diff --git "a/data/reviewed_news_english.csv" "b/data/reviewed_news_english.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/reviewed_news_english.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,499 @@ +No.,Content,GENDER,ETHNICITY,Sentiment,Discrimination,Website,Keyword,Date,Author,likes_count,Comments_count,URL,keyword_count,,Domain,Channel +19,"During the first round of debates on the proposed Constitutional reforms yesterday (30), MP M.A.Sumanthiran urged the Constitutional Assembly not to squander the opportunity to solidify a united, discrimination free Sri Lanka and not put the lives of the future generations in peril.During his address MP Sumanthiran expressed the poignancy of the current juncture the Constitutional Assembly is faced with and appealed to all members to have an open mind and exercise foresight instead of impulse when deciding on the verdict of the Constitutional amendments.He further highlighted the importance of the current constitutional process stating that it was a ‘historic’ occasion as for the first time, a party representing the Tamil people has agreed to proposals brought forward by the government on the constitution.His statements are were as follows,Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for the opportunity given to me to say a few words in this historic occasion. I say “historic” because this is indeed the first time that a party representing the Tamil people of this country is agreeing with some proposals, although incomplete and still only at the stage of proposals. Yet, even with that it is agreeing.I was saying that this is the first time, even though it is only at a proposal stage, a party that is largely representative of the Tamil people of this country is agreeing with. I am saying because in the position paper that we have given, which is part of the Interim Report that has been placed before this Assembly for Debate for these three days, marked 1C, we have stated our positions very clearly and I want to elaborate on some of those now. But I want to draw the attention of the Assembly to the last point that we have made, point number 9. We say, I quote:“In the interest of reaching an acceptable consensus, the TNA will be willing to consider agreement with the main principles articulated in the interim report if the same are acceptable to the two main parties.”We have said “two main parties” for the reason that as the Hon. Leader of the House correctly pointed out that any resolution to the national question so far was not possible because one or the other main party opposed it.Today, we have a historic opportunity. Not only are we saying that in the interest of reaching a consensus, we will be willing to consider the main points in the main report, but the two main parties are also together having formed a National Government primarily for the purpose of giving to this country a new Constitution.Sir, on this question of a new Constitution, there are many views that are being expressed in the country. At the Presidential Election that was conducted in 2015 January, the common opposition candidate made his position very clear that he will abolish the Executive Presidency. That was the first promise that he gave this country on the day that he announced himself as the common opposition candidate.He gave three promises. This was the first one. He also said that the electoral system will undergo a radical change. Now if these are to take place, those must have the approval of the people at a referendum and some of those changes were sought to be brought in through the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution and the Supreme Court in its determination ruled that certain proposed amendments needed the approval of the people at a referendum.On the day the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution was adopted in this House with only one Member voting against it, it was repeatedly assured by the then Minister of Justice who led the discussion during the Committee Stage and the Hon. Prime Minister that the Nineteenth Amendment was only a stopgap, it was only an interim arrangement and a new Constitution would be made when the new Parliament is constituted.This appears in the Hansard of that day several times in the speeches made by Hon. (Dr.) Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, the then Minister of Justice and the Hon. Prime Minister. This was a promise given by His Excellency President Maithripala Sirisena and the UNP at the election.But it is not only that, on the 08th of January, 2015, the UPFA candidate, Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa, also said that he would enact a new Constitution for the country. His election manifesto states this and I quote from his election manifesto. It states, I quote:“A Wide Political Reform - A New Political CultureWe have been battered for 36 years by the 1978 Constitution which was thrust upon our people and country, without an appropriate debate or discussion. We must also collectively acknowledge that our Constitution is now further distorted due to the various amendments over the years, some of which are not consistent with others. Therefore, instead of amending the Constitution further with piece-meal changes, I will take action to formulate a new Constitution that reflects the peoples’ ideas, aspirations and wishes, within a period of one year.”Then there are some bullet points where he says what he would do. I quote:“• The entire Parliament will be formed as a Constitutional Council consisting of peoples’ representatives belonging to all political parties, which will identify the peoples’ expectations and aspirations in order to formulate a new Constitution.”That is exactly what you have done, Sir. The entire Parliament has been converted into a Constitutional Assembly. I quote further:“• I will appoint a Citizens’ Advisory Council consisting of representatives of political parties who are not members of the Parliament, representatives of the youth parliament, Constitutional experts, intellectuals and professionals, in order to seek citizens’ views and recommendations for the new Constitution.”Thirdly it states, I quote:“• I will first submit the Draft Constitution which will consist of the proposals of these groups, for the Parliament’s approval in accordance with the Constitution. Thereafter, I will present the Draft Constitution to a referendum seeking the approval of the people.”I want to table, in the House, that page of the Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa’s election manifesto in January, 2015.Therefore, the mandate of the people of this country is overwhelming. Ninety seven per cent of those who voted on the 15th of January, 2015 have voted for a new Constitution to be formulated by converting this House into a Constitutional Assembly and enact a new Constitution for this country. He said, “සභාව,” it states, “Council” in the English translation of his manifesto, which is the same thing.Never before has there been such a massive mandate. Now a few individuals who stand on the streets are trying to deny the 97 per cent of the people of this country their right to enact a new Constitution. Where in the world you have a mandate of 97 per cent of their people telling their representatives to enact a new Constitution for the country?That is a mandate upon which a new Resolution to form a Constitutional Assembly was placed in this Parliament on the 09th of January, 2016. That was debated. That was debated on four separate occasions: on the 09th of January, 2016, two dates in February and finally on the 09th of March, 2016. On the 09th of March, 2016 that Resolution was adopted in this House unanimously - without a vote. Until then, there was a good professor of law, who has now become a president of a new political party, who was holding press conferences saying, “If you start a process to draft a new Constitution that would be illegal.” But, after the 09th of March, 2016, he has not said a word about that, because persons who are aligned with his new political party are also Members of this House who did not murmur, did not raise one voice and did not ask for a Division when that Resolution was adopted. That Resolution was adopted in terms of Articles 74 and 75 of the current Constitution and that was what Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa as the Presidential candidate also said; in line with the present Constitution that he would draft a new Constitution Bill and present it to this House.The Resolution that we adopted unanimously lays down the procedure very clearly as to what will happen. It talks about a Steering Committee consisting of 21 Members; it talks about a Committee of Experts; it talks about six Subcommittees; it talks about an Interim Report that we presented to this Assembly and then, it talks about a Final Report together with a Draft Constitution Bill. A Draft Constitution Bill has a particular meaning in our Constitution. A Draft Constitution Bill is one that seeks to repeal the current Constitution and replace it with that Draft Bill. That is what it means.Article 74 (1) of the Constitution states, I quote:“ .... Parliament may by resolution .... provide for -(ii) ……… matter for which provision is required or authorized to be so made by the Constitution.”Then, Article 75 (b) states, I quote:“repealing the Constitution as a whole unless such law also enacts a new Constitution to replace it.”That is, Parliament shall not make any law repealing the Constitution as a whole, such law also enacts a new Constitution.So, the procedure to adopt a new Constitution, repeal the current Constitution and replace it with the new Constitution, is provided for in Article 75 and Article 74 (1) (ii) that authorizes Parliament by Resolution to adopt the procedure for it. And, that is a procedure that is laid down in the Resolution that formed this Constitutional Assembly on the 9th of March which was adopted unanimously. So, all of these public utterances saying that there is no mandate of the people to draft a new Constitution, that this Constitutional Assembly is illegal, none of which stands the test of what has been written and what has been resolved by this House.So, all the Hon. Members of this House had the opportunity to call for a Division to object to that Resolution but none of them did so. All the steps in that Resolution were being followed to the letter. The Steering Committee was appointed unanimously by the Constitutional Assembly. Every expert was named was approved unanimously by this Assembly.The Members and Chairmen of every Subcommittee were approved unanimously by this Assembly. No one dissented; not a single Member dissented. And all different political parties have been accommodated in the Steering Committee. That, and the level of participation are borne out by the Steering Committee Minutes. Since I am a Member of the Steering Committee, I have the Minutes here with me. If we take the level of participation, the Hon. Leader of the House was pleased to thank a certain Member in the Opposition ranks and these Minutes will show how much he and the other Member from his side have been involved in the deliberations of the Steering Committee. Almost, I would say, 20 per cent or more of the entire contents of the Minutes are about their participation.Once, there was a complaint made that some Members’ views had not been accepted by a certain Subcommittee. A letter was sent to the Steering Committee. So, on the 26th of October, those two Members, who were Members of the Subcommittee on Law and Order, were invited by the Steering Committee. The Minutes of that meeting state that they said the Chairman of the Subcommittee was very fair, but they had certain views, that they could not agree with some of the views in the Report of that Subcommittee. And the decision was, I quote from the Minutes of the 33rd Steering Committee Meeting, “Hon. Prime Minister requested the Hon. Namal Rajapaksa and the Hon. Shehan Semasinghe to submit their views in writing to the Steering Committee within a week as the Subcommittees are now defunct.” So, they were given yet another opportunity saying, “All right, if you do have other views, submit those in writing.” They agreed, but nothing came to the Steering Committee from those two Members.These are the Minutes. They were present before the Steering Committee, but they did not send in their views. -[Interruption.]The Hon. Keheliya Rambukwella, who disturbs me now, signed and gave his own proposal to the Steering Committee, which, after some time, another Member of the Steering Committee, the Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena, said he was withdrawing. It has all been minuted.So, I am saying it now in the public because giving a different view to the public that some people have nothing to do with this is false and all of this has been considered.Now, Sir, coming to the position that our party has taken, I want to say a few words before I conclude. We have very clearly stated that Sri Lanka shall be a secular State and I say this with responsibility: any Constitution that seeks to treat all of its citizens as its equals must be a secular Constitution. I am not a Buddhist and I cannot be told that I am second class in this country. A Constitution that gives a particular religion the foremost place cannot be a Constitution that treats all of its citizens as equals.Now, it is up to this House to decide whether you want a Constitution that does not treat all of its citizens equally. Even having said that that should be the ideal, we have gone on to say, but, if the Buddhist people wish that a certain status be given to Buddhism, we will not stand in the way.But, it is an indefensible position for the Buddhists to take. We, who are non-Buddhists, are saying, we do not mind it being given a foremost place. But, how will a Buddhist say our religion must have the foremost place; others can have other places? How can any Buddhist who defend equality ever stand up and say that? But yet, if you want it, we have said, we are willing to grant it.We have very clearly said that Sri Lanka must be a federation - a Federal State. I want to say a few things about this idea of a Federal State. There is a wrong conception or a wrong view that has been spread in this country that the call for federalism comes from the Tamil people because they want to separate from this country. Nothing can be furthest from the truth. The federal idea was introduced to this country by the founder of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike in 1926. There were six letters that he wrote to “The Ceylon Morning Leader” on federalism.Not only that, the Left of this country in 1944 held the same view. Even before that, the Communist Party made a resolution that the country must be federal. The Pieter Keuneman - A. Vaidialingam Report of the Communist Party of 1944 very clearly articulates that Ceylon must be a federal country. Sir, I am tabling the Pieter Keuneman - A. Vaidialingam Report of the Communist Party also.I am saying all of this to show that the call for federalism came from Mr. S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, Mr. Pieter Keuneman, Mr. A. Vaidialingam and more importantly, from the Kandyan Chiefs in the 1930s before the Donoughmore Commission and later in the 1940s, before the Soulbury Commission. They articulated three units with the North and East as one unit.So, those who oppose federalism and those who oppose the North and East Province as one unit must remember that that proposal came from the Kandyans first, not once, but twice before two imperial commissions. So, you all must disabuse your minds of the view that this is somehow a Tamil project, a first step to separation. No, Sir, we have very clearly stated that the country must remain one.We have said that very clearly. We are participating in this process in the most responsible way possible and we ourselves have said that the country must remain one. Our view is that if the country is to remain one, different peoples in this country must have a share of the governance of this country. It cannot be a system of government in which simple majoritarian rule prevails.This country consists of different peoples and it is in order to remain as one that we are seeking maximum possible devolution of power; maximum possible power sharing arrangement so that all the peoples in this country have a share in that. Otherwise, sovereignty, which is said to rest in the people, will become meaningless; sovereignty will be exercised only by one majority, one people of this country, if it is a simple majoritarian rule.So, one must understand, the country must understand, the reason why we are asking for sharing of power. The reason why we are asking for sharing of power is so that we can be proud of this one country of which we are citizens. We do not want to be second-class citizens. Nobody in the world wants to be second-class citizens in any part of the world. If we are to be proud of this country, we must have equal stake in this country.We must be able to say we are proud to be Sri Lankans. I must be able to say I have equal access to government power and I am treated as an equal in this country. Until we are treated as equals, not by mere words, but actual access to government power being given to our people, we will never be in a position to say we are proud of this country; we will never be in a position to say we are Sri Lankans.Many in our community have left this country today and they are not proud to call themselves “Sri Lankans”. They call themselves “Canadian-Tamils”, they call themselves “Australian-Tamils”, because they have been driven out by violence from this country. They have been denied the due share that they must have in the government of this country.That must change. The reason why the Tamil National Alliance participates to this level in this Constitution-making process is to change that, to erase that bitter past so that we can, together with you, say our language is equal - that was corrected in 1987 but must be implemented in full - our religions are equal, no foremost place to anybody, everybody is foremost in this country; we must be able to say we have due share in the governance structures of this country.Now, these are proposals, none of these proposals that are being placed here have gone beyond anything that the seven Chief Ministers and their Opposition Leaders other than the North East Provincial Council made before the Steering Committee. All of the Chief Ministers in the seven other provinces, other than the North East, want sharing of power. They came before the Steering Committee. All of those are matters of record. They want law and order, they want land powers, they want the powers of the Governor reduced.I am saying this because one must remember that in 1987 when the Thirteenth Amendment was being passed, several Opposition MPs, then the SLFP, gathered at Pettah, outside the bus stand and performed a hartal. They said the country is going to be divided by this Thirteenth Amendment. Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa was there personally leading the protest saying if this Amendment is passed, the country will be divided. He is the one, as the Leader of the House stated, who repeatedly said when he came into power, “I will implement the Thirteenth Amendment in full and go beyond it and make power sharing meaningful.”Today when the provincial council elections are postponed, it is he and Members associated with him who are protesting and saying, “Do not postpone the provincial council elections.” The man who said, “Country will divide if you create provincial councils”, is screaming his head off today saying, “Do not postpone provincial council elections. That is the violation of our sovereignty”. Professor GL Peiris’ petition to the Supreme Court on which the Determination on the Twentieth Amendment was made, was made on the basis that a postponement of the provincial council election affects the sovereignty of the people and they do not want it postponed. So, the creation of provincial councils has not resulted in the country being divided. The country has not been divided.I also have with me the 2000 August Draft Constitution Bill that was brought to this House by the People’s Alliance Government of that day of which the Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa was a Cabinet Minister; a Bill which was certified by the Cabinet of Ministers as a Bill that is intended to be passed by this Parliament by a two-thirds majority and approved by the people at a referendum. He was a Cabinet Minister who approved of this Bill and what does that Bill say? These proposals before us today say, we are one country. Therefore, we can call ourselves, “ඒකීය රජය”, meaning of which will say, “ஒரு நாடு” or “ஒருமித்த நாடு” - “one country.” This does not even say that. This says, “Sri Lanka is a Union of Regions”. All the Cabinet Ministers at that time supported this, in this House.The UNP supported that principle. The UNP burned a copy of this Bill in this House because there was a transitional provision with regard to the Executive Presidency, not because of power sharing, not because of change of status of the country.There was a wide consensus not only in August, 2000. Thereafter, when the Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa became the President of this country, he formed the APRC. He told the APRC that there must be maximum possible devolution in his speech when he addressed the inaugural session of the APRC. Where is the APRC Report? The APRC Report says, “Do not have a Concurrent List.” It says not to have a Concurrent List and that powers must be clearly divided. That is the Report that came out of a process that the Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa as President instituted. But what do our proposals say? We say, we have no objection to a short Concurrent List. Now, why do you say that the country is going to be divided by this?When you were in power you approved of a Draft Bill that went far beyond, far beyond what is contemplated by this Interim Report. Is it not to mislead the people of this country, and stall, and prevent a final resolution to the national question that has plagued this country ever since Independence? Do we not want a reasonable resolution of this? If you ask the question what is the biggest problem this country has faced, obviously it is the national question. This country has not faced a war for three decades on account of anything else, not on account of any other issue, it is only in regard to these issues that actually parts of the country were ruled by others also for parts of time. So, we are now in a process.As responsible representatives of our people, we are Tamil Members of Parliament from the North and East - except two, all others belong to the Tamil National Alliance - we have an overwhelming mandate from our people to resolve this question within a united, undivided country and we have gone one step further and said, indivisible country even in the future. So, when we are participating like that, our people have misgivings of this Interim Report. Our people are saying, “We told you it must be a Federal State”. Our people are saying, “There must be one unit of devolution”. Our people are saying, “It must be a Secular State, is it not a reasonable thing? You are compromising beyond the mandate that we have given you”. They are right. We do not want to compromise beyond the mandate given to us, but we want to see that through negotiation a reasonable position is reached. Even at this point in time, it looks as so.From our people’s point of view it looks as so we are going beyond the mandate given to us. We are striving hard to achieve a consensus which we will put before our people, which, if we are satisfied, is a reasonable solution that addresses all the basic aspirations of our people. Then, we will go before our people; we will commend it to our people to accept it and our people will accept it if it addresses those issues.We had two full-day meetings yesterday. Our representatives had lots of misgivings about various matters in this Report. We will address them as we go along. But, our primary objective would be to come to a consensus in this country, so that there will be a Constitution of this country which all the people of this country accept as their own. Is that too much to ask? Can anything be said to be too heavy a burden to carry if we are to achieve that? All of us must put our shoulder to the wheel if we can achieve that objective. I am not saying that it is an easy objective to achieve, but we have come half way. We have come to a point where there is an Interim Report on which - although we disagree on lots of matters - we have clearly come out and said, if the main points are agreed to by the two main parties, we will consider agreement with that for the sake of consensus and for the future generations of our country.I invite all the Hon. Members of this Assembly - I am not saying this patronizingly, I am pleading with every Member of this Assembly to please, view this matter in that way. Do not put the lives of future generations of this country at peril.Think of what this country will be if we can achieve this. Of course, it must be achieved in a way that recognizes the dignity, equality of all the peoples of this country.Otherwise we will not agree. But, there is an opportunity to come to an agreement such as that and this Assembly’s deliberations today, tomorrow and the day after must be for that constructive purpose to go into the contents, place different propositions, listen to every shade of view and then, tell the Steering Committee, that you have heard all of this.Bring all this to fruition so that this country can march forward as one entity in which various, different people who speak a different language, who profess a different religion, who live in different parts of this country can all say, “We are Sri Lankans.” because our rights, our dignity, our equality have been assured in this document and this is our document.Thank you very much.",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43897,37,,Tamil,News +23,"Tamils continue to face discrimination in Sri Lanka, a UN committee stated recently, and questioned the island-country if Indian Tamils were allowed to get back to their homeland – while reviewing a report on the anti-discrimination efforts undertaken by the country.No cases of sexual violence – during the horrific civil war in Sri Lanka – had been submitted, even though this had affected thousands of women, said Jose Francisco Cali Tzay, committee member and country rapporteur for Sri Lanka, during a review of Sri Lanka in the 90th session of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD).Last week, CERD concluded the examination of the combined tenth to seventeenth periodic report of Sri Lanka – on its implementation of provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).The Tamil population continues to suffer discrimination, including through lack of access to public services in their own language, and the fact that police agents in the north of the country did not speak Tamil, he noted. People continue to live in fear due to the big military presence.The recently-promulgated Law for Witness and Victim Protection had no dedicated funds for the mechanism to facilitate its implementation on the ground.What measures have been taken to protect Tamil women from multiple discrimination, the Guatemalan expert who has been on the Committee since 2004, asked, warning that discrimination against Tamils, particularly for not having access to public spaces to bury their dead would continue to hinder lasting peace and reconciliation.Since 2009, there have been several issues that have remained unaddressed, brought about by violations of humanitarian laws and human rights by both sides, leading to anxiety, fear and suspicion, said Ravinatha Aryasinha, Sri Lankan Ambassador to the UN office at Geneva, while presenting his country report. Successive governments have failed to reach a political settlement with the groups.Aryasinha referred to the various steps that have been taken since the Maithripala Sirisena government assumed power in January 2015, including the introduction of the nineteenth amendment to the Constitution – which imposed a two-term limit for the mandate of President and recognized national reconciliation as a duty of the President. The amendment also established a special Presidential Task Force on Reconciliation and an Office for National Unity Commission for Truth, Justice, Reconciliation that would consult with South African authorities.Both Sinhala and Tamil were made the languages of administration and of the courts, he added. Article 22, per the provisions of the 16th amendment to the Constitution, ensures that Sinhala will be the official language in all provinces except in the north and east where Tamil will also be used.Replying to questions by experts on application of customary laws, the Sri Lankan delegation said that any change of customary law had to change from the communities themselves. As such, those people of Islamic faith have the option of subscribing to Muslim personal laws (including statutes) while Tamils hailing from the Jaffna Peninsula fall within the ambit of the ‘Thesavalame Law’.Any Sri Lankan had the right to return – and the Government had re-established the possibility for dual citizenships – said the Sri Lankan delegation, replying to a question from a human rights expert that if Indian Tamils were allowed to return to their country.The CERD members said that the situation of refugees and internally displaced persons, war widows, inter-ethnic violence, reconciliation, the Prevention of Terrorism Act, and the lack of human rights education were all “issues of concern” for the Committee.Reports presented by civil society organisations and the UN human rights mechanisms along with UN resolutions, offered a very different picture of the current situation than that presented by the Sri Lankan government – the discrepancies were concerning, Tzay stated.The UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Juan E. Méndez, and the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Mónica Pinto, were on an official visit to the Buddhist nation this year.Both the experts had said that “more reforms are needed before Sri Lanka can be considered to be on a path to sustainable democratisation”.“Severe forms of torture continue to be used, although probably less frequently, while both old and new cases of torture continue to be surrounded by total impunity,” Méndez had said.Reiterating her concerns on the issue of massive rape by the military, a CERD expert noted that many of the perpetrators were still in the north of the country, and emphasised the need for newly-recruited Tamil elements there.Experts were concerned about the 18-month period for pre-trial detention, and raised a number of questions in relation to the application of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).“Suspects are subjected to lengthy remand periods with many being detained for years, some even up to 15 years before trial,” Méndez had said after his Sri Lankan tour.The Act allows for arbitrary detention without charges, admissibility of statements obtained under duress in courts and limits access to a lawyer.The Sri Lankan government, however, maintained that persons arrested under the PTA were entitled to all safeguards, including visits by family members and the National Human Rights Commission.Questions were also raised by the UN committee on risks of political interference, referring specifically to the removal of judges for politically-motivated reasons, urging the country to adopt better provisions for ensuring the independence and impartiality of the judiciary.Pinto had also stated that the government needs to “reinforce the independence and impartiality of the justice sector” during the drafting of its new Constitution.This is the first interaction between the Sri Lankan government and the CERD experts since August 2001, when the last formal meeting took place in the midst of hostilities perpetrated by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).CERD is a body of independent human experts monitoring the implementation of ICERD by the state parties. -AgenciesSource: Firstpost",WOMEN,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=36668,57,,Tamil,News +58,"Ninety five percent of Tamils living in the Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka have asked for a federal constitution, says S. Thavarasa, a member of the government’s Public Representations Committee (PRC) which interviewed thousands of citizens on what they would like to see in the new constitution that is to be drawn up soon.Refuting the reported contention of PRC chairman Lal Wijenayake, that most Tamils did not seek federalism, Thavarasa said that he could produce documentary proof to show that the North-East Tamils demanded federalism.“I have copies of all the submissions,” he told Express on Saturday.Wijenayake had made the statement attributed to him at a hurriedly convened press conference on Friday.Patali Champika Ranawka, a member of the Lankan cabinet and leader of the Sinhalese-rights party, Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), recently asked the Tamils to give up the demand for federalism if they want a solution to the ethnic conflict.It is in view of the Sinhalese opposition to a federal constitution that S. Thavarasa’s party, the Eelam Peoples’ Democratic Party (EPDP), proposed to the PRC that a middle of the road solution may be sought if the Sinhalese parties give up their insistence on a Unitary constitution.“The EPDP suggested that a middle of the road structure, which is neither fully federal nor fully unitary, could be worked out if there is agreement that the controversial terms ‘federal’ and ‘unitary’ are not used,” Thavarasa said.He pointed out that there is a thirst for devolution in all Sri Lankan provinces and not just in the minorities’ dominated Northern and Eastern Provinces.“At a conference of Chief Ministers called by the Prime Minister on July 9, all the six Chief Ministers who attended sought devolution as decreed by the 13th Constitutional amendment including power over lands and the police,” Thavarasa said.The 13 th.Amendment enacted at the instance of India following the India-Lanka Accord of 1987, created elected Provincial Councils with powers over land and the police also. But powers over these two important subjects were never actually devolved, thus effectively crippling the Provincial Councils.Source: New Indian Express-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=36093,10,,Tamil,News +67,"The Indian Origin Tamils (IOT), who are 4.16 per cent of the Sri Lankan population of 20.3 million, are aiming to double their representation in a reformed Sri Lankan parliament.As on date, there are seven IOT MPs in the House of 225 members. The community is aiming to have up to 14 MPs in a parliament of 255 members to be elected under a new electoral system which is currently under discussion.IOT leader Mano Ganeshan told Express on Sunday that if justice is to be done to the long neglected community, there should be at least 10 elected IOT MPs. Besides, another four or five should get in through the national or bonus list. The IOT had lost representation down the years due to various factors. In 1949, when Lanka had just won independence, there were seven IOT MPs in a 95-member parliament. But representation was reduced to nil in the 1952 parliament, because only 5,000 of the 780,600 IOT had qualified for Lankan citizenship under the 1949 Citizenship Act.The population of the IOT subsequently got reduced because of the Sirima-Shastri and Sirima-Gandhi pacts in the 1960s and 1970s, which envisaged partial repatriation to India. It was only in 1988 that a substantial number of IOT got voting rights and it was only in 2003 that all of them got voting rights.Need For Fresh Delimitation But the envisaged increase in the IOT’s parliamentary representation can be achieved only if there is a suitable delimitation of constituencies and the introduction of multi-member constituencies, Ganeshan said.“It is time fresh delimitation was done because the last delimitation took place in 1976 when most of the IOT were stateless and without a vote. Since then, there has also been an increase in population,” he said.IOT leaders are to meet Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Monday.“We will ask for multi-member constituencies and redrawing of constituencies in the districts of Nuwara Eliya, Colombo, Gampaha, Ratnapura and Badulla to get more of us into parliament,” he said.Source: New Indian Express",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30725,10,,Tamil,News +72,"The DMK will hold a consultative meeting of Tamil EelamSupporters Organisation (TESO) today to fine tune its representation to theUnited Nations on the Lankan Tamils crisis. The party is sending MK Stalin and TR Baalu to the UN Human Rights Council(UNHRC) to press for speedy resettlement and rehabilitation of the displacedLankan Tamils in Sri Lanka. In August, the party held the TESO conference in Chennai, but had refrainedfrom its demand for a separate homeland for Lankan Tamils following pressurefrom the Centre.In March this year, India voted against Sri Lanka at theUNHRC asking Colombo to address alleged rights violations during the finalphase of the war against the LTTE, and a few days ago the Prime Minister wroteto Karunanidhi assuring that the resettlement and rehabilitation of LankanTamils is a top priority issue for India. Political analysts say the DMK, which was accused of not doing enough for theLankan Tamils cause when it was in power in Tamil Nadu, is trying to use thisissue now to improve its tally in the 2014 Lok Sabha polls. (NDTV) ",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=19909,9,,Tamil,News +73," Washington, Feb 11, The United States should work with the Sri Lankan government to encourage transparency, accountability, and equal representation of Tamils, panelists agreed at an American Enterprise Institute event Friday. The conference focused on Sri Lankas troubled past and its prospects for future reconciliation and growth.Lisa Curtis of the Heritage Foundation expressed hope for tolerance and open debate between Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksas government and the Tamils. Curtis asserted that the United States should support the countrys significant economic growth and development, especially given Sri Lankas strategic maritime and geopolitical role in South Asia. Dan Camp of the US Foreign Service disagreed, stating that US engagement has been purely humanitarian, while Sri Lanka seeks to maintain good relations with the United States to secure a market for its exports.He added that while Tamils outside of Sri Lanka hope to attain greater retribution, local populations are, by necessity, more concerned with basic needs and material well-being. Karunyan Arulanantham, native Tamil and humanitarian activist, stressed that Tamil militancy and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam emerged only after a long history of hurt and conflict. Reconciliation would require the Sri Lankan government to become accountable to the Tamil people, to allow them due share of power, and to allow them to seek official recognition of war crimes.Jennifer Leonard of the International Crisis Group regrets that the eighteenth amendment to the Sri Lankan constitution has lifted all checks on the president, allowing Rajapaksa to stall devolution of power to the northern and eastern Tamil regions. While the Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission hearings attempt to bring justice for ethnic Tamils, they are not an adequate forum to provide real accountability. Since the sympathies of most who have testified lie with the government, human rights infractions have not been adequately portrayed, states an American Enterprise Institute media release. ",OTHER,TAMIL,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=11853,14,,Tamil,News +75,"The Proportionate Representation (PR) system provides everyminority to enjoy their democratic rights. But the proposed First Past the Postsystem rejects the rights of minorities and also minor parties which get fiveper cent of the votes or less, says the Democratic Peoples Front (DPF).In a media statement, the DPF General Secretary Dr. NalliahKumaraguruparan states that as a strong Buddhist leader the late J.R.Jayewardene brought the PR system for every minority to enjoy their democraticrights. The news release in full: Rather than making comments on the proposed LocalAuthorities Special Provisions Bill, the Democratic Peoples Front wishes toreiterate to whoever pretends that they never damage the minorities rights, tobring necessary changes to this bill in all issues affecting the minorities andminor parties, Dr. Kumaraguruparan, General Secretary of DPF and a Western ProvincialCouncilor reiterated. We making adverse comments and they (the government) totallysidelining our views and going ahead with their own programme will never meetthe ends. Tamil Ministers and Tamil Parliamentarians with the Government must pointout the necessity of being highly democratic in safeguarding the minorityinterests. The late strong Buddhist leader J.R. Jayawardane broughtProportionate Representation even for every minority to enjoy their democraticrights. But now the proposed First Past The Post system is rejecting the rightsof minorities and also minor parties which get 5% and less, again with thisFPTP the Government is proposing that an individual who possesses charismacannot contest his own seat but has to seek a group and contest in allwards/electorates. Also Rs. 20,000 per person has been decided as a deposit,which is again a challenge to the democracy of a poorer person.In the North and the deep South, perhaps pan Sinhala or Tamildistricts may not be affected by this. But in multi-ethnic and multi-culturalsocieties like in Colombo,the minorities chances are narrowed down to win a seat only through 30% PR andmore than 5% cut off. Obviously this will affect the minorities and minorparties. This amendment will turn towards a retardation of democracy from J.R.Jschinthanaya. Once this is passed and becomes an Act, there will be one ormany district demarcation or delimitation committees. We reiterate that thesecommittees must consist of able Tamil and Muslim personalities to look afterthe minority interests.Hence, the DPF reiterates to those who talk of sincereminority interests to review and amend, where ever necessary, the proposedamendment bill which affects the Tamils and Muslims, Dr. Kumaraguruparan,General Secretary of the Democratic Peoples Front & Western ProvincialCouncil Member said. ",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=10253,29,,Tamil,News +114," Indian Congress MPs, who were part of the delegation that visited Sri Lanka recently, have demanded Indias intervention in ensuring political empowerment of minority Tamils by implementing the historic 13th Amendment, holding talks with various political parties there.Four Congress MPs from Tamil Nadu also asked India to demand from Sri Lanka urgent steps to implement recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) with a clear time-bound programme.Rajya Sabha member E. M. Sudarshana Natchiappan, Lok Sabha members M. Krishnasamy, N. S. V. Chithan and Manicka Tagore made these demands in a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh after they returned last week.The political empowerment through implementation of 13th Amendment of the Constitution of Sri Lanka made on Rajiv Gandhis effort, by holding talks with TNA and other Tamil political parties are in urgency to create the confidence of the Tamils to return to motherland, they said in the letter.13th Amendment of the Sri Lankan Constitution envisages devolution of powers to Tamil-dominated northern and eastern provinces.They also said Sri Lanka should take urgent steps for implementation of LLRC recommendations with clear time bound programme.The Sri Lanka government should send message to the world that normalcy is restored by replacing Army by Police, the MPs said.They also said displaced Tamil civilians and refugees in India should be enabled to get back their houses and lands left in Sri Lanka by sending a team of survey and settlement officials from India and identify the properties and publish for claim from the concerned refugees. Fertile lands and fishermen villages of the north and east were taken away by the Military as Security Zone. This should be handed over to owners and allow them to economically develop the country, the letter said.The MPs also recommended establishment of centres for rehabilitation of widows, mentally challenged children and differently-abled persons and children.Indias Human resources department should send teachers for English, Science and Mathematics for schools with the cooperation of Tamil Nadu government as Tamil knowing teachers are needed, they said.The MPs also suggested that Indian Universities can have an understanding with institutions in these areas for higher studies. - PTI ",OTHER,TAMIL,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17916,13,,Tamil,News +148,"German authorities have indicted a Sri Lankan man suspected of involvement in killing 15 captured government soldiers while fighting for the Tamil Tigers terrorist group.Federal prosecutors said Friday that 37-year-old Sivatheeban B. is accused of membership in a foreign terrorist organization, war crimes, two cases of manslaughter and 11 cases of attempted manslaughter.The man, whose surname wasn’t released due to German privacy rules, was arrested in August.Prosecutors allege that in 2008 the suspect guarded 15 captured soldiers as they were driven to a site where they were executed, and later helped burn their bodies.In a separate incident a year later, he fired on 13 soldiers, two of whom died.The LTTE terrorist group, which fought for a separate state for ethnic minority Tamils, was defeated in 2009.Source: PTI-Agencies",OTHER,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=54366,5,,Tamil,News +154,"German authorities have arrested a Sri Lankan man suspected of involvement in killing captured government soldiers as a member of the Tamil Tigers rebel group a decade ago.Federal prosecutors said a judge ordered Thursday the 36-year-old, identified only as Sivatheeban B. because of German privacy rules, detained pending a potential indictment.He was arrested Wednesday in the Duesseldorf area, suspected of committing war crimes and membership in a foreign terrorist organization.Prosecutors say he belonged to the Tamil Tigers from 2006-2009. They allege that, in 2008, he tied up 16 soldiers and guarded them as they were driven to a site where they were shot.Sri Lanka’s civil war ended in 2009 when government forces defeated the rebels, who fought to create a separate state for ethnic minority Tamils.Source: The Associated Press-Agencies",OTHER,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=49135,5,,Tamil,News +158,Leader of the Voice Against Corruption Movement Wasantha Samarasinghe extended an open invitation to State Minister of International Trade Sujeewa Senasinghe to speak on his involvement in the Bond scandal.Meanwhile Northern Province Provincial Council member M.K.Shivajilingam stated that the people are eagerly waiting till the culprits involved in the Bond scam are brought to justice and not till high-profile individuals are brought before the Commission of Inquiry.Speaking on the Bond scandal Governor of the Southern Province Hemakumara Nanayakkara stated that all persons guilty of theft or robbery should be brought to justice while Minister Mahinda Amaraweera stated that the law should be meted out to every citizen devoid of political bias.,OTHER,TAMIL,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44363,4,,Tamil,News +171,"Reiterating its commitment to the full implementation of UN resolution on Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom called for ‘international involvement’ in the prosecution of war crimes.British Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Hugo Swire speaking in the Parliament on Sri Lanka’s Human Rights on Thursday said that there needs to be an international element in the domestic mechanism for accountability to reassure the communities in Sri Lanka and to show the international community that this is a credible process.“That is what we continue to stress with the Government, with Ranil Wickremesinghe, the Prime Minister, with Mangala Samaraweera, the Foreign Minister, and through Prince Zeid (UN High Commissioner for Human Rights),” the minister of state was quoted Swire as saying.He said the British Government has always been clear that any accountability mechanism needs to be credible and meet international standards.“We therefore welcomed Sri Lanka’s co-sponsorship of UNHRC resolution 30/1. We have reiterated our commitment to its full implementation on a number of occasions, most recently in Geneva last month,” he added.Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena had said that he will not allow any foreign court, judge or organization interfere into the internal administration and judiciary in the country.Speaking of demilitarization in the North of Lanka, he said the Army has no reason to be in business in a civilian structure or to be on other people’s land.He added that more land returns are essential to build confidence and to allow the resettlement of displaced Tamils.Swire said his country will continue to encourage the Lankan government to prioritize the reform of their security sector.“All forms of sexual and gender-based violence and torture must be addressed,” he said.He added, “The United Kingdom remains committed to supporting Sri Lanka to take further steps towards peace and prosperity for all its citizens. We do so in a spirit of friendship and co-operation. Source: ANI-Agencies",OTHER,TAMIL,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=35996,5,,Tamil,News +174,"The Indian police have detained a Sri Lankan Tamil over his alleged involvement with a fake currency circulation, drug and human trafficking gang, the Hindu newspaper reported.After rounding up the 10-member gang during the month-long operation, the Indian Police have recommended the detention of the four accused, including the Sri Lankan Tamil, who had acted as masterminds in the case, under the NSA, the police said.The four accused – B. Yasar Arafat (32) from Pamban, M. Munis alias Murugan (27) from Rameswaram, D. Robert (32) from Pamban and Markas alias Siva (30), the Sri Lankan refugee in Adiyanoortu camp in Didigul, had acted as the brains behind the illegal act, posing a threat to national security, the police said.The gang had been involved in smuggling of ganja and human trafficking, the police said, adding that in the last operation in July, they had smuggled about 36 kg of ganja to Sri Lanka and received in return, fake currencies with a total face value of Rs. 9.5 lakh from Amalan, a Lankan Tamil in Sri Lanka.",OTHER,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32100,5,,Tamil,News +188," Twelve Special Task Force (STF) personnel of the Police remanded by the Trincomalee Magistrate Court till July 18 due to their alleged involvement in killing five students in Trincomalee in 2006, police said today.The suspects, an ASP and 11 Constables, were arrested by the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) yesterday and produced at court. Trincomalee Chief Magistrate U.L.M. Azhar ordered that they be held in remand custody at the Anuradhapura Prison.The arrested Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) was an Inspector serving in the Trincomalee area during the period when five students were shot and killed in the beach near the Trincomalee Naval Dockyard and Fort Fredrick.The five Tamil students selected for university were killed On January 2, 2006.Kasipillai Manoharan the father of Manoharan Rajigar one of those killed attended the UN Human Rights Council annual review meeting in March this year to demand justice for the murder.Manoharan was not able to continue his address, as he was sobbing midway and apologized stating he could not proceed. Kasippillai Manoharan, in his speech said, my son Rajigar is one of the five university students assassinated at Trincomalee. On behalf of the five students I am asking justice. Seven years have gone after the brutal killings of the students, but so far justice was not served, he said.Minister Samarasinghe after his address made a statement that the investigation against the killings in Trincomalee is in a state of coming to a conclusion. ",OTHER,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=23259,4,,Tamil,News +194,"The Mangalore police have taken into custody five of the13 persons arrested for their alleged involvement in trafficking of 84 personsto Australia. Majority of the men and women rescued were Sri Lankan refugeesliving in Tamil Nadu. Those taken into custody are: Sri Lankan nationalThavarassa (46), Indian national Shajahan (33) from Palakkad in Kerala, SriLankan refugees from Tamil Nadu Dinesh Kumar (27) of Nammakal, Yakoob (40) fromKuniyamuthur in Tamil Nadu, and Saleem (28) from Vellore. Deputy Commissionerof Police (Law and Order) Muthuraya said police were collecting more detailsabout earlier attempts to illegally enter Australia. The city police rescued 84 persons, including 56 SriLankan Tamil refugees, who were planning a risky and illegal sea voyage toAustralia. The local police took assistance of their Tamil Nadu counterpart toidentify the victims. The Lankan refugees and 21 Indians residing in Tamil Naduhave been sent to that State. The refugees have been handed over toRehabilitation Commissioner, Chennai. Three of the detained were Tamils livingin Kundapur, Karnataka while the remaining four were from Kerala, the policesaid. Meanwhile, officials from the Lankan Embassy called thelocal police to secure details of the case and about the persons who have beenarrested. One of the arrested persons is a Sri Lankan. (TheHindu) ",WOMEN,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=19622,10,,Tamil,News +204," Indias Naam Thamizhar Party led by director Seeman has condemned the assault on the Sri Lankan tourists in Chennai and categorically denied their involvement in the incident.Speaking to Express, Seeman said, Naam Thamizhar Party organises protests openly after announcing it well in advance. Our way of conducting matters are well known to one and all. We abhor violence in any form. If anybody (cadre) violates the line, the party will take action against him. According to Tamil groups, it was the Sinhalese tourists who had provoked the passersby and motorists near Periamet and Purasaiwalkam by marching with their countrys flags. The provocation might have triggered the reaction by a few Tamil youth, they said.Meanwhile, the May 17 Movement too strongly condemned the incident. In a statement, the movement said, Chennai and Tamil Nadu has never been a place of disturbance to the tourists from the nook and corner of the world. Even during at the peak of war, the Sinhalese visited, stayed and shopped in Chennai without any fear as Tamilians are known and praised for their hospitality.They said it was wrong to portray the Naam Thamizhar Party as a radical outfit, the Express News Service reported today. ",OTHER,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=14441,7,,Tamil,News +259,"The United States says that this Sinhala and Tamil New Year has been marked by the extraordinary positive change that has occurred in Sri Lanka over the past several months represents a renewed opportunity for the people of Sri Lanka.“On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I offer our warmest greetings to the people of Sri Lanka and the vibrant global Sri Lankan diaspora,” US Secretary of State John Kerry said.“This New Year is marked by the extraordinary positive change that has occurred in Sri Lanka over the past several months and represents a renewed opportunity for the people of Sri Lanka to join together in the spirit of reconciliation, tolerance, and peace.”“As you continue your work to build a prosperous, democratic, and united Sri Lanka, I offer my best wishes for a happy New Year and a peaceful year ahead,” he said in a statement.",OTHER,TAMIL,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30449,1,,Tamil,News +270," Indias former Foreign Secretary Nirupama Menon Rao says that the end of civil war in Sri Lanka had provided a historic opportunity for reconciliation and that India should ensure that the self-respect of Tamil minority should not be eroded. The Indian concerns based on Indian Ocean is not given sufficient importance in the Sri Lankan policy calculus. The pride and self-esteem of Tamil minorities have still not eroded, while the nation comprises the first wave diaspora of Sinhalese from India also, she said.Delivering the 22nd Sree Chithira Tirunal Memorial Lecture-2013 on India in a Tough Neighbourhood, Nirupama Rao, who was also the High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Ambassador to China and United States, stated that it is very important for India to keep Chinas military capability in mind.While addressing bilateral issues, it is also very important to keep Chinas military capability in mind. India has to be more generous to Nepal and Bangladesh, apart from developing joint maritime initiatives with Sri Lanka. Nepal has abundant water resources enough to tap 1 lakh megawatts of electricity, which is capable to make that country to have the highest per capita income in the region. But for the prevailing mistrust Nepal has for India, we were not able to take up initiatives, she pointed out.- The Hindu/ENS ",OTHER,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=25098,4,,Tamil,News +273," President Mahinda Rajapaksa stated today that the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting is a prime opportunity for Sri Lanka as it assists the Commonwealth to discuss the common interests and priorities of the world.The President says he will not hesitate to take action against any human rights violations adding that he has nothing to hide and is very open.We are very open, we have nothing to hide, Rajapakse told reporters on the eve of the summit.Rajapakse said he was ready to meet British Prime Minister David Cameron to discuss allegations of human rights violations in the closing stages of the conflict.I will be meeting him and we will see what, I will also have to ask some questions, he said.Rajapakse mounted a stout defence of his administrations handling of allegations of rights abuses.We have a legal system in Sri Lanka, he told a press conference. We have a human rights commission, now the Commonwealth is ready to strengthen it.If anyone wants to complain about a human rights violation in Sri Lanka -- whether it be torture, whether it be rape -- we have a system.If there are any violations, we will take actions against anybody.He expressed that his policy was to win over terrorists while he is ready to listen to the Tamil diaspora as long as they are also willing to listen to the government.He also expressed that he will not allow the country to be divided.President Rajapaksa also expressed satisfaction over Indian External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid attending the CHOGM summit.I am satisfied, he told the press conference when asked whether he was satisfied with the level of Indian participation at the Commonwealth meet.When an Indian reporter stated that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has skipped the conference in deference to public sentiments in Tamil Nadu, Rajapaksa shot back, But he has not said this to me. The President noted that the Indian Prime Minister had not attended a previous summit in Perth two years ago. The Foreign Minister is here. I am satisfied, he said. ",OTHER,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=24734,18,,Tamil,News +283,"The Indian delegation of Members of Parliament, which arrives here on April 16, will have an opportunity to speak to all groups of Tamils in Sri Lanka those in the Northern Province, Eastern Province, in the hills and in Colombo.Led by the Leader of Opposition in the Parliament, Sushma Swaraj, the delegation arrives here late on April 16, and has a packed programme schedule ahead of leaving on April 21. The next morning, the delegation will meet Minister for Economic Development Basil Rajapaksa, before meeting the External Affairs Minister, G.L. Peiris, reports The Hindu.The team will head to the Sri Lankan Parliament, where they will meet Basils brother and Speaker, Chamal Rajapaksa. They will also interact with Sri Lankan MPs, and attend a lunch. The team will meet representatives of the Tamil National Alliance (mostly elected by the northern Tamils), the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (largely represent the Muslim dominated east), and the Ceylon Workers Congress (who stand for the plantation Tamils), the same day.A dinner hosted by the Indian High Commissioner, Ashok K.Kantha, will give the delegation an opportunity to interact with prominent Colombo-based Sri Lankans and Indians.The delegation will visit Medawachchiya on April 18. Medawachchiya is the site of the largest IRCON base facilities, as they rebuild the northern Railway of Sri Lanka. IRCON representatives will brief the delegation on the projects. Soon after, the delegation leaves for Mullaitivu, where they will witness a slew of projects being carried out handing over of equipment for a Government Hospital, handing over some units of the dragging Housing Project, inaugurating repaired schools, and handing over bicycles.The Security Forces Commander will brief the delegation on the progress on various fronts. The delegation travels to Jaffna, where it will interact with MPs and civil society representatives. The delegation will stay over in Jaffna for the night. The next day, the delegation will visit Kankasanthurai harbour, where India had carried out a US $ 20 million wreck removal operation recently. The harbour is being rehabilitated, and is expected to begin trade with Nagapattinam, about 60 km away, shortly.The same day, the team will visit the southern railway project at Kalutara and witnessthe handing over of the completed section. It will also meet the Leader of Opposition in the Sri Lankan parliament, Ranil Wickremesinghe.The delegation has one day, April 20, to visit the east and the hills, to meet people. At Batticaloa, where a host of statues were recently vandalised, including one of Mahatma Gandhi, the delegation will meet Chief Minister, a former LTTE child soldier Pillayan (Sivanesathurai Candrakanthan), and visit some projects. In the hills, it will visit Dickoya, the place where a hospital is coming up with Indian support.The last day, April 21, the delegation will meet President Mahinda Rajapaksa over breakfast. (The Hindu) ",OTHER,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17749,4,,Tamil,News +344,A protest march organized by the Tamil business community inColombo is currently heading towards the Indian High Commission in Colomboagainst the harassment of Sri Lankans in Chennai recently. The Ada Deranareporter confirms that shops in Pettah have also closed down to support theprotest. ,OTHER,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=19543,2,,Tamil,News +348,"A former heroin addict in the UK has apologised for calling an Indian and SriLankan Co-op staff terrorists. Stuart Johnson, 45, pleaded guilty at CambridgeMagistrates Court to racial harassment and two counts of assaulting policeofficers.The court heard Johnson, of Priory Road, Cambridge, had drunkenly gone intoCo-op in Chesterton Road on December 22 and accused two employees of beingmembers of the Sri Lankan terrorist organisation Tamil Tigers.Laura Mardell, prosecuting, said: At 3.30pm the defendant approached twomembers of staff and asked where they were from. When one said he was from SriLanka, Mr Johnson called him a Tamil Tiger.The victim was shocked by the way he was being spoken to and felt he wasbeing called a terrorist.Miss Mardell told the court that when two police officers had arrived toarrest Johnson, he kicked them.Nick Barnes, mitigating, said his client had a long history of trouble withdrugs, drink and homelessness.He said: He makes no excuses for his behaviour, and he wishes to apologiseto the victims.Johnsons sentencing was adjourned until January 27 for a pre-sentencereport to be written. ",OTHER,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=16445,3,,Tamil,News +414,The General Secretary of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) former parliamentarian V. Anandasangaree has tested positive for coronavirus.He had been identified as Covid-19 positive following a Rapid Antigen Test carried out yesterday (16) due to experiencing several of the symptoms.It has also been reported that several of the former MP’s relatives have also been infected with the virus.The Tamil United Liberation Front’s office located in Jaffna has been isolated by health officials as a result of this.It is reported that Mr. Anandasangaree’s health condition is stable and that he is being treated at a hospital in Jaffna.,NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=79942,2,,Tamil,News +417,"India has told the United Kingdom that the ban of LTTE or Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam should continue.New Delhi has “shared information” as to why the ban should remain on the group that was responsible for the 30-year long insurgency in Sri Lanka but also the assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa.The development comes after Britain’s Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission (POAC) in October removed terror tag from the group.Earlier on Tuesday, in response to a WION question, Acting British High Commissioner to India Jan Thompson on if India has raised the issue said, “Can’t comment on individual conversations we had. But we had detailed discussion on a range of issues including around this type of issue with Indian govt in a different format”.The decision of the POAC comes after an appeal was filed in May 2019 by an LTTE front organization that challenged the decision of the UK Secretary of State for Home Affairs. The decision had refused the application to de-proscribe LTTE from the list of Proscribed Organizations under the UK Terrorism Act of 2000.Sri Lanka had protested against the development and has filed an appeal against the judgement of the POAC on the delisting of LTTE as terror organization.In a release, the Sri Lankan foreign ministry said, “Government of Sri Lanka has sufficient evidence to prove that the remnants of the LTTE and groups aligned with its terrorist ideology are active in foreign countries, working to incite violence and destabilize the country.”Explaining, “Sri Lanka remains vigilant of threats to its national security as well as that of the region, and will always support members of the international community in the global fight against terrorism.”The UK had listed LTTE as a terror outfit in 2000. The British Home Secretary will make the final decision on its listing.-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=69071,3,,Tamil,News +426,"Presidential Candidate M. K. Sivajilingam has submitted a letter of resignation from his party membership of TELO to retain his presidential candidacy, stated TELO (Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization) Leader Selvam Adaikalanathan.Adaikalanathan stated that Sivajilingam had been given time by the party’s disciplinary committee to explain himself on standing as a presidential candidate going against the decision and policies of the party.Accordingly, Sivajilingam had informed of his resignation from the party to the Party Leader and the General Secretary.M. K. Sivajilingam represents TELO and had previously acted as the chairman of the party.Following standing as a presidential candidate had resigned from the Central Committee and the politburo of the party and acted within the general body of the party.Party leader Adaikalanathan stated that there is no longer any relationship between Sivajilingam and the party.When inquired presidential hopeful Sivajilingam on the matter, he stated that he had resigned from all posts in the party on behalf of the presidential election.",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58735,2,,Tamil,News +433,"The Central Government of India extended the ban on the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) on Tuesday for violent and disruptive activities which are prejudicial to the integrity and sovereignty of India. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) renewed its 2014 notification to declare LTTE as an “unlawful association” for another five years.In the notification, MHA said that LTTE “continues to adopt a strong anti-India posture as also continues to pose a grave threat to the security of Indian nationals, it is necessary to declare LTTE as an unlawful association with immediate effect”.It also said the “Diaspora continue to spread through articles in the Internet portals, anti-India feeling amongst the Sri Lankan Tamils by holding the Government of India responsible for the defeat of the LTTE and such propaganda through Internet, which remains continued, is likely to impact Very Very Important Persons (VVIP) security adversely in India”.MHA said that even after its military defeat in May 2009 in Sri Lanka, LTTE has not abandoned the concept of ‘Eelam’ (separate land for Tamils) and has been clandestinely working towards the cause by undertaking fundraising and propaganda activities. “The remnant LTTE leaders or cadres have also initiated efforts to regroup the scattered activists and resurrect the outfit locally and internationally,” MHA said.Source: The Hindu-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=55116,7,,Tamil,News +434,"The Tamil Eelam Liberation Organisation (TELO) has said it will reject any attempt to formulate a new Constitution, claiming that the proposals which have been announced so far fall short of an acceptable solution for the Tamils in terms of the devolution of power.TELO, a constituent of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), in a statement said that the party stood for a federal solution based on the concept of fully fledged self determination for the Tamils in the North and East, but the current proposals are aimed at preserving the unitary character of the island.The Tamil party”s opposition comes days after Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Saturday said the new Constitution would not change the unitary nature of the country.Wickremesinghe”s comments came in the wake of his political opponents headed by opposition leader Mahinda Rajapaksa alleging that his government is drafting a new Constitution to appease the main Tamil political party - Tamil National Alliance (TNA).The TELO recalled that the TNA which is their larger political front had received a public mandate to urge for a federal solution to address all Tamil grievances.The statement said that the proposals contained in the report issued recently merits only rejection as it aimed at preserving the unitary character while guaranteeing the foremost place for the majority religion Buddhism.It said the proposals would strengthen the Sinhala Buddhist majority community and place restrictions on the extent of power devolution to address Tamil issues.A report of the expert panel was submitted in parliament two weeks ago from the Constitution making process, which got underway in 2016.Source: PTI-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=52830,10,,Tamil,News +435,"Jaffna District MP Siddharthan had, reportedly, informed regarding the political wing of People’s Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE), Democratic People’s Liberation Front (DPLF) sacking newly appointed Deputy Minister S. Viyalendiran.TNA MP Viyalendiran took oath as the Deputy Minister of Regional Development (Eastern Development) before President Maithripala Sirisena yesterday (03).Illankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK) MP E. Saravanapavan stated that they too were informed of the decision to sack Viyalendiran, yesterday.Meanwhile, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) stated yesterday that they will vote in favor of the No Confidence Motion to be brought against the Government headed by Mahinda Rajapaksa who has been “unconstitutionally and illegally” appointed as Prime Minister.",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=51205,3,,Tamil,News +438,"The Swiss Federal Criminal Court has given no prison terms to alleged financiers of the Sri Lankan Tamil separatist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE). The 13 accused were either given suspended custodial sentences or acquitted.The court on Thursday said accusations of participation in and support of a criminal organisation did not stand and released all of the accused.It noted that the hierarchical link between the LTTE and WTCC was not sufficiently established. The judges also felt there was not enough concrete proof to consider the LTTE as a criminal organisation.While the federal prosecutor Juliette Noto had asked for prison terms of between 18 months and six years for the accused, the court did not oblige. Eight of the thirteen on the docks were acquitted of all charges.The others were only found guilty of fraud. WTCC’s finance manager and one of the accused who arranged loans from Bank Now (owned by Credit Suisse) on false pretences got a 24-month suspended sentence. The president of WTCC got 21 months while the finance manager’s deputy got 20 months in suspended sentences.The whole process is estimated to have cost close to CHF4 million (4.03 million) which the federal government will have to bear. In addition to this amount, compensation for those acquitted, as well as lawyers’ fees total to almost CHF5 million. The accused will have to pay part of their lawyers’ expenses provided they have the financial means to do so.During the eight-week trial, which opened in January and closed in March, the federal prosecutor requested sentences of up to six-and-a-half years in prison. The proceedings cost CHF3.8 million ($3.85 million).The 13 defendants - 12 Tamils or Swiss citizens of Tamil origin plus one German - were accused of participating in or supporting a criminal organisation, fraud, forgery, money laundering and extortion.During her indictment, Juliette Noto, a federal prosecutor, described a sophisticated system used by the WTCC to raise funds largely for armed struggle from the Tamil community in Switzerland. The Tamil community in Switzerland was systematically registered and its ability to pay assessed. Families who refused to pay were threatened, she said.Noto cast the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (LTTE), who are represented in Switzerland by the WTCC, as a violent movement “whose effectiveness inspired Al-Qaeda”. Showing a picture of the WTCC leader behind a machine gun and images of child soldiers, she enumerated the attacks and crimes attributed to the Tamil Tigers. The prosecutor sought to demonstrate the informed involvement of the accused in supporting and funding the LTTE.Legitimate combatIn their pleadings, the defence invoked the legitimacy of the Tigers’ struggle against the Sri Lankan government’s repression of the Tamil minority. They argued that the money collected in Switzerland by the accused for the WTCC was mainly used for humanitarian purposes. The defence also challenged the prosecution of the accused at a time when Tiger resistance was collapsing in Sri Lanka.During the hearings, the accused spoke at length about the repression suffered in Sri Lanka and the atrocities committed by the security forces. They kept silent when asked about their specific involvement.The Tamil Tigers fought the Sri Lankan government from 1983 until its defeat in 2009. The movement claimed independence from northern Ceylon, populated mostly by Tamils. This conflict caused the death of some 100,000 people.SDA-ATS/ds-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=48074,20,,Tamil,News +441,"Leader of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) V.Anandasangaree stated that the continued presence of the military in the north, years after the end of the civil war has caused many hindrances to the lives of the Tamil people.Speaking to the media at his residence in Jaffna, V.Anandasangaree stated that a vast area of land rightfully owned by the Tamil populace has been occupied by the military.He also stressed the fact that the freedom of women has been resitricted gravely due to the presence of the military.",WOMEN,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=45435,8,,Tamil,News +442,"The trial of 13 financiers accused of funneling more than 15 million Swiss francs (15.3 million U.S. dollars) to the Sri Lankan rebel group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) started at the Swiss Federal Criminal Court on Monday (8).The accused are from Switzerland, Germany and Sri Lanka, the Swiss news agency SDA reported, and they were caught in a sting operation in 2011.Between 1999 and 2009, they allegedly created a complex fundraising structure which involved coaxing members of the Tamil diaspora to obtain loans from banks.The 13 people on trial face charges of fraud, false documentation, money laundering and extortion.The LTTE has never been declared a terror organization in Switzerland, so they will not face charges of funding a terror group.“The Attorney General strongly suspects the LTTE fraction under investigation of having collected the money in question by means of threats and by creating a regime of fear to induce them to make the payments,” a court document says.The Swiss funds were transported in cash by couriers to Singapore and Dubai, eventually reaching the LTTE in Sri Lanka who allegedly used the money to purchase arms. This funding system collapsed in 2009.- SL Guardian- Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=45292,2,,Tamil,News +444,The Tamil Ealam Liberation Organization (TELO) stated that all nominees for the Local Government election from the northern and eastern provinces will be represented by the ‘house’ symbol or the symbol that will be used by the Tamil National Alliance.MP Selvam Adaikalanathan of the Vanni Electoral District made the above declaration as a representative of TELO.He stated that the party arrived at this decision following a meeting that was held with the leader of the Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi (ITAK) Mavai Senathirajah.Leader of the People’s Liberation Organization (PLOTE) of Tamil Eelam Dharmalingam Siddarthan also took part at the meeting where all three political parties made a collective decision to join with the TNA.,NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44718,6,,Tamil,News +447,Leader of the Eelam People’s Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF) Suresh Premachandran stated that steps will be taken to create a new political entity to oppose the authority of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA).Suresh Premachandran made this statement following the meeting of the Tamil People’s Council that was chaired by C.V.Wigneswaran.He further stated that certain practices of TNA members have left the Tamil community desolate as several TNA leaders have acted in a way to fulfill their own political agendas.The leader of the EPRLF stated that a new political front will be created to give power to the voice of the Tamil community.,OTHER,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44159,9,,Tamil,News +448,"Leader of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF), V.Anandasangaree declared that the TULF will contest the upcoming LG polls independently breaking away from the Tamil National Alliance.MP Anandasangaree stated that the TULF will endorse representatives to local government institutions of the Northern and Eastern provinces.The TULF broke away from the TNA citing that they could not conform to the policy decisions taken by the leaders of the TNA.V.Anandasangaree further stated that the leader of the TNA R.Sambandan and other party members have forsaken the wellbeing of the Tamil people and are complying with government decisions to fulfill their own personal motives. ",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43991,7,,Tamil,News +450,"The Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization (TELO) has taken the decision to temporarily suspend the party membership of the Northern Province Transport and Fisheries Minister, P. Deniswaran.The suspension will apparently remain effective for the next six months.Party Secretary S. Srikantha stated that the decision had been taken on account of his neglect of party decisions.P. Deniswaran had reportedly backed the No-Confidence Motion against C. V. Vigneswaran, by simultaneously turning his back on the party’s stance to do otherwise.The Secretary affirmed that the decision had been taken when the Central Committee convened yesterday (20).Disciplinary action will be taken against Deniswaran in future, before arriving at a final decision, he added.",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=42609,1,,Tamil,News +451,"The thoughtless acts and utterances of the Opposition’s Federal Party have caused immense damage to the friendship and goodwill of India, Secretary-General of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF), V. Anandasangaree says.He stated this in a letter written to the leader of the Opposition, R. Sampanthan, where he requested Sampanthan to keep the Federal Party members under his strict control.Anandasangaree added that whenever the country was in distress it was India that always rushed in first with medical teams and food, as proved after the last Tsunami and the civil war.Furthermore, he stated that the Indian government had made an effort to solve our ethnic problem during the last 30 years, and that their involvement cost their country the lives of a Prime Minister - Madam Indira Gandhi and a prospective Prime Minister - Hon. Rajiv Gandhi. Consequently, he added that the visits of the Opposition to South Africa to solicit its support to solve the ethnic problem had caused a lot of misunderstanding among the Indians.Anandasangaree also condemned Sampanthan’s recent visit to China, stating that there was a time and a place to do everything.",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=40596,6,,Tamil,News +455,"The United States has backed out of an undertaking to medically examine former combatants of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) who had allegedly been injected with a poisonous drug when they were in detention or undergoing rehabilitation in camps.The Chief Minister of the Tamil-majority Northern Province, C.V.Wigneswaran, had told the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) that he had requested the US Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Atul Keshap, to get the US Air Force medical team camping in Jaffna to examine the suspected cases of poisoning. Upon this, the Ambassador said that the team would look at the cases and decide what to do next. Following this, about 30 former cadres of the LTTE expressed a desire to be examined by the USAF team. According to the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) member, M.K.Sivajilingam, the Chief Minister was to find out how many cases the USAF team would examine. When the US Embassy in Colombo was approached in this regard, it said that the USAF team was not equipped to conduct the required investigations.“So, no ex-combatants were examined,” Sivajilingam told Express. And at any rate, Friday was the last day of the USAF medical team’s stay in the Northern Province.-Agencies-NIE",OTHER,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=36609,2,,Tamil,News +456,"Many former members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), now on exile in Europe, are willing to participate in the proposed transitional justice mechanisms in Sri Lanka on alleged violations of human rights during the final phase of the civil war, if their safety and anonymity are guaranteed, The Hindu reported.This is among the findings of a survey undertaken by the International Truth & Justice Project (ITJP), Sri Lanka, which is affiliated to the Foundation for Human Rights in South Africa.The survey covered 75 Tamils living in four European countries, of whom ex-cadres of the LTTE accounted for 54. Women constituted 26 per cent of the entire group. They fled to Europe after 2009 warAlmost all the interviewees fled Sri Lanka for Europe after the end of the civil war in May 2009. A quarter of them had been through the Sri Lanka government’s rehabilitation programme for former LTTE cadres but had “found it impossible to survive” in the country after being released, according to a report prepared by the ITJP.Seventy-three per cent of the interviewees alleged that they had been subjected to torture by the security forces after the fighting stopped and 54 per cent to rape or other forms of sexual violence.-Agencies",WOMEN,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=35644,12,,Tamil,News +457,"State Minister of Defence Ruwan Wijewardene says that the government has no issue with the commemoration of victims of Sri Lanka’s war but any attempts to commemorate the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) will not be allowed.“The LTTE is a terrorist group recognized by the world. We have no problem with the commemoration of those who perished during the war. I think that is a tradition in the world.”“However, we will not allow any LTTE flags or commemoration of the LTTE organization. That has been banned,” he told reporters in Colombo.“We have notified the police and the armed forces. As a government we will not allow any commemoration of the LTTE.” Replying to a question from a journalist regarding State Minister Vijayakala Maheswaran’s plans to build a monument in Vellamullivaikal, the State Minister reiterated that: “as a government we will not allow the erecting of any monument related to the LTTE. That is banned.” “We do not know what her idea is, she has not talked to us about it. But we have no problem with a monument built on behalf of those who lost their lives during the war in the area,” he said. ",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=35231,3,,Tamil,News +458,"A former senior commander of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Kanapathipillai Sivamoorthy alias Nagulan, is currently being detained and interrogated by the Terrorism Investigation Division (TID), police said.Nagulan, who had served in the Charles Anthony Brigade as a senior commander, was arrested in the Kopay area in Jaffna yesterday (26).He was arrested based on information uncovered by another LTTE suspect by the name of ‘Ram’ who had been arrested by the TID last Sunday (24).Nagulan had fled the country during the final stages of the war and had reportedly later returned to Pudumathalan. He had secretly been living at a welfare camp in Kopay for the past several years and had also attained marital status while there. ",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=35047,2,,Tamil,News +459,"The Sri Lankan government’s plan to send for rehabilitation and eventual release 217 Tamils detained for alleged links with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), has run into legal difficulties. On November 17, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP, M.A.Sumanthiran, had said that government would send the first batch for rehabilitation in ten days. But according to the Minister of National Dialogue, Mano Ganeshan, there may be a delay on account of the fact that some prisoners have more than one case against them. A prisoner might be qualified for rehabilitation and release in one case, but not in another, he explained.“We are discussing this issue with the Attorney General to find a way out. In a week or so, it may be sorted out,” Ganeshan has told the New India Express news agency.Rationale For Amnesty.Tamil lawyers point out that if a prisoner says he has “surrendered”, it means he is accepting the charge that he had worked for the LTTE, when, so far, he has been maintaining that he had not worked for the LTTE.The lawyers also say that even after rehabilitation and release, an ex-detainee could be hounded and arrested. This is the reason why the prisoners have been seeking a “Presidential Amnesty” which will close the cases against them irrevocably.And for this they had gone on an indefinite fast. The fast was called off only when the government put forward the Rehabilitation and Release Plan. In mid-November, 85 of the 217 detainees had sought rehabilitation in writing. (Courtesy – NIE)",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=33201,4,,Tamil,News +461,"The Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) has renewed its appeal to President Maithripala Sirisena for the immediate release of over 200 Tamils, popularly called political prisoners, who have been experiencing imprisonment for a number of years.The prisoners have, essentially, been booked under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) and when they undertook a week-long fast last month, they gave up their agitation after the government assured them to expedite their release by the first week of November. About 10 days ago, at a high-level meeting chaired by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, it was decided that steps would be taken for securing bail in respect of those who faced less serious charges. So far, no one had been released.The TULF secretary general V. Anandasangaree, in a letter to President Maithripala Sirisena, recalled how members of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) and those of various Tamil groups were granted amnesty by the government in the late 1980s. In the case of the Tamil groups, the action had followed after the Indo-Lanka Accord was signed in July 1987.While pointing out that “pardoning the entire lot is the best action,” Mr. Anandasangaree suggested that the President consider “rehabilitation” for a specific period for some prisoners if they had committed “serious offences.”Source: The Hindu",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32932,3,,Tamil,News +462,"MA Sumanthiran, MP and Spokesman of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), has suggested that the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) pass a resolution regretting the en masse expulsion of Muslims from the Northern Province by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in October-November 1990.Sumanthiran made this suggestion at a function here earlier this week to mark the 25th anniversary of the infamous expulsion of 70,000 to 90,000 Muslims.“Just as it passed a resolution condemning the genocide conducted against the Tamils, the NPC should pass a resolution condemning the en masse expulsion of Muslims by the LTTE which amounts to ethnic cleansing. If the NPC does not do it, the world will not take the Tamils’ contention that they had been subjected to genocide, seriously,” Sumanthiran said.“The Tamils cannot condemn the misdeeds of the Sinhalese majority while ignoring the misdeeds of the Tamil majority,” the Jaffna district MP further said. Asked if he plans to take up the matter with the NPC, which is dominated by the TNA, he said: “ I am not a member of the NPC. I have given my view. It’s for them to carry it forward.”Between October and November 1990, Muslims were asked to leave in less than 24 hours. Each person was allowed only LKR 150 to LKR 2000 and a single change of clothing. All other properties were confiscated. Of the displaced, 20,000 continue to live in squalid camps in Puttalam, north of Colombo.Resettlement of the returnees has been problematical in Mannar district. While some resident Tamils have questioned the returnees’ claims, the Central government had designated some Muslim farms as “forest land”.The Lankan military also occupies some Muslim farmlands. According to Hilmy Ahamed of the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka, during the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime, some forest land had been cleared to settle 3500 Sinhalese families from Hambantota and Suriuyawewa.Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera has said that the justice and reconciliation mechanisms to be set up by the Lankan government following the September 30 UN Human Rights Council’s resolution on Sri Lanka, will address the grievances of the displaced Muslims. (Courtesy – NIE)",OTHER,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32903,14,,Tamil,News +464,"Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias Karuna Amman says he has decided to to resign from the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) to join the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) led by V. Anandasangaree.Karuna Amman told Ada Derana he made the decision owing to personal reasons.“I had no issues with the SLFP. But, I took the decision for the sake of my future political career,” he added.",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32824,2,,Tamil,News +465,"Secretary General of the Tamil United Liberation Front, V. Anandasangaree, says that his party recommends probing of war crimes by both Domestic and Hybrid special courts in parts.Issuing a statement on Monday (21) Anandasangaree said, “It is very unfortunate that a matter of great importance to every one of us in this country and to many others from the diaspora, is being taken lightly. I am referring to the much awaited UNHRC’s recommendations to probe the alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka.Without realizing the seriousness of the issue, all sorts of suggestionscome from all types of people, some of whom seem to be claiming that they are the authorities in this subject and some others expect that only a particular group should deal with this problem. Since many are pulling in deferent directions it is difficult to come to a common understanding. The UNHRC has recommended the setting up of a Hybrid special court to probe the alleged war crimes and has also advised the integration of international judges, prosecutors, Lawyers and investigators, while the U.S proposes the establishment of a domestic mechanism to inquire into the war crimes.As far as the Tamil United Liberation Front is concerned, in the first instance the TULF will opt to choose the Hybrid special court to probe the alleged war crimes. But after seriously considering the type of cases that are to be probed into, the TULF feels that in the interest of the victims certain types of crimes cannot be conveniently taken up by the Hybrid special courts and vice versa. Hence except some uncomplicated cases, all the others will have to be decided on the merits of each case, as to whether it is the Hybrid special court or the domestic mechanism that should probe into a particular incident, to determine which a special unit could be set up. Although I have very justifiable reasons for giving this suggestion, the TULF does not want to decide arbitrarily and instead wants the interested parties to take a joint decision. The practice of one taking a decision and the others following should be done away with and collective decision should be insisted on. It is a great shame for the Tamil Leadership not to get united even for matters that greatly concern their community.We have to learn from other ethnic groups.Let no one pretend to be cleverer than all the others.The most serious Human rights violations and crimes can be classified under three or four categories namely Rape with torture, Rape torture and murder, torture and murder, Missing persons accompanied with torture or murder etc. This can be further classified into offences committed by the forces and Paramilitary groups.Everyone knows that it is difficult or impossible to get a victim of rape and torture to give evidence in open court.Since most cases of rape will include torture as well,the TULF suggests setting up of panels comprised of female Judges or senior female Lawyers to hold inquiries in camera to the exclusion of others and make suitable recommendations including compensation.Cases of torture resulting in death should go to the Hybrid special court and only torture could be taken up for probing at the domestic courts.A committee could be setup to decide on the merits of each case as to which one should be investigated by the local court or the Hybrid special court.Cases for which capital punishment can be imposed should be referred to the Hybrid court and in the event of the Hybrid court is not setup, to appease the affected party, a team of observers with legal knowledge could be made present at all such trials. Furthermore in the event of absence of provisions in our laws to deal with a crime suitable provisions could be introduced in our legal system. In every case sufficent compensations should be offered to the victim or to the heirs,if the victim is no more or cannot be traced. Any disability caused to the victim or if any serious ailment is trace or complained of all assistance should be given including any equipment recommended.”",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32413,23,,Tamil,News +469,"Former militants of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and their supporters have decided to form a political party named “Crusaders for Democracy” and seek tickets from the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to contest the August 17 Sri Lankan parliamentary elections.Militants and their supporters from the Northern and Eastern districts of Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Mannar, Vavuniya and Batticaloa gathered outside the famous Nallur Kandswamy temple in Jaffna on Friday and took an oath to fight for the rights of the Tamil-speaking people by democratic means such as participation in elections through a political party to be known as “Crusaders for Democracy.”CFD’s Coordinator Nadesapillai Vithyatharan said that a request will be made to the TNA to give nomination to at least two former militants in each of the districts of the Northern and Eastern provinces where the TNA holds sway.Among the aims of the CFD are: the establishment of a new political culture and a new kind of Tamil leadership which will be marked by honesty and courage; speedy implementation of rehabilitation and livelihood programs; securing the release of Tamil political prisoners; and building bridges with fair and accommodative political elements and leaders in South Sri Lanka with a view to securing an amicable political settlement of the Tamil question.However, despite its commitment to pursue the democratic path, the CFD is not regretful about its past involvement with the LTTE. The press release on its formation noted that Friday’s gathering was held at the place near the Nallur temple where “Thyagi” Thileepan of the LTTE fasted unto death to secure the rights of the Tamils when the Indian Peace Keeping Force held sway in Jaffna in 1987. Athmalingam Ravindra alias Rupan, who had held high political and administrative positions in the LTTE both in Trincomalee district and in the Wanni from the early 1990s to May 2009, has already put in an application for a TNA ticket in Trincomalee district.Source: The New Indian Express",OTHER,TAMIL,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=31478,13,,Tamil,News +470,"Sri Lanka’s Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) has blamed the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) for agreeing to South African mediation while overlooking India’s contributions to the peace process, the PTI reported.“With all respect to the South African government, we should tell them that we will gladly consider adapting the South Africa’s Bill of Rights.But India had been taking a lot of interest in solving our problem, from the time of Madam Indira Gandhi,” a TULF resolution stated.“India lost a prime ministerial candidate at the time of his assassination and hundreds of soldiers in Sri Lanka.India’s assistance for rehabilitation and resettlement still continue and is in the process of considering further assistance,” the resolution said.TULF was the main Tamil party until the LTTE’s emergence as an armed group pursuing a violent struggle for a separate Tamil homeland.TULF leader Anandasangaree stays out of the TNA – the broader political front of Tamil political parties.He was critical of TNA’s policy of staying close to LTTE and for contesting elections in the past as an LTTE proxy.In the resolution, the TULF stated that it also strongly believes that the disunity between the TULF and the TNA had seriously affected the welfare of the Tamil-speaking people and had reduced the chances of finding solutions for their problems.The resolution urged Tamils to back President Maithripala Sirisena and give all support to re-establish democracy in the country and to rule while providing equal opportunities for all ethnic groups to live in peace and amity as free citizens of Sri Lanka.“The present head of state should be given full backing to enable him to gain full strength and take decisions firmly.The TULF urges the TNA leadership to caution its members about their utterances or earn the blame of missing the last opportunity that came on its own,” the resolution said. (PTI)",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=31333,13,,Tamil,News +472,"Leader of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF), V. Anandasangaree, today called for the adoption the Bill of Rights alongside the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. “What is happening in the country today is thoroughly disappointing,” he said in a statement issued today.“I am frankly of the opinion that neither the 19th amendment nor the 20th amendment will get passed or even reach the point of debating, as now rescheduled for the 27th and 28th of this month.”The former MP said that the creation of this prevailing situation will amount to “total betrayal” of the trust the Sri Lankan people had placed on their leaders. “Whether we like it or not we all know that the people very much desire a change.”“Nothing will be lost if the country will pay attention to my suggestion to introduce the Bill of Rights in toto, as found in the South Africans constitution,” he said.“If it is adopted without any delay along with the 19th and 20th amendments it will be very acceptable. Otherwise if by any chance the same situation arises again to postpone the 19th and 20th amendments, the Bill of Rights can go through without any opposition.” The TULF leader stated that there is no guarantee that a similar situation will not arise again to compel for the postponement of the debate for a future date.He said that South Africans consider the Bill of Rights as the cornerstone of democracy enshrining the Rights of all people in their country and affirming the democratic values of human dignity equality and freedom.“It will be the duty of the state to respect, protect, promote and fulfill the rights in the Bill of Rights.”Mr Anandasangaree further charged that he is being “ignored” by the leaders of the newly formed National Government, who he says should have consulted him at least on crucial matters that concern the state.",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30600,7,,Tamil,News +475,"A leaked secret document, which is said to belong to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on assessing “high-value targeting” (HVT) programs world-wide for their impact on counterinsurgency, has reviewed the killing of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) leader Velupillai Prabhakaran.The document has been produced to review a chart for US officials to use in strategically assessing future operations and methods in HVT assassinations. The document has defined HTV as focused operations against specific individuals or networks whose removal or marginalization should disproportionately degrade an insurgent group’s effectiveness.According to the secret document, life style stage of the LTTE has been described as a severely degraded one and noted that its (LTTE) future is uncertain after the conventional military defeat.“Sri Lanka—LTTE, 1983-May 2009 The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) sought autonomy for the Tamils of northern and eastern Sri Lanka since the group’s inception in 1972. Velupillai Prabhakaran, a radical student, founded the group in response to the adoption of a new constitution institutionalizing Sinhalese domination, according to an academic study. The Sri Lankan Air Force, in November 2007 and January 2008, used antibunker bombs to target Prabhakaran and other top LTTE leaders, according to a clandestine source claiming firsthand access. Geocoordinate information provided by a former bodyguard of Prabhakaran’s contributed to an accurate Sri Lankan military bombing raid that killed LTTE political spokesman S.P. Tamilchelvan and other LTTE leaders on 2 November 2007, according to a clandestine source with whom a relationship was just beginning. The Sri Lankan Government claimed to have killed Prabhakaran and most of the LTTE’s senior leadership in conventional military operations in April and May 2009, according to a US military report and a Western press report.This is a secret CIA document assessing high-value targeting (HVT) programs world-wide for their impact on insurgencies. The document is classified SECRET//NOFORN (no foreign nationals) and is for internal use to review the positive and negative implications of targeted assassinations on these groups for the strength of the group post the attack. The document assesses attacks on insurgent groups by the United States and other countries within Afghanistan, Algeria, Colombia, Iraq, Israel, Peru, Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka, Chechnya, Libya, Pakistan and Thailand. The document, which is “pro-assassination”, was completed in July 2009 and coincides with the first year of the Obama administration and Leon Panetta’s directorship of the CIA during which the United States very significantly increased its CIA assassination program at the expense of capture operations. It produces a chart for US officials to use in strategically assessing future operations and methods in HVT assassinations.The death or capture of key insurgents may lead to reduced domestic or foreign support for the group, as supporters recalculate the insurgent group’s chances of winning the conflict and consider the potential costs of backing the losing side. Such a phenomenon is enhanced when leadership strikes coincide with other counterinsurgency successes.” the document says.",OTHER,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=29249,12,,Tamil,News +476,"The Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) has decided to assist Common Candidate Maithripala Sirisena at the forthcoming Presidential election.The TULF announced its decision in a statement released, this morning.TULF General Secretary V. Anandasangaree said that the decision was taken after a committee meeting held in Jaffna, yesterday.According to Anandasangaree, the TULF has reached to the decision to back the Common Candidate, as the present government has failed to address issues faced by the Tamil community.",OTHER,TAMIL,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=29159,3,,Tamil,News +481,"The European Union Courts annulment of the EUs ban on the LTTE will help revive the separatist and terrorist outfit in Sri Lankas Tamil-majority Northern Province, warned V Anandasangaree, President of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF).Pro-LTTE groups both within the island and overseas have received a shot in the arm, and will now openly propagate the LTTEs cause of separatism and terrorism. The TNA will now up its ante reflecting the LTTEs demands, Anandasangaree told Express on Friday.Dr Rohan Gunaratna, who heads the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, said: The court did not conduct a substantive assessment of classification of the LTTE as a terrorist group. Express News Service ",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=28474,2,,Tamil,News +483," The heavy presence of the army in the Tamil-speaking areas of Sri Lanka, after the cantonment system was introduced, has prompted fears among locals about Sinhalese settlement, the Leader of the Eelam Peoples Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF) and former Chief Minister of North-Eastern Province, A. Varadaraja Perumal, said.Talking to journalists in Tamil Nadu, he said that reducing the presence of the army would help the economy. Expenditure on security, accounting for one-third of the spending, was unnecessary, and the money could instead be used for education, health and roads.As for the Narendra Modi governments insistence on empowering the provincial councils under the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, he said it was Indias responsibility to ensure that the Rajapaksa government devolved powers to the provincial governments.When the Indo-Lanka accord was signed, we were made to accept it with a guarantee by the Indian government that the 13th Amendment will be implemented in totality. The Chief Ministers elected by the people in the Northern and Eastern Provinces have no powers now, he said.As for the attacks on Indian fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy, Mr. Perumal said the India-Sri Lanka Maritime Boundary Agreement of 1974, which allows fishermen from both sides to fish in the Palk Bay without worrying about the border, was still valid, the Hindu reports. ",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27947,4,,Tamil,News +486," The UN team, which has been put together to investigate allegations of human rights violations and war crimes against the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), will be holding hearings in New York, Geneva and Bangkok, UN sources told Express on Saturday.The team constituted by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), would of course seek permission to hold sittings in Sri Lanka. But it is unlikely to get it as the Sri Lankan government has rejected any international probe.Sources said that Tamil expatriates and Lankan Tamil rights groups which are very active in North America, Europe and Australia, would testify at New York, Geneva and Bangkok. Tamils living in Lanka would be interacting through telephone, video conferencing and skype. Rights groups in Sri Lanka might organise such interactions besides travelling abroad to testify.There is no law in Sri Lanka to bar any citizen from testifying before a UN body, but government ministers have publicly warned that those bad mouthing Lanka at the UN inquiry would be dealt with. In the absence of a witness protection law, witnesses could be subjected to intimidation as has been the case in Sri Lanka so far. However, as the proceedings of the Lankan governments own Disappearances Commission show, witnesses could brave threats and testify fearlessly.To protect witnesses against intimidation by pro-government groups, the UN team might keep their identities secret for 20 years as the earlier Darusman panel on Sri Lanka did.But the Lankan government could challenge the veracity of the testimonies used by the UN team on the grounds that the identities of the witnesses are shrouded mystery, as indeed it did in the case of the stinging Darusman report earlier. To counter the UN investigation, the Sri Lankan government has started its own investigation into the charges of rights violations and war crimes by expanding the mandate of the existing Disappearances Commission. The UN and Lankan commissions would be working contemporaneously. But while the UN commission would not be able to get many Lankan Tamils resident in Lankas war affected areas to testify, most of those testifying before the Lankan panel would be living in the war affected parts of the island. The Lankan panels report is therefore likely to have greater credibility. This could provide Colombo with a good instrument to discredit the UN investigation.Asked if the foreign advisors to the Sri Lankan panel (Sir Desmond de Silva, Sir Geoffrey Nice, and Prof David Crane, could be counted upon to give government-friendly advice, a source said that the terms of appointment had clearly stated that they shall tender advice only when the panel seeks their advice. Also, President Rajapaksa has reserved the right to appoint more advisors.A news report pointed out on Saturday, that while the Lankan government has revealed the composition of its panel, the UN OHCHR has not revealed the composition of its panel fully. The latter has only revealed the name of the Coordinator and those of three experts or advisors. Thus, the Lankan government seems to be more transparent. Colombo might well ask how the UN panel could be taken seriously when its composition is shrouded in mystery.The UN panel will have very little time to do its work. lt will have to gather fresh evidence (from four different places in the world), write the report, send it to the Lankan government for its comments, and submit the final draft report by January so that it could be presented to the UN Human Rights Council in March 2015. The Lankan panel, on the other hand, has a less cumbersome and time consuming procedure. The New Indian Express ",NOT RELEVANT,TAMIL,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27412,16,,Tamil,News +491,"TheIndian Union Home Ministry today issued a fresh notification extending ban onthe Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in India for five years.TheGovernment of India, under the provisions of the Unlawful Activities(Prevention) Act, 1967, has proscribed the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam(LTTE) as an Unlawful Association. The declaration of LTTE as an UnlawfulAssociation has been extended for a further period of five years with effectfrom May 14, 2014, said an MHA notification made public on Thursday.LTTEwas banned in India after the assassination of former Prime Minister RajivGandhi in 1991. The ban on the outfit was extended the last time in May 2012.The gazette notification then noted that LTTE was an association based in SriLanka, but having its supporters, sympathizers and agents in India; and thatits objective for a separate homeland (Tamil Eelam) for all Tamils threatened thesovereignty and territorial integrity of India for the Union and thus, fellwithin the ambit of an unlawful activity.TheLTTE, even after its military defeat in May 2009 in Sri Lanka, has notabandoned the concept of Eelam and has been clandestinely working towards theEelam cause by undertaking fund raising and propaganda activities in Europe.The remnant LTTE leaders or cadres have also initiated efforts to regroup thescattered activists and resurrect the outfit locally and internationally, readthe 2012 notification, adding that the Tamil chauvinist groups and pro-LTTEgroups continued to foster a separatist tendency amongst the masses and enhancethe support base for LTTE in India and particularly in Tamil Nadu.Thenotification also mentioned that the Diaspora continued to spread througharticles in the Internet portals, anti-India feeling amongst the Sri LankanTamils by holding the top Indian political leaders and bureaucrats responsiblefor the defeat of the LTTE. Such propaganda through Internet, which remainscontinued, is likely to impact VVIP security adversely in India, it said.TheMHA justified the extension of ban in 2012 stating that the Central Governmenthad information that the activities of the LTTE remnant cadres, dropouts,sympathisers, supporters who have been traced out recently in the State ofTamil Nadu suggest that the cadres sent to Tamil Nadu would ultimately beutilised by the LTTE for unlawful activities, the Hindu reports. ",OTHER,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26736,18,,Tamil,News +493," Indias MDMK has promised in its manifesto released Saturday that it would lift the ban on Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), if it takes part in government formation after the Lok Sabha polls.The party, led by Vaiko, also said it would work for holding of a referendum on creation of Eelam in Sri Lanka for Lankan Tamils. According to MDMK, the referendum should be held in places where Lankan Tamils live.The party has assured appointment of Tamils as ambassadors in nations having a sizeable Tamil population.The MDMK also promised to work to force India to take severe action against Sri Lanka if it continues to attack Indian fishermen and also retrieve Katchatheevu -- an islet in Palk Strait -- from Sri Lanka.In order to strengthen the countrys unity, the Indian Constitution should be revisited and the country be renamed as United States of India, and the party said it would strive for that. ",OTHER,TAMIL,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26165,5,,Tamil,News +495,"Eighty per cent of the complaints of forced disappearance made to the Sri Lankan Presidential Commission of Disappearances, blame the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), according to a well-placed source in the Presidential Secretariat.Quoting members of the commission, the official told Express that majority of the complaints from Tamils in the Northern Province pertained to children being abducted by the LTTE to fight its war against the Lankan forces.However, Tamil media reporters who had covered the sittings of the disappearances panel in Kilinochchi and Jaffna, reported an overwhelming majority of the complaints were against the Sri Lankan army and their Tamil auxiliaries.At a meeting of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MPs and members of the Northern Provincial Council held in Jaffna on Friday, it has been announced that the Tamil National Alliance was not satisfied with the functioning of the panel.A resolution passed by the meeting said, while the panel was sitting in Kilinochchi, a group of state agents were trying to persuade complainants to accept Death Certificates and close the case. - ENS ",OTHER,TAMIL,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=25935,6,,Tamil,News +9,"President Gotabaya Rajapaksa says it is his hope and expectation that all citizens, without any discrimination, will join the Sinhala and Tamil New Year celebrations with fresh hopes, determination, tender and righteous thoughts.“To welcome the dawn of the Sinhala and Tamil New Year with fresh hopes and renewed determination to materialize them is a valuable tradition deeply rooted in our culture,” President Rajapaksa said in his message for Sinhala and Tamil New Year.He recalled that the adverse health conditions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic prevented the Sri Lankans from celebrating last year’s Sinhala and Tamil New Year.“This year all of us together have made it possible to enjoy the New Year festivities, duly observing the age-old customs and traditions while adhering to health guidelines,” he stated, adding that it is a fulfilment of the hopes of young children who look forward to the New Year, with excitement, as well as all other citizens.“The Sinhala and Tamil New Year is our principal cultural festival. We have a strong belief that the prosperity of the coming year will be the result of all our citizens performing the rituals at the same auspicious time,” President Rajapaksa said further.The cheerfulness of the adults is reflected through their children who are delighted with their new clothes, sweets and games for the New Year, he remarked. “In addition, the pleasant changes in the environment bring us physical and emotional bliss.”It is also a noble attribute of the New Year season that adults who struggle in life with complexities, settle grudges and animosities and reconcile with each other, the President added.Further, he commended the commitment and sacrifice of all those who are engaged in essential services and who are employed overseas and unable to be with their families during this season of New Year.“May the dawn of Sinhala and Tamil New Year bring happiness, good health and prosperity to all.”",OTHER,SINHALA,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=73038,11,,Sinhala,News +33,"Following representations made by the Government of Sri Lanka to Myanmar authorities, six Sri Lankans, who were victims of human trafficking and stranded in Myanmar have been rescued by the Myanmar authorities and handed over to the Sri Lanka Embassy in Yangon for repatriation to Sri Lanka.The six Sri Lankans were identified as victims of an organized trafficking ring operating in Southeast Asian countries.They were successfully repatriated to Colombo via Bangkok by the Sri Lankan Airlines flight on 25 May 2023, the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Yangon said today.Under instructions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Janaka Bandara and the officials of the Sri Lankan Embassy in Yangon coordinated the rescue process and repatriation of the victims to Sri Lanka.The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Eden Myanmar Foundation facilitated and extended assistance in the repatriation, the release said.",OTHER,SINHALA,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=90885,2,,Sinhala,News +104,"Deputy Minister of Social Empowerment, Welfare and Kandyan Heritage Ranjan Ramanayake arrived at the Supreme Court a short while ago to respond to the allegations levied against him for being in contempt of court.The Supreme Court issued a notice to Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake, to appear before Court on November 21, over the allegation of contempt of court.Two petitions were filed against the Deputy Minister by Sinhala Ravaya and retired Air Force Officer Sunil Perera alleging that the Deputy Minister vehemently insulted the reputation of the judiciary and lawyers at a press conference held on August 21.The petitions highlighted the fact that such defamatory statements will shatter public confidence and provide a warped image of the judiciary to the people of Sri Lanka.",OTHER,SINHALA,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44337,1,,Sinhala,News +152,"President Maithripala Sirisena telephoned Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday to “categorically” reject media reports about him alluding to the involvement of India in an alleged plot to assassinate the president and a former defence secretary, the Indian Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said.The statement by the PMO said that the president apprised the Indian leadership of the urgent steps that were taken to “reject” these “baseless” reports.“He mentioned that the mischievous and malafide reports were utterly baseless and false, and seemed to create misunderstanding between the two leaders as well as damage the cordial relations between the two friendly neighbours,” said the statement.In the light of the recent reports that had emerged quoting the Sri Lankan president as having told his cabinet during a meeting that there was a plot by the Indian intelligence wing to assassinate him, the president met with the high commissioner of India to Sri Lanka on Wednesday morning.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombo also issued a statement emphasising the importance of the relations between Sri Lanka and India and expressed “disappointment” over the nature of the “distorted” and “erroneous” reports that had emerged.“It is disappointing therefore that matters of this nature have become the subject of distorted and erroneous media reports taking the president’s remarks out of context, which has given rise to further media and social media speculation and the spread of unfounded fear among the public,” said Sri Lanka’s MFA statement.PM Modi appreciated the prompt steps taken by the president and his government to firmly refute the malicious reports by publicly clarifying the matters.“The president also stated that he regards the prime minister as a true friend of Sri Lanka, as also a close personal friend. He stressed that he greatly valued the mutually beneficial ties between India and Sri Lanka, and remained steadfast to work with the prime minister for further strengthening them,” the PMO statement said.He also reiterated India’s emphasis on ‘neighbourhood first’ policy and the priority the government of India and he personally attach to developing even stronger all-round cooperation between the two countries.Source: India Today-Agencies",OTHER,SINHALA,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=50779,4,,Sinhala,News +155,"“India’s influence in Sri Lankan elections cannot be ignored. India is important in regional politics and several sectors see mutual involvement of both India and Sri Lanka. We cannot ignore India’s influence. We cannot ignore India,” says Namal Rajapaksa in an exclusive interview to TNM.Months after his defeat to Maithripala Sirisena, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa reportedly told the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post, “It was very open, Americans, the Norwegians, Europeans were openly working against me. And RAW (India’s Research Analysis Wing). Both the US and India openly used their embassies to bring me down.” Reuters, however, reported that the former President had claimed he was not aware of all the facts.Namal denies that his father made this statement but paints the same allegation with a broader brush, “It is the popular belief in Sri Lanka that India and US worked against President Rajapaksa in the last elections. Majority still believe that. He (Mahinda) never mentioned that India is partly responsible. People know that India had a major role. It was the situation between the two countries at that time. I am talking about the statements and behaviour of certain diplomats in Sri Lanka.”It was widely reported after the fall of the Rajapaksa government that a RAW official was instrumental in uniting rival political parties — the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) and the United National Party (UNP) — against him during the polls. The official allegedly helped gather support for Sirisena. He was reportedly transferred but the Indian Government had called it ‘routine’.When pressed further for names, the 31-year-old parliamentarian says “We saw through the media that the Indian High Commissioner and ambassador were with Sirisena and certain media said they favour them. I am not saying they are responsible. But certain behaviours and statements might have affected (the elections), is what people believe.”Why did India interfere?India has involved itself in the internal politics of the island nation before. The Congress Government had sent its troops to Sri Lanka in 1987 to broker peace between the government and the LTTE. This time around, however, it is reported that the ‘influence’ asserted was to counter another regional rival that has increasingly threatened the country’s stronghold in South Asia - China.Multiple factors are said to have been responsible for India’s growing discontent with the Rajapaksa government. The first was when India was stunned in 2014 when Chinese submarines docked in Sri Lanka on two separate occasions. India saw it as part of Beijing’s ‘string of pearls’ strategy to secure a foothold in South Asia and fulfil its desire to gain increasing maritime access through the Indian Ocean.Namal, however, refutes that the Rajapaksa government was compromising on India’s security interests.“During our government’s tenure, my father was very clear that Sri Lankan soil will not be used against India or any other neighbour,” he claims.But it was not just this blatant aggression that China was displaying, investments became another route for them to gain more control over Sri Lankan assets.During his rule, Rajapaksa got $8 billion in loans from China to build a road network and infrastructure in Hambantota district and the Colombo Port City which is an offshore city built on a manmade island.“We first offered the port and the southern highway to the Indian Government. But for three years, they did not deliver. So, what do you expect us to do as a government in power?” asks Namal. “Wait for another three years for a country to come develop it? We instead gave it to people who were ready to take on the projects. If China’s economic interests in Sri Lanka trouble India, then they should take up more projects too,” he adds defensively.But while this challenge is logical at first glance, reports reveal that it was the presence of Rajapaksa himself that deterred other countries from agreeing to invest in Sri Lanka. He was seen as an international pariah due to the manner in which his government eradicated the threat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) a terrorist organisation against whom they had fought a 25-year-long civil war for a separate homeland for the Tamil people. The civilian casualties that it caused and the government’s refusal to acknowledge the human right violations they had committed became a matter of international debate.China and Pakistan are said to have supplied arms to Sri Lanka and provided support to fight the ethnic conflict.And now, since the Rajapaksa’s move to accept China’s loan, the country’s presence has grown larger. “Of course, we brought them (China). We are not denying it. We are happy about it,” admits Namal. “But it is the Sirisena government that sold the port to them for 99 years. Why did they do that?” he asks.As it turns out when the Sri Lanka Freedom Party-United National Party alliance came to power, they initially did put the deals on hold. The transaction with the Chinese were allegedly perceived as symbols of corruption and misplaced development. However, ballooning debt as a result of its predecessor’s decisions reportedly compelled it to renegotiate the Hambantota port deal by turning debt into equity and giving it on a 99-year-long lease.Namal however doesn’t seem to take into account the debt his government caused as he alleges, “The Government is compromising on Sri Lankan interests by giving away control of the country’s resources to a Chinese company. If the Rajapaksa government comes to power we will renegotiate the port deal.”Has Sri Lanka betrayed India?“The government has not betrayed India or China through this port deal. They have betrayed Sri Lankans. They need to make sure Sri Lankans benefit from whatever they do be it in terms of local labour or the like. They failed to do that.”So, will Sri Lanka go the Maldives way and end up in a debt trap with China?In February, the exiled former Maldivian President Mohammed Nasheed had warned the world that what China offers in the guise of development is in fact debt traps. Will Sri Lanka be trapped in a position where they can’t say no to China?“It is not a debt trap in Sri Lanka,” argues Namal. “All investors will come negotiate for their benefit. But receiving end should negotiate for our benefit. Which our government is not willing to do. Terms and conditions should benefit Sri Lankans. The Sri Lankan government will not come to a position to not say no. It is about how we handle and negotiate them,” he explains.He further claims that China’s economic interests will not gain military colours. But China is already casting its nets to gain more control over the Indian Ocean.Multiple reports suggest that China will be attempting to monitor Indian maritime activity in the name of academic interests.They claim they are stepping up the academic work on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, but India sees it as a threat. As per the statement by China, it is reportedly going to set up a radar station at Ruhuna University for oceanographic studies. India believes that ship tracking is going be part of this ‘studies’.Even Namal, who has been supporting the Chinese investment says, “Our government will not allow monitoring of Indian ships or compromise of their interests. Not sure how the current government will handle this geo politically.”But ask about Sri Lanka’s continuing relations with Pakistan which has been constantly accused of sponsoring terror in India and Namal says, “We believe in non-alignment policy. We are being close to Pakistan in fighting terrorism. Pakistan has always been very close to Sri Lanka. We have close alliances with them.”What happened to the Tamils?Only a week ago, Sri Lanka lifted a state of national emergency it had imposed due to an outbreak of violence against Muslim communities. Hundreds of troops were deployed in the Kandy area and tear gas was used on groups which continued to defy government curfews.Namal, however, is not surprised by this. “It was a problem between two groups. Politicians got involved in it. Any country can have such isolated incidents. The current government is responsible because they didn’t handle the situation properly,” he alleges.“When you use communal tensions during elections, it will boomerang on you,” Namal adds.It was the first time in seven years that Sri Lanka had imposed a state of emergency. They were under the measure for nearly three decades when the government fought Tamil rebels in the civil war. And Namal Rajapaksa is no stranger to the violence and blamegame that ethnic conflicts can bring with it.“Our government has been accused of human right violation and the death of civilians. But every media report and international organisation quotes a different death toll,” argues Namal.Leaving numbers aside, can he deny that his government was responsible for the death of thousands of civilians and innocents? Even LTTE’s deceased chief Prabhakaran’s minor son was allegedly shot at close range by the army.“But we defeated terrorism and millions of Tamil and Sinhalese people are living peacefully,” says Namal. “Instead of Tamil youth having cyanide around their necks, they are going to school and to work. Tamils are taking care of their families and growing,” he adds.Source: The News Minute-Agencies",OTHER,SINHALA,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=46592,21,,Sinhala,News +157,"Canada strongly demanded that Sri Lanka should fulfill its international commitments by ensuring the involvement of Commonwealth and international investigators and judges in the accountability process.Addressing the 37th session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), Canada said it fully supports efforts to bring dignity and justice to all those affected by Human Rights violations and abuses.“The end of Sri Lanka’s 26-year civil war was an important moment, but it was only a first step. Frustrations persist amongst those seeking to heal the wounds of all those who suffered and wish to achieve real reconciliation,” Canada said.Canada also recalled how to restore accountability to ensure the confidence of the parties who faced civil war.Further speaking Canada pointed out that Sri Lanka should fulfill its promise to the International Community by involving Commonwealth judges for the accountability process.",OTHER,SINHALA,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=46234,3,,Sinhala,News +160,"Sri Lanka Cricket wishes to deny the alleged involvement of any official or employee of SLC in the purported incident of harassment of a female journalist in Abu Dhabi during the ongoing Sri Lanka Vs. Pakistan series.The incident which was brought to light by the lady concerned via her personal Twitter handle alleging it to have been perpetrated by an official of SLC has been formally reported to SLC by the Pakistan Cricket Board.SLC confirms it is neither an official nor employee of Sri Lanka Cricket, but is a journalist representing a private media organization.- SLC",WOMEN,SINHALA,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43801,1,,Sinhala,News +162,"Senior DIG Lalith Jayasinghe who was arrested for his alleged involvement in the Vidya murder case was granted bail earlier today (13) by the Kayts Magistrate Court.Accordingly Lalith Jayasinghe was granted bail as Rs.500, 000 as a financial bond and 4 counts of personnel bail each amounted at Rs.500,000. The former DIG was also banned from travelling overseas and was instructed to hand over his passport to court Officials to implement his travel ban.Further former DIG Lalith Jayasinghe is to appear on the first Monday of every month to sign a table of records at the CID headquarters in Colombo.The Kayts Magistrate also declared that the next hearing of the case will be on December 05, 2017. The verdict was passed by judge A.M.M.Riyal.Sivaloganathan Vidya, an 18-year-old schoolgirl from Punkudutivu, was abducted, gang-raped and murdered in Jaffna, whilst returning home from school on May 13, 2015. Chief suspects were arrested and Swiss Kumar who was allegedly involved was tied to an electricity transmission tower, whereupon he had been released without being handed over to the Police.",OTHER,SINHALA,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43001,2,,Sinhala,News +173,"The new Sri Lankan government has “a very strong intent” in addressing human rights concerns, a top Obama Administration official said, calling for a “credible domestic” probe with “substantial involvement” from international community to address justice and accountability.Less than a month after she visited Sri Lanka ahead of a crucial report on alleged war crimes during the country’s long civil war with the LTTE, assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asia Nisha Desai Biswal told PTI: “We have seen (in the new government), what we would say a very strong intent.”“We have seen that the government in the past nine months in office has done more to try to build trust and move the country towards a more inclusive society, than perhaps been done in the last nine years and beyond,” said Biswal, the administration’s point person for South and Central Asia.“That is an encouraging sign. It is a long road ahead for the country, for the government, for the (new Sri Lankan) president (Maithripala Sirisena) and for the people,” she said in response to a question.Biswal said much needs to be done to heal the wounds that are still open on both sides from a very brutal and a very divisive conflict between the troops and the LTTE. Rights groups claim troops killed 40,000 civilians in the final months of the nearly three decades-long civil war that ended in 2009. The LTTE is also accused of war crimes.“That would take time and would take very persistent effort on all sides towards reconciliation and no one should be saying one about the process. It is a difficult process, it is a long process. There will inevitably be setbacks.