walk high enough to see the landscape; and enjoy the view 10885,2QUvkQTBh5s,,Storm Approaching 10886,Q09Qz7VyLXI,,bunches-blossom-spring 10887,upXoQv5GAr8,, 10888,Jmli-gWM68s,,Heat of the Flames 10889,TtP9IVxxvD0,,"Sometimes, I take walks around my city to look for pretty details. These flowers qualified. 😌" 10890,yU55zytXM00,,Lake Louise 10891,idyz-Cd_OIY,,Worker bee on lavender 10892,BmEdJ6P88Yk,,Water 10893,7RyfX2BHoXU,,Fake palm 10894,LACeUPaJySY,,Headed out to Llynnau Mymbyr (Snowdonia) to capture some star consolations last summer. 10895,MxEp_yfaaRo,,Wired 10896,_vAuxGCAfjQ,,"Hydrangeas at Exbury Gardens, Hampshire" 10897,5iiI5wVXY8M,,Yellow Mellow 10898,qAwnubccSC4,, 10899,PB_SdlCPCDs,,"Partly cloudy, strong wind from the south and always a stunning view behind the next corner. This is South Africa!" 10900,p8i54QS6vEg,, 10901,YDISdmRldio,,"Horses at the Christmas market in Brixen, a small city in South Tyrol, Italy!" 10902,ulJYHTb86Bo,, 10903,4m2vC1xtncA,,"Ocean view of ""Blå Jungfrun"", a small island between Öland and the Swedish mainland." 10904,lwq2JoVRDwc,, 10905,Bdn__0Vip5w,, 10906,dIjwEYec3qs,,Tree reflection in a puddle of water 10907,CBa301Yn7F8,,BC weather. 10908,HgwtxNem7mY,, 10909,kbTrG8fpL88,,african grey beauty 10910,dn5Zpa6LUK0,, 10911,RMAKCQmu-gI,,noisy and white 10912,wVRqisV_mPk,,Bardenas Reales in Spain 10913,iVls8uffOSg,,Sunflower and bokeh lights 10914,ur4NB1f3kQ8,,fountain 10915,SE5ThMvJHkM,, 10916,w-QqVLJdtqo,,Spring Tulip 10917,RbTaArtpbeA,, 10918,K75zNHPW84k,, 10919,hxXtAZXqGWs,, 10920,YJCRjsg1LQw,, 10921,Qh2q5pKsFWw,,These photos are from one of my many Iceland visits. Iceland is the place that unlocked many things for me and broke so many chains in my head. 10922,G45IqMF7KKU,, 10923,T9uUo9CNTLk,, 10924,RZR3SliFzCY,, 10925,VsOKJuTfN0U,, 10926,3k9PGKWt7ik,,I was on my way back home after work. I was thinking about a way to splash a bunch of different colors in the water at the same time with one hand and the other operating the trigger or the remote. And I constructed this primitive multi-color device :) 10927,mtRZKzFJ3ik,, 10928,Vcl9m6JyYPE,, 10929,xRUA391rrhU,, 10930,p-iA7O8gG5E,, 10931,bgGr1eKlYNw,,Shot with available light (moonlight). 10932,Qym51XVC-MU,, 10933,loef5xiVF0k,,Tiger lillies 10934,oQbyh3VKHnM,, 10935,f0heeiu-Ec0,,Taking close up macro photographs of flowers have always been a passion of mine. This radiant dahlia has the perfect array of light pink petals. 10936,CAhHSOU8xWI,,Road Trip 10937,ldJjUsF3mHI,,Building Black 10938,Qxzn3Fwy3qU,,Into the Abyss 10939,1x9ElmBT7t0,, 10940,Z7mREQaK0Pc,, 10941,GDxFfJ5LShM,, 10942,l4VCf72WlyY,,Pareidolia 10943,8Vzi8AzyQyw,,Jellyfishes 10944,mKFCS2ti3o0,, 10945,BSQHIhekyaI,, 10946,wNVB7JG6538,, 10947,9Dg3JyQMih0,, 10948,XqiePapSa1Q,, 10949,IWexwTUOyEs,, 10950,F3rDBnQQbQU,,"Just as we were peeking through Zakynthos’ blue caves, a boat aligned right through multiple caves." 10951,rmFCQdjSpBk,, 10952,pqT7p8f3qvk,,Pair of flying black birds 10953,OJG4B2pqqmk,,Rainbow on a mountain 10954,4EDoa-XQavg,, 10955,UTqNDOFZ5vM,, 10956,qj1vIzXOtYo,,Flowers in woman’s hair 10957,XtXdHH-Ib7c,,Elegant sunflower 10958,IrpEYE-Jn9w,,Salt Lake City mountains 10959,6g9h37yl-MU,,Autumn hills in Mont-Tremblant 10960,W7EgqYJdQOE,, 10961,lajQENYXCdM,, 10962,GuoFuiY4hNo,, 10963,zUpEiSWufjo,,Forest edge 10964,fJNiqeAyZ4s,,Tranquil autumn lake 10965,RNIkSB3E8II,, 10966,Ud9lKknu9c0,,Tropic heaven 10967,mUELqg-FpuQ,,macro-blossom-twig 10968,PE3BN5bjAkI,,Ladybug On The Move 10969,o_QTeyGVWjQ,,"I photographed this amazing dog in a small park. He was with his “master”, who was a little kid, not much bigger than his pet. The original photo was VERY unsightly, but I saw something amazing behind this “unsightness”. I took it home, passed it through Photoshop, and the result was a wonderful sight! It’s like I can see this ordinary animal’s personality! (If you want to see a before-and-after, check out at the end of the page) Eventually, I started a photo album named “Animal Close-Up’s”, this photo (Dog (close-up)), being Close-Up no. 1." 10970,TdoxXD7aGv8,, 10971,F9o9PEx7MAQ,,Iceland - 2 10972,s0oNVwpU9NE,,Natural Bouquets 10973,mQF2vmyV0Zc,,Mandrill 10974,yrocI57DI18,,Watching the Sunrise -Life Off Screen 10975,jcfvPR-dTDk,,1 0 : 3 0 #2 10976,6_azJTdV9xg,,Sea of Trees 10977,BXmrFRBinhU,,"Some of the shots we got from the eclipse in Palm Coast, Florida. We didn’t have a sun filter so we had to get creative with some glasses. Needless to say it produced some interesting effects." 10978,pK1jrq-kimE,, 10979,uX9o0l40tzg,,Palms 10980,GCtNrHxUvzU,,Before the typhoon comes 10981,Bolre_2dEZI,,"Stars just outside Teton National Park. My brother and I went outside to take long exposures of the nighttime scenery, but ended up looking at night sky directly above us." 10982,YJWcZkXlGlI,,Autumn is Here 10983,jRA0HaHLPnM,,Making some tests with long exposure. 10984,j4dkPAh4TW8,, 10985,Xk0DZSYv1ao,, 10986,Om3JbZp3CCo,, 10987,ImNPwqsj4jQ,, 10988,0gRNYjAwv8Y,, 10989,HBC7UUBKb48,, 10990,A8-JCTMqZWY,,A storm ridden day on the South coast of Iceland. Follow me for more on Instagram @petenathanson 10991,V__yW0wQCOs,,White little fella 10992,l7PnmcqTj5Q,, 10993,TWe4tUsLot8,,The Photo was taken during a ship expedition 10994,pwP-EXdIQQY,, 10995,3Xi-PcsmlqI,, 10996,CbO4HO6IkcU,, 10997,8y2xQqYxOng,,Bioluminescent 10998,gErifxO1-CY,, 10999,lDYUUFtpG-g,, 11000,dSH833s7hTs,, 11001,KOAJOeZwOxA,,"Tygrzyk paskowany, samica" 11002,EGlCSY83Vec,, 11003,0leJ0IVC2EA,, 11004,QKfeWS2Q27w,,Starry night with aurora australis over the geographic South Pole. 11005,KPo27NCBZjA,, 11006,ZAOEjcpdMkc,, 11007,7ezHwUsLGAQ,,"Another view of the Glen Canyon Dam, USA." 11008,12G9IX6QMm8,,Desert Moonrise 11009,kVuPfz-3HKw,, 11010,ruMXlsImlXQ,, 11011,uutx0QU6PNw,, 11012,eMUFzOztjeM,,Celebrating 50 years of Lunar exploration🌔 11013,DrWE-a-_8vA,, 11014,_Q2K4JUa_Jc,, 11015,9u5Lw227Rb0,, 11016,GH9NpofaEx4,, 11017,nPRa5jVKpDM,,Above a beach 11018,ZC8OAuJzT5A,, 11019,qzUU4v0jK7M,,Japanese macaques 11020,1K2KrFtOPqU,, 11021,rWotMddrvUM,, 11022,SdM7lgSVfS4,, 11023,ecXENHoZohE,, 11024,zxnzdGoWdPs,,visiting the fox village in miyagi prefecture Japan 11025,EaQBeUG9c58,, 11026,adCxCE2MhGk,,"Two lovebirds on Alcatraz Island, SF." 11027,HXqpJnLyHzg,,splash splash 11028,FxO8KNTLQK0,,I love mountains 11029,wEIbBoPklos,,Chamelon on black backtround 11030,LElwzCUjleg,, 11031,hZQHur7UzPA,,smoke_3 11032,d5PYB17O9jE,,Wonderful Gas Station 11033,gMUAUvCibj0,, 11034,eVu7ZfOpbNQ,, 11035,hgi49DwJPaY,,Falls of Rha 11036,rHGlTvMJA_o,, 11037,ugAR9FnLLuY,, 11038,x2dJcfCNO1A,, 11039,uMjX4Xn_Yww,, 11040,duaOGDm3pdg,, 11041,mjmbRdR9mEc,, 11042,tIYfD4GALj0,,Craggy mountain peaks 11043,CzigtQ8gPi4,,Colorful Nebula Space 11044,3aM_Gudf-M0,, 11045,E7q00J_8N7A,, 11046,0LPYfXfeUJ0,,Sand beach shoreline 11047,Cuiw-5VFlZw,, 11048,a3vVnIYZ80M,, 11049,oufIKPewlWY,,"Alpine forest, Ouray" 11050,_B7gSFSPfRw,, 11051,G8qVZEiyCJU,, 11052,jsbxW_U6dCc,,Tropical palm trees 11053,_qRCklHI5WI,, 11054,yI4tKsdB-JQ,,"I had never been to this part of Colorado before. Leadville, Co. My dad went all the time for the fishing and this time I joined him. He was a stormy day which made for some slow driving and un-fun fishing. Made some amazing photos, though. I couldn’t get my eyes off the clouds. I still can’t." 11055,6JMHLYIzZ5s,, 11056,3oSU7K3ol0w,, 11057,Q_8-ZXGDxbU,, 11058,kPDV_tzjOUY,, 11059,tClS6SPq8Zo,,White Pocket Sunrise 11060,Re-_rHb9-f4,, 11061,Og5vfpecNW8,, 11062,TmYeK2FfjlE,,Half dome in Yosemite 11063,jsCCNKMyaac,, 11064,7HTVfo06Eu4,, 11065,uIUuxcsD3aE,, 11066,vqXOXhV0yKY,, 11067,FeiKaDMVgj8,, 11068,GXAd4EbS2yU,, 11069,0jest-Svoz8,, 11070,8e7wIZ5epeE,,"Rough-scaled python. A very rare python from NW Australia.This photo was taken with a Tamron 90mm macro lens, plus a Kenko number three close up lens." 11071,EKVhHSNHWmM,,Monte Bianco Glacier 11072,p5BGXwmKWe8,, 11073,3CxVpFO739c,, 11074,tFaK2b_DBl4,, 11075,ZNl0QqxOFjk,, 11076,HXkpvbyuyTY,, 11077,gR3oLVM0aqM,, 11078,MnsUqyWkfQg,, 11079,w3gsjym40f4,, 11080,iiunnSNT-qs,, 11081,ia16k_RM338,,"Lovely spring day at my local park, the smell was incredible! I was sitting under this beautiful tree and the wind was blowing small petals on me, it felt magical." 11082,1i2weGC39_s,, 11083,Y43fZ4dYmVk,, 11084,EhCQ3jbRZxw,, 11085,lqxMW8r-qJY,, 11086,Yd7iCxLTGc8,, 11087,OXTGKuG_ymo,, 11088,tIUN8a9G0Kw,, 11089,pyTt2y1kMIU,, 11090,kFEU8HHcnOo,,The glassy reflection of Lake Louise's water creates an alternate turquoise world. 11091,5VmGCBpA2y8,,I am I lost 11092,oiAhXABHZRQ,,WAVY 11093,vLrlxsNKE3Y,, 11094,QgeHjNLv2rA,, 11095,9QkJgcbI0ks,, 11096,9mCc1JLmAx8,,Vintage Lantern 11097,u7oN-667C9A,, 11098,EMRBGSgeIVs,, 11099,VkmDIP2KOmM,,April 2018 11100,WNS__aBJjl4,, 11101,mmxboIeoryQ,,Smith Rock Last Light 11102,C0vrrH7u8RA,,Mountains 11103,q6OHQQEQ9iQ,,Wildsee Wide 11104,wvjvpRuqA7w,, 11105,IT-d1oxNt-s,,Llangynidr 11106,y8_-hcvH6cc,, 11107,4Hgsmp7sv6U,, 11108,9HOPU4ZRJi0,,Leigh-on-Sea beach sunset 11109,5vTSgAHqQoU,,I wanted to see if I could capture a bee in flight pollinating flowers at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden – this is one of the results. I like how the bee looks like it’s just hovering there but in fact was pretty frenetic buzzing around. 11110,zshyCr6HGw0,,"View from Herzogstand over Lake Walchen, Bavaria." 11111,aSzX2uvAxlQ,, 11112,skF1azpN4rk,,Dark vs Light 11113,T13id_Kvefg,,Yellow flowers in bokeh 11114,klkC0NkxR0M,,Climate Reality 11115,nKugM0i-rr8,, 11116,Rp9jdsxgTlc,,Niagara Falls in the winter 11117,bQgB1S92vj8,,Small waves splashing rocks 11118,euDwebrFAWk,,Sundown at Horseshoe Bend/Arizona 11119,tlqC2G8GBGI,,This is one of the few places in Canada that feels like you’re in the Maldives or Punta Cana. The water is crystal clear blue and it’s just one of the Great Lakes which are definitely not known for that. 11120,NCb50hjk-pQ,, 11121,JdG3mtvcWhU,, 11122,aB1eo90Bgfc,,Light Painting at La Perouse 11123,QFiBqIr_YTo,, 11124,XGf-HdDBhsA,, 11125,fzDtQWW8dV4,, 11126,nzZHmfyZLA8,,Flowers 11127,DT8OsVzASHY,, 11128,3g7WswEHuvs,, 11129,x6NPvHnGLSc,,Steady 11130,H2wkJPvSKCU,, 11131,z-Rys6LaJWA,,@lucasmendesph 11132,xWo_eO1OOdA,, 11133,5_U4560iZqU,,Close up of an inquisitive crab which has popped its head out of its shell. 11134,B98NNx9hkNQ,, 11135,Kq01br5pcn0,, 11136,ONdJJPStDJY,,An unexpected photo of stars: The weather was so bad during the daytime. 11137,ns4bIZ6XeGY,,A Humpback-whale shows his fluke as it dives in the sunset over the Arctic fjords of Norway. The light just before the nearly two month lasting Polar-Night is simply wonderful. 11138,xOc0qSpQJ24,, 11139,fFlAvHSjaWY,,Elephant 11140,vj9Lt4RK71Y,, 11141,h2SxqfKMo7g,, 11142,2UpCIXzIJ8Y,,Seafoam 11143,l-eO8EasdMI,,Footprints at sunset 11144,Xg-9j13Ftag,, 11145,ktwf6kExFAw,,Chameleon in a tree 11146,gcP8bAvCE4Q,, 11147,k6Z5LttRTN0,,structure 11148,8KcJN57EK8A,, 11149,f2PTkebXiJs,,Czech Republic landscape 11150,quPbPnWfhNk,, 11151,Cx04z61cQcE,, 11152,rWBvO8-lh3o,,Sun setting on the Lake Superior coastline. 11153,_xpOzVgCCMs,, 11154,6iat9p85VnQ,, 11155,pUJPtMsg-ew,,Mountain above the clouds 11156,-aC_6-A_1FE,, 11157,6Rf6EjvdiN4,,Copse of bare trees 11158,hBYzBU1xP6s,,Waves washes on beach shore 11159,5cuJ5erS7Mc,, 11160,o9kFbMJy6CM,, 11161,wvnSt-oYIB4,, 11162,uAwuGAF4aOI,, 11163,b0uEcEMLTrw,,yellow garden spider casting its web 11164,VKnlruHncVw,,Cactus 11165,IUoOXiwgBa8,,Reef scene 11166,SqH2K5kSXFY,, 11167,ZVbXy8kXF5A,, 11168,nT7SrhvnV-M,,It's Time 11169,Q-Z2E432YJs,,Starfish 11170,Ze4tsZkbmKQ,,spindrift clouds 11171,ihivSSUOpno,, 11172,Ppz6b-YUDHw,,Sometimes the light comes to you (IG: @clay.banks) 11173,Udwp7IZauTc,, 11174,_3-OwU30m3Q,, 11175,VlgzxZZKQOQ,,FIND THE FISCH. Global climate change strike protest demonstration - No Planet B - 09-20-2019 11176,kpfHIAHW3w0,, 11177,cCEIfdF85-s,, 11178,wggRq6vVMCY,,Car parked at sandy beach 11179,ublrT4qJBhI,,Tiki Time 11180,cKLr1zNnCzg,, 11181,0uN9iF4mgDI,, 11182,gtazNH1pgO0,,Swanage 11183,OPAUTV_6n10,,Komune Resort Beach Club Bali 11184,BojuZpqw4zM,, 11185,yQZgEh4u-Dw,,A species on my list to photograph during my time spent in Florida was the Blue-winged Teal. I found this location which had the lovely aquatic grass which I thought was a perfect setting for them. Since I liked the location so much I tried a few different times to get good shots of them there and they just never came in quite as close as I had hoped for. I did really like this photo that showed off the grasses and habitat a bit as well as the striking male in the open and the female hanging back in the grasses. 11186,gofWd3XkKo0,,Lavender Sunset 11187,wdL8UywQtWU,,One of my favorite shots from Georgia Aquarium. 11188,BqYoSL76lGo,,Pink carnation bouquets 11189,kGIOnJlXnQI,, 11190,vYl8pmmVm2I,, 11191,xCfHL21VpDk,,Echo Lake at dusk 11192,ZtReZry0h4I,, 11193,7vvID1j3MqU,,Aiko from @aiko.inu on instagram 11194,pf97TYdQlWM,, 11195,D_2dyzYEPkY,,Drosophila 11196,a9YthpBvTUU,, 11197,vvjWoI-r2v0,,Red Castle //Utah// 2019 11198,0ytwNH74s3A,, 11199,7jXeOA3Hil0,, 11200,JsKyNyUUk58,, 11201,mz8g8vyu-bs,, 11202,lBtdlA2voBY,, 11203,4J16oO4MmXs,, 11204,h0pCPqWlY3M,, 11205,imX1IGh-A9Q,, 11206,vYVE1vbBxEY,,Foggy Road 11207,1Gy6L3iJyUI,,"Coral, Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka" 11208,JQUefbmwQg0,,More on my instagram @vadimsadovski 11209,B106SNvqDKQ,,"Hey Human, Listen, I have a story to tell you.." 11210,I9kcvDu91cE,, 11211,FJLb1vST2fc,,Green exotic plant 11212,Eex_nEFQ3vA,, 11213,RLGEHPY2yRM,, 11214,TAxUSJaGMmQ,, 11215,OeH1qtfjZHI,,Kodak ColorPlus 200 11216,g7jLUB8WlWk,, 11217,mYxtYpSJvbw,,Curious llama 11218,y9yV2NHE-dE,,I love this photo 11219,1U3FcR81vV4,, 11220,nh31FJL-ZBs,, 11221,n2rWtcRbzAM,,Drone view from Nazaré beach. 11222,C4ylSW9YsXg,, 11223,jU-JOEZ2saQ,,An inversion trapped low level moisture making for a stratus layerthat flowed over and around neighboring peaks. 11224,NnNARo5eZU4,, 11225,t7wC6-BcTl8,,skies over Bratislava 11226,ELwt-faS9fI,,"Bible with flowers, tea, heart, and candle." 11227,pDXM6Cs4-Yo,, 11228,IEdwVQagliM,, 11229,93gXyV16hZs,, 11230,0t-TmzR1M2U,, 11231,IJjQgjH6Cz0,,Ice Walls 11232,3o0V2Obo0yc,, 11233,4PATLPCC_Ew,, 11234,oIcire-SjBc,, 11235,AD6B5iFt3bo,, 11236,4Tr2DpRDxWE,, 11237,0hmBv8Jadek,, 11238,YOp0wOXTFqI,, 11239,za4FLGm5Omo,, 11240,sgfnA52sZ9E,, 11241,V4Mo8UYKRvY,,MOOOOOOOO Check us out on Instagram @SubtleCinematics 11242,KcttZvWcro8,, 11243,3DKba2I8E-0,,Please follow me on instagram @chrishenry 11244,x59BNivBcQ8,, 11245,7FGMP9EazF4,,Dotted patterns on the leaves of a teal spineless cactus. 11246,TqiWvGfh5ZE,,FLOWERS & GLASS #Flowers #Yellow #White #Bottles #Pink #Fucsia #Green #Natural #Beauty #Nature 11247,JV0S38Lqib0,, 11248,YqBEoEaGbvg,, 11249,aoz45Ckp1Hk,,giraffe feeding 11250,84lId9p5gUQ,,Cute pomeranian puppy dog in winter clothes 11251,LH3pH0nEdK4,,Beautiful holiday portrait of a young model. 11252,szTBeW7felc,, 11253,yf6zrcXQ7Ec,, 11254,0J-i1vNmyfY,,surf 11255,oX59Li8bcDQ,, 11256,8l_z5B12M7Y,, 11257,0kxebH7U7xg,, 11258,Tz0h2mME6wA,,Norwegian Lynx checking out the prey 11259,QtgJt1YI56c,,Girl in the woods in autmn colors 11260,SIjjm7CTS7A,, 11261,xQ2wEqjZy9Y,, 11262,kJ9nQvAMeV8,, 11263,ppWbe_wFSx4,,Autumn morning 11264,XzFOfXOMq-4,,One of the best closeups i got of a thermal pool at Yellowstone National Park and the final photo in my series. The natural colors and clouds of steam in this photo blow me away. You just can't capture these views from the ground. I'm not sure if drones are even allowed at the park but these unique perspectives deserve to be seen. 11265,-gGv1jOWTrI,, 11266,NcociWzk23A,,Storm Lorenzo hitting the pier in Porthcawl 11267,ALp9JMO5bpA,, 11268,ZLjrk4UjPvE,,The Big Trip | Sunrays Over Yosemite Valley - Explore more at 11269,dld1xhMdpos,,Misty morning. 11270,v_yeUb8gsMs,, 11271,NljdMbT3s30,, 11272,9BqHgVjUniE,, 11273,PPUDKi-IhGQ,,Rice field with a lone tree 11274,RtSFqImCx9k,, 11275,eXN8_818_xU,, 11276,3j45Gy-WkyA,,Trumpet on edge. 11277,EzGKpiVsOhA,, 11278,N3rPbAm9tN0,, 11279,WOs7WulAfPw,, 11280,LB6SpfW96O8,, 11281,G0pjtAvqzN4,, 11282,3rabTGLccwc,, 11283,R_sDZDJ5I18,,"Blue monday, sunset." 11284,h2Uf8Kd6MN0,, 11285,qQFqhzp4B3w,,On Fire 11286,5TSfZ-IOoG8,, 11287,RIrYF6_HwOY,,Look Up 11288,FTBd1o0YiTk,, 11289,n1mVt4pyFow,, 11290,V7-ZLKVzKRA,, 11291,vo5Wy7jArRw,, 11292,2xEPqU-8q34,, 11293,9dLZr58V9CU,, 11294,NeIYTFQ9Mo0,, 11295,c3wsMnxQZDw,, 11296,Af9cNES03LU,, 11297,yFlEQfHrzcE,,"Big Bend National Park doesn't allow dogs on its trails, so when my husband and I pulled up to a viewing area across from Santa Elena Canyon, we decided to trade off and I stayed behind first under this beautiful blooming Sweet Acacia (Huisache) tree with our pup while my husband walked down the river trail to the Rio Grande." 11298,LoGIbF_SfXk,,Airstream Travel Trailer on a Mountainside with Ocean View 11299,F8cqx-8Gj-Q,,"Shuttered window, Hoi An, Vietnam" 11300,AhR295PkWCc,, 11301,Outc9fnDvWs,, 11302,ZBR6IgA9zzM,,Transalp ballooning – panoramic view at 5800m – South Tyrol Padan Plain 11303,I-YJ-gaJNaw,, 11304,9_vYkYnWn2w,, 11305,KPzJN43dOpg,,Botanic #01 11306,nsKKH8ILrkM,,"Bioluminescence glowing blue in the waves, as an electrical storm pierces the sky at Jervis Bay; NSW South Coast ; Australia" 11307,GFT7QcIB48Q,,Small brown frenchie puppy sitting in sunlight 11308,qtHhv2NE1Vo,,"Dolphins plyaing in the surf in Knysna, South Africa" 11309,hjTWfyJnpog,, 11310,BywYl0Fp3pI,, 11311,CD-5TTTAbLU,, 11312,xbfu3LCbyDY,, 11313,f1Szwj8KVDs,,Aerial view of a heavily crevassed glacier. 11314,j_BrdluB2g4,, 11315,oH-ty8pv8II,,"The Sycamore Gap Tree or Robin Hood Tree is one of the most photographed trees in the UK - the robin hood tree name comes from opening the scene in the 1991 film 'Robin Hood'. This walk has a beautiful history behind, absolutely one of my favourite hiking routes." 11316,W7QkaUbYEmg,,"Black Swan. A resting Black Swan at Birdworld, Kuranda, Australia. These beautiful birds are native to SE and SW Australia, and have been introduced to New Zealand, England, Japan, China and Florida." 11317,GYIxdUFEkX8,,Lake Baikal in winter 11318,NXOaqp-Cmv8,,Books of the Bible with multi colored flowers and petals on white background 11319,gRkQY6UWXpc,, 11320,6XwhMTP-qJA,, 11321,AAmYBHqbAEs,, 11322,wjShKmCbO_4,, 11323,v0xH6_roojQ,,"Africa, the second largest continent, is a mix of steamy rainforests, vast grasslands, and arid deserts. It has no long mountain ranges, but is home to the world's largest hot desert, the Sahara, and its longest river, the Nile. The featured area is the central South Atlantic coastal region of Namibia, including the cities of Walvis Bay and Windhoek." 11324,9DFcyRsCSws,,Morro smoke stacks at dusk. 11325,AskpNYUs5jc,,Sand 02 11326,uvd8VjR7qoU,,dreamy world with no problems - does not exist 11327,7CQFCHoFL-o,,"This is an electron microscopic image of the 1976 isolate of Ebola virus. The internal structures of the filamentous particle are visible, including the nucleocapsid and other structural viral proteins, and the outer viral envelope is covered with surface projections. The characteristic “6-shape” of the virus is evident. See PHIL 23185, for a black and white version of this image." 11328,-h53wDV4SF0,, 11329,wDWsVZdMF4s,, 11330,p5dt8rl1pcQ,, 11331,imMvw-XLuL8,,Digging memories during this global pandemic when i was hiking in Norway 11332,nYWfRIdG3H4,, 11333,GDSjWbQKNk0,,Puppy. Dog. Brussels. 11334,vUFbuUGEVi8,, 11335,jWD3o-Ht8ZA,,Foggy day 11336,iSFy0xFiLHQ,, 11337,E1ZwXiBD7LA,, 11338,muDmOXHjMSw,,campfire 11339,2sZDq7pHngc,,"Going on a walk with my cat, a british shorthair" 11340,46vEe-mN0hI,, 11341,9UGbI-812ro,, 11342,Lie7rRI-5Cc,,ipad on the wooden table 11343,l91ou8EAdrs,, 11344,QPKJZvqMaDs,,Woman running on beach 11345,vbzO0QfElks,,Yellow lane 11346,TuOiIpkIea8,,monochrome pier in distance 11347,BkmdKnuAZtw,,"I took this photo in the beautiful Italian town of Tropea, two years ago. The city is towering above the beach, a unique scene! The water was crystal clear and a beautiful blue" 11348,qOloA0FIHHw,, 11349,VfIbJ4K0Hr8,, 11350,Y0QG7GBHBLE,, 11351,gbTq7zZcLK4,, 11352,60cbKmNJ-ls,, 11353,jeocxLdVJLM,, 11354,lSXQOeWUb9E,,I was carspotting at sunset in Wiesbaden when I found this cat sitting at the window. 11355,YOK9l3dYNaI,, 11356,FvFjSvpDiSQ,, 11357,z4TwyDCAqnY,, 11358,GA6gCHdnxyU,, 11359,vrr1JWKsuG0,, 11360,jgFPg_EO2dU,, 11361,SIWbNsJt8z0,, 11362,OAlYImdG1IQ,,White brick wall overgrown with green ivy. Natural background with empty space. 11363,PlVXUUeqeus,,"Odie (@odiethecavapoo) reppin' the Lakers! If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 11364,fQ7RC40lwQE,, 11365,bW5LkZgGOmc,,Zigzag road on a mountain slope 11366,cPvD7bk8XBo,,River town in mountains 11367,A2Mk17sKD-8,, 11368,OQsxdghBKrU,, 11369,QNVHlnJohVU,, 11370,RsO8oa7HfkY,,Signs of Autumn 11371,2Wmieq3KVso,,Snowy mountain peaks touch the sky 11372,wPwXGGG2HyI,,Woman in a shirt in a forest 11373,za1VGWayBqs,, 11374,vodzrU23ZA0,, 11375,ze8wckLPTfo,,Vršič Pass on a sunny day 11376,crVO0UMdoVU,,Rock wetted by waves 11377,eK46BxcHWz8,, 11378,xGsBCiX_iAU,,Desert mountain at sunset 11379,ZNkvxIPPVeE,,Mountain landscape with a lake 11380,6-BNtLJrNgU,,Hills near a beach 11381,0YLDM5Tsrik,,"I can’t tell you how many times I’ve driven past these hay bales on the way to work. BUT TODAY… THE FOG! So I had to actually pull over this time and see what I can do. No camera, no drone… only my iPhone X. Hope you can find these useful :)" 11382,CbZOGbazDWQ,,A Walk Amongst Friends 11383,4muj7Br-O4U,,"From Vejle, Denmark, on a hot October day" 11384,uRwOKYQcS_c,,Croc eye. A macro photo of the eye of a young crocodile. 11385,J9xq7tO9Ef8,,An empty land 11386,Y4a5-kCF7eI,,"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino" 11387,aTwuPL_2erQ,, 11388,ZKbve9f7Mp4,, 11389,MOJ4P-omCkY,,"Winter table mood, slow living" 11390,yirynEH8Y38,, 11391,bW8EPK5ueTw,, 11392,0qEmA2h57Pk,, 11393,BfrGpN3tUaY,,Gloomy November 11394,u_31wFerj8g,, 11395,-93ArahrTKc,,The cliffs 11396,KBxUQ9vU1-4,,Under Stars 11397,ZtDSAhMQW1U,, 11398,tRfhYribR6c,,A Tawny Frogmouth at Hartleys Crocodile Adventures. These nocturnal birds look like owls but are actually in the nightjar family. 11399,bq5bciZfs0M,, 11400,1_IV9CRLnd8,,"The mountainous outcrops of Jebel Auenat rise 6000 feet above the barren, uninhabited plains of the Libyan Desert. The frontiers of Libya, Egypt and Sudan meet amidst the rugged granite of Jebel Auenat. The mountains are remnants of an ancient granitic dome. Rivers of sand meander around them, swept across the desert pavement by northeasterly winds." 11401,cQY5cJ3R46s,, 11402,ZSv-C3tCR0E,,"Light, bright plants, interior gardening inspiration" 11403,ljoFhMwov8U,,Bivouak on the top of Lofoten island 11404,Ejw7WTnFPYI,, 11405,Yl1MDpr_v_Y,, 11406,CDtOgG8STBg,, 11407,-MTyujylR6I,, 11408,RhJrLG3qqEo,, 11409,mVUxdi7yOOI,, 11410,RyelbZrWFcg,,Green cactus on pink background. Raw image 11411,hrG7v0JK34k,,Fruit market on a Saturday morning 11412,WSKaNV76wRs,,"A twin-flagged jumping spider (Anasaitis canosa). The scales on the pedipalps can have an iridescent white, green, or pink color. This creates the flags that gives it its name. These flags are used for courtship and signaling." 11413,0LnXtS8DUZI,,"Horse Shoe Bend, Arizona" 11414,XoZW9Ge8u_4,,Shock-wave Whisper 11415,vYobFdRqxfE,,The small chapel 11416,Ok7iNxjmQ1A,,Follow me on IG @MichaelRFenton 11417,H3O615WG6wA,,Cloudy 11418,Y8fxUCqQYNA,,E X P L O R I N G 11419,tGBRQw52Thw,,Dog day out 11420,DzgnQBAbux0,,sunrise at the top 11421,r9UWqwaBtWA,, 11422,HZmib_jXphw,,Venise 11423,MHXMQIb3TEQ,,"My girlfriend and I drove up into Northern Thailand’s mountains to catch the short window for the Sakura cherry blossom bloom. We unfortunately missed it this year, but we had lunch at this amazing, rustic cafe high up on the mountains. They were growing strawberries and had these roosters scattered about the grounds. They were very friendly and seemed to even enjoy being pet." 11424,0YR3Au6J9QY,, 11425,0VQPsAT3aog,,My bubble project fit to screen. 11426,PzWLcY_Yj0s,, 11427,LOdAL10JejI,,"Pomegrenades somewhere in Trapani, Italy" 11428,b9TRK9u-QmI,,"Air terjun yg paling di cari para pecinta kegiatan outdoor khususnya di daerah lumajang Dengan akses ke lokasi yg cukup mudah untuk para pemula Jalan menuju air terjun ini ada 2 pilihan, yaitu tracking melalui coban sewu atau tracking turun lewat panorama tumpak sewu Kedua jalan sama’ mempunyai kemudahan akses Dengan suguhan pemandangan yg sangat menarik saat perjalanan turun ke lokasi tumpak sewu Tetap hati’ dalam berpetualang dan jangan lupa bawa kembali sampah kalian" 11429,vGhpfizChpY,,Light Structure of leading lines 11430,F8RPuMksssA,,Night sky 11431,rvljIZH61g8,, 11432,gQZg0sGO0Q4,, 11433,2NrL3dTkya0,,Dark leaves background on cloudy day 11434,M9jxxkzrXMM,, 11435,KcbtTJ5JJi4,, 11436,ERDe79VhS1o,, 11437,-JLxSO9vUeY,,fall leaves and boots 11438,_wwv7qRZ66k,, 11439,ForTT7ctZRQ,,Bright and expressive picture of the night sky with the stars. You can see the Milky Way and the passing meteor. 11440,7zgMXFfcf1Q,,Boats of Lago die Braies #1 11441,_Ulq_wrCLRQ,,"A Sky full of stars above Bolivia, summer 2019" 11442,FOfEi1cU9qg,, 11443,bkZ8k7zkUEU,, 11444,syiHItr5jpY,, 11445,6vSmbnbR0SE,, 11446,sGfv3a3vKzo,,If you like my work then you can support it. Paypal: Patreon: 11447,PznV0NTlErY,, 11448,2wY8WGUTUHk,,I was at a wildlife conservation park when I came across this beautiful leopard. The sun lit up its face and it looked so regal and magnificent. The markings and colouring on its body help to mask it when it is in its natural habitat. 11449,mTmFazAnra0,, 11450,oXw-WCFqeO0,, 11451,o0a7vlxTyiE,,Red deer stag grazing on foliage in the snow. 11452,Fz98aWGScfA,, 11453,G7BEQenXCmk,, 11454,t6TUWMXKgag,, 11455,9u2wfaFO7Gw,,Road to Heaven 11456,GSQISzQlYtY,, 11457,ZPlbPF7yIHc,,Let’s get lost 11458,HGFfZdTDpdg,, 11459,I9NDUXx1cXw,, 11460,ymq9r-aUBds,, 11461,wf2r1US9Ge4,, 11462,kTJM01D4ww8,, 11463,U75-DjZSDII,,Berlin Autumn 11464,R7cwSEv7pC4,, 11465,YDCc1sMZ6nc,,Abstraction (lens) 11466,fKFIgyxGqgg,,Icy veins 11467,XWacNTkZWkg,, 11468,bObS-mRCPuc,, 11469,cKJJk76EjIY,,Evening views 11470,uVxhbhuVWqg,, 11471,FvQvqKhYnUM,, 11472,DuObvMLmc8M,, 11473,9dc1HBMyfcM,, 11474,9PaVzX33apM,, 11475,Yj2xaiVOHC4,, 11476,_uighclH2pw,, 11477,jlzX7VmbHCY,, 11478,MhLjFJi3fRY,,Still life of a natural quartz crystal cluster with purple background. 11479,jP_21V34SeQ,, 11480,VSIeC4f1ohc,, 11481,n4axZKxpXSM,,"Yellow tulips field in Norfolk, UK." 11482,bYrb0GLPCOE,,Rhododendrons just blooming in the rain 11483,bwaSoVjdgKM,, 11484,vdWc9VUvnBQ,,Yellow tulips at the Tulip Festival. 11485,tauPAnOIGvE,,Wolf 11486,zL2yVICK9qU,, 11487,uWrLpDAT81g,,Minimal desk setup 11488,LrnkUWGwB_4,, 11489,wnPoM3m8DA4,,Those puppy dog eyes though 11490,GH_b1WXHKbU,,Cat portrait 11491,HPHtMOJvHDM,, 11492,lZts59erQVw,, 11493,Yb5OBk-OxJY,, 11494,bVisUKdEUNM,,Summer fern 11495,S7o-m9dlryY,, 11496,-bH_SxERgTA,,White plants in an orchard 11497,aJSIs1bUyqU,, 11498,vbdPsmggExA,, 11499,_aXnfxSW_e0,, 11500,Vff7BrcptNU,,minimalistic olive branch on white background 11501,EB3p88GaSFw,, 11502,ZJ-CdtR81f0,, 11503,lPX_0IDFeVs,, 11504,c6pK63qYH8k,, 11505,QySH518zTTk,,"This is the famous Mount Fitz Roy base in Argentina, photo taken after completing the path that bears his name, at 1200 meters high." 11506,7CdpvjoIwf8,,Hiking close to mont Valier 11507,J7DoRy8SLkA,, 11508,tc0FfoFlQJQ,, 11509,CEgQkbA-QgU,, 11510,-ROe0_0ta7M,, 11511,q0Uvcp2SkYw,,Jellyfish elegantly workout at the Monterey Bay aquarium. Tendrils look like wisps of rising smoke. Foreground and background are a tangled mess. 11512,AKKPVnXXxy4,, 11513,BLBCj6dxaSE,,Rubber Tree Plant and solid pink background 11514,iJzojRY0Dv8,,I could not stop looking up at the vast amounts of designs and textures each turn took you. Still today I want to go back every time I see a picture of this place. Your next hurts when you get out of the canyon but its worth the pain. 11515,0h4LzK9uwAE,,We stopped at the base of Sentinel to capture this northward-facing shot of Half Dome and the surrounding valley. 11516,kDPeM7jsEiA,,Girls. 11517,z9yV5Z-7BHs,,Big calm 11518,Z8vYyt0J02U,,I really loved the way the color worked with the light for this photo. 11519,cWf2MUIk1LI,, 11520,QzpH26_7Pro,,"Maybe life underwater could be more alive than ever if we avoid to insist on throwing trash and kill all the life we have there Indonesia, 2016" 11521,avKc9N7wxuQ,, 11522,P4oktLy-VFA,,violet flowers 11523,2JwQoi-RBiI,,A mix of friends and strangers heading off to find an adventure. 11524,_lOoI52WPPc,,This is an analogue photo (35mm film). 11525,PIcRWbiA73E,,Dark peonies 11526,MWQAl4usqH4,,"The summit wears a hat! I took this photo whit my mobile phone many years ago, I found it on my Onedrive Account… :-)" 11527,iRVq6avVGDE,, 11528,RJQPJXWmNPY,,Green tree python from close up. Cairns aquarium. 11529,7t3Jy6Ebv3I,, 11530,oZ0FFHUJ7jg,,"Black sand beach, coastline with waves and green trees." 11531,aXJyzB8VQA8,, 11532,sBtRNairXnM,, 11533,R8UOcurcUFE,,Sunset sky with clouds 11534,gwTEUjUr7NY,,Palms 11535,sLOxRwj5uT0,, 11536,9EgXJSCgzeA,, 11537,tmvh6H7GSA0,, 11538,B20ZhpKFL5U,,monochrome tower with spire 11539,9702xTENR-M,,Brown forest footpath 11540,uDUiRS8YroY,,monochrome pier with sky 11541,HAxoGmx2AYw,,Soft Sea Mist 11542,67UdujKL7TE,,Mountain’s crest above the clouds 11543,HLfoA3_UwoY,,Rock By Sea 11544,rl7mUDEUmVE,,Couple on the beach 11545,PjtGMee-h_4,,Orange flower bud 11546,0T1T90-bvow,, 11547,Y5ekEhh6rEU,, 11548,V0yAek6BgGk,,Alpine valley in sunlight 11549,5GeT5PLLAhw,,Winding dirt path in a mountain village 11550,j1U22mhmD3Y,, 11551,mCx_ftBYNLw,,Urban Facades 11552,agCJsG02Ips,, 11553,JlpOF2UMsIY,, 11554,xxvc9yXTXbg,,Tiny Urban Ukraine 11555,v15iOM6pWgI,, 11556,0juC5JIhPks,,Clouds in the stratosphere 11557,R_tp4HE-P10,,White sand dunes 11558,ZbMJ5VLrpQ4,,Humming Bird 11559,Uwrf8NGAxc8,,This is one of the countless small fishing huts that are dotted along the shore of Norway’s fjords. This is the Lofotens - a staggeringly beautiful chain of islands in the arctic circle. I worked hard to make sure that the snow wasn’t overexposed and blown out. I also like the fact it isn’t red (though many of the huts are) because it adds to the bleakness of the image. 