window.makeSel = function(){ |
function ttFmt(d){ |
var ttSel = d3.select('.tooltip').html('') |
var ageStr = d.age + ' year old' |
if (slides.curSlide.index == 4){ |
ageStr = ageStr + ' born in the ' + ['spring', 'summer', 'fall', 'winter'][d.season] |
} |
ttSel.append('div').html(` |
${ageStr} from ${d.state} who |
${d.plagerized ? |
'<span class="highlight purple">plagiarized</span>' : |
'<span class="highlight grey">never plagiarized</span>'} |
`) |
if (slides.curSlide.index < 6) return |
var isHeads = d.coinVals[estimates.active.index] < sliders.headsProb |
ttSel.append('div').html(` |
They flipped |
${isHeads ? 'heads' : 'tails'} |
and said they had |
${d.plagerized || isHeads ? |
'<span class="highlight purple-box box">plagiarized</span>' : |
'<span class="highlight grey-box box">never plagiarized</span>'} |
`) |
.st({marginTop: 10}) |
} |
var rectAt = {} |
var rs = (axii.bw - 10)*2 |
rectAt.ageState = {width: rs, height: rs, x: -rs/2, y: -rs/2} |
var uniqueBox = c.svg.appendMany('rect.unique.init-hidden', students.byAgeState.filter(d => d.length == 1)) |
.translate(d => d.pos) |
.at(rectAt.ageState) |
var rs = axii.bw/4 + 5.5 |
rectAt.ageStateSeason = {width: rs, height: rs, x: Math.round(-rs/2), y: 4} |
var uniqueSeasonBox = c.svg.appendMany( |
'rect.unique.init-hidden', |
students.byAgeStateSeason.filter(d => d.length == 1 && d[0].group.ageState.length > 1)) |
.translate(d => d.pos) |
.at(rectAt.ageStateSeason) |
var studentGroup = c.svg.append('g') |
.at({width: 500, height: 500}) |
var student = studentGroup.appendMany('g.student', students.all) |
.call(d3.attachTooltip) |
.on('mouseover', ttFmt) |
.translate(d => d.isAdditionalStudent ? [0,0]: d.pos.grid) |
.classed('inactive', d => d.isAdditionalStudent) |
var rs = 16 |
var flipCircle = student.append('circle') |
.at({transform: 'scale(.1)'}) |
.at({r: 9, fill: '#fff'}) |
.at({stroke: '#b0b' }) |
var circle = student.append('circle').at({ |
r: 5, |
fill: d => d.plagerized ? '#f0f' : '#ccc', |
stroke: d => d.plagerized ? '#b0b' : '#aaa', |
strokeWidth: 1, |
}) |
addSwoop(c) |
return {student, studentGroup, circle, flipCircle, rectAt, uniqueBox, uniqueSeasonBox} |
} |
if (window.init) window.init() |