“It is fundamentally in the interest of the Sri Lankan people to secure the peace and prosperity of all of these citizens, and I think what motivates us is that hope and that desire to support a peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka that brings opportunity for all its citizens,” Biswal said.During her visit to Sri Lanka late last month, she said the US will move a pro-Sri Lanka resolution at the United Nations human rights council (UNHRC) in its September session, in what was seen as a U-turn in America’s stance.Interestingly, it was a US-moved resolution that for the first time called for an international probe into alleged war crimes and was adopted last year in the 47-member UNHRC. The US was at the forefront in adopting a total of three resolutions at the UN human rights session on Sri Lanka.Biswal on Friday said that from the very beginning, the US has said it would support a credible domestic effort to address those long-standing issues of justice and accountability in Sri Lanka.Source: PTI",OTHER,SINHALA,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32398,12,,Sinhala,News +219,"Sri Lanka is in a moment of challenge and crisis but has an opportunity to create a more democratic and inclusive government, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Thursday.Blinken made the remarks in Cambodia at the start of a meeting with his Sri Lankan counterpart Ali Sabry, who said his country appreciates the U.S. role in securing support from the International Monetary Fund, Reuters reported.The two were meeting on the sidelines of a regional gathering in Cambodia.Foreign Minister Ali Sabry is in Phnom Penh, Cambodia to take part in the 29th ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Ministerial Meeting from 4 to 5 August.Meanwhile the U.S. Secretary of State said he also met with Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar today in Phnom Penh to discuss the implications of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and Sri Lanka’s economic and political situation.Excerpts of Comments by US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken And Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ali Sabry Before Their Meeting:SECRETARY BLINKEN: Good afternoon, everyone. First I should say to you, Foreign Minister, congratulations on your appointment. We were very pleased to work with you in your previous capacity as a minister, but welcome this opportunity now.Obviously, Sri Lanka is in a moment of challenge and crisis; the United States has worked hard to step in to support Sri Lanka in this moment. We’ve provided about $179 million worth of assistance of one kind or another, including loans and direct support, since June. But in crisis there is also opportunity, and I hope that – and we hope and will certainly support Sri Lanka in these efforts – there’s an opportunity in this moment to create a more inclusive, representative, democratic, responsive government and to use this crisis to seize that opportunity to make something very positive out of a very difficult situation. It would stand Sri Lanka in very, very good stead.We’re also very supportive of Sri Lanka and the IMF working out an arrangement that also requires appropriate debt restructuring that has to be done on an equitable basis with all of the creditors doing what’s necessary to support Sri Lanka at this time.But I appreciate taking the time to meet today and look forward to having a conversation. Thank you.FOREIGN MINISTER SABRY: Thank you so much, Secretary Blinken, for your warm congratulatory messages when I took over. And I have worked very closely with your government in my previous capacity both as the finance minister and the justice minister, and we really appreciate the role played by the U.S. in trying to get an IMF bailout as soon as possible and the debt being restructured. We understand the challenges, and in this challenge we also understand there are opportunities. And one good thing about the whole thing is the Sri Lankans have been united in all this and largely they have been peaceful; there are no incidents. Basically the whole sort of revolution had taken place, but it had taken place very peacefully. So that’s the good part of it.We see that there is a huge obligation on our part to put the country back on track and get its economy out of the woods, which we are going through right now, and we look forward to work with the American administration, U.S. administration throughout. And we are very thankful for all the support. In the recent past we have seen a very high-level delegation visiting Sri Lanka, and then we have had several roundtable discussions and we have had a lot of support for our IMF approach from the U.S. Treasury and State Department and from the government in general.So thankful – thank you once again. And of course, we can’t forget the U.S. aid. USAID has provided a lot of support during these very difficult times. So I hope you will continue to provide that support and (inaudible) support, particularly some areas of very difficult reforms in (inaudible), and we look forward to working with the U.S. administration to do that. Thank you.--With Agencies Inputs",OTHER,SINHALA,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=84095,6,,Sinhala,News +234,"Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna’s presidential hopeful Gotabaya Rajapaksa says every student who passes the G.C.E. Advanced Level examination will be given the opportunity to pursue higher education at universities.Addressing a public meeting at Warakapola in Kegalle, he also spoke of implementing a program to provide employment to intelligent youths.Meanwhile, speaking at a public meeting held at Aranayaka area lat evening (16), Gotabaya Rajapaksa promised to establish a secure, developed country.He said he will boost Sri Lanka’s economy by stabilizing the country and ensuring its security.",OTHER,SINHALA,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58436,1,,Sinhala,News +266," The Australian federal police declined the opportunity to interview a Sri Lankan asylum seeker sent back from Christmas Island who alleged he had been severely tortured by local police on his return, a cable obtained under freedom of information laws has revealed.The cable, sent to Canberra from the Australian high commission in Colombo in August 2010, states that the AFP did not interview the alleged torture victim so as to avoid interference with an investigation being conducted by the Sri Lankan police.In the interests of keeping our distance from the Sri Lankan investigation, we do not intend to take up the offer to meet with him, the cable states.It states the man was arrested as a result of a disruption or operation to combat suspected people smuggling that had occurred a week previously. The detained suspect is a Sinhalese returnee from Christmas Island, it reads.The cable reveals that an AFP officer instead managed to sight the man while he was in Sri Lankan custody and deduced that he appears in good health but it is unclear how much time had elapsed between the alleged torture and the AFP viewing the returned asylum seeker. The case was eventually written off as unsubstantiated.The cable also makes reference to a letter from the returned asylum seekers lawyer, which lays out the torture allegations in detail. It makes clear that the high commission was in possession of this letter at the time the torture allegations were made.The legal letter, which formed part of the returned documents from a Freedom of Information Act request initiated by Guardian Australia and the Human Rights Law Centre, sheds further light on the allegations.It states that the alleged torture victim had received a call from the Australian high commission in Colombo seeking to return some of his possessions from Christmas Island, a year after his return. It says just a few days after this call, the man was contacted by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Sri Lankan police.According to the letter, the man was later arrested and witnesses reported he was publicly tortured by CID in front of other villagers, mother and wife. The letter states that the man was tortured again in custody and that his lawyer had been prevented from visiting him.Usually Sri Lankan police do not allow victims to say that they were tortured. They somehow prevent this kind of things by threatens [sic]. We need doctors to inspect immediately, the letter states.The cable from the high commission says the alleged torture victim would be seen by a doctor and that the CID officer in charge of the case had told the AFP the torture allegations had no basis. The cable also states that the initial arrest was conducted by the Sri Lankan navy.According to Amnesty international, torture in police custody is rampant in Sri Lanka, with the countrys national human rights commission recording 86 torture complaints in the first three months of 2013 alone.The case referred to in the cable is one of four brought to the Australian high commission in Colombo as of June 2013.In April 2013, the foreign minister at the time, Bob Carr referenced these four cases and said there was absolutely no evidence of an abuse of human rights on two of them including the August 2010 case following investigations by the high commission.Guardian Australia contacted Carr, who said he stood by these remarks and added he would not comment on the case where the AFP had declined to interview an alleged torture victim.Emily Howie, director of advocacy and research at the Human Rights Law Centre, said the August 2010 case showed that Australia was not fulfilling its non-refoulement obligations under the refugee convention.If this is how Australia investigates complaints of severe torture how can we accept government claims that Sri Lankan returnees are not at risk of harm? she said.This kind of monitoring of returnees is woefully inadequate considering the gravity of the complaints made. It is difficult to accept government assertions that Sri Lankans are not harmed on return if an Australian official fails to take the most basic step to look into allegations of extremely serious abuse.Sri Lankan asylum seekers who arrive in Australia by boat are subject to the enhanced screening process a fast-track claim process, which has been condemned by the UN as unfair and unreliable.More than 1,000 Sri Lankan asylum seekers have been returned from Australia.Greens senator Lee Rhiannon said the case was an example of Australian officials ignoring evidence of human rights abuses in Sri Lanka.Time again we have seen that Australian officials are prepared to disregard evidence of torture by Sri Lankan officials that have been exposed by human rights organisations and the media, because it suits their domestic policy, she said.This is a tragic response to very serious and continuing human rights abuses in Sri Lanka that are a result of Australias domestic immigration policy.A spokesman for the AFP confirmed that they had engaged local authorities with regards to the torture allegations. But added that despite being invited to interview the alleged victim and viewing him, Australian Government agencies, including the AFP, do not have the local authority to conduct any investigations in Sri Lanka. - The Guardian ",OTHER,SINHALA,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26042,40,,Sinhala,News +276," Attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) will provide the British government with an opportunity to further urge Sri Lanka to make concrete progress on areas of human rights, reconciliation and a political settlement, the countrys envoy in Colombo said.Responding to a question in the 17th installment of the Ask the High Commissioner series published today the British High Commissioner to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, John Rankin stated that the decision to hold the CHOGM in Sri Lanka this November isnt a new one and that it was taken almost 2 years ago at the last meeting in Perth. Asked why the British government has chosen to attend the CHOGM rather than boycott it as some have urged, he said British Prime Minister David Cameron has confirmed that he will attend the meet because of the importance we place in the Commonwealth, which he termed as an organization of shared values.Values of respect for democracy, development, human rights, justice and rule of law. Values which were enshrined in the recently adopted Commonwealth charter, to which all commonwealth member states have signed up, Mr Rankin said. He further pointed out that as UK Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt has made clear the Britain would look to Sri Lanka as it would at any host of CHOGM to demonstrate its commitment to those values.Attendance at CHOGM will also be an opportunity for the British government to further urge Sri Lanka to make concrete progress in the areas of human rights, reconciliation and a political settlement, he said. ",OTHER,SINHALA,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=23106,12,,Sinhala,News +284,"Sri Lanka has a marvellous opportunity to heal andreconcile its twin populations after 25 years of civil war, says ChandrikaKumaratunga, Sri Lankas former prime minister and president. Which is why she is more than a little baffled at theslowness with which the Mahinda Rajapaksa government is building post-civil warbridges. Such opportunities do not last forever, she warned.That is why they are called windows and not something larger.In New Delhi for the first annual conference of her ownSouth Asia Policy and Research Institute (SAPRI), Kumaratunga said that sinceretired from active politics six years ago, she had dedicated herself to twointernational organisations, the Club of Madrid and the Clinton GlobalInitiative.Now I have created my own foundation, she says. SAPRI will look at issues regarding the subcontinent,Kumaratunga says, engaging research scholars globally on these topics. These deliberations will result in policyrecommendations which will be communicated to policy-makers and professionals.Sri Lanka is still fertile ground for the dissemination ofsuch ideas. While the civil war has seen some repair work accomplished,Kumaratunga says still more needs to be done in terms of physicalreconstruction and rehabilitation.Kumaratunga led Lanka during some of the bloodiest years ofthe civil war. Today, with a Tamil minority who want rights but of whom only asmall minority still talk of a homeland, she seems worried Colombo doesntrecognize what a good thing it has going for it.Rajapaksas abrogation of her promise of Tamil politicaldevolution a decision he had been party to at the time and did not oppose was one reason Kumaratunga declined to support him in the last elections. Even though he called me eight times askingfor support, she remembers.Kumaratunga strongly denies she backed the rival candidate,General Sarath Fonseka. Normally I would have supported Rajapaksa: I am stillpatron and member of our party. But I could not support some of his policies.So she stayed out of the campaign altogether.If she is concerned at Rajapaksas minority policies, she isbewildered by his foreign policy. In my time, we practiced nonalignment,which meant keeping good relations with the entire world, she says. This ledmany Western countries to agree to ban or limit the activities of the TamilTigers. Kumaratunga is clearly discomfited with Rajapaksas confrontationalpolicies with the West and his rhetorical claims to having new friends inChina, Myanmar and Iran.Relations with India are essential and crucial, shestresses. Which leads her to wonder, after New Delhis recent United Nationsvote against Sri Lanka, what has changed there. Two years ago, in similarcircumstances, India actually canvassed on Lankas behalf. Somethings musthave changed, she says. I do not know what they are.Unsurprisingly, a key interest of SAPRI, besides developmentand poverty alleviation, is how such issues lead to conflict. Kumaratunga ismuch taken with Frances Stewarts work on horizontal inequalities and theirconnection to violence and conflict. The first priority is that all sectionsof a population must be brought into a development process, she says. That isthe theme of the conference. Hindustan Times reports. ",OTHER,SINHALA,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17663,10,,Sinhala,News +296,"Sri Lankas presidentsaid Wednesday that rising labor costs in China present an opportunity forhis South Asian country to attract foreign companies seeking an alternativelow-cost manufacturing base. President Mahinda Rajapaksa, in New York for the United Nations GeneralAssembly, told The Wall Street Journal that the once war-torn country hasenjoyed a 15-month period of peace during which his government has focused onrebuilding roadways and railroads in the ravaged North and East, expanding theavailability of electricity and clean water, and providing homes, among otherthings. He said Sri Lanka--with aliterate population, relatively low labor costs, and a sizeable corps oftrained accountants--is drawing the interest of outsourcing firms, includingmajor Indian business-process outsourcing companies seeking ways to expandoutside India,where wages also have been rising. In addition, European and U.S.retailers are increasingly turning to Sri Lankato produce apparel at costs below those in China, Mr. Rajapaksa added. Hiscountry faces a labor shortage in the apparel sector as a result of thisinterest, he added. Ashroff Omar, chief executive of apparel exporter Brandix Lanka Ltd., saidit currently costs about $150 a month to employ a trained Sri Lankan apparelworker, compared with $400 in China.In a couple of years, he said, the cost in Chinawill be about $600, compared with around $200 in Sri Lanka. Mr. Omar and about two dozen business leaders and government ministersaccompanied President Rajapaksa to the U.S. Tourism is growing in his country, as Indian travelers gravitate to apeaceful Sri Lanka,and interest among European tourists--particularly Scandinavians--picks up, Mr.Rajapaksa said. Agriculture and fisheries are also key drivers of economicgrowth. President Rajapaksa acknowledged that Sri Lanka still suffers from alingering perception that it remains a war zone, but said there have been noincidents for more than a year and foreign governments have generally removedadvisories warning travelers to stay away. The countrys economy grew 8.5% in the second quarter, compared with 7.1%year-on-year growth in the first quarter, according to Fitch Ratings.Inflation, at just under 6%, is under control, Sri Lankas president said. TheInternational Monetary Fund recently said a Central Bank of Sri Lanka rate cut was appropriatepolicy and projected a continuation of single-digit inflation for the year. The president said his biggest worry is protectionism by other Asiancountries at a time when Sri Lanka hopes to tap into the regionsunprecedented economic expansion. Sri Lanka,with a population of 20 million, emerged from a three-decade civil war in May2009 with the defeat of the Tamil Tigers, The Wall Street Journal reports. ",OTHER,SINHALA,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=9897,4,,Sinhala,News +298,"Washington, Jun 25 (PTI) The US today asked the Sri Lankangovernment to take advantage of the opportunity and accept an offer of a UNteam that is probing alleged human rights abuses in the final months of the warwith LTTE. The UN on Tuesday announced that Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had set up a three-memberpanel to look into alleged human rights violations during the final stages ofthe war against LTTE in Sri Lanka. We urge the Sri Lankan government to take advantage of this team... takeadvantage of their offer, State Department Deputy spokesman Mark Toner quotedUS Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice as saying. The UN panel is headed by Indonesias former attorney general Marzuki Darusman,and has two other members Yazmin Sooka of South Africa and Steven Ratner, a lawyer from the United States. ",OTHER,SINHALA,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=8688,8,,Sinhala,News +339,"Secretary to the President, Lalith Weeratunga, in a letter to Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, responded to the accusations put forward by her regarding alleged government harassment through illegal surveillance.His Excellency the President notes that the many allegations made by you in this letter against the Government, the Police and Intelligence Services of this country, are lacking in even a shred of proof to justify such charges of a serious nature, Mr. Weeratunga wrote in a statement.He further added that His Excellency the President wants you to be assured that there is absolutely no surveillance of your telephone and e-mail communications, and of your residences in Colombo and Horagolla.FULL STATEMENTHer Excellency Chandrika Bandaranaike KumaratungaFormer President27 Independence AvenueColombo 7ExcellencyHarassment of Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga through illegal surveillanceI am directed by His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of Sri Lanka to respond to your above captioned letter of March 5, 2014 received in our offices on March 12, 2014.His Excellency the President notes that the many allegations made by you in this letter against the Government, the Police and Intelligence Services of this country, are lacking in even a shred of proof to justify such charges of a serious nature.The delay in this response is due to the need to make thorough inquiries about the allegations you have made, to ascertain the authenticity of what has been said, in the absence of the required evidential information, considering the nature of these allegations.Although you make a number of allegations about the violation of your privacy, causing harassment to you, raising concerns about your personal safety, as well as, violation of your Fundamental Rights and impinging on your freedom of movement and association, His Excellency the President observes that there is a total lack of substance to warrant such allegations. In fact, what is set out is seen as a litany of generalities, marked for being vague and unauthenticated.His Excellency the President wants you to be assured that there is absolutely no surveillance of your telephone and e‐mail communications, and of your residences in Colombo and Horagolla.It is seen that the one item on which there is some element of the time of occurrence in your letter, is about your written complaint to the former Inspector General of Police, Mr. Jayantha Wickremeratne, by your said letter of 10th October 2009, with regard to Visits said to have been paid to several of your friends by officers who introduced themselves as being from the NIB. It is seen that what you have stated causes genuine doubt whether they were in fact officers or were from the NIB (at all). You would agree that it is now several years after this complaint. Therefore, His Excellency the President is surprised that as a former Minister of Defence who had control over the Police Department, you did not bother to inform him at that time of this inadequate response of the IGP, to enable an inquiry to have been held.With regard to the statements you have made about NIB officers visiting and interrogating the management of hotels you have visited, reporting on who attends such meetings with you, and the alleged fear among hotel managements to the point of your being unable to arrange personal events at hotels, His Excellency the President is of the view that they are not supported by any evidence of time, place or persons. This is the same with your statements about the alleged harassment of your long time friends in the Kurunegala District who you say have cause for similar fears, and the hotel at Anuradhapura where you were with foreign friends. His Excellency the President further notes that none of these accusations stands the test of authenticity for lack of evidence regarding both persons and places, as well as date and time. H.E the President regrets that the absence of such necessary details to substantiate the allegations you make, gives the impression that these are more imaginary than actual, raising concerns about the seriousness of your complaints.Excellency, you state of a situation of severe emotional and mental stress to you due to the alleged intimidation of your friends and associates that is compounded by the knowledge you claim to have of senior members of our Party and our Government being asked by H.E the President to desist from talking or associating with you, during the past 8 years of his Presidency. Here too, it is the view of His Excellency that it would have been greatly helpful to establish the veracity of your claim, if even one such person had been named.His Excellency is most surprised by your reference to the context of a culture of white vans, as he is of the view that you should know better that such a culture arose before your presidency, and continued during your entire presidency. Today, just as this Government has defeated the terrorism that caused so much violence and bloodshed, the white vans too are not any part of the political culture of this country; except in the minds of those who are keen to tarnish the image of this country abroad to suit the agenda of forces abroad that are ranged against this country.His Excellency emphatically and wholly rejects your reference to a prevailing practice of destroying anyone who is considered a threat to the higher authorities of your Government, by murder, disappearances physical attacks, leading to serious reasons to be concerned about your safety. He sees this as a statement of complete untruth, which is proven by the large number of very prominent persons who are strongly opposed to and openly critical of this Government and those holding the higher offices in Government today. His Excellency notes that political and other social leaders who oppose the policies of this Government are clearly seen to be active today, in the peace and freedom that has been achieved. The allegations that you make in this regard are again seen as being of the same nature as the charges made, both here and abroad, by those who do not wish to see the strengthening of peace and achievement of reconciliation. His Excellency states this should assure you of safety in whatever role you may play in politics today.His Excellency also wholly rejects the charges made by you in your letter of any, violation of your Fundamental Rights to movement and association, as well as the charges of violation of your privacy, causing you any harassment, and giving you any cause for concern with regard to your personal safety. As the Executive President of Sri Lanka, he sees it as his bounden duty to ensure these freedoms to all citizens, and a former Executive President of the country is not excluded in ensuring this reach of Fundamental Freedoms.With your references to the so‐called activities of the NIB, which he sees as baseless as stated earlier, His Excellency also sees it necessary to remind you how members of your own Presidential Security Division were involved in serious crimes during your term in office. His Excellency is glad there are no such instances to point out today.Also, Excellency, with regard to surveillance you have complained so much about, His Excellency considers it necessary to remind you that although as a former President of the country, you do have an official security detail, it remains the duty of the Police Service to ensure your safety at public places. This is a standard rule both here and abroad. His Excellency, therefore, considers it unwise to be overly sensitive to what you describe as a calculated strategy of surveillance directed at you and your associates, and in a manner that appears to have caused stress that is not merited by the reality around you.His Excellency wishes to convey that the Government is fully aware of the legal provisions under the Police Ordinance with regard to the prevention of crime, and therefore assures you that these provisions are and will be fully implemented against anyone found to be violating the provisions of the law.In conclusion, His Excellency also observes that the timing of your letter, with an abundance of generalization, is intended to synchronize with the wholly unfair allegations against Sri Lanka being levelled by international forces in Geneva and elsewhere in the West today.Thank you.Sincerely,Lalith WeeratungaSecretary to the President ",OTHER,SINHALA,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26158,13,,Sinhala,News +352,"Nalini Sriharan, serving life term in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, has been shifted from Vellore prison to Puzhal jail in the suburbs ofChennai after she complained of harassment by jail officials.Official sources said 44-year-old Nalini was transferred from high security Vellore prison to Puzhal amid tight security.Nalini had earlier this month complained of harassment by jail officials. She had later alleged her life was under threat and she wasassaulted by prison authorities. In letters to the ADGP Prisons, Dr. K.R. Shyamsundar, she had also alleged that attempts were beingmade to poison her food.After she levelled the allegations, the Tamil Nadu Government had appointed a committee headed by a top prison official to look intothem.The state government had earlier this year rejected the plea of Nalini and three other convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination casefor premature release, based on a report by the prison advisory board. Later, her plea for release under general amnesty was also turneddown by the Madras High Court.Nalini was sentenced to death by a special court along with 25 others in January 1998. The Supreme Court had confirmed the capitalpunishment.However, her death penalty was commuted to life by the state government on April 24, 2000 allowing a clemency petition. CongressPresident Sonia Gandhi had favoured reduction of her punishment considering the plight of Nalinis young daughter. (TheHindustan Times/PTI) ",NOT RELEVANT,SINHALA,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=8724,3,,Sinhala,News +353,"New Delhi, Jun 26 (PTI): RajivGandhis assassin Nalini Sriharan, who had sought transfer from Vellore prison alleging harassment,has decided to drop the demand, saying conditions had improved in the jail, hercounsel said today.She said that she will no more seek transfer to anotherprison as things have improved after Deputy Inspector General of PoliceGovindarajan conducted an inquiry in the prison, said P. Pugalenthi who mether today.Nalini, who is serving life imprisonment, had earlier givena three-page complaint and had decided to move the Madras High court, seeking adirection to transfer her from Vellore Prison to Puzhal Central Prison.In her three-page complaint to the IG prisons she hadalleged that prison manual rules regarding rights of prisoners were beingviolated by jail authorities inside the prison while dealing with her. ",OTHER,SINHALA,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=8699,3,,Sinhala,News +359,"A senior U.S. Treasury official on Monday said there were signs of “potential improvement” in sovereign debt restructuring cases and more vulnerable countries were expected to seek help, but further work was needed to accelerate the process.Treasury Assistant Secretary for International Finance Brent Neiman noted advances in the cases of Zambia, Ghana and Sri Lanka over the past year, along with development of new technical approaches, adding his hope that Ghana would reach agreement on its external restructuring in the coming weeks.“We clearly haven’t gone far enough or fast enough and much more work remains,ââ‚�� Neiman said in a speech at the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies.“The critical test of any progress will be whether it is sustained when, as seems likely, more countries come forward requesting debt treatments,” he said.“But, I am hopeful that our recent efforts are yielding some movement toward an improved international debt architecture that can help low- and middle-income countries when they need it.”He gave no details on which countries might be ready to ask for help as long-stalled debt restructuring processes moved forward for Zambia, Ghana and others.The Group of 20 major economies set up the Common Framework for debt relief for low-income countries during the COVID pandemic, but only two cases - Chad and Zambia - have completed the process, with Ethiopia’s request still in work.The glacial pace of progress on debt restructuring dampened interest among other countries, despite the fact that a majority of low-income countries are in or near debt distress.Neiman said the focus that global leaders put on the issue had helped to elevate this topic toward the top of the international economic agenda. The Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable (GSDR) has brought together borrowers, official and private sector lenders and international institutions to help agree on common terms and treatments.Roundtable participants have discussed state-contingent debt instruments (SCDIs) which helped advance Zambia’s restructuring and Neiman said these can be helpful when creditors disagree on a borrower’s future prospects, such as differences in the outlook for oil prices for an oil exporting debtor country.These securities are designed to pay more interest when growth is higher or prices of key commodities increase, or they can reduce interest payments if there is an extreme weather event or other natural disaster.“Since SCDIs can automatically lower debt repayments in times of economic stress, the hope is that they can reduce the need for debt treatments in the first place,” Neiman said.Restructuring domestic debt also can help smooth the process for external debt restructuring efforts, as in the case of Ghana, Neiman said. But a simple insistence for comparable treatment between domestic and external debt - with the same reduction in net present value - could impose particularly large economic costs for domestic debt holders, including banks in the debtor country holding the debt, and is not always workable.“We hope that a simple insistence on achieving comparability of treatment between domestic and external debt will not in the future hold up any restructuring cases,” Neiman said.(Reuters)--Agencies",OTHER,SINHALA,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=94305,2,,Sinhala,News +365,"The efforts to increase tax revenues should be pursued in a ‘growth-friendly’ manner while protecting the poor and vulnerable people, says Peter Breuer, the IMF Asia & Pacific Department’s Senior Mission Chief for Sri Lanka.His remarks came during a special virtual press briefing held this morning (March 21) on the IMF-supported 48-month extended arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) program of SDR 2.286 billion (approximately USD 3 billion) for Sri Lanka.The executive board of the International Monetary Fund green-lighted this extended arrangement on Monday (March 20). Breuer said the IMF executive board’s approval marks an important step towards the resolution of this crisis.The EFF program will allow Sri Lanka to access financing of up to USD 7 billion from the IMF, International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and multilateral organizations.Now that the IMF’s board approval is received, Sri Lanka will immediately receive an initial disbursement of USD 333 million (amounting to SDR 254 million) from the EFF arrangement, which is expected to catalyze new external financing including from the ADB and the World Bank, Breuer said further.He assured that the first tranche of the loan would be released in the next couple of days, emphasizing that the disbursements will be subjected to reviews every 6 months.The Senior Mission Chief underscored that the tax reforms implemented under the EFF program are designed to be progressive, meaning that it ensures greater contributions are made by high income earners.He also emphasized that the economic impact of the reforms on the poor and vulnerable needs to be mitigated with appropriate measures.Attributing the island nation’s severe crisis to the past policy missteps and economic shocks, Breuer commended the Sri Lankan authorities for implementing challenging policy actions to ride out the crisis situation.He said it is now essential to continue the ‘reform momentum’ under strong ownership by the authorities and the Sri Lankan people more broadly.The Senior Mission Chief explained that the reform program supported under the EFF arrangement is built on strong policy measures and prioritizes the following five key pillars:• An ambitious revenue-based fiscal consolidation, accompanied by stronger social safety nets, fiscal institutional reforms, cost recovery-based energy pricing to ensure the state’s ability to support all its essential expenditures• Restoration of public debt sustainability including through debt restructuring to ensure stable financing of the government’s operations• A multi-pronged strategy restore price stability and rebuild reserves under greater exchange rate flexibility in order to alleviate the burden of inflation, particularly on the poor, to foster an environment of investment and growth and to assure Sri Lanka’s ability to purchase essential goods from abroad• Policies to safeguard the financial sector’s stability to ensure that the financial sector can play its key role in supporting economic growth• Structural reforms to address corruption, and vulnerabilities and enhance growthHighlighting the importance of anticorruption and governance reforms, Breuer said it is indispensable to ensure that people receive the benefits of the hard-won gains from reforms.Breuer further stressed that Sri Lanka must present a debt restructuring strategy by the end of April 2023 to reach the IMF targets to achieve debt sustainability.Meanwhile, IMF’s Mission Chief for Sri Lanka, Masahiro Nozaki, with regard to Sri Lanka’s local government (LG) polls repeatedly postponed due to the economic crisis situation, clarified that the IMF does not intervene in the election process. The Fund has never recommended postponing the LG elections in Sri Lanka, he added.IMF Country Report No. 2311... by Adaderana Online ",OTHER,SINHALA,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=89210,5,,Sinhala,News +377,"Sri Lanka’s economic outlook is highly uncertain due to the fiscal and external imbalances and urgent policy measures are needed to address the high levels of debt and debt service, reduce the fiscal deficit, restore external stability, and mitigate the adverse impacts on the poor and vulnerable, says the World Bank in its twice-a-year regional update.Released today, the latest South Asia Economic Focus Reshaping Norms: A New Way Forward projects the region to grow by 6.6 percent in 2022 and by 6.3 percent in 2023. The 2022 forecast has been revised downward by 1.0 percentage point compared to the January projection, mostly due to the impacts of the war in Ukraine.Countries in South Asia are already grappling with rising commodity prices, supply bottlenecks, and vulnerabilities in financial sectors. The war in Ukraine will amplify these challenges, further contributing to inflation and deteriorating current account balances.“The World Bank is deeply concerned about the uncertain economic outlook in Sri Lanka and the impact on people,” said Faris Hadad-Zervos, World Bank Country Director for Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. “We are working on providing emergency support for poor and vulnerable households to help them weather the economic crisis and we remain committed to the wellbeing of the people of Sri Lanka, and to a narrative of sustainable and inclusive growth that will require concerted and collective action”Sri Lanka needs to address the structural sources of its vulnerabilities. This would require reducing fiscal deficits especially through strengthening domestic revenue mobilization. Sri Lanka also needs to find feasible options to restore debt sustainability. The financial sector needs to be carefully monitored amid high exposure to the public sector and the impact of the recent currency depreciation on banks’ balance sheets. The necessary adjustments may adversely affect growth and impact poverty initially but will correct the significant imbalances, subsequently providing the foundation for stronger and sustainable growth and access to international financial markets. Mitigating the impacts on the poor and vulnerable would remain critical.In South Asia, though GDP growth continues to be solid during the recovery, all countries in the region will face challenges ahead. On a positive note, exports of services from the region are on the rise as the pandemic subsides.The war and its impact on fuel prices can provide the region with much-needed impetus to reduce reliance on fuel imports and transition to a green, resilient and inclusive growth trajectory. The report recommends that countries steer away from inefficient fuel subsidies that tend to benefit wealthier households and deplete public resources. South Asian countries plan to move towards a greener economy by gradually introducing taxation that puts tariffs on products which cause environmental damage.Another challenge the region faces is the disproportionate economic impact the pandemic has had on women. The report includes in-depth analysis of gender disparities in the region and their link with deeply rooted social norms, and recommends policies that will support women’s access to economic opportunities, tackle discriminatory norms, and improve gender outcomes for inclusive growth.",NOT RELEVANT,SINHALA,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=81813,14,,Sinhala,News +379,"Sri Lanka today (November 20) commenced rolling out the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine for fully vaccinated immunocompromised and highly vulnerable comorbid individuals aged 20 years and above.In a communiqué issued by the Director-General of Health Services Dr. Asela Gunawardena yesterday, it was noted that selected categories are eligible for prioritization for the third dose of COVID-19 vaccination:• Immunocompromised patients due to disease or treatment• Patients with chronic kidney disease• Solid organ, bone marrow or stem cell transplant recipients• Patients with cancer whether on treatment or not• Those with asplenia and splenic dysfunction• Patients with any other immunosuppressed state on the recommendation or referral from the treating physicianThe third dose is accordingly administered to those who have completed two doses from any COVID-19 vaccine type and the time elapsed at least one month from the second dose.The same consent form for adult COVID-19 vaccination is used for the third dose rollout.Sri Lanka began an island-wide inoculation program to administer the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine as the booster dose to people aged 60 years and above on November 17.As per official data from the Epidemiology Unit, 203,733 people in total have received the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine so far after 37,877 more individuals were administered the jab yesterday.",NOT RELEVANT,SINHALA,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=78558,1,,Sinhala,News +393,"Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) says the controversy surrounding the proposed USD 3.85 billion oil refinery in Mirijjawila, Hambantota, could have a negative impact on Sri Lanka’s efforts to remove itself from the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) ‘Grey List’ of countries vulnerable to money laundering and terrorism financing.The main investor in the project, the Singapore based ‘investment vehicle’ Silver Park International PTE Ltd, is a company controlled by the family of Tamil Nadu politician and former Indian Union Minister Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan, whose business interests have previously been implicated by Indian authorities and the media in several alleged corruption scandals, the statement said.Of the 40 FATF recommendations which set the international standards on combating money laundering, recommendation 12 requires that reasonable measures are taken to ascertain the source of wealth and source of funds in transactions involving politically exposed persons, it said.TISL Executive Director Asoka Obeyesekere said, “In light of the efforts being made by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka to get off the FATF Grey List, it is essential that the Board of Investment conducts enhanced due diligence on the Silver Park International investment, given that its directors fall squarely within the FATF definition of politically exposed persons”.Given the confusion relating to the parties engaged in the project, TISL also called on all state agencies to ensure adherence to proactive disclosure provisions outlined in the Right to Information Act. Section 9 of the RTI Act requires the line Minister of a given project to publicly communicate all available information relating to the project, three months prior to commencement.Obeyesekere concluded, “the importance of such information being in the public domain cannot be understated, especially in the case of major foreign direct investment which will have a direct impact on the local economy. Ensuring transparency and accountability in these processes will also enhance the country’s efforts to attract bona fide foreign investment”.",NOT RELEVANT,SINHALA,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=54047,2,,Sinhala,News +394,"Sri Lanka’s prime minister shot back at economists who called out the country as among Asia’s most vulnerable to global emerging market volatility.The South Asian nation is building longer term financial stability by diversifying its exports beyond tea and apparel and into higher-value goods and services, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe told CNBC on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum on ASEAN in Hanoi, Vietnam on Tuesday.Despite concerns voiced earlier this month by ratings agency Fitch about a “challenging” external debt servicing outlook, high government debt and political uncertainty following regional polls, Wickremesinghe said he didn’t believe Sri Lankan sovereign bonds were on the verge of a downgrade.“We and many others are running deficits in Asia and that certainly would be a matter of concern, but so far we have been able to negotiate with the rating agencies and it has certainly not affected our borrowing capacity,” he said.Sri Lanka’s government debt remains high at around 77 percent of GDP.Japanese bank Nomura Holdings on Monday identified Sri Lanka as one of 30 emerging markets most susceptible to an exchange rate crisis, a claim vehemently denied by Sri Lanka’s central bank and Wickremesinghe, who called it “false.”Both took particular exception at Nomura’s initial short-term external debt estimate of $160 billion, a figure Nomura later admitted was inaccurate. The bank issued a corrected number of $7.5 billion as of the first quarter. When asked about the official figure, Wickremesinghe put it at $14.2 billion, though the time period was unclear. The higher number could also be due to officials using a broader measure of external debt.Sri Lanka, bailed out by the International Monetary Fund in 2009 and mid-2016, should not need further support from the global lender, the prime minister said.“We have been going to the IMF a bit too often ... Sri Lanka and Pakistan, and I hope that we will be able to manage,” he said. “(The) IMF saved us at a crucial period, I must acknowledge it, but we must learn now to go on our own.”Relationship with ChinaWickremesinghe denied the oft-cited claim that Sri Lanka was ceding control of strategically vital ports to Chinese control and said he didn’t believe the country was falling into a debt trap caused by high-interest Chinese loans.“We are dealing with China. There are a fair amount of Chinese investments. There are China loans…I can’t see it as a threat.”Sri Lanka and China have agreed to a 99-year lease of the southern Hambantota port. That underlines China’s growing strategic and commercial influence in the Indian Ocean region, and has caused increasing anxiety in neighboring India and the broader region. For one, Japan wants Hambantota port to be “free of military activities,” Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said last month, according to a report by the Press Trust of India.“We don’t foresee any issues by looking at this from an economic project, as an economic investment,” Wickremesinghe said. “Sri Lanka has been unaligned and have stayed that way since 1948.”Sri Lanka’s opposition, led by former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, is capitalizing on economic hardship, mobilizing supporters to pressure the government into holding early polls. Wickremesinghe, however, said he “can’t see an early election.”He claimed his government inherited debt racked up through the mismanagement of the prior administration. “We took over the government and stabilized the economy ... they ran away, we were the only ones left.”Source: CNBC-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,SINHALA,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=49957,1,,Sinhala,News +395,"Sri Lanka remains vulnerable to shocks with its high public debt, large financing needs and weak external position, according to one of the world’s largest investment companies.An article titled ‘Letters from Sri Lanka: a bond market opportunity?’ written by Kenneth Akintewe and published on the website of Aberdeen Standard Investments, states that political turmoil, policy confusion, currency depreciation and a bond scandal remain some of the negatives that the nation has yet to shake off.In its early days, the coalition government pushed through substantial civil servant wage hikes that strained an already difficult fiscal position, it said.“Coinciding with a disastrous budget and at a time when the government was supposed to be addressing corruption, irregularities around a bond auction cost both the former central bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran and former Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake their jobs.”The article said that key infrastructure projects were stalled causing growth to slow, including the US$15 billion Port City project, which will encompass a financial district and residential property. And progress on other crucial development, like the airport expansion, has been slow, it said.Businesses were hurt by the imposition of a one-off super gains tax, banking and telco levies, sugar taxes and other ad-hoc revenue raising measures. In addition, investigations by the newly-established Financial Crimes Investigation Division have also weighed on sentiment, the article said.“Sri Lanka remains vulnerable to shocks with its high public debt, large financing needs and weak external position. These weaknesses are reflected in a sovereign credit rating of B+ by S&P and Fitch. And there appears to be a strong sense onshore that neither the coalition government nor its leaders individually will survive the next general elections due in 2020,” the report said.“Understandably, global investors are wary of investing in a market marred by scandal, political uncertainty and a slowdown in growth. But Sri Lanka has made progress on important reforms and regardless of how the political leadership transitions there will remain a focus on infrastructure development.”The article said that the International Monetary Fund programme has been successful, with notable improvements made on tax and fuel price reforms, and a rebuilding in forex reserves. Road connectivity is improving and some of the significant real estate development around Colombo is nearing completion, as is the land reclamation required for the Port City project. Real GDP growth 1 may rebound to 4.6% this year from 3.1% in 2017, with inflation around 5% through 2018.“Tourism numbers have quadrupled over the past decade to 2.1 million in 2017, but this has put pressure on the transportation infrastructure, with the airport running at double its capacity. In addition, the Port of Colombo will hit full capacity in the next few years.”The article states that there hasn’t been any development of specialised industrial zones since 2002, so progress will have to be made on the plans to develop five locations that have been identified. Parts of the Port City project, mainly the planned International Financial Centre, could be up and running by 2023.Free trade agreements with China, India and Singapore are either already in place or will be concluded relatively soon. To better facilitate trade, the government is working with the World Bank to develop the infrastructure that will provide a single portal detailing all procedures relevant to import/export, and a National Single Window to provide a single transaction point between the trade community, private sector and government.“Hence, with some reasonably good execution, Sri Lanka could see itself playing a greater role in areas such as tourism, logistics and services, and as a financial centre in the years ahead.“Therefore even taking into account the political backdrop and election risks in 2020, we remain positive on the longer term outlook for Sri Lanka, supported by improvements in policy coordination, infrastructure development and strategic geographic advantages.”The report said that compared with some of the other frontier and even core bond markets in Asia, Sri Lanka has a relatively liquid market. Foreign ownership is low having been around only 5% as it is an off-benchmark trade for most investors and one that requires a significant amount of due diligence.The local currency market is primarily domestically driven, which gives it a lower correlation and some resilience in the face of some of the external shocks that have hit broader emerging markets, it said.“At the levels the market has traded at in recent years, an investor has more than adequately been paid to take risk. And therefore, even taking into account some anticipated currency depreciation, Sri Lanka has delivered some of the stronger returns in the region.”",NOT RELEVANT,SINHALA,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=48976,5,,Sinhala,News +474,"The People’s Liberation Front, popularly known as the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), today called for the resignation of Mr. Arjuna Mahendran as the Governor at Central Bank of Sri Lanka.The Sri Lankan-born international banker, who was only appointed to the post on January 23, has been in the spotlight recently due to the controversy surrounding a Treasury bond issue.There had been rising concerns in bond markets over controversial deals made over the past week by Perpetual Treasuries, a firm connected to Arjun Aloysius, the son-in-law of Governor Arjuna Mahendran.President Maithripala Sirisena yesterday appointed a three member committee to investigate alleged irregularities surrounding the recent bond issue by the Central Bank.However, JVP Parliamentarian Sunil Handunnetti says that appointing a committee is not sufficient and that a formal investigation with transparency is necessary.“This is not a simple transaction like buying goods from a shop. This could lead to people losing faith in the Central Bank,” he told reporters in Colombo.He stated that the Governor of the Central Bank should temporarily resign before the investigation is launched and that it is the only way to ensure transparency.Handunnetti said that because it has been revealed that the company ‘Perpetual Treasuries’ is connected to the son-in-law of the Central Bank Governor, he can resume duties or resign according to the conclusion of the probe.The money markets were in an uproar on Friday, February 27 when the CB announced it was accepting bids worth Rs. 10 billion at 9.50-12.50 per cent whereas clients and most primary dealers had made bids between 9.50 and 10.50 per cent, not in the 11-12 per cent range. Only a few bids, including those by Perpetual Treasuries were made in the 12 per cent range.The issue over primary market dealer Perpetual Treasuries connected to the son-in-law of Governor Mahendran, allegedly benefiting from the bond issue through ‘inside information’ had led to criticism from various political parties especially as the new government had pledged to do away with the ‘family company’ policy, a charge repeatedly hurled at the UPFA regime.Handunnetti stated that the reliability of the financial transactions taking place in Sri Lanka should be maintained urged the Minister of Finance to intervene more responsible in such matters.“If correct our country’s Finance Minister should resign. But we don’t expect such a thing because we all know that will never happen in our country,” he added.",OTHER,SINHALA,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30083,3,,Sinhala,News +482,"A special Indian police team has safely detonated and destroyed explosive materials seized from Liberation Tiger of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 1985, here on Friday, the Hindu reports.The Indian police said the explosives were seized in the coastal areas of the district, particularly Vedarnayam and Kodiyakkarai.Police had seized 166 detonators and 250 hand bombs and had kept it under their safe custody. ",OTHER,SINHALA,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=28163,1,,Sinhala,News +492," INTERPOL has issued a red notice for the arrest of Perinpanayagam Sivaparan, alias Nediyavan, the Norway-based leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).Police Spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana confirmed that INTERPOL has issued red notice on Nediyavan following a request made by the Sri Lanka Police while his profile and picture have been uploaded to the Interpol database. Sri Lankan police earlier this month sought red notices, effectively an international arrest warrant, for 40 members of the LTTE, including for Sivaparan. Sri Lankan authorities sped up the hunt for Nediyavan and Vinayagam, another LTTE faction leader based in Europe, after three key operatives of the banned outfit were killed in a major operation last week and were believed to be attempting a revival of the LTTE. Nediyavan and Vinayagam, who was already listed by the Interpol, had reportedly directed the action locally of three LTTE operatives - Gopi, Appan and Theviyan - who were killed in a shootout with the military. Theviyan, a former LTTE member, had returned to Sri Lanka from a foreign country, officials said. Funds for regrouping of the LTTE had come to Sri Lanka through illegal money transferring systems. These monies had been used to procure safe houses and vehicles to revive the LTTE locally, officials said. Last month, Sri Lanka gazetted the names of over 400 individuals who are said to be LTTE activists and contributors to the LTTE finances.The Sri Lankan government had also sent out an alert demanding that Norways government arrest Perinpanayagam Sivaparan, who is based in Oslo, claiming that he is the new leader of the LTTE.Morten Høglund, the incoming State Secretary in Norways Foreign Ministry, told state broadcaster NRK that the foreign ministry was still evaluating how to respond to the approach. Norway had briefly arrested Sivaparan in Oslo in 2011, interviewing him over his role in financing operations for the LTTE among the Tamil diaspora in the Netherlands and then releasing him on conditional bail. But while the five Dutch Tamils were in October 2011 jailed for six months by a court in The Hague for raising money for an organisation on the European Unions banned list, Sivaparan has not been called back by Norwegian police. ",OTHER,SINHALA,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26539,7,,Sinhala,News +0,"A Sri Lankan women’s trade chamber has urged the new government to give more emphasis to female entrepreneurship in its policy interventions to enhance female labour force participation in the economy.Rifa Musthapa, Chairperson of the Women’s Chamber of Industry and Commerce (WCIC), said female labour force participation in the island is rather low at just 34 percent of the economically active population.“This becomes particularly critical as the majority of Sri Lanka’s population is female,” she told Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce, during a meeting.The WCIC, whose present membership is 175, is a non-profit consisting of professional women that promotes the special interests of women entrepreneurs to get them into the mainstream of business.It presented a policy brief on fostering women’s entrepreneurship, recommending better access to finance and easing of regulatory burdens.Bathiudeen said the new government aims to introduce legislation to ensure at least 25 percent women’s representation in Provincial Councils and Local Government bodies.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=29544,9,,Women,News +1,"A Google employee who wrote a controversial memo about workplace diversity has been fired, the BBC can confirm.The controversial memo broke the firm’s code of conduct, Google’s chief executive Sundar Pichai said on Monday in an email to employees.The memo, shared widely at the weekend, suggested there were fewer women at Google due to biological differences.Mr Pichai said the text crossed the line due to it “advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace”.Entitled Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber, the paper argued that “the abilities of men and women differ in part due to biological causes and that these differences may explain why we don’t see equal representation of women in tech and leadership”.The author wrote: “We need to stop assuming that gender gaps imply sexism.”Google has not confirmed who the employee is, but US media reports name himas James Damore.The memo was quickly criticised by Google’s head of diversity, Danielle Brown, but the author - whose identity has not been revealed by Google - later wrote that he had received “many personal messages from fellow Googlers expressing their gratitude”.In his note to staff sent on Monday afternoon, Mr Pichai spoke at length about protecting free speech in Google’s ranks, and that “much of what was in that memo is fair to debate, regardless of whether a vast majority of Googlers disagree with it”.But he added: “To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to that work is offensive and not OK.“It is contrary to our basic values and our Code of Conduct, which expects ‘each Googler to do their utmost to create a workplace culture that is free of harassment, intimidation, bias and unlawful discrimination’.”Source :BBC Technology-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=42422,19,,Other Ethnic groups,News +2,"President Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his message for International Women’s Day, says the government is committed to increasing women participation in management and political decision-making.To this end, the government has implemented a comprehensive program to secure an increase of women’s representation not only in the parliament but also in the public and private sectors, he added.In addition, the measures have already been initiated to present to Parliament the Act on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, the Head of State said further, adding that it is also envisaged for a National Women’s Commission to be established as an independent body through an Act of Parliament.Further, the need to appoint an Ombudswoman as well as women to Directorate Boards in the fields of plantations and apparel has been recognized by the government, according to President Wickremesinghe.Read President Wickremesinghe’s full statement below:Despite the economic challenges the country is currently facing, I am extremely pleased that Women’s Day is being celebrated on this occasion, that too under the theme “She is the pride of the Nation”, reflecting the pride, honour and strength of women.It is gratifying to note that women account for more than half of the Sri Lankan population, and is among the social development indicators of the world’s developed countries. Today uniquely, the literate Sri Lankan woman, professionally contributes significantly to the country’s economy, and therefore is a strength of the nation.I recall that the Ministry of Women’s Affairs of Sri Lanka was temporarily designated as one of my portfolios, with the objective of maximizing the contribution of this country’s women, in the journey to build a resilient nation, by utilizing their multiple attributes.The Government is further committed to increasing women participation in management and political decision-making, and therefore has implemented a comprehensive program to secure an increase of women’s representation not only in Parliament, but also in the public and private sectors.In addition, the measures required to present to Parliament, the Act on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment have already been initiated. It is also envisaged for a National Women’s Commission to be established as an independent body through an Act of Parliament. Further, the need to appoint an Ombudswoman as well as women to Directorate Boards in the fields of plantations and apparel have been recognized.The Government has already implemented plans to empower women with required skills based on equality, in order to broadly contribute to the country’s economy, with the goal of creating a generation of courageous women, who understand their role in the contemporary world.I extend warm greetings on this International Women’s Day, being confident of the support of the female generation of this country in its entirety, in order to facilitate the Government’s new reform program in rebuilding the country’s collapsed economy and create a successful “Developed Nation in 2048”.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=88904,50,,Women,News +3,"The Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs has decided to provide opportunities for the country’s youths by increasing their representation in the decision-making process.Accordingly, Colombo District MP Premnath C. Dolawatta submitted a private bill to the parliament in this regard.The government says that it is desirable to increase the representation of youth in local government bodies with the aim of creating an environment where the entire youth community’s advancement and aspirations can be achieved.Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted policy approval for the proposal presented by the Minister of Youth Affairs to amend the Provincial Council Elections Ordinance.Amending the ordinance will make provision for the appointment of youth with regard to not less than 25% of the number of members to be elected according to the first nomination paper, not less than 25% of the number of members to be elected according to the second nomination paper in such a way as to preserve women’s representation as per the existing provisions of the Provincial Council Elections Ordinance.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=86306,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +4,"Former President Maithripala Sirisena was accused of attempting to shift blame, as well as key decision-making responsibilities, to save himself, and for his selective memory of events in the days leading up to the Easter attacks.He cross-examined by attorneys representing former Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando, and former IGP Pujith Jayasundara at the Presidential Commission of Inquiry probing the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks.During the cross-examination, the President’s Counsel Anura Meddegoda, representing former IGP Pujith Jayasundara, questioned the former President about why he chose to arrive back in the country on his originally planned flight when there were 03 earlier flights available.The former President replied, “As a President, I do not know flight times and schedules. I only stick to the times given to me by my officials and I simply turn up as expected.The other issue was that my physician in Singapore had just administered an injection to me, and advised me not to fly for a 24-hour period. Despite this, I risked my own health and arrived back at midnight.”Following this, the cross-examination continued, this time led by the legal representative for the former Defense Secretary Hemasiri Fernando, Attorney-at-Law Dilshan Jayasuriya.The Attorney first asked the witness “Did you visit the Tirupati Temple in India, on the 16th of April, before flying to Singapore?” In response, the former President replied that this was an annual pilgrimage.The Attorney then stated, “The Tirupati pilgrimage is a very difficult one due to the thousands of pilgrims. With you having being in too much of discomfort to take calls on the 20th and 21st of April, were you able to complete the Tirupati pilgrimage?”The former President replied, “With the blessings of the Triple Gem and the gods, I was not in discomfort at that time.”The Attorney then asked him, “Were you accompanied by on the 16th by your spouse and the three children?” The former Head of State responded saying that recall if all three of his children went with him at the time.To this, the attorney stated, “This is not a joke. The country’s President was on a personal jaunt, at a time the country’s national security was being threatened. Are you expecting me to accept that you, who recalled that IGP Pujith Jayasundara boarding the flight and saluting you on that day, can’t recall which of your own children accompanied you?”The former President replied, “I honestly can’t remember.”Following this exchange on November 24, Attorney Dilshan Jayasuriya, recommenced his cross-examination when proceeding resumed yesterday (25).He began by saying, “I would like to suggest to you that incidents such as the Mawanella Buddha statue vandalism, and the killing of police personnel in Vavunathivu, happened due to the confusion created in the country by the constitutional crisis you created in October 2018.”The former President replied, “I do not accept that. That wasn’t a decision I took on my own. There were President’s Counsels, academics, and many others who were involved in drafting gazettes.”The attorney then asked him, “Are you now trying to shift the responsibility for decision making to someone else?”He replied, “No. To this day, I still believe that my decision was the right one.”The former President was then asked, “You held a DIG’s meeting on April 08, 2019. When SIS Chief Nilantha Jayawardena came for that meeting, he was already in possession of the Indian intelligence warning which he received on April 04. Isn’t his failure to inform you of this warning at that time, a serious dereliction of duty?”He responded, “You can’t call that a dereliction of duty. I am reluctant to blame just one person for not preventing the attacks and for not informing me.”Then-Attorney then asked the witness, “If that is the case, then isn’t the imprisonment of former Defense Secretary Hemasiri Fernando and former IGP Pujith Jayasundara unfair?”The former President responded, “Yes, it could be.”The attorney then asked him, “If you believed it to be unfair, then why did you say that they must be held responsible for this even before the Malagoda Commission report was released?”The ex-President stated, “I only stated as such based on what was discussed at the National Security Council meetings.”To this, the attorney stated, “I am of the opinion that the reason you do not blame the former Director of State Intelligence for this incident, is because he did inform you of the warning the day before you went abroad, as well as the day before, and on the day of the attacks. Further, I reiterate that you are trying to absolve yourself of responsibility for this incident by not holding him accountable.”The former President said, “I completely reject that allegation. If I knew of the warning I would have never left the country without making necessary arrangements.”The ex-President was then asked, “If an investigation into this proves that you had in fact known of this and failed to take action, would it be only fair for action to be taken against you?”He replied, “No, it wouldn’t be unfair if that is proven.”",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=69459,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +5,"MP Namal Rajapaksa says that Sri Lanka is lacking in a second generation of Tamil politicians and that he believes political parties giving opportunities for young Tamil leaders to come up the ranks and get involved in the decision-making would help the reconciliation process.In the process of reconciliation and bringing harmony, what we needed is powerful Tamil politicians, he said in an interview with The Indian Express.“Unfortunately, we don’t have a second generation of Tamil politicians… Efficient and educated Tamil leaders were assassinated by LTTE.”“For a long-term political solution and representation, I feel political parties should give an opportunity to young Tamil leaders to come up, an opportunity to be in the limelight, get them media exposure and a role in decision-making for the country.”“By doing that, reconciliation will happen. If you keep on believing in regional political interests, your interests will be regional, so the solution too. So we need to have national leaders from Tamils,” he said.Expressing his views on India, the Hambantota District UPFA Parliamentarian said that the neighboring country has had a global presence under the rule of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the last four or five years.“But there is criticism as well against the Modi government in Sri Lanka. Many feel that the current Sri Lankan President is adopting many policies of PM Modi.”“There is widespread criticism that the Sri Lankan President’s approach in issues such as corruption and the way he deals with Opposition leaders is similar to that of Modiji,” he said.Excerpts of the interview with The Indian Express:You are seen as the next-generation politician from the family. How do you foresee your political future?It depends on my destiny. Because modern-day politics doesn’t work on a dynastic background… Dynasties are part of Asian culture, but at the end of the day, what matters most is who is going to get into leadership.Existence in politics is all about how you behave, how you work, how you spend time with people in your constituency… I will definitely continue in politics and see where it takes me.There has been conflict between minority communities and the majority Sinhalese Buddhist communities. How do you view this communal face of Sri Lanka?Extremism is everywhere, not only with Islamic or Buddhist groups. It is about how the government tackles them. For example, if the government believes that Islamic radical groups are getting stronger and take the side of Buddhist groups, or they antagonise Buddhist groups by siding with Islamic groups, it will not be able to play the role of a government. A government should be ideally impartial, it shouldn’t follow radical or extreme elements. That is the only way to sort out communal problems.How deep is your Sinhalese identity?Everyone believes in what they believe in. Protecting your own belief and culture is not extremism. I believe that it is always good to have a culture and belief in something. It is very important to take that forward to our next generation.Have you ever thought about looking at the reconciliation process of Tamils after the war, if they are being treated equally?Reconciliation will take more time; wounds will not be healed overnight. It was never a war between the Sinhalese army and Tamils but between the Sri Lanka government and a terrorist organisation. In the process of reconciliation and bringing harmony, what we needed is powerful Tamil politicians. Unfortunately, we don’t have a second generation of Tamil politicians… Efficient and educated Tamil leaders were assassinated by LTTE… For a long-term political solution and representation, I feel political parties should give an opportunity to young Tamil leaders to come up, an opportunity to be in the limelight, get them media exposure and a role in decision-making for the country. By doing that, reconciliation will happen. If you keep on believing in regional political interests, your interests will be regional, so the solution too. So we need to have national leaders from Tamils.How do you look at relationships with India, China and Pakistan?Sri Lanka always considers its priorities first. My father’s priority was ending the war, we worked with India, Pakistan, China, US and Israel for our goals. Our primary interest is development. So we invited Indian private sector companies to come here. When you see the huge Shangri-La hotel on the Colombo seafront, two huge structures being built next to Shangri-La are Indian investments. Whatever be the political interpretations surrounding the Indian Ocean region, I feel Sri Lanka should maintain a neutral position. While India was always like family in spite of misunderstanding or miscommunication, our China relations were based on religion, culture and commercial transactions dating back to the Silk Route.How close are you with your counterparts in other dynasties in neighbouring countries?I am in touch with most regional parties and dynastic families. Even if we have to keep our country’s interests first, I have friendships with almost all of them. For instance, I speak to Rahul Gandhi. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari [Pakistan] and Sajeed Wazed [Bangladesh] are all my friends. Our families too interact often. When Rahul got elected president of the Congress, I called him personally to congratulate. Bilawal too is very close to me, whenever I go there, I stay at his house. Wazed was based in Washington DC earlier and now he is back in Bangladesh. I am not in touch with the Saudi prince [Mohammed bin Salman] but I am closely watching that young leader. I am sure he will look at his own culture and traditions to protect it while going into new avenues. Because 1.1 million Sri Lankans are in the Middle East, I am closely watching all developments in Middle Eastern countries.The Qatar emir [Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani] is also young while Dubai has a young family coming up. It is very interesting to see this new generation of western-educated, Middle East leaders and how they are governing in traditional Arabic culture.Your view India, its politics and foreign relationships?Domestic politics is up to them. But in the last four or five years, India has had a global presence under the rule of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.Now, Rahul is also making the same presence with his trips to the Middle East, Malaysia and Singapore. But there is criticism as well against the Modi government in Sri Lanka. Many feel that the current Sri Lankan President is adopting many policies of PM Modi. There is widespread criticism that the Sri Lankan President’s approach in issues such as corruption and the way he deals with Opposition leaders is similar to that of Modiji. But in a larger way, I strongly believe that Sri Lanka can play a major role, we can be a communicating point between India and Pakistan, whenever they want a dialogue.Can you describe how you, as a teenager, perceived the war?Mostly it is men who start the war, and women and children die. People who start the war often forget the purpose at one point. So the war that was led by my father against LTTE was all about calculated damage, collateral damage. No war in the world has been won without damage. If you didn’t fight the war, what would have been the damage? The world would have called Mahinda a good man but because he finished the war, our women are able to lead a dignified life without being abducted by LTTE to fight for them; our children are now going to the school instead of taking up arms.The war did have effects on my personal life as my mobility was restricted as the son of the President. But that was the time I played rugby in college. At one point, I had to change from Cardiff University in London to another following an attack and major security threats. But I don’t believe that there was a Tamil diaspora but only an isolated LTTE diaspora who created trouble abroad. Even protesters before the London High Commission had been speaking Indian Tamil, not Jaffna Tamil. If these Tamil diaspora are so worried about Sri Lankan Tamils, they should come and help Tamils here.-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=46580,59,,Other Ethnic groups,News +6,"Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe today charged a group of opposition parliamentarians of sabotaging the government’s attempt to provide women with increased representation in the country’s decision-making bodies.Delivering a special statement to the media in Badulla, he said that from the national government the people expected a government that thinks in a new way.Wickremesinghe said that in that path to create a new democratic society the rights of everyone should be protected and that everyone should be respected.He stated that the government took an important first step in providing women proper representation by allocating 25% of the membership of local government bodies for women.“If need be it can even increase up to 100%. On the other hand male representation can only be a maximum of 75%.”“But what happened? We all agreed to present it to Parliament last Tuesday and to unanimously pass it,” he said.However, the PM said, that when the bill was tabled in parliament, the “Rajapaksa gang” attempted to “sabotage” it and that they gathered at the center of the chamber and created an uproar against it, in reference to the self-styled Joint Opposition,.“This group does not care about the rights of women,” he charged.",WOMEN,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=34169,14,,Women,News +7,"Seattle became the first U.S. city to outlaw caste discrimination on Tuesday, after its local council voted to add caste to the city’s anti-discrimination laws.The move addresses an issue important to the area’s South Asian diaspora, particularly the Indian and Hindu communities. India’s caste system is among the world’s oldest forms of rigid social stratification.“The fight against caste discrimination is deeply connected to the fight against all forms of oppression,” Kshama Sawant, an Indian American Seattle City Council member, said.The caste system dates back thousands of years and allows many privileges to upper castes but represses lower castes. The Dalit community is on the lowest rung of the Indian Hindu caste system and have been treated as “untouchables.”“Caste discrimination doesn’t only take place in other countries. It is faced by South Asian American and other immigrant working people in their workplaces, including in the tech sector, in Seattle and in cities around the country,” Sawant said when her office introduced the proposal to ban caste-based discrimination in Seattle.Caste discrimination was outlawed in India over 70 years ago, yet bias persists, according to several studies in recent years, including one that found people from lower castes were underrepresented in higher-paying jobs.Even though India has banned untouchability, Dalits still face widespread abuse across that country, where their attempts at upward social mobility have at times been violently put down.Debate over the caste system’s hierarchy is contentious in India and abroad, with the issue intertwined with religion. Some people say discrimination is now rare. Indian government policies reserving seats for lower-caste students at top Indian universities have helped many land tech jobs in the West in recent years.Activists opposing caste discrimination say it is no different from other forms of discrimination like racism and hence should be outlawed. U.S. discrimination laws ban ancestry discrimination but do not explicitly ban casteism.Source: Reuters-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=88583,39,,Other Ethnic groups,News +8,"The Court of Appeal has granted leave to proceed with a petition filed by civil society activists seeking the issuance of a writ order to prevent discrimination and harassment against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community at the hands of the police.Following preliminary consideration of the writ petition, the judge-bench comprising Justices Sobitha Rajakaruna and Dhammika Ganepola declared that at first glance there is a cause of action and said notice would be issued on the respondents in the application.Accordingly, the court ordered the respondents named in the petition including the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to present their objections related to the petition, if any.The petition had been filed by number of Sri Lankan civil society activists including Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Tamara Andrea Flamer-Caldera, Anusha Shyami David and Gowrie Ponniah.IGP C.D. Wickramaratne, psychological counselor Ama Dissanayake and the Attorney General have been named as respondents in the writ petition.The petitioners state that as per the Police Performance Report 2018, a total of 48 gay individuals have been charged and prosecuted for apparent “homosexuality” from 2016 – 2018, in the country.The petition further states that according to a report prepared by Human Rights Watch in 2016, LGBTIQ individuals in Sri Lanka have been arrested and detained without cause, and have been subject to sexual and/or physical abuse and even raped by police officers.The petitioners state that this situation is a result of the misconceptions, and lack of education on the LGBTIQ community, as well as homosexuality itself within the country.They state that this this is in violation of the fundamental rights of the LGBT community in Sri Lanka, and therefore requests the court to issue notice on the respondents and also to issue a writ order against the IGP and the respondents preventing any forms of discrimination and harassment against the LGBT community.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=79023,16,,Other Ethnic groups,News +10,"The Parliamentary Select Committee which was appointed to ensure gender equality and to look into the discrimination against women in Sri Lanka and present its recommendations to Parliament, met for the first time in Parliament recently.The meeting was chaired by the State Minister of Primary Health Care, Epidemics and COVID-19 Disease Control Dr. Sudarshini Fernandopulle.The Committee also focused on the microfinance loans that are currently affecting a large number of women in Sri Lanka. It was also revealed that the Cabinet approval has been granted for the re-enactment of the Regulatory Authority in order to regulate Microfinance loans in Sri Lanka.The role of the Select Committee was also discussed at length. Accordingly, it was decided that the primary role of the Committee should be to investigate women’s grievances regarding all forms of discrimination based on gender, including workplace violence.Another role of this committee is to examine and review relevant laws while establishing gender equality. The Committee will also encourage the relevant ministries and authorities to formulate plans for the establishment of gender equality and to allocate financial resources.In addition, the Committee has a role to play in motivating for greater women’s representation in decision-making bodies at the national and provincial levels, as well as in government, civil society and the private sector.MPs Rohini Kavirathane, (Dr.) Harini Amarasuriya, M. Udayakumar, S. Sritharan, Rohana Bandara and the Secretary to the committee, Deputy Secretary General and Chief of Staff of the Parliament Kushani Rohanadheera were also present at the meeting.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=72939,15,,Women,News +11,"Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus has called for the appointed of a Select Committee to look into and report to the Parliament its recommendations to ensure gender equity and equality with special emphasis on looking into gender-based discriminations and violations of women’s rights in Sri Lanka.The Caucus, chaired by State Minister of Primary Health Care, Epidemics and COVID Disease Control Dr. Sudarshini Fernandopulle, had made the request in writing to Speaker of Parliament Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena.The Caucus has suggested that the Committee and its Chair should be appointed by the Speaker.In addition, the composition of the proposed Committee should consist of not more than 25 Members, they stressed.The report of the Committee is required to be presented to Parliament within a period of one year from the first meeting of the committee and once tabled in Parliament it is expected to be referred to the Minister in charge of the relevant subject to submit their observations and steps taken governing the particulars within a period of eight weeks after being tabled.The Secretary General of Parliament Dhammika Dasanayake said that this notice of motion was included in to the addendum to the Order Book No. 03 of Parliament.Apart from the Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus chair State Minister Sudarshini Fernandopulle, the notice of motion has also been signed by Minister Pavithra Devi Wanniarachchi, State Minister Dr. Seetha Arambepola, MPs Harini Amarasuriya, Rohini Kumari Wijerathna, Thalatha Atukorale, Geetha Kumarasinghe, Kokila Gunawardena, Muditha Prashanthi, Rajika Wickramasinghe, Manjula Dissanayake and Diana Gamage.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=72027,6,,Women,News +12,"Sri Lanka Police, in a statement, have strongly denied the claims of discrimination against female officers in the organization.The statement stressed that following a decision taken by the government to reserve 15 percent of approved positions in public institutions for women, Sri Lanka Police has already taken necessary measures to reserve 15 percent of the organization’s posts for female officers.Sri Lanka Police refuted the allegations levelled in recent social media posts that female police officers have been subjected to acts of vengeance.In 2019, Sri Lanka Police had submitted a proposal to increase female representation in the organization by creating 01 Senior Deputy Inspector General (DIG) post, 04 DIG posts and 12 Superintendent of Police (SSP) posts, the statement went on to say.These remarks came after a Fundamental Rights (FR) petition filed by 32 Senior Superintendents of Police (SSP), including SSP Ruwan Gunasekera, sparked controversy recently.Petition sought annulment of the promotion of Bimshani Jasin Arachchi, Sri Lanka’s first female Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG). She had received the promotion in October last year.Petitioners claimed that no female police officer in the country can be appointed as the DIG of Police as the word ‘women’ is not mentioned in the regulations pertaining to promotions.",WOMEN,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=71732,7,,Women,News +13,"Sri Lanka’s authorities must end discrimination against LGBTI people, Amnesty International said yesterday (08), as the human rights organization published a comic book recounting the struggles of LGBTI people in Sri Lanka.“Spectrum: Four Stories of Discrimination Faced by LGBTI People in Sri Lanka: Four Stories of Discrimination Faced by LGBTI People in Sri Lanka” is a comic book that tells four true stories of how LGBTI people in Sri Lanka have suffered discrimination and violence in their daily lives, from workplace bullying to police harassment, stated the organization.“Being persecuted for sexual orientation or gender identity has no place in our world today, and yet, individuals in Sri Lanka continue to face discrimination, abuse and a complete lack of protection for their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity,” said Rehab Mahamoor, Research Assistant at Amnesty International.The stories that highlight the experiences of Manju, Samanali, Kiruthika, and Thenu in the comic book show the alarming and various ways the police handle cases that involve LGBTI people, often treating them like criminals when they are the ones being victimized.Societal taboo has been punishing for LGBTI individuals when it comes to their jobs, homes and schools – compromising their ability to access services that are central to realizing their human rights, points out Amnesty International.“Individuals must not be discriminated on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity, but Sri Lanka has made little to no progress towards setting aside the laws that do. A safer environment for LGBTI people must be created before the situation in Sri Lanka deteriorates further. The laws that prevent that from happening must be repealed and protections that help uphold the rights of LGBTI people should be put in place without delay,” said Rehab Mahamoor.“In 1883, the British who had taken control of the island of Sri Lanka, passed the Penal Code, the main law which defines what is a crime in Sri Lanka. Section 365 and 365A prohibited “carnal intercourse against the order of nature” and “gross indecency”. The Penal Code did not give a specific explanation of what these meant, but these vague and overly broad 136-year-old colonial laws are still being used to target LGBTI people in Sri Lanka today”, said Amnesty International in a statement.Artists Gimhani Galagedera, Madhri Samaranayake, Shenuka Corea and Akiel Surajdeen collaborated with Amnesty International to create Spectrum.BackgroundIn addition to Sections 365 and 365 A, Section 399 of the Penal Code bans “cheating by impersonation” which means pretending to be someone else or telling a person they are someone that they are not. This law has been used frequently against transgender people, to allege that they are “pretending” to be a different gender.Another regulation, the Vagrants Ordinance, a 178-year-old law has been used to disproportionately target LGBTI people, allowing the police to take them into custody and even put them in prison to extort or harass them.The Sri Lankan Constitution protects the Fundamental Right to Equality (Article 12). At the 2014 International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights review, Sri Lanka confirmed that Article 12 prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. However, this right is rarely protected in the case of LGBTI individuals and they continue to be harassed, marginalized and abused on the basis of their real or perceived gender identity and/or sexual orientation.During its third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review carried out in November 2017, Sri Lanka stated that the country “is in the process of taking measures to guarantee the right to non-discrimination, inter alia, on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity”. It particularly focused on the commitment to reform the Penal Code. To date, however, there have been no steps taken towards reform.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=59512,47,,Other Ethnic groups,News +14,"Mona A. Rishmawi, the Chief of the Rule of Law, Equality and Non-Discrimination Branch in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has acknowledged the steps initiated by the Sri Lankan government to safeguard the human rights of people and has assured constant support of the OHCHR in this regard.She stated this during a discussion held with the Minister of Justice & Prison Reforms Prisons Thalatha Atukorale.The discussion was held at the Ministry of Justice & Prison Reforms this afternoon (12).The minister has, reportedly, stated that the government has taken the utmost measures to ensure human rights of the country.It was reported that Judicial Advisor of the United National Sri Lanka Estelle Askew-Renaunt and Secretary to the Ministry of Justice & Prison Reforms R.M.D.B. Meegasmull had also joined the discussion.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=53213,6,,Other Ethnic groups,News +15,"Deputy Minister Dr. Harsha de Silva says that everyone should appreciate and implement good deeds done by any government without any political discrimination.He made this comment at a function held in Anuradhapura to broaden the ‘Suva Seriya’ ambulance service.Event promoting the” 1990 Suva Seriya”, emergency ambulance service in North-central province was held yesterday (29) in Anuradhapura, under the patronage of Deputy Minister of National Policy and Economic Development Dr. Harsha de Silva and Child Development and Women’s Affairs Minister Chandrani Bandara.Twenty-one ambulances were deployed for the province at the event.Although many parties accused and protested the ‘Suva Seriya’ ambulance service when it first staretd, now it has helped to hospitalize its 100,000th patient, pointed out Deputy Minister Harsha de Silva.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=50369,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +16,"President Maithripala Sirisena says there is no differentiation or discrimination in the development of the country and the responsibility of delivering development benefits for the people living in the Northern and Eastern provinces will be fulfilled.The President further said that the assistance of the all the people’s representatives in the province as well as the public servants is expected in this regard, reported President’s media Division. He made these remarks when the Presidential Task Force on the development of the Northern and Eastern Provinces met for the second time at the Presidential Secretariat, yesterday (27).During this meeting, the President instructed the officials to take measures to streamline and accelerate the infrastructure development programmes of the North and the East and the programmes implemented to uplift the livelihood of the people.This first meeting of the Presidential Task Force on the development of the Northern and Eastern Provinces was held under the patronage of President Maithripala Sirisena at the Presidential Secretariat last July, 30 and the President also inquired into the progress of the implementation of the decisions taken during this meeting.The progress of the programme implemented to supply drinking water for the Madhu sacred area in Mannar District was inquired by the President and it was said that the Sri Lanka Navy carrying out those constrictions works.The development activities of Kankasanthurai Cement Factory, developing Walachchena paper industry, developing the salterns of Elephant pass and Kurunchayiniu, developing the industrial colony, and finalizing the project, which is conducted to strengthen the industries with low performance and reactivating them were also finalized.Moreover, the increasing of drug traffics and violence issues in the Northern Province were also discussed and the President requested the Inspector –General of Police to make the program to eliminate the issue regarding drugs more efficient.The Tri Forces have agreed to build houses, supply water, sanitary and other applicable infrastructure and those programs were also properly monitored.All the line Ministries were informed to provide a list of chief strategic list of the projects of Northern and Eastern Provinces and the President invited all the public representatives of the province to present suggestions in relation to the development of those areas.Thus the representatives presented their suggestions.Opposition leader R. Sampanthan, Ministers Mahinda Samarasighe, Ranjith Siyamblapitiya, Gayantha Karunathilake, D.M.Swaminathan, Rauff Hakeem, and public representatives, Northern Province Governor Reginald Coorey, Eastern Province Governor Rohitha Bogollagama, the Secretary of the Presidential task force to develop Northern and Eastern Provinces P.Siwagnanasothi, and Secretary to Ministry of Finance Dr. R.H.S.. Samaratunga, and other secretaries of ministries, district secretaries of North Eastern Provinces and government officers, officers of Tri Forces, Inspector-General of Police and heads of security forces were present in this event.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=49637,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +17,MP Anura Kumara Dissanayake stated that racism should not be allowed to spread within Sri Lanka and that racial discrimination must be cut down at its roots to prolong peace within the country.He further stated that racism should be defeated as soon as it raises its head within the country.“Any party or individual irrespective of religion or race that has ambitions of racial discrimination should not be allowed to carry out their plans. The incident that ensued has definite political influence and it should not be taken lightly” MP Dissanayake said while addressing parliament yesterday (18).,OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44287,8,,Other Ethnic groups,News +18,Minister of Education Akila Viraj Kariyawasam stated that a nation can progress devoid of racial discrimination and religious biasness only through a sound educational system.Minister Kariyawasam stated that the future generations of Sri Lanka can be fostered within an atmosphere of peace and national unity should they be educated in a positive and holistic manner.The Minister of Education expressed these sentiments while addressing the prize giving ceremony of the all-island essay and art competition.He further stated that Sri Lanka regressed as a nation due to the 30-year civil war that plagued the people of the country dispelling unity and peace.He however stated that the future of Sri Lanka has been presented with the opportunity to grow and strive for unity through a peace and reconciliation.,OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43950,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +20,"President of the Public Representations Committee on Constitutional Reforms Lal Wijeyanayake stated that a constitution that is devoid of extremism and discrimination must be drafted for the betterment of Sri Lanka.Speaking to the media in Kandy yesterday (30), the President of the Public Representations Committee on Constitutional Reforms stated that a new constitution is required to protect the individual Rights of the people.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43315,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +21,"Human Rights Watch says that in sending an ‘unprepared’ delegation to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) to answer obvious questions, the Sri Lankan government betrays “a lack of commitment” to women’s rights issues.“If there were any doubt where women’s issues rank in the Sri Lanka government’s list of priorities, it was laid to rest last week in Geneva,” HRW Asia Director Brad Adams said.When the Sri Lanka delegation appeared before the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW Committee) on February 22, it should have been well-prepared for the occasion, he said.It was the country’s eighth periodic review, and the questions that the committee would raise were no mystery – the CEDAW Committee and Sri Lankan civil society groups have had steady dialogue with the government over their concerns.“But the government delegation seemed incapable or unwilling to address any issues of substance regarding women’s rights: discriminatory marriage laws, land and livelihood concerns, and strengthening laws that protect women, to name just a few.”“Instead, the delegation fell back on platitudinous responses that existing laws were sufficient to meet the government’s obligations and that constitutional amendments now under consideration will address other issues,” he said in a statement issued on Friday (3).Adams said that of particular concern was the delegation’s inability to answer questions related to the role women will play in current efforts to seek truth, justice, and reconciliation for the alleged human rights abuses committed during Sri Lanka’s 26-year-long civil war, which ended in 2009.“In sending a delegation to the CEDAW Committee unprepared to answer obvious questions, the government betrays a lack of commitment to women’s rights issues.”",WOMEN,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=39390,17,,Women,News +22,"The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is meeting in Geneva from 13 February to 3 March 2017 to review women’s rights in eight countries including Sri Lanka.The committee will review the following countries: Ukraine (14 February); Ireland (15 February); Jordan (16 February); El Salvador (17 February); Germany (21February); Sri Lanka (22 February); Rwanda (23 February) and Micronesia (24 February).The above countries have ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and are reviewed regularly by CEDAW on how they are implementing the Convention, the OHCHR said in a statement.The Committee, which is composed of 23 international independent experts, will hold dialogues with delegations from the respective governments and will also be briefed by NGOs and national human rights institutions.CEDAW’s findings, officially termed concluding observations, on the countries reviewed, will be published on Monday, 6 March.",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=39013,6,,Women,News +24,"Transgender people and others who do not conform to social expectations about gender face discrimination and abuse in Sri Lanka, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.The 63-page report, “‘All Five Fingers Are Not the Same’: Discrimination on Grounds of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in Sri Lanka,” finds that people who don’t conform to gender norms face arbitrary detention, mistreatment, and discrimination accessing employment, housing, and health care. The government should protect the rights of transgender people and others who face similar discrimination, Human Rights Watch said.“All Sri Lankans, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, should be able to exercise their rights without discrimination or abuse,” said Yuvraj Joshi, Gruber fellow in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights program at Human Rights Watch and author of the report. “While the government has begun to address these issues, it should urgently seek to eliminate laws and practices that discriminate on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation.”Human Rights Watch interviewed 61 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people in four Sri Lankan cities. Sixteen of those interviewed, most of them transgender or men who have sex with men, said they had suffered sexual or physical abuse by the police. More than half of this group said that police had detained them without cause at least once.Consensual same-sex conduct is criminalized under sections 365 and 365A of the penal code. Other laws, including a vaguely worded Vagrancy Law and a law against “cheating by personation,” are also used to target gender non-conforming and other LGBTI people for arrest. Some transgender women and men who have sex with men said that repeated harassment by police, including arbitrary detention and mistreatment, had eroded their trust in Sri Lankan authorities, and made it unlikely that they would report a crime.“They won’t protect someone like me,” said “Fathima,” a 25-year-old transgender woman in Colombo who did not involve the police after thugs beat her in 2012.Transgender people also face discrimination in getting health care, including being labeled mentally ill; extra inquisitiveness and lack of privacy from medical staff; and unwillingness by some medical staff to tend to them.“Their words are more piercing than needles,” one transgender man said of staff at public hospitals and clinics who asked unnecessary personal questions.These abuses take place within a broader legal landscape that fails to recognize the gender identity of transgender people without abusive requirements; makes same-sex relations between consenting adults a criminal offense; and enables a range of abuses against LGBTI people by state officials and private individuals.“The LGBTI community needs laws that protect us, not harm us,” said Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, a Sri Lankan activist and founder of Equal Ground, a Colombo-based group that advocates for the rights of LGBTI Sri Lankans. “We expect the new government to scrap discriminatory laws and protect our human rights. We urge the government to be in open dialogue with us.”Sri Lankan law currently provides no clear path to changing legal gender, Human Rights Watch said. Transgender people are rarely able to obtain a national identity card and other official documents that reflect their preferred name and gender, exposing them to constant and humiliating scrutiny. “Krishan,” a 40-year-old transgender man in Colombo, said that the first question in job interviews is about his gender, not his qualifications.The Health Ministry, working with the National Human Rights Commission, has proposed a procedure through which transgender people could change the gender on their documents after a diagnosis from a mental health professional. While that would be a step forward, the authorities should allow people to change their legal gender on all documents without requiring psychiatric diagnosis or medical treatment or procedures, Human Rights Watch said.Sri Lanka has ratified core international human rights treaties that obligate the government to protect the rights of individuals against violence, discrimination, and other type of abuses by both private actors and government officials and agents.There is increasing recognition that a state’s failure to provide transgender people with a simple and accessible procedure to change their gender on official documents violates their rights. A joint statement in 2015 by 12 United Nations agencies, ranging from UNICEF to the World Food Programme, called on governments to ensure “legal recognition of the gender identity of transgender people without abusive requirements,” such as forced sterilization or treatment.“When transgender people carry documents that mention a sex or gender that does not match our identities, we face obstacles at every step,” said Bhoomi Harendran, a transgender rights activist in Colombo. “If the Sri Lankan authorities started issuing documents that reflect our gender identity without asking us to get medical treatment, those few pieces of paper would profoundly change our lives.”-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=36509,61,,LGBTQIA+,News +25,"The Sri Lankan Government today vowed to remedy the root causes of injustice, discrimination and prejudice that have spawned hate and violence for many decades in the country.“Sri Lanka condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and is committed to working with the EU and Member States in this regard. As importantly, we know that sustainably eradicating terrorism requires us to go beyond dealing with its symptoms,” Foreign Affairs Minister Mangala Samaraweera said.“We will remedy the root causes of injustice, discrimination and prejudice that have spawned hate and violence for many decades,” he said, at the 19th Session of the Sri Lanka – EU Joint Commission in Colombo.“This government will break from this past and is deeply committed to make our vision of a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual Sri Lanka based on the principles of equality, justice and meritocracy a reality for all Sri Lankans.”He stated that discussions are already underway to look at ways and means of expanding the scope of human rights in line with internationally accepted standards.Recognising that the previous Government failed to implement the recommendations of the Commissions that were set up at the time, including those made by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), action is now being taken to explore steps that can be taken in this regard, he said.“This includes examining incidents identified by these Commissions as serious violations of human rights which warrant further investigations and a criminal justice response.”Mr Samaraweera further said that the content of the Report of the OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka, which is set to be released in September, will be taken into account by domestic investigative and judicial mechanisms which the government envisage setting up.“The Government has already begun discussions regarding the nature of local mechanisms that should be put in place for this purpose including amendments to existing laws,” he said.The Foreign Minister further said that the Government has invited the Working Group on Involuntary and Enforced Disappearances and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit the island nation. “Both visits are expected to take place before September this year.”",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30354,23,,Not relevant,News +26," Incidents of societal abuses or discrimination based on religious affiliation, belief, or practice were reported in Sri Lanka last year, the United States said on Monday.In its annual International Religious Freedom Report for 2011, the State Department said sporadic attacks on Christian churches by Buddhist extremists and some societal tension due to ongoing allegations of forced or deceitful conversions continued. However, the number and scale of attacks were reportedly fewer than in recent years, it said.The State Department also stated that although the constitution and other laws and policies protect religious freedom in Sri Lanka and, in practice, the government generally respected religious freedom, it did not demonstrate a trend toward either improvement or deterioration in respect for and protection of the right to religious freedom.U.S. embassy officials conveyed U.S. government concerns about religious freedom issues, particularly attacks on churches, to government leaders and urged them to arrest and prosecute the perpetrators.Pointing out that there were reports of abuses of religious freedom in the island nation, the report alleged that although the government publicly endorsed religious freedom, in practice there were problems in some areas. While the number of attacks against Christians continued to decline and efforts to pass anti-conversion legislation reportedly declined, some Christian groups occasionally complained that the government tacitly condoned harassment and violence aimed at them, states the State Department report on religious freedom in the world.There also were reports of government troops setting up Buddhist shrines in Tamil areas of the north, with some Tamil groups claiming this was a sign of government-sponsored Sinhalese colonization of former LTTE-held areas, added the report released by US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.For the United States, of course, religious freedom is a cherished constitutional value, a strategic national interest, and a foreign policy priority, she remarked at the Release of the 2011 International Religious Freedom Report in Washington. 2011 International Religious Freedom Report - Sri Lanka ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=19032,12,,Other Ethnic groups,News +27," The United States says that the Sri Lankan government apart from the LLRC needs to have an action plan that really undertakes to deal with the reconciliation issues and the issues of discrimination still going on in the north amongst other things.U.S. Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Michael Posner, said that three years after the end of the war against Tamil Tigers there is still a big unfinished agenda and that the US will continue to raise those issues with the Sri Lankan government.Were happy that there is a Lessons Learnt Commission, but the government needs to have an action plan that really undertakes to deal with the reconciliation issues, deals with the issues of discrimination still going on in the north, and a range of other things to incorporate the Tamil population more centrally into the lifeblood of Sri Lanka, he said.Responding to a question submitted during a live webcast, Posner said the U.S. was not satisfied with the manner in which Sri Lanka has undertaken its responsibilities in terms of reconciliation and accountability.He stated that during a meeting with External Affairs Minister G.L. Peiris in Washington, along with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, they had highlighted these issues of concern.We had a very direct meeting about a range of issues that continue to be of concern, and well continue to push.We also played a role a leading role, as you know at the UN Human Rights Council in urging a resolution that dealt with Sri Lankas record, Posner said at the Department of State in Washington. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=18652,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +28," An international human rights group on Friday warned that the militarization of Sri Lankas former war zone and discrimination against minority ethnic Tamils threaten to lead the island back into violence.The Brussels-based International Crisis Group said in a report that there are government moves to change the demographics in what were once Tamil majority areas by sending in ethnic Sinhalese settlers. By adopting policies that will bring fundamental changes to the culture, demography and economy of the Northern Province, the government of Sri Lanka is sowing the seeds of future violence there, the report said.Fridays ICG report alleged that important decisions of governance in the north were now being made by Sinhalese military officials and politicians at the exclusion of the local Tamil people and their elected leaders. The predominantly Tamil north now has streets and villages renamed in the Sinhala language, dotted with war monuments and Buddhist shrines, the religion of the majority.Many of these are built on land that Tamils left behind during the height of the conflict, it said.The ICG called on aid agencies supporting Sri Lankas postwar reconstruction to demand change in government policies and not to pay for policies that may lead to violence.The government has continuously denied that it follows a policy of exclusion and says it is not creating Sinhalese settlements.While the situation is calm now, the Tamil population is exhausted by war, broken by defeat and, after decades of LTTE (Tamil Tigers) tight control, sadly acclimatized to authoritarian rule, it will not necessarily remain that way, the report said. The Associated Press ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17368,25,,Other Ethnic groups,News +29,"The Presidential Commission of Inquiry (PCoI) to Make Recommendations on Election Law Reforms is now calling for written representations from the members of the public, political parties, organizations and interested individuals.In a press release, the PCoI said it will accept written proposals or opinions pertaining to the following:• Increasing the representation of women and youth• Reducing the period between the time of declaration of an election and the release of results after concluding the election• Providing opportunity for electronic voting• Providing facilities for Sri Lankans living overseas to vote in elections• Enabling a person to contest elections for both Provincial Councils and Parliament and represent both if elected• Providing opportunity for postal voting for voters serving in Public Corporations/ State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)/ Private Sector who are engaged in election-related services on election day• Proportional representation, proposals on appropriate mixed election system reflecting the pluralistic nature of the society• Strengthening the multi-party system• Reducing the role of money in politics and prevention of policy capture• Leadership’s accountability to political party members• The role of political parties in strengthening national unityAdditionally, the PCoI is also calling for views and proposals on how political parties and independent groups should use the media, how they should connect themselves in carrying out public affairs, registering political parties and acting in a manner that is credible and accountable to the public.Written proposals or opinions should be submitted on or before December 15, 2023 via e-mail to sec.coi@presidentsoffice.lk or to Secretary, Presidential Commission of Inquiry to Make Recommendations for Election Law Reforms, No. 21, SEMA Building, Janadhipathi Mawatha, Colombo 01.The PCoI noted that the contact information or any personal data mentioned in the written proposals and opinions and would be treated as confidential.A nine-member PCoI, headed by former Chief Justice Priyasad Gerard Dep, was appointed on October 15, 2023, to obtain information, investigate, inquire into and report on making recommendations for the amendment of election laws upon examining the existing election laws.It consists of Suntharam Arumainayaham; Senanayake Alisandaralage; Nalin Jayantha Abeysekara, PC; Rajitha Naveen Christopher Senaratna Perera; Ahamed Lebbe Mohamed Saleem; Sagarica Delgoda; Esther Sriyani Nimalka Fernando; and Vitharanage Deepani Samantha Rodrigo.However, in a special gazette notification published on November 02, Alan Carmichael Vere David was appointed as the 10th member of the PCoI, as it was observed that the number of commissioners holding office is not adequate to execute the functions of the commission more efficiently and speedily.Through the said communiqué, President Ranil Wickremesinghe also increased the powers of the PCoI after identifying the necessity to expand the scope of the mandate of the commission.",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=94885,10,,Women,News +30,"MP Premnath C. Dolawatta says a new Bill will be introduced to establish a mandatory 25% representation of youth in local government bodies.“I have taken the initiative to present a proposal to amend the Local Government Act and reinstate the rightful provision of 25% nominations for youth candidates.”This significant proposal, brought forth as a private member’s bill, underscores the commitment to fostering generational inclusivity and engaging the perspectives of young citizens in governance processes, the parliamentarian commented addressing a press conference on Friday (Aug. 18).The press conference convened at the Presidential Media Centre (PMC) was themed “Collective Path to a Stable Country”.Speaking further, Dolawatta said the objective of this initiative is to reinstate an opportunity that has historically existed but was regrettably lost over time. He expressed confidence in garnering the backing of both parliamentary colleagues and the members of the public to realize this endeavour.In addition, the parliamentarian emphasized that President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s agenda is centred on affording opportunities to the youth of our nation and facilitating their active involvement in the decision-making framework.With regard to the youth representation in local government structures, Dolawatta mentioned that this been a consistent practice for decades. This history of youth engagement has witnessed instances of young individuals, devoid of political familial backgrounds, successfully securing parliamentary positions and even ministerial roles, he added.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=92784,8,,Other Ethnic groups,News +32,"The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) has issued a clarification on the ‘misrepresentations of facts’ circulated with regard to the Indian Rupee (INR).A media release issued by the CBSL emphasized that the authorization of the Indian Rupee as a designated currency does not make it a ‘legal tender’ in Sri Lanka for domestic payments/settlements.“Any transaction executed between or among residents in Sri Lanka shall be in LKR, being the legal tender in Sri Lanka.”The CBSL clarified that the main purpose of authorizing foreign currencies asdesignated currencies is to promote trade and investment relations between the two countries.Further, it is expected to reduce the additional transaction costs associated with dual conversion and will support promoting trade transactions through the formal banking channel.The CBSL noted that the legal tender in Sri Lanka for domestic payments and settlements will remain as LKR.The statement says trade between Sri Lanka and India has grown rapidly after the Indo-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which came into force in March 2000.In view of the expanding economic activities between India and Sri Lanka, particularly in promoting existing trade relations between the two countries, on several occasions the CBSL has communicated to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Monetary Authority of India, its willingness to authorize INR as a designated foreign currency in Sri Lanka.Accordingly, in August 2022, with the concurrence of RBI, INR was authorized by the CBSL as a designated foreign currency in Sri Lanka. However, the use of INR as a designated foreign currency in Sri Lanka is subject to any restrictions imposed by RBI, the CBSL added.Authorising INR as a designated foreign currency stands to bring many advantages to Sri Lanka including the facilitation of smooth banking transactions relating to INR especially for small-scale traders, encouraging traders to use banking channels for trade transactions over informal channels, reducing additional transaction costs associated with the dual conversion of INR into USD and thereafter into LKR and vice-versa.Moreover, since India remains a large source country for tourism in Sri Lanka, authorizing INR as a designated foreign currency for banking transactions would add more convenience to Indian tourists, according to the CBSL.The media release read that the CBSL from time to time, authorizes selected foreign currencies as designated foreign currencies with a view to facilitating international trade and cross-border banking transactions.Commencing May 1979, the CBSL has occasionally recognized designated foreign currencies.According to the CBSL, at present, 16 currencies – Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Chinese Renminbi, Danish Kroner, Euro, Hong Kong Dollar, Indian Rupee, Japanese Yen, New Zealand Dollar, Norwegian Kroner, Pound Sterling, Singapore Dollar, Swedish Kroner, Swiss Franc, Thai Bhat and US Dollar – have been authorized as designated foreign currencies under the provisions of the Banking Act and the Foreign Exchange Act, with the latest inclusion being the INR in August 2022.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=92395,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +34,"President Ranil Wickremesinghe states that he aims to prepare a governance structure with fair representation for each political party.His remarks came during a discussion held at the Presidential Secretariat last evening (Aug 10) with several parties regarding the formation of an all-party government.The President has further mentioned that his main objective is to establish the National Assembly, adding that the representation of all parties and the full representation of other parties and groups in the alliance are necessary for this purpose.President Ranil Wickremesinghe also requested respective parties to discuss and inform him whether they will represent the committee-based system or join the all-party government.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=84243,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +35,"President Gotabaya Rajapaksa said that Sri Lanka has appointed a new Prime Minister and a Cabinet of Ministers with representation from multiple political parties, and that they are fostering ongoing discussions in Parliament towards forming a national consensus on the way forward.The President made these remarks addressing the 27th International Conference on the Future of Asia (Nikkei) held in Tokyo, Japan, via video call on Thursday (26).Japan’s Nikkei newspaper has been organizing the conference annually since 1995. The theme of this year’s two day conference is “Redefining Asia’s Role in a Divided World”.The President pointed out that as Sri Lanka is Asia’s oldest democracy. It is crucial that the solutions to our present national crisis are supported through our nation’s democratic framework.‘The virtual shutting down of the tourism industry and the sharp decline in inward remittances from expatriate workers due to COVID19 in the past two years and increasing inflation due to other events combined with Sri Lanka’s high outstanding debt obligations to cause a severe financial crisis,’ the President said.In April, Sri Lanka announced a ‘Debt Standstill’ with the intention of restructuring this external public debt through negotiations with our creditors, whilst simultaneously approaching the International Monetary Fund for a suitable programme.‘As we work through such solutions, however, we urgently require the assistance of our friends in the international community to ensure that our immediate needs in terms of the importation of essential medicines, food supplies, and fuel are met’, President Rajapaksa added.‘Japan remains one of Sri Lanka’s key development partners, and we hope that the negotiations now underway regarding bridging funds from Japan will conclude soon, and support Sri Lanka as we try to stabilise our economy and our nation’, the President said.President Rajapaksa appealed to the other friends of Sri Lanka, to also explore the possibility of extending support and solidarity to our country at this very difficult time.‘The grave difficulties facing Sri Lanka are an early indication of the long tail effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, made worse by the ongoing conflict in Europe that may affect other vulnerable nations too. Supporting such vulnerable nations through these difficulties is essential for regional as well as global stability’ the President said.‘An even more widespread problem that the world will face in future concerns food security. The shortages of food items and sharp increases in food prices likely to occur in the months ahead will place considerable strain on many countries’, the President further said.It is therefore essential that we pay attention to this crucial problem and prioritise agricultural production locally and improve our resilience in the face of this coming issue. The President stressed that the increased cooperation amongst nations will also be necessary to ensure that we overcome this issue.The Future of Asia is an international gathering where political, economic and academic leaders from the Asia-Pacific region offer their opinions frankly and freely on regional issues and the role of Asia in the world.Malaysian Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Thailand Prime Minister Prayut Chan o Cha, Laos President Thongloun Sisoulith, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and many academics and experts will address the forum.-PMDPresident's Speech at the 27th International Conference on the Future of Asia by Adaderana Online on Scribd",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=82692,7,,Other Ethnic groups,News +36,"Civil society organisations in Sri Lanka have expressed concern over the newly appointed Chairman of the Right to Information (RTI) Commission, while also reiterating that the composition of the commission needs to ensure representation of minorities.President Gotabaya Rajapaksa last week appointed new members to the five-member RTI Commission after the term of the previous members expired in September this year.The new RTI Commission is headed by retired Supreme Court Justice Upali Abeyratne and includes former member retired President of the Court of Appeal Justice Rohini Walgama, Athulasiri Samarakoon, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political and International Affairs, Department of Sociology, Open University; former member Attorney-at-Law Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena, and Attorney-at-Law Liyana Arachchilage Jagath Bandara Liyana Arachchi.However, issuing a joint statement today, several civil society groups in the country stated that the newly appointed Chairman of the Commission was unsuitable to hold the position and that the composition of the commission needs to ensure representation of minorities as well as individuals who are natively fluent in all official languages of the country.Read the full press release below:The passing of the RTI Act was not only eagerly awaited by the people of the country, it also proved to be a turning point in the social and political situation in our country. The adoption of the legislation can also be seen as a victory for the civil society of the country who strive to create a more a-political system of democracy and governance in the land.With the tenure of the first RTI Commission coming to an end earlier this year, a new RTI Commission was appointed. The appointments were made by the President based on the recommendations of the parliamentary council, as set out in the 20th amendment to the constitution.As a group of individuals who have been working to ensure the right to information of the citizens of the country, our attention was focused on the appointment of the new RTI Commission. We signed the earlier press release to indicate that the newly appointed Chairman of the Commission was unsuitable to hold the position. This stance remains unchanged and was the primary focal point of the earlier press release.We also wish to clarify our stance regarding the composition of the RTI commission. We reiterate that the composition of the commission needs to ensure representation of minorities as well as individuals who are natively fluent in all official languages of the country. The recent resignation of one of the appointed commissioners provides an opportunity for the administration to rectify this situation. Our earlier press release was not meant to be a rejection or protest against the other commissioners that have already been appointed.We are of the firm belief that in order to uphold the reputation of the RTI Commission as well as to protect the important work that it carries out, an individual of integrity who is well respected in society should take the helm of the commission as it’s chairperson.Nadishani Perera– Executive Director, Transparency International Sri LankaRohana Hettiarachchi– Executive Director, People’s Action for Free and Fair ElectionsDr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu– Executive Director, Centre for Policy AlternativesDr. Sakuntala Kadirgamar– Executive Director, Law & Society Trust (LST)Lionel Guruge- Senior Researcher, Centre for Policy AlternativesManjula Gajanayake– National Coordinator, Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV)Philip Dissanayake– Executive Director, Right to Life Human Rights CentreMaithreyi Rajasingam– Executive Director, ViluthuThilak Kariyawasam– President, Food First Information & Action Network of Sri Lanka (FIAN)Nishantha Preethiraj– National Organizer, National Deshodaya Assembly",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=79413,12,,Other Ethnic groups,News +37,"The Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) has proposed providing women 50% representation from the national list and 25% representation from the candidate list in the forthcoming elections.This was brought to attention at the meeting of Select Committee of Parliament to Identify Appropriate Reforms of the Election Laws and the Electoral System and to Recommend Necessary Amendments, chaired by the Leader of the House, Minister Dinesh Gunawardena on Monday (Nov.08).Speaking further on behalf of the PHU, Minister Udaya Gammanpila said the ban on posters should be maintained during the campaign.Furthermore, a limit should be imposed on the amount of money spent by candidates during elections, the amount of money spent within a period of three months after the elections should be made public along with statements of the origin of cash donations during elections, he added.He also commented on the number of times a President should be elected and points to note regarding taking into consideration the delimiting of electorates.In addition, delegates representing the Samajavadi Janatha Peramuna and the National Movement for a Just Society also presented their views and proposals to this Select Committee.The Samajavadi Janatha Peramuna stated that in the forthcoming elections 60% of the representatives should be elected by the first past the post system and 40% by the proportional system. They were also of the view that attention should be paid to the minority parties.The National Movement for a Just Society also presented its proposals on four principles. They also pointed out the importance of appointing 60% under the first past the post system and 40% under the proportional system.Meanwhile, the Tamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal Party also submitted its views and proposals to this Select Committee.Ministers Nimal Siripala de Silva, MPs Mano Ganesan, Sagara Kariyawasam, Madhura Withanage as well as the Secretary to the Select Committee, Deputy Secretary General & Chief of Staff of Parliament Kushani Rohanadheera were present at this meeting.",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=78302,8,,Women,News +39,"The United National Party (UNP) has pointed out that a general election system should be introduced for Parliament, Provincial Councils and Local Government Institutions and that 65 percent of the members should be elected under the divisional system and 25 percent under the proportional representation system.Representatives of the UNP made these observations while testifying before the Select Committee of Parliament to Identify Appropriate Reforms of the Election Laws and the Electoral System and to Recommend Necessary Amendments, yesterday (07).They also suggested that the number of members elected to local government bodies should be reduced by reducing the number of divisions. Whilst stating that 25 percent of the members elected to local government bodies should be women, the UNP also pointed out to the Committee the need to ensure the representation of minorities.The Leader of the House, Minister Dinesh Gunawardena presided over the meeting. Former Minister Sagala Ratnayaka, who testified on behalf of the UNP, further stated that Parliament should be an institution with genuine representation in various electorates in Sri Lanka.The UNP also stated that dual citizens or persons affiliated with another state should be restricted or barred from contesting at the general elections in Sri Lanka.The party pointed out that the composition of the Parliament should reflect the demographics of the eligible voters to vote in the election as practically as possible and accordingly the members of Parliament should be elected by the voters and from the national list.The UNP also said that the sources of funding for parties and independent groups at the general election should be revealed. They also pointed out that the expenses incurred by political parties and candidates at an election should be limited.They were also of the view changing parties should not be allowed and if a member does change the party, he or she should automatically be removed from the party list.The Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Senior Professor Sudantha Liyanage, member of the Committee of Experts appointed to analyze the proposals, presented to the Parliamentary Select Committee several models related to the local government election system at the Committee.Prof. Sudantha Liyanage also pointed out the need to reduce the existing large number of seats in local government bodies.The Committee Chair, Minister Dinesh Gunawardena stated that the general opinion is that the country needs a better mixed electoral system. He also pointed out the need to have a Member of Parliament responsible for a division.Ministers Nimal Siripala de Silva, Pavithra Wanniarachchi, Douglas Devananda, Members of Parliament Anura Kumara Dissanayaka, Ranjith Madduma Bandara, Mano Ganeshan, M. A. Sumanthiran, Madhura Withanage and Sagara Kariyawasam were present at this meeting held.Officials from the Delimitation Commission and the Attorney General’s Department were also present.The next meeting of the Parliamentary Select Committee is scheduled to be held on the 13th of September, said the Secretary to the Select Committee, Deputy Secretary General & Chief of Staff of Parliament Ms. Kushani Rohanadheera.