11560,pMImt780DDM,,flower 11561,IyrlH1n6oFY,, 11562,rT-I7IB_eHg,, 11563,pt4ofgV8N04,, 11564,NxOChrEmPf0,, 11565,P797hAotFeA,,This church in Bavaria can only be reached by boat due to his location on a peninsula. Directly behind there is a great trail to go hiking in the Alps. 11566,_CBSpXHo3Ag,, 11567,I9yqJMOzdUk,,Castle Taufers 11568,woMvsY6KHac,,Yellowstone White Wolf 11569,fLPDz_sPY2U,, 11570,qnH_Sh0W86E,, 11571,qfW8wOkZkEU,,Winter 11572,qpAP2GGnS3o,, 11573,WiMkirM3OH4,, 11574,niNbuXzc92A,,Night at the beach 11575,l24V_ZTCuA0,, 11576,iw4yGVYMImg,,Helicopter over NYC 11577,tkHuWF3uORg,, 11578,A7yMVJ3tNVc,, 11579,k8FEZZCgrlU,, 11580,X1HlyEmdJo4,, 11581,mvi0HH8QleU,, 11582,GMBRaJhR6t4,, 11583,miKmVyq3qhE,, 11584,zBG29d6Z98I,, 11585,VDJ9BH4K1x4,,Snow-Covered Mountain 11586,CnM0MvUYsw4,, 11587,ZTOHXuKbiHs,, 11588,osg-gqCxCus,, 11589,WaHeoXe_ytY,, 11590,mpl98DLvnQY,, 11591,M3PX8mUiHA4,, 11592,uVZO1f5taCY,,Golden Dragonfly 11593,M95-u5d5lt4,, 11594,UBXoGdfGCnE,, 11595,Od_t4-R8Fww,, 11596,t7pgo8w_Yo0,, 11597,g3lutX_kiys,,Fire and Stars 11598,99F4mC79j1I,, 11599,OXDHzL6h3CU,, 11600,Y_071W-6WUo,, 11601,0l4R1F3bFxA,, 11602,mXV0l6D-Qgg,,Rice Terrace in Bali 11603,i4JWNYGq0mI,, 11604,309KbzYykpU,,Almost night 11605,-zmuwjJ6ixk,,"We hiked all the way up this mountain, which is a ski slope in the winter. It took me a while to nail the colours in post, because of the blue haze which forms in the distance in the summer." 11606,LEw7TnNrIeg,, 11607,SMTsBeJhwfk,,A road in Tucson on a cloudy night 11608,nlllZxwRoLM,, 11609,qnjqLoIULZE,, 11610,oqYHtXrLXLo,, 11611,z5Cei2ErjuQ,, 11612,DtM_-KOTUVo,,Let us meet at the sign — but don´t let me white too long. 11613,xjpkvqii67Y,,This little screech owl looks at me while I photograph it. It was injured by a car and is being cared for by park rangers at Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park. 11614,-SdD0KbD7N0,, 11615,-YCFaLIXdP0,, 11616,wud-eV6Vpwo,, 11617,fMtLTLs3_L0,, 11618,QAXDmkU60OU,, 11619,rHJAcozKZCg,,Asphalt road in the autumn 11620,qcF0LfjJU78,, 11621,ZwMJhmceY8s,,pineapple and rocks 11622,uKDn4RVsgFY,, 11623,cEukkv42O40,,Adirondack chairs 11624,ThazwtdyUCo,, 11625,uNFQ_luct6Q,,Wild Alligator 11626,B7TDIipUuas,, 11627,eKpeo_7bmig,,At the base camp of Mount Annapurna (10th tallest in the world). This is located in the Himalayan range in the north west region of Nepal. 11628,wMwbm8zdTyU,,Snail on plan 11629,yr4IjhKCo1E,,Snow on brown slopes 11630,91QHQ3GGh9I,,monochrome wanaka tree 11631,m-ZemAIkXlE,,Playful Elephants 11632,SCjhLOM_4ks,, 11633,JjtOgHxiuFA,,Rainbow near a green mountain 11634,uOnLsEqq--c,,Lake Arnensee during sunset 11635,_XHphe2atWM,, 11636,xR3hdMS3Imw,,Dark bay horses over a fence 11637,SMMnpkVXQyU,, 11638,5vcFbyeERM8,,Ganekogorta Mountains at Dawn 11639,ahi73ZN5P0Y,, 11640,Bfdia-aJOvI,, 11641,DMcI0cmYJYk,, 11642,4lfZHaIBWMc,, 11643,fRQQu2dW3G4,,Tropical fruit bowl window 11644,5xYvAlKjxWY,, 11645,kk3W5-0b6e0,,(contact me for the full resoluton image) 11646,rS2WbCgN7KM,,Foggy woodlands 11647,pV69pG9YeEw,, 11648,A4AeJIZpXAg,, 11649,zMhnN9FpDBE,,Ocean bay at Heceta Beach 11650,2-5rLPUFD0A,,"This doe was easily the sweetest of the many deer in Nara. She let me sit right by her and (very carefully) pet her and, of course, snap this shot. It turns out some of them are nicer when you don’t have senbei for them!" 11651,ZRZSmK362Xw,,Phantom 11652,gmrirPL71tU,, 11653,OQpCUa_QkBw,,"In a chill night, the moon unveiled to me, showing its deep thoughts and contours." 11654,xg8z_KhSorQ,,Day’s like this.. 11655,Ionmf8WTXoA,,A dream 11656,7RZj4IrPT9Y,,where my heart met the ocean. 11657,o0h7czAis4U,, 11658,zGSch94aKT8,,The Flatiron Building 11659,rMhG9ThJXQw,, 11660,85ftjZuE4kk,,Hike in Radium 11661,w3WwUqNIHMk,, 11662,tCbiE28dDvE,, 11663,XJjsuuDwWas,, 11664,0VD9TGRVrBs,, 11665,uBTRvPnBZWE,,Wading 11666,zcvWUNrmPBQ,,iceland 11667,arqV7EvCt8k,,Moon set in the Rockies 11668,Gl2JKWTVNSM,,Lights on Lights on Lights 11669,_PDt8nNAC-Q,, 11670,i8wNLT80WjY,,Sunset over Yosemite National Park 11671,R44W-4uIL1g,,"Our three-legged pup was able to make it 3 miles up a mountain on her first hike and we were super proud of her, she was just just happy to be outside." 11672,xRKhUZIlFBM,, 11673,TF5jEr22PUE,, 11674,Af89p9BNGuk,,Above Etretat’s cliff 11675,cMa5VZFBmQU,, 11676,wdXukiu0TAY,, 11677,cpx7n79wfiU,, 11678,ugnrXk1129g,,"This photo was taken in the high mountains of Adjara, Georgia, while I was doing my project there. It was summer, but the temperature didn’t feel like it. I spent most of my days standing in front of this amazing view, thinking about the life that was waiting for me back in capital. Suddenly, I had a very strong desire to talk with the fog. Loudly. Thought it had many stories to tell too." 11679,4VTtTkZ5Ms8,,"This photo was taken in the Monte Palace Garden in Madeira, Portugal." 11680,Qc3AmsZ3g2A,, 11681,BO1kjiyMvh4,, 11682,QuVlLdpiwwA,, 11683,XwyiQiAyeNE,, 11684,1CQjStL89kQ,, 11685,zlUy_yoKdTU,,"Feathered finery. Pied herons or egrets have some flamboyant feathers, with contrasting white and steely blue. Photographed at Birdworld, Kuranda, Australia." 11686,c7pX8bZbwCY,, 11687,slIAqQrcIXk,, 11688,y8y5Ie5lhkc,, 11689,81iPMBKOLj8,, 11690,2XrGRxBFYTw,, 11691,G34HAi3H0V0,, 11692,IwiaImVNcQU,, 11693,H1SOELwNtTw,, 11694,s2yol-E7XMA,, 11695,eAskFEq5DNE,, 11696,U__NRbUwdV8,, 11697,2jA_YoQuvaA,, 11698,PhvC7uvSdLE,, 11699,_sK7own3aaw,, 11700,229sPpmo-ow,,Magical Autumn Forest 11701,VpjPHuFAI-4,, 11702,TEluwImQ12U,, 11703,z2owxl2PmUk,,Snow Desert 11704,Ai_z6NLnopY,, 11705,OzRhGl0BsWU,,Summer Vibes 11706,dkJrws8pIUU,, 11707,XScEdhZAHv0,, 11708,Pnvqz3Be90w,, 11709,E_yEpvFvfMI,, 11710,0ZhlNZqCwpg,, 11711,RJzHlbKf6eY,, 11712,EknN2SI7X80,,"A macro photo of the waving tentacles of a blue bioluminescent coral. These corals usually live in deeper waters, and glow of their own accord." 11713,rVIm5hXfIlw,, 11714,Oeb3M0Xmb8U,, 11715,THpGPlicLQM,, 11716,6bPjD0SeHrg,, 11717,EIH4dHgb6Tg,, 11718,ONYo0CNHNjw,, 11719,HssZQM_TjAo,,Feels like summer 11720,MMu7JLEiopY,,Story of a frozen throne in sweden 11721,OMpAeSP3ptw,, 11722,vYyHLDPKWd4,,Flower with water drops 11723,yif0noR3CBc,, 11724,Rrk9PUUbpnc,,Seeking the sublime 11725,hFlXI1ZjfX8,,Persephone 11726,C7IPacQtf6Q,, 11727,DvHWP8iVYHQ,, 11728,4l5BlL6OX7A,,Mountain view 11729,sp2lfKOUzAM,, 11730,O95wqeON_9A,, 11731,QqB1LtMS9ok,,Going for the dramatic ‘going to war’ vibe in this shot. If you’ve ever had to do this you understand that position. We’ve got 50 inches of snow in the last 25 Days. Largest month on record. And yes those driveway drifts are actually that high. A good usable stock shot for a practice that’s very common this time of year. 11732,jyI3-xkzETM,, 11733,79RuacUiXUI,, 11734,h23wfdvGPqg,,Bubble Planet 11735,5kjh--moFWU,,Yellow flowers covering California hills | Instagram: @timmossholder 11736,kZdbMmu6zMw,, 11737,5bpRlCWRD7s,,Bones 11738,s-OKc6XF_7Q,, 11739,YHm2QsDty9k,,Watching from a Distance 11740,0n5uU9M_7p8,, 11741,CAYBzf-nQL4,,Please follow me on Instagram @thomaslangnes 11742,yBoMc-fJ20Q,,Waterfall during autumn 11743,Hb6nGDgWztE,,arctic fox fight... 11744,LOJTlybNSyU,,flower power 11745,O9mefkq5eP8,,DREAMY ROMANCE 11746,6HMdAij5lfs,, 11747,5-ybj60CNFs,,Dexter the hedgehog 11748,Gfb9TFFOcqw,, 11749,W-rgmvtmECY,,Cactus in Lanzarote 11750,nfqogBu747w,, 11751,XxfmpNszivg,, 11752,kzA0vrx996c,, 11753,_phWC_cj5o8,,Prickly mountain peaks 11754,iFovGf86HsM,, 11755,_F9rJR86qf4,,High Tatra mountain ridges 11756,R-0qgciNqeo,,Colorful landscape with a snowy mountain 11757,tKyt-GZowHQ,, 11758,gjD66bFxpKE,,Snow covered mountain in Glacier Bay National Park 11759,KpQcBATCV6E,,Snow painted mountains peak to the sky 11760,ufW147Fqe_A,, 11761,mNJw-sPvhGs,,Bare trees at twilight 11762,PcLd-tMiheo,, 11763,lbX5rTIWXTo,, 11764,p6p9YDOFa90,, 11765,5qxJqftOYUM,, 11766,JaNtL4uGvG8,,Lago di Braies 11767,ybz1owf884E,, 11768,9kW2kO3q2i4,, 11769,BsM0EM48JB4,, 11770,ppDohWxalx0,, 11771,uArsojHSNFc,, 11772,-tCKq9OChR0,, 11773,oJe4q6L2_Hk,, 11774,EiPwgP9bmfI,, 11775,7aChNfL9l_U,, 11776,lVTWBEFAISo,, 11777,Y2RObWrVm5A,, 11778,vtFB-HNDaKo,, 11779,k-Wa_5EmnCo,, 11780,iEhshh4K26A,, 11781,-6e6HVEzgGs,, 11782,Jtu1wN7BZYY,, 11783,fVIiTknYim8,, 11784,1mvRowZSXIk,, 11785,3xltAFnJlhQ,, 11786,zoBnlLpMxsc,,Connection 11787,4C8Nyhuw1K8,, 11788,8FxTYc5XJTM,, 11789,GU2nWOhDFAY,,Glasshouse at Kew Gardens 11790,1-Zg4MzUH2c,, 11791,5PAJn8MsT_o,,"Sunset on the North Atlantic Ocean, shot from atop the Cliffs of Moher, Lislorkan North, Liscannor, Co. Clare, Ireland" 11792,8UqLnmkX4YM,, 11793,PkXHRgGSw4o,,Vintage red car 11794,on4iXApWLh0,, 11795,b20KkQ1rQmw,,"Cenital shot of the the boats in the port of Coron Town in Palawan, the Philippines" 11796,7NtmX38Jr0U,, 11797,JpWY_cDrhQU,,Texture of leaves. Wall of green leaves. 11798,QH1QpmWcxHE,, 11799,iuIQUwjuzmE,, 11800,AKUnXRtjo0A,,Milky Way at Horseshoe Bay 11801,ZIE7jtHMM0c,,"Sunset at Isthmus Peak, Wanaka, New Zealand. James Alexander Adams." 11802,n7ovRFBtOtI,, 11803,_8hHDCRwFJc,, 11804,Tky1Au9hKcY,,Photo made by Elia Clerici - 11805,K3V1WUkqBxM,,"Iceland has a way of doing that to you. Showing you things you can hardly believe, right in front of your eyes. This is one of those special moments at Hvítsekur as we watched another beautiful display of the Northern Lights looping around the silhouetted Troll of the North." 11806,JYMj-zFnU9o,, 11807,-BZyA3DIIsE,, 11808,_2nWTdffSO0,, 11809,mhzlyrWj9Us,, 11810,-UJp4rYpPP0,,My adopted dog 11811,LHtCUH7vi68,, 11812,Gwl-PgKfamc,, 11813,mcXDetQg014,, 11814,8PedpXO0mUU,,Life’s Ruff 11815,p_bw7BiT-b4,, 11816,zbc2SOXfpGk,, 11817,NNoRWrRLzWU,, 11818,KrNuV_xJJWI,, 11819,LLH6bTb5YP4,, 11820,sclc9yEz36E,,Symmetry in the city 11821,vl2uAIdBWJ8,,Intentions 11822,LPeHNk-pJao,, 11823,S3LL_LPcrcw,, 11824,Z4r8t1V2xRg,, 11825,VyUBqGOYLGY,, 11826,PVJkLgchfxg,, 11827,oLtTAUVOg8E,, 11828,Pc-VzMzm3gc,, 11829,BtfaxxRsS8k,, 11830,P1Ox3ZHLaD8,, 11831,ZlQM5cgi4u4,,Happy doggo 11832,SdSc4sWVMRU,,Waterfall next to mossy rocks 11833,8F8VmHFQ184,,Inner Sunset San Francisco 11834,Fu_WwKclRjE,,couple holding hands at beach 11835,QBXgsc0U0Rc,,Grove trail 11836,kvNSUkfuyNQ,,Man in down vest on overlook 11837,sAYjHNsD0rI,,Deforestation 11838,tUDlGlr1sAA,, 11839,qKlD2QlK-CY,,Waves under a moody sky 11840,R7FuUorDAHs,,Mountain under gray clouds 11841,wje6pnPymuQ,,Clouds obscuring view from a mountain 11842,8EPa1q92B5Q,,Winter in the mountains 11843,AiO4xyDRv-8,,"Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul." 11844,589yu3MR9F8,,"the first snow of 2017 had fallen overnight. I decided to test my new 50mm lens. I was trying to make a picture that expressed cold and warmes in one. it was pure luck that the bird came in the picture the moment I pressen the shutter. However, in my opinion it makes the picture more alive." 11845,__qMJR_C1XU,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 11846,4_cK-T0_TD4,, 11847,4Z2kcVjEeVw,,"While I was walking in the Dutch National Park (The Veluwezoom)), the sky became clouded and dark. But a small ray of light broke through and this light was drown to a lone light green tree in the moorland. It accentuated the green in contrast to the others trees making it even more special: like a lonely soul in a grey world: the last one standing." 11848,NT2ILuXeSPo,,Karnataka sunset with silhouette of plant 11849,_gBOIIwd_a0,,saw them while taking photos of ultatrunners competing the zugspitztrailrunchallenge 11850,o3ayDPLxJhQ,,Clouded Leopard 11851,UHZhZVpkW7U,,When we go close we see new patterns for inspiration 11852,VABTM9vmjhU,, 11853,2OdIzy52OaQ,, 11854,7QyUPe30vqU,,SCIENTIST FOR FUTURE. Global climate change strike - No Planet B - Global Climate Strike 09-20-2019 11855,9ROpM990APA,, 11856,NNddPCQDhyw,, 11857,3isEOm_biCE,, 11858,Fax2awvVbt8,, 11859,CW-IsRUjvtk,, 11860,TjlIQRDNpNU,, 11861,UTaOW1DOXoY,,A beautiful Lorikeet at the Denver Zoo 11862,YFlbfrxm4TM,, 11863,_lf9VA2Hb1E,, 11864,Ap0r7zr0qNI,, 11865,AZYpYoXmhWE,,"Sr. Project Leader opens the doors on the Flex manufactured battery enclosure, 1MW, 1 MWh rating, using lithium ion batteries from LG, at the Battery Energy Storage System, owned and operated by NREL for grid integration research at the National Wind Technology Center (NWTC)." 11866,k5kaWuxelPU,, 11867,cAQazM7xh1U,, 11868,__G2yFuW7jQ,,ABOVE THE DOLOMITES 11869,v2NwoZG59dQ,,Autumn / Winter Mountains and trees between the clouds 11870,kii4xjHEL-w,, 11871,qjWB_sFPFmA,, 11872,NOcaza8sIBg,,Close-Up Red Rose Flower 11873,mME3lPSuZZ0,, 11874,PT9U_BwkDLw,, 11875,OceHnUOl7vI,, 11876,LwxSvPXrJFs,, 11877,p_GQJIMtj4c,, 11878,MTuLK1zueH0,, 11879,QEfTACARJrk,,Spring is in the air 11880,apbQ77SBWiE,, 11881,jVNnFr_pPHU,, 11882,D7SVqBn2c-w,, 11883,4VYviwlpto8,, 11884,EWpDy_EY9rs,, 11885,TKJjeq_edKQ,,"Street art in an alley of Austin Road in Kowloon, Hong Kong" 11886,D4mhW-yEWRk,, 11887,y2KdY35a0Jc,, 11888,wvNmRCabsSk,, 11889,RLlwhlh0KpM,, 11890,jCNN2RoiYrk,, 11891,VCOHfuG4PU8,,Yin Yang 11892,Rh48I0U-6ic,,Bloodmoon phases half cirle 11893,K4YhOR-LYOs,, 11894,JrKEOHhq54g,, 11895,MQdPsd1aLk4,, 11896,EfO9AbnFRl0,,"My sweet darling, Tara. Rest in peace huge appreciation 🙏🙏🙏" 17259,IzAQjUHa27A,, 17260,6MS5lQ31rd4,, 17261,cQCwbC_nciw,, 17262,86rvSHXOjt4,,Global strike for future ✊🌎 17263,CuOUmKz9SDs,,"Flowers at Lake Dillon, Colorado" 17264,pksP_JalmKI,, 17265,Px1DLXKhzNc,, 17266,XsS6lqo5pno,, 17267,dCpc8-VH4F4,, 17268,EfFooKwMNMQ,,Boris VII 17269,iDGoa4OY5So,, 17270,Jo5aybF14Ys,, 17271,MVH_jqk-6QU,, 17272,mhU5i2r7spo,,"Autumn leaf color. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica Summicron-R 2.0 35mm (Year: 1978)" 17273,7b9jYdIQq1c,,two horses 17274,W2ReRcbVZbY,,Natural Beauty 02 17275,spkbavO3a5A,,Light Keyhole 17276,lgMXYafVFiU,,Little girl looking through a spyglass from a tree house 17277,kBzQNk9AgOg,,Rainbow light on black background 17278,B8krQ458J44,,A cat sitting in front of a victorian terrace house 17279,xI5z0rEHMtM,, 17280,hbU4N7dww6U,,Feminne styled stock photo 17281,5Uov8YWmoso,, 17282,VvYi8TS_C6Y,,Green House Plant on White Background 17283,qxoZHPRTnGI,, 17284,FA0Xhlv7m6A,, 17285,NYxxuBSQzp4,, 17286,sDZernifzCY,,"Snowy mountains, Banff National Park" 17287,KGy1GFeKBu4,,Necropolis husky dog 17288,1Cg7BQXp024,,monochrome wire fence on hill 17289,udZzAojFI18,,Shrubs on desert hills 17290,eBDdgbM5dSo,,Foggy hills by the ocean 17291,YvkH8R1zoQM,,Peaceful waterfall 17292,kTVXw211NTw,,Leafless Treat 17293,iGIuZSgrUI8,,Kleefeld field landscape 17294,haDh6AUKBB0,,Two rows of conifer trees 17295,rH810coWgTI,, 17296,wpTWYBll4_w,, 17297,Z15VEca6eB8,, 17298,OcqGIG3Pkm8,,Spring 17299,xPTSJpn7Hkk,, 17300,beCmoefmrEc,, 17301,cURNLZLJ0Sg,,Icy waterfall. 17302,mMHNs0PQoDg,,@bobby_stevenson 17303,KKnZS9rUFyY,, 17304,jh3ImbLsq7U,,Sunset while climbing the east spur of Bietschhorn 3934m. 17305,xwB4uklpI3o,,"Laguna Sofía, puerto Natales, Chile" 17306,7kbin8nVyFE,, 17307,hKvlzgXF1YI,,Window water 17308,m5wfguSkioI,, 17309,gvzWuvr-MRQ,, 17310,-ZQY0CzgVUE,,Lonely Ruins. 17311,Dq2bns-Fw6g,,Cloudy night 17312,fl3xaLcJ-30,,My dog Marli photographed in my studio. 17313,rZQq3bdOsJU,,Nature in a cup of coffee 17314,aSGwpSq2lVI,, 17315,3-BDd13cUa8,,The Beauty 17316,RIM4vcl1hb4,,This Carolina Wren flew in to the feeders that I had hanging from this gorgeous branch and after having its fill of food it hopped up onto the branch and gave me a few poses. This was my favorite as it stood up tall and right in the one opening in the branches. I had set up to shoot backlit for the feeders because I knew the sun would be too bright for a front lit shot and would look harsh. Using backlight and a row of dark green bushes in shade I was able to capture this dramatically lit shot of the little bird and the beautiful pink spring cherry blossoms. 17317,P1mx4N6YHxo,, 17318,O8oZEMoTBOU,, 17319,jrOEwZt2ujE,, 17320,iajlCkFpAFY,, 17321,NoWp53K6ng4,, 17322,07DTpZ1WqQU,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 / 100mm (Year: 1993)" 17323,9BwLi093B5g,, 17324,Me1357Mv1aI,, 17325,oVy2YWhcQdo,,Campsite 17326,zK0mEAKGmAc,, 17327,m7WaoObIM4g,,Minimalist Photograph Plant 17328,nIlsibHX-MU,,This formation is part of the Painted Cove area near the Painted Hills. It has these wood planks that let you walk through these intensely red hills without damaging the delicate soil. 17329,7GIOLvZfyvQ,, 17330,w0i7mo4aVQU,,Australian snowfields at night provide very clear skies for astrophotography if you can survive the the cold! 17331,WR6kksI17tc,, 17332,AAfpTcj7wt4,, 17333,x6FHC3LiYAI,,Peyto Lake 17334,6waczII5feM,,Misty Morning in Canmore 17335,mpMieSW9P_A,, 17336,Ecm0blRIRds,, 17337,3isjMlIlj4A,, 17338,dqgrc3v9i68,, 17339,QvYWDg0CVJs,,"Golden hour in Myrland, Norway" 17340,2f5j7tw-_Xc,, 17341,0cnwBYup4T4,, 17342,cCKsYlUws1k,, 17343,MQrbXba7yBk,,Yellow leaves 17344,Ob_4MfmS-ZQ,, 17345,ZX30k2e8AjM,, 17346,Vf7pS1ER5Pg,,Fall in sight - After a day in the forest I came accross this cutie. 17347,e-OLt1iPY3Y,,bouquet of flowers 17348,6GhsDqjJfn8,,"I hope you like the photo! If you do, please leave a comment. Feel free to check out my commercial food + hotel photography here on my other account: sebastiancoman and visit my website to get in touch with me:" 17349,gjEeM2VT_i0,, 17350,Or9vxPAGtXw,, 17351,lVrC4_Z7m5E,, 17352,BuDi-3GNS8E,, 17353,BpaclO4E8WU,,Lake in the swiss mountains. Reflection. 17354,2ofKxKpUFm4,, 17355,HH97Nq1sXwg,,Peanut Island 17356,fbZajHoK_gY,, 17357,TQZTGPUYvZ0,, 17358,aHFi-CXMzuI,, 17359,mqNubK42YgA,, 17360,EstXYcZHt_o,, 17361,UJsUJr3cgEM,,A Colorado rainbow and rainshaft observed while on College of Dupage's Storm Chasing Trip 3. 17362,7cS17GniSWQ,,Starry Night by the waters edge 17363,O1Y6oFmfJcI,, 17364,3QW3sWEmWl4,,Deer garden 17365,JQUOA0eNPuw,,"WHO LET THE SMOG OUT??? WHO, WHO, WHO, WHO? Climate change protest demonstration strike." 17366,3egqVQAjUr4,, 17367,EBrA7QooOpw,, 17368,LcBGnNb428Y,, 17369,XzOMokbcp0Q,, 17370,JUw-k40SJhs,, 17371,U6uWaFqinAw,, 17372,LxQw_Sov8K0,,Norwegian Alpha Lynx letting his everyone else eat first 17373,UzfmUatVTyQ,, 17374,5_nEMsp6HGE,,A wall of ferns and plants. 17375,nVYEechGqqM,,Wildfire 17376,njhPkg0Oe5M,, 17377,_yBEzQQoC3Y,,Downtown LA aerial shot. 17378,v4ERoIM8acw,,Texture 17379,lfvGjlQy22E,, 17380,qVpaJzeaW1k,, 17381,UDEb05r0Uy8,,mood forest 17382,TkunxoS98q0,, 17383,i__rd4LWg3s,, 17384,l1sVYV1bU6Q,, 17385,5cDfpn8raQ8,,Lefkada beach 17386,fDSqEWLRNFE,, 17387,3XUijzqLOV8,, 17388,FL_pywMch1k,,Hillside Vistas 17389,YH-pOWOcumg,, 17390,3WJiY5vBLT0,,Shirtless man over a river 17391,Skva4bc_Bsg,,Flaming Apple Comet 17392,xNsoHwvoHnY,,Red tulips in spring 17393,ADkSHwhLuU0,,Snow on green mountains 17394,ZtEB4cwsOA4,, 17395,vJAIdCULvIc,,Shadows on cement wall 17396,9i9RquPtXsg,, 17397,TLS2b4l18Qg,,Wooden beams under the ceiling 17398,u6EQMFb9_ho,,Lavender meadow 17399,6YJXlhrUSSk,, 17400,wtYvzTlQaf0,, 17401,RRyIZg4i4Hg,,"Glacier ice on display from inside an ice cave near Jökulsárlon, Iceland." 17402,Yv5PPYmu2mM,, 17403,b4lbUtMNF08,, 17404,ruVMvyDFneQ,, 17405,vybvmbSaqio,, 17406,D8tqmQsAhHw,,Chocolate Labrador 17407,hAuwqYwPMXU,, 17408,dtYCvr0r_X4,, 17409,DFTZLzWVkgA,, 17410,CFhQE0prP3U,,Sunset Forest 17411,WP1fEDtxHYc,,"Horse in Glen Etive, Scotland" 17412,S3IH96G3D_E,, 17413,tAP1qlud3XM,,Ranunculus asiaticus;Ranunculus asiaticus (L.) Lepech 17414,GMUNAVOgp38,, 17415,8-cqlcHZF9o,,Frozen field stalks 17416,ZvjQXut3_ug,,Bokeh 17417,wrhwRIohhNI,,Nature 17418,EJ0CeUv6Jmg,,Great Tit 17419,RKN5sU44-go,,Meadow brown Butterfly still common 17420,Dp8uNils2rE,, 17421,UXdmKdx-_j0,, 17422,laG2kmB4Hgc,, 17423,V5HFJ1hORjM,, 17424,1tt5IEO2sQg,, 17425,X3E3T2JVqc0,, 17426,RK5C9KQ51DA,, 17427,-Lyh8tpyj7U,, 17428,TWZCzdXplms,, 17429,LM-6_svwuZM,, 17430,-PS2aw4Oj_E,,Damaged rusty metal iron wall 17431,_P8-td1cZIg,, 17432,a3mdwZAoGcU,, 17433,pr7LeXUsrKA,, 17434,98p47UlZwoA,, 17435,oBTC7jviUxs,,Hortobágy 17436,1J9i0eV5Vvw,,Lambs on foggy mountain 17437,QDQtJ5zucJU,,Switzerland 17438,YRMSxmqaSUI,,Tarpon springs storm cloud 17439,2H6MjVd0kCY,,Playground | Childhood | Light & Bright 17440,6PiTaOv743E,,Moon 17441,UspjnNnhbE0,, 17442,6EW_D2cdtcQ,, 17443,SYCsaoc_In0,,Sea 17444,gXNpIugknlA,, 17445,65CJJ6pvb6c,,Fall is coming! 17446,dSBX98e3VbI,, 17447,TWYrMnFTjjk,,Pair of puffins 17448,83pLp9UpWtw,,tropical wedding florals in Mexico by @copper.spoon WEBSITE: 17449,0cg2Mt1gZoo,, 17450,MRuPJsci4Lk,, 17451,e8YuGYiTt3o,,lava stone and silica water 17452,G5-8GmT8Fbo,,More leaves! 17453,Ej7G6IKCNiI,,The wet city 17454,ALdVl8C3PEQ,,More on IG : @baptx_zw 17455,3VRobEBbJYA,,crab 17456,cYY1rgkUikI,,"Sunflower, black background, natural light, flowers, yellow flower, yellow petals, large flower, beautiful flower, sunflower with black background, sunflower head," 17457,v99lFTVp_ws,, 17458,7R9JQJB9R2A,,Red roofed houses village 17459,iJu4dDmkuuk,,Extreme Mountain Views 17460,NLSi8Hsb1PA,, 17461,fF_LlvrlzrA,,Trees reaching towards the sun 17462,Licj84PcnVs,, 17463,-swv0CTs0xc,,River passage 17464,7dQYgCKTh_0,,Snowy wooded hill 17465,t81G1Kd9u8E,,Snow covered mountains next to lake 17466,tAQE_sjNVbs,,Wide waterfall 17467,0SlRoqqEF2Y,, 17468,LVdiXyu2eTc,,green-bamboo-macro 17469,25lVzpY4rTs,,Sunny Mountain Ridge 17470,uWvLFkvm8uI,, 17471,ZkEcFuTBnSE,,Sunflower and bee 17472,exK3gUWyN9g,, 17473,Gpru7VUc9x8,,Hand holding a branch of a Jasper succulent 17474,CgoRzWX4CDg,, 17475,r3fQwTJuWFU,, 17476,UtXTia1UR5s,, 17477,8ItzfYIEx7Y,, 17478,5a7tezD_CTU,, 17479,K6eCHGkveaM,,Brown Bear 17480,7AzUTGOBeJI,,Dogs 17481,G4DS3bk707U,, 17482,AM78wX6VQ7A,, 17483,HMGNL811SQE,, 17484,m-EmeSgMfEo,,"Durdle Door on the Dorset coastline, UK" 17485,VwMLBOFoZMA,,"Rub al Kahli, Oman" 17486,I4TUNyn55oE,,Flowers 17487,6aSNGutTG7A,,Spring blossom 17488,FUR242Eu_z4,, 17489,LTCoPkg88ks,,Potted Succulents 17490,uOi3lg8fGl4,,sunrise Bettmerhorn snowy mountains 17491,c8ET5XvBwnU,, 17492,7N2S_6U3cvU,,Grass on a sand dune beach 17493,_QvTs-Of2pE,, 17494,La6tkUToY-M,,Droning at a Pond 17495,L5aI2jU0i50,,Riding the crest of a wave 17496,PpcR4zIboDU,,Dry and Desolate 17497,Wx0OILjrWMI,,Mountains in Silverthorne in the evening 17498,YFseP6R5Tn4,,Craggy mountains against cloudy sky 17499,LlHgaeBwYVE,,Croke Park grass cutter 17500,ff0HoIx3PzU,,Pink flowers in a vase 17501,B2Q7UC6QGLE,,Catching the last of the light as it turns half dome bright red. 17502,niSXrcg3Gk8,, 17503,Fff5ve-rGVA,,Rubies 17504,fj-ClVl_VIY,, 17505,Zj1yzxi7bac,, 17506,aBLPwUnPVmk,,Climbing up a craggy mountain 17507,TqaFGqxiCQo,, 17508,XG1WATyGHj8,, 17509,XyUwguU5HgU,,Mountain base house 17510,N6SvY-wAl0w,, 17511,Qy-CBKUg_X8,,Aerial view of a forest road 17512,puVGY_DiVwg,,Little stormtrooper 17513,uPMfNy3_fGU,,Purple tulips open up 17514,WwW6SSmwAI0,,Elegant flowers after rain 17515,Vu0y1qsPqHY,,"A drop from the path up the mountain, this river has cut it’s way through the rock for centuries. Freezing water rushes quietly down the mountain, fed by condensing fog or melting snow and ice." 17516,MRzA2cHznKA,,Picture from greenhouse. 17517,pe5MN9AekMU,,Autumn leaves and snow 17518,EkvOEZOMvYE,,One-eyed kitty 17519,cwJQ1cKHu_8,,Boat at Catalina Island 17520,jtPJOZTd7xg,,cherry blossom 17521,td6-8YxHcn8,, 17522,GlILOCVkfpE,,like a snail but not a snail 17523,Bin0e89ScYM,, 17524,CGxdRJknf4I,,"In shallow waters surrounding the Tyuleniy Archipelago in the Caspian Sea, chunks of ice were the artists. The 3-meter-deep water makes the dark green vegetation on the sea bottom visible. The lines scratched in that vegetation were caused by ice chunks, pushed upward and downward by wind and currents, scouring the sea floor." 17525,zhAjX0xMiio,,Slow 17526,SBvwRLGUtRM,, 17527,yN9l6LJVBIU,, 17528,f4OFym_1JsM,, 17529,w0PoQn8hRPo,, 17530,QC5qAtyPZ9s,,In a pink state of mind. 17531,hN0tU6viXVM,, 17532,M-m8bGC_pyY,,A wintery shot of the Galactic core nestled between Corn Du and Pen Y Fan. The highest peaks in South Wales. 17533,icnZ2R8PcDs,,Rainbow prism light falling on a dried leaf on a dark background 17534,LHDS9ViRhRQ,, 17535,vvmzYw8vAyY,,The mist rises on the valley 17536,Qr1oOpe8bxc,,Aerial shot of a rock in the ocean in Big Sur 17537,E2_k8SsuS7s,,"Controlled burn, Arizona" 17538,XCkao3y6Gpc,,Anatomy of a dying stormcell. A stormcell disolves over the San Francisco Peaks 17539,XE6Lv_OOT8A,,Tribal blanket 17540,-_s-zN6jAys,, 17541,nGOF86liuBw,,"pile of red roses, valentines, love" 17542,wfPbE-Zo9as,, 17543,fS6V5Rbfe6s,, 17544,H1ddLAG7dig,, 17545,O-C_nzkE2JU,, 17546,Htb3lKL4Mco,, 17547,H3jicEejwlQ,, 17548,ZxPP5sXBwBA,,Back home the sunsets are always the bests. 17549,wfQaZHGAVHo,,Creatures of the Night. Own Zion daylight series switched to the dark mode No.2 17550,hoqzEftcdG4,,Please follow me on instagram @chrishenry 17551,dVYGdp34BTU,, 17552,BN55CoYG1Ck,, 17553,bCEkeexlYzk,, 17554,ZaHEHgRGqcY,, 17555,wDFCHXs04Og,, 17556,fMyaQWQrwwU,, 17557,SPkeQX_hFkA,, 17558,ygk6IFQIHkk,, 17559,7V3v_y5cuxA,,PORTRAITS INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPRTRTS EDITORIAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPHTO PERSONAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVR 17560,xEvwhhxlJHA,, 17561,VOG9q8Kz4XA,,Mountain in Austria 17562,lzMwvo-tUwU,, 17563,rcRzUKWTdKI,, 17564,S6DSXlLeijI,, 17565,_DSZnAKnsdw,,"This photo was taken by Instagram user @Jacobhestonvibes, who is part of Trend's curated creator network. For more photos like this, or to work with creators like this, check out" 17566,IFtJKM6mTSk,, 17567,A40lD_mDgVo,,Sunbath 17568,4nzsa65t3LI,, 17569,ZpsnZxwhCVU,,Mist in the pines 17570,hAsyuficE60,, 17571,yYhAhtS9Mcw,, 17572,k3OWTwtZYFA,,Boo the adorable blue British Shorthair 17573,b89E95snJrg,,Trona Pinnacles at sunrise with the moon in the sky. 17574,HvRLQ2nD-wg,, 17575,PM6bqFK5z-s,,Layers 17576,nogKB_VmJkw,, 17577,dipJ-IsirFI,, 17578,TUoBcf07vDo,, 17579,tWndDHJRNm8,, 17580,jjrFZYBpl0U,,Morro rock with a reflective pool in the foreground. 17581,6lDhQ7fCtYc,, 17582,HzQQUWhaUBo,, 17583,SsPQMXRZBEo,,"""Sacred Colours 5"". Drops of water on a pane of glass with an abstract painting I did below the glass. The colours are those of the garments worn by the priests in the Old Testament (red, gold, blue, purple and white linen), hence the name sacred colours. I used rain-x to help the water to bead on the glass surface." 17584,m6eMa9yGa6Q,,green cactus plant against a pink wall in the background 17585,7Cv7NaAQiBM,, 17586,OCRhDREEiII,,White peonies 17587,Ih7BQIgCqzU,,British shorthair 17588,6Bf2e7SK4tk,,dogsledding in Lapland 17589,QkvhxA0wul4,,"All what you need - winter, colors, autumn, fog, snow … not the sun!" 17590,2pBpO-zsXMw,,Minimalist 17591,Azii9_cmPtA,,Eucalyptus 17592,XAMfbAohSkw,, 17593,mYBybDaWUzM,,Curveture 17594,FUwc0C6Sw_c,,"Spent a foggy September day in Rocky Mountain National Park. The visibility for most of this hike was very poor, but every once in a while the clouds lifted to stunning effect." 17595,3KmgJ3-Iuto,,"I can’t go a day without at least one cup, I think I have a physical addiction." 17596,gIqs-dFO2Qo,, 17597,4DXlr01lQoM,, 17598,EFE2_a2I3yo,,A field with thousand and more poppies is every summer a real highlight in North Germany and I can’t resist taken a million of photos. 17599,X8E6NBxFhpA,,"Long exposure selfie with a strong torch light , while earth magnetic field was deflecting solar particles" 17600,vO5BePF_5NQ,,"As we trekked up to the top of these giant sand dunes, another photographer happened to be on the same mission and perfectly fell into place in the middle of this beautiful landscape. This is the result…" 17601,AM0bf_Up1Sw,,"I took this photo off the coast of Nazare, Portugal, one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to. These two seagulls were just relaxing on a rock overlooking the beach." 17602,bXX7SV4xnSU,,"I like the flower but it’s such an overkill, even in real life ;) So I retouched it to make it look more subtle." 17603,VzdqM0OHx2M,, 17604,JqioNRt1HVk,,Edited with Tag @cityturtles on instagram for credit. 17605,MfCoCQP9isg,,Emu bird strolling through the grass 17606,GHJ2ABMkB4w,,Duck on grass by stone wall 17607,lKYiVkSaFtw,, 17608,uL6_TP4HOQI,, 17609,cJdDtt96et8,,Surfer watching the onrushing wave 17610,_wEOsbtoiX4,, 17611,JRsZWmRd_Ws,, 17612,qGPki1KtB0M,,pair of pineapples 17613,2f-NcoyJk-Y,,Rocky wall pattern 17614,ThIY-N_LLfY,,Autumn tree branches 17615,9gz3wfHr65U,,Real life best friends 17616,sBS1-iAwYO0,,Green Bug 17617,klNpWLkgezo,,Sunshine through snowy trees 17618,YSvUYqf9Mjk,, 17619,TxTI2BvAhcQ,,twig-blossom-vladimir 17620,F5I2QlP8X9w,,"Forest Valley, Banff National Park" 17621,COBxTce71l8,,Giraffe eating leaves 17622,mCQe7j2ESJk,, 17623,mUmBlfZIYNA,,green leaves of plant 17624,VLxoElrtQOE,, 17625,SNQbiQTI4ek,, 17626,xE0Wta3UuIs,,"Going on a walk with my cat, a british shorthair" 17627,zjKxb4xhBXc,, 17628,_3FAzLYaj_4,,Blue hole in ocean 17629,PfuKfT9FpEE,, 17630,GRh6fXs3UFI,, 17631,CbboCrkDzNA,,motorcycle drone picture 17632,68DgEMSF3NI,,Scenic flight over the incredible mountains near Queenstown NZ 17633,F0f6CNjVn_o,,paradise vibes on Ubud 17634,P0SbmtjxsZc,, 17635,HbrXSaaya14,,a cute pug wearing a grey t-shirt and tongue out on a white background 17636,DItZ9r6Pt30,, 17637,0lHIMPhRtN8,,Evening treelines 17638,0Y_YNPW5qds,,Cat is ready for the chase 17639,z7EogRemcl4,,yellow-bellied toad with nice eyes took quite a wile to come so close not chase it away 17640,lpdoVmO89TQ,,"Not many fellow hikers are around the more remote parts of the Lofoten Islands, but being close to Reinebringen means company! I won't complain, sometimes landscape needs people to grasp the dimensions." 17641,e6mgkYUrwaE,, 17642,VVhA4CEpmIw,, 17643,KmwSl6yp1Nk,,A fall baby is always into the woods when the temperatures drop and the leaves start falling. 17644,KGgoSn-YUGg,,"Light, bright plants, interior gardening inspiration" 17645,nQxmvGiQKsk,, 17646,l2EfYTbFilA,,Gas station close to my home on a foggy evening. 17647,Sb62zazu9Ns,, 17648,Zn7cmdbansE,,Richmond Park 17649,hdQWZBk45rY,, 17650,dEU77aX9lS0,, 17651,bQATESa8mig,,Beneath every shipwreck lies a hidden Treasure💎⁣⁣ But is Treasure really meant to sink?💭⁣ 17652,5bxUAt9hP8I,, 17653,AEDop0jAGWM,,A girl is standing in a foggy field at night. 17654,K2RH1QZdLF4,, 17655,SzG7ZU_CF3c,,Waves Above 17656,UnU_CIWv91s,,Rooftop Sunrise 17657,Y59DkFRRTfM,, 17658,PHdLDymaV90,,Mont Blanc Part 2 17659,cNY_0C2U46c,,See the fire that burns our hearts 17660,FObU8l6PyLA,,Shine Along 17661,uKtvYMGe8ls,,straight haired cockerpoo 17662,7B0D1zO3PoQ,,"Sunflowers at Colby Farm - Newbury, MA" 17663,cLPrRH4TOe8,, 17664,Ed2Fq0VXsCA,, 17665,mmqPwkaTGCs,, 17666,gv6SbxKO4tU,,"I love minimalist design photography, so I want to share this great shoot with you." 17667,5aVf-VQEDjM,,"The days shorter, nights longer ....perfect time to cozy up with a good book." 17668,zjyP-UYI-ko,,One of the many green canyons you will come across in Iceland 17669,7gRm09bpK9k,, 17670,KuO4Gpkxc98,,"The sun was hiding behind the clouds, giving the scene an impressive look" 17671,ixC7gmLcKaQ,, 17672,ApN-aMCv3X4,, 17673,Uk1SbrLWe7M,, 17674,PR8ojE_b84M,, 17675,DjzngqPEBZk,,M.te Cornizzolo summit 17676,34OWXRoPNZM,, 17677,W9bUiifJfSQ,,Snowy forest 17678,uaEuBpCBPOY,,"I was hiking in the woods when I took this photo. Only my trusty camera, my tripod and a pack of wolves deeper in the forest. Once they started howling, I decided not to risk it, but I managed to take this beautiful shot before I left." 17679,MM2HVZoWx9M,,Golden Trees 17680,8ZmwIbjOa9o,,"Follow me on Instagram @jevanleith for my latest content! Another great view of the cozy aframe we got to stay in during our visit to Washington. These cabins are something special, Tye Haus." 17681,IExOV9fFQBM,,If you like my work then you can support it. Paypal: or my blog: My website: 17682,DLNoV-SFQ-U,, 17683,FZlE7Oa1UnA,, 17684,bNe6LlMwaXM,, 17685,vVdvPAnJRnw,,"This wave is called Oysters. It is just off the coast of Croyde Bay in North Devon, UK. It is a surfable wave and has been ridden by some big wave surfers. I like the way it breaks all on it’s own in the mass of ocean, it’s kind of mystical, my favourite wave." 17686,tT3CGmnR1pk,, 17687,I6SA2qZohcw,,Sunflower 17688,hvkcofV0bvw,,Blissful state 17689,VX35EVGysTE,, 17690,oGx_CSK4FBg,,Ghost 17691,euu8QeVqe5s,, 17692,GBKpO-rJecg,, 17693,c1DzRfUdG0g,, 17694,5dVC3WO0g0c,, 17695,tYytj77mclc,,Spring flowers... 