Just like the Roman emperor, it seems that the Omaha oracle has the right of life or death over companies, or at least a certain power over the direction of their stock prices. This week, it was TSMC that paid the price. Berkshire Hathaway announced it had sold more than 85% of its stake in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, pushing the Taiwanese chip giant's stock into the red. The thumb-down effect. On the good news side, Berkshire Hathaway announced that it had strengthened its positions in Apple, Louisiana-Pacific and Paramount Global. Its centurion Charlie Munger doesn't have as much power over the financial plebs. The vice president of Berkshire Hathaway regularly castigates cryptocurrencies, without these announcements having any effect on blockchains, which are doing very well on their own to lose their fights in the financial arena. Drawing by Amandine Victor for MarketScreener   * Avé, Warren, morituri te salutant: reference to the Latin expression "Avé, Caesar, morituri te salutant" meaning "Avé, Caesar, those who are about to die salute you".