import os import time import math import random import csv from io import BytesIO import numpy as np from cairosvg import svg2png import cv2 import filetype from filetype.match import image_matchers import imgaug as ia from imgaug import augmenters as iaa from imgaug.augmentables.batches import UnnormalizedBatch from entity import Entity from common import defaults, mkdir import imtool import pipelines BATCH_SIZE = 16 mkdir.make_dirs([defaults.AUGMENTED_IMAGES_PATH, defaults.AUGMENTED_LABELS_PATH]) logo_images = [] logo_alphas = [] logo_labels = {} db = {} with open(defaults.MAIN_CSV_PATH, 'r') as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) db = {e.bco: e for e in [Entity.from_dict(d) for d in reader]} background_images = [d for d in os.scandir(defaults.IMAGES_PATH)] stats = { 'failed': 0, 'ok': 0 } for d in os.scandir(defaults.LOGOS_DATA_PATH): img = None if not d.is_file(): stats['failed'] += 1 continue try: if filetype.match(d.path, matchers=image_matchers): img = cv2.imread(d.path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) else: png = svg2png(url=d.path) img = cv2.imdecode(np.asarray(bytearray(png), dtype=np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) label = db['.')[0]].id (h, w, c) = img.shape if c == 3: img = imtool.add_alpha(img) if img.ndim < 3: print(f'very bad dim: {img.ndim}') img = imtool.remove_white(img) (h, w, c) = img.shape assert(w > 10) assert(h > 10) stats['ok'] += 1 (b, g, r, _) = cv2.split(img) alpha = img[:, :, 3]/255 d = cv2.merge([b, g, r]) logo_images.append(d) # tried id() tried __array_interface__, tried tagging, nothing works logo_labels.update({d.tobytes(): label}) # XXX(xaiki): we pass alpha as a float32 heatmap, # because imgaug is pretty strict about what data it will process # and that we want the alpha layer to pass the same transformations as the orig logo_alphas.append(np.dstack((alpha, alpha, alpha)).astype('float32')) except Exception as e: stats['failed'] += 1 print(f'error loading: {d.path}: {e}') print(stats) #print(len(logo_alphas), len(logo_images), len(logo_labels)) assert(len(logo_alphas) == len(logo_images)) # so that we don't get a lot of the same logos on the same page. zipped = list(zip(logo_images, logo_alphas)) random.shuffle(zipped) logo_images, logo_alphas = zip(*zipped) n = len(logo_images) batches = [] for i in range(math.floor(n*2/BATCH_SIZE)): s = (i*BATCH_SIZE)%n e = min(s + BATCH_SIZE, n) le = max(0, BATCH_SIZE - (e - s)) a = logo_images[0:le] + logo_images[s:e] h = logo_alphas[0:le] + logo_alphas[s:e] assert(len(a) == BATCH_SIZE) batches.append(UnnormalizedBatch(images=a,heatmaps=h)) # We use a single, very fast augmenter here to show that batches # are only loaded once there is space again in the buffer. pipeline = pipelines.HUGE def create_generator(lst): for b in lst: print(f"Loading next unaugmented batch...") yield b batches_generator = create_generator(batches) with pipeline.pool(processes=-1, seed=1) as pool: batches_aug = pool.imap_batches(batches_generator, output_buffer_size=5) print(f"Requesting next augmented batch...") for i, batch_aug in enumerate(batches_aug): idx = list(range(len(batch_aug.images_aug))) random.shuffle(idx) for j, d in enumerate(background_images): img = imtool.remove_white(cv2.imread(d.path)) basename ='.png', '') + f'.{i}.{j}' anotations = [] for k in range(math.floor(len(batch_aug.images_aug)/3)): logo_idx = (j+k*4)%len(batch_aug.images_aug) orig = batch_aug.images_unaug[logo_idx] label = logo_labels[orig.tobytes()] logo = batch_aug.images_aug[logo_idx] assert(logo.shape == orig.shape) # XXX(xaiki): we get alpha from heatmap, but will only use one channel # we could make mix_alpha into mix_mask and pass all 3 chanels alpha = cv2.split(batch_aug.heatmaps_aug[logo_idx]) try: bb = imtool.mix_alpha(img, logo, alpha[0], random.random(), random.random()) c = bb.to_centroid(img.shape) anotations.append(c.to_anotation(label)) except AssertionError as e: print(f'couldnt process {i}, {j}: {e}') try: cv2.imwrite(f'{defaults.AUGMENTED_IMAGES_PATH}/{basename}.png', img) label_path = f"{defaults.AUGMENTED_LABELS_PATH}/{basename}.txt" with open(label_path, 'a') as f: f.write('\n'.join(anotations)) except Exception: print(f'couldnt write image {basename}') if i < len(batches)-1: print("Requesting next augmented batch...")