17696,N8dGHMelzr4,,Family. 17697,dA9JRioCSBc,, 17698,Loji1ZbTm-M,, 17699,qWZnsO0fauw,, 17700,55BTsEcMsBs,, 17701,24aojHM66-s,, 17702,C1v3N2vcYKU,, 17703,IIypoak_pr4,, 17704,VkF8pVVoFg0,, 17705,BuL9ga2Doa0,, 17706,poPTI5BszZg,, 17707,6V3g18vBoSI,, 17708,NJNExJ4Kkyg,,Water spraying over the rocky shore 17709,Y7Hq26H6Svg,,Surfer looking at the rock formation 17710,2mSzfaseWvg,,Waiting for a gust of wind 17711,ZTvEkHPacVw,, 17712,SH5yTzEdqfY,, 17713,jzPaAXCbH84,,Railroad on a mountain 17714,gqyrFZmeMJ4,, 17715,n9SLYuyyZhQ,,Sharp mountain ridge against blue sky 17716,wVMBn5sPQt0,,Shattered ice over water 17717,8Yy5udPtAUM,, 17718,MrUFr8GsQAk,,Buzzing Bee 17719,mTo3rN-zrXE,, 17720,QCxngnhwiE4,,Watching the mountain sunset 17721,VEp4sNIzYVU,,Flowers and car bumper after rain 17722,P85bk96XAZM,, 17723,ZDriZvoHeKk,, 17724,iuqsjQ_GhCo,, 17725,J83X8_A52PE,, 17726,NQbZ-3qFkQc,, 17727,mx6BzzKvWIw,, 17728,vB9GmIcZWJo,, 17729,R96JrQzWqc4,, 17730,VyCAQkP6EwY,, 17731,k4UrTr0mAKw,, 17732,1jhNSrOxWJY,, 17733,igNgbOHj-VE,, 17734,W1XrPWSWIMw,, 17735,yY4qUT5mnn4,, 17736,7u8ZY8upWdg,, 17737,ww0O5NyORRA,,"A butterfly caught in the moment it lays an egg. Different types of butterflies lay their eggs on particular host plants, which their caterpillars eat. In some cases the plants are poisonous which helps protect the caterpillar, and later the butterfly, from being eaten." 17738,80KbQxoHXnI,, 17739,6KHi0Yt2xWE,,Could stare at icebergs for hours. Knowing that endless possibilities are underneath them makes them even more exciting. 17740,XW4C3wPqyJs,,Serene green mountains 17741,I_9ILwtsl_k,,Rocks at the sandy lake beach 17742,rHv6C-WTOls,,Morning hike in the forest 17743,gauu42epcJk,,Sea of mountains 17744,buF62ewDLcQ,,Impressive bamboo canopy 17745,pV87YnElHow,,children enjoying the beach 17746,mXKXJI98aTE,,Tree rings pattern 17747,h3DjeKw08ds,, 17748,O-jFzxLRHik,,Cat on a wall 17749,sSN3hUDbQAM,,Cherry flowers in the park 17750,tb5lQHsy6IA,, 17751,BJb1bDT94Fk,, 17752,xcC5ozHk_N8,,Beautiful cliff around beach 17753,zT7wSsOVp_M,, 17754,Dz1wbecnvhQ,, 17755,RkmyeYA6xuE,, 17756,teH_cDpyCN0,,Big ocean wave splash 17757,HhrSQaBWq8E,,Seagull in mid-flight 17758,yWfdhaqSAEo,, 17759,0A_b9G-Rm6w,,Little Corona Beach sunrise 17760,gEKMstKfZ6w,,World globe 17761,fHXP17AxOEk,, 17762,FOWcKj7Skkk,,We were staying across the road from a temple in Varkala during festival season. Looking out the window early one morning I noticed some elephants being led into the temple. I grabbed the camera was able to get photos that covered their entire outing for the day - everything from a morning bath to parading through the local streets and then back to the temple. This is morning preparation. 17763,fyrb9ZMXPvI,,Alone in the snow 17764,BYId1ZNXW7Q,,aras fly 17765,o4Q22lnp3n0,, 17766,de5iuJXaoCA,,Above the azure gorge 17767,DFsC7b6YqNY,,Newport Beach from the ocean 17768,CYeWj-tQ0rA,, 17769,v-quTqXIQEo,,Ferns 17770,Q7XAcikq-yk,, 17771,l8xc8tXJ8-E,,"I remember these trees and view from when I was a child and wanted to capture what wonder I saw then, now. It did mean going through very dark woodland, streams and nettles so I could capture this picture, but I am very happy I did." 17772,8FSz5GimETg,, 17773,CUeTCPQLRg4,,River by a mountain glacier 17774,F-wStBDJk-I,, 17775,NC4baJd0OVA,,Sun over green mountains 17776,SBozbKmycEw,,Curled-up autumn leaf 17777,b5l8BI9KwC4,,Mountain silhouettes in Torri del Benaco 17778,S7ChB4FBboI,, 17779,Az6wP3-qrPU,, 17780,pCKhrmnxrRk,, 17781,SwwoxDZrW5I,,Flower trail 17782,P_eJNtT0pRI,,Hang this photos on the wall. Buy prints 17783,_la-c2zrDlg,,Kitten playing with its mommy 17784,IPnJpOzU-WA,,blossom-westerpark 17785,5A06OWU6Wuc,, 17786,dAkd3xaSDTA,,Millington Wood morning 17787,HFbnIMpYbcc,,Mount Robson in Clouds 17788,PZdTJhCPQVc,,Dark Summit Lake 17789,7522uMH1rZg,, 17790,7pUHeP1GRC4,, 17791,bSaVjeyYsGg,,"A stormy Sunday in Pacifica, California" 17792,rRgUtMpM1uw,, 17793,FtqeneabhBc,, 17794,l0PYBBU6Rc8,, 17795,VxSO1Blu8GY,,Blue Canvas 17796,SMGl-QEUbu0,, 17797,v5AG4QUfyx8,,"I encountered this chill toad on the trail last summer. He didn’t move. We just looked at each other for few minutes and then I left him to his duty. Thanks for this moment, Mr. Toad." 17798,Eaz0wqnV1VQ,, 17799,ccMk-A0eGHI,,Scarlet’s road 17800,W9dFbDmb1Lc,,Miedo irracional a volar. 17801,sAZFkXLMtHI,, 17802,9sbBq-AENUM,, 17803,cqH3BEV_qSM,, 17804,ZvVhWYA-hXA,,"I visited Morro Rock at December, 2018. It was little cold that time and the sun went down behind the rock. The cold air from inland casted a blue color and the sun filled with golden color. Some kids played surfing on beach brought more vibrant into the scene." 17805,6PKQueqX9R8,, 17806,w0-PjhhbdS8,,Good News! We found some big leaves to photograph and you get lots of detail. 17807,vmQ30d-NRRI,,bromo tengger semeru 17808,5t1lUr0NmHI,,"Death Valley: lowest, driest, hottest, and darkest. Barren and scorching during the day, it turns tolerable and crawling with life at night. As one of the darkest places left in the continental United States, it is easy to get lost in just how many stars you can see! This is about an hour’s worth of exposures from the Mesquite Dunes in Death Valley National Park." 17809,a_5wjo55RG4,,lake with bubbles 17810,3s3JPEXRzUg,, 17811,ucrtTAfwJTk,, 17812,Q7bRGzUjHs0,,Hiking to a restricted rock bridge to get the last Milky Way shot of the season. 17813,dPxaHmc_Cqc,, 17814,XiDA78wAZVw,,Autumn in the Forest 17815,tEJGXE3B6UM,, 17816,j4tfrHP_8hc,,Patrick Hendry 17817,P5-dINfadmU,, 17818,sdILCl9VRX4,,such hazy days 17819,BTPEnBAW2YY,,"Heaven’s Gate If you're interested in any of my images as artwork for your home and/or like the idea of supporting my ongoing artwork, please visit" 17820,Jy3NTHBTeIg,,Toasting marshmallows in the snow 17821,lNUsAUAugOQ,, 17822,8hRYTck6LBQ,, 17823,78A265wPiO4,,Alone in the unspoilt wilderness 17824,cdZh5dQ-muE,, 17825,eS7HrvG0mcA,,Night Sky Stars Silverthorne 17826,OjE4RtaibFc,, 17827,QWXMd3DUFW8,,White mountains near evergreen woods 17828,mGTaTw5lJio,,One of the less populated beaches here in Jacksonville Florida. I always enjoy going to this spot because of how peaceful it is and away from heavily crowded places. 17829,Bl1jBUEIeo8,, 17830,Epxdkobgf5Q,,butterfly / provence 17831,bpJ8qeyo1-w,,Tossing water at sunset 17832,KrJ03A1r8Qo,, 17833,evrHojTLBKE,,Summertime in So Cal 17834,gaOL0hRlA9I,,summer snowfall 17835,okVXy9tG3KY,,Fuvahmulah maldives 🇲🇻 17836,jj2ab1xIxrg,,Landscape 17837,UNwQLVLLBtc,, 17838,GVqbCtDXY6A,, 17839,ZdONCKuFCIQ,,Purple oil drops. Droplets of rice bran oil floating on water above a colourful background. 17840,sT9xFAEHdVg,, 17841,tYiuDaQvgEo,,"Stream ""from the jungle to the ocean""" 17842,uLLUnacamlo,,People on big sand beach 17843,rzfwmlmx470,, 17844,2UbJtgQp8VQ,,Beach at dusk 17845,RlYsCMbF6EI,,Gloomy autumn leaves 17846,R9Lm61DXrtA,,Bright windowsill 17847,U1Z81eQMP58,,Milky Way above trees 17848,nsy4j53KCvc,,Sunset with mountain landscape. 17849,jL1tJho10qc,, 17850,bSmKli4OTIY,, 17851,RTdQHTPELwE,, 17852,6i6J1lQtD3k,, 17853,l0SMeYt0uPo,, 17854,Enr71dsAO5w,, 17855,Xyxv9nX4FN0,, 17856,1AGWetTYusU,,splash 17857,HLBki_64qNY,, 17858,L0rxoED50k0,, 17859,o6k0ZH1eOwg,,Hong Kong Island from aerial view in sunrise 17860,EVbbRJmw2QE,,"If I were a bird, I would like to be a fish." 17861,TtQm-1ra4IU,, 17862,eK2YZq4a0fU,, 17863,VcNd2JX-y0s,, 17864,jEQ6bbVh5OQ,, 17865,RsRTIofe0HE,,"Taken near sunset at White Sands National Monument, New Mexico, USA" 17866,_iWW1TDy2Go,, 17867,qB2mBLCpSaM,, 17868,4v7ubW7jz1Q,, 17869,TbP5ezB2-og,, 17870,RoFc4jEy55o,, 17871,LTqfkHT2ImY,, 17872,hLk0isV8Us4,, 17873,uX9CjlfEsOM,, 17874,y-Bp43SfjYM,, 17875,V26kmG0-WJA,, 17876,oznETn7VnYQ,, 17877,-k6vEu5I-dE,, 17878,Gx-RA2NKfvg,, 17879,m-e3AFsfOs0,, 17880,5Kp5LVjINgI,,Asper Productions Drone Photo by Lance Asper 17881,hFybhRkfxmU,, 17882,8Sk2zzwCKHc,, 17883,cAAEBTlZdcA,, 17884,rvTS1dCCKYY,, 17885,GgITHk9Fgz4,,Taken in the basin of the Big Four Ice Caves 17886,O15BJmAAQsY,,A husky doggo sleeping. 17887,q6QDXUZzEGc,,Hiking through the woods. Found this cute bridge. 17888,y_yKkAYsQRQ,, 17889,qIRJeKdieKA,,From top of Adam's Peak #SriLanka 17890,9jUGf4D1400,, 17891,cBUt6EeWf3I,,rainy day 17892,AZ1vraRuCyY,, 17893,u_rXsR-4UxU,, 17894,J95m2xJR9YQ,,"So we were looking for urban explorations! After hours of shooting, we found this place who actually has a strange color palette! It mostly has a red hue, but the soft blue tones kill it completely! Also it’s the result of using multiple objects to recreate rainbows and create a colorful atmosphere. Of course, it also proves that location isn’t everything when you’re focused on transmitting concrete emotions to the viewer and self-expressing your art. Sincerely, one of my favorites for those brilliant tones and composition! (Also thanks to @alii_gonzalez02 for posing and being a huge friend!)" 17895,bf6rFq2wZ08,,My friend Louie relaxing in the fall in his backyard. Englewood Colorado 17896,_GN1A0CNnrk,,In the Shadows 17897,FFVu-JEZe88,,"The Coconut Beach - Maracaípe, Brazil" 17898,05KFkDsxDjk,, 17899,YHv9oMDrZOY,, 17900,WGdZyGkfcBQ,, 17901,g8fOuamwe-w,, 17902,xznPR6KVVXA,, 17903,1hAAiu3JmQY,, 17904,hzketz17Af8,, 17905,VtgfgFk4vhY,, 17906,5-WsIPUwhlI,, 17907,d5yXT7TClqQ,, 17908,9N0FSjsUE0s,, 17909,94QWyhsnhIM,, 17910,aPfmYpPt40U,, 17911,SHpbGW-sSYE,,Slimey Snail 17912,gYa310T59OA,,Bright waterfall 17913,AQu6v0Q2mcs,, 17914,Bn-ovYPa4AY,, 17915,KIDXSrIwoBI,,Surfer’s paradise 17916,0u54iuIZx-U,,Sun on the horizon at Mount Pilchuck 17917,uanoYn1AmPs,,Splashing wave from within 17918,r2Ug9sXPEHA,,House in the countryside 17919,O6FqlOWEsig,,New Zealand mountains 17920,YV2Nchv9pd4,, 17921,5kBocXd0E0o,,Desert Foliage in Fruita 17922,zU4_1XsEscM,,Spring 17923,km2f-EUivRU,,"Budgies. Budgies, also known as budgerigars and parakeets, are sociable birds, and in the wild may be seen in flocks of hundreds or more. They have been bred into many different colour forms, but the birds in this photo are the natural colour form, which I think is hard to beat." 17924,xxV9bfG1r-M,, 17925,Kfuix2rNl1g,, 17926,3J33KacammE,, 17927,BJ9GDoNDnug,, 17928,wJoaO2iLwDo,, 17929,ac9BZlaKuG4,, 17930,xJonEbiIYVs,,Dusk. 17931,rJyt_prxkfM,,Ocean waves at sunrise 17932,G5L9ZO4CJsM,,Sunny Lake 17933,3VouXTpYrEc,, 17934,7QWApjOYn_Q,, 17935,z0P6Ljm9jBg,,黄昏 17936,Cn-3-lUWMXo,, 17937,dq_fOXxlt84,,Sunset sky and palmtrees in Reunion Island 17938,9Xxale37Udo,, 17939,sp_pcgjPxgI,, 17940,2oFdVd00xOg,,Blue lake and white peaks 17941,Yvt9M0ogLCU,, 17942,mScyalv6BTQ,, 17943,ulDK1idr-3I,, 17944,LrO5jMSiNo0,,Hamburg puppy 17945,qoIHdN6b8kU,,Aerial view of a forest 17946,_1ly9-A2rgg,,Night shot of the moon 17947,YFFGkE3y4F8,,We did a short road trip to the Dolomites (5hrs driving). We stopped the car almost every 5 meters because of the beautiful landscape. It reminded me to take the time and appreciate what is around you. 17948,AgWVcQz1bOA,, 17949,VrMbXtwOHKE,,Instagram: @Exit 17950,37QaVibL7wA,,This is the most impressive ridgeline I have ever visited by far!! 17951,GxJKG6adI3g,,Ikelite Housing 17952,Xh1HS1XU8QY,,Bird on hoop 17953,zvqm-lkh_4s,,Orange tulip on black 17954,D4Oq1Ky7-18,,Sometimes you have to stare life right in the face. 17955,psPEo8Cgh7U,,Cat in green grass 17956,PXAP4PGBj6E,,German Shepherd 17957,zjQC5sejJQY,,Brisk mornings 17958,NqCSDBB2rYI,,waves are satisfying too 17959,dG9fUG0Jpos,,This makes such a whimsical smartphone wallpaper when it is rotated vertically. Don’t you want to snuggle right into this soft and fluffy image? 17960,nWkMhTo8Wa4,,Life inside a giant pumpkin 17961,h--EvPnOGjY,,Hello Spring 17962,UTQmI7QMTuI,,Patrick Hendry - Lost Mountain 17963,EWYXor9k9hg,,"The fronds of a tropical palm in the Cairns botanic gardens, Australia." 17964,5W9G5vOFs1M,,Weather in Paris 17965,uTjOPYICJUU,, 17966,FU0LQ25tb8I,, 17967,fWRdt7Ccy74,, 17968,giP1uYyL01A,,"I love minimalist design photography, so I want to share this great shoot with you." 17969,TcQ_P8TbrP0,, 17970,ZZGxQN9eQwY,,Peyote Ceremony 17971,utgDEz8xgBI,, 17972,v0C-MQU6agU,,Northern views 17973,7xuhyDnVFu4,, 17974,qie9wa-YLK8,,It was worth staying out for another hour and capturing half dome with the moon light illuminating it’s right side. 17975,UgpQ1Aq-xsI,,The Dive 17976,CkPejhmaZ94,,Nature 17977,F-WWP3pogCo,,Kalalau by helicopter is an amazing experience 17978,eaMZcbYNSwM,,i wonder why the most beautiful (mushrooms) are poisonous 17979,od-2xks9Alc,, 17980,82zt95UmYuA,,Spring flowers 17981,PjXHrNQT56o,, 17982,GfjBSkMCkNc,, 17983,pQvARUrZQ1g,,Lonely nights 17984,xCTAd2NN4I0,, 17985,qS6A5FCPmSg,, 17986,2pSjAGAUzwA,,Purple Life 17987,Z6ZGz8LC-DA,,I saw this colorful bird resting on a branch during a zoo trip to San Francisco. 17988,qkMQ5N2d9aY,,camping in french alps for the first time 17989,CvpeRdppaUY,,From a night chasing northern lights while on a 27 hours layover in Iceland. 17990,SGl7ntWLUkw,,I particularly love this one with the peek of a little bit of purple dying out in the middle 17991,56-hm86x-rw,, 17992,Yy8pDZhwdf0,, 17993,2Xl8wpzjP7Y,,"Baltic Sea, Germany" 17994,e2CqniK7_nY,, 17995,_PZRfifYqDI,,Nébuleuse de la Tête de Cheval IC434 17996,UyPm_o9Ua5s,, 17997,kxNKULapCYU,, 17998,N1AfueAJ_R0,,This is a network of mineral-rich hot springs and geysers spitting out sulfur. You can see the steam from the large geysers in the bottom left corner. Yellowstone National Park is probably the only place I've visited that has natural colors that rival Oregon's John Day Fossil Beds. 17999,legBsuV9xY8,,simple series @home 18000,3ormGvLlSuw,,Operation remove the hook 18001,217U8oxGoQ4,,Bubbly Bubbles 2 18002,wn8dVo7hzLQ,,Secret powder stash on Blackcomb Mountain. 18003,1T6IoZ9ZmQ8,, 18004,gvAnW_4KpyQ,, 18005,CLftlH8hF-4,,Made with Leica R7 (Year: 1994) and Leica Summilux-R 1.4 50mm (Year: 1983). Analog scan via Fuji Frontier SP-3000. Film reel: Kodak Portra 400 18006,c0Bk7ftj2xM,,Minimalist Palm. 18007,yKfkc8kwQns,,NO SMOKING 18008,VZ_GDBK98FQ,,insta @yong.chuannnnn 18009,6u4QaOADBKk,,Milky way 18010,CzW1DYgZR7Q,, 18011,lHMNoNZ9u20,,Winter Bloom 18012,AeBUc7jF5_E,, 18013,20QjpV5rx3s,, 18014,x5w378iM3hc,, 18015,8QKAFnlMQEM,, 18016,cyPqQXNJsG8,, 18017,22fR3i7InkY,, 18018,CPEgaLkWn3o,,Let it snow 18019,LV-FzX-l78c,, 18020,X79v5N3O4yA,, 18021,nJorP4dNvEs,, 18022,eNI-0vy7IBE,, 18023,1QyBhDaQl2E,, 18024,HcF1QrtNGz0,, 18025,r8khdHgM1FA,, 18026,oBxYg1kDLAE,,"I went to Leeds Castle Christmas Market near where I live last weekend. It’s a great market to go to with plenty to see, loads of food to eat and the odd animal on show. Leeds Castle Falconry had their 2 Barn Owls, Buzz & Woody, on display (I think this one is Buzz!). This is the 3rd year in a row that I’ve been to Leeds Castle for the market, and its the first time I took my full photography kit with the intention of getting some landscapes. It turns out though, the shots of the owls were better!" 18027,_8vovuZCj0c,, 18028,lZbbatBj274,,I was trying all day to get a really good photo of the giraffe and he finally peaked right around the tree and stared directly at me! 18029,kMBI54MUcW4,, 18030,NB1pC3CeoMI,, 18031,MjdyviflNOI,,"Australian beach. People seemed to like a previous similar photo, so I thought I might add a couple more. I think these would look good printed on large stretched canvases. The photo is of the gorgeous clear waters of Cosy Corner South beach in Tasmania Australia." 18032,I5S-EzI1ogI,, 18033,tj0wBgq2cPI,, 18034,1YUvawZCV6Y,, 18035,tsStT0oQhY8,, 18036,GY9tuUxd18s,, 18037,2n4xPjN_fRk,, 18038,dbdMjkC37yE,,"Holding and smoking pot (weed / marijuana) in Greece, while looking at the sea. It’s winter and it’s really cold outside." 18039,TCfCXuhgG4c,, 18040,8LRcQoID8OU,,A colorful sunset 18041,LRWYgdgAR_4,, 18042,rDxIwAiiHNE,, 18043,vZ7LLIo1l44,, 18044,IlHWweSu864,,Cliff over a clear lake 18045,lk-fJLVqEa8,, 18046,qVjIBN1P-co,, 18047,_e0k1-m-zB8,, 18048,gwImWJ8f6qc,,Yellow bouquet in close-up 18049,zUMk4bg8GFc,,One Breath 18050,MxAiNRwmVEU,,Night sky at Makena Beach 18051,54517q_FGOk,,There’s no other way. 18052,cpAKc-G6lPg,,Shot on Pennsylvania Ave near the Capitol 18053,zlTEatdlwOQ,, 18054,pTgMXg2WrHY,, 18055,mURDn1pPr0I,,Wild horses on a grassy plain 18056,Pi7R19E3_QQ,,"Found these walking out of work, what a surprise." 18057,JyG9cU7vnMg,,In the evening the insect activity is a bit more limited then mid day but most things I found were thankfully moving a bit slower. Towards the end of my session I kicked up this tiny and beautiful Gray Hairstreak flitting around the field. I started out photographing it very close and trying to show off the detail. The subtle coloration on this butterfly is very pretty. After capturing those standard macro photos I turned my attention to something a bit more scenic. The sun had already dipped below a far away tree line so I started shooting in-between silhouettes. 18058,ImmeHTdmXeQ,,Soft hydrangeas 18059,9FT-ZIPTd3U,, 18060,bTBnQ1DUycI,, 18061,U3uGFMsjprE,, 18062,J8pVnY8Qs70,,Brego loves fall 18063,Uou4noSKXCM,, 18064,aw3OYvmphEQ,,OUR PLANTE IS GETTING HOTTER THAN COLE SPROUSE. Global climate change strike - No Planet B - 09-20-2019 18065,L7Kz9dGhHfo,,Lienzer Dolomiten 18066,dOnQYAFiwtA,, 18067,z13HFNMEKRw,, 18068,Jzt1fG5FSNc,,The top of the shell of a radiated tortoise showing the geometrical pattern (the photo is a little more colourful and contrasty than the actual tortoise that I photographed). 18069,BMvLsU0VLcE,, 18070,Wr0JQ_GmHAA,, 18071,pCYlHZAXfMI,,Big campfire. 18072,HsDPNZXRnHk,, 18073,0Jt5a_HB5kM,, 18074,iKMmakBOI10,,"""Once in a lifetime"" annular eclipse" 18075,ZziDMCi7DTo,,"Do not wear animal fur! Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica Summilux-R 1.4 50mm (Year: 1983)" 18076,wxobdzVMzpQ,, 18077,YFUpGH_TC4A,,A girl walking through an apple orchard picking apples 18078,-9ERCZ-rgUc,, 18079,5mYye1vfr_A,,"Myrthos Beach, Cefalonia, Greece." 18080,hDHZS6yWfMQ,, 18081,rpTINCgZaks,, 18082,SQq9C9vq468,, 18083,e_bvU46FBRE,, 18084,cMG_mzVuyu8,, 18085,8f9A_jHTX5A,, 18086,5U8OFM9nhnU,,landscape 18087,eXDcavCJUvg,,Moody forest path 18088,2E6BN1a_EoA,, 18089,vE54Syu8leA,,The shadows and colors in this photo were too pretty not to share. Here's a rare aerial shot of the Painted Hills in Central Oregon. 18090,hmtD7tLRnws,, 18091,kWDGJwSlBG0,, 18092,xsR9lfh8Sfs,, 18093,dJCmQY4CyVs,,A blooming magnolia 18094,W7LJckuVv6I,, 18095,519_90ncAds,, 18096,iInLStbPikk,, 18097,H7BmZh_WsdM,, 18098,Etobk5T7C_s,, 18099,SpKT27bNSOQ,, 18100,OTcmSWPyDYc,,Birds view 18101,nAvhy44SbkA,, 18102,pZINddDYbtU,, 18103,MyqmnV-lksU,, 18104,NxCUU0lujD8,, 18105,CPFYZSvAzc8,,NATURAL SPOTLIGHT 18106,-bA6TkrToiY,, 18107,lY9AZ_ktRPM,, 18108,niwXovDsvhU,, 18109,81crGnChDkM,, 18110,JWotIvwwZ30,, 18111,KY9gFrTLHjk,,“Moonbeam” 18112,A0IQ97o2DSI,,One of the most spectacular short hikes in NL. 18113,L0cbdz6_eYU,,Fall Moody Day 18114,FWbHMaOwTjw,, 18115,ilfsT5p_qvA,, 18116,VCAxkOfxtNI,,Mama By My Side 18117,0nS5WzwHgew,,Dark Lake 18118,pVjVSS6Tuxs,, 18119,Vexahm510bk,, 18120,a8lTjWJJgLA,,A Morning in Bali 18121,7pzWbaRKC0A,,He sees things 18122,AGTu2BaSwhw,,waves 18123,PKAW8MQYlU8,,The Red Winter. 18124,b7MZ6iGIoSI,,A whale in the sky( Starling roost at Otmoor UK ) 18125,UPAx98SmkQ4,,"aegean sea, dawn , waves" 18126,0IRZLhUkgys,, 18127,5Oqzc_gFpBg,,The Peak District - valley of mist 18128,iMM8WRNllBw,,Winter alley in Finland 18129,YGkeQn55d28,, 18130,4eAioMhTd6Y,, 18131,b327LpFoliw,, 18132,fKPPW_J06cQ,,For more go on Instagram: 18133,zZeG2LfcJf4,,Whippet in the forest 18134,fVMtx2tmL0Q,,Globe 18135,d9haOcniE3o,, 18136,ad-vR1rSXfA,,Old Man (English Cocker Spaniel) 18137,PfmNfCXcrdw,, 18138,FA2Dohuo00E,,"Beams of light shine through the rain forest at sunset just after a tropical thunderstorm. Near the Curtain Fig, North Queensland, Australia." 18139,Idn8iiEvvE8,,Cali Vibes 18140,XPPORfPHEW0,,Woman holding coffee cup 18141,vLTilC6w68M,,Girl in woods with beanie and scarf standing near tall trees 18142,DkbWmcQIl3A,, 18143,ErrbnElN4xA,, 18144,QW3uomMtP84,, 18145,wra9MptZ_ag,,A black and white beach 18146,MYQT7kTCBwI,,Island in the Bay 18147,Q2MBexaokrQ,,San Francisco rides 18148,IAIj0XJMfJo,, 18149,_hO1uucXq1g,,be WATER 18150,7CQVBNo7uvM,,The amazing Skógafoss 18151,GgvMyHIZx3s,,I liked the pattern of the snow covered trees going up the mountain next to Lightning lake in Manning Park. 18152,gA8iUoWYvTk,,I thought this would make a great background - there is just so much space to work with. 18153,o2AX0b4Yfx4,,Maple Leaf 18154,VbupuzWPYj0,,Last roses in a bitter park in late autumn 18155,krWGFCjV-lA,,Decided to take drive and get lost. Here’s what I got 18156,MxkcVyolp-4,, 18157,2iry6Ig1jiI,,Big Moon small Mountains 18158,OVLa83nRaLQ,,A small slot canyon in southern Utah. 18159,gjilo1nU92M,, 18160,Iw39wobWBuc,,Asitz Bergbahn 18161,bQHSWgJrlXg,, 18162,Me91n1CTU0w,, 18163,sP2gw9nS6Vg,, 18164,0y1whh6QY5Q,,5:15 am 18165,aK1c7A93qQA,, 18166,hoAFrPJlbT0,, 18167,kNZd7qT8ASY,,Da Bao 18168,TNvPmyXfVdE,, 18169,LOvWqTe1_9E,, 18170,IcR5gdNPo44,, 18171,AaqySE0XLSM,, 18172,3RwtU0AlYjs,, 18173,zkHNshPLeYI,,The valley 18174,uvOkxQ6WxcU,, 18175,kKfHliVKq3E,,Palm leaves with light coming through. 18176,29eUkI4lExQ,, 18177,T28FlQEQ23Q,,Exploring in the rockies and soaking in the fall colors last year. Cant wait to see what this fall brings :D 18178,PYqKR3ula2M,,Giant clam 18179,GgHMeYpVW1U,, 18180,tXVdXChOeZI,, 18181,Y1H182HRPEw,, 18182,3klDayorINw,, 18183,PdNt1ZAWhXQ,, 18184,NOx6g7bKsjs,, 18185,nDLYtRqJtMw,, 18186,LxyHEaljTqA,, 18187,GHfqw1dNZwQ,, 18188,pYlZIO4NPr8,,Neon flowers 18189,46MvI0ZHZl4,, 18190,aokIiOCtnXk,, 18191,6SGsL73EbKM,, 18192,5rcnGIYU-00,,Consider the Coconut 18193,nGiyi8N8-wU,, 18194,N1rttocbceg,, 18195,QVDN2cKTAZY,, 18196,Ml1R1pW6-jo,, 18197,JN3TwFKt7nI,, 18198,I1mtPMzoQYs,, 18199,Sqpe_6p9CMA,,"If you'll use my photo, tag me) Add photo to your stories, if you like it Instagram: @adekiii Peace!" 18200,ScRTmHSKA0k,,Cheetah-pose! 18201,KROQ781IiFM,, 18202,IXPydBrIkW0,, 18203,nJW1RzBXZcI,,"Sled dogs in Barrow, Alaska" 18204,7Mf4zsK5T24,,Blossom 18205,qvi_mbZFI1Y,, 18206,QL32juG17VE,, 18207,v6pGNCp8HUA,, 18208,HH2FRI_bdnU,,"Mt. Cook, Hooker Lake with ice and glacier, Filming for YouTube with James Alexander Adams in New Zealand" 18209,R_ncwnmALdE,, 18210,y7XJlD_QUw4,, 18211,D0AyhLJ0PXU,,today's mood 18212,B0RIaPzZffs,,Melted Resin and Sand 18213,9XrYUO8laY4,, 18214,TrBuNaabNgM,, 18215,VfqGlF9KnCo,, 18216,Aaksz4BTSes,,pomeranian puppy on sleds in a winter wonderland 18217,uAHyuK3X8GM,,"Sunset in Seaside, FL." 18218,JZQZvzlf7g0,, 18219,wrkt4eKrXro,, 18220,x9-jDIbOmDQ,, 18221,T87MF1N0hFU,,Some Trees Bend 18222,gjDKWxrKrgk,, 18223,QvBU-pg8Rrg,, 18224,dAqTqQ69niM,, 18225,RlltkIz0nXA,, 18226,g3Auz-nRbjM,,Camel portrait in Oman desert 18227,U5zNLz6TZy0,,"Black and white photo of climate march protest in Melbourne, Australia" 18228,mj-lOqr77zk,,"Birch trees at Spot Pond, 1931 Please visit Digital Commonwealth to view more images:" 18229,i5vBoGdWoj4,, 18230,Xk0rVpmbVWY,,foggy day 18231,b8FQZe5pxk8,, 18232,mQhJZKRWV-Y,,"Driving up Moraine Lake Road 📍51.362058, -116.152892" 18233,Y5A7q2NnfcY,, 18234,ZT7sysaCROs,, 18235,Mp4yCGNtO6s,,For more pictures: contact: 18236,YGacUqSKq0E,,"have a photoshoot in Ranca Upas located in Ciwidey, Indonesia. Found this awesome place with a deer inside it" 18237,wL8Yx2tOmYI,,Rays of sunlight through a misty forest. 18238,5yF2EpSCKAw,, 18239,aPqE-WJIyVk,,Purple hydrangea flowers 18240,lHAFrBxmeTg,, 18241,ZvVhe0fGQvo,, 18242,LGHL8a4Ko8M,, 18243,_fDxl6pcKKQ,, 18244,Uw1vPzQj1Gc,,english channel 18245,3k05GwopngI,,Follow me on Instagram: @pratikgpta 18246,N2Wr1K9ie1E,,fire 18247,sIY6ntwHLUE,, 18248,C8VvjTTvfrw,,the fern 18249,MB6nv2Wuq9c,, 18250,ZlgEpk_BWt0,,A random encounter 18251,H5Xi6B-1BXc,,Foggy valley in the Dolomites 18252,h4tqDY_M5Vs,, 18253,14QXdRbej-0,, 18254,QhPSKlMjA34,, 18255,mjQpWnLzKD0,,Birbirimizi sonsuzluktan beri tanıdığımıza inanıyorum. Büyük patlama olduğunda evrendeki bir araya gelip sıkışmış bütün atomlar tek noktadan dışarıya doğru patladı. Benim atomlarım ve senin atomların kesinlikle birlikteydi. Kim bilir 13.7 milyar yıl içinde kaç defa daha bir araya gelmişlerdir. Benim atomlarım senin atomlarını tanıyor ve hep tanıdı. Atomlarım atomlarını hep sevdi… 18256,JLiWisJ4_7c,,Lone Tree On Hill 18257,Jr-JG84fciY,, 18258,Hc8hUo1rv2I,, 18259,XexawgzYOBc,,Underwater and lights 18260,ISC4U66d8Lw,,A breeze through the desert. 18261,P10_hH4r5SA,,A Bumblebee Unlocks a Flower’s Hidden Treasure 18262,dibXh8NovSc,,Pumori 18263,J-4_fwm9vjg,, 18264,f1Y-IhYCodk,,the dogs are making friends❤️ 18265,uhuu5JtR-vg,, 18266,__to2Tyrsoo,, 18267,IAAh6jchMwk,,"It's Italy, of course." 18268,bqkmKInb_9E,, 18269,uHsQou9tWTQ,, 18270,MrfGdScAQWQ,,Leaves 18271,xRsPg9Z8Ls0,,The mighty Gorges Du Verdon. 18272,GIijSw25I5w,,Beautiful macro texture of an old tree trunk at the Ponds 18273,VpbdsXg_98g,,Follow me on instagram: 18274,wO10BocDAkU,, 18275,mNH2flC1WvA,,Viviana Baptista as Musiana for SOY album release 18276,1rkWwZXMHiI,,Aerial (drone) view of Arctic Icebergs 18277,8tAa3R7fz60,, 18278,a6A66_HtTXI,,Silver Lining 18279,IIS6ZDWTYh8,, 18280,qzpWwOWq_J8,,Egg in a nest - It is nesting time. Please credit @msbirgith or for more product/lifestyle pictures 18281,oT4OxxU7yx4,,Isolating with my best mate 18282,WS_suHJ_DAw,, 18283,6Fjt3zFLf_8,,Moody Forest #5 18284,PJITbx5_ZUU,,trees in the snow 18285,cxYg0oiobVo,, 18286,Nqn8dmSTGRw,,"View of Angel's Landing (in centre), Zion National Park, Utah" 18287,gRPFfk_c0HE,,Crystal 18288,X63vSIjsy-E,, 18289,yA_nMH_XjP0,,Quarantine 18290,JH4v5yOXpwg,, 18291,crCk1KKcbdk,, 18292,mRW6Wsz0iE8,, 18293,br5mEm6Iplw,,"A crate of freshly harvested tulips awaits processing and arranging on the porch of the flower workshop at Pasture Song Farm, Pottstown, PA" 18294,_-0KvyHko3c,,"Emile the Cat. If you find this picture useful, consider donating! Venmo: @diegonacho" 18295,DgIlGe49pVI,, 18296,RR407e88Nkg,,The mounted police force takes many horses to another location on the streets of London. 18297,8ptSlYer2uY,,Dandelion Macro 18298,MUs4qF1lfTA,,Beautiful light 18299,M2P08N9zi2k,, 18300,95GPGCq_cdg,,Moon Jellyfishes 18301,PJzpCkQVnl0,,"Wild cat in Petra, Jordan" 18302,pj3guz0kyUc,, 18303,T2DOn7wCeuI,, 18304,3ZZXPg9-AlI,, 18305,yxWiSBL7eek,, 18306,Ja5vZquGAJ4,,shades of palm leaves 18307,JmH3ZoJgpac,, 18308,x9NM_-GMgRI,,Rocks 18309,Q53adTu8lY8,, 18310,xOwYw2PinXQ,,A Pink Tulip in the Spring Rain 18311,YSEpLNSxkdw,, 18312,sLs-OqfdrUg,, 18313,NoprthDPPco,, 18314,YUfdU4wFVIk,,Close up plant in focus 18315,deO2FfIsM1M,,watchdog 18316,ovdi1CHl_fc,,Hand holding white roses 18317,NVsckQccpbc,, 18318,dHFb5AHYrZg,,"Fishermen on the way home in the sunset. Captured in the Lofoten Islands, North in Norway by Mads Nordsveen." 18319,w8PEH_J3qsM,, 18320,38Sum_PMRtk,,Rain on glass 18321,Hs5VStZsPt4,,winter woods 18322,eJiTp4teE_I,,"Sometimes with photography you just got to get lucky. So lucky that you even discover a shot you took 3 years ago, and didn’t remember it. Late last night I took a trip down memory lane, and began digging into my archive. Back then I only had an GoPro (rip) and a Canon G7x (set in full auto mode). Run and gun with nothing in mind. Back then my backpack was only 2.5kg most of it being water and a change of clothes. Camera was pocket size, no extra lenses, no drone. I kinda miss those days and I also kinda want to redo the hikes to get the same shots with a better camera. Is it worth it though?" 18323,yJlvzOLInxI,, 18324,Z3j8aTcQ0H8,, 18325,WPRPQUsaeHo,,Cooler Daze 18326,kl8HYl3t8Zc,, 18327,WhU1fn_6aIc,, 18328,bkQrnahHF8k,, 18329,SJYCPjSwgAU,, 18330,oKSDOqG1Mzo,, 18331,1Vv_ybYx3lo,,"Lampung has many tourist attractions that are very suitable for sale. However, unfortunately there are still many who do not know the magnitude of the potential of tourism in Lampung. Attractions that are scattered in Lampung from a group of beautiful islands, valleys, mountains, lakes, beaches to culture are all worthy of being “sold”. One tourist attraction that is rising, namely Shark Tooth Attraction." 18332,4Wlvdh9cnKs,, 18333,4mGA_JKhaXQ,, 18334,H8OXMLqeMOM,,Orange tulips at the Tulip Festival. 18335,9xCrMVlaBTw,, 18336,Q3YlZ8bHpHA,,Flowers 18337,Mo4jlwGV2Lo,, 18338,nxi5qoQgc5E,, 18339,5joapmLJjtY,, 18340,hAoeoYD8Wu0,, 18341,AkJE6ZZUSLo,,Spring-summer vibes. 18342,Hgx1jpfYTqc,, 18343,IeTl49KsMqo,,Wild Stag 18344,CFT2PXWmKEg,, 18345,eV_iPlkHwgQ,,Stare! 18346,_QgM68Be7sg,, 18347,mtvC6SM8fwM,, 18348,bRDL3HDmoqU,,My mountain. Please go like this pic on my Instagram : 18349,3QgTPmz-iks,, 18350,naNvHend-ZM,,"This little guy was lurking around a brickyard, near the ranch that I usually visit when I ride my bike around my hometown's outskirts" 18351,TSTumgCYMsI,,First snowdrops in Spring 18352,MUDUs-nKr5g,, 18353,N1pz4i2ZFlw,, 18354,kl22CsySpcw,, 18355,XtIsFomnwgE,, 18356,376N0UZpURk,,Canyon Nights 18357,u21fFskAGZQ,,"Aurora borealis on lake Myvatn, northern Iceland" 18358,lkfy_yOW5qk,, 18359,rXS_Wxt-KL8,, 18360,vupiQMvL73A,, 18361,FuX1NIv8lLk,, 18362,22MxMaTpn2A,, 18363,wmm_ziPairo,, 18364,wRaPah6fRn0,, 18365,wcsDAkyVIh4,, 18366,xaJxtlQySzw,,#weddingring #wedding #address #Hamburg #relationship #engagement #flowers #2019 18367,Wzc2edx7ozI,,My cat ( Dokhmal ) 18368,yxrXBQVwx48,,Lava from the Kilauea volcano hitting the ocean. 