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=76761,8,,Women,News +40,"The People’s United Front today (06) testifying before the Select Committee of Parliament to Identify Appropriate Reforms of the Election Laws and the Electoral System and to Recommend Necessary Amendments pointed out that the country needs a mixed electoral system with single and proportional representation.The number of seats in Parliament should be 225 as at present, out of which 140 should be elected on a divisional basis, 70 on a district basis and the remaining 15 from the national list, said State Minister and the assistant secretary to the party Sisira Jayakody.He added that the new amendments should take into account the current presidential election system, where the whole country is considered as one constituency or the electing of a President by the vote of the Members of Parliament.The front also pointed out that the possibility of holding by-elections according to the requirement should also be explored.Deputy Secretary of the People’s United Front, Member of Parliament Yadamini Gunawardena stated that the time and date of the elections should be determined by law without the influence of the political authorities. He added that legal provisions should be put in place to prevent advertising in state and private print media, electronic media, and social media that could harm the equality of candidates.The Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) testified before the committee that the security of all communities should be ensured during the new electoral reforms. 65 percent of the members should be under the single-member system and 35 percent under the proportional system, the party further emphasized at the committee.The Deshavimukthi Janatha Party stated in the committee that the country basically wants a divisional system. He said the new amendments should ensure the political representation of minority parties. They also emphasized the need to hold Parliamentary, Provincial Council, and Local Government elections under a common system.Ministers Nimal Siripala de Silva, Pavithra Wanniarachchi, Douglas Devananda, M.U. M. Ali Sabry, Hon. Members of Parliament Mano Ganeshan, Madhura Withanage and Sagara Kariyawasam were present at this meeting held. Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Senior Professor Sudantha Liyanage was also present at the committee meeting held.The next meeting of the Parliamentary Select Committee is scheduled to be held on Tuesday (07), said the Secretary to the Select Committee, Deputy Secretary General & Chief of Staff of Parliament Ms. Kushani Rohanadheera.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=76720,7,,Other Ethnic groups,News +41,"Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena has met the Colombo-based senior diplomatic representation of the European Union (EU) on Friday, at the Foreign Ministry, and apprised them on political and economic developments in Sri Lanka.The Minister had updated the envoys of ongoing processes, including the constitutional reform process, the strengthening of democratic institutions, and on progress related to the implementation of reconciliation mechanisms, among other issues.The meeting was interactive and also entailed a discussion on EU-Sri Lanka cooperation, including trade, investment and development cooperation, and plans underway to convene the scheduled Sri Lanka-EU Joint Commission Sub-committees following the convening of the 23rd Meeting of the Sri Lanka-EU Joint Commission in January 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated.Measures in place for the revival of tourism in Sri Lanka in the COVID-19/post-COVID -19 context, and the Government of Sri Lanka health protocols related to quarantine had also been discussed.The Ambassador of France Eric Lavertu; the Ambassador Italy Rita Mannella, the Chargé d’Affaires of Romania Ambassador Victor Chiujdea; as well as the Deputy Heads of Mission of Germany, the Netherlands and the EU had participated in the meeting.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=72984,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +49,"The Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus has decided to hold a special series of discussions regarding the female representation in politics.Its first phase will commence at the parliamentary premises today (10), according to Minister Chandrani Bandara, the Chairperson of the Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus.Issues faced by women when engaging in politics, relating to the experiences of the recent Local Government election, will be discussed at this dialogue.NGOs, civil society organizations and the Chairman of the Elections Commission are scheduled to attend today’s discussion, said Minister Bandara.",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=47361,7,,Women,News +50,"Elections Commission Chairman Mahinda Deshapriya says the 25 percent female representation has become a crisis and the Bill should be amended after taking into consideration the situation faced by the members of Local Government bodies.Deshapriya expressed these views after a discussion between the representatives of political parties and the election commission.The Government on July 2017, gazetted the Provincial Councils Elections (Amendment) Bill to increase the number of female representatives in Provincial Councils. The Bill seeks to amend the Provincial Councils Elections Act, No.2 of 1988.This made it binding on all political parties and independent groups to field at least 25 per cent female candidates in Provincial Council elections.As per the Bill, the returning officers were given authority to reject any nomination paper which does not contain the number of female candidates required to be nominated.The Bill was issued by Local Government and Provincial Councils Minister Faiszer Musthapha as a Supplement to the Gazette on July 7.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=45951,2,,Women,News +90," Australias Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has confirmed a Sri Lankan asylum seeker who died after suffering burns to 90 per cent of his body over the weekend had been receiving mental health support prior to his death. Twenty-nine-year-old Leo Seemanpillai had been living in the community on a bridging visa in Geelong prior to his death, which is believed to be self-inflicted.Seemanpillai died of his injuries after burns to 90% of his body and is the second Sri Lankan asylum seeker to have self-immolated in Australia this year.The Sri Lankan asylum seeker was flown from Geelong Hospital to The Alfred hospital in a critical condition, where he later died on Saturday.Addressing media on Monday, Mr Morrison said Mr Seemanpillai had been granted a bridging visa since his arrival in Australia in January 2013, but an application for a protection visa remained pending.He said the man had been receiving mental health support and had been visited by a case worker the Friday prior to his death.When asked if he would take responsibility over the incident as Immigration Minister, Mr Morrison replied that it was a terrible and tragic occurrence.Mr Morrison rejected claims Sri Lankans had abandoned hope following his comment last October that anyone who may have come from Sri Lanka should know that they will go back to Sri Lanka.He said today: Claims are assessed in accordance with the process. Theyre not assessed by me.Tamil Refugee Council spokesman Aran Mylvaganam has told Fairfax Media that Mr Seemanpillai was fearful of being sent back to Sri Lanka, where he would face persecution from the military.Hes been in limbo ever since he got here in terms of his visa situation, and this coupled with his depression and fear of being sent back, Mr Grant said.People have left tributes to Mr Seemanpillai on the Councils Facebook page, describing him as someones son, brother, friend.The fear of being sent back to persecution in Sri Lanka drove him to this act of self immolation and it will not be the last, one commenter posted.Without permanent protection, people have no assurance of their ongoing safety. With no allowance for family reunification, their loved ones continue to suffer human rights abuses in their homelands. This forces asylum seekers to live in constant despair and without any hope for the future.A memorial service will be held for Mr Seemanpillai this Friday from 6pm at St Marys Catholic Church, High Street Thornbury.The service, which will be held in Tamil and English, is being organised by the Darebin Ethnic Communities Council and the DASSP-Darebin Asylum Seeker Support Project. Agencies ",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26921,8,,Not relevant,News +92,"Aid agency Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has denied abandoning traumatised war survivors in Sri Lanka by closing down a mental health project in the north.Despite massive needs, the decision was made because MSF no longer deems it an emergency, the medical charity said.MSF announced on April 5 that it was shutting down a programme counselling survivors of the Indian Ocean Islands almost three-decade-long conflict, most of whom witnessed the deaths of loved ones.There are still clearly massive mental health needs, but we felt that this was not something that MSF could continue as it requires longer-term support, Katrien Coppens, MSFs Sri Lanka operations manager, told Reuters by phone from Amsterdam.We talked to many people - patients, authorities, staff - and there were different feelings about us closing down, she added. Of course, people were not happy that we were leaving... and the sense that people felt abandoned is partly true, but not a feeling I got across the board.Almost three years since Sri Lankas civil war ended, experts say thousands of people are still living in torment, haunted by memories of the final months of fighting between separatist Tamil Tigers and government forces.As a result, many of the war-affected exhibit anti-social behaviour and experience flashbacks, hallucinations, nightmares and suicidal thoughts.Mental stress over poor rehabilitation and resettlement, combined with a lack of jobs and hope, has also driven men, in particular, to alcoholism. There have been many reports of domestic violence, child abuse and family separation in war-hit communities. MSFs mental health project had run for 18 months in the islands war-torn northern district of Kilinochchi, providing one-to-one counselling for almost 500 patients.Coppens said the decision to close it had been difficult because of the ongoing need for support.MSF opens a project knowing that when the situation changes, we will eventually shift our resources to other emergency crises. Knowing when to open is pretty easy, she said.Deciding when to close is always less clear. Closures are always difficult because the situation is never perfect, but it is time for MSF to put its resources into operations that are more in line with our mandate as an emergency humanitarian relief organization, she added.Coppens said MSF is continuing mental health support in the neighbouring district of Mullaitivu. She is hopeful that other agencies, as well as the Sri Lankan authorities, will honour commitments to provide aid of this kind.Restrictions on aid groups working in the former war zone have now been removed, she said. This should help bring in better-equipped charities to train doctors and nurses, and mainstream mental health support into general public healthcare. (Reuters) ",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17741,5,,Not relevant,News +98,"President Ranil Wickremesinghe said that a bill on gender equality and women’s empowerment will be submitted to Parliament soon and he has instructed the women parliamentarians’ caucus to prepare the bill.The President emphasized that women’s representation should be increased not only in the Parliament but also in other sectors and the public sector as well as the private sector should focus their attention in this regard.The President pointed out that the representation of women in the First Council of Sri Lanka was 2% and 91 years after universal suffrage, the representation of women in the current parliament is only 5.3%.President Ranil Wickremesinghe made these observations by joining the Committee Stage Debate on the budget proposal for the financial year 2023 in parliament today (01).The President further said: “I expect to speak especially on the Ministry under me. We thank the Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus for commencing a 16-day campaign against Gender-Based Violence (GBV).It was in 1931 that Sri Lankans got the universal franchise. However, the State Council did not have any female representation. The group of females including former President Chandrika Kumaratunga’s grandmother requested the Donoughmore Commission to permit the females to contest at the election as well. At the election, not a single female won a seat. Eight months later after the demise of my great grandfather J H Meedeniya, Mrs Mollamure was appointed. On the other hand, Mrs Florence Senanayake was appointed from the opposition side. Hence, the female representation in 1931 was 2 per cent and after 91 years after the universal franchise was achieved, we have increased the female representation up to 5.3 per cent which is not satisfactory.However, the UK parliament did not have 2 per cent female representation in 1931but Canada, Lok Sabha, Australia etc have increased it by now. We all are responsible for not doing so. In 2015 we proposed to increase the female representation at the Provincial Councils but could do it due to the amendment. However, the proportion of females in our society is 52 per cent. That’s why I asked the Women Parliamentarians Caucus to attend to that matter. We are drafting two acts related to Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. It is also proposed to establish an independent commission under the name of the National Women’s Commission to give leadership and make recommendations to the Parliament to intervene in matters relating to gender equality and women empowerment. The government supports it and I hope the Opposition side too would support it. We also have planned to appoint a female Ombudsman.We have much to talk about on this matter. When we look at the estate sector, and garment factories, most of the employees are females but there is not a single woman director in them. Not only the Private sector but the government sector too has done the same mistake, as the scenario in the Corporations is the same. We can address it by way of law.However, where the education sector, health and administrative sector are concerned, female representation is higher. But in the private sector, we don’t find this development and it should be improved. But when we look at the numbers receiving education, more than 50 per cent are female which is not reflected at the higher level of employment.In addition, the Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus has been assigned to attend to Child affairs as well. The number of orphan children being looked after by the government is very low. The Caucus has to look into the protection of those children as well. We have to attend to the matter of elders and disabled persons. The amount that we can allocate for them has dropped as we settle loans, paid salaries or maintained loss-making institutions. But the curtain and what is in front of the curtain are nice. But nobody is looking behind a different curtain. Earlier this ministry was not considered to be important under any government but now we are considering granting other ministries to female members. In India Finance Ministry, and Defence Ministry were held by females. Liz Truss was also the Foreign Minister. So we should attend to these matters and hence I instructed the Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus to propose to formulate the required laws. We have a responsibility to increase women’s representation not only in parliament and politics but in all other areas as well.I also instructed the Minister to address the issues related to Samurdhi. The issue there is some needy people are not receiving Samurdhi benefits while some who are not needy are getting them. We have to remove those who are not eligible. Some decisions may not be popular but the Parliament should be strong to get the correct decision. Though I don’t talk much about education as the minister will address it. Do we need the same schools we had when free education was introduced in 1946 or the same schools we had in 1980? I think we need schools that look ahead to 25 years beyond 2023.The entire system that we are used to will change. MP Eran Wickramaratne will tell you all that we may not have brick-and-mortar universities at the end of the day. It could be something else. However, why can’t we be the regional hub for that?Sri Lanka can be a regional hub for education. Let us make up our minds. You are allowing billions of dollars to go out, at least three billion. So not only can we retain that 3 billion, but if we do it right, we will be able to attract another 10 billion. We must do that.Can we be saying these are students and taking in those who are 40-50 years and expect to rectify this system? That’s all I am saying. Some may attack me for it, but I don’t mind. That is a fact. I said it earlier as well, earlier, we entered universities and passed out by the age of 21 or 22. Yet today, how many pass out by that age?I think many can pass out by the age of 21-22. We were law students at the time and we all passed out by that age. Yet, can this be done today? So are we going to face this issue or not? That is the question and that is why I ask if we are all going to face this issue and stop it.Young men and women must pass out and leave university by the age 21-22. Then they can have jobs. Now we have to tailor the courses to suit the job market. In the future, we may experience a shortage of job opportunities in the job market, especially in the arts and social science fields. Hence, I would like the national council and the other committees of parliament to focus their attention on this issue. This issue could only be resolved if the matter is presented to these committees. The only issue that remains is whether the government is going to do it alone or whether the Opposition will join with the government and support its program or whether they will get onto the streets and start protesting. So we have to decide which course of action we are going to take. Developing the education sector is a step taken for the betterment of the future generations.”--PMD",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=86529,49,,Women,News +99,Minister of Community Empowerment and Estate Infrastructure Development Arumugam Thondaman has passed away on Tuesday (26).According to reports he died at the age of 55 after suffering a heart attack.Family sources said the late Minister’s mortal remains are placed at the Thalangama Hospital.The late Minister was also Leader of Ceylon Workers Congress (CWC). He took oaths as the Minister of Community Empowerment & Estate Infrastructure in late November last year.,OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=64092,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +100,"Miss South Africa was crowned Miss Universe on Sunday in Atlanta after a lavish ceremony filled with glitter and heartfelt speeches about female empowerment.Zozibini Tunzi, 26, finished first ahead of the Puerto Rican and Mexican finalists in a flashy televised event, hosted by American comic turned TV personality Steve Harvey.Television personalities Vanessa Lachey and Olivia Culpo served as backstage commentators, and a panel of seven women determined the winner.Tunzi earned cheers during her closing speech, a new segment of the competition, in which she talked about wanting to empower young women to feel confident.“I grew up in a world where a woman who looks like me, with my kind of skin and my kind of hair, was never considered to be beautiful,” she said.“I think that it is time that that stops today,” she said to thunderous applause.Tunzi beat more than 90 contestants from around the globe in the 68th instalment of Miss Universe, which was held in Atlanta’s Tyler Perry Studios.The two favorites ahead of the competition, Miss Thailand Paweensuda Saetan-Drouin and Miss Philippines Gazini Ganados, did not make it to the final 10.The Philippines’ Catriona Gray, who presented Tunzi with the crown, took home the Miss Universe crown in 2018.Although she did not make the finals, Miss Myanmar Swe Zin Htet made waves last week when she came out as the competition’s first openly gay contestant.“I have that platform that, if I say that I’m a lesbian, it will have a big impact on the LGBTQ community back in Burma,” Htet told People magazine, using her country’s historic name.Homosexuality is illegal in the southeast Asian country and is punishable by up to life in prison.In 2018, the competition also featured Miss Spain Angela Ponce, who blazed a trail as Miss Universe’s first transgender contestant.But the pageant has had a controversial past. Multiple contestants have alleged that US President Donald Trump would regularly enter the competitors’ changing room while he owned the organization from 1996-2015.Additionally, Miss Universe continues to host the swimsuit competition, which has drawn criticism for objectifying the contestants, although that part of the pageant was not televised.-Agencies",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=59533,14,,Women,News +101,"Minister of Primary Industries and Social Empowerment Daya Gamage today recorded his statement with the Presidential Commission of Inquiry over the probes into the alleged loss incurred to the government during the paddy storage at the Mattala International Airport.Minister Gamage today (18) arrived at the Presidential Commission of Inquiry probing the serious acts of fraud, corruption, and abuse of power, state resources, and privileges from 2015 to 2018.Responding to the questions raised by the media persons after recording his statement with the Commission, the Minister said the prices of local paddy went down in 2015 as then-government had largely imported paddy by the end of 2014.Owing to this situation, the incumbent government had to purchase paddy from local farmers as private buyers did not come forward to purchase the paddy stocks and these were later stored at the Mattala International Airport, he added.This decision was taken by the committee appointed to look into the issue concerning paddy purchase, the Minister said stressing that there had been no need to damage the paddy storage at the Airport.Meanwhile, the former Chairman of the Paddy Marketing Board (PMB) Mr. M. Bandara recently told the Presidential Commission of Inquiry that storing paddy at the Mattala International Airport was discussed with the relevant authorities as there had been limited facilities to store paddy back in 2015.However, the authorities of the Airport had strictly rejected the idea, Mr. Bandara further told the Commission.He also stated that this was discussed at length with Minister Daya Gamage and as a decision was taken at the time to store paddy at the Airport due to the promises given during election campaigns, nearly 4000 metric tonnes of paddy was stored at the Airport.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58447,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +102,"Five suspects including Deputy Minister of Social Empowerment Palitha Thewarapperuma have been remanded until 16th of September for forcibly burying a body at an unauthorized land.The order was delivered by Matugama Magistrate Neetha Hemamali Halpandeniya when the deputy minister and other suspects were produced before the court today (10).The suspects had reportedly violated a court order and forcibly buried a dead body in the cemetery at Troit Estate in Nebada, Matugama.On the 19th of August, the owner of the said land had lodged a complaint with the Thebuwana Police against the burial of a deceased person’s remains at the estate premises.The police then obtained an injunction order from the Matugama Magistrate’s Court based on the land owner’s complaint. However, the social empowerment deputy and the four suspects had violated the court order.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=57637,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +103,"Minister of Social Empowerment P. Harrison said that some are trying to disrupt the unity between the President and the Prime Minister.He stated this joining a meeting held in Anuradhapura.Certain people cannot bear it when the two parties work together to develop the country equally throughout, stated the Minister.The aim of 16 SLFP MPs who left was to vote against the PM at the no-confidence motion and push away UNP to attain their own goals; however it was not successful, he further said.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=48266,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +105,"Minister of Social Empowerment, Welfare and Kandyan Heritage S.B. Dissanayake says that no one can stop SAITM from awarding medical degrees and that the decision of registering the graduates of the private medical college rests solely with the Health Minster.“SAITM has been legalized. Nobody can stop SAITM from awarding medical degrees,” he said, responding to questions from journalists while attending the national commemoration ceremony held today (25) to mark International White Cane Safety Day.“Registering the students who obtained that medical degree is something that can be done based on the unilateral decision of the minister.” However, he stated that the government is still trying to peacefully resolve this issue in a democratic manner.“If I was the Health Minister, they would have already been registered and even already working, because that authority is vested with the minister.”But Minister of Health Dr Rajitha Senaratne is attempting to resolve this problem in a much for peaceful manner while it’s the same with the President and the Prime Minister, he said. “This problem has to end by them being accepted as doctors.” Asked about doctors threatening to strike again over the issue, Dissanayake stated that if doctors strike for 3 days or more the people will take care of them, their families and their homes. “Tell them to strike for 3-4 days and see what will happen.”On the demands to shut down the private medical college, he said that it was not opened for the purpose of closing it down again.“It was I who gazetted and gave it (SAITM) the authority to award degrees.” The former Higher Education Minister said that he was prepared to allow a few more universities including a British University and an Indian university to award medical degrees but due this SAITM issue they got a bit delayed.“If not I would have brought 3 or 4 medical universities. The country needs that,” he added.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43791,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +106,"Minister of Social Empowerment, Welfare and Kandyan Heritage S. B. Dissanayake stated that a draft bill has been submitted to the cabinet to grant legal recognition for Sign Language to be accepted as a language in Sri Lanka.It has been reported that there are 389,677 persons in Sri Lanka who use Sign Language to communicate. The National Policy on Disability for Sri Lanka acknowledges Sign Language as the communicative language for all individuals suffering from a severe loss of hearing or deafness.The establishment of Sign Language legally will enable deaf children of Sri Lanka to have the Right to an equal education. The Minister stated that the government will take steps to ensure all deaf children will be provided the means to an equal education. It was also mentioned that these acts will be conducted to bolster the confidence of the deaf community within the country and provide them with better opportunities.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43003,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +107,"The hearing of two cases against Social Empowerment, Welfare and Kandyan Heritage Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake were postponed today. (13)The cases alleged that the Deputy Minister vehemently insulted the reputation of the judiciary and lawyers at a press conference held on August 21.The complaints were taken up for hearing before the Bench of judges comprising Eva Wanasundara and Vijith Ratmalgoda today, the Ada Derana court reporter said.Ven. Magalkande Sudantha Thera of Bodu Bala Sena Organization (BBS) on August 23,made a complaint to Supreme Court on seeking a contempt of court action against Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake for allegedly making an insulting attack on the reputation of the judiciary and lawyers at a press conference held on August 21.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43002,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +108,"In honour of International Day for Older Persons which falls on October 01 every year, the Ministry of Social Empowerment, Welfare and Kandyan Heritage has decided to present awards to recognize senior citizens who have shown exemplary performance in their relevant fields.Minister S. B. Dissanayake accordingly announced that the awards would be handed out at this year’s International Day for Older Persons celebrations which will be organized by the National Secretariat for Elders (NSE).The Ministry also stated that the awards would be presented to those representing the sectors of music, dance, cinema, health, state administration, drama, literature, journalism, sports and social service.The Ministry has also notified that information about senior citizens over the age of 60 who have rendered a notable service at national or international levels may be provided to the NSE.Contact details of the NSE are as follows:Telephone number: 011 3 094 543Fax: 011 2 187 015",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=42294,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +109,"The Minister of Social Empowerment, Welfare & Kandyan Heritage, S. B. Dissanayake stated that a 24 hour hotline had been introduced for the elderly, enabling them to report any hardships and problems to the National Secretariat for Elders.The awareness programme for the new venture was initiated with the leadership of Minister of Social Empowerment, Welfare and Kandyan Heritage, S. B. Dissanayake, at the Colombo-Central bus stand today (15).The Minister who took part in the pasting of awareness stickers on buses also stated that a society respectful of their elders must be created within the country.Accordingly, to provide information on grievances faced by the elderly, contact the National Secretariat for Elders through the new hotline at: 118",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=41335,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +110,"Minister of Social Empowerment and Welfare S.B. Dissanayake says that if the Sri Lanka’s two major political parties join together for the long-term governance of the country, it would be harmful to the country’s democracy.He stated that such long-term governance would prompt the people to find alternatives and that most of the time those alternatives are armed movements or the rise of extremist, racist or tribalist groups.Speaking to reporters in Kandy today (6), the minister dubbed the claims of the Joint Opposition that they would march to the Presidential Palace and surround it as ridiculous and said it would prove difficult for them to even find the people necessary for such a protest march.However, Dissanayake said, that their clash with the Joint Opposition is a “friendly” one and that around 90% of them believe that the rural voter base is with former President Mahinda Rajapaksa.He said that although that was confirmed at the last general election, that voter base is now being attacked.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=40035,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +111,"The Prime Minister says the Government seeks to create the kind of setting that acknowledges gender equality and ensures protection, recognition and economic empowerment for all women.He made the observation issuing a statement in view of the International Women’s Day.Full statement -In recognition of the tremendous contribution made by women towards the social wellbeing and the advancement of humanity, I believe we have a collective responsibility to ensure that they are assured of protection, appreciation and honour in every aspect.As a society, we need to recognize the importance of gender empowerment and participation within the greater social context for us to create and sustain the kind of environment that encourages and empowers women to play a greater role in it.I note with pride that the International Women’s Day is celebrated by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs under a theme of “Empowering Women for a Sustainable Future”, signifying the commitment of the Government towards empowering all women in Sri Lanka socially and economically.We seek to create the kind of setting that acknowledges gender equality and ensures protection, recognition and economic empowerment for all women.I take this opportunity to wish every Sri Lankan woman on this International Women’s Day that she will truly be able to actively play a significant role in participating in the country’s drive forward to prosperity.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=34471,34,,Women,News +112,"Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa today issued a statement in response to the allegations leveled against him by the Deputy Minister of Social Empowerment and Welfare, Ranjan Ramanayake, regarding a luxury cubicle worth four million US Dollars to be fixed inside an aircraft.The following release was issued with the signature of Sheron Samaranayake, on behalf of Rohan Welivita, the Media Secretary to the former President.Full Release:Parliamentarian Ranjan Ramanayake said at a press conference yesterday that former president Mahinda Rajapaksa had ordered a luxury cubicle worth four million US Dollars to be fixed onto aircraft used by him and that because of the agreement that has been signed, President Sirisena is unable to reverse the order. Mr. Ramanayake further stated that it was because of such abuse of power that former president Rajapaksa has had to face various commissions of inquiry today. During the last presidential election campaign, President Rajapaksa was falsely accused of having ordered a private plane for himself. Now they say fairly truthfully, that this was only a kit to convert a part of an ordinary airliner into a luxury cubicle. These are VIP conversion kits which can be installed after removing several seats in commercial airliners and are supplied free as a complimentary accessory when new commercial passenger planes are ordered. Airbus Industries mentions a value for this conversion kit only to give the customer an idea of the value of the complimentary kit. The customer can’t ask for the money instead of the complimentary accessory.Though Mr. Ramanayake said in his press conference that the President of the USA and the Sultan of Brunei also used similar units on their planes, that is not true. The American President travels in an official plane and the Sultan of Brunei has many private planes. They don’t travel on commercial airlines fitted with conversion kits.It is not correct to say that the government cannot reverse the order for this VIP kit. Any customer can turn down the offer of a complimentary accessory if he does not need it. It seems to be that the present leaders now wish to avail themselves of the comfort of this VIP kit for their foreign travels and are trying to make excuses for accepting it by saying that the agreement prevented them from turning it down. All those who value yahapalanaya principles should ensure that the government flatly refuses to accept this complimentary VIP conversion kit and even if it is sent to Sri Lanka with the new planes, it should be returned to Airbus Industries forthwith.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=34338,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +113,"U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Catherine Russell departed Sri Lanka today after her two-day visit to underscore the strong U.S. commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment in Sri Lanka. In meetings with senior government officials, civil society activists, religious leaders, entrepreneurs, and journalists in Colombo and Jaffna, she emphasized the important roles women play in reconciliation, building the economy, and addressing gender-based violence.“The United States believes it’s in everyone’s best interest to advance gender equality,” said Ambassador Russell. “When women do better, communities, businesses, and countries do better as well.”Ambassador Russell highlighted existing U.S. assistance to war widows and women-headed households, from job training and micro-enterprise loans to reconciliation efforts and counseling programs. She also met with Sri Lankan partners providing safe houses and legal assistance to victims of gender violence.“Women in the North and East affected by the conflict can’t be left behind,” stressed Ambassador Russell. “It is important for these women to know that both the United States and Sri Lanka haven’t forgotten them.”Ambassador Russell was joined by U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka Atul Keshap in meetings with Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Women and Children’s Affairs Chandrani Bandara, Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran of the Northern Provincial Council and Northern Governor H.M.G.S. Palihakkara.“We are proud of our partnerships with local civil society to advocate for gender equality and the empowerment of women across the country, from Jaffna to Galle, Anuradhapura to Batticaloa,” added Ambassador Keshap.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32873,27,,Women,News +115,"The UNP Working Committee has decided to strengthen itselectorates and empower its grassroots, UNP Deputy Leader Sajith Premadasa saidtoday. To enable such empowerment the Working Committee decided to appoint newgroup of organizers. Other appointment will be made in future, Premadasa added. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=16862,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +116,"In keeping with the growingmobile boom in Asia, the Digital Empowerment Foundation along with the ITministries of India and Sri Lanka hosted the first ever South Asian MobileContent awards in New Delhi on the 23rd of July 2010.The jury for the awards tookplace in Colombo and they spent three days going through 165 nominations fromacross South Asia. Participating countries included Afghanistan, Bangladesh,Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Awards were given to mobileapplications and services in 10 categories: m-governance, m-inclusion, m-newsand journalism, m-education, m-entertainment, m-tourism, m-business, m-health,m-environment and m-heritage. The awards were announced at a day-long seminarand evening ceremony drawing over 400 attendees.GTS (http://gtslk.com) was ableto bag the award in the m-entertainment category for their revolutionarySinhala mobile game Colombo Ride 2.0 (http://games.lk) which was released onIndependence day (4th February) in 2009.Speaking upon receiving the award,Mr Gihan Fernando, Managing Director, Gamos Technology Solutions (GTS) said, Itis a great honour in winning at the South Asian awards. We are thrilled to hearthat our hard work has paid off and our game has received deserved recognition.Being selected a winner from amongst other competitive countries (such asIndia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives and Sri Lanka) clearly highlights the pioneeringeffects that we undertook to create such a creative game for the masses. I amvery grateful to our dedicated team that worked on Colombo Ride 2.0 and mustgive out a big thanks to Godage Book Emporium, Ceylon Biscuits Limited(Munchee), HNB Assurance and a number of other companies who backed us withsponsorship deals to make this game a reality. Receiving the award has beentimely as we look forward to launching our next version of the brand ColomboRide and this time it will come in 3D. With many new features included in the3D version, it is sure to attract the attention of many more awards to come.The new game is scheduled to be launched on 10th October (10-10-10),he added.About the game - Colombo Ride2.0 a Sinhala multiplayer mobile game, launched in 2009 revolves around a taxidriver who must find passengers to make a living. The environment depicted inthe game is an identical map of Colombo. It enables enterprises in and aroundColombo to place their advertisements inside the game. It is an innovative wayof educating those who are unaware of the roads and locations in Colombo.During the event, many importantdignitaries were present and shared their insights into the importance ofmobile devices and applications. The next killer applications formobiles may come not from a corporate giant but a garage developer, predictedReshan Dewapura, COO of Sri Lankas ICT Agency (ICTA). ICTs will be a keydriver of economies in our region, he added.Madanmohan Rao, Editor, TheAsia-Pacific Internet Handbook says Mobile phones across the world aresurpassing penetration of other media. Worldwide penetration of mobile phonesis estimated at 5 billion, as compared to cars (800 million), TV (1.5 billion),credit cards (1.4 billion), PCs (850 million), and Internet (1.1 billion).There are 400 million m-commerce users worldwide. In 2009 there were 850million m-payment transactions.People in South Asia are hungryfor good content. Mobiles can fill in this gap, observed Peter Bruck, Chairmanof World Summit Awards Mobile (www.wsa-mobile.org).The need of the hour issocionomics economic activity with social inclusion, summed up VishwanathReddy, fonder of IMImobile. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=9141,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +117,"The General Assembly today voted unanimously to create a new body for accelerating gender equality and womensempowerment, crowning four-years of tough negotiations to streamline and raise the profile of the United Nations activities topromote the rights of women and girls.Diplomats erupted in rousing applause as the Assembly adopted a consensus resolution on system-wide coherence that wouldplace four existing United Nations bodies dealing with gender issues under a single umbrella; it will be known as UN Women. The resolution calls for the appointment of an Under-Secretary-General to head up the new body, and the establishment of anexecutive board to provide intergovernmental support to and supervision of its operational activities.Praising Member States for creating a much stronger voice for women and for gender equality at the global level, United NationsSecretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the move historic, and declared: It will now be much more difficult for the world toignore the challenges facing women and girls or to fail to take the necessary action.Mr. Ban immediately named Deputy Secretary-General, Asha-Rose Migiro, to guide the transition process that would entail thedissolution of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and the International Research and TrainingInstitute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), and merge their mandates and functions with those of the Division forthe Advancement of Women and the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, to createthe new body, which would be operational by 1 January 2011.The Assembly makes clear in the resolution that the Beijing Platform for Action, adopted by the 1995 Fourth World Conferenceon Women, is the framework for the new bodys work.That landmark action plan calls for Governments to end discriminationagainst women and close the gender gap in 12 critical areas including education, employment, political participation and humanrights. Further to todays text, the policy-oriented activities of UN Women would be funded by the Organizations regularbudget, and its programmes and field operations would be funded by voluntary contributions.Acknowledging that the resolution would always be strongly associated with the establishment of UN Women, the Secretary-General stressed that the Assembly had also adopted today many important decisions in other areas of the system-widecoherence process. In the area of funding, Member States had agreed to introduce a new approach to determining the criticalmass of core funding for funds and programmes.Continuing, he said that Member States had also realized that the voice of programme countries was not always heard ingoverning bodies, by requesting those bodies to identify how to strengthen the participation of national policymakers in meetingsof the Executive Boards of funds and programmes and the operational activities segment of the Economic and Social Council. Such measures will enable programme countries, particularly the least developed, to participate in governing bodies on a moreequal basis, he added.Assembly President Ali Abdussalam Treki said the resolution illustrated the dedication and joint efforts of Member States andthe Secretariat to move forward together, with a stronger, more efficient United Nations. Our Organizations shortcomings arewell known: fragmented, costly and, at times, duplicative operational activities, he said, adding that improving the world bodyscoherence and effectiveness was vital to ensuring that it remained at the heart of the global multilateral system.Today is an important day, he continued, saying that the resolution seeks to institutionalize our joint efforts to empower one ofthe worlds greatest assets: women. UN Women would be both a normative body and an operational one, acting as asecretariat and carrying out operational activities, such as guidance and technical support, at the country level. Importantly, theresolution also charged UN Women with an additional mandate; that of coordinating the United Nations systems activities ongender issues, including gender mainstreaming.Delegations taking the floor after the adoption of the resolution hailed the creation of UN Women as historic, saying the newbody would put women at the forefront of the international agenda and provide support for countries to strengthen nationalcapacities towards womens advancement. They also praised the Assembly Presidents leadership, as well as the hard work ofhis co-facilitators, Tiina Intelmann (Estonia) and Ghazi Jomaa (Tunisia).Speaking on behalf of the Joint Coordination Committee of the Group of 77 developing countries and China and the Non-Aligned Movement, Moushira Khattab, Minister of State for Family and Population of Egypt, underscored that dissolving thetwo entities UNIFEM and INSTRAW and transferring their mandates and functions to the new entity should not forfeitthe expertise of current staff.She said that the Joint Committee looked forward to a smooth transition, without programme interruption or staff suffering fromthe change. After all, UNIFEM, the Division for the Advancement of Women, INSTRAW and the Office of the SpecialAdviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women were the building blocks of UN Women and should be seen as assetsduring the transition period and when the new body became operational in January.Highlighting other aspects of the resolution, the representative of the Russian Federation praised important measures aimed atavoiding duplication and said he was satisfied with the balanced, agreed wording regarding financing, harmonization and othersubjects. He noted that the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) must preserve its formalstatus, and he welcomed the Delivering as One pilot projects. Success depended on the reliability of assessment bodies,and the Russian Federation was ready to participate actively. Still, the text was presently no more than just a document; itseffective implementation would the responsibility of Member States, he said.The Minister of State for External Affairs of India also delivered a statement, as did the representatives of Belgium (speaking onbehalf of the European Union), Australia (speaking also on behalf of Canada and New Zealand), Estonia, Tunisia, United States,Rwanda, Republic of Korea, Cuba, Colombia, Botswana, United Republic of Tanzania, Dominican Republic, Japan, Chile,Mexico, Norway and South Africa.The General Assembly will reconvene at a date and time to be announced. - (United Nationa general Assembly) ",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=8809,35,,Women,News +118,"Highest priority is given to fostering inclusiveness and removing remnants of bitterness from the hearts of our people, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said addressing the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly at New York today (September 23). As important as economic development is we have attached the highest priority for fostering a spirit of inclusivity and removing any remnants of bitterness from the hearts and minds of our people. he said. He also stressed that contrary to malicious propaganda, the armed forces are today engaged in the development of infrastructure in the Northern Province, which was destroyed by the terrorists. The numbers of the armed forces present in the Northern Province is at a minimal level, President Rajapaksa stated in his speech, which commenced at around 8.30pm Sri Lankan time today. Text of full speech:Mr. President of the Sixty Sixth Session of the GeneralAssembly, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,It is with great pleasure that I congratulate YourExcellency Nassir Abdul Aziz Al-Nasser on your assumption of the Presidency. Imust also congratulate His Excellency Ban-ki-Moon warmly on his re-election asSecretary-General and we look forward to working with him constructively.As we gather here today, it is appropriate to reflect on thevalues and ideals which inspire the United Nations system. One of the principalattributes is the spirit of flexibility which has always been a feature of theUnited Nations. We must acknowledge the need for that spirit of openness andadaptability today, more than at any other time. This is because thefoundations of the world order, are being transformed dramatically andfundamentally. At the heart of these changes is the need to protect smallercountries in the developing world and to advance their interests vigorously.In the midst of uncertainty there are some things which mustremain constant. These reflect ouresteemed beliefs and convictions. Despite repeated references in this Assemblyby many member countries on the right of the Palestinian people to a State oftheir own within secure borders, we still have not been able to make it areality. It is a matter for profound disappointment that this has notyet happened. There is a window of opportunity now and we must make use of itbefore it is too late. It is time for decisive action rather than morediscussion. This will be in the interest of the security and the well being ofthe entire region including Israel. The need for sustained support for countries of the AfricanContinent at this critical time is also worthy of mention. It is important to remind ourselves that every countrycherishes the values and traditions, and deeply held religious convictions ithas nurtured over the centuries. Thesecannot be diluted or distorted under the guise of human rights, by theimposition of attitudes or approaches which are characteristics of aliencultures.If this were done, it would amount to a violation of humanrights in a fundamental sense. It must also be pointed out that even wheresanctions are imposed, extreme care has to be taken to ensure that the peopleat large, men, women and children yet to be born, are not harmed by suchaction. I would also express, once again, my solidarity with the people of Cubaand I wish them all success.Mr. President, Excellencies,Whilst clash of ideas, opinions and values continues we haveclearly to recognize that dialogue, deliberation and consensus offer the onlyviable means for resolving differences. The might of powerful nations cannotprevail against justice and fair play.In the troubled times in which we live, we can deriveguidance from the wise words of Gautama the Buddha who advised the LichchaviPrinces, whose energies were being consumed by bitter disputes among them, thatthe way forward consists of meeting, discussing and departing in an atmosphereof amity and goodwill. This represents the essential spirit of the UnitedNations, particularly relevant today.The most significant challenge to stability and progress inthe modern world is posed by the menace of terrorism. Recent experience theworld over amply demonstrates that inconsistent standards and discriminatingapproaches can unintentionally give a fresh lease of life to the forces ofterror. An explicit and uniform response which refuses to recognize politicalshades of terrorism, is necessarily required.Terrorism presents a threat from which not even thewealthiest and most powerful of nations are immune. It must be remembered, aswell, that terrorist groups frequently operate under the guise of front organizations. Conferring legitimacy on these has theinevitable effect of providing comfort and encouragement to the merchants ofterror. As the leader of a nation which has paid a heavy price dueto terrorism over a quarter of a century, I would underline that we must firmlyresolve to rid the world of terrorism. We need to have solid practical actionon the ground, and send out our collective message on this issue loud and clearuniversally.Mr. President, Excellencies,The interest of the developing world needs to be protectedin another significant respect. It is vitally important to insist that thestructures and procedures of multilateral organizations are uniform andconsistent and devoid of discrimination.My country has reason for concern with approaches tainted byan unacceptable degree of selectivity, which we have brought to the notice ofthe organizations in question in recent weeks. The developing world must keep avigil against these irregular modalities which should be resisted through ourcollective strength.After three decades of pain and anguish, today, Sri Lankansof all ethnicities, living in all parts of Sri Lanka, are free from LTTE terrorand no longer live in a state of fear.However, I am deeply mindful that the battle for peace isevery bit as important and difficult as the struggle against terror. After theeradication of terrorism, my government has turned its undivided attention tobuilding anew, the foundations of a unified and vibrant nation and drawing uponthe inherent strengths of our country and in particular, the unique caliber ofour human potential. It is justifiable for us to be proud of our nationsachievements during the brief span of thirty months which have elapsed sincethe beginning of the post-conflict phase. The resettlement of more than 95% ofinternally displaced persons, who constituted the largest number of civiliansforcibly held by a terrorist group at any time, while continuing even today toclear the mines laid by terrorists in extensive areas is a proudachievement. Today, in the Northern province, the Armed Forces areengaged in development of the infrastructure which were destroyed by theterrorists during a period of three decades. Contrary to malicious propaganda,the numbers of the Armed forces present in the Northern province is at aminimal level. Revival of the economy has enhanced incomes and improvedlivelihoods, ex-combatants and other cadres after exposure to programmes ofvocational training and counseling have been re-integrated into society,electoral process has been restored after decades making possible the emergenceof a democratic leadership. These are among our valued accomplishments.The remarkable growth of 22% of the economy of the NorthernProvince is a clear indication of the success achieved by the governmentsinitiatives with regard to development in that part of the country. The GDPgrowth of the country has been consistent at 8 percent, unemployment at arecord low of 4.5 percent and it is also worthy of mention that in theassessment by the World Economic Forum in its Global Competitiveness Report for2011 - 2012 Sri Lanka shows dramatic improvement, moving up to 52nd from 79thrank over a span of two years.It is worthy of note that all these developments have takenplace within the brief space of 30 months an achievement all the more significantbecause of our strong emphasis on reconciliation. Important as economicdevelopment is, we have attached the highest priority to fostering the spiritof inclusivity and removing any remnants of bitterness from the hearts andminds of all our people.Over the last thirty months, we have recruited 669 Tamilpolice officers bringing the total number of Tamil officers to 1143 while plansare afoot to recruit more this year and in the future. After more than two decades, a census is being conducted inthe Northern province as a part of the national census, to provide a firm basisfor our initiatives. As a result of these achievements what we see in Sri Lankatoday is a self-reliant nation, with robust hope for the future, and a strongeconomy, strengthened by inward investment flows, unprecedented expansion oftourism and significant growth of volumes of international trade.Towards consolidation of these trends, leaving behind us,the trauma of the past, we ask of the international community the hand offriendship and goodwill, based on understanding of our nations determinationto confront with courage the challenge of a new era in our history.We ask our friends in distant lands to drop pre-conceivednotions. We strongly believe in home-grown solutions for them to besustainable. It is clearly impractical to conceive of universal remedies forproblems which afflict our societies.My country, as it comes out of the darkness of the lastthree decades into the light and promise of the future, must be afforded thetime and space to seek its destiny in accordance with the wishes of its people.It is in keeping with the values enshrined in the Charter of the United Nationsand the whole body of international law which governs us. A further consideration that the international communityshould take into account is the vulnerability of developing nations and makeprovision, by means of appropriate institutional arrangements, for theirprotection.As I observed when inaugurating the fiftieth anniversarymeeting of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee in Colombo threemonths ago, dumping of commercial and industrial goods manufactured indeveloped countries imperils the economies of many Asian and African countriesrepresented here.Mr. President, Excellencies,In conclusion, let me say that the use of substantialsubsidies by Treasuries and Reserve Banks to support agricultural production inthe developed world, and other forms of protectionism, cause serious distortionof the interplay of market forces, and reduce to a great extent the ability offarmers in many developing countries to access international markets for theirexport products on an equitable basis. The disproportionate pollution of the environment byindustrialized countries, and the resultant impact on global warming andclimate change, cannot be remedied with any semblance of justice by imposingharsh restraints on developing countries which have contributed very little toaggravation of the problem. These circumstances heighten the importance ofsocial equity at the international level.May the Noble Triple Gem bless you all! Theruwan Saranai! ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=15132,27,,Other Ethnic groups,News +119,"Police have obtained detention orders on the eight individuals who were arrested over their alleged involvement with the notorious underworld figure Nadun Chinthaka Wickramaratne alias ââ��¬Å“Harak Kata”.Accordingly, the Colombo Magistrate’s Court has ordered the arrested suspected to be detained until 19 January 2024 for further investigations, Ada Derana reported said.The Colombo Crimes Division (CCD) arrested 08 persons suspected to have links with the criminal figure in the Weligama and Athurugiriya areas last evening (12).Police said the suspects were arrested on suspicion of being involved with the ill-famed criminal figure who is currently detained by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).“Harak Kata” was arrested in Madagascar along with his infamous accomplice Salindu Malshika alias “Kudu Salindu” on March 01, 2023, in a joint operation by the INTERPOL and Malagasy law enforcement authorities and Customs officials and was subsequently repatriated to Sri Lanka.“Harak Kata” had been wanted by Sri Lanka Police for his involvement in multiple murders and robberies as well as transnational drug trafficking.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=96376,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +120,"Six individuals have been arrested over their alleged involvement with the notorious underworld figure Nadun Chinthaka Wickramaratne alias “Harak Kata”.The arrest was made by the Colombo Crimes Division (CCD) in Weligama and Athurugiriya areas on Friday evening (Jan.13). They were identified as residents of Weligama, Dikwella and Athurugiriya areas, aged 24, 27, 32, 38, 39 and 43 years.Police said the suspects were arrested on suspicion of being involved with the ill-famed criminal figure who is currently detained by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA).“Harak Kata” was arrested in Madagascar along with his infamous accomplice Salindu Malshika alias “Kudu Salindu” on March 01, 2023, in a joint operation by the INTERPOL and Malagasy law enforcement authorities and Customs officials.The duo was brought back to the island after Malagasy defence officials informed the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry on March 08, 2023, of the arrest of eight suspects including the two Sri Lankan underworld figures.“Harak Kata” had been wanted by Sri Lanka Police for his involvement in multiple murders and robberies as well as transnational drug trafficking.Meanwhile, in September 2023, “Harak Kata” attempted a failed escape bid at the CID premises with the help of several police officers. One such Constable remains at large after fleeing the CID premises and now the police have offered a cash reward of Rs. 2.5 million for a tip-off about the said officer named Munipalage Ravindu Sandeepa Gunasekara.Meanwhile, another Constable was arrested on September 30 on suspicion of his involvement in notorious underworld figure “Harak Kata’s” escape bid.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=96365,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +121,"The former Sri Lanka Army sniper, who was arrested over his suspected involvement in the plot to help notorious underworld figure “Harak Kata” to escape from the custody of the CID, has been remanded until December 20.The accused was produced before Colombo Magistrate Thilina Gamage today (Dec.12).The 33-year-old suspect, a former Commando Sniper, was arrested in November by officers of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) in Godagama in Matara, and was handed over to the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) for further investigations.On September 10, Nadun Chinthaka, alias “Harak Kata”, who was being interrogated by eight CID officers, had reportedly laced the officers’ teas with poison during his questioning, with the help of a Police Constable, who is still evading arrest.The police officer in question, named Munipalage Ravindu Sandeepa Gunasekara, remains at large since September 10.During the questioning, “Harak Kata” had allegedly requested to go to the washroom and was escorted out of the interrogation room with his accomplice – the police constable, and another sub-inspector attached to the Police Special Task Force (STF), assigned for the suspect’s protection.Although his handcuffs were removed at that point, the underworld kingpin had then walked out of the washroom acting as if he was still cuffed and had then attempted to snatch the STF officer’s firearm leading to a scuffle.A group of other CID officers were quick to arrive at the scene, upon hearing the commotion and managed to detain “Harak Kata” in their custody.Amidst the altercation, the constable in question had reportedly fled the CID premises and remains in hiding to date while certain reports have claimed that he is presumed to have fled the country.On 18 September, the mother and brother-in-law of the police constable in question were arrested. The police also obtained a 90-day detention order to interrogate them.Meanwhile, another Constable was arrested on 30 September on suspicion of his involvement in notorious underworld figure “Harak Kata’s” escape bid.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=95586,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +122,"A former Sri Lanka Army sniper has been arrested by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), over his suspected involvement in the plot to help notorious underworld figure ‘Harak Kata’ to escape from the custody of the CID.The 33-year-old suspect, a former Commando Sniper, was arrested by officers of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) at Godagama in Matara, and has been handed over to the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) for further investigations.On 10 September, Nadun Chinthaka, alias ‘Harak Kata’, who was being interrogated by eight CID officers, had reportedly laced the officers’ teas with poison during his questioning, with the help of a Police Constable, who is still evading arrest.The police officer in question, named Munipalage Ravindu Sandeepa Gunasekara, remains at large since 10 September.During the questioning, ‘Harak Kata’ had allegedly requested to go to the washroom and was escorted out of the interrogation room with his accomplice – the police constable, and another sub-inspector attached to the Police Special Task Force (STF), assigned for the suspect’s protection.Although his handcuffs were removed at that point, the underworld kingpin had then walked out of the washroom acting as if he was still cuffed and had then attempted to snatch the STF officer’s firearm leading to a scuffle.A group of other CID officers were quick to arrive at the scene, upon hearing the commotion and managed to detain ‘Harak Kata’ in their custody.Amidst the altercation, the constable in question had reportedly fled the CID premises and remains in hiding to date while certain reports have claimed that he is presumed to have fled the country.On 18 September, the mother and brother-in-law of the police constable in question were arrested. The police also obtained a 90-day detention order to interrogate them.Meanwhile, another Constable was arrested on 30 September on suspicion of his involvement in notorious underworld figure Harak Kata’s escape bid.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=95071,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +123,"The Colombo Additional Magistrate Harshana Kekunawela has ordered to further remand the four police officers attached to Welikada Police, who were arrested over their alleged involvement in the custodial death of housemaid R. Rajakumari.41-year-old R. Rajakumari, a resident of Badulla, was arrested on 11 May based on a complaint made by her employer, famed producer Sudharma Nethicumara, claiming that the former had stolen gold jewellery belonging to her.She had later died while in the custody of the Welikada Police. However, her relatives raised suspicions, alleging that she had been subjected to assault.On 25 August, the Colombo Additional Magistrate Harshana Kekunawala ordered the CID to arrest the suspects linked to the housemaid’s death.The verdict was delivered after careful examination of evidence and the findings in the post-mortem report submitted by the Judicial Medical Officer. Accordingly, the cause of death was ruled as hemorrhagic shock caused by damage to the deceased’s muscles after being attacked with a blunt weapon or similar force.Accordingly, the four police officers including a Sub-Inspector who was working as the Acting OIC of Welikada Police Station at the time of the incident, were ordered to be further remanded in custody until October 16, 2023, when the relevant case was taken up today (02).",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=93784,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +124,"A woman was recently arrested in the Thambuththegama area over her alleged involvement in a human trafficking racket operating between Sri Lanka and Dubai.The arrest was made by the Human Trafficking, Smuggling and Maritime Crime Investigation Division of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), after an investigation was launched into the matter, under the direction of the Director of the division.Investigations have revealed that the suspect had sent a retired female Army soldier on a tourist visa to Dubai in June 2022, and had later attempted to involve her in the prostitution industry in Dubai.The retired Army soldier, identified as a resident of Anuradhapura, had reportedly been sent to a brothel twice while in Dubai, from where she had run away, and demanded that the relevant ‘employment’ agency send her back to Sri Lanka.Once having arrived in Sri Lanka after paying an additional Rs. 400,000, apart from the initial Rs. 500,000 spent to go to Dubai, the victimised woman had informed the Inspector General of Police (IGP) of the matter through the Army Commander, after which investigations into the matter were launched.The female suspect was arrested in Thambuththegama, while further investigations are underway to arrest her accomplice in Dubai, police assured.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=93515,6,,Women,News +125,"The four police personnel arrested over their alleged involvement in the custodial death of R. Rajakumari, a housemaid, have been further remanded until 18 September, on orders of the Colombo Magistrate’s Court.The relevant order was issued by Colombo Additional Magistrate Harsha Kekunawala when the case was brought before the court this morning (11 Sep.).Three of the four suspects, two Police Sergeants and a Constable, were scheduled to be referred to an identification parade today, however this was postponed by a week after the accused raised an objection in this regard.Meanwhile, appearing on behalf of the aggrieved party, Attorney-at-Law Senaka Perera informed the court that as per information received by him, the OIC of the Welikada Police Station, who was transferred from his post following Rajakumari’s death, was reinstated as the Welikada OIC once again.The lawyer raised concerns in this regard, highlighting the fact that this could potentially hinder the ongoing investigations into the housemaid’s death.Colombo Additional Magistrate Harsha Kekunawala did not, however, issue an order in this regard.41-year-old R. Rajakumari, a resident of Badulla, was arrested on 11 May based on a complaint made by her employer, famed producer Sudharma Nethicumara, claiming that the former had stolen gold jewellery belonging to her.She had later died while in the custody of the Welikada Police. Her relatives raised suspicions, alleging that she had been subjected to assault.On 25 August, the Colombo Additional Magistrate Harshana Kekunawala ordered the CID to arrest the suspects linked to the housemaid’s death.The verdict was delivered after careful examination of evidence and the findings in the post-mortem report submitted by the Judicial Medical Officer. Accordingly, the cause of death was ruled as hemorrhagic shock caused by damage to the deceased’s muscles after being attacked with a blunt weapon or similar force.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=93292,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +126,"The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) has warned that any involvement in pyramid schemes will be deemed a punishable offence.Issuing a newspaper advertisement in this regard, CBSL warned the public that it is illegal to be involved, either directly or indirectly, in pyramid schemes, as such operations are prohibited in Sri Lanka.Thus, they alerted the public to remain vigilant of such schemes.Meanwhile, CBSL’s Resolution and Enforcement Department has commenced a probe into the ‘MTFE Group Sri Lanka’ trading platform.Accordingly, the CBSL reported that as per the facts uncovered thus far, it is indicative that the trading platform operates in line with the system of pyramid schemes, which are prohibited in Sri Lanka.The Metaverse Foreign Exchange (MTFE) Group, albeit being marked as a trading platform for forex, commodities, stocks and cryptocurrency, has been surrounded by much controversy over its rather dubious presence.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=92604,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +127,"The police have arrested five individuals including a woman for their involvement in the breaking and entering incident at the Indian visa application centre IVS Pvt. Ltd in Colombo last week.Several stolen items including a laptop, a mobile phone, a tablet PC and a digital video recorder (DVR) were reportedly recovered from the possession of the suspects.According to the Bambalapitiya Police, the stolen laptop belongs to the chief local agent of the visa application centre.The female suspect was revealed to be a member of the cleaning staff of the visa application centre. Her paramour is also among the arrestees.In the early hours of last Wednesday (Feb 15), a group of three who arrived in a three-wheeler had made off with the stolen valuables after sneaking into the building.Parts of the DVR were found discarded near a canal in Kirulapone.The suspects had stolen the aforementioned items after their attempt to steal money from the visa application centre was unsuccessful.Later on Feb 15, the Indian High Commission in Colombo announced that IVS Pvt. Ltd in Colombo would remain closed until further notice, citing a “security concerns”.However, the outsourced Indian visa application centre resumed normal operations five days later.",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=88559,4,,Women,News +128,"A female suspect arrested over her alleged involvement in the human trafficking racket to Oman, has been granted bail by the Colombo Chief Magistrate’s Court.She was ordered released on two personal bonds of Rs. 300,000 each, Ada Derana reporter said.The woman in question had been arrested after she had surrendered to the Human Trafficking, Smuggling and Maritime Crime Investigation Division of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) this morning.She has reportedly been identified as one of the main suspects operating from Sri Lanka, in relation to the racket.The Human Trafficking, Smuggling and Maritime Crime Investigation Division of the CID had initiated an extensive investigation into the incident of human trafficking to Oman, under the direct supervision of the Director of the relevant division in CID, SSP Samarakoon Banda.Accordingly, information had been uncovered regarding a female representative of a foreign employment agency in Sri Lanka related to human trafficking.The suspected woman, identified as Asha Dissanayake, is a resident of Dambulla while she had been in hiding for the last couple of days, while investigations were underway to arrest her.The woman, who had been evading arrest for several days, had surrendered to CID this morning (Nov. 21) through two attorneys.She was produced before the court by the CID after recording a statement from her.",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=86290,9,,Women,News +129,"The local agent of the main suspect who was arrested yesterday (Nov. 19) for alleged involvement in human trafficking to Dubai and Oman, has also been arrested by Criminal Investigation Department (CID).The 45-year-old suspect has been identified to be a resident of the Puwakpitiya area of Avissawella.The main suspect of the human trafficking ring through which Sri Lankan women were illegally sent to Middle Eastern countries such as Oman and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), had been remanded until November 24 following his arrest yesterday.The Criminal Investigation Department recently dug up more information about the large-scale human trafficking syndicate which auctions off Sri Lankan women who were taken to Oman on the promise of jobs in the Arabian country.The Foreign Affairs Ministry in Sri Lanka had directed to the CID the complaints it had received about the unfortunate situation of Sri Lankan female domestic workers stranded in Oman.Initiating a probe in this regard, a three-member team of the CID, led by the director of Human Trafficking, Smuggling Investigation and Maritime Crime Investigation Division, flew out to Oman on October 03.The investigation officers, after recording statements from a total of 45 Sri Lankan women who are sheltered at a safe house belonging to the Sri Lankan Embassy in Muscat, uncovered that they had arrived in Oman on tourist visas. They also found that these women had fled houses they were employed at for various reasons including harassment.Further, it was revealed that the women in question are stranded in Oman as their employers have taken possession of their passports.Reportedly, 08 of them had been brought to Oman unlawfully. Meanwhile, another woman had been auctioned off for prostitution by a female representative of an employment agency in Sri Lanka.The investigators were told that Sri Lankan domestic workers, aged 22 - 50 years, had been auctioned off to sultans for bids ranging from Rs. 10 million to Rs. 2.5 million.To make matters worse, an officer of the Sri Lankan Embassy has sexually harassed the women who are sheltered at the safe house.Further probes into the matter disclosed that this sex trafficking ring had been operated by a group of officers of the Immigration & Emigration Department through the representatives of employment agencies stationed in Sri Lanka and Oman. Their target had been underprivileged local women facing financial difficulties.Multiple attempts to arrest a woman known as Asha Dissanayake, who is directly involved in this sex trafficking ring, had been to no avail and she remains in hiding.A senior official of the Foreign Employment Bureau explained that out of these 45 women, 43 are stranded in Oman without necessary means to make the trip back home as they had arrived there on a tourist visa, intending to convert it to work visa.Meanwhile, the services of the embassy official, who is accused of sexually harassing the stranded women, has been suspended.The Sri Lankan Embassy in Muscat, in a statement, stated that at present, at least 90 Sri Lankan female domestic workers are stranded in Oman seeking repatriation assistance. They are unable to afford the repatriation-related expenses such as visa, overstay penalty, air ticket, agent fees, and the cost of recruitment demanded by their respective sponsors.The embassy said it has also sought the assistance of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to assist such victims.",WOMEN,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=86255,42,,Women,News +130,"Wildlife Minister Mahinda Amaraweera’s nephew, who was arrested over his alleged involvement in the reckless driving incident inside the Yala National Park, has been granted bail by the court.The youth, who is reportedly the son of Minister Mahinda Amaraweera’s elder brother, was ordered released on two sureties of Rs. 500,000 each by the Tissamaharama Magistrate’s Court.So far 10 suspects have been released on bail over the incident where several persons drove SUVs inside the Yala National Park in a reckless mannerSeveral suspects had surrendered over the incident while the fleet of vehicles were also taken into custody.Later, along with the 07 SUVs, the individuals in question were produced before the Tissamaharama Magistrate’s Court and granted bail.The incident came to light after a video showing a fleet of vehicles entering the national park and misbehaving was widely circulated on social media several days ago.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=85844,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +131,"Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB) Kesbewa electorate organiser Gayan De Mel has been arrested by police on suspicion of his involvement in six separate incidents of violence that had taken place on May 09th.According to a notification made by Piliyandala Police, the suspect had surrendered to the police through an attorney today (08).The suspect, who was subsequently taken into custody, is scheduled to produce before Kesbewa Magistrate’s Court later today.Meanwhile, another person who was involved in the protest at Galle Face Green has decided to surrender to the Slave Island Police.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=84177,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +132,"The Tamil Nadu government on Sunday said the probe into a passport racket involving Sri Lankan nationals has revealed the involvement of 41 people, including Indian police and passport officials, and that a final report in the matter will be filed in a court soon.The case was being probed by the Madurai division of the Tamil Nadu police’s Q Branch, that deals with extremist activities, after it received information that some Sri Lankan nationals were trying to obtain Indian passports to travel abroad.A case in this regard was registered in September 2019, a Home Department release said.A probe into procurement of passports by submitting fake documents revealed the involvement of 41 people, including five police officials, 14 zonal passport officers and two postal department employees, it said.A total of 15 persons — four Sri Lankan Tamils and 11 travel agents — have been arrested in connection with the case so far.Sanction has been accorded by the police and postal departments to initiate action against the respective employees, even as the Madurai Collector had in May this year gave consent to file a charge sheet against the then Assistant Commissioner of Police (Intelligence) over the matter, it said.While sanction has been sought from the Centre to take action against 14 passport officials in December 2021, a communication was received from it seeking some clarifications which have been submitted in March 2022. But no sanction has been received so far, it added.“The Q branch probe has been completed and the final report against the 41 persons is to be submitted in court,” the release added.During investigation, 124 passports were recovered. It also came to light that 51 persons had received Indian passports. Of these combined 175 passports, 28 had been obtained by Sri Lankan Tamils by producing fake documents and cases have been filed against them in different parts of the state.Investigation was on to ascertain what was the status of 30 other passports, the release said.Among the rest 117, except for one ‘fake’ Indian passport, the 116 belonged to Indian nationals, it added.Source: PTI--Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=83843,6,,Other Ethnic groups,News +133,"President Gotabaya Rajapaksa says that the public service is immense and that the public officials’ involvement can be seen in every requirement of the people. Therefore, the President said that his hope is to see a vibrant public service rendered by all state institutions.“The majority of public officials are keen to work. What is needed is supervision, advice and encouragement so that the country can receive their services effectively,” he was quoted as saying by the President’s Media Division.The President pointed out the need for the personal intervention and leadership of all senior officials including Governors, Ministries, Provincial and District Secretaries in this regard.The President made this observation at a special meeting held with government officials at the Presidential Secretariat this morning (23) to brief them on the government’s future plans.President Rajapaksa said that he personally visits and inspects the functions of government institutions and added that he expects government officials, including Governors, to visit the institutions under their purview and inspect the duties and responsibilities by encouraging all employees.“We are here to keep the people alive and the background required for this should be created.” The President said that the duty, responsibility and humanity of the officials were also vital in this.The President said that the institutions under the Government and the Provincial Councils should follow the same public policy when performing their duties.“Green agriculture is a major programme of the government. Out of the 75% of the rural population, 90% are employed in agriculture or related sectors. Organic farming is for the health of future generations. They need to be made aware of this to build their trust.” The President said that successful results could be achieved by distributing quality organic fertilizers in a timely manner.The President pointed out that renewable energy sources can be utilized to fulfill the increasing demand for electricity and called for assistance in achieving the government’s short-term and long-term goals in this regard.The President also emphasized the need to manage the local economy through a self-sufficient programme.The Governors stated that a generous harvest has been yielded at the provincial level by using organic fertilizers and that the desired objectives can be achieved by educating the farmers in a systematic manner.State Minister Shasheendra Rajapaksa pointed out the future plans devised to make the Yala Season a success by studying the lessons learnt from the Maha Season when implementing the Green Agriculture Programme. The State Minister said that awareness campaigns have already been launched to identify the fertilizers suitable to each of the 25 districts.Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage said that the necessary machines and equipment have been distributed covering all districts to test the soil.Minister Basil Rajapaksa said that steps have been taken to supply essential commodities without any shortage and pointed out that a mechanism has been set up by the Divisional Secretariats to look into deficiencies at the village level and obtain information.Minister Chamal Rajapaksa, Secretary to the President Gamini Senarath, Principal Advisor to the President Lalith Weeratunga, Governors, Ministries, Provincial and District Secretaries were also present.-PMD",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=80790,7,,Other Ethnic groups,News +134,"The State Department of the United States has designated two members of Sri Lanka’s security forces over their “involvement in gross violations of human rights”.According to a statement issued by the department on Friday (Dec. 10), Sri Lankan naval intelligence officer Chandana Hettiarachchi and former Staff Sergeant of Sri Lanka Army Sunil Ratnayake have been barred from entering the U.S.Further, their immediate family members have also been designated publicly or privately and are ineligible for entry into the U.S., it read further.The State Department said Hettiarachchi is involved in the “flagrant denial of the right to liberty of at least eight ‘Trincomalee 11’ victims, from 2008 to 2009, while Ratnayake is linked to “extrajudicial killings of at least eight Tamil villagers in December 2000.”“The designation of these two Sri Lankan individuals is not the only action we are taking in support of accountability for gross violations of human rights in Sri Lanka.”In addition, 12 military officials from Uganda, China, Belarus, Bangladesh and Mexico were also designated under Section 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriation Act, 2021.“We are determined to put human rights at the center of our foreign policy, and we reaffirm this commitment by using appropriate tools and authorities to draw attention to and promote accountability for human rights violations and abuses, no matter where they occur.”The State Department said the U.S. looks forward to continuing its partnerships with allies, partners, and civil society alike in defending human rights and promoting accountability and good governance.In February last year, the State Department designated Sri Lanka’s Army Commander, General Shavendra Silva “due to credible information of his involvement in gross violations of human rights”.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=79095,21,,Other Ethnic groups,News +135,"Eight more people have been rounded up by Punjab Police on suspicion of their involvement in the Sialkot lynching incident of a Sri Lankan national, Pakistani media reported on Wednesday.A spokesperson of the Punjab police said that eight more key suspects have been apprehended with the help of CCTV footage and mobile phone calls and videos, according to ARY News.Total 34 suspects have been arrested, who played central role in the brutal murder of Sialkot factory manager Priyantha Kumara.Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has said, he is personally monitoring the progress in inquiry of the Sialkot tragedy. “The culprits will be punished according to the law,” he said.Punjab police said that the accused will be produced before the anti-terrorism court today. The accused included Zakir Salman, who had desecrated the mortal remains of the lynching victim.“Those who made video of the incident, instigate the mob or involved in the violence, have been among the arrested accused,” police said.The spokesperson said Chief Minister Usman Buzdar and the inspector general of police are monitoring the investigation into the incident.--Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=79027,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +136,"A Saudi man suspected of involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi has been arrested in France, reports say.Khaled Aedh Alotaibi was arrested at Charles-de-Gaulle airport on Tuesday, French media report.He is one of 26 Saudis wanted by Turkey over the journalist’s killing.The 33-year-old former Saudi royal guard was travelling under his own name and was placed in judicial detention, RTL radio said.Khashoggi, a prominent critic of the government in Riyadh, was murdered at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October 2018.Saudi Arabia said the former Washington Post journalist had been killed in a “rogue operation” by a team of agents sent to persuade him to return to the kingdom.But Turkish officials said the agents acted on orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government.The murder caused a global uproar and damaged the image of Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.A Saudi court convicted eight unnamed people over the murder in 2019. Five of them were found guilty of directly participating in the killing and handed death sentences that were later commuted to 20-year prison terms, while three others were jailed for seven to 10 years for covering up the crime.The Saudi trial was dismissed as “the antithesis of justice” by then-UN Special Rapporteur Agnès Callamard, who concluded that Khashoggi was “the victim of a deliberate, premeditated execution”.A 2019 report by Ms Callamard said Saudi prosecutors ordered the arrest of Mr Alotaibi as part of an investigation into Khashoggi’s murder but ultimately decided not to charge him.However, Mr Alotaibi is the subject of a Turkish arrest warrant and is being tried in absentia in Istanbul on a murder charge.Source: BBC-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=79007,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +137,"India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested a Sri Lankan national and former member of the LTTE’s intelligence wing for his alleged involvement in arms and drug trafficking from Pakistan to Sri Lanka, and utilising the proceeds for furthering and supporting the revival of the terrorist group in the island nation, an official said on Wednesday.Satkunam alias Sabesan, 47, a Sri Lankan national and a former member of the intelligence wing of the LTTE, was arrested by the NIA on Tuesday, the official of India’s premier investigation agency said.Sabesan, who presently resided at Valsaravakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, was arrested for his involvement in Arms and Drug trafficking from Pakistan to Sri Lanka, and utilizing the proceeds for furthering and supporting the revival of LTTE, the NIA official said.The case was registered by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in May under sections of the Arms Act against six Sri Lankan nationals based on the complaint of the Narcotics Control Bureau that five AK 47 rifles and thousand rounds of 9mm ammunition were seized along with 300 kg of heroin off Minicoy coast upon interception of the fishing vessel Ravihansi by the Coast Guard in March, the official said.Sabesan had arranged conspiracy meetings of sympathisers of LTTE in India and played a crucial role in routing the proceeds of drugs trafficking to former LTTE cadres in Sri Lanka for the revival of LTTE, the NIA official said, adding that further investigation in the case continues.Source: PTI-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=77501,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +138,"The daughter of a slain Sri Lankan journalist Lasantha Wickrematunge filed a complaint Friday with the United Nations Human Rights Committee over alleged government involvement in her father’s death 12 years ago.The San Francisco-based Center for Justice and Accountability filed the complaint on behalf of Ahimsa Wickrematunge, the daughter of former Sunday Leader editor Lasantha Wickrematunge, who was killed while driving to work on Jan. 8, 2009.Foreign Ministry Secretary Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage said he had not seen the complaint, and given its sensitive nature was unable to comment without ascertaining the view of the political leadership.On the day of his killing, Wickrematunge was followed by men on motorbikes, and when he stopped at a busy intersection they smashed his car window and punched a hole in his head with a sharp instrument.The complaint says law enforcement agencies either failed to conduct a credible investigation or actively interfered with attempts to conduct one.The complaint requests that the Human Rights Committee ensure that Sri Lanka conducts an independent investigation, prosecutes those responsible, and apologizes to and compensates the Wickrematunge family.The Human Rights Committee is a group of independent experts that monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=70609,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +139,"The State Department of the United States has designated the Commander of Sri Lanka Army, Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva “due to credible information of his involvement in gross violations of human rights”.The press statement published by the State Department read that it will designate Shavendra Silva’s immediate family members as well.The State Department’s complete statement is as follows:The Department of State has designated Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva, current Commander of the Sri Lanka Army and Acting Chief of Defense Staff, as required under Section 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, due to credible information of his involvement, through command responsibility, in gross violations of human rights, namely extrajudicial killings, by the 58th Division of the Sri Lanka Army during the final phase of Sri Lanka’s Civil War in 2009.Section 7031(c) provides that, in cases where the Secretary of State has credible information that foreign officials have been involved in a gross violation of human rights or significant corruption, those individuals and their immediate family members are ineligible for entry into the United States. The law also requires the Secretary of State to publicly or privately designate such officials and their immediate family members. In addition to the public designation of Shavendra Silva, the Department is also designating his immediate family members.The allegations of gross human rights violations against Shavendra Silva, documented by the United Nations and other organizations, are serious and credible. His designation underscores the importance we place on human rights in Sri Lanka and globally, our concern over impunity for human rights violations and abuses, as well as our support for promoting accountability for those who engage in such acts. We urge the Sri Lankan government to promote human rights, hold accountable individuals responsible for war crimes and human rights violations, advance security sector reform, and uphold its other commitments to pursue justice and reconciliation.We deeply value our partnership with the Sri Lankan government and the long-standing democratic tradition we share with the Sri Lankan people. The United States remains committed to strengthening the bilateral relationship with Sri Lanka and helping reshape its security forces to tackle current and emerging threats. Security cooperation will continue to emphasize respect for human rights as a fundamental component of our training, assistance, and engagements.The United States will continue to use all available tools and authorities, as appropriate, to address human rights violations and abuses around the world no matter when they occurred or who perpetrated them. Today’s actions underscore our commitment to support human rights, promote accountability for perpetrators, and encourage reconciliation in support of a peaceful, stable, and prosperous Sri Lanka.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=60807,37,,Other Ethnic groups,News +140,"An employee of a duty-free shop at the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) has been imposed a fine for his involvement in smuggling out a stock of gold biscuits from the airport through a Sri Lankan passenger with dual citizenship.The spokesperson of the Customs Sunil Jayaratne said the duty-free shop where the said individual was employed at was also sealed up following the incident.The shop worker, who was identified as a 36-year-old residing in the Embilipitiya area, has been ordered to pay a fine of Rs. 9.8 million.After hiding the contraband inside an airtight container used to package an electric fan, the shop worker had handed it over to a local passenger who had returned to the country from Australia. The reports said the passenger had been to the duty-free shop in question to buy electrical equipment.Deputy Director of Customs has ordered to confiscate the contraband containing 99 gold biscuits worth Rs. 100 million.Probes are being carried out to find if there are any other duty-free shop workers involved in the said racket.The 46-year-old passenger in question, who had received the box containing gold biscuits, was apprehended by the officers of the Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB) attached to the Airport at the arrival terminal. He was later released by the Customs officers.The Customs spokesperson has urged the passengers not to accept parcels, luggage, and packages given to them by brokers and unknown persons while at the airport.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=59598,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +141,"Allegations of police misconduct against individuals detained on suspicion of involvement in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are baseless and irresponsible, Malaysian Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador said.As such, he urged anyone who made such allegations to produce their evidence including the closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera footage of the alleged misconduct to the court.“I strongly deny all the public allegations of unlawful act or misconduct by our police officers against any of the LTTE detainees made by their lawyers and certain politicians.“I stand firm on the explanation given by my officers that the allegations are completely baseless and very irresponsible,” he said in a statement to Bernama today.Allegations of police misconduct against individuals detained on suspicion of involvement in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are baseless and irresponsible, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador said.As such, he urged anyone who made such allegations to produce their evidence including the closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera footage of the alleged misconduct to the court.“I strongly deny all the public allegations of unlawful act or misconduct by our police officers against any of the LTTE detainees made by their lawyers and certain politicians.“I stand firm on the explanation given by my officers that the allegations are completely baseless and very irresponsible,” he said in a statement to Bernama here today.Source: malaymail-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58733,6,,Other Ethnic groups,News +142,"The daughter of a leading journalist killed during the rule of Sri Lanka’s former government accused the current prime minister on Tuesday of not doing enough to prosecute the former President’s brother for his alleged involvement in her father’s killing.He is now the opposition’s presidential candidate.Ahimsa Wickrematunge, daughter of Lasantha Wickrematunge, wrote to Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe accusing him of using her father’s name to seek votes and not keeping his promise to achieve justice.Lasantha Wickrematunge, editor of the Sunday Leader newspaper, was killed in 2009 while driving to work. His daughter filed a lawsuit in a Los Angeles court seeking damages from Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who was a top defense official in his brother’s government, for alleged involvement in the killing.Gotabaya is a U.S citizen and he has started the process to renounce it because dual citizens can’t hold political office in Sri Lanka. He denied the allegations. “Who is Lasantha?” he asked a reporter during an interview while in office; while claiming the media was worried about one man when countless people were dying in violence.The Sunday Leader was known for its investigative reporting some of which were about alleged corruption involving Gotabaya.“From the day my father died, you have invoked his name to win votes. My father’s murder was a prop in the 2015 presidential and parliamentary election campaigns that made you prime minister,” the woman wrote.“You brought President Sirisena to power and won control of Parliament for the UNP, all by promising justice for my father’s murder.”Wickremesinghe leads the ruling United National Party.Soon after the election in 2015 Ahimsa said she met Wickremesinghe who told her there were other priorities and justice was not just about Lasantha.Even though responsibility for running the police was placed directly under Wickremesingheââ���¬â„¢s chief of staff who was also the law and order minister, Wickremesinghe did not ensure proper investigation against Gotabaya, she said. While proving a corruption allegation against Gotabaya by the newspaper was a key to connecting Gotabaya in the killing, a police official botched the investigation in order to keep Gotabaya’s name out of the case, she charged.“Where were you, prime minister, when the army and intelligence services refused to cooperate with the investigation? What did you do when you were told a critical informant against Gotabaya Rajapaksa needed protection? And when my father’s lead murder investigator, Inspector Nishantha Silva, was kicked out of the CID by the president, why did you not lift a finger in protest?”There was no immediate reaction from the prime minister’s office.Lasantha’s body was exhumed for a second autopsy after the new government was elected to power but the case has not made much headway.Sri Lanka’s presidential election are scheduled later this yearSource: The Associated Press-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=57058,11,,Other Ethnic groups,News +143,"Hayleys Free Zone Limited (HFZ) today denied that the company has any involvement with a shipment said to be containing garbage that is lying at the Port of Colombo.Video footage of the piles of waste material shipped from the UK, recorded during the observation visit made by the Central Environmental Authority (CEA), was released to the media yesterday (19).The CEA has ordered to return the consignment of waste material imported to Sri Lanka back to the United Kingdom.Certain groups, media reports and social media posts had claimed that the shipment was imported into the country by Hayleys Free Zone Limited.However, issuing a press release today, HFZ denied all allegations levelled against the company in this regard while clarifying that it is not an importer or exporter of goods.“Statements to the effect that HFZ imported these goods are therefore baseless and false,” it said.Full Press Release Issued by Hayleys Free Zone Limited:In light of recent adverse media publicity in relation to a shipment said to be containing garbage, Hayleys Free Zone Limited (HFZ) wishes to categorically state that the company has no connection to the cargo that is lying at the Port of Colombo.HFZ is a legal entity established to provide logistics services to importers and exporters mainly with the aim of providing value added services for re-exports, as done in other free zones across the Globe.HFZ is not involved in any way or manner with the said containers presently lying at the Port of Colombo. It is not the importer nor consignee nor logistics services provider in respect of the said containers.There has also been adverse media publicity with regard to an earlier shipment, which was also not imported by HFZ. The said shipments were sent to HFZ by the importer for the purposes of processing and re-export. Some such cargo has already been processed and re-exported.All others, once processed, would also be re-exported. The containers received by HFZ did not contain any garbage or other waste material as alleged in several media reports.HFZ wishes to make it clear that it is not an importer or exporter of goods. Statements to the effect that HFZ imported these goods are therefore baseless and false.HFZ denies all allegations levelled against the company in this regard and requests the general public not to be misled by these baseless allegations.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=56538,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +144,"An Indian-origin director of a Singapore-based construction firm was on Friday charged in a court over alleged involvement in two fraudulent investment schemes, including investments in villas in India.Selliaya Suresh, 49, of RBI Holdings offered one of the schemes for investments in villas in India. The other, an aquabreed scheme, offered investments in crab farms in Sri Lanka, Singapore police said in a statement.People who invested in villas in India were told that they could sell the villas in a buyback arrangement for significant profits if they first paid tax.Investors in the aquabreed scheme were promised annual returns through an ""RBI Aquaculture Bond.Suresh was charged with 23 counts of cheating, 261 counts of forgery, 141 counts of issuing securities without a formal document and two counts of managing a company as an undischarged bankrupt, reported Channel News Asia.For each count of cheating and forgery, Suresh faces jail of up to 10 years and a fine.He also faces imprisonment of up to two years and a fine of up to SGD150,000 for issuing securities without a prospectus.For managing a company as an undischarged bankrupt, he faces imprisonment of up to two years and a fine not exceeding SGD10,000.Source: Business Standard-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=56228,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +145,"One month after the Sri Lanka suicide attacks that killed more than 250 people, investigators have told AFP the bombers used “Mother of Satan” explosives favoured by the ISIS group that are a new sign of foreign involvement.Detectives said the back-pack bombs used in the April 21 attacks on three churches and three hotels were manufactured by local jihadists with ISIS expertise.They named the explosive as triacetone triperoxide, or TATP, an unstable but easily made mixture favoured by ISIS militants who call it “Mother of Satan”.It was also used in the 2015 attacks in Paris, by a suicide bomber who hit the Manchester Arena in England in 2017 and attacks on churches in Indonesia one year ago.ISIS has claimed the Sri Lankan bombers operated as part of its franchise. But Sri Lankan and international investigators are anxious to know just how much outside help went into the attacks that left 258 dead and 500 injured.“The group had easy access to chemicals and fertiliser to get the raw materials to make TATP,” an official involved in the investigation told AFP.Sri Lankan detectives say the National Thowheeth Jama’ath (NTJ), local militants blamed for the attacks, must have had foreign help to assemble the bombs.Multinational militants“They would have had a face-to-face meeting to transfer this technology. This is not something you can do by watching a YouTube video,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.Investigators had initially believed that C4 explosives -- a favoured weapon of Tamil Tiger rebels -- were used, but forensic tests found TATP which causes more burning than C4.Police have also confirmed that 100 kilograms (220 pounds) of explosives found in January in the island’s northwest was TATP.They are checking the travel records of the suicide bombers as well as foreign suspects to see when and where bomb-making lessons could have been staged.“It looks like they used a cocktail of TATP and gelignite and some chemicals in the Easter attacks. They were short of the 100 kilos of raw TATP that were seized in January,” said the investigator.Sri Lankan security forces have staged a series of raids since the bombings. Police spokesman Ruwan Gunasekera said Sunday that 89 suspects are in custody.Army chief Mahesh Senanayake said last week that at least two suspects have been arrested in Qatar and Saudi Arabia, underscoring the international link.On April 26, six militants, three widows of the suicide bombers and six of their children were killed at an NTJ safe house near the eastern coastal town of Kalmunai.Police found large quantities of chemicals and fertilizer there that was probably meant to make bombs, authorities said.The government has admitted that Indian warnings of the looming attacks in early April were ignored.But President Maithripala Sirisena has said eight countries are helping the investigation. A US Federal Bureau of Investigation team is in Sri Lanka and Britain, Australia and India have provided forensic and technical support.China offered a fleet of vehicles to bolster the mobility of the security forces tracking down militants.‘Contact with Islamists’The Sri Lankan who led the attacks, Zahran Hashim, was known to have travelled to India in the months before he became one of the suicide bombers.Moderate Muslims had warned authorities about the radical cleric who first set off alarm bells in 2017 when he threatened non-Muslims.He was one of two bombers who killed dozens of victims at Colombo’s Shangri-La hotel on April 21.Army chief Senanayake said Hashim had travelled to Tamil Nadu state in southern India and been in contact with Islamists there.Hashim, one of seven bombers who staged the attacks, also appeared in an ISIS group video that claimed responsibility for the attacks.Another bomber who was meant to have hit a fourth hotel, has been named as Abdul Latheef Jameel who studied aviation engineering in Britain and Australia.Authorities in the two countries are investigating whether he was radicalised whilst abroad.Jameel blew himself up when confronted at a hideout after the attacks.Source: AFP-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=55272,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +146,"Commander of the Sri Lankan Army Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake says he believes there has to be ‘some outside involvement’ in the devastating Easter Sunday attacks in the country.In an interview with BBC’s Secuner Kermani, the army chief was asked whether it appears the series of attacks were plotted and planned locally within Sri Lanka or by figures that are still with the Islamic State group in Syria.“Looking at the pattern of operation and the places the leadership has traveled, so there has to be some outside involvement of some leadership or instructions,” he said.Asked who he thinks is to blame for this failure to share intelligence, he said: “This is not a blame game as such.”However, Lt Gen Mahesh Senanayake stated that as the chief of the army he believes that everybody who is responsible for intelligence gathering and preparation of these plans, who are responsible for the national security are to be blamed, including the political hierarchies as well.The army commander was also asked why he thinks Sri Lanka was targeted by the terrorists.“I could give an answer like this: too much of freedom, too much of piece for the last 10 years. People forget what happened for 30 years and people were enjoying peace and they neglected security,” he said.Asked whether he could confidently say that Sri Lanka is a safe place for international tourists, the commander said that Sri Lanka is a country which fought for 26 years.“The cases we faced at that time were more difficult and more terror than what we are facing today,” he said.“We are deployed on the ground to give confidence to the public and ensure there is no violence or escalation of communal riots in this country.”He urged to have trust on the armed forces and the police of this country to bring normalcy as soon as possible.Speaking to the BBC, the Army Chief also gave details on the suspect movements around the region and also international links.“They have gone to India, they’ve gone to Kashmir, Bangalore, they’ve travelled to Kerala state. Those are the information available with us.”He said they did not know exactly what activities they were engaged in at Kashmir and Kerala, but pointed out it was definitely “some sorts of training or to make some more links” towards the other organizations outside the country.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=54870,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +147,"A U.S. District Court Judge has unsealed a civil lawsuit filed against former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa over his involvement in the murder of journalist Lasantha Wickrematunge, according to the BBC World Service.On April 4th, the Centre for Justice and Accountability (CJA) had lodged the lawsuit on behalf of the daughter of Lasantha Wickrematunge.The CJA had criticized the administration of Rajapaksas and the murder of journalist Lasantha Wickrematunge and alleged Gotabaya Rajapaksa for systematic torture.The former Defence Secretary can opt to reject filing answers for the allegations and to file a motion for the withdrawal of the lawsuit within three weeks, the CJA has said.If Gotabaya Rajapaksa decides not to file answers, the hearing of the case would proceed without his presence.However, speaking in regard upon arriving in the country following his personal visit in the US, Gotabaya said filing of this lawsuit was unnecessary.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=54436,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +149,"Oman’s oil minister Mohammed bin Hamad Al Rumhy said on Sunday he was excited to be part of a Sri Lanka oil refinery project in a sign that plans for the sultanate’s involvement may be back on track.Sri Lanka said last week that Oman Oil Co had made clear it was interested in taking a 30 percent stake in the new refinery on Sri Lanka’s south coast.But an Omani official denied the Middle Eastern country had agreed to invest in the project.Rumhy joined Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe at the laying of the foundation stone for the planned $3.85bn oil refinery at Hambantota on the south coast, which would potentially be the island’s biggest foreign direct investment.“This is not a project just for three years. This is a lifelong project,” Rumhy said at the launch ceremony held at the Mirijjawala investment zone in Hambantota. “We will work very hard to deliver this project to the people of Sri Lanka.”However, he did not comment on whether Oman planned to have a direct stake in the refinery.The refinery will be built near a $1.4bn port controlled by China Merchants Port Holdings.The India-based Accord Group is the main investor in the refinery project, through a Singapore entity it controls.The project will be Sri Lanka’s first new refinery in 52 years after Iran built a 50,000 barrel-per-day refinery near the island’s capital city of Colombo to blend Iran light oils.The new refinery will export all products it refines, officials have said. “We have Chinese investment, we have Indian investments, we have Oman interest for investment, and we have investment interest from many other countries,” Wickremesinghe said at the event. “It shows that Hambantota will become the multinational investment zone.”A senior Sri Lankan minister, who declined to be identified because he is not authorized to talk to the media, told Reuters Oman had given a commitment to invest in the refinery and there would not be any turning back.But on Wednesday, Salim Al Aufi, the undersecretary of Oman’s oil and gas ministry, said, “no one on this side” was aware of the investment.Sri Lanka’s investment board said last week that another Oman entity, Oman Trading International, was willing to supply all of the refinery’s feedstock needs and take on the marketing of the oil products it would produce.India and China have been vying for political influence in Sri Lanka in recent years, with investment a key part of the battleground.China is the biggest buyer of Omani oil. In January it imported about 80 percent of Oman’s crude exports, Oman government data shows.An investment zone is planned by China Harbour Engineering Corp alongside the port.Source: Gulf News-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=53980,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +150,"An arrest warrant for a former Sri Lankan military attache, convicted of public order offences after making cut-throat gestures at protesters, has been revoked without a court hearing following UK Foreign Office involvement.The private prosecution of Brig Priyanka Fernando has degenerated into extraordinary legal confusion, forcing the chief magistrate, Emma Arbuthnot, to take control of the case.On Friday, she told Westminster magistrates court there had been a catalogue of “disappointing” issues and she did not know how such a sensitive case could have gone to trial without it “ever coming across my desk”.Fernando was filmed making cut-throat gestures aimed at Tamil protesters outside the Sri Lankan high commission in London on 4 February 2018. Demonstrators were highlighting concerns about human rights violations against Sri Lanka’s Tamil minority. Footage of the incident went viral on YouTube.Following his provocative gesture, the Sri Lankan government condemned Fernando for behaving in an “offensive manner” and suspended him from his job. The Foreign Office (FCO) also protested; Fernando left the UK shortly afterwards.Majuran Sathananthan and four others involved in the Tamil protest initiated a private prosecution against Fernando arguing that his behaviour caused them “harassment, alarm and distress” and constituted public order offences. They were represented by Paul Heron, of the Public Interest Law Centre (PILC).Last week the brigadier was convicted in his absence at Westminster magistrates court of two offences under section 4A and section 5 of the Public Order Act which involve using threatening words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress. The court also issued an arrest warrant for Fernando, who remains in Sri Lanka.The conviction appears to have triggered a stream of diplomatic exchanges, with the UK ambassador in Sri Lanka called in for meetings.After consultations with the FCO over the status and extent of Fernando’s diplomatic immunity, the chief magistrate abruptly withdrew the arrest warrant – a decision made without a public hearing.At the hearing on Friday, Fernando was, for the first time, represented in court. Peter Carter QC, for the protesters, outlined a series of “rather unusual” options to deal with the case, including determining the diplomatic status of Fernando.Carter said that even if the brigadier had enjoyed immunity for official functions, that would not protect him from prosecution for what was clearly not authorised activity.Nick Wayne, counsel for Fernando, suggested using section 142 of the Magistrates Court Act 1980, a rarely used power to reopen cases where a mistake has been made.Belinda McRae, counsel for the FCO, confirmed that the court had been given a certificate explaining Fernando’s diplomatic status. The chief magistrate adjourned the case until 1 March for a full hearing to resolve the legal confusion.Before the hearing, an FCO spokesperson said: “The FCO, which is not a party to these legal proceedings, has been contacted by Westminster magistrates court seeking clarification of the brigadier’s diplomatic status in the UK at the time of the incident. The FCO is providing documentation to assist the court.”Source: The Guardian-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=53020,9,,Other Ethnic groups,News +151,"A woman, arrested for her involvement in a kidney racket, sold her husband’s kidney in Singapore in 2016 and sister’s kidney in Sri Lanka, it has now come to light.Tara of Malavalli town had taken her husband Nagendra on a trip to Singapore and sold his kidney there without informing him. Nagendra learned about this recently when he was undergoing treatment in KR Hospital, Mysuru.Nagendra committed suicide in the hospital after doctors decided to lodge a police complaint as a kidney was missing. Nagendra was hospitalized for health issues and when his body was scanned, the doctors found one kidney missing and told Nagendra that they would lodge a police complaint against him. Scared, Nagendra committed suicide.According to the police, Tara also sold her sister Jyothi’s kidney in Sri Lanka and had tried to sell the kidneys of other family members. The suspect, also a victim of the kidney racket, confessed to the crime during the investigation, the police said. Nagendra’s kidney was removed on the pretext of a health check-up.Tara, a resident of MES Colony in Malavalli town, was arrested recently as was part of the kidney racket. Her involvement came to light as one Venkatamma, a vegetable vendor, committed suicide.Tara had convinced Venkatamma to donate her kidney, promising INR 30 lakhs and had taken INR 2.8 lakhs from her as commission. But she never got the money. On realizing that she was cheated, Venkatamma demanded that Tara return the commission amount. When Tara refused to pay up, a dejected Venkatamma ended her life.Source: Deccan Herald",WOMEN,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=52773,3,,Women,News +153,"President Maithripala Sirisena has not mentioned any involvement of an Indian intelligence service or the government of India in the alleged plot to assassinate him, the President’s Media Division (PMD) said today.The PMD issued a statement in response to some recent local and international media reports alleging that reference was made to an Indian intelligence service at the Cabinet Meeting held on Tuesday, October 16th.This was in reference to the news report carried by The Hindu alleging that the President told his cabinet that India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was attempting to plot his assassination.Quoting unnamed sources who were allegedly present at the meeting, The Hindu claimed that President Sirisena alleged RAW’s hand in his assassination plot, while also asserting that “PM Modi may be unaware of the plan.”However, the President’s Media Division rubbished these reports in a statement issued today (17).“The PMD wishes to clarify that the President has not mentioned any involvement of an Indian intelligence service or the government of India in the alleged plot to assassinate him.”In the said Cabinet Meeting yesterday, the discussions have taken place on the alleged plot to assassinate the President, the PMD conceded.“In the meeting, the President emphasized the need to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the alleged assassination plot.”The PMD further said that among other topics discussed at various times during the said Cabinet Meeting, was the development of the Eastern terminal of the Colombo port. “The President highlighted the importance of Sri Lanka having a deep sea port terminal in the interest of the national economy.”The statement added that India and Sri Lanka have maintained extremely cordial relations and cooperation since the inception of this government. Several highest level visits have taken place between the two nations that have resulted in strengthening cooperation in many fields.The PMD also stated that, the High Commissioner of India Shri Taranjith Singh Sandhu called on President Sirisena this morning and during the meeting, all matters were clarified and bilateral relations were reassured with highest cordiality.“In these circumstances, it is very unfortunate that some parties with vested interests resort to spreading such malevolent manipulations detrimental to the existing good relations between the two countries as well as the excellent personal rapport between the two leaders,” the statement said.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=50770,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +156,"Investigations are underway to probe whether there are involvements of the security forces with the recent incidents that took place in Kandy, according to government.A group of investigative teams have already commenced the investigations in the relevant area, cabinet co-spokesman Rajitha Senaratne said.Meanwhile, President Maithripala Sirisena on March 10 appointed a three-member committee to probe the incidents in Kandy.Accordingly, a panel of retired judges was appointed to the committee.The committee will investigate into the reasons for this aggression including the violation of law and order, the damage to the lives and property, whether a conspiracy is behind the incident, the actions taken by authorities to suppress the incident and the steps to be taken to prevent such incidents in the future.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=46517,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +159,"Minister of Hill Country New Villages, Infrastructure and Community Development Palany Thigambaran stated that he had no involvement in the recent decision taken to change the name of the Hatton Thondaman Vocational Training Centre.Minister Thigambaran stated that the decision to change the name of the vocational training centre to the Poolbank Vocational Training Centre was taken by the Ministry before his appointment. Thereby he stated that the Ministry will stand by the decision to change the name of the institute.He further stated that the volatile political parties that conducted the protests in Hatton yesterday (26), did so because they could not bear to witness the vast development seen in the Ministry of Hill Country and New Villages under his leadership.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43825,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +161,"Industry and Commerce Minister Rishad Bathiudeen yesterday(23), rubbished rumors about his involvement to resettle Rohingya refugees in Sri Lanka.The Minister filed a complaint at CID yesterday requesting to carry out an investigation into the rumors carried out on social media and certain websites and to take legal actions against the offenders.“I have not made any statement in any place of the country about Rohingya refugees.Though we usually do not bother about such social media propaganda, since my name has been mentioned with this serious issue I made a complaint to the CID in order to uncover the racketeers who try to create communal conflicts in the country” said Bathiudeen while addressing a media conference held yesterday.“These communal conspirators come up in various forms, with various topics time-to time. Their sole objective is to create conflicts among communities by carrying rumors. However, the present government will give no chance for such to dis harmonize the citizens, who suffered from the brutal war for three decades” He added.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43207,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +163,"The police have apprehended three more individuals over their alleged involvement in the child abduction case in Gampola, police said today.The suspects have been identified as residents of Kaththankudi, Batticaloa. They will be produced before the Gampola Magistrate this afternoon, police added.With the latest arrests made, the police have so far nabbed six persons including two women over the incident.The investigation into the case took a new turn last Thursday after police found that it was child’s uncle who abducted the boy before fleeing the area. However, initial reports suggested that the child and the uncle were abducted while they were on their way home on May 03.The police found the two-year-old child in Batticaloa on May 06 after a search was launched following a complaint lodged.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=40605,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +164,"Amid remarks by a fisheries department official in Puducherry that two fishermen were seriously injured when Sri Lankan naval personnel allegedly opened fire at their fishing boat off Kodiakarai coast, India’s External Affairs Ministry said there was “no evidence” to suggest Sri Lankan Navy’s involvement.“Our mission has made inquiries. There is no evidence to suggest that the Sri Lankan Navy was involved,” MEA Spokesperson Vikas Swarup said on Thursday.According to Joint Director of Fisheries, Nagapattinam, Amal Xavier, the two fishermen from Karaikal district in Puducherry were part of a large group of fishermen who had ventured into the sea in more than 100 boats last evening, from Karaikal and Nagapattinam district in Tamil Nadu.When they were fishing about 11 nautical miles off Kodiakarai coast, Lankan naval personnel opened fire at their boats in which the duo, Balamurugan (21) and Aravind (22), sustained severe injuries, he claimed.However, all the fishermen managed to escape and reach Karaikal coast this morning with the injured, who have been admitted to Puducherry government hospital, he added.Swarup also said as many as four Indian fishermen and 130 fishing boats were currently in Sri Lankan custody.He also hoped that there would be an early meeting of the Joint Working Group, setting up of which was announced after the meeting between Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and her Sri Lankan counterpart in New Delhi recently.Source: PTI-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=37898,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +165,"Sri Lanka plans to summon Chinese Ambassador Yi Xianliang for criticising the government over its “inconsistentâ€Â�� policies on Chinas involvement in the country, the PTI reported.Foreign Ministry sources said the envoy would be reminded of proper procedure if he had any issues with the government? make the case through the ministry and not the media.Yi was critical of the current governments “inconsistent” policies and said that Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake had unfairly criticised China for high interest loans. He had said that the China had lent money to Sri Lanka as they do to other countries at 2 per cent interest rate.Karunanayake responded by saying Sri Lanka would be happy to pay back at 2 per cent if the Chinese Ambassador agrees.The Chinese Ambassador had said that his government enjoyed good relations with the former regime of Mahinda Rajapaksa and enjoys same with the current government of his successor Maithripala Sirisena.He had said that Sri Lanka should not politicise economic cooperation with China, in an apparent reference to the current governments suspension of the Colombo Port City project which was a pet initiative of former president Rajapaksa.The envoy had said the Chinese company had suffered a loss of approximately USD 140 million from the time the project was suspended by the new government and the time it was resumed.-PTI-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=37726,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +166,"Nepal’s Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has asked the Sri Lankan government to review the capital punishment awarded to Nepali national Chet Bahadur Thapa, on the charge of his involvement in drug trade.PM Prachanda made this request during a meeting with Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena on the sideline of the BRICS Summit in Goa, Prachanda’s Secretariat informed.During the meeting, PM Prachanda also drew attention towards ongoing trafficking of Nepali women into Gulf states through Sri Lanka. Prachanda asked President Sirisena to stop this.Sirisena described Nepal-Sri Lanka relations as friendly and said his country takes Nepal’s concerns positively.-Agencies",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=37419,3,,Women,News +167,"Seven persons including two women, who were remanded over their alleged involvement in an unlawful assembly during an event where Minister John Amaratunga attended, have been granted bail, Ada Derana reporter said.The suspects were released after being produced for an identification parade at the Wattala Magistrate’s Court today.The incident transpired as a group of people staged a protest and hooted at Minister Amaratunga during the event that held in Oliyamulla area in Wattala on 28 August. A vehicle belonging to Western Provincial Councilor Janaka Suriyabandara was also damaged during the incident.",WOMEN,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=36835,4,,Women,News +168,"An investigation is underway with respect of the allegation made in Australian media regarding the involvement of an individual in a bribery scandal while he was serving as a member of the President’s former Ministry in 2009.Cabinet Spokesman Dr Rajitha Senaratne told reporters in Colombo that the President has instructed the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) to investigate the matter without any delay.“This is yet another allegation, we still don’t know whether this report is accurate or not,” he added.President Maithripala Sirisena last week said that he has no connection whatsoever to such an incident and that he instructed the Attorney-General to investigate into the matter. A statement issued by the President’s Media Division also stated “The President stated that he has no connection whatsoever in such an incident,” it said. The President also emphasized that during his political career, he had never indulged in any form of corruption or malpractice or encouraged or involved in any such activity.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=36753,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +169,"Six persons including two women have been arrested over their alleged involvement in an unlawful assembly during an event where Minister John Amaratunga attended, Ada Derana reporter said.The incident transpired as a group of people staged a protest and hooted at Minister John Amaratunga during the event held in Wattala on Sunday afternoon.A vehicle belonging to a Western Provincial Councilor was also damaged during the incident, it was reported.Three of six suspects have been remanded until tomorrow as they were produced before the Wattala Magistrate this afternoon. The other suspects will be produced for an identification parade tomorrow.",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=36714,4,,Women,News +170,"A man and a woman, both 20-years-old, have been arrested over their alleged involvement in robbing houses in Jaffna, the police said.According to police, the arrest was made while they were fleeing with the gold stolen from a house in Jaffna last evening.The suspects have been identified as residents of Sidambarapuram in Vavuniya, who are both allegedly have involved in several other robberies occurred in the area as well.The suspects will be produced before the Magistrate today and further investigations are being conducted by the Jaffna police.