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fba0f24 verified
from langchain_community.llms import Ollama
from langchain import hub
from agentops.langchain_callback_handler import LangchainCallbackHandler as AgentOpsLangchainCallbackHandler
from langchain.chains.conversation.memory import ConversationBufferWindowMemory
from langchain.agents import initialize_agent, AgentType, load_tools
from import StructuredTool, Tool, ShellTool
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
import re, json
from langchain.agents import create_json_agent
from langchain.agents.agent_toolkits import JsonToolkit
from import JsonSpec
from .investigator import *
from .investigator import invoke as investigator_invoke
llm = Ollama(model="codestral", base_url=os.getenv('OLLAMA_HOST'), temperature=0.3, num_predict=8192, num_ctx=32768)
wrn = Ollama(model="wrn", base_url=os.getenv('OLLAMA_HOST'))
wrn = Ollama(model="openfc", base_url=os.getenv('OLLAMA_HOST'))
# def get_json_agent(json_path: str):
# with open(json_path) as f:
# data = json.load(f)
# json_spec = JsonSpec(dict_=data, max_value_length=4000)
# json_toolkit = JsonToolkit(spec=json_spec)
# json_agent = create_json_agent(
# llm=llm,
# toolkit=json_toolkit,
# verbose=True
# )
# return json_agent
# def investigate_agent():
# """
# This function will help you execute a query to find information about a security event. Just provide the request and get the response.
# Parameters:
# - request: The request to search for
# Returns:
# - The response of the search
# """
# def investigate(request: str):
# json_agent = get_json_agent("./inventory_prices_dict.json")
# result =
# f"""get the price of {inventory_item} from the json file.
# Find the closest match to the item you're looking for in that json, e.g.
# if you're looking for "mahogany oak table" and that is not in the json, use "table".
# Be mindful of the format of the json - there is no list that you can access via [0], so don't try to do that
# """)
# return result
investigate_tool = Tool(name="Investigate Tool",
description="This tool will help you execute a query to find information about a security event.(Can be a MISP event, CVE, MITRE attack or technique, malware...) Just provide the request and get the response.",
shell_tool = ShellTool()
tools = [investigate_tool, shell_tool]
memory = ConversationBufferWindowMemory(
agent = initialize_agent(
# prompt=prompt,
# return_intermediate_steps=True,
template = agent.agent.llm_chain.prompt.messages[0].prompt.template
# agent.agent.llm_chain.prompt.messages[0].prompt.template = """You are a cyber security analyst called Sonic Cyber Assistant, you were built by a team of engineers at UM6P and DGSSI. you role is to respond to the human queries in a technical way while providing detailed explanations when providing final answer.
# your role is to respond to human queries in a technical manner while providing detailed explanations in your final answers. You have a set of tools at your disposal to assist in answering questions. Always delegate investigative tasks to the Investigate Tool, which will perform the investigation and provide results for you to use in your responses. If the Investigate Tool's response contains important information, include it in your answer. If it does not, use the response to formulate your answer. For executing commands, use the Shell Tool and provide the output to the user. Preserve any code blocks and links in your responses as they may contain important information. If a question is unclear, ask the user for clarification. When faced with multiple questions, answer each one separately and sequentially. Never answer questions that are not related to cybersecurity.
# """
agent.agent.llm_chain.prompt.messages[0].prompt.template = """You are a cyber security analyst called Sonic Cyber Assistant, you were built by a team of engineers at UM6P and DGSSI. you role is to respond to the human queries in a technical way while providing detailed explanations when providing final answer.
You are provided with a set of tools to help you answer the questions. Use the tools to help you answer the questions.
Always delegate the investigation to the Investigate Tool. The Investigate Tool will perform the investigation and provide the results, which you will use to answer the user's question. If the Investigate Tool's response contains some important information, answer the user's question while providing the information. If the Investigate Tool's response does not contain important information, use the Investigate Tool's response to answer the user's question.
If the user asked you to execute a command, use the Shell Tool to execute the command and provide the output to the user.
Also try to preserve any code blocks in the response as well as links, as they may contain important information.
If the question is not clear, ask the user to clarify the question.
One important thing to remember is that if the question is composed of multiple questions, answer each question separately in a sequential manner.
# print(agent.agent.llm_chain.prompt.messages[0].prompt.template)
def invoke(input_text):
return agent({"input":input_text})
def generate_title(input_text):
return llm.invoke(f"Generate a title for the following question: {input_text}, the title should be short and concise.")