18369,Y6Y27O--oDU,, 18370,JfGqveq0C30,, 18371,b7S-gT-FeVk,, 18372,eV71DIUSzNM,,Outubro Rosa 18373,mOO7rgck9tw,,Cloudy 18374,p_uTaHtKKs8,, 18375,OMGRCQeQqSo,,"TheFatRat and Maisy Kay posing on the set of ""The Storm"" music video. Check it out here" 18376,ox_zpNtm6ZA,, 18377,w3VZQMY5Keg,, 18378,UMKUEAGUF3g,, 18379,vHf5iYcdosw,, 18380,RRM4SoLsXjA,, 18381,ee7NSnKigkA,, 18382,pIbD4_UgFj4,, 18383,Ta4pKiFpyvo,, 18384,JYwYaqrU6Us,,Schools of rockhind and creolefish rest along the reef. 18385,tXpEEuQYikg,, 18386,SqU2e1uM390,,@gelindamatmasali @kayrasercan 18387,ro26lnUO2nQ,, 18388,bmgvInf3Ycg,,You never know who's watching you 18389,uTad53fcxss,, 18390,uRVJW8gNhb0,, 18391,c_MKKmc7Swk,, 18392,foP-sK8lmyA,, 18393,EKpLGS1nNQk,,World of Pure 18394,5BOa9-IM4mQ,, 18395,URfjSIvKj2g,, 18396,VPns8NTMv_U,,Green swiss cheese plant on top of a yellow chair 18397,Bcmo7nbuX5Q,,"In the midst of the Canadian Rocky Mountains is a lake that expels methane gas. Over the course of the winter, the surface water freezes over, trapping the methane gas in the ice. On clear days, the ice appears crystalline, leaving the frozen methane bubbles highly visible" 18398,xnsD3DjllME,, 18399,s1Tw6-5UoXI,,night sky 18400,SqCnBFabNKs,,rose bouquet 18401,RHyPFIjcFhM,,A male bison (American Buffalo) trudges through the snow in Yellowstone National Park. 18402,DL6-AbPHoQs,, 18403,Wh_KgvIxa2E,,Woodshed 18404,4CFbtKdHch8,, 18405,FEz2Qm5GC_g,, 18406,uReHOg70ru8,, 18407,ZkDLHQgd9wA,, 18408,16CbnBFveF0,, 18409,9k3PtEo66iQ,, 18410,jBhinL3IVWE,, 18411,twR4Qaa1NcY,,Tiredness 18412,rLDJ5VZRfFs,,Traffic in the swiss alps 18413,JNM4Vtr-1cc,, 18414,botZ5rNkDY8,,"Man Of War Cliff, Durdle Door UK" 18415,SbGtvX9dpWM,,"Old man of Storr, Isle of Skye, Scotland" 18416,wu91fehi0_k,, 18417,9stlV-TZ93U,, 18418,P8fQMbVWqTk,, 18419,RZgumehZWs4,, 18420,ZpFDZu3wKaU,, 18421,vg9_eeLjnzw,, 18422,WAIR5v9Won0,,Around the Almsee 18423,x5nwtkMm8VA,,Maine Coon at a cat show 18424,Xmgi7C_THGU,, 18425,nPQ7y9WGuhw,, 18426,TcFW9K0Hpts,, 18427,sVRb9SqTsSc,, 18428,xJLgw4HgCdk,,BUNNIES! We saw them at a farm stall and they were so cute I sat in the rain and fawned over them because HOW CAN YOU NOT?! 18429,NjSa_0q3Hkg,,Fox 18430,WrdyqfZTMjA,, 18431,7Z-Uayu13ps,, 18432,wvRSyLM1UTg,, 18433,xulIYVIbYIc,,A simple moment as each week-end when i’m home with my wife and my little cat. 18434,QWNy8Yoe9V4,, 18435,-vq7mi4oF0s,,White and purple blossom 18436,YOQDokJipFg,, 18437,RwuH15DfBk4,, 18438,uZMp00CaiPA,, 18439,3qucB7U2l7I,,Lightning Ground Storm 18440,BdNQ4JIkX7M,,On a large rock in the woods 18441,Lh8je-fF1U0,, 18442,ufFIweqSPd4,,Boat’s bow on a lake 18443,qQwxU7NJWTI,,Neon streets 18444,ssRrkpmGOm8,,Road in the dark mountains 18445,Vo7T44Hp2Mo,,BBVA Compass Stadium 18446,etrym-ApBuI,, 18447,04PWwn59RJI,, 18448,QBrag9UhSPg,,"Shot near the beginning of the year, this image reminds me of the power of being relentless. It’s just water, but when it’s as relentless as the pounding surf, it’s a force to reckon with." 18449,i-msNTkZCmk,,"Winter frozen frost wilderness plant. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 100mm (Year: 1993)" 18450,hVaeTpLOyqE,, 18451,gwdZoybyaCk,,Mystical Woods 18452,4LnCTXNJit4,, 18453,3Z_Q1ISqAgw,, 18454,qPdn1Oo03-g,,peeking the road 18455,sJRsxDHPlwA,, 18456,jyBypGGipvw,, 18457,CQObhORArYI,, 18458,rJeuNM5ZFMI,, 18459,CyKjSa4aFUs,, 18460,T9nqzwbOgJU,, 18461,s-2lKeDyidg,, 18462,G4GmGVdzXYw,,One in a million flowers 18463,rkdgPUYFezw,, 18464,PuO9U6fwWFQ,, 18465,Dfb3eqW768M,,An Antarctic fur seal pup after a swim. 18466,VE7VS0C9K1k,,"""Tropical Dreams""" 18467,quQ9EZoLL_I,,palm tree on a sunny summer day 18468,ynyoQVIFpms,,Learning to submit yourself. 18469,vabjrstZw3o,,Hydrangeas flowers in the living room 18470,2JDwm7vNTTg,, 18471,_hbAQnIUpxs,, 18472,2g4irom1wPc,, 18473,4FCjiyUjtuc,, 18474,JJkDsbN3FQ0,, 18475,-EJ7FId7Wfo,,Tawny Owl 18476,kGY0L9bg4NQ,, 18477,ynXkatjHH-U,,The sublime waterfall of Godafoss 18478,XH0kxUE8FG4,, 18479,G5ORQKsyNwU,,Winter power 18480,AY6tn7_vB8g,, 18481,fLj1a73qCB0,, 18482,Hm7BtNRT6eE,,Wilma the Boston Terrior 18483,wke_R0RW1xk,, 18484,lD5egXf0uB4,,Imagine snorkeling around this breathtaking reef on a beautiful Friday afternoon with turtles and colorful schools of fishes. Maldives can give you serious chills sometimes. 18485,wqxCKM0R6R8,, 18486,Vbtelye5clk,,Rocks of Falassarna 18487,LKXw9mBxuSE,,Camp on the Lake 18488,5ob7FJfqsfw,, 18489,4kv4odtKd0U,,You can find textures like these along the whole coastline of Big Sur 18490,zl50uXt9dbs,, 18491,99lR0jrBy00,,Chasing Memories 18492,Rynt3tpq9KE,,"Enjoy the amazing Icelandic landscapes. We are travelling on the road to admire the magnificent view of the waterfalls, as well as many other beautiful places. Join WeRoad to explore the wonders of Iceland. You’ll appreciate the natural beauty of this wonderful land. Stiamo viaggiando on the road per ammirare la magnifica vista delle cascate e di altri posti bellissimi. Partite con noi di WeRoad per conoscere le meraviglie dell’Islanda. Apprezzerete la bellezza della natura di questa terra magica." 18493,f3DHwgNhvxI,,Paint Me | Instagram: @timmossholder 18494,rh_BTXnRhCI,, 18495,EszQhMd_sBo,,Into the wild… 18496,A0OV-UJcPOA,,Northern Lights from Tromso 18497,xo_cmRz9o68,, 18498,EB7jWcogp6g,, 18499,1zeTJ0xQ14Q,, 18500,DBFj1ff1eRA,, 18501,BZUxWzV7Dwg,,"Kotka, bazia, owad, pszczoła miodna, wiosna, pory roku, apiformes" 18502,yrc30NNlfNI,, 18503,fgseaeqlRZc,, 18504,dbX44TTNxJ0,, 18505,TJqZt4c0zv0,, 18506,O_mBXldZ0hc,,- PORTAL - Sunset over the English Channel with my favourite mirror. 18507,xgq1AHZJByQ,,"Temple View in Karanganyar, Central Java Access this link or follow ig: @abyudaily for more portfolio." 18508,dgGWnapezLs,, 18509,RhwUB3oG2jo,, 18510,IpK3kFBNJzQ,,"The nearly full moon rising over Jervis Bay, Australia, in blue hour as the last pink leaves the sky. The famous white sand beaches and crystal clear water catch the light beautifully as it fades. In this image I have increased saturation, contrast and the the moon to better capture the feeling of being there." 18511,u2ast8gVEzw,, 18512,BVgooCwlJOM,,another dimension 18513,BvP7X9JbLJk,, 18514,vvQulXPTah0,,wood 18515,NpWVCSPuS5E,, 18516,dTHmBUXAW8c,, 18517,XRcJPE9nSuk,,"Pont del Petroli, sunrise on the beach in Badalona (Barcelona)" 18518,3Wscl8h3VUg,, 18519,-vcE6c-UP9E,, 18520,TRT4MkqveE4,,Philodendron Imbe 18521,vSAz5cLGEUI,, 18522,Uno1OEEHgtM,, 18523,NF4EmS4WQsY,, 18524,f7DRB6DKdDg,,colourful minimalist architecture. 18525,NKHrW_539Vs,,large beauty in something so small 18526,2HlDzDQu3FY,, 18527,uvc7kk_t9tk,, 18528,auoYdAlSyvU,,"Fresh morning with bokeh. Spring awakening – pink flowers blossom bloom. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica Elmarit-R 2.8 135mm (Year: 1987)" 18529,4bxVI73bvEY,, 18530,XSAT9BFgXhg,, 18531,NpF9JLGYfeQ,,starry night More at Follow us on Instagram too @shotbycerqueira and @incrediblerafa 18532,rJT6OKXtwS0,,Marc-Olivier Jodoin © 18533,MJoZFK9ZV9g,, 18534,UUdT7XIkwM4,, 18535,EhSNha7EV9Y,, 18536,caWrBU0HJIY,, 18537,15mkCCDr9iY,,Head in the clouds 18538,CQfBQ3mzqu0,, 18539,UYq33qEH2Y4,,Global climate strike in London. Instagram: @korie.jpg + Twitter: @korie 18540,npRKU_sAVPw,, 18541,R1-mIR1OVS4,, 18542,LHlqWPpnDzM,,Gray angelfish (Pomacanthus arcuatus) 18543,D7JeGs2-SCE,,Purple Explosion 18544,ipwy6cluW2o,, 18545,f4xAAoNz9jY,, 18546,rSOrj871OwU,, 18547,lZbWtzIBOD8,, 18548,qWHGkBh08DQ,, 18549,5VL7EyA4ftI,, 18550,WgTVl26Vin4,, 18551,AqfGVY5oYAk,,Spring pinks 18552,Me0U4RFBsy4,, 18553,LClFSnQkeYI,, 18554,RR76ToIL7Sk,,Spring awakening – yellow flowers blossom bloom 18555,gHbLfGh9rco,,bouquet of wild Australian native flowers 18556,6PME_wmF_Qg,,"An adorable bunny hiding from the hot sun in Lokrum Island, Croatia" 18557,I8IN689YEEQ,, 18558,o33FMDaXJS8,,Bea Eater 18559,J-ef7AuzlxY,, 18560,folBCMqa6Yw,,House at a lake 18561,OO9wbCazrAU,,Blooming cherry blossom 18562,IJu6Hf3yD9k,, 18563,zRe_7Yu5JP4,,View on the Grandes-Jorasses from Dôme de Rochefort summit 4015m during the long 'Rochefort-Jorasses' traverse. 18564,AX8z0xXzrUo,, 18565,-Wl3-eKXA_U,, 18566,kBgpTsNMibg,,"Wood, ready for burning in the oven! With a warm edit. You can see oaks, birches and beeches." 18567,3EOHD5LNJlw,,Aquarium aesthetics 18568,vKQgcBsmFLQ,,Moraine Lake through the trees 18569,oFdd0VEPQX4,,"A sky full of stars over the Stockhorn. You can see the lights of the citys beneath. The shot was taken on the Cheibehorn, after an one hour midnight walk." 18570,1z3P4ZI1A6o,, 18571,3F6Jo667E4w,, 18572,vIJk_j5kFa4,, 18573,1z0Ufd3N8ag,, 18574,ovryxelIgh4,,Palm Trees in the California Sunset 18575,-9XaVmKS82w,, 18576,P1Zk59p98pY,,Friend watches a surfer during sunset in a San Diego 18577,wUo-wgIHTac,,This little leaf hung out on on the side my car window for the duration of my drive home. 18578,1c5OKDdrqyA,, 18579,tgQbE_W7Gfs,,Distractions Removed 18580,2VvgEtf0AYE,, 18581,jdxgmqjt1lU,, 18582,ei6c_xYLZvE,, 18583,oGCzizBIhfY,, 18584,3b-jbPvMvYM,,Begonia beleaf 18585,Vl26HXL7_ZM,, 18586,mle1P_kq9mw,,Blue Jellyfish 18587,QHOTSLMtbQM,,Paz #bereal #beach 18588,_4qrZNRrtFg,, 18589,XYb4rJAHht4,, 18590,zIzDTxh0hW4,,It goes on for miles 18591,2P6024u4I-I,, 18592,Ddl98e8QSgk,, 18593,OlZ1nWLEEgM,,Sandy shoreline by the cliffs 18594,ipkBKVWSoBY,, 18595,f1LdoLwJuKY,,Moon above snowy peaks 18596,2tyPFs93nbM,,Clouds over the valley 18597,qXmNVWWrZBE,,Echo 18598,H-AbE1N_XTE,,Waterfall among ivy 18599,CNMZqMmSjbc,,The end is always good 18600,H7LEJZnrhSU,,A pop of colour and a few simple notes 18601,uK3pOfX8neE,, 18602,dNTP0BZPlQk,, 18603,gtyTSlMdWYw,, 18604,UGiMtrzi3dU,, 18605,lFHPiO7OFWE,, 18606,9zhsq3o1k60,, 18607,3m65uEfyXAA,,Photo taken in Cemetry west of Sydney. 18608,83dyRnUPKJU,, 18609,9wrhvPmOHDU,, 18610,PaaxzaFSM6M,, 18611,G6rK1n9WJ78,,*Yawn* 18612,l6blEUPjrbo,, 18613,9rWzFdclR7s,, 18614,krY-4Yjqo8c,, 18615,j2CNMJvdHR8,,Modraszek ikar na kwiatku 18616,dLVV1FyJLdk,, 18617,HmmsZ9U0OHw,, 18618,_cvLDl5e7hE,, 18619,Jsxyfjo2up4,, 18620,C9IeQMrDm24,, 18621,48SnjzmkxDI,,Springer Spaniel in Autumn Leaves | Pets + Lifestyle 18622,MduvNGZQqd0,, 18623,iADILCcRpV8,,Alaska Golden Hour. 18624,-wqCp_SZ7ls,, 18625,qv2Izxc0O4M,, 18626,aO4q7dvo1QY,, 18627,YiEsYbi23RI,, 18628,mq2h1HKzlSY,, 18629,15LP2BLRkRY,, 18630,L0xctuxPIjM,, 18631,r6qs4FrFsj0,, 18632,wieBf5XL5rw,, 18633,1TY3MGq-hOQ,,Wooden wall background. 18634,q3sEEze3X_w,,#city #street 18635,54mo4HhH2Ks,,"forest, autum, leaves, trees, colorful, haze, mist, morning sun, wallpaper, background" 18636,MXwmfyhegQo,,Blue and Gold Macaw from 'George's Birds of Monterey Peninsula'. 18637,bMhTQ4jdJtg,,Layers of first light over Mt. Adams. Oregon. 18638,qg8ihPPQkKo,,sheep in New Zealand 18639,nFhTdNjtKLM,, 18640,RFFavseESI4,, 18641,rxs6ymCnbMo,, 18642,NL1qbIwwASM,, 18643,lGCfApDzhYw,,"If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 18644,lZf_M0VAJT8,, 18645,U8yyVqE1Xvs,, 18646,MIkapMPZn-U,, 18647,fNXSqpC5T9s,,Genoa bridge with arch 18648,fKj7AtX9sYY,, 18649,cAuGFpM2BUA,,A Veiled chameleon - i like this photo because both the eye and the nails are in focus. 18650,iUIhXwLkiGo,, 18651,zc0LLV5gHu8,, 18652,Kx18sLU6c7E,, 18653,VSG7v_wpT_k,, 18654,n4tWGvk_gWY,, 18655,JFa4ajE_GZY,, 18656,RVgzZCsg8dA,, 18657,sfVwa_-hwlM,, 18658,NNlP520Ponc,, 18659,UGIy3XjHI3s,,Day break in Bromo. 18660,9mfWhVGQfww,, 18661,ICIThkPyT4Y,, 18662,ZCVuRhDQia0,,Woodgrain textures in a eucalyptus tree 18663,-zmXKGuX_Xk,, 18664,X65NbvkMX1Q,, 18665,SrwdJyivv8Y,, 18666,xVhh-RqdLDc,, 18667,sAyFhgwsiGg,,Oak tree at the Pismo Preserve 18668,ssgtPZyImCE,,rose bouquet 18669,WQnAHf_2mfg,, 18670,vwkUx1DhLDY,, can you please support me comment and like on the link and jam out .. thank you 18671,VOHt4OUorNY,,When it all makes sense. 18672,l_8QdpDzZ_k,, 18673,ZbeY8JyVyMY,, 18674,EA0ppY9SZkA,, 18675,pm2nMjR3DAc,,Winter meets autumn 18676,OSbw1oA6Mjo,, 18677,zmsy3_fB4h8,, 18678,5rokU4g5ZAU,, 18679,dwqmvy_HLcU,,Line of evergreen trees along a frozen lake 18680,oiBYHxCZYIk,, 18681,SOzQNzog0k8,, 18682,oaLeYejitsU,,Swiss flag blowing in the Swiss Alps. 18683,wVRM33r6Cmc,, 18684,LlbMdkGO1uA,,Countryside frost 18685,ThZHcPZHb3I,, 18686,9i6X7uQBjCA,, 18687,EUVN4bihZug,,Screech Owl 18688,HEQ90opRj04,,The trunk of a palm tree 18689,DXcIb5pmMEg,,"a cold morning at the ""lago di carezza"" in italy" 18690,ESdLRcxl3zI,, 18691,gMqBIvJfP0E,,Icelandic landscapes #5 18692,zDail1-LIEo,, 18693,OAvt5bJUWSI,, 18694,E_JDMtW_l0Y,,Instagram: @sjmcreative 18695,aJnl9y5DbuA,, 18696,RdELgb1bNz8,, 18697,LTtgPUZ-cTo,,Icicles and Cast Iron 18698,yF5N4as-Mn0,, 18699,fsPZ_Q0_fcg,, 18700,H4RwYTl90MU,, 18701,dtfyRuKG7UY,, 18702,aGWsrEgx6dI,,patrick hendry 18703,PQnfmSn82cE,, 18704,6y-NtYsAmSY,, 18705,X0tRXnFNHEI,, 18706,4GjwnOntgGQ,, 18707,FsCh8MFy8Xs,, 18708,DuuJjq4rORc,, 18709,g1xQBdM2WgY,,"Resembling splotches of yellow and green paint, salt-encrusted seasonal lakes dot the floor of Western Australia's Shoemaker impact structure. The structure was formed about 1.7 billion years ago and is currently the oldest known impact site in Australia." 18710,mgOXIPnyIxg,, 18711,Tg87ItpUNa4,,"Close up photo of the leaf bases of a Hawaiian Ti plant, Cordyline fruticosa." 18712,QaiVwcVfkx8,,ferns 18713,ATakWI1mFd4,, 18714,jh2-k_8i1zw,,"This was moments before a snow storm was about to unleash its thick blanket of snow. Luckily in our area, the snow doesn't stay around for too long." 18715,hWYmLY1Ohrk,, 18716,fDYG2KHbMsA,,Florest 18717,Qf9llMfx9ik,, 18718,kqJhR_nRO_o,,Sunset is for surfing 18719,00lywQVV1S8,,Rainy night of soul 18720,E1dZqi_kybI,, 18721,yMBdkZA10Q8,, 18722,_7tXk6nJgvA,, 18723,zRy_Z5YGnO4,, 18724,LvVsItf-fMs,,Pumpkins multicolored squash 18725,RiD-wabAD3E,, 18726,ns_eFagz4iE,,Black hole sun 18727,ie00ZRcHvNo,, 18728,X9wqG01IIVU,, 18729,-6JK87e42iQ,, 18730,RxaOzKvFhsA,, 18731,GTPT_fNFQiE,, 18732,uJ1gyLyLJUw,, 18733,a5uptAdUmjE,, 18734,L-upprjgvww,, 18735,lCOGsX6OGus,, 18736,6bffWawCFcw,,This photo was taken while exploring the ice caves in Iceland under Katla volcano. 18737,z4RdaWn7tqk,, 18738,KGMyM5DXEL4,, 18739,wEedibptB34,, 18740,wbmoNOTtB1Y,, 18741,xQeQP7jZJI0,, 18742,W2KxOhKyVlk,, 18743,RdHofP9xhmc,, 18744,tFFFa2E0Tpk,, 18745,NO36Q_xHbrI,, 18746,V9rsiNN5flQ,,The Reckoning 18747,0ETSZYPjvDo,,Lightning 18748,WQChxc_ZPE4,, 18749,zXQbf1pyZpo,, 18750,zZiEizy6j68,, 18751,NwNRrs_fhl0,, 18752,Z_1xzfLjfrk,, 18753,ma21TsTIOps,, 18754,P9y0dGwnitw,,Skogafoss waterfall in Iceland 18755,iUfzLG0raRw,,Tree trunk detail 18756,9qY7iog2CU4,, 18757,1_-OO7V94nc,,Cockapooser 18758,Axr51vT74y4,,Birds from Brazil 18759,QyNM4jOFiqg,, 18760,80Zvfib02-s,,"""Lovestory on Sandy Lake"" by @lesnik_tsu, @gangstasia,, @stebunovroman, @roman.purtow and @sibereco. Follow us on Instagram or visit our site:" 18761,1JNASpmrnnU,, 18762,EroYdeZY71I,,Bubble soap 18763,OAD6k3mQpLM,, 18764,IQIzY5zp_jk,,Hazy Snowmobile 18765,AOKuZIJhpPw,,Orange Leaf In Winter 18766,OtHj_2w5_ao,,A lone farm on the dunes of Rhosilli bay 18767,i6QTMMD3ypQ,, 18768,riFTrh0K4pg,,Deep purple flowers laid on an old book. 18769,7nj6-nK6irc,,"Taking a winter hiking in the forests of Gosau, Austria. The snowy mountains in the background and the wooden rescue house on the right gives the photo a unique vibe." 18770,utwwW9xN19s,, 18771,Q-_E_O34xTs,, 18772,OzGDtecLDP4,,At a florist shop on the street 18773,-6HgkmXTWhs,, 18774,P3qllUbhOII,,One Tree Reef. Cespitularia sp soft coral. 18775,rpVW_PvEHm4,, 18776,9V6EkAoTWJM,,"A swan on a calm misty lake in the mountains of Snowdonia, North Wales." 18777,5t9XdAfLQYc,,Keeping busy during while social distancing 18778,beil1d4b-88,,Pandemic 18779,OoekoNWmDV0,, 18780,4aLyyfL0pIg,,Sapa rice fields 18781,vqcXGiIli4s,,cotton sea 18782,KD94eYYEQK0,,Rio de Janeiro 18783,cTXNMCJE9m4,, 18784,yfTu3T4JYpE,,Love between dogs and cats 18785,J6wTH1imoTc,, 18786,G0GyVaBP73E,, 18787,Wr9va-ELHvQ,, 18788,OQkKDWnOYeE,, 18789,DoebqICAlMc,,A little dreamer 18790,IWVxdOQZYyU,, 18791,XUcdVNoz1MU,, 18792,qJh5xKlzEks,, 18793,M36_Oov6_dE,,🌌 Winter night skies always provide the cleanest and crispiest atmosphere for long exposures. Having fun is underrated. 18794,yarUxs__Kts,,Fogalbrandt 18795,ek1RkcIOCKE,, 18796,UOQsnm89ykA,,Council of Federated Territories 18797,M8A15uOVaAs,, 18798,MUv_7l-GRKU,, 18799,tqDE3Jq0jG4,, 18800,gPgBDDvMGww,,"This photo was taken by Instagram user @Jacobhestonvibes, who is part of Trend's curated creator network. For more photos like this, or to work with creators like this, check out" 18801,joXbc-Wicjk,, 18802,KEo3aeVU4k0,,Beauty of the waves 18803,Qd2MA9Z1GgA,,Clinic building 18804,DL9jMFjDUbA,, 18805,_GZBJppR7Hk,,A close up shot of a bunch of various flowers in a daylight. 18806,m389ZhNfsCs,,"Student in graduation gown on the beach. Santa Barbara, CA" 18807,OwAnazZ9ZoY,, 18808,0qmIJOcCtbs,, 18809,bJWcntcbsBc,, 18810,kf3OjuBafhA,,Sand Waves 18811,lPqq7oriWnw,, 18812,8M3ekCRYwoA,, 18813,rlrV5RNpqDI,, 18814,GtxZbYMCiPY,,I love my city. 18815,8SdM5VnbZ4E,,A fun beach scene. 18816,fseZLi7cnqw,, 18817,UlYqRVl_S7I,, 18818,u4Yu4P9wieM,,Early blossom of the spring. 18819,rJO-w32iWb0,,Marble paper texture 18820,ymsqmwrzBdM,, 18821,58oIK3sQD8k,, 18822,Xr4TYgSEXqQ,,instagram: @_juanmay 18823,DTmQAJ050TE,, 18824,xNhGckHSBM4,, 18825,IakO_OjT9LI,,Monkey at Gibraltar 18826,r-buQAGL6H8,,Monstera 18827,xwFYJ_uUJtk,, 18828,rQoXKfw5BFY,,Purple flowers in morning light 18829,S34ddBG7GJI,, 18830,ii0R3gm-H8s,, 18831,Xlw19fcDaFQ,, 18832,6TroFNr-PHY,, 18833,33ClzoZe_xM,,Blue vs Red 18834,CL2njJe23H0,, 18835,l0PVhG5Af5E,, 18836,GwHrNklG7fw,, 18837,QaktyoNJdG8,, 18838,fxaHWsV5qvU,, 18839,uCPQi2dxKAQ,, 18840,M7MxZ8z_mGk,, 18841,IYuaxnKSfeI,, 18842,zP0kPMSuAI4,, 18843,zItlZU24RwU,, 18844,wt6F2WJ9XqQ,, 18845,wVRluei0SvM,, 18846,bAhjLfpuj6g,, 18847,ny_5dKi3pKs,, 18848,rXNWenGhDm0,,Forest strip 18849,gGX1fJkmw3k,, 18850,0W_UkUJY2hA,,"Lovely half snow mountain range on the outskirts of Germany, close to Austria" 18851,fie9yRF5JCE,, 18852,aHPMqdOQfnY,, 18853,TVadtexbOCE,, 18854,SaDFQcIiqag,, 18855,8joHt2OJTKA,, 18856,-giH7PR9fqk,, 18857,lLExhYl-cXQ,,M33 - Triangulum Galaxy Second time around with a slew of improved gear. 18858,gKrKmsnRUp0,, 18859,pU0a4vYJwco,, 18860,1HuqUAwI_eY,, 18861,CLr3GuO7OVU,,Mountains and valley 18862,0Lny4YLxIFA,,"Athyrium niponicum, Botanical Garden of the University of Basel" 18863,5Dga0T0x6GY,,Blue ocean wave 18864,zHTOo_oi-E4,,Colorful Kite Clouds Oxwich 18865,P8eAhRkJ2hA,,Dark green bamboo canopy 18866,QQRC1nHJSJY,,Woman in hat looking at ocean 18867,EIWU2cRGQwg,, 18868,cuddQwqncLc,, 18869,RNLrB9MU--I,, 18870,xa3G7rmaDy4,, 18871,jExzc66n-xc,, 18872,PawO9Ejhzpg,, 18873,7OWVghYY2xM,, 18874,3qpcT-kWppk,,Mountain view in South Tyrol 18875,ybJe9I_FDvg,, 18876,TmQh2F7qULU,,I have never seen a sunset like this before. The day's storms ended just in time for the clouds to break and unleash quite the show. What a great way to spend a Sunday evening! 18877,o47Lif2bfqI,,Metrô Brasília 18878,F7UKfCkvjY4,, 18879,J3BmpH6ZrtA,, 18880,CwjX0miEPGc,,Saw this opening in the trees while hiking. Looked good as a metaphor photo. 18881,u1qU1sVkF6w,, 18882,7myf2SlxmCg,,Cat ready to attack... 18883,ob1UAV5Cjq8,, 18884,hgK2atekdhY,,Skyfalls. 18885,q1y8JTvn2kI,, 18886,_NTpUP05fqo,, 18887,1Hnp70OlgkQ,,"A back lit leaf of a Bangkok Rose Mussaenda variety, photographed with a 90 mm Tamron macro lens, plus a Kenko no 3 close up lens." 18888,klGqY1GwaUI,, 18889,T9NXKwUEfy4,,"San Juan, Argentina, nestles in a fertile valley flanked by arid mountains. Croplands and vineyards (green) abut the metropolitan area on the San Juan River. The white ""teardrop"" (lower left) is an ancient lakebed called Barreal Blanco. It is one of the best places in the world for carrovelismo, or landsailing, thanks to the steady winds that sweep across this flat, unobstructed expanse of hard-packed sediment." 18890,jcbzD6zEBY0,, 18891,FtGj_Knk_7M,,The No.1 sunset in the World 18892,wAjloX8wlgI,, 18893,ks6xLdNAW0U,,Valley 18894,tvmx-R_ql0Q,,People Hiking 18895,PLrscRq3atA,, 18896,1s_x77v6xQo,,Slessor Glacier in Antarctica flows between the angular promontory Parry Point on the top left of the image and the Shackleton Range on the lower right. The purple highlights are exposed ice. Strong winds blow away the snow cover and expose lines that indicate the glacier flow direction. Rock outcrops next to the glacier also exhibit some of this bare ice. 18897,yzitQv-LPsk,, 18898,jRrPO5PXI6M,,@cleytonewerton 18899,VZGhgKMi60s,, 18900,IBxiZlnbH6o,, 18901,B5DvTpT59F4,,Kiss overlooking the sunset 18902,12rzbJhQ89E,,Calm before the storm 18903,UsWjYe1FdlU,, 18904,LHKLlcifxk4,,Ice blue waves 18905,w_Z94g8ht8s,,Azure lake in the tall mountains 18906,y5I8iFuvwPM,, 18907,WZ95Xj4riik,,Stream by a cliff 18908,Bxzrd0p6yOM,,Old ways in new days 18909,ajAj3-55G2A,, 18910,j-cB6FHstww,,The Voyage 18911,pfn6HE-_dZI,,Headland 2 18912,_L0CJd4gr_4,, 18913,ichB3SM6v7Y,,Oltre 18914,yCbBXtUtsZ8,, 18915,UsYOap7yIMg,, 18916,3qsrd-4-_pU,, 18917,VRr0tu1agdk,, 18918,k2yybO-LOQ8,, 18919,U4ZzNidniNE,,Long exposure shot of a winding road. 18920,tAAjP_sG_RA,, 18921,n5gMPTJxEPw,, 18922,GyFn1kddkXw,, 18923,H2huPNEUsxU,,Please follow me on instagram @chrishenry 18924,RPxMkJsqaUY,,"The Mediterranean Sea appears between the narrow streets of Riomaggiore, Italy. Once a fishing village, this town is now a tourist destination that is only accessible via small paths and steps between houses." 18925,edRSZZn6Ico,,"hey guys if you want me to edit your photos for really cheap find me on fiverr, link in bio" 18926,V4CNULPMesg,, 18927,gnbnMeqEqv0,, 18928,pkXn6ISALjg,, 18929,6vTSd63wDDM,,Sheep in the green world. 18930,kt3ibLHpMoU,, 18931,GGrB_0GT0OE,, 18932,-dMO9Dm-gkU,,beautiful dog with a food bowl on white background 18933,jiLIdo3tulg,, 18934,Y7zMO6EYL3c,, 18935,6qVSo7jePus,, 18936,lMMYOjFn3aQ,,Artificial island at dusk 18937,m8KpeYUChIA,,Clovers under morning dew 18938,OAZ7JXKP_WI,, 18939,Lx_tN6r_haA,,Hummingbird and fragrant lavender 18940,4AP6qFE2DB4,, 18941,r8p2RnvQfCg,, 18942,2a1fvSaGhgs,,Female Anna’s hummingbird 18943,mDihMg9xSXI,,An Ocean Answered 18944,7fG_Ss0ODjQ,,Up In The Canyon 18945,nIrJ1KGIoOI,, 18946,z620xyO5-mk,, 18947,VNVYpIZn9xQ,,Rainy Drive 18948,zBD8LWh3OuI,, 18949,FiRnGnnmzaA,, 18950,wjdRLcZQY2w,, 18951,A0iTJUhK4es,, 18952,QyVFSuLDVL8,, 18953,N4_O3dYOP-8,,Christmas season has started and I am the happiest human ever! I’ve been waiting the whole year for this! 18954,favQn8WgRyk,,This image was taken near a lake in South East Texas in an area that is off limits for hunting. The deer around here are scared of just about anything that moves. This young deer (fawn) let me get pretty close before darting off with his crew into the woods. 18955,rl8UAvMCKgc,, 18956,8bySAsOHk6M,, 18957,oMb9eGCF4C8,, 18958,zK1FYjkS4pw,, 18959,vFsR6xtzpfw,, 18960,d5ZcQU6bgUA,,follow dolly (the brown boy) on instagram: @sendpoodz 18961,ES6qzx4jEJE,, 18962,pNRLVLA1gNU,,Electric Blue 18963,0p6YX-UWfrs,, 18964,0DFk--9cWO4,, 18965,bqoNPyDMQLs,, 18966,onddQkqG6TA,, 18967,J-JwqGX8N80,,fog 18968,P6tM0Epm68s,, 18969,izlXGxtXHwU,, 18970,gCtkPoUL3EE,, 18971,_Jke7VT5XBQ,, 18972,_xTw8QWu0MA,, 18973,wf_T3ZuuB4U,, 18974,Lkr2jWsmapA,, 18975,CbkqfOupzcI,, 18976,-S9e6UY40oI,, 18977,ImmSGhNzG44,,Sleeping cat 18978,33cf4x0dR3w,, 18979,hGGr64QBOyQ,, 18980,v6EOG98Zp6s,, 18981,dtoEr1utUas,, 18982,rQaRcEdLc9c,,See the Rainbow! 18983,NKzPUmVEV1o,,"Owl, watching in the dark" 18984,K0g5Fabw8iA,,Golden explosion 18985,0EfhvSvOhFI,,More of my work on instagram: @morariu.emilia Press and make the blue button white! 18986,2hdkQxyEvPc,,Climate Change Protest In Melbourne 18987,gX9R4Ihx8GA,, 18988,LksJFJrt5AE,, 18989,5fsZ4ocgnpU,, 18990,JngmAoMyCNg,, 18991,iy0BFujR0pM,, 18992,QB-1iTMnRUg,, 18993,0qlJUqj9_vY,, 18994,_9rJv47SMXQ,,Trought Time 18995,Fu5BeUZ0eMc,, 18996,I5HS4mpdH8E,, 18997,Qe-fl21ldOo,, 18998,yvZB8EXlj3g,, 18999,ghkvlAcf2OE,, 19000,BGXnAx-E2Gw,,The Range 19001,-DXFHUaGyOM,, 19002,bOveca3DQsw,, 19003,lSwleWcgPg4,, 19004,Zzz2AkwQiDY,, 19005,2U890s9L77g,, 19006,7obrkv3CRyw,, 19007,xjq0hnTlTHg,,"Northern Lights, Arctic Sweden" 19008,YvRTYzkT6Hs,,The Milky Way from Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park. 19009,hKNuPLIJP08,,Spring flowers 19010,sHb5UyXumWA,,"Life is a dream, and autumn is a dream within another dream..." 19011,ZZw-8XuYs0s,,"Onset of winter ski-lift skiing snowobard ski-tour region Radstädter Tauern, Austria." 19012,kj4DShAhoF4,,Madagascar Day Gecko Phelsuma madagascariensis. The abstract pattern in the background is a banana leaf. 19013,OInEBQ_vqgY,, 19014,DWyN_uAIvvY,, 19015,5njMj48UxLQ,,"Siempre quise hacer hacer una fotos de estos star en un lugar donde el frio es insoportable. pues fue todo un reto estar parado, sentado a 3000 m.t.s.m. Con un frio inmenso buscando los ajustes para llegar sacar esas fotos estrelladas" 19016,HNz7yhdc12A,, 19017,yT0et6omdm4,,Red leaves on bench 19018,W-3diBloKvs,,Vintage film photo of a beach 19019,61csO0zX-gE,, 19020,RW7nLtLRHro,, 19021,8Rm-_yO1pD0,, 19022,sBn1aUoyOxw,, 19023,8HXU2VJC43E,, 19024,VFNT1wYeSWA,, 19025,C_sPrD_GrQ0,, 19026,N5-Sm8os5Cs,, 19027,tbbsGZxhWuI,, 19028,OQv8x2nbhY4,, 19029,yjCD8LjOfmc,, 19030,_rZrkLPKPcU,, 19031,RCWdP4sQVuQ,,Building on a snowy mountain 19032,Nte-4RiRfwU,,Bend in a lakeside road 19033,BvIWeRXnnVY,, 19034,uq9uAq3cS2Y,,Waving grass under mountains 19035,cJ0Vwoq7FHI,, 19036,KTIVMMOXNu8,,Man Tree Stars Cromarty 19037,X-EbHuHgUzw,, 19038,s-gxeJIViZs,,red beauty 19039,c9MFM8rSMsQ,,It’s often hard to see the beauty that’s right under your feet — or car. Flew a drone to capture this gorgeous river that almost looks like a painting. 19040,d7-7G139iJQ,, 19041,qIHIGRxB_tw,, 19042,ohKp_9Lhq1E,, 19043,R9BMjNPYSZU,, 19044,82Xsw-pGsJI,,World in our hands 19045,E7PlRr9ZfoM,,One of the last winter days with crystal clear sky to see the alps behind the Blackwood forest. 19046,dBkArT7zY78,, 19047,ToP7JBTcsfY,,Animal in human care. Photo from photoworkshop 19048,sGh09ac5KOQ,, 19049,xdxK5PwIl9Y,, 19050,2lXW8pjnuFs,, 19051,tb3HC-p8FV4,, 19052,Fcc-1zBOgPk,,"The Sivuch, or eared seal, is very impressive in size, which is why Steller, a biologist, when describing an animal, gave it the name ""sea lion"". Similarity to the king of the savannah is attached to the sea lion by the guard hairs, growing on the back of the neck and shoulders like the mane, and a powerful roar in the bass." 19053,ohQwEwmVvug,, 19054,pzqtRR_JSz0,,Iconic Transamerica Pyramid building in San Francisco downtown. 19055,FEeHROhwCjI,, 19056,K0lqFCPscoE,, 19057,X06csm7BsUU,, 19058,iYDWJS5-QQ4,, 19059,ZR10OvaMCF4,, 19060,aJE6CJZfPxk,, 19061,NlBbJnhz6og,, 19062,MXoJq2OIvUA,, 19063,XPaPnTScm-Y,, 19064,ENiRUJoQHFU,, 19065,KDDUPAySVN4,, 19066,ahgcvL7r0NY,, 19067,NCMp8hK_FGw,, 19068,qsHnTlm_p5g,, 19069,YLE3gqdokZg,, 19070,G6ntxf-QoSI,, 19071,v6063AyCAt8,, 19072,XxcJfL6xiVc,, 19073,njXct2R4jzM,, 19074,_hVSg97JM14,,Anatomy of a dying stormcell. A stormcell disolves over the San Francisco Peaks 19075,MPAA7c57d90,,The smoke from the wildfires in BC created a stunning scene and unique lighting in Wells Gray Provincial Park. 19076,e66iCNlA3zw,, 19077,UpTGII6ovDM,, 19078,6ELMRvIuJ1g,, 19079,LmqySFs3TQQ,,Last rays of the sun caress the summit of Putia! 19080,0ulvCH8PI1E,,One of the most memorable moments I’ve ever had the privilege of capturing. An absolutely surreal moment at Taft Point. 19081,fJbUyfW1Clo,,So Little Time 19082,vYt359Xz8c4,, 19083,BXVN6udSuBs,, 19084,N46IkbWUvMU,,"Arctic Iceberg, reflected" 19085,cApNugbwhIs,, 19086,M6a5BrXz1gU,, 19087,SiGLS87Lk_s,, 19088,bKoH-R2BS1o,,Cath the rays 19089,WdcPxQEee3I,,"After record snowfall in Greensboro, NC (12/18), I wandered downtown capturing a desolate and over-exposed city." 19090,HE8FItkJqCs,, 19091,AWSBS_zfzA4,, 19092,gaVgte_FnLk,, 19093,xYyzfJ-QP0E,, 19094,WDpLMOHsrCE,, 19095,GhX9SH0bNcc,, 19096,rDhkof2va6s,, 19097,6qIXonfBg1E,, 19098,roLUreo8dFk,,Texture of sand in Vietnam 19099,GXB27Re-jys,, 19100,vqNpQ_F4aKY,, 19101,EPz5uSdMDUQ,,"White hoodoos near Wahweap, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument." 19102,594qUM8szwk,, 19103,PnyxI3a08S8,, 19104,cthDc0hUM0o,,Fog cloaks Cape Perpetua in the Siuslaw National Forest. 19105,FdSD_9r8Uy8,, 19106,IOvOeZRGanM,, 19107,As4BeyfqUHw,, 19108,26g_whY68wM,,"La Jolla, CA" 19109,HW3X1h3hSzw,, 19110,3Q4aAVspb2w,, 19111,HI5rD5zbU2o,, 19112,kyPz2p1inn4,,"During the last ice age, Akimiski Island in Canada's James Bay lay beneath vast glaciers that pressed down with immense force. As the climate changed and the ice retreated, Akimiski began a gradual rebound. The island's slow but steady increase in elevation is recorded along its naturally terraced edges where the coastline seems etched with bathtub rings, the result of the rising landmass and wave action at previous sea levels." 19113,nP2vXqGnl6A,, 19114,91RsPnaX6qk,, 19115,MCM_88U2DIs,, 19116,wmQH1N9tHFU,, 19117,4SoGUDuYnmI,, 19118,LlDtRsnDU5A,,cat yawning 19119,a8JjedVKfSY,,Glacier 19120,o-gdyf0Ggds,,Underwater particles 19121,shlVdvnZIH0,,"Valentines, Laula the dog with a rose." 19122,LkIb5Fnevis,,A good look at Monument Valley (IG: @clay.banks) 19123,4gjN6dZn_LI,,long exposure car on road 19124,DpVcFpQr1dA,,Waves crashing down on me. 19125,bqyrVuu7X_o,, 19126,T5lflxzlfNI,,"The bridge of love Tidung island, Indonesia Connecting two islands - Tidung besar & Tidung kecil." 19127,y75pfA2g3Lc,, 19128,ceITO2rlDgc,, 19129,qLubbNwBS1g,, 19130,oqX-khl5rjc,, 19131,sszeLk8RjaU,,Smoking the GRAV Rocker Steamroller. 19132,sfrvwSt3g0k,, 19133,L3G1q-cPPWE,, 19134,yLQ4u_9fMok,, 19135,mNOaXIjJkok,,#details #lemon #lemonslices #fruit 19136,AHZYMblRprc,,"Cloud formations above Vienna, Virginia. If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 19137,l3gaZW6F6zE,,Airshow duo of acrobatic bi-planes. 19138,khZ2GzC3qFE,, 19139,hk2YReqM5X8,,Ghost Forest 19140,oBisHPrVo84,,Countrylife 19141,B3gFLnVEnHQ,,Bubbly Bubbles 3 19142,mcUVoqtEzF0,, 19143,XnkK88K2bao,, 19144,1NwEDhtL_QA,, 19145,yjQB-aWPvq8,,"Spent the morning staring down the sandstone cliffs into Lake Powell. This was the most barren and open space I have ever been in. No trees, barely any shrubs even…just flat and wide-open space into massive sandstone cliffs jutting up and falling away hundreds of feet. Maybe life on Mars does exist? It’s in the deserts of the Southwest. credit: @christianpaul" 19146,96MAjpEI0-4,, 19147,XWi-_Pv4rp8,,"It was like -30°C and I was already in my sleeping bag, getting ready for sleeping, when a friend came to wake me up and said that there’s a light show outside. So I came out to the freezing cold in the middle of the Urho Kekkonen National Park in Finlad, barely dressed, but I didn’t regret it for a moment. Photos can’t possibly capture - or at least my photos - the beauty and the feelings that aurora carries." 