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=36154,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +172,"This resolution marks an important step toward a credible transitional justice process, owned by Sri Lankans and with the support and involvement of the international community, US Secretary of State John Kerry said.In a press release Kerry added that, the Sri Lankan government’s decision to join as a co-sponsor paves the way for all of us to work together to deliver the commitments reflected in the resolution.Full release;Today the United States, Sri Lanka, and our partners tabled a resolution at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva that represents a landmark shared recognition of the critical importance of truth, justice, reparations, and guarantees of non-recurrence in promoting reconciliation and ensuring an enduring peace and prosperity for all Sri Lankans.The Sri Lankan government’s decision to join as a co-sponsor paves the way for all of us to work together to deliver the commitments reflected in the resolution.In the past year, the Sri Lankan people have twice voted to put Sri Lanka on the path to peace and turned their country away from a divisive approach that for too long sapped Sri Lanka’s strength. This resolution demonstrates our support for Sri Lanka as it takes courageous steps to strengthen its democracy and restore civil liberties for all Sri Lankans, while also addressing the painful experiences of the past to ensure they never recur.This resolution marks an important step toward a credible transitional justice process, owned by Sri Lankans and with the support and involvement of the international community. The resolution will help families of the missing find answers about their loved ones. And it lays out a path to provide truth, justice, reparation, and guarantees of non-recurrence that the Sri Lankan people deserve while safeguarding the reputation of those, including within the military, who conducted themselves with honor and professionalism.As I promised in Colombo earlier this year, the United States will remain steadfast in our commitment to walk with Sri Lanka as it takes these important but challenging steps.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32461,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +175,"Police Spokesperson SSP Ajith Rohana said investigation is underway and Parliamentarian Palitha Thewarapperuma will be arrested soon over his alleged involvement in connection with an assaulting incident in Agalawatta on 18 January.The investigation has been launched under directions from IGP N.K. Illangakoo,he said. The police have arrested three suspects, thus far, and a manhunt is underway to arrest the rest, according to the police. President Maithripala Sirisena has also instructed the IGP o appoint a team of officers to investigate the attacking incident.MP Thewarapperuma has been accused of making a UPFA Pradeshiya Sabha member Murugan Pushpakumara kneel down on the road and assaulting him, during the recent opening of a SLFP office in Agalawatta, Kalutara. Former Minister and UPFA MP Mahinda Samarasinghe also lodged a complaint with Police Headquarters, on this regard, on 19 January.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=29503,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +176,"Younger brother of Common Candidate Maithripala Sirisena was arrested by the police over his alleged involvement in connection with an attack on a residence of a ruling party Pradeshiya Sabha member in Aralaganwila, the police said.It was reported that a mob accompanied by Presidential election candidate’s brother Kaplia Sirisena had attacked the residence of the Aralaganwila PS member on 3 January.The police had initiated a manhunt over a complaint lodged with the Aralaganwila police since Saturday (3) morning, however, suspected Kaplia Sirisena had then surrendered to the police, Ada Derana reporter said.The Polonnaruwa Magistrate later enlarged the suspect on a personal bail of Rs. 100,000.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=29322,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +177,"A group of Sri Lankan migrants arrested in Canada five years ago over their alleged involvement in illegally arriving in to the country, will have their cases heard by Canadas Supreme Court.The Supreme Court said Thursday it plans to look at a number of cases calling into question the depth and breadth of Canadas human smuggling laws.Four of the five cases the court will consider together involve people connected to the arrival of ships full of Sri Lankan migrants off the coast of B.C. The first ship arrived in 2009 with 76 Sri Lankan Tamils aboard; the second, the MV Sun Sea, came in 2010 with 492 migrants.Their arrival prompted a national debate about Canadas existing refugee and human smuggling legislation, and spurred the government into promising a crackdown.Passengers on the ships paid between $30,000 and $40,000 for a berth on the voyage and made refugee claims upon their arrival. But those who worked on the ships were arrested and charged as human smugglers. Those charges, along with the subsequent immigration proceedings, are what will be examined by the high court.In three cases, the people claim they were forced to work on the ships after they were abandoned by the original crew, and as a result should not have been caught up under existing laws. - ctvnews ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=28392,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +178,"Four individuals nabbed by the Mundalama police for their alleged involvement in a gang rape of a 17-yer old girl, have been enlarged on bail by the Puttalam Magistrates Court.The suspects were released when the case was taken up for hearing before Puttalama Additional Magistrate.The Mundalama police apprehended the suspects last Monday (28) following a complaint lodged by the victim, a resident of Udappuwa Division No. 6 area, on July 02.It was reported that the girl was subjected to rape by six individuals, when she visited her boyfriend at his barbershop in Udappuwa last month.The suspects were apprehended by the police, when the four youths had returned to Udappuwa after being employed as fishermen in Mullaitivu.A source from the Udappuwa police told Ada Derana that the investigation teams believe the other two individuals have fled the country following the incident. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27517,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +179," The JVP today rejected the allegation raised by Uva Province Chief Minister Shasheendra Rajapaksa, on four JVP leaders alleged involvement in a bomb attack in Kataragama in 1989.Former JVP Parliamentarian, Samantha Vidyarathna, who is expected to contest the upcoming Uva PC election, told Ada Derana that the JVP is prepared to have a face-to-face debate with the Chief Minister, on this regard.If there is such allegation, in the first place he should take legal actions against us. This is a matter that should be dealt with the judiciary. As they become speechless for our allegations, and as well as fail to bring out practical solutions for public issues, now it has become the usual scenario to level baseless allegations, Vidyarathna added. He pointed out that implementation of pragmatic solutions for public matters in a constructive way is significant to have, rather than debates on past happenings. Leader of the JVP Anura Kumara Dissanayaka refused to comment on the incident. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27479,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +180," Malaysian Police arrested four suspected senior members of the Liberation Tiger of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in a series of anti-terrorism operations in Klang Valley, media reports said today.The men, believed to be senior ranking members of the defunct terrorist organisation, were detained by Special Branchs Counter-Terrorism Division (SB-CTD) operatives following raids in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor on Thursday.The men were believed to be trying to revive LTTE and make Malaysia as a base for its operations.Malaysias Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said the suspects include a man wanted for his alleged involvement in the attempted assassination of the then Sri Lankan president Chandrika Kumaratunga in 1999.Police believed that one of three other suspects, who holds a United Nationss High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) identity card, is a LTTE bomb expert.Another suspect was identified as an accomplice to another suspect, whom SB-CTD arrested on May 14 for involvement in a plan to attack foreign consulates in Chennai and Bangalore, India.The man was also involved in forging travel documents and student passes, and in human trafficking activities, Khalid said in a statement received earlier today.Khalid added that police also confiscated a cache of counterfeit passports of multiple nations, as well as counterfeited rubber stamps of the Immigration Department and foreign embassies during the operations.We are finding it problematic that among 14 LTTE members arrested this year, seven were using UNHCR cards.We will get to the bottom of this, he said.The fourth suspect was alleged to be responsible in gathering intelligence for LTTEs attacks.- Agencies ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27254,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +181," Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) at Army Headquarters have been directed to immediately commence investigations into the conduct of a soldier in Mangalaeliya area in Puttalum over his involvement in an alleged sexual misconduct with a girl in the area.A Sri Lanka Army soldier attached to the Engineering Corps was arrested by Mundalama Police this morning on charges of raping a 15-year-old mentally handicapped female student. On being informed, the Commander of the Army has directed the Provost Marshal of the SLCMP to cooperate with the area Police and initiate parallel investigations into the case with immediate effect. In addition, his Regimental Headquarters has been instructed to initiate a Court of Inquiry after interdicting him from service with immediate effect, Sri Lanka Army said in a statement today.The Army Commander has also instructed the soldier in custody be expelled accordingly from the Army, if proven guilty of the charges in accordance with the zero tolerance policy of the Army on wrong-doers. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27113,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +182," The United National Party today accused the Elections Commissioner of continuing to remain silent regarding the Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksas involvement in the election campaign of the ruling UPFA.UNP General Secretary Tissa Attanayake says that despite media reports publicizing the Defence Secretarys participation at the launch of UPFA District Leader of Colombo Udaya Gammanpilas election campaign recently, no action has been taken by the Elections Commissioner so far regarding the matter. In an open letter addressed to the Elections Chief Mahinda Deshapriya, Attanayake says that the incident cannot be easily ignored as it was completely illegal. He states that complaints had been made to the Commissioner on several occasions regarding the actions of Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the Defence Secretary, during previous elections, favoring the United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA).However, no measures were taken by the Elections Commissioner regarding those complaints, he said. The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) has also written to the Elections Chief regarding the issue. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=25782,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +183,"The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna today stated that several incidents had been reported recently regarding the detection of large quantities of heroin imported to the country and there have been political involvements in all of these cases.Such political involvements were covered up and the responsible people were safeguarded through various interferences, JVP Propaganda Secretary MP Vijitha Herath said. In the end the heroin rackets and culture of murder moved forward while the politicians, politicians secretaries, ministerial secretaries were set free, he charged.Two container loads of ethanol worth Rs 40 million were seized by customs in March and it was revealed that politicians were also behind that incident. However, the government has still not taken action regarding the illegal import and has failed to punish those responsible, he said.On August 30, the largest haul of heroin detected in the whole of South Asia was seized in Sri Lanka when authorities discovered 261 kilograms of heroin, he said, adding that the Coordinating Secretary of the PM was clearly behind the largest heroin import and he had issued a letter on behalf of the Prime Minister seeking duty waiver on the container concealing the heroin.Therefore the Premier cannot save himself by blaming the whole thing on his coordinating secretary as such a letter cannot be written as one pleases, Herath said.The Prime Ministers coordinating secretary can issue letters as he sees fit, what is the point of having a Prime Minister? Is the country controlled by the secretaries of Prime Ministers and Ministers? No.He stated that when the issue was taken up in Parliament the Prime Minister had responded like a baby who does not know anything.Herath further said that the information provided by Sri Lanka Customs to the Parliament states that 261.292 kilograms of heroin was seized it was handed over to the Police Narcotics Bureau along with the 3 suspects on the very same day.However, he revealed that the information provided by the Police Department to the Parliament states that the heroin weighs only 131.148 kilograms.That means exactly 130 kilograms of heroin have suddenly evaporated. This is now a common occurrence in our country, the JVP MP said.He stated that the people of the country have a question whether the 10 kilograms of heroin found in Hikkaduwa yesterday was a portion of the 130kg which went missing. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=25103,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +184," The involvement in election propaganda by Governor of the Northern Province G.A. Chandrasiri is a violation of the establishment code, and thus he should choose between public service and politics, says the Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CaFFE.) Issuing a press release CaFFE Executive Director Keerthi Tennakoon said that he is surprised and saddened by Chandrasiri joining United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA) politicians for election propaganda activities. The role and responsibility of a Governor is detailed in article 154 (b) of the Sri Lankan Constitution. A Governor is appointed by the President and must carry out the duties assigned, thus his actions are executive actions. However by participating in election propaganda activities of a political party contesting for an area under his command, Chandrasiri has shown that he is not an independent person, he said.It is of great importance that an individual holding an important and an honourable position acts in an impartial manner during an election period. This is doubly important for the Governor heading a Provincial Council in which there is an election as he is to convene the Provincial Council elected on September 21, Tennakoon said. He pointed out that although a Governor can have apolitical opinion, it is not ethical for him to engage in politics, as he is, first and foremost, a public servant and not a slave of a political party. By attending election propaganda activities Chandrasiri has shown his political bias. In the recent past Governor of the Northwestern Province Tissa R Balalla engaged in similar activities but he seems to have stopped such actions, at least temporarily, after continuous lobbying by election stakeholders, Tennakoon added. While respecting Northern Province Governors right to political opinion, CaFFE reiterates that he should resign from his position if he wants to continue engaging in politics. If not he will have no moral right to continue as Governor after the September 21 Provincial Council elections. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=24029,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +185," Campaigners have called for a review of the involvement of Scottish police in training Sri Lankan security forces amid concerns over the countrys human rights record.More than 3500 Sri Lankan police officers - including some senior commanders - have received training from the Scottish Police College (SPC) since 2007 through projects funded by the UK and Scottish governments.An investigation by not-for-profit research group Corporate Watch also found the SPC is involved in spearheading a project to help to set up a National Police Academy in Sri Lanka. Most of the training involves Scottish officers travelling to the island, but in some cases Sri Lankan police are brought to Scotland.UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay last week launched an attack on the Sri Lankan governments human rights record following a week-long visit, citing police intimidation of priests, journalists and human rights advocates. Pillay also talked of dissenting voices being permanently silenced.Phil Miller, from Corporate Watch, said: She reported the country was heading in an increasingly authoritarian direction and complained about how the police had been harassing people who she had been trying to interview.The police were prepared to be abusive even when the UN was there and its the Scottish Police College who have been doing a lot of training over the past six years.I think that raises some quite serious questions. If the country is going in a more authoritarian direction and Scottish police have been helping train the Sri Lankan police for the past six years, are they just helping to develop the police state? Do they have any concerns that this project isnt working?The training by Scottish police officers took place both before and after the governments final counter-insurgency campaign against the Tamil Tiger rebels in 2009.Campaigners say major concerns still remain over the countrys human rights record.Mark Bevan, programme director for Amnesty International in Scotland, said: Unlawful detentions, torture, and enforced disappearances remain rife in Sri Lanka and go unpunished. Its shocking to think similar activity may have taken place while Scottish Police College training work and Scottish police officers were in the country.We would urge the college to investigate its engagement with the Sri Lankan police force and review their activity in light of Navi Pillays report.Furthermore, we would expect them to take the strongest measures possible to ensure any Scottish police staff working with or in Sri Lanka to strongly condemn violations of human rights and in no way contribute to or suppresses reporting of these brutal violations.A spokesman for Police Scotland said the SPC had an international reputation for the quality and integrity of its training packages, which are delivered in Scotland and across the world.He said: When the British Government supports justice and security projects, there are safeguards put in place to ensure any work does not contribute to human rights abuses and it has been clear from the outset that the training reform package in Sri Lanka, led by the SPC, aims to embed international standards in police training.There has also been widespread support for the project from opposition parties, UN and international humanitarian agency representatives, and non-governmental organisations.The Scottish Government confirmed it funded a £400,000 training project which came to an end in March, with more than 3500 Sri Lankan officers receiving training.A spokesperson said: The aim of this project was to use the extensive expertise of the Scottish Police College and other agencies to develop a new model of community policing to help promote human rights in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is now classed as a middle income state. The decision to end funding was taken to allow the Scottish Government to focus on projects in poorer countries.The Foreign Office said the Scottish Police College received funding of £236,042 from April 2007 to March 2013 for work in Sri Lanka via the Conflict Pool fund, which aims to reduce the impact of conflict and instability around the world.A spokeswoman added: Our police training reform project in Sri Lanka, led by the SPC, aims to embed international standards in police training.Opposition parties, UN and international humanitarian agency representatives, NGOs and others have indicated their firm support for our project.She added: Reform projects such as this one take time. We believe that our continued support will have a positive impact, in the interests of all of Sri Lankas communities. - Herald Scotland ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=24003,29,,Other Ethnic groups,News +186,"The JVP today charged that the only reasons Sri Lankas Police is unable to solve crimes carried out against journalists or media organizations is due to the governments direct involvement in them.JVP politburo member and parliamentarian Anura Kumara Dissanayake stated that the countrys police department is capable of solving any murder or incident which has caused controversy.However, their inability to apprehend any suspect in connection to the threats on journalists, attacks on media institutions and journo murders, clearly indicates that the government is directly behind these incidents, he said.He alleged that such threats, attacks and murders are being carried out under the governments advice, support and involvement. He stated that the nature of the break-in at Sunday Leader Associate Editor, Mandana Abeywickremas residence yesterday proves that it was much more than just a robbery.He inquired as to why a group of robbers would spend over 2 hours searching through documents and other such things and waste time.Five alleged burglars had broken into the house located in Dickmans Road at around 2.00am yesterday, before clashing with police officers who had responded to a call received by the police emergency hotline.Certain media reports had revealed that the suspects had searched for documents after breaking in and intended to kidnap Mrs. Abeywickrama, however the Police Spokesman rubbished these reports saying it was only an attempted armed robbery.In every other incident the government has failed to find and arrest the culprits or avoided doing so. However, in this incident one certain individual has been killed and several others have been arrested, Dissanayake said.He stated that now the entire history of these suspects such as their previous crimes and occupations, should be thoroughly investigated.On the visit by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the MP said that Navanethem Pillay is not coming to Sri Lanka, she is being brought down by the government using a palanquin (Dolawa).He charged that the action of the government has opened the door for the UN human right chief to carry out her agenda in the country.Anura Kumara further said that the present government only exists by marketing patriotism and not by serving and helping the masses.He said the country has a problem regarding dictatorship rule where from the Cabinet Minister to the average farmer, everyone is terrified.People are afraid to even draw a cartoon or criticize Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Mahinda Rajapaksa, he said. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=23861,6,,Other Ethnic groups,News +187,"Former Deraniyagala Pradeshiya Sabha chairman and 18 others furtheruntil July 24 over the alleged involvement in the killing of an estatesuperintendent by the Awissawela Magistrate court today.Noori Estate superintendent Nihal Perera was hacked to deathin Deraniyagala on July 5.Anil Champika, also known as Atha Kota, a formerDeraniyagala Pradeshiya Sabha chairman, had personally handed himself overthrough a lawyer. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=23390,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +189,"Seven suspects werearrested by the Beruwala Police over the alleged involvement in the robbery ofgold and jewellery.Police also seizedfive gem stones worth Rs.550,000, ten mobile phone worth Rs. 200,000, Goldworth Rs. 865,000 and a stock of various sim cards in the suspects possession.The suspects wereresidents of the Dinagoda area, police stated while they will be producedbefore the Kalutara Magistrate Court today (June 19). ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=23070,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +190," General Secretary of Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) Galaboda Aththe Gnanasara Thero, responding to an accusation over his involvement in a drunk driving incident in 2000, stated that it was a military officer who was driving the vehicle at the time and not him.In an interview on Derana 360 last night, the vociferous hardline monk was inquired regarding 9 charges, including driving under the influence of alcohol, driving without a valid license, driving without a revenue license and failing to report an accident, filed against him under case 6315/2000 at the Colombo Traffic Court. He was reportedly fined after pleading guilty to the charges. Responding to the question, Gnanasara Thero while not completely rejecting the accusations stated that the vehicle was driven by a military officer known to him.Certain things we can discuss in front of society. I can also answer this question without flinching and with a smile on my face, he said.He stated that the incident occurred when he was traveling with an army officer, who was driving the vehicle, and that when the incident was later reported by media and though the internet he was in America. At that time I asked that officer whether I should talk about the incident, about the truth. But he said the instruction he got was that it was now done and over. When asked why he did not come out with the truth as a Buddhist monk being accused, Gnanasara Thero said: There are some occasions where we have to remain silent.On the accusation that the police report clearly states that Galaboda Aththe Gnanasara Thero under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident, he said it would take a long time for him to explain this and that he has does not need to prove his innocence. At that moment I needed to be unafraid to protect the army officer who came to help me and to assist my attempt on behalf of the Buddha Sasana, he said.He stated that a person was injured and hospitalized after the accident and that he would have been punished according to military law. That is why I said this is a complicated issue. So I think we should forget this and continue to the next question. We have discussed the needful, it is not a big deal. Gnanasara Thero was also questioned regarding a visit to Norway undertaken by him and four other monks in 2011, before the Buddhist nationalist group Bodu Bala Sena was founded in 2012, during which they had held talks with former Minister Erick Solheim and Tamil Diaspora groups.On this, he said the visit was aimed at helping the people in the North by gaining the assistance of the Tamil Diaspora in Norway which actually cared about the Tamil people of Sri Lanka.He, however, said unfortunately their intentions and goals were unfruitful due to pro-LTTE groups threatening the diaspora groups. He emphasized that the discussion were in no means aimed at conspiring against the country and that they were unable to inform the Sri Lankan High Commission in Norway due to the shortage of time during the visit. Galaboda Aththe Gnanasara Thero further said that there is no connection between the visit to the Norway in 2011 and the Bodu Bala Sena organization while terming accusation of the Buddhist nationalist group being funded by the Norway government as baseless and devoid of any truth. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=23063,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +191,"In a swift, yet covert operation, officers from the Qbranch police from Madurai apprehended four Sri Lankan men at the airport herefor their alleged involvement in an ATM card cloning racket that shook the cityrecently.Police officials said theyacted on information revealed by two men, who disclosed after their arrest overthe weekend that the four men were to arrive from Bangkok around 11.45 pm onMonday night. Immigration officials said they were alerted to look outfor Shanmugam Muralidaran, Prakash, Damodaran Pillai and Sudhananda, when theyreached Chennai on a Thai Airways flight. As soon as they came intoimmigration and showed Canadian passports, we knew it was them and detainedthem, confirmed an immigration sleuth, who added that the arrests were notofficial yet.As reported by Express, theATM card cloning racket targeted businessmen, who shopped abroad, and procuredtheir card details. The racket was unearthed in Madurai and two arrests hadbeen made. Sources said prime accused Mohammed Imran gave policeinformation on when the men would arrive here.Rather intriguingly, airportsources said word initially got around that the four men were being arrestedfor LTTE links.A senior police official atthe airport said the men was questioned in Chennai through Tuesday byintelligence officers to unearth the fraud network they had built. I dontknow if they are LTTE, but they have Canadian passports that indicate that theymay have gotten them with their refugee status. They may have been brought upby SL Tamils in Canada or UK, it is unclear, said the officer. (ENS) ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=22812,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +193,"Threepersons of the same family were sentenced to death by the Kandy Provincial HighCourt for their involvement in a murder of a person in Pussellawa.Theaccused were convicted of using a sharp object and a pole to assault and killthe 51 year old victim on or around August 29, 2008.TheKandy Provincial High Court judge Manilal Waidyatilleke gave the verdict afterdetermining that the three suspects were guilty beyond reasonable doubt.Bothparents and their son were convicted of the murder and sentenced to death. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=20198,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +196,"Five Sri Lankan expatriates wererecently arrested for their involvement in a theft that was carried out lastweek (in Kuwait) wherein one among them stole KD 60,000 from an armored vehicle at theairport. Reportedly, the armored vehicle that was driven by twoemployees had KD 570,000 cash, which the employees collected from variouscommunication companies and banks. At Kuwait International Airport, when oneemployee went to collect the money from a telecommunication company, the other,identified as Abdul Amir, escaped with the vehicle. The vehicle was eventuallyfound abandoned at an isolated area near the airport and KD 60,000 was missingfrom the vehicle. According to security sources, high-ranking officialsprioritized this case and investigations were on full swing to capture the suspectand retrieve the stolen money. They revealed that several security teams were formed toinvestigate the case and the Ministry of Interior had blacklisted and placed atravel ban on the main suspect at all borders. Meantime, securitymen were following up on his cell phoneactivity through the satellite and eventually they managed to locate his hidingplace in Hawally when he made a call from his cell phone. Securitymen rushed to the location and arrested the mainsuspect. During interrogations, he confessed to the crime andrevealed that he had planned this theft with two other expatriates of samenationality whereby they decided to carry out the theft on June 24, 2012. He said that after he stole the money from the vehicle, hecontacted his partners and they hid in Egaila for a while with the help ofanother expatriate. He revealed that he gave some amount to an unidentifiedindividual to help his girlfriend leave the country as she had a travel banregistered in her name. He also gave KD 5,000 to her and she managed to leavethe country. However, the individual who helped her leave the country isabsconding and securitymen are carrying out investigations to arrest him. When the suspect revealed that he and his partners sent KD10,000 to their country through a cargo containing baby milk powder,securitymen immediately contacted the cargo company and managed to stop thedeparture of cargo from the country in time. They were able to retrieve thestolen amount of KD 10,000. The officials also managed to retrieve KD 30,000 from theapartment, which the suspects were planning to send to their country inbatches. Efforts made by the officers from Ministry of Interior toarrest the suspects and retrieve the stolen money within a short time werelauded by senior officials. (ArabTimes) ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=18677,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +197," An Egyptian court sentenced former president Hosni Mubarak to life in prison on Saturday after convicting him of involvement in the murder of protesters during the uprising that ousted him last year.Also given a life term for the killings was Mubaraks former interior minister Habib al-Adly, while six former police commanders were acquitted.Corruption charges against Mubaraks sons, Alaa and Gamal, were dropped due to the expiry of a statute of limitations.Mubarak was acquitted in one of the corruption cases.Scuffles broke out soon after the verdicts were delivered, and chants of Void, void and The people want the judiciary purged could be heard.Lawyers inside the courtroom were furious over the acquittals, and told AFP they feared that Mubarak and Adly would be found innocent on appeal.The former strongman, wearing dark classes and a beige tracksuit, showed no emotion as Judge Ahmed Refaat read out the sentence.His two sons, Alaa and Gamal, looking tired with dark circles under their eyes, appeared close to tears on hearing the verdict.Clashes erupted out outside the court following the sentencing, as police used stun grenades to control the crowds.Mubarak, the only autocrat toppled in the Arab Spring to be put in the dock, former interior minister Habib al-Adly and six others were on trial over their involvement in the deaths of some of the estimated 850 people killed during the uprising that toppled the strongman.Mubarak, his sons Alaa and Gamal and business associate Hussein Salem, who fled to Spain, were also on trial over an alleged bribe. - AFP ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=18294,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +199,"In an exclusive reply to Ada Derana the Australian Departmentof Foreign Affairs and Trade(DFAT) today stated that Australia has asked SriLanka to keep them informed of the investigations regarding PremakumarGunaratnam and his alleged involvement in the 1989 insurrection.Gunarathnam was reported to have been a second tier leader of1989 insurrection and he was arrested and later released by military.DFAT understands these allegations are being investigatedby Sri Lankan authorities. We have askedto be kept informed about these investigations. DFAT spokesman told AdaDerana.DFAT thanked the Sri Lankan police and other agencies forassistance in ensuring Mr Mudaliges safe return to Australia. We take our consular responsibilities towardsAustralian citizens seriously, the spokesman added. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17701,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +200,"Acoalition of more than 70 partners, including the United States, pledged Sundayto send millions of dollars and communications equipment to Syrias oppositiongroups, signaling deeper involvement in the conflict amid a growing belief thatdiplomacy and sanctions alone cannot end the Damascus regimes repression.Theshift by the U.S. and its Western and Arab allies toward seeking to sway themilitary balance in Syria carries regional risks because the crisis thereincreasingly resembles a proxy conflict that could exacerbate sectariantensions. The Syrian rebels are overmatched by heavily armed regime forces.Thesummit meeting of the Friends of the Syrian People follows a year of faileddiplomacy that seems close to running its course with a troubled peace plan ledby U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan.Indeed,U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and other participants at theconference in Istanbul uniformly expressed concern that Annans plan mightbackfire, speculating that Syrian President Bashar Assad would try tomanipulate it to prolong his hold on power.Clintonsaid she was waiting for Annans report to the U.N. Security Council on Mondayon the status of his peace plan.Therecannot be process for the sake of process. There has to be a timeline. If Assadcontinues as he has, to fail to end the violence, to institute a cease-fire, towithdraw his troops from the areas he has been battering ... then its unlikelyhe is going to ever agree, she said. Because it is a clear signal that hewants to wait to see if he has totally suppressed the opposition. I think hewould be mistaken to believe that. My reading is that the opposition is gainingin intensity, not losing.Clintonsaid the United States is providing communications equipment to helpanti-government activists in Syria organize, remain in contact with the outsideworld and evade regime attacks.TheSyrian regime agreed last week to Annans plan, which calls for an immediatecease-fire, humanitarian access to besieged civilians and a politicalnegotiation process led by Syrians. Since then, there have been daily reportsof violence, including shelling Sunday in the central city of Homs thatactivists said killed more than two dozen people.Theuprising began in March 2011 as part of the Arab Spring with peaceful protestscalling for political reforms. Assads regime sent tanks, snipers and thugs totry to quash the revolt, and many in the opposition have taken up arms todefend themselves and attack government troops. The United Nations says morethan 9,000 have died.Conferenceparticipants in Istanbul said Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries arecreating a fund to pay members of the rebel Free Syrian Army and soldiers whodefect from the regime and join opposition ranks. One delegate described thefund as a pot of gold to undermine Assads army.Participantsconfirmed the Gulf plan on condition of anonymity because details were stillbeing worked out. One said the fund would involve several million dollars amonth. It is said to be earmarked for salaries, but it was not clear whetherthere would be any effort to prevent the diversion of money to weaponspurchases, a sensitive issue that could prompt stronger accusations of militarymeddling by foreign powers.Thedelivery of humanitarian aid to Syrias beleaguered civilians is a key provisionof Annans plan. Clinton announced $12 million in additional aid for Syriaspeople doubling the total U.S. assistance so far.TheSaudis and other Arab Gulf states have proposed giving weapons to the rebels,while the U.S. and other allies have balked out of fear of fueling an all-outcivil war. Washington hasnt taken any public position on the fund, but itappears that it has given tacit support to its Arab allies.Mohammedal-Said, a Syrian activist in the town of Duma, northwest of Damascus, said salariesmight encourage further defections, but that only arms would turn the tideagainst Assad.Whatis clear to us is that only fighting can make this regime leave, he said viaSkype, adding the opposition wanted arms more than military intervention sothey could topple Assad themselves.FayezAmru, a rebel who recently defected from the military and is now based inTurkey, welcomed the decision as a humanitarian step in the right directionbut also said weapons were needed.Wefeel let down by the international community. I dont know why there ishesitation by the West ... maybe this will help at least keep the rebels ontheir feet, Amru said.InDamascus, Syria blasted the conference, calling it part of an internationalconspiracy to kill Syrians and weaken the country. A front-page editorial inthe official Al-Baath newspaper said the meeting was a regional andinternational scramble to search for ways to kill more Syrians, sabotage theirsociety and state, and move toward the broad objective of weakening Syria.Russiaand China have twice protected the Assad regime from censure by the U.N.Security Council, fearing such a step could lead to foreign militaryintervention. Syrias international opponents have no plans to launch amilitary operation similar to the Libya bombing campaign that ousted MoammarGadhafi, especially without U.N. support, but they are slowly overcoming doubtsabout assisting scattered rebel forces.Thedebate over arming or funding the rebels is being driven partly by thesectarian split in the region. The upheaval in Syria presents an opportunityfor the Sunni Muslim states in the Gulf to bolster their influence, consolidatepower and possibly leave regional rival Iran, led by a Shiite theocracy,without critical alliances that flow through Damascus.Assadsregime, which counts Iran among its few allies, is led by the minority Alawitesect, an offshoot of Shiism.Lastyear, Saudi Arabia sent tanks to help fellow Sunni leaders in Bahrain crush alargely Shiite rebellion there, indicating that sectarian interests sometimestrump calls for democratic change in the Middle East.Turkeyhosts 20,000 Syrian refugees, including hundreds of army defectors, and hasfloated the idea of setting up a buffer zone inside Syria if the flow ofdisplaced people across its border becomes overwhelming. Parts of the southernTurkish region near Syria are informal logistics bases for rebels, who collectfood and other supplies in Turkey and deliver them to comrades on smugglingroutes.Delegatesto the Istanbul meeting talked of tighter sanctions and increased diplomaticpressure on Assad, and Syrian opposition representatives promised to offer ademocratic alternative to his regime. Yet the show of solidarity at theconference was marred by the absence of China, Russia and Iran.TurkishPrime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said military options might have to beconsidered if Syria does not cooperate with Annans plan and the U.N. SecurityCouncil does not unite against Assad.Ifthe U.N. Security Council fails once again to bring about its historicresponsibility, there will be no other choice than to support the Syrian peoplesright to self-defense, Erdogan said.BurhanGhalioun, leader of the opposition Syrian National Council, called for the strengtheningof Syrian rebel forces as well as security corridors in Syria, a reference tointernationally protected zones on Syrian territory that would allow thedelivery of aid to civilians. However, the nations meeting in Istanbul failedto agree on such an intervention, which could involve the deployment of foreignsecurity forces.Noone should allow this regime to feel at ease or to feel stronger by giving thema longer maneuvering area, he said, reflecting fears that Assad would try touse the Annan plan to prolong his tenure. Its enough that the internationalcommunity has flirted with the regime in Syria. Something has to change.TheSyrian National Council said weapons supplies to the opposition were not ourpreferred option because of the risk they could escalate the killing ofcivilians, but it appealed for technical equipment to help rebels coordinate.Forthese supplies to be sent, neighboring countries need to allow for the transfervia their sea ports and across borders, the council said.Theone-day meeting followed an inaugural forum in Tunisia in February. Since then,Syrian opposition figures have tried to convince international sponsors thatthey can overcome their differences and shape the future of a country whoseautocratic regime has long denied the free exchange of ideas.InIstanbul, police used tear gas and batons to disperse a group of about 40 Assadsupporters who tried to approach the conference building. Many held portraitsof the Syrian leader. One man waved Chinese and Russian flags, CBS Newsreports. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17583,9,,Other Ethnic groups,News +201," New York: There are few more knowledgeable observers of US-India relations than William H Avery, a former US diplomat, who served at the US Consulate in Chennai in the 1990s, a time when Indias relations with the US soured after New Delhis nuclear tests. In his new book, Chinas Nightmare, Americas Dream: India as the Next Global Power, Avery offers a detailed anatomy of the growing ties between the worlds largest and wealthiest democracies.Averys book also delivers a broadside against China and says India must respond to how China has advanced its influence in the region, with allies like Pakistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. China has established itself as a growing, and sometimes bullying, power in Indias neighbourhood.India and most of the countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have festering territorial disputes with China. Avery says India must respond to the Chinese challenge by spending even more on defence and using economic persuasion to influence its neighbours.India must now concentrate on the Finlandization of Sri Lanka, Avery writes, while referring to Finlands subjugation by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In the short term this will mean preventing any further non-Indian involvement in Sri Lankas affairs.Avery described how China invested millions to turn the sleepy fishing hamlet of Hambantota in Sri Lanka into a booming new port, just off Indias southeast coast, furthering an ambitious trading strategy in South Asia that is reshaping the region and forcing India to rethink relations with its neighbours.China has been developing port facilities in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar, and it is planning to build railroad lines in Nepal. These projects, analysts like Avery argue, are irksome to India; there are worries that China is expanding its sphere of regional influence by surrounding India with a string of pearls that could eventually undermine Indias pre-eminence and potentially rise to an economic and security threat.Avery worries that Indias economic growth since 1991 has not been matched by an appropriate increase in its global political clout. It is now, however, beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Obama administration, like the previous Bush administration, is investing in a long-term strategic partnership with India, and has identified China as a threat while declaring Asia as a priority to the US.India is no budding UK, and any US policymaker who believes New Delhi will act as a lieutenant for US interests has been smoking something herbal. But Avery suggests that New Delhi must build on recent economic successes to make India a truly global power. He suggests that where India sees common interests with the US a wide and growing field it should be more than willing to cooperate.India possesses the same core values that underpinned the Anglo-American relationship: democracy, human rights, the rule of law and the free market, Avery writes in his book.Despite rooting for a stronger India-US partnership, Avery compares Indias reliance on IT outsourcing, or supplying low-cost brains over the Internet to largely US companies, as a kind of colonial servitude. He implies that Indian firms are boosting efficiency for US companies with factory-like business processes. Today, he writes, India is falling in to the colonial trap all over again, except this time it is doing so willingly.The Wall Street Journal felt that Averys book, while thought-provoking, sort of missed the plot when it panned outsourcing which was a huge business opportunity.Its a fair point that IT outsourcing is draining Indias brightest minds from pursuing innovation. But to compare the industry to Indias plight under the British Empire, when the country exported raw materials and imported goods manufactured from those materials, is a step too far. (India, for instance, runs a large trade surplus with the US), wrote Tom Wright in The Wall Street Journal.Avery will warm the hearts of the folks opposing Wal-Marts march into India by arguing that India should think about more protection for its nascent industries at a time when its markets are growing and the West is stagnant. - FIRSTPOST ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=16534,10,,Other Ethnic groups,News +202,"FiveSri Lankan nationals were arrested in India today for alleged involvement in afake ATM card racket with a nation-wide network and Indian Rs 40.4 lakh in cash and alarge number of fake cards seized from them, police said. Thefive, belonging to Mannar district of Sri Lanka, told police that they used thefake cards to withdraw money from ATMs with PIN numbers and other details madeavailable by a gang based in their country. They also said they had a networkthroughout India.Antony Anandan, Pratap, Syed Abudhagir,Viyakumar and Ganapathy were produced before a magistrate court here whichremanded them to judicial custody, police said adding an application would befiled seeking their custody to unearth their links in other parts of thecountry. Police stumbled on the gang when a woman sub-inspector Lokeswariquestioned Ganapathy after seeing him scratching an ATM card in front of aState Bank of India ATM centre located in an isolated place in Chokkikulamhere. Duringinvestigations, police found Ganapathy was carrying 20 ATM cards and alsoseized Rs.40,000 in cash. He told police they got all the details, includingthe PIN numbers, from a gang based in Sri Lanka. Based on information providedby him about four of his associates operating here, a team of police in plainclothes arrested them at the Ring Road when they were about to shift a bigcarton of currency notes withdrawn by them from various ATMs from one car toanother car, police said. Theyseized cash totalling Rs 40.4 lakh. Local people also assisted the police bysurrounding the gang members. The busting of the gang comes close on the heelsof a major ATM fraud detected by the Bank Fraud wing of the Central CrimeBranch in Chennai last month. Police have arrested 15 persons in connectionwith the fraud in Chennai and surroundings, seized more than 1,000 fake ATMcards with which the gang had withdrawn an estimated more than Rs one croreover a period of time. Themodus operandi of the gang was to use a slim skimmer device to steal card datain ATMs which lacked security measures, including CCTV camera. Five SriLankan nationals were arrested here today for alleged involvement in a fake ATMcard racket with a nation-wide network and Rs 40.4 lakh in cash and a largenumber of fake cards seized from them, police said. The five, belonging toMannar district of Sri Lanka, told police that they used the fake cards towithdraw money from ATMs with PIN numbers and other details made available by agang based in their country. They also said they had a network throughoutIndia. AntonyAnandan, Pratap, Syed Abudhagir, Viyakumar and Ganapathy were produced before amagistrate court here which remanded them to judicial custody, police saidadding an application would be filed seeking their custody to unearth theirlinks in other parts of the country. Police stumbled on the gang when a womansub-inspector Lokeswari questioned Ganapathy after seeing him scratching an ATMcard in front of a State Bank of India ATM centre located in an isolated placein Chokkikulam here. During investigations, police found Ganapathy was carrying20 ATM cards and also seized Rs.40,000 in cash.He told police they got all the details,including the PIN numbers, from a gang based in Sri Lanka. Based on informationprovided by him about four of his associates operating here, a team of policein plain clothes arrested them at the Ring Road when they were about to shift abig carton of currency notes withdrawn by them from various ATMs from one carto another car, police said. They seized cash totalling Rs 40.4 lakh. Localpeople also assisted the police by surrounding the gang members. The busting ofthe gang comes close on the heels of a major ATM fraud detected by the BankFraud wing of the Central Crime Branch in Chennai last month. Police havearrested 15 persons in connection with the fraud in Chennai and surroundings,seized more than 1,000 fake ATM cards with which the gang had withdrawn anestimated more than Rs one crore over a period of time. The modus operandi ofthe gang was to use a slim skimmer device to steal card data in ATMs which lackedsecurity measures, including CCTV camera, PTI reports. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=15933,6,,Other Ethnic groups,News +203,"Kadawatha, Sri Lanka, August 2011: The official handover of the Vision Centre in Kadawatha by the International Centre for Eye care Education (ICEE) to Lions Golden Jubilee Trust for Healthcare and Skills Development took place recently. The event commemorated ICEEs successful involvement and collaboration with Lions since 2009.Since the Vision Centres establishment, it has successfully promoted eye care services within the Gampaha District and other distant areas of the country including Kurunegala, Anuradhapura and Puttalam, through the Lions outreach camps. The Centre symbolises a remarkable achievement for ICEE, becoming the first Vision Centre to develop under the support and guidance of Lions Golden Jubilee Trust for Healthcare and Skills Development.ICEE Country Representative, Anitha Munasinghe, commenting on the progress and development of Vision Centre development in recent years said, By handing over the Kadawatha Vision Centre to the Lions Golden Jubilee Trust, we are expanding our services to accommodate the demand from the community. She added that the partnership between the two organisations was pivotal in the provision of full eye examinations, affordable low cost spectacles, and free cataract surgery to poor and deserving patients.Elaborating further, Ms. Munasinghe said, Patients referred from other ICEE Vision Centres throughout the country also receive free cataract surgery at the Golden Jubilee Hospital. Most of these patients would never have been able to afford cataract surgery on their own. Overall, the expansion of the hospital, would contribute towards the treatment of glaucoma and diabetes related eye care problems. The ICEE is very appreciative and commends the voluntary services of Consultant Ophthalmologist Dr. Manel Pasqual and Mrs. Sumithra Wickremasinghe, while also acknowledging the contribution of all other dedicated staff at the centre.ICEE, in collaboration with other international and local stakeholders, first commenced eye care services in Sri Lanka after the devastating Tsunami in 2004. During the early service delivery and training trips it soon became evident that many Sri Lankans had never had an eye examination which is thought to be linked to the shortage and distribution of eye care services, and the high cost of spectacles in Sri Lanka which is beyond the affordability of many in the community.Since the Kadawatha Vision Centre opened its doors, 9907 free eye examinations have been conducted and 4674 spectacles have been provided to those in need and presently, the ICEE has four other Vision Centres in Sri Lanka.About ICEE: International Centre for Eyecare Education (ICEE pronounced I See) is a global non-profit, non-governmental organisation. In the last ten years ICEE has delivered sustainable eye care services, education and training programmes in more than 40 countries. ICEE is focused on the elimination of avoidable blindness by developing solutions with communities in need of eye care, thereby improving opportunities in education, employment and quality of life. ICEE is supported by the Brien Holden Vision Institute and Optometry Giving Sight. For more info, visit our website: www.icee.orgPhoto captions: From left Ms. A. Munasinghe, ICEE Sri Lanka, Lion M. Pasqual, Lions Golden Jubilee Trust, Mr. Sebastian and Mrs. Sumrana from ICEE Regional Office. (Inset) The Lions Golden Jubilee Eye Hospital in Kadawatha. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=14612,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +205,"I was not arrested by the Chilaw Police but only taken in for a statement, TheChilaw Mayor, Hilary Prasanna Fernando told Ada Derana following his alleged involvement in an assault on a woman yesterday (August 1).The assaultallegedly took place after yesterdays ceremony in which UPFA representatives whowere elected to the Chilaw Municipal Council took oaths in front of PresidentMahinda Rajapaksa for posts such as Mayor and Deputy Mayor. The Police recorded a statement from the Mayor today (August 2) following a complaint that was lodged.Thealleged victim of the assault was the wife of a principal donor to the newlyappointed Deputy Mayor of Chilaw. ",WOMEN,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=14384,7,,Women,News +206,"TheDefence Ministry today stated that Issipriya woman alleged to have been ajournalist and a news presenter by the Channel 4 documentary was indeed an LTTEcadre. The Ministry also released a photograph of the identity cardissued by the LTTE to Issipriya, in which she was clad in combat attire, confirmingher military involvements with the LTTE.Issipriya was born in 1982 in Jaffna and was subsequentlyrecruited by the LTTE and underwent military training in the Wanni. She thenserved in the LTTE Military Wing and subsequently joined the Voice of Tigers,the official radio station of the LTTE. A report submitted to UNESCO by GoSL following the bombing ofVOT by SLAF in 2007 made it clear that VOT was the official propaganda radiostation of the LTTE. The LTTE cadres who died in the attack were identified ascadres who had also been actively engaged in military operations against theSecurity Forces. Issipriya was given the rank of Lt Col due to her contributionto the LTTE. She married a Sea Tiger cadre Sri Ram who also died in the finalbattle in May 2009. Sri Ram was the former LTTE Senior Sea Tiger leader inTrincomalee and took part in most of the operations launched by the LTTEagainst the Sri Lanka Navy and Merchant Vessels. The identity card issued by the LTTE to Issipriya, picturedbelow, in which she was clad in combat attire, further confirms her militaryinvolvements with the LTTE, the Defence Ministry said. ",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=13769,6,,Women,News +207,"Ada Derana learns that internationalcommentator Lucian Wijesinghe was prevented from commentating on the RoyalThomian Big Match by the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) due to hisinvolvement in providing commentaries for World Cup matches for Derana.Mr. Wijesinghe, an old boy of Royal Collegeand regular commentator for the big match, was invited by the Royal-Thomian BigMatch committee to cover the event but was prevented from going on airfollowing objections by the SLBC, despite the committees right to appoint itsown commentator.Mr. Wijesinghe is a free-lance internationalcommentator and is not affiliated with any media organization. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=12301,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +208," We had no involvement in the attacked on the Sri Lankan Maha Bodhi Vihara in Chennai yesterday, the pro-LTTE group Naam Tamilar Iyakkam said in a statement today. Sebastian Seeman says that two member of the organization have been arrested in connection to the incident.Around 10-15 people had reportedly launched an attack on the Vihara while three monks, two Sri Lankan monks and One Nepalese monk had sustained minor injuries.There are several unsolved crimes in Chennai that drag on for months. But two arrests have been made already for this incident (attack on the Maha Bodhi Vihara in Chennai) which occurred just yesterday, the founder of Naam Tamilar Iyakkam Sebastian Seeman states in the release.He accuses that the arrests made were merely a comic scene staged by the government of India for the people of Sri Lanka.In regard to the groups reaction towards the arrests of their members Seeman expressed that We dont fear such arrests made by the Tamilnadu government.We will take the necessary steps needed to prove them innocent and to get them released. The Tamilnadu government which didnt take any action to provide Indian fishermen with protection has supplied the Maha Bodhi Vihara in Chennai with tight security following the attack, the Indian film director further pointed out. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=11579,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +209," The Government a short while ago handed over a motion to appoint a Parliamentary Select Committee to investigate alleged involvement of UNP MP Jayalath Jayawardena in the protest against President Mahinda Rajapaksa in UK. Chief Government Whip Dinesh Gunawardena and Nimal Siripala De Silva today handed over the motion to the Speaker.Seventy Eight Government MPs have signed the motion. Yesterday the United National Party (UNP) leader Ranil Wickremesinghe agreed to the initiation of an investigation on UNP member Jayalath Jayawardana. He stated this in reply to the Chief Government Whip Dinesh Gunawardena, who suggested that a motion should be brought against Jayalath Jayawardana regarding his alleged anti-national conspiracy. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=10914,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +210,"Two special Police teams have been deployed to arrest Rtd.Gen. Sarath Fonsekaâs son-in-law Danuna Thilakaratne, Police spokesmanPrashantha Jayakody told Ada Derana. Pettah Magistrate court issued an arrestwarrant on February 15 for Danuna over his involvement in which he is allegedto have cheated public funds by forwarding and preparing forged documents in adeal with Sri Lanka Army. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=7314,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +211,"The government has instituted a unique opportunity to facilitate professional education tailored to the demands of the job market for the students who have faced G.C.E. Ordinary Level examination, regardless of their results.Saman Rubasinghe, the Director of Registration Accreditation and Quality Management at the Tertiary Education and Vocational Education Commission, said the students can initiate the application process even prior to the release of examination results.He explained that this program spans across 525 schools island-wide. All candidates who have participated in the Ordinary Level examination are eligible to apply after the Vocational Training Institute issues the relevant newspaper advertisement. All courses are meticulously designed with a focus on the contemporary job market, he added.Speaking on the “101 Katha” program produced by the President”s Media Division (PMD), Mr. Rubasinghe highlighted that vocational education is integrated into the school curriculum during the first year, followed by the conferment of an NVQ level certificate in the second year through collaboration with a vocational training institute. Upon obtaining the NVQ 4 certificate, individuals have the opportunity to pursue further education at various levels, including diplomas, advanced diplomas and degrees.Under the conventional practice, the students who fail the Ordinary Level examination would typically be excluded from the education process. However, during the premiership of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, the “13-year continuous education program” was introduced, recognizing the need to direct students to vocational education through the school itself to prepare the student community to face future challenges.Mr. Rubasinghe, providing further insights, emphasized that through this program, all students who participated in the Ordinary Level examination have been offered the opportunity to pursue vocational education, regardless of their examination outcomes.Additionally, individuals preparing for Advanced Level examination and those aspiring to pursue professional education abroad often inquire about opportunities. In such cases, they can undertake short-term courses to acquire requisite language proficiency, he explained.Moreover, possessing computer knowledge is deemed highly beneficial across various fields, including motor mechanics, welding technology, agricultural assistance and the hotel industry. While it may not constitute a professional qualification, it holds significant importance as an additional qualification in enhancing overall skills.Furthermore, there are individuals who make a conscious choice to pursue vocational education, irrespective of whether they have successfully passed the Ordinary Level examination. Dedicated vocational education programs have been initiated for such individuals across 525 schools in Sri Lanka. The “13-year continuous education program” facilitates the pursuit of vocational education directly from school, allowing individuals to proactively engage in skill development.Meanwhile, notifications for applications will be communicated through newspaper advertisements, ensuring widespread awareness of the opportunities available.The professional courses offered are meticulously designed to align with the demands of the job market. In the initial year of the two-year higher education program in the vocational field, vocational education is imparted within the school. Subsequently, students transition to a registered Vocational Training Centre for the remainder of the program.The culmination of this educational journey results in the attainment of the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) certificate.Over the past 5-6 years, this program has successfully cultivated and produced highly skilled professionals, contributing to its increased popularity among students. The program”s ability to consistently produce talented individuals underscores its effectiveness in meeting industry needs and preparing students for successful careers in their chosen vocational fields.Upon successful completion of the program, individuals receive NVQ 3 and NVQ 4 certificates. Subsequently, they have the option to pursue further studies, including diplomas, advanced diplomas and degrees, offered by UNIVOTEC. Those achieving an NVQ 6 certificate gain eligibility to apply for degree courses abroad. This comprehensive educational framework spans across 26 fields, encompassing areas such as motor engineering, welding, agriculture and the hotel industry.For individuals opting for vocational training after completing high school, there is a wealth of opportunities available through the 1400 private and public institutions registered with the Tertiary and Vocational Training Commission.Further information can be accessed through the official website http://www.tvec.gov.lk. This accessible and diverse range of educational pathways reflects the commitment to providing individuals with tailored options for their educational and career development.--PMD",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=95415,26,,Other Ethnic groups,News +212,"Authorities have decided to provide the opportunity for the students in Bandarawela Education Zone, who are staying at a relative’s house or elsewhere due to being displaced as a result of the adverse weather conditions, to attend any nearby school.When inquired by Ada Derana, Zonal Education Director of Bandarawela, H.M.M. Dhammika Herath stated that this decision was reached, owing to the absence of a majority of students in schools in the area due to weather calamities.Meanwhile, Makaldeniya Tamil Vidyalaya in Koslanda, Haldumulla and Meeriyabedda Tamil Primary School have been closed due to the absence of students, he said.The teachers of the aforesaid schools have also been informed to report to duty at Sri Ganesha Tamil Maha Vidyalayam in Koslanda.Furthermore, it is reported that one of the school buildings in Koslanda Sri Ganesha Tamil Maha Vidyalayam is also being used as a relief camp for displaced individuals.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=94124,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +213,"Steps have been taken to speed up the operations of the proposed Sports University in order to provide the opportunity to undergraduates to complete the degree with expertise in sports, State Minister of Sports & Youth Affairs Rohana Dissanayaka says.By enhancing the Diyagama Mahinda Rajapaksa Sports Complex, the lawmaker said it is intended to construct the Sports University, which is expected to recognize outstanding athletes both locally and at the school level and provide the necessary facilities to advance their abilities.He expressed these views on Friday (Aug. 11) during a press conference themed ‘Collective Path to a Stable Country’ held at the Presidential Media Centre (PMC).The state minister added that the National Sports Council has been established, putting an end to allegations of political interference in the selection of athletes for international sports competitions.He assured that the new National Sports Council, which would include seasoned athletes and experienced professionals, will contribute to the development of a robust sports culture in the nation.Dissanayaka also vowed to take steps to restart the National Youth Sports Festival and the ‘Thurunu Shakthi’ program.State Minister Rohana Dissanayaka further commented;The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports is doing a wide range of work to improve the sporting abilities of the youth of this country to raise them to the national and international level.President Ranil Wickremesinghe is a leader who has high hopes for the youth of this country. His contribution to the nation’s youth by founding the National Youth Service Council in 1979 deserves to be remembered.The two main institutions under our Ministry are the National Youth Service Council and the National Youth Corps. Every Regional Secretariat of this nation has a youth service officer assigned to them under the National Youth Service Council to handle youth-related issues.The National Youth Corps is a program that has been put in place to enhance the talents of young people in this country who have left school between the ages of 18 and 29 in order to create a perfect youth generation with abilities. They are also given knowledge of various languages including Korean and Japanese.Also, in the recent past, various issues have arisen due to political interference in the selection of athletes for international competitions. Therefore, it must be said that the step taken to appoint the National Sports Council is a very important one.The National Sports Council consists of veteran athletes like Arjuna Ranatunga and Susanthika Jayasinghe, who are experienced sports personalities who have an understanding of the country’s sports. It has paved the opportunity to make relevant selections through appropriate levels in getting athletes to participate in international competitions. Therefore, today no one can make accusations about political interference in these affairs.66 of the 72 sports federations in this country are currently in operation. In every sports federation in this country, another rival team is always vying for control. I request such teams to give the opportunity to the teams that can play and support the development of sports in this country.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=92611,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +215,"The Chief of Presidential Staff, Sagala Ratnayake says that beneficiaries who have lost Samurdhi subsidies will be given the opportunity to submit appeals.He added that the new welfare benefits programme is scheduled to commence on July 01.Joining an event held in Colombo, Ratnayake mentioned that a procedure will be introduced to directly deposit the welfare money to the benefit receivers’ bank accounts.Furthermore, he revealed that the government plans to prepare a programme to empower the beneficiaries without keeping them poor forever.“Samurdhi [subsidy] was in place for a long time to eradicate the poverty of the poor. But did it happen? It didn’t.He said the Samurdhi subsidy is not enough for low-income people to make ends meet, and that it did not help them to overcome poverty.“A census was carried out recently to properly identify the welfare benefit recipients. The list [of beneficiaries] is not 100% based on the census report.”“There is an opportunity to submit an appeal if someone thinks they deserve the Samurdhi benefits. If they think they were subject to any injustice, this is an opportunity to rectify it.”",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=91284,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +216,"President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated that an Economic Commission will be formed as early as possible to approve investment opportunity in order to provide more opportunities to local and foreign investors.The President also stated that it has the potential to significantly boost the country’s economy.President Ranil Wickremesinghe made these remarks today at the opening of the country’s first migratory bird park and eco-tourism zone in Hanthane, Kandy (Feb. 20).President Wickremesinghe further said:“I remembered another bird park when I arrived here. President J.R. Jayawardene established the parliament on the bird park that was constructed during the reign of King Parakramabahu VI. There are now various types of birds, as well as crows.Mr. Kottegoda spoke about the 20 years of hardship that went into building this bird park. However, Mr. Kottegoda has bestowed the country an International Bird Park today. According to him, this international practice was inspired by Singapore’s Jurong Bird Park. Singapore’s Jurong City was created as an investment zone.More investment opportunities are necessary for Sri Lanka to embark on a new economic path. It takes ten years to approve a firm after an investor arrives in Sri Lanka. This situation should be changed. Production, export economy and technical sectors should be developed under a new economic plan. More chances for domestic and international investment should be provided for that.The economy won’t grow if it takes a foreign investor ten years to arrive and begin investing in Sri Lanka. President J.R. Jayawardena passed the Greater Colombo Economic Plan in a short period of three months and Sri Lanka got its economic benefits. President Premadasa approved the 200 garment industries program in three weeks. In this way, if the investment opportunities are not increased, it is not possible to strengthen the economy of Sri Lanka.Instead of the Board of Investment and the Board of Exports, we should appoint an Economic Commission and come to a system of giving approval for investments through one agency. Minister Dilum Amunugama has been assigned to arrange that. The report will be available within the next two to three weeks. Accordingly, we hope to implement it in the future. I would like to thank you for donating this bird park to the nation by providing value to the tourists.”Chairman of the Migratory Bird Park and Ecotourism Zone Mr. Nishantha Kottegoda said:“There is also a unit to treat and release injured birds in the park, which consists of birds native to foreign countries, migratory birds, etc. The park also has a unit for breeding and exporting exotic birds, an educational and recreational centre for school students and a study of natural birds.This project was started under the “Yali Pubudamu Sri Lanka” program. The first phase could be completed this year amid various obstacles from the government officials. To move this project forward, the government officials asked for a super luxury bus that could run in Colombo as a bribe. This project had to be stopped many years ago because it could not be provided. Anyway, we have been able to declare open the first phase today.”Adjacent to the Hantane Tea Museum premises, this 27-acre exotic bird park and eco-tourism zone is home to over a hundred species of migratory birds.Established at a cost of Rs. 490 million, exotic birds are housed in large cages and the animals are cared for by a group of nearly one hundred workers.This park has been established based on a study of birds that are not native to Sri Lanka for a period of 40 years. It is also special that many exotic birds can be bred in this country.In the first phase of the Bird Park and eco-tourism zone, facilities for local and foreign tourists to see migratory birds, an educational training centre for zoology students, a bird orphanage, a bird home and a quarantine unit has been established.State Ministers Dilum Amunugama, Lohan Ratwatte, Anuradha Jayaratne, Member of Parliament Nalaka Kottegoda, President’s Senior Advisor on National Security and President’s Chief of Staff Sagala Ratnayake, Central Province Governor Lalith U. Gamage, Chairman of the Migratory Bird Park and Ecotourism Zone Mr. Nishantha Kottegoda and other officials participated in this event.--PMD--",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=88522,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +217,"The Attorney General has requested the Court of Appeal that an opportunity be given to present facts before the court in relation to the interim order issued preventing the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) from collecting PAYE taxes from judges.Accordingly, the case is due to be taken up on 09 February, after the Attorney General noted that measures with regard to deducting the PAYE tax from some judges are already underway.The Court of Appeal yesterday (25) issued an interim order preventing the IRD from collecting PAYE taxes from judges following the consideration of a petition filed by an association of Sri Lanka’s District Judges and Magistrates’ .The order was issued by the Appellate Court Bench, comprising of Judges Sobhitha Rajakaruna and Dhammika Ganepola.The association filed the petition on the grounds that deducting such a tax from the salaries of judges is not ‘appropriate’, and is against the constitutional law, and have named the Chief Accountant and the Secretary to the Ministry of Justice as respondents.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=87921,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +218,"The United States believes all countries have an opportunity to stand with Sri Lanka at this vulnerable moment, USAID Administrator Samantha Power said joining an exclusive interview with Indeewari Amuwatte for At Hyde Park on Ada Derana.Speaking further, The USAID chief said the United States is hopeful that the People’s Republic of China and that all other creditors would work with Sri Lanka in helping support the island nation on its road out of this crisis.She also said the United States hopes that the creditors would put the interests of Sri Lanka, and its people, “who are incredibly dynamic, incredibly resilient, incredibly capable of advancing their own economic interests, but where there has been a lot of mismanagement, a lot of corruption, some very poor decisions made over many, many years, but to unlock the potential of those people, those of us who have leverage and have an opportunity to offer support, we can’t conceive of why a country wouldn’t step forward and show that solidarity, at this hour of such great need.”Power noted that all players in the international system should wish to see countries becoming more independent and not more dependent.Speaking on Sri Lanka’s progress with regard to the negotiations with the IMF and potential negotiations with the creditors, Power said it is important to acknowledge that, first of all, the staff level agreement with the IMF needs to translate into a full fledge agreement.“But when that agreement is secured, that’s actually when a lot of the hard work begins,” the USAID chief said, adding that it’s one thing to agree on a set of reforms, it’s another thing to implement those reforms, and to try to rationalize the economy, and balance the books, and get the export-import balance more right sized than it has been in the past.“And so, there are going to be some very difficult sacrifices asked of the Sri Lankan people, and I don’t know how broad-based the understanding is that simply signing an agreement is just the beginning.”She stated that the agreement is actually just a piece of paper and that it’s the reforms and cutting down on some of the more wasteful programs, “but even wasteful programs have beneficiaries, and there are winners and they are losers.”“And so, I think, this is why it is so important to keep an eye on the legitimacy of the entire enterprise, and do everything, all authorities to do everything in their power, to be transparent and candid about the difficult choices ahead,” she stated.“I think, the President has tried to do that – to level with the Sri Lankan people – but at every step of the way to be open about the sacrifices that are demanded, and at every step of the way, I hope for countries like the United States, to again, be standing with the Sri Lankan people, because it’s going to feel lonely, as those tough economic reforms kick in.”""“And that show of solidarity from the outside world I hope will be a source of resources in some cases, but also a source of hope that there is light on the other side,” Samantha Power added.Read the full transcript of the interview below:INDEEWARI AMUWATTE: I’m joining you tonight from the American Center in Colombo, where I’m joined by the American USAID Administrator who’s visiting Sri Lanka briefly. Samantha Power, thank you very much for your time. So much has changed in Sri Lanka since your last visit, what do you observe here? And what brings you at this juncture?ADMINISTRATOR POWER: Well normally, I visit Sri Lanka, or in the past, I have visited in circumstances where there have been political fights about this or that. There have been economic challenges for sure, over the years. Obviously, issues related to human rights violations associated with the conflicts that brought me to Sri Lanka when I was President Obama’s Human Rights Adviser, when I was UN Ambassador, but unfortunately, this trip really is motivated by the gravity of Sri Lanka’s economic crisis. And the privilege that I have in running USAID, of being able to open up the toolbox and say, okay with our resources, which are finite, but what can we do to support the people of this country at this really, really vulnerable time? And, you know, it’s a particularly difficult time, because it’s sort of, it’s the end of the beginning. It’s moving out of one phase into a new set of economic reforms, political reforms as well, which need to accompany the economic. And this is where people are already tired. They’ve already spent months, maybe out on the streets, some of them, involved in protests, but almost everybody having some period where they were walking or riding bicycles, where they had been accustomed to taking buses or driving themselves. And, this is a period where there’s still great sacrifice that lies ahead in order for the country to get back on a more stable economic footing. And so, President Biden asked me to come and to see up close what more the United States can do, and we have come and have identified fertilizer for farmers as one area where – with the infusion of $40 million in support for fertilizer and other agricultural and necessities – we can try to help the farmers that are hoping to have a better yield in this next planting season than they have in the one that just passed. And so, that’s very important, but there’s also an acute humanitarian need of the kind that I’m not accustomed to seeing in this country, except in a time of conflict. And that is, where we have parents who just literally wake up in the morning, or don’t go to bed at night, because all they can think about is how am I going to feed my kids. And so, today I announced an additional $20 million in emergency humanitarian support, to try to help mothers be able to feed their families and meet those emergency needs for the most vulnerable for that sector, that right now, isn’t being reached with state assistance, and that haven’t been able to identify any other means, really, in keeping families afloat. So, those are just two ways of trying to chip in. Also, to remind Sri Lankans, there’s an awful lot of solidarity out there with them. The crisis here has generated global headlines, there is a lot of soul searching and a lot of questions in other countries about how we can avoid those scenarios for ourselves. So, others are learning, unfortunately, the hard lessons that Sri Lanka is learning as well. But, I think that this is a time where if we could combine more global solidarity with the Sri Lankan people with domestic solidarity, where political divisions can give way to some unity to get through this – this really difficult time and get these reforms on track. Then, one can see Sri Lanka getting to the other side.AMUWATTE: Your visit to Sri Lanka comes following the IMF staff level agreement that Colombo reached recently. You’ve met the Sri Lankan President today, and the assistance you’ve pledged to, in addition to $40 million U.S. dollars yesterday, also comes on top of USAID’s assistance pledge in June. But in terms of reforms, what have you discussed with the President? And what more should Sri Lanka do, today, in order to overcome the economic challenges that we’re talking about?ADMINISTRATOR POWER: Well, I think the President has made clear his intention of moving forward with a set of reforms that were agreed to with the IMF. And I think, the focus now – on his part and on the part of his team – is also staffing up to be in a position to execute those reforms, very, very challenging, none of them are easy.I know that had I come even a month ago, I would have seen a very different picture in terms of the queues at the petrol stations. I met mothers today, in fact, who had to bring their kids with them to line up because, of course, they have no childcare for their kids. And so, you have kids sleeping at petrol stations for days on end. So, I don’t have to tell you, even seeing the QR code and the organization now, the fuel rationing policy that at least decreases the sense of chaos as well, that maybe Sri Lankans felt, but also outside investors who want to attract tourists and others. So, kind of tactical reforms like that, these deeper economic structural reforms we discussed. And then, we stressed, the industrial general and myself, the critical importance of keeping the political and governance reform agenda on center stage as well. And, this is very, very difficult, because there’s so many things that need doing, there is so much to clean up. There’s so much to recover from. There’s so much mobilization of debt restructuring or external resource mobilization that is needed, that it can be tempting to just focus on the economic.But, I know from talking with the private sector, both here and internationally, that investors are also looking for political stability. They’re looking to see the anti-corruption reforms moving forward. There are still, as you know, years of questions about transitional justice, and previous human rights violations, to start to see progress in those areas. The Prevention of the Terrorism Act, every visit I have made here for almost 15 years, has involved the discussion, with one of the previous Administrations, about the Prevention of Terrorism Act – finally getting that repealed, as the President has committed to doing and putting, again, the country on a more stable, legal foundation that is more in accordance with international standards. We talked about all of that, but that is a very big agenda. And making sure that, again, as the government now gets constituted, and as the ministries get filled out, and as responsibilities get allocated, we at USAID, are looking to see where we can provide the technical support and technical capacity. And on these priority reforms, that the President and the people, are hoping will unlock more of Sri Lanka’s economic potential.AMUWATTE: You just spoke about human rights, and we are also speaking at a time when Sri Lanka is preparing to face the Geneva Sessions, and there is concern raised about economic crimes on top of violations against human rights. At the same time, in Sri Lanka there is concern, and there are questions, why Sri Lanka is not allowed to do what Sri Lanka can, to allow Sri Lanka to be able to present with what Sri Lanka can without our own means? How do you react to this?ADMINISTRATOR POWER: Well, I think maybe stepping back from Sri Lanka, you know, the reason that when the United Nations was founded, Eleanor Roosevelt and a team of international specialists from all around the world, came together and crafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was the core recognition that, after the Second World War, especially, that governments can’t always be trusted to respect the rights of their people, and that the people in society sometimes need to be able to have recourse to universal rights, that they may not be able to enjoy their own societies. And so, that’s how international law came into existence. That’s why we have a United Nations. That’s why we have a United Nations Human Rights Council. And the goal of these instruments and the goal of these bodies is not to meddle in somebody else’s country or dictate what should be done. It is to say, here are the universal human rights. The people in this case who have suffered human rights violations, may not feel that they have power within their own society, but they can feel empowered by the knowledge that these international instruments exist, and that this is the same as, what happens, actually in the United States is when our national laws are not delivering, you will see people appealing.For example, for a long time, we didn’t have a right to health care and a lot of the debate about health care, people say, well, actually, in other countries, and in these international instruments, there’s a right to health care. So, how come we don’t have health insurance? And so, in countries around the world, it’s a set of standards against which we are all measured. And I think, our hope over many years, and I’ve been active in engaging, again, Sri Lankans of different governments, for a long time on accountability and transitional justice, the hope has always been that the momentum for looking into past allegations of human rights violations, the momentum for tracking down missing persons, and giving families who’ve lost loved ones closure, that momentum would come from within and it has. There would never have been a Human Rights Council resolution in the first place but for the anguish and pain of the families and the support of civil society, and some politicians, in order to help justice be done. But every time something is set up here, it seems like something else gets in the way of the kind of implementation or the kind of follow through that those families have been seeking for a long time. So to be clear, it’s very much within Sri Lanka’s sovereign control to shape the form of transitional justice that takes hold here, and what the Human Rights Council offers is a whole host of technical expertise about how transitional justice has been managed in other settings. And our hope, at some point, is that that would be seen as a resource. And it has been, at different times. There have been periods where it really looked like, for example, the Office of Missing Persons was going to get traction and resources. There have been times when it looked like a truth commission really would be set up and there’d be some momentum behind it. And certainly the new Administration has made promises in those directions. And so, in Geneva, again, there are the standards, the sort of – the keeper of the Human Rights flame, is the Human Rights Council, and then there is the expertise for when there is the kind of political will that is needed to meet the aspirations of people who underwent that violence.AMUWATTE: In 2015, you did mention of this progress made. But right now, as the U.S. Treasury also announced that they will support Sri Lanka to restructure debt and discuss with potential creditors who will potentially help Sri Lanka come out of this situation. What effort will USAID put into this? Again, another question along with that is there has been a lot of skepticism about U.S. funding in Sri Lanka, whether there are any strings attached to it. So, will there be any strings attached going forward?ADMINISTRATOR POWER: I think a distinguishing feature of U.S. assistance in Sri Lanka is that we really look to see how our assistance can empower our partners, Sri Lankans on the ground. And I can say just from meeting with the farmers yesterday to whom we’re providing the fertilizer, our goal is for them to have bigger yields in the next rice planting and harvesting season, full stop. Our goal is not for them to have bigger yields so that we can take a cut of the yields, or so that we can then say hey, we gave you that fertilizer money now you better do this for us. That’s really not the American approach. And, I think that when you talk about debt and USAID, I think what we’re focused on now, because we work at the grassroots level, or try to, is there are a lot of Sri Lankans now who are carrying debt that, had the economy continue to function as it had in years past – maybe not perfectly, but nonetheless, functionally – they would have been able to, for example, produce the kinds of crop that would allow them to pay back the people that they borrowed in order to buy the fertilizer in order to be able to plant and nourish the crop in the first place. But now with the economic collapse, it’s not clear how a lot of Sri Lankans are going to be able to repay their debt. And so, one of the things that we are looking at as USAID, is at the micro level – with small farmers, with 10 farmers, with people who borrow just to be able to pay school fees to get their kids to school – what can we do in support of those families.But additionally, since it’s incredibly important that the Sri Lankan government be providing the support to the most vulnerable, and certainly we heard from the President today, an intention to address food security and malnutrition in the most vulnerable but we can help with program design, drawing on other social safety net programs that we have supported in other parts of the world. Again, even though the civil service is very large in Sri Lanka, making sure that there is the human capacity to implement these programs, and to do so in a way where the intended beneficiaries are reached. And where assistance is not deployed, because of some political favor, out of some political preference, but it’s deployed on the basis of need. That is how we try to operate as USAID. I’m not saying that we have been perfect over the years in Sri Lanka or in any other country. But, we are always on the ground trying to listen and learn and think about, if a program is not producing its desired effects, how do we adjust it? If, and this is true now, if we designed a program before the economic crisis, how do we now need to think about adjusting the programming because circumstances, as you said, have changed so much? But, our goal at USAID is for there to be no USAID in Sri Lanka. Because nobody wants assistance or handouts, really, they may need them, and so they want them in the sense that they need some support to feed their families in a crisis. But what every individual that I’ve met in my travels around the world, and here, wants is sovereignty, self-sufficiency, dignity. And I think, the ethos of USAID’s programming is to think through how can we use our limited resources to catalyze that kind of economic growth, those kinds of economic opportunities, where the next planting season, farmers get themselves back in the cycle that they have been in before, of being able to buy the same supply, the same fertilizer to get the yield and to make the progress they need to make.AMUWATTE: And finally, the China factor has been a massive concern for the U.S. and India as well, speaking about sustainability, or even when we talk about Sri Lanka’s reliance on it. So, how concerned are you now, after your conversations with Sri Lankan parties, and also in terms of IMF negotiations going forward, especially in terms of Sri Lanka’s economic stability and security?ADMINISTRATOR POWER: Well, I think all players in the international system should wish to see countries becoming more independent and not more dependent. And so, again, I think that is a really important pillar of the approach that President Biden is taking, as we think about what support we can offer, how does it enhance independence rather than dependence? Debt, unfortunately, is a form of dependence, because you are reliant on the people from whom you have borrowed. In moments like this, especially when you’re not able to pay back your debt in the near term, you’re reliant on them making adjustments, and being persuadable. That’s not a good feeling. For any of us who’ve incurred debt in our private lives, and it’s certainly not a good feeling for a nation that finds itself suffering significant debt distress. So, we believe all countries have an opportunity to stand with Sri Lanka at this vulnerable moment. And we believe that Sri Lankans will remember, probably for generations, those of us who are creditors. The U.S. is a creditor, as well, and a member of the Paris Club. Were we willing to roll up our sleeves and work with Sri Lanka in helping support the country on its road out of this crisis? And we would hope that the People’s Republic of China and that all other creditors would do the same, putting the interests of this wonderful country, and the people of this wonderful country, who are incredibly dynamic, incredibly resilient, incredibly capable of advancing their own economic interests, but where there has been a lot of mismanagement, a lot of corruption, some very poor decisions made over many, many years, but to unlock the potential of those people, those of us who have leverage and have an opportunity to offer support, we can’t conceive of why a country wouldn’t step forward and show that solidarity, at this hour of such great need.AMUWATTE: In your understanding, how far has Sri Lanka come in solving this issue? And especially with the IMF, and in terms of negotiations, potential negotiations with the creditors? What more do we need to do?ADMINISTRATOR POWER: Well, I mean, I do think that it is important to acknowledge that, first of all, the staff level agreement with the IMF needs to translate into a full fledge agreement, but when that agreement is secured, that’s actually when a lot of the hard work begins. Because it’s one thing to agree on a set of reforms, it’s another thing to implement those reforms, and to try to rationalize the economy, and balance the books, and get the export-import balance more right sized than it has been in the past. And so, there are going to be some very difficult sacrifices asked of the Sri Lankan people, and I don’t know how broad-based the understanding is that simply signing an agreement is just the beginning. That the agreement is actually just a piece of paper. It’s the reforms and cutting down on some of the more wasteful programs, but even wasteful programs have beneficiaries, and there are winners and they are losers. And so, I think, this is why it is so important to keep an eye on the legitimacy of the entire enterprise, and do everything, all authorities to do everything in their power, to be transparent and candid about the difficult choices ahead. I think, the President has tried to do that – to level with the Sri Lankan people – but at every step of the way to be open about the sacrifices that are demanded, and at every step of the way, I hope for countries like the United States, to again, be standing with the Sri Lankan people, because it’s going to feel lonely, as those tough economic reforms kick in. And that show of solidarity from the outside world I hope will be a source of resources in some cases, but also a source of hope that there is light on the other side.MS. AMUWATTE: Thank you very much for your time. Thank you. We have with us Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development Samantha Power joining us at Hyde Park tonight, a former journalist and author of award winning books and a Pulitzer Prize winner, in Colombo, talking about Sri Lanka’s crisis and the way forward.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=84911,55,,Other Ethnic groups,News +220,"President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has provided an opportunity to discuss the recent proposals submitted by the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) regarding solutions to the current crises in the country, according to political sources.Accordingly, it is reported that the discussion will be held next Tuesday (March 08).A meeting was held between the other government allied partied in Colombo last night (05) to discuss the meeting granted with the President about a month after the SLFP submitted its proposals.Former President Maithripala Sirisena, State Ministers Dayasiri Jayasekara, Duminda Dissanayake, Lasantha Alagiyawanna and Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara as well as PHU leader Udaya Gammanpila and NFF leader Wimal Weerawansa, who were recently removed from their ministerial portfolios, were present for the meeting.The issues to be considered during the forthcoming meeting with the President were discussed here while this is the second time that the SLFP is to hold a discussion with the President.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=81023,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +221,"President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has expressed confidence that the new year would provide an opportunity to further the steps taken by the government to pursue and overcome challenges and strengthen the people-centric economy.In his message for the New Year 2022, the Head of State vowed to further safeguard the economy and livelihoods that have been adversely affected by the prevailing pandemic. “We will be able to implement the plans for this purpose under the new normal.”The President stated that the country must move towards prosperity with self-confidence, dedication and unity. The challenges we have overcome as well as the experiences we have gained will inspire us in the New Year, he added.Welcoming the new year with great enthusiasm and anticipation, the President said the dawn of the new year would instinctively inspire us to look to the future with optimism and determination.“We need to reflect on the impact the past year has had on the country and society, and I believe that this should be with a resolution for future prosperity.”The global pandemic has adversely affected the progress of realizing the expectations of the people, he went on. “Nevertheless, national security and co-existence have been further consolidated at the present time. A number of new reforms are being formulated.” The President noted that steps have been taken to resume dormant government development projects and programmes and vest them in the public.The government’s action in the face of the destructive effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of Sri Lankans has been hailed globally, the President said further.“I am pleased to say that the freedom you enjoy today, even in the midst of pandemic restrictions, is the result of the immense sacrifice that all people of this country have made.”The rejection by the great number of patriots of baseless political tussles that have led to harassment of the people is an affirmation of the people’s trust in government, he went on.The Head of State said he sees the country’s ability to build new foreign relations whilst strongly maintaining historical diplomatic ties as a significant investment.He invited everyone to make the New Year a transformational year dedicated to realizing the “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour” for the people.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=79555,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +222,"Power sector officials today (November 03) pointed out that as the Yugadanavi project is a great investment opportunity for the country, it is necessary to consider the long-term benefits while forgetting the short-term issues in order to take advantage fromthis investment.At present, more than 95% of the country’s electricity demand is being catered and therefore, low-cost power plants need to be built to meet the people’s electricity needs, otherwise, the electricity tariff hike will be unavoidable, the officials further said.They pointed out that it has become an imperative factor that we should transform to intermediate energy sources with new concepts and new technology, as the LNG power generation is a low-cost, environmentally friendly method, the transformation that is to take place through the Yugadanavi power plant is a profitable project for the government as well as for the people of the country.This was stated by the relevant authorities in the power sector in response to questions raised by journalists at a special media briefing held at the Presidential Media Center, this afternoon.The President’s Media Spokesman Kingsly Rathnayaka conducted today’s media briefing under the theme “The Truth about the Yugadanavi Project”.The daily electricity demand is increasing rapidly. The production cost per unit of electricity has increased to Rs. 23 - 24. However, the government provides electricity to consumers at Rs. 16.65 per unit, said the Chairman of the Electricity Board, Mr. M.C. Ferdinando.The Chairman further said that the country had lost many power generation projects that had been under discussion for a long time due to various reasons and it is vital to increase power generation to ensure uninterrupted power supply.The success of the Yugadanavi investment project will enable both local and foreign industrialists to consume electricity at a lower cost, Chairman of the Lanka Electricity Company Attorney-at-Law Athula De Silva said.Electricity Board General Manager M. R. Ranatunga pointed out that 40,000 million units of electricity are required per year to fulfil the total electricity consumption and only by generating this amount at a lower cost, the people will have the opportunity to obtain electricity at concessionary rates.When asked whether the trade union leaders have held discussions with the authorities on the current situation at the Yugadanavi power plant, Mr. Ranatunga said that no trade union has made a request for a discussion. He also said the authorities are ready to explain the technical process and benefits of the Yugadanavi project.Responding to a question from a journalist on whether there is a possibility of power cuts in the future, the General Manager said the statements made by some groups to mislead the public should be ignored and that many trade unions have expressed support to provide an uninterrupted power supply.Additional Secretary of the Power Ministry Dr. Susantha Perera also participated in the media briefing.-PMD",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=78153,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +223,"Professor of Community Health at the Medical Faculty of the University of Colombo, Manju Weerasinghe urged the youth not to be misled by the baseless opinions expressed by certain persons with commercial interests, and to take the vaccines against the COVID-19 virus at the first available opportunity.The Professor points out that there is no scientific basis to the statements made by certain persons that sexual impotence and infertility are caused in the human body due to the vaccine. He urged the youth not to fall prey to such false opinions and act wisely, protect themselves and the country as well.Professor Weerasinghe was speaking at a media briefing organized by the Government Information Department to respond with scientific facts to the fallacies being circulated through various platforms, which it says are intended to disrupt the ongoing COVID-19 vaccination program.The death toll on persons over 60 has reduced due to vaccination. Professor Weerasinghe called on the propagandists who circulate false opinions with ulterior motives not to disrupt the current vaccination program that intends to save the lives of the youth.The second jab of the vaccine was given to nearly 12 million citizens by September 26. Another 2.2 million are waiting for the Second dose. The best solution, not only in Sri Lanka but also in the world to control the COVID-19 pandemic is vaccination, he said.According to Professor Weerasinghe, the first legislation on vaccination against communicable diseases was brought by Parliament of Great Britain in 1853. That was to control Smallpox. Since then, the factions who oppose vaccination have one reasoning that it is futile, might contain unhealthy substances therefore, countries should not accept the command of Western Medicine. Vaccines were introduced against Rabies in 1885, Diphtheria in 1920. Several vaccines were introduced between 1949 and 1955 as well. Therefore, vaccination has been proved the most effective treatment and decisive factor as it has been able to control several contagious diseases to the minimum level possible.Addressing journalists, consultant physician attached to the Homagama COVID-19 Treatment Tertiary Hospital Dr. Eranga Narangoda said vaccination helped reduce the number of COVID-19 related deaths and infected patients as well.Complete immunization is developed in the human body two months after the vaccination of both doses. When tested positive for the disease during this pending period, the condition of even a vaccinated patient could become serious or the patient could die.The Doctor refuted the public opinion that immunity generation differs from one brand to other. He said all 08 vaccines recommended by WHO have an equal capacity of immunization. Pfizer has been recommended for children between 12 to 18 and all others over 18 would get immunization from any variety of COVID vaccines.Meanwhile, Sri Lanka has recorded the least child-death rate in the South Asian region because children are vaccinated in prescribed time, said Director of the Family Health Bureau, Community Health Specialist Dr. Chithramali de Silva. She said child vaccination began in 1961 but it was extended island-wide in 1978. The Child-death rate could be reduced by examining the health of children intermittently and giving them relevant jabs. She said WHO has not recommended vaccines against COVID-19 for children below 12.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=77267,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +224,"India and Sri Lankan top diplomats have discussed the opportunity to set up pharmaceutical manufacturing plants of India in the island nation.This had been discussed when the High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka Gopal Baglay called on the new Foreign Minister Prof. G. L. Peiris after his assumption of duties, Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.At the meeting, Foreign Minister Peiris has expressed appreciation and continuous support being provided by India for combatting the COVID-19 pandemic. Minister Peiris had thanked the Government of India for supplying emergency consignments of liquid oxygen from east Indian ports, even by using Indian naval ships.The discussion also centered on enhancing religious tourism, the Foreign Ministry said. Foreign Minister Peiris also appreciated the offer of US$ 15 million by the Government of India to preserve and promote Buddhist cultural sites in Sri Lanka and expressed interest in the early implementation of the offer.Both sides had also discussed the possibility of the early convening of the Indo-Lanka Joint Commission, which was last convened in 2016. It was agreed that the six Working Groups under the Joint Commission, covering specific subject areas under education, science & technology, tourism, trade & investment, fisheries, and the power sector, should meet at the earliest feasible opportunity.Matters relating to fisheries were also discussed and both sides agreed to search for a meaningful, pragmatic solution to the issues. Indian assistance to develop fisheries harbors in Sri Lanka was greatly appreciated.Both parties highlighted the pivotal importance of relations between Sri Lanka and India which have stood the test of time as close neighbors and expressed satisfaction at the current level of cooperation and resolved to raise bilateral relations in multiple sectors to even higher levels.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=76365,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +225,"The University Grants Commission (UGC) has decided to give a second opportunity for the students who passed the 2020 G.C.E. Advanced Level Examination but could not apply for the university admission in time.Speaking further on the matter, the UGC Chairman Prof. Sampath Amaratunge said, “Accepting applications for university admission of students who took the 2020 Advanced Level Examination ended on the 18th of June. However, at the time, the University Grants Commission assured that students who could not submit their applications online due to the pandemic situations prevalent in the country will be given another opportunity.”Accordingly, in keeping with its promise, the UGC has announced a grace period from July 26 to July 30 for the students to send in university entrance applications, he added.After submitting their application online, the students are further required to forward a signed copy to the following e-mail address set up by the UGC - apply2020@ugc.ac.lkIn addition, any changes that students wish to make to the order of the universities or courses they have chosen will be allowed from July 31 to August 14.However, those who have already sent in their applications will not be able to make such changes, Prof. Amaratunge noted.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=75644,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +226,"President Gotabaya Rajapaksa points out that the “Digital Platform” is a great opportunity for the public to come up with ideas and creative proposals in order to formulate a “Sustainable Education Policy Framework”.“The vision and philosophy of a country is shaped by its education system. An outdated education system creates a society that cannot keep pace with the modern world. A policy formulated as a result of wide public representation cannot be changed in the event of a change of government,” the President says.President Rajapaksa states that one of the main objectives of the National Policy Framework, “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour” is to design and nurture knowledge-based human capital to suit the 21st century. To achieve this target, a number of educational reforms need to be implemented. President Rajapaksa says that he expects the future generation of the country to be brought before the world as a generation armed with knowledge and talent through the ‘new education reforms.The President made these remarks addressing the ceremony held at Temple Trees on Friday (26) to launch the ‘Digital Platform’ to solicit the views of the public on the proposed education reforms.The theme of the ‘Digital Platform’ is ‘Towards a Perfect Education that Enriches Wisdom and Mind’.The President officially launched the ‘Digital Platform’. From today for the next 3 months, the public can submit suggestions and ideas for new education reforms to the “digital platform” through the website -egenuma.moe.gov.lkPeople are invited to submit proposals under four main sub-sectors specifically Pre-School Education, Primary and Secondary Education, Vocational and Tertiary Education and Higher and Vocational Education. The “Digital Platform” is open to receive wider public feedback and suggestion for a sustainable education policy.Another goal of the reforms is to enhance avenues to higher education. Job oriented skill development is expected through the modernization and restructuring of curricular in the universities.The President said that a total overhaul is required in the Open University system so as to assist those who are employed to improve their further educational qualifications.He said that his aim was to provide a complete sophisticated education to all Sri Lankan children from the pre-school stage and that the current shortcomings in the internet and technology facilities would be fully addressed by the year 2023.The President noted that he expects to usher a prouder future for Sri Lanka which has inherited a proud past with new education reforms.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=72608,12,,Other Ethnic groups,News +227,"Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa says that National Independence Day is an opportunity to remember the unfaltering spirit and commitment of Sri Lankans in the fight for freedom.Adding his wishes on the 73rd Independence Day, the Premier says that Sri Lanka is at a point in its journey where all must work collectively to ensure that the freedom Sri Lanka won twice is meaningful for all Sri Lankans.He also added that Sri Lankan’s dedication and patriotism to protect the motherland reflects how Sri Lanka, as a nation, has stood against numerous challenges and continue to do so in trying times.The full message of the Prime Minister:“It is with immense pride that we celebrate our 73rd Independence Day today. It is an opportunity to remind ourselves of the unfaltering spirit and commitment of our people in the fight for freedom.Sri Lankans have stood the test of time, fighting many a battle, gallantly, in the long struggle to gain political, religious and cultural independence. Today, we are at a point in our journey where we must work collectively to ensure that the freedom we won, not once but twice, is a meaningful one for all Sri Lankans.Despite the many challenges we faced as a nation last year, we have embarked on a journey and adopted policies that focus on the growth of the economy by giving preference to locally produced items. The ‘Vistas of Prosperity’ Manifesto has carefully studied and identified areas in each sector that need reform, to better serve Sri Lankans, not limiting, ‘working towards a better tomorrow to achieve a prosperous Sri Lanka’, to mere words, but a reality that is tangible and meaningful to all.History tells the story of a nation and its people who have always stood resolute in battles against any local, foreign and terrorist outfits that threatened the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Sri Lanka. Our people’s dedication and patriotism to protect our beautiful motherland reflect how we, as a nation, have stood against numerous challenges and continue to do so in these trying times.The biggest challenge the world faces today is the COVID-I9 global pandemic. As we work collectively towards our shared quest to overcome these perilous times, I believe that the unfaltering Sri Lankan spirit will unite and stand strong in defeating this pandemic and emerge victorious.In celebrating our Independence, we remember all those who have paid with life and limb to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our nation, time and time again. We also take a moment today, to remember those men and women who are the frontline soldiers battling this current pandemic we are facing. Giving selflessly of their skills and time to protect Sri Lanka and her people.I express my heartfelt gratitude to all Sri Lankans for their contribution towards the success of our motherland Happy 73rd Independence Day.”",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=71290,9,,Other Ethnic groups,News +228,"President Gotabaya Rajapaksa says that his government has curtailed the opportunity for any form of extremism to raise its head again in Sri Lanka.The President mentioned this during a special address to the nation to mark the first anniversary of his Presidency.He added that there is no room for the underworld and drug networks to carry out their operations within prisons.He says that the era of betraying war veterans, selling national resources, readily accepting any deal over short-term gains, or allowing foreign forces to intervene with the internal affairs of the nation has now ended.Sri Lanka is ready to hold friendly relations with all nations, President Rajapaksa stated. Sri Lanka has once again shown its stance as a proud sovereign nation that is neutral and is not a party to conflicts between powerful nations, he added.President Rajapaksa says that he has not considered the position of the Presidency as a privilege but only a responsibility. Therefore, he has worked to eliminate unnecessary expenses, waste, and empty pomposity, the President said.“My success or failure is best measured by public opinion, not organized propaganda spread on social media by political opponents on social media.”The President, adding that he does not want to please anyone only for the purpose of securing votes, said that his determination is to build a prosperous nation.He affirmed that he will not hesitate to take whatever action is necessary according to my conscience to achieve this target.President Rajapaksa concluded that the time has come for all to join with the team spirit and fulfill responsibilities in a disciplined manner to build a prosperous nation.“I love my country. I am proud of my country. I have a vision for my country. This is the Motherland of all of us. Hence, the time has come for all of us to join hands as productive citizens with the team spirit and fulfilling responsibilities in a disciplined manner in building the prosperous nation we promised to our people.”The full text of the speech made by President Rajapaksa:President's special add... by Ada Derana",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=69235,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +229,"President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, extending his wishes for Hindu devotees on Deepavali festival, says cultural festivals of this nature provide great opportunity to build communal reconciliation and mutual understanding among the people and empower ethnic and religious harmony.“Hindu devotees across the globe light up lamps and engage in religious observances with the expectation of dispelling darkness of ignorance and illuminating wisdom. Deepavali festival is a renowned cultural celebration where the devotees extend wishes of enlightenment and share greetings with love and compassion.At a time when the entire world is facing the unprecedented difficulties due to Covid-19 pandemic, such an opportunity to observe and celebrate one’s own religious belief is indeed a consolation, the President said further.“I believe it would be a blessing for our objective to establish a righteous society and a heathy lifestyle in the country,” the President went on to say in his message for Deepavali festival.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=69085,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +230,"With the limiting of imports of several non-essential items, the opportunity is now open to commence productions in many sectors, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa said.As pledged in “Saubhagyaye Dekma” policy statement the way has been paved for a people-centric production economy. The current challenge before the industrialists is to win the domestic and global market, President observed.President made these comments during a discussion with the members of the Inter-Ministerial Task Force on Industrial and Enterprise Development held at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday (22), stated President’s Media Division.At present, there are several tasks before to be performed by businessmen. They include satisfying consumer needs, creation of new industries, and introducing new technology to the country. President emphasized the importance of maintaining the highest possible level of standards in every product manufactured and every service provided in the country.The Government apparatus is geared to assist the industrial sector. The ground work including the provision of loans at single digit interest rate has been laid. President Rajapaksa said he expects the industrialists to show results by manufacturing an array of goods ranging from brooms to medical drugs domestically.It is not the government’s policy to encourage imports of agricultural products while giving encouraging farmers to grow locally. President Rajapaksa further said that as the government moves forward with a steady policy, there is an environment for the farmers to understand the market demand in a similar manner as industrialists do.Representatives of several fields including motor vehicle assembly industrialists, motor spare parts manufacturers association, packaging manufacturers, power cables industrialists, national marine manufacturers association, metal industrialists, leather industry advisory committee, rubber related products manufacturers association, advisory committee of electrical & electronic equipment, timber and timber-related products industrialists association, joint apparel association forum, apparel industrialists, cosmetic manufacturers association and advisory committee on the drug manufacturing attended in this meeting.Minister of Industries, Wimal Weerawansa, Secretary to the President, P.B. Jayasundera and Ministry Secretaries participated in the discussion, said PMD.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=64920,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +231,"International Workers’ Day is an opportunity to showcase the unity, strength and revolutionary spirit of working people to the world, says President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.He mentioned this in his message for the International Labour Day.The global working community has lost the opportunity to celebrate May Day this time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he said adding that, “I am confident that their determination to create a better and just society will remain the same.”The President says that the working class is “the segment that was directly affected and at the forefront” whenever the country was faced with challenges. “History has proven their resilience and commitment, which, indeed is a great credit to the working class.”He noted that the battle against COVID-19 can certainly be won “as we had conquered all the difficulties in the past, hand in hand with the working class.”The President also reminisced how Sri Lankans had to “forego May Day celebrations” due to the Easter Sunday attacks. However, as a result of an unexpected global pandemic situation, this time too, May Day celebrations and processions will not be held, he added.The President’s message for the International Labour Day is as follows:I wish to make use of this occasion of the International Workers’ Day to salute and pay my respect to the working masses who are making boundless sacrifices in the face of challenges before the nation caused by COVID-19 outbreak.Many were the challenges we faced and overcame throughout history. In each such instance, working class in the country is the segment that was directly affected and at the forefront. History has proven their resilience and commitment, which, indeed is a great credit to the working class. It is certain that we will win the battle against COVID-19 as we had conquered all the difficulties in the past, hand in hand with the working class.International Workers’ Day is an opportunity to showcase the unity, strength and revolutionary spirit of working people to the world. The global working community has lost the opportunity to celebrate May Day this time due to the global pandemic. Nevertheless, I am confident that their determination to create a better and just society will remain the same.Our government, despite difficult circumstances, did not disrupt the daily life of the working people. We not allow any room for such a situation to occur. Similarly, we will take steps to secure daily livelihood of the workforce by ensuring the functioning of the production and service sectors while mitigating the effects of the epidemic.Last year the working class of our country had to forego May Day celebrations due to the Easter Sunday carnage. Even though we have ended that inhumaneness, due to unexpected world epidemic situation, this time too, May Day celebrations and processions will not be held. This decision was taken according to the guidelines prescribed by the health authorities. Nevertheless, we should pursue the struggle to achieve just rights. May the aspirations of this International Workers’ Day may further enhance the courage for the collective efforts of rebuilding the Sri Lankan nation and the economy of the country.I salute the Sri Lankan working class.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=63236,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +232,"The COVID-19 outbreak is a good economic opportunity for the country, says President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.He mentioned this at a special discussion held with Chief Advisor to the President Lalith Weeratunga this evening (20), on the effects of COVID-19 outbreak in the country.With the halt of the industries that generate foreign exchange, provide employment opportunities, open self-employment and SME opportunities – such as tourism and apparel industries –,industries that are linked with importation, or deal with foreign investment have seen a major setback with the virus outbreak, the President pointed out.However, this is a great opportunity to change Sri Lanka’s economic system and move towards a more local economic plan, said President Rajapaksa.“For a long time, we have imported things that we could manufacture within the country. Due to cheaper imported goods, the local manufacturers, industries got shut down.”Pointing out that ways to increase the income of farmers have always been a topic of interest, the President said that a good opportunity has presented itself to develop this sector with the use of new technology.“We must change the local economy, the complete economic model”, said President Rajapaksa.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=62844,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +233,"The presidential candidate of New Democratic Front Minister Sajith Premadasa says the new administration that they would form following the Presidential Election victory will design its fiscal and monetary policies to ensure that private enterprise is given the maximum amount of opportunity to participate in the wealth creation process.He stated this addressing a meeting held with the country’s entrepreneurs at Colombo yesterday (18). The meeting was also co-chaired by Non-Cabinet Minister of Economic Reforms and Public Distribution Harsha de Silva and Minister of Finance Mangala Samaraweera.Entrepreneurs will be provided with the maximum demand-side and supply-side support, Premadasa says.“Our new economic policy will be dictated by the fact that we have to maximize our national interest,” he added.Responding to a question on taxes, Premadasa said the people are already heavily taxed.The Minister says he is not the usual tax-and-spend politician. He vowed to reduce the existing taxes and reform the tax system to encourage the private entrepreneurship to grow and expand.“We shall ensure that there is an efficient and vibrant national welfare state. As a country we will have a common minimum programme that takes care of the less fortunate in our society,” he continued.Summing up, the Minister said he believes in competitive markets and also in social justice.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58459,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +235,"Minister of Finance Mangala Samaraweera who is in Jaffna overseeing the implementation of entrepreneurship loan scheme to young people in the northern province today held series of meetings with war-affected people to help them to make use of the opportunity under the enterprise Sri Lanka Exhibition to obtain loans.In the morning he met the members of the War widows and the Small and Medium Entrepreneurs associations at the Jaffna Kachcheri.He also held a separate meeting with the Ex-combatants at the Jaffna Kachcheri. Secretary to Ministry of Finance R.H.S. Samaratunga, Senior Deputy Secretary to Treasury R Despariya and the Deputy Secretary to Treasury Atapattu and the Jaffna G.A. N. Vedanayagam were also associated with the minister at this discussion.The Minister announced at this meeting that the government has decided to offer interest subsidized loans up to 1.5 million rupees under the Enterprise SL loan scheme without obtaining collateral. So he said that there is no need for the women of the war widows association and the ex-combatants to look for two surety guarantees.The minister emphasized that the government was mindful of the hardships faced by the northern people during the last thirty years and especially the hardships faced by the women-led families.“Let the bygones be bygone we are here to lift your livelihood facilities by giving you interest subsidized loans” declared the minister.The minister also said that the Cabinet of Ministers has approved a proposal to pay a monthly allowance of Rs 6000 to each family of missing persons. He instructed the members of the missing persons to obtain the Certificate of Absence in the name of their missing persons from the office of Missing Persons OMP an office to be qualified for this payment which is to be paid from November 01.Earlier these women and the ex-combatants brought to the notice of the minister that they faced social hardships and stigma in obtaining guarantors for them.On the instruction of the Minister Mangala Samaraweera, Jaffna GA is to arrange a two-day workshop on coming Friday and Saturday to help and train the prospective entrepreneurs to prepare their proposals to submit to the banks. The Northern area managers of the State banks, who were present at this meeting, agreed to send in their representatives to make their proposals viable for them to obtain loans.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=57602,14,,Women,News +236,"The Rs 2290 million Thanthirimale Reservoir Project - the third largest reservoir in Sri Lanka once completed –launched yesterday (25) opens cultivation opportunity through both seasons for many northern farmers for the first time in a long time.“So far the farmers in this Northern region have been farming for only one season every year and this project enables them to farm through both seasons” said the Minister of Industry, Commerce, Resettlement of Protracted Displaced Persons, Cooperative Development, Skills Development & Vocational Training Rishad Bathiudeen addressing the event.Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, Minister P. Harrison, several MPs of ACMC, farmers of the region and other participants joined the launch of Reservoir Project.Minister Bathiudeen said: “This is a victory for farmers in this area and it strengthens them economically and agriculturally. Also water shortages faced by people in these areas, including Mannar are solved by this project. We are very happy to witness the launch of this historic project which will supply water to Anuradhapura, Mannar and Vavuniya Districts.Many previous governments tried to commence this project but it is this government that finally managed to launch it at a cost of Rs 2290 million. The continued efforts of Minister of Agriculture P. Harrison finally resulted in today’s project launch. I am personally aware of his huge commitment to make project a reality.I personally know that President Maithripala Sirisena also spoke to the World Bank on this project and also aware that he is supporting to vest this project with the public upon completion as early as possible.In the last four years Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, under the leadership of President, has been initiating many development projects across Sri Lanka with huge investments. Recently he opened 400 schools across the country at the same time from Kurunegala and then went on to launch work on 126 new roads in Trincomalee District at a cost of Rs 800 million.”12% of total sown acres of paddy in Sri Lanka (in Maha season, under all schemes) are in the Districts of Anuradhapura, Mannar and Vavuniya. Once the Thanthirimale project is completed, it is expected to irrigate 30680 acres of paddy lands in these three Districts. 50000 families in these Districts will receive water supplies. Seven irrigation lakes in these three Districts will be filled by the new reservoir. Floods in Mannar District are expected to be tamed while Thanthirimale is to be shaped as an Economic Centre for North.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=57313,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +237,"Minister of Education Akila Viraj Kariyawasam has instructed the authorities to provide the opportunity for orphaned children living in children’s homes that are registered with the government, to be admitted to national schools located closest to their respective facilities.The relevant instruction was given in the light of an incident where a principal of a leading school had refused to enrol several children from an orphanage to the school stating that it could harm her reputation and the school’s as well.The minister has deplored the indifferent treatment towards orphan children when various progressive programmes since 2015 to ensure the children’s right to education.