from langchain.agents import Tool, tool import requests from langchain import OpenAI from langchain import LLMMathChain, SerpAPIWrapper from rdkit import Chem @tool def query2smiles(text): '''This function queries the one given molecule name and returns a SMILES string from the record''' try:#query the PubChem database r = requests.get('' + text + '/property/IsomericSMILES/JSON') #convert the response to a json object data = r.json() #return the SMILES string smi = data['PropertyTable']['Properties'][0]['IsomericSMILES'] # remove salts return smi except: f"Could not find the IUPAC name for {text}" @tool def smiles2IUPAC(text): '''This function queries the one given smiles name and returns a IUPAC name from the record''' #query the PubChem database try: r = requests.get('' + text + '/property/IUPACName/JSON') data = r.json() smi = data["PropertyTable"]["Properties"][0]["IUPACName"] return smi except: return f"Could not find the IUPAC name for {text}" @tool def formula2IUPAC(text): '''This function queries the one given chemical formula and returns a material name from the record.''' try: r = requests.get('' + text + '/property/IUPACName/JSON') data = r.json() print(data) smi = data["PropertyTable"]["Properties"][0]["IUPACName"] return smi except: return f"Could not find the IUPAC name for {text}" @tool def name2formula(text): '''This function queries the one given material name and returns a chemical formula from the record.''' try: r = requests.get('' + text + '/property/MolecularFormula/JSON') data = r.json() print(data) smi = data["PropertyTable"]["Properties"][0]["MolecularFormula"] return smi except: return f"Could not find the molecular formula for {text}" @tool def canonicalizeSMILES(smiles): '''Given a smiles representation, this function returns a canonicalized version of the same smiles. It's better to search for molecules in its canonicalized form''' return Chem.MolToSmiles(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)) @tool def web_search(keywords, search_engine="google"): '''Useful to do a simple google search. Use this tool to find general information from websites. Use keywords for your search. ''' return SerpAPIWrapper( serpapi_api_key=os.getenv("SERP_API_KEY"), search_engine=search_engine ).run(keywords) @tool def LLM_predict(prompt): ''' This function receives a prompt generate with context by the create_context_prompt tool and request a completion to a language model. Then returns the completion''' llm = OpenAI( model_name='text-ada-001', #TODO: Maybe change to gpt-4 when ready temperature=0.7, n=1, best_of=5, top_p=1.0, stop=["\n\n", "###", "#", "##"], # model_kwargs=kwargs, ) return llm.generate([prompt]).generations[0][0].text common_tools = [ query2smiles, smiles2IUPAC, # formula2IUPAC, # name2formula, canonicalizeSMILES, web_search, LLM_predict ]