19148,MpydLj3ntzY,,Sunset 19149,KelEH6qnA3c,, 19150,Mm0EJOz5lAQ,, 19151,8iY3DVrdIZE,,Marina Bay Sands 19152,VcWRNg2ju7Y,, 19153,ycF8akmJ_RU,, 19154,lSLD18146MM,, 19155,4cFpjW_78xg,, 19156,kY5NdmARMsA,, 19157,bOfUo9UmR6s,, 19158,4SbDro9ND5c,,"I love minimalist design photography, so I want to share this great shoot with you." 19159,DMX0QrmxHeo,,"Some of the Tufas at Mono Lake. They are calcium carbonate formations formed at the bottom of the lake when the lake was deeper. LA water officials started buying water rights and draining the lake in the early 1900's. As the water dropped the tufas were exposed. To learn how to take pictures like this, read my educational blogs at" 19160,5TMADnIBm6k,, 19161,chLi1_pz0Yg,, 19162,gSTQVK7PReg,, 19163,C_vhc3D_lUk,, 19164,dqcAlGZb4KM,, 19165,ZOGamuDrPJw,, 19166,sqyIbtmEjSI,, 19167,MdSMlzVyCKM,,Purple artichoke flower 19168,rcJbbK5_iIA,,"A lovely yellow seahorse at the Cairns Aquarium, Australia." 19169,MCGnamvqEac,, 19170,fhsjnWtyMtU,, 19171,QHoQn8uq2_s,,Green in Dorset 19172,_2QGPTS1j3k,, 19173,HY7Az9lZwB4,,Autumn is here! 19174,C-nEhSBC5tA,, 19175,73vvJpmi-Vg,,@henry_ravenscroft_ 19176,_U3CKFO0Gq0,, 19177,1eiUyHTpcn8,, 19178,gz7QfYSHMQE,, 19179,tsKCwyFWbw0,, 19180,aqS6bCynDv8,, 19181,Tx5aAYx-gzs,, 19182,qgMpOn_1iEw,, 19183,szmakgWdl78,, 19184,5txBY1BjY0Y,, 19185,RIa6cFEv42o,, 19186,r4qFbJXsR9c,, 19187,caKJkQm26T0,, 19188,ixMkxeQj1Zk,, 19189,5TKVn0r4rx8,, 19190,S-tJ5POpbqI,, 19191,7aHbMrLLzmI,, 19192,VxRVVU8d9KY,,The Hero is the Cacti 🙌🏻🌵 Lots of negative space for you to do your thing! 19193,WpcPM9Pbw4w,, 19194,SAQpfOzWGBs,, 19195,sgEwPD7HQhE,,Seyðisfjörður 19196,WvpuGSpiZvM,,Autumn forest path 19197,3ALWS-fLXEU,,rain 19198,-GejldBR00k,, 19199,gtJvvmzWLCk,, 19200,-o4PpHE9uG0,, 19201,23qF07IEvjs,,Fallen Leaf. 19202,lzOzsGmAg3s,, 19203,1ioyLcCDldw,, 19204,Yhx6-WibC3I,,Wetlands have a unique beauty when viewed from above. This natural color drone image shows the intricate interactions of forest and surface water in this high-altitude wetland called a fen in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Wetlands enhance water quality and provide habitats for diverse plant and animal species. Drones help with mapping fens for conservation and restoration studies. 19205,3RftsDIs2Jk,, 19206,1_nDj7Rwm8Y,, 19207,KZIT2OYws-s,, 19208,cg3vVdY04gA,, 19209,sQVXYkOVc18,,Icy adventure 19210,eP9t2E6hzvI,,Book of Matthew with Red Christmas flowers on green background 19211,-7Mfzok9LNk,,A bunch of tulips 19212,AuYEtvM-y2k,,Tropical Green Leaves 19213,ERyHAx6dQlY,, 19214,_vd4_9CGClg,,"Khao Sok lake, Thailand" 19215,Jr-FXzWqCk0,,Exploring somewhat of a lost trailhead. 19216,iYTQ291V1Uw,,Follow @Kasper.cph on Instagram for more adventures! 19217,zJx8iZVRHnY,, 19218,JpQK_B7THMw,,My favorite squirrel photo:) 19219,yj0BKllXEu0,,@thomasbennie_ (instagram) Alpe Di Siusi in Italy 19220,tIPPRZGsRpk,, 19221,3GgP7QwGnXQ,,"Whistler peak trail is a long, challenging hike but the views are incredible!" 19222,vkyAx0yGdIM,,Camping in Joshua Tree national Park at Sunset. 19223,P6BxykAOnUA,,Foggy City Silhouettes 19224,v9eNihIWh8k,,hills 19225,G7X4J7h1fHI,,Dog on grass at dusk 19226,CPT_-dj5AJU,, 19227,luPOnViYl7I,, 19228,ycJHJGRgdmI,, 19229,9jdlJzl6yN8,, 19230,1jN9xDnedc8,,bursting waterballoon 19231,EcsdAlwpmrw,, 19232,8LuoGiFK02E,, 19233,U_2EmiTI5KI,, 19234,t8Lg-ZXtKiE,, 19235,GJBNrDXwmyg,, 19236,w1v8XeHnkuI,, 19237,YEwxD1D9yc4,, 19238,xpRfrTIaSso,, 19239,CSdcvzCoziM,, 19240,peFx2NFgUFY,, 19241,NsvzdXtvyio,,Pair of dolphin 19242,hPYiwTyEHhU,, 19243,lhPLeHgox9Q,, 19244,4QYTLcub_8E,, 19245,_1rpqoEwUtw,, 19246,pek1LJUsSvM,, 19247,IGo9d14Dnao,,Free. 19248,5ymEOMBnEKE,,Smoking STAX 19249,XwLTGrtuMX0,, 19250,j06chG1KyuA,,"Isthmus Peak, New Zealand" 19251,NMUkamFAS-s,, 19252,nnIzqn6B6fA,, 19253,Z4s0bF5ka58,,happy O C T O B E R 19254,a0U58gHCVRw,, 19255,h3a7hMonbBI,,"The Pamir Highway. It’s a name that vibrates strongly in the belly of anyone with a taste for adventure. The high desert of the Pamir invites expletives and superlatives. Like the Altiplano and the Tibetan plateau, this is a harsh and lonely place, inhabited by kind people. Its unforgiving landscape breathes tranquil spirituality. The M41 is the second-highest highway in the world, after the nearby Karakorum Highway. It crosses the whole Pamir region of Tajikistan, running from Osh to Khorog to Dushanbe. ⠀ Please follow me on instagram" 19256,j6Vlio3BWd8,, 19257,83fEeupZ50U,, 19258,RJgfHWgfmlE,,Autumn in Graz #2 19259,zWOwJ7Dpxcw,, 19260,Ht8N1LXFcb0,, 19261,l9NLd5CwYKA,, 19262,h1_ILkb9tLo,,"Rooftop swimming pool at the Proper Hotel in Santa Monica, California If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more -" 19263,MS7KD9Ti7FQ,,Wooden path to the beach 19264,tGexHe3yZh8,,Dry rocky landscape 19265,XpumNa3bOEc,,Dog in a meadow near a cabin 19266,pJJUHnEOR3s,,On the pier’s edge 19267,UBrmuuyaI-I,, 19268,JlT3mACrdRI,,Black and orange night sky 19269,8FwiZcXiX_g,,Milky Way Dark Blue 19270,CtNZVGWiFsY,,Orange and blue sunset 19271,DSwBHyWKiVw,,calm 19272,FQNDN2gx9bY,, 19273,yjiZAbTDkik,, 19274,UB6pOE7b0UQ,,Crowded pier after the sunset 19275,_UZJN5WmrSI,, 19276,aj_0AGzw6Qo,, 19277,gZltlzPun9c,, 19278,mskka5XpVtE,, 19279,FjVBKyP95Ik,,Fall break at the cottage some 60 km from Reykjavik. Took my camera out to capture the beautiful lights. 19280,xLBLft6jss8,,Alexandra Chernyavskaya 19281,X-BnnWXAamg,,Free to roam 19282,RI12cV4Kouo,, 19283,E-ayYCp2NLU,, 19284,O0MqTumfxug,,Yellow Stairs 19285,Bz4dHv-9PFQ,, 19286,nyFPMzNZVTc,,"Mount Rainier National Park, Washington" 19287,rqFG9I76x8o,, 19288,9DFEdy2JhPA,,IG: @carnabyg Whale entangled in commercial fishing line off the coast of seal rocks 19289,kWUBVVU7yj0,, 19290,AA0wrFduukA,, 19291,G3GP1DyiVIg,,Durdle Door just after Sunrise 19292,H1mHXk7bA4I,,A great view of Vancouver from the mountains. 19293,Q9Zyow5yC7o,, 19294,cOf4lxKR4uU,, 19295,ych0OiKpXJU,, 19296,81-8RNmrsNc,, 19297,ZEiVi63YcwY,, 19298,qgkl8R-Ug90,, 19299,dNXWvF33cK8,,Fog in a green redwood forest near the Pacific Coast. 19300,Xz4oc-MbHEA,,long-haired chihuahua on sleds with festive balloons 19301,jpTg4TwBYhE,,Autumn Colors 19302,0oPxs0YFdww,, 19303,lHGo_0fwuww,, 19304,RqnZAPZSacw,, 19305,rrTUq5ceumg,, 19306,MtRIzh4mbrw,,On a rainy moody cold day. I just went out and saw this river and the perfect shot in my brain. 19307,CDk07jpzDus,,Photo of water during sunset 19308,gapL9SBnhas,, 19309,uVLBeE7QuN8,,Kayaker in Sea of Kelp 19310,4Tb3AXkkcag,, 19311,Tr6JmnHbSWI,, 19312,8p-KXk6GjlE,, 19313,JcYnmOyv07Q,,Kodak Portra 400 19314,xdrDaaZVrPs,,Highland King 19315,gRPLMaT4AA4,, 19316,VVi6wHOJFhk,, 19317,OyDixmvpz2c,,Pomegranate growing up on a tree. 19318,mSkgsX7TDdk,, 19319,n4o-Bx71I08,, 19320,SLi2gBpbRZU,,Dog in the Saturday Morning 19321,gXThod201sU,, 19322,pCH8usqjl44,, 19323,mSL1shtsWFU,,A school of juvenile sunshinefish swim about the reef. 19324,q8NMyGEDM9E,,The Big Trip | Exploring the depths of Zebra Slot Canyon - Explore more at 19325,SAKLELG-pO8,, 19326,AswhiuXqHLw,, 19327,gz9XbG7Vc-Y,,Tarkan in the forest 19328,03E-nfoFKtE,, 19329,oo-3ZKYjKDk,, 19330,4tw78ktweeM,,waterfalls 19331,yBHk4q4BRb4,,rippling sand 19332,ifwDtr-5exg,, 19333,HQLtlnLBTo8,,Majestic Kaukaz 19334,1h9c01xe0YY,, 19335,BUMBTtu09sA,,sunrise bokeh 19336,jZc5eTXnYLU,,smoke 19337,76Siyu8Ydw4,, 19338,wlEe59DW7sw,, 19339,rhvjJ1W9PQ4,, 19340,g2BRKNLMMfE,, 19341,vxtTN06RchQ,, 19342,f30Bd5__qG8,,Ripples in the Sand. Support my work at 19343,Xvb9sbQE3JU,, 19344,vHPwqAF2ZIU,, 19345,s3dGFU-dHXw,,Sunset over small islands 19346,4koSB5J4b6Y,,"A field of pink opium poppies, in the Dorset countryside. These poppies are grown, under licence, for use in the pharmaceutical industry." 19347,kyeCFQTZlGQ,,"Stacked houses in Ragusa, Sicily" 19348,scwYrU5hCSM,, 19349,ifI0ud6BGfM,, 19350,UiUWb5caNis,,When the rough ripe grows and the moon rises it is November in my Country! 19351,m7J3qtsL8Xw,,Mordor 19352,8JzoJyt3hyM,,The strong Mediterranean sea along the La Spezia coast gushes onto the rock formations. I climbed my way around the rocky terrain trying to capture the real movements of the waves as my wife tries to warn me of the danger. A difficult shot but a well worthy one that tells the story of how the waves ends their life. 19353,KFEabaF0cGI,, 19354,Gne1Y7JvwiI,, 19355,r0DybmCiUc4,,From our Arizona trip last summer. 19356,A6TVJBNA-z4,, 19357,4103TbxJh6A,,Pumpkin Lit 19358,W5tN-lEQn_0,, 19359,sZzmhn2xjQY,, 19360,yZO8H4OqKHY,,Yosemite 19361,BDuIPkFGjxs,,Palau from above 19362,EKf428HQ130,, 19363,hbvNb7VF4Ow,, 19364,xIvx8s12OE8,, 19365,hy0ivyC7d_I,, 19366,djV34LaV0OQ,,Palm trees 19367,OAyXVWP5I9U,, 19368,QG4QBzAEU9w,, 19369,B7ifBgRXDI4,, 19370,z0DHUeJNHzk,, 19371,ZSjEf0EABqU,, 19372,VDtri1mF1Ts,, 19373,dHjsE2sEiDw,, 19374,ZEKHSCxtcCU,, 19375,gDZVYIjE5yw,,"Caucasus Mountains near Xinaliq, Azerbaijan" 19376,eOgf3b37VEU,, 19377,RcI0fYJwPfs,,Ferns 19378,1JCme4x9QlU,,beach wood and how the wood influence how the sand distributes 19379,K-QlsAWqP5Q,, 19380,akVOtDCRubM,, 19381,OYy_ysEvGkM,,Slope view. 19382,ydTHYnRtaGA,,Säntisblick 19383,PZPZf8Brb0E,,Succulent on the porch. 19384,IJ15SIn02NU,,"Sunrise from Reynisfjara Beach in Iceland, near Vík, overlooking Reynisdrangar and the Atlantic Ocean." 19385,QBM2Mk3h8TA,,"Sea Lions, by Charles Collins II" 19386,_oP0MF5cEPo,, 19387,CrMVbCX3c4c,,Desert sunrise 19388,5qFSC2OYwr4,, 19389,OvYbaM8Lad4,,"More akin to dancing than any other motion known to man, the elegant movements of Jellyfish are captivating to watch. But the tank color and the vibrant colors of the Jellyfish are equally spellbinding. You could spend hours in the jelly room at the Monterey Bay Aquarium." 19390,0gf57cIqNmc,,Sunset in Barbados 19391,A_sa9fD85zE,,"Green jungle rainforest in Knysna, South Africa" 19392,qtHSTKQ4HW8,,Bonfire 19393,L8PkoOGLMSk,, 19394,XMQI7_Q6ofM,,Lake hangs in Italy 19395,XGPlaUZLPX8,,flower and flower 19396,Zfc5m5lxDJQ,,Brown hydrangeas 19397,V75kyaXjlXs,,Fig plant on white background 19398,jh6YaoB0TBw,, 19399,My9XqdQZb9k,, 19400,hL9pRezOKwc,,Coconut 19401,puUx-3kFVbg,,Shooters 19402,bJlQOClnEGs,, 19403,wIoRO8d2m4w,,I remember how I excited I was when a photo of this plant was my first editorial :))) 19404,5GXhIja2sh4,, 19405,rqkyo9oSIHA,, 19406,BRiuggYGt14,,View from WTC New York 19407,ZVM4AlMU6IY,, 19408,JAOdUha1bWk,, 19409,tzWhnsJjg1Y,, 19410,qxO2PBn7eKU,,"The Făgăraș mountains had quite a show going on during a splitboarding and avalanche training session in the Bâlea area. The mix of colours was surreal during this sunset, we could only stare for the whole very few minutes that the colour show lasted." 19411,vf6pR8Kzs-E,, 19412,b-QdWBnOztc,, 19413,-HtllDvca4U,,Thank you for downloading! If you'd like to help support Venmo: Rubengutierrez_ 19414,C8e9e9Z2BCs,,International Women’s Day 19415,wJzNWdSJEUg,, 19416,mIzTRbaqDGM,, 19417,I3eAmi-t9tE,, 19418,kKGpz5brrfI,, 19419,0HW_3j-trn8,,Please follow me on instagram @chrishenry 19420,o4gRWnZLsgI,,Dog 19421,on1HALHnJP8,,White flowers growing from brick wall 19422,a9cD1G8dBeQ,,Taranaki New Zealand 19423,tyEgjWvzLsE,,Blossoms 19424,u_jt9A7FADk,, 19425,GCHsI_Fyi94,,PORTRAITS INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPRTRTS EDITORIAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVRPHTO PERSONAL INSTAGRAM - @LGNWVR 19426,7AEuI07GWaU,, 19427,NBsQ_qnVKAY,,A kayak seen from above in the middle of a coral reef 19428,26-lAP0XprM,,Majestic mountain by the lake 19429,dZc90gFlC4o,,Walk in a thawing forest 19430,rw_KWqLkQ7I,, 19431,swPTbY7v6Ow,,Person stares into wilderness 19432,Mb5eiy2Sxp4,,Granite peaks 19433,7zPFOGDr0l4,,Tibetan plain 19434,IcC2FkA7Fms,,Rough sea washing ashore 19435,b2oaLHHycWc,,monochrome coastal rocks 19436,WE7nMfgqG78,,Foggy San Fran Landmark 19437,kyTfAPnny98,, 19438,cCthPLHmrzI,,Rushing Stream 19439,La8VM8bBqkg,,People Silhouette Rafting 19440,7_3j_SYuIKQ,, 19441,R3pUGn5YiTg,, 19442,C2a4RGapd8s,,Firedancing man 19443,8fcWFnO3ZyA,,Mist coming down on hills 19444,PEQF05GeIAI,,"The hike up Saddle Mountain was nothing short of amazing. The breath taking view reminded me of how incredibly insignificant we are in comparison to the vast universe. If you’re having a bad day, just drink some coffee and think about the size of the world." 19445,D_21wwxmOfo,, 19446,lT2c4pxkP78,, 19447,84xB-YwhnIk,,Dusk 19448,36plOdZK_uY,,"Blood moons, Perseids, eclipses. I am more than happy to witness our Galaxy’s expressions in this lifetime. At the same time, I have been chasing that shot of the night sky. I know that I am a newbie when it comes to this, but I guess it’s all about timing. Visiting my home country this year I had high hopes and high goals. Last night’s attempt on the Perseids meteor shower was a feeble attempt. Tonight though, the result was otherworldly. Seeing the Milky way with a naked eye, I could only imagine what that would mean moments later in Lightroom." 19449,K_SzMtxTmtg,, 19450,KNczrAYAlZk,, 19451,22upuIT1SL4,,A simple white moth orchid flower 19452,eaG50noWDZw,,Princess Cruises alaska 19453,08J1sdxQgLs,,Jungfrau Swiss 19454,GkFYzS3v4bY,,Waterfalls 19455,9ug_zKQgnf8,,Snowballs rolling down a bank make great patterns in the snow (except avalanches). 19456,ttYfKlbhr5U,, 19457,ZtwU1o4NSls,, 19458,NONCz9w8X3Y,,Rose Fallin 19459,ETssG7s1pBI,,Mushroom treasure. 19460,l2ZuQSwFOvU,,"“When you move like a jellyfish rhythm don't mean nothing.""" 19461,MRpGUJagn3k,,Gullfoss waterfall 19462,eLYtJoASChQ,,Messing around with some splash shots. 19463,TpnStdTDVCI,, 19464,0fZGLERdNdM,, 19465,X_oFGHV21ns,,Mountain Lake shrouded in clouds during winter 19466,hA8p87H1_aA,, 19467,sZYUSkyGySU,, 19468,p3NOK6MhvKQ,, 19469,Jgdpgvo6fqE,,A Room with a View 19470,rG5Vqq0eaQ8,, 19471,B_--AVxEUQA,, 19472,-YCNTEFKoYI,, 19473,ReKIQ_wcnSw,, 19474,ZA2vDly2om0,,Wake Up From Your Sleep 19475,LqVDXObLTlk,, 19476,omahHIDpnO8,, 19477,ew7XKxj0Lsg,, 19478,wnzeHLzam7M,, 19479,jrbyQId7KxU,,Beautiful Abkhaziya 19480,nG4snTW9ml8,, 19481,MP_d9SxbOfc,,Here’s a shot I got after visiting family for the final holidays of 2018. It was the perfect mood after spending quality time with quality people. Cheers. 19482,VlThqxlFaE0,, 19483,IjwLwvdqQWw,, 19484,fNn2MBhRwMs,, 19485,iFl4y04pK78,, 19486,-MCE3RoQz3U,,"Cala Lily dances into empty space, its white sheath like a cape behind it." 19487,lZoV-QvRfBE,, 19488,-S6R1ePsKEc,, 19489,gTvhFsQMqnA,, 19490,vnJ3_GNYSWQ,, 19491,6jrY2-_PHg0,, 19492,nEJ50HJpQRM,, 19493,ZxGdri2EWzk,, 19494,7d1fFSlA7AA,, 19495,PQ1RuNjtzgY,, 19496,IT2AbBTUtss,, 19497,WobvAfAcMfE,,The beds of this plant look brown from a distance - it's only when you get up close that you see the electric pink streaking between the leaves of green. 19498,he_GLVSR4sU,, 19499,Q1iS1aW0KHM,, 19500,0NFaTBh5wHM,, 19501,jO3OYLdcxJo,, 19502,h0p5cga_W58,, 19503,QFFc8Gv2ltM,, 19504,WRCYfh_7mmw,,Around the beautiful Almsee! #1 19505,HJJdGJrRQ84,,Beaver (Castor canadensis) 19506,-LBq-K_FPI0,,quiet purple hue ocean scene with setting sun and rocks to the right side 19507,dT-x4wrtdnM,,Sunrise! 19508,ZCnd19y2E14,, 19509,eXbgRmq_DHw,, 19510,fOeiC_rbBco,, 19511,k7oU5bHFDFE,, 19512,tiFaeyZX-IU,, 19513,gsqm4S8M7oc,,Stockholm metro 6 19514,kbWnCg9hza0,,"Sossusvlei, Namibia shot in early morning." 19515,tVRIFEnO9pM,, 19516,QJw3lMkuqjg,, 19517,_C3xxNBMwvI,, 19518,mygjT7kkMcw,, 19519,6Qjulv4ZayA,, 19520,niRHgPRSaw4,,Dawn-or-dusk Grand Canyon National Park view 19521,sDBOWET5wDU,,A majestic ibex 19522,Rwz-jGQ1Tsk,,Purple canopy 19523,uS9SE2w1BWI,, 19524,eg-tEg2DzeM,,Fog Rolls Over Netstal 19525,XUZgWzLoZ7I,, 19526,tIgtXoWyOhE,, 19527,A9kYGeJkMZE,,The Kiss 19528,m1HFem3odgY,,On Dry Land 19529,eT-X5-bRoMg,,Duckfhater 19530,tLUgvVaCQnY,, 19531,Tay3IMQpKHA,, 19532,HTI9tpZQRP0,,Orange white 19533,jDFRhCAyX0Q,,slow movement make us see thins we otherwise just pass 19534,pHilcWj_NHY,, 19535,XnYWqFjsohw,,autumn leaves 19536,mf3zwoGvhxs,, 19537,pWXY-5u2zFU,, 19538,wvUs06Rtu5E,,Simple hero image with lot's of negative space of lavender on a dark marble background. Influencer shop > 19539,6VvZHNT3eI0,,swan in Prague at Charles Bridge 19540,ds7DVwunWZE,,A pile of trees 19541,xcBbLTCl_RQ,,Galaxy Over Mount Princeton 19542,gVpKmdfiHbk,, 19543,UAWnUJFdk6Q,,Mt Bromo // 2016 // @ultrabrad 19544,10OwcE0jKq0,, 19545,mYbCwgRYMXw,, 19546,g0wj801aNio,, 19547,RXLcE7vNrMQ,, 19548,8TMaXnXF9_8,, 19549,spofKLaPkbI,,Northern lights 19550,HPTHeRbINXw,,Aerial shot of waves off the Oregon Coast. 19551,-w3-YDg_VKU,, 19552,a5kLiYV4ymM,,A girl walking with a bucket of apples 19553,jOehN-ZTMsY,, 19554,1dnK-j-difg,, 19555,AXaLtJP4FmM,, 19556,bPTLG88PrPg,, 19557,kdqFhe7I8ek,,"One of our dromedary, after day´s walk it got released and if there was something to eat it will find´s it no matter how dry it was" 19558,oytzTWCHoAg,, 19559,algcokq4uZQ,,Lone Cactus 19560,Qp2H0q9Py5s,, 19561,E4T0duYRMBc,, 19562,N0CHU5PVzDM,, 19563,e4veQcOqxpg,, 19564,aKhioLbYseg,,My girlfriend and I exploring Arches National Park. Felt like we were on a different planet for a couple days :D 19565,lC-ntQsuEpo,, 19566,Lgx1aL_wwec,,Raptor Landing 19567,3yb5W4zGHCI,, 19568,5sW0ztiDgys,, 19569,i9LQlWzfZyc,, 19570,BDFWZ3fLxrg,, 19571,ydRbZU_Qtt4,, 19572,UWQ1YLwL3dA,, 19573,7c6tYMdrw9U,, 19574,D1O40Gujfqg,, 19575,UBizWTA9-qA,, 19576,garHxtVNF3U,, 19577,BwvHUiZNvQ4,, 19578,LKV-NCOQn7s,, 19579,MYQ_8Wbfq5g,, 19580,1B9mMpjb7iI,, 19581,Bmdqm6RADBc,, 19582,eh25BL-KTNU,, Donate: 19583,pS2U9AX5Usg,, 19584,FvSRyd8mtMo,,Autumn colors on a path through the woods near the Eibsee. 19585,rw6h1Slb4-E,, 19586,ZyfJbdYTyVg,, 19587,C_riIEq7c94,, 19588,mtWegPVdaH4,, 19589,Ecxi7m1nap4,, 19590,cVGIi-sEFyQ,,Celebrating my 200m views with the tallest building in San Francisco covered by fog. 19591,2bpKjY8tuSI,, 19592,jqiTbIxmczg,, 19593,q_NLGaRfhU8,, 19594,DlpndKgJ8HQ,, 19595,vBwbe7mARBc,, 19596,YicdGUlR8kY,, 19597,zTzwCsh3EEw,, 19598,cyhQcX93uH4,,simplicity 19599,loB1ZFgxd_4,, 19600,jfeDOvl0vyc,, 19601,CePY8WkO9HU,, 19602,vrsoA-_leFs,,Walking in a french forest. 19603,g6QdT27sCK0,, 19604,mR91Lis_7ks,,Sunflower side 19605,PkTG2AS92-E,,"Moody Wainui falls, hidden away in the forests of Golden Bay, New Zealand" 19606,vLHPqCQ-GJI,,A woman with her horse at sunset 19607,pgu5sn4_mRY,,"My friend Robin, Talisker, Skye, Scotland" 19608,mUJzVXAIj5E,, 19609,kT1mBypF5b0,, 19610,cSHyy2Ks4x4,, 19611,c8yq39WBu3I,, 19612,bDJOs9Th2GQ,, 19613,mLy03-Xp178,, 19614,GDvUVWsPnnI,, 19615,86jMrGVgm90,, 19616,lkzjENdWgd8,, 19617,cyyMuBsS1A4,, 19618,R9EF0TmnFTc,,"Got a Drone in early 2019, playing around my known scenarios." 19619,RoTyXO1m0wo,, 19620,lsNyHxLnzO8,, 19621,-zmrmCYFveg,, 19622,GZjfHI1VCSo,, 19623,A5L-62Gl6xY,, 19624,OJosCm6rGWw,, 19625,FzyGY3xg5g0,, 19626,FvQhDPg9U_g,, 19627,ROd5LZWRXmg,,Aerial Images of Frozen Lakes 19628,BrBS7sBkU3g,, 19629,Lbf8HVabEV0,,"Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights" 19630,g89TD5doC5M,, 19631,iHeymraGXvk,, 19632,U-oJX4NtGC4,,"Zion National Park, Utah" 19633,T_Qe4QlMIvQ,, 19634,hBClhDmtXtI,,"Look at this birch, it is so beautiful 📸 God is the beat designer." 19635,KrFvQ0J5TPg,,Lily on white background with shadow 19636,wFHyTUJd-Sg,, 19637,NFQ8t6Ye-0E,, 19638,kutWwEGYFo4,,Kayak in deep blue water 19639,cFtVK-xnMC0,, 19640,Qu8R-NNSuhU,,Light and shadow 19641,Wq19-E0vGj0,,water splash 19642,LWRyc9XSNLU,,study the sea 19643,8ygYy5-XnBo,, 19644,8N40-1_A2xU,, 19645,KXq1wGn_OXI,,"I would love to hear your comments! Check out my Instagram @picoftasty more surprise there! From now on, Every Saturday (Central Time - US & Canada) I will release Lightroom preset for people who are interested in food photography check out my website and download it for free. This is a great opportunity to practice and take your images to the next level. Now subscribe, get the latest release first" 19646,FwWTH1-O6xI,, 19647,pGJ29mWyxWg,, 19648,h4U410R5oos,, 19649,RNM1ULC0LLU,, 19650,84V9d6WpyBo,, 19651,IkzHn_bWyr4,, 19652,yER6L9sRPXM,, 19653,k2DVsB4hTBQ,, 19654,so2exTpURfQ,,And Then It Happened 19655,Jzs9SV0gt1k,, 19656,s-4i34Z07To,, 19657,ppr0o0dX3wk,, 19658,jab28lxz9RY,,Hidden Falls 19659,H9171zVgdYY,,Iceland 19660,vA0WVWmTB6Y,, 19661,L3FHnmrPyCI,,Forest at winter 19662,JlagcSUKyTw,, 19663,zLTsD6V4EYg,, 19664,_Im6jh8P8nA,, 19665,7hEXd9kYPCY,,happy and cute pug wearing a multicolor t-shirt on a white background 19666,rFWuAP0jdVs,, 19667,bp8Nw_Q11gI,,People enjoying summer beach 19668,Slh0Tx1MRNA,,Frosty tree 19669,HwWBYRyd1VU,, 19670,giwAx_VavaI,,Tree on a starry sky 19671,6WLGMivmV00,,Bird in sea at sunset 19672,SWF1n1Bzlg0,,Blue jay on green 19673,M4I_e5_z5Ww,,Colorful Sunrise 19674,bMPm4BWtntk,, 19675,fZiYIbaMRXg,,Rocky ridge and glaciers in Ilulissat 19676,JKcZvtTsi4w,,Gondola ski lift 19677,zxm-sfq5ABk,,Cherry Blossom 19678,shdHATuLZAs,, 19679,JpAxWXEikTw,,You and I 19680,4foObuXP7fY,,Mont Blanc glacier 19681,3ID-G4-2Gp4,, 19682,J7rRzjba-kY,,Meow 19683,N1KHs5gUVOg,, 19684,qk6CnpKNmVw,, 19685,-rshDVyLGxI,,random flower on a beach 19686,rhF7NE0ae-I,,Northern California 19687,-BkZzidZIZg,, 19688,fMu-nle0Hq0,, 19689,dSZQC7vVf5M,, 19690,ydS1df6jm8U,,flower with bottle 19691,p6slMrGDQSo,,"A magnified left lateral view of a male Oriental rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis, a well-known bubonic plague vector. This specimen was harvested from the hide of a Malaysian house rat, Rattus rattus diardii, which had been located in a rural village in the Bojolali Regency District, of the Central Java Province of Indonesia, on April 4, 1968. Photographer: James Gathany" 19692,O2rcaYIdtp8,, 19693,piJlXYXJljI,, 19694,XA2OEcvrrP8,,Skyscrapers and traffic in city 19695,EHw2peCqFOw,,Blue dragonfly on flowers 19696,uTqSDZ0q8Lg,, 19697,fK_BvUCrNPE,, 19698,lJx_ZTMwOiE,,Dog during snowfall 19699,1ssk3G5f1Kw,, 19700,QOTq7c9luvs,,Check out for more pineapple! 19701,bv4y_ain7bE,, 19702,VW2VcTirR88,,Seaton beach chairs 19703,AnbW1pMD4kY,,Blending In 19704,6lWqkLIh5L8,,Minimal water lily 19705,E_lIE17suKg,, 19706,eRxKUD3S7M8,,Flamingos on a pond 19707,swspC2EawXY,,"Weather condition in iceland are terrible this winter. Plenty of meltdowns, rainy days and almost no snow. This one was shivering , all wet from rain, on a pile of snow. Officially arctic foxes go to -40 celsius, no problem, when in snow, but when wet and in snow…" 19708,1fkITn0ldgI,,Path into the snowy forest 19709,LZpzMEY0pXI,,Singpost near a forest 19710,K-tnyWHS504,, 19711,wtRFobtcbjY,, 19712,T9o1cyfad34,, 19713,CDEzcrsXMyw,, 19714,6oLluvKBrVs,, 19715,-4qCLz3r1s8,, 19716,WquLr1q8pUw,, 19717,CW_B41pRRP4,,A plant on a tree 19718,cnyE0EnkrTg,, 19719,DKrinqB5axI,, 19720,eLDdIPtjo7U,, 19721,p6ZSavloiFY,,Cherry Blossoms blooming in the spring earlier in the year. 19722,gIzxvrhvXnY,, 19723,TjfCEE41E2E,, 19724,IzuMfvXB5CM,, 19725,POtl31yIzGo,,Spring snowdrops 19726,MbPD3p7oOzM,,Early morning wildlife 19727,IGyU-eCMW5A,,A Black-Browed Albatross chick 19728,YQ6fku-oelE,,Pink mist over orange trees 19729,Yr1SCCRJXIY,,"We were on our way to the submint of Aiako Harria, in Irun. But when we saw the sunlight, we stopped and I took this picture to my friend Asier" 19730,Pes-Kt45xvw,,a humpback whale breaches unexpectedly // summer 2016 19731,yGKQKaKzcuA,,Patrick Hendry 19732,LVnJlyfa7Zk,,Sea turtle swimming 19733,hP7sLLnrlKg,,Fog envelops forest 19734,f6OOjJNcuzA,, 19735,iKCh4GZy-j0,,An ecstatic experience in the valley!! 19736,wDb8v95nkak,, 19737,__U6tHlaapI,,We are so small compared to the inconceivably vast universe. When looking into the milky way you wonder what else is out there. The universe we live in is incredible ❤️ 19738,nT2mpbm_QRg,, 19739,Oz2ZQ2j8We8,,"Abstract shot of an aurora borealis, taken this winter in Norway. wide angle, pointed straight up. Hard to imagine how it is to experience this when you haven’t done it yourself. Buy awesome, limited edtition, photo prints:" 19740,W4o1oWx0k0g,,"Wintertime view from Mt. Titlis in Switzerland. The Titlis is a mountain, located on the border between the Swiss cantons of Obwalden and Bern." 19741,JFWZAABDDOo,, 19742,SxiWUpGLaZM,, 19743,HYt4uBkjr_4,, 19744,3yjqMQC_vBI,, 19745,ruFBkCruBVk,,"This illustration depicted a three-dimensional (3D), computer-generated image, of a number of diplococcal, Gram-negative, Neisseria meningitidis, bacteria. The artistic recreation was based upon scanning electron microscopic (SEM) imagery." 19746,bkY4pok-UM0,,Watering a potted plant with sprayer 19747,ls50RS4hgjk,,Skeletal extensions of land reach like bony fingers across a section of Liverpool Bay along the northern edge of Canada's Northwest Territories. Only small villages are thinly scattered in this remote and inhospitable region of Arctic tundra bordering the Beaufort Sea. The relatively flat landscape is dotted with shallow lakes during the extremely brief summer season. 19748,f0rUMWLE1pk,,dry hydrangea leaf with blurry background 19749,LtnpoZDvZk0,, 19750,GDCH93OQGBk,, 19751,06kkjJ98Izo,, 19752,iRbnkhrfSNc,, 19753,X1q5Ex2tKdA,, 19754,Cm6_D-A8JO8,, 19755,wBeZ9p_3K0g,, 19756,n3wrT2FNeJ0,, 19757,rHLhcH8cWvk,, 19758,9tZken1pkco,, 19759,7YPdCQT_AwU,, 19760,CwZjanxsCvs,, 19761,cu3m1FEYgL8,,Pascal 19762,PcKm231bGvo,,Abstraction (lens) III 19763,H02pCXALq88,,a few h after a sand storm the sky was clear and the view is fantastic 19764,pJsm7NGuTAQ,, 19765,0Se7YHdBbwo,, 19766,3lovxIcj6y8,, 19767,gEta6dbzFy0,,My best shot from bubble project. 19768,_FopsQYoglk,, 19769,fCW4E22uIxI,, 19770,y48c_HxhV6E,, 19771,JNRx9G7GQl4,, 19772,yaSXZOWymV8,, 19773,W6wz5VRQpUc,, 19774,ewQzWav6oIo,, 19775,gj80u3CgKvM,, 19776,iUYa7eG5n40,, 19777,BfOAfXIq1rc,, 19778,POg3Z47YPkM,,I see love 19779,aZvsnQarMzA,, 19780,q8rHA5FEatI,, 19781,plZ6mIFssIM,, 19782,d06lt8UI7Ao,,"Flying over the colorado river, right on the California and Arizona border" 19783,BnoPHOgbf9M,,Sand and Shadow 19784,noYo9PZNUyg,,Island chain 19785,cCAhpNF6-kU,, 19786,czhIG-jAB8I,,Pigeon on a railing 19787,ghP1Pf97A3Q,,Pale dandelions 19788,3sBnJqI8LXo,,Forest edge in black and white 19789,x5LRxIZ5Lqk,,Snow covered mountains in clouds 19790,psIMdj26lgw,, 19791,9gXL1jPIaPc,, 19792,wix46hbu5fw,,Las Vegas yellow sunset. 19793,QU8ZAnlIqKM,,Pine tree in forest 19794,-wPKYv1kQrA,,Mountains seen from above 19795,nW1CN5z5hHs,,"Caught the beautiful sunrise rays on the beautiful beach of Fuvahmulah, Maldives." 19796,0cuEeRiy-Hk,, 19797,XDYZo7BEwpA,, 19798,n_dEPUaTAFk,, 19799,ONMpvKeYaeM,, 19800,Jy4-xk34q0s,,"One of the most fantastic wildlife sights on earth, set in a pristine and beautiful location" 19801,YNteh8tG_RE,, 19802,9I43XMuXWdk,, 19803,7MClrxZ8F6w,, 19804,18oL-EZFO_I,,Night sky over the cabin somewhere in the forest. 19805,aEdthggVs7M,, 19806,LPNF9O-jlT4,, 19807,A7Zv_REo7cg,, 19808,JvgiyRGv4T4,, 19809,I1sF8NVAtf8,, 19810,x4ABZUkeJg8,, 19811,DK049L4odMw,,Fridays for future - global climate strike on the European elections (May 24 2019) 19812,_gycpm2K900,, 19813,JtxivZYxptI,, 19814,5qJ5muCuN-I,, 19815,PcX1Qc0hhwk,,Colorful bird on yellow flowers 19816,if5drRE4OM0,, 19817,N6kkI32Oh7g,, 19818,kDsNr-vu7ms,, 19819,173qEXh9eNI,,"I think we easily forget how the surface of our planet must have looked like if viewed through strangers eyes. This I took on a beach where the sand itself just takes me to a peaceful place, almost like being on another planet." 19820,Erf1Kz7ZE5Y,, 19821,AR2xyMqSqGs,,Wild Wisteria 19822,eHDMufvtoZ4,,Bird’s-eye view of tall mountains 19823,GbLmG7Nnzzo,, 19824,AQPkj8F_Xok,, 19825,8BLozwvsmkM,,Hungry Rabbit 19826,5IqzQp8DGEI,,Mist On Green Mountains 19827,Lr9SQaP75U0,, 19828,ZN76SroLyB8,, 19829,TSCmBAopokA,, 19830,WwWwioWITY0,,One of the hidden canyon we foudn on the road. Closed in case of sudden flood. 19831,9270-pFGVTU,,Stars in the Valley of Dreams 19832,NxWCJHw2lKI,, 19833,vobFxoSKtus,,Etosha National Park 19834,b22BrJh3yMI,, 19835,CC68XGq6t3Y,,blush peony in mason jar 19836,sohFyuTFFYc,, 19837,LwRUp8vJJI8,,NYC traffic lights 19838,sGJ99uTqkAc,, 19839,7QWkqn5WFaE,, 19840,ZZg2e5vh3aw,,"I was trying to capture the water movement with a very fast shutter speed, to get the most details I could." 19841,gpcXj7KGIR0,,Stormy Night 3 19842,EzUJ06Kw278,, 19843,9hIdtA9fCz8,,jumping spider enjoying the sun 19844,1SRt8AI-feQ,, 19845,W7W9HXQGaKg,,Dolomites #03 – Sunrise at the Tre Cime 19846,PwjPYvRWf2Y,,"I went on an a late afternoon walk with the Leica Q, and the light hitting leaves on the pavement captured my eye. I love the sense of moodiness and contrast captured in this picture. The Q’s sharpness and way of capturing light is sublime." 19847,sH-ueXU68WM,, 19848,kL4w5yf8-Ik,,Sun rays through the fog 19849,jXq8gUpMYQU,,Gods Architecture 19850,UmzHZeu9o_M,,Woman drinking from bottle 19851,JdjmjwnwJIY,,A person and paddle board on still water 19852,7-qC7Y5jVkk,,You are the queen of influential. You could change the world and make a difference in your surrounding just by being confident of who you are called to be. You are magnificent in the way you stood tall in wild world You are a brave young soul with mature wisdom They will one day look up and realise how beautiful you are 19853,m94kn8Rp61Q,, 19854,JPTIHEGK2uI,, 19855,8_XED8iw1FA,,Forest Trees San Valentino 19856,PoamIEgMV74,,Exploring Dunes w/ Lil Brother 19857,k1jS_s5S0WE,,FAROE ISLANDS LAKE 19858,NT9xNK9C2d4,, 19859,CMdQcxsWZE0,,Backyard leaves 19860,oC1sQVnf_EY,,Lost in the Shadow of Darkness 19861,tRhATCzLnMs,, 19862,B2ShPV9ixzY,,A sleepy Kitten 19863,DaF1TdeTK9g,,Climbing up the Calderone of Gran Sasso by skis 19864,UFFSWh7tcYc,, 19865,RYIgYuwFTrA,,"Inside old volcano in Terceira island, Azores" 19866,rJrEWunEMgQ,,"Architecture, Warsaw" 19867,tx14EIdWkNE,,Neon lights reflecting in the dark water. 19868,2AcRYb7f0Co,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica Summicron-R 2.0 35mm (Year: 1978)" 19869,eqt8gFwo5C8,, 19870,QOcNoOJKT10,, 19871,XYFpx1ErGOU,,Peafowl 19872,QjDOL0zPFg8,, 19873,GOz8kY2bMO8,,Cavewoman 19874,i0OwUyZ4QW0,,Hamster 19875,xNuOH9DjMvw,, 19876,VQIyVId7APM,, 19877,hij-0vCatJo,, 19878,1azAjl8FTnU,,"It was a cold winter’s night in Australia’s Blue Mountains region of New South Wales and we were told there was a meteor shower for the ages inbound. Set this shot up and while i’m not convinced the meteor shower was real, was more than happy to settle for a shooting star and a dwarf galaxy." 19879,2hpvikJ1EoA,, 19880,WBBvWIgF6xY,,I just got this basil plant and had to capture it before I eventually killed it..what usually happens to plants I buy 19881,Q7QM2WSOTs4,, 19882,qdPnQuGeuwU,,Rainbow Flower Heart 19883,dQIcaRtNZtQ,,Moody florals 19884,23mWSDzAIBc,,"I’ve driven by this tree numerous times, but on this particular day it really stood out." 19885,ls4OK8rINvc,,Shadows of life 19886,7x092PMauCg,,Camping lakeside under the stars at Roche Lake park near Kamloops BC. 19887,ts8z61Dzf6M,,Bird king 19888,PiZE371EmHc,, 19889,Vbbz9pZmn5o,,Long exposure 19890,A0eVZiT6L9I,, 19891,BpyMbCNZdUE,, 19892,82NWNb5AGWc,, 19893,ZqZ45gvb1sg,,"Around 3 in the morning we had to take a bus that would take us to Asungate, the road was a challenge but the landscape that I could get was incredible." 19894,mRyJIitmT-M,,Modern Stair 19895,F4PZ1HhQ5_U,, 19896,I9P4xzH9BpM,, 19897,iq1x1V8kCOw,, 19898,7CIqes1OZL4,, 19899,mB8Vt8LJJhc,, 19900,wB6B3AqXjy0,,"Dark, spooky old-growth forest in Marion County, Oregon, being swallowed up by low-hanging clouds. I really need to stop exploring these types of places at sundown...." 