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=56579,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +238,"President Maithripala Sirisena has said the people will have the opportunity to elect a new government within the next five months and that he expects them to use their franchise wisely to select honest individuals who love the country.The only way to re-build this economically backward and the corrupted country is to elect a government with honest politicians, the President has stated attending a ceremony to declare open the newly-constructed District Hospital in Nuwara Eliya today (15), the President’s Media Division (PMD) said.Politicians, who love the country will instinctively work to uplift the public, the President has said.He has pointed out that achieving development goals would not have become a challenge if the workforce of the government sector, the front runner of the forward march of the country with strong manpower of 1.6 million as well as the academics, carry out their due responsibilities.During the last five years, the welfare programmes carried out for the benefit of the estate sector people is unparalleled, the President has said, adding that many steps have been taken to ensure free medical and education facilities of this important segment of the society.Illegal drug trafficking is the simplest and the easiest way to destroy a country, the President has stressed. The country is unable to reap the real benefits of many progressive activities due to clandestine agendas of some political parties and their members, he has continued.The President has also emphasized the importance of work beyond petty political gains.The Nuwara Eliya district hospital, built with the financial assistance of the Kingdom of Netherlands, comprises a 600-bed ward complex, operation theatres with modern technology, Intensive Care Units, Outer Patients Clinics, pharmacies, dialysis units as well as quarters for doctors and nurses, the PMD reported.The construction work of this hospital was commenced in 2012 when the President was holding the portfolio of the Health Minister and the hospital is expected to provide quality service to the tourists who are visiting the picturesque Nuwara Eliya city, the PMD said.Following the unveiling of the plaque, President has reportedly engaged on an inspection tour.President has registered the first three patients who came to the hospital for treatment, the PMD added.Ministers Rajitha Senaratne and Navin Dissanayake, Governor of the Central Province Maithri Gunaratne, Secretary to the Ministry of Health Wasantha Perera, Director General of Health Services Dr. Anil Jasinghe, a delegation from the Netherlands and the Director of Nuwara Eliya Hospital Dr. Mahendra Seneviratne were among the gathering.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=56419,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +239,"Opposition Leader Mahinda Rajapaksa stated that the opportunity to defeat the budget was lost as Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) members refrained from voting at the second reading of the Budget 2019.Attending an event held in Matale area, he said that although it has been 10 years since the defeat of terrorism, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva still doesn’t see the peaceful state within the country.“I saw on a Sunday newspaper that 9 military personnel have been issued travel bans stating that they are not let into those countries. The reason is defeating terrorism. Even though we eliminated terrorism from our country, certain countries still suffer from terrorism. We instructed the armies to defeat the terrorism without harming civilians”, said Rajapaksa.Speaking on the current economic situation, he says living conditions have become hard today that certain families get on by drinking just tea. He said that prices of spices and minor exports have gone down and the people living off agriculture are suffering.He further said that children should grow up in a religious environment and more focus should be given to drugs destroying the children.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=53826,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +240,"The Ministry of Finance will be introducing a Scholarship for Educational Excellence - SEE Fund in order to provide students with the best G.C.E. Advanced Level examination results in the country an opportunity to pursue their undergraduate education at top foreign universities.Discussions are currently ongoing with universities such as Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, and MIT with regard to enrolling these students, stated the Finance Minister presenting the Budget Proposal 2019.The top 5 students who scored the best results under each study stream – Physical Science, Biological Science, Technology, Commerce and Arts – at the A/L examination along with the highest ranking student from each province will be granted this opportunity.However, this scholarship will be granted only under the condition that the student would and serve in Sri Lanka for a period of at least 10 years following the completion of the course.The first batch will be chosen from the results of the 2019 A/Ls in August and 14 scholarships will be given this year to those who top their respective areas, according to the Minister.The scholarships granted will be expanded in the coming years, he added.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=53608,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +241,"The opportunity that the UNP has obtained to form a new government is not a victory, says the National Organizer of UNP MP Navin Dissanayake.He also emphasized that it is necessary to prepare for elections from the day they assume governmental power and that they cannot be at rest after gaining political power.The second generation leadership is working together to protect the party, MP Dissanayake further stated.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=52096,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +242,"Speaker Karu Jayasuriya states that after the meeting in Parliament on 14th November, standing orders should be suspended and an opportunity must be provided for majority opinion on the ability to form a stable government.An unofficial meeting of the party leaders was held today (07) at the office of the Speaker.Issuing a press release, the Office of the Speaker stated that the agenda of the parliament for November 14th was discussed at the meeting.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=51284,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +243,"The Cabinet of Ministers has granted its approval to establish a national-level university for Sri Lankan police officers to provide them with the opportunity for higher education.Co-Cabinet Spokesperson Minister Gayantha Karunatileka announced this today (03) at the Cabinet press briefing held in Colombo.A concept paper, containing the recommendations of a committee, with the expertise in the relevant field, has been prepared with regard to the establishment of this national university for police officers.The Cabinet of Ministers approved the combined proposal presented by Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe, and Minister of Public Administration, Management and Law & Order Ranjith Maddumabandara to establish the proposed university considering the concept paper submitted by a committee of experts.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=50450,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +244,"If the group of MPs representing the Joint Opposition desires to act independently in the Parliament, they are willing to give the opportunity for it, says UPFA General Secretary Minister Mahinda Amaraweera.He stated this following an event held in Colombo.Although the UNP and the SLFP has their difference, they are working together for the future of the country, he further said.Each JO MP will have to inform via separate letters their will, if they wishes to separate and work independently, says the Minister.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=49377,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +245,"Cabinet sub-committee on providing assuagement to media persons and organizations who were subjected to various types of harassment and intimidation during 2005-2015, has decided to open up another opportunity to those who were unable to submit requests and suggestions to the committee.The sub-committee calls for submissions regarding the media persons who were murdered, assaulted, or oppressed by any means during the said time period.Accordingly, the suggestions and requests are expected to be submitted before August 10, 2018 to the following address, fax number or e-mail.Address:Secretary,Ministry of Finance and Mass Media163, “Esidisa Medura”Kirulapona Avenue,PolhengodaColombo 05Fax: 0112513645/0112513469Email - media@media.gov.lk",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=48566,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +246,"State Minister of International Trade Sujeewa Senasinghe expressed his displeasure over his State Ministerial portfolio saying that he has not been provided the opportunity to serve the country.Senasinghe said that his job role is similar to a chairman post in the Mediation Boards Commission and what he can only do is to resolve disputes.The State Minister made this statement during a certificate awarding ceremony held at Maharagama Divisional Secretariat Auditorium.300 women who successfully completed self employment programs at Sujeewa Senasinghe Women’s Foundation received certificates at the ceremony.Speaking further State minister said although there are many young capable politicians in the United National Party (UNP) they have not been provided with suitable opportunities to match their potentials.Young leaders such as him did a great sacrifice in establishing the government, not President Maithripala Sirisena or Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, he pointed out.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=47688,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +247,"Former Sri Lankan Ambassador to Russia Udayanga Weeratunga has the opportunity to return to Sri Lanka and present himself to the court in order to prove his innocence, instead of making statements through social media websites, Police Spokesman SP Ruwan Gunasekara said.“Udayanga Weeratunga is a citizen of Sri Lanka. He has to adhere to the laws existing in Sri Lanka. Instead of declaring his innocence through social media websites, Udayanga Weeratunga has the opportunity to return to Sri Lanka, produce himself before the court and prove his innocence, while his opportunity to do so has not been obstructed by the Police.”The Police Spokesman issued a statement today (22) regarding the Blue Notice and subsequent Red Notice issued by Interpol for the arrested of the former Sri Lankan Ambassador to Russia and the recent statements made by him through social media.Mr. Weeratunga had been evading a warrant of arrest issued on 20 October 2016 by a Colombo Magistrate, in relation to investigations pertaining to alleged embezzlement of public funds to the tune of 7.833 million US dollars with regard to procurement of MiG aircraft and money laundering.On the basis of a Blue Notice obtained by Interpol Sri Lanka on Mr. Weeratunga, Sri Lanka authorities had been working through mutual legal assistance with a number of countries to trace his whereabouts.The former Ambassador to Russia and Ukraine was intercepted in the UAE on Sunday 4th of February 2018 when he attempted to leave to the United States.However, issuing a statement on February 8 to Sri Lankan media and through social media, the former diplomat claims he was stopped and searched by Interpol in U.A.E. but was released after it was confirmed that there are no internationally leveled charges or an Interpol red notice issued against him.The Sri Lankan Government confirmed that Weeratunga has been released by the UAE authorities following his recent arrest, but pointed out that he has been prevented from leaving the territory of the UAE until the conclusion of investigations.“The Police in the UAE are investigating this matter and Mr. Weeratunga has been prevented from leaving the territory of the UAE until the conclusion of these investigations,” it said.In the meantime, the FCID, which is investigating the allegations and complaints against Mr. Weeratunga in Sri Lanka, are working with the Interpol in Abu Dhabi on this case.The Sri Lankan Embassy in Abu Dhabi has also retained Lawyers in the UAE specializing in immigration matters to advice the Government of Sri Lanka on this matter.After his release by UAE authorites, Weeratunga has continued to issue statements through social media and other websites with regard to the allegations levelled against him and the investigations by Sri Lanka Police.He has repeatedly criticized the Sri Lankan government and Sri Lanka Police through his statements to the media.Sri Lanka Police Spokesman's Statement Issued on 2018.02.22 by Anonymous 4xL1hr21yl on Scribd",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=46078,13,,Other Ethnic groups,News +248,"Chandika Hathurusingha, Sri Lanka’s new coach who will take charge at the end of the ongoing tour of India, said he scented opportunity for the team despite a string of humiliating defeats.“Listening to president and the sports minister and thinking of all the expectations, there’s no pressure for me. This is all opportunities,” said the 49-year-old former Test batsman, who was officially named for the post on December 8, on Wednesday (December 20).“Looking from outside, looking at our team, I thought it’s a great opportunity for me to come here and maximise the potential in the Sri Lanka team that I see from outside. I am looking forward to that challenge and I take that challenge as a very good opportunity to take the team forward.”Hathurusingha, who called the appointment a “great honour” and thanked Sri Lanka Cricket for giving him the “great opportunity”, also said he would streamline the selection process which he believed could revive the sagging fortunes of the team.Sri Lanka this year have turned in their worst performance since 1987. Out of a total of 29 One-Day Internationals, they won only five while losing 23. In Tests, they lost eight matches including a 3-0 drubbing at home at the hands of India, the No. 1 Test team. During their continuing tour of India, Sri Lanka lost a three-match Test series 1-0 and the subsequent ODIs 2-1.Sri Lanka travel next to Bangladesh for a tri-series also involving Zimbabwe, followed by a two-Test rubber with the home side.Hathurusingha resigned as Bangladesh’s coach in October after three years in charge during which he guided the team through their most successful period, masterminding Test wins over England and Australia at home and Sri Lanka away.His contract with the Bangladesh Cricket Board made him one of the world’s highest-paid cricket coaches on US$ 40,000 a month, and was due to run until World Cup 2019. But he opted out after a poor tour of South Africa recently where Bangladesh lost all the matches they played.The Sri Lanka coach’s post had been vacant since Graham Ford quit in June. Nic Pothas, the fielding coach under Ford, was asked to fill the position in the interim and has continued to do the job in India.Wisden India-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44923,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +249,"Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa says that even though a local government election is not an election at which political power changes hands, this election is of special significance because it is the first time people will have an opportunity to use the ballot to demonstrate their opposition to the present government.Issuing a statement regarding the upcoming LG polls, he said that the only election held previously under yahapalana government was the parliamentary election of August 2015.He charged that the president ensured the victory of the UNP at that election through “stratagems” such as issuing public statements to destablise the UPFA election campaign and by sacking the general secretaries of the SLFP and the UPFA on the eve of the poll.“Thereby the message that was conveyed to the whole country was that since it is the President who calls the shots, the UNP will ultimately end up triumphant even if they lose the election.”Rajapaksa said this is why the Joint Opposition is contesting this local government election under a different symbol and a different political alliance.“The objective of the Joint Opposition is to provide all those opposed to this government with a political alternative.”The Kurunegala District MP claimed that even though the JVP masquerades as an opposition party, “they are an integral part of the yahapalana collective.”He charged that under today’s leadership, the JVP has become “a cat’s paw of the UNP.” Therefore, the voting public should be mindful of the fact that the only real opposition to this government is the Joint Opposition, Rajapaksa said.He further said that the local government election that is to be held in February 2018 will be the first of a series of elections running up to the next presidential election.He says that the next presidential election process will have to begin by October 2019 and hence there will only be around 18 months between the local government elections and the beginning of the next Presidential elections process in 2019.“Therefore, we can expect the local government election in February 2018 to be the first in a series of elections with the provincial council elections being held next, to be followed some months later, by the presidential election.”Rajapaksa said that the people are only too well aware of the fate that has befallen the country after the UNP-SLFP coalition government took office.“In a situation where this coalition government has demonstrated in unmistakable terms that they are incapable of running the country, every voter should ask themselves whether there is any sense in the same people asking for a mandatetorun the local government authorities as well.”He urged the voting public to set aside all other considerations and to cast their vote at the forthcoming local government elections solely on the basis of being either in favour of, or opposed to, the present UNP-SLFP coalition government.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44791,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +250,"Speaking in parliament today (21), Leader of the Opposition R.Sampanthan appealed to the members of the House not to squander the opportunity to create a constitution with a substantial bi-partisan consensus that will be beneficial to every member of the Sri Lankan community creating an indivisible Sri Lanka. In his speech today, the Leader of the Opposition stated that the process of formulating a constitution has been a prolonged and complicated one. He cited the numerous efforts brought forward by several political regimes highlighting the fact that, each one of them helped shape Sri Lanka into what it is today.“We are engaged in the process of making a Constitution for our country, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. As Sri Lankan Members of Parliament we on behalf of the people we represent are engaged in making the basic Supreme Law - the Constitution of Sri Lanka.” He said emphasizing the enormity of the task at hand. He further stated that the Constitution of Sri Lanka will be accepted as the framework on which an undivided, indivisible Sri Lanka can be built.R.Sampanthan further stated that to date, no constitution has been framed on the basis of a substantial bi-partisan consensus of the differing people within Sri Lanka, particularly the Tamil community, or on the basis of a bi-partisan consensus of the main two political parties. He further stated that the political demographic of the country is such that every party regardless of scale will have a role to play in the formulation of an effective constitution that will do justice to every member of the community. The Leader of the Opposition stressed the poignancy of the current constitutional assembly stating that the present efforts of the assembly will be the first opportunity where a constitution may be drafted based upon the reasonable consensus of both major political parties giving the constitution the credibility and legitimacy it so desperately requires.It was further stated that it had been a long standing goal of the Tamil speaking people to create a constitution that gives reasonable and acceptable arrangement that recognizes the identity and dignity of the people. R.Sampanthan further stated that the negligence of the diversity of people reaped disastrous results for the people of Sri Lanka for over 3 decades.He also stated that this unfortunate situation prompted many erudite Sri Lankans to find employment overseas to rid themselves of social segregation. It was emphasized that a new constitution needs to be drafted to salvage the credibility of the nation in the eyes of the international community.The Leader of the Opposition in his closing remarks implored with the House to collaborate and facilitate the creation of a new supreme authority that will pave the way for a better tomorrow for the general populace of Sri Lanka.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43160,9,,Other Ethnic groups,News +251,"Minister of Skill Development and Vocational Training, Chandima Weerakody stated that all three wheeler drivers will be given the opportunity to engage in vocational training programs in the future.The minister made these statements during an event held to distribute three wheeler licenses, which was held at the Vocational Training Center in Koggala yesterday (18).He stated that most individuals who engage in this occupation tend to stick to specializing in that particular job throughout their lifetime, and that the vocational training will allow them to look for job opportunities elsewhere. Training to become electricians and plumbers are a few of the examples of the genre of training programs that will be offered, which will help the individuals generate extra an extra income for themselves.All individuals who have successfully completed their O/L’s will be eligible to apply for a course in Welding course offered by Ceylon German Technical Training institute, where applications should be submitted by the 20 of this month. Certain Training programs have also been organized in areas in Galle, which will be held on the 25th of this month.He added that the main goal of such training programs is to eliminate poverty from the county, and that they have understood the problems of the people.Weerakody added that the government is working towards creating jobs to help fit the skills acquired by the people in the country, in order to alleviate unemployment and poverty.Furthermore he stated that discussions between other countries have already begun in order to help finance the planned projects, and that the ministry of foreign employment is looking towards expanding job opportunities in foreign countries.The president of the vocational training authority, Lionel Pinto, vice- president Thilak Kariyawasam and other government officials attended the event.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=41404,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +252,"The views of US President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May on matters of national security offer a “window of opportunity” to the Sri Lankan government to re-negotiate the September 2015 UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution on it, says Dr.Dayan Jayatilleka, former Sri Lankan Ambassador to the UN in Geneva and France. He said the UNHRC resolution, co-sponsored by Sri Lanka at the instance of the US and other Western powers, has tied down the island nation to steps which could demoralize its Security Forces and compromise national security. It ought to be re-negotiated in the light of the latest thinking in Washington and London, Jayatilleka told Express on Thursday.Security conscious Trump had assured the Afghan President in December 2016 that he would increase US troops in that country which is being harassed by the Taliban. Currently there are about 8,400 US troops apart from 6,400 from its allies.Recently, Trump had said that he would build a wall to stop illegal immigration from Mexico, and that in investigations of suspected terrorists, “torture works absolutely” and that the US must “fight fire with fire”.British Prime Minister Theresa May had said in September last year, that her government will not allow British soldiers who had served in Iraq to be dragged to the courts on human rights violation charges and that she would protect servicemen from legal harassment.With such views emanating from Western capitals, which were behind the UNHC resolution in 2015 September, Sri Lanka should press for re-negotiation of the resolution to accord with its national security imperatives, Jayatilleka urged.He regretted that the “pro-West” Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe are not seizing the opportunity.Jayatilleka warned that given the growing clout of the nationalist forces in Sri Lankan politics, the United National Party (UNP) - dominated government would find it more and more difficult to implement the key clauses of the UNHRC resolution. Any move to ram the unpleasant clauses down the throats of the nationalist masses would only erode the standing of the government, he said.The former diplomat noted that President Maithripala Sirisena, who is more sensitive to the ground situation in Sri Lanka than the UNP leadership, has shown a manifest interest in protecting the dignity of the Sri Lankan Security Forces.According to Jayatilleka, Sirisena has also sensed the possibility of working with a reoriented US Administration under President Trump. In this context he said it is significant that Sirisena has nominated Susil Premajayantha, a stalwart of his nationalistic Sri Lanka Freedom Party, to represent Sri Lanka at President Trump’s Prayer Breakfast.Source: The New Indian Express-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=38815,6,,Other Ethnic groups,News +253,"While Sri Lanka has made substantial progress in addressing child marriage and teenage pregnancy, some girls in the south Asian nation are still being deprived of a carefree childhood and the opportunity to realise their full potential, UN agencies said on Wednesday.In a letter to Sri Lanka’s Minister of Women and Child Affairs Chandrani Bandara on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, the UN Children’s Fund (Unicef) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF) called on Colombo to continue actions to address this issue, Xinhua news agency reported.According to Unicef’s Child Marriage Baseline Estimate last year, there are over 20,780 girls aged between 12 and 17 years in Sri Lanka who are married or in cohabiting relationships before they reach adulthood.Also, 5.3 per cent of all registered pregnancies are teenage pregnancies.In Sri Lanka, current socio-cultural practices and legal, economic and social security-related factors are the leading causes of child marriages and teenage pregnancies.Unicef Representative in Sri Lanka Paula Bulancea said child marriage not only violates the human rights of girls, it has a real negative effect on their futures, impacting their education, health and the economic and social prospects of themselves, their children and their communities.“In the week of International Day of the Girl Child, we are acknowledging the real progress Sri Lanka has made, but also asking the government to continue this strong work, for the benefit of all Sri Lankan girls,” Bulancea said.UNFPA Representative in Sri Lanka Alain Sibenaler said that with continued action by the government, and with the support of the United Nations, its partners and civil society here, they could achieve a key objective of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).That is to “eliminate all harmful practices such as child, early and forced marriages”, and ultimately a Sri Lanka where all girls can have a childhood free from discrimination and violence, and a future of opportunity and choice.The joint letter was signed by over 50 UN agencies, non-governmental organisations, leading medical practitioners, academics and partners, highlighting the issues of child marriage and teenage pregnancy in Sri Lanka.Source: IANS-Agencies",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=37375,21,,Women,News +254,"The United States is willing to work with Sri Lanka in rebuilding the island countryâ€â„��s economy, advance good governance and ensure equal rights and equal opportunity for all, a statement quoting a U.S. diplomat said.U.S. Ambassador to Colombo Atul Keshap said that while Sri Lanka and the United States shared strong ties, the United States was ready to support the people and the Sri Lankan government in their shared vision for a reconciled and unified country.“As Sri Lanka seizes on this golden moment of national reconciliation, we will remain your friend and partner. The whole world applauds the vision of a strong, unified, democratic, and prosperous Sri Lanka. We want to join hands with you and your government to help rebuild the economy, advance good governance, and ensure equal rights, equal opportunity, and the full benefits of post-conflict development for all, regardless of ethnicity or religion or gender,” Keshap said.He added that while in eight months, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights will report on the Sri Lankan government’s progress towards implementing its reconciliation and accountability promises made in Geneva last year, the United States will support Sri Lanka’s efforts to meet its commitments made in Geneva.“And we will help. This will be difficult but it is necessary, and it is for the good of all Sri Lankans and for the happiness of all of her people,” he said.Speaking further, Keshap applauded the return of critical debate, free press, and independent civil society in Sri Lanka within the past 19 months and welcomed the establishment in law of the Office of Missing Persons.The Sri Lankan parliament recently approved the establishment of such an Office to probe the whereabouts of the thousands of people who were missing during and soon after the country’s civil conflict which ended in May 2009.-Xinhua-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=36541,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +255,"With President Maithripala Sirisena at the helm in Sri Lanka, this is the best opportunity to bring about a lasting solution to the country’s ethnic question, Norway’s former special peace envoy Erik Solheim has said, The Hindu reported.“The strength of Sri Lankan democracy is such that it has removed Mahinda Rajapaksa from the President’s chair. While he assured an inclusive approach post-war to settle the ethnic question, he never acted on the promise of reaching out to Tamils,” the former diplomat said.Participating in a panel discussion on the newly-launched book To End a Civil War: Norway’s Peace Engagement in Sri Lanka , Solheim, who played a key role in the peace treaty signed between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE in 2002, said there were two main obstacles to reconciliation in the island nation.“The two main Sinhala parties — United National Party and Sri Lanka Freedom Party — were never able to work together. When one thought about making a move forward, there was always the apprehension of the other using it as a political tool to gain ground,” he said.The second was the reliance of V. Prabhakaran, the LTTE chief, on violence. “He genuinely believed that there were military solutions to the political problems. This was political stupidity,” Solheim said and added that the Norwegian peace delegation made it clear time and again to Prabhakaran that killings should stop if he had any hope of proscriptions in different countries being lifted.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=34495,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +256,"The Cabinet nod has been granted to amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure Act to give opportunity for a person arrested for committing an offence to access an Attorney-at-Law after the first statement of such a person.“It is considered as a basic characteristic in a fair trial that a person suspected of having committed an offence and arrested thereafter should have the right to access to an Attorney at Law. After the first statement of such a person has been taken down by the Police he should be given the opportunity to meet an Attorney at Law.The proposal made by Wijayadasa Rajapaksa, Minister of Justice, to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure to recognize the right of every person arrested to consult an Attorney at Law of his choice immediately after the recording of his first statement by the police and to provide that if the person arrested pleads that he is not possessed of the necessary resources to retain an Attorney at Law, such services to be provided by an attorney at law of the Legal Aid Commission, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers,” the Govt. said in a statement.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=33909,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +257,"“Sri Lanka has the opportunity to once and for all meet the rights and legitimate expectations of thousands of families of disappeared,” a delegation of the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances said today as it concluded its visit to Sri Lanka.“Families have waited too long - the time for action has come.”“The widespread use of enforced disappearances for many decades has left profound wounds in the society and a deep sense of mistrust among the relatives,” stressed the Group’s Vice-Chair Bernard Duhaime, Tae-Ung Baik, and Ariel Dulitzky at the end of an official visit to the country.The experts noted an almost complete lack of accountability and decisive and sustained efforts to search for the truth – in particular the determination of the fate or whereabouts of those who disappeared - as well as the absence of a comprehensive and effective reparation program and social, psychological and economic support for the relatives. “We welcome, however, the commitments made by the new Government of Sri Lanka to embark on comprehensive measures to ensure truth, justice and reparation for victims, as well as prevent any recurrence of disappearances in the future”, indicated the experts.“Finally there is a positive environment to seriously address these issues,” the experts said. “We note encouraging steps such as the official invitation for the Working Group to visit the country, the excellent cooperation received during the visit and the Government’s increasing openness”, they added. The Working Group also highlighted the commitments expressed by various authorities they met, including to establish a dedicated Office for Missing Persons and to carry out broad consultations on future measures to be taken.“These promises and commitments must now be followed by concrete efforts and tangible results,” they emphasized. “This is the only way to regain the trust of victims for past failures to address their rights. The Government will need to adopt bold steps to reach out to and create confidence in the victims.”“Sri Lanka must seize this historic opportunity and adopt urgent and profound measures to satisfy the rights of the victims as a fundamental step which will help lay the ground for a sincere reconciliation process,” they said. “Reconciliation, however - while extremely necessary in Sri Lanka - cannot be achieved at the expense of the rights of the victims.”The experts expressed support for the recommendation made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in his recent Human Rights Council report to integrate international judges, prosecutors, lawyers and investigators into the envisaged judicial mechanism aimed at prosecuting massive human rights and humanitarian law violations - including enforced disappearances.“The Working Group also supports the establishment of the Office for Missing Persons dedicated to the humanitarian task of searching for the thousands of disappeared in the country,” stated the experts. The Working Group noted that this body should act in a non-discriminatory, impartial, independent and professional manner, adopting a victim-centred approach. “This Office should look at all enforced disappearances, regardless of the time and place of their occurrence, and regardless of the perpetrator,” the experts said. “The same principles should guide the activities of the proposed Truth Commission”.“The design and implementation of all these measures - which should be parallel and go hand in hand - call for truly inclusive, good faith, consultative, gender-sensitive and participatory methods,” the experts noted. “It is of outmost importance to genuinely include families of disappeared and the organizations representing them in the consultation process”.As one first measure, the experts urge the authorities to give clear instructions at all level of the military, security and law-enforcement forces that all type of threats, harassment and intimidation towards families searching for their loved ones must immediately cease, will not be tolerated and will be severely sanctioned.“Some of the persons with whom we met have been questioned in relation to our visit. This is absolutely unacceptable in a democratic society” they said “Building trust and confidence among the victims will not be possible without seriously addressing this crucial issue”.The experts also called for the creation of an adequate legal and institutional framework to prevent enforced disappearances to occur again in the future, and ensure its adequate implementation.“Some of these measures can be taken swiftly, among which: the ratification of the International Convention on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance; the introduction of an autonomous crime of enforced disappearance in the penal code; the repeal of the Prevention of Terrorism Act - which contains provisions that can facilitate the occurrence of enforced disappearances; and a thorough and independent investigation into all allegations of instances of secret detention”, noted the experts.During the ten-day visit, the Working Group’s delegation visited - in addition to Colombo - Batticaloa, Galle, Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar, Matale, Mullaitivu and Trincomalee. They met with the President, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs as well as other high-level State authorities as well as civil society organizations.“We also met with hundreds of relatives of disappeared and missing throughout the country, hearing many tragic and deeply saddening stories. The Working Group reaffirms its solidarity with all the victims and their relatives who come from all communities. Their continued suffering is living proof that enforced disappearance is a continuous offence and a permanent violation of their human rights until the fate or whereabouts of the victim is clarified”, the experts concluded.A final report on the visit will be presented to the UN Human Rights Council in September 2016.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=33110,22,,Other Ethnic groups,News +258,"There is a new opportunity for business ties between Sri Lanka and the US, as the two countries can do a tremendous amount together to enhance economic relationship and expand bilateral trade. Atul Keshap, the US Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldives said.Keshap made the observation while addressing the inaugural event of the US Trade Show 2015 in Colombo, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce said in a statement.“That is because the people of Sri Lanka have made it clear their intent to leave aside the politics of the past to build a promising unified future” said U.S. Ambassador Keshap, and added: “the government of Sri Lanka has responded with plans to adopt policies that will make it easier for business to operate in and trade with Sri Lanka-not only for American businesses but businesses all around the world.It is clear that Sri Lanka is on the global map, the 18th biggest port in the world is right here in Colombo and it’s one of the busiest ports for the US government in terms of helping to ensure safe containerised security for the most essential elements of trade around the world. Sri Lanka is in perfect geographic positioning. It is so close to the markets of South Asia, markets of Middle East, and markets of South East Asia;It has free trade agreements with some countries of the region making it an excellent location for assembling, logistics, and other commercial endeavours. And Sri Lanka is a tremendous place to live and an excellent regional hub expats would like to live. I have an important message for Sri Lanka. American Companies are some of the most dependable business partners you will find anywhere producing the highest quality products and services in the world with higher standards of ethics, CSR, world class innovation, state of the art manufacturing techniques, all done with a sense of responsibility towards the environments and workers that make American firms the best possible partners you can possibly have.”",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=33109,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +260,"Former captain Sanath Jayasuriya, who resigned as Sri Lanka’s chief cricket selector, said he was bowing out to give the new SLC management an opportunity to appoint a new selection panel but did not rule out a comeback.Sri Lanka’s cricket selection committee, headed Jayasuriya, quit Friday to allow new management to take over the island’s cricket governing body, which has been mired in allegations of widespread corruption.“I am always available if Sri Lanka Cricket needs me to serve the country in the future,” he said in his letter of resignation, a copy of which was seen by AFP.He said the other four members of the selection panel had also stepped down, though their contracts run until the end of the month.“We gave separate letters of resignations and have quit,” Jayasuriya told AFP.The mass resignation comes just days after Sports Minister Navin Dissanayake appointed an interim committee headed by former Test player Sidath Wettimuny to manage Sri Lanka Cricket, asking him to “clean up” the administration of the sport.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30367,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +261,"Following elections, a historic opportunity has now presented itself for Sri Lanka to set up a domestic process that is credible, accountable and up to par with international norms and standards for the benefit of the country’s people, with the help of the wider international community, the United Nations political chief said.Back from his visit to the nation, UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman spoke to reporters at a Headquarters press briefing this afternoon and expressed confidence over efforts towards reconciliation and cooperation.He said that the 8 January national elections demonstrated the people’s resolve to share in the future of their country.“The meetings and talks with the Government of Sri Lanka are so different than they used to be, so that leads us to greater expectations…There was suffering across all Sri Lanka, every community suffered and accountability must address the grievances in the North, but also allow that all [people] in Sri Lanka feel like all their concerns are being addressed,” he said.During those meetings, Feltman said he expressed Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s support to the country and pledged continuous UN cooperation in mending relations and building trust between the Government and the people in line with the 2009 Joint Communiqué of the UN and Sri Lanka.“I encourage the Government to take some immediate steps that are feasible – things like the release of army-held land in the North to demonstrate the commitment of governments to follow through,” the Under-Secretary General emphasized.He also noted that “Sri Lankans have suffered a great deal” and despite the efforts of commissions of inquiry, “the list of suffering remains long.”The Government was vocal with Feltman about its plans to conform this process to international norms but has also pledged its commitment to reconciliation before the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.By doing so, the Government has “put itself under a spotlight” but clearly more will be needed than just words. In terms of accountability, Sri Lanka’s Government will report back to [the Council] on steps taken to establish this domestic process.Feltman said “without question” there still is distrust between groups, but all stakeholders must work together. He noted that he had heard scepticism, especially in the North of the country, on whether the Government will live up to its commitment.But nevertheless, he said, “I left with the confidence that the intention to do this is real. The UN stands ready to provide technical assistance, if it is needed. “This is important for the people of Sri Lanka,” Feltman added.When the floor was opened for questions, he said on the persecution of Muslims in Myanmar that he had been in that country recently for a seminar for Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN).The discussions were mostly focused on peace and security but the question of the Muslims in the country came up in all of his meetings, during which he expressed UN concern and the Secretary-General’s strong commitment to seeing the issue addressed.(IBNS)",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30086,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +262,"The European Union (EU) says that three month period given to Sri Lanka prior to ban imports of fisheries products from is a further opportunity to cooperate and implement the necessary changes.According to sources, the EU imported 7.400 tonnes of fish from Sri Lanka in 2013 with a total value of 74 million. Sri Lanka is one of the biggest exporters to the EU of high value fishery products such as fresh and chilled swordfish, tuna and tuna-like species.However, Fisheries Minister Rajitha Senaratne said that Sri Lankan will comply with the EC standards and deal with IUU fishing vessels soon before three months deadline.(Question and Answers on the EUs fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing)Why has the Commission decided to identify Sri Lanka as a non-cooperating third country?The Commissions decision to identify Sri Lanka as a non-cooperating third country was taken after a thorough analysis of this countrys stance as regards the fight against illegal fishing, and following a formal warning from the Commission in November 2012. Sri Lanka was given a reasonable period of time, which included an extended period of formal cooperation, within which to react and to resolve the problem issues identified.The Commission initiated its preliminary investigation with Sri Lanka as early as in 2010. Since then, and especially after the warning in 2012, the Commission has worked, through dialogue and cooperation, with Sri Lanka. However, the country has not made credible progress to address shortcomings like:failures to implement international law obligations (Law of the Sea)lack of an adequate and efficient vessel monitoring system;lack of deterrent sanction scheme for the high seas fleet;Non-compliance with international obligations including RegionalFisheries Management Organisations (IOTC) recommendations and resolutions.What does this listing of Sri Lanka mean in practice?In practice this means that Member States authorities will refuse import of fisheries products when the trade ban enters into force 3 months after the Commission decision has been published in the EUs Official Journal. This three month period also gives Sri Lanka a further opportunity to cooperate and implement the necessary changes.The EU imported 7.400 tonnes of fish from Sri Lanka in 2013 with a total value of 74 million. Sri Lanka is one of the biggest exporters to the EU of high value fishery products such as fresh and chilled swordfish, tuna and tuna-like species.Further measures are proposed to the Council, to accompany the trade ban. These include a ban on fishing in the waters of Sri Lanka by EU flagged vessels, on joint fishing operations, on the reflagging of EU vessels to Sri Lanka, and on fisheries agreements. These additional measures will enter into force once the Council has adopted them. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=28444,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +263," Japanese special envoy to Sri Lanka, Yasushi Akashi, says that countries emerging from conflict like Sri Lanka should not be asked to make all the changes immediately and should be given the opportunity for a soft landing, not a hard landing. He also said that it was his opinion that a non-judicial approach is more fruitful to resolving many post-conflict issues.Akashi, the Japanese Governments Representative for Peace Building, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction in Sri Lanka, called on President Mahinda Rajapaksa at Temple Trees this afternoon, ahead of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abes visit to Sri Lanka tomorrow (Sept. 7).President Rajapaksa expressed that Prime Minister Abes visit is an important one to Sri Lanka. It has been 24 years since a Japanese prime minister last visited the island, the Presidents International Media unit said.Its a very important visit for Japan, and I hope for Sri Lanka as well, Mr. Akashi said, adding that Japan is deeply grateful for your cooperation and good understanding.Mr. Akashi said that in addition to working on domestic issues, Prime Minister Abe also makes sure that Japan has good friends outside the country.The President and Mr. Akashi also spoke at length about reconciliation efforts being adopted by the Government. President Rajapaksa briefed Mr. Akashi on the work of the Presidential Commission to Investigate into Complaints Regarding Missing Persons and progress achieved in demining.Your progress in demining is extraordinary, Mr. Akashi said. In Cambodia, they are still demining. (We have) deep appreciation and gratitude to you for having done so much in the way of national reconciliation.Prime Minister Shinzo Abes arrival in Sri Lanka on Sept. 7 will set a record for foreign nations visited by a Japanese leader. Japans premier was due today to arrive in Dhaka for a three-day visit to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka aimed at offsetting Chinas mounting influence in South Asia.Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was to meet his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina today in Dhaka and Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse tomorrow in Colombo to boost economic and security ties.Speaking to reporters before leaving Tokyo, Abe noted he was the first Japanese premier to visit Bangladesh in 14 years and Sri Lanka in 24 years.He called Bangladesh and Sri Lanka countries with a growing influence in economic and political domains.I hope to introduce the dynamism of both countries to Japans economy by strengthening relations with them and engaging in top-level sales activities, said Abe, who is accompanied by 50 top Japanese corporate executives.Abes grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, visited Sri Lanka as prime minister in 1957 when it was known as Ceylon.Both Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are important bases along the sea lanes that link Japan with the Middle East. The two nations have long had friendly ties with Japan, but China in recent years has increased its presence with support for the construction of ports.Such social infrastructure has formed Chinas so-called String of Pearls through the Indian Ocean. Japan has expressed concerns that this arrangement could affect the sea lanes though which the country imports much of its petroleum.Abes visits to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are intended to heighten Japans presence in South Asia and serve as an attempt to drive a stake into the String of Pearls.During his meeting with Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Abe is expected to offer coast guard cutters to help Sri Lanka strengthen its maritime patrol activities. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27994,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +264,"The United National Party (UNP) today said that by refusing to engage with the team of investigators appointed by the UN Human Rights Commissioner, Sri Lanka is admitting guilt and depriving itself of an opportunity to make its case.In a statement issued, the UNP accused the Rajapaksa regime of once again playing politics with the national question and toying with the grave threat that it is posing in the international arena. After the recent announcement by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights of the establishment of her team to investigate the atrocities committed by both parties to the Sri Lankan conflict, the government, in a blatant attempt to politicize the issue, has placed before parliament the question of whether the Government should allow the team to visit Sri Lanka or not, Sri Lankas main opposition party said.It stressed that the burning question before the country today is not the issuance of visas to a few foreigners. Whether they visit Sri Lanka or not, is not going to have any effect on whether the investigation would be held or not; this investigation will go ahead. What we should do and what the United National Party (UNP) has been stressing for many years is the necessity to prevent such international scrutiny into our affairs. It is beyond dispute that we are in this precarious plight today because of the egregious errors committed by and the lackadaisical inaction displayed by the ruling family cabal, the UNP said, in a strongly-worded statement.The international community, after offering the Sri Lankan government numerous opportunities to carry out a credible internal investigation into the alleged human rights violations, especially in relation to the final phase of the war, has determined that the Rajapaksa regime is neither willing nor capable of such action, it said.After being duped for years, the international wheels of justice have now begun to turn.The UNP said it has repeatedly asked the ruling regime to address these international challenges head-on. Rather than hiding behind a nationalist, jingoist propaganda veil, the Government should realize that there is a serious issue of human rights in this country.Its never too late. International challenges can still be effectively faced and resolved. What is required from the regime is the political will, the statement said. The party further said that the resolution passed in March this year at the Human Rights Council allows for a window of opportunity for the Sri Lankan government to carry out a credible internal investigation and it would prove that Sri Lanka is capable of handling its own issues. In the meantime, by blanket refusal to engage with the team of investigators appointed by the UN Human Rights Commissioner, Sri Lanka is admitting guilt and depriving itself of an opportunity to make its case. This would not only be an injustice to the valiant soldiers who sacrificed so much for this country but a betrayal of all our people who will have to suffer the consequences of international action, it said.The UNP called on the government to cooperate with the UNHRC as the mandate of the team also involves investigating the atrocities carried out by the LTTE. The Government should at least present to the investigators the crimes committed by the Tigers, it said. The UNP said it stands prepared to support the Government to restore the systems and institutions of democratic governance, provided it will pledge to restore the 17th Amendment and prioritize a return to civilized values and the rule of law. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27048,16,,Other Ethnic groups,News +265," US Secretary of State John Kerry today greeted the Sri Lankan communities on the occasion of their cultural new year and said this brings a new opportunity for all to join together in the spirit of tolerance, reconciliation, and peace.On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I offer warmest greetings to the people of Sri Lanka and the vibrant global Sri Lankan diaspora, Kerry said.This New Year brings a new opportunity for all Sri Lankans to join together in the spirit of tolerance, reconciliation, and peace. As Sri Lankans gather to mark the potential of the New Year, we join in celebrating with you, said the secretary of state. As you continue your work to build a prosperous, democratic Sri Lanka, I offer my best wishes for a safe and happy holiday and a prosperous, peaceful year ahead, Kerry said in a statement. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26407,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +267,"The Sri Lanka Army has provided another opportunity to females from the Wanni and the East to serve in the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force. Accordingly 100 females from Killinochchi and 50 from the Eastern Province would be recruited to the Sri Lanka Army Womens Corps.Recruitment begun recently and there is a very positive response from the public. Upon basic training the recruits will be employed in their own areas mainly for civil coordination activities.These females enlisted into the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force are able to leave the service whenever they wish to as per the Volunteer Service Regulations.Meanwhile, certain parties with vested interests have spread a rumor that the Army is recruiting women forcibly. There is no truth in these allegations. Anyone with the required qualifications could join willingly and no one would be forced to join as alleged by parties whose obvious objective is to disrupt the re-conciliatory measures of this nature initiated by the government, says Military spokesman Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasooriya. ",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=25841,3,,Women,News +268," The talks between fishermens representatives of Tamil Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka on January 27 could be an opportunity to prevent arrest of fishermen from the state and seizure of their boats by the island nations naval personnel, Indias Minister of State for PMO V. Narayanasamy said today.The talks on January 27 will help arrive at an understanding between fishermen of Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu upto where they can go for fishing, he told reporters at the airport in Chennai. Besides the talks would be an ideal platform to prevent the (alleged) attack on Tamil Nadu fishermen and seizure of their boats by the Sri Lankan Navy, he said.He said the decision to convene a meeting between fishermen associations of Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu were taken after requests for a permanent solution from leaders of fishermen from Vedharanyam and Karaikal districts, PTI reported. Based on their request only did we decide to convene the meeting (between the fishermen associations), he said. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=25475,6,,Other Ethnic groups,News +269,"The JVP today charged that the governments continues violations of democracy and human rights, for the purpose of safeguarding its power, have created the opportunity for Western nations to interfere in Sri Lanka.The government violated democracy and human rights for its power, JVP MP Anura Kumara Dissanayake said, adding, that security forces opened fire in Rathupaswala, Chilaw and Katunayake not for the country but for the sake of Rajapaksa family and the familys power.He stated that even former Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake was sacked for the Rajapaksa familys power and not for the country.He stated that the Sri Lanka Police are able to solve any controversial crime but the reason no arrests have been made regarding the numerous journalist murders and attacks on media organizations is due to the government.He claimed that the governments direct involvement in the murders of journalists including former Sunday Leader Lasantha Wickramatunga is the main reason that no arrests have been made regarding those cases.He stated that journalists were attacked and murdered, media organizations were torched not for the betterment of the country, but solely to protect the Rajapaksa familys power.The countrys democracy and human rights were completely violated for the power of the Rajapaksas, he told reporters in Colombo.Not just that, within the past 4 years over 1,200 university students have been suspended, 130 students have been arrested, over 125 have been assaulted and 20 have been robbed of their degrees, Dissanayake said.This oppression of university students is for the Rajapaksa governments attempt to destroy the countrys education, he alleged. The Rajapaksa administration controlled the country by violating democracy and human rights for their power.Especially in the Northern Province, the immediate establishing of democracy and human rights was required after the war, but still a semi-military control is prevailing in that region, the Parliamentarian said.He stated that a wedding ceremony or even funeral cannot be held at a residence in the North without the intervention of intelligence officers. Instead of safeguarding the human rights of the people in the North, especially after the war, the government continues to violate their democracy and human rights, he claimed.These actions by the government has created the space for the western nations to interfere in Sri Lanka, he emphasized.Similar to opposing the inference by Western nations led by the United States, the public should also oppose the government for paving the path for these counties to interfere, he said.Anura Kumara further stated that at a time when Sri Lankas diplomatic service should be at its strongest, the President has appointed his relatives and stooges to the top diplomatic posts.Our country is facing the biggest threat from the US and therefore we should send the superman of the Foreign Service to take up the role of Sri Lankas ambassador to the US, he said.Today who is our ambassador in the US? Beliatte Jaliya. A tea leaves trader who took tea leaves from Deniyaya and sold it in the US. A relative of Mahinda Rajapksa. He stressed that instead of sending the most intelligent professionals from the Foreign Service to the major countries, the President has sent his brother-in-law to serve as Sri Lankas ambassador to Russia, a politician who lost the last provincial polls to Italy, a former Rupavahini corporation Chairman to Germany and so on. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=25445,25,,Other Ethnic groups,News +271,"British Prime Minister David Cameron says he made it clear to President Mahinda Rajapaksa that he now has a real opportunity, through magnanimity and reform, to build a successful, inclusive and prosperous future for Sri Lanka by working in partnership with the newly elected Chief Minister of the Northern Province.I met the new provincial Chief Minister from the Tamil National Alliance, who was elected in a vote that happened only because of the spotlight of the Commonwealth meeting, he told the British House of Commons yesterday.He further stated that no one wants to return to the days of the Tamil Tigers and the disgusting and brutal things they did and that Britain should show proper respect for the fact that Sri Lanka suffered almost three decades of conflict and that recovery and reconciliation take time. But I made it clear to President Rajapaksa that he now has a real opportunity, through magnanimity and reform, to build a successful, inclusive and prosperous future for his country, working in partnership with the newly elected Chief Minister of the Northern Province, Cameron said. I very much hope that he seizes that opportunity.The British premier said he had a choice to stay away from the Commonwealth and allow President Rajapaksa to set the agenda he wanted, or to go and shape the agenda by advancing our interests with our Commonwealth partners and shining a spotlight on the international concerns about Sri Lanka.I chose to go and stand up for our values and to do all I could to advance them. I believe that that was the right decision for Sri Lanka, for the Commonwealth and for Britain, he said.Bitter exchanges erupted in the UK Parliament when British Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a statement on his attendance at the Commonwealth summit in Sri Lanka.In a highly personal attack on the Labour leader, Ed Miliband who had urged the Prime Minister to join others and boycott the event, Cameron accused him of not knowing what he was talking about.If he knows anything about foreign affairs - and I doubt it, because he barely gets out of Islington... he said.Taunting Miliband further, he added that his brother David once said Britain needed a Foreign Secretary who could stop the traffic in Beijing, but the Opposition leader couldnt even get out of Primrose Hill (in the London Borough of Camden).He was painting one of those Tory pictures of Labour leaders as Islington luvvies - champagne socialists whose contact with the real world is limited to gossip amongst like-minded lefties around the dinner table. He even managed to get Len McClusky into it somehow.Unsurprisingly, Miliband looked baffled by the assault and its ferocity, but declined to deliver an attack on the residents of Cameron Counrty, otherwise known as the Chipping Norton in Costwolds.Cameron had made a good fist of explaining why it had been better to engage with Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa and shine the spotlight on the issue.When I met with President Rajapaksa, I pressed for credible, transparent and independent investigations into alleged war crimes. And I made clear to him that if these investigations are not begun properly by March then I will use our position on the UN Human Rights Council, to work with the UN Human Rights Commissioner and call for an international inquiry, he said.What clearly got under his skin, though, was what he believes was another bout of playing politics by Ed Miliband, who suggested the prime ministers visit had achieved nothing concrete.Miliband said Rajapaksa should not take over the chairmanship of the Commonwealth and declared: The legacy of human rights abuses in Sri Lanka is in contradiction to the good traditions of the Commonwealth.Later, the prime ministers spokesman confirmed that, in his role, Rajapaksa would be attending the Commonwealth games in Scotland next year.We will take the same approach as we have towards the Commonwealth summit which is that international events offer the opportunity to shine the spot light, he said. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=24797,16,,Other Ethnic groups,News +272,"The United National Party today stated that the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) which just concluded in Sri Lanka was similar to a human rights summit and that the government hosted it only for the photo opportunity with the Prince of Wales.The Commonwealth summit was only an opportunity for the President to sit down and get a picture taken with Britains Prince Charles, UNP General Secretary Tissa Attanayake said. Sri Lanka has gained nothing else, he said. He alleged that Sri Lanka has become the country which has spent the most amount of money to snap a group photo with the heir to the British throne.The government says it has no money to increase the wages of private sector and public sector employees, but they are spending large sums of money to cut Prince Charless birthday cake.The government has spent over Rs 50 million for fireworks and shows, however farmer pension has not been paid for 2 years, he said.The UNP questioned whether it is justifiable for the government, which says it does not have sufficient funds to compensate disabled soldiers and the families of deceased war heroes, to spend millions on a summit the people of the country did not ask for. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=24788,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +274," Canadas foreign minister says that despite his countrys efforts, the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) have failed to utilize its biennial summit as an opportunity to address long-concerns and to catalyze meaningful change for the people of Sri Lanka. The Commonwealth failed to put any pressure on a regime that has so blatantly ignored international calls for change, John Baird wrote, in an opinion article published by iPolitics. He stated that despite CMAGs enhanced mandate, which was based on the recommendation of the Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group and approval by heads of government, it refused to put Sri Lanka on the agenda to allow members an opportunity to discuss these shortcomings.We failed to use this when it mattered most. As a consequence, we gave this regime a free pass to continue down this path, he charged. He further stated that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harpers decision not to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Sri Lanka was based entirely on upholding the principles of the Commonwealth. This was not a decision taken in haste. It was carefully considered with one aim in mind: for Canada to send a message about our displeasure with an organization that has failed to stand up for its fundamental principles, Baird writes. He questions how an organization like the Commonwealth could reward a country like Sri Lanka, not just with hosting a summit, but by allowing it to chair the organization for two years? Baird says that it was Canadas sincere hope that the government of Sri Lanka would take the necessary steps to secure basic freedoms for all its people, yet the Rajapaksa regime continues to commit abhorrent human rights violations as it actively seeks to undermine the basic freedoms of democracy and the rule of law.The Canadian foreign minister further says that Sri Lankas authoritarian trend needs to be addressed and charged that the Commonwealth has refused to formally confront these reports, which he termed a complete abandonment of its founding principles and an obfuscation of its responsibilities.Harper remains the only leader to boycott the Colombo conference, and wont even send a cabinet-level representative. Parliamentary secretary Deepak Obhrai will represent Canada at the mid-November summit.Baird says that the purpose of Mr Obhrais attendance will be to enable Canada to partake in some events surrounding the summit which he says will allow Canada to shed light on the true tragedy in Sri Lanka. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=24394,9,,Other Ethnic groups,News +275,"The forthcoming provincial elections in Sri Lanka are an important opportunity for reconciliation in the country, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today, calling on all parties to take part in the electoral process in a peaceful manner.In a statement issued by his spokesperson, Mr. Ban described the elections as a way to foster political reconciliation and to build confidence between Sri Lankans after many years of conflict.Sri Lankan Government forces declared victory over the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in May 2009, after a conflict that had raged on and off for nearly three decades and killed thousands of people. The country is still recovering from the protracted war.Mr. Ban welcomed the provincial elections, which are scheduled for 21 September, particularly in the Northern Province, which has not had provincial elections since 1987.He also called on all parties to participate peacefully in the elections and to work together in the period following the elections to address the national and post-war agenda constructively and collaboratively. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=24126,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +277,"The end of conflict is a good opportunity for Sri Lanka toensure national reconciliation, President Pranab Mukherjee on Thursday toldvisiting Sri Lankan Opposition and UNP Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe. Wickremesinghe called on Mukherjee in New Delhi, aRashtrapati Bhawan statement said. The President said India-Sri Lanka bilateral relationshipis based on shared historical, cultural and ethnic ties as well as extensivepeople-to-people interaction. It has always been close and cordial. As aneighbour with thousands of years of close ties, India has a natural interestin Sri Lanka. People of India cannot remain untouched by developments in SriLanka. The President said India has always felt that the end ofthe conflict in Sri Lanka provided a unique opportunity to pursue lastingpolitical settlement, acceptable to all communities. Sri Lanka must seize theopportunity for genuine national reconciliation and move ahead, the statementquoted him as telling Wickremasighe. Wickremesinghe warmly reciprocated the Presidents words,the statement added, PTI reports. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=22232,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +278,"The Bar Association of Sri Lanka passed a resolution stating that it will not welcome a newly appointed Chief Justice if the incumbent Chief Justice is removed without an opportunity to have a fair trial.The Bar Association passed three resolution at a meeting today (December 15) with a show of hands instead of moving to conduct a ballot.The three resolutions included -1.In the light of the speech made by his Excellency the President on the 11th December 2012 to evaluate the report of the PSC of the impeachment against the Chief Justice through an independent committee we urge his Excellency to reconsider the impeachment.2.In the event his Excellency and/or honourable MPs of parliament who are signatories to the impeachment resolution wish to proceed with it further we urge the President, the honourable speaker and the parliament to formulate and enact procedural laws in relation to removal of the judges of the superior courts while ensuring a fair trial by adhering to principals of natural justice before further proceedings are taken on the said impeachment.3.In the event if the incumbent Chief Justice is removed without giving an opportunity to have a fair trial in compliance with rules of natural justice the Bar Association of Sri Lanka shall not welcome the newly appointed Chief Justice.However, Ada Derana learns that some of the senior lawyers were confused about the outcome of the proceedings as there was no vote taken.Furthermore, a tense situation erupted during the proceedings which was soon brought under control.The Bar Association held a special general meeting at the Colombo District Court premises today (15) where ideas for and against the resolutions were brought forward by the Bar Association.The meeting was called upon on a request signed by 440 members of the Bar Association.Officials of every Bar Association branch in the country were present at the meeting, the Secretary of the Bar Association Sanjeeva Gamage stated. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=20922,6,,Other Ethnic groups,News +279,"Critics of Sri Lankas human rights record are calling for a boycott of the national cricket teams tour of Australia and say the Boxing Day Test will be an opportunity to protest.Two groups have called for a boycott ahead of the first Test in Hobart this week, prompting a scathing rebuke from Sri Lankan high commissioner Thisara Samarasinghe.Claiming inspiration from the former anti-apartheid sporting sanctions against South Africa, the Tamil Refugee Council and the Refugee Action Collective in Victoria are pushing for the boycott.There will be a stain of injustice that wont wash out of the cricket whites if the human rights abuses of the ruling Sri Lankan regime pass unremarked, the groups say in an open letter.Mr Samarasinghe branded their call unworthy of attention, saying of the Sri Lankan team: They have not come from the back door. They have been welcomed by your government and everybody in the system, so dont let this great country be spoiled by people like this.The call has provoked a mixed reaction from refugee advocates, with some arguing that the Boxing Day Test represents an opportunity to get information to a mass audience, and they plan to distribute leaflets attacking Sri Lankas treatment of Tamils to cricket fans.Former Australian prime minister Malcolm Fraser has called for an independent assessment of the situation in Sri Lanka, including whether members of the Tamil minority are being persecuted and how those sent back from Australia after coming here by boat are being treated.If an inquiry found that Tamils were still being persecuted and if verifiable commitments were not given that this would stop, then the international community has got to take action, Mr Fraser told Fairfax Media.The Australian Tamil Congresss Bala Vigneswaren supported the boycott call, saying the Australian Cricket Board should apply the same standard to Sri Lanka that was applied to South Africa when that country was boycotted.The boycott call came as opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison announced that he and foreign affairs spokeswoman Julie Bishop would travel to Sri Lanka for meetings with government officials at the end of January.Well also go up and visit the Tamil areas in northern Sri Lanka and see things on the ground there, Mr Morrison told Sky News on Sunday.Mr Samarasinghe has previously dismissed claims of continued persecution of Sri Lankas Tamil minority, describing those who have attempted to come by boat as economic opportunists. Those talking of boycotts had a vested interest and should not be taken seriously, he said.The two groups defended their action. Sporting boycotts have been important in building international pressure against cruel regimes and human rights abuses before. There is no good reason Sri Lanka should escape this pressure, they said. The Age ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=20846,26,,Other Ethnic groups,News +280," The upcoming Provincial Council election is the ideal opportunity for the public to express their resentment towards the ruling government, says UNP MP John Amaratunga.He claimed that the latest establishment to come under the governments intimidation is the countrys most superior institution the court.The Gampaha District MP stated that Sri Lanka is presently traveling from one crisis to another and that everything has become politicized. The main reason for this situation is the doing away with the 17th amendment to the constitution, introduced during the UNP regime, and the implementation of the 18th amendment, Amaratunga said speaking at a press conference held at the Opposition Leaders Office today.The former Minister accused the government doing nothing for the relief of the masses, except for its personal benefit. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=19011,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +281,"Sri Lankas president has promised to free jailed formerarmy chief Sarath Fonseka unconditionally and at the earliest opportunity, theex-generals wife said Thursday.Anoma Fonseka said she met President Mahinda Rajapakse on Wednesday night andthat he assured her that her husband would be freed as soon as possible.I was promised that my husband will be cleared of all charges and releasedunconditionally, she told AFP.There was no comment from Rajapakses office, but an official confirmed onWednesday that the retired four-star general, who unsuccessfully challengedRajapakse in January 2010 elections, would be released within days.Fonseka fell out with the government over who should take credit for winningthe separatist war against the Tamil Tiger rebels in May 2009. He challengedRajapakse after quitting the army.Two weeks after his election defeat, Fonseka was detained on a charge ofcorruption relating to military procurements. He was given a 30-month jailsentence in September 2010.Earlier Wednesday, Rajapakse met members of Fonsekas Democratic NationalAlliance (DNA) party to discuss the terms of his release, DNA legislator TiranAlles told reporters.The moves come ahead of talks later this week between Sri Lankas foreignminister G. L. Peiris and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington.The United States has been critical of Sri Lankas rights record during thefinal stages of the civil war, which ended with victory for government forcesin May 2009. Washington has repeatedly urged Colombo to release Fonseka.In November, Fonseka was sentenced to three more years in jail for saying thatTiger rebels who surrendered had been killed on the orders of the presidentsbrother Gotabhaya Rajapakse, who is defence secretary.Fonseka has also angered the government by saying he would testify before anyinternational tribunal probing possible war crimes charges after the UnitedNations said thousands of civilians were killed in the last months of fighting.(AFP) ",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=18126,5,,Women,News +282," The United National Party (UNP) says it will utilize this May Day as an opportunity to extend the hand of friendship to the people in the North, who have been badly affected by the decades-long war, and as a symbol of solidifying unity between all races.The UNP is the only political party in Sri Lanka which represents all communities and provides an equal opportunity to all communities, Ranil Wickaramasinghe says in his May Day message.We decided to celebrate May Day in Jaffna this year in order to further consolidate D.S. Senanayakes objective of bringing prosperity to the country by safeguarding the unity and harmony between all races, the UNP Leader said.While stating that May Day celebrations of traditional major political parties were restricted to Colombo, Wickramasinghe says the UNP commenced a new tradition of organizing May Day rallies out of Colombo, so people in rural areas and away from the city could attend May Day celebrations.The Opposition leader further accuses that instead of strengthening harmony between races, the rulers of the country are spreading hatred to protect their political authorities. (AdaDerana) ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17931,9,,Other Ethnic groups,News +285," The UN Human Rights Council has an opportunity and a duty to help Sri Lanka advance its own efforts on accountability and reconciliation. Both are essential if a lasting peace is to be achieved, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and former Irish President Mary Robinson say in an article written to The Guardian today.Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and Robinson are members of a group of global leaders known as the Elders, working for peace and human rights.The article adds, Against this background, and continuing reports of human rights violations by the authorities, we urge the council to support a resolution that seeks accountability for the terrible violations of international law that have taken place, and establishes mechanisms to monitor progress on the steps the government is taking on accountability. If there is insufficient progress by the government in establishing a credible accountability process in the near future, we urge council members to support the establishment of an independent investigation.At the same time, the council should support efforts to achieve meaningful reconciliation, human rights and democratic freedom for all Sri Lankans. Their country is a beautiful jewel of an island, rich in culture, history, resources and human talent. But we fear that if nothing changes, the crimes that remain unaddressed will continue to haunt Sri Lankas people and could ignite violence once again.Finally we want to emphasise that Sri Lankas recent history is an issue that concerns all of us. Whether or not the Human Rights Council is able to summon the will to act on one of the most serious cases of human rights violations to have occurred since it was founded in 2006 could have ramifications for the global standing of human rights and international humanitarian law and for the prestige and authority of the council.Read Full Article: This week the UN Human Rights Council has an opportunity and a duty to help Sri Lanka advance its own efforts on accountability and reconciliation. Both are essential if a lasting peace is to be achieved. In doing so, the council will not only be serving Sri Lanka, but those worldwide who believe there are universal rights and international legal obligations we all share.Nearly three years since the defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) by the Sri Lankan government there has still been no serious domestic investigation of the many allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by both sides during the civil wars final stages. These tragic events cannot simply be ignored.A report in April 2011 by a panel of experts appointed by the UN secretary general documented government forces large-scale shelling in no-fire zones where civilians had been encouraged to gather. Government forces also shelled a UN hub and food distribution lines. The same report says the LTTE used civilians as human shields, refused to allow people to leave conflict areas and forcibly recruited adults and children as young as 14 to fight. Credible sources cited in the UN report have estimated that around 40,000 civilians may have perished in the final months of the conflict.This tremendous civilian toll covers thousands of stories of suffering and strength, the vast majority of which are untold. One verified story chronicles the experiences of a family who were forcibly displaced more than seven times in eight months between September 2008 and May 2009. They repeatedly sought shelter in government-declared safe zones (which were then shelled), buried five relatives, including a six-year-old girl, in unmarked graves, and saw many of their fellow civilians killed and injured.While the Sri Lankan governments own report from its Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission, published last December, includes important findings on reconciliation, and represents a potentially useful opportunity to begin a national dialogue on the conflict, it is disappointing in its failure to address seriously accountability issues. The recent announcement that the army intends to investigate its own actions during the conflict is not the kind of independent inquiry that is required.In the absence of a credible and independent investigation into what happened in Sri Lanka, the Human Rights Council has an obligation to uphold human rights law and international humanitarian law during its upcoming 2012 sessions. As the UN report said: The conduct of the war by both sides represented a grave assault on the entire regime of international law designed to protect individual dignity during both war and peace. The victory of one side has emboldened some to believe that these rules may now be disregarded in the cause of fighting terrorism.Against this background, and continuing reports of human rights violations by the authorities, we urge the council to support a resolution that seeks accountability for the terrible violations of international law that have taken place, and establishes mechanisms to monitor progress on the steps the government is taking on accountability. If there is insufficient progress by the government in establishing a credible accountability process in the near future, we urge council members to support the establishment of an independent investigation.At the same time, the council should support efforts to achieve meaningful reconciliation, human rights and democratic freedom for all Sri Lankans. Their country is a beautiful jewel of an island, rich in culture, history, resources and human talent. But we fear that if nothing changes, the crimes that remain unaddressed will continue to haunt Sri Lankas people and could ignite violence once again.Finally we want to emphasise that Sri Lankas recent history is an issue that concerns all of us. Whether or not the Human Rights Council is able to summon the will to act on one of the most serious cases of human rights violations to have occurred since it was founded in 2006 could have ramifications for the global standing of human rights and international humanitarian law and for the prestige and authority of the council. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17120,52,,Other Ethnic groups,News +286,"Opposition leader Ranil Wickremasinghe today refused to makehis special statement after it was subjected to amendments by the Speaker.Wickremasinghe stated that he did not agree with the amendments made to hisspeech hence relinquished his opportunity.Wickremasinghe was informed yesterday that he would beallowed to make the statement with amendments.Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa on November 29 preventedWickremesinghe from making a special statement in parliament on behalf ofdefeated presidential candidate, General Sarath Fonseka.The Speaker intervened in the wake of ruling party membersstrongly objecting to the UNP leaders move, promising he would decide whetherthat could be allowed to be made in Parliament and inform the House of hisruling. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=15964,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +287,"Summary - The EsalaKandy Perahera is being livestreamed online via the Sri Dalada Maligawa Website. For the first time the Esala Kandy Perahera is being streamed live online throughout the whole Perahera week. This amazingand awe inspiring tradition that defines part of our Sri Lankan culture hastaken to the online realms where every single person in the world now has theopportunity to experience it.The livestream which will be starting at6:55 PM each day can be found on the official website here. On a different but related note, thisendeavour along with Sri Dalada Maligawas establishment of a very activesocial media presence, both on Facebook and Twitter, shows yet again just how importantthis medium of newshas become in current society. Even though thePerahera can still be watched via normal Television I personally will bewatching it via the live webcast this time simplybecause of the ease incommunication with my peers that it will provide. By splitting my screen toshow both the livestream as well as my Twitter stream I can engage in livediscussion with my peers (or in this case, tweeps) in a natural manner thatwould not have been possible had I been watching through standard Television.This itself would ideally be much easier if the platform chosen forlivestreaming had been one with more utility such as UStream but thats just aminor nitpick that can be worked around easily enough.Are you on Twitter?Join the discussion today using the hashtag #KandyPerehara while watching the livestreamTo learn more about Adnan Issadeen you can follow him on @area51research, orfind out more via http://identyme.com/adnanissadeen.If you wish to discuss your companys tech product, release or any other techrelated venture OR if you have an inside scoop send a mail to adnan.issadeen@live.com.All material will be treated anonymously if required by you. To keep up withthe latest discussions, questions and sneak peeks join the Techrumble page onFacebook @ http://www.facebook.com/techrumble ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=14454,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +288,"Thedecision taken by the government to increase the quota of foreign students inlocal universities is one made with motives of personal financial gain whilestudents from the rural areas will be deprived of the opportunity to study atlocal universities, UNP MP Ruwan Wijewardena stated.Hesaid that this decision was unfair on local university applicants, especiallypoor students from rural areas adding that the party along with their universityyouth movements will seek to take action against the decision.Meanwhile,the higher education system in the country has come to a standstill as universitieshave stopped conducting classes and some universities have been closed whilethe government pays no heed to the reasonable demands of the universitylecturers who have only asked for the salaries they were promised, he stated.PresidentMahinda Rajapaksa stated that he was unable to grant a salary of Rs.200,000 foruniversity lecturers to which MP Wijewardene said that the university lecturershad never demanded such a salary and that the government had broken thepromises it had made during its election campaign. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=13923,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +289,"Saudi industrialists have a unique opportunity to take advantage ofattractive investment incentives offered by post-war Sri Lanka, a top officialfrom Colombo said in Dubai on Thursday.Sri Lankas Senior Minister for International Monetary Cooperation SarathAmunugama, who inaugurated a road show on Investment Destination Sri Lanka atthe Ritz Carlton Hotel on Wednesday night, said that this was the bestopportunity for the Kingdoms investors to harness the attractive opportunitiesavailable in the island nation for mutual benefits.The event was organized by Heraymila Securities Ltd., a subsidiary ofDubai-based Heraymila Investments Ltd.Speaking to Arab News following the launch, Amunugama said: Saudi investorscould come in to set up an oil refinery in the island. Such a refinery, couldalso serve countries such as Japan, China and India. He explained that Colombois a convenient hub in the Asian region, which could link the Middle East andthe Far East and other countries in the SAARC region.The other viable areas of investment include, tourism, infrastructuredevelopment, information technology, stock exchange and oil exploration.The growth opportunities in Sri Lanka are well reflected by its post-warstock market performance: Sri Lanka was the Worlds top performing stock marketin 2010, with an increase of 96 percent. The Colombo bourse continued themomentum into 2011 and as at May 16, is the Worlds third best performingmarket with a gain of 10.89 percent year-to-date, the minister said.He pointed out that Sri Lanka has rebounded successfully from decades ofconflict to become the rising star of the Asian economy: GDP growth reached 8percent in 2010 from 3.5 percent in 2009 and is estimated to remain buoyant inthe coming years. It is predicted that the islands GDP will grow by 9 percentin 2011.After successfully eliminating terrorism from its soil in early 2009, SriLanka is now a politically stable nation, and perhaps one of the safest placesin Asia for doing business, the minister said, adding that in recognition ofthis fact, international rating agencies are likely to upgrade Sri Lankassovereign rating (currently rated: S&P and Fitch, B+ with a stable outlook).The IMF has recently said Sri Lankas growth was strong, inflation was insingle digits and reserves were comfortable and economy was recovering fast. Ithas also said that the 2010 budget deficit target has been met and budgetdevelopments so far in 2011 are broadly in line with the IMFs expectations.Being located in a strategically advantageous geographical location, SriLanka has a huge potential to become a maritime, aviation, energy, knowledgeand commercial regional hub, to integrate the domestic economy with theinternational markets, capitalizing the human as well as natural resources ofthe country.Sri Lanka is also emerging as a viable destination of choice for theworldwide IT and BPO market. The IT/BPO industry now takes the position of thefifth largest exporter in Sri Lanka with strong future growth potential,recently, the London Stock Exchange acquired Millennium InformationTechnologies Ltd., a world renowned stock exchange software development companybased in Sri Lanka, he added.Already several UAE companies such as Etisalat, Al Futtaim, Al Ghurair, andGaladari Group have set up operations to take advantage of unsurpassedopportunities that are emerging in Sri Lanka, Arab News reports. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=13616,7,,Other Ethnic groups,News +290," By curtailing higher education the government is contravening a fundamental theory accepted by the entire world, UNP General Secretary Tissa Attanayake said. The government has hindered the opportunity 2010 A/L qualified students had up till now to achieve an external degree, accused the MP.The University Grants Commission (UGC) on October 15, 2010 under circular No. 932 has suspended the registration of candidates for external degrees and thereby has deprived a large number of students their chance to obtain higher education, he revealed during a press conference today (February 08). The government claims that the registration of external degrees has been suspended in order to increase the quality of the degree.I have to objection towards increasing its quality. However, children will lose their right to education by this Mr. Attanayake expressed his concern. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=11794,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +291," Cooperatives and Internal Trade Minister Johnston Fernando says that the distribution of imported eggs and big onions through Sathosa outlets has commenced. Traders will be given the opportunity by this to purchase eggs and big onions in bulk, he stressed.It has been reported that the Ministry currently possesses 4 million eggs and 200,000 kg big onions. The wholesale price of eggs is Rs. 11 each while the retail price is at Rs. 12.A kilogram of the imported big onions can be purchased at Sathosa for Rs. 129 and the wholesale price is Rs. 105, the Internal Trade Minister reveales.Minister Johnston Fernando says that in addition they intend to import more onion stocks from Pakistan in the near future. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=11785,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +292,"Cashing in on a vibrant mobile phone market, PC House PLC (PCH) will soon be partnering one of Indias fastest growing mobile phone brands, Karbonn. Given its island-wide reach via an excellent distribution network, PCH believes it has the opportunity to market this brand at attractive price points.Mr. S.H.M. Rishan, Chairman of PCH says, We are in the process of planning a viable distribution network along with an attractive range of handsets with multiple features at competitive prices in order to successfully penetrate the local mobile phone market. Strong marketing and branding initiatives together with a service network matched to fight the big players are planned. In order to do this, PCH and Karbonn have earmarked a significant investment for the current financial year. The idea is to gain a significant market share in the next two years, similar to what PCH enjoys with all our other partners.Sri Lankas mobile subscribers grew to 15.86 million in the second quarter of 2010 up from 11.49 million a year earlier. The market is growing at around 20% to 25%, and there is room for Indian brands who offer the design and feel of the big brands within a price range of Rs. 3,500 to Rs. 14,000. Whilst inferior phone models with dual SIM options have been popularized in Sri Lanka lately, PCH is responding to huge customer demand for dual SIM phones backed by a proper warranty.Dual SIM phones are gaining popularity in the rural market, which is the next frontier for mobile telephony, due to better connectivity at an affordable price. For the upper end of the market, this capability has numerous attractions, such as having different numbers for different purposes, and for use when overseas, where a local SIM can take care of outgoing calls and the roaming capability of the other SIM could be used for receiving calls.Karbonn Mobiles is a joint venture between Delhi-based Jaina Group and Bangalore-based UTL Group. Jaina Group started out as a distributor of mobile handsets around 15 years ago. Though it now has its own brand in the market place, it is also the distributor of HTC in not just India but the whole of South Asia, and of Motorola and LG in India. Having launched in India last April, Karbonn now sells between 500,000 and 600,000 handsets per month. This might be small in the Indian market for mobile phones which is estimated at 100 million per annum, but it is not insignificant. In the lucrative multimedia segment of the market, the brand hopes to capture 7 to 10 per cent share before it completes one year.About PCH: PCH is the new corporate brand identity for PC House PLC which was recently listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange. The new brand identity reflects the change from a family owned business to a public company with a vision to be the benchmark for ICT in Sri Lanka.PC House was incorporated as a limited liability company in the year 2000, after having commenced business in 1997 and became PCH PLC. Its Board of Directors consists of Messrs S.H.M. Rishan, Mangala Boyagoda, Sarath Wikramanayake, Modarage Thilakasiri, Shanti Kumar Nadarajah, Kuvera de Zoysa and Mrs. Sharmila Rishan.Photo caption: Mr. Failan Saleem (left) COO - PCH Mobile and Mr. S.H.M. Rishan, Chairman - PC House PLC displaying the new Karbonn mobile phones ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=11031,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +293," The public will have the opportunity to visit and observe electrical power stations in the country from today (December 13) onwards as decided by the Ministry of Power and Energy.Therefore Victoria, Lakshapana, Samanalawewa Hydroelectric Power Plants and the Kelanitissa Power Station will be open for public viewing from today.The main intention of this program will be to educate the public on the electrical mechanism of power station and as to how the countrys power stations operate.It has been stated that the Ceylon Electricity Board aims to enlighten people about electricity conservation and operations in power stations. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=10989,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +294,"Arpico Supercentre offers its shoppers an opportunity to win a brand new Hyundai SantaFe SUV through its Merry Wheels Christmas promotion now on at all Arpico Supercentres.Thats not all shoppers are in for a whole host of fabulous treats and some of the most amazing benefits and bargains that includes over 10,000 instant gifts and Rs. 50,000 worth of Arpico gift vouchers every day, banded offers, free sampling, free gifts for kids, and fun seasonal activities for everyone.Arpico Supercentre that re-launched its retail chain with the brand proposition Fresh Ideas Everyday has loads of fresh ideas to inspire their shoppers to turn this Christmas into something unique and special.In addition to over 40,000 different items on display, covering all household needs from fresh veggies, fruits and meats to toiletries, exclusive giftware, toys and décor, furniture, kitchenware, baby items and linen, Arpico Supercentre offers everything and anything that you need for the season.The store offers many new arrivals for the season, an exciting range of Hampers and Arpico gift vouches to express the joy of giving in such a delightful way. Take your pick from a range of seasonal meats and cheeses that will spruce up any meal table and browse through great gift ideas for all ages and every member of the family.Ms. Avanthi De Zoysa, Marketing Manager, Arpico Supercentre commenting on the promotion said that We at Arpico consistently reward our loyal customers right through the year and continue to add excitement to their shopping.The promotion is on from 18th November to 2nd January 2011. All Arpico Supercentre Shoppers who purchase products worth Rs. 3,000 inclusive of three nominated brands will stand a chance to win this brand new Hyundai SanteFe SUV in the New Year. Arpico Privilege Card holders and Standard Chartered Credit Card holders can increase their winning opportunity with their entitlement to an additional coupon. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=10811,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +295," I have made no request to the government seeking an opportunity for the children of Parvathi Ammal, the mother of Velupillai Prabhakaran, to come and visit their mother, Secretary of the Tamil National Freedom Alliance M.K. Sivajilingam stated.Several Indian media had reported today (06 November) that Mr. Sivajilingam had made a request to the government seeking permission for the family of Parvathi Ammal, who are presently living abroad, to visit her and that the Sri Lankan government had rejected the request.It was also published in Indian media reports that the mother of the slain LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran had allegedly said that she was in need to see her children, however she and her children are in fear regarding the security in the matter.However when Ada Derana inquired M.K. Sivajilingam on the above statements he sternly stated that he had not made any request from the government. In order to present the government with such a request, initially I would have to be notified by the children of Parvathi Ammal that they wish to visit their motherHowever they have not requested me of such and there is a security issue regarding them coming to Sri Lanka, Mr. Sivajilingam expressed to Ada Derana. Furthermore he added that there is no improvement in the health of Parvathi Ammal, who is currently receiving medical treatment at the Valvettithurai hospital in Jaffna. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=10481,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +297,"Sri Lanka Day was established 35 years ago as a way to introduce New Jersey townshipresidents to the Sri Lankan culture an opportunity for locals to sampleexotic cuisine, learn cultural dances and play a match of cricket. Now, the annual event, which returns Saturday, has become a staple heritagefestival for the New Yorkregions Sri Lankan community, according to one of the events guiding voices.Its become a meeting place for Sri Lankans in the tri-state area, saidJay Liyanage, a Denville resident who is an honorary consulate for Sri Lanka.He is one of the founders of the event.According to Liyanage, the New York areahas one of the highest populations of Sri Lankans in the country, behind only California and the Washington, D.C., region.Sri Lanka is on an islandsouth of Indiaand recently saw the end of a civil war that had lasted since the 1980s.The festival, scheduled from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Gardner Field, is expectedto draw more than 1,000 people. Sri Lankans come from as far as Canada,Liyanage said.Last years event was the first time attendance rose above the 1,000 mark,he said. He credited the end of Sri Lankas civil war as the major reason forthe uptick in attendance.More Sri Lankans will be encouraged to travel, he said, which bodes well forfuture festivals.There was a tension all over the world (for Sri Lankans), Liyanage said. Thattension has eased considerably.Denville, he said, is the only town or city that officially celebrates a Sri Lankaheritage day.The top attractions for the event are the food, which include spicy curriesand egg hoppers (eggs cooked in bowl-shaped pancakes), and a cricket matchbetween Sri Lankans and non-Sri Lankans, Liyanage said. Mayor Ted Hussa is organizing a cricket team and expects to have anall-Denville squad ready to play. The records of the Sri Lankan team and theDenville team stand at seven wins each, with three ties, in a friendly rivalrythat has been ongoing for 17 years.The event will also feature a free health clinic provided by the Sri LankaMedical Association of North America.Sri Lankan ambassadors for the United Nations and the consulate in Washington are expectedto attend.Its a tradition here in town, Hussa said. Americas all about being a meltingpot. Something like this helps immigrants be welcomed into the country.NJ ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=9247,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +299,"* IPO of 16.7 million shares opens 5th July* 11.5% of equity to be offeredA rare opportunity presents itself for the public to share in the runaway success of a premium lifestyle brand when ODEL Limited formally opens its initialpublic offer on Monday 5th July, becoming Sri Lankas first fashion retailer to go public.Seeking to raise Rs. 250.5 million for expansion, Sri Lankas definitive lifestyle retail brand is offering employees and members of the public an 11.52 percent stake in its equity, with an offer of 16.7 million shares at Rs 15 each.Coming almost 20 years to the day that ODELs first store opened at Dickmans Road, Colombo 5, the IPO will broad base ownership of a privately heldbusiness that has grown exponentially over the years, increasing its retail space from 400 square feet to 128,000 square feet; amassing assets of Rs.2,348 million and achieving a near five-fold growth in net profit over the past five years.A brand that has retained its aspirational aura even after growing to 12 stores and 700 plus employees and achieving household-name status, ODEL isseeking to expand further in the anticipated post-conflict resurgence of Sri Lanka to make its unique offering accessible to a larger segment of the populationwith new strategically-located stores and improvements to its existing stores and facilities.Presenting its IPO Prospectus to the media on Tuesday, 22nd June, the company said its expansion programme includes new branches and businessinfrastructure development, with new branch locations to be finalised after market surveys and feasibility studies and identifying favourable sites.Given its well-established and recognised brand equity, the Company believes that its store expansion plan will contribute swiftly to boosting Companyrevenues and profitability, the Prospectus said.The 15.7 million offered shares are to be distributed among three broad investor categories Employees (1.2 million shares), Retail investors (3.0 millionshares) and Non-Retail investors (12.5 million shares).Applications can be made for a minimum of 100 shares (Rs. 1,500) or in multiples of 100, and for the purpose of allotment, public applications for up to5,000 shares will be categorized as Retail, and applications for larger blocks as Non-Retail so as to minimize the chance of smaller investors beingcrowded out.Subsequent to the lPO, the entirety of ODELs 144,950,000 issued and paid up shares will be listed on the Diri Savi Board of the Colombo StockExchange.Addressing journalists, Ms. Gunewardene, who started ODELs phenomenal journey by selling export-surplus apparel from the boot of her station wagonmore than two decades ago, described the IPO as a milestone of corporate and personal significance. There hasnt been a single dull moment for me orfor ODEL since inception, she said. ODEL may have happened quite by accident. But what followed in the subsequent decades was far from accidental.We made a determined effort at unlocking ways to indulge each customer, and creativity across the world provided a muse for our eclectic brand. Butmostly, it was our own imagination that inspired us, the imagination of a team, who like me, wakes up each morning challenging our boundaries. I believethat is what makes us distinctly different from the rest. It is this incredible energy, and our understanding of what our customers want, is what will help usdrive ODEL into the world of possibilities that the IPO is opening up for us, Ms. Gunewardene said.Now comprising 12 stores and with its latest store in Battaramulla poised to open in July, ODEL is well positioned to ride the wave of optimism and growth asSri Lankas economy grows in the post-conflict area. The company is set to benefit from higher levels of domestic consumption activity amid fast- improvingmacroeconomic conditions that are expected to contribute to rising disposable income levels in the country.ODEL is also synonymous with tourists for shopping in Sri Lanka, and the companys centrally-located flagship store is one of the most sought-after touristshopping destinations in the island. With the conclusion of the 26-year separatist insurgency last year, tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka are expected to surge torecord highs, and ODEL is set to capitalize on this opportunity as an internationally recognized fashion brand among tourists to Sri Lanka.In addition to building the brand equity of ODEL over the years, Ms. Gunewardene has also created several other related brands, including Backstage foran extensive range of fashion accessories and Embark for a cause-linked product range that supports a personal community programme focused on thewelfare of community animals.The Board of Directors of ODEL Limited comprises Ruchi Gunewardene (Chairman), Otara Gunewardene (CEO), Paul Topping, Sanjay Kulatunga andEardley Perera. ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=8645,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +304,"Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa says a special commission should be appointed to investigate the incidents of harassment experienced by Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) members during the ‘Aragalaya’ protest movement last year.Addressing the SLPP’s National Convention to unveil the party’s political mission titled ‘Ayubowan 2024’ got underway at the Sugathadasa Indoor Stadium in Colombo this afternoon (Dec.15).At the event, the former President was unanimously re-elected as the leader of SLPP.SLPP’s founder Basil Rajapaksa, Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena and many other high-profile politicians were in attendance.Addressing the supporters, Mahinda Rajapaksa claimed that the SLPP members were subjected to harassment by certain individuals under the false front of the ‘Aragalaya’ protest movement. “We will justly resolve these issues one day.”Meanwhile, Basil Rajapaksa, delivering a speech, expressed confidence that the SLPP would definitely win the upcoming parliamentary election. “Let’s get ready to form our own government,” the former finance minister told the supporters.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=95691,3,,Women,News +307,"Police have arrested the principal of a school in the Pinnawala area of Balangoda over the charges of sexual harassment of a female student of the same school, the police said.Preliminary investigations have revealed that the suspect has sexually assaulted an 11-year-old student, who was residing near his house, according to police.Further, the police mentioned that the 11-year-old girl in question has been hospitalized for treatment, while the arrested suspect will be produced before Balangoda Magistrate’s Court today (March 05).Balangoda Police are conducting further investigations regarding the incident.",WOMEN,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=88837,8,,Women,News +310,"Sri Lankan security agencies are stepping up surveillance, harassment, and threats against human rights activists and journalists, says Human Rights Watch (HRW).In a news release issued yesterday (03), the New York-based non-governmental rights organization claimed that there has been a rapid closing of civic space and freedom of expression in the country since November 2019, when President Gotabaya Rajapaksa assumed office.Human Rights Watch states that it has received consistent accounts of increased surveillance and pressure from security agencies from interviews with 15 Sri Lankan human rights defenders working in different locations across the country.The news release went on to say several of these accounts have claimed that intelligence officials had asked activists and victims of their advocacy plans ahead of the 43rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which kicked off in Geneva on February 24.“Since the return of the Rajapaksas to power, a state of fear is being re-established in Sri Lanka,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director of the HRW. “The activities of the government’s security apparatus are evident in some violent attacks and public death threats against activists and journalists, but also in equally dangerous actions happening out of sight.”The news release further said that President Rajapaksa has placed a number of important civilian agencies under the Defence Ministry, including the civilian police and the NGO Secretariat, which regulates nongovernmental groups, among dozens of others. “He has appointed a serving military officer as head of the civilian intelligence agency and a retired general, Kamal Gunaratne, who is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity, as defence secretary.”The HRW alleges that, over the past three months, unidentified people have physically attacked journalists several times, and issued death threats against reporters perceived as critical of the government. It says that the police and intelligence officers have made attempts to induce fear in rights groups by visiting their offices and demanding personal details including staff lists, home addresses.The news release says that, between 2005 and 2015, the United Nations had found credible evidence that the Sri Lankan government was responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity.The HRW went on to claim that, over the last five years, Sri Lankan intelligence agencies have also commenced targeting financial and administrative records of nongovernmental organizations, and especially details of funding from donors abroad.Commenting on Sri Lanka’s decision to withdraw from the Human Rights Council resolution 30/1, which Sri Lanka endorsed in 2015, the HRW stated members of the Human Rights Council should support a new resolution “to establish an international mechanism or tribunal to address past crimes in Sri Lanka.”Speaking on the travel ban issued by the United States on Sri Lanka’s army chief Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva due to his purported involvement in gross violations of human rights, the HRW has urged other countries including EU members and the United Kingdom to follow suit and impose sanctions on him and others credibly accused of serious rights violations and war crimes.The EU should also remind Sri Lanka of its human rights obligations under the European Union’s GSP+ system of trade preferences and of the consequences of failing to comply, the HRW noted in its release.Read the complete news release of the Human Rights Watch below:Sri Lankan security agencies are stepping up surveillance, harassment, and threats against human rights activists and journalists, Human Rights Watch said today. Since November 2019, when the government of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa came into office, there has been a rapid closing of civic space and freedom of expression.In interviews with 15 Sri Lankan human rights defenders working in different locations around the country, Human Rights Watch heard consistent accounts of increased surveillance and pressure from security agencies. Several said that intelligence officials had asked activists and victims about their advocacy plans ahead of the current United Nations Human Rights Council session, which began on February 24, 2020 in Geneva. “We fear that international lobbying and travel to Geneva may not happen in future because of this situation,” one activist said.“Since the return of the Rajapaksas to power, a state of fear is being re-established in Sri Lanka,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director. “The activities of the government’s security apparatus are evident in some violent attacks and public death threats against activists and journalists, but also in equally dangerous actions happening out of sight.”Rajapaksa has placed a number of important civilian agencies under the Defence Ministry, including the civilian police and the NGO Secretariat, which regulates nongovernmental groups, among dozens of others. He has appointed a serving military officer as head of the civilian intelligence agency and a retired general, Kamal Gunaratne, who is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity, as defense secretary.Over the past three months, unidentified people have physically attacked journalists several times, and issued death threats against reporters perceived as critical of the government. Security officials have searched media offices. The Defence Ministry announced on January 24 that it had drafted a new cybersecurity law to prevent people from publishing “defamatory posts” on social media. The proposals have not yet been published.Several human rights activists described receiving repeated phone calls from intelligence officers. Some of these calls have apparently been to tell activists that they are being watched at that moment. On other occasions the caller asks questions or issues threats or warnings.One human rights defender said that “everything has shifted into a critical situation. After the election, military activities including monitoring and inquiries have increased. They are following us. That is a huge threat for human rights groups.” Another activist said: “We collected stories and documents. Now we’ve stopped everything. We did a lot of work. Now, zero.” A third activist said she so constantly feels under surveillance that intelligence officers “might even be in the next seat on the bus.”Police and intelligence officers have sought to instil fear in rights groups by visiting their offices and demanding staff lists, home addresses, and other personal details. One activist said the authorities came to his office demanding this information, but then revealed that “they knew already everything. My personal details, they knew it. This is part of the intimidation.”Many of these activists carry out research and advocacy on abduction, torture, murder, and enforced disappearance allegedly committed by security forces, including members of the intelligence agencies and the military, between 2005-2015 when Gotabaya Rajapaksa was defense secretary during the administration of his brother Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is now prime minister. During those years the United Nations found credible evidence that the Sri Lankan government was responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity.An activist whose group works on so-called “white van” abductions and enforced disappearances allegedly committed by intelligence officers under the previous Rajapaksa administration said, “It is in question what will happen to me and my staff.” Another activist said, “I am even more scared because the kind of inquiry that has been happening is about people’s families, so that is even more frightening than if they are asking about our official activities.”The intelligence agencies have also begun to target the financial and administrative records of nongovernmental organizations over the last five years, and especially details of funding from donors abroad. Activists fear the authorities will allege accounting errors as a pretext to shut them down or to bring criminal charges.Several human rights groups based in eastern Sri Lanka have been summoned for questioning in Colombo by the police Terrorist Investigation Department (TID). One human rights activist said: “In the investigation they told us, ‘You have used money you received from abroad for terrorist activities in Sri Lanka. You are involved in terrorist activities, that is why you have been called for investigation.’”On February 26, the Rajapaksa government said it would no longer abide by Human Rights Council resolution 30/1, which Sri Lanka endorsed in 2015. Resolution 30/1 commits Sri Lanka to ensuring truth and justice for past abuses. An activist said that Sri Lankan human rights groups that worked in support of Resolution 30/1 now find themselves vulnerable: “Now the government is saying you are urging the people to disturb the peace [by supporting resolution 30/1]. They say, ‘You have no right to do it.’”Members of the Human Rights Council should, as a matter of priority, support a new resolution to establish an international mechanism or tribunal to address past crimes in Sri Lanka, Human Rights Watch said.On February 14, the United States banned Sri Lanka’s army chief, Gen. Shavendra Silva, from travel to the US due to “his involvement, through command responsibility, in gross violations of human rights, namely extrajudicial killings” during Sri Lanka’s civil war. Other countries, including EU members and the United Kingdom, should follow suit and impose sanctions on him and others credibly accused of serious rights violations and war crimes.The EU should also remind Sri Lanka of its human rights obligations under the European Union’s GSP+ system of trade preferences and of the consequences of failing to comply.“Sri Lankans are seeing their civil and political rights being stripped away and replaced by authoritarian structures at a rapid pace,” Ganguly said. “It’s crucial for the UN Human Rights Council to remember the past, respond to the warning signs, and resolutely insist on fundamental human rights principles, including delivering justice to victims.”",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=61151,67,,Other Ethnic groups,News +311,"Amnesty International is concerned by multiple reports of harassment, intimidation and attacks on human rights organisations, media outlets, and journalists in Sri Lanka.Amnesty International, in a public statement issued yesterday (16), said it has received reports that the authorities carried out more than a dozen unscheduled visits to human rights and media organisations between May 2019 and January 2020 that were seen as acts of harassment and intimidation.“The targets included human rights organisations, and media outlets, who said they were questioned about their activities by members of the Sri Lankan Police, including the Criminal Investigation Department and the Terrorism Investigation Division, as well as State Intelligence,” says the Amnesty International.At least twelve cases recorded by Amnesty International indicate that the Sri Lanka Police, including the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) the Terrorism Investigation Division (TID) also known as Counter- Terrorism and Terrorism investigation Division (CTID), as well as officials with State Intelligence, have visited the premises of, or summoned members of human rights organizations, making enquiries around project activities, donors and funding information, registration, and details of staff members.According to Amnesty International, the reports indicate that such visits have occurred for several months over 2019, spilling into 2020, in different parts of the country including in the Northern, Eastern and Western Provinces on an ad hoc and arbitrary basis since May, however more systematically particularly in the Western Province since November 2019.“This trend of information gathering by different law enforcement agencies serve as a form of harassment and intimidation, and must be seen in the context of attacks, surveillance and harassment of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) that Amnesty International has documented as having occurred intermittently for several years. Such harassment and intimidation have a chilling effect by way of suppressing dissent, creating fear in organizations and individuals defending and promoting human rights about the start of a crackdown, and may amount to reprisals for their work.”Amnesty International stresses that Sri Lanka has an international obligation to protect HRDs under a number of international human rights treaties including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to which it is a state party.“The Covenant guarantees the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, association and expression,” the statement read further.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=60268,25,,Other Ethnic groups,News +318,"Actor Alec Baldwin was arrested and charged with assault and harassment Friday following a dispute over a parking spot, according to New York police.NYPD Lieutenant John Grimpel told CNN the incident occurred on 10th Street in Manhattan.A 49-year-old man sustained an injury to the left jaw after being punched and was taken to a local area hospital to be treated, police said. He’s in stable condition, police added.Baldwin was charged with assault and harassment and given a desk appearance ticket, the NYPD said.A representative for Baldwin had no comment when reached by CNN. However, a series of tweets on the Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Foundation account that appear to be from the actor denied the allegations.“Normally, I would not comment on something as egregiously misstated as today’s story. However, the assertion that I punched anyone over a parking spot is false. I wanted to go on the record stating as much,” the tweets read. “I realize that it has become a sport to tag people w as many negative charges and defaming allegations as possible for the purposes of clickbait entertainment.“Fortunately, no matter how reverberating the echos, it doesn’t make the statements true.”In addition to portraying president Donald Trump on “Saturday Night Live,” Baldwin currently hosts a Sunday talk show on ABC, called “The Alec Baldwin Show.”As he was heading to a campaign event on Friday, President Trump was asked about Baldwin’s arrest. In response, Trump shrugged his shoulders and said, “I wish him luck.”Baldwin will appear in court at a later date, according to the NYPD.Source: CNN-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=51203,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +320,"Fashion giants H&M and Gap Inc vowed on Tuesday to investigate reports that Asian garment workers who supply their high-street stores routinely face sex abuse, harassment and violence.Based on interviews with some 550 workers in 53 H&M and Gap supplier factories in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, rights groups said women were at “daily risk” of violence, and faced retaliation if they reported the attacks.The coalition has investigated the factories for several years as efforts mount to push Western brands into improving safety along their supply chains and render them slave-free.Clothes stitched by low-paid Asian workers - part of a complex global supply chain - end up on high-priced Western high streets, with some 4,750 H&M stores located in 69 countries and about 3,700 Gap shops operating in about 90 nations.Sweden’s H&M - the world’s No. 2 clothes group after Zara owner Inditex (ITX.MC) - said it would review the findings of the recent report by the civil society groups and unions.“We will go through every section of the report and follow up on (a) factory level with our local teams based in each production country,” a company spokesman said in a statement.“All forms of abuse or harassment are against everything that H&M group stands for.”U.S. retailer Gap said it was “deeply concerned about the troubling allegations raised by this report”.“Our global team is currently conducting our due diligence to investigate and address these issues,” a spokeswoman said.The charities said they had found widespread sex harassment, verbal and physical abuse - such as slapping - and threats of retaliation when women refused sexual advances from bosses.FORCED LABOR?A separate report published last month by the coalition of rights groups found similar abuse of women at supplier factories in Asia for U.S.-based Walmart, the world’s largest retailer.Walmart said last month that it was reviewing the “concerning” accounts cited in the report.The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), a group of trade unions, firms and charities of which both Gap and H&M are members, said it expected the retailers to work with the suppliers to ensure that women have swift access to remedy.“These allegations are deeply concerning,” said Debbie Coulter of the ETI. “Gender-based violence is unacceptable under any circumstances, and brands need to make sure that women working in their supply chain are protected.”Campaigners told the Thomson Reuters Foundation last month that the level of pressure and harassment faced by the workers in the three separate reports was approaching forced labor.“Any time you have retaliation against workers, and coercion and control ... you are coming close to the line of forced labor,” Jennifer Rosenbaum of Global Labor Justice (GLJ), a network of worker and migrant organizations, said last month.The reports have been published amid meetings hosted by the United Nations’ International Labour Organization (ILO) to work on the first global convention against workplace harassment after the #MeToo campaign thrust the issue into the spotlight.Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=47919,34,,Other Ethnic groups,News +321,"Last year the #metoo movement became a rage in across the globe giving many women the courage and voice to speak up against sexual harassment at workplace. Since then, women from various walks of life including actress have spoken openly about it. Many Bollywood celebrities too opened up about sexual harassment and a few also shared their traumatic experience.The recent actress who spoke about this issue is Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. She, however, doesn’t feel that sexual harassment just exist in the film industry but everywhere else.In a recent interview with the Telegraph, during her visit to Sydney, Aishwarya said: “It has brought out a lot of conversation and sharing. The good thing is that people are talking. I don’t think this needs to restrict itself to one part of the world. But this idea does not limit itself to show business or the film industry. It is people discussing it from all walks of life”During the movement, Harvey Weinstein’s alleged sexual assault on actresses made the news. There were also reports on how the former Miss World narrowly escaped Weinstein’s sexual advances toward her.Simone Sheffield, talent manager, was quoted in the report by variety.com as saying, “I use to manage Indian actress Aishwarya Rai. While dealing with Harvey I found it comical how hard he tried to get Aishwarya alone. But he was a pig... looked and acted like a big bully pig. He asked me to leave the meeting numerous times and I politely declined. When we were leaving his office, he cornered me and said, ‘What do I have to do to get her alone?’ I told him to kiss my black ass. When Ash and I returned to our hotel, I sent Harvey a steel pig trough filled with DIET COKE as a thank you gift for the meeting. Yes, we did do business and yes, he eventually threatened me. Told me I’d never work in this business, blah blah blah...what I said to him, I can’t print. But you can be sure, I never gave him the opportunity to even breathe on my client.”Meanwhile, on the work front, Aishwarya’s next is a comedy-drama Fanne Khan, where she plays the role of a singer. It is also rumored that she has given her nod to star in the remake of Woh Kaun Thi? (1964) that featured legendary actors Manoj Kumar and Sadhana, in lead roles. The actress would apparently romance Shahid Kapoor in the film.Source: International Business Times",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=46593,23,,Women,News +324,"Welikanda Police has commenced an investigation to arrest a suspect for the alleged sexual harassment of a female candidate who is contesting at the upcoming Local Government elections.The victimized female candidate has lodged a complaint on February 02 at Welikanda Police regarding the incident.Accordingly, investigations were commenced into the incident by Welikanda Police, according to Police Headquarters.The victim is currently hospitalized and under treatment, reports claim.However, the suspect had fled from the area, investigations revealed.Meanwhile, 36 election-related complaints concerning the upcoming Local Government Election within the past 24 hours have been reported and 25 suspects have been arrested, the Police HQ reported.405 suspects have been arrested in connection with 612 incidents from January 09 and it included 43 candidates, it is reported.",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=45781,4,,Women,News +325,"The red carpet at the 75th Golden Globes has been dominated by one colour - black. Actresses are wearing black gowns in support of the Time’s Up movement, standing in solidarity with victims of sexual assault and harassment.Many men are wearing Time’s Up pin badges or wearing all black.Outlander star Caitriona Balfe, Will and Grace’s Debra Messing and The Handmaid’s Tale’s Yvonne Strahovski are among the many wearing all black.Some chose to wear a splash of colour - including singer Kelly Clarkson, singer turned actress Mandy Moore and Get Out actress Allison Williams.Many celebrities are sporting lapel pins and badges in favour of Time’s Up and 50:50, campaigns intent on fighting sexual harassment and gender inequality in the entertainment industry.Stranger Things actor David Harbour and William H Macy are seen sporting Time’s Up lapel pins, while The Crown’s Claire Foy wears a 50:50 button on the cuff of her striking tuxedo jacket.Classic options were chosen by nominee Jessica Chastain, Gillian Anderson and Millie Bobby Brown on the red carpet.Kate Hudson was joined in wearing black by Swedish actress Alicia Vikander and Downton Abbey star Lily James.The Greatest Showman actor Zac Efron, actress and rapper Abbie Cornish and Baby Driver star Ansel Egort also showed their support for the campaign.Actress Angelina Jolie arrives with her son Pax, activist Tarana Burke joins actress Michelle Williams, and Ugly Betty’s America Ferrera stands with fellow actress Natalie Portman, all dressed in black.Nicole Kidman, named best actress in a limited series or motion picture made for TV for Big Little Lies, with her husband, musician Keith Urban.- BBC",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=45265,11,,Other Ethnic groups,News +326,"Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa stated that the current government is exacting their revenge against him through the harassment of government officials who served during his term as President.The former President expressed these sentiments while visiting his former Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath earlier today (14).Gamini Senarath and two others were apprehended for the misappropriation of public funds approximated at over Rs.4 million.Gamini Senarath informed the Supreme Court on November 6, that fullest support will be given to the ongoing investigations carried out by Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID), against him.Attorneys appearing on behalf of him informed the court that their client is willing to extend full support the investigations carried out by the FCID.Meanwhile his Attorneys also informed the court that Gamini Senarath will appear before Fort Magistrate Court on November 9.Accordingly, the Supreme Court informed the petitioner to assist the investigations.The Supreme Court informed that the FR petition will be taken up for hearing November 17, Ada Derana court reporter said.