import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) import io import os from tqdm import tqdm os.environ['MKL_SERVICE_FORCE_INTEL'] = '1' from pathlib import Path from collections import OrderedDict import hydra import numpy as np import torch import tools.utils as utils from tools.replay import load_episode torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True if == "nt": import msvcrt def portable_lock(fp): msvcrt.locking(fp, msvcrt.LK_LOCK, 1) def portable_unlock(fp): msvcrt.locking(fp, msvcrt.LK_UNLCK, 1) else: import fcntl def portable_lock(fp): fcntl.flock(fp, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) def portable_unlock(fp): fcntl.flock(fp, fcntl.LOCK_UN) class Locker: def __init__(self, lock_name): # e.g. lock_name = "./lockfile.lck" self.lock_name = lock_name def __enter__(self,): open_mode = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC self.fd =, open_mode) portable_lock(self.fd) def __exit__(self, _type, value, tb): portable_unlock(self.fd) os.close(self.fd) try: os.remove(self.lock_name) except: pass class Workspace: def __init__(self, cfg, savedir=None, workdir=None,): self.workdir = Path.cwd() if workdir is None else workdir print(f'workspace: {self.workdir}') assert int(cfg.viclip_encode) == 1, "encoding only one (video or img)" if cfg.viclip_encode: self.key_to_add = 'clip_video' self.key_to_process = getattr(cfg, 'key_to_process', 'observation') self.cfg = cfg self.device = torch.device(cfg.device) # create envs task = cfg.task self.task = task img_size = cfg.img_size import envs.main as envs self.train_env = envs.make(task, cfg.obs_type, cfg.action_repeat, cfg.seed, img_size=img_size, viclip_encode=cfg.viclip_encode, device='cuda') self.dataset_path = Path(cfg.dataset_dir) self.timer = utils.Timer() self._global_step = 0 self._global_episode = 0 def process(self): filenames = sorted(self.dataset_path.glob('**/*.npz')) print(f"Found {len(filenames)} files") episodes_to_process = {} for idx, fname in tqdm(enumerate(filenames)): lockname = str(fname.absolute()) + ".lck" try: with Locker(lockname): episode = load_episode(fname) # validate before continuing if type(episode[self.key_to_add]) == np.ndarray and episode[self.key_to_add].size > 1 and episode[self.key_to_add].shape[0] == episode[self.key_to_process].shape[0]: continue else: del episode[self.key_to_add] add_data = self.train_env.process_episode(episode[self.key_to_process]) # .cpu().numpy() if idx == 0: print(add_data.shape) episode[self.key_to_add] = add_data # save episode with io.BytesIO() as f1: np.savez_compressed(f1, **episode) with'wb') as f2: f2.write( except BlockingIOError: print(f"File busy: {str(fname)}") continue def start_processing(cfg, savedir, workdir): from process_dataset import Workspace as W root_dir = Path.cwd() cfg.workdir = str(root_dir) workspace = W(cfg, savedir, workdir) workspace.root_dir = root_dir snapshot = workspace.root_dir / '' if snapshot.exists(): print(f'resuming: {snapshot}') workspace.load_snapshot(workspace.root_dir) workspace.process() @hydra.main(config_path='.', config_name='process_dataset') def main(cfg): start_processing(cfg, None, None) if __name__ == '__main__': main()