from import get_cmap import plotly.graph_objects as go class NQDOverview(object): def __init__(self, parent, results, dial_cmap='RdYlGn'): self.p = parent self.results = results self.cmap = get_cmap(dial_cmap) def _get_color(self): color = self.cmap(self.results['qual']['label'] / 6.0) color = f'rgba({int(color[0]*256)}, {int(color[1]*256)}, {int(color[2]*256)}, {int(color[3]*256)})' return color def _build_figure(self): color = self._get_color() fig = go.Figure(go.Indicator( domain = {'x': [0, 1], 'y': [0, 1]}, value = self.results['qual']['label'], mode = "gauge+number", title = {'text': "QuAL"}, gauge = {'axis': {'range': [None, 5], 'showticklabels': True, 'ticks': ""}, 'bgcolor': 'lightgray', 'bar': {'color': color, 'thickness': 1.0} } ), layout=go.Layout(margin=dict(t=0, b=135)) ) return fig def draw(self): st = self.p fig = self._build_figure() cols = st.columns([7, 3]) with cols[0]: st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) with cols[1]: q1lab = self.results['q1']['label'] if q1lab == 0: md_str = '😥 None' elif q1lab == 1: md_str = '😐 Low' elif q1lab == 2: md_str = '😊 Medium' elif q1lab == 3: md_str = '😁 High' cols[1].metric('Level of Detail', md_str, help='How specific was the evaluator in describing the behavior?') q2lab = self.results['q2i']['label'] if q2lab == 0: md_str = '✅ Yes' else: md_str = '❌ No' cols[1].metric('Suggestion Given', (md_str), help='Did the evaluator give a suggestion for improvement?') q3lab = self.results['q3i']['label'] if q3lab == 0: md_str = '✅ Yes' else: md_str = '❌ No' cols[1].metric('Suggestion Linked', md_str, help='Is the suggestion for improvement linked to the described behavior?')