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44170,1,,Not relevant,News +327,"The New York Times story that unearthed the first of what would become more than 40 accusations of sexual harassment, and in some cases assault, against movie titan Harvey Weinstein started with an account from Judd.The actress told the story of an encounter that happened more than two decades ago, when she was in the midst of filming 1997’s “Kiss the Girls.”Judd claimed to the Times that she went to the Peninsula Beverly Hills hotel for a business breakfast meeting with Weinstein but once there, a bathrobe-clad Weinstein asked if he could give her a massage or she could watch him shower. Her account to the Times was confirmed to CNN by her publicist.Judd went on say: “Women have been talking about Harvey amongst ourselves for a long time, and it’s simply beyond time to have the conversation publicly.”The Times’ initial piece said a total of eight women made claims of sexual harassment in interviews. They wouldn’t be the last.After Judd became the first actor to go public with an accusation against Weinstein, she was joined by a chorus of others who believed a dialogue about the alleged harassment they faced by Weinstein was well overdue.The next waveThe New Yorker’s exposé on Weinstein came just days later and the accusations were even more damning. Weinstein was accused of rape by multiple women.One of the accusers, actress Asia Argento, confirmed her account to CNN.“This is our truth,” she said.A spokeswoman for Weinstein denied the rape allegations in a statement provided to CNN.“Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein,” the statement read. “Mr. Weinstein has further confirmed that there were never any acts of retaliation against any women for refusing his advances.”Italian model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, actress Mira Sorvino, actress and producer Jessica Barth, French actress Emma de Caunes, and former aspiring actress Lucia Evans also gave their accounts in the New Yorker piece.Gutierrez can be heard in an audio tape that accompanied the article having an exchange with Weinstein in which he admits to groping her.She wore a wire as part of a New York Police Department sting operation to investigate her allegations. The district attorney determined that he didn’t have enough evidence to charge Weinstein.On the same day, more big names came forward in a follow-up report from the Times, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, and Rosanna Arquette -- all telling similiar stories of sexual harassment by the movie mogul.Paltrow said it happened at a meeting that “ended with Mr. Weinstein placing his hands on her and suggesting they head to the bedroom for massages.”Paltrow said she refused Weinstein’s alleged advances, immediately left, and told then boyfriend, actor Brad Pitt, about the incident. He later confronted the producer in a “heated” exchange, a source confirmed to CNN.French actress Judith Godrèche, once aspiring actress Katherine Kendall and costume designer Dawn Dunning, then an aspiring actress, also accused Weinstein of wrongdoing.Still, they would not be the last.Stories on social mediaIn the days that followed, actresses Minka Kelly, Kate Beckinsale, and Cara Delevingne used social media to share the stories of their alleged encounters with Weinstein.“No more Harvey Weinstein in Hollywood does not solve the problem,” Kelly wrote in a lengthy post on Instagram, “but maybe the more voices sharing their stories and adding support to the countless women and men who have suffered through abuse of power, the less it will be tolerated.”Rose McGowan, who had been named in the first Times story, used social media to empower victims in the days following the report.Though she declined to give an official statement, the Times reported she had been among those with whom Weinstein had made settlements over the years.On October 12, she detailed her accusation against Weinstein, identifying him only by his initials, on Twitter for the first time in a comment directed at Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, whose studio head, Roy Price, had just been the target of an accusation of his own.“1) @jeffbezos I told the head of your studio that HW raped me,” she wrote. “Over & over I said it. He said it hadn’t been proven. I said I was the proof.”Neither Price or Bezos have responded to McGowan’s tweets.Price resigned on Tuesday.At that point, the floodgates had opened.Screenwriter Louisette Geiss held a press conference alongside her attorney Gloria Allred to recall an incident at the Sundance Film Festival.Actress Lysette Anthony told her story to the Times of London. She says he raped her in the 1980’s.London’s Metropolitan Police are now investigating the accusation.English actress-turned-screenwriter Sophie Dix told The Guardian about her alleged sexual assault, which she said left her traumatized, despite Weinstein’s attempt to make amends later.Actress Angie Everhart recounted to TMZ an incident that took place more than a decade ago at the Venice Film Festival.To date, the accusations total more than 40 and span from 1980 to March 2015.Judd will be honored by the Women’s Media Center later this month for kicking off a domino effect that collapsed decades of silence.In a release, Gloria Steinem, co-founder of the Women’s Media Center, said the organization chose to honor Judd, a longtime humanitarian and political activist, for leading “global truth-telling in the most powerful way — by example.”-CNN-Agencies",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43670,42,,Women,News +328,"Harvey Weinstein has been fired from the film company he co-founded, three days after a New York Times investigation detailed numerous incidents of alleged sexual harassment by the media mogul.The remaining board of directors at The Weinstein Company said the decision was made “in light of new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that has emerged in the past few days.”Weinstein’s brother Robert, who goes by Bob, was one of the board members who made the decision.“The directors of The Weinstein Company -- Robert Weinstein, Lance Maerov, Richard Koenigsberg and Tarak Ben Ammar -- have determined, and have informed Harvey Weinstein, that his employment with The Weinstein Company is terminated, effective immediately,” a statement from the company said Sunday evening.The board used to have more than four members. According to the Times, three other board directors resigned on Friday as the Weinstein scandal became international news.Back then, two days ago, the remaining board members said they supported Weinstein’s choice to take a “leave of absence,” and they left the door open for him to return to the film company someday. “Next steps will depend on Harvey’s therapeutic progress, the outcome of the Board’s independent investigation, and Harvey’s own personal decisions,” they said.Over the weekend, the scandal deepened and became an even more serious threat to the future of the company.Some clients of the Weinstein Co. said they might stop working with the company if Harvey Weinstein was still associated with it.Two attorneys who were advising Weinstein, Lanny Davis and Lisa Bloom, quit working with him.“My understanding is that Mr. Weinstein and his board are moving toward an agreement,” Bloom tweeted on Saturday.Indeed, discussions between Weinstein’s attorneys and the board were underway up until Sunday afternoon, according to a source with knowledge of the matter.Those discussions ended with Sunday evening’s announcement.All of this was prompted by Thursday’s Times expose, which revealed the powerful film producer has faced many accusations of sexual harassment spanning decades. He reached at least eight settlements with women between 1990 and 2015.Weinstein’s behavior had been the subject of whispers in Hollywood for decades. But he was mostly able to keep the allegations out of the press until this year.Actress Ashley Judd was among the accusers who spoke to the Times for the story.When the story came out on Thursday, Weinstein denied some of the allegations, but also admitted that he had behaved improperly at times during his career. He apologized for causing pain.“I cannot be more remorseful about the people I hurt and I plan to do right by all of them,” Weinstein said in a statement.A Hollywood guessing game immediately began. Would Weinstein be able to save his career? Would he remain associated with his company?He had no immediate comment on Sunday evening.Weinstein is a larger-than-life figure in the film world. His first major success came at Miramax Films, where he and his brother Bob championed prestige films and set a new bar while running awards campaigns by throwing expensive events in an attempt to lure voters.Weinstein’s approach helped “Shakespeare in Love” unexpectedly earn best picture honors over Steven Spielberg’s “Saving Private Ryan.”The Weinsteins sold Miramax to Disney in 1993, and they left the company in 2005 to start The Weinstein Company.There, they saw success with films like “Silver Linings Playbook,” “The King’s Speech” and “Django Unchained.”The company’s recent films include “Lion,” “Gold” and “Wind River.”- CNN",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43478,15,,Other Ethnic groups,News +329,"The US embassy in Colombo warned on Thursday its citizens visiting Sri Lanka to avoid travelling alone in tuk-tuks after a spate of sexual harassment complaints.The embassy, in a message posted on its website, advised women against hailing the brightly-coloured autorickshaws used widely to get around in Sri Lanka.“The US embassy Colombo has been made aware of an increase in incidents involving tuk-tuk drivers in the Colombo area inappropriately touching female passengers,” said the statement.“Females should avoid travelling in tuk-tuks alone in Colombo.”Many of the reported incidents occurred at the end of a ride, the embassy said. Those opting to use tuk-tuks were requested to take photos of the driver and registration plate before boarding.There are some 1.2 million autorickshaws in Sri Lanka, most used as taxis in a country where public transport is often unreliable and overcrowded.Source: AFP-Agencies",WOMEN,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=41627,8,,Women,News +330,"Fox News Channel’s parent company fired Bill O’Reilly on Wednesday following an investigation into harassment allegations, bringing a stunning end to cable news’ most popular program and one that came to define the bravado of his network over 20 years.O’Reilly lost his job on the same day he was photographed in Rome shaking the hand of Pope Francis. By the evening, “The O’Reilly Factor” no longer bore his name, simply titled “The Factor.”The downfall of Fox’s most popular — and most lucrative — personality began with an April 1 report in The New York Times that five women had been paid a total of $13 million to keep quiet about disturbing encounters with O’Reilly, who continued to deny any wrongdoing in a statement hours after he was fired. Dozens of his show’s advertisers fled within days, even though O’Reilly’s viewership increased.O’Reilly’s exit came nine months after his former boss, Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, was ousted following allegations of sexual harassment.Following the Times story, 21st Century Fox said it had asked the same law firm that investigated Ailes to look into O’Reilly’s behavior. 21st Century Fox leaders Rupert Murdoch and his sons Lachlan and James said in a memo to Fox staff that their decision to ax O’Reilly came following an “extensive review” into the charges.“I understand how difficult this has been for many of you,” Rupert Murdoch said in a memo to Fox staff.O’Reilly, denied a chance to say goodbye to his Fox viewers, did so via a statement.“It is tremendously disheartening that we part ways due to completely unfounded claims,” he said. “But that is the unfortunate reality that many of us in the public eye must live with today. I will always look back on my time at Fox with great pride in the unprecedented success we achieved and with my deepest gratitude to all my dedicated viewers.”O’Reilly’s dismissal doesn’t signal any change of direction for the network: Fox said conservative pundit Tucker Carlson would move into O’Reilly’s time slot — the second time in three months he’s replaced an exiting prime-time personality. Carlson, a veteran who has hosted shows on CNN, MSNBC and PBS, had taken over for Megyn Kelly in January when she announced she was moving to NBC News. “The Five,” a talk show with five rotating hosts that regularly airs at 5 p.m. ET, will move into the 9 p.m. time slot. Eric Bolling will host a new show that airs at 5 p.m. starting next month, the company said.Dana Perino, who had been subbing for O’Reilly who had been on vacation for the past few days, acknowledged his departure at the top of “The Factor.” At the end of the show, she paid him a warm tribute.Noting the “dramatic changes,” Perino said: “It is the end of the era . Bill has been the undisputed king of cable news, and for good reason.”She also noted his devoted fans and their loyalty to the show.O’Reilly, 67, had ruled the “no spin zone” on television with a quick smile and an even quicker temper. He pushed a populist, conservative-leaning point of view born from growing up on Long Island, and was quick to shout down those who disagreed with him. Fans loved his willingness to talk back to power or point out hypocrisy among liberal politicians or media members.O’Reilly and President Donald Trump are both “crowd-pleasing showmen who know how to signal to loyalists in their audience that they are not taking themselves quite as seriously as their detractors are,” said news consultant Andrew Tyndall. “Half of the fun that they have with their audiences comes from watching the outrage that they manage to provoke.”“What Rush Limbaugh was to talk radio, Bill O’Reilly has been to conservative television,” said Mark Feldstein, communication professor at the University of Maryland. “You can’t underestimate the influence and the profits that he brought into Fox News for all these years and that’s why they hesitated so long in doing the right thing.”His show generated $178 million in advertising revenue in 2015, according to Kantar Media. Before the advertising boycott, there was the prospect of even more: his audience was larger in the first three months of 2017 than it has ever been. With a profit center gone, 21st Century Fox stock fell almost 1 percent Wednesday in heavy trading.O’Reilly’s pugnacious personality wasn’t just an onscreen affectation, with one of the settlements going to a woman who complained about being shouted at in the newsroom. O’Reilly was alleged to have slowed the careers of women who spurned his advances. One former Fox personality, Juliet Huddy, said she pulled away and fell to the ground when he tried to kiss her, and he didn’t help her up, the Times reported.One harassment case, from a former producer who said O’Reilly called her and described sexual fantasies and appeared to be masturbating, dated back more than a decade and was widely reported then. While O’Reilly survived then, the accumulation of cases outlined in the Times damaged him much more extensively. For Fox executives, it wasn’t clear when it would end: a campaign to target advertisers was continuing, a group of women demonstrated in front of Fox’s headquarters Tuesday and another woman, a former clerical worker at Fox, called a harassment hotline and accusing the host of boorish behavior.Some of O’Reilly’s critics were happy with the news.Author Stephen King tweeted: “New book by Fox News: Killing Bill O’Reilly.” It referred to O’Reilly’s series of best-selling books on the deaths of major historical figures.“Mission accomplished,” said Keith Olbermann, who frequently tweaked O’Reilly on an MSNBC show that competed in the same time slot for several years. Olbermann said that when he was working at Fox Sports in 1999, he helped a friend get a job at Fox News. She quit the job — and the business — due to her treatment by O’Reilly, he said.“This has been going on for decades and I hope his having to go out in shame and disgrace makes things just a little bit better for her and all his victims right now,” he said. “Certainly they make things better for America.”But many of O’Reilly’s fans took to social media to express their unhappiness at losing their hero. Several suggested that Fox had essentially caved to a left wing campaign. It didn’t help that the controversy was set in motion by the Times, a publication hated in conservative circles.O’Reilly’s lawyers said he was the victim of an orchestrated campaign by liberal organizations like Media Matters for America, which contacted his advertisers to pressure them to leave the show. Conservative personality Glenn Beck — who once lost a job at Fox because a similar campaign choked his program of paying advertisers — came to O’Reilly’s defense on his radio show.“You need to write and call Fox News Channel today and tell them, you can lose your advertisers or you can lose your viewers,” Beck said on his radio show hours before the firing. “But you have to put some spine back into the Murdoch family and the Fox News Channel board because you are about to lose Bill O’Reilly.”He was too late.O’Reilly is also one of the country’s most popular nonfiction authors. The books in his “Killing” historical series, including “Killing Lincoln” and “Killing Reagan,” have consistently sold 1 million or more copies in hardcover, a rare achievement in publishing, and his platform on Fox enabled him to promote his work. He has also had best-sellers with everything from the memoir “A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity” to his most recent work, “Old School,” which includes passages urging the respectful treatment of women.O’Reilly and co-author Martin Dugard are due to release another book in the “Killing” series in September, and a spokeswoman for publisher Henry Holt and Co. said that plans had not changed.Vatican spokesman Greg Burke confirmed O’Reilly was in the VIP section for the pope’s Wednesday appearance. Burke, a former Fox News correspondent in Rome, denied having facilitated the tickets. Such tickets can be obtained via special request to the papal household from embassies, high-ranking churchmen or Vatican officials.Francis always swings by the VIP seats at the end of his audience for a quick round of handshakes. A photographer from the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano snapped a photo of Francis reaching out to shake his hand.Source : WIAT News-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=40264,42,,Other Ethnic groups,News +331,"Ninety per cent of women in Sri Lanka have endured sexual harassment while taking public transport, a new study commissioned by UNFPA has found.The findings, released last week, offer a stark view into women’s vulnerability to violence and discrimination, issues that are poorly understood – both in Sri Lanka and globally – because of underreporting and lack of data.Despite the absence of formal data, these issues are all too familiar to women and girls, the survey confirms.“I have witnessed, on multiple occasions, male passengers inappropriately touching and leaning on small girls,” said a 23-year-old study participant. “Bus conductors also unnecessarily touch small children when getting on to the bus.”The study also shines a light on the far-reaching effects this harassment has on the lives of women and girls, from their educations and livelihoods to their place of residence and personal relationships.Humiliated and afraidInitiated in 2015, the study included 2,500 individuals between the ages of 15 and 35. Information was gathered through interviews, questionnaires and focus groups. Every administrative district in all of Sri Lanka’s nine provinces was represented.Women reported experiencing a wide range of mistreatment on public transport, including leering, verbal abuse and unwelcome advances, but the majority of harassment was physical.Seventy-four per cent of women and girls reported they had been deliberately touched. Sixty per cent reported their personal space had been invaded, and 52 per cent said the offender’s genitals were rubbed against their bodies.Ninety-seven per cent said the perpetrators were male.Women in the survey described feeling humiliated and afraid.Pushing women from public lifeWomen in Sri Lanka – especially low-income women – rely heavily on public transport. Half of female study participants said they use it to go to work, and 28 per cent said it was how they travelled to pursue their educations.There is evidence that harassment and the threat of harassment are limiting women’s mobility, participation in public life and overall well-being.A quarter of survey participants said harassment occurred monthly. About 12 per cent said it occurred daily. In some cases, women reported it was so frequent, and alternative modes of travel so scarce, that they moved residence to escape.Forty-four per cent of women said that harassment on public transport affected their personal lives. Twenty-nine per cent said it had an impact on their school performance, and 37 per cent said it negatively affected their work performance.“As a nurse I have to work late nights,” Thilini, 31, said in a focus group. “On one occasion, after leaving work exhausted, I got onto a bus and noticed a male passenger seated behind me. He was well-dressed and in his mid-40s. He started unnecessarily touching me, and as I objected, he told me that I should travel in a private vehicle.”These abuses – and the culture of inequality they spring from – may be contributing to women’s economic marginalization. According to the Census on Population and Housing, labour force participation among women fell from over 39 per cent in 2006 to less than 35 per cent in 2014.Better data to inform policiesThe study has started a conversation, not only on safety in public transport but also on the wider issues of violence, women’s rights and gender equality.UNFPA is currently working with government officials to raise awareness of these matters, and to spread word about a hotline women can call to report abuses. They are also working towards gathering more data on gender discrimination and violence, in order to inform policies that better uphold the rights of women.“The study is important as it highlights the grave gender discriminations that persist towards women and girls,” said Sharika Cooray, a UNFPA gender analyst in Sri Lanka.It is also “a first step in addressing the data gap at a national level on violence against women,” she added.Source: unfpa.org-Agencies",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=39511,87,,Women,News +332,"With the army being removed from his family’s security detail, former Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa’s son today accused the government of carrying out a political witch-hunt and said they have been facing such “harassment” from a long time.“The change comes into force today. We have been facing this kind of harassment for a long time now. This is nothing surprising. The government fears us more so after yesterdays big crowd that was seen at our May Day rally,” Namal Rajapaksa, an MP, and the elder son of the former strongman told reporters.He said that 50 of 102 security detail, which included five Army Majors and 45 Commandos, would be replaced with four Sub Inspectors and 46 Police Constables from the polices ministerial security division which provides VIP protection.The government in April had announced that the army will be removed from the security detail of Rajapaksa. Rajapaksa demands the Army Commando security in the light of his actions to end the decades old separatist campaign led by the LTTE. The former President and his brother Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the then head of the defense ministry played key roles in plotting the LTTEs military defeat.Since his defeat to President Maithripala Sirisena in January 2015 elections, the Rajapaksa family have faced allegations of wrong doings. Former Presidents younger brother, Basil Rajapaksa the then powerful economic development minister, and his second son Yoshitha Rajapaksa were both jailed for misdemeanors.-PTI-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=35108,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +333,"The Sri Lanka National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) said it has appointed the task force to combat the growing threat to children and young persons posed by bullying and sexual harassment via social media sites like Facebook and Instagram and other mobile and web based applications like Snapshot, Viber and WhatsApp.The task force comprises members from the NCPA, the attorney general`s department, the police department, the ministry of justice, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), Xinhua news agency reported.The task force will immediately start taking action to investigate and prosecute to the full extent of the law those using the internet or mobile devices for purposes of bullying, harassing, stalking, or extortion of children and young people, Natasha Balendra, chairperson of the NCPA, said.The task force will also begin formulating recommendations for new legislation aimed specifically at criminalising cyber bullying and cyber harassing and the like and protecting the victims of such crimes. The NCPA`s cyber watch unit has been very active in the recent past and receives and investigates many complaints relating to the use of the internet and has been actively monitoring several sites for potentially abusive behaviour.The NCPA is concurrently working with the ministries of education and justice, Police, several private sector organizations and others to develop a module for use in schools on the safe use of the internet with a special focus on cyber bullying and other cyber crimes.",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=31284,14,,Other Ethnic groups,News +334,"The committee appointed to investigate the Sri Lanka Women’s Cricket sex scandal has found evidence of sexual harassment by members of the women’s management team, the Sports Ministry said today.“The Committee report found evidence of sexual harassment by members of the Sri Lanka Cricket Women’s management team against several members of the Sri Lanka Cricket women’s team and the Minister intends to take disciplinary actions against those members where evidence has been found.”“The Sports Ministry will also forward the recommendations of the said committee to the interim committee of the Sri Lanka Cricket Board with strict instructions to follow the recommendations of the said Committee,” a statement said.The Report of the three-member committee, headed by Retired Supreme Court Judge Nimal Dissanayake, was handed over to Minister of Tourism and Sports Navin Dissanayake on Wednesday (20).The Minister thanked the members of the Committee for doing a thorough investigation on the shocking allegations, which were initially reported by media last year.Mrs. Tharangani Keenawinna Dissanayake, Public Trustee (Committee member), Mr. S. Aloka Bandara Director of Combined Services Ministry of Public Administration (Committee Member), M.I.M Rafeek Secretary Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Saman Bandara Additional Secretary of the Ministry were also present at the occasion. The sex scandal had rocked Sri Lankan cricket after media reports last year revealed that women players allegedly complained of demands from certain selectors to be ‘satisfied’ if they wanted a spot on the team.In November 2014, then Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage had instructed Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) to appoint an investigative committee to probe the allegations of the women’s team management and national selectors seeking sexual bribes from players",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30956,13,,Women,News +335,"Almost 29 percent of Sri Lankan female journalists have experienced sexual harassment in the work place according to the latest survey conducted by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the New Indian Express reported.Dilrukshi Handunnetti, the author of the survey reportsaid that out of the 45 female respondents, 13 (ie: 28.8 percent ) said that they had experienced sexual harassment in the work place.But this could well be the tip of the iceberg as most cases are not reported, for a variety of reasons. Such incidents are brushed under the carpet partly because there is lack of support from colleagues, female as well as male; and partly because complaints lodged are generally ignored by the organization. One of the victims, a Colombo-based English language journalist, told Handunnetti: “When I complained to the department head that I was being harassed sexually by the Associate Editor, there were other men who were old enough to be my father, advising me not to upset colleagues. When I objected to lack of action by the Head, I was offered free advice by other men, who told me to avoid spitting on my own face by raising these issues.”Shockingly, the victim’s female colleagues advised her to ignore the incident “for the sake of peace.” But the last straw was when her Department Head asked her to withdraw her complaint and sign a document claiming she had “misunderstood” the situation.Three other journos, including two in supervisory positions, had their buttocks touched by a middle-aged male colleague. But they did not complain because their colleagues described the act as “normal male behavior”.More than half of the women who had experienced sexual harassment (69.23 percent) said that the perpetrator was a colleague; 30.77 percent said it was a superior and 15.38 percent said it was an interview subject.“The absence of complaints and redress mechanisms contributes to the reluctance on the part of women to complain against incidents of sexual harassment, “ Handunnetti further said.",WOMEN,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30064,24,,Women,News +336,"Amidst a surge in election-related harassment and violence ahead of the 8 January presidential poll, Sri Lankan authorities must ensure that people’s right to political participation is respected, Amnesty International said.“The growing harassment and violence against those campaigning in the coming elections is deeply troubling – the authorities have a responsibility to ensure that all people in Sri Lanka can exercise their rights to political participation and freedom of expression without facing threats or violence, and that on election day they can vote without fear,” said David Griffiths, Amnesty International’s Deputy Asia Pacific Director.“Reports of a potential organized plan to obstruct voters on election day – allegedly orchestrated by the government through the military – is also a matter of grave concern.”Campaigning for the presidential elections has been marked by intimidation and violence, targeting mainly opposition supporters. In some of the latest incidents on 5 January 2015, three opposition activists were shot and wounded by unidentified gunmen in the southern town of Kahawatte, while two prominent civil society activists found severed heads of dogs outside their homes.As of 6 January, the independent Centre for Monitoring Election Violencehad recorded at least 237 “major incidents” during the campaigning period, including dozens of cases of assaults, intimidation or damage to property. Opposition leaders have also accused the government of planning to use the military to block people from voting in several regions across the country.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=29320,12,,Other Ethnic groups,News +337,"Sri Lankas High Commissioner to Australia, Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe, on Thursday rejected claims of human rights abuses and harassment of asylum seekers being returned to the island nation.Asked what would happen to those who are returned to Sri Lanka, he said they would face the magistrates court and be released on bail.If there is criminal evidence of such people, they would be punished and put through the normal process, Admiral Samarasinghe told Sky News.The Australian government is unrepentant in its refusal to discuss Tamil asylum seekers reportedly being sent back to Sri Lanka, amid claims it has thrown its moral compass overboard.The government will not confirm reports they have been or would be handed over to Sri Lankan authorities after being intercepted trying to reach Australia by boat.Handing them back would constitute a violation of Australias responsibilities under the United Nations refugee convention.The reports say one boat came from India with 153 Tamil asylum seekers, including about 30 children, and a second, carrying 50 people, might have sailed from Indonesia.But for almost a week, Australia Immigration Minister Scott Morrison and Prime Minister Tony Abbott have said the governments policy is not to divulge on water operations.The Australian government ... is always cognisant of our international obligations and relevant conventions, Mr Morrison also said on Thursday.Mr Abbott said Sri Lanka was a peaceful country no longer plagued by civil war.I dont say its a perfect country, Mr Abbott said.There are also reports that Australia is screening the Tamil asylum seekers at sea via video link, and some will be handed into Sri Lankan custody, also at sea, after being asked just four basic questions.The UN refugee agency has expressed concern about any processing short cuts that may risk putting already vulnerable individuals at grave risk of danger.Asylum seekers must be properly screened for protection needs in a way they can understand and lets them explain their needs, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said in a statement.The Tamil Refugee Council accused the Australian government of not just ignoring human rights abuses but becoming an eager facilitator.Australias moral, ethical and legal compass has been lost at sea, Tamil Refugee Council spokesman Trevor Grant said.Labors immigration spokesman, Richard Marles, demanded the government come clean with the Australian people.Meanwhile, Mr Morrison has confirmed an eight-week-old Australian-born baby is among a group of 14 asylum seekers from four families sent from the South Australian Inverbrackie detention centre to Darwin.They will be transferred to Christmas Island because they have been deemed fit to return to the island, Sky News reports. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27245,15,,Other Ethnic groups,News +338,"A British tourist thrown out of Sri Lanka for sporting aBuddha tattoo is suing local authorities for $78,000 over her ordeal, whichallegedly included sexual harassment, her lawyer said Thursday. Naomi Colemanfiled the action in the Supreme Court in Colombo on Wednesday seeking 10million rupees ($78,000) in compensation from Sri Lankas police, immigrationand prison authorities.We have filed the papers on the basis that her rights wereviolated as a result of her arrest, detention and deportation, lawyer Vishwade Livera Tennekoon told AFP. A hearing date has not yet been set.Coleman, a 37-year-old mental health nurse, was arrestedshortly after arriving at Sri Lankas main international airport in April overthe tattoo on her upper right arm, which authorities found offensive.Sri Lanka, a majority Buddhist nation, is highly sensitiveto perceived insults to the religion.A local magistrate ordered Colemans jailing and deportationthree days later over the tattoo, which shows Buddha seated on a pink lotusflower.Coleman has told AFP that she feared being raped during herone-night stay in Negombo prison near the airport, after a male prison guardmade lewd gestures indicating he wanted to have sex with her.A female guard at Negombo also demanded a bribe to avoidundergoing a thorough body search, she said. Coleman was later transferred toa detention centre in Colombo before her deportation on April 24.Sri Lankas Tourism Promotion Bureau paid for her returnticket and has expressed regret for the entire incident.Coleman has insisted that she is a devout Buddhist and thatthe tattoo is a mark of respect.Sri Lanka barred another British tourist from entering theisland in March last year for showing disrespect to Buddhism by having aBuddha tattooed on his arm.In August 2012 three French tourists were sentenced to sixmonths in jail, which was suspended for five years, for kissing a Buddha statuein what authorities considered a sign of disrespect.Sri Lanka prevented US rap star Akon from visiting in 2010over a music video that featured scantily clad women dancing in front of aBuddha statue, AFP reports. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26811,11,,Other Ethnic groups,News +340,"Concerned overthe alleged arrest and harassment of Indian fishermen by Sri Lankan navy, the governmentof India today said it would continue to engage with the island nation to getthem released from Lankan prisons. The Press Trust of India reported that Indiashared its concerns over the situation faced by the fishermen although a largenumber of fishermen have already been released by Sri Lankan authorities. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=25812,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +341,"Ten former PSD officers have been ordered to pay Rs. 2 million compensation to Rukantha and Chandraleka in their harassment case along with four and half year prison sentences.The former PSD officers of Chandrika Bandaranaike stood accused of breaking into the home of the popular singing duo Rukantha Gunathilaka and Chandraleka Perera in Mattegoda and harassing them.The Panadura High Court sentenced the ten suspects today (August 1).Nine of the ten suspects received four and half years of rigorous imprisonment while the other suspect, who is disabled, received a four and half year sentence of simple imprisonment.Each of the suspects were also ordered to pay Rs.100,000 each to both Rukantha and Chandraleka which amounted to a total of Rs.2 million in compensation.They will serve an addition one year ofsimple imprisonmentif the amounts cannot be paid.The seventh defendant in the case was released without charges by the court. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=23586,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +342," The US State Departments report on human rights states that attacks on and harassment of civil society activists, LTTE sympathizers and journalists is creating an environment of fear and self-censorship in Sri Lanka. The U.S. State Department in its Country Reports On Human Rights Practices for 2012, highlights involuntary disappearances as well as a lack of accountability for thousands who disappeared in previous years. The report released by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington on Friday (April 19) says major human rights problems include widespread impunity for a broad range of human rights abuses, particularly involving police torture, and attacks on media institutions and the judiciary.Other serious human rights problems included unlawful killings by security forces and government-allied paramilitary groups, often in predominantly Tamil areas; torture and abuse of detainees by police and security forces; poor prison conditions; and arbitrary arrest and detention by authorities, the report said. It states that lengthy pretrial detention and denial of fair public trial remained a problem in the country, and that during the year there were coordinated moves by the government to undermine the independence of the judiciary. The report faults the government for infringing on citizens privacy rights while pointing out that there were restrictions on freedom of speech, press, assembly, association, and movement. Authorities harassed journalists critical of the government and self-censorship was widespread. There were reports that the government, its agents, or its paramilitary allies committed arbitrary or unlawful killings, but reliable statistics on such killings were difficult to obtain, because past complainants were killed and some families feared reprisals if they filed complaints, the report said.The report charged that members of law enforcement in the country beat and otherwise abused criminal suspects and others.Among these alleged arbitrary or unlawful killings, there were reports of suspects detained by police or other security forces who died under questionable circumstances.There were numerous reports throughout the year of victims randomly selected by police to be arrested and detained on unsubstantiated charges, it said.While the overall number of extrajudicial killings appeared to decrease from previous years, killings and assaults on civilians by government officials was a problem, the document said.Enforced and involuntary disappearances continued to be a problem, the document said.The report further says: Some abductions included government critics, former LTTE cadre, and other targets, leading observers to conclude the involvement of the government or government-allied forces in several cases.On the conditions of the countrys prisons it said they were poor and did not meet international standards due to overcrowding and the lack of sanitary facilities. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012 - Sri Lanka by deranapics ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=22401,29,,Other Ethnic groups,News +343,"TheRajya Sabha was adjourned till noon on Thursday as AIADMK members sought animmediate reply from the government on the alleged harassment of Indianfishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy.AIADMK and DMK members raisedthe issue soon after the house met for the day.DMK member Tiruchi Siva said harassmentof Indian fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy was an ongoing affair and six suchincidents had occurred over the past month.VMaitreyan of AIADMK also expressed his concern over the matter and sought ananswer from the government.Chairman M Hamid Ansari askedMaitreyan to take his seat amid noisy scenes in the house on the issue. As thedin continued, the chairman adjourned the house till 12 noon.Bharatiya Janata Party membersM Venkaiah Naidu and Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi earlier sought suspension of QuestionHour to discuss the terrorist attack in Srinagar on Wednesday in which fiveCRPF personnel were killed. (IANS) ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=21969,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +345,"Aninternational human rights group has urged the Sri Lankan government toimmediately end harassment of media outlets and journalists.Human RightsWatch says the governments efforts to silence critical views have expandedsince Sri Lankas civil war ended three years ago.The groupsstatement comes after police raided and sealed an office that ran a newswebsite and pro-opposition website on Friday. The editor and eight other peoplewho were arrested were released on bail the next day.Brad Adams,HRWs Asia director, said the raids were part of a broader effort to intimidateand harass all critical journalists.Media rightsgroups say Sri Lanka is one of the worlds most dangerous countries forjournalists. (AP) ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=18693,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +346,"Jeevani Wickramaratna, a Lankan born software engineer self-called ""office cougar,"" has been jailed in the UK for sexual harassment. Cambridge graduate Jeevani Wickramaratna, 44, targeted onevictim at an electronics firm where she worked, claiming to be having an affairwith him.She emailed his wife about the fictitious relationship andeven pretended he was HIV positive.After moving to another firm, she falsely reported anothercolleague to bosses for harassing her.A court heard that Wickramaratnas first victim wasco-worker Paul Stokes.The software engineer became infatuated with him and startedwriting to him after he offered her some birthday cake.Christine Hart, prosecuting, said: She claimed Mr Stokeswas having an affair with the office cougar [an older woman who prefers youngermen], and many of the messages were sexually explicit and caused great distressto both him and his family.Wickramaratna then began sending him a series of messagessaying she was setting him free and said she had told his family about theiraffair and that he loved her.Further abusive Facebook messages were sent, including afalse allegation that Mr Stokes had been diagnosed with HIV.The court heard Mr Stokes had never had an affair with thedefendant. He later reported her to police. In a statement to the court, MrStokes said she had put him and his wife through hell and her persistentcommunications had caused considerable stress.He said: The hurtful stories she concocted from herderanged imagination became more and more aggressive and led me to fear for thesafety of my wife and children.He said the threat of harassment continued and he felt hehad to check his house at night.Miss Hart said: The police contacted Wickramaratna tellingher not to contact Mr Stokes but she wrote back revealing explicit details oftheir affair that she believed had taken place and referred to herself as thecougar.She later left the electronics company in Portsmouth whereshe worked with Mr Stokes, and moved to a communications firm in SheptonMallet, Somerset.There she met a new male colleague, Pir Khan, and startedsending him accusatory messages before reporting him to the companys owner,Kazeem Benzair.Miss Hart said: Mr Khan received a message from the defendantasking if he would stop making uncomfortable gestures towards her and hereplied saying he did not understand what comments she was referring to.A number of abusive messages were then sent but thedefendant claimed they had been sent by her boyfriend Jeremy a man whom thepolice were not able to ascertain even existed.She then reported Mr Khan to Mr Benzair for harassment andboth parties were put on gardening leave from the firm. During the subsequentinvestigation she sent 107 abusive emails to Mr Benzair despite pleas by hiswife Joanne, who had a serious illness.Mr Benzair said he paid a solicitor £9,000 to deal withmatters and said the stress had made his wifes medical condition worse.He said: We were bombarded with calls at work and home andhad to change our telephone number. I was unable to sleep properly for manyweeks.Wickramaratna, of Buckingham, denied three charges of harassmentbut was convicted on all counts.Jailing her for six months at South Somerset MagistratesCourt in Yeovil, District Judge David Parsons said: With regard to Paul Stokesyou seriously risked damaging a happy and stable marriage and you caused him andhis wife complete humiliation.Pir Khan was subjected to your wicked lies which were sodeplorable that he was suspended for something he had not done.Kazeem Benzair was damaged commercially and all thishappened while his wife was seriously and possibly terminally ill.You persisted on sending people emails even after beingwarned by the police and have shown no remorse, empathy or regret.You live in a complete fantasy world. It is eminently clearthat you are completely incapable of telling the truth. Courtesy: Daily Mail ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=18508,12,,Other Ethnic groups,News +347," Lawmakers of the European Parliament (MEPs) have underlined the need for Europe to be more supportive of Sri Lankas reconciliation and reconstruction process rather than constant harassment, amid global pressure on the government to address alleged human rights violations. A group of European Parliament members (MEPs) led by Geoffrey Van Orden said Europe needs to be more supportive of Sri Lankan post-conflict reconciliation and reconstruction, rather than constant harassment. On the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), Van Orden said that international organizations which had dubbed it a whitewash had been proved dramatically wrong. The group said they had been encouraged by the steps already taken by the Lankan government towards reconciliation such as the parliamentary select committee on devolution, promotion of a trilingual policy and bilateral talks with the main Tamil party TNA, according to a release by the government of Sri Lanka. - PTI ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=16702,7,,Other Ethnic groups,News +349," Opposition Leader Ranil Wickramasinghe today (September 6) accused that the government has taken no steps regarding the harassment of people in Jaffna which is gradually increasing on a daily basis.Incidents involving alleged grease devils have regrettably increased in the Jaffana peninsula he stated in Parliament bringing up a question under a Standing Order. It is evident through such incidents, being reported daily, that even though the government possesses a mechanism to resolve this situation, due to some reason it is not being implemented, Mr. Wickramasinghe stressed.In reply Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva however expressed that contrary to the Opposition Leaders unfounded statement, law and order situation in Jaffna is certainly at a satisfactory level.The issue of Grease Yakas is a mythical creation of those who want to throw this country into turmoil and instability.He affirmed that government has taken all necessary steps to the alleged menace and assured the public of the Northern Province that the government will do everything to ensure that the hard won liberation is permanent. Minister Nimal Siripala further accused Ranil Wickramasinghe of trying to score brownie points as a cheap political intervention that aims to consolidate his position as the Leader of the UNP. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=14892,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +350," Sexual harassment at work places is an issue which has not received adequate attention in Sri Lanka despite the high prevalence of cases of sexual harassment especially among women. In order to draw attention to this untapped but essential area Epitom Consulting, a leading Business Consultancy firm has organized an awareness programme on sexual awareness at the workplace. The workshop will be conducted by Dr. Arosha Adikaram, a senior lecturer in Human Resource Management at the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo. The 3 hour workshop will be targeted at CEOs, managers, HR personnel, and supervisors, working professionals, policy makers and students. The programme will cover all aspects of sexual harassment at the workplace and will also include what companies and victim should do in the event of a case of sexual harassment. The workshop will take place on July 27 from 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm at the Galle Face Hotel. ",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=14272,23,,Women,News +351," Sexual harassment in the workplace is an untapped but essential area to be covered specially in the Asian part of the world, says the founder of Epitom Consulting Mr. T. Ragulan. Ragulan, also notifies that this sensitive issue will be taken up by Dr. Arosha S. Adikaram, a senior lecturer in Human Resources Management at the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo on 27th of July 2011 at Galle Face Hotel from 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Dr. Adikaram has continuously and actively contributed to the cause of eliminating sexual harassment from workplaces during the past 10 years through numerous research, workshops and awareness programs, as well as through local and international publications on the subject. One of her papers, Sexual harassment among women in the banking sector of Sri Lanka received the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Business and Information (BAI) held in Singapore in 2006. Dr. Adikaram was also honored as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) of the year 2010 for her academic accomplishment and leadership by Junior Chamber International (JCI) Sri Lanka, and was awarded the Pride of HR Profession award, by the World HRD Congress in India, for her contribution to the field of human resources management.Dr. Adikaram has a number of publications to her credit, including the books titled Is Sexual Harassment a Problem in Sri Lankan Workplaces (publishers: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Sri Lanka Foundation) and Labor Law and Relations: a Human Resource Management Approach (publisher: Stamford Lake Publications). Dr. Adikaram, pointing out the importance of raising awareness about the issue of sexual harassment at workplaces in the Sri Lankan working community says that more than 50% of working women and about 7% of working men are subject to sexual harassment at workplace around the world. She further says that Having been involved in research and teaching on sexual harassment at workplaces for the last decade, I have been appalled to realize how grave and prevalent this phenomenon is among Sri Lankan working females, and how almost all of these instances go unaddressed and unnoted. Unlike many other countries around the world, in Sri Lanka the issue of sexual harassment is not taken seriously, and not addressed properly. It is not even considered by many as a topic worthy of discussion. Unless companies realize the importance of eradicating sexual harassment from workplaces and also deal with instances of sexual harassment effectively, there is very little the victims can do. The first step in combating sexual harassment and avoiding the many negative consequences of sexual harassment, is by raising awareness about the issue among the working community and encouraging companies to develop effective policies and procedures to deal with the issue Dr Adikaram adds.Epitom Consulting, a promising business consultancy firm which is striving to serve the knowledge base of Sri Lanka has initiated to talk openly about this untouched and sensitive topic. This aspect of work life plays hidden but massive role in deciding the performance of the employees, an organizations reputation, a countrys image about its corporate culture. The workshop is scheduled to take place on 27th of July 2011 at Galle Face Hotel from 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Ragulan ensures that the workshop would help the participants to identify what sexual harassment at workplace means, explain the importance of eradicating sexual harassment from workplaces, identify what organizations should do in preventing and handling sexual harassment instances, and identify what victims of sexual harassment should do in dealing with their experiences. For further details http://www.epitom.org/workshops-2/july-programme/ ",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=14068,71,,Women,News +354,"(New York)- The Sri Lankan government should end its harassment of journalists andactivists and take steps against those making threats, Human Rights Watch andAmnesty International said in a joint statement today.Since the January 2010 presidential election, the governmenthas engaged in a campaign to silence and discredit journalists andnongovernmental organizations. A recently leaked document, which appears to bea government surveillance list of more than 30 journalists and activists,significantly raises concerns about the safety of the people on the list, theorganizations said.âThe Sri Lankan government is conducting a carefullycoordinated witch hunt aimed at discrediting critics of the government,â saidBrad Adams, Asia director at Human RightsWatch. âThis is extremely dangerous and irresponsible in a country wherejournalists and activists have often been threatened and killed.âOn March 4, the directors of two highly respected Sri Lankanorganizations, the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) and TransparencyInternational Sri Lanka (TISL), wrote a joint letter to President MahindaRajapaksa expressing their grave concern about a press report of thegovernmentâs apparent surveillance list. The list places the directors of theCPA and TISL among several people in the top category, presumably meaning thatthey are under particularly close surveillance.News about the government surveillance list emerged amidst agovernment campaign in the media to discredit nongovernmental organizations. Inseveral statements since February 20, government officials have made vague andunproven accusations against various groups, claiming that they have attemptedto âdestabilize democracyâ in Sri Lanka.Concerns about the safety of individuals on the allegedgovernment surveillance list are heightened because of previous death threatsand attacks, the organizations said. In September 2008 unknown persons threwtwo grenades at the TISL directorâs house. In August 2009 the director of theCPA received an anonymous death threat by mail. The authorities have failed tohold anyone accountable for either of the incidents.Both the CPA and TISL played a crucial role in monitoringthe January presidential election, reporting on electoral violations and thegovernmentâs misuse of state resources to campaign in favor of the incumbent,Mahinda Rajapaksa.âThis smacks of retaliation for reporting on violationsduring the presidential election,â said Sam Zarifi, Amnesty InternationalâsAsia-Pacific director. âDespite the elections and the end of the war againstthe Tamil Tigers, the government seems to have a hard time getting rid of thehabit of repression.â â (Human Rights Watch) ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=7462,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +355,"UNP Kekirawa organizer Chandima Gamage today filed a FundamentalRights (FR) petition at the Supreme Court seeking an order to restrain thePolice from what he claims was harassment during the run-up to the upcomingGeneral elections.He alleged that during the recently concluded PresidentialPolls he was subject to such harassment when the Police arrested him forattempted murder and remanded him. He was subsequently released on bail, Gamageâslawyers told court. Gamage fears such harassment during the run-up to the GeneralElection and seeks SC intervention. The case will be taken up March 21. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=7428,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +357,"A draft of a potential climate deal at the COP28 summit on Monday suggested a range of measures countries could take to slash greenhouse gas emissions, but omitted the “phase out” of fossil fuels many nations have demanded - drawing criticism from the U.S., EU and climate-vulnerable countries.The draft has set the stage for contentious last-minute negotiations in the two-week summit in Dubai, which has laid bare deep international divisions over whether oil, gas and coal should have a place in a climate-friendly future.A coalition of more than 100 countries have been pushing for an agreement would for the first time promise an eventual end to the oil age - but are up against opposition from members of the oil producer group OPEC.COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber - who has previously used the conference to call for a paradigm shift - urged the nearly 200 countries at the talks to redouble their efforts to finalize a deal ahead of the scheduled close of the conference on Tuesday, saying they “still have a lot to do”.“You know what remains to be agreed. And you know that I want you to deliver the highest ambition on all items including on fossil fuel language,” he said.The new draft of a COP28 agreement, published by the United Arab Emirates’ presidency of the summit, proposed various options but did not refer to a “phase out” of fossil fuels.Instead, it listed eight options that countries could use to cut emissions, including: “reducing both consumption and production of fossil fuels, in a just, orderly and equitable manner so as to achieve net zero by, before, or around 2050”.Other actions listed included tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030, “rapidly phasing down unabated coal” and scaling up technologies including those to capture CO2 emissions to keep them from the atmosphere.Alden Meyer, a senior associate at environmental think tank E3G, criticised the new deal as “basically an a la carte menu that allows countries to individually choose what they want to do.”Despite the fact emissions from burning fossil fuels are by far the main driver of climate change, 30 years’ worth of international climate negotiations have never resulted in a global agreement to cut their use.The text triggered a protest from dozens of delegates who stood in near silence, holding hands and lining the long route into a room where negotiators gathered, forcing them to run an eerie gauntlet before getting back to work.“Please give us a good text,” one delegate pleaded as negotiators filed in.U.S. Special Climate Envoy John Kerry told the meeting, which ran for around three hours, that the draft agreement had to be strengthened.“We’re not where we’re meant to be in terms of the text,” Kerry said. “Many of us have called for the world to largely phase out fossil fuels, and that starts with a critical reduction this decade.”Speaking with voice worn hoarse by the summit, he said the outcome of COP28 was existential: “This is a war for survival”.EU chief negotiator Wopke Hoekstra told reporters the draft was “clearly insufficient and not adequate to addressing the problem we are here to address.”Representatives from Pacific Island nations Samoa and the Marshall Islands, already suffering the impacts of rising seas, said the draft was a death sentence.“We will not go silently to our watery graves,” said John Silk, the head of the Marshall Islands delegation.“We cannot sign on to a text that does not have strong commitment on phasing out fossil fuels,” Samoa environment minister Cedric Schuster told reporters.Dan Jorgensen, the Danish climate minister, said he believed many countries opposed the current text. “So, it was clear that this is only the starting point and that we are not even close to getting a result.”A new draft document is expected early on Tuesday, which would leave little time for further disagreement ahead of the conference’s scheduled close at 0700 GMT. COP summits rarely finish on schedule.Sources familiar with the discussions said the UAE had come under pressure from Saudi Arabia, de facto leader of the OPEC oil producers’ group of which UAE is a member, to drop any mention of fossil fuels from the text.Saudi Arabia’s government did not respond to requests for comment on Monday.CONSENSUSIt was unclear if China, currently the world’s top greenhouse gas emitter, supported the draft.Leaving their pavilion late on Monday, senior members of the China delegation, including chief envoy Xie Zhenhua, did not respond to questions.But observers noted that some of the language in the document was in line with China’s previous policy positions, as well as parts of the Sunnylands agreement signed by China and the United States in November.The Sunnylands agreement did not use phrases like “phasing out” but instead called for the accelerated substitution of coal, oil and gas with renewable energy sources, and backed the pledge to triple renewable energy by 2030.Speaking to ministers and negotiators on Sunday, a representative for Saudi Arabia’s delegation said a COP28 deal should not pick and choose energy sources but should instead focus on cutting emissions.That position echoes a call made by OPEC in a letter to its members earlier in the summit, seen by Reuters, which asked them to oppose any language targeting fossil fuels directly.Deals at U.N. climate summits must be passed by consensus among the nearly 200 countries present.Developing nations have said any COP28 deal to overhaul the world’s energy system must be matched with sufficient financial support to help them do this.“We need support as developing countries and economies for a just transition,” said Colombia’s Environment Minister Susana Muhamad. Colombia supports phasing out fossil fuels.Despite the rapid growth of renewable energy, fossil fuels still produce around 80% of the world’s energy.Negotiators told Reuters that other OPEC and OPEC+ members including Russia, Iraq and Iran, have also resisted attempts to insert a fossil fuel phase-out into the COP28 deal.Source: Reuters--Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=95580,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +358,"Sri Lanka and Argentina remain very vulnerable amid a worsening in global financial conditions while China has suffered a sharp deterioration in financial resilience since pre-COVID times, a think-tank study found on Wednesday.The resilience indicator, published by the Washington-based Center for Global Development, assesses which countries would be most economically and financially affected if an external shock were to materialise. It is based on data published by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and governments.China was found to be “most weakened country” across a sample of 37 countries, having ranked among the top 10 most resilient emerging economies in 2019 and dropping to 18th place in 2023.Emerging markets were now more vulnerable than in 2019 on an overall basis, economist Liliana Rojas-Suarez wrote in the report.“The scars of the 2020-2022 shocks that started with the COVID pandemic and the subsequent multiple shocks, such as Russia’s war on Ukraine and the U.S. Fed’s increases in interest rates, are deep and have weakened emerging markets’ economic and financial conditions,” Rojas-Suarez wrote.A severe shortage of dollars tipped Sri Lanka into its worst financial crisis since independence from Britain in 1948 last year, triggering its first foreign debt default in May 2022.Argentina is in recession for the sixth time in a decade, with triple-digit inflation and foreign net reserves in the red.The study also showed that debt sustainability has declined over the last four years across emerging market economies.“In 2019, only Tunisia, Pakistan, Argentina, and Sri Lanka had ratios of external financing needs above 100%. Now, 12 of the 37 countries we examined, or about one third, are in that position,” Rojas-Suarez said, adding these countries have very large and unsustainable large public debt ratios.The study calculated external financing needs by measuring short-term external debt plus current account deficits as a proportion of international reserves.Bolivia, Egypt, Turkey and El Salvador are also on the list of vulnerable countries, while the study shows that Indonesia, Peru and Bulgaria are the most resilient countries in the group.Source: Reuters--Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=94684,6,,Other Ethnic groups,News +360,"The crushing economic crisis in Sri Lanka last year has left more than half of the island’s population “multidimensionally vulnerable”, according to a national citizens’ survey led by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).The study spanning the years 2022 and 2023 and covering 25,000 households across the country, found 55.7 % of the population to be vulnerable across three dimensions — education, health and disaster, living standards — and 12 indicators, including school attendance, physical condition [of health], unemployment and indebtedness. In effect, the survey showed that 12.34 million people out of Sri Lanka’s 22.16 million-strong population have been badly affected by the crisis and remain vulnerable amid claims of a “recovering” economy. The findings are in line with earlier research by UN agencies on food insecurity levels and reaffirm anecdotal accounts of poor families cutting down their food intake and pulling their children out of school to cope with the high living costs.The findings of UNDP’s study carried out in partnership with the ‘Citra Social Innovation Lab’ anchored at the Prime Minister’s office, assume significance, especially after the government rejected a UNICEF report that pointed to high malnutrition levels among Sri Lankan children last year.Notably, the recently launched UNDP report said a majority, or 82 %, of those found to be “multidimensionally vulnerable” lived in rural Sri Lanka. It underscored the need for “more policy focus” in those areas. Further, the study found a third of the country’s population gets into debt for essential needs like food, medical care, education, and pawning jewellery or selling items.“Several districts, including Ampara, Batticaloa, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Nuwara Eliya, Puttalam, and Vavuniya, exhibit notable multidimensional vulnerability values, with over 65 percent of their populations identified as vulnerable,” the report said, indicating that people living in the island’s Tamil-majority north and east, impacted by the civil war, and the economically-marginalised Malaiyaha Tamil community, are among those facing the highest levels of economic deprivation. Capital Colombo and the neighbouring Gampaha districts emerged as regions with the highest concentration of vulnerable individuals, a trend that the study attributed to their substantial population sizes.Road to recoveryLast year’s financial meltdown pushed Sri Lanka to bankruptcy and brought its citizens to the streets as they contended with acute shortages, long power cuts, and a dramatic increase in prices. A year after defaulting on its foreign debt in the wake of a stifling balance of payments problem, the government obtained International Monetary Fund (IMF) support in March 2023 by way of a $ 3 billion package to be disbursed over four years.While President Ranil Wickremesinghe has pledged to set the country’s economy on a path of recovery, his government is struggling to reach an agreement with its external creditors. Colombo must finalise a debt treatment plan before the IMF’s scheduled review this month, as the second tranche of the IMF loan is contingent on it.Further, the government recently announced its decision to restructure its domestic debt, mainly by recasting the outgo on the country’s pension funds. Worker unions have been fiercely opposing the move. In a recent letter to the IMF, more than 80 Sri Lankan organisations and trade unions said subjecting workers’ pension funds to domestic debt restructuring “will diminish the returns to wage-earners and deplete the fund to half its current value.” “Your debt restructuring program is crippling working people in Sri Lanka who run our economy and create value in our society. The economic reforms you have imposed on us, without reflecting on the negative consequences of the previous reforms enacted over 16 IMF interventions, are crushing our economy,” they told the Fund.Meanwhile, Central Bank data showed a further slowdown in headline inflation in August, dropping to 4 % from 6.3 % recorded last month. Still, the numbers are yet to translate to relief for most citizens, especially because of last year’s exceptionally high base effect, even as incomes have remained stagnant. The government — in adherence to the IMF programme — recently began making cash transfers to 1.5 million families out of the 2 million it has identified as poor and eligible. Many more families are protesting, asking to be included on the list. However, women’s groups and government critics argue that a targeted social security programme, amounting to 0.6% of the GDP, will prove grossly inadequate to combat the severe economic strain many face.Source – The Hindu--Agenices",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=93113,16,,Other Ethnic groups,News +361,"Sri Lanka will launch the Climate Justice Forum (CJF) for the vulnerable and developing countries at the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28) at the upcoming 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, Minister of Environment Naseer Ahamed stated.Speaking further the Minister said that Sri Lanka has proposed the establishment of a CJF with the common objective of ensuring greater climate justice and accelerating the financing of losses and damages and providing an alternative and non-traditional approach, the President’s Media Division (PMD) reported.Meanwhile, the Ministry of Environment in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme will host the fifth Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific (5th AP Forum) which will take place from 3rd to 6th October 2023 in Colombo.The Forum will provide a platform for governments, intergovernmental organizations, and other stakeholders to discuss and prioritize environmental issues in the Asia Pacific region, the Minister mentioned, the PMD said.He expressed these views today (06) during a press conference themed ‘Collective Path to a Stable Country’ held at the Presidential Media Centre (PMC).Further, attention has been paid to the development of Dambulla and Hiriwadduna eco-tourism sites as eco-tourism destinations, it added.In addition to the Gazette notification that was issued on March 31 2021 for banning some single-use plastic items, plastic garlands, single-use spoons, forks, yogurt/ice cream spoons, plastic straws, stirrers, spoons and plastic string hopper trays will be banned within the next couple of weeks.The CEA with the participation of the relevant stakeholder institutions has already prepared a contingency responsive action plan to report the air quality calamity situation of the country, Minister Ahamed stated, according to the PMD.The Ministry of Environment is also preparing a National Policy on electricity and electronic waste management.The Geological Survey and Mines Bureau (GSMB) has commenced issuing transport licenses with destination, vehicle number, and route details to regularize mineral transportation. All these details are computer generated which prevents alterations by the license holder, the Minister added. The Ministry has also introduced a blacklisting procedure through the database system of the GSMB for the vehicles used for the illegal transportation of minerals.The regulation under the Mines and Mineral Act has been amended and new provisions have been introduced for the exploration licence procedure. Further, new provisions to facilitate investors to invest in mineral resources in Sri Lanka directly without the involvement of brokers have been introduced, it said.Minister of Environment Naseer Ahamed, further commented;“Sri Lanka has proposed the establishment of a Climate Justice Forum with the aim of accelerating the financing of losses and damages and providing an alternative and non-traditional approach. Also, Sri Lanka is of the opinion that it is appropriate to include debt justice as an essential component of the overall solution proposal to be given to the climate-vulnerable and developing countries for their mitigation and adaptation interventions, taking into account the debt crises faced by those countries. In order to make that effort successful, the Cabinet approved the implementation of the strategic program presented by the Ministry of Environment as the proponent of establishing the Climate Justice Forum.The Major activities to be carried out by the Ministry for this year include the formulation of a national climatic change policy, formulation of a national mineral policy, formulation of a national cooling policy for Sri Lanka, formulation of a Sri Lanka Road map for net zero Carbon by 2025, prohibition of four (04) environmentally harmful single-use plastic products and the establishment of climate cells to facilitate implementation of Provincial Adaptation Plan.Under waste management, we have introduced new rules for plastic use and recycling. The Central Environment Authority (CEA) has already incorporated the provisions of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and polluter pays the principal to National Environment Act amendment. Two pilot projects have already been implemented to practice EPR voluntarily.”",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=92480,7,,Other Ethnic groups,News +362,"Minister of Power and Energy Kanchana Wijesekera has requested the World Bank’s assistance to conduct a full assessment of the tariff structure and the impact it has on both, poor and vulnerable groups.Taking to Twitter, the Minister noted that a presentation on the findings in this regard and the impact the recent hike in electricity tariffs has had was presented this morning (12 May), titled ‘Assessing the distributional impact of electricity tariffs increase in Sri Lanka’.The relevant presentation was made by the World Bank Team on Poverty and Equity Global Practice.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=90480,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +363,"UNFPA Sri Lanka plans to implement a new project “ENSURE: Ensuring access to life-saving sexual & reproductive health and providing gender-based violence prevention and response services for women, girls and vulnerable groups” with funding from the Government of Japan.This USD 4.6 million-worth project and will provide mobile clinic service and essential commodities such as hygiene kits to women, girls and vulnerable groups affected by the current crisis in Sri Lanka, the Embassy of Japan in Colombo said in a statement.In order to implement the project, UNFPA and the Government of Japan in Sri Lanka will work closely with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Women and Child Affairs and Social Empowerment and partners from government and non-governmental organizations to save 3 million women, girls and youth in seven districts in five provinces including Northern, Eastern and Central Provinces.The targeted districts were identified by using the district-level poverty rate, incident rate of violence by an intimate partner and the project aims to protect those severely affected by the breakdown of the economy and protracted socio-economic crisis.Ambassador of Japan to Sri Lanka, Mizukoshi Hideaki stressed the importance of protecting women and girls, especially in vulnerable communities in the rural areas where the access to health service has been a challenge for the local people due to the price hike and income reduction.Ambassador Mizukoshi also reiterated Japan’s strong commitment to continue the support for women’s health and protection of women and girls as a sincere friend of Sri Lanka.In 2022, the Humanitarian Needs and Priorities (HNP) Plan 2022 estimated that 5.7 million people in Sri Lanka are in need of immediate humanitarian assistance, with over 4.9 million being food insecure.Prices of menstrual health products skyrocketed from March with tax hikes. With a sanitary pad packet of 10 costing over Rs. 300, women are forced to sacrifice their hygiene for buying a kilo or two of rice to feed their family instead. The increasing cost of medical care and shortage of essential medicines are depriving women and girls of urgent and lifesaving basic and comprehensive medical care.Commenting on the project, UNFPA Representative in Sri Lanka, Kunle Adeniyi noted that, “It is vital we identify and ensure women and girls to attain their full potential. With the ENSURE initiative, UNFPA and the Government of Japan are dedicated to ensuring that women, young people, and persons with disabilities have continuous access to life-saving sexual and reproductive health services. We are also dedicated to strengthening health and protection systems at the district and divisional levels by supporting shelter services and providing vital medicines and commodities to address gender-based violence and ensure women deliver safely. I look forward to working together with all of our partners as we start this endeavor”.",WOMEN,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=89951,56,,Women,News +364,"State Minister of Finance Shehan Semasinghe has highlighted the need for a progressive taxation policy, emphasising that the implementation of such a policy which is fair and equitable is essential to ensure that the burden of financing does not fall disproportionately on the poor and vulnerable.Semasinghe made this statement at the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Tax for SDGs Initiative yesterday (19 April), titled ‘SDGs and Taxation: Lessons Learned and Best Practices from the Ground’.He further emphasised that enhancing government revenue and expenditure containment would complement efforts made towards fiscal consolidation, adding that measures to reduce the operational expenses of the government and increase the accountability of the appropriation of public funds are important.Sri Lanka’s State Minister of Finance noted, however, that the rationalization of public funds should not and would not compromise the allocation of financial provision for health, education and social protection.Meanwhile, delivering a statement at the 2023 United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Financing for Development (FfD) Forum, State Minister Semasinghe spoke of the crisis Sri Lanka is currently recovering from.Commenting on Sri Lanka’s unprecedented crisis, Semasinghe stated that he believes that it, the crisis, presented an opportunity to regain economic stability with “meaningful fiscal reforms and a renewed governance structure that would effectively address contemporary challenges”.Thus, during his statement on ‘Fostering debt sustainability by addressing gaps in the sovereign debt architecture”, Semasinghe stated that it is time to take collective action to close longstanding gaps in sovereign debt and ensure reforms in the international financial architecture.Taking to Twitter, he explained that this would allow for countries to have greater fiscal space, and would thereby ensure that the “vicious cycle of debt and default does not repeat itself”.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=89922,6,,Other Ethnic groups,News +368,"Delegates from nearly 200 counties at the COP27 climate summit have agreed to set up a loss and damage fund meant to help vulnerable countries cope with climate disasters, in a landmark deal early Sunday morning in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.But while the deal represents a breakthrough in what has been a contentious negotiation process, delegates were still working to hammer out other controversial parts of the agreement, including a proposal to include a call to phase out all fossil fuels, rather than just coal.The deal marks the first time countries and groups, including longtime holdouts like the United States and the European Union, have agreed to establish a “loss and damage” fund for nations vulnerable to climate disasters made worse by pollution disproportionately produced by wealthy, industrialized nations.Negotiators and non-governmental organizations observing the talks said the fund was a significant achievement, after developing nations and small island countries banded together to amplify pressure.The fund will focus on what can be done to support loss and damage resources, but it does not include liability or compensation provisions, a senior Biden administration official told CNN.The US and other developed nations have long sought to avoid such provisions that could open them up to legal liability and lawsuits from other countries. And in previous public remarks, US Climate Envoy John Kerry had said loss and damage was not the same thing as climate reparations.“‘Reparations’ is not a word or a term that has been used in this context,” Kerry said on a recent call with reporters earlier this month. He added: “We have always said that it is imperative for the developed world to help the developing world to deal with the impacts of climate.”Details on how the fund would operate remain murky. The text leaves a lot of questions on when it will be finalized and become operational, and how exactly it would be funded. The text also mentions a transitional committee that will help nail down those details, but doesn’t set specific future deadlines.And while climate experts celebrated the win, they also noted the uncertainty going forward.“This loss and damage fund will be a lifeline for poor families whose houses are destroyed, farmers whose fields are ruined, and islanders forced from their ancestral homes,” World Resources Institute CEO Ani Dasgupta said. “At the same time, developing countries are leaving Egypt without clear assurances about how the loss and damage fund will be overseen.”An outcome on a fund came this year in large part because the G77 bloc of developing nations stayed unified, exerting increased leverage on loss and damage than in past years, climate experts said.“They needed to be together to force the conversation we’re having now,” Nisha Krishnan, resilience director for World Resources Institute Africa told reporters. “The coalition has held because of this conviction that we did need to stay together to deliver this – and to push the conversation.”For many, the fund represents a hard-fought years-long victory, pushed over the finish line by the global attention given to climate disasters such as Pakistan’s devastating flooding this summer.“It was like a big buildup,” former US climate envoy Todd Stern told CNN. “This has been around for quite a while and it’s getting all the more aggravating to vulnerable countries because there’s still not a lot of money getting put into it. As we can see the actual disaster impacts of climate change are getting more and more intense.”Tense final hoursThe conference first went into overtime on Saturday before continuing into the early hours of Sunday morning, with negotiators still working out the details as the workers were dismantling the venue around them. At points, there was a real sense of fatigue and frustration. Complicating matters was the fact that Kerry – the top US climate official – is self-isolating after recently testing positive for Covid, working the phones instead of having face-to-face meetings.And earlier in the day Saturday, EU officials threatened to walk out of the meeting if the final agreement fails to endorse the goal to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.Global scientists have for decades warned that warming must be limited to 1.5 degrees – a threshold that is fast-approaching as the planet’s average temperature has already climbed to around 1.1 degrees. Beyond 1.5 degrees, the risk of extreme drought, wildfires, floods and food shortages will increase dramatically, scientists said in the latest UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.In a carefully choreographed news conference Saturday morning, the EU’s Green Deal tsar Frans Timmermans, flanked by a full line-up of ministers and other top officials from EU member states, said that “no deal is better than a bad deal.”“We do not want 1.5 Celsius to die here and today. That to us is completely unacceptable,” he said.The EU made it clear that it was willing to agree to a loss and damage fund – a major shift in its position compared to just a week ago – but only in exchange for a strong commitment on the 1.5 degree goal.As the sun went down on Sharm el-Sheikh Saturday evening, the mood shifted to cautious jubilation, with groups of negotiators starting to hint that a deal was in sight.But, as is always the case with top-level diplomacy, officials were quick to stress that nothing is truly agreed until the final gavel drops.Source - CNN-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=86257,4,,Not relevant,News +374,"The United States announced today that it will provide $6 million in emergency assistance to address the needs of marginalized and vulnerable communities impacted by Sri Lanka’s economic crisis.This new funding will also provide technical assistance to the Government of Sri Lanka as it implements economic and financial reform measures to stabilize the economy, in line with an anticipated International Monetary Fund (IMF) package, the US Embassy in Colombo said.“The U.S. is committed to supporting the Sri Lankan people as they face today’s economic and political challenges,” said Julie Chung, U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka. “As a longstanding development partner, we will continue to champion efforts that promote sustainable economic growth and good governance.”This emergency funding through the U.S. government’s development arm, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), responds to emerging or unforeseen complex crises overseas.Part of this funding will go to USAID’s social cohesion and reconciliation project (SCORE) to support small-scale agricultural productivity and microenterprises in communities that traditionally experience high poverty rates and are especially impacted by the crisis.This funding will also support public sector efficiency and resource management through USAID’s project to accelerate results in trade, national expenditure, and revenue (PARTNER).The $6 million in new assistance is part of a much larger package of foreign assistance from the American people to meet the current need. That support is part of a shared history that has seen the United States provide over $2 billion in economic and humanitarian support since 1956.The U.S. will continue to add to its significant ongoing investments and assistance projects in Sri Lanka to help meet the immediate and long-term needs of the people of Sri Lanka, the statement said.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=83086,6,,Not relevant,News +375,"The World Bank says it is ready to provide emergency support to Sri Lanka and protect the vulnerable people amidst the unprecedented economic crisis in the country.World Bank Vice President for South Asia Hartwig Schafer said he held talks with Sri Lankan Finance Minister Ali Sabry and Governor of the Central Bank Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe in Washington on Tuesday (19).He said they discussed actions to address the economic crisis, support stabilization and recovery, and protect the vulnerable people in Sri Lanka.He also said the World Bank is deeply concerned about the impacts of the crisis on the poor and vulnerable and stand ready to provide emergency support for essential medicines and health-related supplies, nutrition, and education.“Had a good meeting today with Sri Lanka’s Finance Minister Ali Sabry and CBSL Governor Weerasinghe, discussed actions to address the economic crisis, support stabilization and recovery, and protect the vulnerable people.”“We at the World Bank are deeply concerned about the impacts of the crisis on the poor and vulnerable and stand ready to provide emergency support for essential medicines and health-related supplies, nutrition, and education,” he tweeted.Finance Minister Sabry and a delegation including the CBSL governor and the Finance Secretary are in the US for the annual spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.The Finance Minister also had talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and India’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in Washington on Monday.Had a good meeting today with #SriLanka’s Finance Minister Ali Sabry and @CBSL Governor Weerasinghe, discussed actions to address the economic crisis, support stabilization and recovery, and protect the vulnerable people.[1/2] pic.twitter.com/l40MJeGOjQ— Hartwig Schafer (@HartwigSchafer) April 19, 2022",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=81941,8,,Not relevant,News +376,"The Singapore Government will contribute USD 100,000 as seed money to support the Singapore Red Cross’ (SRC) public fundraising efforts for Sri Lanka’s vulnerable communities.In a statement on Friday (Apr 15), the Singaporean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said that the move would supplement SRC’s earlier commitment pledge.On Wednesday, the SRC committed USD 100,000 for urgently-needed medical supplies and other basic necessities in aid of vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka.This was in response to Sri Lanka’s economic and humanitarian crisis, which has led to widespread resource shortages across the country, said the SRC in a press release on its website.Citing the Sri Lanka Medical Association, SRC said that all hospitals in Sri Lanka lack access to imported emergency drugs and medical equipment, leading to the cessation of surgeries at several hospitals.“The situation has compelled health authorities to curtail the operations in hospitals and also limit the issuance of medications to patients, which could result in an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in the country,” said SRC.It also launched a public fundraising appeal to rally donations to support these communities with medical drugs and equipment.Sri Lanka is in the grip of its worst economic crisis since independence in 1948, with severe shortages of essential goods and regular blackouts causing widespread hardship.Demonstrations have raged across Sri Lanka for weeks as people angered by prolonged power cuts and shortages of fuel and medicine demand President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s resignation.An internal memo from a major state-run hospital in Colombo seen by Reuters said that only emergency, casualty and malignancy surgeries would be conducted from Apr 7 onwards because of a lack of surgical supplies.Sri Lankans are also struggling with rocketing inflation that has hit middle-class families, with citizens overseas urged to send home money to help pay for desperately needed food and fuel after the country announced a default on its US$51 billion foreign debt.Source: Channel News Asia (CNA)",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=81860,2,,Not relevant,News +378,"India’s official death toll from COVID-19 crossed 500,000 on Friday, a level many health experts say was breached last year but obscured by inaccurate surveys and unaccounted dead in the hinterlands, where millions remain vulnerable to the disease.The country, which has the fourth-highest tally of deaths globally, recorded 400,000 deaths by July 2021 after the devastating outbreak from the Delta variant of the coronavirus, according to official data. Some experts believe the figures were much higher.“Our study published in the journal Science estimates 3 million COVID deaths in India until mid-2021 using three different databases,” Chinmay Tumbe, an assistant professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad who co-authored the study, told Reuters.Last month, the Indian government dismissed the study as baseless in a notification saying there is a robust system of birth and death reporting.India’s states record deaths from COVID after collating data from their districts. In the last few months, several states have updated the number of deaths, some under pressure from the country’s top court. In most instances, authorities said there were lapses due to delayed registrations and other administrative errors.India is currently in the midst of a third wave of the coronavirus led by the Omicron variant, which some top experts say is already in community transmission although federal officials say most cases are mild.Last month, the government eased testing norms and told states to drop mandatory testing for contacts of confirmed cases unless they were old or battling other conditions. But, with the number of tests falling, the government issued a revised circular warning states they would miss the spread of the virus.But, as many infected people took the option of not testing at all, total infection numbers may not reflect the extent and severity of cases, said Gautam Menon, a professor of physics and biology at Ashoka University near the capital who has been tracking the spread of the virus.According to official figures, India’s overall number of COVID infections has reached 41.95 million, the second-highest globally behind the United States.To prevent new surges, the government has vaccinated three-fourths of the eligible 939 million adult population with the mandatory two-dose regime.Indian officials are carrying out a vaccination drive in remote parts of the country to increase lagging vaccination rates, with health workers going door-to-door to administer shots.“I make them understand how important vaccines are to escape from coronavirus,” health worker Asmita Koladiya, who is forced to take her infant daughter along with her because of a lack of childcare, told Reuters.RECONCILIATION WITH TIME, GRIEFIndia’s cumulative tally of 500,055 deaths on Friday included 1,072 fatalities reported over the last 24 hours, according to the federal health ministry. Out of this, 335 deaths were reported from the southern state of Kerala that has, for weeks, been updating data with deaths from last year.Kerala, with less than 3% of India’s 1.35 billion population, accounts for nearly 11% of the total deaths reported in the country.“Some states such as Kerala are recording their backlog deaths under judicial pressure, although not all states have done that,” Menon said.In Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home state of Gujarat, authorities have received over 100,000 claims for COVID-19 compensation, of which 87,000 claims have been approved, according to a senior government official.The number of claims received is nearly ten times the official COVID-19 death toll of 10,545, as per government data.“There has not been any under-reporting of COVID-19 deaths...The policy for paying compensation is very liberal as per the Supreme Court’s directives, which is why the number of applicants is more than the COVID-19 deaths,” the official said.Source: Reuters-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=80368,1,,Not relevant,News +380,"The third dose of COVID-19 vaccine for fully vaccinated immunocompromised and highly vulnerable comorbid individuals aged above 20 years will be rolled out from tomorrow (November 20), says the Ministry of Health.A communiqué issued by the Director-General of Health Services Dr. Asela Gunawardena noted that selected categories are eligible for prioritization for the third dose of COVId-19 vaccination:• Immunocompromised patients due to disease or treatment• Patients with chronic kidney disease• Solid organ, bone marrow or stem cell transplant recipients• Patients with cancer whether on treatment or not• Those with asplenia and splenic dysfunction• Patients with any other immunosuppressed state on the recommendation or referral from the treating physicianThe third dose will be administered to those who have completed two doses from any COVID-19 vaccine type and the time elapsed at least one month from the second dose.The same consent form for adult COVID-19 vaccination will be used for the third dose rollout, Dr. Gunawardena added. COVID Third Dose Rollout for Immunocompromised People Aged Above 20 Years by Ada Derana on Scribd ",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=78548,1,,Not relevant,News +381,"The World Health Organization (WHO) forecasts that people most vulnerable to COVID-19, such as the elderly, will need to get an annual vaccine booster to be protected against variants, an internal document seen by Reuters shows.The estimate is included in a report, which is to be discussed on Thursday at a board meeting of Gavi, a vaccine alliance that co-leads the WHO’s COVID-19 vaccine programme COVAX. The forecast is subject to changes and is also paired with two other less likely scenarios.Vaccine makers Moderna Inc (MRNA.O) and Pfizer Inc (PFE.N), with its German partner BioNTech (22UAy.DE), have been vocal in their view that the world will soon need booster shots to maintain high levels of immunity, but the evidence for this is still unclear.The document shows that the WHO considers annual boosters for high-risk individuals as its “indicative” baseline scenario, and boosters every two years for the general population.It does not say how these conclusions were reached, but shows that under the base scenario new variants would continue to emerge and vaccines would be regularly updated to meet these threats.The U.N. agency declined to comment on the content of the internal document.A spokesperson for Gavi said COVAX was planning to take a wide range of scenarios into consideration.The document, which is dated June 8 and is still a “work in progress,” also predicts under the base case that 12 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses will be produced globally next year.That would be slightly higher than the forecast of 11 billion doses for this year cited by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA), signalling that the U.N. agency does not expect a significant ramp-up of vaccine production in 2022.The document predicts manufacturing problems, regulatory approval issues and “transition away from some technology platforms” as potential drags on supplies next year.It does not signal which technologies could be phased out, but the European Union, which has reserved the world’s largest volume of COVID-19 vaccines, has bet heavily on shots using messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, such as those by Pfizer and Moderna, and has forgone some purchases of viral vector vaccines from AstraZeneca Plc (AZN.L) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N).WORST-CASE SCENARIOThe scenarios will be used to define the WHO’s global vaccination strategy and the forecasts may change as new data emerges on the role of boosters and the duration of vaccine protection, Gavi says in another document, also seen by Reuters.So far about 2.5 billion doses have been administered worldwide, mostly in rich countries where over half of the population has received at least one dose, whereas in many poorer countries less than 1% has been vaccinated, according to Gavi’s estimates.This gap could widen next year under the WHO’s most pessimistic forecast, as the need for annual boosters could once again push poorer nations to the back of the queue.In its worst-case scenario, the U.N. agency says production would be 6 billion doses next year, due to stringent regulation for new shots and manufacturing issues with existing ones.That could be compounded by the need for annual boosters for the entire world, and not just the most vulnerable, to combat variants and limited duration of protection.In the more optimistic situation, all vaccines in the pipeline would get authorised and production capacity would ramp up to about 16 billion doses to meet demand. Vaccines would also be shared equitably across the world.There would be no need for boosters as vaccines would show strong efficacy against variants and long protection.Source: Reuters-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=74918,3,,Not relevant,News +382,"The World Health Organization urged countries on Friday to donate COVID-19 vaccine doses to inoculate the most vulnerable in 20 poorer nations after India, a key supplier to the agency’s COVAX vaccine-sharing programme, said it was prioritising local needs.WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that the COVAX programme, run with the GAVI vaccine alliance, needed 10 million doses immediately to inoculate healthcare workers and older people as a stop-gap measure.“COVAX is ready to deliver but we can’t deliver vaccines we don’t have. Bilateral deals, export bans, vaccine nationalism and vaccine diplomacy have caused distortions in the market with gross inequities in supply and demand,” Tedros told a news conference.“Ten million doses is not much and it’s not nearly enough,” he said.India, the world’s biggest vaccine maker, said on Friday it would make domestic inoculations a priority. The move will hit COVAX supplies as some of AstraZeneca’s vaccine is produced by the Serum Institute of India.Tedros thanked India for its exports so far and said the move was “understandable” given rising infections. He added that talks with India were underway to find a balance between local and international needs.So far COVAX has delivered 32 million vaccine doses to 61 countries, but 36 countries still await vaccines to start inoculations, he said.Tedros has said countries should work together to ensure COVID-19 vaccinations begin everywhere across the world within the first 100 days of 2021, or by April 10.WHO senior adviser Bruce Aylward said that talks with well-supplied countries about donations were underway and that some had expressed “positive interest”, without naming them.Meanwhile a long-awaited report into the origins of the novel coronavirus, following a WHO team trip to Wuhan, China in January and February, would be released in the next few days, team leader Peter Ben Embarek said. WHO’s member states will receive it first before it is made public, he said.Source: Reuters-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=72612,2,,Not relevant,News +383,"High Commissioner of Canada to Sri Lanka, David McKinnon, and Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Sri Lanka, Ms. Ritsu Nacken, signed a grant agreement of CAD 400,000 to ensure that vulnerable women and girls have access to vital services related to gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health during the pandemic.Initiated in consultation with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs and Social Security, this new funding will enhance the capacity of hospital care centers to support survivors of domestic violence, undertake a media campaign to combat gender-based violence, procure medical equipment for maternal health, and conduct an analysis on socio-economic impact of the pandemic on women and girls.Speaking on behalf of the Canadian Government, David McKinnon stated that ”A sad dimension of the pandemic is that the hardships of lockdown and economic pressures are often compounded by increased violence against women and children. Through UNFPA, we are pleased to assist the Government of Sri Lanka in providing stronger support to these victims.”Ms. Ritsu Nacken, UNFPA Representative highlighted ”In the COVID19 response, we must recognize women and men often have different needs and priorities. UNFPA continues to support the most vulnerable women and girls, whose protection and health needs must be at the center of response efforts.”The pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities for women and girls across every sphere in Sri Lanka. It has severely disrupted access to life-saving sexual and reproductive health services and hampered authorities’ ability to respond to gender-based violence, at a time when women and girls need these services most. The principle of “Leaving no one behind” underpinning the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is more relevant than ever.As the lead UN Agency in advocating for universal sexual and reproductive health and prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence, UNFPA works to achieve three transformative results: zero preventable maternal deaths, zero unmet need for family planning, and zero gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls by 2030. UNFPA has been working with its partners to accelerate this effort during the pandemic.The present grant builds on existing Canadian support to UNFPA in Sri Lanka to end gender-based violence, inline with Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy.",WOMEN,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=64408,60,,Women,News +384,"President Gotabaya Rajapaksa says that Sri Lanka reiterates its call and joins global appeals for international financial institutions and donors to provide debt relief and greater financial assistance to vulnerable countries.He mentioned this at the online summit of the Non-Aligned Movement under the ‘United Against Covid-19’, this evening (May 04).President Rajapaksa stated that Sri Lanka remains deeply concerned by the unprecedented consequences arising from this pandemic to all nations and people, including its catastrophic health impacts, accompanying humanitarian crisis, the devastation of economies, and social and psychological tensions, among others.The President expressed his concern over the economic and debt crisis faced by developing countries are due to the coronavirus pandemic.He said that the need for debt relief and financial stimulus for these countries must be duly recognized.The President emphasized that Middle-Income Countries, too, face critical and diverse economic and social challenges that have been augmented by this pandemic.President Rajapaksa pointed out that It is essential to ensure that all countries have unrestricted access to vital medical resources required to respond to this virus and do not face impediments in their procurement.Given an excellent free healthcare system which includes a well-established preventive mechanism placed throughout the country, Sri Lanka has been able to contain the spread of this deadly virus utilizing the public health processes, said the President.Only 3% has been confirmed as infected out of the total PCR tests conducted in the country so far while the fatality rate is at a very low level of 0.97%, he added.The full statement made by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the NAM online summit:“Your Excellencies,Ayubowan!Good Evening!At the outset, I congratulate His Excellency Ilam Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, the Chair of the Non-Aligned Movement, for the timely initiative to hold this Summit, to address one of the most critical challenges the world has faced in modern times.I am pleased to be participating at this Summit, in support of global solidarity, unity, and renewed multi-lateral cooperation in overcoming COVID -19. Sri Lanka firmly believes that this Summit will serve as an important platform for the NAM Member States to support collective global action in combating this deadly virus and sharing best practices and lessons learned.I extend my deepest condolences to all those who have lost loved ones during the pandemic and express deep appreciation to the frontline healthcare and essential workers, both in Sri Lanka and globally, for their dedication and selfless commitment.Sri Lanka remains deeply concerned by the unprecedented consequences arising from this pandemic to all our countries and peoples, including its catastrophic health impacts, accompanying humanitarian crisis, the devastation of economies, and social and psychological tensions, among others.Sri Lanka, therefore, is pleased to endorse the declaration of this Summit.Sri Lanka recognizes the timely initiative to establish a NAM Task Force to compile a database of basic humanitarian and medical needs of the member states to sensitize donors on urgent requirements.We commend the “COVID 19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan” and the establishment of the United Nations COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund.Sri Lanka also supports the endeavors of the WHO which has been playing a vital role in shaping the global response to the pandemic.Sri Lanka has been successfully containing and controlling the COVID-19 threat. Out of the total PCR tests conducted so far, only 3% have been confirmed as infected. The death rate is at a very low level of 0.97%.In early February, my government established a Task Force comprising key health personnel, high-ranking military personnel, and administrators to monitor the spread of the pandemic and also to take required measures to combat the spread of the virus.The first Covid-19 Sri Lankan patient was identified on March 11th. Initially, patients were Sri Lankans who came from several countries. Since then, 717 infected persons have been detected, 183 persons have been cured and discharged while 527 persons are being treated as active cases. Most of these persons were asymptomatic. We adopted a few special and unique measures: the establishment of quarantine centers managed by the Armed Forces and the deployment of the State Intelligence Services, the police and Public Health Inspectors to do contact tracing. Both these measures have helped Sri Lanka cope with this pandemic quite successfully enabling the health authorities to function at the optimum level.Whenever a person afflicted with the virus was detected the contact tracing method was used to find out details of persons with whom the afflicted person had come into contact. Once identified, all such persons were taken to a specially designated quarantine center, or arrangements were put in place to self-quarantine such persons. If an entire area was found to have been contaminated, such areas were isolated and quarantined. Of the 31 clusters identified so far, 27 have been completely neutralized while the other 4 are being kept under strict control eliminating any spill over to the general population.There have also been extensive PCR testing and health authorities are continuing to conduct more PCR tests.Given an excellent free healthcare system that includes a well-established preventive mechanism placed throughout the country, Sri Lanka has been able to contain the spread of this deadly virus utilizing the public health processes.In order to assist the health authorities and other services deployed to combat the spread of the Covid-19 virus, my government declared a curfew from March 18th throughout the island and restricted movement of people. With work coming to a standstill, Sri Lanka has taken a series of measures to mitigate the challenge. They include,- Financially supporting low-income families, pensioners and differently-abled, day-income earners and farmers- Managing the repatriation of Sri Lankans in a coordinated manner.- Exploring avenues of business to create new economic trends while supporting existing industries.- Moving forward to the use of digital technology including to connect the farmer, consumer and supplier, delivery of essential items and services, and distance education.It is essential to ensure that all countries have unrestricted access to vital medical resources required to respond to this virus and do not face impediments in their procurement.As Sri Lanka notes with deep concern that developing countries are facing an unprecedented economic and debt crisis due to the pandemic, the need for debt relief and financial stimulus for these countries must be duly recognized.In this regard, Sri Lanka reiterates its call and joins global appeals for international financial institutions and donors to provide debt relief and greater financial assistance to vulnerable countries.It is important to emphasize that Middle-Income Countries, too, face critical and diverse economic and social challenges that have been augmented by this pandemic. Therefore, it is important to also focus on their needs at this particular juncture and accord the necessary financial support to avert negative economic consequences.Sri Lanka believes that national and regional level initiatives complement and strengthen the global response to the crisis. Sri Lanka contributed USD 5 million to the SAARC COVID - 19 Emergency Fund to assist the South Asian region in its efforts to deal with the challenge.Sri Lanka wishes to share its experiences and successes in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic with fellow members.May I reiterate Sri Lanka’s appreciation of the Chair of the NAM for organizing this Summit and pledge our support for the NAM’s initiatives in combating and overcoming this pandemic.Thank you.”",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=63368,19,,Not relevant,News +385,"Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha has said, so far repatriations have been carried out by the Government of Sri Lanka identifying the most vulnerable categories of Overseas Sri Lankans (OSLs), in the face of the limited availability of quarantine facilities in the country, as Sri Lanka continues to seek to gain control over the spread of COVID 19 in Sri Lanka.The Secretary said through the ‘Contact Sri Lanka’ web portal and other means, to-date, over 27,000 OSLs have expressed their wish to return. This number includes over 17,000 migrant workers and dependents, 6,000 students and about 3,000 short term visa holders and tourists.Secretary Aryasinha said the government’s focus in the present wave of repatriation was on students and those on government training in South Asia, considering the particular vulnerability they faced from a medical perspective.This repatriation process is being operationalized by Sri Lanka Missions in those countries in consultation with the Ministry, the Covid 19 Task Force and a host of national agencies, stated the Foreign Ministry issuing a statement.Similar developing situations elsewhere are also being closely monitored by the Ministry of Foreign Relations and appropriate recommendations will be made for the consideration of the policy makers, for decision and facilitation for repatriation.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=63057,2,,Not relevant,News +386,"The Government of Canada has provided over CAD $56,000 (approximately 7.5 million LKR) to support Sri Lanka’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic through targeted relief to some of those most affected in vulnerable communities.The funds are being granted to the National Peace Council (NPC) of Sri Lanka through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI), the High Commission of Canada to Sri Lanka said in a release.The National Peace Council of Sri Lanka is part of the Civil Society Committee of the Presidential COVID-19 Task Force.“With an established network around the country, consisting of district-level NGOs and inter-religious committees, the NPC will provide dry rations to many districts nation-wide. As the lockdown and 24-hour curfew proved to be a serious challenge to many, the NPC will assist those in dire need,” the release read further.David McKinnon, High Commissioner of Canada to Sri Lanka has said: “I am impressed by the resolve of individuals, organizations and the various levels of government in Sri Lanka in responding to this unprecedented global crisis”.Mr McKinnon continued, “Through Canada’s support, we hope to assist the most vulnerable communities as they combat this disease and its severe economic impacts. I am glad we could work with the NPC to respond quickly to an identified need, working across communities and around the country”.As a response to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic – and to continue its mission to build trust in society and strengthen relations between ethnic and religious communities – the NPC will engage in crisis mitigation interventions by supplying dry rations to institutions, marginalized individuals and families identified by its partner network and state officials nation-wide.This will include persons with disabilities (PWDs), female-headed households, orphanages, long-term care facilities as well as elders’ homes.“There is a need for solidarity at this time across people, ethnicities, religions, regions and countries. We are happy to be a part of this process to look after the most affected with Canada’s assistance,” said the Executive Director of NPC, Dr. Jehan Perera.“The NPC believes that engaging in these activities will strengthen collaboration across ethnic and religious divides, and encourage future integration. As always, Canada is honoured to work with local organizations for a prosperous, inclusive and healthy Sri Lanka,” the High Commission’s release said further.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=62944,7,,Not relevant,News +387,"A host of more financial and material benefits have been granted to low income and vulnerable families and individuals in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak.President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has instructed the Presidential Task Force established to administer essential services that provision of Rs. 5000/= as a single payment to the low-income families will ease the financial difficulties faced by them.The following are the declared concessions and the eligible groups, according to President’s Media Division.- Measures have been taken to pay Rs.5,000 each to all 416,764 senior citizen allowance recipients and to the recently registered 142,345 senior citizens.- An allowance of Rs. 5,000 will be provided to 84,071 disabled persons and 35,229 newly registered disabled persons.- A total of 160,675 farmers who are registered under the Farmers’ Insurance Scheme will also receive an allowance of Rs.5000 each.- An allowance of Rs. 5,000 will be paid to 25,320 kidney patients and 13,850 newly registered patients.- Thriposha and other nutritional supplements will be delivered directly to the residences of expectant mothers and families with malnourished children.- Measures have been taken to provide Rs.5,000 each to all 1,798,655 Samurdhi recipients and to the recently registered 600,339 Samurdhi recipients by the Samurdhi Bank/Samurdhi Authority.- Payment of the pensions to 645,179 public officers.- Steps will be taken to pay the April salary for 1,500,000 Public Sector employees and loan payment deductions from salaries to be suspended until further notice.- Relief on lease installments for 1,500,000 self-employed persons, including owners of three-wheelers, trucks, school buses and vans and self-employed motorists.- Reliefs will be provided for the private businesses that are not in a position to pay employees’ wages due to the prevailing economic hardships.The circular signed by the Secretary to the President Dr. P. B. Jayasundara on the concessions granted by the President and how they will be implemented was issued yesterday (30).The circular had been referred to the Secretaries of Ministries of Finance, Economic and Policy Development and Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government and all District and Divisional Secretaries. This relief program will continue to operate until the priority program to eliminate the novel Coronavirus from Sri Lanka declared the completion of its mission.One of the prime objectives of the priority program is to ensure the uninterrupted continuation of civilian life, the Secretary to the President has highlighted in his circular. The Presidential Task Force had identified the necessity of re-integration of people who are affected due to the spread of the pathogen to the mainstream.Dr. Jayasundara stated that he had been instructed by the President to issue directives to all District and Divisional Secretaries to take all necessary measures to provide essential food items to the doorstep at a concessionary price.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=62073,1,,Not relevant,News +388,"President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has requested international donor agencies to provide a debt moratorium or debt deferment facility to all vulnerable developing nations to the COVID-19 risk.President had urged Director General of the World Health Organization to forward this request to multi-lateral and bilateral lending agencies.President has pointed out this relief would be helpful to manage COVID-19 Social Distancing, Public Health and Social Security Systems in those countries, says the President’s Media Division.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=61831,1,,Not relevant,News +389,"Young people are not immune from coronavirus and must avoid socialising and communicating it to older, more vulnerable people, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.The choices made by the young can be “the difference between life and death for someone else”, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.Over 11,000 patients have died from the Covid-19 respiratory illness worldwide.Nearly 250,000 patients have tested positive overall.The WHO chief’s remarks follow reports that young people in many countries are being complacent about health warnings, because of the greater susceptibility to the virus among older patients.The coronavirus outbreak was first recorded in China in December. But now the centre of the pandemic is Europe.In Italy - where the virus has killed more people than in any other country - the death toll rose by 627 on Friday, reaching a total of 4,032, making it the deadliest day for one country since the outbreak began.Speaking at an online news conference from WHO headquarters in Geneva, Mr Tedros said: “Although older people are hardest hit, younger people are not spared.”He added: “I have a message for young people: You are not invincible, this virus could put you in hospital for weeks or even kill you. Even if you don’t get sick the choices you make about where you go could be the difference between life and death for someone else.”Mr Tedros welcomed developments from the central Chinese city of Wuhan, where the outbreak originated, which reported no new cases on Thursday.He said this provided “hope for the rest of the world that even the most severe situation can be turned around”.Studies have show that people of all ages can be infected by the virus - but it is especially dangerous for older people and those with underlying illnesses.The average age of those who died from Covid-19 in Italy was 78.5 years.Fewer than 1% of patients under the age of 50 died in China, according to the New York Times. But it was fatal for nearly 15% of those who were over the age of 80.The WHO is now recommending “physical distance” instead of “social distancing” to help prevent transmission of the virus, Reuters reports.“We want people to remain connected,” said Dr Maria Kerkhove, a WHO epidemiologist, told the news agency.“So find ways to do that, find ways through the internet and through different social media to remain connected because your mental health going through this (pandemic) is just as important as your physical health,” she said.Source: BBC-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=61619,7,,Not relevant,News +390,"The Ministry of Foreign Relations has decided to suspend all services offered by the Consular Affairs Division of the Ministry until March 20 (Friday), to support the Government’s efforts at restricting the congregation of the general public, thereby making the public and the staff vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19.Accordingly, the Consular Affairs Division situated at the Ceylinco Building in Colombo will remain closed for visitors for normal business in the upcoming four days from March 17 to 20, and will only accept queries related to death cases of Sri Lankans overseas and death-related documentation assistance, strictly on prior appointment basis, the ministry said.Appointments may be obtained at the following emergency lines:Tel: +94 (011) 233 5942Tel: +94 (011) 233 8847",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=61434,1,,Not relevant,News +391,"The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says the Sri Lankan economy remains vulnerable to shocks, given high public debt, large refinancing needs, and low external buffers.“Although domestic uncertainty remains elevated, the authorities are committed to strengthen the resilience of the economy through a strong policy mix, with prudent monetary policy, greater exchange rate flexibility, and revenue-based fiscal consolidation.”“They are also advancing their structural reform agenda to secure the hard-won gains under the program and support strong and inclusive growth,” a Staff Report released on Thursday said.The report was prepared by a staff team of the IMF for the Executive Board’s consideration on May 13, 2019, following discussions that ended on February 28, 2019, with the officials of Sri Lanka on economic developments and policies underpinning the IMF arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility.The staff report said that amid external shocks and a weak domestic environment, program performance suffered important setbacks in 2018.“Following the resolution of the political crisis by end-2018 and in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of April 2019, the authorities remain committed to the program and are requesting an extension of the EFF arrangement by one additional year to allow more time to complete the reform agenda, recalibrating program targets and rephasing purchases.”The report said a well-targeted 2019 budget was submitted to Parliament as a prior action for this review, while the CBSL resumed FX purchases to rebuild reserve buffers as a corrective action for the requested waiver on the reserve target.The authorities also implemented five structural benchmarks for this review, despite the delays, it said.The IMF staff report further said that the country’s economic recovery is expected to be gradual. “Real GDP growth is projected to recover to 3.6 percent in 2019 (compared to 4.5 percent at the time of the fourth review), driven by agriculture and manufacturing, and to gradually reach 5 percent over the medium term.”Inflation is expected to rise to 4.5 percent by end-2019, as economic activity recovers and food prices stabilize, following weather-related supply disruptions in 2018.The current account deficit is projected to narrow to 2.8 percent of GDP in 2019, driven by export growth, supported by the exchange rate correction and recently-signed free trade agreements, and lower oil prices, it said.On May 13, 2019, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) completed the Fifth Review of Sri Lanka’s economic performance under the program supported by an extended arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF).Completion of this review, upon the granting of waivers of nonobservance for the end-December 2018 performance criteria on the primary balance and net official international reserves, makes available SDR 118.5 million (about US$ 164.1 million), bringing total disbursements under the arrangement to SDR 833.73 million (about US$ 1.155 billion).The Executive Board also approved an extension of the arrangement by one additional year, until June 2, 2020, with rephasing of remaining disbursements.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=55191,3,,Not relevant,News +392,"Sri Lanka is among the countries with rising interest burdens and vulnerable to rollover risks, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) says.“Many economies saw rising interest burdens, which exceeded 20 percent of total revenue in 2018 in Egypt, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka,” according to the IMF’s Fiscal Monitor Report 2019.It further mentioned, â��‚¬Å“As a result, emerging market economies have become vulnerable to rollover risks if they face large financing needs.”The IMF says Sri Lanka’s maturing debt in 2019 is 13.5 percent of the gross domestic products which would fall to 12 percent in 2020, while the total financing need would fall from 18.1 percent to 15.5 percent.In emerging market and developing economies, sustained efforts to mobilize revenues can provide for much-needed investment in human and physical capital, the report says.The Fiscal Monitor report further said removal of tax exemptions in countries such as Argentina, China, Sri Lanka, and Turkey and improving administrative efficiency would yield more revenue for priority initiatives.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=54363,2,,Not relevant,News +396,"Japan’s government says it wants to clamp down on websites where vulnerable people can share suicidal thoughts. The move comes in response to an alleged serial murder case in which such sites were used.In October, nine dismembered bodies were discovered in coolers and tool boxes in a so-called “house of horrors” in the suburbs of Tokyo.Investigators found nine heads along with a large number of arm and leg bones.Takahiro Shiraishi, 27, has admitted to killing nine people since late August in a case that has stunned Japan.Police say Mr Shiraishi came to know his victims through social media, where they had expressed suicidal thoughts.It is alleged that he killed them after luring them to his apartment, saying he would help them take their own lives.Mr Shiraishi’s nine victims included three high school students - the youngest aged 15 - a female student, four women in their twenties and a 20-year-old man.The only male in the group was killed after confronting Mr Shiraishi about the whereabouts of his girlfriend, Japanese media reported.The discovery at his flat was made as police were looking into the disappearance of a young woman.Police say she had gone on social media looking for somebody to take her life with.Suicide websites and social media groups can provide information to individuals who wish to kill themselves.Such sites can promote and encourage others to take their own lives.Toru Igawa, the head of a Tokyo-based suicide prevention centre, told the Japan Times that the internet can make things worse for young Japanese people.He says that previously some people had baulked at killing themselves because they had not wanted to die alone - but suicide platforms and social media have changed that.“It may now be easier to overcome that hurdle after finding online companions,” he said.A 2015 UK study found that 20% of young adults with a history of suicidal self-harm had visited sites containing information on how to kill or hurt oneself, compared with just three percent of young adults more broadly.A senior member of the government - the Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga - has instructed ministers to step up measures against so-called “suicide websites” and social media.“The use of Twitter - a social networking site that is difficult to keep an eye on - to exploit the cries for help by victims who wrote about committing suicide is despicable,” he said.“We will get to the bottom of this crime, and work towards preventing its re-occurrence.”Mr Suga has asked ministers to study the spread of suicide websites and to cooperate with web operators and the authorities.He asked them to step up measures to delete or restrain problematic sites.The Japanese authorities have sought to tackle the issue for a long time.Since the first reported internet suicide pact in 2003, the government has taken action to try to cut the country’s high suicide rate through counselling programmes and blocking websites that offer suicide tips.- Source: BBC- Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44096,22,,Not relevant,News +397,"Four key banks in Sri Lanka are in a vulnerable state due to economic instability, Prof. Tissa Vitarana said.He expressed this view while speaking to reporters at a press conference held in Colombo on Monday.“Not only the banking sector, the whole economy of the country is in jeopardy due to the acts of the International Monetary Fund (IMF),” he stressed.Meanwhile, Raja Kollure, General Secretary of Socialist People’s Front said the government expected to achieve economic growth by implementing the recommendations of the IMF, yet failed.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=39594,1,,Not relevant,News +398,"Sri Lanka recognizes refugee returns as vulnerable individuals who require government assistance for re-integration, and as such the Government provides assistance to returning refugees, Ravinatha Aryasinha, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva says.At the 67th Session of the Executive Committee of the UNHCR he further said, “A National Steering Committee on Refugee Returnees has also been established enabling those involved in the refugee returnee process to discuss challenges, find solutions and have regular follow- up. Due to the conflict that prevailed, Sri Lanka is still grappling with issues related to the Internally Displaced. However, the Government is firm in its commitment to take all efforts to ensure the resettlement of the families who are still in welfare camps. It is an important component of the reconciliation and peacebuilding efforts of the Government.Sri Lanka is of the view that while meeting the immediate humanitarian needs of those who have been forced to migrate, it is essential to address the root causes as well. It is also our collective responsibility to prevent human trafficking and related illegal activities that arise as a result of forced migration.A single country or region is not in a position to overcome such crises successfully without the mutual assistance and cooperation of others. Solutions to address root causes need the continuous support and collaboration of the international community.The common political will of the international community is a must in achieving durable solutions. In this context, the historic Summit of the UN General Assembly on ‘addressing large scale movements of refugees and migrants’ marked an important milestone to further the engagement by Member States including by developing a “Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration” and a “Global Compact on Refugees” by year 2018.Sri Lanka fully supports 2 these multilateral efforts to reach productive conclusions within the relevant international legal frameworks and encourages the UNHCR to look for the practical experiences of countries of origin, transit and destination and the inherent challenges, when developing the proposed “Comprehensive Refugee response Framework” as stipulated in the New York Declaration.”",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=37315,4,,Not relevant,News +399,"Journalists in Sri Lanka are among the most vulnerable in the South Asia, because attackers generally go scot-free, says a report of the International Federation of Journalists.“The 2014 Impunity Index, published by the Committee to Protect Journalists, had revealed that Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India as the worst offenders on impunity in the region. The situation, unfortunately, remains much the same,” noted the report titled ‘Freedom Frontier: Press Freedom in South Asia 2014-15’.The report was jointly released by the International Federation of Journalists and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) at a national consultation on the freedom of media, organised jointly by the Unesco and Prasar Bharati to observe World Press Freedom Day in New Delhi on Friday.The report heavily criticized Sri Lanka’s former government under Mahinda Rajapaksa for its “total control of media” and “systematic muzzling of democratic dissent” while expressing hope on the promises made by the new government under President Maithripala Sirisena of “a new era of media reform.”“One of the hallmarks of the Rajapaksa presidency in Sri Lanka was total control of media for the regime’s ends,” it said.The report charged that the number of killings of journalists, abductions, assaults and attacks of media institutions that took place under Rajapaksa’s presidency were “unprecedented.”“The number of Sri Lankan journalists who fled the county increased steadily under the Rajapaksa regime. Although killings and abductions of journalists ceased under his second term, terrorising the independent media and journalists continued unabated.”“The State controlled media were transformed into a political propaganda machine which acted with total impunity in naming and shaming all shades of dissidents,” the report said.“During the presidential election campaign, hate speech over state radio was employed to instill fear in the minds of voters and to create a climate of hate and prejudice.”