19901,2QRkCnsaqpM,, 19902,EfssYCcpezY,, 19903,qbfNeVKJCBI,, 19904,dcrs6ZBe2Fg,, 19905,ms8eYrv-M9k,,Bouquet of white 19906,_SgexvppBL4,,"I found this dried starfish while I was walking along the coast of the beautiful and silent Erdek, Balıkesir. It was a good day." 19907,eOcwZNp3LLo,,A starlit North Carolina Sky (IG: @clay.banks) 19908,X7v0WI7glro,, 19909,HLkQMlZ0Q1U,,Lake in the swiss mountains 19910,uE4Dy_EpoqI,,Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in a cozy winter coat 19911,J48hzgiHFGM,,"A lake in Snowdonia , UK" 19912,_29pNvBg708,,Visla dog ginger. 19913,pNIIgkWtjf8,, 19914,fFB2CIyefVc,,Patterns Revealed 19915,tIuJnJM3_ek,, 19916,3dI3-jbXpzo,,Hector. 19917,nOPshvHfM_o,,"Marble Canyon, circa 1900" 19918,pTKRT9EqCEY,, 19919,FWdo3gd6k-8,, 19920,VEMscgIHhZo,,Red Healer Mix on a Hike 19921,lycsy9mxyEs,, 19922,s_hcK6cZ8R8,, 19923,tMYDgAySy9w,, 19924,WrLY3abIUyU,,A good part of my pictures are about shallow depth of field and dreamy background 19925,9Phn7Dwz2PM,,Plyctolophus galeritus. Artist: James W. Sayer 19926,-c3n3go1nJ4,,black road - white snow 19927,26y1q0q10wU,, 19928,A8SZbSEmbyo,, 19929,jqWoYQygAkU,,"Misty beach day at Cannon beach, Oregon." 19930,6i_yeTQZpXE,, 19931,0ASyt0Opn1k,,Succulent plant wallpaper 19932,uZ7dwhNyU94,, 19933,7Of7_zOhyyA,, 19934,sDCG1hTV8mI,,A front was moving through New Hampshire near sunrise allowing for moisture to form rays around the peaks. 19935,-T-1Z3mLHuA,, 19936,QPY5LuBylMA,, 19937,jEJi2-qFq3Y,, 19938,egZF6S_3kc4,, 19939,R6U9yaEXOvg,, 19940,vqhntKJuewU,, 19941,1KJAjCSyi48,,sunflower 19942,52TQCmtitlI,,Out of Water 19943,Bv16GPrtm0I,, 19944,L4T6fljaQEw,,Cloud at Sunset 19945,MJDmIOxaV-k,,cloudy moon 19946,tUzfSVZRp-c,,Forest 19947,c6VX5t3Ftg8,,2 polar bears mouth-to-mouth 19948,scjrGlb9yW4,,zebra 🦓 19949,wE0PFSVsyqA,,Milky way 19950,1sAGLbhwaEE,,A little bouquet in a white jug. 19951,wbQwghbG-DY,, 19952,zScN11MYJcQ,,We were on the way to capture the amazing Lake Eibsee in Germany but unfortunetly the lake was completely hidden in fog. So we decided to make the best out of it and then we captured this photo. 19953,sDt4NczMXAw,, 19954,ZK0uz8cjdMs,,Alien 19955,ukUIrYA8SD4,, 19956,JC5U3Eyiyr4,, 19957,hEQXrmQPh_M,,Suburban deer 19958,X1qnxR1QYbw,,I took this photo on a hike in to the Rote Wand in Austria. 19959,xhD49fKOzw0,,"I made this picture on a cold and fogy morning in a German forrest. I wanted to stay in bed but i couldn,t resist the change to make some pictures from the fog . Whithout warm clothes i jumped on my bike and drove in to the forrest. After some driving around i found this spot with beautifull light. After an hour i came back home with frozen hands but it was worth it." 19960,wni1hBukmzQ,, 19961,9fZ4lXeQ4LE,, 19962,QlAwJcAiR1I,, 19963,Ac_l4zTIvGQ,,The night sky as the moon rises behind the mountains. 19964,uP7LheisWcM,, 19965,drp8ZyHJeCg,, 19966,wRSZvWiylF8,, 19967,1xZ0SqLPE4E,, 19968,4Vo3VBP7aMs,, 19969,RtrWRyotaZo,,"I really like this photo in color; when I tried it in monochrome, it seemed to have more energy, more motion, at least to me. Not sure if others will like it, but it is a personal favorite of mine. To learn how to take pictures like this, read my educational blogs at" 19970,GluqwvkUyZU,, 19971,L3HrRyVyINo,, 19972,OueojWSe66o,, 19973,GUIAoF789Ok,, 19974,n4qQGOBgI7U,,If you love plants check out @karaeadscreates on instagram! 19975,tw3RV3ZFG_s,, 19976,1pk-V9l5Qgg,, 19977,iT5lKJadIwI,,"Rough-scaled python Morelia carinata. This snake species was only discovered in the seventies, and is Australia’s rarest snake. It also has the longest teeth of any species for its size, and is the only python with keeled scales.." 19978,OQH-OtRvtwE,, 19979,lma-UBA4LEk,,"A view towards one of the peaks of the High Tatras, a stunning mountain range on the border of Poland and Slovakia" 19980,FN_ADaWg14E,, 19981,tk3Mt8tLO38,, 19982,33Ek-vzSw40,, 19983,C69YOsY9lYg,, 19984,Dsca2_4YfSM,, 19985,5Lae80fJxf8,, 19986,HcO25u_IYAI,, 19987,0P5B9gn8ZQ8,, 19988,XsdYFvXN_b8,, 19989,kdTtZ0rRI1o,, 19990,eF2MdCCNE7M,, 19991,ObTN2WcS7AY,, 19992,MtRVfdKWbPI,,"outdoors, nature, island, vacation, kauai, canyon, natural, hawaii, landscape, waimea, tourism, scenic, rock, clouds, destination, ecology, peaceful, green, sunlight, shadow, serene, tropical, united, park, vibrant, dirt, red, aerial, scene, shade, colorful, tranquil, panorama, lush, warm, kalalau valley, panoramic, usa, waimea canyon, photography, color image, worship, napali coast, beauty in nature, spring, range, hair" 19993,fk1B5UQn0U0,, 19994,CUPJbjfoYPY,, 19995,0WD5x1X-B3M,, 19996,kXlLI02H12A,, 19997,EheKbIZ8oAw,, 19998,Ch3wc95w8C4,,"The Boardman Tree farm in northern Oregon was an incredible place to visit. The 25,000 acres of poplar trees made for an almost otherworldly experience in the fall. The farm was sold in January of 2016 to be cut down and used for cow pastures and agriculture. This photo was taken during during the autumn of 2016 before the bulk of the man made forest was removed. Small sections reportedly still remain, but not at the mind blowing scale of a few years ago." 19999,Xf6JnoD0Hss,, 20000,j2Rv2CZTwaI,, 20001,ghJHlcAsT1w,, 20002,l8QEam21PLY,, 20003,NX2vnTjGTVo,, 20004,15J29EGlwmo,, 20005,soYr2dk4Erg,, 20006,IeUIUmbnXHg,, 20007,tY8AJdPsI70,,Clear white sand of Galveston beach. 20008,xt2RVBBO6uI,, 20009,EYeCgWM_EpA,, 20010,QLCw6TUQG_k,,Old man waiting for the boat. 20011,VTtFNB4aOrk,,Stage One 20012,ivU6tleiHN4,,Arctic iceberg 20013,mC_puQe4V3g,,Ocean 20014,NyGXHLRfdPg,, 20015,FIrHUn3GI4A,, 20016,a7FiLP1hgOc,, 20017,NUcNh9PcYg4,, 20018,-WHxOt8JK5w,,Framed plants 20019,5SXWtuSz2gc,,milkyway 20020,fM2z6_GN8Uk,, 20021,UaaqY7j09B8,, 20022,B_xAJIXhVDg,, 20023,N4JkghnW_94,,a dog in cool lighting 20024,LM-L8uDkkJU,, 20025,y180NhhtNXA,, 20026,A6SkfqjGREA,,Bronx Zoo 20027,t_VAvlLfTJk,, 20028,-t-Q-E2s3mI,, 20029,iGmK8yw_oGc,,"Porto de Galinhas is a beach in the municipality of Ipojuca, Pernambuco, Brazil. Porto de Galinhas is a major tourist destination. The beach is famous for its bright-water beaches and natural pools, that's why so many rafts and small boats. It has been voted ""Best Brazilian Beach"" for the eighth time in a row by the readers of Voyage & Tourism Brazilian magazine" 20030,ty8ZVbC-Wik,,@henry_ravenscroft_ 20031,DMnHQUitTQU,, 20032,72E4Zb9SPO8,,Old English Bulldog Puppy Cute Outdoors 20033,JcsdD_x9rLI,,Books of the Bible on white table with orange rose and brown background 20034,mfbnCuleh_w,, 20035,MD338JKSGKk,, 20036,UaSKd83CXsQ,, 20037,Xe56XEzC2Gc,,Moon plane 20038,IJmbu7B6f8o,,"In a remote part of the Western Desert in central Egypt, highly eroded plateaus rise from the desert floor. The bright speckles are ancient dry lakes, the salt deposits reflecting brightly. Long ago, water flowed off the plateau, forming the breaches seen on the plateaus’ edges. This desolate land between oases is surrounded by extensive sand dunes." 20039,tWTd2gGIr9Y,, 20040,k8N40iqa91E,,Autumn Fall forest 20041,z1gj1hD_T08,, 20042,nDIZsRWrqQk,, 20043,qGcjXMfh0jw,,StingRay 🦋 20044,UOJoO383Ezo,, 20045,8C83qvgpMVE,, 20046,W6wp1-SDzKY,, 20047,eH92ydifeD0,, 20048,HegxX0qHXRg,, 20049,L2dMFs4fdJg,,Dramatic sunset gave off this 'movie poster' vibe. Pulled the car over on Hyw 80 just outside Salt Lake City and shot this off the side of the road. 20050,kt3XrZA35U0,, 20051,iKKN2XW2GKE,,Around the beautiful Almsee! #3 20052,WF90DWbHhvc,, 20053,BrfCiLC7Grc,,Pink roses with blank pink card 20054,0kBhBH5gWWE,, 20055,1HNbDcffisQ,, 20056,VXagiom6LSg,, 20057,a-oQC_dJZ9Y,, 20058,e-sLdEvXRHw,,"Several of this colorful grasshopper I found on the beach in shallow water, after the shots I brought them to the dunes" 20059,t2UVzsLUJAs,, 20060,urlXwIxKxMg,,Camp fire sparks time lapse 20061,DaZW2Xk0rbs,,IG (tag if used) - Model - 20062,P_KF_CenwK4,,Tule Elks - Ocean merging with the blue sky in the background 20063,cmbbwn-2Ilw,,Lily falling into clear water with ripples 20064,lZ98dwbkTws,, 20065,mN8jz63LwlM,,Heaven Freezes Over Severe drought exposes parts of Lake Tahoe rarely seen as water levels continue to decline in this historically dry winter. 20066,Wx1HyoP2lkA,,One of favorite waterfall on east java 20067,YO95JFcBy9g,, 20068,CgksNg0iiI8,,Short Lived 20069,-Y1dcU9sGO0,,Bananas on tree in Maui - picking bananas - green bananas 20070,MIfic5MC6jY,, 20071,7tw1GLJt7BU,,Trump's hair 20072,qTreXGf31Cc,,By the beach. 20073,bbehiLsj8Fo,,"If you use/love my work, please follow me on Instagram <3 @Paige.marie.cody" 20074,dv5SSMfXbs4,,Morro rock 20075,YSoqrTfEWcI,,San Fransisco Marshalls bay 20076,yZrn66TS5Uw,, 20077,L50EwWmAY2w,,Breathtaking view of lake and mountains. 20078,B7EBb5YVl8M,,A couple walking on the beach after some stormy torrential rain. 20079,jdOLKFLoWLg,,summer beach 20080,sEn3zkyD8OI,, 20081,CWLNJqPSml4,,"rowboat, flowers" 20082,SeoRKuVNzRk,, 20083,wJYricpDGM0,,Wild horses in a meadow 20084,IT4Za_Q_dTA,,Buildings In The Sky 20085,3HlgJNdnD7I,,Dry grass near a river 20086,bygTaBey1Xk,, 20087,tkk8_HakQ98,,Silhouettes In Desert 20088,o-zOatT4kQw,,Granite peaks in the morning 20089,m24tyN0a39c,,Sloth in a tree 20090,MdFBcEMBytc,,Hoofddorp sheep 20091,09DqMECw1BI,,Grassy Mountains in Geiranger 20092,EIO_ZytZm8Y,,Cityscape of Paris with traffic 20093,in-vFikVTWA,, 20094,pnIzzMjeYQg,,Goat by lake 20095,4UXYVaW0VxU,, 20096,wtjrpjZABcQ,,Rocks 20097,3NWGUmlltlU,,For more visit @wazzastudio on Instagram! x 20098,9ouht2FSTDU,, 20099,bSKXA3bPQ94,, 20100,PXRB2ZsCE7E,,Estaba algo movido el mar y las olas al romper con su espuma blanca enriquecían los colores de este precioso amanecer en las playas de Huelín (Málaga). 20101,xES8XBi-RJw,,Chicago cityscape during the golden hour 20102,SOBE-JRyRww,,Steel bridge on Alaska Highway 20103,xAgvgQpYsf4,,Mittelberg Landscape 20104,2-Bq_AGZyr8,,Red Orange Sun Leaves 20105,iecJiKe_RNg,,Autumn woods across the lake 20106,r1lcg46oaio,, 20107,49EKj06dQCc,, 20108,4wzRuAb-KWs,,Look up 20109,BS_1XGRkIH4,,Plants 20110,JGYU58CbT-g,,A herd of shaggy cows 20111,Yw8m90EyL2U,, 20112,49ZXvCLerUo,,Lucky Lunch Stroll 20113,Ux2ZsN_E8xk,,This at Jong’s Crocodile Farm . Damn this crocodiles are hardcore !!! I saw the old skull of Bujang Senang. Damn that’s so huge!! One of the great time visiting crocodiles.Saltwater Crocodiles 20114,FDCr4frb7Vg,,"During a week long backpacking trip through the High Sierra Mountains in California, our first evening greeted us with an amazing scene of light streaming through the Minarets Pinnacles, a series of jagged rocks a part of The Ritter Range // follow my adventures on Instagram @jknepp" 20115,wlgbfvhJprY,,Follow me on Instagram @ethanelisara 20116,9ro9IvJvEHY,,solitude 20117,Py_-G3nczhc,,For you 20118,Kff2wSaqeMA,, 20119,PR8V3-7_rY8,,That’s a Nice Boulder 20120,IMZ3bM611eA,,"I found this photo, which I have taken a year ago quite randomly while cleaning my external drive and when I saw it, I got the exact same emotions I had looking up to this tremendous mountain in the Bavarian alps. After finishing school there will hopefully be more possibility to experience further moments like that one." 20121,BIEAbVJ6AZk,, 20122,Bch-Zl9ZUc8,, 20123,fESZmHs8xBo,, 20124,3ACpcGixh2k,, 20125,PzhmEp_aDU4,, 20126,rChVaVWMUjA,, 20127,mREGb7W-XzM,, 20128,XECNsH1IPtc,, 20129,vq6mQRyEtts,, 20130,2vuIY5NSYdo,,Forgotten Fun 20131,X0702N7OUU0,, 20132,VkemCRJ671s,,"Saw this lake while flying my drone, had to take a photo of it." 20133,T3H-AdF-m9U,,Montreux offers one of the most beautiful Christmas markets I’ve ever seen! 20134,ANICl9V7BUA,,before sunset often there is wind in the desert and give opportunity to watch the movement of the sand sometime you have the feeling it´s alive 20135,EY8Eur2maxA,,"We were staying at a house of a farmer, who allowed me to leave the house at 2AM to take a picture of a sky, since the conditions were just perfect for that. No moon, no clouds, no light pollution. Just clear sky." 20136,qPoJaSaZo8U,,"I made the journey up to Winnats Pass in the Peak District, and was thrilled to be driving through thick fog! When i arrived, the peaks of the canyon were covered really adding to the oppressive atmosphere of this awesome place." 20137,qNJpGSCv_Jc,, 20138,Tdxehi2KrT8,, 20139,jQ4KKtB9_n4,, 20140,IypC3YwYLlw,, 20141,8XLihaFJAf0,,"When we were in the Wadi Rum desert, we spent the night in a bedouin camp right in the middle of the desert. We slept in tents under the desert stars. We woke up before sunrise and headed for a walk. Seeing these camels with the sun rising behind them was something out of this world. A memory I will forever treasure. Glad I had my camera with me!" 20142,eEkUby1xAjk,, 20143,snmtni2z6Qw,,part of photo exhibit 20144,Q3fNE5Wi0yU,,"Last night I ventured myself alone in the woods. I cannot say that I was there at ease given that taking photos in a pitch dark area in the woods isn’t something for the faint-hearted. However, the view of the night sky among the trees was worth the risk." 20145,1aJiV6n-z0c,,Elephant and sun 20146,HzNNbeGmJko,, 20147,oa54yz_-ujY,,I took this picture on the way home out of the car window. It’s one of my “everyday life” pictures. Someone told me that the quality of your life will me measured by the quality of your everyday life. It’s interesting to think about it. :) 20148,CFaOg5f6vXQ,, 20149,Rzfb1XGOBVw,,"It has always been a dream to travel to Micronesia, but it’s a whole other story to get the opportunity to go, and dive the biggest graveyard of WWII ships in the world. The place I am speaking of is Chuck Lagoon of the Federated States of Micronesia, located about 1,000km south east from Guam on the Pacific Ocean. This is the remains of one of the merchant ships that sunk during Operation Hailstorm that took place in 1944." 20150,jxRhsxBzgCk,, 20151,SkMVh-PGqCo,,I took the photo through a windbreak on the mountain station of Sass Pordoi! 20152,GsWllROMURg,,Inverse Pyramid Color 20153,0Yic_X6GLbY,,A Cool Mist 20154,0L0SrM72Lc8,, 20155,Wq-HhFHHeSU,, 20156,Sh1vxgjXqF0,, 20157,cVsgco75YSM,, 20158,8CJ6HSeCWU0,, 20159,57TsPwyQZPI,, 20160,Q65Et3ZmA98,, 20161,pixnH2vZHHg,, 20162,n52HL8hmsdg,,Fridays for future - global climate strike on the European elections (May 24 2019) 20163,9Ku-rYWKLsI,, 20164,Db3kWhNzGiY,, 20165,CgnjTR1sauc,, 20166,8EXZXZrj3Tw,,Mother manatee and calf swimming out of the inlet. 20167,0yEzpYn9Ixw,, 20168,_OP_WNPIet4,,"Shot on film. My favorite animal model, this time on analog film. And through the 70-200 Canon lens. And no, it's not so much fun to use ;)" 20169,tctZO2l47LA,, 20170,j_AiNQGdRmw,, 20171,WqHgIJEFrjw,, 20172,uV4sSg3tOXM,, 20173,abRlnvo1K5w,, 20174,P1YMAB3Y39E,, 20175,fb_-ORNv8fI,, 20176,bT8AbTBh2Eo,, 20177,PV8dauzbvtA,,Marvine Loop // Colorado 20178,XFmznQhx9lM,,Fall color in the countryside of Eastern Washington 20179,fkxUyu6F2L8,, 20180,Im--RmHCs-8,,Blue night. 20181,sAjOjYGt17E,, 20182,Yn4OgJ4WocU,,Japanese macaques 20183,Cijn5U7Nvhs,, 20184,c75KOeHKvxc,,probably my favorite photo 20185,XfQWsr9qNL4,, 20186,30HOhcDG2Xk,, 20187,JU5ewSjt8Yw,,a smiling dog 20188,m6NqdV_sYfs,,Wadi Rum Desert in Jordan 20189,iT0_0evaToA,, 20190,dP7B_WDbevQ,,"Auroras over Hamnoy, Lofoten" 20191,haw4NMyfMKA,, 20192,7bhMtGJRq3w,, 20193,8g0CStP6_Mk,, 20194,_dPTJhpwcgg,,Sunset Portrait on a bridge in Art District of LA. 20195,w9jU6qyYGLY,, 20196,HMOi1xhIkeI,,"Garage Sale – Coat of Animal. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica Summilux-R 1.4 50mm (Year: 1983)" 20197,POrgzr1VCDM,, 20198,UtT2q-H5Wy8,,Beautiful afternoon at Rabbit Island 20199,fkCBrzqy-UU,, 20200,s0TMRba9vQc,,Aerial shot of a back road 4x4 in Iceland with green covered lava rock 20201,DBUjPtumnEI,,Tre cime di Lavaredo. Three peaks of Lavaredo. 👋 Small donation -> huge appreciation 🙏🙏🙏 20202,V2xGAzJ750Y,, 20203,URCwkL1dTjM,,Dead Beauty 20204,QCXROs6U1Co,, 20205,SkChzNKdJM8,, 20206,E8dA0dre0VA,, 20207,TMHL7wald8I,,"The Pala Group, Pass Valles, Val di Fassa, Trentino, Italy!" 20208,IJgK7oTlK58,, 20209,MsheFbkq4HY,, 20210,CHFAxa0dIEQ,,"Medical illustration of drug-resistant, Mycoplasma genitalium bacteria. Medical Illustrator: Jennifer Oosthuizen" 20211,FAutKFEWW2E,, 20212,bdT9OTSXsEE,, 20213,qLoa1g-LObY,,Waiting for prey 20214,ahoGyUQq1hg,,Shot at night in Paris on a bridge crossing the Seine. 20215,kk1D_oOmwfQ,,Laura - A planta da sala que gosta da varanda do fundo. 20216,2UZK92eh9tM,,Textured window glass 20217,qFektgEhQlE,,Iceland 20218,Rh02o6TLp1g,,White trees 20219,eaUNhCfSC1k,,SUNSΞT BΛY ==== This is a composite edited in Λdobe Photoshop & Nik Software  GEAR⤸ Foreground: Nikon D5500 - Nikkor 18-135 - For more follow my social account: IG: Unsplash: Twitter: 20220,GzAhsY-qPBo,, 20221,CON1LkrjptE,, 20222,lqFxcr-e8mw,,Rich and warm sunset sky background 20223,pGSK0zMuLdE,, 20224,0zh-aIFfDhE,,Tree canopy 20225,Fqh96bTQFcE,, 20226,qdjP-fKNlJI,, 20227,ISa76M6l2Gc,, 20228,JazAtC59r60,, 20229,yzREGXB5h_k,, 20230,Knvzw8_L_80,, 20231,YtfbDQ27yjA,,Kaktus 20232,78pqV0YI2hQ,,Winter Fire 20233,o4lq_Wtpp5A,, 20234,n8mT3QFet_g,, 20235,HSI1i8jnAJ8,,Evil face from outer space ;) 20236,GdI3x_HiqLk,, 20237,9z848quTH5Y,, 20238,WkT34_f7xIg,, 20239,cWJBN8rz-0g,,Plant 20240,QSbvSq_sCVs,, 20241,sAJlWye9at8,,Death stare 20242,zG4k1AARHog,,London 20243,nJTE_b347jU,,A preening dalmatian pelican 20244,psbhUTs9emM,,Hoopoe Bird 20245,SI7BhmpahNM,, 20246,p7KKwjP3s68,,Plant Heads 20247,9rWHrdJfZBw,, 20248,B2Njd1D6SnU,,Got you! 20249,KNLuLVloHuo,,An island in thailand 20250,-7iCZvSYt6M,,duck and ducklings swimming in a pond 20251,Z7ks0_g-gHU,,A young girl holding the rein of a white horse. 20252,9eMNKBTCydg,, 20253,3BYIHJHD3jg,, 20254,T5WCbnb-Tzo,, 20255,DEI37Qt4iYs,, 20256,Wo8bxrFs7Yg,, 20257,bQDrHXf_80c,,Snow path in Austria. 20258,MXJ3QUxhNrY,, 20259,p8GrLz4H4CA,, 20260,7AKHr2kdmAc,, 20261,PBUkeOZ1rZk,, 20262,q6UtqGETjQE,,Foggy secluded chapel 20263,6G6Q1I-QW8M,,Snowdrops 20264,YDJmQPwCctk,, 20265,Cg3SuiRip5k,, 20266,cqKG2s6WP6s,, 20267,rtOD6PdRAlU,, 20268,UVxHta9I5fQ,, 20269,1C_fT-mKdDM,,Aesthetically warm palm tree 20270,NS5YmCl6FD0,,Home office with gold decor 20271,lqs4zehTcrk,, 20272,tHtS22enDHo,, 20273,2QhVSCUUK8Q,, 20274,TeucWzHYUYk,, 20275,ZeDw8ck4XEM,, 20276,_LLcIlMoUaE,,Evening paddleboarding 20277,QE2QOZqxdr4,, 20278,04paG2PxKGs,,Sandy beach 20279,xfqOqP0ydQI,,Flamingo looking up 20280,2Fs6MBBeayk,, 20281,ZdMGarUPuPY,, 20282,UXRceJ89NNw,,Urban Skyline 20283,EEuKggcEjZk,,Silhouette kicking the ball at the beach 20284,M2ziz9n8t0I,, 20285,NA0jD1Sg9WU,, 20286,C9XPIaZSdAw,, 20287,ZUvF7qEIcVI,,Adventures Awaits 20288,utqJcneoFjo,, 20289,0FnD0pmGpR8,,Park Drives in Autumn 20290,56wK2w3sMOo,,Towering island in the fog 20291,Cwo4iiZ5eDY,, 20292,h5wE5GFTLYI,,Antholzer See mountains 20293,6wx3v6Mkak0,,Raindrops are falling on my head! 20294,PSFfI7vbS3c,,Fables and Fairy Tales 20295,7WpRtQK5ePE,,Surf Town 20296,9vWcVqVJZFo,, 20297,xQvgxhxSC1k,,Narcissus and buttercup 20298,uCTlqRpsv5c,, 20299,QKjNKupZj14,,Blossom over a wet street 20300,P43nxvIHnag,,Basket of hedgerow finds 20301,w58L5M2IAm0,,Walking on paradise earth 20302,N9s3FjzsstM,,Two zebras 20303,vZZqktl4w7Q,,Patrick Hendry - Top Maple 20304,9zCe4gIrLhU,,Storms do come 20305,XSMsa2VwSxw,, 20306,7mT2N0Wwzk0,,Wind on the trees 20307,ptp1UHJ6c5M,,Gone with the wind 20308,_ihGttRnT_I,, 20309,MYbaRJyR_Iw,,Hydrangea skeleton 20310,S3B7ggBYwqM,, 20311,88b2KmI_Bbk,, 20312,jqsprpPrn9w,, 20313,Vq3B58_XgjQ,,"Hey guys, I'm currently unemployed, if you want to give me a hand I appreciate it. Thank You <3 Paypal Donations: Follow me on instagram @rresenden" 20314,94QHcPVMk3s,, 20315,6TOkc13ZFfo,, 20316,eyB95KJ2zK0,, 20317,49TMUrNQDQ0,, 20318,rSnV0lOhypw,, 20319,Yc6gRT4PiGY,, 20320,mj3src61bus,, 20321,vYxj6gNMBoU,,Act V of yellow vest protest in Paris 20322,wuDvhtaAYYI,,owl 20323,5OrjrQswk2Q,,Snowy Tree 20324,DqHPVpEOs4o,,#byoc 20325,nvo7jmzDDew,,If you love plants check out @karaeadscreates on instagram! 20326,w6eLyP1Ib9M,, 20327,3cNiEmCBeFk,, 20328,KjmtLyEFax0,, 20329,kYobqI1URDg,, 20330,J4BhMdtGA1E,, 20331,8N7Q_HtAO78,, 20332,eEYR5RpnwNo,, 20333,JHXTGB77Y_Q,, 20334,4STow4BrakA,, 20335,ClkQd4-ZfSQ,, 20336,F0ehv4gqqwY,, 20337,ycW4YxhrWHM,, 20338,yy1_lLl3s08,, 20339,Z3EwKKX513k,, 20340,fPg_lHRxaZA,, 20341,NxKmeWsR76c,, 20342,Qdq-TDi_uFM,, 20343,OMw5wiCCwTA,, 20344,9oXw9OCGBFY,, 20345,b2Q8xCmcsvk,, 20346,wEAwiEecwHs,,"Birthday weekend in Paris. This first set of photos are of leading lines I came across whilst walking the Parisian streets. Sometimes so calm, sometimes so chaotic." 20347,IReJyXjHAw8,, 20348,nbklTnbXZ68,,Sheep grazing at the San Marcos Foothills Preserve in Santa Barbara California as part of a habitat restoration strategy to reduce non-native annual grasses and promote the restoration of healthy grasslands. 20349,kKtD7ZsgE0U,, 20350,Cb_9pdHkCPY,, 20351,nQux4nTsMuQ,, 20352,rtCujH697DU,, 20353,zrefdvvHnwU,,Made with Canon 5d Mark III and Meyer Optik Görlitz Primoplan 1.9 / 75mm 20354,AxdlcxaModc,,No seas basura. 20355,c25Fd7OlaDY,, 20356,16unuC972oI,, 20357,XLuxwPsOkc4,,Some beautiful jellyfish in an aquarium. 20358,qRZ-jRE1YHI,,Sea Rider 💙 20359,4M0dNfJ4TJE,, 20360,3lRb4lmCBNw,, 20361,x_9Btz9Pczo,, 20362,l5opAc-Kaos,, 20363,sQVvgkLKWBk,, 20364,Sw-ezSQW3wg,, 20365,zn11uQ7gAMw,, 20366,mFTAV-eoLOU,, 20367,_dD5hPo1OWo,, 20368,6MHBHvc1-_s,, 20369,Xaf5RUAsiwU,, 20370,DJIN7ogUcrg,, 20371,fEUlRjbtOPY,,Last light hitting a snowy Kirkjufell Mountain at sunset in Iceland. 20372,AnDpaFc1K3g,, 20373,p7MEY_oy3mQ,,"End of the night right before sunrise on Seceda in Dolomites in South Tyrol, Italy. Complimented by these gorgeous blue flowers." 20374,DqIyKlJa-2s,, 20375,KryRJB-FBUg,,Feel free to use the photo for non-commercial use if you credit my IG account (@with.mountain) on social media. Contact: 20376,NuvDThdGUi4,, 20377,YNMoV6YHXFY,, 20378,lutEBBTpkeE,, 20379,BTjz5brgOc0,, 20380,J1VFDwSpASc,, 20381,n-zDsddwiyM,,Sheep in Iceland 20382,0zDRkxHyaCA,, 20383,VWSLAzov1Qc,, 20384,LmtPxR0EILg,,Autumn colors loading... 20385,_lNwvFYM0HA,, 20386,yzRs2WCYPy8,, 20387,KyGzjLeJuug,, 20388,O59gXN46JgI,, 20389,O2JWDPMhgpk,, 20390,zl3Hl3I9LF4,,"Sunrise in Étretat, Normandy" 20391,wZWLVSxxQ-8,,Scarlett Ibis 20392,IcOn1qzoTHE,, 20393,x12b3t2XlI0,,Cozy Fall Autumn Leaves Rustic Wood Flat Lay 20394,vZpigku6Al4,, 20395,cV7cOur4sAM,,"Fire on the river coast, Autumn" 20396,igTWD8pF3tM,, 20397,-ufym5Rdqs4,, 20398,8b2X85y0b44,, 20399,t_pbXwIjK-g,,Golden doodle at sunset. 20400,wTnVW4D6F-Q,,Barasingha Deer 20401,v08FVc-stIs,,Drinking giraffe 20402,-6hvB84fyYA,,THE OLD MAN - Shoot on Nikon D5500 and Nikkor 18-135 mm. Post processed with Adobe Photoshop and Nik Plugin. - For more follow my social account: IG: Unsplash: Twitter: 20403,72_MRoMcxzA,, 20404,N-dbsz56ZDY,,The Grand Canyon 20405,TNMOJYUteDU,,Crested cactus: Myrtillocactus geometrizans cristata 'Elite'. Common name: Blue Myrtle-Cactus. 2016 20406,FSYfQmEYyKU,,Icicles in wonderland 20407,yk--ajIjp3Y,, 20408,uClfh_BhJCY,, 20409,FTA61a5AFwU,,Sunset surf sesh. 20410,7UuTHy_FGNM,,"A wild Boyd's Forest Dragon at Lake Barrine, Australia." 20411,KBqiQ6coMcI,, 20412,WvUHVqt5TfU,,Sunset on top of the Stockhorn. 20413,0ciVnEHQCuI,, 20414,L8SdDkfrCB0,, 20415,nH2tftGLScs,, 20416,_XMlVDDsPxo,, 20417,jRpyGmlucuA,, 20418,qfX0ViCANEE,,"Worker in a rice field near Hoi An, Vietnam." 20419,YY5uHzZV6Wo,, 20420,yGQjaO0Th2o,,Foggy Beach in South East England. 20421,WfEi2Qw5Q3c,, 20422,42xFu3PANIw,, 20423,4OzaDpW9L5Y,, 20424,mhqvEtyKafs,, 20425,2CoimIXVxic,, 20426,rmt_Wt1DE-g,, 20427,HjF8ex3SAu0,, 20428,DgKBA_DkOkc,, 20429,94jmTvvAlAE,, 20430,bEWTIaFKHUg,, 20431,TvTWjoegcW0,, 20432,GuznxfRFGY0,,"Dumont Dunes, part of Mojave desert, in southern California." 20433,nb46PcRK1kQ,, 20434,yGwW8BkvrWk,,White and red 20435,_MmPdAHk3os,,Mans best friend 20436,1rf6BLoYOWE,, 20437,39bT5tFjWo4,, 20438,QLVgJWozTQs,,Fire 20439,bO2MULV1MBU,, 20440,swQ3JS8e-Fs,, 20441,MWHuc4Svjm4,, 20442,liiqOto_Dw8,,Flock of pigeons 20443,cFplR9ZGnAk,,Frozen mountainous landscape 20444,E3r0U6XLdSU,,peope on beach shore 20445,4bYpcsaDhpE,,Stone on forest floor 20446,keaWRTSLPe0,, 20447,QbkGwv3xtmQ,, 20448,kULV3HBUrfg,, 20449,zlb2yzScVsg,, 20450,m6hpb2rWP7Q,,Northern Lights Night Sky 20451,FxU8KV7psMY,, 20452,SbcqUQ4iEcI,,Mountains against purple sky 20453,-rWjydNhATw,,Running along the beach 20454,PfxjrYOd3pc,, 20455,qdRQOgjed1Q,,Blue Collar Worker 20456,xx5DqzlenYk,,Cable car and fog 20457,NUMYjOuGKxU,,Ocean Spray 20458,VNseEaTt9w4,,Matterhorn under clouds 20459,Z7JQDDiz3_8,, 20460,9DHyVy-G1rM,,Sunrise over rocky lake shore 20461,EMfB3sZmMIE,, 20462,H-Fvcu6TfJo,,Bright sun over a footpath 20463,vw5J6xCD4sc,,Snowy mountains in Yosemite Valley 20464,oQgZrmpNwoY,,Two mountain peaks with snow 20465,qIwFIwxl3CI,, 20466,JBO8vdcy4Mo,,apartment in orlando 20467,M1x9XL-KDPA,, 20468,On2OKC3o5Nk,,Off-road trip through the scorching desert 20469,kqlj0cldg-Y,,Climate Reality 20470,t00bRKVaZws,,Follow my Instagram @karsten.wuerth 20471,9cEEwoZqOQ0,,Dyrhólaey Arch 20472,MOo2R77mCZY,,welcome to new camera 20473,NfP5P5MJoWQ,, 20474,4uetpEShZGw,,Dawn-or-dusk horizon and mountain range view 20475,NsF7EUkf4a8,, 20476,nkxVMdpOqHY,, 20477,HS7fD5LloGc,, 20478,y2azHvupCVo,,White sugar 20479,XTk5WpnQjK0,,After watching what might have been the best sunset I have ever seen in Yosemite National Park we started to head back to the car. As we were just about to enter the forest I turned around for one last look at the sunset and couldn't believe the colour of the sky - so grabbed my camera and shot this. 20480,5BIZvfVHABY,, 20481,olJZZxW0uzY,,50 shades 20482,G8hzs8IP-VQ,, 20483,zwW7ZQO5-Lo,, 20484,vDD8DC6LyQk,, 20485,e7Z-emiIe2A,,That’s a Nice Boulder pt. 2 20486,HujghFLhgo8,,Perfect Pup 20487,kyEEpZi8a0M,,Blossom Tree 20488,0OqCRbwWu6g,,small pretty cat 20489,uWK7jFxC8Ic,,Autumn Walk 20490,vXXkgpnIMBk,,frozen lake 20491,PR5ZIH8c-m0,, 20492,kfAYZsK_5m0,, 20493,BImbaUDv9QA,, 20494,yNOofa6J_ic,, 20495,s9rYH_As2Q4,, 20496,sCza3bZV05g,, 20497,afEOEuAPVuE,, 20498,xmwee5Krl2g,, 20499,wFjSDliG7xI,, 20500,FuyPISQczTA,, 20501,t5jUwBcBf0s,, 20502,wCKzi8nDkw8,, 20503,WYKBBP4rm9s,, 20504,ICwduAsdSX0,, 20505,Ln23Be2OuyA,,Japanese Boxwood bonsai tree in death. 20506,aF7gOtr-if0,, 20507,gRHEt2kF3NU,,"Odie (@odiethecavapoo) enjoying his time in a Joshua Tree, California AirBNB. If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more - - I'd greatly appreciate it!" 20508,AO2OtEB7-MU,, 20509,dQkTV377Hjg,,The Shores of Kenai Fjords 20510,gdum8mPI39I,, 20511,6nxLS-0rktg,, 20512,B1D2jmlsTx8,, 20513,yKDsfZYpH3w,, 20514,SHDZJMG3_Gw,, 20515,VaS-v-MKRwc,, 20516,y2RiLKF0pIo,, 20517,7Ux-vLzi7kI,, 20518,7L5398cO3Zk,,"Discover my childhood landscape, the one that surrounds me for so many years, from the sky. Indescribable sensation, incomparable moment." 20519,BBSrzH-53iU,,"When the city shuts down for a snowstorm, I pack my skates, hike into the woods and enjoy this incredible spot to myself. Nothing beats the magic a snow storm brings. Huge snowflakes and complete silence on the ice, with the exception of the odd ice crack rippling through the valley reminding you that you’re on top of a lake of water." 20520,Wl7ZewvzIb0,,Is this the real life? 20521,vmEV5Fgwpr8,, 20522,CDE5bKVxVaQ,, 20523,em4EYFX9ONs,, 20524,cRn7OCoyUnQ,, 20525,y1IbDH8WABk,, 20526,rvx_KtCp_0I,, 20527,tQEq8YGRYlA,, 20528,H6GkFmIm2VQ,, 20529,VpmE7AbDg0A,, 20530,0T8ePa8D-1w,, 20531,mCbo65vkb80,, 20532,1d2EAoXPQWY,, 20533,XacjgAoqdnI,,"The female Eclectus parrot is a gorgeous dark blue and red, while the males are dull by comparison, but this photo shows a colourful portion of the plumage between the wing on the left and the breast on the right." 20534,otNeYuahoUA,, 20535,M29iLP9IeGo,, 20536,kCYUVfuaJtc,, 20537,E-cknkOGcA0,, 20538,UgD67HL_fag,, 20539,iRaeBSeh4uQ,, 20540,XhtkCHAQMi8,, 20541,dKxY8ywc_0c,, 20542,m6ta_bQ3hZc,, 20543,tkNc3N7UBh4,, 20544,K22SK31G-QM,, 20545,ouVQwCBlQ9E,,Floral double exposure shot on 120 film 20546,PMhYnFuj1ls,, 20547,DQoUZ85LnZY,, 20548,QUR0SuBeFIU,,"Discovered in 1781 by the French astronomer and comet hunter, Pierre Méchain, the Sombrero galaxy is a lenticular galaxy, which is a classification between full elliptical and spiral, meaning that it has a disc structure but without spiral arms. It’s about 31 million light years away in the constellation of Virgo and about 50 million light years across (one-third of the Milky Way’s diameter). Astronomers have determined that the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy is about 1 billion solar masses, making it one of the largest in nearby galaxies. They’ve also determined that there are between 1,200 and 2,000 globular clusters present, more than ten times the estimate for the Milky Way’s population, and they’ve been able to correlate the prevalence of globular clusters with the amount of bulge in the galaxy. Using infrared spectroscopy astronomers have also determined that the bulk of star formation occurs within the highly contrasted dust lane. This is 2:20 hours of exposure." 20549,nYMS2aEevq4,,In the Soon-to-be Goodnight Light 20550,1mUBcA4X8js,, 20551,P6FVgHjr6hw,,Top down view of the beautiful Eagle Bay beach :) 20552,eTPykQ-FPT8,,After the rain comes the rainbow 20553,ZwI4S2_7YRc,, 20554,CpsPqr38PxM,, 20555,QX3ODZvva9Y,, 20556,CVDacuttBHk,,Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park 20557,5f6HmW4NR8I,, 20558,KeXUgG0e9dc,,1935. Dust storm. It was conditions of this sort which forced many farmers to abandon the area. Spring 1935. New Mexico Photographer: Dorothea Lange 20559,bYY8OaIlA4k,,"View from Adelboden towards Engstligenalp, Swiss Mountains, Swiss Alps, Moutain Gondola, Cablecar, Waterfall" 20560,fOym39PkhL8,,'Cotton Like' 20561,krfCLWjKBDY,, 20562,VoTqMJLLSI8,,Loading up Grav Hammer Hand Pipe 20563,8_q9cHYKLhM,,"Transfăgărășan, Romania" 20564,LU-ekYZt5oQ,, 20565,QucRI97orb4,,Another foggy morning 20566,7Pw3UIwBj7c,,Konik Horse 20567,OuK_aAmCx_o,,Sunset in Ulaanbaatar 20568,p7ri-9fOAC8,,Find waldo? 20569,BEHMO8orrnQ,,#autumn #october #orange #fall 20570,PEgf72cgr-w,, 20571,6GWcFii43-c,,Moody hike through the forest on Vancouver Island - by Jan Kronies 20572,qrB7PXHp264,, 20573,VCPJWm2kJbk,, 20574,17cgRr1GX_w,,"Mammoth Lakes, California" 20575,g-cW4t5PYOY,, 20576,5QPvy1JG9h8,,Oxford street lights 2.. 