“The government-owned media acted in an arbitrary and haughty manner and paid no attention to even the Election Commissioner’s guidelines and warnings and showed callous disregard for accepted journalistic norms and practices and ethical behavior,” the report added.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30791,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +401,"Sri Lanka and much of the Indian Ocean region are vulnerableto as large or even larger tsunamis than the one that resulted from the 2004magnitude 9.2 Sumatra earthquake, says a study.The Dec 26, 2004 Sumatra earthquake resulted in atrans-oceanic tsunami, killing more than 200,000 people.Sri Lanka, and much of the Indian Ocean, is affected bylarge tsunamis at highly variable intervals, showed the study on the frequencyof past giant earthquakes in the Indian Ocean region.The accumulation of stress in the region could generate aslarge, or even larger tsunamis than the one that resulted from the Sumatraearthquake, researchers said.For the study, the researchers collected and analysed 22sediment cores - materials trapped within are scanned to re-construct pastocean conditions - from Karagan Lagoon, Hambantota in south-eastern Sri Lanka,to examine the historical record of giant earthquakes along the Sumatra-Andamansubduction zone, where the Indo-Australian plate and Eurasian plate meet.These results are very important to better understand thetsunami hazard in Sri Lanka, said lead author of the study, Kelly Jackson fromthe University of Miami (UM) in the US.A scary result is a 1,000-year time period without atsunami, which is nearly twice as long as the lull period prior to the 2004earthquake, said Falk Amelung, professor of geophysics at UM.This means that the subduction zone is capable ofgenerating earthquakes almost twice as big as in 2004, Amelung added.The study appeared online in the journal Geology, IANSreports. Report excerpt;A new study on the frequency of past giant earthquakes inthe Indian Ocean region shows that Sri Lanka, and much of the Indian Ocean, isaffected by large tsunamis at highly variable intervals, from a few hundred tomore than one thousand years. The findings suggest that the accumulation ofstress in the region could generate as large, or even larger tsunamis than theone that resulted from the 2004 magnitude-9.2 Sumatra earthquake.Researchers from the University of Miami (UM) RosenstielSchool of Marine and Atmospheric Science and the University of Peradeniya inSri Lanka collected and analyzed 22 sediment cores from Karagan Lagoon,Hambantota in southeastern Sri Lanka, to expand the historical record of giantearthquakes along the Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone, where theIndo-Australian plate and Eurasian plate meet. Using sand deposited in thelagoon during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and seven older paleo-tsunamideposits as proxies for large earthquakes in the region, the scientistsreconstructed the timeline for mega-earthquakes along the Indian Oceans plateboundary from Myanmar to Indonesia, assuming that the tsunamis were allgenerated by large earthquakes.In Sri Lanka, coastal lagoons were inundated by thistsunami and others that occurred over thousands of years, said Gregor Eberli,professor of Marine Geosciences and director of UMs CSL Center for CarbonateResearch. These lagoons are ideal repositories for tsunami sand layers becauseafter deposition, the tsunami sands were sealed with mud.The Dec. 26, 2004 M-9.2 Sumatra earthquake resulted in atrans-oceanic tsunami, with wave heights up to 100 feet (30 meters) in someplaces, which impacted much of the Indian Ocean region causing widespreaddamage in southeastern Sri Lanka.During the a 7,000-year record of Indian Ocean tsunamispreserved in the sediment, the research team found evidence that estimated thetime period between consecutive tsunamis from 181 (up to 517) years and 1045 (±334) years. The longest period was nearly twice the time period prior to the2004 earthquake.These results are very important to better understand thetsunami hazard in Sri Lanka, said Kelly Jackson, UM Rosenstiel School Ph.D.candidate and lead author of the study.A scary result is a 1000-year time period without atsunami, which is nearly twice as long as the lull period prior to the 2004earthquake, said Falk Amelung, professor of geophysics within the departmentof Marine Geosciences at the UM Rosenstiel School. This means that thesubduction zone is capable of generating earthquakes almost twice as big as in2004, although we dont have any evidence yet that this actually happened.The 2004 tsunami caught us completely by surprise, althoughwe should have known better because there is a Sri Lankan legend in which thesea came ashore in 200 B.C., says Chandra Jayasena, a geologist at theUniversity of Peradeniya. We now need to study other lagoons to further expandthe historical record of large tsunami-generating earthquakes in the region andget a better understanding of the earthquake frequency in this highly populatedregion.The regions subduction zone exhibits great variability inrupture modes, putting it on the list with the Cascadia Subduction Zone, whichstretches from Vancouver Island to northern California and Chile, according tothe authors.The paper, titled Holocene Indian Ocean tsunami history inSri Lanka, was published in the Aug. 15 early online edition of the journalGeology. The study co-authors include: Kelly Jackson, Gregor Eberli, FalkAmelung from the UM Rosenstiel School Department of Marine Geosciences; MelanyMcFadden from Massasoit Community College in Massachusetts; Andrew Moore fromEarlham College in Indiana; Eugene Rankey from the University of Kansas; and H.A. H. (Chandra) Jayasena from the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka. ",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=28054,1,,Not relevant,News +402," Asias growing dependence on Middle Eastern oil has amplified the risks it faces if the Strait of Hormuz is suddenly shut, making it more vulnerable to such a disruption than other regions, U.K. think-tank Chatham House said on Wednesday.Asia is more at risk than Europe and the United States to a cut in Middle Eastern supplies as it buys 75 percent of the regions oil exports, said Chatham House energy security expert John Mitchell in a report - Asias Oil Supply: Risks and Pragmatic Remedies.Despite Irans threat to shut the key Strait of Hormuz shipping route for Middle East oil in 2012, Mitchell said most Asian countries have not built up sufficient reserves to cushion the impact of a disruption. A strong reliance on oil product imports in Asia has also heightened their risk, he said.Asia countries import nearly 30 percent of their consumption needs, mostly from refineries in South Korea, Singapore and India, which are in turn dependent on the Middle East for more than half of their crude supplies.How product-exporting companies and countries chose to allocate reduced supplies would affect Australia and Thailand in particular, said Mitchell, who started his career in with U.K. oil major BP Plc in 1966.Australia has seen a series of refinery closures, and by 2015, it is expected to become the largest net importer of diesel and second-largest net importer of gasoline in Asia, importing more than half of its fuel needs.Product-importing countries, particularly Australia and Thailand, could face shortfalls of 5-10 percent of consumption in the event of a significant disruption to Middle Eastern supplies, Mitchell said in the report.If Middle East oil producers choose to look after their own, by supplying to joint venture refineries in Asia and the United States first, however, this could lessen the impact of a disruption at the expense of European countries, he said.Low levels of oil stocks, especially in India, remained a worry, Mitchell said, adding that there needs to be greater coordination on emergency oil stocks release among the International Energy Agency, China and India.The burden of a spike in oil import costs will be greater on South Asian countries - Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India - as more than 30 percent of their revenues from non-oil exports were used to pay for oil imports in 2012, the study showed.In theory China could cover a 50 percent increase in the price of oil imports by drawing down foreign reserves at about 3 percent annually for 30 years, Mitchell said.Pakistans reserves would be exhausted within one year and those of India, Australia and Sri Lanka within about five years, he said, Reuters reports. ",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26656,3,,Not relevant,News +403,"Financially vulnerable media houses in Sri Lanka have beensubject to further pressures as increased costs passed on from banks threatenstheir sustainability, The International Federation of Journalists said in itsreport on Sri Lanka. The report adds that in addition, change of ownership hasoften resulted in rapid changes in editorial policies and personnel.The International Federation of Journalists, incollaboration with partners and affiliates released situation reports onjournalists rights and the state of media freedom in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.The information presented in the reports is the result ofextensive consultations between the IFJ and its partners, field visits andinterviews by IFJ personnel in the two countries.The reports highlightthe current priority areas for campaign and advocacy work in the two countriesand identify focus areas for future international solidarity actions.Excerpt from report;IFJ partners in Sri Lanka have been campaigning for mediafreedom to be recognised as an essential part of the process of nationalreconciliation, following the end of the countrys quarter-century long civilwar in 2009. Their efforts are yet to be recognised, since few reforms havebeen implemented in the media sector and the recommendations of a high-levelcommission on national reconciliation remain largely on paper.Media reporting on the process of resettlement andrehabilitation in the countrys Northern Province, which suffered the worstravages of the civil war, has often been impeded by security personnel whocontinue to be deployed there. And far from assuring accountability for thenumber of attacks and killings of journalists during the war, the pattern ofviolence has persisted in the years following.Journalists and human rights defenders are often attacked byofficial spokespeople on government-controlled media channels, contributing toan atmosphere of intolerance for even legitimate criticism of the government.Websites that carry news and current affairs content on Sri Lanka have beensubject to arbitrary rules of registration and in some cases, to police raidsand seizure of equipment.Financially vulnerable media houses have been subject tofurther pressures as increased costs passed on from banks and financialinstitutions threatens their sustainability. In addition, change of ownershiphas often resulted in rapid changes in editorial policies and personnel.The revival of the Press Council of Sri Lanka is seen toembody a very real coercive intent on the part of the government, since the1973 law under which the body is constituted conceives of a number of possiblesanctions against the media, including the power to prosecute under variousprovisions of criminal law. The Sri Lanka Press Complaints Commission, aself-regulatory body set up by the media industry, has been seeking toestablish its credentials as an institution that is fully equipped to deal withcurrent challenges.The situation reports on Bangladesh and Sri Lanka wereprepared with the financial support of UNESCO, under the InternationalProgramme for the Development of Communications (IPDC). The report onBangladesh is available in English and Bangla and the report on Sri Lanka, inEnglish, Sinhala and Tamil. ",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=20964,14,,Not relevant,News +404," Sri Lanka is illegally holding hundreds of detainees who are vulnerable to torture and execution, claimed Amnesty International Tuesday in a report urging UN support for a probe into alleged war crimes.The 63-page document entitled Locked away: Sri Lankas security detainees, said arbitrary and illegal detention and enforced disappearances were routine in Sri Lanka, where rights abuses go uninvestigated and unpunished.The LTTE had a horrific record of abuse, including killing and imprisoning its critics, but that did not, and does not, excuse the widespread and systematic mistreatment of detainees by the Sri Lankan government, said Sam Zarifi, Amnesty Internationals Asia-Pacific Director.The Amnesty report was published in Geneva where Sri Lanka is currently seeking to head off a US move to censure Colombo at the UN Human Rights Council.Zarifi said little has changed since the end of the war with the LTTE, with security authorities still taking advantage of laws allowing them to imprison people for months or years without trial.The message coming from the Sri Lankan government is that those who dare criticise it risk harassment or even disappearance, he said, adding peaceful government critics, including journalists, had been threatened and arrested.Foreign Minister Gamini Lakshman Peiris said two weeks ago there were 750 Tamil Tiger ex-combatants still in detention. Amnesty said former detainees had been harassed, re-arrested and physically attacked.If Sri Lanka is serious about ending impunity and committed to reconciling communities torn apart by conflict, the rule of law needs to be a large part of that equation, Zarifi said.He added that the war crimes alleged in Sri Lanka in the final stages of the war were of such magnitude that they risked undermining international justice mechanisms if unchallenged. The UN must support an independent international investigation into these alleged crimes, he said. -AFP ",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17324,13,,Not relevant,News +405," A new global financial crisis would hit Asia harder than the last one, especially nations heavily exposed to offshore markets or still repairing budgets from the 2008-2009 crisis, credit ratings agency Standard and Poors said on Monday.The agency, which incurred Washingtons wrath at the weekend by cutting its AAA rating by a notch to AA+, said it was not predicting a rerun of the credit crisis that crippled markets and tipped the world economy into recession three years ago.But it warned of more sovereign downgrades in Asia next time around, if its assumptions turned out to be wrong.If a renewed slowdown comes, it would likely create a deeper and more prolonged impact than the last one, S&P said in a statement.The implications for sovereign creditworthiness in Asia-Pacific would likely be more negative than previously experienced, and a larger number of negative rating actions would follow. We wait to see.S&P said it assumed Europes debt crisis and Washingtons debt problems were unlikely to lead to abrupt dislocations in the financial systems and economies of major developed nations.On that basis, it added, its historic downgrade of the US credit rating would have no immediate knock-on impact on sovereign borrowers in the Asia-Pacific.It cited the Asia Pacific regions sound domestic demand, relatively healthy corporate and household sectors, plentiful external liquidity and high savings rates though it listed New Zealand, Japan and Vietnam as exceptions to this.The S&P statement took on a much darker tone when considering the possibility that its assumptions were too rosy, noting that Asia still relied heavily on exports to the West.Given the interconnectivity of the global markets, an unexpectedly sharp disruption in developed-world financial markets could change the picture, it said, noting that the US and European economies could again contract or stagnate.In this scenario, the experience of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 shows that export-dependent economies with large exposures to the US and/or Europe would feel the most pronounced economic impacts, S&P said.Its not likely things would be very different this time.The agency listed those countries particularly vulnerable to disruptions in offshore capital markets as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Indonesia.It also said several nations, again including New Zealand, were also still repairing their government finances and could be more constrained in responding to a fresh global crisis.The adverse impact on Asia Pacific in that scenario would likely require governments to use their balance sheets to support their economies and financial sectors once again, S&P said.And in our opinion, most governments would promptly oblige. But some of them continue to bear the scars of the recent downturn the fiscal capacities of Japan, India, Malaysia, Taiwan and New Zealand have shrunk relative to pre-2008 levels. - Reuters ",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=14466,2,,Not relevant,News +406,"Manyareas in Districts including Ratnapura, Kalutara, Galle and Hambantota have experiencedflooding due to the heavy rains while authorities have taken steps to get vulnerablefamilies to safer areas, the Disaster Management Centre (DMC) stated.Thewater level of the Kalu Ganga caused some concern to the surrounding areas asthe Irrigation Department yesterday warned families to be vigilant of possibleflooding. Due to the continuous rains, surrounding areas in the Ratnapura andKalutara Districts have been affected by rising water levels of the Kalu Gangawhile some families have already been taken to protective zones, the DMCstated.Manyareas in Hambantota and Galle have also been affected by flooding with the waterlevel of the Ging Ganga rising.More rainsare expected in the Western, Sabaragamuwa and Central Provinces as well as theGalle and Matara Districts in the next 24 hours, the Meteorological Departmentannounced. ",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=12987,1,,Not relevant,News +407,Elevenschools in the Matale District which are in landslide prone areas have beencautioned by the National Building and Research Organization (NBRO). Officialsclaim that the land that these schools have been built on is also vulnerable tosinking. ,NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=11892,1,,Not relevant,News +408,"Landslidewarnings have been issued by the National Building Research Organization (NBRO)for the four Districts Matale, Kandy, Badulla and Nuwara-Eliya. A disastersituation has been identified in these areas where people in vulnerable areashave been advised to be cautious ",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=11704,1,,Not relevant,News +409,"Legal action is due to be taken against those who attempt to celebrate Mahavriu Day, commemorating the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam’s (LTTE) cadres.Accordingly, the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and the Director of the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) on Friday (24 Nov.), gave an undertaking to the Court of Appeal that action would be taken against the such individuals, under the Criminal Procedure Code.The undertaking was given by Senior State Counsel Shaminda Wickrema, on behalf of the IGP and the Attorney General.A petition filed by a retired intelligence officer of Sri Lanka Army, seeking legal action against Mahaviru Day celebrations planned to be held in the North and East, starting November 27, was called before the Appeals Court.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=95128,1,,Not relevant,News +410,"The Supreme Court has concluded deliberation of the petitions filed challenging the much-debated Online Safety Bill, which was tabled in the parliament by the government recently.The relevant hearings were concluded last night (Oct 19), according to Ada Derana reporter.The hearings were held before the three-member Supreme Court judge bench consisting of Justices Priyantha Jayawardena, Achala Vengapulli and Shiran Gunaratne.Accordingly, the judge bench’s confidential verdict regarding the relevant petitions will be communicated to President Ranil Wickremesinghe and Speaker of Parliament Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena.During the October 18 parliamentary session, the Speaker revealed that 45 petitions in total had been filed against the proposed legislation.Petitions were filed by a number of parties including social activist and independent journalist Tharindu Uduwaragedara; Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith; the Socialist Youth Union (SYU); General Secretary of Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Ranjith Madduma Bandara; SJB’s Rehan Jayawickrama; former BASL presidents Saliya Peiris and Geoffrey Alagaratnam; National People’s Power (NPP) MP Dr. Harini Amarasuriya and Freedom People’s Congress (FPC) member Prof. G.L. Peiris, challenging various provisions included in the legislation, alleging that the relevant bill is in violation of the fundamental rights of freedom of speech and expression guaranteed by the Constitution.The petitioners had sought an order determining that if the relevant bill were to be passed, it must be approved by a two-thirds majority in parliament, followed by a referendum.The Online Safety Bill, published in the government gazette on September 18, aims to ban online communication of certain statements in the country, prevent the use of online accounts – both authentic and inauthentic – for the use of prohibited purposes, to suppress the financing and other support of communication of false statements and other related matters.However, the Bill has come under fire for some of its problematic aspects, with the Asia Internet Coalition (AIC) which consists of multiple tech giants including Apple, Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Yahoo, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL), and the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) voicing concerns.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=94229,8,,Not relevant,News +411,"The Supreme Court has concluded the deliberations of the petitions filed challenging the Inland Revenue (Amendment) Draft Bill, which was presented to the Parliament by the government.Accordingly, the Supreme Court announced that the decision will be communicated to the Speaker of the Parliament.The petitions had been filed by two persons including Chaturanga Abeysinghe, an activist of the National People’s Power (NPP).",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=92981,1,,Not relevant,News +412,"The Colombo High Court today (23) sentenced a former cadre of the now-defunct separatist group, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) to rigorous life imprisonment.The accused, Thangavelu Nimalan, has been found guilty of the possession of explosives and 02 micro-type pistols to carry out a suicide bomb attack in the Colombo area.The Attorney General had filed charges against Nimalan over the possession of two micro pistols, 1.5 kilograms of C-4 high explosives and live ammunition in the Ratmalana area in 2009.Following an extended hearing of the case, Colombo High Court Judge Damith Thotawatta declared that the charges against the defendant had been proven beyond reasonable doubt by the prosecution.On March 05, 2022, Thangavelu Nimalan who had served as a member of the LTTE’s intelligence unit during the civil war in Sri Lanka, was sentenced to another rigorous life imprisonment, after being convicted over the possession of 2kg of high-power explosives containing RDX.The case had been filed against the accused in 2011.At the time, four other cases lodged against the said former LTTE cadre were also being heard before the courts.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=90754,1,,Not relevant,News +413,"The Ceylon Workers’ Congress (CWC), after much deliberation, has decided to support Acting President Ranil Wickremesinghe in his bid for presidency, says MP Jeevan Thondaman.“We also wish Dullas Alahapperuma and Anura Kumara Dissanayake the best,” he said in a tweet.The Ceylon Workers’ Congress had convened a virtual meeting yesterday to decide on who to vote for at the election in parliament to select a new President.Thondaman said that as the party’s General Secretary, he had requested the CWC Executive Committee to allow the participation of professionals from the upcountry to share their unbiased views as well.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=83754,1,,Not relevant,News +415,"The National Investigation Agency (NIA) of India has sought information about suspected Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) members from Sri Lanka under the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) as part of the probe into the seizure of five AK 47 rifles from a foreign vessel off the Kerala coast in March this year. The agency has also invoked various sections of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) in the case.It was on March 18 this year that a Sri Lankan fishing vessel, Ravihanshi, was intercepted by the Coast Guard from which 300kg of heroin, five AK 47 rifles and 1,000 pieces of ammunition were seized. The Narcotics Control Bureau registered a case first following the seizure of heroin and arrested six crew members -- all Sri Lankan nationals.The case related to the seizure of AK 47 rifles and ammunition was first registered at Vizhinjam police station which was later taken over by NIA. The national agency has so far arrested 15 persons of whom 10 are from Sri Lanka including three staying illegally in India.During the probe, NIA found links of the accused with LTTE and that the smuggling of drugs and weapons was part of an attempt to revive the proscribed terrorist organization. It was also found that many LTTE activists in Sri Lanka are behind the incident.“The NIA has sent a letter to the Sri Lankan government invoking MLAT to get information about the suspects in the case. The letter contains a list of suspects who are in Sri Lanka and have been associated with the LTTE movement.The whereabouts of the three Sri Lankan nationals who have been staying illegally are being sought. As Sri Lankan police are cooperating with the Indian agency, a report about the suspects is expected soon. Earlier, NIA had used the MLAT provision to get information from Sri Lanka in terrorism cases registered in India,” a source said.NIA to also probe seizure of heroinThe National Investigation Agency (NIA) has decided to probe the seizure of 300kg of heroin from a Sri Lankan vessel off the Kerala coast. Currently, the case is being probed by Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB).After the Sri Lanka vessel, Ravihansi, was intercepted, NCB had registered the case over seizure of heroin, while NIA probed seizure of five AK 47s and ammunition from the same boat. However, as LTTE links in the incident emerged, NIA decided to take over the case registered by NCB as well.Source: New Indian Express",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=77666,2,,Not relevant,News +416,"The Government of Sri Lanka says that it has been made aware that the UK Home Secretary has decided to maintain the proscription of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as a terrorist organization under the UK Terrorism Act No. 7 of 2000.The Home Secretary’s decision, which has been taken following the judgement of the Proscribed Organizations Appeals Commission (POAC), rejects the application of a LTTE front organization to de-proscribe the LTTE in the UK, the Sri Lankan foreign ministry said.“The LTTE, therefore, remains a proscribed organization in the UK, as in over 30 other countries worldwide, including in the EU region,” the statement said.The Foreign Ministry further said:“LTTE was initially proscribed in these countries due to the group’s brutality and atrocities targeting civilians and democratically elected leaders, involvement in organized crime and other criminal activities that impacted global and regional security.The continued retention of the LTTE’s proscription worldwide, is a recognition of the continued threat posed by the remnants of the group working through its international network, which continue to finance terrorist activities, radicalize youth towards violent extremism and cause ethnic disharmony and disrupt cohesive living in every country in which they are active.“The Government of Sri Lanka is appreciative of the partnership with the UK, and all governments, in the global fight against terrorism, and remain committed to working with the UK in all efforts to mitigate terrorism and violent extremism, that threaten the lives of citizens, and endanger global and regional peace and security.”",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=76629,3,,Not relevant,News +418,"The Government of Sri Lanka says that it has been made aware of the Open Judgement by the Proscribed Organizations Appeals Commission (POAC) of the United Kingdom on delisting the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as a proscribed terrorist organization.The government also said that it will appeal against the judgement of the independent tribunal in the UK which has reportedly ordered the British Home Office to lift the ban on the LTTE.Sri Lanka’s Foreign Ministry, issuing a statement today, said that the decision of the POAC dated 21 October 2020 arises from an appeal filed in May 2019 by an LTTE front organization challenging the decision of the UK Secretary of State for Home Affairs dated 8 March 2019, which refused the application by the group to de-proscribe the LTTE from the list of Proscribed Organizations under the UK Terrorism Act of 2000.While the Government of Sri Lanka was not a party to these proceedings at the POAC and could not make direct representations, the Government said it has assisted the Government of the United Kingdom by providing relevant information with regard to continued terrorist activities.“The Open Judgement of the POAC while allowing the Appeal, provides for further hearings, and the Government of Sri Lanka will continue to closely monitor the progress of the case in the UK,ââ‚�� the forign ministry said.The Government maintains that it has sufficient evidence to prove that the remnants of the LTTE and groups aligned with its terrorist ideology are active in foreign countries, working to incite violence and destabilize the country.Sri Lanka remains vigilant of threats to its national security as well as that of the region, and will always support members of the international community in the global fight against terrorism, the statement said.The UK listed the LTTE as a terrorist outfit in early 2000.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=68383,5,,Not relevant,News +419,"Eight individuals, including a Malaysian politician, were freed by the Malaysian High Court today of charges linked to the now-defunct terror group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).High Court judges Collin Lawrence Sequerah and Muhammad Jamil Husin and judicial commissioners Aslam Zainuddin and Ahmad Shahrir Mohd Salleh granted the acquittal orders after the prosecution told the courts they did not wish to proceed with the cases.In addition to Saminathan, the others freed today were A Kalaimughilan, S Teeran, S Chandru, Sundaram Renggan @ Rengasamy, V Suresh Kumar, S Arivainathan and M Pumugam.They had been charged with supporting LTTE and possessing items related to it.Last week, Attorney-General Tommy Thomas said he was discontinuing the charges against 12 individuals, adding that there was “no realistic prospect” for their conviction under any of the 34 charges brought against them.“Millions of people across the globe admire Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung or Che Guevara, and the like. Having their photos and other representations in one’s mobile phone or on a Facebook account does not transform one to being a terrorist,” Thomas had said.“Just because each of these leaders used terror or violence to achieve their political goals does not mean that an ardent supporter online should be regarded as a terrorist or is planning a terrorist act.“That is the common theme of all the 12 LTTE accused. Each of them had in his mobile phone or Facebook account photos of Velupillai Prabhakaran and other leaders of LTTE slain during the civil war in Sri Lanka.”Yesterday, the High Court freed DAP Seremban Jaya assemblyman P Gunasekaran.Source: FMT-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=61006,5,,Not relevant,News +420,"The Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin the Malaysian government will continue to maintain the Liberation of Tamil Tigers Elam (LTTE) in the country’s list of terrorist groups.The Attorney General has no power under the law to interfere in the matters of the Home Minister, says Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.The Home Minister said the inclusion of the LTTE in the list of terrorist groups is under the purview of the Home Minister, as stated in the laws of the country.“For the record, besides Malaysia, other countries have also declared and maintained LTTE as a terror group in their list of terror groups.“This includes India, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom,” he said in a statement.Muhyiddin said this in response to Attorney General Tommy Thomas, who had, on Friday (Feb 21), dropped the charges against 12 Malaysian men who were accused of being involved with the now-defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Star reports.Tommy had said that mere idol-worshipping does not constitute a crime, adding that there is “no realistic prospect of conviction for the dozen accused on any of the 34 charges”.Muhyiddin said that the government had gazetted LTTE as a terrorist organisation in Nov 2014, and that based on the latest information from the authorities, he had sufficient proof to maintain them in the list.“This group is believed to have an ideology that can cause a threat to the safety of the public and the country. Therefore, it is the duty of the authorities to take action according to the law to contain the spread of any ideology and activities related to the group, “ he said.Muhyiddin said the listing of the LTTE was made under Section 66B (1) of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds From Illegal Activities 2001.“The listing of the entity is based on the latest intelligence from the authorities such as the police and other agencies, “ he said.The 12 were detained by the Counter-Terrorism Division (E8) on Oct 10 and 12, 2019, in various parts of the country.Among them were two DAP politicians – Melaka executive councillor G. Saminathan, who is the Gadek assemblyman, and Seremban Jaya assemblyman P. Gunasekaran.Sri Lanka was embroiled in a 26-year civil war between the LTTE and the military, which ended when the military defeated the LTTE in May 2009.However, over the years, there have been several arrests by authorities against individuals said to be supporting the LTTE, which was labelled a terrorist organisation in Malaysia under the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act in February 2014.Sri Lanka, the United States, Canada, India and the European Union have also labelled the LTTE a terrorist group.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=60959,6,,Not relevant,News +421,"British mercenary pilots helped Indian troops in their battle against the Liberation Tigers for Tamil Eelam (LTTE) rebels in Sri Lanka in the 1980s, a new book reveals for the first time.The Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) received air support from these for-hire British pilots despite Indian diplomats publicly condemning the presence of UK mercenaries in Sri Lanka, according to the book, ‘Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away With War Crimes’, authored by UK-based investigative journalist Phil Miller.“Despite India publicly opposing the presence of British mercenaries in Sri Lanka, my research reveals that by 1987 the Indian military were using white pilots to provide air cover for their operations in Jaffna in what appears to have been a case of my enemy’s enemy is my friend,” said Miller.India’s secret use of British mercenaries lasted for four months after the Indo-Lanka accord was signed between former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi and then Sri Lankan president J.R. Jayewardene in 1987.The book also traces the involvement of British mercenaries in atrocities against Tamil civilians that occurred prior to the arrival of the IPKF.‘Keenie Meenie’, from the title of the book, is thought to be a Arabic slang for covert activities and was run by a retired colonel, Jim Johnson, a former Special Air Services (SAS) commander who had conducted secret missions in Yemen and Oman.Johnson’s counter-insurgency experience came to the attention of Jayewardene at the start of Sri Lanka’s civil war in 1983, when the Anglophile leader was looking for British aid to defeat the Tamil Tigers.Britain refused to officially send troops to help Jayewardene, fearing it would have jeopardised “substantial commercial and defence” deals with India, who initially supported the Tamil separatists, notes the account.Former prime minister Indira Gandhi’s personal envoy to Sri Lanka, Gopalaswami Parthasarathy, warned Britain’s most senior diplomat Sir Antony Acland that “UK training of Sri Lankan security forces would not be helpful”.Instead, declassified documents reveal, Britain allowed retired UK soldiers to work in Sri Lanka under the control of Keenie Meenie Services (KMS).Britain’s high commissioner in Colombo, David Gladstone, noted in a telegram: “(Colonel) Johnson confirmed that KMS pilots were flying SLAF (Sri Lankan Air Force) helicopters in support of IPKF operations in the Jaffna peninsula until 27th November (1987), when the last pilot was withdrawn...IPKF will miss the support provided by their pilots.”Gladstone added: “The Indians may after all come to regret the reduction in the KMS presence here. In the circumstances, it is not surprising we have heard no recent criticism from Indian sources of KMS activities.”By 1985, Britain’s Foreign Office believed that “only KMS pilots are currently capable of flying armed helicopter assault operations in Sri Lanka”.Miller’s book, published by Pluto Press and formally launched in London last week, cites declassified cables that show British diplomats expected there would be “very hard words from India” if a KMS pilot was shot down by the Tamil militants.India’s then foreign secretary, Romesh Bhandari, described the situation in Sri Lanka as “genocide” and warned that the role of the British pilots was “unhelpful”.However, India’s attitudes gradually began to shift and the envoy to Colombo, Jyotindra Nath Dixit, said New Delhi had to publicly deplore the use of UK mercenaries in Sri Lanka but privately he accepted there was “a large pool of ex-military personnel” in Europe and North America who wanted to “market these skills” and if it was not KMS then it would be another “cowboy” outfit involved.The KMS came into being in the 1970s with battle-hardened British veterans and, according to the book based on previously classified accounts, were active in controversial operations around the world with the UK governments of the time unable to fully control them.Source: PTI-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=60644,8,,Not relevant,News +422,"The Committee on Parliamentary Business after lengthy deliberation has agreed to allocate February 18 and 19, for the debate on the Forensic Audit Report regarding the issuance of Treasury Bonds by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.Opposition MPs had requested that two days be allocated for the debate on the Forensic Audit Report regarding the issuance of Treasury Bonds by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) during the First Sitting Week of Parliament in February 2020 as it was raised on the floor of the House, when the same was tabled by the Speaker.It was discussed that the Sinhalese and Tamil translations of the Forensic Audit Report regarding the issuance of Treasury Bonds by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) are required to be tabled in Parliament before the debate, a release said.MPs have argued that the English copy of the Forensic Audit would be sufficient for the debate, the Department of Communication of the Parliament said.The Speaker stated that it would be practically difficult to provide translations of the said Forensic Audit Report as it consists of thousands of pages and it takes much time for this purpose.It was also requested that a hard copy of the Forensic Audit which was tabled in English language in the House on Tuesday, be made available to the Members of Parliament before 05th of February 2020 since the CD containing the Report does not permit for printing.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=60478,2,,Not relevant,News +423,"The Malaysian Sessions Court has set Monday (Dec 16) to hear the applications for bail filed by two assemblymen and the chief executive officer of a corporation who were charged with supporting the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) terrorist group in November last year.Judge Elesabet Paya Wan made the decision to allow the prosecution to file counter-affidavit today against the three notices submitted by the defence.Earlier, counsels Damian Yeo Shen Li who is representing G. Saminathan, 34; P. Gunasekaran, 60, and S. Chandru, 38, said the applications by two accused were filed on Dec 4 while another was on December 9 and they had been handed over to the court for the prosecution’s action.The three accused were not present during case management on Tuesday.Meanwhile, deputy public prosecutor Hayatul Wirdah Mohd Yunos said she had received three notices for bail and the court fixed hearing on December 16 simultaneously with the remention of the cases of the three accused of being involved in LTTE terrorist group.On Nov 29, Kuala Lumpur High Court Judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali ruled that Saminathan be allowed to apply for bail as Section 13 of the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA) is unconstitutional.On Nov 6, the Seremban Sessions Court allowed the application of the prosecution to cancel two charges of possessing items relating to LTTE on Gunsekaran.On Nov 1, Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court Judge Rozina Ayob decided that there was merit in the defence’s application under Section 13 (2) SOSMA to refer the issue of the constitution on bail to the High Court.The court also allowed the application of Saminathan and 11 men to refer to the issue of the constitution relating to bail to the High Court.Apart from the three accused, the others were taxi driver V. Balamurugan, 37; despatch rider S. Teeran, 38; scrap metal businessman A. Kalaimughilan, 28; technician S. Arivainthan, 27; storekeeper S.Thanagaraj, 26; security guard M. Pumugan, 29; Telok Panglima Garang secondary school teacher, Sundram Renggan @ Rengasamy, 52; DAP member V. Suresh Kumar, 43; and businessman B. Subramaniam, 57.All of them were charged at separate Sessions Courts in several states on Oct 29 and 31 on charges relating LTTE terrorist group.Source: Malay Mail",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=59570,2,,Not relevant,News +424,"People’s Liberation Army Navy ship ‘Zhu Ke Zhen’ which arrived Sri Lanka on 14th November, departed the port of Colombo, following a successful tour in Sri Lanka.Sri Lanka Navy bade customary farewell to the departing ship in accordance with naval traditions.The crew members of the ship who were on a six-day tour took part in several programs including sports, cultural events and visits to interesting places of Sri Lanka, organized by Sri Lanka Navy, during their stay on the island.The mutual cooperation between the Navies of Sri Lanka and China was enhanced by this goodwill visit while exchanging the professional experience, stated Sri Lanka Navy.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=59180,2,,Not relevant,News +425,"The five-year ban imposed by the Indian government on the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has been confirmed by a tribunal set up by the Narendra Modi government to examine whether the prohibitions on the terror organisation should continue.According to sources in the Delhi High Court, the tribunal headed by Justice Sangita Dhingra Sehgal confirmed the ban on the LTTE on November 7 and the confirmation order has been sent to the government, in a sealed cover, for notification.The tribunal arrived at its decision after hearing all stakeholders, including Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (MDMK) leader and Rajya Sabha MP Vaiko.MP Vaiko is an LTTE sympathiser.The tribunal, set up under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), had held hearings in Delhi and Chennai after it was constituted on May 27.India had banned the LTTE after the assassination of former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991. Since then, the ban imposed on the group has been extended every five years.The terror organisation had suffered a military defeat in May 2009 in Sri Lanka.The Ministry of Home Affairs had on May 14 extended the ban for five more years. The organisation was last banned in 2014 for five years.While extending the ban on the LTTE, the Home Ministry in its May 14 notification had said that the group’s continued violent and disruptive activities are prejudicial to the integrity and sovereignty of India, and it continues to adopt a strong anti-India posture and also continues to pose a grave threat to the security of Indian nationals.Source: PTI-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58908,4,,Not relevant,News +427,"The bail for 12 people, including two assemblymen, who were charged with supporting and possessing items related to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) will be decided at the High Court of Malaysia.This is after Sessions Court judges Rozina Ayob, Azman Ahmad, and Azura Alwi allowed an application by lawyer Ramkarpal Singh, for the matter to be referred to the High Court.The judges said there was a merit to refer the case which falls under Section 13 (2) Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma), which is subject to the constitution.The 12 accused yesterday claimed trial at three different Sessions Courts for possessing and supporting LTTE via their social media account — Facebook and YouTube — at the Bukit Aman Special Branch Counter Terrorism Division (E8) between Oct 5 and 11.They are Gadek assemblyman G. Saminathan, 34; V. Balamurugan, 37; postman, S. Teeran, 38; scrap metal trader A. Kalaimughilan, 36; security officer M. Pumugan, 29; Malacca Green Technology Incorporated chief executive officer S. Chandru, 38; teacher R. Sundra, 52; technician S. Arivainthan, 27; storekeeper S. Thanagaraj, 26; Seremban Jaya assemblyman P. Gunasekaran, 60; and two DAP members V. Sureshkumar, 43 and B. Subramaniam, 57.The offence falls under Section 130JB(1)(a) and 130JB(1)(b) of the Penal Code which carries a maximum seven years’ imprisonment or a fine upon conviction.Deputy public prosecutors Aslinda Ahad, Muhamad Iskandar Ahmad, Azlina Rasdi and Mohd Izhanudin Alias did not offer bail as offences under Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma) were non-bailable.Lawyers Ramkarpal Singh and R. Kirthiraj who represented Chandru, Arivainthan, Sundra, Thanagaraj, and Pumugan respectively pleaded for minimum bail for their clients.Ramkarpal submitted that the arrests under Sosma were unconstitutional and asked for the issue (bail) to be referred to the High Court.Source: New Straits Times-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58704,5,,Not relevant,News +428,"The individuals, who were arrested by the Malaysian Police on suspicion of having links to the now-defunct terror group defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), have been produced before a Malaysian court today (29).According to Malaysian media, the two arrested lawmakers of Democratic Action Party (DAP) have been charged with supporting the LTTE.Seremban Jaya assemblyman P. Gunasekaran and Gadek assemblyman G. Saminathan were arrested on October 10 along with five other suspects for allegedly having ties with the defunct terror group. Five more including a teacher were arrested the following day.The two DAP lawmakers were charged alongside another suspect named S. Chandru at the Sessions Court in Melaka while the others were charged in separate courts nationwide.National news wire Bernama has reported the charge against Gunasekaran (60) Saminathan (34) and S. Chandru (38), was framed under Section 130J(1)(a) of the Penal Code.The trio was accused of committing the offence during an event at the Dewan Kasturi Ayer Keroh, on Jalan Utama, Taman Ayer Keroh Heights in Melaka on November 28 last year between 8.30 pm and 10.50 pm, according to Malay Mail.If found guilty, they can be sentenced to jail for life or a maximum 30 years, or a fine and can have any of their properties used in the offence confiscated.Saminathan was also charged with possession of an item, said to have been used to perpetuate the offence linked to the LTTE, at the Human Resources and Consumer Affairs State Executive Council Office at the Melaka Chief Minister’s Department in Kompleks Seri Negeri on October 10 at 10.25 am.That charge was framed under Section 130JB(1)(a) also of the Penal Code, which provides for a maximum jail sentence of seven years, and the confiscation of the item, if convicted.The arrested teacher (52), Sundaram Renggam was charged by the Sepang Sessions Court under Section 130JB(1)(a) of the Penal Code with possession of items related to LTTE, The Star Online reported.Separately in Selayang, Selangor, scrap metal dealer, A. Kalaimughilan was charged before Sessions Court judge Maziah Joary Mohd Tajudin, with possession of terrorism-related paraphernalia belonging to the LTTE.According to the charge sheet, Kalaimughilan was accused of committing the offence at Jalan Anggerik 5D, Bukit Sentosa, Rawang around 12.35 pm on October 10.In a second charge, the 28-year-old was accused of committing the same offence in a vehicle parked in front of a house at the same address around 9.30 am on the same day.The charges, under Section 130JB(1)(a) of the Penal Code, carries a maximum seven years’ jail or a fine and the right for the displayed offensive items to be removed upon conviction.Both the charges were read in Bahasa Malaysia by a court interpreter, and Kalaimughilan nodded to indicate he understood.However, no plea was recorded as the accused was to be tried under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act.-with inputs from foreign media",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58629,4,,Not relevant,News +429,"The Malaysian police have their own reasons for the arrests of individuals suspected of having links to the now-defunct Sri Lankan Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) separatist group, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said on Monday (Oct 14).“I was briefed by the police (on the arrests), and they gave me the reasons behind their action, and I am satisfied with them,” Dr Mahathir told reporters after a business conference.On Oct 10, Malaysian police arrested seven people, including two politicians, suspected of being involved with LTTE. Five more individuals - including a teacher - were detained on Saturday, on suspicion of promoting, supporting and channeling funds to LTTE, as well as possessing materials linked to the group.Police did not name the suspects but the Democratic Action Party, a member of Malaysia’s ruling Pakatan Harapan coalition, confirmed in a statement that two of its assemblymen had been arrested.All 12 have been detained under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012, also known as SOSMA.Malaysia has listed the LTTE as a terrorist organisation since 2014 amid reports of attempts to revive the group from abroad.In 2009, the Sri Lankan government ended a 26-year conflict with the Tamil Tigers, who had been fighting for an independent Tamil state in the north and east of the Indian Ocean island.Dr Mahathir also said on Sunday that the police action was carried out without the interference of his administration, as claims that the arrests were politically motivated spread.“The government wants to know why this matter is happening. We don’t like to use power to weaken any quarter.“It is not me who nabbed these people, not Muhyiddin (Yassin, Minister of Home Affairs) who nabbed them, (but) it is the police who did so and the arrests by their officers were following the law,” he had said.Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) president Anwar Ibrahim said on Sunday that while he agreed with police detaining the individuals, the arrests should not have been made under SOSMA.“We have been against this Act from the beginning, but if it is related to terrorism I support the police action; it is not limited to action against LTTE but all involved in terrorism.“Any country would definitely act to check issues related to terrorism and we should leave it to the police to take action in handling this issue,” he said.When asked on his opinion of Mr Anwar’s view, Dr Mahathir said: “Well, the SOSMA Act is still there so in the absence of other laws that can be applied, they used the SOSMA Act”.Source: Bernama-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58367,7,,Not relevant,News +430,"Bukit Aman, the Headquarters of the Royal Malaysia Police, advises all parties not to confuse sympathy for the plight of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka with supporting the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) terror group.Bukit Aman Counter Terrorism Division head Deputy Comm Datuk Ayob Khan (pic) said there is nothing wrong in sympathising with the Tamils in Sri Lanka but it is an offence to support LTTE as they are a terror group.“I sympathised with the Tamils too but I don’t support LTTE.“Don’t confuse the plight of the Tamils (in Sri Lanka) with the terrorist acts of LTTE,” he told a special press conference in Bukit Aman on Sunday (Oct 13).He was commenting on certain quarters who questioned the arrests of those allegedly linked to LTTE.On the latest string of arrests, DCP Ayob said five men were detained by E8 officers between 10am and 5pm on Saturday (Oct 12).The five were a 52-year-old teacher who was picked up in Telok Panglima Garang, an executive officer with Melaka’s Perbadanan Bumi Hijau and a Melaka city councillor who were detained in Durian Tunggal as well as a factory worker and security supervisor in Bukit Mertajam, Penang.“Those detained were suspected of promoting and supporting LTTE while securing funds for the terror group.“The ones detained in Melaka were suspected of organising an LTTE Warriors’ Day celebration last year,” he said.The latest arrests bring the total of those arrested in connection with LTTE to 12.“We are going to follow the money trail and see where funds were transferred to and from.“We believe large sums were transferred among those detained but we are not ruling out the involvement of others,” DCP Ayob said.Asked on certain quarters urging police to charge the suspects in court instead of detaining them under the Security Offences Special Measures (Sosma) 2012, DCP Ayob said the suspects were detained for security offences and not a normal criminal investigation.“If we merely recorded their statements, I believe they will give ‘superficial’ statements or the bare minimum.“They were detained under Sosma to enable us to investigate further and seize crucial items pertaining to the investigation,” he saidAs per standard operating procedures, family members were informed of the arrests once the suspects were detained under Sosma.“They will then be given access to lawyers after 48 hours.“In fact, the two assemblymen detained on Thursday (Oct 10) will be able to meet with their lawyers and family members on Monday (Oct 14),” he said.On DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng saying that police assured him of no more arrests pertaining to LTTE, DCP Ayob said he was not sure where the minister got his information.“He did not get it from me. I have never issued any statement that we will stop this investigation. If we have enough evidence, we will investigate and make more arrests,” he said.DCP Ayob said police also believed an NGO with branches nationwide had been actively securing funds for LTTE.He also stressed that there was no bias in regards to arrests made by E8 officers.“Those involved in supporting, promoting or securing funds for terror groups will be arrested regardless of their political affiliation or race,” DCP Ayob said.Source: The Star-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58351,10,,Not relevant,News +431,"Malaysian police have detained five more men over alleged links to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) terror organization.Sources said the men were detained in Malacca, Penang and Selangor on Saturday (Oct 12) by the Counter-Terrorism Division (E8) of Malaysia.“Two suspects were arrested in Melaka, two in Penang and one in Selangor. Authorities believe they have been supporting the terror group,” a source told The Star on Saturday.The suspects were detained under the Security Offences Special Measures Act (Sosma) 2012.The police is expected to hold a special press conference on Sunday (Oct 13) to address the matter.On Thursday, seven men, including two politicians, were detained for their involvement in supporting LTTE.The police did not name the suspects, but the Democratic Action Party (DAP), a member of Malaysia’s ruling coalition Pakatan Harapan (PH), confirmed in a statement that two of its assemblymen were arrested.Also among those detained was a man who planned an attack on the Sri Lankan High Commission in the city.Malaysia has listed the LTTE as a terrorist organisation since 2014 amid reports of attempts to revive the group from abroad.On Thursday, E8 chief Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay had said he was aware of certain parties equating the acts of the LTTE in Sri Lanka to that of the Palestinians fighting for their homes, but the police would continue to take action against anyone who was involved in such activities.“I do not see this as a racist act. Why are certain people labelling us as racists now when we have steadily been taking action against all individuals linked to terrorist activities from all races and religions,” he asked.Datuk Ayob also dismissed allegations of making arrests based on race as the E8 has always been consistent in nabbing those involved in terror groups.“So far, 284 Jemaah Islamiyah members, 512 Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) members and 25 LTTE members have been detained in various operations over the years.“We will take stern action against anyone who breaks the law, especially those involved in terrorism,” he said.Ayob said it is clear that the LTTE has been classified as a terrorist group by several countries, including Malaysia.Source: Straits Times-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58341,11,,Not relevant,News +432,"KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 10 (Reuters) - Malaysian police on Thursday arrested seven people, including two politicians, suspected of having links to the now-defunct Sri Lankan Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) separatist group.Malaysia has listed the LTTE as a terrorist organisation since 2014 amid reports of attempts to revive the group from abroad.In 2009, the Sri Lankan government ended a 26-year conflict with the Tamil Tigers, who had been fighting for an independent Tamil state in the north and east of the Indian Ocean island.Authorities arrested seven people on suspicion of “supporting, promoting, recruiting, fundraising for and possessing items linked to LTTE militants”, Malaysian police counter-terrorism chief Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay told reporters.Among them were two state lawmakers who had allegedly delivered speeches and distributed leaflets in support of the group at an event honouring Tamil Tiger “heroes” last year, Ayob said.“There are attempts from certain quarters from outside Sri Lanka, not just in Malaysia, to reactivate the LTTE movement,” he said.“We are taking action to arrest them as we do not want these activities to spread and smear the image of Malaysia.”Ayob did not name the suspects but the Democratic Action Party, a member of Malaysia’s ruling coalition, confirmed in a statement that two of its assemblymen were arrested.Police also detained a 38-year-old insurance agent on suspicion of planning an attack on the Sri Lankan High Commission in Kuala Lumpur.Malaysia has been on high alert since January 2016, when gunmen allied with Islamic State carried out a series of attacks in Jakarta, the capital of neighbouring Indonesia.Malaysian authorities have arrested hundreds of people in the past few years for suspected militant links, including 25 people for activities linked to the Tamil Tigers, Ayob said.Source: Reuters-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58293,9,,Not relevant,News +436,"India’s Q Branch police have quizzed a suspected militant of the now defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), who was part of a gang, which indulged in unlawful activities in Tamil Nadu in 2015 in a bid to revive the organisation.Q Branch police officials said C. Kumar alias Murugan alias Udyakumar, 37, hailing from Kilinochchi in the northern province of Sri Lanka, was part of a group of LTTE supporters, who procured cyanide capsules and other equipment.The district police arrested K. Krishnakumar, 42, his accomplice V. Subashkaran, 41, and others when they attempted to clandestinely flee to Sri Lanka with 600 gms of cyanide powder, 75 cyanide capsules, four GPS sets, seven mobile phones and Indian and Sri Lankan currency notes in July 2015. But Kumar, who was part of the gang, went absconding.He had been absconding for more than two years and the Q Branch police, acting on specific information, arrested him at Kaliyakkavilai in Kanniyakumari district in October 2017. Then, he was remanded in judicial custody in Puzhal Central Prison in Chennai.After securing his custody, the Q Branch police interrogated him here on Monday and Tuesday and found that he was shuffling between Madurai, Tiruchi and Chennai. Interrogation also revealed that he clandestinely went to Sri Lanka from Thondi in April 2017 and returned to Rameswaram in July 2017.While staying in Madurai, he secured a SIM card, providing fake address, and a fake PAN card while in Chennai. The accused had worked as a tailor in Chennai and in a bakery in Tiruchi. He also received money from Sri Lankan Tamils living in France and Switzerland, the police said.The accused had arrived in Chennai in 2014 with a valid passport and went underground after he was booked for unlawful activities. His brief visit to Sri Lanka was also part of the plan to revive the LTTE. One Sri, an accomplice of the accused and a part of the gang, was still at large, the police said.Two of his accomplices, arrested in 2015, were convicted and awarded 10 years’ imprisonment, and the case relating to the accused was being tried separately at the Sessions Court in Ramanathapuram, the police said, adding the case would come up for hearing on September 27. Kumar was arrested under various sections of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, Passport Act and the Foreigners Act, the police said.Source: The Hindu-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=50114,7,,Not relevant,News +437,"Sri Lanka and China have vowed to strengthen defense ties at a reception held Colombo at the Chinese Embassy to celebrate the 91st founding anniversary of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.Sri Lanka’s Defense Secretary, Kapila Waidyaratne, who was the chief guest at the Monday evening event, said China had always been a valuable partner of Sri Lanka and the two nations had enjoyed diplomatic relations for 61 years, supporting each other in the regional and international sphere while making efforts to deepen pragmatic cooperation.Waidyaratne said China’s assistance in providing military equipment and technology to Sri Lanka indicated the success of the bilateral military relationship between the two nations.He further said Sri Lanka was grateful to China for all the aid it had provided and the unconditional and open-ended support it had provided for strengthening Sri Lanka’s security forces.Senior Colonel at the Chinese Embassy in Colombo, Xu Jianwei, said the Chinese military attaches great importance to improving relations with the Sri Lankan military and in the past few years, the two militaries had witnessed the deepening communication and cooperation in the areas of personnel training, joint training and maritime security.He said China adheres to an independent foreign policy of peace and development. Xu further said China’s armed forces advocate a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept, and will continue to develop military-to-military relations that are non-aligned, non-confrontational and not against a third party.“China is willing to enhance mutual strategic trust and is keen to see both countries continue supporting each other on issues of core interest.”“China wishes to boost the development of the Belt and Road Initiative to strengthen the pragmatic cooperation between the two countries and the two militaries,” Xu said.Source: Xinhua-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=48903,2,,Not relevant,News +439,"An Indian court has convicted two local supporters of Sri Lanka’s vanquished terrorist outfit, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) for attempting to revive the militant organization proscribed in India.The district court has convicted two suspects, who had procured cyanide capsules in a bid to revive the terrorist outfit, under the provisions of Unlawful activities (prevention) Act, 1967 and awarded them 10 years imprisonment, The Hindu reported.Principal District Judge A. Kayalvizhi convicted the accused K. Krishnakumar (42) and his accomplice V. Subashkaran (41) in the three-year-old case as the prosecution - the Q branch police had proved the case that the duo had indulged in unlawful activities in the State in a bid to revive LTTE.The judge awarded sentences ranging from six months to 10 years and said the sentences would go concurrently. She also imposed fine of INR 45,500 each. Krishnakumar attempted to clandestinely sail to Sri Lanka after procuring 600 grams of cyanide powder and 75 cyanide capsules on July 20, 2015, when the police intercepted his car at Uchipuli and arrested him.He was also found in his possession, four Global Positioning System (GPS) sets and seven mobile phones and Indian and Sri Lankan currency notes and Indian and Sri Lankan driving licenses. They pleaded not guilty when the judge sought their views after convicting them.The judge also convicted R. Rajendran (47), a Sri Lankan Tamil, cited as third accused in the case under the Unlawful Activities (prevention) Act and awarded him 10 years imprisonment. However, the court offered to clarify on the sentence when his counsel K. Thirumurugan pointed out that he was not facing charge under the Act. Otherwise, the accused was awarded five years imprisonment under the Passports Act.The Judge also convicted R. Sasikumar (31), a local Tamil and driver, under section 120 (b), IPC and awarded six months imprisonment. Senior counsel N. Somasundaram, who appeared for the prosecution, said a separate charge sheet had been filed in respect of the fifth accused in the case and the sixth accused was absconding.",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=47179,7,,Not relevant,News +443,"Thirteen financiers accused of funnelling more than CH15 million ($15.3 million) to the Sri Lankan Tamil separatist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) will stand trial before the Swiss Federal Criminal Court on Monday.The accused are from Switzerland, Germany and Sri Lanka. Some are former members of the World Tamil Coordinating Committee (WTCC), which represented the LTTE in Switzerland until 2009, and include its founder, his deputy and the person in charge of finances.Between 1999 and 2009, they allegedly created a complex fundraising structure which involved coaxing members of the Tamil diaspora to obtain loans from banks. To raise higher amounts, the WTCC was accused of creating fictitious companies in the name of borrowers that issued fake salary certificates.The 13 on trial face charges of fraud, false documentation, money laundering and extortion. As the LTTE was never declared a terror organisation in Switzerland, they will not face charges of funding a terror group, unlike cases involving Islamic State or al-Qaeda.“The Attorney General strongly suspects the LTTE fraction under investigation of having collected the money in question by means of threats and by creating a regime of fear to induce them to make the payments,” says a court documentexternal link.The Swiss funds were transported in cash by couriers to Singapore and Dubai, eventually reaching the LTTE in Sri Lanka who allegedly used the money to purchase arms. This funding system collapsed in 2009 after the LTTE’s military defeat at the hands of the Sri Lankan armed forces.“I don’t think [the 13 suspects] should face trial as the LTTE struggled for the freedom and self-determination of Tamils, which is not a crime. It takes two parties to make a war and Switzerland should investigate the war crimes of the Sri Lankan army as well,” Anna Annor, president of Swiss Council of Eelam Tamils, told swissinfo.ch on Thursday.Long-drawn sagaThe whole process was set in motion in 2009 when the Office of the Attorney General launched an investigation against “unknown persons” for extortion, coercion, money laundering and organised crime.In 2011, a vast sting operation in several Swiss cantons resulted in the arrest of several suspects who were later released within a span of two months. A year later, a delegation from the Office of the Attorney General and the Federal Office of Police travelled to Sri Lanka to interview around 15 witnesses.“Around 80% of Tamils living in Switzerland had made payments to support LTTE at the time to support the struggle against genocide. That does not make Tamils supporters of terrorism,” says Kuruparan Kurusamy, former president of the Swiss Council of Eelam Tamils.The trial of the accused was originally scheduled for June 2016. However, proceedings were delayed when the lawyer of one of the accused demanded that a bank involved in the financial transactions also be cited by the judge as one of the defendants. According to Kurusamy, the bank in question was Credit Suisse and he claims it had accepted 135 loans under the name of one Sri Lankan national based in Germany.However, the Federal Supreme Court dismissed the appeal, allowing the trial to go ahead. A verdict is expected around mid-March. Around 50,000 people from Sri Lanka live in Switzerland, mostly ethnic Tamils, who fled the island’s 30-year civil war that ended in 2009. Many applied for Swiss citizenship and as of 2016 there were slightly more than 28,000 people with Sri Lankan citizenship residing in Switzerland. In 2016, the Swiss government announced it would apply more stringent criteria for granting Sri Lankan nationals refugee status.Source: swissinfo.ch-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=45212,13,,Not relevant,News +445,"It is now known that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) executed Mahattaya, the organisation’s deputy leader, in the mid-1990s on the charge of being an agent of Indian intelligence.A compilation of documents from the LTTE’s political wing published now says the dreaded militant group believed that it had got conclusive proof against him only after he was left out of the charge-sheet in India in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, filed in 1992.The documents suggest Mahattaya, whose real name was Gopalasamy Mahendraraja, was accused by the LTTE leadership of not only tipping off Indian security agencies about the whereabouts of a ship carrying its front-ranking leader Sathasivam Krishnakumar, alias Kittu, in early 1993, but also hatching a plot to kill the supreme leader V. Prabakaran.The documents, now part of the book published by VOC Noolagam, say it was intelligence wing leader Pottu Amman who foiled the alleged attempt to assassinate Prabakaran.Under the LTTE intelligence scanner for long, it was his non-inclusion in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case charge-sheet that confirmed Pottu Amman’s doubts about Mahattaya, the documents claim.Pottu Amman had grown suspicious of Mahattaya immediately after Kittu lost a leg in a grenade attack in March 1987. “The area did not come under any attack from the Sri Lankan Army. Rival groups were also totally inactive. Then who would have been responsible for the blast?” asks one of the documents.Kittu’s arrival in Jaffna was a closely guarded secret and only top leaders were aware of it. Who leaked it to the Indian intelligence agencies? This was a question that bothered Pottu Amman, who waited for further evidence. Mahattaya did not attend Kittu’s funeral.The political wing statements suggest that the LTTE interrogated many Mahattaya supporters, including cadre who escaped from custody in India during this period.Barring Mahattaya, all others admitted to their role in their statements, the documents claim. They had been promised money and India’s support if the conspiracy succeeded. A bodyguard of Prabakaran lodged in an Indian prison was released and given special training. As per Mahattaya’s plan, the assassin should plant a time-bomb in Prabakaran’s bed. The submissions of all those arrested were compiled as a document.- Source: The Hindu- Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44489,7,,Not relevant,News +446,"The refusal of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) to accept the Indo-Sri Lankan accord of 1987 led to a war between India and the Tigers, but the militant group claimed that the then Chief Minister M.G. Ramachandran unequivocally supported its stand on the issue.Details of a tense conversation between LTTE leader V. Prabhakaran and Indian diplomat J.N. Dixit give an idea about how the LTTE viewed the accord and the enmity it induced between the organisation and the Indian government.The LTTE alleged that India, particularly J.N. Dixit, sought to arm-twist the organisation into giving its approval for the accord, but that MGR threw his weight behind Prabhakaran, who resisted the idea.“Whatever be you decision, I will support it,” MGR is quoted as saying in a publication by the LTTE that has become part of a voluminous book published by Chennai-based VOC Noolagam.“The LTTE periodically came out with documents explaining its stand on various issues in India and Sri Lanka and we have collected them. We are going to launch the compilation as a book, along with the biography of Velupillai Prabhakaran,” said poet Ilayabharathi of VOC Noolagam.In fact, the LTTE had then described 1987, the year in which the accord was signed, as a year in which “the Tamil Eelam freedom movement survived a difficult phase.”“The liberation movement was crushed like copra in an oil press. It was a year of Sani (Saturn),” the LTTE had alleged.Narrating the events preceding the signing of the Indo-Sri Lankan Accord, the LTTE’s publication said Prabhakaran was picked up by an Indian Air Force helicopter from the Suthumalai Amman temple in Jaffna. He was taken to Ashoka Hotel in New Delhi. Anton Balasingham, the LTTE ideologue, and Dileepan, another LTTE leader, were also with him.“Dixit gave them a copy of the accord and urged them to give their stand in one hour. It is an accord between two governments and you cannot make any amendments. We expect you to accept it,” Dixit told the leaders, it said.Dixit met the LTTE leader after an hour, but Prabhakaran had made it clear he could not disband the 15-year-old movement sustained by the blood of Tamils in 72 hours. “You expect us to give up arms before achieving a solution? We cannot drop the weapons that provide security to our people without any assurance. We cannot accept the accord without the approval of our people,” Prabhakaran had told Dixit and other officials.Dixit told them, “Whether you accept it or not, the accord will be implemented. If you do not give up your arms, we will use the Indian Army to complete the task. Do not forget that you are under our custody and there is no guarantee that you can leave this place.”‘You will be destroyed’When Prabhakaran stood his ground, Dixit said, “India is a superpower and you are a small armed group. Think before whatever you say. You will be destroyed.”Then he asked Balasingham to take a decision in consultation with Prabhakaran and others. “The next two days passed with RAW and IB officials putting pressure on him to accept the accord. As they realised they could not succeed in their attempt, India sought the help of Chief Minister MGR,” the LTTE said.But Prabhakaran rejected the proposal in front of MGR who was flown to Delhi by the central government. Listening to both sides, MGR told Dixit that he wanted to discuss the issue with Prabhakaran.“Prabhakaran was wondering what would be on MGR’s mind. He wondered whether MGR would urge us to support the accord and whether it will lead to breaking of relationship between the LTTE and him. But MGR smiled at him and made clear his stand,” the publication said.Prabhakaran then decided to meet Rajiv Gandhi since all other attempts to convince the Indian officials failed.India ‘s former national security adviser and former foreign secretary J.N. Dixit, was also India’s high commissioner in Sri Lanka from April 1985 to April 1989He was the High Commissioner in Colombo in 1987 when India signed an accord with Sri Lanka government and deployed of the Indian Peace Keeping Forces (IPKF).J.N. Dixit in his book, Assignment Colombo, had recalled the lengthy exchange he had with Prabhakaran on all the details of the agreement in the presence of MGR and Panruti S. Ramachandran.“But Prabhakaran remained indecisive and demanded that he be sent back to Jaffna.“MGR told him to be patient and stay back in Delhi for further discussions,” he had said.“Prabhakaran also said he could not endorse any agreement which kept the merger of the northern and eastern provinces temporary. He also said that no agreement should be signed without closure of all the military camps of Sri Lankan forces in the northern and eastern provinces. The meeting was inconclusive. I told Prabhakaran that this was the fourth time he was trying to embarrass the Prime Minister of India. I recalled that he had done this at Thimpu, again in August/ September 1985 and then again in Bangalore. I told Prabhakaran that he was being shown the final draft of the agreement, which he should study before taking a final decision.“It was the assessment of Indian officials that Prabhakaran had changed his mind after the discussions held in Madras on his way to Delhi.”Source: The Hindu-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44466,7,,Not relevant,News +452,"Since the 30-year civil war ended between the Sri Lankan Government and the now-defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Sri Lanka’s tourism industry is set to sparkle like the island’s moniker, ‘Pearl of the Indian Ocean’.Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Board chairman P. M. Withana said previously, the war had been the wall which hindered Sri Lankans from moving forward to develop the country and expose its wonders to other countries.“War puts people’s lives in misery, and distorts the country’s development. So, after it (the war) ended, the Sri Lankan people reclaimed their long lost freedom and they are not ever looking back. Freedom is so invaluable even money can’t buy.“Now that we have got our freedom, not only the power has been brought back to the Parliament but the people can now express their opinions in a democratic way,” he told Bernama in a recent interview, in conjunction with Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena’s official visit to Malaysia.According to Withana, the Sri Lankan people are now more welcoming than before, hoping to attract more tourists to their US$3.5 billion tourism industry, which has been growing steadily at between 15% to 18% annually.He said after the war ended in 2009, the number of tourist arrivals had also been growing steadily from 400,000 to two million people, to date.Withana added that tourists could now explore every inch of Sri Lanka without having to worry about the country’s security, noting it was now one of the safest and secure countries in the region.“We want people to come to Sri Lanka and see that we have a lot to offer, ranging from Ceylon Tea, handloom products and Sri Lankan jewelleries. Let the investors step in.“Sri Lanka is a compact country with great weather pattern all year round.“Freeways are coming up, hotels are also being built ... lots of facilities are being refurbished,” he said, adding that Malaysia was the first country to invest in Sri Lanka after the war ended.In a separate event, Withana told reporters the country planned to increase the number of Malaysian visitors to Sri Lanka to 50,000 next year.“And to achieve that target, Sri Lanka Tourism currently holds tourism promotional activities in collaboration with the Sri Lankan Embassy in Malaysia, which started last Tuesday,” he said.The events include Sri Lanka Tourism Cultural Extravaganza at Berjaya Times Square, Food and Cultural Festival at InterContinental Hotel and tourism promotional campaign at Suria, KLCC here.Withana also said Sri Lanka Airlines and the Sri Lankan Tourism Board will organise a series of marketing activities to address the main markets in Malaysia, which has brought 25,000 Malaysian visitors to the island republic this year.He said Malaysians were spoilt for choice as Sri Lanka had 31 flights a week from Kuala Lumpur to Colombo, adding that the island republic could offer a lot of good attractions such as beaches, wildlife attractions, tea plantations, mountains and cultural diversities. — Bernama-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=38257,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +453,"The Swiss government has said that the need to protect Sri Lankan Tamil asylum seekers with links to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) is decreasing with the improvement in the human rights situation in Sri Lanka.“Today we acknowledge that considerable progress has been made in the area of human rights, for example in the freedom of expression and assembly. Therefore more restrictive conditions now apply for recognizing the refugee status of journalists, human rights activists and opposition politicians. And the need to protect those with a link to the vanquished Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), is decreasing,” the Swiss website swissinfo.ch quotes the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) as saying.However, the Swiss authorities still see “some gaps” in the human rights situation in Sri Lanka and therefore, each application for political asylum will be examined separately to see whether or not there is a case for admission.In response to concerns expressed by the Swiss and Tamil human rights lobbies that those who get back to Sri Lanka will be tortured and jailed, SEM said that no one who will be tortured will be sent back.-NIE-Agencies",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=37338,22,,Other Ethnic groups,News +454,"The brazen invasion of Sri Lankan airspace by Indian Air Force jets and transport aircraft on June 4, 1987, enraged Sri Lankan army officers who were, at that time, doggedly and successfully carrying out “Operation Liberation” against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in the Vadamarachchi region of Jaffna peninsula.“It was honestly, a terrible scene. My rage resurfaced; if we had any powerful anti-aircraft weapons in our possession, we would have not only shot down these aircraft but would have crushed them with a sledgehammer into smithereens and flushed them down the toilet,” writes Maj.Gen.Kamal Gunaratne in his book Road to Nandikadal releasedhere on Tuesday.“We had no power or capability to shoot down the hooligans who were raping our airspace. We were all totally helpless and powerless against this violation. Great leaders in our presence like Brig. Kobbekaduwa and Col.Wimalaratne were equally powerless. There are no words sufficient to describe the anger, hatred, disgust and sadness which shot through my entire being. For all of us, it was a huge humiliation.”Blaming the non-equalitarian Indian social order for the way India was treating Sri Lanka, Gen.Gunaratne asks: “As a country which believes, promotes and maintains the caste system in its very social fabric, wasn’t this like treating Sri Lankan as Harijans (low caste people) by a bunch of Brahmins (high caste people)?”A further reason for dismay for Gen.Gunaratne and his comrades was the world’s turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to Sri Lanka.Though the Government of Sri Lanka took this matter up with the international community, no country took it seriously and the message conveyed by the world’s powers was: “ India is the regional power. Anything that happens in the region should not affect the Indian interests. Therefore work in collaboration with India.”The Sri Lankan government then decided to abort the Vadamarachchi operation which was then poised to progress into its second phase.But this did not stop the LTTE from continuing its aggression. On July 5, 1987, it introduced to the world the first “suicide bomber”, Capt.Miller, who drove a lorry loaded with explosives into the Nelliady army camp in Vadamarachchi.Indo-Sri Lanka AccordAbout the India-Sri Lanka Accord of July 1987, Gen.Gunaratne says that it was “pushed down the throats” of Sri Lankans and adds: “ Everybody wished and prayed that India would learn a good lesson from the LTTE one day, for its role in breeding and nurturing terrorists against our motherland.”However, he completely disapproves of the naval rating’s rifle attack on Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi when Gandhi was inspecting a Guard of Honor at the President’s House in the Fort after signing the Accord on July 29, 1987.“When a Guard of Honor is presented by one country to the leader of another, and if a member of that guard assaults the leader who was being honored, it is a disgrace of the highest order to the host country. Not only us, as members of the Sri Lankan Forces, I think all Sri Lankans irrespective of their age, gender or race, should feel ashamed of this highly unethical action of this sailor,” Gen.Gunaratne says.He then reproduces a poem written by fellow officer Lt.Palitha Weerasinghe, lamenting the “disgraceful act and unpardonable offense” of the naval rating.On the deployment of the Indian Keeping Force (IPKF) in Sri Lanka’s Tamil-speaking North and East, from July 30 onwards, Gen.Gunaratne says: “ There were some amongst us who were tired of fighting and were therefore very happy about this new development, but for us battle-hardened young officers and men, it was another bitter experience,” New Indian Express reports.-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=36857,21,,Not relevant,News +463,"Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias Karuna Amman, who was Special Commander of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in the eastern Sri Lankan districts of Batticaloa and Ampara, says that the rift between him and LTTE Supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran took place in December 2002 when the Tiger chieftain accused him of “betrayal” of the kind Mahendrarajah alias Mahatthya was accused of in the early 1990s and executed.Prabhakaran was livid with Karuna for persuading his chief negotiator, Anton Balasingham, to sign the December 5, 2002 “Oslo Declaration” which had committed the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam to “exploring the possibility of finding a political solution based on a federal structure within a united Sri Lanka.”At a stormy Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam’s Central Committee meeting at Kilinochchi later in December, Karuna owned that he persuaded a reluctant Balasingham to accept the Norwegian Government’s draft declaration while other members of the LTTE delegation were either non-committal or suggested consultation with Prabhakaran before signing.Tried to Save TigersDefending his action, Karuna said that he supported the signing of the Declaration only to “save the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam from isolation” in the international community which had become hostile to armed movements following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack in New York.“Prabhakaran was a good man, but he had no knowledge of globalization,” Karuna said.“At the special Central Committee meeting at Kilinochchi, Prabhakaran tore a copy of the Oslo Declaration to bits and accused me of selling out the struggle for Tamil Eelam. I tried to explain to him that the Declaration had only said that the two sides would explore a federal solution, not accept it. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam could always quit the talks if these were unsatisfactory, I submitted. But my arguments fell on deaf ears.”“However, the real sting was in Prabhakaran’s charge that I had betrayed him as Mahatthya (his Deputy) did earlier. This hurt me deeply, because unlike Mahatthya, who was planning to kill Prabhakaran, I was only trying to save him and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam,” Karuna said.Monitors’ HelpSensing trouble, Karuna asked the European ceasefire monitors to urgently send a helicopter to fly him to his base in Batticaloa. “Once in Batticaloa, I refused to answer summons to come to Kilinochchi, knowing full well what would happen if I did,” Karuna said.(NIE)",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32891,8,,Other Ethnic groups,News +466,"K. Krishnakumar (39), the former militant of the proscribed Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) arrested by the police in Ramanathapuram on July 20 turned out to be a hard nut to crack and the ‘Q’ Branch police could arrest only one person, a Sri Lankan Tamil who had offered financial assistance to him in the aftermath of his arrest, police sources said.After the special branch team arrested him on the night of July 20 and remanded him in judicial custody, the Q branch police took his custody for four days but could not obtain any valuable information about the possible regrouping of those who had served in LTTE and whether they were trying to revive the movement after it was defeated by the Lankan forces in the civil war in 2009.True to the nature of a hardcore militant, he was a hard nut to crack, the sources said adding he pleaded ignorance of any network operating in Tamil Nadu. “If we posed four questions, he would answer one, that too very vaguely,” the sources said.Krishnakumar was arrested at the coastal Uchipuli when he came down from Madurai to take a clandestine boat ride to cross over to Talaimannar.He was carrying 75 cyanide capsules, 300 gm of cyanide power, four Global Positioning System (GPS) and seven mobile phones.He had served in the LTTE in the 1990s and came to Tamil Nadu through a valid passport in 2009, police said.Someone in Madurai had handed over the cyanide capsules and the gadgets to be taken to Talaimannar and he would not know beyond that, he told the police during interrogation. The then Q branch Superintendent of Police K. Bhuvaneeshwari also tried her best during the interrogation, the sources added.Based on his information, Q branch police had arrested one V. Subaskaran (39), a Lankan Tamil in Chennai but could not make further headway after the arrest, the sources said.He was residing in Chennai with his family for about six years and used to receive money from foreign sources.He had given money to Krishnakumar through a person, the sources added. He was working as a security in a private company and now lodged in Puzhal central prison.N. Rajendran (44), the local Tamil who had brought Krishnakumar in a car from the Mattuthavani bus stand in Madurai for the illegal ferrying had never met him before.He was waiting at the bus stand and the former militant came near his car after calling him over phone, the sources said.Source: The Hindu",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=31974,7,,Other Ethnic groups,News +468,"The Crusaders for Democracy, a group of former members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), on Tuesday urged the Sri Lankan government to “honour its commitments” made in the past at the international level on the Tamil question.According to the 1987 India-Sri Lanka Accord and the Oslo Communique of December 2002, the Sri Lankan government had agreed to the concepts of federalism and internal self-determination, besides recognising the Northern and Eastern Provinces as areas of historical habitation of Tamil speaking people, said the group, which released its manifesto in Sudamalai near Jaffna.The manifesto wanted the creation of a mechanism that would facilitate self-rule of Tamils. Asked whether the group’s demands were realistic, N. Vithyatharan, coordinator, told The Hindu there was nothing new in the demands of the group. Everything was based on what the Sri Lankan government had accepted. “We want them only to fulfil what they had promised at the international fora.”While adhering itself to an undivided Sri Lanka, the group of former militants resolved that it would strive to achieve its goals through “peaceful and non-violent means”, Mr. Vithyatharan added. Ten candidates have been fielded in the Jaffna electoral district.Meanwhile Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ajith P. Perera rebutted former President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s remarks that the LTTE was raising its head again in the country.Mr. Rajapaksa and his colleagues should immediately stop flaring up the country by their “narrow political manoeuvres”, said Mr. Perera, who’s the United National Party’s candidate in the Kalutara electoral district for the upcoming Parliamentary polls. Their slogan of “racism” was rejected by people of the country during the Presidential election in January this year, he added, the Hindu reports.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=31852,8,,Other Ethnic groups,News +471,"Ananthy Sasistharan, wife of a senior functionary of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), on Saturday urged Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) president M. Karunanidhi and his daughter and MP, Kanimozhi, to break their silence on their role on the issue of surrender of LTTE members to the Sri Lankan security forces in May 2009.In an interview with The Hindu , Ms. Sasitharan, now a member of the Northern Provincial Council (NPC), claimed that “it was after his conversation with Ms. Kanimozhi in Mullivaikkal at about 8 p.m. on May 16, 2009, my husband chose to surrender himself to the forces. This is not the first time that I am saying this. So far, there has been no response from the other side. It is time Karunanidhi Ayya and Ms. Kanimozhi break their silence and tell the world who were all behind the entire episode.”Asked if her husband had any other option, the NPC member said, “He might have taken cyanide pills as he had two.” However, she said she was not aware of the instructions of the LTTE to its members in such an eventuality. On Thursday, she deposed before the Mullativu District Court in connection with a habeas corpus petition filed by her, seeking the authorities to produce her husband, who is also known as Ezhilan and LTTE political commissar for Trincomalee at the time of surrender. In the court too, she had referred to the conversation between her husband and Ms. Kanimozhi.Giving her account of events that took place in May 2009, the NPC member, who maintained that she had never been a member of the LTTE, said that she was present when her husband spoke over a satellite phone to Ms. Kanimozhi, who, according to her, represented her father. ”After the talk, he told me that she had told him to surrender and she had also assured him of release, as talks were in progress at the international level,” Ms Sasitharan said.At around 8 a.m on May 18, near Mullativu District Secretariat, her husband surrendered to the security forces in the presence of a Catholic priest and he was followed by hundreds of LTTE members. Ms. Sasitharan and her three children witnessed the surrender. Later, they left for Vavuniya. [The same day, LTTE chief V. Prabakaran was killed by the Sri Lankan Army]The NPC member said the surrender involving her husband was different from another surrender which was generally known and which took place on the same day. The latter case pertained to LTTE senior functionaries B. Nadesan and S. Pulithevan.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=31148,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +477,"While seeking to extend the ban on the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), the Indian Centre and the Tamil Nadu government told a tribunal that the banned outfit nurtures an idea of “greater Tamil Nadu, which includes the state of Tamil Nadu, part of Kerala, part of Karnataka, part of Andhra Pradesh and North-Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka”.The tribunal was also told that an offshoot of the banned terrorist outfit carried out a blast outside the home of former UPA minister P Chidambaram and tried to target the home of V Narayanasamy in Tamil Nadu.The Delhi High Court tribunal was set up earlier this year to review whether the ban on LTTE should be renewed for another five years. On November 20, the tribunal, headed by Justice G P Mittal, upheld the Home Ministry’s notification to declare the LTTE as an “unlawful organisation” for the next five years.MDMK chief Vaiko, who walked out of the NDA recently, had argued against the government’s decision to extend the ban.To support its claim that LTTE posed a danger to India, the state government said that in March this year, two members of the Tamil National Liberation Army — said to have close ties with the LTTE — blasted an iron pipe bomb near Chidambaram’s residence in Tamil Nadu and threw pamphlets to support the ideology of their founder-leader, the late Tamilarasan. A similar pipe bomb was found outside the residence of former UPA minister Narayanasamy.As per the tribunal’s order, the Tamil Nadu government had said, “The LTTE, even after its military defeat in May 2009 in Sri Lanka, has not abandoned the concept of separate nation for Tamils… Lifting of the ban on LTTE would imply allowing a deadly foreign terrorist organisation to operate from India… giving a psychological boost to LTTE as well as the secessionist Tamil forces in India.” The state added that after the ban on LTTE in 2012, as many as five new cases had been registered against the outfit.The MHA also said LTTE has links to other anti-national organisations, like the UK chapter of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front, Kesari Lehat Movement, Sikh Activist Network, etc, Indian Express reports.",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=29089,13,,Other Ethnic groups,News +478,"The Council of the European Union has decided to appeal the Judgment of the EU General Court annulling the sanctions imposed on the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).The Judgement of the General Court of the European Union on 16 October 2014 annulled measures taken by the Council of the European Union against the LTTE, namely the designation of the LTTE as a terrorist organisation and the freezing of LTTE funds.“It is important to remember that this legal ruling was clearly based on procedural grounds and it did not imply any assessment by the Court of the substantive issues of designating the LTTE or of freezing LTTE funds,” the EU office in Colombo said.“The Council has now decided to challenge some of the findings of the Court regarding the procedural grounds to list terrorist organizations under EU autonomous measures to combat terrorism, as set out in Common Position 2001/931,” it said in a statement.The effects of the Judgement are suspended until a final judgement is rendered by the Court of Justice.“The EU institutions are also studying carefully other appropriate remedial actions that may be taken to avoid possible annulments in the future,” it said.The EU had declared the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) a terrorist outfit in 2006, following the earlier proscriptions of the USA and Canada. The ban criminalises any activity that could be connected to the LTTE.The Sri Lankan government had expressed concern over the ruling while Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe in November wrote to the European Union (EU) High Representative Federica Mogherini requesting to file an appeal against EU General Court’s verdict to lift sanctions on the LTTE.",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=28945,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +479,"The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy is about to build 18 naval bases in various regions, in the next 10 years, including Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Mynanmar in the Northern, Western and Central South Indian Oceans, the Namibian reported.The naval bases are: Chongjin Port (North Korea), Moresby Port (Papua New Guinea), Sihanoukville Port (Cambodia), Koh Lanta Port (Thailand) Sittwe Port (Myanmar), Dhaka Port (Bangladesh), Gwadar Port (Pakistan), Hambantota Port (Sri Lanka), Maldives, Seychelles, Djibouti Port (Djibouti).“These three strategic lines will further enhance China’s effectiveness in taking responsibility for maintaining the safety of international maritime routes thereby maintaining regional and world stability,” the media reports said.China plans to build replenishment, berthing and maintenance bases in foreign countries through mutually beneficial and friendly consultations. Furthermore, the reports state that the Chinese navy will not establish “US-style” military bases, yet it will not exclude the establishment of a number of so-called ‘Overseas Strategic Support Bases’ in accordance with prevailing international rules.China has several major infrastructure development and resource extraction interests in Namibia. It also has a satellite tracking station near Swakopmund.The decision for strengthening China’s national armed forces in line with the country’s international standing to meet the needs of its security and development interests, was taken at the Chinese Communist Party congress.China’s navy boasts of a personnel strength of 255 000 servicemen and women, including 10 000 marines and 26 000 naval air force personnel. It is the second largest navy in the world in terms of tonnage, behind only the United States Navy, and has the largest number of major combatants of any navy.",WOMEN,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=28789,4,,Women,News +480,"A special tribunal constituted by the Delhi High Court reserved its verdict on whether the Centres ban on terror group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) needs to be upheld.The tribunal, headed by Justice G P Mittal, reserved its order after conclusion of arguments by the government represented by advocate Anil Soni as well as other parties in the matter.The central government as well as state of Tamil Nadu submitted before the tribunal that as per the documents and oral evidence on record, LTTE continues to practice violent, disruptive and unlawful activities, which are prejudicial to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of India.Despite a continuous ban on LTTE since 1992 in India, its activities continue to pose a threat and are detrimental to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India directly or through various pro-LTTE organizations, the government has submitted before the tribunal.The central and state governments have also submitted that LTTE and pro-LTTE groups have been active in Tamil Nadu even during the period of ban on the outfit since May 2012.LTTE has been banned for a further five years under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act by the central government. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=28655,5,,Other Ethnic groups,News +484," Is the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which ran out of steam in 2009 following the killing of its founder Velupillai Prabhakaran by Sri Lankan armed forces, trying to regroup itself in Australia?The arrest of four human traffickers while trying to transport six Sri Lankans to the land of Kangaroos through the Prakasam coast earlier this week has led to a suspicion among sleuths that the LTTE may be trying to revive itself after lying low for five years.These sleuths, including Intelligence Bureau, CBI and Tamil Nadu police, came from Chennai in the wake of the busting of the human trafficking racket.According to police sources, the illegal emigrants to Australia from Sri Lanka hailed from, among other places, Mullaitivu and Mattakalappu, the erstwhile strongholds of LTTE and are in the age group of 24 to 28 years. The youths with robust physique are without decent jobs. A sense of alienation has crept into their minds and hearts.This provided a fertile ground for recruitment of disgruntled youths unhappy with the living conditions in the island nation, the informed sources feel, adding, The purpose of the youth flocking to the faraway Australia may not be merely for the sake of jobs.Giving credence to this view, one of the illegal emigrants to Australia through the Prakasam coast laments while talking to The Hindu that, we are looked down upon as second class citizens in Sri Lanka. There is no chance for us to bag government contracts. We have to satisfy ourselves by executing sub-contracts that too after paying hefty bribes leaving us with little profit margin.The probe reveals that the traffickers have used satellite phones with Global Positioning System(GPS) to keep in touch with their counterparts in the high seas and also transported illegally Lankan Tamils to other countries such as Ireland, UK and Canada, the sources say, adding after facing the heat in neighbouring Tamil Nadu as also Puducherry. The human traffickers seem to have shifted their operations to Prakasam coast to transport illegal emigrants from Sri Lanka without hassles after landing in Chennai by air. The probe also revealed that at least 60 illegal emigrants had used the Prakasam coast in the past to reach their favourite destination overseas. Subjecting the Sri Lanka-born kingpin of the racket Shanmugalingam to narco-analysis test will unravel the full details, the police sources said. The Hindu ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27903,4,,Other Ethnic groups,News +485,"The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are running Madrassa type indoctrination schools in European Union countries in which there is a substantial population of Tamils from Sri Lanka, a top Lankan diplomat has revealed.Speaking at the Ministry of Defense conclave here, Sri Lankas Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Ravinatha Aryasinha, said that the LTTE has established Madrassa-type schools called Tamil Cholai to ferment the radicalization of Tamil youth, and glorify terrorism and martyrdom.He further said that students of these schools are forced to participate in propaganda events organized by the LTTE and its front organizations.An estimated 20,000 Tamil students between the ages of 4 and 21 years are studying in more than 300 Tamil Cholai (language) schools functioning in Europe under different names. They receive host government funding in some cases, but in actuality, are directly or indirectly administered by the LTTE, and generate their own funds, Aryasinha said.Authorities VigilantHowever, the law enforcement agencies in the EU, are vigilant and have taken action against the LTTE, the Lankan diplomat said. Since the end of the war in Lanka in May 2009, 32 LTTE activists had been arrested and 21 convicted.Aryasinha pointed out that the recently released EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 2014 (TE-SAT 2014) of the EUROPOL had observed that LTTE networks remain in numerous countries, and continued to attempt to rebuild their structures and operating capabilities, especially via fundraising and money laundering.The report said that in Switzerland, for instance, police continued to investigate the activities of a number of former LTTE members. The investigation focused primarily on operations aimed at channeling funds collected on Swiss territory to Sri Lanka. -Indian Express. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27798,7,,Other Ethnic groups,News +487," Three suspected members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), who were arrested in Malaysia and charged with attempting to revive the now defunct terrorist organisation, were brought back to Sri Lanka, police said.They were brought to Sri Lanka last night and are currently in the custody of the Terrorism Investigation Department (TID), which is conducting further investigations, the Police Spokesmans Office said.Edmond Singaraja a.k.a. Seelan a.k.a. Shashee, Aguru Kamkanamlage Indika Sanjina a.k.a. Mohamed Sanjaya Abdul and Abdul Saleem Bin Mohamed were arrested by operatives of Malaysian Special Branchs Counter-Terrorism Division (SB-CTD) earlier this month. The men were believed to be trying to revive LTTE and make Malaysia as a base for its operations.The LTTE suspects had possessed refugee cards issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at the time of their arrest, however after extensive investigations by Malaysian authorities measures were taken to deport them to Sri Lanka. ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27407,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +488,"According to the Bureau of the Commissioner General ofRehabilitation (BCGR), there are 132 former members of the Liberation Tigers ofTamil Eelam (LTTE) currently undergoing rehabilitation.The Commissioner General of Rehabilitation Maj. Gen. JagathWijetilleke said that nearly 12,000 former LTTE cadres either surrendered orwere taken into custody following the end of the war in 2009.The remaining 132 ex-LTTE combatants are currentlyundergoing the one-year rehabilitation program that is jointly conducted by theSri Lanka Army and BCGR at the Poonthottam Rehabilitation Center in Vavuniya.Maj. Gen. Wijetilleke said delegates from the InternationalCommittee of the Red Cross (ICRC) visit the ex-LTTE cadres regularly as do thefamily members of the participants.Once in every three months, we are reintegrating a batch,and the next one will be in June, he added.From those who have already been rehabilitated andreintegrated back into society, more than 230 have qualified to pursue highereducation while 35 are currently studying at universities.According to Maj. Gen. Wijetilleke, the progress and welfareof those who have already been reintegrated are constantly being monitored bythe Socio Economic Welfare Coordinating Office for Rehabilitated Beneficiaries,established at the District Secretariat offices in all districts in theNorthern and Eastern provinces. The primary responsibility of this office is toensure the successful and sustainable socio-economic reintegration of allrehabilitated ex-combatants and their families in the respective districts bycoordinating with all government and corporate sector institutions, INGOs, NGOsand the community.After completing the government-sponsored rehabilitationprogram, ex-combatants become eligible to receive loans up to Rs. 250,000 at aminimal interest rate to start livelihood programs. So far, 1,773 rehabilitatedex-combatants have received this loan and many more applications are beingevaluated, the Commissioner General said. In addition to the loan facility, theBureau is also exploring ways to provide the rehabilitated individuals withemployment opportunities abroad.A construction company in Singapore has expressed itsinterest in recruiting 40 rehabilitees who have received vocational training,he said.The rehabilitation period includes professional trainingcourses in areas such as mechanical skills, information technology,agriculture, animal husbandry, beauty culture, food processing, education,handicrafts, carpentry and construction, among others. Many are currentlyemployed in both government and private sectors.The rehabilitation process also comprises psychologicalassistance, education, sports, and spiritual, religious and culturalempowerment. Since the end of the war in May 2009, the Government has spent Rs.2.5 billion on the rehabilitation of former LTTE cadres. In 2013, theGovernment increased the allocation for these programs from Rs. 300 million toRs. 500 million.Following a recommendation by the Lessons Learnt andReconciliation Commission (LLRC), a special committee was appointed to studythe cases of detained LTTE suspects and expedite legal action where necessary, PresidentMedia Unit reported. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26954,8,,Other Ethnic groups,News +490," Malaysian Police have arrested three men suspected to be members of the Sri Lankan Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) terrorist group in Selangor, Malaysia.The suspects were nabbed at different locations in Klang and Petaling Jaya in a special operation conducted by the Special Branchs Counter-Terrorism Division (CTD) on May 15.Malaysias Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar in a statement today said the men, who hold UNHCR refugee cards, are suspected of attempting to revive the LTTE activities, especially at international level.He said the suspects, who came to Malaysia in 2004, were suspected of using this country as their base to spread the groups propaganda as well as to collect funds for their activities.In the operation, police also found and seized LTTE propaganda materials, media equipment as well as foreign currencies from 24 nations equivalent to RM 20,176.53.The suspects had been using UNHCR cards here to avoid from authorities action.Police will continue to work together with the UNHCR office here to ensure that their identity cards are not exploited by terrorists to hide or conduct any terrorism act, whether against this nation or others, he said.The suspects are being detained under the Immigration Act to facilitate investigations. - New Straits Times ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26839,2,,Other Ethnic groups,News +494,"Indias former Union Law Minister and advocate Ram Jethmalani has said that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was created by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for the protection of Indian interests. Jethmalani also hit out at the India-Sri Lanka peace accord signed in 1987 stating that it was the great betrayal of Indian interest. He said LTTE was created by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for the protection of Indian interests. They were trained by our own agency RAW. When the Chinese and the Pakistanis were establishing their power in Sri Lanka, Indira wanted some force inside Sri Lanka to safeguard our Indian interests, he was quoted as saying by Indian media. He also took a dig at Rajiv Gandhi blaming him of betraying Indian interest in the past. He soon enough got involved in Bofors. And, it is the Bofors phase of his life that made him enter into a pact with Sri Lanka with a very fox-like politician called Jayawardene (former Sri Lankan President, Junius Richard Jayawardene) and I think that Indo-Ceylon pact that he entered into was a great betrayal of Indian interest. And, those who were treated as state guests and given training and money, they were exposed to be killed by Indian army which was sent to Sri Lanka. It certainly was betrayal and a case of great provocation, though within the meaning of penal code, it cannot be called grave and sudden provocation, he said. Hailing Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa for taking the right decision to release former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhis assassins, Jethmalani, opposing death sentence, said that delay exceeding two years in the execution of death sentence should be considered sufficient to invoke Article 21 and demand quashing of the sentence. Speaking at a function where he was felicitated by MDMK chief Vaiko for saving the assassins from the gallows, Jethmalani complimented the Chief Minister for her decision to release the seven convicts and hoped she would stick to her decision. Hitting out at Congress for opposing the release of the convicts, he said some sycophants in Congress opposed the move for electoral gains. Talking about Santhan, Murugan and Perarivalan, he said the trio had been living in the shadow of the noose for over 23 years. It was like undergoing 15 life sentences, Jethmalani said. Quoting Justice O Chinappa Reddy, he said the judge in his verdict 50 years ago stated that any delay in carrying out the death sentence beyond two years should be considered sufficient to entitle the person under sentence of death to invoke Article 21. Justice Sadasivam just did what Justice Chinappa Reddy did 50 years ago, Jethmalani said hailing the judgement. Jethmalani said he opposed death penalty and quoted British philosopher of law Jeremy Bentham that human justice is fallible. He said the courts should not inflict sentences that are irrevocable and he is for the abolition of death sentence. Jethmalani had appeared for the defence of three convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, Santhan, Murugan and Perarivalan, in their plea against death sentence. On Thursday the Supreme Court postponed the hearing on the Centres plea against the Tamil Nadu Governments decision to release seven prisoners convicted in Rajiv Gandhi assassination case till March 26. - With inputs from ENS/ANI ",OTHER,OTHER,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26016,6,,Other Ethnic groups,News +496," A former member of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), who was deported from Canada, has been arrested at the Katunayake International Airport, police said.Jayakumar Munieswaramoorthy, who was arrested and deported by Canadian authorities on charges of collecting funds for a group linked to the Tamil Tigers, was taken into custody by the Terrorism Investigations Department (TID) after arriving in the country last night. The suspects is being detained and further interrogated, police spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana said. He is suspected to be involved in fund raising activities for the overseas LTTE faction led by Perinbananaygam Sivaparan also known as Nediyavan. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=25717,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +497," Former President of Sri Lanka Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga on Friday said she always tried her best for peace despite military conflict with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in the island nation during her tenure.Speaking at the sixth international womens conference organised by the Art of Living (AOL) in Bangalore, Kumaratunge said she ensured that development works and peace talks progressed simultaneously in the war-torn country.I always wanted to talk to the terror (LTTE) groups. They did not want any government officials involved in the talks and I even agreed with their demand for international observers, she said.Stating that the hospitals she opened had even treated the terrorists injured in the battle, she said she continued her efforts for peace even after an attempt on her life.They tried to kill me two days before the elections and even made an attempt on my life after elections, she said. Mentioning some of the dark phases in her life, Kumaratunga said it is the religious belief and study of religion that shaped her life.On leadership, she said that when an individual in power begins thinking of himself, corruption begins.A leader begins to think that power is Gods gift and begins to do whatever he wants. In order to rock, he (the person in power) needs to consolidate power and to consolidate power he builds his family around him, this becomes terrible as he tries to eliminate opponents, she said.The First Lady of Sri Lanka, Shiranthi Wickremesinghe Rajapakshe was among the prominent leaders who spoke on Friday.At the three-day conference, representatives from 46 countries will deliberate on several issues and women leaders from Azerbaijan, Norway, Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Belgium and other countries will speak on several issues. ",OTHER,OTHER,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=25684,8,,Other Ethnic groups,News +498,"MP Anura Kumara Dissnayake has been unanimously elected as the new Leader of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (Peoples Liberation Front) at the partys 7th National Convention held at the Sugathadasa Indoor Stadium today. The vociferous JVP Parliamentarian was among the forerunners to take the top post in the party after Somawansa Amarasinghe had offered to step down from the leadership at a politburo meeting due to the declining electoral fortune of the party. A new Central Committee consisting of 30 members was also elected unanimously while the policy framework of the JVP under the theme Our Vision was also adopted at the convention. The Central Committee is to meet later and elect a General Secretary, Information Secretary, Financial Secretary, Administrative Secretary, International Secretary, National Organizer and a Political Bureau. The following members were elected for the Central Committee of the party: Somawansa Amarasinghe Tilvin Silva Anura Dissanayaka Vijitha Herath Lal Kantha Bimal Ratnayaka Sunil Handunneththi Jinadasa Kithulegoda R. Chandrasekar Lakshman Nipunarachchi Nihal Galappaththi Samantha Vidyaratna Mahinda Jayasinghe Nalinda Jayatissa Gamini Ratnayaka Wasantha Piyatissa Attorney at Law Sunil Watagala Samanmalee Gunasinghe H.P. Dhammika Chandrika Adhikary Wasantha Samarasinghe Samantha Koralearachchi Sumathipala Manawadu M.D. Wijeratna Sisira Kumara Wahalathanthri Namal Karunartna Nalin Hewage T.B. Sarath Sudath Balagalla Janaka Adhikary ",OTHER,OTHER,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=25623,1,,Other Ethnic groups,News +31,"President Ranil Wickremesinghe, during a meeting with students from Girls’ High School Kandy on Tuesday (Aug. 08), has expressed his strong commitment to increasing women’s representation in politics through reformative changes.He has also highlighted his dedication to achieving a significant level of women’s participation in politics and emphasized the need for specific reforms to facilitate this objective, according to the President’s Media Division (PMD).President Wickremesinghe made these remarks in response to a question raised by one of the visiting students from Girls’ High School Kandy, representing the Student Parliament.As part of their tour, over 100 female students have visited various governmental institutions, including the Sri Lankan Parliament, Colombo’s port city, the President’s House, and the Presidential Secretariat.The students also had the opportunity to engage in a friendly meeting with the President at the main auditorium of the Presidential Secretariat.The PMD said President Wickremesinghe has provided the students with valuable insights into the history, structure, and pivotal role of the Presidential Secretariat as the primary decision-making institution in the country’s governance.The Head of State also emphasized the importance of providing students studying arts subjects with opportunities to explore other fields such as science and mathematics for higher education.President Wickremesinghe stated that he believes that such interdisciplinary learning will enable them to contribute effectively to the future development of Sri Lanka, with a vision towards becoming a developed nation by 2048.This visit by Girls’ High School Kandy students has marked the initial phase of a program initiated to open the Presidential Secretariat to school children, the PMD said. During their visit, the students had the chance to acquire new skills and gain valuable experiences.",WOMEN,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=92530,3,,Women,News +42,"Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) has issued a public notice claiming that certain individuals have made representations to the police fraudulently posing as officers of the HRCSL.Reportedly, the fraudsters had worn IDs with official insignia of the Commission.The Commission stated that it is deeply concerning as there had been similar incidents in the past that have had to be referred to the authorities for investigation.If any official or a member of the public has reason to doubt whether a person is genuinely representing the national Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, they are requested to call the HRCSL hotline (1996) to verify, said HRCSL.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=62697,1,,Not relevant,News +43,"Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe tabled the report prepared by the Panel of Experts for the Steering Committee and representations made by political parties on drafting a new constitution, at the Constitutional Assembly today (11).Wickremesinghe, who is also the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Constitutional Assembly, presenting the Expert Panel report assured that there is no plan to divide the country.The report is based on the Interim Report, six Sub Committee Reports, the Report of the ad hoc Sub Committee set up by the Steering Committee to look into the relationship between the Parliament and the Provincial Councils.The Chapters on Fundamental Rights and Freedom, Language Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy contained in the report are those proposed by the Sub Committee on Fundamental Rights while the Chapter on Citizenship is reproduced from the present Constitution.Read the full report below:Expert Panel report tabled at the Constitutional Assembly on 11 January 2019 by Ada Derana on Scribd",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=52613,1,,Not relevant,News +44,"The Cabinet of Ministers have approved the proposal to prepare the draft bill to conduct the upsomcing provincial council election, under the former proportional representation method while ensuring 25% female representation, for this time only.Co-Cabinet Spokesman Mahinda Samarasinghe announced this today (14), at the weekly Cabinet press briefing at the Government Information Department.Provision should be made promptly for Provincial Council Election, since 6 out of 9 provincial councils have already completed their official terms, he said.He said that the Electoral Divisions determination process which is essential for conducting elections under the Mixed Member Proportional Representation method introduced under Provincial Council Elections Act No. 2 of 1988 amended by the provincial council elections (Amendment Act) no 17 of 2017, has not been accomplished up to now.Considering the need of conducting Provincial Council Election immediately, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Minister of Provincial Council, Local Government and Sports, Faizer Musthapa, to prepare bills to conduct provincial council election, under the former proportional representation method ensuring 25% female representation for this time only.Meanwhile the Cabinet has also decided to provide school uniform material for school children instead of vouchers for next year (2019).The Co-Cabinet spokesman said that authenticating the equal opportunities in education, the government has provided school uniform cloth to approximately 45 lakh of all school students over 25 years since 1993.It is understood that former system of providing school uniform cloth collected from local manufactures is more profitable than the “Gift Voucher” system practiced by the government recently, he claimed.Considering the Rs. 50 profit per 1 meter of cloth and saving foreign exchange by purchasing cloth from local manufacturers, the Cabinet of Ministers Approved the proposal presented by Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Wijayadasa Rajapaksha, to provide school uniform cloth for 2019.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=51428,5,,Not relevant,News +45,"The Sinhala and Tamil language translations of the draft of the new Constitution have been completed, according to the Chairman of the Public Representations Committee on Constitutional Reform Lal Wijenayake.The draft of the New Constitution, which was prepared with the public opinion gathered on the matter, will be presented to the operations committee on constitutional reforms on October 11, Lal Wijenayake stated.Meanwhile, the Senior Lecturer in Law at the Open University of Sri Lanka Attorney-at-Law Raja Gunaratne has expressed his objection towards the 20th Amendment to the Constitution that has been presented to the Parliament.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=50437,2,,Not relevant,News +46,"If an MP of a certain political party wishes to act independently, the General Secretary of the relevant party has the authority to suspend the parliamentary membership of the MP, says Lal Wijenayake, Chairman of the Public Representations Committee on Constitutional Reform (PRC).According to our electoral system, the first vote is cast for the party, and subsequently three votes are cast for three candidates in order of preference, he said.Since the group of MPs of Joint Opposition, who wish to act independently, was appointed from the votes of UPFA, the General Secretary of UPFA has the authority to request the Elections Commissioner to suspend the parliamentary membership of these MPs, added Lal Wijenayake.The Elections Commissioner then informs the Speaker and the relevant MPs regarding the suspension of the parliamentary membership.He further stated that the MPs, whose parliamentary membership is suspended, are given a time period of two months appeal the court claiming the decision to be illegal.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=49384,2,,Not relevant,News +47,"Under the Executive Presidency, the public representation isn’t doesn’t take place as it is in the parliament, says JVP.JVP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake says that the Executive has made the Cabinet powerless.He said this at a conference held in Colombo on the 20th Amendment to the constitution.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=48677,1,,Not relevant,News +48,"Former Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Ajith Nivard Cabraal, has refuted the allegations made in a recent article published by The New York Times, referring to it as ‘fakeâ€â���¢ news which has violated the truth and a gross misrepresentation of facts.The New York Times article dated 25 June 2018 titled “How China got Sri Lanka to cough up a Port,” written by Maria Abi-Habib, had made certain accusations pertaining to China’s acquisition of the strategic Hambantota port from Sri Lanka while highlighting Beijing’s “debt trap” and ambitious use of loans to gain influence around the world.The report says feasibility studies had found that the port would not work and “frequent lenders” like India had refused to provide loans or assistance for the port, developed during Sri Lanka’s president Mahinda Rajapaksa’s rule.However, issuing a response today, Rajapaksa’s former Central Bank chief Ajith Nivard Cabraal slammed the NYT article as a gross misrepresentation of facts as well as a piece of journalism which has violated the truth in a shocking manner.“This is probably the type of propaganda under the veil of journalism that President Donald Trump has been regularly referring to as ‘Fake’ news or reports,” he charged.The article had also pointed out certain facts pertaining to Sri Lanka debt position under the former President’s reign and also claimed that Rajapaksa’s campaign aides have received direct payments from the Chinese port construction fund.Cabraal said that he was interviewed by the NYT correspondent in question Maria Abi- Habib on 10th May 2018, and that he countered “almost every one of her string of allegations and pre-conceived notions” in an hour long interview, with irrefutable facts and figures.He said that not surprisingly, Maria Abi-Habib has chosen to ignore all his responses relating to the Chinese loans and projects, as well as Sri Lanka’s debt position under former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, which he says would have materially changed her “flawed findings” and “highly suspect conclusions”.“Her stance therefore undoubtedly confirms she was on a mission to provide a pre-determined and completely one-sided view point which is detrimental to both China and Sri Lanka in general, and Presidents Xi Jingping and Mahinda Rajapaksa, in particular.”Cabraal points out that this article is a ‘two-pronged’ attack on China and Sri Lanka.“This reporter wishes to show China as a really terrible country which has gone and taken over other countries. And has shown Sri Lanka as a country that got trapped in to providing them with the assets, as a result of the debt overtaking. Both of which are untrue”The former CBSL Governor added that he will submit a detailed reply to this “shockingly imbalanced” article, which he said is not worthy of being published in a newspaper such as the New York Times, and “expose it’s subjectivity in a few days.”He comments on to say that the previous government did the needful assessment prior to commissioning the port.“There was never anyone saying that the Hambantota port was a dud project. It is one of the most Important projects and that is why the Chinese are willing to pay a billion dollars and take it over today…….If it wasn’t who is going to pay a billion dollars and take over a project which is a dud?”He further states that this whole story is a fabrication of the current government to sell the port.“This government sold that port and to sell that port they sold this story to the country saying it is a dud project”Meanwhile the ex-President’s eldest son MP Namal Rajapaksa also tweeted a response to the NYT article stating that it had many inaccuracies.“Many inaccuracies in this article. Acknowledging the Port is near 1 of the world’s busiest shipping lanes shows why it’s still a major focus for the West, fearing China’s growing global influence. Sri Lanka‘s assets shouldn’t be used as geopolitical pawns in this power struggle,” he said.Meanwhile Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake has lodged a complaint regarding this with the Financial Crimes Investigation Division.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=48341,4,,Not relevant,News +51,"The Local Government bodies will undergo a significant social and economic change through the introduction of female representation according to the new system of elections, Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government Faiszer Musthapha said.Further speaking the Minister said that members of the Local Government institutions should step out from the era from which they became contractors.Minister Faiszer Musthapha made this statement at a ceremony held in Colombo yesterday (18).The Government gazetted the Provincial Councils Elections (Amendment) Bill to increase the number of female representatives in Provincial Councils, making it binding on all political parties and independent groups to field at least 30 per cent female candidates in Provincial Council elections.The Bill was issued by Minister Faiszer Musthapha as a Supplement to the Gazette on July 7.",WOMEN,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44859,4,,Women,News +52,"Faiszer Musthapha, Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government, Sri Lanka is a man on a mission. To execute 25 per cent representation for women in local government appears a daunting task given the figures for women in government. For women’s representation in parliament is less than 5 per cent and less than 1.5 per cent in local bodies.The parliament has already passed a bill for 25 per cent mandatory representation for women in local government and the Sri Lankan minister is finding inspiration from Kerala to implement this. The minister was on a three-day tour of Kerala, leading a 12-member delegation to study the local government mechanism in the state and learn the role of women in local administration. The biggest takeaway for this delegation are lessons on women empowerment, says Musthapha. “We have a lot to learn from ‘Kudumbashree’ and your panchayat system.In your system, women have entered the local body administration. This has eradicated corruption and increased efficiency. In Sri Lanka, somehow, women have left matters of the state to the men. Women are hesitant to vote for women! Though we boast of the first woman leader in Sirimavo Bandaranaike, the representation of women in government is painfully low. We have passed the bill and have to move forward from a male-dominated system,” he tells Express.“The strength of the family is women. You have brought that strength to local bodies. We have to do that. Like most countries, Sri Lanka has issues regarding corruption and efficiency. So we want to bring women to local bodies and create a transformation.” On Monday, the delegation visited the Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) in Thrissur in order to understand the role of women in the state’s local governance.They visited Kalady grama panchayat and Angamaly municipality to study women’s participation and their empowerment through local governance. During this three-day visit, conferences and debates were held on different topics like the role of KILA in Local Self Government, success of accountability systems - Performance Audit-Social Audit - in the state, the role of women in local governance and the association of Kudumbashree and local government institutes. The team interacted with Kudumbashree members too.On Tuesday, the delegation visited Kerala’s Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, Finance Minister Thomas Isaac, former Chief Minister Oommen Chandy and Local Administration Minister K T Jaleel.Source: The New Indian Express-Agencies",WOMEN,NOT RELEVANT,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44782,54,,Women,News +53,Minister of Local Government and Provincial Councils Faiszer Mustapha stated that a 25 percent female representation has been made compulsory for the upcoming local government elections.The Minister pointed out that the level of corruption and fraud is comparatively low in local government institutions that have female representatives.Minister Mustapha expressed these sentiments while addressing a gathering in Matale.,WOMEN,NOT RELEVANT,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=44007,1,,Women,News +54,"The Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CaFFE) claims that the government has deceived women’s rights organizations, civil society organizations and all interested parties by indicating that the recently passed amendments to Provincial Council Election laws ensure higher female representation at provincial councilors.Issuing a press release, the local election watchdog said that the objective of the amendment is to ensure that 30% of the list of candidates of a political party consists of women.“However there are no provisions in the bill to make a list of candidates’ invalid of it does not consist of 30% of women. Thus the selection officer has no power to reject such a list.”CaFFE said it is unfortunate that women’s rights organizations and civil society organizations’, who are silent on the undemocratic nature in which this bill was passed last week, have not hitherto realized that the bill does not ensure higher female representation in Provincial Councils.The other slogan used by those who supported the bill is that this bill will ensure that the elections for all nine provinces will be held on one day, it said.“Once again there are no provisions on this bill to ensure that. Not only that, a close reading of the bill shows that the elections will have t be held on a staggered basis (at least in two separate occasions).”CaFFE said that the bill has also ensured that the parliament will have to debate and come up with provisions to resolve over a dozen of technical issues and confusions that have arisen.The government will surely bring in new proposals to ‘rectify’ issues that arise from things like appointing a new delimitation commission outside the existing one, it charged.“Given what transpired regarding the amendments to the laws governing local government elections, it is difficult to estimate how long it will take for the Parliament to resolve these issues.”“This can easily lead to a delay in holding elections, this is exactly what the government wants.”",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43215,9,,Not relevant,News +55,"Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe says that the upcoming Local Government, Provincial Council and parliamentary elections will be held under a mixed electoral and proportional representation system.Eerier today it was reported that President Maithripala Sirisena had declared that the upcoming Provincial Council polls will be held under the Electoral system and that the same system will be introduced for the General Election as well.The President informed several Provincial Council members and SLFP parliamentarians of the above when they visited him at his residence yesterday (16).The President stated that this decision was arrived at to eradicate the train of thought that politicians utilized the Preferential voting system to fulfill their personal agendas instead of working towards the betterment of the country.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=43095,1,,Not relevant,News +56,"Due to the lack of public representation in provincial authorities, there is a difficulty in gathering public support in the event of disasters, leader of the People’s United Front (PUF), MP Dinesh Gunawardena states.He stated this yesterday (20) at a press conference organized by the PUF in Colombo.Meanwhile, Minister Arjuna Ranatunga stated that politicians who had obediently assisted various arbitrary activities during the reign of the previous government were now raising various accusations at the present government.Ranatunga stated this at a function held in Colombo yesterday (20).",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=40278,2,,Not relevant,News +57,The Central Committee of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) has agreed to hold the local government election with the Proportional Representation system.Minister S.B. Dissanaake said the decision was made during a meeting held with the participation of President Maithripala Sirisena last night.,NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=38151,1,,Not relevant,News +59,"A representation to Indian central and state governments to transfer Rajiv Gandhi assassination case convict Santhan, a Sri Lankan national, to a prison in his country of origin, has been prepared for his approval, the PTI reported.The representation has been sent through jail authorities to Santhan by his counsel for consent.One among the convicts in the case, T Suthendraraja alias Santhan, a Sri Lankan citizen, is lodged in the central jail here.“Advocate for Santhan has given us a representation requesting us to forward it to him so that he could sign it. We have forwarded it to the prisoner,” a jail official said requesting anonymity.“Only if the prisoner (Santhan) signs the petition, appropriate action will be considered in accordance with law,” the official told PTI.The petition urges state and central authorities to shift Santhan to a prison in Sri Lanka. The request is based on bilateral prisoner exchange pacts between New Delhi and Colombo.-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=36048,4,,Not relevant,News +60,"The final report of the Constitutional Reforms Public Representation Committee (CRPRC) will be handed over to the Speaker today (01).Speaker Karu Jayasuriya is scheduled to accept the report at the Parliament complex from the CRPRC, which was headed by Attorney Lal Wijenayake.The Prime Minister earlier said that the new constitution will be drafted only after obtaining public opinions and recommendations. The PM also announced that officials would use social media to seek public opinion on the constitution.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=35502,2,,Not relevant,News +61,"The Committee on Public Representations on the Constitution (CPRC) will seek public opinion on the proposed constitutional reforms from people in Jaffna and Kurunegala districts today and tomorrow.The CPRC will also seek proposals and suggestions from the public in district of Puttalam on February 17, Anuradhapura on February 18, Nuwara Eliya on February 19 and Polonnaruwa on February 20, according to the Government Information Department.Attorney Lal Wijenayake told Ada Derana that the committee will get public opinion from all the districts of the country to declare views before drafting the new constitution.Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe earlier said that the new constitution will be drafted only after obtaining public opinions and recommendations. The PM also announced that officials would use social media to seek public opinion on the new constitution.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=34182,2,,Not relevant,News +62,"Nalini Sriharan, undergoing life imprisonment in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, on Monday again moved the Madras High Court seeking a direction to Tamil Nadu government to consider her representation for premature release.Nalini, now confined in the Special Prison for women in Vellore, submitted that she has undergone imprisonment for more than 24 years. She was first awarded death sentence, which was confirmed by the Supreme Court and subsequently Tamil Nadu government under Article 161 of the Constitution commuted her sentence to life on April 24 2000.Stating that about 2,200 life convicts who had served 10 years of sentence had been released by Tamil Nadu, she said it had not considered her release on the ground that her case falls under a different section of Code of criminal procedure.She submitted Tamil Nadu government has framed a scheme of premature release of life convicts who had completed 20 years of actual imprisonment. A Government Order was also passed on Novedmber 10, 1994 even under which she was not considered for release, she said.Claiming that she is eligible to be considered for premature release under this scheme, Nalini submitted that she had made a representation on October 22, 2014 to the state government to consider her premature release but government was yet to decide on the representation.She sought a direction from the court to decide on her representation within a reasonable time.Nalini was sentenced to death by the trial court in the case on January 28, 1998. Her sentence was commuted to life term by the Tamil Nadu Governor on April 24, 2000. – PTI-Agencies",WOMEN,NOT RELEVANT,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=33430,12,,Women,News +63,"President Maithripala Sirisena says the delimitation of electoral divisions must be done to ensure proper representation of the people of the area in an electorate and not to ensure the victory of a particular political party.If the delimitation is attempted at a hurried manner, it may not achieve the real objective, he said while presiding over the All Party Meeting on delimitation held at Thalawathugoda today (Dec 11).Hence it is advisable to take more time and do a proper job, he said.Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and representatives from 44 political parties took part in this meeting.The President emphasized the need for solving the issue of women representation in electoral bodies, pointing out that the country has come under international criticism over this issue.He said that required amendments must be adopted early to ensure proper women representation.Local Government and Provincial Councils Minister Faizer Musthapha, Ministers Kabir Hashim, Duminda Dissanayake, Susil Premajayantha, S B Dissanayake, Rauf Hakeem, Mano Ganeshan, Head of Election Commission, Mahinda Deshapriya, officials and party representatives attended the meeting.",WOMEN,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=33398,10,,Women,News +64,"The European Union’s Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) to Sri Lanka today recommended less campaigning restrictions, more transparency with the National Lists and more measures to increase the representation of women in the country. During the presentation of the final report on the 17 August Parliamentary Elections, among other recommendations, Chief Observer Cristian Preda highlighted that “the electoral law could be reviewed to allow direct campaigning; to develop parties finance rules to ensure a level field between candidates; and to require that the parties nominate candidates for the national list seats before elections, so that voters can anticipate the result of their votes”.Mr. Preda also underlined the need “to introduce temporary special measures to increase the representation of women in politics and in key positions in the public sector”.The elections were well-administered and offered voters a genuine choice from among a broad range of political alternatives; and, according to most interlocutors, these were the most peaceful and efficiently conducted elections in the country’s recent history, a statement said.In view of a forthcoming electoral reform, the report contains a detailed analysis of the electoral process in the light of international standards for democratic elections and the Sri Lankan law. It also includes a total of 26 recommendations for future elections in the areas of the legal framework, electoral administration, voter registration, campaign environment, complaints and appeals, gender equality, media, voter education and election observation.The document stresses the importance of the establishment of formalised procedures for the decisions issued by the Commissioner of Elections, as well as the introduction of a suitable communication system of these instructions to political stakeholders, civil society and voters for transparency sake and the integrity of the process.It also recommends the creation of an independent broadcasting regulator which could formulate a comprehensive legislation to provide for, inter alia, a clear and transparent process regarding the allocation of broadcast licences and oblige broadcasters to be balanced and impartial.Furthermore, it points out the necessity of including in the legal framework the right of domestic and international observers to observe all stages of the electoral process.The European Union Election Observation Mission remained in Sri Lanka from 15 July until 4 September, following an invitation from the Commissioner of Elections. The findings are based on the information submitted by 85 EU observers deployed across the country.The EU EOM operated in accordance with the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation, and it is independent in its findings and conclusions.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32727,17,,Not relevant,News +66,"Sri Lanka elected the world’s first female prime minister in 1960 but four decades later the island nation is still struggling to achieve equal representation for women in politics, the Wall Street Journal said in an article.Fresh electoral reforms, which include combining the proportional representation and first-past-the-post system, promised by its new government could be the answer to the female shortfall.Though women’s rights campaigners say the changes are not legally binding and fail to introduce a quota system, which they argue is essential to achieve equality in Parliament.In 1931, Sri Lanka became the first country in Asia to give women the vote.By 1960, Sirimavo Bandaranaike was appointed as the island’s sixth prime minister, the first woman in the role. She served three terms and retired from office at the age of 84. Her daughter, Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, became Sri Lanka’s first woman president in 1994 and completed two terms in power. After blazing a trail, albeit a dynastically driven one, female representation in wider Sri Lankan politics has remained abysmally low, say rights’ advocates.In Parliament, the percentage of women hasn’t gone above 6.5% since independence in 1948. Currently only 13 out of 225 parliamentary members are women – that’s just 5.8%.In provincial councils, women’s representation has never exceeded 6%. For local councils, the statistics are even more dismal, with women’s representation hovering between 1 to 2%.Slow progress in political empowerment has also damaged the country’s attempts to bridge the gender gap. In 2014, Sri Lanka slipped 24 places in the global Gender Gap Index published by the World Economic Forum, despite scoring well on education and healthcare, ending up 79 out of 142 countries.“Transformation of the current political culture is crucial to create an environment in which women can equally run for political office,” said gender rights activist Kumudini Samuels and director of Sri Lanka’s Women and Media Collective. Legally binding mandatory provisions for elected bodies and political parties that include compulsory nominations, closed lists and reserved seats have been successfully used worldwide to increase women representation, she argues.Over a 100 countries have used quota systems to raise political empowerment, including Sri Lanka’s neighbours Pakistan and Afghanistan. But such reforms have received little attention from local legislators.Sri Lanka’s six-month old government is scrambling to push through electoral reforms in Parliament before calling for elections. Minority rights have received significant attention resulting in proposals to increase the present 225 seats in Parliament to 255 to accommodate more Tamil and Muslim legislators. But Ms. Samuels says little has been done to provide sufficient representation for women who make up 52% of Sri Lanka’s 20 million population.The reform process to include women has also been criticised for lacking transparency, despite verbal support from both Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya.Female representation is an issue that is usually dropped by the wayside, acknowledges Deputy Foreign Minister Ajith Perera.“Previous women political leaders were appointed because of the power of dynastic politics in Sri Lanka. Now we must look at how professional middle-class women can climb the ranks,” Mr. Perera said. Perera was the only politician to propose a quota system but it has received little traction with political parties.Outside of politics women have done better. Female adult literacy levels have consistently hit 90% or higher with those in the 15-24 age bracket reaching 99%. Girls also outnumber boys in secondary education and 60% of undergraduates are women, according to the Census and Statistics Department.Even though women make up only 35.5% of the 8.8 million-strong labour force, many more are employed in the informal sector. Agriculture is the largest employer of women at 33.9% while 42% work in the services field and just under one in four women are engaged in industries. As many as 600,000 women employed as migrant workers earned US$6 billion in 2014, helping to make remittances the highest foreign exchange earner.The government says proposals to increase nominations and appoint women to non-elected seats of parliament have been included in the latest set of amendments. Yet these are not legally binding and only call on political parties to “consider” women representatives.“These measures will allow more women to enter Parliament,” said government spokesman and Health Minister Dr. Rajitha Senaratne, “even the [male] MPs will be more enthusiastic to come to Parliament now,” he quipped.",WOMEN,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=31102,89,,Women,News +68,"Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran on Friday strongly defended his action of forwarding to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi a representation, seeking the release of four convicts of a case of rape and murder, popularly called the Premananda case.Addressed to Mr. Modi, the petition was signed by five persons, including K. Sivathy and Chandradevi, daughter and wife of Premananda’s secretary Kamalananda, who was given double life term that had to run consecutively. The signatories contended that their relatives had been in prison in Tamil Nadu for over 20 years.In an interview with The Hindu over phone from Jaffna, Mr. Wigneswaran, who passed on the representation to Mr. Modi during the latter’s visit to Sri Lanka in mid-March, said one of the signatories to the representation [Ms Sivathy] was from his State and since it was well known that he [Mr. Wigneswaran] would be meeting Mr. Modi, the request had come to him for presenting the communication.‘No impropriety’“There is no impropriety in forwarding a representation to the person concerned,” he said, adding that “it is up to the Indian government to act as per law.”The Chief Minister recalled that when Manmohan Singh was Prime Minister, he did the same thing on an issue concerning fishermen.A self-styled godman, Premananda, who hailed from Sri Lanka, established ‘Premananda Ashram’ near Viralimalai of Pudukottai district in Tamil Nadu in 1989. The case pertained to the rape of 13 inmates and the murder of a male inmate, which came to light in November 1994. He was given two consecutive life terms by the Pudukottai District and Sessions Court in August 1997 after a 14-month-long trial. Six others were also convicted and given varying punishments. In December 2002, the Madras High Court confirmed the findings of the trial court and the Supreme Court had also dismissed the appeal. Premananda died in February 2011 at a private hospital in Chennai where he was undergoing treatment for liver failure. He was 59.Asked about his description of the Premananda case as false in his letter to Mr Modi, the Chief Minister said “there is nothing for me to comment” about a case that had taken place in India.Describing Premananda as a “very close friend,” Mr. Wigneswaran said he had known him for long. – The Hindu",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30619,7,,Not relevant,News +70,"Apparently in view of the strategic importance of Sri Lanka in the context of the increasing influence of China on it, and the existence of strong ties with Pakistan, India has beefed up the Defence Ministrys representation at the Indian High Commission here.Col Gurinder S Klaire has been appointed as Deputy Defence Advisor to assist Defence Advisor Capt Prakash Gopalan. With this, for the first time, there is an army man in the Defence wing of the mission. Traditionally, Defence Advisors in the Colombo mission have been only from the navy.Sri Lanka has lately seen high profile military leaders from China, Pakistan and India visiting it. In May this year came General Xu Qiliang, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and the commander of the Peoples Liberation Army Air Force from 2007 to 2012.Also in May, came the Chief of Staff of the Chinese Peoples Armed Police, Lt Gen Niu Zhizong. Gen Niu requested the Lankan Army Commander Lt Gen Daya Ratnayake to send the maximum number of officers to China for training in anti-terrorism. The visit of high level delegations from China coincided with the discovery that Lanka had entered into a contract with a Chinese government company to build an aircraft repair and maintenance facility at Trincomalee for its air force. This led to concern in New Delhi as it impinged on the 1987 India-Sri Lanka Accord regarding the military use of Trincomalee.Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj had enquired about it from her Lankan counterpart, GL Peiris, when the latter met her in New Delhi recently. Subsequently, Peiris told the parliament that the location of the facility had not been decided. In April, Pakistans Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Committee, General Rashad Mahmood, visited Lanka.There were visits from India too. In December 2012, the then Army Chief, Gen Bikram Singh, was in Lanka. In July this year came the Air Force Chief, Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha. ACM Raha and Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa discussed the possibility of holding joint air exercises. It is learnt that Indias National Security Advisor, Ajit Kumar Doval, will be participating in the Lankan Defence Ministrys prestigious Galle Maritime Dialogue in November.- New Indian Express ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27730,2,,Not relevant,News +71," A group of young cross-party parliamentarians today called for more representation of females in Parliament while identifying masculine political culture and existing policies as major obstacles for women participating in politics. In a statement to mark the International Womens Day, the Young Political Leaders Forum of Sri Lanka (YPLFSL) have stressed the importance of looking into matters that disheartens women from joining politics, and the need to ensure that affirmative actions are taken to encourage them to become political leaders. International Womens Day celebrates the social, political and economic achievements of women while focusing world attention on areas requiring further action. The 2014 theme Inspiring Change encourages advocacy for womens advancement everywhere in every way, and calls for challenging the status quo for womens equality and vigilance inspiring positive change.Stressing on the 2014 theme Inspiring Change YPLFSL says that young people are change agents and it is vital to include more young females in Sri Lanka parliament. The young MPs have also participated in interactive discussions with current female MPs and civil society members to explore obstacles in womens participation in politics, the statement said. UPFA MP Hunais Farook said that We engaged in these discussions to determine the role we can play as young political leaders in our constituencies and political parties to encourage better participation of women. Among identified issues that prevent women from participating in politics are the existing masculine political culture, existing policies that are disadvantages to women, lack of financial support available for women coming into politics, and limited opportunities to build capacity of women entering politics. To eradicate these impediments the young MPs suggest the need to include a quota system for women with a set representation; creating awareness and educating voters on the need to include more women representatives in Parliament; and initiating dialogues on the importance of such representation, as well as the need to mobilise the political leadership to support women.Elaborating further MP Vasantha Senanayake said There are 13 females in Sri Lanka parliament, which is less than 6%. Never in history has this dismally low percentage has exceeded. More qualified and professional women should be encouraged to come in to Parliament. A constitutional reform is needed for make it easier for women to contest. I have submitted a set of constitutional reforms to the Parliamentary Select Committee. It proposes 100 MPs to be elected based on the first pass the post system, on 100 redefined national constituencies, a further 100 to be elected on a preferential basis and 25 to be appointed on the national list, and all appointees of the national list to be women. MP Harin Fernando added that We believe that it is vital for women to take pro-active leadership when it comes to national issues and policies. We also believe that the support of women is essential in reconciliation activities, and are keen on engaging with the parliamentary women caucus to meet our group objectives as well. YPLFSL consists of a group of young cross-party parliamentarians covering various ethnicities and different electorates across the country, working towards a common goal to promote peace and reconciliation. They include MP Vasantha Senanayake (SLFP / Gampaha District), MP Shehan Semasinghe (SLFP / Anuradhapura District), MP Niroshan Perera (UNP / Puttalam District), MP Harin Fernando (UNP / Badulla District) MP Hunais Farook (All Ceylon Muslim Congress / Vanni District) and Raghu Balachandran Political Activist (Tamil National Alliance). The group was formed with the support of independent peace building organisation International Alert. ",WOMEN,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26007,72,,Women,News +74,"If the government is to facilitate the UN Secretary GeneralsPanel to visit Sri Lanka, the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission(LLRC) will hear such representations on the basis of its warrant and all thenormal procedures will be followed for the hearings, the LLRC said in astatement. ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=11119,1,,Not relevant,News +76,"A group of United National Party (UNP) members andgovernment members discussed the holding of the upcoming Local Governmentelections under the electoral basis and not on a proportionate representationsystem.During the meeting at Minister Dinesh Gunawardenasresidence this evening (July 13), the government proposals were handed over tothe UNP representatives.The UNP members were Joseph Michael Perera, GaminiJayawickrema Perera, party general Secretary Tissa Attanayake and LakshmanKiriella. The government members were Minister Dinesh Gunawardena, BasilRajapaksa and Hassan Ali.The government proposals were to hold the Local Governmentpolls under an electoral basis, 25 per cent of the nominations to be set asidefor the youth and females among others. The UNP is to submitthe government proposals to its parliamentarians and the party workingcommittee members during a party seminar to be held on Wednesday (tomorrow). ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=8958,1,,Not relevant,News +77,"The Commission of Inquiry on Lessons Learnt andReconciliation which was appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa has issued apublic notice calling for written representations from the public or individualorganizations as the eight member panel prepares to commence sittings.The Commission states that states that individuals ororganizations can in the first instance, submit written representations to theCommission, and the Commission after examining the representations received mayinvite any person or organization to give oral evidence.The notice further said that arrangements could be made forany person or organization to give evidence in camera and every person who givesevidence before the Commission shall be entitled to the privileges forwitnesses as provided for in the Commissions of Inquiry Act.The Commission will inquire and report into events whichtook place between February 21, 2002 and May 19, 2009; namely the facts andcircumstances which led to the failure of the ceasefire agreement and thesequence and events which followed thereafter up to the end of the war.The notice further says the Commission will also inquirewhether any person, group or institution, directly or indirectly bearsresponsibility in this regard while the Commission will also inquire into theinstitutional, administrative and legislative measures which need to be takenin order to prevent any recurrence of such concerns in the future.Written submissions must be sent to:Commission on Lessons Learnt and ReconciliationRoom No 2-118, BMICHBauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo07, Sri Lanka.- (Govt. Information Dept) ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=8617,3,,Not relevant,News +78,"Three days after Sri Lankan minister Douglas Devananda, whovisited Indiaas a member of the presidential delegation, returned to the island-nation, theMadras HC has asked the government as to what steps had been taken onrepresentations to arrest and prosecute him for cases pending in Tamil Nadu. The bench also took note of a copy of the fax message sentby the Chennai city commissioner of police to his counterpart in New Delhi, on June 10.Narrating the cases registered against the minister, the letter said: It islearnt that Douglas Devananda alias Anand alias Devanand is in New Delhi. Thisinformation is passed on to you for appropriate action as per law.TOI ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=8553,3,,Not relevant,News +79,"J.R.Jayawardena has made the proportionate representation system in a way that itis favourable to the UNP, UNP Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe told at a pressconference today. He added that the UNP has a clear chance to win the upcomingGeneral Elections with a majority.Accordingto Wickremasinghe even though they lost the Presidential election because ofJ.Rs system they can win the General Elections. Addressingthe same press briefing UNP General Secretary Tissa Attanayaka said that afterthe UNP win the election they will bring laws in a way to unseat the President. ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=7649,2,,Not relevant,News +80,"Issuing the Interim Report of the Fact-Finding Mission on the Right to Health and Liberty of the Patients at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) has made a number of key recommendations to various institutions, including the NIMH and the Ministry of Health.Accordingly, the report, released on 11 December coinciding with International Human Rights Day 2023, includes key recommendations to the NIMH, the Ministry of Health, the Sri Lanka Police and the Department of Prisons.In its recommendations to the Ministry of Health, the HRCSL urged that measures be taken to enact a new Mental Health Act which is in line with the international medical standards and human rights obligations of the State. Highlighting the urgency for such an Act, the HRCSL further recommended that the draft of the new Mental Health Act be finalized by the first quarter of 2024,The Ministry was also advised to reformulate the administrative structure of the NIMH in a manner that would facilitate the appointment of Psychiatrists as Administrators, while it was also recommended that adequate funds be allocated to upgrade the necessary infrastructure at the NIMH.The HRCSL further issued a list of key recommendations for the NIMH itself, which called for routine trainings for all staff, evaluations of the said training programmes and the establishment of an internal mechanism to monitor the meals provided to the patients.Moreover, the Sri Lanka Police and the Department of Prisons were advised to establish a police post within the premises of NIMH, and to ensure the continuous presence of prison guards, including female prison guards at the Forensic Psychiatric Ward.The HRCSL appointed a fact-finding mission prioritizing the right to health and personal liberty of patient, following an incident reported in July 2023, where the death of patient at the NIMH was suspected to have been caused by support staff attempts to restrain him.“The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) received several complaints regarding how patients were being handled by the staff, the use of restraints on patients, and manners of obtaining patients’ consent at the NIMH”, the HRCSL said in a press release.Thus, the Interim Report of the relevant mission was released today inclusive of the said key recommendations, while the detailed recommendations will be made to the relevant authorities along with the publication of the detailed report on the Fact Finding Mission on the Right to Health and Liberty of patients at NIMH.Attached below is the full Interim Report: HRCSL Interim Report Fact Finding Mission on Right to Health and Liberty of Patients at NIMH by Adaderana Online on Scribd",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=95563,6,,Not relevant,News +81,"The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) says it conducted a Suo Motu (on its own motion) investigation on the death of a patient who was under residential treatment at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).Thereby, a team of HRCSL consisting of senior officials has visited NIMH on Friday (July 28) and recorded statements from several staff members including nursing officers and supportive staff.The team met the NIMH Director, the Deputy Director, and other senior officials and inquired about the incident.The HRCSL team also visited Mulleriyawa Police Station and inquired about the progress of the police investigation into the death of the said patient.The rights organization said it would call for reports from relevant parties related to this incident and summon all concerned individuals as well, for a detailed inquiry at the Commission as early as possible.The 48-year-old patient is believed to have been suffering from bipolar disorder and had been admitted to Ward 08 of the NIMH on July 20.Earlier this week, he had, however, succumbed to injuries sustained following an assault by NMIH staffers, while they were allegedly attempting to restrain the patient.Meanwhile, four assistant health workers, who were arrested in connection with the death of a patient under medical care at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Mulleriyawa, have been remanded until August 10. The accused were produced before the Hulftsdorp Magistrate’s Court earlier today.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=92326,2,,Not relevant,News +82,"Four assistant health workers, who were arrested in connection with the death of a patient under medical care at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Mulleriyawa, have been remanded until August 10.The accused were produced before the Hulftsdorp Magistrate’s Court earlier today.Two staffers were arrested on Friday (July 28) and the other two were taken into custody this morning.The 48-year-old patient is believed to have been suffering from bipolar disorder and had been admitted to Ward 08 of the NIMH on 20 July.Earlier this week, however, he had reportedly succumbed to injuries sustained following an assault by NMIH staffers, while they were allegedly attempting to restrain the patient.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=92319,1,,Not relevant,News +83,"Two staffers of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Mulleriyawa have been arrested over the death of a patient.Accordingly, two assistant health workers were arrested this evening (28 July), following the death of a patient under treatment at the NIMH.The 48-year-old patient is believed to have been suffering from bipolar disorder, and had been admitted to Ward 08 of the NIMH on 20 July, sources revealed.Earlier this week, however, he had reportedly succumbed to injuries sustained following an assault by NMIH staffers, while they were allegedly attempting to restrain the patient.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=92302,1,,Not relevant,News +84,"Recent studies have shown an evident link between the use of the ‘ice’ drugs, also known as crystal methamphetamine, and increased likeliness of developing mental illnesses, according to mental health expert and Consultant Psychiatrist Dr. Rumi Ruben.Speaking at a press conference in Colombo, Dr. Ruben stated that there currently exists networks dedicated to encourage the use of ‘ice’ amongst the children and the youth of Sri Lanka.“Several students displaying symptoms of mental illnesses have a history of using ‘ice’. This has become a grave issue in Sri Lanka”, Dr. Ruben said, raising concerns about the mass use of the drug amongst school children.He attributed the increased use of the drug by students to the neglect, or rather, the lack of attention shown by parents towards their children.Meanwhile, speaking at an event held in Colombo, Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena explained that owing to the lack of social understanding amongst children, they are more likely to fall prey to various forms of crime.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=86435,2,,Not relevant,News +85,"US senators on Thursday grilled Facebook on its plans to better protect young users on its apps, drawing on leaked internal research that showed the social media giant was aware of how its Instagram app harmed the mental health of teens.The hearing in front of the Senate consumer protection subcommittee was called after the Wall Street Journal published several stories earlier this month about how Facebook knew Instagram caused some teen girls in particular to feel badly about their self-image.After growing opposition to the project, Facebook put plans for Instagram Kids, aimed at pre-teens, on hold this week.Antigone Davis, Facebook’s global head of safety, disputed the committee and WSJ’s conclusions of the research documents throughout the hearing, and said the company was working to release additional internal studies in an effort to be more transparent about its findings.“This research is a bombshell,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat, during the hearing. “It is powerful, gripping, riveting evidence that Facebook knows of the harmful effects of its site on children, and that it has concealed those facts and findings.”“IG stands for Instagram, but it also stands for Insta-greed,” said Senator Edward Markey, a Democrat from Massachusetts.The senators pressed Davis on several major themes, including what identifiable data Facebook collects on users under the age of 13, to what extent the company views young users as a growth area and to confirm whether it knew that Instagram led some children to consider suicide.Davis reiterated that kids under 13 were not allowed on Facebook, adding 0.5per cent of teens in the company’s research connected their “suicidal ideation” to Instagram, lower than the figures the Journal had reported.“You’ve cherry-picked part of the research that you think helps your spin right now,” said Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, demanding Facebook commit to releasing its full research on the links between Instagram and youth suicide.A second hearing is planned for Tuesday and will feature a Facebook whistleblower. The whistleblower is expected to reveal their identity on Sunday in a recorded interview for TV news program 60 Minutes, which in a preview described the woman as a former Facebook employee who left with tens of thousands of pages of research.Davis said Thursday that Facebook would not retaliate against the whistleblower for sharing confidential documents with the senators.Source: Reuters-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=77342,9,,Not relevant,News +86,"The Cabinet of Ministers has rendered their consent to the resolution furnished by the Minister of Health for implementing the National Mental Health Policy from the year 2020 through 2030.A mental health policy formulates the strategic framework for the prevention of mental illnesses, healing, rehabilitation, and mental health promotion within the community.The previous psychological health policy in Sri Lanka has been formulated in the year 2005 and it has already been implemented for 10 whole years.Thereby, the need for its updationhas been recognized for the coordination and supervision of strategic progress according to the current requirements although.Accordingly, the Cabinet approved the implementation of the National Mental Health Policy for the 2020-2030 period under the major sectors of strengthening leadership and research activities, provision of extended mental health services, human resource development, and empowering the community.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=70140,1,,Not relevant,News +87,"UPDATE (12:16 PM): The Swiss Embassy staffer Gania Bannister Francis, who was produced before the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) earlier today, has left the premises a short while ago.The Swiss Embassy staffer Ganiya Bannister Francis has been taken to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Angoda this morning (19), stated Ada Derana reporter.Francis has been named a suspect for a case of exciting disaffection against the Government and fabricating false evidence to be used in a future judicial proceeding.She was arrested and produced before Colombo Chief Magistrate’s Court on the 16th of December. On the same day Francis was escorted to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Angoda to obtain a report on the alleged victim’s mental health condition through a panel of psychiatrists.The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has recorded an extensive statement from the aforementioned local staffer of the Swiss Embassy on the alleged incident.She was also referred to the Colombo Judicial Medical Officer for a report to determine whether she had been sexually abused or assaulted.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=59713,3,,Not relevant,News +88,"The Swiss Embassy staffer, who was allegedly involved in an abduction case, has been escorted to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Angoda.This was to obtain a report on the alleged victim’s mental health condition through a panel of psychiatrists.The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has recorded an extensive statement from the aforementioned local staffer of the Swiss Embassy on the alleged incident.She was also referred to the Colombo Judicial Medical Officer for a report to determine whether she had been sexually abused or assaulted.The CID informed the court of the ongoing investigations on the case and the Colombo Magistrate’s Court ordered a report on the mental health condition of the alleged victim.Within this context, the alleged victim was accompanied by Swiss Embassy officials to the CID this morning (16).Subsequently, she was escorted to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in Angoda.The report on her mental health condition will be produced before the court tomorrow (17).",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=59649,3,,Not relevant,News +89,"A new Mental Health Bill will soon replace the antiquated and only officially recognized Act on Mental Health enacted in 1892, which is now before the Cabinet Sub Committee for approval, the Government Information Department announced today.A national mental health policy too was ready, offering fresh guidelines on services and manpower resources of the NIHM, Health Ministry revealed. The new law and the national policy will together contribute to drastic changes in the present approach to treating mentally ill patients.One significant change is that patients can hereafter be admitted to any psychiatric unit in the country, unlike at present where involuntary patients can be admitted only to the psychiatric unit of the NIMH at Angoda.The Act will also look at strengthening long term and interim care units across the island, Health Ministry said.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32595,1,,Not relevant,News +91,"There are concerns for the mental health of asylum seekersdetained on Naurus processing centre, after three men harmed themselves in thefacility in as many days. An Iranian man attempted self-harm on Thursday, whileanother two Iranians did the same on Saturday, an Immigration Departmentspokesman told AAP.No further details were available due to privacy reasons.Medical and mental health support is obviously available toall clients on that facility, the spokesman said on Sunday.Under the governments new offshore processing regime, 254asylum seekers have been transferred to Nauru, while Papua New Guineas ManusIsland is expected to start receiving transfers in the coming weeks.Greens immigration spokeswoman Sarah Hanson-Young said shewasnt surprised to hear people were committing self-harm on Nauru.This is exactly what experts said would happen, she toldreporters in Sydney, adding that similar incidents would happen again.Refugee Action Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul said Naurusprocessing facility lacked adequate resources to deal with mental healthproblems.The government has created the circumstances in which itmust have known that there would be a very high level of anxiety and mentalillness created by what theyre doing, he told AAP.A number of detainees held a protest at the Nauru centre onSunday, calling on authorities to immediately process their asylum claims, MrRintoul said.Meanwhile, two security guards at Sydneys Villawooddetention centre have stood down as Australian Federal Police (AFP) investigatean alleged assault on a detainee.An AFP spokesman said CCTV footage was being reviewed aspart of an investigation into an incident earlier this month.It was an alleged assault and it was referred to us onOctober 3, the spokesman said.In other news, two suspected asylum seeker boats with morethan 150 people on board were intercepted by Australian authorities onSaturday.ACV Hervey Bay intercepted a vessel with 49 people northwestof Cocos (Keeling) Islands, while HMAS Bundaberg intercepted another boat with104 passengers off Christmas Island.Authorities will transfer the 153 passengers to ChristmasIsland.Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said Laborshalf-hearted policies had created a chaotic situation that people smugglerscontinued to exploit.While Labor remains in denial about reinstating the fullsuite of coalition measures to stop the boats, record boat arrivals continue,he said in a statement.Sri Lankan arrivals also keep coming, with Labor refusingto enter talks with the Sri Lankan government to send back their nationalsbefore they enter our waters. (AAP) ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=20067,5,,Not relevant,News +93,"State Minister for Social Empowerment Anupa Pasqual announced that, under the guidance of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, they are actively crafting a fresh legislation dedicated to improving the rights and well-being of differently abled individuals.In his statement, the state minister emphasized the government’s commitment to ensuring that differently abled citizens are no longer considered a dependent population and that they should be treated as equal citizens, not relegated to second-class status, the President’s Media Division (PMD) said.State Minister Anupa Pasqual made these remarks during a press conference conducted at the Presidential Media Centre today (08), centered around the theme of ‘Collective Path to a Stable Country.’Expressing his views further State Minister Pasqual said;“We have been entrusted with a significant mission aimed at empowering our society in the upcoming year. One of the most notable tasks assigned to our ministry is the empowerment of 1 million beneficiaries from underprivileged backgrounds. It is crucial to highlight that the 1.6 million differently abled community members have not received the empowerment they deserve thus far. Under the dedicated guidance of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, we are committed to completing these initiatives in the coming year.To kick-start the International Day of the Disabled, observed on the 1st of December, we have organized special activities aimed at promoting the development of the differently abled individuals, just like any other segment of our society. Our initiative, named “Empo 2023,” involves differently abled individuals from across the island traveling by train from Colombo to Kandy, with a visit to the Dalada Maligawa and a special ceremony planned at the Peradeniya Botanical Garden. What’s truly remarkable is that the event will bring together differently abled communities from around the world, including China and Japan.Additionally, at the recommendation of the President, we are actively working on a new bill designed to better the lives of differently abled people. Although discussions on this matter have been on-going since 2004, concrete progress has been elusive. We are now committed to drafting and presenting the bill to Parliament within the first quarter of the next year. Furthermore, we have organized a special conference on International Disability Day, set for December 1st, under the leadership of Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe.Furthermore, it is a fundamental aspect of our government’s policy to ensure that the differently abled community is no longer considered a group dependent on others. To achieve this, we are actively working to enable their participation in the development and education sectors. The differently abled community should be treated as equals, with the same rights, technological resources and accessibility as the rest of our population.As we embark on the journey into January, our ministry’s primary empowerment goal revolves around productivity. We are keen on exploring how our community can contribute to the overall Gross Domestic Product. Our objective is to establish a micro-level production network involving 1 million participants.In addition, we have included proposals in this year’s budget. These proposals entail making the empowerment process mandatory, implementing a pension system and incorporating disability studies into university syllabi.”",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=94695,9,,Not relevant,News +94,"The Cabinet of Ministers has granted policy approval for the draft bill prepared by the Legal Draftsman and submitted to the Cabinet by the President in his capacity as the Minister of Women, Child Affairs and Social Empowerment, in order to establish the National Women’s Commission.Earlier, approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted to establish an independent commission under the title of the “National Women’s Commission” to enable furnishing necessary recommendations to the Parliament through the subject minister in order to mediate in the issues related to providing leadership for women’s rights and the activities of equality of gender socialization.Meanwhile, the Cabinet has also granted policy approval to the draft bill aimed at introducing required legal provisions with the objective of empowering equality of gender socialization and women.The Department of Government Information (DGI) said that a contretemps is apparent within Sri Lanka regarding the equality of gender socialization and the Ministry of Women, Child Affairs and Social Empowerment is taking measures to minimize the gender imbalance of socialization.Accordingly, approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted at their meeting held on 05.09.2022 to draft a bill to introduce required legal provisions with the objective of empowering equality of gender socialization and women.Accordingly, the President in his capacity as the Minister of Women, Child Affairs and Social Empowerment submitted the said draft bill which was prepared by the Legal Draftsman and the Cabinet of Ministers decided to grant policy approval to that, the statement said.",WOMEN,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=93316,23,,Women,News +95,"State Minister of Social Empowerment Anupa Pasqual has stated that President Ranil Wickremesinghe intends on creating an entrepreneurial state instead of a welfare state.Speaking at a press conference themed ‘Collective Path to a Stable Country’ held at the Presidential Media Centre (PMC) on 11 July, Pasqual explained that the purpose of both the Head of State, and the ‘Aswesuma’ benefit programme, is to create a developed nation by 2048, as opposed to a ‘poverty-free’ nation.Commenting further on the welfare benefit scheme, the State Minister noted that the ‘Aswesuma’ programme was launched in response to a persistent social criticism, on the directives of the Head of State.“The settlement program is a non-political, open process”, he said.Furthermore, speaking on the President’s plans to develop Sri Lanka into an ‘entrepreneurial’ country, Pasqual noted that a welfare state is not desired, as the goals of building a developed country cannot be achieved through a welfare country.“We are moving forward with these programs in line, to achieve such a state”, he asserted in this regard.Commenting further on the matter, the State Minister said:We launched the ‘Aswesuma’ initiative in response to a persistent social criticism. The ‘Samurdhi’ Movement’s selection of deserving candidates was said to have involved a number of anomalies. The opposition specifically alleged that the ‘Samurdhi’ initiative lacks a social empowerment system.The Social Welfare Board put the ‘Aswesuma’ scheme into effect as per President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s directives.The settlement program is a non-political, open process. Both appeals and objections may be submitted throughout the same process. It also covers the annual procedure of admitting the qualified and removing the ineligible.The President entrusted our Ministry with enlisting 1.2 million people into the productive economy in order to empower them. Before the end of this month, the President will get the relevant plan.The empowerment of this group will be accomplished during the course of the three-year strategy.In this country, there are 1.8 million ‘Samurdhi’ beneficiaries, and more than half of them are adults. Although they were engaged in various jobs when they were young, they joined the Samurdhi’ Movement after the age of 60.That has also been the focus of the President’s attention, and actions have been taken to implement the pension system with help from the Social Security Board. It will be submitted to the Cabinet in the future and the necessary work will be done.Education reforms are also crucial for the cause of social empowerment. The objective is to create skilled professionals. We are receiving support for this program from China, the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, and ‘Samurdhi’ Banking System.As a result, rather than eradicating poverty in Sri Lanka, we have planned to exploit the Samurdhi Bank system to generate wealthy individuals.Currently, some politicians are working very hard to misrepresent ‘Samurdhi’ Bank. However, the ‘Samurdhi’ economy and financial system are being promoted more vigorously thanks to the ‘Aswesuma’ program.Additionally, commencing from August 1st, those who could not apply for ‘Aswesuma” this year or failed to submit appeals will have another chance to do so. Every year, a certain number of people are eligible for these benefits, and some of them drop out due to a variety of reasons.Additionally, this program provides empowerment and protection to everyone, from young children to senior citizens.Instead of eradicating poverty, President Ranil Wickremesinghe wants to see Sri Lanka become a developed nation by 2048. This serves as the required context for that. A welfare state is not what we desire. A state of entrepreneurship must be established.The goals of building a developed country cannot be achieved through a welfare country. We are moving forward with these programs in line, to achieve such a state.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=91901,13,,Not relevant,News +96,"The Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus recently reviewed the progress of the draft Bills on gender equality & empowerment of women and the establishment of a national commission on women in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders.During the meeting, the chairperson of the caucus Dr. Sudarshini Fernandopulle Fernandopulle requested the formation of an expert committee for the purpose of reviewing the progress of the draft Bills.Accordingly, an expert committee, headed by the Secretary to the Ministry of Women, Child Affairs and Social Empowerment, was formed.Dr. Rose Wijeyesekera, Prof. Wasantha Seneviratne, Dr. Ramani Jayasundere, Dr.Wijaya Jayatilaka, Dr. Lakshman Senanayake and Udeni Thewarapperuma serve as the members of the said committee.",WOMEN,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=91083,11,,Women,News +97,"State Minister of Social Empowerment Anupa Pasqual has revealed that a new pension scheme will be introduced in the future.Accordingly, a contributory pension scheme is to be introduced by the government for state sector employees, in a bid to reduce the burden on the country’s finances.The novel scheme will be funded by both the employer and the employee, with the former contributing 12% and the latter 8%.Speaking to the media in Kalutara on the matter, Pasqual explained that such a system has been proven successful by many countries in the world.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=90816,1,,Not relevant,News +300,"Ace Sri Lankan cricketers Kumar Sangakkara and Sanath Jayasuriya believethat IIFA Awards 2010, to be held in Colombo, isa big opportunity to promote Sri Lanka in Bollywood and foster a better relationshipbetween the two countries.Its a big opportunity to promote Sri Lanka among the film fraternityhere. Sri Lankans are very big fans of Bollywood and the film industry is verypopular in Sri Lanka,Sanath Jayasuriya told IANS in an exclusive interview.Sri Lankans are looking forward to this big event. Its nice for ourcountry and good for the relations between the two ountries, he added.Kumar Sangakkara, captain of both the Sri Lankan cricket team and actressPreity Zintas Indian Premier League (IPL) team Kings XI Punjab, agrees thatBollywood has a huge presence in Sri Lanka.Bollywood is a great hit in Sri Lanka and all over the world. I thinkeveryone in the world has sat up and taken notice of how big Bollywood is, howattractive it is and how talented the stars are, Sangakkara said.He will reprise his role of a captain in charity cricket matches in Colombo between Indiancelebrities and Sri Lankan cricketers, to be organised by the InternationalIndian Film Academy (IIFA) to help rehabilitate former Tamil Tiger childsoldiers.It will be lot of fun and lot of entertainment. It is also a very touchinghumanitarian cause as a village for 100 families will be built. Entertainmenttied with IIFA humanity project and also Cricket for Children where childsoldiers will be re-educated, rehabilitated and given a better way of life, isa great initiative, Sangakkara said.The wicket keeper and left-handed batsman said he was a big Bollywood moviebuff.The first Hindi movie I watched was Bombay.Then I saw Laagan and have watched others like Monsoon Wedding and Water.I like quite a few and the messages the films carry are very relevant andtouching, Sangakkara said.While all-rounder cricketer Jayasuriya likes Shah Rukh Khan movies,Sangakkara likes all the Khans, appreciates Om Puri and Naseeruddin Shahs workand was all praise for Bollywood actresses.I have seen few Shah Rukh Khan films. On the local channels, Hindi moviesare shown always. Sometimes we watch them even when we dont know the moviename. I like Shah Rukh Khan movies and never miss them, Jayasuriya said.Sangakkara said: I like Shah Rukh, Aamir and Salman. I have seen Om Puriand Naseeruddin Shah in various roles. And there are some most talented andbeautiful ladies of the world in Bollywood.Asked whom they would like to see performing at the IIFA Awards, Jayasuriyaquipped: I would always like to see Aishwarya Rai performing on stage.Sangakkara had no particular favourite.I would like to see all the actresses who would come to Sri Lanka. If they do perform onstage, it will be an added attraction, he said.Tamils from India hugelyprotested against IIFA Awards being held in Sri Lanka following allegations ofa genocide against Sri Lankan Tamils during the war against the LiberationTigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and continuing discrimination against them.The South Indian film associations have decided to boycott any actor whoparticipates in the awards ceremony in Sri Lanka.Asked about their take on it, Jayasuriya said: I want the entire Bollywoodto come to Sri Lanka.You are all welcome to our country and we will look after you with great care.Its between Sri Lanka and India.We share a very good relationship and we want to strengthen it further.Sangakkara said: I think the whole spirit of IIFA is to transcend allbarriers - social and political. I think IIFA would break down barriers andbuild the relationship. Its a great opportunity for Sri Lanka to showcase itshospitality.IANS ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,NONE,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=8314,7,,Not relevant,News +301,"* Local winners gear up for international final in PolandHaving attracted over 500 participants this year in Sri Lankaalone, Microsofts Imagine Cup offers a rich opportunity for young ITenthusiasts to showcase their talent and creativity on a global platform.By fostering innovation and engendering the entrepreneurialspirit amongst the countrys youth, Imagine Cup invites participants to applythemselves to finding solutions that enhance the world they live in.The much awaited finals of the local competition saw 8 teamscompeting for spots on the contingent that will represent Sri Lanka at the international finals in Poland laterthis year.Having risen above tough competition to wow the judges atthe finals, Team Collectivists of the University of Colombo, comprising GayanGarusinghe, Chanaka Upendra, Sudam Liyanage and Hasini Adhikari walked awaywith top honors at Microsoft Sri Lankas Imagine Cup 2010 for their presentationtitled Speak up! which is a common platform for social workers around theworld to communicate their efforts, needs and hopes and to raise their voice onbehalf of victims, making the world aware of the tragedies and the possiblesolutions.The judges at the local finals represent some of the biggestnames and institutions in the Sri Lankan technology scene with Mr. WasanthaDeshapriya, Director, Re-engineering Government Programme, Information andCommunication Technology Agency Heading the distinguished panel which includedthe likes of Sanjiva Weerawarana,Chairman, WS02, S. Dharmavasan, Managing Director, Kingslake EngineeringSystems (Private) Limited, Ms. Sujatha Nadesan, Country Manager, Raffles Solutions(PVT) Ltd and Microsofts own Sriyan de Silva Wijeyeratne, Country Manager Microsoft Sri Lanka who evaluated the finalists based on creativity, technicalmerit, viability and innovativeness.Dr. Sanjiva Weerawarana, Chairman, WSO2 and a member of thejudging panel for the event, commended Microsoft Sri Lanka for theopportunities offered by this competition. I am happy to have been a part ofthis competition and am glad that Microsoft continues to organize events ofthis caliber to foster innovation and free thinking among the youth of ourworld. The international exposure a competition like Imagine Cup offers localUniversity students is unparalleled and gives them the chance to showcase theirtalent and enjoy an enriching experience.Of the other competing teams, team HELY of the Sri LankaInstitute of Information Technology and team Saggezza of the University ofMoratuwa placed first and second runners up respectively, for theirpresentations titled isponsor and Ideal Lanka. The 8 finalist teamscomprised three teams from the University of Colombo (Teams Collectivists,Saturnin and GreenBros), two teams from the Sri Lanka Institute of InformationTechnology SLIIT (Teams JIIB and HELY), two teams from the University ofMoratuwa (Teams 4-Alliance and Saggezza) and one team from the University ofPeradeniya (Team MakeIT).Speaking on the Imagine Cup and how it has grown over theyears Sriyan de Silva Wijeyeratne, Country Manager, Microsoft Sri Lankaemphasized the constant raising of the level of competition and standards of thecompeting teams.This event has grown from strength to strength, with teamsfrom local universities working year round on their projects and presentations,setting the bar being higher every year and demanding a greater amount ofdedication and hard work. Our teams this year have really outdone themselves interms of innovative thinking and a high standard of presentation and the otherjudges and I am very impressed with team collectivists presentation. I lookforward to our winners going to the global finals and proving themselves inthat sphere as well.Speaking on the opportunities the Imagine Cup opens forlocal talent, Wellington Perera, Director Developer - Platform Evangelism,Microsoft Sri Lanka said, In the last 5 years the Imagine Cup has grown froman IT innovators platform to a global phenomenon. Attracting some of thebrightest young minds from across the world and giving them the platformthrough which to solve the toughest problems facing the world, we have givenour local students a forum to express their ideas and make a difference intheir world by addressing issues that they are passionate about. I have everyfaith that our winning teams will prove themselves in the global competitionand raise the bar set by our previous winners even higher. ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=8238,4,,Not relevant,News +302,"US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today greeted Tamils andSinhalese in Sri Lanka prepare on the occasion of New Year and said this is anopportunity for them to renew their bonds and work together to build aprosperous and democratic nation.This is an opportunity for Sri Lankans of all backgrounds,living inside and outside the country, to renew their bonds and work togetherto build a prosperous, democratic nation defined by tolerance and respect forhuman rights, Clintonsaid in a statement ahead of the Sinhala and Tamil New Year day on Wednesday.She said this is the first time in decades that Sri Lankansfrom all parts of the island can celebrate together in a peaceful and unitedcountry.The United States is eager to support you in this journeyand to build even stronger ties of friendship between our people, she said.PTI ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,NONE,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=7789,4,,Not relevant,News +305,"In a bid to prevent sexual harassment, Sri Lanka is taking steps to introduce new laws so that strict punishments can be imposed on individuals who share intimate photos and videos on social media without consent.Reportedly, Minister of Public Security Tiran Alas has presented a memorandum on the proposed bill containing related laws to the Cabinet of Ministers.The new laws are being prepared to prevent the non-consensual dissemination of intimate photos or video clips of ex-partners through social media with the intention of intimidating and causing distress and embarrassment.Accordingly, a first-time offender will be imprisoned for a term not exceeding five years or a fine not exceeding Rs. 500,000.Furthermore, a second-time or repeat offender will face imprisonment of 10 years and a fine of up to Rs. 1 million.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=93459,11,,Not relevant,News +306,"The actor Jonathan Majors was arrested Saturday in New York on charges of strangulation, assault and harassment, authorities said.New York City police said that Majors, star of the recently released “Creed III” and “Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania,” was involved in a domestic dispute with a 30-year-old woman. Police responded around 11 a.m. to a 911 call inside an apartment in the Manhattan neighborhood of Chelsea.“The victim informed police she was assaulted,” a spokesperson for the NYPD said in a statement. “Officers placed the 33-year-old male into custody without incident. The victim sustained minor injuries to her head and neck and was removed to an area hospital in stable condition.”He was no longer in police custody as of Saturday night, the NYPD spokesperson confirmed to The Associated Press.A representative for Majors denied any wrongdoing by the actor.“He has done nothing wrong,” the representative said in an email to the AP on Saturday. “We look forward to clearing his name and clearing this up.”Majors is one of the fastest rising stars in Hollywood. After breaking through in 2019′s “The Last Black Man in San Francisco,” Majors has starred in “Da 5 Bloods,” “The Harder They Fall” and last year’s “Devotion.” He also stars in the recent Sundance Film Festival entry “Magazine Dreams,” which Searchlight Pictures is to release in December.Source - The Associated Press-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,NONE,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=89350,4,,Not relevant,News +308,"A Bill is to be introduced to further strengthen the existing laws and punishments pertaining to sexual assault and harassment.Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers yesterday (12 Dec) approved a proposal tabled by Justice Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe instructing legal draftsmen to prepare a Bill, which includes articles in the Penal Code of Sri Lanka, criminalizing sexual assault and all forms of sexual harassment.Despite already being cited as an offence in Section 345 of the Penal Code, Rajapakshe noted that the matter still remains a grave concern.Thus, the proposal also called for new laws that would allow severe punishments against those responsible for the aforementioned offences, and that sexual bribery also be deemed an offence.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=86800,13,,Not relevant,News +309,"Sri Lankan government today insisted that the recent travel advisory issued by Canada on the island nation contains flawed references to the economic and security situation in the country as well as inaccurate information with regard to the safety and security of female travelers and harassment of foreigners.The Foreign Ministry, responding to the said travel advisory which was published on January 13, stressed that it is erroneous and has outdated information.It does not reflect the actual situation in Sri Lanka, the statement read further.In a bid to apprise the Canadian authorities of ground realizes, the Foreign Ministry noted that Sri Lanka has successfully overcome the immediate challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.The island nation is now in a state of normalcy with all public service, corporate and business, and education activities functioning normally without interruption, in accordance with COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, it added.“The nationwide inoculation programme has been commended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and almost 90% of the eligible population has received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. A campaign has been launched to provide the booster dose to the population above 20 years of age.”The Foreign Ministry stated that despite the pandemic, Sri Lanka has received several international accolades in the tourism industry including CNN’s “Where to Travel in 2022”; the Global Wellness Institute; Conde Nast Traveler 2021 Reader’s Choice Awards as well as other endorsements received previously in 2019 by Lonely Planet and the National Geographic Travel.The Sri Lankan government looks forward to more tourists visiting Sri Lanka from Canada and elsewhere with the gradual normalization of travel globally, the statement continued.“It is important to note that even though Sri Lanka’s economy has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the country is making every endeavor to reinvigorate its economy this year, through the implementation of prudent policies. Food security and law & order are the topmost priorities of the Government, and the availability of all essentials is considered as a vital part of the Government’s functions. As such high priority is given to ensuring that all essential items continue to be available to the public at all time and there are sufficient stocks of food items.”The Foreign Ministry explained that with regard to the security situation, the Sri Lankan government maintains minimum presence of military in the North and the East to ensure security and stability in keeping with national security imperatives and this is similar to such presence elsewhere in the country.“There is no arbitrary arrest and detention of persons by the police or security forces. Since the end of the terrorist conflict in 2009, security forces have conducted a comprehensive demining operation in the North and East, with technical support of several foreign governments and international agencies. As at December 2014, 94% of the de-mining had been completed, while presently, the figure has risen to 98.7%.”In response to the Canadian travel advisory’s warning that “there is a threat of terrorism” and “further attacks cannot be ruled out”, the Foreign Ministry said it is notable that since the election of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in November 2019 the Sri Lankan government has taken all necessary measures to ensure public safety and national security throughout the country, to prevent any resurgence of terrorism.There has not been even a single terrorist-related incident in Sri Lanka, due to the enhanced vigilance and proactive measures taken by the relevant security authorities, the ministry pointed out.“Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural country with a rich, cosmopolitan heritage where different communities have peacefully co-existed over centuries. There is no civil unrest in the country. Sri Lanka has a long democratic tradition with strong institutions and a vibrant civil society. Freedom of association and assembly are safeguarded with peaceful demonstrations occurring in Sri Lanka as in any other country where liberal democratic norms and traditions prevail.”The police have allowed and continue to allow such peaceful demonstrations to take place unimpeded and these demonstrations do not in any way hinder the comfort, movement, safety or activities of tourists, the Foreign Ministry assured in its statement.It also noted that special attention is being paid to the safety and security of female tourists with measures taken to strengthen the presence of police, including tourism police, island-wide in all regions. Under this programme, police presence is being increased in all popular tourist destinations of the country with greater presence of women police officers in police stations. Emergency numbers of tourist police regional units, local police, and other emergency units such as hospitals, are available online to be accessed by travelers to Sri Lanka, it explained.“Sri Lanka is an island nation with friendly people with a high level of education, knowledge of English and literacy, and incidents of harassment or violence against tourists or foreigners are extremely rare.”",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,NONE ,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=80009,16,,Not relevant,News +312,"The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the implementation of the Committee recommendations to provide reliefs to media persons who were subjected to harassment and persecution from 2005 to 2015.The proposal was presented by President Maithripala Sirisena upon the request of Non-Cabinet Minister of Mass Media Ruwan Wijewardene.Accordingly, 78 journalists, who were subjected to harassment during the aforesaid time period, will be compensated.Meanwhile, the Cabinet of Ministers also approved the proposal to declare 4 districts; Monaragala, Kurunegala, Gampaha and Colombo, as landslide-prone areas.It was presented by Minister of Public Administration, Disaster Management and Livestock Development Ranjith Madduma Bandara.The Minister has also made a proposal to introduce Landslide Risk Assessment Process at the National Building Research Organization.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,NONE,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58805,3,,Not relevant,News +316,"YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki apologized to the LGBTQ community but stood by the company’s controversial decision last week not to take down videos containing homophobic harassment and racist slurs.“I know the decision we made was very hurtful to the LGBT community,” said Wojcicki on stage at Recode’s Code Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, on Monday. “That was not our intention at all. I thought it was important to be upfront about that. We are really sorry about that.”Wojcicki was referring to the company’s stance on videos from Steven Crowder, a prominent right-wing personality, containing homophobic and racist slurs toward Vox video journalist Carlos Maza, who flagged them to the company.The Google-owned company said last week that Crowder’s videos “don’t violate our policies.” But one day later, YouTube said it would demonetize the videos so that Crowder can’t make money off of ads for “continued egregious actions that have harmed the broader community.”The move was perplexing and has spurred backlash, including from within the company. The company has historically been very vocal in its support for gay rights and it came during LGBTQ Pride Month. It also happened the same week YouTube announced a new policy to ban white supremacist and deniers of well-documented atrocities such as the Holocaust from its platform. Wojcicki said that policy update was something the company had been “working on for months.”But Wojcicki’s apology isn’t an about-face: She said she was aware of and agreed with the company’s decision concerning the videos that Maza flagged. She added that YouTube doesn’t want to be “knee jerk” in its response and that it needs to have policies that are enforced in a “consistent way.”Moreover, she said demonetizing Crowder wasn’t a reversal in its stance.In retrospect, the company would have announced both the decision to not pull down the videos and the subsequent demonetization in one fell swoop, she conceded.During a Q&A following her on-stage interview, Axios’ Ina Fried asked: “Are you really sorry for anything that happened to the LGBTQ community, or are you just sorry they were offended?”Wojcicki stressed that “we are actually sorry” and that the company “wants to support this community but from a policy standpoint, we need to be consistent.”“It was a hard week,” Wojcicki said, adding that many changes made in the hate policy “will be really beneficial to the LGBTQ community.”“We will be taking down those videos,” she said.Sources: CNN-Agencies",OTHER,NOT RELEVANT,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=55682,9,,LGBTQIA+,News +317,"Many complaints have been received by the Northern Province Governor Suren Raghavan regarding incidents of sexual harassment of females and the lack of gender equality within the field of Education in the North.Accordingly, Governor has decided to appoint an investigative committee to probe these issues.Reportedly, two out of the three committee members will be female and out of the two; among those two one member would be nominated by the employees who made the complaints.In order to improve the field of Education in the North, Governor Raghavan has decided to appoint a council of 15 senior scholars to instruct and guide the Education Ministry of Northern Province.",WOMEN,NOT RELEVANT,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=53190,5,,Women,News +322,"The Law and Order Ministry in a media release announced that there are several platforms available for the public to lodge complaints of illegal surveillance and harassment.The Ministry said, from time to time, it has been made aware of alleged incidents of harassment and illegal surveillance of the public, including human rights defenders and victims of human rights violations including members of the families of missing persons.“The Government of Sri Lanka is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all its citizens, at all times, and will ensure that any incident brought to the notice of the Sri Lanka Police is treated with utmost seriousness and investigated in keeping with the applicable laws,” the media statement said.Accordingly, if any member of the public is subjected to, or is made aware of instances of intimidation, illegal surveillance of civilians, or harassment by any individual or group of persons, kindly use the following mechanisms to lodge a complaint with any or all of the following.National Police Commission -1960 (hotline), 0115 107 722Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka - 1996(hotline) 0112 505 575Special Investigations Unit of the Sri Lanka Police - 119 (hotline)TELL lGP - online complaints portal - http://www.telIigp.police.lk",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=46465,11,,Not relevant,News +323,"The head of the organisation behind the Oscars is facing several allegations of sexual harassment, Hollywood trade publications report.The Hollywood Reporter and Variety cite unnamed sources as saying three claims have been made against John Bailey.Mr Bailey, a cinematographer, has led the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences since last year.The body approved a new code of conduct in December after a wave of harassment allegations shook the industry.Mr Bailey, 75, has not yet commented on the reports.They first emerged in Variety magazine, which said the academy had received three harassment complaints against Mr Bailey on Wednesday and had immediately opened a review.The academy has confirmed that a review is under way but did not say who was involved.“The Membership Committee reviews all complaints brought against Academy members according to our Standards of Conduct process, and after completing reviews, reports to the Board of Governors,” it said in a brief statement.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=46448,6,,Not relevant,News +400,"The Rajapaksa Regime especially President Rajapaksa is now electorally vulnerable. We challenge the Regime to hold the election as planned and face the truth about the chaos and misery that the Rajapaksa rule has brought upon the people, the United National Party (UNP) says.The UNP says that the revolutionary milestone where it yearning for freedom and justice, and the march towards the ultimate defeat of the Rajapakse regime has begun in the Uva Province.Issuing a statement the party further says The election results from the Uva Provincial poll is a rejection of the regimes policies of enriching a few while mere crumbs are thrown at the masses. This is no longer an acceptable mantra of governance. The Uva Province was perceived to be UPFAs strongest region. It was to be a spectacular win, a message to the rest of Sri Lanka and the world about the unshaken bastions of Rajapaksa power. Today, the Government has got its answer.We know now that democracy will win the day. Uva-Wellassa has proved this by the way they voted in Saturdays election, ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=28180,4,,Not relevant,News +440,"The People’s Liberation Front today vehemently condemned the “invasive” and “brutal” attack on Syria by the US, UK and French forces on the basis of alleged chemical weapons attacks.Issuing a statement, the party also called upon all progressive people around the world to come forward to defeat “imperialists’ attempts of conquering and occupying countries and setting up puppet regimes on the pretext of preventing human annihilations.”The US, UK and French forces have jointly attacked Syria alleging that Syria had used chemical weapons. The decision to attack Syria had been taken on orders from the President of the USA Donald Trump, the Prime Minister of the UK Theresa may and the President of France Emmanuel Macron.“We, vehemently condemn the invasive, brutal attack on Syria, which is a sovereign country, by the aforesaid countries using their military powers,” Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) said.The basis for this attack has been stated by the USA and its allies, as the alleged chemical weapons attack on the City of Douma in Syria.However, this accusation manifests to be false on the face of it and these immediate attacks have been launched even without appropriating sufficient time to authenticate reports on such a chemical weapon attack, the JVP said.Furthermore, it must not be obliterated the fact that in 2016 Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has certified that Syria had completely destroyed all chemical weapons owned by it, the statement said.The JVP further added: “Even if Syria had launched a chemical weapons attack, other states could intervene in that matter only in a diplomatic way according to the internationally recognized rules and traditions. However, this attack has been launched violating Declaration of United Nations as well as other recognized international rules and regulations, which is an atrocious precedence.”“Despite using a story about chemical weapons attack to justify the attack on Syria, it is clear the move is another stage of the military policy that had been carried out for several decades by imperialists lead by the USA to beef up their political and military dominance in the Middle East and through it to take over the control of the oil reserves in the area. Also, attacks of this nature would heat up the region militarily and would call upon other countries in the region to join the fray.”“As People’s Liberation Front (JVP), we vehemently condemn this attack on Syria and call upon all progressive people around the world to come forward to defeat imperialists’ attempts of conquering and occupying countries and setting up puppet regimes on the pretext of preventing human annihilations.”",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Negative,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=46960,4,,Not relevant,News +449,"Senior Colonel Guo Xinning, Deputy Commandant at the College of Defence Studies, National Defence University of the People’s Liberation Army in China stated that violent extremism has engulfed many nationalistic movements all across the globe at the Colombo Defence Seminar yesterday (29).Asia Pacific Daily reports that Senior Colonel Guo Xinning was in the view that the spread of aggressive extremism has created a severe threat to all global citizens and social order. It was also stated that improved multinational synchronization and a willingness to coexist should be fostered to prevent a global crisis from occurring.Speaking at the Colombo Defence Seminar Colonel Guo Xinning said that unfortunate activities carried out by extremists serves as a direct insult to the core purpose of the UN. He stressed that unity among nations is vital to maintain peace and prosperity. He also stated that symbiotic relations among nations will greatly enhance sustainable development, security and the preservation of human rights. “Since entering 21st century, international terrorism and violent extremism have gone rampant, seriously endangering human-being and social order, posing threats to international peace and stability, and thus becoming a common enemy of the international society. Enhanced international cooperation against violent extremism is the appeal of the times and an important way to maintain international peace, security and stability,” he said.Expressing his views on extremism, Colonel Xinning stated that it is a concept that can be closely affiliated to terrorism. He mentioned that it neither an irregularity of a certain religion nor the isolation of a dying ethnicity. He stated that violent extremism is a seedling that can morph into an organized form of terrorism.The Colonel appealed to all the participants to avoid selectiveness and negate discrimination. He stated that it is vital to encourage discourse to ensure that communication is lucid in the global community.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Neutral,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=42759,9,,Not relevant,News +467,"A Sri Lankan man, believed to be a senior member of terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has been arrested by Malaysian police in a special raid in Kuala Lumpur, last week.Intelligence gathered by Bukit Aman’s Special Branch Counter Terrorism division found that the 37-year-old man had entered into the country on Dec 2012 under a social pass.In a statement issued by Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar today, the suspect was believed to have stayed in Malaysia in a bid to hide from the authorities back in his home country.He had also allegedly extorted money from Sri Lankans residing in Malaysia to gather funds in the aim of reviving the terror group back in Sri Lanka.“Based on interrogations, the suspect admitted involvement with a credit card forgery syndicate headed by several foreigners.”The suspect was arrested under Section 15(1)(C) of the Immigration Act 1959/63 for overstaying in the country.He was deported back to Sri Lanka today to face further actions by the authorities there.Source: The Rakyat Post",OTHER,NOT RELEVANT,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=31968,3,,Other Ethnic groups,News +473,"“The findings in the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) country report make a strong case for Sri Lanka to be a leading and credible actor in the global deliberations around the development agenda for post-2015,” UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident RepresentativeSubinay Nandysaid.“Sri Lanka’s long history of investment in health, education and poverty alleviation programmes, has translated into robust performance against the MDGs, and Sri Lanka has many lessons to share,” he added.The MDG country report 2014 for Sri Lanka was launched at an event graced by Deputy Minister of Policy Planning and Economic Affairs, Dr. Harsha De Silva, on Monday (23).The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a set of eight goals agreed by world leaders in 2000 to be achieved before the end date in 2015. The eight MDGs range from halving extreme poverty rates to promoting gender equality and providing universal primary education. As countries near the end target date in September 2015, governments around the world are reviewing their progress towards achieving the MDGs in the last 15 years.The MDG Country Report is the third MDG review report produced by Sri Lanka. It is also the first report that covers the entire country, allowing comparison across the 25 districts and providing policy makers with information to identify and support regions lagging behind. It also analyses achievements and thematic areas requiring further attention.Speaking at the launch event, Harsha De Silva said: “The government of Sri Lanka understands the need in building bridges, in integrating our society, and in Sri Lanka being a country of Sri Lankans. I hope that we can make further progress in integrating the differences within communities. We have to ensure that in our market framework there is social goodwill and economic justice. That is what we mean by a social market economy.”The Report, which was prepared by the Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, is a joint publication by the Government of Sri Lanka and the United Nations in Sri Lanka. Its findings show that Sri Lanka has performed well against the MDGs overall, having already achieved or being on-track to achieve the majority of the goals and indicators.",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30244,11,,Not relevant,News +489,"Malaysian police have no credible evidence to show that thethree detained Sri Lankan nationals are supporters of Liberation Tigers ofTamil Eelam (LTTE),Malaysian DAP vice-chairman M Kulasegaran said today.In the last three years, UN Humans Rights Council hadadopted resolutions against Sri Lanka for committing gross abuse of humanrights against the Tamil minority, said Kulasegaran in a statement today.Deportation is cruel and inhuman because there is apossibility that they may have face torture or prosecution, he said.Malaysia is not a party to the 1951 Refugee Conventionwhich governs the status of refugees.International law requires a non-signatory to thisConvention of refugees not to deport if there is a possibility that the refugeemay face torture or persecution for which Sri Lankan authorities are worldfamous for.Refugees once granted the United Nations High Commissionerfor Refugees (UNHCR) card must be accorded the necessary protection and notdeportation, he added.The Ipoh Barat MP also asked why Sri Lankan embassy wasactively involved in the local affairs to the extend it could persuade theInspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar to take action.With all thesewrongdoings of the Sri Lankan authorities, how can our investigators label thethree detainees as terrorists? he asked.On May 25, Khalid revealed that three suspected LTTE memberswere detained by the Bukit Aman Special Branch Counter Terrorism Division inmultiple raids in Petaling Jaya and Klang on May 15, FMT reports. ",NOT RELEVANT,NOT RELEVANT,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=26877,7,,Not relevant,News +366,"Scientists warn that the entire Himalayan region is highly vulnerable to tremors and the strong possibility of a major earthquake is always there.The massive earthquake that rattled Turkey and Syria has taken over 47,000 lives and left millions homeless. It is heart-wrenching to look at the visuals as people grieve over their lost family, friends and homes. Such major events often trigger the question if another earthquake awaits? Well, according experts Uttarakhand is prone to such major disaster anytime.“Earth’s surface comprises various plates that are constantly in motion. The Indian plate is moving about 5 cm per year, leading to accumulation of stress along the Himalayas increasing the possibility of a greater earthquake,” said Dr N Purnachandra Rao, Chief Scientist, NGRI speaking to news agency ANI.He further added, “We’ve a strong network of 18 seismograph stations in Uttarakhand. The region referred to as the seismic gap between Himachal & western part of Nepal incl Uttarakhand is prone to earthquakes that might occur at any time.”‘Great earthquake” in UttarakhandSpeaking to TOI, Rao said that a “great earthquake” is inevitable in the Uttarakhand region as a lot of stress is building up beneath the surface. However, one cannot predict the date or time of the earthquake, he further added.The magnitude of the disaster may depend on several factors like geographic area, population, construction quality and others. Rao also stated that an earthquake similar to magnitude of that like in Turkey is likely to occur but one cannot predict the exact date and time.Although the region falls over what is a called a seismic gap, the area under the earth is accumulating lot of tension and can only be released through an earthquake, reported TOI.Another earthquake in Himalaya?Last year, scientists said there is a strong possibility of a major earthquake in the Himalayan region. According to a report by news agency PTI, Senior Geophysicist of Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology Ajay Paul said the Himalayas have come into existence as a result of a collision between Indian and Eurasian plates.Due to constant pressure of the Eurasian plate on the Indian plate, strained energy accumulating under it keeps releasing itself from time to time in the form of earthquakes, Paul said.“Occurrence of earthquakes due to accumulation of strained energy under the Himalayas is a normal and relentless process. The entire Himalayan region is highly vulnerable to tremors and the strong possibility of a major earthquake is always there,” Paul said.Need to be earthquake readyIn the wake of the recent earthquake, Paul also underlined the need for better preparation to minimise the damage to life and property. The constructions should be earthquake resistant, people should be made aware of what can be done by way of preparations before earthquakes, at the time of their occurrence and after they have happened, Paul said.Mock drills should be conducted at least once every year, he said, adding that if these things are done, the damages by an earthquake can be reduced by 99.99 per cent.Source – India.com-Agencies",NOT RELEVANT,NONE,NONE,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=88665,2,,Not relevant,News +367,"Canada has provided USD 3 million (approximately LKR 817 million) to help address the needs of the most vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka.This contribution comes in response to the humanitarian appeals launched by the United Nations (UN) and the International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).It is expected to help address the needs of the most vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka, the Canadian High Commission in Colombo said in a press release.This contribution will be delivered through the UN and the IFRC, in collaboration with their local partners, to support the provision of emergency food assistance, health and nutrition services, access to safe water and other essential services to those who need it the most.In addition, Canada has pivoted ongoing international assistance projects to address immediate needs and help respond to the economic crisis in Sri Lanka, including the procurement of essential medical equipment and supplies.The Canadian government has pledged to continue to stand with all Sri Lankans in these difficult times and to remain committed to supporting an inclusive and prosperous Sri Lanka.",NOT RELEVANT,NONE,NONE,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=87431,2,,Not relevant,News +369,"(Reuters) - Leaders of the Group of 20 major economies will express concern about the “deteriorating debt situation” facing some vulnerable middle-income countries, and call on all official and private creditors to respond swiftly to requests for debt treatment.A draft of the G20 leaders’ declaration seen by Reuters includes far stronger language about debt issues and acknowledges that the problems extend far beyond just the poorest nations.The draft stressed the importance of all official and private creditors participating in debt relief and shouldering a fair burden. But it did not mention China, which has been criticized by Western countries and international financial institutions for delaying debt restructuring efforts.The leaders said they would step up efforts to implement the Common Framework for debt treatments in a “predictable, timely, orderly and coordinated manner,” according to the draft.The framework was created by the G20 and the Paris Club of official creditors in late 2020 to help low-income countries weather the COVID-19 crisis. However, results have proven elusive and only three countries - Chad, Zambia and Ethiopia - have formally applied for debt treatment under the framework.G20 leaders also welcomed a debt agreement reached by Chad’s creditors, and encouraged the timely conclusion of a debt treatment for Zambia by early 2023. They also encouraged the conclusion of a debt treatment for Ethiopia under an IMF-supported program.IMF and World Bank leaders, along with officials from the United States and other Western powers, have pushed unsuccessfully to expand the G20 framework to include vulnerable middle-income countries, but that effort has been blocked by China, now the world’s largest sovereign creditor.The draft declaration acknowledges, for the first time, the severity of the debt problems facing middle-income countries, in what experts said was a clear reference to Sri Lanka, which reached a staff-level agreement with the IMF in early September but needs to get financing assurances from multiple creditors, including China and Japan, to secure disbursements.Source: Reuters--Agencies",OTHER,NONE,NONE,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=86169,10,,Other Ethnic groups,News +370,"The international advisor of climate change to Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe said Thursday that Sri Lanka is very vulnerable to climate change as the dry areas in its north are getting drier and the wet areas in its south getting wetter.During a visit to the South Asian country, former Norwegian minister Erik Solheim said the threats from landslides and extreme weather will increase and measures must be taken to overcome these challenges.He told local media that tackling climate change however brings an enormous opportunity to create green jobs.“Renewable energy, electric mobility, tree-planting, green agriculture and eco-tourism all offer huge opportunities for jobs and prosperity while taking good care of Mother Earth at the same time,” Solheim said.Sri Lanka ranked as the second worst-hit country in terms of climate change according to the Global Climate Risk Index 2019.Source: Xinhua",NOT RELEVANT,NONE,NONE,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=85516,3,,Not relevant,News +371,"UN Resident Coordinator for Sri Lanka, Hanaa Singer-Hamdy has appealed to Sri Lanka’s friends to show solidarity and donate to provide food security and medical supplies for vulnerable Sri Lankans, saying the country’s gains in health care, education and poverty alleviation are threatened by the current crisis.In a video message posted on her twitter account, she stated that the effects of the economic crisis are far reaching, and is impacting food security, health and education in the island nation. “It is time for friends of Sri Lanka to step up now.”She urged to help provide food security and medicines for Sri Lanka’s most vulnerable population and an education opportunity for every child.UN Resident Coordinator’s full message:“I have had the honour to serve Sri Lanka as the United Nations Resident Coordinator for four years. I have witnessed this country’s progress in health, education and poverty alleviation. Between 2015 to 2020 Sri Lanka was declared free of Polio, Measles, Rubella and the mother to child transmission of HIV. And access to education became nearly universal.”“But today Sri Lanka is hurting, hit by the worst economic crisis since its independence and these gains are threatened. The effects of the crisis are far reaching, impacting food security, health and education. It is time for friends of Sri Lanka to step up now.”“We need your help to provide food security and medicines for Sri Lanka’s most vulnerable population and an education opportunity for every child. Every dollar you donate will help save a life, feed a family, educate a child. It is time to donate now. It is time to join hands in rebuilding Sri Lanka.”Donate: https://undp.org/srilanka/donateSri Lanka's gains in healthcare, education and poverty alleviation are being threatened by the current crisis.#SriLanka 🇱🇰 needs her friends to show solidarity to address shortages in #food and #medical supplies.Donate: https://t.co/6FeO9hI64X pic.twitter.com/4JcqivEZlC— Hanaa Singer-Hamdy (@SingerHanaa) September 19, 2022",NOT RELEVANT,NONE,NONE,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=85036,12,,Not relevant,News +372,"The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a $200 million emergency assistance loan for Sri Lanka, with funds repurposed from other ongoing ADB projects, to improve food security and protect the livelihoods of the poor and vulnerable, especially women and children.“Food insecurity has severely affected the people of Sri Lanka amid the current economic difficulties. This assistance will expand direct financial support for the poor and vulnerable, boost livelihood development activities and agricultural production, and enhance social protection systems,” said ADB Senior Education Specialist for South Asia, Asako Maruyama. “This fulfills the government’s request for a partial cancellation of loan proceeds from ongoing projects and to use the funds for this emergency intervention.”The project will continue, for at least 3 months, the temporary increase in the monthly cash grant amount and the number of beneficiaries of the existing social assistance programs, including the Samurdhi subsidy program for low-income families, and allowances for the elderly, persons with disabilities, and kidney disease patients. The project will also support, for at least 3 months, a temporary increase in the monthly value of food vouchers for pregnant and lactating women to be replaced with cash grants, and extend support to undernourished children under the age of 2.To increase food production and offset increasing agricultural production costs, the project will provide financial support for a maximum of 2 hectares of land cultivated by each farmer in higher-yield zones during the upcoming cultivation season. Moreover, upgraded livelihood development programs for low-income families will be supported in selected districts over 18–20 months to restore livelihoods and enhance coping capacity and food security. The project will also upgrade information technology systems and digital tools for the Samurdhi program and agriculture and agrarian development to enhance cash grant beneficiary selection, verification, monitoring, and communication, and improve financial, advisory, and other services for low-income families and farmers.In addition, ADB will administer a $3 million grant from the Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific to support basic needs, such as food, hygiene kits, and medicines, of vulnerable women, children, elders, and persons with disabilities in shelters and care homes and those at risk of being placed in institutional care. It will strengthen referral and support mechanisms for victims of gender-based and domestic violence. To promote advanced practices and technologies for precision agriculture and improved crop productivity among farmers, it will support the upgrading and delivery of the Good Agricultural Practices certification program.ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the region.-ADB",NOT RELEVANT,NONE,NONE,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=84669,24,,Not relevant,News +373,"Sri Lanka Army says that members of the Armed Forces are legitimately empowered to exercise their force, if the situation deems necessary as security to the public property, key installations, vulnerable points and human lives, does fall within the purview of their responsibility.In view of escalation of violent acts, those protesters, intent on harming the Armed Forces or the public property are therefore earnestly urged to desist from all forms of violence immediately or be prepared to face consequences, the army said issuing a statement.Read the full statement below:“Members of the Armed Forces and the Police in terms of provisions, vested in them by the Constitution of Sri Lanka have been empowered to enforce law and order of the country and maintain the same in order to protect her people, public property and the country at large at the expense of their own lives.This has been practised since the country became an independent state and a free nation, through which the sovereignty of the republic, freedom of expression and free movement of the public as enshrined in the Constitution are upheld and exercised as it has been distinctly manifested in the most recent months during the series of public protests that began in May this year.It is worthwhile to mention here that except for a few negligible arguments and skirmishes between the protesters and members of the Army, NO major incidents of violence of considerable nature occurred due to enforcement of law and order or breach of it during those mass protests, including the one on 9 July in Colombo, Fort.The Chief of Defence Staff, Tri service Commanders and the Inspector General of Police on more than THREE occasions publicly appealed to protesting groups to remain calm, safeguard state buildings and all property and earnestly urged the protesters to resolve the issues constitutionally with the exit of the President Gotabaya Rajapaksa from the country.All Heads of the Armed Forces and the Police during meetings with the acting President and Prime Minister, Speaker of the Parliament and Political Party leaders in the past 72 hours while requesting all of them to accelerate resolution of the issues, pertaining to the political instability and the crisis in the island through constitutional provisions, unanimously maintained that peaceful protests should NOT in anyway be dealt with full force, BUT with the minimum force as long as those protesters do not resort to violence or damage the public property.Irrespective of those assurances, it has been unfortunately observed that a certain section of the protesters, purposefully deviating from its proclaimed ‘non-violent’ approach continued to breach law and order as of Wednesday (13) afternoon and resorted to violence by trying to place the Parliament complex as well as the Speaker’s official residence under siege while destroying Police barricades through heavy machinery brought in there, in an attempt to take control of the Parliament complex which is the sole legislative body which can only exercise the sovereignty of the country and democratic values in conformity with Constitutional provisions.By 7.00 pm on Wednesday (13), those unruly protesting mobs, unresponsive to repeated appeals of Army personnel, trying to forcibly enter the Parliament complex aggressively went on harassing and attacking the troops on duty using clubs, iron rods, stones, helmets, etc and snatched TWO T-56 weapons with ammunition rounds and caused injuries to a dozen of Army personnel, making two of them even unconscious who have now been admitted to the Colombo National Hospital and the Colombo Army Hospital for emergency treatment. The Police have been alerted to the loss of these two T-56 weapons, now possessed by those protesters who fled with those weapons.In return, Army troops using minimum force after firing several shots in the air held some of those unruly violent elements who were inciting others too to harm Army personnel and the Police. However, Army personnel along with Policemen, not deterred by their cycle of violence brought the situation under control as of Wednesday (13) night with minimum force and took all precautionary security measures by dispersing those violent elements, awaiting to storm the Parliamentary complex.In view of escalation of violent acts, those protesters, intent on harming the Armed Forces or the public property are therefore earnestly urged to desist from all forms of violence immediately or be prepared to face consequences as members of the Armed Forces are legitimately empowered to exercise their force, if the situation deems necessary as security to the public property, key installations, vulnerable points and human lives, does fall within the purview of their responsibility.”",NOT RELEVANT,NONE,NONE,NONE,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=83643,13,,Not relevant,News +38,"The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) made representations before the Select Committee of Parliament to Identify Appropriate Reforms of the Election Laws and the Electoral System and to Recommend Necessary Amendments that the proportional representation system is appropriate for the country.The party yesterday (07) pointed out that the proportional representation system could ensure fair representation of the people and that people’s vote would add value under this system.The Parliamentary Select Committee met under the chairmanship of Leader of the House, Minister Dinesh Gunawardena.The SLMC said that the new amendments should ensure the establishment of stable governments as well as the establishment of democracy.They also stressed that the new amendment should provide representation, based on the geographical boundaries of the island. The people are able to elect their representatives through the preferential voting system. The party also raised the need to make the ballot paper easy for the people to understand. They also said that the stability of the electoral system is an essential factor.The party members informed the Committee that the SLMC was of the view that new amendments should be made to the current system without changing the proportional representation system.All Ceylon Makkal Congress (ACMC) also made representations before the Parliamentary Select Committee yesterday. They said in the committee that the electoral system should be amended to protect the rights of minorities. The party pointed out in the committee that the proportional representation system is more suitable for the country and that it will strengthen the representation of the people. The party also stated in the committee that proportional representation should be used for local government, provincial council and parliamentary elections.Janatha Vimukthi Peranuna (JVP) also made representations before the Parliamentary Select Committee. They said that the proportional representation system is suitable for the country. If the amendments are made by changing the principles of the proportional representation system, the executive presidency will also have to be amended, said the party’s MP Vijitha Herath.MP, Dr. (Ms) Harini Amarasuriya, pointed out in the committee the need to take action to ensure the women’s representation. She also suggested that 50 percent of the national list should be women.She emphasized that women’s representation should be ensured at all levels of decision making and that women’s representation in politics has been reduced due to differences in political culture.Ministers Nimal Siripala de Silva, M.U.M. Ali Sabri Members of Parliament Rauff Hakeem, Ranjith Madduma Bandara, Mano Ganeshan, M.A. Sumanthiran, Madura Vithanage and Sagara Kariyawasam were also present at the committee meeting.Officials from the Attorney General’s Department, the Delimitation Commission and the Election Commission were also present.The next meeting of the Parliamentary Select Committee is scheduled to be held today 08th of October, said the Secretary to the Select Committee, Deputy Secretary General & Chief of Staff of Parliament Ms. Kushani Rohanadheera.",OTHER,MUSLIM,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=77562,23,,MUSLIM,News +65,"The representation of minor political parties with a geographically dispersed voter base will be affected by sticking to 225 MPs and by reducing the number of electorates to 125, CaFFE Executive Director Rajith Keerthi Tennakoon said.Thus 20th Amendment will adversely affect Muslim and Indian origin Tamil parties, and the JVP and the JHU as well, he said.“The Cabinet approval of a system that establishes an electoral system combining elements of First Past the Post and Proportional Representation systems is the first step in changing the current political culture. This is also what the people of this country had been demanding.However, it is impossible to stick to 225 MPs while assuring representation to all noteworthy political forces. That is why an increase of MPs to, 234 or 235, was included in even in the first draft of electoral reforms. Apart from assuring representation to minor parties, we can’t increase female representation without an increase in the number of MPs.The draft which was approved, 225 MPs and 125 electorates, created three main problems. First, it will take a long time to complete delimitation, second, it will be impossible to establish multi member seats, and it will not be possible to assure representation for Sinhala community in the North and East. Meanwhile, Tamil and Muslim communities will have the same issue outside of North and the East.In the 1970s Sri Lanka increased the number of electorates to 160. From the first delimitation committee, established during colonial times, to the one established in the 1970s, all such institutions increased the number of electorates in Sri Lanka. However to implement the proposal approved by the Cabinet yesterday, we will have to reduce the electorates to 115 - 118 (to leave room for about nine multi- member seats). Even the UNP, who forwarded the proposal, will have to remove around 40-45 electoral organizers. Electorates in Badulla will be reduced to six, from nine. Meanwhile three seats in Galle, two in Matara, three to four from Kurunegala and two to four seats from Kegalle, Rathnapura, Anuradhapura and Kalutara will also need to be reduced. 11 seats in Jaffna will be reduced to five or six. Thus reducing 35 electorates across Sri Lanka is unacceptable.CaFFE believes that it is the responsibility of political parties, civil society organizations and citizen’s collectives to make the proposal passed by the Cabinet much more people friendly. If not we will have to witness a defeat of the 20A in Parliament and the continuation of preferential voting system.If we do not want to see a Parliament with 142 MPs who have not passed O/L and with less than 5% of female representation, CaFFE believes that the Cabinet approved proposal should be expanded into a bill that assures representation of all,” Tennakoon said in a statement.",NOT RELEVANT,MUSLIM,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=31187,13,,MUSLIM,News +69,"A proposed move to reform Sri Lanka’s electoral system has not found favour with the country’s minority Tamil and Muslim political parties, who say the current proportional representation system is best suited for their interests. “There are sudden moves to change the present electoral system. The minority Tamil and Muslim parties can’t support the move,” Mano Ganesan, leader of a Tamil party has said. Ganesan who leads the Democratic People’s Front, said the minorities see the present proportional representation (PR) system to elect members to the parliament as best for the minority parties.”It is only under this system that minority parties were able to win representation in elected bodies,” Ganesan said. Moves are underway to change the PR system into a hybrid of PR and first past the post system and to increase the number of seats in parliament to 250 from 225. “We need discussions on this and we can’t agree to change the system in a hurry.Tamil and Muslim minority parties will meet tomorrow to take a joint stand, if needed we will resort to legal action,” Ganesan said. Electoral reform was one of the main promise of opposition unity candidate Maithripala Sirisena in the run up to the general elections in January this year. The proposed 19th amendment to the constitution would also be voted upon in the parliament next week. The bill seeks restoration of independent commissions and restoration of powers to the judiciary, apart from stripping the president of some of his executive powers while bringing back a two-term presidential limit. Former President Mahila Rajapaksa had removed the two-term limit on the presidency that allowed him to contest for a third-term.He had also accumulated more powers over the judiciary and public servants during his decade-long regime. The electoral reforms are also to be incorporated into the 19th amendment or they might be introduced separately as 20th amendment. (PTI)",NOT RELEVANT,MUSLIM,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=30542,18,,MUSLIM,News +192," The Bodu Bala Sena on Friday completely denied any involvement in the recent attack on a clothing store in Pepiliyana by a violent mob, causing severe damage to property and injuring at least three people.Accusing the Bodu Bala Sena for each and every incident has become a trend, its Secretary, Ven Galaboda Aththe Gnanasara Thera said, adding, the organization had nothing to do with Thursdays attack.Condemning the incident where a mob had stoned and later set fire to a store and warehouse owned by Muslims, the Ven. Gnanasara Thera stated that attack should not have happened.We condemn this attack in the strongest terms, Gnanasara Thera told reporters in Colombo, saying he feared people impersonating the saffron-robed clergy could have been involved. The Thera pointed out that such acts are being carried out within the country as well as internationally and that pointing the finger at Bodu Bala Sena over such incidents has become a trend. The Buddhist nationalist group also urged the authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice. ",OTHER,MUSLIM,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=22169,1,,MUSLIM,News +195,"A terrorist wanted for alleged involvement in the 2009attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team was killed in a shootout with police inPakistans Punjab province, officials said today. Law enforcement agencies started checking vehicles near Ghazi Ghat bridge inMultan, 400 km from Lahore, after getting a tip-off yesterday that some terroristswere bound for the city in public transport. During the checking of a bus, a passenger tried to escape. This led to anexchange of fire with policemen and the man, identified as Abdul GhafarQaisrani alias Saifullah, was killed instantly. A grenade and two guns were found in his luggage. Saifullah was an active member of the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan and alsoworked for a militant faction known as the Mateeullah group, officials said. Officials said Saifullah was tasked with raising funds for militants throughbank robberies. He had received training in Afghanistan, they said. SSP (Operations) Gohar Nafees said the police action had prevented a majorterror attack in Multan as Saifullah had come to the region to targetsensitive installations. He said Saifullah was wanted for the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team inLahore. International cricket in Pakistan has been suspended since a terrorist attackon the Sri Lankan team in Lahore in March 2009. The attack left eight persons dead and seven Sri Lankan players and theirassistant coach injured. (PTI) ",OTHER,MUSLIM,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=19060,1,,MUSLIM,News +198," Cricketer Jehan Mubarak has been taken into custody over his suspected involvement in a fatal traffic accident on the Chilaw-Colombo main road in Maikkulam, police said. One person was killed and another injured after a head-on collision between a Defender vehicle and a motorcycle at around 2.00pm today (22) in Maikkulam.The Land Rover Defender was driven by Sri Lankan cricketer Jehan Mubarak at the time of the accident, police said adding that he had been returning from a visit to the Wilpattu National Park, along with a group of foreigners.The deceased, Pradeep Kumara, and the injured, M.P. Marcus, are both residents of Wathuwatta and were traveling on a motorcycle on their way to a New Year festival Aluth Avurudu Uthsawaya in Chilaw.Following the collision Marcus was rushed to the Chilaw Hospital and later transferred to the Colombo National Hospital for further treatment.Police said both the Defender vehicle and its driver have been taken into custody while a team led by Chilaw Traffic OIC Sub-inspector E.M. Ekanayake is handling investigations. American-born Sri Lankan cricketer Mubarak made his Test debut in July 2002 against Bangladesh. However, he currently plays club cricket mostly as he has not been picked for the national squad for a long period. In September 2009 he captained and guided Sri Lankan domestic champions Wayamba to the Champions League in India. ",OTHER,MUSLIM,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=17841,4,,MUSLIM,News +214,"President Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his message for the 2023 Hajj festival, has deemed the festival an opportunity to honour the sacrifices made by the citizens of Sri Lanka in recent times, amidst the adversities faced by the country.He invited all Sri Lankans to join hands during this festival, and be united in a common cause to achieve the country’s domestic, regional and global goals.Below is the President’s full message:In these challenging times, as we strive for a future filled with renewed hope, the advent of the Hajj festival this year is of extreme significance.The sacred festival of Hajj, embodies values and fulfilment derived from engaging in humanitarian endeavours, seeking solutions for the impoverished, without the expectation of respite from one’s own difficulties. It is a testament of the spirit of selflessness and compassion.Prophet Ibrahim, his son Prophet Ishmael, and Mother Hagar stand as timeless symbols of dedication and sacrifice. For centuries, they have been revered universally, with their sacrifices being a source of gratitude and admiration.In recent times, Sri Lanka has faced its own share of adversity. However, it is through the unwavering dedication, sacrifice and patience of our citizens that these challenges have been faced and reached the present state. The Hajj festival is an opportune occasion to memorialize and honour those sacrifices.The collective efforts, interventions and participation of everyone, are crucial in overcoming the economic and social difficulties being currently faced. Therefore, I invite all Sri Lankan citizens to join hands during this Hajj festival, and be united in a common cause to achieve our domestic, regional and global goals.As we celebrate this joyous Hajj festival, I wish to remind the present generation, as well as the elderly, on the importance of not passing on the burdens of hardship to our future peer groups. Instead, let us nurture them as a proud nation, one that is respected by the global community while ensuring sustainable happiness.May this Hajj be a source of happiness and joy for all, especially our Sri Lankan Islamic brothers and sisters, as well as the Muslims across the world!",OTHER,MUSLIM,Neutral,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=91600,6,,MUSLIM,News +313,"The Chairman of the ‘Organization for the Protection of Muslim Rights’ Moulavi Mohamed Miflal says that he is has received a lot of harassment following the revelation of the controversial video of Minister Rauff Hakeem and Easter attacks ringleader Zahran Hashim.The ‘Organization for the Protection of Muslim Rights’ handed over to police a CD containing footage and images from a discussion allegedly attended by both Hakeem and Zahran.The organization demanded the arrest of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLC) Leader Rauff Hakeem over his alleged connections to the leader of the now-banned National Thowheed Jamaath (NTJ) organization, Zahran Hashim.However, commenting to the media, Hakeem stated that he did not know of Zahran Hashim on the day of the relevant discussion.In this context, the house of the ‘Organization for the Protection of Muslim Rights’ Chairman, Moulavi Mohamed Miflal, was raided by the police, yesterday (19).A stock of handbills and posters themed ‘Stop to the 70 years of deception’ was seized by the Kantale police during the raid.Another haul of the same handbills was seized while en route to Trincomalee. The Police said that the relevant handbills and posters cannot be utilized without prior permission from the Elections Commission.Accordingly, the Moulavi Miflal arrived at the Elections Commission today (20) to obtain the necessary approval. Speaking to the media, the moulavi stated that he is being increasingly harassed following the revelation of the video.",OTHER,MUSLIM,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58481,6,,MUSLIM,News +314,"Minister Rauff Hakeem stated that he was checking on his supporters over harassment by M.L.A.M. Hizbullah, back in 2015, when the ringleader behind the Easter Sunday terror attack, Zahran Hashim, attended the meeting.Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) leader stated this commenting on a video clip released on a discussion from a discussion allegedly attended by both Hakeem and Zahran.The ‘Organization for the Protection of Muslim Rights’ handed over to the police a CD containing footage and images from a discussion and demanded the arrest of SLMC Leader over his alleged ties to leader of the now-banned National Thowheed Jamaath (NTJ) organization, Zahran Hashim.Addressing a public rally held in Akurana yesterday (19), Hakeem said that following the April 21 Easter attacks, not only the intelligence units, the whole Muslim community is also on alert to destroy anyone among them who has extremist ideas and makes extremist statements.Speaking on the video, the Minister said that he should clear up the background of this meeting.He said:“Our party was able to win a seat in the Northern Province at the last General election. United National Party (UNP) won one seat and the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) won three.There were five seats for the Batticaloa district. Hizbullah supported Mahinda Rajapaksa at the last Presidential election.When Rajapaksa lost the presidential election, Hizbullah lost the General Election. He then came in through the backdoor and begged our current President and received a parliamentary seat through the National List.With the pride in receiving a National List MP seat, he then harassed our supporters and set fire to their shops and houses.Then I went to Kattankudy to console our supporters. Zahran had also crawled into this. What am I to do about that?When a politician goes to a place with an issue like that, who knows who comes there? Would we know that he would become a terrorist later?”",OTHER,MUSLIM,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=58472,7,,MUSLIM,News +315,"The Special Investigation Unit (SIU) has launched an investigation into the allegations of inaction by the Bandaragama Police over complaints lodged by a Muslim female on harassment against her, stated the Police Media Spokesperson.A Muslim woman named Abdul Hassan Fathima, speaking at a press conference held with the General Secretary of Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) organization, yesterday (02), stated that the Bandaragama Police did not take necessary legal action on a complaint she filed.At the press conference, Fathima revealed that she got married to a Sinhala man in 2008 and that he was threatened and harassed by the mosque over the marriage. They had then lodged a complaint at the police and left the area to live in Malabe, she said.Later, the couple had moved back to Atalugama as they had been expecting a baby.However, the people from the mosques had chased away the husband stating that a Sinhala man cannot be allowed to live there, she said. Fathima had been allowed to remain in the village as she was pregnant, she added. The husband had then left her at her mother’s home and visited her secretly until she delivered, said Fathima.Fathima further revealed that the people from the mosque had threatened her husband continuously to convert into Islam and attempted to bribe him with offers of houses and vehicles.The husband had subsequently left the country and the mosque had informed her not to be bothered to look for him, said Fathima.According to her, the mosques had told her that she could be married off to a Muslim man if she and the baby leaves husband.On 24th March, a group from the mosque broke into their home and assaulted her and her husband while the police was looking on, stated Fathima. They had also stoned the children when they cried, she added. They were then jailed until the next morning, she further said.Fathima further claimed that the Bandaragama Police did not take action on the complaints they had lodged with them.These harassments had come from a mosque called ‘Marawa’, Fathima further claimed.",WOMEN,MUSLIM,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=56165,10,,MUSLIM,News +319,"The MeToo movement has taken the social media platforms by storm, with women coming out and disclosing the incidents of sexual harassment they have faced.Now a woman alleges that a Sri Lankan cricketer once harassed her during one of the Indian Premier League (IPL) tournaments. Singer Chinmayi Sripaada uploaded an image of a note written by the woman, which described her ordeal during the incident. Chinmayi further updated that the “said girl will speak on anonymity to a journalist”.Even though Chinmayi has claimed the cricketer to be Lasith Malinga, the woman, who is the alleged victim of the harassment, has not named anyone.Malinga, who has represented the IPL franchise Mumbai Indians (MI), has 154 wickets from 110 matches in the league. He is also the highest wicket-taker in the history of the IPL.Earlier, an Indian flight attendant accused former Sri Lanka captain Arjuna Ranatunga of harassing her at a Mumbai hotel.The flight attendant had described the whole incident on a Facebook post, which is no longer available. However, a screenshot of the Facebook post is doing the rounds.“My star struck colleague spotted Indian and Sri Lankan cricketers in the elevator of Hotel Juhu Centaur, Mumbai and decided to meet them in their room for autographs. I decided to chaperone her, fearing for her safety, we were offered drinks (perhaps laced) I declined and stuck to my bottle of water I’d brought along . They were 7 and we 2, they latched the room door putting the chain secure. My discomfort growing inside of me, I urged her to get back to our room,” read the Facebook post.“She was smitten and wanted to go for a stroll by the poolside, this was at 1900 hrs, the walk to the pool a desolate, unlit pathway at the back of the hotel, I look back to find (her friend) and the Indian cricketer (name blanked out) nowhere in sight,” the post further read.“Ranatunga grabs me by waist, sliding his hands along the side of my breasts, I scream fearing the worst, kicking on his legs and feet. Threatening him of dire consequences, passport cancellation, reporting it to the cops etc., for he is a Sri Lankan misbehaving with an Indian. Wasting no time, I dashed for the hotel reception a good run on an incline screaming on top of my voice.“The reception said, “it is your private matter” and that they can’t help me,” the victim added in her post.Source: NDTV-Agencies",WOMEN,MUSLIM,Positive,Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=50651,21,,MUSLIM,News +356,"(Reuters) - Qatar and France have brokered a deal with Israel and Palestinian Islamist group Hamas to deliver urgent medication to some 45 Israeli hostages held by the group in Gaza in return for humanitarian and medical aid for the most vulnerable civilians.The two countries said the aid would leave Qatar for Egypt on Wednesday before being taken across the Rafah border crossing.Qatari foreign ministry spokesperson Majed al-Ansari said in a statement the deal would mean “medicine along with other humanitarian aid is to be delivered to civilians in the Gaza Strip, in the most affected and vulnerable areas, in exchange for delivering medication needed for Israeli captives in Gaza.”He did not give details on how much aid or what aid would be delivered to civilians.The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said two Qatari Air Force planes were to land on Wednesday in Egypt with medicines purchased in France based on an Israeli list.Earlier, Philippe Lalliot, head of France’s foreign ministry crisis centre which organises aid efforts, said negotiations had been going on for weeks and the initial idea had come from the families of some of the Israeli hostages.Specific medical packages for several months, which were put together in France, would be delivered to each of the 45 hostages. The International Committee of the Red Cross will coordinate on the ground.France still has three nationals held in Gaza, but none of them are in urgent need of medication, Lalliot said.Source: Reuters--Agencies",OTHER,MUSLIM,Positive,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=96464,2,,MUSLIM,News +460,"The en-masse expulsion of Muslims from Sri Lanka’s Northern Province by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in October-November 1990, was not “ethnic cleansing” but a measure to “protect” them, argues P. Ariyanenthiran, a former Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP from the Eastern District of Batticaloa. “It could not be described as ethnic cleansing because it was to be temporary. The Muslims were told that they would be allowed to come back after the successful conclusion of the war for a separate Tamil Eelam. The properties and personal effects seized from the Muslims were to be kept safely and given back on their return. But this did not happen because the struggle for Tamil Eelam failed and the seized properties fell into the hands of the government forces,” Ariyanenthiran told Express.On the demand of TNA MP M.A. Sumanthiran that the Northern Provincial Council should apologise to the Muslims through a resolution, he said: “There is no need to apologise now because, in the course of the war, the LTTE had publicly apologised and said that the Muslims could come back.”Explaining the background to the expulsion of 75,000 to 90,000 Muslims from the six districts of the Northern Province, Ariyanenthiran said that Muslims were asked to quit en masse “for their own protection” in view of the anti-Tamil activities of Muslims in the Eastern Province at the instigation of the Sri Lankan government and military. Muslims were being used as spies. The Sinhalese-Muslim Home Guards killed Tamils. Army-sponsored units like “Green Tigers” terrorised Tamils, he claimed.Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) leader V. Anandasangaree said that it is wrong to ask the entire Tamil community to apologise for the doings of the LTTE. According to him, Northern Tamils had no problem with the Muslims, and if they did not protest at that time, it was because they were scared of the LTTE.Source: The New Indian Express",OTHER,MUSLIM,Negative,Non-Discriminative,,,,,,,https://www.adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=32943,16,,MUSLIM,News