20577,3d97QVYOuL0,,Walking across the city park 20578,aCulDYnDe9o,,A raven sitting on a gravestone 20579,U6nA8rFldLM,,Add text 20580,Ltyr_oTlwYY,,person standing on edge of rooftop at night 20581,RAqW2khPvpU,, 20582,CsIIlvmP1tI,, 20583,SEmsNX-FtGo,, 20584,yKo-LY9yMXM,, 20585,9yY6qj6N4Ek,, 20586,8iBpmWs8TIs,, 20587,QnSDtJCvZL0,, 20588,xjmoJshWsNE,, 20589,3M4tHVJ_7-Y,, 20590,Z6I4WyyNMvY,, 20591,H5wD5QfxSCY,,earthy tones and a snowy afternoon 20592,8SXaMMWCTGc,,A Ficus Lyrata Leaf in the sunlight (2/2) (IG: @clay.banks) 20593,TpjJ7ZtCqoM,, 20594,vgIvvaQU8Lw,, 20595,qdpPe3MtwmU,, 20596,OUc_2livCw0,,"Fighting a grass fire at Mount Beauty, about 1940s." 20597,lvfgRpf-JjQ,, 20598,y4RbZW7vHIk,,Airstream Travel Trailer with Sunshine Peaking Through 20599,Qvm7Cp-Zh_I,,Manoir au milieu de la Fôret en Automne 20600,B7_38PWgsXM,, 20601,LHm2nLdtC9g,,Lonely winter moods. Use this for your music videos! :) 20602,pFbJuxSwuhI,,It's all in the details! Gorgeous bouquet made by on Instagram! 20603,cRfxNlmb7Ag,,cute pomeranian in a dress sitting on the sofa in a restaurant 20604,-1lMrIXAn6Q,, 20605,Aae5ozmFb_s,,THE WOODS 20606,xBeYdk-Ugzw,, 20607,eGGdvzfEQLM,, 20608,UwIMvLl2m-Y,, 20609,3tFGhlmFjN4,,"Athabasca River, Jasper National Park, Alberta" 20610,7KOPf9qUzPo,,Paradise island in the middle of nowhere 20611,i8qs7bfTB0M,, 20612,dnquR2R925o,,Bee Fly 2.... 20613,TRmJmyPhCb4,, 20614,3nvTdZph18o,, 20615,ASXtbG1JB58,, 20616,sDnxLlPA0E4,, 20617,8OGJqpNMBGM,,Beach of the tropical #maldives #maldivian #visitmaldives #beachlife #tropicalvibes #nature #dronestagram #discoverearth #earthoutdoors #earthfocus #seemaldives #ocean #visualsoflife #createcommune #travel #amazingplaces #beautifuldestinations #fromwhereidrone #bevisuallyinspired #agameoftones #theimaged 20618,5YTlwN2JGy8,, 20619,AEMvGh8KR0U,,You will only find silver linings by looking up 20620,VrZG5stEyaw,, 20621,52b2EvvEPAs,,"rose bush, colorful, pink and blue" 20622,VFjGgIGNWlI,, 20623,RoVhHh_5_fw,,Sunflower | Instagram: @manny.dream 20624,W_a9HUzRIS0,,Pink Roses 20625,o_zqmWBigjs,, 20626,F-e4-hd1-oA,,Grouping of Zinnias on a turquoise background with water droplets. 20627,NuP0hTNvFII,, 20628,yvqu5kiGUrE,, 20629,SdSdU8_4Pfk,,White bird flying with blue sky and clouds behind 20630,wRnaQms8n14,,Please follow me on Instagram @thomaslangnes 20631,-ZYkhqecXt0,, 20632,D5TmUdYwi3Q,, 20633,1fJ7DqrrXs0,, 20634,ZVDyT7K39G0,,Power of Skógafoss in Iceland 20635,OWRn9UnvhyA,, 20636,qge7llyp7cc,,The Elephant Trunk nebula 20637,pnp2Vbs59t8,,Strawberry 20638,h_ovfsRi7pk,, 20639,wuHPFRWtDLI,,Barren Brush 20640,pHM4a_RZSLE,,Dew on a Plant 20641,zMz14hsbpuU,, 20642,ILz31HBGEak,,Standing On The Shore 20643,ZSoyDUotA2c,, 20644,vpAKO21abME,,Dense mist over pine trees 20645,490pwyi-8bs,, 20646,kHqQqhVZZbw,,"Aurora borealis near Akureyri, northern Iceland" 20647,jCho1tNm0BE,, 20648,dKH-4ml-5I4,, 20649,lqVe6NdK8bQ,, 20650,bngTyBvAkDM,,Aerial shot using Mavic 2 Pro. The sea really was that color. 20651,wvuWl2FHTJI,,二月兰 20652,pkhLNUtniPU,, 20653,fkfKa0E1muw,,Abstract detail from Vatnajokull glacier 20654,GfU4i2BhzWQ,, 20655,XC6jFL1njDk,, 20656,5fJ5gX3mfCc,,"Daytona Beach, Florida" 20657,bZQ3dkrVi9E,, 20658,9tyV63vQoOo,, 20659,uG5DYq4Ur04,, 20660,o1iV6Di2FX0,, 20661,BR7x94Ix4ig,, 20662,_88DsHh1F20,, 20663,kNg-mMYK-fs,, 20664,utwYoEu9SU8,,Perfect day for a picnic lunch 20665,BFsm5vldl2I,,Blue Parrot 20666,JACEkXaAay0,,Snowy mountain lake shore 20667,MQz-tZEg8L8,,She sells seashells by the seashore 20668,H3U_HA1arI4,,Elephant mom and child 20669,2TivgHgF8AE,, 20670,s74-lwoDFOw,, 20671,Ru6hBXxVph8,, 20672,qL7mba4e8n8,, 20673,s3VowUcaQUY,, 20674,BS-Uxe8wU5Y,, Facebook: Instagram: 20675,qVneOrTN06c,,Chickens pecking on corn 20676,K-DLEZDOYG0,, 20677,5Mrcxnq3Nhg,,Starfish in hand 20678,rmBzuBiSozo,,Magnificent canyon 20679,zfBjeJR8yRk,, 20680,lP1RhcNrENM,,"this gas station was somewhere in neskaupstadur in Iceland; and I were lucky to discover this place…it was like I was in a movie, you’ve got the place, the light, the moment… even the story… and the title could be “Just watch and shut up” fantastic:)" 20681,Rfv4Em_UTGY,,South African Safari 20682,KJDYwicd_0s,,Clouds on a starry sky over mountains 20683,tlayY-PzEWA,,In fire 20684,SfrOdEnvyns,, 20685,vlA_C_HTc1A,,climate reality 20686,kSTg5mvjZsQ,, 20687,bc49Xe1euFQ,,A photo of my friend blowing bubbles in Tilgate Park. 20688,9LwCEYH1oW4,, 20689,GWA6uxWSNaQ,,Summer. sunset with a storm rolling in. 20690,KVhMz02s30w,, 20691,bUMT3SR4c68,,Zion Nationalpark Canyon View 20692,5E-_orYLhs0,,Lens flare 20693,ZZYaTMuxFwg,,Child in the woods 20694,oGkwnLRxB8w,,Night time beach activities 20695,wBCGx4lb5zs,,"Taken from one of my favorite cities: San Francisco. This is Ocean Beach, one of the best, but most dangerous surf spots in California. Check out more of my work at" 20696,_j7XBC-PGpI,,. 20697,-xZqcyTBUSI,, 20698,cujzXuKmHwI,,"After an early start and difficult wayfinding in total darkness, the rising sun is creating some lovely pink light all over the place!" 20699,2rpCX4nGqeE,,"Can anyone spot the cabin on the cliff? Hell of a place to build a house! This photo is taken from a small cliffside near Ramuh Pohon treehouse. Woke up at 4am to do the 1 hour drive across Nusa Penida to catch the sun rise. This is the view of Atuh Beach from above. We keep seeing photos of a naked cliff even though there are definitely guard rails. Not sure if it’s photoshop or it’s a slightly different cliffside a few dozen meters away. If there is such a spot, we missed it. If you go and find it, let us know!" 20700,GSuh8f1-90U,,"Clown anemone fish live in sea anemones because the stinging tentacles provide some protection for the fish from predators, and the fish can also easily hide in the anemone. This type of fish is the one in the film “Finding Nemo”." 20701,gPVK0VIjKcA,,"I guess this shot reminds me of how an inspiring person could look great while looking at a sunset, so gorgeous." 20702,OOOK97y6A5c,, 20703,swkcP16OfOU,,Dirty mood 20704,0QkyEoTQ6Pc,, 20705,U1vuL9fbtlc,,Golden hues 20706,_7Xu54Y62eA,,"Seeing the Milky Way in Hong Kong is a challenge at the best of times, due to the urban light pollution here. During the summer months you need to wait for a very clear day. Then you can just make out a fuzzy blur to point the camera at. Afterwards, with the help of Lightroom you can gently bring the Milky Way out of hiding." 20707,aOZ0TDoduVc,, 20708,2rkJqhuNfxU,,Rarangi Beach Pebble Rocks New Zealand 20709,gf_bZa-VqW4,, 20710,O-CQq6A5Qjw,, 20711,0CvGF6aNkbg,, 20712,WBwJGFSMY-s,, 20713,g2-lALqauao,, 20714,loEcRIcenT8,, 20715,0BNbrjI3HuE,,Waves 20716,JXcIQbDeQeM,, 20717,_mkb0Vby9tA,,Above the waves 20718,YlswFus744g,,Guyam Island 20719,dLPWPlwIjj4,, 20720,WLbMywo5fe0,, 20721,yCWQevKzkkM,, 20722,6U2Z1e2acZY,, 20723,xx3pR46oEbY,,"This was my first time seeing northern lights and what a way to see it. Honningsvåg is the furthest North I will be going for awhile, so I took full advantage because this place really was beautiful. Honningsvåg is a small fish-turned-port city in Northern Norway." 20724,RNQ-ofADZvo,,Friends with smoke grenades are the best friends you can possible have - said no one ever. 20725,E-6ZENGgngU,,Sharp Rocks 20726,0MN1we59-Cs,, 20727,kxzhL_3efMY,,Winter 20728,jrZyQgKfq68,,Cold Night Skies 20729,yJWMkgircKs,, 20730,ZrZSt5DiMJ8,,Wheat field in Saxony 20731,ToGwaZKbPT4,,Stars. Milkyway. 20732,_pX9jS9eI4Q,,"This is the peak of Oregon's Mount Hood, taken at an altitude of about 8,000 feet. On the sunny side, you can see the artificial ski slopes they create during summer. On the right, you can see the remains of this volcano’s dying glaciers. The lovely warm colors and shadows are courtesy of clear skies and the setting sun." 20733,NYUjk2l9eZE,, 20734,KzwQFdkB78E,, 20735,D_gGEQyfcNo,, 20736,7dDNhPqiExE,, 20737,dtLvByNVgcE,,More on my instagram @vadimsadovski 20738,BjYD9PvnOHc,,Dune crest in Moroccan Erg Chebbi 20739,qmeV6x8Hn6k,, 20740,Lm-ny3YsYkk,,First Person view from the helicopter in Miami 20741,BEBWuGgnF6c,, 20742,cxK8AoqYO60,,For All The Quiet Times We Shiver 20743,RkuRHfcTNGY,,Schooner sailing by an iceberg in the Arctic 20744,iWzDerwDCGE,, 20745,ZhRkvdDgK78,, 20746,oYZJ_4VL_zc,, 20747,oiDC6fDtr3k,, 20748,q21lIp5i3mM,, 20749,83BjY5qcPKg,, 20750,3Nws2zWA5eo,, 20751,xljjB3E2C5M,, 20752,uFdsMOjWX58,,More at Follow us on Instagram too @shotbycerqueira and @incrediblerafa 20753,78wDBw9ajUk,, 20754,RFj0OkD0s18,, 20755,BGb9bsvFAMY,, 20756,8uPIlOAPswM,, 20757,8-sgismcDAQ,, 20758,4HV1Y570nt0,, 20759,fCqLHwGAx2k,, 20760,pW-xgAxA6vM,, 20761,v0_uaaxl7xo,, 20762,x1QSu6XexIw,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 / 100mm (Year: 1993)" 20763,Cl7lquNcRLg,, 20764,b1ovoL_F1S8,,"If you find my photos useful, please consider subscribing to me on YouTube for the occasional photography tutorial and much more -" 20765,qB3JKBvdOIA,,Plus size woman at a pool party 20766,QNJdCsluIoI,,"Treasury in Petra, Jordan" 20767,xxPXH7azBVs,, 20768,4BvvvgTBObw,, 20769,ZsvV6tcEQLQ,,Fall mushrooms below a cedar tree at sunset 20770,9FvZfRKKfH8,,Natural Beauty 20771,2_kiYSibmh4,,"Blea Tarn at Sunset, Lake District" 20772,LCTm9Q6Woo8,, 20773,vx8o4Emu20s,, 20774,y0HCThErPE4,,Sequoia trip 2019 with a couple of my buddies 20775,uButEWo8xs4,, 20776,OdHEZT-C3C0,,night thunderstorm 20777,cUNADszVGeg,,Braies Lake 👋 Small donation -> huge appreciation 🙏🙏🙏 20778,D4KNb7JCbWs,, 20779,LSEXQIjUqow,, 20780,NWpT17CjMR0,, 20781,YDDFBz0s7tA,, 20782,1MjCYK1rKQc,, 20783,1zBMSv4xEA4,, 20784,gHfgrfFkrZY,, 20785,mkZRYVvfRes,, 20786,CGgRkj86QfE,,"The beach at Bandon, Or. is very popular with photographers, and at sunset the beach becomes quite crowded some evenings. I avoided the crowd and took this from the bluff overlooking the beach. To learn how to take pictures like this, read my educational blogs at" 20787,QmSK--YQBvs,, 20788,LG53ZixprjM,, 20789,0aYkdo3XfYo,, 20790,2eunMRi55xI,,"Clear night sky in Queenstown, New Zealand" 20791,eDAVQYX5YBQ,,deep blue 20792,O_ucqcb6Gu4,, 20793,aNVLFnGhLGo,, 20794,zuQzOWzzQv8,, 20795,9Nok_iZEgLk,, 20796,dr63mfXnTws,, 20797,Au1eENDHD10,, 20798,EI4thy6TzEU,, 20799,DPv3c-eS8-I,, 20800,yq5ZIr4DIas,,girl holding an autumn leaf in her hand 20801,SBpdQB7k9YQ,,Stacked firewood ready for the winter. 20802,_jX4K7F03uQ,, 20803,OaN105nSea8,, 20804,qCZzNKXcuO0,, 20805,3a2A6SkuN8g,,Wide angle forest scene 20806,mwkcedWdC_0,, 20807,5H8YVry4lcg,, 20808,Wj_Z2r4H5tM,, 20809,o1RfwbSKRJY,, 20810,iw6Z9qKSS2k,, 20811,WZ5Hu1NNMpc,, 20812,1X6uV3-ijUI,, 20813,AeqJWvRVI94,,Hand holding a beautiful fern 20814,Nzy_Fm6gZKI,, 20815,eB3W74BLW30,, 20816,KjutKKAHtsY,, 20817,E2XN8sHBHSY,, 20818,9aZkkMUJAJU,, 20819,bxUdQ_LGxXE,, 20820,vRvVvjl5Z0k,, 20821,THwtvvA8Rbo,,For more pictures: | contact: 20822,J-qS7KbOHWY,, 20823,R5_AaONccxs,, 20824,lpA3Tfl6zJc,, 20825,zB2a2UOS4mg,, 20826,oZs3C2xJlPg,, 20827,CBK17BPteJE,, 20828,SaovgEQMo00,, 20829,ZhJsD9T_20Q,, 20830,i6ZZXBZBZek,,The only thing missing here is the silhouette of a mega-sized couple proposing on the mountain 20831,4UexhWLVcnY,,Joshua Earle standing in still waters before the Vestrahorn in Iceland. Explore more Huper Photos at 🚀 20832,pS4XaFijPaY,, 20833,J32yHdseaoI,,"I know you feel it Santiago, Chile Cerro Santa Lucia" 20834,cIOxQvbLWfw,,Temple in a cave 20835,sRgH_CIcM-M,, 20836,MKnK4AM4SPo,, 20837,MF4TYiXMcyg,,"A high tunnel of blooming ranunculus at Pasture Song Farm in Pottstown, PA. Pasture Song is a small-scale, sustainable meat and cut-flower farm. More photography at and More from the farm at #regenerativeagriculture #organicfarming #regenerativefarming #farming #youngfarmers #flowerfarm" 20838,eDkLDM2fqzY,, 20839,tGMnVwbUT_o,,Trompenburg Tuinen & Arboretum 20840,IdvPe1OpFek,,pink peony in the garden 20841,70l86REbjmk,,Deep 20842,Q3i_7LfzyE0,, 20843,15YDf39RIVc,,ceramic teacup 20844,mR_HR8NZwg8,,Off-road desert drive 20845,Wvas_uTO8wQ,,Illuminated rocky cavern 20846,iOdOkX1yCMM,,Snowy mountains in sunlight 20847,-RlCdcbhygo,, 20848,HJ33Vyevx6E,,Leaving Your Mark 20849,b4SRwTQget8,,Warm orange lake 20850,bq6Gd7pQznU,,Pink Tulips in the hands 20851,i8P9zdvQnhc,,Minimal Leaf with Hard Shadow 20852,W2ZPTqdD1u4,, 20853,DX9JSmkdNCA,,A crashing wave in the sunset 20854,kJyMlKWfsRc,, 20855,ICPRe7fpuU0,, 20856,vnoGpXYBiq0,, 20857,kzMKpNbMoEk,, 20858,n9Jy8B5MzEo,, 20859,-Oie_2SDMtc,,"A moody mountain road in Anchorage, Alaska - by Jan Kronies" 20860,eAbgjvMA7Z8,, 20861,RD_A6yx-NN8,,g r e e n 20862,kkXDhAUnxYI,,Humpback whale fluke 20863,77AW8rM9KGg,, 20864,bUXnKhIFWlA,,"Ladybird, Garden Cat, Seattle" 20865,ZufJDVy67h8,,This is Kiya and she likes to smile 20866,8IwwxpBeCTQ,, 20867,PW7ZYRBGSj0,,Rainy Autumn Days 20868,EPmvy-Ql4U0,,"At the lake where I spent the most time during my childhood, this particular moment was still one I had never seen before. The combination of sun and fog was spectacular as it danced among the layers of forest that sat above the lake." 20869,nrzFZ3UBJ9o,,Red and white flowers from above 20870,bzzGg63bzAM,,Farm Goats 20871,Yql8bO9_F1g,,Henry M. Jackson Visitor Center 20872,hMmppWLH47Y,, 20873,SAcIANM1zgI,,Flock of birds flying 20874,VgRnolD7OIw,,Frog balancing on a log 20875,RPJxn89AhUo,, 20876,B3hNQbPSg0I,,"Sunset at Venice Beach, CA" 20877,Xp2w3veqgUQ,,Photoshop templates for bloggers & influencers > 20878,3frdrl3aoT8,,Tall grass silhouette at sunset 20879,DqrKRxworhA,,the wild yonder 20880,Ef7C4bPDL4A,,"It happened when we arrived at landeyjahofn, it was all gold! Amazing dust and light!" 20881,0eE9GfBaxDg,, 20882,seAj6m3oeJE,,Blue mood 20883,W785zpEXZZo,, 20884,iVel_HLwk8c,, 20885,luastsL51tA,,James Adams in yellow raincoat filming for Visual Media Church at Stokksnes Iceland 20886,5Cxh8L6Gj18,, 20887,mqiXYkdAU3M,,Anemone in mild Autumn Light. 20888,EKhRc_ymjh0,, 20889,ts8KP895aME,,2 sheep alone in the fields of iceland 20890,gr8r8bfJZtE,, 20891,p5NcxQ6TE8I,,The girl 20892,4OLiKJ48ADY,,Northern lights in northen Sweden. Lapland I miss you! 20893,6Rp-Knr8cKI,, 20894,3DoNWvj2xXQ,, 20895,tt2t8M69mX4,, 20896,ApIsKDsIJdo,, 20897,IDBadIxZ0k8,, 20898,EUe2SORHrQk,, 20899,s8yUXKzsirE,,Smoke Bomb 20900,Bgae-sqbe_g,,"The flowers of Turnera subulata are so popular with bees that it gets crowded sometimes.This flower is used in biological control to provide nectar for wasps which parasitise caterpillars in oil palm plantations, which is much better than using poisonous insecticide sprays." 20901,WOF7xn1antA,,"Western Asia, the world's largest continent, occupies one-third of the Earth's landmass. Although divisions are somewhat arbitrary, Western Asia encompasses the Middle East and countries that surround the Caspian Sea, including Kazakhstan and Russia." 20902,5vc0dWJp05Y,,Solar Eclipse 20903,D8xRp3zMaD0,,bed privileges 20904,b-z8MryecJQ,,At the hills 20905,pa3k0pUj-os,,Copenhagen dunes 20906,U3co5BmlyWE,, 20907,dwRmkH0C8Cg,,Blue smoke 20908,NLZdDzplC8c,,Patrick Hendry - Floating Dog 20909,IrQwXgk8Q88,, 20910,vP5Im4q8Z6g,,"Lightning off of the Marin coast, looking from the Golden Gate Bridge." 20911,yLympaD0S4I,,"Stunning orange clouds in a Colorado sunset. Photo taken Thanksgiving Day 2017. I saw this developing, went to an open space with no buildings in the way and took about 20 photos over a 20 minute period. The later it got, the more brilliant were the orange, fiery effects in the clouds." 20912,Xdv4XERxhOM,,Bald Eagle with Food 20913,wDLnCaHHrKU,, 20914,owlRMtPv5Ao,,Instagram: 20915,DWUDgygKb7I,, 20916,TW2bfT_tWDI,, 20917,1WXm4JXAo_0,, 20918,O5Ztn1Sa0iA,,Starry Night in Arizona 20919,LpryxGvyY-8,,Blue ice cave 20920,yFyFFZv6F4c,, 20921,6gRAAgq6A8w,, 20922,NBAatAH2KYg,, 20923,ccIFF34z-6Q,,grooooovy waves 20924,yRIyMQFM2rA,, 20925,_0TKL3lS_ys,,Rough sea 20926,Z3cq0O6Pwcc,,Shaggy Highland Cow with huge horns looking at camera. 20927,9JmJ2Jh4JsM,,Monstera deliciosa aka Swiss cheese plant 20928,WLUftUpk_5c,,Cacti chessboard 20929,2BZ0CSh-VrY,, 20930,zd90HrzODPY,,A tarantula walking in hands 20931,v-57aQ_IRNs,, 20932,5_6vrvqhhyA,, 20933,gyH7JOPbVJg,, 20934,4wBEOGScDEk,, 20935,j_VyPDgmYvg,, 20936,fVn4bl3z4RU,, 20937,RTUsoOh9e8M,, 20938,9QF90iLO0q0,,Special post for hitting 100 Million views on the platform 20939,zMct-fQxEtA,,abstract background 20940,dpsiCINOBkI,, 20941,ax5ALcXsAlo,, 20942,W3wgy9tDgto,,It was a blissful sight to see the clouds at feet level on Haleakala Crater. The dynamism of the clouds was definitely worth a snapshot. 20943,n93RI_GPY1o,, 20944,tCezUCsKoXU,, 20945,nvDnfWuSyD8,,Vertigo 20946,92CBksbw2bE,, 20947,vICWwl6lIVc,, 20948,tcR4hHSDh7g,, 20949,MTPGgd2BDB8,, 20950,hIV2CAyCPI4,,Nowhere Man 20951,1e6qyO3Zy9Y,, 20952,4h_F8Ioq9iI,, 20953,T9s79_FQ6ow,, 20954,N9bj9UAK9_Y,, 20955,V_MV68oW3FE,,"An arrangement of white poppies in the vase at Pasture Song Farm, Pottstown, PA • •" 20956,199Ew2KdGXQ,,Palm 20957,WZdGjSAabls,,Follow @Kasper.cph on Instagram for more adventures! 20958,fKxJXt5ppAU,,The Milky Way core 20959,BRgGcYwDp1c,, 20960,mZabJ9h8_jc,, 20961,--6JlGcHl-w,, 20962,oG_hQ7nQje0,,"Sandcastle decorated with shells at Sunset Beach, Vancouver BC" 20963,dOqQjP_qohA,,"This photo was taken by Instagram user @Jacobhestonvibes, who is part of Trend's curated creator network. For more photos like this, or to work with creators like this, check out" 20964,yYdFmqK2UfY,, 20965,_PsClD3drUY,,Bluebells 20966,43h0R5Q-2aM,, 20967,xqAoqT0kBrY,,tried to take those kinda pics i took when i first got my camera. 20968,vGLS-6oycoI,,The perfect wallpaper doesn't exi... 20969,N4BZINJkWBE,, 20970,UMgb7Z2Yi3E,, 20971,7uQrE2W02hM,, 20972,tPkjdSjUbBw,, 20973,8PppxyQr7QI,, 20974,SDPRj0DVEyU,,Satrs over Sauerland 20975,0PcviOM6MJ8,, 20976,vXQ_1gI0G4c,,Cormorant 20977,jhbUpRpilyE,, 20978,_yrdstGC_rg,, 20979,baEw2KqRIdo,, 20980,5cp2QJV8lIo,, 20981,nuW2qI5eH48,, 20982,Y6oFLC-KnEA,, 20983,BgAoqqc229M,, 20984,SRBFbHWvEGk,, 20985,ItFjG2AkdIw,, 20986,ZkCVqkwlUGE,, 20987,d1NX2iggPok,, 20988,Xe-LZ-xiUSE,,Roaring River | Follow on Instagram: @timmossholder 20989,QdiFXri4Doo,, 20990,kJzRsTQiTZM,,Sunlight on icebergs 20991,E_8Z4php3PI,, 20992,fUbtdL_adv0,,Sea of dunes 20993,qtpQ5iLzcJg,,Sunrise In The Mountains 20994,nbefYYof_ec,, 20995,lpjb_UMOyx8,,Lake Louise landscape 20996,XztLBuMHwu8,,Farming in Frederick 20997,Swlm_w1hdMs,,Rocks under swirling waves 20998,EOq4Dj33G_U,,Busy Sydney downtown 20999,xCsUiY9iDlE,,Waterfall in autumn 21000,DCfjzNIoDKg,,Elephant garlic flower 21001,mW016eYvXLc,,Windswept lavender 21002,Cd2QnIKU6dk,,Avalanche danger sign 21003,Fcf3OcxiDoE,,Fog rolling down a snowy mountain 21004,jpn7zekH2S4,,Mountain countryside in autumn 21005,xdRhYLrRqiU,, 21006,_XbNCkQrRd0,, 21007,DVepzdHCIso,, 21008,nXNORZnWu5s,, 21009,WpivphA6Yt8,,"Made with Canon 5d Mark III and loved analog lens, Leica APO Macro Elmarit-R 2.8 / 100mm (Year: 1993)" 21010,BkR842UVXqk,, 21011,MNrYmRgM7mg,,the hot summer sunset projects wonderful thoughts into the clouds on the mountain 21012,gEq5wMy-3P8,, 21013,WzOvRQ4aQJM,, 21014,Byr72vOUx54,, 21015,tdFJrK5welI,, 21016,flfhAlEwDq4,, 21017,fDb3e2bnTdU,, 21018,tUziYd73zjo,, 21019,wXij3xpqxuU,,Milky Way | Check out my Instagram - @WithLuke⠀ If you use my images and want to support me as a photographer any donations however small would be appreciated! Paypal - 21020,tno_aO7NKIw,,Floating piece of cold water dissolving in salt 21021,44bnJHgXKU4,, 21022,U7C1eoN8x04,, 21023,dQwyDMk2vgk,,Dramatic Mountain Clouds 21024,YiP_4jL7Rv4,, 21025,52P44moXNAQ,, 21026,GcSrKimYD4o,,"Being a parent can make it difficult to get away on challenging backcountry adventures. My brother and I took advantage of a rare opportunity to backpack to some alpine lakes in Colorado and scramble up an exposed summit ridge to over 13,000’. This view was one of the jewels along the way." 21027,_PYVvC1Vqr8,, 21028,wF_xsT_O17w,,Lost in Portugal 21029,IpFsnscCohY,, 21030,1jEcoFpvfEI,, 21031,hgOIkSZ-D_c,,Mars on Earth 21032,IK07OmXSnmU,,"A long exposure picture, northern lights and light pollution from a nearby city in the background. Oh and there is that little me again with a light in hand....nothing new :)" 21033,ea1lxNLhywA,,Winter Vibes 21034,bmwUCv0wMIU,,La piccola koker di casa primark. 21035,zn4Pl32WgWM,, 21036,SP0SaYg2ci8,,Sea Urchins 21037,ObWFLrkFvkY,, 21038,HVxdUZI_gr4,,Sunday nights by the pier 21039,ZkBWb3B6-38,, 21040,d7oCsWZYpAk,, 21041,ma096zVER1w,,secret place 21042,fipHkmiHI90,,Banff has beautiful gardens... 21043,YHNS64l6CUE,,Indian summer road along the Ruta de los siete lagos in Argentina - by Jan Kronies 21044,Uvh6jVtUwc4,, 21045,ONeUTPIkoEs,, 21046,a_AFFD1U2LU,,"Joshua Trees in Death Valley, monochrome, dust" 21047,QFsdR1UAIfw,, 21048,TVWBH7UHQ7Y,, 21049,jV7Wdu7GjsQ,,Denver Trail 21050,ZNoS-mwALuI,,The deep blue. 21051,0Ml0zlCVkAI,, 21052,lDIWCmsukmA,, 21053,_5PyWBp9HqA,, 21054,ZeFhQU54Iys,, 21055,D1DKxh-rm6Y,, 21056,9pZoSKQ3z2M,, 21057,yb-TSTXn1_U,, 21058,dqi31u8UoeM,, 21059,4m93a-sZsDs,,Penguin acrobat in Wroclaw Zoo (best in Poland) 21060,O1D_nyz8r0c,, 21061,S2gPnFZRvps,,"Contrary to what it looks like, the sun has set for a long time. I still don’t know where the light in the sky comes from" 21062,E1nV1tuJGs0,,"I love taking hikes locally and hunting for mushrooms. It’s exciting to come across something new, document it, then research and identify them later. Sometimes, this leads to choice edibles. Sometimes, you learn that what you have found is best to be admired for its looks. The Amanita muscaria, commonly known as fly agaric, is a poisonous mushroom. Eating this mushroom can lead to nausea and stomach cramps at first, then eventually liver and kidney damage. If you ever have to ask if it is edible, do not eat it. Always consult an expert." 21063,BVS5gwJDoH0,, 21064,iUqEukCidQI,,Stream at Tremont 21065,P--QMYfAsB4,, 21066,d7ZP2soDKHY,, 21067,5f9LZamaiXs,,leaves of bushes 21068,_2rf0fMIec8,,The lightness of a wild soul 21069,Mcfczoal76I,, 21070,NjnV4cCIN90,, 21071,5fRvDpq3JTU,,Hawk in the Park 21072,qJQRJAnFuTI,,Helmut the english bulldog 21073,eLg61SidxVw,,"zenit 122, kyiv, ua" 21074,0wfYGdyvgvk,,"Fern and rock Lake District, UK" 21075,VLgCfG40Reg,, 21076,NLOWG9Zm01w,,Shepherd. 21077,mq8Y9FYFZ24,,Elephant 21078,4_pVvgKOQxA,,Kids playing 21079,9h0bOWwPjUU,,"""The Guardian""" 21080,S-5qu7iwQfc,,Early cold morning at Lake Louise. Instagram : 21081,m945Y6sN9VA,, 21082,dbrE_Nc6L4M,, 21083,yW9ZKX9_fs8,,"This digitally-colorized, negative-stained transmission electron microscopic (TEM) image depicted some of the ultrastructural morphology of the A/CA/4/09 Swine Flu virus." 21084,K-2J2Zq2n6c,,"The Coast of Dorset, UK" 21085,gZepKUOiwu4,, 21086,p4Qzox7PTXw,, 21087,mdbmLTJF9kY,, 21088,ZgiIu6vOthk,,The Ligatne Nature Trails are a well-established network of trails in the natural forest landscape of Gauja National Park where everyone can observe and get to know wild animals of Latvia in conditions almost completely identical to their natural habitat. 21089,PjQeXnx06is,, 21090,k6Navgosi-I,, 21091,3osGqRRtQBE,,Macaw at Akumal Monkey Sanctuary 21092,MckU2A7uz0I,,Twilight Memories 21093,ht1JkZ7tYmY,, 21094,ZSBxs3yn910,, 21095,MzxMHahFEDY,,Mirror Me 21096,qzZ9fDROb-g,, 21097,emauZ86g85g,, 21098,KX2mdxPYOtA,, 21099,PWf-Dr2qpOo,,Desert dunes in Dubai 21100,GWF4_nayH-4,, 21101,SoPJ087f_PI,, 21102,MlE0ywXtibg,, 21103,SS0OxaTEdhc,, 21104,vTkam84Z20c,, 21105,2_Hq-7KKL4I,, 21106,cmlaz0dTM7I,, 21107,TqupGKYflDo,,"It’s always worth it to get up & shoot the sunrise. Especially at the beach. Imagine the warm air, the sound of the waves breaking & foaming up onto the shore. A new day, full of potential :) Have a lovely day!" 21108,3RxZ85BBuP4,, 21109,PDXUR1UXbFI,, 21110,6_Wws0m6Jxk,,The Sun Is Setting 21111,LAZX9pMx85E,,Three peaks of Lavaredo! 21112,KmrRRPtestE,,NOAA diver John Brooks inspecting the remains of the USS MACAW at Midway Island. 21113,Yp-wAXStbQ8,,Beautiful contrast between snow and red sedimentary rock formations. 21114,bG229nKBLXA,, 21115,Ty4ihy8PZHI,, 21116,sT_AXqGV8-Q,,Spring new leaves in golden hour sunlight 21117,LryOyGjm1bo,,DREAMY NIGHT 21118,7PMH-V2Lpew,,where does it start? 21119,AjvD0Dkh-A4,, 21120,xCmlTJmMyhQ,,"It's important to us to support creators, so when using this photo please give photo credit to Keith Pitts at; Instagram @keithmpitts. The creator featured can be found on Twitter @ItsAustinSaylor" 21121,B0rGDsHAhvA,, 21122,O7K8_o0KVjw,, 21123,9iAIfjrSFYw,, 21124,IkcVPagOpAo,, 21125,Ss4yW4pFNF4,, 21126,Ch80_uerOEQ,,patrick hendry 21127,5kYM0fCFE-Q,, 21128,_9ItevtI7Zs,, 21129,6HWE5NDBG7M,, 21130,O0-A2NyWM44,, 21131,KGPsHE5c-so,,beautiful 21132,btU6QX-Prfs,, 21133,2gMDqim35xw,, 21134,OR2An20i1A4,, 21135,VSxPdZZ9kT0,, 21136,2zGZxc3fpcg,,Hiking in the Great Sand Dunes National Park the morning light covered the dunes for miles to come. 21137,2sJ_9nbUpFc,, 21138,TKGNpBMDJEM,, 21139,INZJPyew520,, 21140,F7N3mAR4zUc,, 21141,HqlzUBCjva8,, 21142,jFL1s0K5C5I,, 21143,0Hafhq109Yk,, 21144,w5npspc50v0,, 21145,lgEhdSyRkNw,, 21146,gvEDvSXQhRw,,Sunset in Abu Dhabi Desert 21147,UoZ_YPICC1s,, 21148,b0J8OosDzrY,, 21149,Jx-Gk0Sc6uA,,photo by 21150,zfYYrxdvTzE,,The Orion Nebula. 21151,Vx1cGjdPwHk,, 21152,5uG-ugtizAo,,Yatch 21153,xfgeMfYFsMk,,Blue flowers for earth day. Please credit @msbirgith or discover more 21154,JwOX8r5ZUiY,,Found this beautiful tree while I was out exploring an island called Vinön. Located near where I live. 21155,zRpfHuz1hUM,, 21156,LR2-XtshLNc,,The road 21157,lfNjeweCXJQ,, 21158,0Hr2m3V_w1Q,,Life on a Leaf - iPhone Wallpaper - Background - The image was post-processed with Adobe Photoshop and Nik Collection Plug-In. - Edited in Λdobe Photoshop & Nik Software GEAR⤸ Foreground: Nikon D5500 - Nikkor 18-135 mm - For more follow my social account: IG: Unsplash: Twitter: 21159,8ZDzy80c8K4,, 21160,Z9Wcigq8kAY,, 21161,u585sPhsez0,, 21162,o4Tc9wRMVVM,, 21163,vIN1Uxk-rzQ,, 21164,KMrEjF7jwEE,, 21165,sZey8cPbJqg,, 21166,TE4vKu9w5lI,, 21167,ECfXzVx-E5c,, 21168,i3mcVZQObcU,, 21169,otxjmvvtxck,, 21170,-isw4ET_gsQ,,Green leaves pressed up against glasshouse 21171,BK0FjogYpoY,, 21172,cYSTllkuOn4,,Nothing to say 21173,yIdimqP4kH4,, 21174,qywpTPXYQso,, 21175,J4Fhg4yarZA,, 21176,0m1zTcIy_ag,, 21177,sdxaGEKibnY,, 21178,MpIoPBR42qg,, 21179,mKHfS1SleSo,, 21180,LrSY9fWFtl0,,Sunlit stream at the edge of a forest 21181,OxTT6kZs_gU,,Snow falling in a forest 21182,OT5nbP2m24I,,Hang this photos on the wall. Buy prints 21183,TyWBZWsZSSg,, 21184,whOkVvf0_hU,,White lilac 21185,FtVQIQ9rDFI,,Serene Hillside Scene 21186,xQPK4XMJY3w,, 21187,5RxOvjqiJuE,,Lake cliffs 21188,3kIPqGmmgwI,,Lifeguard station on beach 21189,YOsC9qa303U,, 21190,v4e3JI7DDHI,, 21191,Sktzifi1agY,,Cerro de La Silla on a warm day 21192,VABwWTxUrqU,,Spider sitting on a web 21193,r6TLRDY4Ll0,, 21194,TV2gg2kZD1o,, 21195,ZNUJzgsg0HY,, 21196,JUKe5uWrRvo,, 21197,gE63cKCF2-c,, 21198,LsrMOCtnDe4,,"The texture of a snow gum at Mt Kosciuszko, Australia." 21199,zJxPJgJcFIc,, 21200,gG2G7T6rEIg,, 21201,mAgCSBkE038,, 21202,CrJaTtZATbs,,"Peace Lily. Photographed in the conservatory at the Cairns Botanic Gardens, Australia. Spathiphyllum cultivars are tropical plants which are deservedly popular as indoor plants around the world." 21203,pCMRxPO_vbg,, 21204,gkKOhf0IYgw,,Palm 21205,LK6TOw_VMfk,,Yellow leafs on forest trail during autumn. 21206,ujpRalth1Nw,,Salt Pond Sunset at Alviso Marina County Park 21207,YJMtxGVXMuc,, 21208,6-zSaq5hf8U,,Light blue hydrangea 21209,ci9flZ-rVjU,,"Sunset at Isthmus Peak, Wanaka, New Zealand. James Alexander Adams." 21210,kdVGvy2dunA,,Floating throw the waves. 21211,_VwKE9cjops,, 21212,-nU9HgkOwRM,, 21213,D9AndXLg44E,, 21214,1zFK6HwV0bA,,Autumn Leaf in Winter 21215,wFdg6NvA5fY,, 21216,4iwLxkESGe4,,"When walking through the Sugar Pine Walk I was completely unaware about the sheer size of the trees, until I looked up...." 21217,P781ud9jf2s,,Spring at Windsor 21218,Id26ZWag-LQ,, 21219,Qyx-NBAOz_4,,Land’s End 21220,1H01-cxRQJY,, 21221,fJBy3Q60h84,,Waterfall 21222,G3PFaUfQgL8,,The abandoned blast furnace complex in Duisburg is rusty (obviously). But in some parts you will find this mint green colour which totally freshens up the area. I love the combination of these colours. It gives an energetic and positive vibe even though we were in an abandoned industrial area. 21223,xqndS_pRxNU,,Winter berries 21224,NFantgIMoEc,, 21225,wf0v08p_Xcc,, 21226,gr4w4R5P5O0,,A rewarding day getting up close to beautiful animals on Safari. 21227,C9xHcya-R6M,, 21228,EHuC7eL4Q1s,, 21229,k-mrFb-GNAY,, 21230,TWsAGJWEi-Y,, 21231,P7ASbD-vHW8,, 21232,HJE6e8RQPL4,,Taken on layers of glass and using paint and live florals 21233,vg_jQG1jtVg,, 21234,v0KkmlchPRI,, 21235,KrxZJku94gM,, 21236,owOPxw6sSrg,, 21237,3d2Ec9Kfgxg,,Winter Sunset 21238,0fh58lD8AuI,, 21239,2kSZ19vYkKI,, 21240,nG0Mt25CxAc,,bee filling honeycomb 21241,cAvucQP-YcY,, 21242,ZRUdDkDk5Ps,, 21243,OSXZtnTyBc8,, 21244,P3g-vHRy-FY,,winter greenery 21245,woNlsFLMyL4,, 21246,ONVnnt1zOLk,, 21247,X41O9TMInoU,, 21248,unNLFfbcAz4,,"Wave peeling across an empty beach between sand dunes on a peach of a day in Betty’s Bay near Cape Town, South Africa." 21249,ox6O8llxXWU,,frangible dance 21250,UZrIhXnvlR8,,Barlia Robertiana #2 21251,Tx_DZOKZ-gw,, 21252,mQAb8SdpJNA,, 21253,ns1beDf3WUI,, 21254,dp1xHhVu2bg,,That Was Then 21255,PlK0RA-5a0c,,Patterns of the ocean 21256,Cl9HwUKS48I,,"I love taking hikes locally and hunting for mushrooms. It’s exciting to come across something new, document it, then research and identify them later. Sometimes, this leads to choice edibles. Sometimes, you learn that what you have found is best to be admired for its looks. The Amanita muscaria, commonly known as fly agaric, is a poisonous mushroom. Eating this mushroom can lead to nausea and stomach cramps at first, then eventually liver and kidney damage. If you ever have to ask if it is edible, do not eat it. Always consult an expert." 21257,zeuU9P1ta4k,, 21258,vY0o82ygEsU,, 21259,38A8zrujC-E,, 21260,vIjt8UHhSVo,,parrots 21261,iQRKBNKyRpo,,"Your Majesty, the King of Teutoburg Forest! 🦌" 21262,Nyn00BAV35Y,, 21263,e3jj1130c3g,, 21264,bPklSAub3J8,,"As it was the last day of 2019, I suddenly spotted this beautiful sunset and immediately captured. Wish everyone who is possibly reading this, a happy new year (or even decade if so) and may the best come for you." 21265,6FTwDwXbQYs,, 21266,C6xNQ4IMGtA,,"Columbia River Gorge, Oregon" 21267,dQTVxg5C45Y,,Brendan 21268,fDqQOu13nUo,, 21269,jePzo7RYzac,,"Australia is the smallest, and flattest, of all the continents. Its surface details are largely the result of erosion. Many rivers drain into the continent's harsh, arid interior, where they terminate in salt lakes that are dry for most of the year. Australia's coastal regions, however, are famous for astounding biodiversity, from the Great Barrier Reef in the northeast to Shark Bay in the west." 21270,VpTGCK6zsp4,,Dance with Aurora 21271,WarZ5ilh1Ug,,plant overgrowth 21272,BNuB578HYto,,German Shorthair Pointer dog relaxing in the mid-day light 21273,X1_sFIFb1Zc,, 21274,nV_n5ilX9Yk,,"engagement, engaged, ring, hands, couple, in love, sweater, girl meets boy, proposal, florida, usa, marriage, young adults, candles, light, rose petals" 21275,4DHJLXbHaj8,, 21276,kkzXKggSTgM,,Snowboard girl in the Alps 21277,PdIa5NSo9CU,, 21278,dFrjzic_LDY,,Wetterstein mountains in early morning light during winter. 21279,SCTuHOcjrc4,, 21280,0afeQmNB2g8,,Antelope Canyon 21281,ZEYYFbV9o1E,, 21282,KX33JWMtcDI,, 21283,vAnadloIhuQ,,"This moment stuck with me. I was toying with the idea of not uploading this. Only thing is, I forever will love this shot as at this moment. I realised I’m not so bad with photography as I first thought. I’m a freelancer who loves doing this trade and plans to see it out to the very end" 21284,dM2P_QLwISk,, 21285,wIhdsYo9g6w,, 21286,gzSHXajxnEA,, 21287,QtZjPAGhsKA,,Hope for Clearer Skies 21288,kpT2ok8hDco,, 21289,LI0ULUof1eE,,"I love elegant and minimal images, and I am inspired by like-minded feeds on Instagram. Also, I love anything that involves florals. Every week I purchase flowers from Trader Joes and practice my photography skills shooting them. Usually, I incorporate props from around the home. They can be anything simple from a piece of fabric or little plates I’ve gathered etc. To shoot the images I generally style the items I’ll be using in front/on some foam board. Also, natural light is a must!" 21290,Sn3rPTDVEL0,,"After a friend had a short trip here, I was intrigued by the place and decided to give it a try. Castel Savoia (in French Château Savoie) is an eighteenth-century villa in eclectic style located in Gressoney-Saint-Jean, in Valle d’Aosta, Italy." 21291,3vwj1cUoUIo,, 21292,L8MJNsboOFo,, 21293,XkheksZnNT4,, 21294,n5gFu17iYug,, 21295,CyDB0XYJ7sg,, 21296,4-XMUn95FZU,, 21297,_nHGSw4kF-A,, 21298,YnT7Q0OcJ0U,, 21299,vtV-nPoxYkg,,Beautiful dog I came across while walking trails in Banff Alberta 21300,4ENnhG4lQXs,, 21301,nMVM3rs94Hc,, 21302,ztDTMBrb7qQ,, 21303,SnBwxaTEERU,, 21304,2Ycv-AaMfyQ,, 21305,3z_4KpP7djs,,"Social Media Agency and Content Studio The Creative Exchange IG: @thecreative_exchange Brooklyn, NY" 21306,oGMSgBt9iAc,,Spring awakening – white flowers blossom bloom 21307,J7bUIC82W24,, 21308,0s0WCiys0ZI,, 21309,t_qUBWOxS3M,,orchid 21310,pocktEPqo6o,,Leaves 21311,sKBISDgavS4,, 21312,6jc6d89p27I,, 21313,8gRw4V0_XJA,, 21314,Yd1z7287HIw,, 21315,ykfjtb0kphU,, 21316,cvFoKZeOUJI,, 21317,OtARVtmfjBs,, 21318,pSQSGLEv4fk,, 21319,tZZ2XYXzjM0,, 21320,Y1N6kEvFZFo,, 21321,-QTa5xYxDCs,,Some really apocalyptic looking shot of a sunset with wind-turbines in Nordfriesland. 21322,42dfJLG0oJU,, 21323,45MqJn7tjkg,, 21324,w-Hm_wg7XjQ,,Little pink flowers glowing in morning sunshine 21325,FfZSy4flpTI,, 21326,xjUtcDvzDPk,, 21327,891Nq0mG8k8,, 21328,swOxjGlwj_A,, 21329,ORJTmL2DOTg,, 21330,CzAvU-Ij0Kk,, 21331,SMPuMRatGXI,, 21332,CNQSA-KfH1A,, 21333,uw49OR2chh8,,Where the ocean meets the island. #maldives #maldivian #visitmaldives #beachlife #tropicalvibes #nature #dronestagram #discoverearth #earthoutdoors #earthfocus #seemaldives #ocean #visualsoflife #createcommune #travel #amazingplaces #beautifuldestinations #fromwhereidrone #bevisuallyinspired #agameoftones #theimaged 21334,D4Blldtly00,, 21335,NEQTM_E2XBw,,Just a coconut 21336,5908B5MBHWI,, 21337,tGFxSUHySxk,, 21338,z_s3ULC3tTs,,Honeymoon in the meadows of Sass Putia! 21339,cT-VXwHbmlM,, 21340,RFWap8jsOho,, 21341,AaRflAurGmg,, 21342,aFa_Fu12bj8,, 21343,TQvfTpO9yXo,, 21344,3FDNIEAT6Qk,, 21345,_72NMJyq6mU,, 21346,UOk556hi1-8,, 21347,DChIdoYBatw,, 21348,HEIVig8hdA8,, 21349,ObQ-wVd_puc,, 21350,YTc2kHz5L9s,, 21351,FgbSU5WrG8A,,white flowers 21352,0SqUthjger8,,a sefie underneath the milky way 21353,DLbl_iP00XA,, 21354,3QiFj0fqizc,,Cloud Forest Conservatory - Singapore 21355,gAXbwdDpbc8,, 21356,fVfKqivw8oM,, 21357,oTs8_h8exgY,, 21358,rCPE_BjGaBo,, 21359,nzRw_dPajGc,,Winter solitude 21360,rMCzxcp4idE,,South Falls in Silver Falls State Park in Oregon 21361,rsbvXYCry0w,, 21362,Uo5MWyegjog,,Sunny scape 21363,OTnFLh1W81Q,, 21364,-pFZwF0RYhE,, 21365,p_l1REt3mPQ,,Mountain Matterhorn in Epic Water Reflection in Lake Riffelsee by Thomas Vitali 21366,uFuO4RvPA74,, 21367,0HGKG23yMew,, 21368,g__wGFo4X7k,,"Canon Beach, Oregon" 21369,b5t8ozJ0RDM,, 21370,WzOqtJQ1YzQ,, 21371,IsynTEvw6Mw,, 21372,Xeg_2kKdSt8,, 21373,6AY25rODp1U,, 21374,Ri8c2qFg32A,, 21375,_XAdUMe6fHs,, 21376,PmnoVUT9U5w,,"Davenport, California" 21377,qTdmNLMA1I8,, 21378,_0JilSuYCvc,, 21379,DVCQwksMUpQ,, 21380,8wa0FtaInOQ,,1-week old Cavalier Puppy 21381,oSpD49Ksvbo,,SPACE 21382,g1MocwsEZhI,,Chicago streets 21383,1t2RPMMhI-I,, 21384,bqcYWuLOtUI,, 21385,47qPMPkQMG8,, 21386,5pAsLIRA0F0,,"Is this a tiny creature on a microscope slide? No, but you are close. This is an image of a structure built by a multitude of small creatures. At about 21 kilometers (13 miles) wide, this feature is the largest coral structure in the southern Gulf of Mexico. The Arrecife Alacranes—or Scorpion Reef—supports wide biological diversity and is home to several endangered species." 21387,CY65EV0l560,,Nature 21388,GvGOUp2pXpk,, 21389,HUzwWsLCcg4,, 21390,5K4o-IYpBAU,,Golde hour in the mountains 21391,mIt7m72qbTY,, 21392,f2lZRa3Hj34,, 21393,UyFxVIHWSNo,,Mont Blanc 21394,EYKmYS7XSkk,,Lionfish. 21395,Dzn4LwubNwM,,Svastra obliqua 21396,o9lEeSg87J8,, 21397,d8FjB1_8xHQ,,Aerial (drone) view of Arctic Icebergs 21398,mDPdSjyfu8E,,"Full moon rises over the Santa Catalina Mountains in Tucson, AZ." 21399,31xVIgIXbws,, 21400,ECB2DorQxzM,,Sunflower 21401,pF3Ahh-1HWs,, 21402,ZUSyn7L6o68,, — Buy prints and more here 21403,dge2jPQqOG4,, 21404,4bPTSQ7J3xI,, 21405,piaoMdjfc2Y,,"Spring awakening – white flowers blossom bloom with pink light leaks. Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens, Leica Summilux-R 1.4 50mm (Year: 1983)" 21406,NCQfubag2i0,,Palm Trees #maldives #maldivian #visitmaldives #beachlife #tropicalvibes #nature #dronestagram #discoverearth #earthoutdoors #earthfocus #seemaldives #ocean #visualsoflife #createcommune #travel #amazingplaces #beautifuldestinations #fromwhereidrone #bevisuallyinspired #agameoftones #theimaged 21407,F7FhTijeOG8,,Holding a Sticker with LOGO 21408,BP0RBHQZMcI,,"Earth I, the satellite of our planet. The moon" 21409,4rLs3n7CwFQ,, 21410,65fsWXV1dxc,, 21411,pXKx8-Dygxo,, 21412,R4ZiMTvAQbA,, 21413,DIDCf96r3kE,, 21414,perj0PDCc8c,, 21415,H4l83JK-vyM,,Hiker 21416,JghGJGDT8C8,,Hawfinch 21417,a-cCA3jKcPI,,Little green frog in the terrarium. 21418,Pk885Y2Qsnc,, 21419,xP-a1dyLhaU,,Wide angle forest scene with woman stood on tree stump 21420,8aVweLML8Xg,,"Solitude in the Palmenhaus, Vienna" 21421,dsDvFCHeg4k,, 21422,TUA5scoCf9I,,iced 21423,r17CwjZBOc8,, 21424,EazedzfaaQE,,Ashy wood pigeon 21425,hYrNfVa0xU4,,Dry Pathway 21426,aByFj8uGiYw,, 21427,vV_uStz1_YQ,,Sunrays in the morning 21428,s1nP8TOxLJI,, 21429,ps68tNyC940,, 21430,DdB7ttngaus,, 21431,LEJqkvmguKQ,,Mind Palace 21432,QbDXTPCB4Q0,, 21433,so_95pwK6k8,, 21434,z85gD0sTOQ0,,A lone tree at Walakiri. 21435,ac66TUhKDjg,,Instagram - @andrewtneel | Donations - 21436,5WDWayp5c50,, 21437,4e9eeHdiBi0,,Darkness in Los Angeles 21438,7xEEADgBOeM,,"The effect from rain, drying, rain, and drying again" 21439,s_IHISlORGo,, 21440,a8VxCn86y4s,, 21441,t37Jw6N76Us,, 21442,PX_OfCulWxQ,, 21443,2uvVjqu3D6s,, 21444,kAvS5cwZSUc,, 21445,VY3brV6k3I0,,Peaks of Dolomites 21446,Lt6c6wVRW7E,, 21447,GZ-pLuPZnz4,, 21448,Q3d66UBq6lc,, 21449,xy7Vy_blijc,, 21450,H5tJ-Keefgk,,When the alders bloom and winter doesn’t give up! 21451,Wy1rrAtku50,, 21452,D_DMDw6m3w8,, 21453,Vrp9ds8ufTg,, 21454,EmXc_zG5U9A,, 21455,SFhiSC8-tUw,,Aerial shot of salt lake 21456,WdgxyxVf_W4,, 21457,FcUplYOKnak,,Two Pinnacles in the desert 21458,7OC7Wg5Pbgc,,Wild rose 21459,VeRn-bKfoVA,, 21460,1mP62BB2xcI,, 21461,MqLf3K2nt6k,,Bea Eater 21462,aDKt9_lv3P8,, 21463,BpFJv2SVSQ8,, 21464,S1i0HO2RyXs,, 21465,k1QqUSvRObc,, 21466,LzbGdOThrr0,, 21467,9g2lVqgGRto,, 21468,IOUC-H92gKQ,, 21469,DujBHPRqAKk,, 21470,xvtA_eO59ig,,Hawfinch 21471,z31BR7wF0UA,,Rose flowers bloom on the wall 21472,F0cRGow_Sck,,swan on a boglake 21473,56_x6UCfgG4,,SpaceX 21474,EyYz9wKNyFw,,There is something special about taking photos of the moon. 21475,8bveYcwDcQs,, 21476,E9in-VM5F8s,,The Way 21477,SLJ1HOxFCro,,Walking in the afternoon sun. 21478,ftqE0AK_ODE,,summer beach 21479,ugsmZrn0tQw,,A dreamy shot of a field flower 21480,eWBseWsTEpA,,Hike in the woods 21481,kmAAlcld6wA,, 21482,ARg-vJj6Tdg,, 21483,8-o4p16GzSc,, 21484,aDUZbFgW3u4,,Smooth rocks under a bridge 21485,6YXXCDTqTbk,, 21486,cqdl_0gQY1M,,The crash of the waves 21487,_PnAs58U-04,,River town in a mountain valley 21488,8DMuvdp-vso,,Evening clouds over the sea 21489,UScjLkpDgkw,,Beach covered in Fog 21490,5S6AizGYyOo,, 21491,lKbW5QTT3nQ,,Jökulsárlón glaciers 21492,KBpnPk44tOA,,Admiring Yosemite peaks 21493,hS46bsAASwQ,,Diverse succulents around a rock 21494,l6KamCXeB4U,,Winter mountain 21495,fpMO_P1GPHA,,Lighting Storm at Night 21496,MvIknBxI2eU,, 21497,-rIC_DZaUW8,,"Snowy mountains, Heather Lake" 21498,SwuvcKXp3eg,,White mushrooms on tree bark 21499,7q9L5nxbz78,, 21500,e-Bvu4S6sII,, 21501,6Pc9SQunlK0,, 21502,GvhSUEN-Lm8,,Hannah 21503,MJN82hKaRb0,,Happy as a pig in… 21504,dB_Lbh-4NoE,,Stream flowing near Lower Cataract Lake 21505,amNej_JGsXg,, 21506,PO-rXjwr23I,,BLUE MOUNTAINS 21507,fZ7di-9msKk,,"Ocean and boats at Perhentian Islands, Malaysia" 21508,uQ1Xg4dT07I,, 21509,86AN3JFiBsY,,During an Underwater Fashion shoot Savanna floats on an air mattress for a top-down aerial photo with my drone. 21510,1Vol-slagq4,,Discover where is this place and 45+ more places to shot in Iceland with my personal Google Map that I use for my workshop in Iceland on 21511,8o2XpVtPokU,,Voted worlds best rose at Portland’s International Test Rose Garden. This photo has been my screen saver for a year. 21512,HVGn7_dMNX0,,"This was taken after hiking 700 miles through the Southern California desert, the night prior to entering the Sierra Nevada Range on the Pacific Crest Trail." 21513,N6lirule7bg,,"This is coloured water on clingfilm, on top of a light tile, photographed from above :)" 21514,F4-j7I4sFBU,,Last Forever 21515,0tykfPL2U7w,, 21516,aovuLamBmgs,, 21517,WuAKYGlcgmA,, 21518,AUWVCn2XJRQ,, 21519,wsi_O-S6K5k,,"There is a lack of space backgrounds with real colors of stars. So I made one for that purpose. This is the Constellation of Cygnus, Swan. The left bright star is Al Janah (Gienah Cygni) and the central bright star is 52 Cyg. Enjoy your new colored star background. :-)" 21520,oPubZ53L5OE,, 21521,78tmVu2BQXk,, 21522,ezseyJBWR4I,,"I was travelling across Vietnam for a month in 2018. While trekking through a jungle, I came across a cave with a narrow opening and I went in until there was no more light. This is the last bit of the cave that was lit up. after this, it was pure darkness." 21523,sVrEI2myiv4,,"Social Media Agency and Content Studio The Creative Exchange IG: @thecreative_exchange Brooklyn, NY" 21524,pfRES3CjcUM,, 21525,gdlXGtZoHxs,,Apuntia microdasys 21526,D1NVJHAat4Q,, 21527,Qf9_uoNDSOU,, 21528,5U39QOktpyQ,,Fisheye view of a forest 21529,O3GD_RquRAU,, 21530,DwdgekkT5y0,, 21531,6oS-qWbeBBA,, 21532,c_Nk5aTHSdI,, 21533,o1n-Mdxw3N4,, 21534,A1rS8CVyiYw,,velvet underground / Day 72 🏁/ 365 Photo Challenge Instagram @weiding22 21535,rCJsr4x58yE,, 21536,PXnZYfcyF28,, 21537,li50NYYCezw,, 21538,JfYizq33pBI,, 21539,X9S1w9KDaHk,, 21540,3OeUD6_-I4I,,patrick hendry 21541,7STeepw_sIc,,Pyrenees 21542,iRGOOL26gaw,, 21543,MUBYGNI4gM0,, 21544,jKyKXE65dgQ,, 21545,GrQO3IciUTk,,The island nation. 21546,wYJLHqe1r8U,, 21547,tK8_vb4rx5o,, 21548,m3MWJTeKGBg,, 21549,6RMMhL_Eo0U,, 21550,UTLouG6wK4Y,, 21551,4x9iDDA4rWc,, 21552,jdaigQmK-qA,, 21553,cd3Uxp19moo,,"The Windmill, Soho" 21554,eapeFF3mrCc,,instagram: anastasiavityukova__ 21555,nzR_-AxaivU,, 21556,8se07e4kIDk,, 21557,on0a6_e1Ldw,, 21558,Dcvco7sYQwk,, 21559,xpVh9nbRcWw,,"Multnomah Falls, Oregon" 21560,C00JdIPgJ60,,Peony close up 21561,p-YjMXIpBno,, 21562,HZlIfvYRWDk,, 21563,H8N4Qsbdn6I,, 21564,F_eLtGyrlNY,,Poppies on a field 21565,G8T5Jb6ZMjQ,, 21566,4E3TtpybSv0,, 21567,KgxGR2ws0BA,, 21568,Or-t1qT6Wqk,, 21569,9nUPiZHXHJM,, 21570,7kw8x4SdAVw,, 21571,DRMkkgMMHk4,,"Some say, if you catch this fish at the right time it may grant you three wishes. What do you wish for?" 21572,_YFUnaFMjc4,, 21573,-NFB0DiVd8Y,, 21574,OGXB-HNAReI,,"A cross-process 35mm film shot from Sunset Beach, North Shore, Hawaii" 21575,BFaerMpLS14,, 21576,hZQOby6ZdIE,, 21577,y2NGsgI-52I,, 21578,-nVrF2DL2Jo,,"All the series that I make are related to water, I give my feeling in all my series, relate to all my experiences, water as a visual medium for bold my statement about “beautiful in pain”. I use the changing light of day to arouse the mood of my dreams, I describe the pool as a part of my fantasy. I like the situation under the water, it feels peaceful, even though it’s tight. making peace with our own sins is one way to solve the problem." 21579,umCRdEdgDuo,,patrick hendry 21580,uPPt6GzwgiU,,patrick hendry 21581,e686hqKXQsk,, 21582,9sXF1P9XIkg,,This red robin looked at me and just loved to sing 21583,bXFEiuZtk64,, 21584,3udd_NEmgDs,,The head of this crocodile in a pond just looks like a log or rock covered in duckweed until you spot the eye looking at you. 21585,p1Llw1hjVwY,, 21586,tAh50jXul9I,, 21587,cmyDyDa6Wfk,, 21588,-pkhxZm4s8I,, 21589,oxur3NLAKrg,,Lake 21590,7ONomtIMf1k,, 21591,rRg87xGylnk,,Logs Texture 21592,ZsqfMGAzsRE,,Monstera Deliciosa wallpaper in a defused window 21593,DFQuS5Ac4kY,,Pink rose 21594,KOnHehVUYnQ,, 21595,zUSY6EgCRHo,,Aoraki Mount Cook National Park 21596,wgggZIP_voA,, 21597,88Sx1H991w0,, 21598,y8aTVd8tfU0,, 21599,8NYX8bVvPiQ,,"A single Aspen tree stands brilliant against a sea of green, Silverton, Colorado." 21600,NydHbLFLoS8,,Succulents 21601,eLZUVyRz2PE,, 21602,2KcXQ_xMWcA,, 21603,g6wH7rbphJk,, 21604,Dm7cw8EelSk,,Dark path 21605,RpOcdOCRe48,,Leaves against an ocre wall 21606,OaQbv6-iDO4,, 21607,kRdeE5W4jgM,, 21608,eh-k6Bl1v7c,,Golden September morning vibe ... 21609,NsSLw7VDWvU,, 21610,ZN5YW-HLGMo,, 21611,XUqGEW0w8es,, 21612,8NSjRPrieDQ,, 21613,DlUqgGvnRQM,, 21614,r_rdWf82qNU,, 21615,WKW0vmhWKYg,,"If you would like to support my work, visit (20% goes to charities)" 21616,eVgKrpyUHgk,, 21617,HWvl3soFWxU,, 21618,gsM4zDxzeog,, 21619,CHca94NvWDE,, 21620,83Un-QfL3No,, 21621,vPOYZac2hiE,, 21622,De6fIX5wsqE,, 21623,gp_vO-CVgNY,, 21624,hZHeyP0m8CE,, 21625,eBFRulHduHM,,PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY'S ILLUSTRATION OF MICROBES INSIDE A FRACKING WELL. 21626,q0J6zQPO-zw,,A Square-spot Anthias at the Cairns Aquarium. 21627,NpAcnhBPbBM,, 21628,2FrEtvhvqYk,,"Northern lights above a lake in an isolated area in the Snaefellsness Peninsula, in Iceland." 21629,rTQhdKgQruY,,Spring Daffodils in the sun 21630,hUH3KhlN10U,,#astronomy #nightsky #stars #astro_photography_ #nightscaper #space #universetoday #stargazing #astrophoto #galaxy #ig_astrophotography #universe #nasa #cosmos #hubble #astronomia #science #telescope #nebula 21631,AOvA3C7lxD4,, 21632,MHiCinpZaM8,, 21633,r5gRcdGeLyo,,Exploring the winter desert 21634,6He2KZafaOc,,"White pinpricks of cloud cast ebony shadows on the Rub' al Khali, or Empty Quarter, near the border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen. The lines of wind-sculpted sand are characteristic of immense sand deserts, or sand seas, and the Rub' al Khali is the largest desert of this type in the world. A highland ridge is just high enough to disturb the flow of the lines. In the center of that interruption lies the Saudi Arabian town of Sharurah." 21635,7JVVnuoabKI,,Spring tulips and roses with pink card and room for text 21636,6Y4XeCGbWOg,, 21637,ALEEHvhQnyE,, 21638,gXdOzkFq-74,,Late summer storm on Lake Michigan 21639,BU1RL_2rA4w,, 21640,ne7xzMgfrnY,,Snowy woods aerial 21641,KuKwyIgJwW0,, 21642,D7AB6RNJF_o,,Mono Rising - The onset of stormy weather created reflections of light and color on the water at sunrise. 21643,1znndlyYTsU,, 21644,tBRJuBMSl5M,, 21645,fuMXgxkv8D4,, 21646,ThUbfKvmZWI,, 21647,nbFj-irjNq4,,Dim Sum 21648,P8gh-GR0dDs,,"NGC 7023 – the Iris Nebula From stardust to stardust - it’s the cycle of the universe. Located in the constellation of Cepheus (a king in Greek mythology, married to Cassiopeia and father of Andromeda – both also constellations), the gases and clouds of cosmic dust in this region are providing the raw materials for star creation. The Iris Nebula is a reflection nebula meaning that the illumination source is generally young, bright blue stars, hence the blue coloration. This is in contrast to emission nebulae, which are lit by the ionization of gases such as hydrogen, oxygen and sulfur. NGC 7023 was discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1794. SAO 19158 (or HD 200775) is the blue-dwarf star at the center of the nebula that spans six light years and source of the illumination. It’s estimated to be six times the mass of the sun, but only 10,000 years old – a newborn in the realm of stars! It exhibits slight variability, and according to published research it also displays evidence of being a binary system, a common occurrence. Due to the active star formation and the nebula’s proximity at only 1300 light years from us, the area is studied extensively by scientists. This is a stacked composite of 66 x 5 minute exposures for a total exposure of 5.5 hours." 21649,4aOsyak3BW4,,Cat in Catalonia 21650,GmMJSDvpNK0,, 21651,3HjLaBmY2a4,,She is now open for modeling contracts. 21652,pahwqq2sFU0,, 21653,vPXKPWyDpsg,,Florals 21654,YElkMYaWKc8,, 21655,KuYXek-8dLo,, 21656,Xlry6pP2FVg,, 21657,Qx32j_jNO5E,, 21658,-F7BlViP-9I,,"Moraine Lake on a cloudy day. AB, Canada." 21659,2y4X0a-ygJo,,Very little snow - Global warming 21660,kPg4es7_Thc,, 21661,8pyVl0GZzQs,,long exposure crystal art 21662,1pqQhZZunrc,, 21663,HbfQ_nu1v90,, 21664,okjb-hk0LH4,, 21665,ajXOYC8zKHw,,a fern leaf being held up at golden hour 21666,zAQhS59RRnQ,, 21667,Xb4AOp_RUEc,, 21668,LD0Yu-0c2OQ,, 21669,cUMiKtWVlag,, 21670,ffODvgBivdw,,Yellowstone 21671,xOZhdQXNfZI,,Astrophotography. 21672,KCqRvBjeYbM,, 21673,ZLuscixku-I,, 21674,Is4VvI41NOo,, 21675,uvBJ07_EQmw,, 21676,8GgFmNjh95E,,Rainbow over the Wasatch Mountains near Salt Lake City 21677,WLbNc2tKA7I,, 21678,P_fMqU34A3I,,' Metaphorical ' 21679,nwhqGZ5DcOY,, 21680,aLiK5sjjwXk,,Cherry Blossom / Architecture 21681,mLVdkJCOick,, 21682,6Bi84aVKUVo,,Cherry Blossom - what a wonderful Tree 21683,7G5RQZW-87I,, 21684,yR4K86cHVtY,, 21685,R1fXrb3qKwE,, 21686,92_uquc7MHM,,Apple blossoms in the midst of spring 21687,ZetO6It7I8w,, 21688,uM3pEsEkPHA,, 21689,2MoQYAG58P4,, 21690,lHy-tjUAwyg,, 21691,wnEwOpZ1faM,,An up close of a fern 21692,8qDPS6u8ZRk,,Tulip-March's Photography Archive Record -- Commercial please contact instructions 21693,PEo6OYWiDKE,, 21694,b9lPdPUgeV4,, 21695,n7u7D_AgkOI,, 21696,951ta4nTxxk,, 21697,_QDV72XfedY,,woman in black sportswear and a backpack hiking in smoggy mountains during Australian bushfires 21698,jKDqyYRPUSM,,moon crescent 21699,NMZJJya-uYs,,Another picture of the Milky Way core and Rho Ophiuchi. 21700,JyPJz3E87p0,, 21701,JqOvq9ypB4w,, 21702,NUHuaz6ajyQ,, 21703,xlAmGyZE7Zg,, 21704,XoZjQgy3PFA,, 21705,tNDvFkxkBHo,,Sunset over an Australian Beach 21706,LOlMe8HfofI,,Austere rhinoceros 21707,G6kj-Bc1IuE,, 21708,T6VTsM4_fGU,,London Skyline with Thames 21709,J5FPuvNlXx8,, 21710,Ntm4C2lCWxQ,, 21711,sQlAe-3AFPA,,Cat starring 21712,BvX--AHSSko,, 21713,Ysa1tRlsPEU,, 21714,2pec9gfKEV0,, 21715,yRXmU56clQ4,, 21716,LgxjGqFuPWg,, 21717,mMj5ykKvwAk,,My pup Wyatt enjoying his first real snow - Jan 11th 2020. We've had him for three years but the last measurable snow in North Texas was in 2017! 21718,hjGE7Y7giK0,, 21719,wAeWy54vqh0,, 21720,0FVQQhggj2o,, 21721,fa_M3LyH3ds,, can you please support me comment and like on the link and jam out .. thank you 21722,GFWcjwYj644,, 21723,nIcuBlNNrZ0,, 21724,vg6PZkjL1io,,A beautifully peaceful grey parrot 21725,51w396ALMw4,, 21726,JFJW-hMPKKc,, 21727,hdUAn6byEZE,, 21728,7jO5mZQ7LkU,, 21729,N6RAJ93ihzo,, 21730,DW51W059qQs,, 21731,Sf8g7a3duRY,, 21732,xMQ7Yyd2jFg,,City near a mountain 21733,ZrXJrX3ggAc,, 21734,NldnGW6O9LA,, 21735,yXAtOOBwFNY,,Ocean waves at Karwia beach 21736,4cVpr0314-0,, 21737,JLkhiWpBSSs,,Family watching beach sunset 21738,T-AOFf2B8Zw,, 21739,yWwiYvRQl68,, 21740,sYegwYtIqJg,, 21741,1K5FKIyKVxQ,, 21742,d09xF10vMgw,,Snow meets a forest 21743,KT3dizYbTc0,,Sunrise foggy morning frost cold wilderness plants 21744,0PHJAnuCDtA,, 21745,cv2aRMNUGoU,, 21746,uqSzeZMbd_0,,"Cave, underground" 21747,wlRbMWqZRw8,, 21748,kfdR-d3lHHg,, 21749,puf8VwPLAug,,"Portrait of Matthew Robinson Boulton, c.1830" 21750,22LD8AoNJaY,,"Ice-caves, Please follow me on instagram @_aayush_guptaa_" 21751,QdTW8_SAK00,,Ocean shore with a small beach castle of Portugal 21752,sb9GRftp1kA,,Short Eared Owl 21753,e1LR9EWTWOE,, 21754,n1h2HQI-58Y,,Milky Way in the desert 21755,lbRU2Num9hk,,Mountain cottage in Austria. 21756,WFWBA2ClDVI,,Overlooking the city skyline during the sunet. Follow me on insta @bailey.shoots 21757,4MMrxPK0HtI,,"Heritage piglets raised at Pasture Song Farm in Pottstown, PA. Pasture Song is a small-scale, sustainable meat and cut-flower farm. More photography at and More from the farm at" 21758,wW3PRKmGy9A,, 21759,xXk6ASFrOus,,woman by the window 21760,5p0Mx9ZSfws,,Summits in the sky 21761,_l8ZdgJ9m7w,,"I took this photo a few days ago, during my holidays in Minorca, a tiny island where I was born. It’s been almost five years since I left my home now. I stumbled upon this empty shell while I was scuba diving and I asked my girlfriend to hold it so I could take a photo of it. My intention was to capture a bit of the essence of my island: humanity and nature together in the middle of the sea. Poetic but simple at the same time." 21762,UMJUr3st0AE,,Breathtaking valley 21763,eZExm0Aq6YM,,Lakeside mountains in Eldora 21764,wIYLX_wNQho,,Clouds over a mountain in Telluride 21765,JxW9zJOyfMQ,, 21766,hvm8k-44UOE,,"Sunday morning hike up Wessenden Valley, Huddersfield." 21767,VOHg6WZeSJ8,,From a trip to Holbav - Brasov 21768,elz_jOsXTf4,,Lilacs in full bloom 21769,J53WlWxdSog,,Wall of water 21770,PFdADjBd15M,,"The Milky Way rises above a calm lake in a rural New England town. Despite the water not being frozen here, this was taken during the winter when my hands were freezing every time I pushed the shutter button." 21771,Q_I_KXerapE,,"This picture was taken at sunrise from the summit of Mount Mitchell, the tallest peak on the east coast. A friend came with me a long this journey. It was our second time visiting Mt. Mitchell, but the first time being here at sunrise. Being the middle of fall, it was exceptionally cold this particular morning. The early drive was well worth this view." 21772,VU4OVIb1LqE,,"The crows, playing whit the wind!" 21773,V7M6_dpf9TU,, 21774,5-OehnzzexI,,First roses of the year in my garden💛 21775,6cZZN5io02o,,"To support, get a print of this photo on clothing at" 21776,IanBx59LN_c,,Macro Pines 21777,j22VZNXy7ig,, 21778,dnrRs8SXUc0,, 21779,cwL_DmFQTMI,,A spanish morning 21780,a-_VxSSCJw8,, 21781,PS2s_sVjcJc,, 21782,JRhVvF5VHG4,,"King penguin coloby at sunset, South Georgia" 21783,6i1nP6VR-rU,, 21784,TGT0qbz5ezU,,Dusk at Glacier Point 21785,rNUa5AB_Ob0,,Maldives HA.Kelaa 21786,4rWygYAvMhI,, 21787,-1qb8SIBzKY,, 21788,8MkhmeT4Orw,, 21789,hBZ3IqTc9Fc,, 21790,e3irr6H7e5s,,"In reptile houses and aquariums (or aquaria if you prefer), the lighting is often low, or harsh and contrasty, which makes it difficult to get good photos. In this case, there was good lighting, plus I had a recently purchased Manfrotto Lumimuse 6 led light on the camera (with the diffuser filter to make the light softer), which together made it easier for me to get a nice sharp photo of this beautiful iguana." 21791,D2gwGrQhZQU,, 21792,y0KE4E5LUMQ,,Just The Way Things Are 21793,sR_J5Md1XAY,, 21794,4PMVNJeI3XU,,I can’t keep plants alive for all the money in the world. If you ever come to my house let me fore warn you that all the plants are fake. 21795,5fhcbkOPhwA,,Jellyfish Exotica 21796,bhTs7QK2XX0,,A close up of a swan. 21797,CUmCByAhXyQ,,Waves 21798,l1NLn3ji4jk,, 21799,iyg1Otnket8,, 21800,-XZUiNZR7y4,, 21801,MCHJUROkf4Q,,Animals 21802,FqhaHQLvcAQ,,"This portrait was inspired by a Rupi Kaur poem from her book, The Sun and Her Flowers: “It is a blessing to be the color of earth do you know how often flowers confuse me for home.” After reading, it sparked reflections of my own personal experiences with colorism, within and outside of my culture. The concept for this portrait was to take the words of this poem and bring them to life through visual art. Secret Garden is the title of this portrait because dark skin tones are beautiful and in my experience, it seems that much of society has yet to discover and appreciate this." 21803,txQuAsgIQhI,,"Last July I went back up to Brownfield, Maine to do some camping with friends. The stars were as gorgeous as ever up there. I created a bunch of shots, including some really long exposures of star trails, with a fire roaring at our campsite. It did an amazing job of illuminating the trees in the foreground under the stars. Here’s a few choice shots from our weekend up there. All the photos below have only have some slight color modifications and highlight reduction. The universe is incredible." 21804,D3r5CCPaG3g,, 21805,CM1oVEUzsNM,, 21806,hkMISmzdWe4,, 21807,MhBoCzRupaw,, 21808,XozrPLL0M9M,, 21809,LSaWlsj1IaQ,, 21810,Z03-fb7EwPQ,, 21811,rdxTb9pcS2Y,, 21812,aHutG8_hmoM,, 21813,7InvQqMc7As,, 21814,txRO7-0I8wU,, 21815,YvEGiuPZ0Sg,, 21816,l6yWsUvvnGo,, 21817,N4HGHuhftlc,,Close up of an old sun flower. 21818,Wo1mtb7PAoU,,Misty wolf 21819,Z5TT5EJSB6s,, 21820,xsMJCUbFq9E,, 21821,fJgMACvFs9I,, 21822,tnNmKOkZHaU,,A classic formation ! 21823,-8dtqke9Z_0,, 21824,c8L9O4YZPl0,, 21825,6BQyHtYSb5E,, 21826,DNDw_exz0dc,, 21827,7whKvVKL7P4,, 21828,aQxPfvnYx6E,, 21829,bT-kzxu7aAU,, 21830,iqbsV5KH9GU,, 21831,mB7Vg7CCFMo,, 21832,IfAOLvOI0Oo,, 21833,HRb_hezjJus,, 21834,vVIFK5YnWoE,,Signs of spring 21835,xH3W2fNL7V8,, 21836,0ex5ixoTnRw,, 21837,2AseoUiNxlI,, 21838,r8eL7SY3lHA,, 21839,APN42hUt3c8,, 21840,6wEd5oTmhDE,, 21841,OOS6bEK6QrU,,Beautiful North Carolina 21842,V-ue_ikwDo0,, 21843,N1kYr-N4468,, 21844,KGze64wQY4Q,, 21845,-cdWgzDnCCI,, 21846,9gg22ydLn9M,, 21847,tc4O6yz4xNE,, 21848,3nsb8yvAhvs,, 21849,o4s9LL3WzAQ,, 21850,tXLAZCI6jk0,, 21851,1b3pD5uz6bA,, 21852,rRDEQDKuXV0,, 21853,CCipnhgM9Tw,, 21854,VylXOtFALIc,, 21855,_JGxWBViChc,, 21856,PtXbcYeQ7so,, 21857,TCxqiUCqp8U,,Kings Canyon National Park has some of the darkest night skies in the United States! 21858,8Ifr5C8DhGM,, 21859,dTfxvmL554E,, 21860,WBqYBqvqAe4,,Stendardo Ferrari 21861,KCdNOdASvH0,,This sweet boy looking out the window. 21862,iFBSu53SqUs,, 21863,SMHOadEIsC4,,Fall Orange Leaves White Wood Background 21864,pGpmzNs5yio,, 21865,QIbkn3YuUEQ,, 21866,hamoRN8LO6A,,Corals at the Cairns Aquarium. 21867,u8qNkP5eQvo,,More on my instagram @vadimsadovski 21868,-qNV1J6ydaI,, 21869,hvuLPoMM19I,, 21870,FX3SDwf9vqo,, 21871,CcaGJVETles,,The sun setting over the country road 21872,hWtEe42KRK8,, 21873,ykrpdbqFMQM,, 21874,je_lLFvSZPM,,cotton sea 21875,QUp58OgKR18,, 21876,DQ1X8J7rZjA,,"Skimboarder, Jacob Bergeron, at work at the Pismo Beach Pier." 21877,xRmJ4tCRvCw,,Huh! 21878,YPgm3IH3e4o,, 21879,dh1lH_WjJWI,, 21880,rSLLnn0snVM,,Crimson sunset over the snowy alpine region in Innsbruck. 21881,DRf_4EMERXo,,aquarium 21882,uGrT85dVK9U,, 21883,5z1QDcisnJ8,,"If my image resonates with you, and you would like to support my art, you can do so through cash app,$itsbrittaniburns I appreciate everything and your support really does make a difference and means so much." 21884,NnZ5j1Tzmj0,,"In this 2019 photo, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientist examines the results of a hemagglutinin inhibition (HI) test. HI tests can tell us whether antibodies, developed through vaccination, will also recognize circulating flu viruses. Using these data, scientists can decide, which viruses to include in the seasonal flu vaccine. Photographer: James Gathany" 21885,Ws4axEMbsvY,, 21886,BzS6uBykRQ8,,"At Canyon cave , Dahab Egypt. For more exclusive photos, check my instagram page✌️ @nariman.mesharrafa" 21887,91czTE5wmCg,,poppy with wild bee approaching and my 500 picture on unsplash 21888,Eku9qm585rM,, 21889,GsWl7z6CHdc,, 21890,FECPyQg9FAE,, 21891,hN4pPKL_u6o,,"Camping under the stars near small lake in the Fann mountains, Tajikistan, Central Asia #MSR" 21892,8IVdrvD1QWc,, 21893,06X7AIB00p8,, 21894,T5Eo0XKhytk,,"Vacuum Oil, Truck with Sphinx gasoline. 1935" 21895,TuKgoE0rvnY,, 21896,ZyhMxgGER1U,,Ginger Cornish Rex cat portrait 21897,Up9DGg41O2Q,,Rainbow and raindrops on a mountain 21898,GJnfqe7OA6U,, 21899,j8t1YYHochk,, 21900,Xs7q9fUNbE4,,Morning light filtering through the forest 21901,1KMDoIkDuqY,, 21902,oR7a1d76PQU,,"Young Cocker Spaniel Puppy, Bubba, exploring the garden" 21903,HHS_0UnvISg,, 21904,PhaTJPdtaCU,,"This illustration depicted a three-dimensional (3D), computer-generated image, of a group of Gram-positive, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, bacteria. The artistic recreation was based upon scanning electron microscopic (SEM) imagery." 21905,0BaK20w328k,, 21906,pftnYfkOe7o,,Leafs 21907,SJ06fcjv9io,,Title: Shells on a Stone Plinth. Date: 1698. Institution: Rijksmuseum. Provider: Rijksmuseum. Providing Country: Netherlands. Public Domain 21908,QGeehYEEN0M,, 21909,mJCV5j0Lc4U,, 21910,-AKxioM8JSU,, 21911,r42PtGYCF7U,,Standing alone in snow 21912,ufEBXnMK4xs,,#sunset #atardecer #magico 21913,O3V-t78S3Nc,,Ocean marble 21914,Zzo-M3p4OCY,, 21915,A82peC1wTKc,,Underdog (fox) :) 21916,L7QsfZB9JZo,, 21917,ZAVGJPyC3sw,, 21918,_itkYVtDh8w,,"The Horse head Nebula. Photographed from my backyard in Oceanside, California. If you use this please let me know I would love to see what you create. Find me on IG and Twitter @bryangoffphoto and say hi!" 21919,agM0Zmn5Ys4,, 21920,rhHr3O3G0ZE,,"Southern Coast of Guernsey, 1875 By John Brett" 21921,vUMJuuIzSNk,, 21922,OJgG2IpkNrI,, 21923,FBdydDUDXHI,, 21924,Cu3WGz3U3aQ,, 21925,dfxMoMfFZ74,,Keeping busy during while social distancing 21926,kI8A5M_00s0,,"Here is the bizarre hand finger puppet again, this time with a message. Please practice social distancing, self-quarantine if needed and as instructed, and please wash your hands frequently to help stop the spread of Covid-19. Wear personal protective gear as needed if you test positive or are in close contact with anyone that is for the Coronavirus, or if you have a compromised immune system. Stay safe and healthy my friends, sending love to all, especially essential personnel." 21927,QlwkBDc_Smw,, 21928,XmQmGD-IeBA,,"Erawan Falls, Thailand" 21929,9ogmgks2y-U,, 21930,vJqlNNZAN8o,, 21931,tHKR1vjYdoI,,A smiling girl with soap bubble 21932,4f4e3hRnwKs,, 21933,Cet10CGsZbI,, 21934,EmkYXk0qyMg,,Kitten around sunset in a field 21935,c7OrOMxrurA,, 21936,15IuQ5a0Qwg,,Pearl earrings and seashells 21937,w8nrcXz8pwk,, 21938,n1jHrRhehUI,,Floral truck in the streets of Rome